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Development and Editing: Doug Stewart

Original Design: Troy Denning and Timothy B. Brom
Cover Painting: Jeff Easley
Interior Illustration: Terry Dykstra
Playing Map: Spectrum Graphics
Playing Pieces: Gerald Brom, Clyde Caldwell, Jeff Easley, and.
Graphic Design: Dawn Murin
Typesetting: Nancy J. Kerkstra
Production: Paul Hanchette
This is a derivative work based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and AD&D are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc
DRAGON STRIKE, FIRST QUEST and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All TSR characters, character names, and the
distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
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Game ._3
Welcome to the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS@ Dividing Treasure ........................... 31
What's a Role-Playing Game?........................... 3 Using Supplies................................................ 31
How Do I W- "Y ............................... J Experience Points .......................................... 31
The DUNGEON 3& me Inside the Dungeon __. .35
How to Use this Book .......................... The Game Turn ....................................................... 33
The Dungec)n Master
The Big Lizard ............................................
Jerj's Mistake .............................................
Movement ....................
Zanzer 's Dungeon ................ 5 Mapping .......................
How Do I Uhe Those Funny Dice? .................... 6 Special Consideration
Axel's 1 Game Turn Checklist ...................
What Is a D The Encounter ..__.
Character?. ............................. 8 Before a Fight Breaks Out
Dinner ................... Initiative .......................................................... 37
The Charad The Goblin's Sutprise ............................... 38
The Abilii Frightened Kobold
Prime Re( Encounter Checklist..............................
Ability Score Adjustments ......
The Character Guards......................................................... 41
The Fighter ................................. Movement in Combat ................................... 42
The Cleric Missile Combat
The Magi' Cover .................
The Thief Inflicting Dama
The Dwai .................... 18 Magical Combat ............................................ 44
The Elf .... Hand-to-Hand Combat ................................ 45
TheHalfl I

Other Character Statistics ................................ 21

Alignment .............................. 2 Escape from Zanzer's Dungeon I ........................ .48

Completing Your Character

Monsters .................................................................. 68
Escape from Zanzer's Dungeon I l l 98
Treasure ................................................................. 102
Adventures .... Escape from Zanzer 's Dungeon IV
Making a Dungeon .................... 116
Tips on DMing ...
Stonefast ............................................
........................ 29 Glossary ..................
Wandering Monste
Index ................................
Character Record Sheet .................... 128
Imagine that you live in another time and place. games, you pretend to be in a world of magic and
The world is very different from the one you heroes when you play the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
know: There are no electric lights, airplanes, or game. You and the other players can describe all
televisions. Instead, this world is one of swords the wonderful sights you see, and all the exciting
and castles. Magic and wizards are real, elves and battles you fight, as if you were characters in a
dragons stalk the depths of the wilderness, and story. With your imagination, you can create your
mysterious forces of good and evil clash in daily own movie scenes (youll learn more about this as
struggle. we go along).
You are one of the heroes of this world. You In the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS role-playing
make it your business to battle terrible monsters, game, you pretend to be a character, such as a
to explore ancient castles, and to recover the lost proud warrior or a shrewd wizard. You and your
treasures of forgotten kings. friends use the rules to play out a story. Along the
The DUNGEONS & DRAGONS@ game is a role- wav.,. with a little bit of luck. vou can earn fame,
I ,

playing game set in this world of mazic and high tleasure, and power for your character.
3ow Do I WiN?
Wnats a Fl Elow many games have you played where there
CjaMe? is only one winner* vvnoever reacnes me
1.1, 1 ,I I ?
ena or
the track firs t, earns the g reatest number of
A role-playing game is sort or iiKe reaaing a story, points, or collects the most Inoney wins. Every-
watching a movie, and playing a game all at once.
A s children, most of us played role-playing
body else lose:3.
The DUNGEONS -- _.
br LIKALUNS game is different. In
games. We called them something else, like cow- it, the players work together instead of against
boys and indians or cops and robbers, but each other. They win or lose as a team.
these games of make-believe were role-playing Then who do they play against? During your
games. We assumed the roles of characters who role-playing sessions, you and your friends will
were different from ourselves, then we played be presented with a challenge. You might be
out a story. We acted as we thought our charac- asked to chase an evil wizard out o f town, to
ters would act-saying what they would say, overpower a dragon, or to escape a deep, dark
doing what they would do. We even pretended to dungeon. If you and your friends overcome that
fight when they would fight. Thats what role- challenge, you all win. There is another way to
playing is: pretending to be somebody else. win the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game. We all play
Have you ever played make-believe, when the games to have fun, so as long as youre enjoying
cop said he shot the robber and the robber said he yourself, youre winning.
missed her? A big argument usuallv --i
followed. In the end, it doesnt matter whether you chase
Sometimes the game W Eis over and everyone away the wizard or slay the dragon, as long as
went home angry you have fun trying. This is the real difference
In role-playing games, the DUNGEONS & between the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game and
1 ...
DRAGONSgame, we have written rules to nelp us most other games.
avoid these arguments. We use rules to determine But who wins in this game, if youre all work-
whether the cop hits or misses the robber. We also ing together? You win or lose as a team. Each
use rules to determine other things the characters role-playing session challenges you and your
can do, such as casting mag,ical spells or picking friends to finish a tough task. It might be chasing
locks. Rules help solve arepments. They make an evil wizard out of town. It might be overpow-
role-playing more fun. ering a powerful dragon, or escaping a deep,
What about the reading-a-story-and-watcning- dark duneeon. If vou and vour friends comdete
a-movie part? Just as you pretend to have horses
and wagon trains in cowboys and indians
How to Use tnis BOOR
I If you have never played role-playmg games
before, this book will guide you in learning the
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS~ game and serve as a rule-
book. As you read through the book, there will be
certain sections set apag with a border The bor-
t i
dered sections make up a read along adventure
that teaches you how the game and the rules
I work.




The Dungeon Master (DM) is a cross between a

referee and a story-teller, a special player who
interprets the game rules and plays the roles of all
the people, and all the creatures, the player char-
acters (PCs) meet. As the adventure unfolds, the
Dungeon Master is there to adjust the story. Its
like having the adventure writer play in your
The Dungeon Master also applies the rules of
the game and decides whether or not certain
things are possible. The DM makes sure all the
players are treated fairly and enjoy themselves. If
you are playing the Dungeon Master, you must
never take sides. You must act fairly, without
favoring either the monsters or the players.
The Big Lizard on page 4 is a read-along
adventure. A short section of text described what
you saw or heard, then asked you to make a deci-
sion. You didnt need rules and you didnt have
to make up what happened next. The read-along
adventure did all that for you.
But read-along adventures usually arent as
much fun as regular adventures. Thats because
you can choose only the decisions the text pro-
vides, instead of ones you think up yourself. For
example, if you had loaded the lizard into a cart
in The Big Lizard, you could have avoided a lot
of trouble. Unfortunately, the text didnt offer you
that option, so you couldnt do it.
In a regular DUNGEONS & DRAGON^ game,
however, you could have told the Dungeon
Master what you wanted to do, and the DM
would have adjusted the adventure accordingly.
Read-along adventures cant do this because the
author cant predict what every reader will do. In
regular adventures, though, the Dungeon Master
is there to adjust the story. Its like having the
adventure writer playing in your game.
The most important rule for a Dungeon Master
is to Be Fair!
dice: four-, six-, eight-, ten-, twelve-, and even
twenty-sided dice.
A four-sided die looks like a pyramid. Drop it
on the table. Read the number that is right
side up (this may be on the bottom or the top
of the die). This number is the result of the
die roll.
When rolling any die with six sides or more,
one side always lands faceup. The number on
this side is the result. On the 10-sided die, the
number 0 is usually read as 10.
You can use a 10-sided die to find a percentage
(a number from 1-100).Roll the die once. Read
the result as the tens digit, counting a zero as
no tens. Roll a second time, and read this roll
as the ones digit. If the first roll is a 9 and
the second a 2, the result is 92%. If both rolls
are zeroes, the result is 100%.
We often use abbreviations to refer to various
kinds of dice: a d followed by the number of
the dies sides. For example, d6 refers to a six-
sided die, d8 refers to an eight-sided die and so
on. For percentage dice, we use a special abbre-
viation: d%.
There are no two or three sided dice, but we can
imagine that there are. We use a coin for a d2-
heads is 1, tails is 2. To make a d3, roll a d6, and
then divide the result by two and round up,
Often, a number appears before the d as well
as after it. This shows the number of times you
should roll the die-2d8, for example, means to
roll an eight-sided die twice. When you roll a
die more than once, add the results of the rolls
together. So, 3d6 means roll the six-sided die
three times and add the results; for example, a
3d6 roll of 3,5, and 1is 9 (3 + 5 + 1 = 9).
I ROlliNC Dice aNb AbbiNG

We also use modifiers in abbreviations. This is

when the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game starts to
look like math homework! But actually, its sim-
ple. 2d6+1 is a shortcut for saying roll the six-
sided die twice, and then add one to the result.
The plus sign means to add, of course, and the
minus sign means to subtract.
Often the characters will want to do something For example, if you are supposed to roll 2d10
that involves an element of chance. Say someone -2, you might get 7 and 5 for the rolls and 10 for
wants to leap onto a galloping horse. He might the final result (7 + 5 = 12; 12 - 2 = 10). Well
1 make it-or he might not! You can roll dice to explain when to use modifiers later on in the
1 decide if the action succeeds. In the DUNGEONS & rules.
DRAGONS game, there are many different kinds of
he dfi for Axel Add fiv
whoever rolls lowest Ke

Continue with sectron

mat Is a DUNGEONS DRACpNS' Gam Cnanactm?

In The Big Lizard and Zanzer's Dungeon, you remembers that there is a difference between
pretended to be somebody else. You were playing players and characters, then you will all have
a character. more fun.
A character is the person you pretend to be
when you role-play. But in the DUNGEONS & Wnat A R Playen
~ CnaRactens?
DRAGONSO game, there is more to a character than In the DUNGEONS &DRAGONS game, we've already
meets the eye. We must define your character's mentioned the two kinds of characters: those con-
abilities, so that we can use the game rules to see trolled by the players and those controlled by the
if your character will meet with success or failure Dungeon Master. Each player pretends to be one
when trying to do something difficult. very special hero, while the DM pretends to be
To do this, we use statistics. Statistics define everybody that the players' heroes happen to
such things as how strong, smart, and likeable a meet-evil wizards, hungry monsters, greedy
character k.

thieves, and so on.

A DUNGEONS & DRAGONS character is defined by A player's hero is called a Player Character, or
your imagination-and the character's statistics. a PC. The PC is a very special character in the
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game. The whole gaming
Wbat'S to DiffRNC world is made just for PCs.
The Dungeon Master strives to create an inter-
bet wee^ a Playen aNb esting place for the PCs to adventure, and the
a Coanacten? players spend just as much devotion and energy
in bringing their characters to life.
It's important to remember that there's a differ- Player Characters are the characters that the play-
ence between players and characters. The players ers pretend to be, they are the heart of the DLINGEONS
are you and your friends-the people who play & DRAGONS game. Later, we will explain all about
the game. Characters are the persons you and the statistics that make each PC unique.
they pretend to be. Just as if you are acting in a
play, you and your character are two different
Because of this, players and characters have
two different sets of knowledge. For example, as
players, you know that magic doesn't really
work, but the characters believe it does. When
pretending to be your character, you should act
as if magic works.
Also, if you know something that your charac-
ter has no way of knowing, it's not fair to have
the character behave in a manner that means he
knows what you figured out. For example, when
a player knows that a monster paralyzes its vic-
tims by looking into their eyes, but the character
has never even heard of such a creature, it's not
fair for the character to avoid the monster's gaze
when they first meet.
One way to remind yourself and your friends
of this difference is to signal clearly when you are
speaking "in character," and when you are speak
ing as a player. You might want your character to
have a different tone of voice. If everybody
Is MalCiNG Up a PC Ham?
At first, creating a Player Character might seem
hard. After all, you must make up a name, decide
how strong he or she is, and keep track of a zil-
lion other things, right?
Wrong. Making up a PC is easy. All you need is
a pencil, your dice, a n d a Character Record
Sheet-and a healthy dose of imagination.

Coanacterx Reconb
On page 128 of this book, youll find the Charac-
ter Record Sheet. You may photocopy it for use in
your game, or copy the information on notebook
The Character Record Sheet has spaces, boxes,
circles, and other shapes to write numbers in.
This is how you and your players keep track of
each PCs statistics. You can note the amount of
treasure they have, what kinds of equipment they
carry, and so on. By helping you remember all the
details, the Character Record Sheet makes play-
ing a PC easy.

Ability Scones
The most important numbers on the Character
Record Sheet are Ability Scores. Ability Scores
measure natural abilities and mark a characters Dexterity can only be raised; it can never be
strength, intelligence, and agility. In the lowered.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS@ game, we use six Ability No score can be lowered below 9 in order to im-
Scores to define a characters abilities: Strength, prove the prime requisite.
Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution,
and Charisma. Strength measures how strong the Ability Scone AbjUStMeNtS
person is, Intelligence is a measure of how fast When characters have very high or very low
the character learns and figures things out, and Ability Scores, they have unusual strengths or
Wisdom measures common sense. Dexterity mea- weaknesses. Ability Score adjustments allow
sures quickness and agility, Constitution mea- the DM t o fine-tune some die rolls in the
sures health, and Charisma tells how attractive DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game. The following
and friendly a character is to others. tables summarize the effects of these adjust-
Ability Scores are determined by rolling 3d6, so ments for each ability.
the numbers range from 3 to 18. The higher the Some of the results of the adjustments are ex-
score, the better the ability For example, a character plained in greater detail elsewhere in this book.
with a Strength of 3 is very weak, while a character For now, you should know that Hit Dice are an
with a Strength of 18 is extremely powerful. overall measure of a characters toughness. Also,
characters gain experience points during play.
PRiM RQUiSitS They progress in levels through their careers-a
You might expect someone who is good at fight- 2nd-level fighter is more powerful than a 1st-
ing to be strong-and in the DUNGEONS & level fighter.
DRAGONS game, this is true. To show that Strength
is, in fact, the most important ability a fighter can Experience Adjustment Table
have-it is the prime requisite of fighters. 3d6
Each character class has a prime requisite. Each Prime Requisite Adjustment to
character class also has a talent that that class of char- Score Experience Earned
acters is particularly good at, like fighting, healing, 3-5 -20% from earned experience
sneaking about, and so on. The higher a characters points
score in the prime requisite, the more skill there w i
ll 6-8 -10% from earned experience
be in the classs special talent. The prime requisite(s) points
for each character dass is listed below: 9-12 No adjustment to experience
Prime Requisites Table 13-15 +5% to earned experience points
16-18 +lo% to earned experience points
Fighter Strength
Cleric Wisdom Adjustments for classes with two prime requi-
Magic-user Intelligence sites are explained in the class descriptions.
Thief Dexterity Adjustments to earned experience are used when
Dwarf Strength the DM gives experience points at the end of an
Elf Strength and Intelligence adventure.
Halfling Strength and Dexterity To multiply experience points by a percentage,
use these three steps. First, multiply the experi-
Because prime requisites are so important, a ence points by the number of the percentage. For
player can improve on the number she first example, to find +5% of 437 experience points,
rolled-but only when she is creating a new char- multiply 437 by 5 4 3 7 x 5 = 2185. Second, move
acter. For every 2 points the player subtracts from the decimal point over two numbers to the left so
other Ability Scores, she may add 1 point to the that 2185 becomes 21.85. Last, round off to the
characters prime requisite. There are a few nearest whole number-21.85 rounds to 22. This
restrictions on this exchange: is the adjustment. The + sign tells you to add this
Only prime requisite scores may be improved. adjustment to the original 437 experience
Constitution and Charisma scores can never be p o i n t s 4 3 7 + 22 = 459.
3d6 Strength affect a saving throw vs. turn to stone, spell,
Score Adjustment wands, rod, or staff.
3 -3 to attack, damage, and opening doors
4-5 -2 to attack, damage, and opening doors 3d6
6-8 -1 to attack, damage, and opening doors Dexterity Missile 1 innor Class
9-12 No adjustment due to Strength Score Adjustm idjustment
13-15 +1to attack, damage, and opening doors 3 -3 onatt ~~ . ~ ~ 3penalty
16-17 +2 to attack, damage, and opening doors 4-5 -2 on attack rolls -2 penalty
18 t 3 to attack, damage, and opening doors 6-8 -1 on attack tolls -1 penalty
912 No adjustment No adjustment
These adjustments apply to die rolls. Any suc- 13-15 +1on attack rolls +1bonus
cessful attack roll always causes at least 1point of 16-17 +2 on attack rolls +2 bonus
damage, no matter how it may be adjusted later. 18 1 3 on attack rolls +3 bonus

3d6 Intelligence Missile fire combat adjustments affect the

Score Use of Languages chances to attack, they do not affect damage.
3 Has trouble speaking, cannot read or write Remember that Armor Class adjustments are
4-5 Cannot read or write Common backward. A minus (-) sign means that the num-
6-8 Can write simple Common words ber is a penalty, and you ndd the adjustment to the
9-12 Reads and writes native languages base Armor Class. A plus (t)sign means that the
13-15 Reads and writes native languages, number is a bonus, and you subtrnct the adjust-
+1additional language ment from the base Armor Class.
16-17 Reads and writes native languages,
+2 additional languages 3d6 Constitution
18 Reads and writes native languages, Score Hit Point Adjustment
+3 additional languages 3 -3 points per Hit Dii
4-5 -2 points per Hit Dit
Humans know two native languages: Common 6-8 -1 point per Hit Die
and Alignment. Demihumans know a number of 9-12 No adjustment to hi
native languages, a s explained in the class 13-15 +1point per Hit Die
descriptions. Some languages that characters 16-17 +2 points per Hit Di
may choose are bugbear, doppleganger, dragon, 18 +3 points per Hit Die
dwarf, elf, gargoyle, giant, gnoll, gnome, goblin,
halfling, harpy, hobgoblin, kobold, lizard man, These adjustments are used whenever a char-
medusa, minotaur, ogre, orc, or other human acter rolls a Hit Die to determine hit points. No
tongues. Hit Die roll may be adjusted below 1.

3d6 Wisdom
Score Saving Throw Adjustment 3d6
3 -3 on magic-based saving throws Charisma Adjustment
4-5 -2 on magic-based saving throws Score to Reactions
6-8 -1 on magic-based saving throws 3 -3
9-12 Normal magic-based saving throws 4-.r 2
13-15 +1on magic-based saving throws 64 1
16-17 t 2 on magic-based saving throws 9-1 )ne
18 +3 on magic-based saving throws 13-1 1
16-1 2
Adjustments to magic-based saving throws 18 3
d o not apply to saving throws vs. Dragon
Breath. They might affect saving throws vs. The adjustment to reactions may either help or
Death Ray or Poison, depending on whether or hinder first impressions when a character talks to
not the attack is magical. These adjustments do an encountered creature or person.

11 yuur uexwriry sccire 15 iu or less, cunnnue

the left-hand m
result next to Str ow Stren
Intelligence ,th 2nd recorr
next to Intelligence Now dcI the sami
I .--
Miidom, Dexterity, Constrtut,,,, a,U

Toe Coanacten Classes
Once the ability scores are rolled, characters must
become either fighters, clerics, magic-users,
thieves, elves, halflings, or dwarves. A fighter is a 1iuman trained for combat. Usually, a
Which class you choose for your character fighter has a kuw,
,;"h Ckonrrth
snrl hir
E C ~ F P
lcvlc, --Sh Dexter-

should be based primarily on the character's abil- ity and Constitution scores are also good. Because
ity scores. Some character classes have more than of special combat training, in battle the fighter hits
one prime requisite. A character will advance opponents more often than other classes and usu-
more quickly and perform better in a character ally inflicts more damage on the enemy.
class with a high ability score for a prime requi- Fighters tend to have more hit points than
site. For instance, a player who rolled a high Dex- other classes and they generally wear better
terity score should consider the character of a armor to protect themselves.
thief or halfling. A character with high Strength Because of their ruggedness, fighters are usu-
and Intelligence scores might be a good fighter, ally the ones who lead the way down any deep,
magic-user, dwarf, or elf. A character with a low dark tunnel. That way, if a monster leaps out
Wisdom score should not become a cleric, since it and surprises the group, the character most
would be very difficult to advance that class. likely to survive such an attack will take the first
hit. If you have enough fighters, it is usually
wise to put one at the rear of your group, too-
just in case a monster sneaks u p and attacks
from behind.
When a battle breaks out, the fighters should
be the first into combat. They should try to keep
the opponents from harming other members of
the party. They make especially good protectors
of magic-users and thieves.
Fighters are the combat experts, so the players
running them should understand how the Com-
bat Sequence works. The DM should explain all
the steps in the Combat Sequence to the fighters,
especially the difference between withdrawing
and retreating in the movement step.
Although it is never wise to enter a dungeon
with just one character, or with a group contain-
ing just one kind of character, the fighter charac-
ter might get away with just that. Fighters are
tough enough that they might survive all the
traps and hazards that other character classes
would help them avoid.
Still, they are not very good at avoiding or
resisting magic. A smart magic-user might be
able to defeat an entire party of fighters.
Fighters are good for more than just fighting,
too. They can use their Strength in many different
situations. They are handy when a stuck door
needs opening or when a huge boulder needs
When the group finds a cache of treasure, the
fighter should look for two things. Magical heal-
ing potions are especially.useful . for fighters,
since they often get hurt in battles. And magical
weapons are good, because they' add bonuses to
attack and damage rolls in a figh 1
~ ~~ ~~~ ~~

PlTiMe RQUiSit aNb Hit Dice COe Clcnic

The fighters prime requisite is Strength. If the
Strength score is 13 or more, the fighter will Clerics are humans who have dedicated their
advance in skill and power more quickly If the lives to a great and worthy cause. Often, the
Strength score is 8 or below, advancement will cause is a clerics alignment. For example, a law-
come more slowly Characters with low Strength ful clerics cause would be to spread law and
scores usually dont make good fighters, so the order throughout the game world.
player should consider some other character class. Clerics are not as good in battle as fighters, but
Because fighters are so tough, they use d8s for Hit they are tough enough to hold their own. When a
Dice. Fighters tend to have a larger number of hit fight breaks out, they should not be the first to
points than the other character classes do. In gen- charge in, but they shouldnt hang back either.
eral, they can take more damage and stay alive.
PniMe ReQuisit, H
it Dice,
Fighter Experience Table aNb RStRiCtiONS
The clerics prime requisite is Wisdom. If the Wis-
Experience Total dom score is 13or more, the cleric will advance in
Level Title Points Hit Dice skill and power quickly If the Wisdom score is 8
1 Veteran 0 ld8 or below, advancement will be slower. Characters
2 Warrior 2,000 2d8 with low Wisdom scores dont make good clerics,
3 Swordmaster 4,000 3d8 so another character class should be selected.
4 Hero 8,000 4d8 Clerics use d6s for Hit Dice and they tend to
5 Swashbuckler 16,000 5d8 have a moderate number of hit points. They can
take some damage during combat, but not as
Fighter Saving Throws Table much a fighter.
Because of their beliefs, clerics cannot use
Save Level 1-3 Level 4-5 weapons with sharp edges or points (like
Death Ray or Poi-- 12 10 swords, spears, arrows, or daggers). Instead,
Magic Wands 13 11 they must use clubs, maces, or other blunt
Paralysis or Turn 14 12 weapons. They can wear any type of armor.

I Dragon Breath
14 Cleric Experience Table

Exp. Total SpellslLevel

Title Points HD 123456
Acolyte n ld6 000000
Adept 1,500 2d6 100000
Priest 3,000 3d6 200000
Vicar 6,000 4d6 210000
Curate 12,000 5d6 220000

ClericSaving Throws Table

Save Level 1-4 Level 5

cleath Ray or Poison 11 9
klagic Wands 12 10
Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14 12
clragon Breath 16 14
R od/Staff/Spell 15 13

the clerics dedication allows clerical spells to be
cast. A beginning cleric cannot use spells right ics action for the round. A cleric cannot cast
away, although some magical items may be used. spells, fight, or take any other action during that
In addition to casting spells, a cleric can turn round. He may keep turning more undead every
undead. When a cleric meets undead monsters, such round, however, as long as he doesnt fail. Once a
as skeletons, zombies, ghouls, and wights, he can try cleric fails an attempt to turn undead, all other
to force them away. To do this,the cleric steps boldly attempts during the same battle also fail.
forward during the Movement step of Combat and
tells the DM I am turning undead.
The player rolls 2d6. Find the monster the
cleric faces on the Turning Undead table: Magic-users are humans who study the powers
If the dice roll is less than the number found of magic. They spend most of their time research-
across from the undead the cleric is trying to turn, ing arcane subjects and trying to learn new spells.
the cleric fails and the undead attack. If there is a Beginning magic-users learn their craft from mas-
0 instead of a number, the cleric is not yet pow- ters, powerful teachers who have consented to
erful enough to turn that type of undead. share their knowledge. They never help magic-
If the dice roll is equal to or higher than the num- users except by teaching them.
ber found across from the undead monster the Magic-users are poor fighters. The study of
cl magic is so demanding that they have no time for
combat training. Usually, magic-users are feeble
T and dont have many hit points. When a fight
breaks out, they should get out of the way and
L look for a chance to use their spells.
2 PniMe ReQuisite, H
it Dice,
C aNb RestnictioNs
v The magic-users prime requisite is Intelli-
v gence. A character with a high Intelligence
h should consider playing a magic-user.
S Magic-users roll d4s for Hit Dice.
Because they have no time for weapon training,
NOW me uivi roils Lao. rne resuir is now many magic-users can only wield daggers. They cannot
Hit Dice worth of undead the cleric turns. But since wear armor of any sort, nor use shields. They can
different kinds of undead have different Hit Dice, cast only magic-user spells, not clerical spells.
the DM goes one step further and looks to see how
many Hit Dice each of the undead monsters have. Special Abilities
She divides the number rolled by the number of Hit A magic-user can cast magical spells. Magic-
Dice each monster has (rounding up). The result is users record new spells (usually those taught by
how many undead monsters the cleric turned. the master), in a spell book. The magic-user stud-
For example, your character meets six zombies. ies this spell book before going on an adventure.
In the movement phase of the Combat Sequence, Study imprints the proper gestures and words on
you tell the DM your PC is going to turn undead. the users mind until the spell is cast.
You roll a 10 on 2d6, which is enough to succeed. To have your PC cast a spell, you simply tell
The DM rolls 2d6 to see how many Hit Dice the DM the name of the spell your character is
worth of zombies you force away. The result is 5. casting. The DM determines the results by read-
The DM looks up zombies in the Monsters chap- ing the description of the spell in the rule book.
ter. They each have 2 Hit Dice, 5 - 2, rounded up, When a spell is cast, the magic-user must be able
is 3, so 3 zombies run away, but the other 3 attack. to speak and to gesture and cannot be doing any-
A T indicates automatic success-the cleric thing else-not even walking.
turns 2d6 of the undead. A D indicates that After the spell is cast, the necessary words and
2d6 undead are destroyed utterly-turned to gestures are wiped out of the magic-users mind.
dust on the spot! That spell cannot be used again until it is
Remember, turning undead counts as the cler- relearned from the spell book.
To learn (or relearn) a spell, your magic-user must Magic-user Saving Throws Table
be well-rested (a good night's sleep is enough), and
have about a n hour of peace and quiet to study In a Save Level 1-5
comfortable room, back in town, this is normally not Death Ray or Poison 13
a problem. Sometimes, however, an adventure takes Magic Wands 14
more than a day If the magic-user has brought along Paralysis or Turn to Stone 13
the spell book and expects to use it, a suitable time Dragon B F - - & ~ I f

and place for study must be found. Rod/Staff

As you can see, there is seldom any use in taking
a spell book on an adventure. Instead, most magic-
users leave their spell books in safe places. In fact,
spell books are so important that only the foolish
would do anything to put them at risk. NPC magic-
users almost never allow anyone else to borrow, or
even look at, their spell books. If something hap-
pens to the spell book, the magic-user has no way
to relearn the spells that were in it!
Masters teach new students only one spell, since
beginning magic-users can memorize only one
spell at a time. They will not teach a new student
any more spells until the novice gains enough
experience to memorize more than one spell at a
time. Therefore, most beginning magic-users have
only one spell recorded in their spell books.
Novice magic-users can learn only the very
simplest spells, called 1st-level spells. The first
spell a new student learns will be a 1st-level spell.
Sometimes, magic-users find magical scrolls
that have magic-user spells written on them. A
magic-user can always cast a magic-user spell
written on a scroll, whether or not it is a 1st-level
spell. If the scroll contains a 1st-level spell, how-
ever, the magic-user may decide to record the
spell in a spell book instead of using it. Doing this
erases the spell from the scroll, but makes it avail-
able for the character to memorize later.
Writing extra spells in the spell book does not
increase the number of spells a magic-user can
memorize in one day, however. A beginning magi-
user can still remember the gestures and words of
only one spell, extra spells give a choice. Complete
spell lists for magic-users begin on page 56.

Magic-user Experience Table

Exp. Total SpelldLevel

Level Title Points HitDice 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Medium 0 ld4 100000
2 Seer 2,500 2d4 20o 0n 0
3 Conjurer 5,000 3d4 2 10 0 0 0
4 Magician 10,000 4d4 22 0 0 0 0
5 Enchanter 20,000 5d4 2 2 10 0 0
Special Abilities
Every thief belongs to a guild that instructs its
members in the special talents required to be a
A thief is a human specializing in stealth, lock- thief. When a thief wants to use special talents,
picking, removing traps, and other sneaky activi- the player tells the DM. The DM rolls d%. If the
ties. A thief also takes things that dont belong to result is equal to or less than the thiefs score for
him-though not from fellow PCs, not if he the talent, the thief succeeds-otherwise, he fails.
wants to be invited on the next adventure! The thiefs talents are described below. The
Thieves are useful to adventuring parties, for percentage chance of success for each level is
they can do many things that others cant: pick given in the Thieves Abilities table.
locks, find and remove traps, pick pockets, etc. Open Locks: With lockpicking tools, a thief can
They are seldom much help in a fight, though. try to open closed locks. He may try to open a
lock only once (unless the thief becomes more
PniMe ReQuisite, Hit Dice, experienced and the Open Locks score changes).
aNb RestnictioNs Find Traps: A thief may search hallways, doors,
The thiefs prime requisite is Dexterity. walls, etc., for traps. He may search only once
Thieves use d4s for Hit Dice. per area, but if he succeeds, he finds all the
Because thieves must move quietly, they wear only traps. Finding a trap and removing it are two
leather armor. They must also keep one hand free, so different things, however.
thieves cannot carry shields. Thieves can use any Remove Traps: When a thief finds a trap, he
missile weapon. They can use only melee weapons may try to remove it. Failure indicates that the
wielded in one hand. (Thedifferencebetween missile trap goes off, affecting the thief (unless he took
and melee weapons wiU be explained later.) precautions to prevent this).
Climb Walls: The thief may attempt to climb
Thief Experience Table any steep or sheer surface, such as a cliff, wall,
battlement, etc. The DM must make one d% roll
Experience Total for every 100 feet the thief climbs. If the roll is
Level Title Points Hit Dice higher than the thiefs score, he falls from the
1 Apprentice 0 ld4 midway point of the climb, taking ld6 points of
2 Footpad 1,200 2d4 damage for each 10 feet he fell (round up).
3 Robber 2,400 3d4 Move Silently: The thief may try to move
4 Burglar 4,800 4d4 across any floor without making any noise. The
5 Cutpurse 9,600 5d4 DM should not let the thief see the result of this
roll, for the thief always thinks he is moving
Thief Saving Throws Table silently. Only the DM knows for sure whether
he has been heard.
Save Level 1-4 Level 5 Hide in Shadows: The thief may attempt to hide
Death Ray or Poison 13 11 in any dark area. He can move while he is hiding,
Magic Wands 14 12 but he cannot attack and remain hidden. The DM
Paralysis or Turn to Stone 13 11 should not let the thief see the result of this roll, for
Dragon Breath 16 14 the thief always thinks he is successfully hidden,
Rod/Staff /Spell 15 13 only the DM knows if the thief has been seen.
have a great love of gold for its own sake. They
respect fine craftsmanship. Dwarves are shorter
than fighter-class humans, but they are played in
much the same way. Both character classes have
lots of hit points and are good in combat.
Dwarves have one advantage over fighters, how-
ever-they are more resistant to magic and poi-
son. Dwarves are welcome additions to most
adventuring parties
PniMe RQUiSit, Hit Dice
aNb ResmictioNs
The dwarfs prime requisite is Strength. A
Strength score of 13 or more means that a dwarf
will advance in skill and power quickly With a
Strength score of 8 or less, the dwarf will
advance slowly.
Pick Pockets: The thief may attempt to take Dwarves use d8s for Hit Dice. They are as able
something out of another characters pocket to withstand damage as fighters.
without the victim realizing it. Failure means Dwarves are usually very healthy and resistant
that the thief could not get what he wanted. If to disease. To reflect this, a dwarfs Constitu-
the roll fails by twice the thiefs score or more, tion score must be at least 9. A character with a
he is caught in the act. The victims reaction is Constitution less than 9 may not be a dwarf.
sure to be unfavorable! Dwarves can use only small or medium-sized
Hear Noise: The thief may listen a t any wall, weapons, such as daggers and swords. They can-
door, corner, etc. If the roll is successful and not use large weapons, such as two-handed
there is anything to hear, the thief will hear it. swords and long bows. Like fighters, they are free
This ability cannot be used during a battle to wear any type of armor and to carry a shield.
(fights are noisy).
I . Backstabbing: If the thief can find a way to Special Abilities
work around behind another character or mon- Dwarves have infravision. Characters with infravi-
ster without being noticed, the victim can be sion can see up to 60 feet away in the dark. When
backstabbed. To do this, the DM may require a they use infravision, they see heat (or detect the
Move Silently and/or a Hide in Shadows roll, lack of heat). Warm things appear to be red, and
unless the victim has no reason to expect an cold things appear to be blue. Even objects such as
attack. tables and doors have a temperature of their own,
Once the thief works himself into the proper so they can also be seen, if dimly Infravision is use-
ssition (and assuming the victim still does not less in any sort of light. When in a brightly lit areas,
iow the thief is there), he makes a hit roll with a dwarves use normal vision.
1bonus. If he hits the target, he does twice the Because they live deep underground, dwarves
Irma1 damage (multiply the damage roll by two). are experts at mining. They can sometimes use
this expertise to detect traps, sliding walls, slop-
:ne Dwanf ing corridors, and new construction in a dungeon.
When your dwarf wants to look for such things,
dwarf is a demihuman. Demihumans are tell your DM that she is detecting. The DM will
?ings(and character classes) that are not quite roll ld6. On a result of 1 or 2, the DM tells you
iman, but which closely resemble humans. what you found-if there was anything to find. A
Dwarves are short and stocky, standing about 4 dwarf may detect in a specific area (room, 60-foot
et tall. Their skin is a tawny brown and their length of corridor, etc.) only once.
iir ranges in color from gray to brown to black. Dwarves are adept at languages. In addition to
warves are usually stubborn but practical, and speaking the normal languages-Common and
e always fond of good food and drink. They their alignment tongue-they speak, dwarven,
and magical items, especially if the items are
beautifully crafted.
Elves are midway between fighters and magic-
users. They are fairly good with weapons, but
they dont have as many hit points as fighters.
Like magic-users, they are sometimes wiser to
stay back from combat and cast spells.

Elf Savirig Throws Table

Save Level 1-3 Level 4- 5

Death REiy or Poison 12 8
Magic Wands 13 10
--?. cL--- In
Paralysis U I^
I r )
Dragon BrlZath 15 11
Rod/Staff,Spell 15 11
- . ..
PRiM I<QUlSltS, Hit Dice.
gnomish, goblin, and kobold. Just because they aNb RStRiCtiONS
can speak a language doesnt mean they can read An elf has two prime requisites: Strength and
or write it, however. The ability to read and write Intelligence. With a score of 13 or better in both
a language is determined by Intelligence adjust- abilities, an elf will advance in skill and power
ments. quickly. If the elfs Intelligence is 16 or more,
advancement will come very rapidly. If an elfs
Dwarf Experience Table Strength is 8 or less, however, advancement
will come more slowly.
Experience Total The elf uses d6s for Hit Dice
Level Title Points Hit Dice To be an elf, a character must have an Intelli-
1 Veteran 0 ld8 gence score of 9 or better. Elves can use any
2 Warrior 2,200 2d8 type of armor, shield, or weapon.
3 Swordmaster 4,400 3d8
0 onn 20
4 Hero Special Abilities
5 Swashbuckler Elves have infravision. Characters with infravi-
sion can see up to 60 feet away in the dark. When
Dwarf Saving Throw Ta they use their infravision, they see heat (or the
lack of heat). Warm things appear to be red, and
Save cold things appear to be blue. Even objects such
Death Ray or Poiso as tables and doors have a temperature of their
Magic Wands own, so they can also be dimly seen. Infravision
Paralysis or Turn to Stone 10 8 is useless in any sort of light, however. When
Dragon Breath 13 10 they are in a brightly lit areas, elves use their nor-
Rod/Staff/Spell 12 9 mal vision
With their knowledge of woodlore, elves can
2Oe Elf find secret or hidden doors better than other
characters. If your elf wants to search for a
An elf is another kind of demihuman. Elves are secret door, tell the DM. The DM will roll ld6.
slender and graceful, with delicate features and On a result of 1 or 2, the DM will tell you if
pointed ears. They stand 5 to 5%feet tall, and there are any secret doors in the area your
weigh about 120 pounds. Elves prefer to spend character searched. An elf may search an area
their time feasting and frolicking in the woods, only once.
and rarely visit human cities. Fascinated by
magic, they never grow tired of collecting spells
Halflings resemble human children with slightly
pointed ears. They stand about 3 feet tall and weigh
about 60 pounds each. They rarely have beards, and
their skin is usually smooth. Though halflings are
outgoing and friendly, especially toward elves, they
are not unusually brave. They have a love for trea-
sure, but mainly see it as a means of buying com-
forts for their beloved woodland homes.
Halflings do well in combat, but they should
never forget that they are smaller and have fewer
hit points than fighters and dwarves. They are
most effective when they use their special abili-
ties (see the following) to gain an advantage. Like
dwarves, halflings are more resistant to magic
and poison than other character classes.
PRiMe RQuisits, Hit Dice,
aNb RestnictioNs
A halfling has two prime requisites. A halfling
with a Strength or Dexterity score of 13 or
greater will advance quickly. If both scores are
Elf Experience Tab 13 or greater, a halfling advances very quickly.
If the Strength score is 8 or less, however,
el advancement comes more slowly
Level/Title Points HD 1 2 3 4 5 6 A halfling uses d6s for Hit Dice.
1 VeteranMedium 0 Id6 1 0 0 0 0 0 To be a halfling, a character must have a score of
2 Warrior Seer 4,000 2d6 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 or better in both Dexterity and Constitution.
3 Swordmaster Halflings can use only small-sized weapons,
Conjurer 8,000 3d6 2 1 0 0 0 0 such as daggers, short swords, and short bows.
4 HeroMagician 16,000 4d6 2 2 0 0 0 0 Halflings cannot use any medium- or large-sized
5 Swashbuckler weapons such as normal swords, polearms, bat-
Enchanter 32,000 5d6 2 2 1 0 0 0 tle axes, crossbows, long bows, or two-handed
swords. They can wear any type of armor and
In addition to speaking Common and their carry a shield-providing the armor and shield
alignment tongue, elves can speak elf, gnoll, hob- have been especially made for halflings. (Even
goblin, and orc. Just because elves can speak a dwarven armor is too large for them.)
language, however, doesnt mean they can read
or write it. The ability to read and write a lan- Special Abilities
guage is determined by a characters Intelligence Because of their small size, halflings gain several
adjustment. Normally, a certain undead monster bonuses in combat:
called a ghoul can paralyze defenders when it When attacked by creatures larger than man-
bits them. Elves, however, are immune to the sized, they receive a +2 bonus to their Armor
ghouls paralysis attack-but other types of Class (Armor Class is explained later).
paralysis still affect them. When they use any missile weapon, they gain a
The elf can also cast spells, just like a magic- +l bonus to their hit roll (missile weapons are
user. explained later).
If halflings are the only attackers on their side,
Cn H or if their side is nothing but halflings, they get
a +1bonus to their initiative roll.
Halflings are also demihumans. Demihumans are Halflings are also good at hiding. Outdoors,
beings (and character classes) that are not quite they can vanish into the woods or underbrush,
human, but which resemble humans closely and there is only a 10% chance that anyone
Dice of tough characters like fighters are d8s; the
Hit Dice of weaker characters like thieves are d4s.
The description of each character class lists the
kmd of Hit Dice it rolls to determine hit points.
Hit Dice for monsters work differently. All
monsters use d8s as Hit Dice. But monsters arent
equally tough. Instead of using different kinds of
dice to reflect how tough they are, monsters use
different numbers of Hit Dice.
Look at any monster description in the chapter
on monsters. In the statistics, the second line is
Hit Dice. The number of Hit Dice listed beside
this statistic is the number of d8s you roll to
determine the monsters hit points.
searching for them will SI Sometimes, the monsters Hit Dice number is
In dungeons, if there are shadows or objects to followed by a + or -number. This makes the
hide behind, they can freeze. As long as they monster just a little tougher or weaker than its
remain motionless, they have a chance of not being Hit Dice suggest. When a + or - follows the num-
seen. The DM rolls ld6. On a result of 1 or 2, half- ber of Hit Dice, add (or subtract) that amount to
lings are successfully hidden (as long as they make the hit points rolled for the monster. For example,
no noise and stay motionless). Halflings cannot to find the hit points of a monster with 2+1 Hit
carry a light source (such as a lit torch) when they Dice, roll 2d8 and add 1point to the result
are trying to hide. Also, if someone casts a ningicnl
ligkt spell in the area where a halfling is frozen in EXE
the shadows, the shadows disappear and the half- PCs earn e x p r i e r i c e yuirirs iui I I I U I I L ~ i ~ e d s u i e
lings presence is automatically discovered. and defeating monsters. When they earn enough
XPs, they go up in experience level.
Halfling Experience Table Experience levels tell how powerful a character
Exp. Total is. All character classes start at the 1st level. Each
Level Title Points HD time a characters level goes up, he gets to roll
1 Halfling Veteran 0 ld6 another Hit Die and add the result to the original
2 Halfling Warrior 2,000 2d6 hit points. Spellcasters can learn more spells.
3 Halfling Swordmaster 4,000 3d6 Other special abilities of each character class
4 Halfling Hero 8,000 4d6 improve. Sometimes, it becomes easier for the
5 Halfling Swashbuckler 16,000 5d6 character to hit targets in combat; perhaps saving
throws become easier to make. When a character
Halfling Saving Throws Table goes up a level, you and the player should look at
Save Level 1-3 Level 4-5 the PCs class description to see what improve-
Death Ray or Poison 8 5 ments have been earned.
Magic Wands 9 6 Each character class has a separate experience
Paralysis or Turn to Stone 10 7 table, given with each class description earlier.
This table lists how many XPs a character needs
Dragon Breath
Rod /Staff /Spell
8 to reach the next level, by what title the character
should be called, and, in the case of a spellcaster,
, Ii
otm COaRactm Statistics how many spells may be cast.
Hit Dice
Monsters also have levels, which equate roughly
to their Hit Dice. Dungeons have levels, usually i
Hit points represent the amount of damage a char-
acter or monster can take before dying. Some kinds
referring to their depth underground and the diffi-
culty of the encounters there. Spells have levels that
of characters can take more damage than others. correspond to their relative power (not to the level
Character classes roll different kinds of dice to of the casting magic-user, elf, or cleric).
determine how many hit points they get. The Hit
Cnanacten DESIGN COecltlist Law: Lawful charactersbelieve that obeying rules
1.Roll Abilities (Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, is the natural way of life. They always try to tell the
Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma) truth.They are fair to others and keep their promises.
a. Pick a character class Lawful characters put the welfare of the group
b. Adjust Prime Requisite above their own and generally behave in a manner
c. Determine Ability Score Adjustments that most people would consider good.
2. Roll Hit Points Chaos: Chaotic characters are the opposite of
3. Pick an Alignment lawful characters. They believe that life is ran-
4. Determine Saving Throws dom. They think luck rules the world and laws
5. Purchase Equipment are made to be broken. To them, keeping promises
a. Roll for Starting Gold is not important, and telling lies can be fun-ven
b. Purchase Equipment within restrictions useful! They think they are more important than
of class anybody else and generally behave in a manner
6. Determine Armor class most people would consider bad.
7. Choose Languages (according to Intelligence) Neutrality: Neutral characters believe there
8. Determine Special Skills (if any) should be a balance between law and chaos. To
9. Choose the Character's Name them, the individual is important, but so is the
group. They tend to treat others as others treat
AliGNMeNt them, and usually look out for themselves first-
In real life, most people act according to a code of they expect others to do the same. They prefer to
behavior. They have rules about being polite, being rely on their own abilities, rarely trusting their
honest, helping or hurting other people, and so on. fate to luck or another character.
The same thing is true in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS@ Each alignment has its own language, consist-
game. The code that characters (and monsters) ing of simple words, hand signals, and other
follow is called nlignrnent. In the D&D@game, body motions. PCs and human NPCs always
there are three alignments: law, chaos, and neu- know how to speak their alignment language.
trality. Every character and monster behaves Monsters also know their alignment languages,
according to one of these alignments. as long as they are capable of speaking.
When you or your players create a character, Bows
choose an alignment that seems to fit the charac- Crossbow
ter you are making up. As you play that charac- (fires quarrels) 30 50/Medium ld6
ter, have him behave in accordance with the Case with
alignment you chose. Remember that monsters 30 quarrels 10 *
have alignments too, and behave according to Long Bow 40 30/Large ld6
those listed in the monster descriptions. Short Bow 25 ld6
Quiver with
Alignment Changes 20 arrows 5 *
Every player must select an alignment when his 1 silver-tipped
character is created. It is the responsibility of the arrow 5 *
player to play that character according to the
rules of the chosen alignment. However, if a Daggers
player has a character do things contrary to the Normal Dagger 3 10/Small ld4
characters alignment, the DM has the option to Silver Dagger 30 lO/Small ld4
penalize the character. Such penalties could take
the form of experience reductions or loss of cer- Swords
tain items. In severe cases, the DM may wish to Short Sword 7 30/Small 1d6
permanently alter the offending characters Sword (normal) 10 60/Medium ld8
alignment to better reflect the characters Two-handed
approach to the fantasy world. Sword 15 lOO/Large ld10
Of course, if you, as a DM, regularly penalize
players for poor alignment play, you should Other Weapons
also offer rewards to those who pay careful Mace** 5 30/Medium ld6
attention to alignment and how it guides their Club** 3 50/Medium ld4
characters. Pole Arm
(two-handed) 7 150/Large ldlO
EQUipMNt Sling with
Every character needs equipment with which to 30 stones** 2 20/Small ld4
adventure. Equipment must be bought with gold Spear 3 30/Medium ld6
pieces and must be carried by the character. Staff** 2 40/Large ld6
Starting Money: Each character begins the War Hammer** 5 50/Medium ld6
game with some gold pieces (gp) when first cre-
ated. Roll 3d6 and multiply the result by 10. This * Ammunition is included in encumbrance
is how many gold pieces the character has to pur- **Theseweapons may be used by clerics.
chase equipment.
Purchasing Restrictions: Certain character Armor AC Cost Encumbrance
classes place restrictions on equipment that may Leather Armor 7 20 200
be used. Magic-users, for instance, cannot wear Chain Mail Armor 5 40 400
armor; clerics cannot use edged weapons. Be sure Plate Mail Armor 3 60 500
you know your characters class restrictions Shield (-1y 100
before you purchase any equipment.
* Deduct 1from characters Armor Class num-
Weapons and Equipment ber if a shield is used.

Weapons Cost Encumbl Damage cost

ingp Size Equipment in gp Encumbrance
Axes Backpack 5 20
Battle Axe Flask of Oil 2 10
(two-handed) 7 7O/Large ld8 Hammer (small) 2 10
Hand-Axe 4 30/Small ld6 Holy Symbol 25 1
Holy Water (1vial) 25 1
cost Mobifiieb ARMOR Class
Equipment in gp Encumbrance A characters basic AC can be modified by carry-
Iron Spikes (12) 1 60 (5 each) ing a shield, wearing magical or cursed armor, or
Lantern 10 30 by having either a low or high Dexterity.
Mirror (hand-sized, steel) 30 0 Characters carrying shields receive a bonus of
Rations, Iron +I to their AC. This means they subtract 1 point
preserved food for from the AC their armor gives them. For exam-
1 person/l week) 5 200 ple, a fighter in chain mail and carrying a shield
Rope (SO length) 1 50 would have AC 4 instead of AC 5.
Sack, Small 1 1 Magical armor and shields can also give the
Sack, Large 2 5 wearer bonuses to AC. Even though they are sub-
Thieves Tools 25 10 tracted from the characters basic AC, these magi-
Tinder Box (flint & steel) 3 5 cal bonuses are noted by a plus (+) sign to show
Torches (6) 1 120 that the number is good. Someone wearing chain
(20 each) m d + 2 would have AC 3 (5 - 2 = 3 )
Water/Wine Skin 1 5 Sometimes armor and shields are magically
Wolfsbane (1bunch) 10 0 cursed. Cursed armor gives the wearer a penalty
Wooden Pole (IO long) 1 20 to AC. These penalties have a negative ( - ) sign

to remind you they are bad. Add them to the
ARMOR characters basic AC.
Dexterity score adjustments also affect a char-
Armor Class, abbreviated AC, is a measure of acters AC. Look at the Bonuses and Penalties on
how well a character or monster is defended from the Ability Score Tables. Just like the bonuses for
physical attack. It takes into account dodging magical armor, you subtract a bonus adjustment
ability, armor, and natural toughness. number from the characters basic AC, you add a
The lower a characters AC, the better pro- penalty adjustment number.
tected she is. Normally, the worst possible Armor To figure out a characters final AC, include
Class is 9. If a creature has AC 10, there is a spe- any adjustments, good or bad, that apply to her.
cial reason, such as an inability to move or avoid Example: A fighter with Dexterity 18, wearing
being hit. There is no absolute limit on the best plate m i l +2, is AC -2. How did we get this number?
AC, but AC can be measured in negative num- The basic AC for plate mail is 3. Subtracting the char-
bers. It is not unheard of for a character or a mon- acters +3 Dexterity bonus and +2 magical armor
ster to have an AC of -1 or -2. bonus gives us a result of -2 (3- 3 = 0; 0 - 2 = -2).
This rule sounds backwards. Armor Class is If the PC has a penalty adjustment, she may be
the onlv statistic in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS- a bit clumsy This makes her easier to hit.
game where you subtract the bonuses and add the Example: A fighter with Dexterity 4, wearing
penalties. Youll get used to this if you follow the chain mail -1, is AC 8. How did we get this num-
examples carefully ber? The basic AC for chain mail is 5. Adding a -2
There are three different kinds of armor: leather, Dexterity penalty and a -1 cursed armor penalty
chain mail, and plate mail. Basic AC is deter- gives us a result of 8 (5 +2 + 1 = 8).
mined by the kind of armor a character wears (or
whether armor is worn at all). The following table SaviNc; Zfinows
lists basic Armor Classes:
When your PC attacks in melee or missile com-
Armor Class Table bat, you make a hit roll to see if he hits the target.
But there are many special attacks, such as magic
Armor Type Basic AC or dragons breath, that hit automatically. A Sav-
No Armor 9 ing Throw gives a PC a chance to avoid the
Leather 7 unavoidable-r at least to decrease the effect of
Chain Mail 5 the hit on the character.
Plate Mail 3 There are five different kinds of special attacks.
Shield (-1 from AC) They are Poison or Death Ray, Magic Wand, Turn

to Stone or Iaralysis, Dragon Breath, and liods, thing else happens. (If a monster misses its nor-
Staves, or Spells. Each character class has Saving mal attack, the character does not need to make a
Throw numbers for each kind of attack. You can Saving Throw.)
match any unusual attack with one of these five
categories. You treat them all the same way MoNsten SaviNc; Qnows
The defender rolls ld20 to see if he can avoid or Monsters get Saving Throws, just as characters
decrease the effects of the special attack. If the result do. Usually, they use the Saving Throws of the
is equal to or greater than the Saving Throw number character class to which they are most similar.
for the type of attack, the Saving Throw succeeds. If Exactly which one is noted for you in the statis-
the result is lower, the Saving Throw fails. tics section of the monsters description. There is
an entry Save as: followed by a character class
SaviNc, ZOnow Results and (usually) a number. Use the Saving Throws
If the defender makes a successful Saving Throw of that character class for the monster. The num-
against an attack that causes damage, the ber following the character class name refers to
defender takes only half the amount of damage the character
that the attack would normally inflict (round
down). (In story terms, he managed to duck, COMpl
shield himself, dodge, etc.)
If the defender makes a successful Saving
Throw against an attack that has nondarnaging Characters begin the game at the 1st level with no
effects, the effects are entirely avoided. experience points. Once you have filled in the
Occasionally, a monster makes both a normal Character Record Sheet, your character is ready
attack and a special attack simultaneously. When for play in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS@ game.
this happens, the monster must first make a hit Your character can also be converted for play in
roll for the normal attack. if it hits, the monster the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS@ game sys-
inflicts normal damage on the character. Then the tem. Complete rules for conversion are to be found
character must roli a Saving Throw to see if any- in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Rules Cyclopedia.
Magic is a type of energy that characters can use Magic-user spells are more useful in combat
to create powerful effects in the DUNGEONS & than clerical spells, although they can be used for
DRAGONS@ game world. With magic, characters a wide variety of other purposes. A magic-user
can put ruthless enemies to sleep, make them- cannot use clerical spells, and is limited to the
selves invisible, strike their opponents with light- specific spells that are written in a personal spell
ning bolts, and much more. book or found while adventuring. An elf uses
This magical energy comes from outside the magic-user spells, not clerical spells.
characters. It is an energy some can use and con- When magic-using characters cast spells, their
trol, the way a blacksmith uses fire. Clerics, gestures and words control the magical energy.
magic-users, and elves can all call upon spells to Therefore, when characters cannot talk or use
aid themselves and their friends. Even monsters their hands, they cannot cast spells (there are no
can sometimes use magic! exceptions). Also, characters cannot do anything
There are three basic kinds of magic: clerical else while casting a spell-not even walk. Any
spells, magic-user spells, and magical items. disruption during the casting, like being jostled
or taking damage from an attack, spoils the cast-
SPIlS ing. The casters mind is wiped clean, but the
spell does not take effect.
Most adventures last only a few hours in game When a character casts a spell, look up the de-
time, and so the characters have only one oppor- scription of the spell in the chapter on spells
tunity to learn spells-when you and the players (page 52), the descriptions tell what happens.
are preparing to start the adventure. Both clerical and magic-user spells list range,
Occasionally, however, an adventure takes duration, and effect statistics at the beginning
more than a full day o f game time. When this of their descriptions. Range is the maximum
happens, characters may meditate or study their distance, in feet, at which a spell can be cast. If
spell books for one uninterrupted hour of game the range is zero, the character must touch the
time. This allows them to relearn the spells they target to cast a spell. D u ~ a t i o ntells how long a
used the previous day, or to replace the spells spell lasts. It is listed either as a number of
they didnt use with new ones. rounds (10 seconds each) or as a number of
Using Clerical Spells: Clerical spells come turns (turns are 10 minute periods; see page
from the strength of the clerics beliefs. Spells are 33). Effect tells how large an area a given spell
learned by meditating, which imprints the proper can alter.
gestures and words upon the clerics mind. A
spell stays imprinted until it is used (no matter 2ne Spell Lists
how long an interval passes). Casting the spell Beginning on page 52, youll find the complete
wipes it from the mind until the cleric renews it list of 1st- and 2nd-level clerical spells and 1st-,
through meditation. 2nd-, and 3rd-level magic-user spells available to
Most often, clerics use their spells to heal, pro- players of the DUNGEONS &DRAGONS game. Fifth-
tect, and seek information. Clerics can use any level clerics can use up to 2nd-level clerical spells,
clerical spell of their own level or the levels below and 5th-level magic-users can use up to 3rd-level
theirs. Clerics may not use magic-user spells. magic-user spells. Just how many spells and what
Using Magic-user Spells: A magic-user, some- level the character must be to use those spells is
times called a wizard, learns spells through given on the Character Class Experience Point
study. After discovering a new spell, it is written Tables.
down in a spell book. When a magic-user expects Higher Level Spells: There are some spells
to need a spell, the spell book must be studied, listed of higher level; so high, in fact, that newly
imprinting the proper gestures and words on the created PCs are not able to use them. We have
mind of the wizard. These stay in the magic- included these spells for the Dungeon Master to
users mind until the spell is cast, when they are use in order to supply high-level, magic-using
wiped away Wizards relearn spells by studying NPCs.
the spell book again.
Macjical Itc LeanNiNG about MaGical l t e w
When the PCs first find a magical item, they may
A magical item is any object that a powerful wiz- not realize its true nature. Magical items are usu-
ard or supernatural being has given special prop- ally well made, but there is no way of telling
erties. A magical item often gives the user a them from normal items until a magic-user or elf
bonus (or penalty) to hit and damage rolls. Other casts a detect magic spell.
items can have weird special effects. Most often, Even after casting this spell, the spellcaster
magical items are weapons, armor, jewelry, or simply knows whether or not the item is magical.
scrolls. The only way to identify exactly what it does is
by testing it. Swing a weapon at something; allow
WeapoNs someone to hit a PC while wearing a suit of
Weapons are often enchanted to make them more armor; slip a ring onto a finger; sip a potion. Such
powerful. These enchantments take the form of a (sometimes dangerous) testing can usually tell
bonus, noted by a + sign following the weapons what a magical item does.
name (sword +I). Add this bonus to both the hit Sometimes, PCs ask nonplayer characters (see
roll and the damage roll of the character using the Running a Campaign page 28) to test an item
weapon. for them. Most low-level NPCs readily agree,
Some weapons are enchanted for use against assuming that they get to keep the magical item.
particular creatures (sword +I, +3 against dragons). High-level, magic-using NPCs might also iden-
When a character uses the weapon to attack the tify items-but they expect payment in advance
creature listed, use the second bonus instead of (100 gold coins or more), and the process may
the first. take several weeks of game time.
Occasionally, weapons are cursed. A cursed
weapon is noted by a - sign following the UsiNq MaGical I t e m
weapons name (sword -1). This means that To make a magical item work, the user must hold or
instead of giving a bonus, the enchantment wear it properly. If the item has a power that is not in
inflicts a penalty. Subtract this penalty from constant effect, the user must concentrate on that
both the users hit roll and damage roll.Cursed effect. (For example, if a fighter has sword +I, light
weapons cannot be dropped or given away spell lldny, he must concentrate on the light spell to
voluntarily. start it up.) Unless the item description says other-
wise, items can be used only once per round. A char-
ARMOR acter who is concentrating on using an items special
Armor and shields can be enchanted to give the powers cannot do anythmg else that round.
wearer a bonus (or penalty) to Armor Class. There is no limit to how many times most mag-
These magical bonuses are noted by + (or -) ical items can be used. The description of some
signs, just as with weapons. But remember that a items, however, states that they have a certain
low AC is better than a high one, so bonuses are number of charges (this is especially true for
subtracted from the characters AC. Penalties are magical wands). Each time a character uses such
added. a magical item, she uses one of its charges. When
the last charge is used, the item is no longer mag-
MiscllaNeous ical. It cannot perform any more special actions or
Often, PCs find weapons with special powers, or provide any more magical bonuses.
objects that allow special actions. When this hap- PCs can never find out how many charges a
pens, look u p the description of the item. The magical item has, so you should keep careful
description tells you what happens when the track of how many times they use such items.
items Items with charges can never be recharged.
RUNNiN(; a CaMpaiGN
A campaign is a series of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS~
game adventures involving the same group of
characters, and taking place in the same fantasy
setting. In other words, a campaign is made of
your PCs adventures. What follows is addressed
to the Dungeon Master-players should not read
anyjuytherin this chapter.
All of the rules that follow are guidelines-some
are quite detailed, but they are guidelines
nonetheless. If at any time you, the Dungeon
Master, feel that you should depart from the exact
wording of the rules for the sake of more fun or
better play, by all means d o it. The Dungeon
Master hasthe final say in all things. Dont let the
direct tone and precise definitions in these rules
keep you from having fun.Its your game! Add to
it! Change it! Customize it!

During the course of a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
game, the PCs meet many people. As the DM,
you play the roles of all of them.
All of the characters in your world that arent
run by players are NonPlayer Characters (NPCs).
They serve as foes, friends, informants, and what-
ever other purposes you need them to serve.
NPCs arent as important as PCs, so they dont
have to be as well-detailed. Often, they dont
even have statistics.
When the PCs meet somebody new, your first
words about him are already giving them an idea
of what he is like. For example, if you say that
they see a blacksmith, they are probably already
picturing a strong, sweaty fellow who spends all
day hammering steel. To complete your NPC, just
add a detail or two to this description. Your smith
might be friendly and speak in a booming voice,
for example. Theres no need to add more; NPCs
come alive as you play them.
NPC Reactions: Deciding how NPCs react to
the player characters is simple. Just ask yourself
how you would feel about the PCs if you were
the NPC.
Usually, this means the NPCs feelings are a
result of how the PCs behave. For example, if the
PCs want to fight, the NPC would be angry or
afraid. Also, ask yourself what the NPC wants
from the player characters. If the PCs are buying
a sword from the blacksmith, for example, he
would want a gold piece or two in exchange.
He's in the business of making and selling weap-
ons. The blacksmith would drive a hard bargain.

jinaiiu noas. 1 a ao anuzninv t o see nzu mas nvain.


"\Vl?ffti o VO11 d
yo11 nd:,
As a DAM,you will 'r
like this How wouI( 3
1 1
s asxea this a is none or wour nu:.zne55. vvnu ao you wanr co
n F . 1
your r ~ naa I

he's strong, hut SI

he look5 fairlv heal


ce someone w h o spends all

es would be strong 11
ide that he IS gambler,
at dice One choice I$ as MONStRS
So far, we've been discussing human NPCs. But
monsters, such as goblins and ghouls, are NPCs,
too. It's awkward to always say "human NPCs"
and "monster NPCs" so let's agree on some
terms. NPCs are beings that have a character
class (like elves or clerics), whether or not they
are friendly to the player characters. Monsters are
-. ,_I___._.......
creatures that don't have a character class. They
,our character, con may be either hostile or friendly to the PCs. Most
2. Axel shrugs, then says of them are hostile. Monsters are described begin-
ing on page 68.
Monsters usually behave differently from
711ife and ckiidrcn z ~ d 4l t people. They often d o things humans can't.
Sometimes, theyre not even intelligent. Because classes: fighter, cleric, magic-user, and thief.
of these factors, you must know more about mon- If you dont have even four players, go with
sters than about NPCs. This is why this book con- what you have and play the others as NPCs. If
tains descriptions and statistics for many different you have too many fighters or spellcasters, get
monsters. When you play a monster, you should some players to switch character classes. Tempt
read its description so you know what its like. someone to switch to a thief with glowing tales of
Monster Reactions: Just as you decide how treasure. Offer the player who switches to cleric a
NPCs feel about the player characters, you can cure light wounds scroll. Remember, youre in
also decide how monsters feel about them. It charge.
depends on what the player characters do. But Next, you need a place for the party to be. Basic
when the PCs wait to see what the monster will DUNGEONS & DRAGONS@ game adventures always
do before they react, you can end up with a lot of take place in dungeons. Obviously, however, PCs
waiting! In such cases, have the monster react do not spend their entire lives underground.
first. When you arent sure how the monster feels, When theyre not on an adventure, assume that
make a monster reaction roll. Roll 2d6 and con- the player characters are in a nearby village or
sult the Monster Reaction Table: town. Everything that happens in the village
takes place outside game time, however. Here,
Monster Reaction Table they can rest and recover from their previous
adventures. They can find safe places to store
Roll Reaction their treasure. They can even get outfitted for
2-3 Monster attacks their next adventure by purchasing equipment
4-6 Monster growls, roll again in one round, (see pages
. . 23 and 24).
subtract 4 from the result
7-9 Monster cautious, roll again in one round PURCnaSiNG E Q-U i.p M e N t
10-11 Monster f r jiendly, roll again in one round,
add 4 to th(e result The basic unit of money in the DUNGEONS &
12+ Monster is friendly DRAGONS game is the gold piece (gp). A gold
piece is one gold coin, and the valueof all other
Note that you may need to make more than coins is related to the gp. The Money Conversion
one roll on the Monster Reaction Chart. When the Table below lists the value of all coins:
result says to roll again in one round, allow the
PCs to react to the monster. If they do something Money Conversion Table
to get a specific reaction, go with it. Dont bother
rolling on the table again. 1 gold piece = 100 copper pieces (cpj
If they mumble and mutter without a clear 1gold piece = 10 silver pieces (sp)
I plan, roll again (making any subtractions or addi- 1gold piece = 2 electrum pieces (epj
tions called for by the chart). Dont roll more than 5 gold pieces = 1platinum piece (pp)
three times, however. If the PCs dont do some-
thing to get a reaction (talk to it, attack it, or put it Electrum is a combination (or alloy) of silver
to sleep-something) by the third roll, the mon- and gold. The value of all gems and jewelry can
ster attacks on a roll of 9 or less (remember to take be measured in gp as well.
into account the monsters alignment). It just When in a town, a PC can use money or a n
leaves if the result was between 10 and 12. equivalent amount of treasure to buy any item
listed on the item tables (see pages 23 and 24)
Befone GettiNc; to toe for the listed value. He cannot buy anything
DUNG~ON that is not listed on the table. (He cannot buy
any magical items-but he can sell them, as
The first thing you need is a group of players. explained below). Let the player select what he
They choose characters to play. It is wise to have a wants from the list, then subtract the amount
balanced party, a group capable of dealing with from his total gold.
the many different dangers of the dungeon. A A PC can sell any personal item for half the
party should have at least one each of these listed value. Magical weapons sell for the full
value of the nonmagical item x d % . Magical few things, or if two people remember things a
scrolls and other unlisted items fetch ld20 x d% bit differently. In all the fun and excitement,
in gold. But when it comes to magic, NPCs are that happens. It isnt as important to make a
much too cautious to ever buy a cursed item. detailed note of everything the PCs used as it is
Before an adventure begins, each player should to agree on what they have at the end of the
write a list of the supplies that players character playing session. If you feel strongly that a char-
has. As the adventure progresses, supplies acter shouldnt have something that the player
(rations, arrows, torches, etc.) may be crossed off says the character does have, however, remem-
as they are used. ber that youre the DM. If you say a PC doesnt
When everybodys ready, tell the players that have an item, then the player character doesnt
their characters leave the village and travel three have it.
or four hours (or three or four days) to the Food is consumed for each day of adventuring.
dungeon entrance. In this game, there is no need Keep track of food rations, but dont bother role-
to worry about what the characters see outside of playing meals.
the dungeon.
Exp.nieNc POiNtS
Aft.n LEaviNc; During the adventure, you should keep a list of
DUNGEON the monsters the PCs defeat. If you didnt, take a
few minutes to remember what the monsters

tired and have to stop playinb &h- -

Sooner or later, you and yo ur players will gt!t
Lllr: c v c. _.
,.L.:.L-L L L 8 , If were. You may need the players to help you.
Each monster description includes an XP
the characters have left the dungeon, they should value. This is the number of experience points
return to their base in town until you play again. (XP) the party earns for defeating that monster.
If they are still in the dungeon, they should find a Experience points represent the improvements
safe place to rest until the players can resume the in skills and abilities PCs gain through defeat-
adventure. ing monsters. When they have earned enough
After leaving the dungeon, the player charac- XPs, they can advance in level a n d become
ters may have to purchase new supplies. Theyll more powerful.
definitely want to divide up their treasure, col- Add up the XPs for all of the creatures that
lect their experience points, a n d heal their the PCs defeated during the adventure. If the
wounds. PCs defeated a g r o u p of monsters, or con-
vinced them to surrender, they get the listed XP
DivibiNc; Cneasune value for each monster in the group. But any
As the PCs explore the dungeon, they will find monsters that ran away were not defeated-
treasure. After the session ends, take a moment they escaped. The party does not earn any XPs
for the PCs to review what treasure they found. for monsters that escaped. (See also Experience
The players can decide who gets what them- Levels, page 21.)
selves, but try to encourage the players to divide If you created y o u r o w n monsters, or
the treasure evenly changed a monster in the Monster Lists, use the
One way to divide magical treasures is to have following table to calculate the XP awards. (We
each player roll ld20. The player with the highest used it to calculate the XP awards in the mon-
roll picks the first magical item, the player with ster descriptions.) The special ability bonus is
the next highest roll picks the second item, and so multiplied by the number of asterisks given
on. with the monsters Hit Dice, and then added to
the base XP value. Monsters are listed begin-
UsiNc; Supplies ning on page 68.
At the end of the adventure, you should review If the PCs defeated a human or demihuman
each players supply list. Can you remember any- NPC, the defeated characters level is equivalent
thing a character used that the player forgot to to a monsters Hit Dice. A 2nd-level NPC is
mark off? Something a character picked up, but worth as many XP as a 2 Hit Dice monster, and so
the player forgot to add? on. Each spell level the NPC is capable of casting
D o n t worry if you and the players forget a counts as an asterisk.
Experience Points for Monsters I ~ s i b to DuNc;ON
Monsters Base Special Weve talked a lot about what goes on outside of
Hit Dice XP Value Ability Bonus game time. Once inside the dungeon, the real fun
up to 1 5 1 begins. Dungeon adventures are played in a series
1 10 3 of game turns. A game turn may encompass move-
1+ 15 4 ment and exploration, or it may include an en-
2 20 5 counter with monsters. During battles, play pro-
2+ 25 10 ceeds in shorter units of time called combat rounds,
3 35 15 action filled bursts during which the players attack
3+ 50 25 with their weapons or cast spells. The game turn,
4 75 50 the encounter, and the combat round are each
4+ 125 75 explained in their own chapters.
5 175 125
5, 225 175
6 275 225
6+ 350 300
7 450 400
7+ 550 475
8 650 550

Divide the total experience points by the

number of characters in the party, including
PCs a n d NPCs. This is how many XPs each
character receives for defeating monsters (drop
any remainders).
In addition, each character receives one XP for
each gold piece worth of treasure.
As you award experience points to the PCs,
those with unusually high or low Prime Requisite
scores receive a bonus or penalty. Consult the
Experience Adjustment Table (on page 10).
Going up a Level: If a character has enough
XPs to go up a level after a dungeon adventure,
he immediately gains another Hit Die worth of
hit points. Depending on the character class,
there may be other benefits. See each character
class description for details.
A character cannot gain more than one level
of experience in one adventure. Should a PC
have enough XPs to advance two levels (or
more!), the excess doesnt count. The characters
XP total stops just short of the amount needed
for the second level of experience he would have
Example: A beginning 1st-level fighter (0 XP)
finds a gem worth 10,000 gp during an adven-
ture. At the end of the adventure, the fighter gets
3,999 XP, and no more-just short of the amount
she needs for 3rd level. She only earns one level
of experience. The excess XPs are lost.
DUNGEONS 81 DRAGONS" game adventures are
played in game turns. A single game turn lasts
about 10 minutes in the dungeon. A turn is much
more than just a measure of how much time has
passed. It also includes all of the things that a
character would normally be doing in that time.
A turn includes making maps, peering down cor-
ridors, checking for traps, and everything else
that people d o exploring real caves a n d

5. "C
Item Encumbrance Table
Item Encumbrance
A character can normally move up to 120 feet in a Potion 10 cns
turn. Obviously, in 10 minutes, an average man Scroll 1cn
can walk much farther than 120 feet. But in a Rod 20 cns
dungeon, there are all those other things a charac- Staff 0 cns
ter is doing at the same time while walking- Wand 0 cns
straightening equipment, trying to move quietly, Coin (any) 1cn
checking a map, torch, etc. The character is not Gem (any) 1cn
moving at top speed. Jewelry (1piece) 10 cns
Encumbrance: Characters carrying a lot of
weight or bulky equipment move even more If a character is carrying something not listed
slowly. Encumbrance is a term that includes both on the Item Encumbrance table, you can estimate
the actual weight of an item and how cumber- its encumbrance by comparing it to a similar item
some or awkward the item is to carry. Encum- that is on the table. Remember, magical armor has
brance is based on the weight of one gold piece encumbrance equal to half of what is listed on the
(coin, or cn). The table below lists how fast an table.
encumbered character can move in a turn. Some- Encumbrance also applies to movement in
times characters bring a mule to carry their trea- rounds, explained in the chapter The Round,
sure. They, too, are subject to encumbrance. A under Combat Sequence.
mule cannot carry more than 6,000 cns (coins).
Speed and Encumbrance Table
Unfold the map that came W L L UY V U L U U I \ I W V I V ~
Encumbrance Move in 1Turn & DRAGONS@ game and look at the side labeled
Up to 400 cns 120 feet Zanzers Dungeon. Notice that all of the rooms
401-800 cns 90 feet and corridors are divided into one inch squares.
801-1,200 CI~S 60 feet On the map, each of the those squares equals 5
1,201-1,600 cns 30 feet feet. To see how far a character (or monster) can
1,601-2,400 cns 15 feet move on the map, simply divide the movement
2,400 + cns 0 feet rate by five. The result is how many map squares
the character can move. ( A character with a
Mule Move in 1turn movement of 30 feet per round could move six
Up to 3,000 cns 120 feet squares in a round, (30 - 5 = 6).
3,001-6,000 cns 60 feet Characters can move diagonally from square to
6,000 + cns 0 feet square, but they may not move through a square
occupied by an unfriendly character (unless they
But how d o you know how encumbered a defeat that character in combat first).
character is? The Equipment Tables include val- Player Maps: While playing, only the DM can
ues for encumbrance (see pages 23 and 24), other see the prepared map. The players have to make
items are given below. The encumbrance values their own maps as they go. They can choose one
for all of the items a character is carrying or wear- player to be mapper, or rotate the job around the
ing (including treasure, weapons, and armor) are group so that everyone gets a chance. The map-
added together, and the result is the characters per will find it easiest to draw the map on graph
total encumbrance. paper, but any sort of notebook or scrap paper
Several of the items listed on the Equipment can be used.
table are designed to help the PCs carry their As the PCs move through the dungeon, you
loads. The small sack holds 200 cns worth of should describe what their characters can see:
goods, the backpack holds 400 cns, the large sack how far the corridor extends, how wide it is, if it
holds 600 cns. turns, where any doors are located, etc.
It is most important for the mapper to correctly
draw directions, shapes, and approximate sizes era1 or at a door, roll ld6. If the result is a 1 (or a 1-
of the rooms, so that the party has a rough idea of 2 for dwarves, elves, or halflings), any noises that
the dungeon's shape. The mapper should not can be heard in the area (or on the other side of
waste time determining exact measurements or the door) are picked up. For listening thieves, roll
filling in tiny details, however. This slows down against their Hear Noise ability, instead. Mon-
the game and doesn't help the PCs very much. sters hear on a roll of 1-2. No character may try to
Check the player's map every so often to make listen at the same door more than once per turn.
sure they have the major outlines right-but
don't correct everything! Doons iN toe DUNWON
When characters are either fleeing or chasing, Dungeons are full of doors. Doors are usually
no mapping is possible. The DM should keep made of wood, and often reinforced with metal
track of where the characters and monsters are strips. They usually have metal hinges, though
each round. Unmapped areas may be described leather is also common. Most have a knob or ring
very generally, without accurate measurements. for pulling them open or dosed.
It is quite possible for the characters to become Doors are usually closed, and are often stuck or
lost, or to encounter other creatures during a locked. Any character can open a closed door just
by turning the knob, pulling on the ring, pushing
it open, etc. After a door is opened, it usually
:i swings slowly shut unless the PCs spike it or
hold it open in some other way (spikes are the
jlul -
L..LUI,..... UU'Lb--Y'L

How well the player char;

diA.bcAvUy dungeon equivalent of door stops). Spiking a
door takes a full round to complete.
deal with doors and the e If the door is stuck, a PC can try to open it by
all important aspects of pl rolling ld6. A result of 5 or 6 means the character
got it open (modify this roll by the character's
SfeiNG iN toe Dui Strength score adjustment). One character per
_ u lllly.
Dungeons are dark places, yv LI._ b round can attempt to force open the door. If the
light sources with them. A torch or lantern casts PCs fail to open the door the first time, any mon-
light for 30 feet in all directions. Torches last six ster that happens to be lurking on the other side
turns (one hour), and a lantern filled with a flask does not have to make a surprise roll when the
of oil lasts 24 turns (four hours). It is important to party opens it. Wooden doors can be burned or
remember who is carrying the light sources, destroyed in l d 4 turns.
because characters can only carry two items in Locked doors cannot be forced. A thief must
their hands. A fighter could not carry a drawn pick the lock (see page 17), or a magic-user must
sword, a shield, and a torch, for example. use a knock spell to open it. Sometimes, doors are
Humans cannot see in the dark, but remember made to open from only one side. These doors
that elves and dwarves can. With their infravi- cannot be opened from the other side, and cannot
sion, they can see up to 60 feet away-as long as be forced open. A magic-user's knock spell will
there is no light source within that 60 feet to give open such a door from the wrong side, however.
them trouble. Most monsters have infravision, Monsters can always open unlocked or stuck
too, or some other sense acute enough to locate doors, but they cannot open locked doors (unless
PCs in the darkness they have the key and know how to use it).
Whether a door is unlocked, stuck, or locked,
HeaniNG what lies on the other side of it is always a mys-
An!r charact,, IIaLcII llYIaLa. L.lYrl yI.LII, tery. There might be an ancient treasure or a
the urge to do this comes when the party is facing damsel in distress. There might also be a hungry
a door or other barrier that might have something dragon, a pit of poisonous gas, and it is even pos-
nasty on the other side. Any constant noise, such sible that the door itself might be trapped.
as running water or a moving party, must be qui- Only a thief can check doors for traps. When
eted before a character (:an successfully listen for he does, you should roll d % whether or not the
faint noises. door is trapped (just to keep the players guess-
When a character is 1L2LcLLlLL6, ..,hn&hos;in gen-
vylLcLIILI ing). If the door is trapped and you roll a num-
her less than or equal to the thiefs Find Traps As the PCs make their way through the
score, he sees the trap and has a general idea of dungeon, they will meet a wide variety of crea-
what kind of trap it is. Otherwise, tell him he tures and run into many kinds of traps.These
has found no traps on the door (whether there meetings are called encounters.
are traps or not). Remember, if the thief finds a Often, an encounter begins when the PCs open
trap on the door, he must successfully remove a door and find a monster lurking in the room on
traps on it before the door can be safely opened. the other side. Sometimes, the encounter begins
He can also simply activate the trap after taking when they meet a lost NPC wandering the halls
steps to protect himself. of the dungeon, when they step onto a trap door,
Secret Doors: Most of the time, a dungeons or when a monster begins hunting them down.
doors are readily visible and the PCs can see
them without making any special effort. Many
dungeons have secret doors, however. Secret
doors are hidden or disguised somehow.
When PCs want to search for secret doors, they
must tell you what area they are searching. (Each
character can search one 10 x 1 0 area per turn.)
Roll ld6 for each PC searching (even if there are
no secret doors in the area). On a result of 1 (1-2
for elves), the character finds the secret door. The
DM should roll dice even if there is no secret door
to be found, just to keep the players guessing.
Once somebody in the party finds a secret door
and tells the others about it, everybody in the
party can find the secret door-even if they leave
the area and come back later.

Gam TURN CWcklist

1.Wandering Monsters: If the wandering mon-
sters check at the end of the previous turn was
positive, the monsters arrive now. They appear
2d6 x 10 feet away in a direction of the DMs
2. Actions: The PCs describe what their charac-
ters are doing (listening at doors, moving,
searching for secret doors, etc.).
3. Results: The DM describes what happens:
A. If PC actions result in discovering some-
thing unusual (secret doors, traps, etc.) the
DM tells them what they found.
B. If the PCs entered an unmapped section of
dungeon, the DM describes the area.
C. If the PCs have an encounter, continue play
with the encounter checklist.
4. Wandering Monsters Check Every other turn,
the DM rolls ld6. On result of one, the PCs en-
counter wandering monsters at the beginning
of the next turn. Consult the Wandering Mon-
sters Table on page 124 to see what kind of
monsters they meet.
There are two basic kinds of encounter: planned
and wandering monsters. Planned encounters
usually occur when the PCs reach a particular
location, such as a room. They can also be trig-
gered by certain events, such as lighting a torch in
a dark, bat-filled cavern. from turns to 10 second rounds
Planned encounters are thought out in Range: Monsters usually ap rt
advance. As the DM, you have decided that when away from the PCs in any direc,,,,, J v u CILyyaL.

the PCs enter a certain room or do a certain thing, Reaction: Often, PCs wait to see what the mon-
they will meet an NPC or monster, or they stand sters reaction is before they take action.
a chance of triggering a trap. Usually, you have Surprise Rolls: When a fight breaks out, there
decided how the monster reacts to the PCs, or is always the possibility that one side or the other
what triggers the trap and how it will affect them. is not prepared for it. They are surprised.
Ideas for encounters may be found in the The surprise roll is not a step on the Combat
DRAGON STRIKE'^ Game and books, FIRSTQ U E S T ~ M Sequence. This is because you only make surprise
Game and books, and in the AD&D@Challenge rolls at the beginning of the first round of com-
series from TSR-or stretch your imagination and bat-never on any of the later rounds. If you feel
make it up before the game begins. that a side has no chance of being surprised, you
Of course, not all of the monsters in a dungeon may skip their surprise roll.
stay in one place. They often wander around the Each side rolls ld6. If either side rolls a 1 or a 2,
dungeon, and the PCs can meet them at any time that side is surprised. A surprised side cannot do
and in any place. These are called wandering anything to defend themselves or to stop the
monsters. other side from taking its actions on the first
To decide when the PCs meet a wandering round of combat. The other side can do anything
monster, roll ld6 at the end of every other turn. A it could normally do: move, attack, use spells,
result of 1means the PCs meet a wandering mon- talk, even run away.
ster at the beginning of the next turn. Of course, If both sides are surprised, then both sides
as the DM, you may have wandering monsters spend the first round of combat doing nothing.
appear any time you wish, and you may alter Neither side can act, so you jump immediately to
their strength and numbers to fit the situation. the second round of combat. Light sources visible
To decide what kind of monster the PCs meet, to someone else from some distance, or excessive
you can roll a die on the wandering monster noise negate any chance of surprise.
table. TSRs published adventures often include
wandering monster tables designed specifically INitiative
to be used with those adventures, but you can When a fight breaks out, you must decide which
also use the more general wandering monster side acts first. The process of deciding who acts
tables included in this book on page 124. If you first is called determining initiative.
have designed your own dungeon (as explained At the beginning of each round, ask one of the
on page 116), you can even make up your own players to roll ld6 for the PCs side. You roll ld6
wandering monster table! for the NPCs or monsters fighting the PCs. The
Once you have determined what kind of wan- side that rolls the highest number wins the initia-
dering monster the PCs meet, you should read its tive and acts first.
description. Find how many of the monsters If both sides roll the same number, nobody
there are by rolling the die listed under Number wins initiative. Their actions are simultaneous.
Appearing in the monsters statistics. The mon- This means that both sides go through each step
sters should appear 2d6 x 10 feet away from the in section B at the same time-a11 of the PCs
PCs in any direction you choose. and monsters move at the same time. Even when
When the encounter begins, you must use all the two sides in a combat have simultaneous ini-
your skills as a Dungeon Master to decide how tiative, the steps in the Combat Sequence still
the monster reacts to the PCs. If you are having occur in order.
trouble, remember that you can make a reaction
roll to help you get started.

Y. A
. 111

rprise roll for each s

DecisioNs WitQiN a ROUND

A wizard armed with a dagger has many options
when a combat starts: she can move, throw a dag-
ger like a missile weapon, cast a spell, or attack
somebody standing close by in hand-to-hand
combat. The player does not need to decide
which action the character is going to take at the
beginning of the round. The player can wait to
see which side wins initiative, who else moves,
and so on-but the longer the wait, the fewer
options there will be. Once the movement step of
the Combat Sequence is past, for instance, there is
no returning to it.

Monalc Coeclts (OptioNal Rule)

To see if a monster will continue fighting, you can
make a morale check. Roll 2d6 and compare it to
the morale score listed in the creatures description.
If the result is less than or equal to the creatures
morale score, it continues to fight. If the result is
greater than the creatures morale score, it fails the
check and runs away if possible. If there is no place
to run, it surrenders. If the creature is intelligent
enough to talk, it may bargain for its life by direct-
ing the PCs to any nearby treasure.
Any monster who iolls a 12 for its morale
check has become a fanatic and does need to
make any further morale checks-it will never

x t Adventure Inst,
r- - - I --

2. The kobold ru
When a game turn leads to an encounter, and that
encounter turns into a battle, the fight is played out in
combat rounds. A round is 10 seconds of game time.
During a round, a character may do one thing:
move, attack, cast a spell, talk, drink a healing
potion, or any other single action that a person could
do in 10 seconds. A character cannot do two things
in a single round, such as run 20 feet and then attack.
The character would have to run the 20 feet on the
first round, then attack on the next round.
Of course, not everyone in a fight just stands and
slugs it out toe-to-toe. When a character attacks dur-
ing a round, we assume that the character is maneu-
vering for position. To reflect this, a PC can move up
to 5 feet while fighting, or scuffle and turn and dance
around up to 5 feet while fighting.Maneuvering like rw r
this does not count as an action during the round. fight
R4elee refers to hand-to-hand combat exclusively.
Battle implies the use of hand-to-hand combat, mis-
sile combat, and magical combat used together.

The Combat Sequence is a checklist for the DM-it

outlines every type of action that can happen during
one round. Again, remember that these are guide-
lines-the DM should use common sense always,
ignoring this sequence if she feels it is necessary Many
of the terms here are explained later in this chapter.

A. Each side rolls ld6 to determine initiative.

B. The side that wins initiative acts first.
1. Monsters (and NPCs) make morale checks
2. Anybody who is moving does so.
3. Characters using missile fire attack.
a. They choose targets.
b. They make their hit rolls.
c. They roll damage for successful hits.
4. Characters using magic cast their spells.
a. They choose targets.
b. Targets roll Saving Throws.
c. The DM applies the results.
5. Characters fighting hand-to-hand attack.
a. They choose targets.
b. They make their hit rolls.
c. They roll damage for successful hits.
C. The side that lost initiative completes all steps
under B.
D. The DM declares the results.
The DM should explain everything thats hap-
pened in the round so that all the players under-
stand, then you are ready to begin the next round.
MOVMNt iN COMbat (Step 8 2 )
Normal movement is covered in the chapter,
The Game Turn. A character may move one-
if your siae lias third as far in a round as in a turn. For example,
attack now (as lo PCs can normally move 40 feet per combat
than 5 feet m Ste round. Encumbrance rules still apply (see Speed
tive. thw attack now (as inn and Encumbrance Table, page 34). Once charac-
ters are involved in a fight, their movements
may be further restricted by close quarters or
the press of their companions around them. Use
common sense. There are two different ways to
attackany, decide MT quit a fight: by withdrawal or retreat. When
characters withdraw, they leave carefully, with
an eye on the combat. Withdrawing is a special
kind of maneuver-the withdrawing character
backs up 5 feet per round. As soon as the char-
acter stops, combat may begin again (if the
kverybodvs Arm0 attacker followed him).
Character Hit Roll Ta When a character retreats, he turns and runs
away at top speed. If the attacker can catch or
strike the defender (described later), the attacker
receives a combat bonus. The retreating character
cannot strike back at the attacker.

Missile COMbat (SWp B3)

Sometimes the combatants are some distance
apart when the fight begins. They shoot bows,
crossbows, and slings, or even throw things at
each other. This kind of combat is called missile
combat. Weapons used in missile combat are
either fired or thrown. The difference is that fired
weapons use some sort of device to propel the
projectile, a n d thrown weapons are merely
chucked by hand. The Missile Fire Table lists all
missile and thrown weapons.
In step 3a, the attackers choose targets. If the
attacker is a PC, ask him what target the character
is trying to hit. If the attacker is an NPC or mon-
If pour side had initiative ster, tell the players what its target is.
turn If the guards had initia In step 3b, the attackers make their hit rolls.
If initiative was tied, c The attacker rolls ld20. Compare the result to the
had it, vou have com Character Hit Roll Table.
least one character on t Compare the result of the roll to the number
return to Step A and 7 under the column on the Character Hit Roll
do not roll f& sur table that equals the targets AC. If the result of
Keep repeating the the attackers d20 roll is lower than this num-
I everybody on one si s ber, the attacker misses the target. If the result is
i a d v e n t u r e will
Adventure Installme
equal to or higher than this number, the attacker
hits the target. A natural (unmodified) 20
the guards were all always hits.
Axel were knocked Attackers who did not make successful hit
rolls skip step 3c. But attackers who did hit
~ n i e r1-4, rialrung 1-4; viagc-user I-

ehter 4-5, Elf 4-5, Dwarf 4

(31cric 5, Thief 5, Halflmg 5

their targets roll damage in step 3c. Consult the Ranee

Table: Thrown WeaDons
range tables to determine the range modifier
(see Range, below), then the check the Weap- Range in Feet
ons and Equipment Table (page 23) to see what Short Medium Long
kind of die the attacker rolls to determine dam- (+1) (0) (-1)
age. Have the attacker make the die roll, then Spear 6-20 21-40 41-60
have the defender subtract the result from hit Oil, Holy Water 6-10 11-30 31-50
points. Hand Axe 6-10 11-20 21-30
When the arrows start flying, four things can Dagger 6-10 11-20 21-30
cause an adjustment to the attackers hit roll: Misc. Object 6-10 11-20 21-30
Dexterity, range, cover, and magic.
Dexterity: Look at the Bonuses and Penalties
for Ability Scores table (on the DMs screen or . rirea
.Note -.that.missile weapons are divided into two
.. ,..
weapons cannot be usea tne target


in this book). When a character makes a missile is within 5 feet. Thrown weapons can be used if
attack, compare the characters Dexterity score the target is within 5 feet, but they become melee
to the table. If the table indicates that the PC weapons at such distances.
should receive a bonus or penalty because of If the attacker is firing at a target within a
an unusually high or low score, add the bonus weapons short range, a +1bonus is added to the
to (or subtract the penalty from) the charac- attackers hit roll. If the target is at medium
ters hit roll. range, the hit roll is not adjusted. If the target is at
Range: Characters can fire or throw missile long ranee. a -1 uenaltv is subtracted from the
weapons only a limited distance. This distance is attacker:;hit ro11.
called range. Range is divided into three cate-
gories: short, medium, and long. Cown
Because each weapon is effective at different
ranges, the short. medium. and lone ranees for
v c 3
. . . ... __
Defenders taking cover by hiding behind some-
. . . --.
thing are naraer to nlt. HOW mucn naraer! lnat

each missile 7.veapon are listed on the missile fire depends on how good the cover is and how much
tables: of the characters body is concealed.
An attacker suffers a -1 penalty to hit for each
Range Table: Fired Weapons quarter of the targets body that is protected by
cover (round up). As DM, you must use your
Range in Feet own judgment to decide how much of the defend-
Short S e d i u m Long ers body is covered.
(+1) (0) (-1) If the attackers missile weapon cannot pene-
Long Bow 6-70 71-140 141-210 trate the cover, subtract an additional -1 penalty.
Crossbow 6-60 61-120 121-180 For example, an arrow probably wont pierce
Short Bow 6-50 51-100 101-150 through an oak stump and hit the PC behind it. A
Sling 6-40 41-80 81-160 shield does not count as cover (it is considered
armor instead).
If the targets cover adjustment totals -5 points, Once lit, the creature burns for two rounds, suf-
the target is completely hidden behind something fering ld8 points of damage per round. It takes
that the attackers missile weapon cannot pene- any character two rounds to put out flames on its
trate. No attack is possible. body, either by slapping at them, or by rolling on
But taking cover can w o r k b o t h for a n d the ground and smothering them.
against a character. A defender completely hid- The flask breaks even if the first hit roll misses,
d e n behind cover (whether the attackers but the oil spills out of harms way.
weapon can penetrate the cover or not) cannot Sometimes, flasks of oil are broken on the floor
make a hit roll against an attacker in the same on purpose, creating pools 3 feet in diameter. If
round, only against someone else. If a character lit, such a pool burns for 10 rounds. Any creature
who is completely hidden chooses to use a mis- stepping into the burning pool suffers ld8 points
sile attack, at least a quarter of the body is of damage per round. Again, it takes two rounds
exposed to attack. to step back and beat out the flames.
Multiple AbjUStMeNtS Missile 1NfliCtiNG DaMaGe
COMDat Hit Rolls Instep 3c, the attackers who made successful hits
It is not unusual for more than one adjustment to in step 3b roll damage. They roll the damage die
apply in missile combat. When this happens, add listed for their weapon. Damage dice are all given
and subtract all bonuses and penalties that affect on the Equipment Tables (page 23). The result is
the hit roll. the points of damage they caused; this is sub-
For example, an attacker with Dexterity 17 tracted from the defenders hit points.
fires a magical arrow +Z at a target half-hidden If a PC loses hit points, the person playing that
behind a stone wall at long range. The attack- character should write down the number of lost
ers hit roll adjustments would be: Dexterity, hits points on the Character Record Sheet. If an
+2; range, -1; cover, -3 (the arrow cannot pene- NPC or monster takes damage, then you should
trate the stone wall so the attacker suffers an write down the number of hit points it lost in
additional -1 penalty); magical arrow, +1. The your DM notes.
attackers final adjustment would be -1 (+ 2 - 1 If a character (or monster) loses all hit points in
- 3 + 1 = -1). combat, then at the end of that step the character
collapses to the ground and dies. The PC can only
Oil aNb Holy Waten as complete whatever the character was doing in the
Missile WeapoNs step in which death occurred. If the character was
These two thrown weapons need explanation. in the middle of doing something several steps
Holy Water can be used against undead mon- long, the task cannot be completed-the charac-
sters. (If a monster is undead, its description will ter is dead, after all.
say so.) Holy water is kept in special glass vials
that break u p o n impact. When a vial of holy MaGical CoMbat (Step 134)
water hits, the undead monster suffers ld8 points By its very nature, magic is a special action. Still,
of damage. when it is used in a fight, it works much the same
Oil is carried in glass flasks. It is often thrown as melee and missile combat.
at monsters (on one round), then lit (on the fol- In step 4a, spellcasters choose their target or
lowing round) to cause ld8 points of damage. targets. A PC spellcaster must tell the DM what
Before the oil is effective, however, a successful spell is being cast and declare the intended target.
hit roll must be made against the target to break If the spellcaster is an NPC, simply tell the PCs
the flask on the monster. Then a character wield- that the character is casting a spell. Do not tell
ing a torch (or some other flame) must make a them what the spell is (your game will be more
separate hit roll to light the oil. This hit roll is suspenseful if they dont know).
made against AC 9 (plus or minus cover modi- In step 4b, read the description of the spell in
fiers) instead of the creatures normal AC, how- the Spells chapter. (After a while, you wont need
ever, since all the attacker is trying to do is touch to do this very often. Youll soon discover that
the torch to the oil. you remember the spells you use the most.)
When the spell calls for a Saving Throw, tell the HaNb-tO-HaNb COMbat
players which category the defender is saving (Step By)
against. If the target is a PC, the player rolls ld20 Hand-to-hand fighting, or melee combat, occurs
and compares it to the appropriate Saving Throw when two or more characters stand toe-to-toe and
number on the character record sheet. If the tar- fight it out with their fists, clubs, swords, or any
get is a monster, you roll ld20 and compare it to other weapon they can hold in one or both hands
the appropriate Saving Throw number for the and use to hit their opponent. To run melee com-
monster. Use the character class Saving Throws bat, follow the steps in the Combat Sequence,
for NPCs. Step B5.
In step 4c, you apply the results. If the spell In Step 5a, the attackers choose targets. If the
causes any damage, targets that made their Sav- attacker is a PC, ask the player what target the
ing Throws suffer one-half the normal damage. character is trying to hit. If the attacker is an NPC
Those who failed their Saving Throws suffer full or monster, the DM tells the players what target it
damage. is trying to hit.
If the spell causes some result other than dam- In Step 5b, the attackers make their hit rolls,
age, targets that made their Saving Throws escape using the Character Hit Roll table (just as for mis-
the effects of the spell (assuming they want to). sile fire).
Targets that failed their Saving Throws suffer the The attackers die roll may be modified by spe-
results outlined in the spell description.
Attack Roll Modifiers Table ters over the years. They should make a note of
any treasure they recover.
Circumstance Modifier
Attacking from behind +2 bonus to hit roll
Attacker can't see target - 4 penalty to hit roll
Larger than man-sized monster Most of the time, PCs are healed through magical
attacking halfling - 1penalty to hit roll means, perhaps by drinking a potion or having a
Target exhausted +2 bonus to hit roll spell cast on them. Magical healing occurs
Attacker exhausted - 2 penalty to hit roll instantly, without any need to rest. It can be per-
Target behind cover - 1to 4to hit roll formed while still in a dungeon.
(missile fire onlv) Sometimes, there is no magical means of heal-
ing available. The PCs must heal themselves by
ZHACO (OptioNal) resting. For each full day a character spends rest-
ing, which means doing nothing but lying in bed,
Using THACO is often an easier way to remember he recovers ld4 hit points.
combat rolls. THACO stands for "To Hit Armor When a character is in town resting, don't use
Class 0." The Character Hit Roll Table shows what a turns for game time. Just say, "Another day
character needs to hit Armor Class 0. For instance, a passes. Roll ld4 for healing."
1st-level fighter needs to roll 19 or better to hit a tar- Different methods of healing can be used together
get with Armor Class 0. Instead of looking on the to recover hit points. For instance, a PC could rest,
Hit Roll table for every attack, the player only needs drink a healing potion, and have a cleric cast a cure
to remember that the character's THACO is 19. light wounds spell on him in the same day
Whenever that fighter attacks, the player rolls a Some monsters do more than bite. Some inflict
d20 as usual. Then any combat modifiers are diseases. The PCs may also have picked u p a
added, like bonuses for magical weapons or abil- cursed magical item in their treasure. Resting will
ity score adjustments. Finally, the defender's not heal either of these conditions. A high-level
Armor Class is added. cleric (probably in town) can cast cure diseuse or
If the total is above the fighter's THACO of 19, a hit Yemoue c u w spells-for a fee.
is scored. Note that negative Armor Classes will be
subtracted from the roll, making them harder to hit. Woat If a PC (jets ~<illeb
DURiNG 1Battle?
'I Step C
After tl., ylul .A.uL .. u..IL lL1
Sinrn Imnn'2tolr.a
vl.lcc I I y . . I ~ c . y light back, player characters get

attacks, the sidt2 that lost initiative gets a chance killed sometimesi. It's only fair; after all, monsters
to make its attac:ks. The side now goes through all get killed more ciften than not. At first, the player
of step Bin the 1Combat Sequence. whose character' dies may be disappointed. She
may feel like she's lost the game.
Step D This isn't true Remember, the real way to win
Once an encounter has been concluded, make a in the D U N G EISO&~DRAGONS@ game is to have
note of battle': ; outcome. List all the monsters fun. The player 5;hould simply assume the role of
the PCs fough.t hlnnnnaA
rArha+ yy""Lu tn tho-
I n o r hL.Iu.u..L..
r r h ~ r ~ r tYou a v should make up a reason for
Did the PCs slay the monster? Did they run the other PCs to meet this new adventurer as
away from it? Did (shudder) the monster slay soon as possible. (Perhaps she! is chained u p in
any of the PCs? These notes don't need to be the next room they enter or is running from the
long or complicated as long as they help you next monster they meet.)
remember what happened. It is likely the PCs will want tL.,,, L.Lvl lllrl.U
hnir n n ~ frinnrl
~ r tn
Also, have the PCs make a note of any supplies tell them about the dungeon. What do you do if
they used (for instance, if they threw a vial of they want too much information? The new PC
holy water on a zombie), any arrows they lost, could have amnesia. She could be ignorant of any
and wounds they suffered, etc. Often, if the PCs room beyond the one she's in.
defeat the monster, they will find some of the After you read the conclusion (Cleanhg Up fhe
treasure it has stolen from other unlucky charac- Details) of these Adventure Installments, you are
Up to Detail

h t with the gu

should bi, !dead F

Youre ready for your first group adventure. To Tell the players that the last thing their charac-
play, youll need the map sheet, fold-up counters, ters remember is being hit on the head by a cou-
dice, pencil and paper. You should also have Axels ple of ruffians. Now continue with section 2.
Character Record Sheet, and two to four friends.
Before inviting your friends over, carefully 2. Place the fold-up counters labeled Jerj and
read through the adventure. When playing any Axel in Room #2 in front of the jail. Read the
adventure that you did not write, always take the boxed text to your players:
time to read it before playing. This makes it easier
to run the adventure when your friends arrive.
As you read through the adventure, youll
notice that it is similar to the read-along adven-
tures youve been playing alone. Because you
already know a great deal about this adventure,
you should find it easier to run for your friends.
When your friends arrive, start by reading the
section about role-playing games on page 3
aloud to them. Now they have an idea what the DM:The hairy monster is Jerj the hobgoblin,
game is about. You can begin the adventure with and the man with the bound hands is Axel. They
section 1. are NPCs. As DM, you must play their roles the
Please note that any text following DM: is for way you are instructed to in this adventure.
you alone and should not be read to the players. After Jerj makes his threat, ask the PCs whether
they obey the hobgoblins order. The PCs may
1.Read the boxed text below to your friends. want to escape when Jerj opens the cell door.
Unfortunately for them, the hobgoblin expects
the PCs to try to escape. The table below outlines
how he will respond.

PCs Action Jerjs Response

Refuse to lie down Whip the prisoners
D M Stop reading out loud. through the bars
Ask each player to choose one of these names: Jump up and rush door Slam door and lock it
Barab, Carok, Dent, Fura, Hector, Jala, Nuggin, or before PC reaches it
Pike. Fake fight or illness Ignore it
After each player chooses a name, read the de- Crawl toward door Shove Axel toward
scription of the character to him. crawling PC and slam
door shut
Barab: Youre a swordsmiths apprentice.
Carok Youre a delivery boy for an armorer Try to bend or break door Laugh at PC as he
Dent: Youre a street urchin. fails
Fura: Youre a scullery maid. Try to pick lock Dangle lockpicks out
Hector: Youre an assistant to a local cleric. of reach, tell PC he
Jala: Youre n dancing girl. needs the right tools
Nuggin: Youre a green-grocers son.
Pike: Youre an aid in village militia. If the PCs try something not listed, make up
Jerjs response. Remember, he is ready for what-
n a v e eacn player cnoose a rlgure mat (eacn ever m __-.
. ,e~r c s try ana W~I1I I1 1nor
- ~ ~ ~ L . l l - . . . L l . - ~ . . L .
a i l o w rneni r u
thinks) looks like the character. Place the figures escape. As a last resort, Jerj will summon 12
in Room #1 on the map sheet. (Its okay for the

, ,
guards to train their crossbows on the prisoners
i players to look a t the figures before choosing while he puts Axel in the cell.
their names.) Once the PCs realize they cant escape yet, con-
If the players wish, they can change or make tinue with section 3.
1; up a different description for their characters. 3. Put Axels counter in the cell with the PCs and
6. Place Jeq's counter in Room #2.

(remove his counter from the map)

DM: Allow the PCs to come up with an escape

plan. Axel agrees to anythmg that sounds likely to
work. If the PCs don't have any ideas, Axel can
suggest that they let Jeq shackle one of them, then,
whle he's distracted, the others can jump him.
Let the players discuss their plan for a while,
then continue with secbon 7.

7.Place Jerj's counter in Room #2, along with a

goblin counter and markers, one for each PC

DM: Allow the PCs to p u t their plan into

action Jerl won't do anything too foolish, but he
is angry and can be goaded into making mis-
takes-especially if the PCs do something to 8. Place the goblin counter in Room #3
make him even angrier. Use your own judgment
to decide whether or not Jerj falls for any tricks.
Remember that hobgoblins aren't too smart.
No matter what they do, the PCs can't escape
without a fight. When the fight begins, make a
Surprise Check for Jerj and the goblins (Roll ld6; D M Make a Surprise Roll for both sides. If the
on a result of 1 or 2, the PCs get a free round.) goblin has the opportunity (by winning initiative
Axel and the PCs don't make a Surprise Check or surprise), it flees.
They are expecting a fight Otherwise, the goblin stays to fight. Use the
After resolving the Surprise Check, use the Combat Sequence to run the combat. The goblin

Spells are divided into two groups: clerical spells Example: Your fighter started w i t h 8 hit
and magical spells. Only clerics can use clerical points. You lost 4 hit points in a battle with a
spells; clerics cannot use magical spells. Magic- snake. Aleena casts a cure light wounds spell and
users, elves, and some monsters can use magical touches you. She rolls a 6, which could cure up
spells. Some spells have both clerical and magical to 7 points of damage. Your hit points return to
versions. 8, the amount you started with. The "extra" 3
Each spell has a Range, a Duration, and an points are not counted.
Effect. The target of a spell is the person, object, or When reversed, this spell becomes cause light
area the caster wishes to affect. Some spells can wounds, and causes Id6 +1 points of damage to
only affect the caster, and cannot be cast on any creature or character touched (no Saving
others. If the range is listed as "Touch," the caster Throw). The cleric must make a normal hit roll.
must physically touch the target.
Those spells marked with an asterisk (*) can be Detect Evil
"reversed." The effects of a reversed spell are Range: 120 feet
listed within the standard spell description. A Duration: 6 turns
caster must have reached the 4th level of experi- Effect Everything within 120 feet
ence in the character class before learning how to
reverse spells. Too, the reverse spell must be This spell enables a cleric to see a glow from
intentionally studied or meditated upon. A objects enchanted by evil up to 120 feet away.
reverse spell does not take u p extra room in a Creatures within that range that seek to harm the
magic-user's spell book. cleric also glow. The cleric cannot hear the actual
thoughts of the creatures. Remember that
Clcrtical Spells "chaotic" does not automatically mean evil,
although many chaotic monsters have evil inten-
1st Level 2nd Level tions. Traps and poison are neither good nor evil,
Cure Light Wounds" Bless" merely dangerous. They are not affected. No Sav-
Detect Evil Find Traps ing Throw is allowed.
Detect Magic Hold Person*
Light' Know Alignment* Detect Magic
Protection from Evil Resist Fire Range: 0,
Purify Food and Water Silence 15' Radius Duration: 2 turns
Remove Fear* Snake Charm Effect: Everything within 60 feet
Resist Cold Speak With Animals
This spell enables a cleric to see a glow from
Spell names in the following descriptions that are all magical objects, creatures, and places within
italicized as well as bold indicate reversible range. It does not last very long, a n d is best
spells. saved until the cleric needs to know if some-
thing found during an adventure is magical.
rst-Level Clenical Spells For example, a door may be held shut magi-
cally, or a found treasure might be enchanted,
Cure Light Wounds or perhaps an NPC is a magical illusion. No
Range: Touch Saving Throw is allowed.
Duration: Permanent
Effect Any one living creature Light
Range: 120 feet
This spell either heals damage or removes Duration: 12 turns
paralysis. If used to heal, it can cure ld6 +1points Effect 30-foot-diameter sphere
of damage. It does not heal any damage if used to
cure paralysis. The cleric may cast it on himself or This spell creates a large ball of light, as if a
herself if desired. bright torch were lit. If the spell is cast on an
This spell can never increase a creature's total object (such as the cleric's weapon), the light
hit points above the original amount. moves with the object. If cast at a creature's

eyes, the creature must roll a Saving Throw vs. Range: Touch
Spell. If the Saving Throw fails, the victim is Duration: 2 turns
blinded by the light for the duration of the Effect Any one living creature
spell. This spell calms and removes all fear from any
When reversed, this spell becomes darkness, one living creature the cleric touches. If the crea-
creating a circle of darkness 30 feet in diameter. It ture is running away due to magically created
blocks all sight except infravision. Darkness can fear, the creature may make another Saving
cancel a light spell if cast upon it, but may itself be Throw vs. Spell. It adds a bonus equal to the cler-
canceled by another light spell. If cast at an oppo- ics level of experience. The maximum bonus is
nents eyes, darkness causes blindness for the +6. If the Saving Throw is successful, the creature
duration of the spell, or until canceled. The target stops running. A roll of 1 always fails. This sec-
can make a Saving Throw vs. Spell. If she suc- ond Saving Throw, with bonus, may be made
ceeds, the spell misses. even if the fear was so powerful as to allow no
initial Saving Throw!
Protection from Evil Example: A 3rd-level cleric casting this spell
Range: 0 gives a +3 bonus to the Saving Throw of the crea-
Duration: 12 turns ture touched.
Effect: The cleric only When reversed, this becomes causefear, and
forces any one to creature flee for two turns. The
This spell creates an invisible, magical barrier victim can make a Saving Throw vs. Spell to
all around the clerics body (less than an inch avoid the effect. This reversed spell has a range of
away). All attacks against the cleric are penalized 120 feet.
by -1 to their hit rolls, and the cleric gains a +1
bonus to all Saving Throws for the duration of the Resist Cold
spell. Range: 0
In addition, enchanted creatures (see Duration: 6 turns
enchanted in the glossary) cannot even touch Effect: All creatures within 30 feet
the cleric! They may use only missile or magical
attacks. This spell does not affect a magic missile This spell enables all creatures within 30 feet of
(magical) spell. the cleric to withstand freezing temperatures
If the cleric attacks an enchanted creature dur- without harm for the duration of the spell. In
ing the spells duration, the effect changes addition, those affected gain a bonus of +2 to all
slightly. Enchanted creatures are then able to Saving Throws against cold attacks.
touch the cleric, but the hit roll and Saving Throw Any damage from cold is reduced by 1per die
adjustments still apply for the spells duration. of damage (but with a minimum of 1 point of
No Saving Throw is allowed against this spell.
damage per die). The effect moves with the cleric.
No Saving Throw is allowed.
Purify Food and Water Example: The party sees a white dragon ap-
Range: 10 feet proaching (whose breath is a blast ray of cold), so
Duration: Permanent the cleric warns the others to stay near and casts
Effect: See below resist cold. All characters who remain within 30
feet of the cleric gain a +2 bonus to their Saving
This spell makes spoiled or poisoned food and Throws vs. Dragon Breath.
water safe and usable. It purifies one ration of
food (either Iron or Standard rations), or six
water skins of water, or enough normal food to
feed a dozen people. If cast at mud, the spell
causes the dirt to settle, leaving a pool of pure,
clear water. The spell does not affect any living
creature. No Saving Throw is allowed.

Remove Fear
.. ...
iuo 3aving inrow is aiioweu,

Read Languages
Range: 0
Duration: 2 turns
Effect The caster only

This spell enables the caster to read, but not

~~ ~ ~ - 3 I~ ~ - ~ - , ~ ~ J
Detect Invisible An invisible creature remains invisible until he or
Range: 10 feet per Level of the caster she attacks or casts any spell. A light source (such
Duration: 6 turns as a torch) may be made invisible, but the light
Effect: The caster only given off always remains visible. No Saving
Throw is allowed
This spell enables the caster to see a1I1 invisible
creatures and objects within range. TkLe range is Krlock
10 feet for each experience level of the caster. For Range: 60 feet
example, a conjurer can use this spell tc) see invis- DLiration: See below
ible things within 30 feet. No Saving;Throw is Eff ect: One lock or bar
71.:. .... 11 _...... ..... ..... .

ESP or magically locked door (by a hold portal or wiz-

Range: 60 feet urd lock spell), and any secret door may be opened
Duration: 12 turns when found (except that a secret door must be
Effect: All thoughts in one direction found before it can be opened). Any locking
magic remains effective, however, and resumes
This spell enables the caster to hear thoughts. when the door is closed. This spell can also cause
The caster must concentrate in one direction for a gate to open, even if stuck, and can open any
six rounds (one minute) to read the thoughts of a treasure chest easily. It can also open a barred
creature within range (if any). Any single living door, magically forcing the bar to fall to the floor.
creatures thoughts may be understood, regard- If a door is locked and barred, only one barrier is
less of the language. Th e thoughts (if a<y) of removed. No Saving Throw is allowed.
undead creatures cannot Ir)e heard.
If more than one creatureis within range and in Levitate
the direction of the concentration, the caster Range: 0
hears a confused jumble of thoughts. The caster
B Duration: 6 turns +1turn per level of the caster
may only sort out the jum ble by concentrating for Effect: The caster only
an extra six rounds to fina a single creature. L,.rn
1 . 1
is not hampered by any amount of wood or liq- This allows the caster to move up or down in the
uid. It can penetrate as much as 2 feet of rock, but air without any support. This spell does not, how-
a thin coating of lead blocks the spell. Targets ever, allow the caster to move from side to side. For
may make a Saving Throw vs. Spell to avoid the example, an elf could levitate to a ceiling, and then
effects of this spell. move sideways by pushing and pulling. Motion up
The reverse spell, mindmusk, may be cast, by or down is at the rate of 20 feet per round. The spell
touch, on any one creature. The target is com- cannot be cast on another person or object.
pletely immune to ESP and all other forms of The caster can carry a normal amount of weight
mind reading for the duration of the spell. while levitating, possibly another man-sized
creature (if it is not wearing metal armor). Any
Invisibility creature smaller than man size can be carried,
Range: 240 feet unless similarly heavily laden. No Saving Throw
Duration: Permanent ur is allowed.
Effect: One creature or object
Locate ObjiXt
This spell makes any one creature or object Range: 60 fc:et +10 feet per level of the caster
invisible. When a creature becomes invisible, all Duration: L turns

items carried and worn also become invisible. Any Effect: C)ne object within range
invisible item becomes visible again when it
leaves the creatures possession (dropped, set This speu enaoies me c d s w r IU ruiu d speciiic
down, etc.). If the caster makes an object invisible object, or a common type of object (such as a
that is not being carried or worn, it becomes visi- flight of stairs). The caster must know exactly
ble again when touched by any living creature. what the specific object looks like. The spell
i to the nearest desired object within range, Phantasmal Force
5 the direction but not the distance. The Range: 240 feet
increases as the caster gains levels of expe- Duration: Concentration (see below)
I. For example, a seer can locate objects up Effect: A volume 20' x 20' x 20'
'eet away; a conjurer up to 90 feet. No Sav- This spell creates or changes appearances
wow is allowed. within the area affected. The caster usually cre-
ates the illusion of some creature or object that he
r Image or she has actually seen. If imagination is used
I: 0 instead, the DM gives a bonus to Saving Throws
ion: 6 turns against the spell's effects.
~ The caster only If the caster does not use this spell to attack, the
j spell enables the caster to create ld4 addi- illusion disappears when touched. If the spell is
images that look and act exactly like the used to "create" a monster, it has AC 9 and disap-
The images appear and remain next to the pears when hit. The phantasmalfovce remains as
, moving if the caster moves, talking if the long as the caster concentrates. If the caster
talks, and so forth. The caster need not con- moves, takes any damage, or fails any Saving
ite, the images remain for the duration of Throw, his concentration is broken and the phan-
ell or until hit. The images are not real, and tasm disappears.
annot actually perform any concrete tasks. If the spell is used as an attack (a phantasmal
iuccessful attack on the caster strikes an magic missile, collapsing wall, etc.), the target can
instead and the image disappears (regard- roll a Saving Throw vs. Spell; if he succeeds, the
f the actual damage). No Saving Throw is target is not affected and realizes that the attack is
3d. an illusion.
Levitate spell). Hovering does not require concen- Infravision
tration. The exact duration is not known to any- Range: 60-foot-radius
one but the DM, who rolls those dice secretly. No Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw is allowed. Effect: One living creature

Haste This spell enables the target to see in the dark

Range: 240 feet to a range of 60 feet. (See the "Monsters" chapter
Duration: 3 turns for notes on infravision.) No Saving Throw is
Effect: 4d6 creatures move double speed allowed.

This spell enables up to 4d6 creatures in a 60- Invisibility 10' Radius

foot-diameter circle to perform actions at double Range: 120 feet
speed for half an hour. Those affected may move Duration: Permanent until broken
at up to twice normal speed and make double the Effect All creatures within 10 feet
normal number of missile or hand-to-hand
attacks. This spell does not affect the rate at This spell makes the target and all others
which magic works, so the casting of spells and within 10 feet (at the time of casting) invisible.
the use of devices (such as wands) cannot be This is an area effect, and those who move far-
speeded up. ther than 10 feet from the target become visi-
The reverse of this spell, slow, removes the ble. They may not regain invisibility by
effects of a haste spell, br causes the targets to returning to the area. Otherwise, the invisibility
move and attack at half normal speed for the is the same as that,I bestowed vy the
V r b l V W r L l by L l l r 2nd-level
duration of the spell. As with haste,spellcasting is magic-user's spellI invisibility. All items carried
not affected. The targets roll a Saving Throw vs. (whether by the target
irget or others within 10 feet)
Spells to avoid the effect. isible. N o Saving Throw is
also become invisible.
Hold Person
Range: 120 feet Lightning Bolt
Duration: 1 turn/level Range: 180 feet
Effect: Paralyzes l d 4 creatures Duration: Instantaneous
This spell enables the caster to paralyze l d 4 Effect: Bolt 60 feet long, 5 feet wide
creatures. It affects human, demihuman, and
human-like creatures (bugbear, dryad, gnoll, ttes a bolt of lightning that
This spell creates
gnome, hobgoblin, kobold, lizard man, ogre, orc, begins 180 feet a w a y from the caster a n d
nixie, pixie, or sprite). It cannot affect the undead extends 60 feet further away. All creatures
or creatures larger than ogres. within the area of effect suffer l d 6 points of
The spell may be cast at a single target or at a damage per level of the caster. Each victim can
group. If cast at a single target, a -2 penalty roll a Saving Throw vs. Spell; if successful,
applies to the Saving Throw. If cast at a group, it only half damage is taken. If the lightning bolt
affects l d 4 persons (of the caster's choice), but strikes a solid surface (such as a wall), it
with no penalty to their rolls. Each target must bounces back toward the caster until the total
roll a Saving Throw vs. Spell or be paralyzed. length of the bolt is 60 feet.
The reverse of the spel1,free person, removes the
paralysis of l d 4 targets of a hold person spell
(whether magical or clerical).
Protection from Evil 10 Radius penalty to hit rolls still apply. N o Saving
Range: 0 Throws may be made to negate the effects of
Duration: 12 turns this spell.
Effect: Barrier 20 feet in diameter
Protection from Normal Missiles
This spell creates an invisible magical barrier Range: 30 feet
all around the caster, extending 10 feet in all Duration: 12 turns
directions. The spell serves as protection from Effect: One creature
evil attacks (attacks by monsters of an align-
ment other than the casters). Each creature This spell causes all small, nonmagical missiles
within the barrier gains a +1 to all Saving to miss the target of the spell. A catapult stone or
Throws, and all attacks against those within are a magical arrow would not be affected. No Sav-
penalized by -1 to the attackers Hit roll while ing Throw is allowed.
the spell lasts.
In addition, enchanted creatures (see Water Breathing
enchanted in the glossary) cannot attack Range: 30 feet
those within the barrier in hand-to-hand com- Duration: 1 day
bat. Enchanted creatures can attack with missile Effect One air breathing creature
or magical attacks, however. This spell enables the target to breath while
If a n y o n e within the barrier attacks a n under water (at any depth). It does not affect
enchanted creature, the barrier no longer pre- movement in any way, nor does it alter the ability
vents that creature from attacking hand-to- to breathe air. No Saving Throw is allowed.
hand, b u t the bonus to Saving Throws a n d
Youre ready for your second group adventure. To character. You will need to explain the different
play, youll need the map sheet, fold-up counters, alignments to the players (alignments are
dice, the friends who played Part I (its OK for a described on page 22).
new friend to play if someone isnt available or if At the end of Escape from Zanzers Dungeon,
you want a larger party), scratch paper, a pencil for Part I, the PCs found several suits of chain mail
each player, and the players Character Record and leather armor. Ask the PCs if they wish to
Sheets.Before your friends come over, remember to wear the armor they found. Make sure the armor
read through this adventure carefully they choose doesnt violate character class restric-
tions. (See the character class restrictions in The
1.Give each player the Character Record Sheet Character Classes chapter.) Help them to deter-
for their PC. Read the following boxed text. mine their new ACs. Consult the Armor Class
table (see page 24 or the DMs Screen) to deter-
mine the basic AC for each PCs armor. Modify
this number by any Dexterity adjustments on the
PCs Character Record Sheet.

2. After the PCs have chosen character classes

and written down their new Armor Classes, read
the following boxed text to them:

DM. A group of hobgoblins is entering Room

#4 through the door leading to Room #5. There is
one hobgoblin for each PC.
Make a Surprise Roll for the hobgoblins and
ask a player to make a Surprise Roll for the PCs
side. (Surprise Rolls are explained on page 37.)
Once the fight begins, use the Combat Sequence
to run the battle.

A. Each side rolls ld6 to determine initiative.
8. The side that wins initiative acts first.
2. Those who are moving do so.
The hobgoblins try to move into Room #4.
Remember that the hobgoblins cannot movr
DM: Help the players choose a class for their through a space blocked by a PC.
players. Tell anybody who wants to be a magic- 5. Characters fighting hand-to-hand attack.
user to wait until the next group adventure. You a. They choose targets.
all need more experience before learning how to One hobgoblin tries to attack each PC.
use magic. Until then, have the player choose a b. They make hit rolls.
different character class or remain a character The hobgoblins are AC 6, so the PCs hit roll
without a class. number is 13. The hobgoblins hit roll table is
Have each player make up a name for their reproduced below.
characters. Players may use the names they
already have or make up another one. TargetAC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Ask each player to choose an alignment for the HitRoll 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
c. They roll damage for successful hits. players create new characters. Then go back to
Anybody who hits causes l d 4 damage. Remem- Escape from Zanzers Dungeon, Part I, and start
ber to add Strength bonuses. The hobgoblins again. Theyll do better now that theyve had a
have 3 hit points. taste of the game.
C. The side that lost initiative completes all steps When the PCs are ready to enter Room #5, con-
listed under B. tinue with the next section
D.The DM declares the results.
3. As the PCs open the door to Room #5, read the
Assuming they win, tell the PCs they notice a following boxed text to them
leather purse tied to the belt of one of the hobgob-
lins. Inside the purse is a healing potion and two
garnets. The PCs can save the potion or use it now
(it restores ld6+1 hit points). The garnets are each
worth 100 gold pieces. Assuming the PCs take the
potion and the gems, have the one carrying them
note that fact on the Character Record Sheet. D M If any players lost their PCs m Room #4, ther
Make a note of how the PCs fared against the new characters are lymg bound and gagged on the
hobgoblins. If any PCs died in the battle, tell floor. Explain that the hobgoblins from Room #4
those players to roll up new characters. Some- were taklng these new player characters to lad
times characters die, but it doesnt mean that the The walls of this room are lined with melee
players lost. They can rejoin the game in the next weapons Here is a list of the weapons available,
section. If all of the characters died, have all the along with the damage they inflict.
Small Weapon- The gnolls c a n y clubs that inflict l-.. . - ,--.ts of
Weapon Damage damage. Each PC's damage depends upon the
Dagger ld4 weapon he or she is using. Remember to add
Short sword ld6 Strength bonuses. The gnolls have 5 hit points each,
Hand axe ld6 If the PCs win the battle a n d search the
gnolls' bodies, they find two healing potions in
Medium Weapons the pockets of one of the gnolls. Eakh of the
Weapon Damage . % ', other two gnolls wears a bracelet worth 350
Club ld4. gold pieces.
Mace ld6 The PCs can save the potions or use them
Spear now (they each restore l d 6 + 1 h i t points).
War hammer Remind the PCs to write down anything they
Sword take with them.
Make a note of how the PCs fared against the
Large gnolls. See section 2 for instructions on what to
Weapon do if any PCg died. When the PCs are ready to
Battle axe* enter Room #6, continue with the next section.
Two-handed sword*
._ 5. When the PCs enter Room #6, read the fnll
* Cannot use a shield while carrying this weapon. ing boxed text to them.
The PCs may choose one weapon each.
Remember that not all character classes can use
all kinds of weapons. When the PCs have their
weaponi, continue withthe next sectio

. Weapon , Short'

1-20 21-30 ld4

The PCs may each choose one missile weapon. rolls (-1 for each quarter of its body that is cov-
Remember, not all character classes can use all ered and -1 because the cover is impenetrable).
missile weapons. Consult the descriptions of each One PC can get the same cover by sticking just
character class to see which weapons they can head and shoulders out of the door leading to
use. After the PCs take their weapons, continue Room #6. Remember to adjust the orcs hit rolls if
with the next section. a player thinks of this.
The goblins sling causes ld4 points of damage.
6 . As the PCs move from Room #6 to Room #7, The orcs crossbow inflicts ld6 points of damage.
place a goblin counter at the opposite end of the The goblin and the orcs will not start hand-to-
long hallway Read the following boxed text. hand fighting. If the characters start melee com-
bat, the goblin flees. The orcs fight with their
short swords. Remember that no character can
move more than 5 feet and fight in the same
If forced to melee, the orcs attack the closest
D M The speaker is a goblin. As soon as it sees Use the same hit roll chart as for Missile Com-
the PCs, it screams an alarm, then attacks with a bat.
sling. On the following round, an orc takes the The orcs short swords cause l d 6 points of
goblins place, and another orc pokes its head out damage. The goblin has 2 hit points; the orcs have
of the door leading from Room #8. Both fire on 3 each.
the PCs with crossbows. (Replace the goblins Assuming the PCs defeat the orcs and search
counter with an orc and one marker.) their bodies, they find a healing potion and a box
Make a Surprise Roll for the goblin. Have the of pearls worth 1,000 gold pieces in Room #8.
PCs make one for their side, then use the Combat Make sure they make a note of what they are
Sequence to run the battle. doing with this treasure.
If the goblin sounds the alarm, the orcs spend If any PCs die, have the players roll up new
the first round moving into attack position (the characters. These characters will join the party in
PCs cannot see this). the next adventure.
On the first round, the goblin attacks with a
sling. On the second round, the orcs attack with Aftert to AbVNtUR
crossbows. The goblin flees.
The goblin and the orcs shoot at the characters
closest to them.

Here is the hit roll table for the goblin and the

TargetAC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
HitRoll 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
DM: Remember to write down all the mon-
Remember to apply Dexterity adjustments and sters the PCs defeated. Set a date and time for
lange modifiers for the missile weapons. Also, your friends to come
)me back for the next adven-
the orc attacking from Room #8 is just sticking its ture. You will have
ve to read the Escape from
head and shoulders out of the door, so one half Zanzers Dungeon, in, Part 111 and the ch;
(two-quarters) of its body is covered by the wall.
.. .I

Magic and Spells, so allow yourself enough

Characters attacking it get a -3 penalty to their hit time to prepare.
Monsters maybe friendly or unfriendly, wild or Jne point or 3-17 hit points. In monster
tame. They range from normal animals to fantas- descriptions, the Hit Dice may be listed as 1- 1
tic creatures of myth and imagination. Many (one minus one), 1 + 2, 3 +1, and so forth
types of monsters are listed on the following Every creature has at least 1 hit point, regard-
pages, and hundreds more may be found between less of any subtractions.
the pages of TSRs The Monstrous Manual. To
make them easier to fmd, we have arranged them MONStR LVlS
in alphabetical order. The DM uses these mon- A monsters level is its Hit Dice plus any special
sters as the friends and opponents of the player bonus stars. A monster with 1Hit Die is called a
1st-level monster. A monster with 2 Hit Dice is a
2nd-level monster, and so forth. A monster with 2
Hit Dice and a special bonus star is a 3rd-level

To a creature with infravision, warm things a dungeon; that is, the first level below the sur-
appear red and cold things blue. For example, face. Goblins are found less frequently on other
a party of characters hiding in darkness might levels of a dungeon.
look like a group of reddish shapes. Some bod- If encountered elsewhere than on their own
ies would seem a faint pink (armor), while level, the between the monsters level
others-unarmored magic-users, for exam- and the d el should usually be no more
ple-would be a brighter red. A cold pool of than 2.
water would appear to be deep blue in color.
Even an item or a creature that is the same NUMbeR Of MONStR-
temperature as the surrounding air (such as a The number of monsters normally found together
table or a skeleton) can be dimly seen with is given in each monster description as Number
Appearing. You should adjust this number if the

character could hide in the shadows. gnolls have 2 Hit Dice; they are 2nd-level mon-
sters. On dungeon level 2, characters should find
ld6-the number given in the description. How-
Weve already explained that Hit Dice measure ever, on dungeon level l, there should be fewer
a monsters size and toughness. The more Hit gnolls; the party might only find ld4.
Dice a monster has, the more experience points If a monster is encountered on a lower dungeon
it is worth. The DM rolls a monsters Hit Dice level than its Hit Dice, the number appearing
to see how many hit points it has. Sometimes should be larger than normal. For example, on
the Hit Dice have a bonus or penalty included, dungeon level 3, the characters might find 2d4
as a plus or minus number. This makes some gnolls sticking together for protection. On level 4,
monsters a little more or less powerful than they may find 2d6--or more.
their Hit Dice would show. The number i s Why make these adjustments? To make the
added to or subtracted from the total hit points game fairer and more enjoyable for your players.
rolled on all the Hit Dice. For example, 2+1 Hit If low-level characters encounter too many tough
Dice means the total of two 8-sided dice, plus monsters on the first and second levels of a
\ 1 ,.. 1
In the following round of combat, the wight ,DSCRiptiONS , + .
strikes the character again, and the werokyte is ,Eachentry on the following,pages has a descrip-
killed by the energy drain. tion of a monster, often including notes about its
Paralysis: This effect freezes a character. If behavior. A list of details, called:statistics, for .that
a character is hit by a paralyzing attack and monster is given above each description. Statis-
fails the Saving Throw vs. Paralysis, the chaz- tics are always listed in the same order.
acter is unable to do anything. The character is Name: If the name of a monster is followed by
not dead-a character cannot die from mere an asterisk (*), then a special or magical weapon
paralysis. is needed to hit that monster. You should use
A paralyzed character remains awake, aware these monsters with aaution; they are very dan-
of what is happening, but cannot do anything gerous to low-level characters.
that requires movement (including speaking, Armor Class:.This value includes the tough-
spell casting, and so forth) until the paralysis ness of the creatures skin, its speed or agility, and
ends. All attacks on a paralyzed creature auto- the armor it wears (if any). The DM may adjust a
matically hit; only a roll for damage is made. mansters AC in special situations. For example,
Paralysis itself has no .permanent effects. It lasts a hobgoblin is normally.AC 6 (probablywearing
for 2d4 turns (unless a different number is given leather armor), but it could find some plate mail.
in the monster description). The clerical spell If it puts on,theplate mail, the DM camchange it
cure Zight wounds can be used to remove the to AC 2. ..
paralysis, but it will not cure any damage when Hit Dice: This is the number of.d8s (eight-
used for this purpose. sided dice) you use to find the monsters hit
Petrification: This is the dangerous ability of points.
certain fantastic monsters. It might be the effect of 6)
If one or more asterisks appears nex&to.the
a monsters gaze, breath, or normal hit in combat, Hit Dice number, the monster has one (or more)
as given in the monster description, The target special abilities. These are ex.plainedi n ttik
makes a Saving Throw vs. Turn to Stone. If he
fails, the target turns into a stone statue. All
equipment being carried, whether normal or
descrip.tion. Special abilities affect the number of
XP earned for defeating the monster (see Experi-
ence Points).
magical, turns to stone along with the target. It Size: With the Hit ,Dice asis size code: S $means
becomes part of the statue. smaller than mans-sized, M means mansieed,
Poison: Poison is a danger to all characters. If a and L means larger than man-sized.
character is hit by a poisonous attack @y a snake, Move: This gives the movement rate for the
for example) and misses the Saving Throw vs. monster. The number;of feet the monster moves
Poison, the character usually dies. Since instant in one 10 minute turn is given first. The.number
death by poison isnt a lot of fun, the DM can in parenthesis is the movement rate.per round
use this optional damage rule. If the character (for encounters).
fails a Saving Throw vs. Poison, the PC takes a set Some.monstershave a second movement rate.
amount of damage. We think Id6 point per Hit The first is the rate for walking, and the second is
Die of the monster is fair. a special form of movement,
flying, orclimb
Attacks: This gives the number and type of Description: A general description of the mon-
attacks the monster can use in one round. sters habits is given below the statistics. It
Damage: If a monster hits a target, damage is includes details of any special abilities or behav-
inflicted; the amount is given here as a range. You ior. The following terms may be used:
roll dice to find the exact number. When a mon- A carnivore is a creature that prefers to eat meat,
ster has more than one attack in a round, the and does not usually eat plants.
attacks and damages are given in the same order. An herbivore prefers plants to meat.
By weapon means that the monster always An insectivore prefers to eat insects, rather than
attacks with a weapon. The damage depends on plants or red meat.
the weapon. An omnivore is a creature that will eat nearly
No. Appearing: The first dice roll shows the anything edible.
number of monsters normally found in a A nocturnnl creature is normally active at night,
dungeon room. The second roll of the dice (dice sleeping during the day. However, dungeons are
listed in parentheses) shows how many are nor- often as dark as night, and nocturnal creatures
mally found in a lair. If 0 is given, the creatures may be awake during daylight hours if found
are never found in a lair. within a dark dungeon.
If a monster is found on a dungeon level differ- A monsters home is called its lair. Most mon-
ent from its level (Hit Dice), the number appear- ster lairs are located in dungeon rooms or hidden
ing range should be changed. See the Number in the wilderness. Most monsters defend their
Appearing comments on the previous page for lairs fiercely
Save As: The Saving Throw numbers for mon- Basilisk
sters are the same as those for character classes. Armor Class: 4
The Saving Throws for all classes, including Hit Dice: 6+1**(L)
higher level characters and Normal Humans Move: 60 (20)
are listed on the DMs Screen. Attacks: 1bite/l gaze
Morale: This number is the suggested morale Damage: ldlO + petrification
of the monsters to determine whether the mon- No. Appearing: ld6 (ld6)
sters run away, surrender, or fight to the death. Save As: Fighter: 6
Treasure Type: To find whatever treasure a Morale: 9
monster is guarding, compare the letter given Treasure Type: F
here to the letters on the Treasure Type Tables Alignment: Neutral
(page 103). Complete instructions for using the XP Value: 950
chart are given on page 102. Nil means there is
no treasure. A basilisk is a ten-foot-long, non-intelligent,
If a treasure type is given in parentheses, it is magical lizard. It lives in underground caverns or
the treasure carried by the monster. If two trea- in wild and tangled thickets. Any creature hit by
sure types are given, the first (in parentheses) is a basilisk must roll a Saving Throw vs. Turn to
the treasure carried, and the second is the trea- Stone or be petrified (including all carried equip-
sure in the monsters lair. If no parentheses are ment).
used, the monster carries no treasure. The basilisks gaze has the same effect on char-
Alignment: Monsters may be Lawful, Neutral, acters-anyone meeting its gaze must make the
or Chaotic. Animals are usually Neutral. A good same Saving Throw or be petrified. A surprised
Dungeon Master always considers alignment character automatically meets its gaze. A charac-
when playing the role of a monster. Only intelli- ter in hand-to-hand combat with the creature
gent monsters can speak an alignment language. must either avoid the gaze or make a Saving
XP Value: These are the Experience Points Throw each round. If he tries to avoid the gaze,
earned for defeating one monster of the type the character gets a -4 penalty to all hit rolls
described. However, the DM may give more XI against the monster. The basilisk gains a +2 bonus
for monsters in tough encounters, such as an to its attacks.
attack on a well-defended liar. An attacking character can hold a mirror in
front of himself for more protection. If using a
mirror, t k :roll penalty is ,-...-ad of -4 ) E L Black
however, the attacker cannot use a shield. The A
area must be lit for the mirror to be effective. If
the basilisk sees itself in the mirror (a roll of 1on E e: 4
ld6, checked each round), it must roll a Saving h.
Throw or be turned to stone!

ArmorClass: 6

Bears are well-known to all adventurers. If any

bear hits one target with both paws in one round,
the bear hugs its target. It inflicts 2d8 points of
additional damage in that same round
Bats are nocturnal, flying insectivores. They Black Bear: Black bears have black fur and
often live in caves or abandoned buildings. stand about 6 feet tall. They are omnivores, but
They find their way about by echo-location (a prefer roots and berries. Black bears do not
type of radar using hearing and echoes to locate usually attack unless they are cornered and
objects). Since they have very weak eyes, spells cannot escape. Adult black bears fight to the
that affect sight (such as light) do not work on death to protect their young. They have been
bats. However, a silence 15 radius spell effec- known to raid camps, seeking food. They are i
tively blinds a bat. especially fond of such treats as fresh fish and
Normal Bats: Normal bats do not attack sweets.
men, but may confuse them by flying around Grizzly Bear: Grizzly bears have silver-tipped
their heads. There must be at least 10 bats to brown or reddish brown fur and stand about 9

or summoned.
Beetle, GiaNt A black pudding is a nonintelligent blob 5d6 feet
Fire Oil Tiger in diameter. Puddings are always hungry; they dis-
Armor Class: 4 4 3 solve wood and corrode metal in one turn,but can-
Hit Dice: 1+2(S) 2' (MI 3 t 1 (L) not affect stone. They can travel on ceilings and
Move: 120'(40')120'(40') 150'(50') walls, and can pass through small openings. A
Attacks: 1bite 1bite 1bite pudding can only be killed by fire. Other attacks
t special (weapons or spells) merely break it up into smaller
Damage: 2d4 ld6 + special 2d6 puddings. Each of these has 2 HD and inflicts ld8
No Appearing: ldB(2d6) ld8(2d6) ld6(2d4) points of damage per blow. Puddings normally
Save As: Fighter: 1 Fighter: 1 Fighter:2 have no treasure, but gems (the remains of previ-
Morale: 7 8 9 ous victims) may be found nearhy.
Treasure Type: Nil Nil U
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral BUGbaR
XI' Value: 15 25 50 Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 3+1 (L)
Fire Beetle: A fire beetle is a 2 1/2-foot-long Move: 90'(30')
creature often found below ground. It is noctur- Attacks: 1weapon
nal, but may be active underground at any time. Damage: By weapon +1
A fire beetle has two glowing glands above its No. Appearing: 2d4 (5d4)
eyes and one near the back of its abdomen. These Save As: Fighter: 3
glands give off light in a 10-foot-radius, and con- Morale: 9
tinue to glow for ld6 days after removal. Treasure Type: (P+Q)B
Oil Beetle: Oil beetles are 3-foot-long giant Alignment: Chaotic
beetles that sometimes burrow underground. XP Value: 75
When attacked, an oil beetle squirts an oily fluid
at one of its attackers (make a hit roll; the range is
5 feet). If the oil hits, it raises painful blisters,
causing a -2 penalty to the target's hit rolls until
cured by a cure light wounds spell or until 24 hours
have passed. (If the spell is used to cure blisters, it
cannot also cure damage.) Oil beetles can also
attack with their mandibles (horned jaws).
Tiger Beetle: Tiger beetles are 4-foot-long giant
beetles. They have a striped carapace (a shell-like
covering) that resembles a tiger's skin. Carni-
vores, they usually prey on robber flies and have
been known to attack and eat adventurers, crush-
ing them with their powerful mandibles.

Black PubbiNG"
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 10*(L)
Move: 60' (20')
Attacks: 1
Damage: 3d8
No Appearing: 1 (0)
Save As: Fighter: 5
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: See below
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 1,600

their stealth. When using weapons, they add +1 to fondness for one type of food, and go out of
allhitanddamagerollsbecauseoftheirstrength. their way to.hunt that prey. The great cats
rarely go deeply into caves, and usually memo-
rize a quick escape route t o . t h e outdoors.
Despite their shyness, they are very inquisitive,
and may follow a party out of curiosity. They
always chase fleeing prey.
Mountain Lion: This tawny-furred species
lives mostly in mountainous regions, but also
inhabits forests and deserts. They wander.farther
into dungeons than any other species of great cat.
Panther: Panthers are found in plains, and in
forests and open shrub lands. Sometimes, they
are the guardiane of important individuals or
; treasures. They are extremely quick and can out-

found outside of dungeons largest and most ferocious of the great cats.
They have oversized fangs, from which they
get their name. Fortunately, sabretooth tigers
The great cats are normally c..-.-Jus. They are mostly extinct, exrent i n certain lost
avoid fights unless forced by extreme hunger world areas.
Cmtipebe, GiaNt Cocltatnice
Armor Class: 9 Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: X(1-4hp: , , Hit Dice: 5* (3
Move: 60' (20" Move: 90' (30')
Attacks : 1bite Flying: 180' (60')
Damage: Poison Attacks: 1beak
No. Appearing: 2d4 (Id Damage: ld6 + petrification
Save As: Normal Human No. Appearing: ld4 (2d4)
Morale: 7 Save As: Fighter: 5
Treasure Type: Nil Morale: 7
Alignment: Neutral Treasure Type: D
XI'Value: 6 Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 425
A giant centipede is a foot-long insect with
many legs. Centipedes prefer dark, damp places. A cockatrice is a small magical monster with
The bite inflicts no damage, but the target must the head, wings, and legs of a rooster and the tail
roll a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or of a snake. Its beak attack causes l d 6 points of
become ill for 10 days. PCs who d o not make damage. Any creature bitten or touched by a
their Saving Throws move at !4 speed. They are so cockatrice must roll a successful Saving Throw
weak, they cannot do anything physical except vs. Turn to Stone-or be turned to stone! These
walk. fierce little monsters may be found anywhere.

CniMena Cnocobile Normal Large Giant

Armor Class: 4 Armor Class: 5 3 1
Hit Dice: 9** (L) Hit Dice: 2 (MI 6 (L) 15 (L)
Move: 120' (40') Move: 90'(30') 90'(30') 90' (30')
Flying: 180' (60') Swimming: 90' (30') 90' (30') 90' (30')
Attacks: 2 cIaws/3 Attacks: 1 bite 1bite 1 bite
Damage: ld3/ld3/2a+/ iaiu/sa+ +sa0 Damage: 1d8 2d8 3d8
No. Appearing: ld2 (ld4) No. Appearing: 0 (ld8) O(ld4) O(ld3)
Save As: Figh' " Save As: Fighter: 1 Fiehter: 3 Fighter: 8
Morale: 9 Morale: 7 9
Treasure Type: F Treasure Type: Ni Nil
Alignment: Chac Alignment NI Neutral
XP Value: 2,3nc XI' Value: 35 1.350

A chimera is an awful commnation of tnree Crocodiles are commonly found in tropical

different creatures. It has three heads (goat, and semitropical swamps and rivers. Sometimes
lion, and dragon), the body of a lion, the they are seen in underground rivers and seas.
hindquarters of a goat, and the wings and tail of Awkward on land, they do not stray far from
a dragon. The goat's head butts, the lion's head water. They spend hours floating just under the
bites, and the dragon's head can bite or breathe surface. If they are hungry, crocodiles attack crea-
fire (a cone 50 feet long, 10 feet wide at the end, tures in the water. They are particularly attracted
for 3d6 points of damage). The breath can be to the smell of blood or to violent thrashing
used only three times per day. If determined Large crocodiles are at least 20 feet long, and
randomly, the chance of breathing fire is 50% can overturn canoes and small rafts.
per round, the same as for dragons. Chimera Giant crocodiles are normally found only in
live in wild hills., but thev
~ ~~

mav occa- "lost worlds" where prehistoric creatures thrive.
sioiTally be found in dungeons. They are over 50 feet long and have been known
to attack small shios.
Cyclops . .
all Saving Throws. If the creature is severely d ~~

Armor Class: 5 aged (at 6 hit points or less), it may use its fero-
Hit Dice: 13' (L) cious bite attack (+2 bonus to hit roll, damaee
Move: 90' (30 ). d6). Displacer beasts are semi-intelligen
Attacks: 1 club
Damage: 3d10 DOpplc;aNGlt
No. Appearin 1(Id4) Armor Class: 5
Save As: Fighter: 13 Hit Dice: 4* (M) "

Morale: 9 . Move: 90' (30').

Treasure Type: E+5,000 gp Attacks: 1
Alignment Damage: ld12
XP Value:

A cyclops is a rar iant, noted for its

great size and the single eye in the center of its
forehead. A cyclops is about 20 feet tall. It has
poor depth~perceptionbecause of its single eye
and this causes a penalty of -2 on its hit rolls.
A cyclops usually fights with a wooden club, These man-sized, shapechanging creatures are
and. it can throw rocks up to 200 feet, each hit intelligent,andchaotic, A doppleganger is able to
causing 3d6 points of damage.-Cyclopsranges: shpe itself into the exact form of any human-like
60/130/200, same as for Frost Giant. creature it sees (up to 7feet tau). Once in the form of
Some cyclops (5%) are able to cast-a curse once the person it is imitating, it attacks that-pers0n;It.s
a week. (The DM should decide the exact nature favorite trick is to kill the original person in some
of the curse.) way without alerting the party. Then, in the role of
Cyclops usually live alone, though a small that individual, it attacks the others by surprise,
group may sometimes share a large cave. They often when they are already engaged in combat.
spend their time raising sheepand grapes. Sfeep and charm spells do not affect dopple-
Cyclops are known for their stupidity; a clever gangera They roll all Saving Throws as 8th-level
party can often escape from them by trickery. fighters, because of their magical nature.
When killed, a doppleganger returns to
Displacelt mast original form.
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 6*(L) . , DltaGON , .

Dragons are a very old race of huge, winged

lizards. They like to live in isolated, out-of-the-
way places where few men are found.
Though the colors .of their scaly hides makes
. look different, they all have quite a. few
things in common. They are all hatched.fmm eggs,
are carnivores, and they all have breath weap-
s. Dragons have a great love of treasure, but
they value.their own lives more thamgold. Inbat-
tle, dragons do everything possible .to save their
own lives, including surrender. Breath weapons,
ther with six legs. It b a a pair of tentacles grow- &asure, and surrender (subduing a dragon) are
ing from its shoulders. It attacks with these all explained in the following descriptions.
tentacles, which have sharp, horn-1ike.edges. A .Many dragons live hundreds or thousands of
displacer beast's skin bends-light rays, so the years. Because of their long history, they tend to
creature always appears to be 3 feet from its think less of younger races (such as Humans).
actual position. All attackers have a -2 penalty on Chaotic dragons might capture men, but usually
all hit rolls, and the creature gains a +2 bonus to kill and eat them immediately. Neutral dragons
Lawful dragons, however, may actually help a choose to attack with claws and bite. To deter-
party if the characters are truly worthy of this mine this randomly, roll ld6: on a roll of 1-3,the
great honor. When playing a dragon, the DM dragon uses its claws and bite; on a roll of 4-6, the
should keep in mind that, because of its pride, dragon breathes again.
even the hungriest dragon pauses and listens to Breath Shape: The breath weapons of dragons
flattery (if no one is attacking it, and if it under- come in three forms: cone, straight, or gas cloud.
stands the language of the speaker). A cone-shaped breath weapon begins at the
Dragons are extremely powerful monsters. dragons mouth (where it is 2 feet wide) and
They can easily overwhelm low-level player spreads out until it is 30 feet wide at its furthest
characters (such as those found in this D&D@ point. For example, a white dragons breath is a
basic game). We recommend that you use only cone 80 feet long and 30 feet wide at its far end.
the youngest and smallest dragons-or per- A line-shaped breath weapon starts at the drag-
haps a dragon that has been wounded by a ons mouth and stretches out toward its victim in
more powerful creature and is not u p to full a straight line (even downward). A line-shaped
strength. breath is 5 feet wide for its entire length.
Breath Weapon Damage: All dragons have a A cloud-shaped breath weapon billows forth
special attack with their breath weapon, in addi- from the dragons mouth to form a 50- x 40-foot
tion to their claw and bite attacks. Any dragon cloud, 20 feet tall, directly in front of the dragon.
can use its breath weapon up to three times each Saving Throws: Each target within a dragons
day. A dragons first attack is almost always with breath must roll a Saving Throw. This is always
its breath weapon. The number of points of dam- the Saving Throw vs. Dragon Breath, even if the
age any breath weapon inflicts is equal to the breath is similar to another type of attack. If suc-
dragons hit points. cessful, the target suffers only one-half damage
Any damage done to a dragon reduces the from the breath weapon.
damage i t can d o with its breath weapon. Dragons are never affected by normal or smaller
Dragons are immune to the effects of their own versions of their breath weapons type. They auto-
breath weapons. matically make their Saving Throws against any
attack form that is the same as their breath weapon kill its captors in the process.
For example, a red dragon suffers no damage from Age: The statistics given earlier are for &era
(and usually ignores) burning oil, because it is a sized dragons of each type. Younger dragons are
normal fire effect. It only suffers one-half damage smaller and have acquired less treasure; older
from &type magical spells, such asfireball. dragons are larger and have acquired more boo
Talking Dragons: These are intelligent, and Dragons generally range in size from 3 Hit D'
can speak both the Dragon and Common tongues. below to 3 Hit Dice above average. For
The percentage listed under "Chance of Talking" red dragons could be found having 7 t
is the chance that a dragon can't talk. Only talk- Dice, depending upon their age.
ing dragons can use magic-user spells. The num- Treasure: Younger dragons may have
ber of spells and their levels are given in the as little as one-fourth to one-half the normal
chart. For example, "3 3 0 means that the dragon amount of listed treasure; older dragons may
can cast three 1st-level spells and three 2nd-level have as much as twice the listed amount. Dragon
spells, but no 3rd-level spells. Dragon spells are treasure is only found in a dragon's lair. These
usually selected randomly lairs are always guarded and well-hidden to pre-
Sleeping Dragons: The percentage chance vent easy discovery.
given under "Chance of Being Asleep" applies Gold Dragons: Gold dragons always talk and
whenever a party encounters a dragon on the use spells. They can also change their shape.
ground (flying dragons are never asleep). Any They often appear in the form of normal-sized
result greater than the percentage means that the humans or animals. Gold dragons may breathe
dragon is not asleep (though it may be pretend- either fire (like a red dragon) or chlorine gas (like
ing to be!). If a dragon is asleep, characters can a green dragon), though they still have a total of
attack for one round (with a bonus of +2 on aU hit three breath weapon attacks per day (not
rolls), during which time it wakes up. Combat is The type of breath should be chosen by the D
normal for the second and subsequent rounds fit the situation.
Subduing Dragons: Whenever characters en- ElMNtal
counter a dragon, they can try to subdue it rather Summoning XP
than kill it. To subdue a dragon, all attacks must Item AC HD Value Damage 'SaveA
be with "the flat of the sword." Thus, missile Staff 2 8 650 ld8 Fighter

weapons and spells cannot be used to subdue. Device 0 12 1,100 2d8 Fighter
Attacks and damage are determined normally, Spell -2 16 ,350 3c .Fighter
but subduing damage is not real damage. The 1 ,

dragon fights normally until it reaches 0 or fewer An elemental is a'magical, enchanted crea
hit points, at which time it surrenders. Any sub- that lives on another pl& of existence. It c
duing damage does not reduce the damage done harmed only by .a magic-user ormagical, w
by the dragon's breath weapon. A dragon may be Om.
subdued because it realizes that its attackers Staff elementals (the weakest) are summ
could have killed it if they had been striking to by a magic-user with a special staff. ' .
kill. It therefore surrenders, admitting that the Device elementals are summoned with
opponents have won the battle. of a special, miscellaneaus makical item. ' ' '
A subdued dragon attempts to escape or turn on its Conjured elementah are summoned by the.
captors if a party's actions give it a reasonable chance casting of a 5th-level magic-user spelt; ' ' ' "

to do so. For example, a dragon left unguarded at To summon an elemental, a character must
night, or who is ordered to guard a position alone, have a 1arge.amountof the element nearby (open
would consider thew reasonable chances. A subdued air, bare earth, a pool of water, or a lar&ef i k ) .
dragon must be sold. The price is up to the DM, but When the elemental arrives, it ishostile and must
should never e x d lp00gp per hit point. be controlled by concentration at all times. The
The dragon may be forced to serve the charac- summoner's concentration may be broken by suf-
ters who subdued it. If a subdued dragon is ever fering damage or failing any Savi
ordered to perform a task that is apparently suici- summoner may only move at half
dal, the dragon attempts to escape. It may try to or less while in a state of concentra

&- -&
-.... .. ...

If the summoner's concentration is broken, the diameter. It inflicts an extra ld8 points of damage
elemental attacks. Once he loses control, the sum- against any creature with cold-based abilities.
moner cannot regain it. The elemental may attack Water Elemental: Water elementals appear as
any creature between it and its summoner. great waves of water, 6 inches high and 2 feet in
If summoned to an area ton small for it (see size diameter for each Hit Die (a staff elemental is 4 feet
notes below), an elemental fills the available tall and 16 feet cross). It is not able to move more
space-sideways, for example-possibly damag- than 60 feet from water. It inflicts an extra l d 8
ing the summoner in the process (and thus break- points of damage against any opponent in water.
ing the summoner's concentration). However, an
elemental cannot pass a protection from evil spell GanGoylc:>
effect. Armor Class: 5
An elemental vanishes if it or its summoner is Hit Dice: 4**(L)
slain, or when the summoner sends it back to its Move: 90' (30')
plane (which requires control), or if a dispel magic Flying: 150' (50')
spell is cast upon it. Attacks: 2 claws/l bite/l horn
Air Elemental: Air elementals appear as giant Damage: ld3/ld3/ld6/ld4
whirlwinds, 2 feet tall and 6 inches in diameter No. Appearing: ld6 (2d4)
for each Hit Die. For example, a staff elemental Save As: Fighter: 8
would be 16 feet tall and 4 feet across. In combat, Morale: 11
all victims of 2 HD or less hit by the whirlwind Treasure Type: C
must roll a successful Saving Throw vs. Death Alignment:- Chaotic
Ray or be swept away The elemental inflicts an XP Value: 175
extra l d 8 points of damage against any flying
opponent. Gargoyles are magical monsters; they can be
Earth Elemental: The form of an earth elemen- damaged only by magic or magical weapons.
tal appears to be that of a huge, man-like figure, They closely resemble the stone carvings on
1-foot tall for each Hit Die (a spell-conjured ele- medieval buildings-horned, clawed, fanged,
mental would be 16 feet tall). It cannot cross a winged, hideous looking beasts. Their skin looks
water barrier wider than its height. It inflicts an exactly like stone and they are often mistaken for
extra ld8 points of damage against opponents on statues.
the ground. Gargoyles are very cunning and at least semi-
Fire Elemental: The guise of a fire elemental is intelligent. They attack nearly anything that ap-
as a swirling pillar of roaring flames, 1-foot-high proaches them. Gargoyles are not affected by
and 1-foot in diameter for each Hit Die (a device sleep or charm spells. You should not introduce
elemental would be 12 feet tall and 12 feet across). gargoyles into your game unless the party has at
It cannot cross a water barrier wider than its own yeast one magical weapon.


WQtiNOUS cub dead. The paralysis is the normal type (lasting
Armor Class: 8 2d4 turns unless magically cured).
HitDice: , 4* (L)
Move: 60' (20') GiaNts
Attacks: 1 Giants are huge, human-like monsters. Most
Damage: 2d4 + special usually willing to negotiate when encountered,
No. Appearing: 1(0) as they have heard of the dangers of attacking
Save As: Fighter: 2 humans. All giants can throw boulders as missile
Morale: 12 weapons, though the range varies with each type.
Treasure Type: (V) Any hit from a thrown boulder inflicts 3d6 points
Alignment: Neutral of damage. If the party encounters a giant in a
XP Value: 125 dungeon, the range is in feet instead of yards.
Hill Giants: These hairy brutes are 12 feet tall
This monster is made of a clear jelly, usually in and very stupid. They wear animal skins and
the form of a 10' x 10' x 10' cube (though other carry huge clubs and spears. They sometimes
shapes are possible). It is hard to see, and it often (25%) throw rocks, but have a limited range
surprises parties (1-4 on ld6). A gelatinous cube (ranges 30/60/100). They live in hills or at the
moves through the rooms and corridors of a dun- base of mountains, and raid human communi
geon, sweeping the halls clean of all living and from time to time for food and plunder.
dead material. In the process, it may pick up items Stone Giants: These giants are 14 feet tall and
it cannot dissolve (such as weapons, coins, and have gray, rock-like skin. They use large stalactite
gems). It attacks any living creature it encounters. as clubs, and often hurl rocks (ranges100/200/300).
Any successful hit paralyzes the target unless a They live in caves or crude stone huts, and may
successful Saving Throw vs. Paralysis is made. A n have ld4 cave bears as guards (50%chance).
attack on a paralyzed target automatically hits Frost Giants: These awesome giants have f
(only a damage roll is needed).This paralysis is the skin and light yellow or light blue hair. They stand
normal type (lasting 2d4 turns unless magically 18 feet tall, have long full beards, and wear fur
cured). A gelatinous cube may be harmed by fire skins and iron armor. Frost giants may hurl rocks
and weapons, but not bv cold or lihtninz. (ranges 60/130/200). They often built castles
bove the timberline of snowcapped mountains.

Armor Class: 6

:,;I 2

,............. ",
Frost giants always have either 3d6 polar bears and they are often found in the middle of fierce
(20% chance) or 6d6 wolves (80%) as guards. They storms, enjoying the weather.
are not affected by cold-based attacks.
Fire Giants: These giants have red skin and GNOll
black hair and beards. They are 16 feet tall and Armor Class: 5 I

wear copper, brass, or bronze armor. They often Hit Dice: 2 (L)
throw rocks (ranges 60/130/200). Fire giants usu- Move: 90 (30)
ally make their homes near volcanoes or other Attacks: 1weapon
equally hot places. Their castles are often made of Damage: By weapon +1
black, baked mud reinforced with crude iron. No. Appearing ld6 (3d6)
They always have either l d 3 hydrae (20% chance) Save As: Fighter: 2
or 3d6 hellhounds (80%) as guards. These giants Morale: 8 i
are not affected by fire-based attacks. Treasure Type: (I)D
Cloud Giants: These fierce giants have white or Alignment: Chaotic
gray skin and hair. They wear pale robes and stand XP Value: 20
20 feet tall. Cloud giants have keen eyes and a sharp
sense of smell, so they are rarely surprised (only on Gnolls are creatures of low intelligence. They
a roll of 1on ld6). They may throw boulders (ranges resemble a cross between a human and a hyena.
60/130/200). They live in castles located in the Gnolls can use all weapons. They are strong, but
mountains or atop masses of clouds. They keep dislike work and prefer to bully and steal.
either 3d6 giant hawks (in clouds or mountains) or For every 20 gnolls encountered, one is a leader
6d6 dire wolves (only in mountains) as guards. with 16 hit points who attacks as a 3 Hit Die mon-
Cloud giants hate to be disturbed and may block ster. Gnolls are rumored to be the result of a mag-
mountain passes to discourage trespassers. ical combination of a gnome and a troll by an evil
Storm Giants: These are the tallest giants, often magic-user j
over 22 feet tall. They have bronze-colored skin and
bright red or yellow hair. They rarely (10%) throw GNOMC
boulders (ranges 150/300/450).They love thunder- Armor Class: 5
storms, and may create one in one turn. If a storm is Hit Dice:
present, a storm giant may throw one lightning bolt Move: 60 (20)
every five rounds. This bolt causes damage equal to Attacks: 1weapon
the remaining hit points of the giant (a Saving Damage By weapon
Throw vs. Spell reduces this to half damage). No Appearing: ld8 (5d8)
Storm giants live on mountain tops, in cloud Save As: Dwarf 1
castles, or deep under water. Their castles are Morale: 8 or 10 (see below)
always guarded by either 2d4 griffons (in moun- Treasure Type: (P)c
tains and clouds) or 3d6 giant crabs (under Alignment: Lawful or Neutral
water). Lightning does not affect these giants, XI Value: 10
and gems and have
isks to obtain them. Damage

.: . cid-powersdesired.
Armor Class:

Normal.humm '. Wood Golem: These monsters

like figures about 3 feet tallsTh
with a -1 penalty to initiativer

attack them on sight. ..: '

points and fights as a 3 Hit Die monster. H e gets a Amber Golem: Resemblin
+1 bonus to damage mMs. The gob1inking.has.a lions or tigers, amber g o l h
bodyguard of 2d6 goblins *whofight as 2 Hit Die and can detect invisible creabres

the great heat inside it (unless the target is resis- and continuing to inflict 2d8 points of damage
tant to fire). Anyone scoring damage on a bronze each round. Gray ooze cannot be harmed by cold
golem with a handheld weapon must make a or fire, but it can be harmed by weapons or light-
Saving Throw vs. Death Ray or take 2d6 points of ning. A lair may contain ld4 oozes, possibly with
damage from the fiery blood spurting out of the a special treasure made of stone (DMs choice).
wound. Bronze golems are not affected by fire-
based attacks. GICN SliM
Armor Class: Can always bs
GORGON Hit Dice: 2" (L)
Armor Class: 2 Move: 3' (1')
Hit Dice: a* (L) Attacks: 1
Move: 120' (40') Damage: See below
Attacks: 1horn or 1breath No. Appearing: 1 (0)
Damage: 2d6 or petrific; ' Save As: Fighter: 1
No. Appearing: ld2 (ld4) Morale: 12
Save As: Fighter: 8 Treasure Type: (P + S) B
Morale: 8 Alignment: Neutral
Treasure Type: E XI' Value: 30
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,200 Green slime cannot be harmed by any attacks
except fire or cold. It dissolves cloth or leather
Gorgons are magical, bull-like monsters cov- instantly, and wood and metal in six rounds. It can-
ered with large iron scales. They are usually not dissolve stone. Green slime often clings to walls
found in hills or grasslands. Gorgons can either and ceilings and drops down in a surprise attack.
attack with their great horns (possibly charging, Once in contact with flesh, green slime sticks and
for double damage) or use their breath weapon. turn the flesh into green slime. It cannot be scraped
The gorgons' breath weapon is a cloud of vapor, off, but it may be burned off. When green slime
60 feet long and IO feet wide. Targets must roll a drops onto a target (or is stepped on), the target can
successful Saving Throw vs. Turn to Stone or be usually burn it while it is dissolving armor and
petrified. Gorgons are immune to their own clothing. If green slime is not burned off, the target
breath weapons and all other petrifying attacks. turns completely into green slime ld4 rounds after
the first six-round (one minute) period. Half of the
GRaJ bum damage goes to the green slime; the other half
Armor goes to the slime covered victim.
Hit Dic \-,


Move: 10' (3')

Attacks: 1 Armor Class: 7
Damage: 2d8 Hit Dice: 3* (M)
No. Appearing: ld4 (--~., Move: 60' (20')
Save As: Fighter: 2 Flying:
. - 150' (50')
Morale: 12 Attacks: 2 claws/l weapon + special
Treasure Type: Nil Damage: ld4/ld4/ld6
Alignment: Neutral No. Appearing: Id6 (2d4)
XP Value: 50 Save As: Fighter: 6
Morale: 7
This seeping horror looks like wet stone and is Treasure Type: C
difficult to see. It secretes an acid that causes 2d8 Alignment: Chaotic
points of damage if it touches bare skin. The acid XP Value: 50
dissolves and destroys normal armor and weap-
ons in only one round, and magical items in one A harpy has the lower body of a giant eagle
turn. After the first hit, the ooze sticks to its vic- and the upper body and head of a hideous-look-
tim, automatically destroying any normal armor ing woman. Harpies lure creatures by singing,
themkill and .de,v<our.thetargets.Any creature laylight). A hobgoblin king and ld4 bodyguards
hearing the harpies' songs must roll a successful ive in the hobgoblin lair. The king has 22 hit
Saving m o w vs. Spell or be charmed. If a target ioints and fights as a 5 Hit Die monster. He gets a
makes.a Saving Throw against the songs of a 'onus of +2 on damage rolls. The bodyguards all
group of harpies, he is not affected by any of their ight as 4 Hit Die monsters and have 3d6 hit
songs during that encounter. points each. As long as their king is alive and
with them, hobgoblin morale is 10 rather than 8.
Armor Class: HybRa
Hit Dice: Armorclass: 5
Move: 120' (40') Hit Dice: 5-12 (L)
Attacks: 1bite or 1breath Move: 120' (40'
Damage: ld6 or special Attacks: 5-12
No. Appearing: 2d4 (2d4) Damage: ldl0 each
Save As: Fighter: 3-7 No.Appearing: l(1) I

Morale: 9 Save As: Fighter: 5-12

TreasureType: C Morale: 11
Alignment chaotic Treasure Type: B
XP Value: 65,175 425,725, or 1,250 Alignment Neutral
. ,,. ' 2 Value: 175,275,450,650,900, or 1,1
These reddish-brown, d monsters are as
big as s m a l l ponies. Hellhounds are c-g +nd A hydra is a large creature with a dragon-like
highly intelligent. Q e y can .often.detect invisible body and 5 to 12 snake-like heads. It has one Hit
(as the magic-user spell; 75 und, Die for each head, and each head has 8 hit points.
range 60 feet). They are 1 fire Its Saving Throws are made as a Fighter of a level
apd roll all Saving Throws,asfighters of equal Hit equal to the number of heads. The hydra attacks
Dice. They are often found . F a r volcqoes, deep, with all of its heads in every round. For every 8
in dungeons, or with other fire-loving creatures points of damage a hydra takes, one head is de-
(suchasfiregianfs). . ,, ' '
stroyed. For example, if a seven-headed hydra
:.,Ahellhowd.attacks one target, eit&r breath- suffered 18 points of damage, it would attack
ing fire (33% chance) or biting (67%)each r o w . with only five,heads in the next round.
The breath cause: ld6,pointsof damage for,each You may wish to create special hydrae. These
Hit Qie of the hound. The target must roll a suc- could have poir;onous bites or beathe f k (as a hell-
cessful Saving Throw vs. Dragon Breath~totake hound, for 8 points of damage per head). Such c
half damage. turrs should be placed to guard special treasures
HO-bfi INViSibI Stan<=
Armor Class: Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 1+1(Mj Hit Dice: 8' (M
Move: 9y (3 Move: 120' (qr)
attack: ' .1weapon Attacks: 1
Damage , Byweapon Damage: 4d4
No. Appearing: ld6.(4d6) No. Appearing: l(1)
Save As: Fighter: ,1 Save As: Fighter: 8
Morale: 8 or 10 (see below) , . Morale: 12
Treasure Type: (Q)D . ~ ,, Treasure Type: Nil
Alignmel-lt Chaotic Alignment Neutral
XP Value: 15 .,., : I
XP Value: 1,200

, Hobgoblins are relatives of goblins, but they An invisible stalker is a magical, human-like
are bigger and meaner. They live underground,: monster from another plane of existence. It is
but ,oftea hunt outdoors (having no penalties in,, s,ummoned by the magic-user spell inoisi
stalker. If the stalker is given a simple task that is A giant leech is 3 to 4 feet long. If it hits, it
clear and can be swiftly completed, it obeys holds on and sucks blood for ld6 points of dam-
promptly. If the task is complex or lengthy, the age per round. Giant leeches must be killed to be
creature tries to distort the intent whileobeying removed.
the literal command. For example, if ordered to
guard a treasure longer than a week, the stalker Lizanb MaN
may take it away to its own plane of existence Armor Class: 5
and guard it there forever. Hit Dice: 2+1 (M)
An invisible stalker is most often used to track Move: 60' (20')
and slay enemies. It is highly intelligent and a Swimming: 120' (40')
flawless tracker. If its victim cannot detect invis- Attacks : 1weapon
ible things, the stalkcbr surprises on a roll of 1-5 Damage: By weapon +I
(on 1d6). It returns t o its own plane once i t is No. Appearing: 2d4 (6d6)
slain, dispelled, or hasi completed its task. Save As: Fighter: 2
Morale: 12
Kobolb Treasure Type: D
Armor Class: 7 Alignment: Neutral
Hit Dice: 1 XP Value: 25
Move: 91
Attacks: 1weapon These water-dwelling creatures resemble men
Damage: By weapon -1 with lizard heads and tails. They live in tribes.
No. Appearing: 4d4 (6d10) They try to capture humans and demihumans
Save As: r*Jormal Human and take the targets back to the tribal lair as the
Morale: 6 or 8 main course of a feast. Lizard men are semi-intel-
Treasure Type: (1') J ligent and use spells and large clubs (treat the
Alignment: Clhaotic
XP Value: 5 I!

These small, evil, dog-like men usually live

underground. They have scaly, rust-brown skin and
no hair. They have well developed infravision with a
90-foot range. They prefer to attack by ambush.
A kobold chieftain and Id6 bodyguards live in
the kobold lair. The chieftain has 9 hit points and
fights as a 2 Hit Die monster. The body guards
each have 6 hit points and fight as 1+1Hit Die
monsters. As long as the chieftain is alive, all
Kobolds with him have a morale of 8 rather than
6. Kobolds attack gnomes on sight.

Armor Class
Hit Dice:
Move: 90' (30')
Attacks: 1bite
Damage: ld6
No. Appearing: 0 (ld4)
Save As: Fightei
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 275
clubs as maces). They get a bonus of +1 to dam-
age rolls due to their great strength. Lizard men after half that time. The disease kills d e m i h m
are often found in swamps, rivers, and along sea-
coasts as well as in dungeons.
character who becomes a full werecreat
LPCaNtnROpS becomes an NFC, to be runby the DM only.
Lycanthropes are humans who ran change into Wererats: Wererats are different from mos
beasts (or in the case of wererats, beasts that can
change into humans). They do not wear armor
since it would interfere with shapechanging. Any weapon. Wererats usually prefer to use man-
lycanthrope can summon ld2 animals of its were- sized rat forms. They can become full-sized
type; werebears may summon bears, werewolves humans. Wererats are sneaky and often set
may summon wolves, and so forth. Summoned ambushes, surprising on a roll of 1-4 (on ld6).
animals arrive in ld4 rounds. They summon giant rats to help them in battle.
If any lycanthrope is hit by wolfsbane, it must Only a wererat's bite causes lycanthropy. ,'

roll a successful Saving Throw vs. or run Werewolves: These creatures are semi-int
away in fear. The sprig of wolfs I ust be
swung or thrown as a weapon, using. normal
combat procedures. A IFcanthrope returns to its
"normal" form when killed. Some animals (such Werewolves summon normal wolves to
as horses) do not like the smell of lycanthropes
and react with fear tu their presence.
Animal Form: In animal form, a lycanthrope
may be harmed only by magical weapons, silver
weapons, and magical spells. The lycanthrope
cannot speak normal languages, although it can and fighting to the death). Wereboars summon
speak with normal animals of its weretype. normal boars to help them in battle.
Human Form: In human form, a lycanthrope Weretigers: These relatives of the great cats o
often looks somewhat like its wereform. Wererats
have longer noses than most humans, werebears
are hairy, and so forth. In this foTm, they may be
attacked normally, and they may speak any
known languages.
Lycanthropy: Lycanthropy is a contagious dis-
ease. Any human charqctep who lose more than even in animal form. A werebear usually p
half of their hit points in battle with
become lycanthropes of +e same
werebears may hug for 2d8 points of damage (in receiving l d 6 points of damage) or die in one
addition to normal damage) if both paws hit the turn. A medusa often wears a robe with a hood
same target in one round. Werebears may sum- for a disguise. This way she can trick her targets
mon any type of bear in the area. into looking at her.
A target can watch the reflection of a medusa
MaNticone in a mirror without danger. If a medusa sees her
Armor Class: 4 own reflection, she must roll a successful Saving
Hit Dice: 6+1* (L) Throw vs. Turn to Stone or she petrifies herself!
Move: 120' (40') Anyone who tries to attack a medusa without
Flying: 180' (60) looking at her gets a 4 penalty to the character's
Attacks: 2 claws/l bite or 6 spikes hit roll. The snakes attack this target with a +2
Damage: ld4/ld4/2d4 or ld6 each bonus to their hit roll. A medusa also gains +2 on
No. Appearing: ld2 (ld4) all Saving Throws vs. Spell because of her magi-
Save As: Fighter: 6 cal nature. Medusae occasionally use weapons.
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: D MiNotaun
Alignment: Chaotic Armor Class: 6
XP Value: 650 Hit Dice: 6 (L)
Move: 120' (40')
A manticore is a horrid monster with the body Attacks: 1 gore/l bite or 1weapon
of a lion and leathery, bat-like wings. It has a Damage: ld6/ld6 or by weapon +2
human face with large, sharp fangs. It has 24 tail No. Appearing: ld6 (ld8)
spikes and can shoot six each round, even when Save As: Fighter: 6
flying (ranges 50/100/180). The creature regrows Morale: 12
two spikes per day. Its favorite food is man. Treasure Type: C
Manticores usually live in wild mountain Alignment: Chaotic
ranges, from which they sometimes delve into XP Value: 275
cavernous settings. They frequently track
humans, ambushing with spike attacks when the A minotaur is a large man with the head of a
party stops to rest. bull. It is larger than human size; it eats humans.
A minotaur always attacks anything its size or
Mebusa smaller and pursues as long as its prey is in sight.
Armor Class: 8 Minotaurs are semi-intelligent. Some use
Hit Dice: 4%' ( weapons, preferring spears, clubs, or axes. When
Move: using weapons, minotaurs gain +2 to damage
Attacks: 1 snakebite + special rolls due to their strength. If a minotaur uses a
Damage: ld6 + poison weapon, it cannot gore or bite. Minotaurs usually
No. Appearing: l d 3 (ld4) live in tunnels or mazes.
Save As: Fighter: 4 (see below)
Morale: 8 Mule
Treasure Type: (V) F Armor Class: 7
Alignment: Chaotic Hit Dice: 2 (L)
XI' Value: 175 Move: 120' (40)
Attacks: 1 kick or 1bite
A medusa looks like a human female with live Damage: ld4 or l d 3
snakes growing from her head instead of hair. The No. Appearing: ld2 (2d6)
sight of a medusa turns a creature to stone unless Save As: Normal Human
the target rolls a successful Saving Throw. How- Morale: 8
ever, this affects only one character per round. Treasure Type: Nil
The medusa gets one hit roll for the bite of her Alignment: neutral
snakes. If they hit, the target must roll a success- XP Value: 20
ful Saving Throw vs. Poison (in addition to
Mules are a crossbreed between a horse and a An NPC party is any group of nonplayer char-
donkey. Mules are stubborn, and if bothered or acters. Each NPC may be of any class, level, and
excited they may either bite or kick. Mules can be alignment. All rules for player characters apply
taken into dungeons, if the DM wishes. A mule to NPCs. An NPC party can be created in great
can carry a normal load of 3,000 coins (or 6,000 detail before a game or assembled "on the fly," as
coins at most, with its move reduced to 60 feet you need them.
per turn)Mules cannot be trained to attack, but Most parties (whether NPCs or PCs) do
they will fight in their own defense. If encoun- want to fight other parties, preferring to chal-
tered alone in a dungeon. mules mav belong to an lenge monsters. The DM also may wish to avoid
the large complicated battle that could occur
between two parties. If this is so, the DM can use
the following chart to determine the action
Armor Class: the NPC party.
Hit Dice: 5+1** (M) For ease of play, the DM should give the
Move: M)' (20') party the same number of members as in the PC
Attacks: 1touch party, plus ld4 fighters (to discourage PCs from
Damage: ld12 + disease thinking about attacking the other party). You
N o Appearing ld4 (ld12) can assume similar classes and equipment, if the
Save As: Fighter: 5 NPCs are nearly the same level of experience as
Morak: 12 the P
Treasure Type: D
chaotic NPC Reaction Chart
2d6 Roll Result
Mummies are undead that lurk near deserted 2-5 Depart in anger
ruins and tombs. Every character seeing a 6-8 Negotiate
mummy must roll a successful Saving Throw vs. 9-12 I Offer to buy or sell information
Paralysis or stop, paralyzed with fear, until the
mummy is out of sight. The touch of a mummy The NPCs may offer to buy information ab
causes disease in addition to damage [no Saving a dungeon, for 10 to 500 gp, or to sell similar
Throw). This hideous, rotting affliction prevents information (for the same price range). Typical
all magical healing and slows normal healing to information could be monsters seen, maps found,
10% of the normal rate. The disease lasts until stairs up or down, and other features. The D M
magically cured. should decide on the price offered by the NPCs,
Mummies can be damaged only by spells, fire, considering the value of the information sold. Of
or magical weapons, all of which cause half dam- course, the information might not be accurate.
age. They are immune to sleep, charm, and hold
spells. OCnn, Jm*
Armor Class: 8
NFT Panty Hit Dice: 5*(L) 5,
Armor Class: By NPC class Move: 30' (10'9
Hit Dice: Variable Attacks: 1
Move: Variable Damage: 2d6
Attacks: Weapons and spells No. Appearing: 1 (0)
Damage: ld4 or by weapon and Save as: Fighter: 3
spell effects Morale: 12
N o Appearing: 1(1) Treasure Tvue: Nil
Save As: NPC class and level Alignmeni:' Neutr
Morale: 8 XP Value: 300
Treasure Type: (U+ VI
Alignment h Y An ochre jelly is an ochrecolored, giant amoeba
XI' Value: Variable that can be harmed only by fire or cold. It can
seep through small cracks. It destroys wood, Orcs are often used for army grunts by Chaotic
leather, and cloth in one round-but it cannot eat leaders (both humans and monsters). They prefer
through metal or stone. Attacks with weapons or swords, spears, axes, and clubs for weapons.
lightning merely make ld4+1 smaller (2 Hit Dice) They cannot use mechanical weapons (such as
ochre jellies. A normal ochre jelly causes 2d6 catapults), and only their leaders would even
points of damage per round to exposed flesh. The understand how to operate such devices.
smaller ochre jellies inflict only half damage. There are many different tribes of orcs. Each
tribe has as many female orcs as males, with two
OGR whelps (young) for every two adults. The leader
Armor Class: 5 of an orc tribe is a chieftain with 15 hit points. He
Hit Dice: 4+1 (L) attacks as a 4 Hit Die monster and gains +2 to his
Move: 90' (30') damage rolls. For every 20 orcs in a tribe, there
Attacks: 1 club may be an ogre with them (1in 6 chance).
Damage: By weapon +2
No. Appearing: ld6 (2d6) owl Rean
Save As: Fighter: 4 Armor Class: 5
Morale: 10 Hit Dice: 5 (L)
Treasure Type: (SX 10) s x 100 + c Move: 120' (40)
Alignment: Chaotic Attacks: 2 claws/l bite
XP Value: 125 Damage: ld8 /ld8/ld8
No. Appearing: ld4 (ld4)
Ogres are huge, fearsome, human-like crea- Save As: Fighter: 3
tures, usually 8 to 10 feet tall. They wear animal Morale: 9
skins for clothes and often live in caves. When Treasure Type: C
encountered outside their lair, a group carries d6 Alignment: Neutral
x 100 gp in large sacks. XP Value: 175

Onc An owl bear is a huge, bear-like creature with

Armor Class: 6 the head of a giant owl. It stands 8 feet tall and
Hit Dice: 1 (MI weighs 15,000 cns. If both its paws hit one oppo-
Move: 120' (40') nent in one round, the owl bear hugs for an addi-
Attacks: 1weapon tional 2d8 points of damage. Owl bears have
Damage: By weapon nasty tempers and are usually hungry, preferring
No. Appearing: 2d4 (10d6) meat. They are commonly found underground
Save As: Fighter 1 and in dense forests.
Morale: 8 or 6 (see below)
Treasure Type: (P) D Rat Normal Gianlt
Alignment: Chaotic Armor Class: 9 7
XP Value: 10 Hit Dice: 1hit point (S) 1 / 2 (:1-4 hit
points) (S)
Orcs are ugly, human-like creatures. They look Move: 60' (20') 120' (40')
like a combination of animal and man. Orcs are Swimming: 30' (10') 60' (20')
nocturnal omnivores that prefer to live under- Attacks: 1bite/pack 1bite each
ground. When fighting in daylight, they have a -
Damage: ld6 + disease ld3 t disease
penalty of -1 to their hit rolls. Orcs have bad tem- No.
pers and do not like other living things. Appearing: 5d10 (2d10) 3d6 (3d10)
One member of each group of orcs is a leader Save As: Normal Human Normal Human
with 8 hit points. He gains a +1bonus to damage Morale: 5 8
rolls. If this leader is killed, the morale of the Treasure
group becomes 6 instead of 8. Orcs are afraid of Type: L C
anything larger or stronger than they are, but Alignment: Neutral Neutral
they can be forced to fight by their leaders. XP Value: 2 5
Rats usually avoid humans and do not attack Rhagodessa are nocturnal-they hunt onl:
unless summoned (by a wererat, for example) or the dark. They are normally found in caves and
when defending their lairs. Rats are good swim- can climb walls.
mers and may attack while in water. They are
afraid of fire and runfrom it unless forced to fight
by a summoner.
Rats eat almost anything, and some rats
carry diseases. Anyone bitten by a rat has a 5% Move: 120' (40')
chance of being infected. (Check each time a Attacks: 1
rat successfully hits. If the rat is diseased, the Damage: See below
XP award is 6.) The target can still avoid the No. Appearing: ld4 (ld4)
disease by rolling a Saving Throw vs. Poison. If Save As: Fighter: 3
s h e fails, s h e either dies in 1d6 days (25% Morale: 7
chance) or lies sick in bed (75% chance) for one TreasureType: Nil r'
month, unable to adventure. Alignment Neutd
Normal Rats: Normal rats have gray or XI? Value: 300
brown fur and are from 6 inches to 2 feet long.
They attack in packs of five to ten individuals. A rust monster has a body like a giant
If there are more than 10 rats, they attack sev- armadillo with a long tail and two long front
eral targets as packs of 10 or less. A pack only antennae. If a rust monster hits a target with its
attacks one creature at a time and makes one antenna, any nonmagical metal armor or weapon
attack per round. Rats climb all over the crea- immediately crumbles to rust.
ture they are attacking, often knocking the vic- They are attracted by the smell of metal and
tim down. eat the rust their attacks create. They can be
Giant Rats: These creatures are 3 feet long or injured by any type of weapon and a success-
longer and have grey or black fur. They are often ful hit roll means that the rust monster's body
found in the dark comers of dungeon rooms and is damaged. There are no ill effects on the
in areas with undead monsters. . :..
If a rust monster hits magical arn
Rtlawtwssa magical weapon with its antennae, there is a
Armor Class: 10% chance the magic resists the rust effect. If
Hit Dice: 4+2 (L) the target fails, the magical item loses one
Move: 150' (50') "plus" per hit. If the item loses all of its pluses,
Attacks: 1leg/l bite it is no longer magical. For example, a shieId +1
Damage: 0 + suckers/2d8 has a 10% chance of surviving the attack. If the
No. Appearing: ld4 (ld6) player rolls 11 or greater on d%, the shield is
Save As: Fighter: 2 I reduced to a normal shield. If hit again, i t
Morale: 9 crumbles into rust.
Treasure Type: u,
Alignment: Neutral SconpioN, CjiaNt
Xl' Value: 125 Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice:
A rhagodessa is a giant spider-like carni- Move:
vore, about the size of a small horse. It has an Attacks: 2 claws/l sting
oversized head and jaws (mandibles) that are Damage: ld10/ ld10/ld4 + pois01
yellow and a dark brown thorax. It has five No. Appearing: ld6 (1d6)
pairs of legs; the front pair end in suckers that Save As: Fighter: 2
help the creature grasp its prey. A hit with a Morale: 11 ~

leg causes no damage, but means that the tar- TreasureType: W

get is caught. In the next round of combat, the Alignment Neutral
target is pulled to the mandibles and bitten XP Value: 125
(automatic hi
A giant scorpion is the size of a small horse. It Shriekers resemble giant mushrooms. They live
lives in deserts, caves, and ruins. It usually in underground caverns a n d move around
attacks on sight. It fights by grasping a victim slowly. They react to light (within 60 feet) and
with its claws and stinging. If either claw hits, movement (within 30 feet) by emitting a piercing
onestruc .~
the hit roll for the stinger gains a +2 bonus. Any-
. , ~ ~ ~..,,..~~
shriek that lasts for l d 3 rounds. For each round of
-vieking, the DM rolls ld6. A result of 4-6 means
Saving Th wandering monster has heard the noise and
rrives ir
Armor C1. lklt~
Hit Dice: .rmor C
Move: [it Dice:
Attacks: love:
Damage: ,ttacks:
No. Appe lamage:
Save As: Io. App
Morale: 12- Save As:
Treasure Type: F Morale: 2-
Alignment: Chaotic Treasure Type: Til
XP Value: 35 Alignment: :haotic
XI Value: 0
S h a d o w s a r e noncorporeal (ghostlike),
intelligent creatures. They can be harmed Animated skeletons are undead creatures
only by magical weapons. They look like real found near grave yards, dungeons, and other
shadows and can alter their shape slightly. deserted places. They are often used as guards by
Shadows are hard to see and usually gain sur- the high-level magic-user or cleric who animated
prise (1-5 on ld6). If a shadow scores a hit, it them. Since they are undead, they can be turned
d r a i n s 1 p o i n t of S t r e n g t h in a d d i t i o n t o by clerics. They are not affected by sleep or charm
inflicting normal damage. This weakness lasts spells, nor any form of mind reading. Skeletons
for eight turns. always fight until killed.
Any creature whose Strength is reduced to 0
becomes a shadow immediately. Shadows are not SNaltc
affected by sleep or chnrm spells; they are not Snakes are found almost everywhere. They avoid
undead and cannot be turned by clerics. only very hot and very cold places. Most snakes
The DM should not use shadows unless the d o not attack unless surprised or threatened.
party has at least one magical weapon. Some snakes have poisonous bites, and most are
SQnieRen Spitting Cobra: A spitting cobra is a 3-
Armor Class: 7 foot-long, grayish-white snake. It spits a stream
Hit Dice: 3 (h of venom at its targets eyes, up to a distance of 6
Move: 9 (: feet away. If the spit hits, the target must roll a
Attacks: See successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or be blinded.
Damage: Nil As with most small, poisonous snakes, a spitting
No. Appearing: 1d8 (0) cobra does not attack human-sized or larger
Save As: Fig1iter: 2 opponents unless startled or threatened. It can
Morale: 12 either spit or bite in one round, but not both; it
Treasure Type: Nil usually spits. The damage given ( l d 3 points)
Alignment: Neutral applies only to the bite. If bitten, the target must
XP Value: 35 roll a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison or die
in ld10 turns.
Giant Racer: This is an average type of giant
snake, about 4 feet long. It has no special abilities,
but it is faster than most other snakes. It is not
poisonous, but its bite can be dangerous in itself.
Larger racers average 2 feet long per Hit Die and
inflict ld8,ld10, or even 2d6 points of damage
per bite.
Pit Viper: A pit viper is a 5-foot-long, green-
ish-gray, poisonous snake with small pits in its
head. These pits act as heat sensors, with a
range of 60 feet. The combination of pits and
infravision makes it very hard to fight a pit
viper; it is so quick that it always gains the ini-
tiative (no rot1 needed). Any target bitten by a

pit viper must roll a successful Saving Throw Morale: Ill-
vs. Poison or die. TreasureType ,'.. 1 E . ,

Giant Rattlesnake: This 10-foot-long snake Alignment ' . ' . ~ 'ma

has brown and white scales set in a diamond XF Value: 725
pattern. On its tail is a dried, scaly rattle, .-
which it often shakes to ward off intruders or The ghostly specters are among the migh
attackers who are too darge to eat. The victim of the undead. They have no solid bodies and can
of a giant rattlesnake bite must roll a success- be hit only by magical weapons; silver wea
f u l Saving Throw vs. Poison or die in I d 6 have no effect. Like all undead, specter
turns. This snake is very fast and attacks twice immune to sleep, cham?, and hold spells. Xd-,
per round, the second attack coming at the end A hit by a specter inflicts ld8 points of damage
of the round. in addition to a double energy drain (victims lose
Rock Python: This 20-foot-long snake has two levels). A character slain by a specter rises
brown and yellow scales set in a spiral pattern. the next night as a specter under the control of
Its first attack is s bite. If the bite is successful, it the slayer.
Spiben, GiaNt less against attacks. While they are dancing, vic-
Crab Spider Black Tarantella tims suffer a 4 penalty to their hit rolls, and any-
Widow thing- attacking them gains a +4 bonus to its hit
Armor Class: 7 6 5
Hit Dice: 2" (M) '3 (MI 4*(L)
Move: 120'(40') 60' (20') 120'(40')
InWeb Nowebs 120'(40') Nowebs
Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite 1bite
Damage: ld8 t poison 2d6 t poison ld8 t poison
Appearing: ld4 (ld4) ld4 (ld4) ld4 (ld4)
Save As: Fighter: 1 Fighter: 2 Fighter: 2
Morale: 7 8 8
Type: U U U
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
XPValue: 25 50 125
All spiders can be dangerous, and many are
poisonous. All are carnivores, either trapping
their prey in webs or jumping at victims by sur- rail) reiareu tv pixies dnu rive>. rriuugn my, iriry
prise. They are rarely intelligent and often flee are very curious and have a strange sense of
from fire. humor. Five sprites acting together can cast one
Crab Spider: This 5-foot-long spider has a cha- curse spell. This takes the form of a magical prac-
meleon-like ability to blend into its surroundings. tical joke, such as tripping or having the target's
It surprises targets on a roll of 1-4 (on ld6). It nose grow. The exact effect of the curse is left to
clings to walls or ceilings and drops onto its prey. the DMs imagination. Sprites never cause death
After the first attack, targets can see it normally. on purpose, even if they are attacked.
Any bitten target must roll a successful Saving
Throw vs. Poison or die in ld4 turns. The poison Stincie
is weak, so target gains a t 2 bonus to the Saving Armor Class: 7
Throw. Hit Dice: 1*(3
Black Widow Spider: This vicious arachnid is Move: 30' (10')
6 feet long, and has a red "hourglass" mark on its Flying: 180' (60')
belly. It usually stays close to its webbed lair. Attacks : 1
Treat as the magic-user's web spell when targets Damage: ld4
attempt to break free once entrapped. The webs No. Appearing: ldlO (3d6)
can also be burned away. Any target of the bite of Save As: Fighter: 2
a black widow spider must roll a successful Sav- Morale: 9
ing Throw vs. Poison or die in 1turn. Treasure Type: L
Tarantella: A tarantella is a huge, hairy, magi- Alignment: Neutral
cal spider that resembles a 7-foot-long tarantula. XP Value: 13
Its bite does not kill; instead, it causes the target
(if he fails a Saving Throw vs. Poison) painful A stirge is a bird-like creature with a long beak.
spasms that resemble frantic dancing. It attacks by thrusting its beak into the target's
This dance. .has .. .
. a magical effect. on.* onlookers.
Anyone watcning tne aance must roil a success-
body (it feeds on blood). A successful hit (for ld3
uoints of damage) means that it attaches itself to
ful Saving Throw V I5. Spell or start to dance in the 'the target. It su"cs for ld3 points of damage per
same way. The efl'ects of the bite last for 2d6 round until the target dies. A flying stirge gains a
turns. Affected watchers dance for as long as the bonus of +2 on its first hit roll against any oppo-
original target. H owever, dancers drop from nent because of its diving attack.
exhaustion in five turns, and they are then help-

. ._
Ztloul, , CnoGlobpt
A m o Class:
~ 6 Armor Glass:
Hit Dice: 3*X3(M) ' , .A< l,''!, 'Hit Dice:
Move: 120' (40') . > : Move: .,. 120; (40')
Attacks: 2 claws or 1weapon
Damage: ld31ld3 or by weapclnity
No. Appearing: ld6 (ld10) No. Appearing:
Save As: Fighter 3 Save As:
Morale: 10 Morale:

w e n t
Treasure Tvw: c , ~ : rreasure Tvoe:

W Value:

A thoul is a magical.combination of aghoul, Troglodytes are intelligent, human-like reptiles.

a hobgoblin, and a troll. Except when a target is They have short tails, long legs, and spiny
very close, a thoul looks exactly like. a hobgob- "combs" on the head and a m . Twglodytes walk
lin. It is sometimes .foun&as part of.the b&y- upright and use their hands as well as humans.
guard of a hobgoblin kiqg. A thoul's touch They hate most other creatures and try to kill
paralyzes (the same as a ghoul's touch). If it is anyone they meet. They have the chameleon-like
damaged, a thDul can regener3te.l hit pink per ability to change colars. They use it to hide by
round as long as it is alive. (After a thou1&.,hit, rock walls, often surprising targets (1-4 on ld6).
add 1 hit p ~ &to,itrtotal at the beginning.of Troglodytes secrete an oil that produces a stench,
each round of combat.) , I ,, 1 ,
nauseating to humans and demihuman3 ur&ss

I. -':.ia

*.. ...
they roll a successful Saving Throw vs. Poison. VaMpine"
Nauseated characters have a -2 penalty to their Armor Class: 2
hit rolls while in hand-to-hand combat with a Hit Dice: 7""-9**(M)
troglodyte. Move: 1 2 0 (40')
Flying: 180 (60)
'CROll Attacks: 1 touch or special
Armor Class: 4 Damage: 1dlO + double energy drain
Hit Dice: 6+3" (L) or special
Move: 120' (40') No. Appearing: ld4 (ld6)
Attacks: 2 claws/l bite Save As: Fighter: 7-9
Damage: ld6/ld6/ld10 Morale: 11
No. Appearing: ld8 (ld8) Treasure Type: F
Save As: Fighter: 6 Alignment: Chaotic
Morale: 10 ( 8 ) XI' Value: 7 HD: 1,250
Treasure Type: D 8 H D 1,750
Alignment: Chaotic 9 HD: 2,300
XP Value: 650
Vampires are the most feared of the undead.
Trolls are 8-foot-tall, thin, intelligent They haunt ruins, tombs, crypts, and other
humanoids, with skin almost like rubber. They places deserted by man. They are unaffected by
prefer humans and humanoids to all other foods. sleep, chavm, and hold spells. They can only be hit
They live anywhere, even in the ruined dwellings with magical weapons.
of their victims. A vampire can take the form of a human, a dire
Trolls are very strong and rend their opponents wolf, a giant bat, or a gaseous cloud at will. Each
with talons and sharp teeth. They have the power change takes 1round.
of regeneration-the ability to grow back together Whatever its form, a vampire regenerates 3 hit
when damaged. They begin to regenerate three points per round, starting as soon as it is dam-
rounds after being damaged, and wounds heal aged. If a vampire is reduced to 0 hit points, it
themselves at a rate of 3 hit points per round. becomes gaseous and flees to its coffin.
Severed limbs even crawl back to the body to In dire wolf or giant bat form, the vampire's
rejoin. move, attacks, and damage are those of the ani-
The head and claws of a troll continue to fight mal. The vampire's AC, Hit Dice, Morale, and
as long as the creature has 1 hit point or more. Saving Throws remain unchanged. In gaseous
However, a troll cannot regenerate damage from form, a vampire cannot attack. It can fly at the
fire or acid. When attacked by these methods, the speed given above and is immune to all weapon
creature's morale score is 8. Unless totally attacks.
destroyed by fire or acid, a troll eventually regen- In human form, a vampire can attack by gaze
erates completely. or touch, or it can summon other creatures. The
touch of a vampire inflicts a double energy drain
UNbeab (removing two levels of experience) in addition
The undead are evil creatures created by dark to damage. The creature's gaze can charm. Any
magic. They are not affected by things that affect target who meets the gaze must roll a successful
living creatures (such as poison) or spells that Saving Throw vs. Spell to avoid the charm, but
affect the mind (such as sleep and charm). They there is a -2 penalty to the roll. The vampire can
make no noise when moving or fighting. See summon any one type of the following creatures;
Ghoul, Skeleton, Vampire, Wight, Wraith, or they come to its aid if they are within 300 feet
Zombie. (300 yards outdoors):
Rats 10-100 Giant Rats 5-20 WicibP
Bats 10-100 Giant Bats 3-18 Armor Class: 5
Wolves 3-18 Dire Wolves 2-8 Hit Dice: 3*(M)
Any character slain by a vampire returns from Move: 9' (30')
the dead in three days as a vampire under the Attacks: 1
control of the slayer. Damage: Energy drain
Weaknesses of Vampires: A vampire cannot No. Appearing: ld6 (la)
come within 10 feet of a strongly presented holy Save As: Fighter: 3
symbol, although it can move to attack from Mor ale: 12
another direction. The odor of garlic repels a Treasure Type: B
vampire; the creature must roll a successful Sav- Alignment Chao
ing Throw vs. Poison or it must stay 10 feet from XP Value: 50
the garlic during that round.
A vampire cannot cross running water, either A wight is an undead spirit living in the b
on foot or flying, except at a bridge or while in its of a dead human or demihuman. It can be hit
coffin. During the day, a vampire usually rests in only by silver or magical weapons. Wights are
its coffin; failure to do so results in the loss of 2d6 greatly feared because they drain life en6rgy
hit points per day. These hit points are not regen- when they strike a target. Each hit drains one
erated until the vampire has rested in its coffin level of experience or Hit Die. Any person totally
for a full day. A vampire casts no reflection and drained of life energy by a wight becomes a
avoids mirrors. wight in ld4 days, under the control of the slayer.
Vampires may be destroyed by driving a
wooden stake through the heart or by immersion wolf Normal Wolf Dire Wolf
in running water for one turn. If vampires are Armor Class: 7 6
exposed to direct sunlight, the creatures must roll Hit Dice: 2+2 (M) 4+1
a successful Saving Throw vs. Death Ray each Move: 180' (60') 150'
round or disintegrate. A continual light spell can- Attacks: 1bit ,bit
not disintegrate vampires, but it does blind them Damage: ld6 2d4
(see spell description). No. Appearing: 2d6 (3d6) ld4 (2d4)
If all of a vampire's coffins are blessed or de- Save As: Fighter: 1 Fighter: 2
stroyed, it weakens, suffering 2d6 hit points of Morale: 8/6 (see below) 8
damage per day. It dies when its hit points are Treasure Type: Nil Nil
reduced to 0. A vampire always has several well- Alignment Neutral Neu
hidden coffins available. XP Value: 25 125

wenecneatune Wolves: Wolves are carnivores that hun

See Lycanthrope: werebear, wereboar, wererat, packs. Though they prefer the wilderness, they
weretiger, and werewolf. can occasionally be found in caves. Captured
wolf cubs may be trained like dogs (if the DM
permits), but with difficulty. If three or fewer
wolves are encountered, or if a pack is reduced to
less than 50%of its original numbers, their morale
is 6 rather than 8.
Dire Wolves: Dire wolves are larger and more
ferocious than normal wolves, and they are semi-
intelligent. They are fierce enemies and usually
hunt in packs. They can be found in caves, woods,
and mountains. They are sometimes trained by
goblins as mounts. Captured dire wolf cubs can
be trained like dogs (if the DM permits), but they
are even more savage than normal wolf cubs.
Wnaitlp Yllow Mol0
Armor Class: 3 Armor Class: C
Hit Dice: 4**(M) Hit Dice: 2'
Move: 120' (40') Move: C
Flying: 240' (SO') Attacks: SI
Attacks: 1touch Damage: II.
Damage: ld6 + energy drain No. Appearing: 11.
No. Appearing: ld4 (ld6) Save As: FI
Save As: Fighter: 4 Morale: n
Morale: 11 Treasure Type: Nil
Treasure Type: E Alignment: N
Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 2!
XP Value: 175
A wraith is an undead monster with no physi- -..
One of these deadl) '-"b' L v . L . ~ of 10
cal body. It appears as a pale, almost transparent square feet, and many may be found together.
man-like figure of thick mist. It is immune to Yellow mold can be killed only by fire: A torch
sleep, charm, and hold spells. A wraith can be hit causes l d 4 points of damage each round. It can
only by silver or magical weapons. Silver weap- eat through wood and leather, but cannot harm
ons cause only half damage. metal or stone. It does not actually attack, but if it
A successful touch attack by a wraith results in is touched, even by a torch, the touch may (50%
an energy drain of one level in addition to caus- chance per touch) cause the mold to squirt out a
ing l d 6 points of damage. A victim slain by a 10' x 10' x 10' cloud of spores. Anyone caught
wraith becomes a wraith in one day, under the within the cloud suffers l d 6 points of damage
control of the slayer. and must roll a successful Saving Throw vs.
Wraiths dwell in deserted lands or in the homes Death Ray or choke to death within six rounds.
of creatures they have slain or frightened away
WJ'VIZN Armor C 8
Armor Class: 3 Hit Dice: 2 (M)
Hit Dice: 7" (L) Move: 90' (3
Move: 90' (30') Attacks: 1clav. - .._-r--
Flying: 240' (80') Damage: ld8 or 1
Attacks: 1bite/l sting No. Appearing: 2d4 (4d
Damage: 2d Save As: Fighter
No. Appearing: Id Morale: 12
Save As: Fii Treasure Type: Nil
Morale: 9 Alignment: Chaotic
Treasure Type: E XP Value: 20
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 850 Zombies are mindless, undead humans or
demihumans animated by some evil magic-user
A wyvern resembles a two-legged dragon with or cleric. They may be turned by clerics but they
a long tail. In combat, a wyvern bites and arches are not affected by sleep or charm spells. They can
its tail over its head to hit opponents in front of it. be harmed by normal weapons. Zombies are
Targets stung by the tail must roll a successful often placed to guard treasures because they
Saving Throw vs. Poison or die. These beasts pre- make no noise. They are slow fighters and always
fer to live on cliffs or in forests, but may be found lose initiative (no roll needed).
Youre ready for your third group adventure. the edge of the hall.
To play, youll need the m a p sheet, fold-up Once the PCs have made it past I
counters, dice, the friends who played Part I1 continue with the next section.
(its OK to invite a new friend if someone isnt
available or if you want a larger party), scratch 2. Read the following text as the PCs regroup on
paper, a pencil for each player, and the players the far side of the pit trap.
Character Record Sheets. Before inviting your
friends over, remember to this chapter and the
Magic chapter.

1. When youre ready to begin, give each player

the Character Record Sheet for his or her PC. D M Have each PC roll a Saving Throw against
Read the boxed text below. Spells. (This is a saving throw against magic, so
remember to apply any Wisdom adjustments
listed on the PCs Character Record Sheet.) PCs
who fail their saving throws find themselves
entangled in a giant spider web. PCs making
their saving throws manage to jump a few feet
forward before the web entangles them.
The spider web is the result of a web spell
D M The PCs should be in Room #7 or 8. The that Zanzer Tem cast upon the PCs. It will take
sound is caused by the opening of the door lead- a h u m a n of a v e r a g e Strength 2d4 t u r n s t o
ing from Room #9 into Room #10. After the door break free of this web. Modify this number by
opens, the dungeon is silent once more. any adjustments listed next to the characters
As the PCs start down the corridor labeled Strength. The web can be destroyed in t w o
Room #9, have them move their counters on the r o u n d s b y b u r n i n g i t ( t h e r e a r e p l e n t y of
m a p . When the first PC steps into the third torches hanging from the walls), but anybody
square, the floor gives way from there back to the caught i n the web also suffers l d 6 points of
hall corner. Anybody in one of those spaces must damage from the flames. (You can learn more
roll a Saving Throw against Dragon Breath. a b o u t t h e web spell b y looking i t u p in t h e
Ask the players to roll ld20 and compare the Spells chapter.)
result to the number in their Dragon Breath Sav- On the round after the web spell appears,
ing Throw circle. If a PCs result is equal to or Zanzer Tem becomes visible. He is at the end of
higher than this number, the saving throw suc- the hallway, next to the door leading to Room
ceeds. The PC has managed to grab a torch sconce #IO. He laughs, then says, You should have gone
or something and keeps from falling into the ten- to work in the salt mines! Nobody escapes from
foot-deep pit that has suddenly appeared. my jail and lives to tell about it!
If the result is less than the number in the Dragon Zanzer prepares to cast another spell. Use the
Breath Saving Throw circle, the saving throw fails. Combat Sequence (see the Dhls Screen) to run
The PC falls into the pit, suffering 1point of dam- the battle.
age. Unfortunately for her, the sides of the pit are Zanzer is protected by a shield spell, so he is
steep, smooth, and greasy. She cannot climb out of AC 2 against missile attacks. He does not make
the pit, but someone else can lower a rope down to any missile attacks.
her. Or she might find a way of boosting herself to Zanzer casts one spell each round.
a height of 10 feet or more.
S h o u l d t h e PCs think t o check for t r a p s Round Spell
along this section of the corridor, any thief 1 Pknntasnzal Force
character can make a Find Traps roll. If she 2 Charm Person
rolls 10% or less on d%, she notices an almost 3 Magic Missile
invisible seam in the floor. The players must
decide what the seam means, but once they do, Remember, if Zanzer takes any damage, he
they can avoid the pit trap by walking along cannot cast a spell during that round. See below
for what happens when he casts a spell. the room. This spell book contains a detect magic
If attacked hand-to-hand, Zanzer flees or tele- spell. The second magic-user writes this spell on
ports out of danger as fast as he can. the Character Record Sheet instead of the sleep
If Zanzer takes any damage, he teleports away spell. (Your party should not have more than two
as soon as possible. On the first round of combat, magic-users.)
Zanzer uses a phantasmal force spell to create the If any PC is an elf, the character finds a spell
illusion of a huge pit between him and the PCs. book with a charm spell. If you have more than
Characters making a successful Saving Throw one elf, they find spell books with (in order) a
against spells dont see the pit. hold portal spell, a shield spell, and finally a magic
On the second round of combat, Zanzer uses a missile spell. Tell each elf to record the spell on the
charm person spell on the strongest PC. That char- Character Record Sheet.
acter must make a Saving Throw against Spells, PCs searching the room find the following
or believe that Zanzer is his best friend. If he fails magical items: mace +1, bow with ten arrows +1,
the saving throw, the PC must try to stop his true wand of secret door detection, s t a f o f healing, cursed
friends from attacking Zanzer-even if he has to sword - I , three healing potions, and a cursed ring
fight them! -1. As the PCs pick u p these items, read their
On the third round of combat, Zanzer casts a descriptions in the Treasure chapter. The wand of
magic missile spell. Three golden arrows of energy secret door detection has five charges.
appear in the air beside him. Then they streak Remember not to tell a PC what he has found
down the corridor and each strikes a different PC. until he picks something u p and tries to use it.
The arrows hit automatically, causing l d 6 +1 Remember the PC who picks up a cursed sword
points of damage. The PCs are not allowed sav- or ring cannot discard the item until a powerful
ing throws. Zanzer will not hit a PC that he has cleric removes the curse. Remind the PCs to write
charmed. down any magical items they take.
If any PC is killed, have the player create a The only visible exit from Room #10 leads
new character. The new PC can join the action back the way they came. Sooner or later, the PCs
in the next section. If all the PCs are killed, will realize there must be a secret door in room
have all t h e players create n e w characters. 10. The secret door is hidden behind a shelf and
Then r e t u r n t o Escape from Zanzers opens into space A in Room #11. The PCs can
Dungeon, Part I, and start again. After the bat- discover its location by making a successful
tle, continue with section 3. search for secret doors. (Roll ld6; the attempt is
successful if the result is a 1,or a 1or 2 for
3. When the PCs enter Room #lo, read the follow- elves.) They can also discover the secret door by
ing text. using one charge from the wand of secret door
Continue with the next section when the PCs
open the secret door.

4. In Room #11, read the following

of the room.

D M This room is filled with assorted magical

items. If any player wants to run a magic-user,
help the player make the necessary adjustments DM: A lone wolf waits in tnis room. IUO sur-
to the Character Record Sheet. Remember, certain prise rolls are necessary, but the wolf attacks. Use
weapons may have to be discarded in order to the Combat Sequence to run the battle.
become a magic-user. The wolfs AC is 7 . Heres its hit roll table:
One of the books is a spell book containing a
sleep spell. This book should become the magic- TargetAC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
users p r o p e r t y (If more than one character Hit Roll 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
becomes a magic-user, place another spell book in
The wolfs bite causes l d 6 damage; the wolf for the PCs, the label on the door is misleading-
has 16 hit points. the rock python is not poisonous.
If the PCs search the closet, they find a wand of The PCs may wish to flee. If so, the python
magic detection with one charge and a pair of chases them at a rate of 30 per round. If the char-
heavy leather gloves (nonmagical) on a shelf. acters are so loaded down that it catches them,
When the PCs leave the room and go into Room use the Combat Sequence (on the DMs screen) to
#12, continue with the next section. run the battle
The rock python has an AC of 6; 12 hit points;
5. In Room #12, read the following moves 30 per round; bites for Id4 points of dam-
age; saves as a Fighter 3; and has a Morale of 8. If
it successfully bites someone, the rock python
coils around him and squeezes. It causes 2d4
points of damage the next round.
When the PCs enter Room #13, go on to the
next section-even if t h e p y t h o n is chasing
DM: Below is a list of the items on the shelves,
along with their weights: 6. In Room #13, read the following

Item Weight in cns

Dagger 10 This rodin contains 111 dirt! cot.;.
Short Sword 30
War hammer 50
Battle axe 60 D M This is the guard barracks. There is noth-
Polearm 150 ing of interest in here. Continue with the next sec-
Plate armor 500 tion when the PCs enter Room #14.
Iron spikes 60
Iron Rations 70 7.In Room #14, read the following
Torches (6) 120
Thiefs tools 10
Club 50
Sword 60
Sword, 2-hand 100
Chain mail 400
Shield 100 DM: This is the guards mess hall. Luckily for
Pole, 10 100 the PCs, it is empty at the moment. There is noth-
Rope (50) 50 ing of interest in the room, unless the PCs are
Gold coins 5,800 hungry for some stale leftovers.
If they close the door leading to Room #13,
The gold coins are contained in 10 large sacks they can keep the rock python at bay for three
(which weigh 5 cns when empty, and can each rounds. At the beginning of the fourth round,
hold 600 cns weight). however, the powerful snake finally breaks the
Allow the PCs to take all the equipment they door down. If the PCs are still in the room, it
wish, then help them figure out their encum- attacks them.
brances and new movement rates. When the PCs try to open the door leading into
(Encumbrance and Movement are explained on Room #15, they may be in for a bit of a surprise.
page 34.) In space A, a trap door is partially ob- The door is locked and trapped.
scured by the pile of gold coins. On the door is Anyone who attempts to pick the lock gets
written, Caution: Poison. After the PCs have pricked by a poison needle. The victim imme-
chosen their items and taken their treasure, a diately falls asleep for l d l O +2 rounds, a n d
huge rock python slithers out of the pit beneath cannot be awakened by any means until that
the trap door. It attacks immediately. Fortunately time is up.
k i c r \ eve:-, if a thief makes a successful Find
Traps attempt before trying to pick the lock, he
notices the needle. (Roll d%; he succeeds on a
result of 10 or less.) If the thief finds the trap, he
may avoid its effects by making a successful
Remove Traps roll (again, he succeeds on a d %
roll of 10 or less.) Or he might somehow protect
himself against the needle when he tries to pick
the lock (such as by wearing a pair of heavy
leather gloves).
A thief making a successful Open Locks
attempt (d% roll of 15 or less) opens the door
leading to Room #15. If the thief cannot pick the D M liemember to write down all the monsters
lock, the PCs can use their weapons to destroy the PCs defeated. Set a date and time for your
the door. This will take five minutes. friends to come back for the next adventure. You
The adventure continues with Escape from will have to read Escape from Zanzer's Dungeon,
Zanzer's Dungeon, Part IV. Part IV, and you may also wish to reread the Magic
chapter, so allow yourself enough time to prepare.
Zrteasurtc x
The coins, gems, jewelry, and magical items say that the lair has already been partially raided,
found by the characters during an adventure are or that it is a new one just being built, or some-
all called treasure. Wealth (coins, gems, jewelry, thing similar. In such cases, the lair mirht have
and other items of value) is worth experience onlfhalf as many monsters as the de&l ,tion
points. The amount of treasure found helps deter- gives. It would also have half as much trea sure.
mine how fast the characters advance. A wealthy You can adjust the capacity of the lair, a nid its
character may also buy better equipment and treasure yield, as you see fit.
purchase special services-for example, buy Treasure types P through V are carried on indi-
magical cures from higher-level clerics. Magical viduals and are found on monsters outside their
items are not counted for XP awards, but they are lairs. When a monster is outside its lair, dl3 not
useful in other ways, especially during adven- use treasure types A through 0.
tures. 2. Roll Percentage Dice: Using percer itage
Normally the characters find treasure in mon- dice, if you roll a number equal to or less tha n the
sters' lairs. But they can also gain treasure as pay- percentage given on the appropriate Tream r e
.- hTnr L---""t-..-:-- T. ...
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all L V L c L U I
" X

iype r.l.l..
^. L1.-'L..~..
e- i Ireamre
~ d w i t l h ,m d i ~ y p UI
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15 present. As

some task. What treasure the party finds is deter- you roll each percentage, make a note of the tvues ,I
mined randomly or chosen by the D'M. bf treasure acZuaUy present.
The DM should always figure ou t the contents 3. Roll the Indicated Dice: Roll the die code to
of a large treasure hoard before pla!q. In this way, find the exact amount of each type of treasure
he can decide how best to hide an(i protect the you found in step 2.
treasure from theft. If the treasure iricludes magi- 4. Determine Magical Items: If any magical
cal items, the DM may want to all ow the mon- items are present, use the Magical Item Subtables
sters to use the items-such a!i a bugbear to find the actual types.
wielding a magical swovd +Z.

To determine a monster's treasure at random, use
the following step-by-step procedure:
1. Find the Treasure Type listed in the mon-
ster's description.
2. Of the possible treasures given for the Trea-
sure Type, roll d% to find which ones are actually
3. Determine the amount of each treasure pre-
4. If magical items are possible, roll for the
exact items on the Magical Item Subtables.These
four steps are described in the following sections.

1. Find the Treasure Type: Find the Treasure

Type in the monster description. Now find the
same letter on the Treasure Types tables. The row
after that letter lists the possible types of treasure
present. Each type gives a percentage, followed
by a die code.
When the Treasure Type given is a letter from
A to 0 , that treasure is found only in a full lair. To
find these treasures, the players must find the
monster's lair. Of course, they will also find the
number of monsters listed as being in the lair!
Most monster lairs have too many creatures for
a party of beginning characters to fight. You can
Treasure Type Table (Group)

1000s of 1000s of 1000s of 1000s of 1000s of Magical

Type Copper Silver Electrum Gold Platinum Gems Jet
A 25%ld6 30%ld6 20%ld4 35/,2d6 2516ld2 50%6d6 50:
B 50% ld8 25% ld6 25% ld4 25% 1d3 Nil 25%ld6 25:

potion +1
G Nil Nil Nil 50% 10d4 50% Id6 255: 3d6 25% ldlO 3516 Any 4 t, i~.v..
H 251: 3d8 50% Id100 50% 10d4 50% 10d6 25% 5d4 50% ld100 50% 10d4 15%Anv 4 t potion
+I scroli

M Nil I 0% 2d4 50% 5d6 55%5d4 45% 2d6 Nil

N Nil 1 Jil Nil Nil Nil 40% 2d4 potions
0 Nil I Jil Nil Nil Nil 50% 1d4 potions

Treasure Type Table (Individual)

Pieces of Pieces of Pieces of Pieces of Pieces of Magical

Type Copper Silver Electrum Gold Platinum Gems Jewelry Items
P 3d8per Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Q Nil 3d6 per Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

V Nil 10% ld10O 5% ld10O 10% ldlO0 5% 1dlOO Nil 10% ld4 5% Any 1

Placeb Znea: Otlle: 1s

You may select treaaulc3I I L a L c a u ,or You mhy LIc(IIc IIcLLauIc L y y c n d h e r than those
them randomly. You may also select a result if listed. Some other valuable items could be rugs,
rolls give too much or too little treasure. Make wall hangings, or rare wines. You could include
these choices carefully because most of the expe- silverware and other kitchen items or even ani-
rience characters get c omes from treasure (usu- mal skins. You should give each item a value in
ally 75% or more). gold pieces and an encumbrance.
After running a fev< games, you may find it
easier to first decide hovvL L L al l y VD
. __.T
/\I y v u YYalll
Ti-... ...-
I A.,
61Ye AvenaGe Zneasune Values
out (considering the size and levels of experience In case you want to know the value of a lair trea-
in the party). Then you can place treasures to give sure first, the average values of each Treasure
the desired results. However, be sure to make the Type (in gp) are listed below. These averages d o
monsters tough so tk>atthe characters earn the!ir not include the possible magical items in the trea-
treasure! sures. After rolling for treasure, you can refer to
this list to see whether the treasure youve cre-
ated is larger or smaller than average. You may Jewelnp
then adjust the treasure, if you wish. To find the value of a piece of jewelry, roll 3d6
and multiply the total by 100 (for a total of 300-
Average Treasure Value (gp) 1,800 gp). Jewelry can be damaged by disasters
such as very hot fire, lightning bolts, crushing,
A = 17,000 E = 2,500 I = 7,500 and other rough treatment. Damaged jewelry is
6 = 2,000 F = 7,600 J = 25 worth only half its normal value.
C = 750 G = 25,000 K = 250
D = 4,000 H = 60,000 L = 225 Jewelry Value Table (gp)
M = 50,000
Value Example
COiNS 300-600 Bracelet, Pin
All coins are about equal in size and weight. 700-1,000 Brooch, Earring
Each coin weighs about 1/10 pound. Electrum is 1,100-1,400 Pendant, Necklace
a mixture of silver and gold. The rate of exchange 1,500-1,800 Crown, Scepter
between coins is as follows: As with gems, you may use any type of jewelry
as treasure and in whatever combinations you
Coin Conversion Chart like. You may allow jewelry of greater value.
When both gems and jewelry occur in the same
l00cp = 1gp; 2ep = 1gp; 10 sp = 1gp; 1pp = 5 gp treasure, you may combine them. For example, a
500 cp = 50 = sp = 10ep = 5 gp = 1p p single gem result of 1,000 gp along with a jewelry
value of 1,500 g p could be two gold crowns,
GMS each with a large pearl set i n the front; each
To find the value of a gem, roll Percentage dice crown is worth 1,250 gp instead.
and refer to the following Gem Value Table:
Maqical ltM Subtablcs
Gem Value Table (gp) If a magical item is present in a treasure, you can
find the exact item, using the following three-step
% Roll Value Examp1e process:
01-20 10 Quartz, Turquoise 1. Roll percentage dice to find which subtable
21-45 50 Citrine, Onyx to use as given on the Magical Item Table.
46-75 100 Amber, Garnet 2. Find the correct subtable and roll ld20 to
76-95 500 Pearl, Topaz find the exact item.
96-00 1,000 Opal, Ruby 3. Read the explanation of the item (on the fol-
lowing pages).
Examples of the kinds of stones you might typ-
ically find for the value are listed. Of course, a
very large quartz crystal might be worth more
than a very small ruby You may wish to reveal a
gem type rather than give its exact value for more
realism in the adventure. If you d o so, let the
players discover the exact value later-at the
town jewellers shop, for example. The jeweller
might charge from 1%to 5 % of the gems value
as an appraisal fee.
Optional: After finding the total value of all of
the gems in a treasure, you may combine or split
them into different numbers of gems a t a n y
value. For example, 5 gems worth 100 gp each
could instead be one pearl, or 50 onyx gems, or 4
garnets and 10 pieces of turquois
ription. As with magical spells, the descrip-
tells you what happens when the PC uses an
Mac;ical I t m s s magical powers.
iaracters and Magical Items: To make a mag-
Identifying Magical Ite ..,. ll.c v v y v Lu l c u l item work, the user must hold or wear it

identify exactly what an item does is by test& it properly. If the item also has a special power that
(trying on the ring, sipping the potion, etc.). If a is not in constant effect, the user must concentrate
retainer does the testing, the retainer expects to on that effect. (For example, if a fighter has sword
keep the item. A high-level NPC magic-user can +Z, light spell I/day, the fighter must concentrate
be asked to identify an item. The magic-user will o n the light spell to start it.) Unless the item
want money (100 g p or more) or a service in description says otherwise, items can only be
advance, and it may take several weeks (game used once per round. A character who is concen-
time, not real time) to do the job. trating on using an items special powers cannot
Types of Magical Items: There are two basic do anything else that round.
types of magic items. Permanent items are not Charges: There is no limit on the number of
used up (such as swords and armor). Temporary times most magical items can be used. The
items are used either once (such as potions) or one description of some items, however, states that
charge at a time (such as wands). they have a certain number of charges (this is
Using Magical Items: A magical item is any especially true for magical wands). Each time a
object that a powerful wizard or supernatural character uses one of these magical items, he uses
being has given special properties. one charge. When the last charge is used, the item
Often, weapons are enchanted to make them is no longer magical. It cannot perform any more
more powerful. These enchantments take the special actions or provide any more magical
form of a bonus, noted by a plus (+) sign follow- bonuses.
ing the weapons name (sword +Z). Add this The PCs should never find o u t how many
bonus to both the hit roll and the damage roll of charges a magical item has. Instead, you have to
the character using the weapon. keep careful track of how many times such items
Some weapons are enchanted for use against are used. Items with charges can never be
particular creatures (sword c1, +3 aguinst dragons). recharged.
When a character uses the weapon to attack the
creature listed, use the second bonus instead of Maqical It6
the first.
Occasionally, weapons are cursed. A cursed Subtable A-S -. ..I.CII cI.uIuLLLI uycl

weapon is noted by a minus ( - ) sign following magical sword, the player adds the bonus to both
the weapons name (sword -1). This means that hit and damage rolls. Some swords also have a
instead of giving a bonus, the enchantment special adjustment that is used only when fight-
inflicts a penalty Subtract this penalty from both ing a specific type of opponent. Normal weapon
the users hit roll and damage roll. Cursed weap- restrictions for character classes also apply to
ons occasionally come in handy because they are magical weapons. For example, a cleric cannot
magical and can be used to damage monsters that use a sword, so a cleric cannot use a magical
can be hit only with magical weapons! sword, either.
Like weapons, armor and shields can be en- Two of the swords listed can cast clerical spells.
chanted to give the wearer a bonus (or penalty) to Refer to those spells to find the exact effect. Each
Armor Class. These magical bonuses are noted by effect can only be used once each adventure (or
the + (or - ) signs, just as with weapons. But day). No meditating is needed to gain the spell-
remember that a low AC is better than a high one, casting ability. If you wish, you may add other
so bonuses are subtracted from the characters spell abilities to swords, using either clerical or
AC, and penalties are added. For example, nor- magic-user spells.
mal chain mail is AC 5. Chuin mail +2 is AC 3. You may select the size of a sword (most are
Special Actions: Often, PCs find weapons with normal swords, b u t short and two-handed
special powers or objects that allow special swords also exist) or determine it randomly
actions. When this happens, look u p the items Cursed Swords: Any sword might be cursed!
After determining the specific type of magical type and then used later. Drinking a potion takes
sword that has been found, roll ld20 again. If the one round. Sipping a potion does not decrease its
result is 13, place a cursed sword in the treasure effect or duration.
instead. It will seem to be a magical sword until If a character drinks a potion while another
used in deadly combat. At that time, the curse is potion is still in effect, that character becomes sick
revealed. and is unable to d o anything (no Saving Throw)
A cursed swovd causes the player to subtract 1 for three turns (1/2 hour). Neither potion has any
from all hit and damage rolls when using that further effect. A potion of healing has no dura-
weapon, instead of giving a bonus. Once a char- tion, so a character can drink another potion on
acter uses a cursed sword in battle, it may not be the following round without becoming sick. Each
thrown away. If it is stolen or sold, the character type of potion is described in the following sec-
is cursed with the desire to get it back. The char- tion.
acter always uses that weapon when in battle. Diminution: Anyone taking this potion imme-
(DM, tell the player that this is what the character diately shrinks to 6 inches in height and can do
wants-and no arguments!) Only a high-level no damage when physically attacking a creature
NPC magic-user or cleric can help a character get larger than 1-foot-tall. The user can slip through
rid of the curse. After the curse is removed, the small cracks and has a 90% chance of not being
sword becomes a n uncursed magical sword of seen when standing- still. This potion negates a

whatever type was rolled. potion of growth.

E S P : This potion has the same effect as the
Subtable B-Other Weapons: As with magical magic-user spell ESP. The user may hear the
swords, the bonus number for other magical thoughts (if any) of one creature within 60 feet, by
weapons is added to both hit and damage rolls. concentrating for one full turn in one direction.
And, as with swords, any item may be cursed, The user may hear through 2 feet of rock, but a
though there is less chance with these other thin coating of lead blocks E S P . Refer to the
weapons. Roll ld20; if the result is 12, the item is magic-user spell for more information.
cursed. The curse is handled in the same manner Caseous Form: Upon drinking this potion, the
as a cursed sword. users body takes the form of a cloud of gas. Any-
Normal weapon restrictions apply. Since a thing the user is carrying or wearing falls through
magic-user cannot use a sling, a magic-user can- the gaseous body to land on the floor. The user
not use a magical sling, either. keeps control over her body; she can move
through small holes in walls, chests, and so forth.
S u b t a b l e C-Armor a n d Shields: Armor Creatures and characters in gaseous form cannot
comes in many shapes and sizes. The better the attack, b u t have a n AC of -2 and cannot be
armor, the lower the wearers AC number. Magi- harmed by nonmagical weapons.
cal armor and shields can lower the AC number Giant Strength: The user gains the strength of a
even further. Any pluses are bonuses to the wear- frost giant. However, the potion has no effect if a
ers Armor Class (remember, bonuses are sub- Strength adjusting magical item (such as gauntlets
tracted from the AC). Magical armor has half the ofogre power) is worn. Otherwise, the user inflicts
encumbrance of nonmagical armor of the same twice the normal damage with any weapons, and
type. may throw small boulders (ranges 60/130/200)
for 3d6 points of damage.
Subtable D-Potions: Potions are usually Growth: This potion causes the user to grow to
found in small glass vials, similar to holy water. twice normal size, temporarily increasing
Each potion has a different smell and taste-ven Strength (doubling it, u p to 18 maximum) and
two potions with the same effect! Unless stated giving the ability to inflict double damage (twice
otherwise, the effect of a potion lasts l d 6 +6 the amount rolled) on any successful hit. The
turns. Only you, the DM, should know the exact users hit points, however, do not increase. This
duration, and you should keep track of it when potion negates a potion ofdiminution.
the potion is used. Healing: Like the clerical cure light wounds spell,
The entire potion must be drunk to have a n drinking this potion restores l d 6 +1 lost hit
effect. A potion may be sipped to discover its points or cures paralysis for one creature.

Invisibilify: This potion has the same effects as Magic-user spells are written in a magical lan-
the magic-user spell invisibility. The potion makes guage and cannot be read until a rend magic spell
the user invisible. When a character becomes is cast. Clerical scrolls are written in the Common
invisible, all the items (but not other creatures) tongue, but only a cleric understands how to use
carried and worn by that character also become the spells.
invisible. Any invisible item becomes visible once Magic-users a n d elves cannot use clerical
again when it leaves the characters possession (is scrolls, nor can clerics read magic-user scrolls.
set down, dropped, and so forth). See the magic- You may either choose the spells on a scroll or
user spell for more information. The DM may determine them randomly. If you wish to choose
allow players to drink small amounts of this them randomly, roll l d 6 for each spell the scroll
potion six times, each drink being effective for contains and use the chart below to find the spell
only one turn. level. Then roll to determine the exact spell, if not
Levitation: Drinking this potion has the same already listed, using the spell lists.
effects as the magic-user spell levitation. The user
may move u p or down in the air without any Level of Spell on Scroll
support. This potion does not enable the user to
move side-to-side. The user could, however, levi- D6 Roll Number
tate to a ceiling and move sideways by pushing or 1-3 1
pulling. Motion up or down is at a rate of 60 feet 4-5 2
per round. See the magic-user spell for more 6 3
Poison: Poisons look like normal magical Number of Spells on Scroll
potions. If any amount of this potion is swal-
lowed, even a sip, the user must roll a successful D6 Roll Level
Saving Throw vs. Poison or die! (Optional rule: If 1-3 1st Level
you wish, you may say that the poison does a 4-5 2nd Level
specific amount of damage if the Saving Throw 6 3rd Level
Cursed Scroll: Unfortunately, when the writing
Subtable E-Scrolls: A scroll is a piece of old o n a cursed scroll is even seen, the victim is
paper or parchment upon which a high-level immediately cursed. No reading is necessary!
magic-user, elf, or cleric has written a magical for- You, the DM, must make u p each curse. Exam-
mula. To use a scroll, there must be enough light ples of a few common curses are as follows:
to read by, and the scroll must be read aloud. A 1.The reader turns into a frog (or some other
scroll can be used only once, the words fade from harmless animal).
the scroll as they are read aloud. A spell scroll can 2. A wandering monster of the same level as
only be read by a magic-user, elf, or cleric the reader appears and attacks the reader by sur-
(depending on the type of spell), but a protection prise (a free attack with bonuses).
scroll or a treasure map can be read by anyone. 3. One magical item owned by the reader dis-
Spell Scroll: These scrolls may have one, two, or appears (the item is chosen or randomly deter-
three spells written on them. If more than one mined by the DM).
spell is written on a scroll, only the cast-spell dis- 4. The reader loses one level of experience, as if
appears when read. Spell scrolls may have either struck by a wight. (You should roll again for a 1st-
magic-user or clerical spells on them. To find the level character to avoid unfair instant death.)
type, roll ld4. 5. The readers Prime Requisite must be
Type of Spell on Scroll 6. Wounds take twice as long to heal, and heal-
ing spells restore only half normal amounts.
D4 Roll Type Only a remove curse spell can remove a curse of
1 Cleric spell this nature. However, you can allow the cursed
2-4 Magic-user spell character to be cured by a high-level NPC cleric
or magic-user. Of course, the healer demands that

the character complete a special adventure or No spells or spell effects (including those from
perform a worthy but difficult task in payment. items) may enter or leave the circle. The effect
Protection Scroll: A protection scroll can be read lasts for ld4 turns and moves with the reader.
and used by any class. When read, it creates a cir- Protection from Undead: When read, this scroll
cle of protection 10 feet across that moves with protects all those within the circle from a variable
the reader at its center. I t prevents any of the number of undead for six turns. The number of
given creatures from entering this circle, but does undead affected varies according to their type, as
not prevent spell or missile attacks from those follows:
creatures. The circle is broken if anyone so pro-
tected attacks one of the given creatures in hand- Skeletons, Zombies, Ghouls 2d12
to-hand combat. Wights, Wraiths, Mummies 2d6
Protection from Lycanthropes: When read, this Spectres (or tougher) ld6
scroll protects all those within the circle from a
variable number of lycanthropes for six turns. Treasure Map: The DM should make a treasure
The number of lycanthropes affected varies map for the PCs to find. This shows the location
according to their type, as follows: of some treasure hoard in the dungeon. The DM
may choose any combination of treasures to
Wererats ldl0 equal the total value given. These treasures
Werewolves, Wereboars ld8 should be guarded by monsters. Sometimes maps
Weretigers, Werebears ld4 are only partially complete or are written in the
form of riddles. Some can be read only by using a
Protection from Magic: This scroll creates a circle read languages spell.
of protection (10-foot-radius) around the reader.
Subtable F-Rings: A magical ring must be take off the ring. The ring may only be discarded
worn on a finger or thumb to be used. A ring may with the help of high-level cleric.
also be carried and put on when desired. Only
one magical ring can be worn on each hand. If a Subtable G-Wands, Staves, and Rods: A
character wears more than one, none of the rings wand is a thin, smooth stick about 18 inches long.
function, with the exception of a ring ofweaknrss A rod is similar, but 3 feet long; and a staff is 2
or a cursed ring (see below). Any ring may be inches thick and about 6 feet long. Wands may be
used by any character class. used only by magic-users and elves, and staves
Cursed Ring: The wearer of a cursed ring has a may be used only by clerics. A wand contains
-1 penalty to all Saving Throws. Since the ring ld10 charges when found. Each item is described
does not emanate evil, the wearer is not likely below.
know that it is cursed. Once put on, the ring can- Wand of Enemy Detection: When a charge is
not be willingly discarded except with the aid of used, this item causes all enemies within 60 feet
a high-level cleric. (even those hidden or invisible) to glow as if on
Animnl Control: The wearer of this ring may fire.
command I d 6 normal animals (or one giant- Wand of Mngic Detection: When a charge is used,
sized). The animals are not allowed Saving this item causes any magical item within 20 feet
Throws. The ring cannot control intelligent ani- to glow. If the item cannot normally be seen
mal races or fantastic or magical monsters. The (within a closet chest, for example), the glow can-
wearer must be able to see the animals to control not be seen.
them. The control lasts as long a the wearer con- Wand ofParalyzntion: This wand projects a
centrates on the animals and does not move or cone-shaped ray when a charge is used. The ray
fight. When the wearer stops concentrating, the is 60 feet long and 30 feet wide at its end. Any
animals are free to attack their controller or run creature struck by the ray must make a Saving
away (roll reactions with a penalty of -1 on the Throw vs. Wands or be paralyzed for six turns.
roll). Wand of Secret Door Detection: This wand points
This ring can be used only once per turn. at all secret doors within 20 feet, one at a time, at
Fire Resistance: The wearer of this ring cannot a cost of one charge per secret door found
be harmed by normal fires and gains a bonus of Wand of Trap Detection: This wand poir 1
1 2 to all Saving Throws vs. Fire Spells and Red traps within 20 feet, one at a time, at a cos
Dragon breath. In addition, the DM must subtract charge per trap found.
1point from each die of fire damage to the wearer StufJofHenling: This item heals ld6 +I points of
(with a minimum damage of 1 point per die damage per use. It may be used only once per
rolled to determine the damage). day on each person, but it can heal any number of
Invisibility: The wearer is invisible as long as the persons once a day It does not use charges.
ring is worn. If the wearer at1tacks or casts speIlls, Staffof Stuiking: This weapon inflicts 2d6 points
he becomes visible. The can only become of damage per charge if the hit is successful. Only
invisible once per turn. one charge may be used per strike.
Protection +3: This ring impAuvLa vvculcrs
Lllc Snnke S t a f t This magical staff is a staff+l. It
Armor Class by 1. For example, a magic-user inflicts l d 6 +1 points of damage per hit. Upon
with no armor (AC 9) would be AC 8 when wear- command, it turns into a snake (AC 5, Hit Dice 3,
ing the ring. This item also adds a bonus of +1to hit points 20, Movement 60 feet per turn, 20 feet
all of the wearers Saving Throw rolls. per round) and coils around the creature struck.
Telekinesis: The wearer may slowly move inani- The command may be spoken when the target is
mate objects weighing up to 2,000 cns by concen- hit. The target is allowed to roll Saving Throw vs.
tration alone, up to a distance of 50 feet. Spell to avoid the serpents coil. Any man-sized
Water Walking: The wearer of this ring may or smaller victim is held helpless for l d 4 turns
walk on the surface of any body of water and not (unless the snake is ordered by the owner to
sink. release the victim before that time). Larger crea-
Weakness: When this ring is worn, the wearer tures cannot be encoiled.
becomes weaker. This ring reduces any Strength When freed, the snake crawls back to its owner
score to 3 within Id6 rounds. The wearer cannot and becomes a staff once again. The snake is com-
pletely healed when it turns into a staff. If killed a spell and may not become invisible again for a
in snake form, it cannot return to staff form and full turn.
loses all magical properties. This item does not Gauntlets of Ogre Power: These gauntlets give
use charges. the wearer a Strength score of 18, gaining all nor-
Rod of Cancellation: This rod is usable by any mal bonuses. If the wearer is not using a weapon
character, but it works only once. It drains any in combat, she may strike with one fist each
magical item it hits, making that item forever round for Id4 points of damage and gains a +3 on
nonmagical. The target is treated as having an hit rolls (only).
Armor Class of 9. The DM may adjust the Armor Helm of Alignment Changing: This item resem-
Class of an item if it is beine used in combat (such bles a fancy helmet. When the helm is put on, it
as when trying to hit a sword) immediately changes the wearers alignment (the
DM should determine the new alignment ran-
.. .
Subtable H-Miscel laneous Magical Itemsi:
E a c h of these items is special a n a is fully
I .. domly). This device can be taken off only b y
using a remove curse spell. The wearer resists the
described below. removal. Once it is removed, the wearers origi-
Rag ofDeuouring: This item looks like a normal, nal alignment returns. The DM can allow the
small sack, but anything placed within it disap- character to remove it by performing a special
pears. Anyone may reach in and find the contents task or adventure.
by touch-if the contents are still there! If the con- Helm of Telepathy: This item resembles a fancy
tents are not removed within ld6+6 turns, they helmet. The wearer of this helm may send mes-
are forever lost. The bag does not affect living sages, by mere thought, to any creature within 90
creatures unless the entire creature is stuffed feet. The creature receiving the thought messages
inside the bag. This is impossible d o to except can understand them. (The creature may refuse to
with very small creatures. respond.) The wearer may also read the thoughts
Bag of Holding: This item resembles a normal of a living creature within range. To make the
small sack, but anything placed within it disap- helm work, the wearer must concentrate on the
pears. Anyone may reach in and find the contents creature, and he cannot move or cast spells. If the
by touch. The bag actually holds treasures up to creature fails a Saving Throw vs. Spell (or permits
10,000 cns in weight but only weighs 600 cns when the thought reading), the wearer then under-
full. ltems placed inside the bag may be no larger stands the creatures thoughts.
than 10 x 5 x 3. Larger items cannot fit inside. Medallion of E S P : This magical medallion is
Boots oflevitation: The wearer may levitate (as if strung on a chain to be worn around the neck. If
using the magic-user spell). There is no limit to the wearer concentrates for one round, he may
the duration. read the thoughts of any one creature within 30
Crystal Ball: This item can be used only by an feet. The wearer can move normally, but he can-
elf o; magic-user. Its owner may look into it and not fight or cast spells while concentrating. The
has but to think of a place or an object in order to DM must roll l d 6 each time this item is used; it
see it. It works three times per day, and the image does not work properly on a roll of 1.Instead, it
only lasts for one turn. Spells cannot be cast broadcasts the thoughts of the user to everyone
through a cr?ystal ball. The more familiar the object within 30 feet! The DM can allow a Saving Throw
or area to be seen, the clearer the picture is. vs. Spell to prevent the medallion from reading a
Elven Boots: The wearer of these boots can creatures thoughts.
move with nearly (mmplete silence (roll ld10; Rope of Climbing: This 50-foot-long, thin, very
heard only on a 1). strong rope climbs in any direction upon the
Elven Cloak: The \vearer of this cloak is nearly
. I I \
invisible (roll ld6; nes seen only on a I ) . i n e
-. command of the owner. It may fasten itself to any
protruding surface and can suoport UP to 10,000
wearer becomes visible when attacking or casting <
Youre ready for your fourth group adventure. By Dmitris statistics are as follows: AC 6; HD 6
now, you should know how to run a DUNGEONS & (12 hit points); Move 120 (40); Att 1 gore/l bite;
DRAGONS@ game, so the descriptions of the rooms Dmg ld6/ld6; Save as Fighter 6; Morale 12; A1
below are short and to the point. Chaotic; XP value 275.
You must put the counters on the map, move Dmitri has a bag of rubies (1,000 gp) and two
them, determine NPC and monster reactions, use healing potions.
the Combat Sequence, and remember all of the other
details by yourself. Inshort, youve graduated! 4. Room #18
Sometimes, you may need information that isnt
included in the description. Dont panic. If you
need to know a rule, look it up in the index or on
the DMs Screen. If you cant find the answer in a
few moments, make up one that seems fair, then
look up the correct rule later. If you need to know
something else, improvise by making up whatever D M Help the PCs map this room. The blind
seems to fit the story. Remember, the most impor- man is Gorgo, Zanzers former valet, and he is
tant thing is to have fun! kept prisoner by a magical silver chain attached
to a golden ball. What happens from here
1.Room #15 depends on the PCs. If they talk to Gorgo, he
explains that, 50 years ago, Zanzer chained him
to a golden ball for trying to steal some treasure.
He has been a prisoner ever since.
If a PC breaks the silver chain for Gorgo (an
D M PCs without infravision must use a torch easy task for anyone but Gorgo), the old man pro-
to see in this room. Use the map of Zanzers duces a magic-user scroll with a web spell. Gorgo
Dungeon to describe what the PCs see. Help casts a cure light wounds spell on any two PCs
them sketch the walls and doors on a mao sheet. who need healing, then he disappears.
If the PCs attack, Gorgo fights back. His statis-
Room #lt tics are as follows: AC 7; HD 4 (16 hit points);
Move 120 (40); Att swing golden ball; Dmg ld8;
Save as Cleric 4; Morale 10; A1 Lawful; XP value
125. Gorgo can cast one hold person spell.
Room #15 There is a pearl necklace (500 gp) in this room.
Gorgos golden ball (500 gp) is cursed so that
2. Room f anybody carrying it for two rounds suddenly
DM: Help the PCs map this room. As soon as finds it attached to his leg by a silver chain. This
the last PC steps through the door, it slams shut. reduces the Characters Dexterity by 1point until
This one-way door cannot be pushed open from somebody else breaks the chain.
this side. On a shelf in the corner is an opal
brooch (800 gp) and a maric-user scroll with a 5. Room #19
knock spell that can open tl
-. . .. , .. rotting
3. Room #17

D M four zombies wait here to attack. Any cleric

may attempt to turn the undead. The zombiessta-
tistics are as follows: AC 8; HD 2 (7 hit points each);
D M The speaker is h i t r i the Minotaur. At first, Move 90 (30);Att 1claw; Dmg ld8; Save as Fighter
he tries to convince the PCs that he plans to serve 1;Morale 12; A1 Chaotic; XP value 20 each.
dinner to them. When the PCs sit at the table, or In the pantry are two healing potions.
once it becomes clear they will not sit, he attacks.
6 . Room #20 8. Room #22

f long, round noses

UM: I ne gnomes are Lanzer s prisoners. They

spend their days making tools for the salt mines.
Their names are Willy, Billy, Gilly, and Zilly
The gnomes are all shackled to the wall by a
golden chain. The golden key that the PCs may
have taken from a gnoll in Room #21 can open the
shackles; Zanzer has magically charmed the chains
to make them unbreakable.
The gnomes don't attack unless attacked first.
Instead, they offer the PCs 100 gp each to free
them. Assuming the PCs comply, the gnomes open
a hidden trap door and remove four sacks filled
with treasure. They give each PC the promised 100
gp. The fourth gnome offers the PCs a c h o i c e t h e
money or a ring offire resistance.
In each sack is another 900 gp, but the gnomes
won't willingly part with a single coin more than they
promised. After being freed, the gnomes (and the
remaining gold) disappear at the first opporhmity
The gnomes' statistics are as follows: AC 5; HD
1 (4 hit points each); Move 60' (20'); Att 1ham-
mer; Dmg ld6; Save as Dwarf 1; Morale 8; AI
Lawful; XI' value 10 each.

9. Room 23

This ronm contains C4gfit crampi

DM: Most of the cells are empty, for Zanzer

keeps his prisoners working. However, there are
three cells with items of interest.
Cell A is locked. Hanging inside in plain view
are a silver sword, a silver dagger, and a bow
with 10 silver-tipped arrows.
Hidden in a pile of rags on the floor of Cell B
are two healing potions.
Cell G's door is made of silver bars. Inside is a
werewolf. (See "lycanthrope" in the Monster chap-
ter.) The werewolf is in human form. There is no
way to tell his true nature, except that he has an
elongated nose, slightly pointy ears, and yellowish
eyes. He begs the PCs to let him out. If they ask, he
claims not to know why his cage has silver bars,
and he offers to give the party the elven boots he is
wearing. (See the Treasure chapter.) Chaotic; XP value 125.
If the PCs let the werewolf out, he vanishes at Each ogre carries a sack of gems worth 1,000
the first opportunity. He returns in wolf form 1d4 EP, and two healing uotions.
rounds later and attacks.
The werewolfs statistics are: AC 5 (9 in human
form); HD 4 (14 hit points); Move 180 (60); Att 1
bite; Dmg 2d4; Save as Fighter 4; Morale 8; A1
Chaotic; XP value 125.
In wolf form, the werewolf is hit only by spells
or silver or magical weapons. Use any extra fig-
ure when the werewolf is in human form, use the
wolf counter when he is in wolf form. D M If the PCs are disguised as prisoners with
wheelbarrows of salt for the conveyor belt, the
10. Rooms 24 through 28 ogres suffer a -2 modifier to their Surprise Roll.
D M Add monsters and traps Otherwise, the ogres attack.
The six dwarves cheer the PCs on. If an ogre steps
11.Room #29 next to a dwarf, the dwarf attacks him with a mallet.
The dwarves cannot leave the positions along the
conveyor belt because theyre shackled in place.
cloaks haLLbllvIil YCB
After the battle, the dwarves join the PCs in
dozen pegs with nothi their escape attempt if the PCs continue to Room
#33 (but no place else). Run the dwarves as NPCs
from this point forward.
DM: When the guards take the prisoners to The ogres statistics are as follows: AC 5; HD
and from work, they stop here to shackle the pris- 4+1(17 hit points each); Move 90 (30);Att 1 club;
oners legs Most prisoners also wear the cloaks Dmg ld6+2; Save as Fighter 4; Morale 10; A1
to keep salt from rubbing into the cuts and Chaotic; XP value 125.
scrapes they get while working in the salt mines. One of the ogres has a magic-user scroll contain-
ing light, sleep, and magic missile spells. The other
12. Room #30 has a key that unlocks the dwarves shackles.
The dwarves statistics are: Dwarf 1; Str 12; Int
10; Wis 11; Dex 10; Con 11 - ~ ,-
~ A

Points 4 each; Dmg ld6 (mal

chunks into wheelbar 14. Room #32

8-foot-tall humanoids

D M If the PCs used the leg-irons and cloaks in

Room #29 to disguise themselves, the ogre guards
assume they are prisoners sent to dig salt. The DM: After the first PC moves four spaces into
ogres then suffer a -2 penalty to their Surprise Roll. this room, a green slime drops on him and any-
Othemse, the ogres attack at the hrst opportumty. body in the spaces right next to him. Read the
Though the prisoners in the room cheer the description of green slime in the Monster chapter.
PCs on, theyre too feeble to help. After the fight This green slimes statistics are as follows: AC
is over, the prisoners tell the PCs to avoid Room can always be hit; Hit Dice 2 (9 hit points); Move
#32 because of the jelly. The prisoners suggest 3 (1);Att 1; Dmg dissolve leather and cloth
the PCs go into room 31, using wheelbarrows, instantly, wood and metal in six rounds, turn vic-
leg-irons, and cloaks to disguise themselves. tim into green slime in 6 + l d 4 rounds; save as
The ogres statistics are as follows: AC 5; HD Fighter 1;Morale 7; A1 Neutral; XP value 5.
4+1(13 hit points each); Move 90 (W),Att 1club; Lying in the rubble on the floor is a tube with
Dmg ld6+2; Save as Fighter 4; Morale 10; AI one magic-user scroll and one clerical scroll. The
magic-user scroll has one web, one sleep, and two
magic missile spells (each doing ld6+1 points of Aftell to AbVNtUR
damage). The clerical scroll has three cure light
wotinds spells and one light spell. Its time to take stock of PC supplies, divide trea-
sure, award experience points, adjust levels, heal,
15. Room #33 buy equipment, and take care of the other details.
After helping the PCs adjust their Character
Record Sheets, set a date and time for them to
explore Stonefast!

DM: Not even torches can light this room, for

Zanrer has magically darkened it. Only those PCs
with infravision can see. If the PCs cast a light
spell, they cancel Zanzers darkness spell.
In the room are Zanzer and four bugbears. If
the PCs do not have infravision or if they do not
use a light spell to light the room, the PCs must
make a Surprise Roll when they enter the room.
In this case, the bugbears receive their surprise
advantage. The PCs are surprised on a roll of 1-3
instead of 1-2.
If the dwarves from Room #31 are with the
I T S , they warn of the bugbears presence by
attacking the bugbears. The trap door in the ceil-
ing leads out of the dungeon.
Here are Zanzers statistics: Magic-User 4; Str
11; Int 18; Wis 11; Dex 16; Con 11; Cha 10; AC 6;
hit points 12; Dmg l d 4 or spells.
Zanzer has used his spells, but he has a magic-
user scroll containing web, shield, and magic missile
(ld6+1 dmg) spells. In addition to his native lan-
guages, Zanzer speaks hobgoblin, gnoll, and orc.
Zanzer also has a ring ofnnimal control, a golden
crown worth 2,500 gp, and a sack of rubies worth
3,000 gp.
The bugbears statistics are as follows: AC 5;
HD 3+1 (12 hit points each); Move 90 (30); Att 1
club; Dmg ld6; Save as Fighter 3; Morale 9; A1
Chaotic; XP value 75 each.

16. Room #34

DM: The trap door leads to Stonefast. Once

you have stocked it, youre ready to start your
next adventure!
A dvngeon is a group of rooms connected by cor- connected by stairs, slides, chutes, etc. Be sure
ridors. It can be a cave, an abandoned mine, or a they line up from one level to the next.
crypt. It can be an ancient temple, the basement 5. Stock the Dungeon: Place all the special
of a stormy castle, or anything you can imagine- monsters in their rooms or areas. Next, roll l d 6
as long as it is filled with monsters, traps, and for the remaining rooms and consult the Room
treasures! Contents Table below:
But there is more to making a dungeon than
drawing a map and filling the rooms. A good Room Contents Table
dungeon is carefully planned. There is a reason
for it to exist. All of the puzzles, monsters, and Treasure
traps fit together and hint at this reason. D6 R Contents Chance
It may sound difficult to design a dungeon like 1-2 Empty io%
this, but it really isnt so hard. Just follow these 3 Trap 35%
step-by-step instructions: 4-5 Monster 50%
1. Choose a Scenario: A scenario is an idea or 6 Special Nil
theme that gives the PCs a reason to explore the
dungeon. For instance, a curious sage hires the At first, you should place monsters, traps, and
party to map an unexplored cavern. Maybe the special items randomly, by picking them from the
commander of the militia sends the PCs to inves- lists. After you have mastered random place-
tigate an enemy outpost. Perhaps the king asks ment, you can adjust the room contents to better
the PCs to rescue a kidnapped princess. fit your own scenario.
Everything in the dungeon should fit into the
scenario in a logical manner. This will make the Treasure: When there is a chance that the room
adventure seem more interesting and fun. contains treasure, roll d%. If the roll is equal to or
2. Decide on a Setting: You should decide less than the percentage chance listed, the room
what type of dungeon best fits the scenario contains treasure.
you have chosen: a cave, abandoned mine, When you are stocking a dungeon, try to abide
castle basement, or any other setting that suits by the rolls on the Room Contents Table. If it says
your purpose. Dont start making your map there is no treasure in that room, there isnt. Even
yet. Just decide what kind of setting youre if you have a monster that might have treasure in
going to use. there, the Room Contents Table is the result that
3. Select the Special Monsters: Based on the counts.
scenario, select some special monsters to inhabit Also, if the Room Contents Table says to place
the dungeon. If the scenario suggests that an evil a treasure in a room that has a monster, and the
intelligence is after the PCs, be sure to select the monsters description says it has a lair treasure,
appropriate monster and some tough associates. then that room is the monsters lair. It should
Special monsters should be 2-4 levels higher than have the lair treasure and as many monsters as
the PCs, depending upon how tough you want to are usually found in the lair, according to the
make the dungeon. description of the monster.
4.Draw the Map: Now, use a pencil and graph If the Room Contents Table says to place a trea-
paper to draw a map of your dungeon. The first sure in a room with no monster, use the Random
thing to do is select a scale. Usually, the scale is 1 Treasures Table in the Treasure chapter to deter-
square equals 5 feet. If that doesnt give you mine the kind of treasure in the room.
enough room, use 1 square equals 10 feet, or any Traps: A trap is a device someone has prepared
other scale you want. to injure, delay, or confuse intruders. Traps can be
Next, draw the outside shape of the dungeon. concealed in nearly any location: a door, wall,
Fill the interior of the dungeon with rooms and ceiling, table, chest, on a coin, weapon, or even on
connect them with corridors. This will be a map an animal.
of one dungeon level. Draw separate levels on When you stock your dungeon, you can use
separate pieces of paper. the Room Contents Table to pick trap locations
When you draw your map, show how the PCs randomly, but you should always choose the
can get from one level to another. Levels can be kind of trap you use with care. Always select a
trap that seems appropriate to the scenario. Try This figure can be either a die roll or a specific
not to use traps that kill PCs in one swift blow amount of damage, but the trap should not inflict
(especially if your players are just learning the enough damage to kill a healthy PC.
game). Finally, decide what kind of Saving Throw the
When you use a trap, take into consideration characters can roll to decrease or avoid its affects
your players experience and their characters (see the Saving Throw rules). Traps that dont
levels. Here are some typical examples of traps: allow Saving Throws should be very rare.
Blnde: A blade sweeps out, down, or up, caus-
ing ld6 points of damage to anyone it hits. Save Special Items: A special item is anything
vs. Paralyzation to dodge the blade and suffer no unusual that you place in your dungeon. Like a
damage. trap, you may pick its location randomly, but you
Dart: A tiny dart shoots out, striking anyone in should select the kind of special item you use. A
its path. Target must roll a successful Saving special item should not be an encounter or inflict
Throw vs. Poison or suffer ld4 points of damage damage directly, but it may increase the likeli-
and become so ill that the character can do noth- hood of either of these things happening.
ing for three turns. Some examples of special items are the follow-
Explosion: Something blows up, causing l d 6 ing:
points of damage to everyone within a 10-foot- Alarm: The PCs trigger an alarm that rings
radius. Targets who Save vs. Dragon Breath take throughout the dungeon. Roll for wandering
only half damage. monsters every turn instead of every other turn.
Falling Items: A block (or rubble) falls when Map Change: A shifting wall moves after the
something is touched (or at random), striking party passes, cutting off their exit. They must find
someone. The victim can Save vs. Wands to jump another way out of the dungeon. The wall shifts
out of the way, or else suffer ld4 damage. back after a time (one turn, one hour, one day).
Illusion: Something strange happens (but not Movement: The room (or stairs, or door, or item)
really; see phantnsmaiforce, a magic-users spell), moves (turns, drops, closes, rises, etc.) unexpect-
and the characters are scared away (or the illu- edly. It might be stopped if a roll for surprise
sion may have some other effect, such as giving a (often with a penalty) shows that the party reacts

- characters toward another trap,
false clue, luring quickly enough to prevent it.
Pool: Magical water has a strange effect if
Light: A bright light flashes. All who see the touched (or drunk, or sprinkled on someone
light must roll a successful Saving Throw vs. or something), such as healing, inflicting dam-
Spell or suffer blindness for ld4 rounds. age, changing an ability Score, changing align-
Pit: A small latch moves and a concealed trap ment, making something magical for a time,
door opens beneath the target. The target suffers and so on.
1 point falling damage, and must climb back out. Sound: The room screams when the PCs step
Poison: The character has touched a sticky through the door. Nothing happens as a result.
substance-contact poison! The poison makes Shifing Room: As the PCs enter a room, it turns
the victim extremely sick for three days, dur- 90%, so that the door opens into a different corri-
ing that time the targets movement is halved dor than the one from which they entered. The
and a -2 Penalty to hit rolls and Saving Throws PCs must roll a successful Saving Throw vs. Spell
is applied. Targets can roll a successful Saving to notice the movement.
Throw vs. Poison for just 1 point of damage Statue: A large statue of a person, monster, or
and no sickness. gadget (nearly anything you can imagine) is
To design your own trap, decide what you found. It may be valuable, magical, too heavy to
want it to accomplish. Many traps just delay the move, alive, lonesome and willing to talk (maybe
party, confuse them, or force them to use up their a liar), covering a trap door, hiding a treasure, etc.
supplies. Transporfation: This could be a trap door lead-
Next, decide what happens when the trap is ing up or down, secret stairs, elevator, magical
triggered (the ceiling collapses, a poison needle portal to elsewhere, and so forth.
pricks a PC, gas starts hissing into the room, etc.). To design your own special item, simply decide
If the trap inflicts damage, decide how much. what unusual or peculiar thing happens when
the I T Senter the room (or corridor). The only Balance the Challenges: Try to balance the sit-
requirement is that the special item should fit uations you present to match the power of your
your scenario. adventuring party. Players get frustrated if
6. F i l l in t h e Details: After stocking the theyre constantly being bested by powerful
dungeon, make notes of what kinds of things the monsters. However, they get bored with hack-
PCs smell, hear, feel, see, etc., as they pass or look and-slash adventures against little critters that
into a room. Usually, one or two details per room pose no challenge. If your players like mysteries,
is enough. try to include puzzles to solve. If they like map-
7. Make a Wandering Monster List: Pick 10 ping, send them into intricate mazes. If they like
monsters the PCs might meet wandering through chivalry, let them rescue a princess or two!
the dungeon. Try to pick monsters within two Try to balance the rewards with the challenges.
levels above or below your PCs. Assign each If the PCs can manage to destroy a foe that is far
monster a number from 1 to 10. When a n more powerful than they are, they should be
encounter with a wandering monster occurs in rewarded with ample gold and magical treasures.
the normal turn sequence, roll ldlO to determine However, killing smaller beasts that cannot possi-
which monster the party meets. bly harm the PCs should gain them nothing.
Alternatively, you may also use the Wandering Have Fun: Remember that beneath all the
Monster Table. Select the table that matches the rules, between pages of maps and tables, and
dungeon level that your PCs are on, or that you behind the illusion of a brilliant fantasy world,
are stocking. the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS@ game is still just a
Roll l d 2 0 to determine the monster. If the game. Its you and your friends getting together
monster doesnt fit your scenario, roll again (or to have a good time. Keep the game on a positive
select another monster). To see how many mon- note and everyone will feel better for it!
sters there are, roll the indicated die. Consult
the monster descriptions to see how many Hit
Dice they have, then determine their hit points

Well, there you have it! You know how to create
NPCs for yourself and PCs with your players.
Combat and moving around are subjects youve
mastered. You even know how to create your
own dungeon setting for play. It must be time to
But how do you become a good DM, one that
players enjoy adventuring with and who enjoys
the game himself? Well, theres nothing that
experience wont teach you. Play a few games to
get your feet wet. Dont let your players run the
game, but listen to their advice as you play
Just to get you started, here are a few final tips.
Fair Play: Be fair to your players. If you bash
them with unsolvable traps and unbeatable mon-
sters, they wont enjoy the game much. Also, if
the dice are winning the game, dont use them-
make some decisions of your own to save the
party or even things out. Remember, its your
campaign. Of course, the flip side of the coin is
also true-be fair to yourself. Dont let the PCs
beat up everything in your campaign. Make sure
theyre challenged, too.
On page 121 is a map of Stonefast. You can use
Stonefast for your player characters' second
adventure. Much of the work on Stonefast has
been completed: choosing a scenario and setting,
selecting the special monsters, and drawing the
map. It remains to you to stock the dungeon and
fill in the room details. This will be good practice
for creating your own dungeons.

Scenario: Stonefast was a dwarven stronghold on

the fringes of human territory It was a diplomatic
center and trading outpost.
During the Orc Wars, an orcish army attacked
the outpost. Although Stonefast did not fall, only
a few dwarves survived. They sealed their strong-
hold with dwarven stonecraft, and then they
returned to their kingdom-leaving behind all
their treasures.
Since then, Stonefast's location has re
mystery-at least until recently. R u m
been circulating that Zanzer Tem's servi
found the stronghold-but they have not
explored it, for the outpost has become home to a
wide assortment of terrible monsters.

Setting: Stonefast is an ancient dwarven fort

Special Monster: A young white dragon named

Kamro broke into Stonefast and now makes his
lair deep within its dark halls. Kamro allows a
wide variety of monsters to make their lairs in his
dungeon because they keep intruders away.

Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 3+2** (16 hit points)
Move: 90' (30')
Flying: 240' (80')
Attacks: 2 cla
Damage: ld4,
No. Appearing: 1
Save As: 6th-Level Fighter
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: SP
Alignment: NC
XP Value: 275

As a young dragon, Kamro has not yet learned

to speak or use spells. His breath weapon inflicts
16 points of cold damage and can be used u p to
three times per day.
Room #30: This is Kamros lair. A set of double
doors guards the entrance. One door is locked,
and the other is stuck. The locked door may be
opened by a successful Open Locks attempt, and
the stuck door may be forced open by a success-
ful Open Doors attempt. There is a 50% chance
that Kamro is asleep on his treasure pile, unless
someone forces open the doors. Kamros treasure
is only 6,000 silver pieces a n d three healing
potions. On the first round, Kamro attacks with
his breath weapon.

Fill in the Details: The dungel3n is cold, since it is

.* . . . 1
the lair of a white dragon. Also, rememoer tnat it
has been ariandoned &r a long time. Everything
is rotten, d i]sty, and rusted.
... J...Z~.. I .
Make a Wanuering 7
lvlonster ~ 1 s t rII
. ~ - <
. T ~.
: you a o n t
~ . 1

remember how to make a wandering monster

list, see page 118.

Wnat Is toe Last Rule?

By now, you probably realize the players will sur-
prise you often. No matter how carefully you
plan your adventure, the PCs will always d o
something you could not expect.
When this happens, you must resort to the last
rule: When you dont know what to do, make some-
Draw ,&kc Lylmy. l l l c LLLay vILLllc pd8r rhe thing up!
scale is one square = five feet. Remember, t h e w h o l e i d e a of p l a y i n g a
DUNGEONS & DRAGONSO game is to have fun. If
Stock the Dungeon: If you dont remember how you stop playing and take too much time con-
to stock a dungeon, reread the last chapter. Pick sulting the rules, nobody will have fun. It is
unintelligent monsters-no orcs, goblins, etc. better to make s o m e t h i n g u p a n d k e e p t h e
There are four special rooms in Stonefast: game moving!
Entrance: Stonefast can be entered through the When you improvise a rule, use these steps:
icy burrow Kamro dug or through a trap door
from Room #34 of Zanzers Dungeon. 1. Make sure the action happens d u r i n g the
Room #20 This room contains the lost dwarven proper step of the Game Turn Checklist, the
treasure: 6,000 gp, two diamonds (1,500 gp each), Encounter Checklist, or the Combat Sequence.
four opals (1,000 gp each) a golden, ruby-studded
crown (2,500 gp), a hand axe +I, n W U Yhammer +I, a 2. Imagine the situation and consider how diffi-
dagger +2, and a staffofhealing. cult it would be for the character to d o what the
Room # 2 5 In this room, there are 100 treasure player wants to try.
chests, each locked and trapped. If any chest is
opened, (by picking or breaking the lock) without 3. Assign a percentage to the chance of success
first successfully finding and removing traps, it
fills the room with a cloud of gas. Everyone in the 4. Have the player controlling the character roll
room must roll a successful Saving Throw vs. Poi- d% to determine success.
son or fall unconscious for l d 4 turns. Each chest
contains 1(

. . . . . ' cop)*ipo1994 .
, ...". .... . -....~......
Alignment: The beh avior code of monsters and Dungeon Master (DM):The referee w,ho creates
characters; Lawful, hleutral, Chaotic. the dungeon and the monsters; the p layer who
runs the game.
Armor Class: The ar mor worn by a character or
the natural protect ion a monster has against Duration: The length of time an effect 1

Caller: The player PVILV L T U ~ULC V L Y L W L L Q L LLLC

party warits io do, based on what the other play- attack.
ers tell hirn.
Encounter: A meeting between playt?r characters
Caster: A.ny magic-user, cleric, elf, or monster and monsters or NPCs.
who casts a spell.
Encumbrance: The effect of the weig:ht of equip-
Character Level: see experience. ment and treasure carried by a charac:ter.

Character' Class: The type of character; often the Enchanted: Any creature that is ma gically sum-
character' s job or race. moned, animated, or controlled (as M iith a charm
spell) or one that can be hit only by a magical
Charge: 'The magical energy needed to use a weapon. Creatures that can be hit by silver weap-
wand. ons are not enchanted.

Coin (cn): A unit of weight. ep: Electrum piece-2 ep = 1 gold pie're.

Concentr;ttion: The result of a character fixing all Evasion: The act of fleeing from a monster or
attention,on a single object or action; the charac- party.
ter becornes unable to d o anything else; any
action breaks the concentration. Experience Level: A measure of the! power and
ability of a character.
Cover: AIiything, except a shield, that one hides
--:- L"^. " -.:"":l.. "1'^^1,
behind to g -....i--*:--
; a ~~tI V L C L L I V I L L L V M a LLU>>LK OLL~CI\..

cp: Copper pieces-10 cp = 1 silver piece.
Hit Dice (HD): The number and type of dice
D# (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d%): A symbol rolled to find how many hit points a character or
showing th on a type of tie; a monster 1has.
die code.
ts (hp):The amount of damage a charac-
Damage: A UIC LULL LI uwuc ,COW many hit ~ V L L ~ L ~LcI Litastercan take before it dies.
are lost.
Hit Roll: The lowest number nec:ded to hit a n
Demihuman: A human-like creature that is also a opponent.
Infravision: A character or creatuire's ability to
Dungeon: 1Nhere characters adventure; often in see in the dark.
ruins and u
of a dungeon
YYllal IIIaIuC, Lllc explanation of
or area is; also how tough the monsters are that symbols on a map.
are found there. The greater the dungeon level,
the tougher the challenge. Lair: A monster's home or nest.
Melee: Combat where the fighters stay within Withdrawal: The process of backing u p slowly
arm's length (5 feet) using fists, hand-to-hand while fighting; a fighting retreat.
weapons or claws and teeth.
Missile Fire: Attacks using weapons that are shot
or thrown from more than 5 feet away. AT: Number of Attacks H D Hit Dice
A C Armor Class hp: Hit points
Monster Hit Dice: Monster use d8s for HD AL: Alignment Ink Intelligence
C Cleric M Magic-user
Monster Level: A measure of how tough a mon- Cha: Charisma M L Morale
ster is, usually equal to its Hit Dice. Con: Constitution MV: Movement speed
cp: copper pieces N A Number
Morale: A measure of courage, loyalty, and high Appearing
spirits; the willingness to face a battle or to run D: type of dice N M Normal Human
away. D: Damage N P C Non-Player
Non-Player Character (NPC): Any character that D: Dwarf P C Player Character
is played by the DM. Dex: Dexterity pp: platinum pieces
D M Dungeon Master Save: Saving Throw
Player Character (PC): A character who is con- Class and Level
trolled by a player. E Elf sp: silver pieces
ep: electrum pieces Str: Strength
pp: platinum piece-5 gold piece = 1pp F Fighter T:Thief
gp: gold pieces Wis: Wisdom
Quarrel: A shaft that is shot from a crossbow H Halfling X P Experience Points
(also called a bolt).

Range: The maximum distance at which an attack

can be made or a spell can be cast; also, a measure
of distance (short, medium, or long).

Retreat: The process of leaving an area or battle at

full speed.

Saving Throw (Save): A character's chance (by

dodging, luck, willpower, etc.) to avoid or reduce
the harmful effects of certain types of attacks.

Secret Door: A door that is hidden or disguised

as something else; one that is hard to find.

sp: Silver p i e c e 1 0 sp = 1 gold piece

Spell Level: A measure of the difficulty and

power of a spell.

THACO "To Hit Armor Class 0"; an optional sys-

tem for figuring attack rolls.

Turn: A cleric's ability, by the power of faith, to

make undead monsters run away.
Dungeon Level 1 15-16 Ogre 1d3
17 Shadow 1d4
D20 Roll Monster Number 18 Snake, Giant Rattler 1d4
1 Bat, Giant ld3 19 Spider, Tarantella 1
2 Beetle, Fire ld6 20 Wight 1d3
3 Ghoul ld2
4-5 Goblin 1d6 Dungeon Levels 4 and 5
6 Gnoll ld3
7 Gnome ld6 D20 Roll Monster Number
8 Hobgoblin ld6 1 Basilisk 1
9-10 Kobold 2d6 2 Bugbear 2d4
11 Lizard Man 1d3 3 Cockatrice 1d2
12 NPC Party 1Party 4 Displacer Beast 1
13-14 Orc ld6 5 Gapgoyle 1d4+1
15-16 Skeleton 1dlO 6 Giant, Hill 1
17 Snake, Racer ld2 7 Harpy 1d4+1
18 Spider, Crab ld2 8 Hellhound (3-5 HD) 1d4
19 Stirge ld8 9 Hydra (5-headed) 1
20 Zombie ld3 10 Leech, Giant 1
11 Lycanthrope, Werewolf ld4
Dungeon Level 2 12 Medusa 1d2
13 Mummy 1d3
D20 Roll Monster Number 14 NPC Party 1 Party
1 Beetle, Oil ld6 15 Ochre Jelly 1
2 Carrion Crawler 1 16 Rhagodessa 1d3
3 Ghoul Id4 17 Rust Monster 1d2
4-5 Gnoll 1d4 18 Scorpion, Giant 1d3
6 Goblin ld4 19 Trolf 1d2
7 Gray Ooze 1 20 Wraith 1d2
8 Harpy 1
9-10 Hobgoblin ld6 Dungeon Levels 6 and 7
11 Lizard
12 NPC P; D20 Roll Monster Number
13-14 Orc 1 Basilisk 1d3
15 Skeleto 2 Cockatrice 1d3
16 Snake, 3 Giant, Hill 1d2
17 Soider. 4 Giant, Stone 1d2
18 vilight 5 Gorgon 1
19-20 Z ombit 6 Hellhound (5-7HD) 1d4
7 Hydra (6-8 heads) 1
Dungeon Level 3 8 Lycanthrope, Weretiger l d 3
9 Manticore 1
D20 Roll Monstc 10 Minotaur 1d4
1 Beetle, 11 Mummy 1d4
2-3 Bugbea 12 NPC Party 1Party
4 Carrior 13 Ochre Jelly 1
5 Dopplt 14 Ogre 2d4
6-7 Gargoy 15 Rust Monster 2d2
8 Gelatin. ..- 16 Spectre 1d3
9 Harpy ld3 17 Spider, Tarantella 1d3
10-11 Lycanthrope, Wererat Id6 18 Troll 1d4+1
12 Medusa 1 19 Vampire 1
13 NPC Party 1 Party 20 Wyvern 1
14 Ochre Jelly 1
. . ..
Abbreviations ....................................................... 123 Detect Invisible ........................................................ 59
Ability Scores ............................................................ 9
To Ability Scores........................................ ................................. 96
To Missile Fire Hit Rolls . Dispel Magic ............................................................. 61
Alignment .......................................... Displacer Beast ....................................................... 76
Alignment Changes ............................................... 23
Amber Golem ....................................................
Armor Class .......................................................
Table .................................................................... 24
Attack Roll Modifiers Table ........................ ......................................... 5
Average Treasure Value ....................... 104 D M s Prerogative ............................................... 28
......................... 71 Dwarf ....................................................................... 18
......................................... 72 Elemental................................................................. 78
......................................... 72 Elf ............................................................................. 19
Beetle, Giant ............................................................ 73 Spells .................................
Black Dragon .........................................
Black Pudding*......................................
....................................... 77
.................................................... 54
.................................................... 69
Bugbear.................................................................... 73 Escape from Zanzers Dungeon I ........................ 48
Carnivore................................................................. 71 Escape from Zanzers Dungeon I1 ....................... 64
Carrion Crawler ..................................................... 74 Escape from Zanzers Dungeon 111..................... 98
Cat, Great ................................................................ 74
Cave Bear ................................................................ 72 ......................... 59
Centipede, Giant ........ .................................... 75
Character: Experience Levels
Design Checklist................................................ 22 Experience Points ...................................... 10, 21, 31
Hit Roll Table ...................................................... 43 For Monsters ....................................................... 32
Record Sheet ................................................. 9, 128 Explanation of Magical Items ............................. 106
Saving Throws .................................................... 25 Fighter ...................................................................... 13
............................ 17
Chimera ......................................................
Clairvoyance ...............
Cleric ........................................................................ 14
Spells .................................................................... 52 Floating Disc ...........
.. g
Cobra, S p i t ~ n........................................................ 91 Fly .................................................
Cockatrice................................................................ 75
Coin Conversion Chart Game Turn ............................................................. 33
Combat Sequence.......... ............................ 41
Continual Light * ....................................................... 58 ..................
Cover ........................................................................ 43 Gelatinous Cube
Crab Spider ............................................................. 93
Crocodile ................................................................. 75
Cure Light Wounds*................................................. 52
....................................................... 76 Giant Centipede ..............
...................... 52, 58 Giants ..............................................
c;no11 ..............................................
Gnome ...........................................
Goblin ,.._:................................................................ 82 Mugic Missile .......................................................... 57

Green Slime...
Green Dragon ..........
Medusa ............................................
Guards .................................................................... 41 Minotaur ..........................................
Mirror Image ............................................................ 60

Hit Dice .............................................................. 10, 21

....................... 30
Hold Person*....................................................... 54, 62
................................. 57

Movement ....................................
In Combat ............................
Mule ..............................................
Speed and Encumbrance Tab1 1
................................ 88

Item Encumbrance Table NPC Party ....................

Jewelry Value Table... Ochre, Jelly*............................
Knock ......................................

.......:..................................... 59 ........................................... 71
............................ 52, 57
........................ 62
........................ 74

Lycanthropes .......................................................... 86 Placed Treasures.....................

Player Characters .............................. ..........
Poison .................................................
Polar Bear ................................................................ 72 Storm Giant ............................................................. 80
Surprise Rolls.......................................................... 37

Protectionfrom Nor

Python, Rock ........................................................... 92

Racer, Giant ............................................................. 92
Random Treasures ............................................... 102 Tiger ......................................................................... 74
Tiger Beetle.............................................................. 73

Red Dragon ............................................................. 77

Remove Fear* ............................................................ 53
Resist Cold ................................................................ 53
. .
Resist Fire ................................................................. 55 Undead .................................................................... 95
Rhagodessa ......
Role-Pla ying .....
Room Contents
Running a Cam
Rust Monster .......................................................... 90
Sabre-Tooth Tiger ................................................... 74 Viper ......................................................................... 92
Wandering Monsters ............................................. 37

Seeing in the Dungeon ........

Shrieker.................................................................... 91
Silence 15' Radius..................................................... 55 Wereboar ................................................................. 86
Skeleton ............ Werecreature .........

Snake ................................................

Special Considerations .......................................... 35 Wight*...................................................................... 96

Special Attacks ....................................................... 69 Wizard Lock .............................................................. 61

Spell Lists, Clerical

Spider, Giant ............................................................ 93

DUNGEONS G DRAGONS@Chatlacten Recon0 Srleei
Player's Name >tor

Character's Name

Alignment Class Level

Armor Class Hit Dice Hit Paints

Character Sketch or Symbol


STRENGTH ~ to melee hit, melee damage,

open doors rolls

INTELLIGENCE ~ (see intelligence adjustments in Rules

and Adventures fornumber of languages)

WISWM ~ on magic-based
saving throws

DEXTERITY ~ to missile fire hit rolls,

modifies AC

CONSnTUTION ~ to hit die rolls for hit points

CHARISMA ~ to reaction rolls


SPECIAL SKILLS: Spells, Thief's abilities, Cleric's turning, etc.


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 Melee Miqdle


OTHER NOTES including places explored, people &monsters met EXPERIENCE

; : " :E a
Needed for next levd:
Playen Coanacten Cables
~ ___ CHART
Cue. Encumbrance/ AND WISDOM
Item ingp Size Damage I gold piece = 100 copper pieces (cp)
3d6 I gold piece = 10 silver pieces (sp)
Axes Roll . Adjustments I gold piece = 2 electnun pieces (ep)
Battle Axe (2-handed) 7 70/SmaU Id8 j gold pieces = 1 platinum piece (pp)
3 -3
Hand Axe 4 30/Small Id6
4-5 -2
6-8 -1

Crossbow (fires quarrels) 30 50/Medium Id6
9-12 No adjustments ROOM CONTENTS TABLE
Case with 30 quarrels 10 * 13-15 +I
Long Bow 40 30/Large Id6
16-17 +2
Short Bow 25 20/Small Id6 Roll
18 +3
Quiver with 20 arrows 5 . 1-2
1 silver-tipped arrow 5 *
- Strength Regardless of adjustments, any
successful hit will always do at least 1

50% chance
Daggers 6 Special No treasure
3 l0/SmaIl Id4 point of damage. All Strength adjust-
Normal Dagger
30 10/Small Id4 ments apply only to hand-to-hand combat
Silver Dagger
and to opening doors.
Short Sword 7 30/Small Id6 - Dexterity: Missile fire combat adjust-
ments affect the chances to hit; they do
Sword (normal) 10 60/Medium Id8
Two-handed Sword 15 100/Large Id10 not affect the amount of damage done. Turn Round
Dexterity m a y affect Armor Class, raising
Encumbrance Move Move
Other Weapons (penalizing) or lowering (improving) the
Armor Class of the character.
up to 400 cm 120' 40'
Mac@* 5 30/Medium Id6
401-800 cns 90' 30'
Pole Arm (2-handed)
Sling with 30 stones''
- Wisdom: Adjustments to magic-based
Saving Throws do not apply to Saving
801-1200 cns
1201-1600 cns
60 '
30 '
Spear 3 30/Medium Id6 Throws vs. Dragon Breath. They might (or 2400 + cns 0' 0'
War Hammer'* 5 SO/Medium Id6 might not) affect Saving Throws vs. Death
ammunition is included in encumbrance. Ray or Poison, depending on whether the Mule
** these weapons may be used by a cleric. attack is magical. These adjustments do up to 3000 cns 120' 40'
affect Saving Tnrows vs. Turn to Stone, 3001-6000 C ~ S 60 ' 20'
Wands, and Rod, Staff, or Spell.


Spells/Level Spellsnevel Spells/Level

Level Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 Level Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 Level Title 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Medium 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Veteran Medium 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Acolyte 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Seer 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Warrior Seer 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 AdeDt 1 0 0 0 0 0
3 Conjurer 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 SwordmasterCanjurer 2 1 0 0 0 0
4 Magician 2 2 0 0 0 0 4 Herdagician 2 2 0 0 0 0
5 Enchanter 2 2 1 0 0 0 5 SwashbucklerEnchanter 2 2 1 0 0 0 5 Curate 2 2 0 0 0 0


Open Find Remove Climb Move Hidein Pick Hear

Level Locks Traps Traps Walls Silently Shadows Packets Noise Undead 1
Skeleton 7
1 15 10 10 87 20 10 20 30 Zombie 9
2 20 15 15 88 25 15 25 35 Ghoul 11
3 25 20 20 89 30 20 30 40 Wight 0
4 30 25 25 90 35 24 35 45 Wraith 0
5 35 30 30 91 40 28 40 50 Mummy 0
COMbat Cables

Armor Class Hit
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
No armor
NDnnalHUman 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
F%$hter,Elf& Dwarf 1-
Cham Mail
bapgicuser 1-5Cleric
Plate Mail
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20
Shield (-1from AC)
',e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Ranges in Feet
Short Medium Long
Fired Weapons: (+1) (0)
6-70 71-140 141-210
6-60 61-120 121-180
6-50 51-100 101-150
640 41-80 81-160

6-20 21-40 41-60

6-10 11-20 21-30

6-10 11-20 21-30
6-10 11-20 21-30


Defendefs Armor Class
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Roll Reaction
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 23 Monster attacks
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 4-6 Monster growls, roll again in one round,
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20 subtract fourfrom the result
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 7-9 Monster cautious, roll again in one round
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
4 5 6 7 8 9 I n 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17



1. Charm Person 1. Continual Light 1. Clairvoyance
3 L SPELLS 2. Detect Magic 2. Detect Evil 2. Dispel Magic
' 3. Floating Disc 3. Detect hwisible 3. Fire Ball
4. Hold Portal 4. ESP 4. Fly
1. Bless'
5. Light 5. Invisibility 5. Haste'
2. Find Traps
6. Magic Missile 6. Knock 6. Hold Person"
3. Hold Person
7. Protection from Evil 7. Levitate 7. hfravision
4. Know Alignment,
8. Read Languages 8. Locate Object 8. Invisibility 10' Radius
5. Resist Fire 9. Read Magic 9. Mirror Image 9. Lightning Bolt
6. Silence 1Y radius
10. Shield 10. Phantasmal 10. Protection hom Evil 10' Radius
... 7. Snake Charm
11. Sleep 11. Web 11. Protection from Nom1 Missiles
8. Speak with I* -'--
12. Ventriloquism 12. Wizard Lock 12. Water Breathing
cast with reverse effect.
- *Spell may be cast with reverse effect.
Onbetl of Play

Monsters: If the wandering monsters check at the end of the previous turn was positive, the
rrive now, appearing 2d6 x 10 feet away in a direction of the DMs choice.

If the PCs have an encounter, continue play with the encounter checklist.

e Time: Game lime switches from 10-minute turns to 10-second rounds.

Both sides make surprise rolls.
:Both sides make initiative rolls to see who moves, talks, or attacks first. If combat or magic begins,
eeds from this point with the Combat Sequence.
ens: If he does not h o w how the monsters will react to the PCs, the DM makes reaction rolls to
their initial attitudes.

b. If both sides talk, role-play the conversation until agreement is reached, one side flees, or a fight begins.
c. If the PCs run away, make a morale check for the monster or NPC to see if it chases them. If it does, roll
d%.On a roll of 25% or less, it pursues them and attacks again. Otherwise, the PCs escape.
8. If one or both sides attack after the initial meeting, play proceeds with the Combat Sequence (start
with step one and roll for initiative again).
nter Ends: After the encounter ends, begin play with a new turn. Always assume that encounters take


4. Each side rolls ld6 to uerermine Initiative.
3. The side that wins Initiative acts first.
1.Monsters (and Nl'Cs) make Morale Checks.
2. Anybody who is Moving does so.
3. Characters using Missile Fire attack.
a. They Choose Targets.
b. They make their Hit Rolls.
c. They Roll Damage for successful hits.
4. Characters using Magic cast their spells.
a. They Choose Targets.
b. Targets roll Saving Throws.
c. The DM Applies the Results.
5. Characters fighting Hand-to-Hand attack.
a. They Choose Targets
b. They make their Hit Rolls.
C. They Roll Damage for successful hits.
:. The side that lost initiative completes all steps under "E."
. . ..
.?. . , .
. ,
. . .. .
'. . .the bragon lunges. Your flashing blade

slices the air as searing flames burst over your
shield. A lightning bolt crackles from the w i z -
ard's fingertips, then bounces harmlessly off the
mncieut beast's scarred and scaly hide. Will you stay
A and battle this deadly monster, or leave i t behind w i t h
its hoard of stolen treasure.

The DUNGEON & DRAGONS@ Game lets you and your

I friends create and play mighty warriors, shrewd wiz-
ards, cunning elves, and nimble thieves.

A 128 pci tures Book takes you adventuring while you learn the game!
olde ures.
&==a g the awesome monsters you face.
Screen puts important rules at your fingertips.
oster Map and a complete set of Adventure Dice.

pic Aboentures witb Wizarbs, Dragons, anb magic await

. . . Do you fee1 brave?

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