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A. Doctrine of Judicial Review ............................................................. 2225

B. Literal v. Liberal Approach.............................................................. 2234
C. Judicial Review in India................................................................... 2238
D. Judicial Creativity In India .............................................................. 2242
(a) Literal Interpretation............................................................. 2242
(b) Liberal Interpretation............................................................ 2243
E. Norms of Constitutional Interpretation............................................ 2255
(a) Policy Considerations ........................................................... 2255
(b) Constituent Assembly Debates .............................................. 2258
(c) Preamble ............................................................................... 2259
(d) Spirit of the Constitution ....................................................... 2260
(e) Political Questions ................................................................ 2261
(f) Foreign Precedents ............................................................... 2263
F. Principle of Harmonious Interpretation .......................................... 2269
G. Prospective Overruling .................................................................... 2271
H. Constitutionality of a Statute............................................................ 2275
I. Effect of Unconstitutionality ............................................................ 2295
(a) Severability............................................................................ 2297
(b) Legislative validation of an invalid statute ........................... 2298
J. Supreme Court not bound by its own decisions ............................... 2300


Doctrine Interpretation
ChapAXL of Judicial Review

In democratic countries, the judiciary is given a place of great significance.

Primarily, the courts constitute a dispute-resolving mechanism. The primary
function of the courts is to settle disputes and dispense justice between one citi-

2226 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

zen and another. But courts also resolve disputes between the citizen and the state
and the various organs of the state itself.
In many countries with written constitutions, there prevails the doctrine of ju-
dicial review. It means that the constitution is the supreme law of the land and
any law inconsistent therewith is void. The courts perform the role of expounding
the provisions of the constitution and exercise power of declaring any law or ad-
ministrative action which may be inconsistent with the constitution as unconsti-
tutional and hence void. This judicial function stems from a feeling that a system
based on a written constitution can hardly be effective in practice without an
authoritative, independent and impartial arbiter of constitutional issues and also
that it is necessary to restrain governmental organs from exercising powers which
may not be sanctioned by the constitution.1
The responsibilities which a Court carries in a country with a written constitu-
tion are very onerousmuch more onerous than the responsibilities of a Court
without a written constitution. The courts in a country like Britain interpret the
laws but not the Constitution, whereas the courts in a country with a written con-
stitution interpret the provisions of the constitution and, thus, give meaning to the
cold letter of the constitution. The courts thus act as the Supreme interpreter,
protector and guardian of the supremacy of the constitution by keeping all
authoritieslegislative, executive, administrative, judicial or quasi-judicial
within legal bounds. The judiciary has the responsibility to scrutinize all govern-
mental actions in order to assess whether or not they conform with the constitu-
tion and the valid laws made thereunder.
The Courts can declare any exercise of power invalid if it infringes any provi-
sion in the constitution. In a constitution having provisions guaranteeing Funda-
mental Rights of the people, the judiciary has the power as well as the obligation
to protect the peoples rights from any undue and unjustified encroachment by
any organ of the State. Further, in a country having a federal system, the judici-
ary acts as the balance-wheel of federalism by settling disputes between the Cen-
tre and the States, or among the States inter se. Federalism is a legalistic form of
government because of distribution of powers between the Centre and the States

1. There is a wealth of material elucidating the contribution made by the U.S. Supreme Court to
the development of the Constitution through its interpretative process : Douglas, FROM
DEVELOPING COUNTRIES; An Emphasis on East Africa, 24 Int. & Comp LQ 205 (1975);
DESHPANDE, JUDICIAL REVIEW OF LEGISLATION (1975) and authors review thereof in 16 JILI
727 (1974); DIPLOCK, The Courts as Legislators (1965); JAFFE, ENGLISH & AMERICAN
JUDGES AS LAW MAKERS (1969); M.P. JAIN, Role of the Judiciary in a Democracy, (1979)
ACTIVISM AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY IN INDIA (1992). Court only interprets the law
and cannot legislate thereof, if a provision of law gives rise to misuse, it is for the legislature
to amend, modify or repeal it, if deemed necessary. Sushil Kumar Sharma v. Union of India,
(2005) 6 SCC 281.
Syn A] Doctrine of Judicial Review 2227

by the constitution itself, and, therefore, an arbiter is needed to draw a balance

between the Centre and the States.2
The task of interpreting the constitution is a highly creative judicial function.
A democratic society lives and swears by certain valuesindividual liberty, hu-
man dignity, rule of law, constitutionalism, limited government, and it is the task
of the judiciary to so interpret the constitution and the law as to constantly incul-
cate these values on which democracy thrives. Also, the courts must keep in
mind that the society does not stand still; it is dynamic and not static; social and
economic conditions change continually. Therefore, the courts must so interpret
the constitution that it does not fall behind the changing, contemporary societal
needs. The words of the constitution remain the same, but their significance
changes from time to time through judicial interpretation.3
Judicial review has two prime functions: (1) Legitimizing Governmental ac-
tion; (2) to protect the constitution against any undue encroachments by the Gov-
ernment. These two functions are inter-related.
In exercising the power of judicial review, the courts discharge a function
which may be regarded as crucial to the entire governmental process in the
country. The bare text of the constitution does not represent in itself the living
law of the country. For that purpose, one has to read the Fundamental text along
with the gloss put thereon by the courts. As Dowling has stated while evaluating
the role of the U.S. Supreme Court; The study of constitutional law may be de-
scribed in general terms as a study of the doctrine of judicial review in action.4
This characterisation is true of the U.S.A. To some lesser extent, it is true of
other constitutions as well. To what extent the judicial interpretation supplements
the written text of a constitution depends on how creative and activist role is
played by the courts. The task of rendering an authoritative interpretation of the
constitution converts the courts into vital instruments of government and policy-
making. Here is a challenging and creative task for the courts to perform.
The interpretative function of the constitution is discharged by the courts
through direct as well as indirect judicial review. In direct judicial review, the
Court overrides or annuls an enactment or an executive act on the ground that it
is inconsistent with the constitution. In indirect judicial review, while considering
constitutionality of a statute, the Court so interprets the statutory language as to
steer clear of the alleged element of unconstitutionality.
JUSTICE DOUGLAS characterises this practice as tailoring an Act to make it
constitutional and explains it further thus: If a construction of the Act is possi-
ble that will save it from being constitutionally infirm, the Court will adopt that
construction. This practice of saving an Act by construing it to avoid the consti-
tutional issue has sometimes been carried a long way.5 But this is a part of judi-
cial strategy in deciding constitutional controversies. When a judge faced with
several alternative interpretations of a constitutional provision, chooses one of
these, he necessarily performs a law-making function.

2. Supra, Chs. X-XV.

3. Also see, next Chapter.
5. DOUGLAS, MARSHALL TO MUKHERJEA, 16; infra, See H, this Chapter.
2228 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

Britain has no written constitution and, therefore, there is no direct judicial re-
view there. But courts do resort to indirect judicial review at times. They inter-
pret constitutional provisions restrictively to protect civil liberties.6 Some rules of
statutory interpretation have been developed with this aim in view, e.g., a crimi-
nal law or a tax law should be strictly construed, or that judicial review of dele-
gated legislation cannot be excluded unless there are clear words to that effect.7
The Constitution of Canada or Australia does not contain any express provi-
sion for judicial review, yet the process goes on and judicial review has become
an integral part of the constitutional process. The historical origin of judicial re-
view in these countries is traceable to the colonial era. The colonial legislatures
were regarded as subordinate legislatures vis-a-vis the British Parliament8 and
they had to function within the parameters of the statutes enacted by the British
Parliament. The colonial laws were, therefore, subject to judicial review, and this
process continued long after the colonies ripened into self-governing dominions.
The doctrine of judicial review was thus ingrained into the legal fabric of Canada
and Australia and, therefore, no need was felt to include a specific constitutional
provision in the basic laws of these countries.9
The doctrine of judicial review is an integral part of the American judicial and
constitutional process although the U.S. Constitution does not explicitly mention
the same in any provision. The Constitution merely says that it would be the su-
preme law of the land.
Before the Constitution, the legislation of the American colonies was subject
to judicial review. But, after the Constitution, in 1803, in the famous case of
Marbury v. Madison,10 in one of its most creative opinions, the U.S. Supreme
Court very clearly and specifically claimed that it had the power of judicial re-
view and that it would review the constitutionality of the Acts passed by the
Congress. The Court argued that the Constitution seeks to define and limit the
powers of the legislature, and there would be no purpose in doing so if the legis-
lature could overstep these limits at any time.
In the words of the Court: Certainly all those who have framed the written
constitutions contemplate them as forming the Fundamental and paramount law
of the nation, and consequently, the theory of every such government must be
that an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void. And, further,
It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what
the law is. Those who apply the rule to particular cases must of necessity ex-
pound and interpret that rule. If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must
decide on the operation of each. So if a law be in opposition to the constitution; if
both the law and the constitution apply to a particular case, so that the Court must
either decide that case conformably to the law disregarding the constitution; or
conformably to the constitution disregarding the law; the Court must determine
which of these conflicting rules governs the case. This is the very essence of Ju-
dicial duty.

6. Infra, footnote 18.

7. See, supra, Ch. I; Ch. II, Sec. N, supra.
8. Supra, Ch. II, Sec. M.
10. 1 Cranch 137; 2 L Ed 60.
Syn A] Doctrine of Judicial Review 2229

Thus, the theoretical foundation of the doctrine of judicial review in the

U.S.A. is that in exercise of its judicial functions, the Supreme Court has the
power to say what the law is, and in case of conflict between the constitution and
a legislative statute, the Court will follow the former, which is the superior of the
two laws, and declare the latter to be unconstitutional.
If a law inconsistent with the constitution were not to be declared void, then
the written constitution loses all its value and significance. When a law is in op-
position to the constitution, it is the duty of the courts to follow the constitution
and not the law.
About the significance of judicial review in a written constitution, SCHWARTZ
observes: A constitution is naught but empty words if it cannot be enforced by
the courts. It is judicial review that makes constitutional provisions more than
mere maxims of political morality. In practice, there can be no constitution with-
out judicial review. It provides the only adequate safeguard that has been in-
vented against unconstitutional legislation. It is, in truth, the sine qua non of the
constitutional structure.11
The doctrine of judicial review has made the U.S. Supreme Court a vital in-
stitution in the governmental process in the country.12 In the U.S. Constitution the
Fundamental Rights of the people are couched in very general phraseology, and
the exceptions and restrictions thereon are worked out judicially from time to
time in the context of contemporary socio-economic and political conditions.13
For example, the phrase due process of law used in the U.S. Constitution gives
a good deal of leeway to the Supreme Court for creativity.14
Although the modern doctrine of judicial review is ascribed to Marbury v.
Madison, as noted above, the idea underlying judicial review, namely, to test and
invalidate state action (legislative or executive) by reference to a higher organic
instrument can be traced to the natural law doctrine according to which man-
made law was susceptible to correction and invalidation by reference to a higher
This natural law doctrine found expression in Britain in 1610 in Dr. Bonhams
case,16 where COKE, LCJ, asserted : When an act of Parliament is against com-
mon law right and reason, or repugnant, or impossible to be performed, the
common law will control it and adjudge such act to be void. This doctrine did
not, however, become fully operational in Britain. In course of time, this doctrine
was jettisoned and its place was taken over by the theory of parliamentary sover-


13. For example, in 1952, the U.S. Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education, 347 US 483,
invalidated segregation between the Whites and the Blacks in educational institutions over-
ruling its earlier decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 527 (1896). In Reynolds v. Sims,
377 US 533, the Supreme Court translated the equality principle in to the principle of one
man-one vote. The Court thus held that the seats in a House of State Legislature must be
apportioned on population basis.
14. In Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 US 335, the Court accepted the right of an accused to have a lawyer
at state expense, if he could not afford one himself. In Miranda v. Arizona, 384 US 436, the Su-
preme Court granted certain rights to an accused at the time of police interrogation.
Background of Due Process, 31 Col LR 56; Corwin, The Higher Law Background of
American Constitutional Law, 42 Harv LR 149.
16. 8 Cokes Reports, 114 at 118.
2230 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

eignty. Because of the conflict between the Crown and Parliament, judges sided
with Parliament and, in the process, accepted the theory of parliamentary sover-
eignty. The doctrine of judicial review then became confined to the colonies
overseas. Even prior to the U.S. Constitution, the Privy Council did exercise
powers of judicial review over the American and other colonies.17
But even in Britain indirect judicial review does go on all the time. As Wade
points out: All law students are taught that Parliamentary sovereignty is abso-
lute. But it is the judges who have the last word. If they interpret an Act to mean
the opposite of what it says, it is their view which represents the law.18
There are many who argue against the very concept of judicial review of con-
stitutional issues. They characterise it as anti-majoritarian. In the U.S.A., since
Marbury v. Madison,19 the institution of judicial review has been a subject of
perennial and even passionate debate among the scholars and jurists.
Some scholars have asserted that it is a usurpation of power by the judiciary as the
Constitution is silent on the point of judicial review.20 Others assert that review of
legislation is not a judicial function and is very different from the function usually
discharged by the courts. But several scholars have argued that it is not so and that
the framers of the Constitution did envisage and contemplate judicial review.21 Some
have asserted that judicial review is undemocratic as the judges who declare statutes
unconstitutional are neither elected by, nor are responsible to, the people.22
But there are many scholars who do not agree with this view. They argue that
a democracy need not have all officials elected, and that judicial review is demo-
cratic as it promotes democracy by safeguarding the rights of the people and
cabining government organs within the confines of the constitution.23 In a de-
mocracy, the majority may not always be right and there always lurks the danger
of oppression of the minority by the majority. Judicial review can keep such a
tendency in check by keeping the majority within the bounds of the constitution.
In the words of Chief Justice WARREN : The Courts essential function is to act
as the final arbiter of minority rights.
A democracy needs a forum, other than the legislature and the executive, for
redressing the legitimate grievances of the minorities-racial, religious, political or
others. In India, at the present time, the Supreme Court is laying great emphasis
on vindication of the rights of the poor and deprived people.24 This sentiment has
been expressed graphically by a Supreme Court Judge as follows: Judicial

17. As early as 1727, the Privy Council declared a Connecticut statute null and void: Winthorp v.
Lechmere in Thayer, Cases on Constitutional Law, 34 (1895).
19. Supra, footnote, 10.
22. THAYER, The Origin and Scope of the American Doctrine of Constitutional Law, 7 Harv LR
23. ROSTOW, The Democratic Character of Judicial Review, 66 Harv, LR 193 (1952); BLACK JR.,
AND POLICY, supra, at 362-5.
See generally on Judicial Review, LEONARD W. LEVY, JUDICIAL REVIEW AND SUPREME
COURT (1967).
24. See, supra, Ch. XXXIV on Directive Principles.
Also see, supra, Chs. VIII, Sec. D(k) and XXXIII, Sec. B, under Public Interest Litigation.
Syn A] Doctrine of Judicial Review 2231

activism gets its highest bonus when its order wipes some tears from some
eyes.25 Thus, there are supporters and detractors of judicial review.
In spite of this debate, the fact remains that judicial review is an integral part
of the American constitutional process, a part of the living Constitution in the
U.S.A., and the same is true of India. There are overwhelming reasons as to why
the courts should act as authoritative expounder of the constitution and possess
power of judicial review.
A written constitution is not a self-executing document, and meanings of sev-
eral provisions may not always be self-evident. Such a constitution would be re-
duced to a mere paper document in the absence of an independent organ to inter-
pret, expound and enforce the same. The power of constitutional review by some
organ of government is implicit in the concept of a written constitution which
seeks to confer limited powers. In the absence of an accepted authority to inter-
pret the constitution, a written constitution would promote discord rather than
order in society when different organs of government take conflicting action in
the name of the constitution, or when government takes action against the indi-
The legislature and the executive are politically partisan bodies and are com-
mitted to certain policies and programmes which they wish to implement. There-
fore, they cannot be trusted with the final power of constitutional interpretation.
They would often seek to bend the constitution to their own views and accom-
modate their own policies. The constitution would thus become a plaything of the
The judiciary is by and large free from active political bias, is politically neu-
tral, and so can be expected to bring to bear a somewhat detached and non-
political outlook on constitutional interpretation. If there is any institution in the
country which can do so it is the judiciary. It can be expected to expound the
constitution dispassionately, apolitically, coolly and with some sense of detach-
ment, to the extent it is humanly possible to achieve such a mental condition in
human beings.
The Court gives a reasoned decision after hearing arguments for and against a
particular alternative. It is, therefore, regarded as the most suited to act as an um-
pire in constitutional controversies. In the absence of any effective enforcement
machinery, the Fundamental Rights in the constitution will be reduced to mere
formal and empty platitudes with no restraint on the government or the legisla-
Federalism and Fundamental Rights add new dimensions to the significance of
the judicial role of constitutional interpretation. In the absence of an effective
enforcement machinery, the Fundamental Rights will be reduced to mere plati-
tudes. Similarly, the balance of power between the Centre and the States will be-
come untenable if either of them were to have the power to decide for itself
where the limits for its functions were to lie. It is only the courts, away from
contemporary partisan political controversies, which can with some detachment
draw the line between the functions of the Centre and the States.

25. The Punjab Rickshaw Pullers case, infra.

Also see, State of Haryana v. Darshana Devi, AIR 1979 SC 857 : (1979) 2 SCC 236;
D.S. Nakara v. Union of India, AIR 1983 SC 130 : (1983) 1 SCC 305.
2232 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

The judicial review serves as a necessary check on the possible excesses by

the legislature and the executive. Judicial review helps in channelizing the acute
and extreme controversies of the day into legal channels.
In the U.S.A., judicial review has been characterised as the principal process
of enunciating and applying certain enduring values of the American society. As
Justice JACKSON observes: The people have seemed to feel that the Supreme
Court, whatever its defects, is still the most detached, dispassionate and trust-
worthy custodian that our system affords for the translation of abstract into con-
crete constitutional commands.26
There is another more abiding consideration in favour of judicial review.
Modern political thought draws a distinction between constitution and consti-
tutionalism27. A country may have a constitution but not necessarily constitu-
tionalism. Constitutionalism denotes a constitution not only of powers but also
restraints as well. A constitution envisages checks and balances and putting the
powers of the legislature and the executive under some restraints and not making
them uncontrolled and arbitrary. Constitutionalism has one essential quality: it
is a legal limitation on government; it is the antithesis of arbitrary rule; its oppo-
site is despotic government, the government of will instead of law.....28 Judicial
Review is the cornerstone of constitutionalism.
Even in Britain at present there is a growing demand that there should be a
written constitution with judicial review. Judicial review plays a significant role
in promoting constitutionalism, democratic values and rule of law in the coun-
In a parliamentary system, the majority automatically supports the government
in office. This results in the powers of the legislature gravitating towards the ex-
ecutive. In such a context, in order to maintain personal rights and a balanced
administration, some external restraint on government becomes an absolute ne-
cessity. Therefore, even if it slows down somewhat the implementation of socio-
economic programmes, that is the price one has to pay for promoting constitu-
tionalism, rule of law and democratic behaviour in the country.
It can also be argued that democracy should not be seen simply as the majority
rule, it also includes a set of principles about the exercise of power. Also, a parlia-
mentary majority on a particular issue may not reflect majority opinion in the society.
It is wrong to assume that a society is not democratic unless its legislature has
unlimited powers. In a parliamentary system, the majority automatically supports
the government of the day, and, thus, the powers of the legislature gravitate to the
government and to maintain individual rights, some external restrictions on the
government are absolutely necessary.
In any case, the controversy over the role of judicial review is merely aca-
demic at present as the people have come to accept it. They realize that the only

27. Supra, Ch. I.
28. MCLLLWAIN, CONSTITUTIONALISM, ANCIENT & MODERN, 21-22, 146 (1958). Also, supra.
Also see, Lord Hailshams Richard Dimbleby Lecture in the Times, Oct. 15, 1976. He
has characterised the present-day government in Britain as elective dictatorship.
Also, supra, Ch. 20, Sec. A.
Syn A] Doctrine of Judicial Review 2233

way in which constitutional limitations can be enforced in practice is through the

medium of the courts.
Finally, the following observations of Justice CARDOZO may be quoted in
support of judicial review:30
The great ideals of liberty and equality are preserved against the assaults of
opportunism, the expediency of the passing hour, the erosion of small en-
croachments, the scorn and derision of those who have no patience with gen-
eral principles, by enshrining them in constitutions, the consecrating to the task
of their protection a body of defenders. By conscious or sub-conscious influ-
ence, the presence of this restraining power, aloof in the background, but none
the less always in reserve, tends to stabilize and rationalize the legislative
judgment, to infuse it with the glow of principle, to hold the standard aloft and
visible for those who must run the race and keep the faith.31
Justice CARDOZO accepted that the judiciary only rarely declares a statute un-
constitutional but he insisted:
The utility of an external power restraining the legislative judgment is not to
be measured by counting the occasions of its exercise ..... The restraining
power of the judiciary does not manifest its chief worth in the few cases in
which the legislature has gone beyond the lines that mark the limits of discre-
tion. Rather shall we find its chief worth in making vocal and audible the ideals
that might otherwise be silenced, in giving them continuity of life and of ex-
pression, in guiding and directing choice within the limits where choice ranges.
This function should preserve to the courts the power that now belongs to them,
if only the power is exercised with insight into social values, and with supple-
ness of adaptation to changing social needs.
But as CHARLES L. BLACK JUNIOR emphasizes judicial review has two as-
pectsthat of imprinting governmental action with the stamp of legitimacy as
well as that of checking political power when it encroaches on any ground for-
bidden by the constitution. Both these functions are interdependent; the legiti-
mating and checking functions go hand in hand.32
It needs to be underlined that in spite of the avowed acceptance of the law crea-
tive role of the judges, they are not traditionally attuned to too much activism. The
above statement of CHARLES EVANS HUGHES is really an over-statement and rep-
resents too drastic and too simplified an analysis of the complex position of the
judiciary and the judicial review in the countrys constitutional system. 33
The judges are not absolutely free agents in rendering their decisions. They are
bound inter alia by the taught tradition of the law, stare decisis, their own sense


31. A similar idea is expressed by EDWARD MCWHINNEY in COMPARATIVE FEDERALISM in the
following words:
The Court consists of elitist group of high talents, aspirations and ideals. Liberal demo-
cratic society rests, in the ultimate, on certain basic ideals such as, free speech, and discus-
sion, freedom of association, freedom of conscience and when they are threatened by the Ex-
ecutive and Legislative authority, it is absurd to rest on any abstract academic conception of
separation of powers and say that judges may not properly intervene in the protection of
those interests. Thus, the maintenance of free society posits the existence of an independent
judiciary and entrusting to the judiciary all the responsibilities in the ultimate for the preser-
vation of the open society ideal.
33. Infra, footnote 51.
2234 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

of self-restraint, the socio-economico-political setting in which they are deciding

a controversy. The courts decide a matter only when it is brought before them
and not otherwise. The Courts decisions may be reversed either by legislation or
constitutional amendment and the Court may correct itself by overruling a previ-
ous decision.34 The Judges have often reminded themselves of the restraints un-
der which they function. In the pithy words of JUSTICE STONE of the U.S. Su-
preme Court:
The power of courts to declare a statute unconstitutional is subject to two
guiding principles of decision.... One is that courts are concerned only with the
power to enact statutes, not with their wisdom. The other is that while uncon-
stitutional exercise of power by the executive and legislative branches of the
government is subject to judicial restraint, the only check upon our exercise of
power is our own sense of self-restraint. For the removal of unwise laws from
the statute books appeal lies not to the courts, but to the ballot and to the proc-
esses of democratic government.35


Syn B v. Liberal Approach

How do the courts approach their task of interpreting the constitution. Judicial
attitude to the constitution is linked with another basic question of jurisprudential
nature: Do courts make law or do they only declare law?
The old orthodox theory was that a judge never creates law, but that he only
declares law. This mechanistic view of the judicial function was prevalent in
Britain in the early twentieth century. This typical attitude was expressed by
BLACKSTONE thus: the duty of the Court is not to pronounce a new law but to
maintain and expound the old one.36 Even as late as 1951, Lord Chancellor
JOWITT expressed a similar attitude.37
But, in modern times, this time-honoured fiction of the declaratory role of the
judge has been dissented from. Lord DENNING has openly preached that the task
of common law is to act as an instrument of evolution in accordance with the
changing needs of the society and the demands of justice.38 This view is shared
by many other eminent British Judges, such as, Lords DIPLOCK, DEVLIN and
The law-creative function of the judges is very well recognised now.40 The
American realist jurists greatly emphasize such a judicial role.41 A judge is not an
automaton. He has his own scale of values and makes choices accordingly. If one
interpretation of the law leads to unjust results, and another interpretation to just
results, what prevents a Court from adopting the latter interpretation.

34. Infra, this Chapter, Sec. J.

35. U.S. v. Butler, 297 US 1 (1935).
37. Australian Law Convention (1951).
39. LORD DIPLOCK, Judicial Development of Law in the Commonwealth, (1978) 1 MLJ cviii
cxiii; Reid, The Judge as Lawmaker, 12 JSPTL 22 (1972); LORD HAILSHAM, The
Independence of the Judiciary in a Democratic Society, (1978) 2 MLJ cxv.
40. P.N. BHAGWATI, Judicial Activism and Public Interest Litigation, (1985) Col JI. of Transna-
tional Law, 561; ATIYAH, Judges and Policy, (1980) 15 Israel LR 346; BAXI, THE INDIAN
Syn B] Literal v. Liberal Approach 2235

Influenced by these judicial attitudes, there have been two approaches to the
interpretation of a written constitution. One approach is literal, mechanical, nar-
row interpretation of the constitution where the judgment of the Court constitutes
a mere exegesis of the Fundamental text. This approach envisages that the con-
stitution is treated as any other statute passed by the legislature and the same
canons of interpretation are applied thereto as are usually applied to the interpre-
tation of ordinary legislative enactments. This is the positivist or the Austinian
The other is the liberal, purposive, law-creative interpretation of the constitu-
tion with insight into social values, and with suppleness of adaptation to chang-
ing needs.42 The courts start with the premise that the constitution being the
Fundamental law of the land should be given a somewhat different treatment and
interpreted more liberally than an ordinary statute. Interpretation of a statute af-
fects only a limited number of people, but interpretation of the constitution and
declaring a statute constitutional or unconstitutional affects the entire govern-
mental functioning, policy-making and even the constitutional process in the
Thus, a constitution is not just one of the ordinary statutes. Here the courts
play a creative role and even make law while interpreting the constitution. In dis-
charging this task, the courts may have to make implications within the written
words of the constitution to bring the whole thing in accord with the more ac-
ceptable contemporary norms. Passage of time has been a factor in the interpre-
tative process. Sec. 118 of the Succession Act, 1925 was enacted to prevent per-
sons from making ill-considered deathbed bequests under religious influence.
The object behind the said legislation was, therefore, to protect a section of illit-
erate or semi-literate persons who used to blindly follow the preachers of the re-
ligion. Such a purpose has lost all significance with the passage of time and,
therefore, has to be declared ultra vires.43
The courts have to balance public interest and individual interest. It may be
that in a given situation, the judge may be faced with several alternative ap-
proaches to interpreting a constitutional provision, and when he chooses one of
these, he is influenced by his own predisposition, values and policies and these
may not necessarily be the same as those of the constitution-makers, or of the
legislators enacting the law impugned. Here the role of the courts may not be
very much different from being constituent or that of law-making. It has been
pointed out that whereas larger interest of the country must be perceived, the law
makers cannot shut their eyes to the local needs also. Constitutional interpretation
is a difficult task. Its concept varies from statute to statute, fact to fact situations.
Mostly the backward suffer from disability either for belonging to an oppressed
community or by way of economical, cultural or social imbalances. The courts
shall all along strive hard for maintaining a balance.44
It may be noted that ultimately it is a matter of judicial attitudes and choices as
to how the judges approach the task of constitutional interpretation. At one time,
there may be one undercurrent, and at another time, there may be another under-
current. At one time, a Court may indulge in judicial passivism and at other time

42. CARDOZO, supra, footnote 30.

43. John Vallamattom v. Union of India, (2003) 6 SCC 611, 622 : AIR 2003 SC 2902.
44. Saurabh Chaudri v. Union of India, (2004) 1 SCC 369.
2236 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

the same Court may show signs of judicial activism depending upon the pre-
disposition of the judges as well as the type of legislation being considered by
them. If at one time the majority of the judges on the Court takes one view, in-
variably there may be a minority taking the other view. The Constitution is not an
ephemeral legal document embodying a set of legal rules for the passing hour. It
sets out principles for an expanding future and is intended to endure for ages to
come and consequently to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs.
Therefore, a purposive rather than a strict literal approach to interpretation should
be adopted. A constitutional provision must be construed not in a narrow and
constricted sense but in a wide and liberal manner so as to anticipate and take
account of changing conditions and purposes so that a provision does not get fos-
silised but remains flexible enough to meet the newly emerging problems and
challenges. This principle of interpretation is particularly apposite to the inter-
pretation of Fundamental Rights.45
During the colonial days, the Privy Council would usually apply the canons of
statutory interpretation to constitutional interpretation as well.46 For example, the
Privy Council said in King-Emperor v. Benoari Lal Sharma:47 The question
whether the ordinance is intra vires or ultra vires does not depend on considera-
tions of jurisprudence or policy. It depends simply on examining the language of
the Government of India Act. In relation to Canada, the Privy Council said that
it would apply to the British North America Act, 1867, the same methods of con-
struction and exposition as were applied to other statutes.48
There were two main reasons for such an approach:
(1) the colonial constitutions, e.g., the Government of India Act, or the British
North America Act, were only statutes of the British Parliament and so the Brit-
ish judges interpreted them as statutes;
(2) there was preponderant emphasis on the literal approach as the law crea-
tive role of the judges had not yet been fully recognised.
After the colonial era gave way to the commonwealth era, the attitude of the
Privy Council towards interpretation of the constitutions of the ex-overseas colo-
nies underwent a sea change. For example, in Hinds v. The Queen,49 the Privy
Council said: To seek to apply to constitutional instruments the canons of con-
struction applicable to ordinary legislation in the fields of substantive criminal or
civil law would ..... be misleading.
In Minister of Home Affairs v. Fisher,50 the Privy Council posed the question:
should a constitution be interpreted according to the same rules as a statute?
There were two answers to this question, said the Privy Council. One, recognis-
ing the status of the constitution as, in effect an Act of Parliament, there is room
for interpreting it with less rigidity, and greater generosity, than other Acts. Two,
the more radical answer is: to treat a constitutional institutional instrument such
as this as sui generis, calling for principles of interpretation of its own, suitable to

45. M. Nagaraj v. Union of India, (2006) 8 SCC 212 : AIR 2007 SC 71.
46. The high-water mark of this approach can be seen in Kariapper v. Wijesinha, (1968) AC
47. (1945) 72 IA 57.
48. Bank of Toronto v. Lambe, 12 AC 575.
49. (1976) 1 All ER 356. Also see, Liyanage v. Regina, (1966) 1 All ER 650.
50. (1979) 3 All ER 21, 25. Also see, Teh Cheng Poh v. Public Prosecutor, (1979) 1 MLJ 50.
Syn B] Literal v. Liberal Approach 2237

its character as already described, without necessary acceptance of all the pre-
sumptions that are relevant to legislation of private law. The Privy Council pre-
ferred the second option. The Privy Council was here interpreting the Funda-
mental Rights provisions of the Bermuda Constitution. The Privy Council con-
cluded that these provisions call for a generous interpretation avoiding the aus-
terity of tabulated legalism, suitable to give to individuals the full measure of the
Fundamental Rights and freedoms.
In the U.S.A., in the area of constitutional interpretation, judges have always
accepted a law-creative role and from time to time have made statements putting
emphasis on judicial activism in constitutional matters. For example, there is the
famous dictum by CHARLES EVANS HUGHES to the following effect: We are
under a constitution, but the constitution is what the judges say it is.51
Voicing a similar approach, a scholar has said: The texts of constitutional in-
struments.... seem merely to be the servants of ultimate judicial policies.52 Thus,
in the U.S.A., there has been a greater emphasis on law-creative function of the
judiciary. The reason for this may be that the U.S. Constitution is a brief and
compact document; it is couched in general language which can be interpreted
and re-interpreted by the courts from time to time in the context of contemporary
circumstances, e.g., due process of law, interstate commerce, etc. The Supreme
Court has thus evolved a number of doctrines which are not mentioned explicitly
in the Constitution, e.g., immunity of instrumentalities, separation of powers,
police powers, etc.
Further, amendment of the U.S. Constitution has proved to be a very difficult
process.53 Therefore, by and large, it has fallen on the judiciary to re-orient the
Constitution to new contemporary socio-economic situations by its interpretative
process. In the absence of any such judicial effort, the U.S.A. would have been
faced with a static Constitution and its social and economic progress would have
been hampered. The Supreme Court has interpreted the U.S. Constitution in such
a creative manner that an old document, of nearly 200 years in age, without many
amendments, has been serving the needs of the present highly sophisticated tech-
nological era. In this way, the Court has not only played the role of an interpreter
of the Constitution but even the role of a constitution-maker.
The truth was realised by the U.S. Judges quite early in the day that the inter-
pretation of the Constitution was quite a different matter from interpretation of a
statute. As MARSHALL, C.J., said in McCulloch v. Maryland:54 We must never
forget that it is a constitution we are expounding and that the Constitution is
intended to endure for ages to come, and, consequently, to be adapted to the
various crises of human affairs. BRANDEIS, J., has written :
Our Constitution is not a straight jacket. It is a living organism. As such it is
capable of growth, of expansion and of adaptation to new conditions. Growth
implies changes, political, economic and social. Growth which is significant
manifests itself rather in intellectual and moral conceptions of material things.55

52. EDWARD MCWHINNEY, supra, footnote 9, at 19.
53. See, infra, Ch. XLI.
54. 17 US 316.
2238 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

Courts must have regard to its great outlines and important objects. During
the last 200 years, there have been quite a few famous law-creative judgments of
the U.S. Supreme Court in relation to the U.S. Constitution.
It may be interesting to remember that exercise of the power of constitutional
interpretation and judicial review of legislation may not always be smooth for the
judiciary. At times, it involves the courts in controversies, and some of the judi-
cial pronouncements may not be palatable to the government of the day, for ex-
ample, in India, such controversies arose as a result of judicial approach to private
property, especially on the question of compensation payable for compulsory acqui-
sition of private property.56 The Supreme Courts ruling in Kesavananda was not
liked by the government which sought for an unrestricted power in Parliament to
amend the Constitution.57
For example, in the U.S.A., in the 1930s, President Roosevelt, in order to
fight the prevailing economic depression, initiated an ambitious economic pro-
gramme, known as the New Deal, but the Supreme Court declared some parts of
it unconstitutional. The President was so much annoyed at this that he proposed a
plan of appointing a number of judges to pack the Court so as to tilt its decisions
in favour of the New Deal programme.58 But the plan was not pursued as it be-
came very controversial and, with the resignation of one Judge, the President got
an opportunity to appoint a Judge of his choice and, subsequently, most of the
programme could be judicially upheld.
In Australia and Canada as well, judicial views expressed in relation to certain
constitutional provisions have been criticised from time to time.59
But such controversies are inherent in any system of judicial review. Courts
have no control over the cases which come to them for decision. When a case
comes before it, the Court has to decide it one way or the other and, in a politi-
cally sensitive case, either way it will give rise to a controversy. Even if the
courts were to refuse jurisdiction over a case, or refuse to give the relief asked
for, it is still going to give rise to a controversy.


Syn C Review in India

Unlike the U.S.A., the Constitution of India explicitly establishes the doctrine
of judicial review in several Articles, such as, 13, 32, 131-136, 143, 226 and
246.60 The doctrine of judicial review is thus firmly rooted in India, and has the
explicit sanction of the Constitution.
Article 13(2) even goes to the extent of saying that The state shall not make
any law which takes away or abridges the rights conferred by this Part [Part III
containing Fundamental Rights] and any law made in contravention of this clause
shall, to the extent of the contravention, be void.61 The courts in India are thus

56. Supra, Chs. XXXI and XXXII.

57. Infra, next Chapter.
60. Supra, Chs. IV, VIII, X, XX and XXXIII.
61. For discussion on Art. 13(2), see, supra, Ch. XX.
Syn C] Judicial Review in India 2239

under a constitutional duty to interpret the Constitution and declare the law as
unconstitutional if found to be contrary to any constitutional provision. The
courts act as sentinel on the qui vive so far as the Constitution is concerned.
Underlining this aspect of the matter, the Supreme Court stated in State of
Madras v. Row that the Constitution contains express provisions for judicial re-
view of legislation as to its conformity with the Constitution and that the courts
face up to such important and none too easy task not out of any desire to tilt at
legislative authority in a crusaders spirit, but in discharge of a duty plainly laid
upon them by the Constitution.62 The Court observed further: While the Court
naturally attaches great weight to the legislative judgment, it cannot desert its
own duty to determine finally the constitutionality of an impugned statute.
As the Supreme Court emphasized in Gopalan: In India it is the Constitution
that is supreme and that a statute law to be valid, must in all cases be in con-
formity with the constitutional requirements and it is for the judiciary to decide
whether any enactment is constitutional or not and if a legislature transgresses
any constitutional limits, the Court has to declare the law unconsitutional for the
Court is bound by its oath to uphold the Constitution.63
The doctrines of supremacy of the constitution and judicial review has been
expounded very lucidly but forcefully by BHAGWATI, J., as follows in Rajasthan
v. Union of India:64
It is necessary to assert in the clearest terms particularly in the context of
recent history, that the constitution is supreme lex, the permanent law of the
land, and there is no department or branch of government above or beyond it.
Every organ of government, be it the executive or the legislature or the judici-
ary, derives its authority from the constitution and it has to act within the limits
of its authority. No one however highly placed and no authority howsoever
lofty can claim that it shall be the sole judge of the extent of its power under
the constitution or whether its action is within the confines of such power laid
down by the constitution. This Court is the ultimate interpreter of the constitu-
tion and to this Court is assigned the delicate task of determining what is the
power conferred on each branch of government, whether it is limited, and if so,
what are the limits and whether any action of that branch transgresses such
Therefore, the courts in India cannot be accused of usurping the function of
constitutional adjudication; it is a function which has been imposed on them by
the Constitution itself. It is a delicate task; the courts may even find it embar-
rassing at times to discharge it, but they cannot shirk their constitutional respon-
Justifying judicial review, RAMASWAMI, J., has observed in S.S. Bola v. B.D.
The founding fathers very wisely, therefore, incorporated in the Constitu-
tion itself the provisions of judicial review so as to maintain the balance of fed-
eralism, to protect the Fundamental Rights and Fundamental freedoms guaran-
teed to the citizens and to afford a useful weapon for availability, availment and
enjoyment of equality, liberty and Fundamental freedoms and to help to create

62. AIR 1952 SC 196, 199 : 1952 SCR 597; Ch. XXIV, supra.
63. AIR 1950 SC 27; supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. A.
64. AIR 1977 SC 1361 : (1977) 3 SCC 592.
65. AIR 1997 SC 3127, 3170.
2240 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

a healthy nationalism. The function of judicial review is a part of the constitu-

tional interpretation itself. It adjusts the constitution to meet new conditions
and needs of the time.
In a number of cases, the Supreme Court has emphasized upon the importance
of judicial review in India. KHANNA, J., emphasized in Kesavananda:66
As long as some Fundamental Rights exist and are a part of the Constitu-
tion, the power of judicial review has also to be exercised with a view to see
that the guarantees afforded by these Rights are not contravened Judicial
review has thus become an integral part of our Constitutional system
In Minerva Mills67 CHANDRACHUD, C.J.. speaking on behalf of the majority,
observed :
It is the function of the Judges, may their duty, to pronounce upon the va-
lidity of laws. If courts are totally deprived of that power, the Fundamental
Rights conferred on the people will become a mere adornment because rights
without remedies are as writ in water. A controlled constitution will then be-
come uncontrolled.
In his minority judgement in Minerva,68 BHAGWATI, J., observed :
It is for the judiciary to uphold the constitutional values and to enforce the
constitutional limitations. That is the essence of the rule of law, which inter
alia requires that the exercise of powers by the government whether it be the
legislature or the executive or any other authority, be conditioned by the Con-
stitution and the law. The power of judicial review is an integral part of our
constitutional system. the power of judicial review.. is unquestionably..
part of the basic structure of the Constitution.69
AHMADI, C.J., speaking on behalf of a bench of seven judges in L.
Chandra Kumar v. Union of India,70 has observed :
The judges of the Supreme Courts have been entrusted with the task of up-
holding the Constitution and to this end, have been conferred the power to in-
terpret it. It is they who have to ensure that the balance of power envisaged by
the Constitution is maintained and that the legislature and the executive do not,
in the discharge of their functions, transgress constitutional limitations.
Thus, the jurisdiction conferred on the Supreme Court under Art. 32 and on
the High Courts under Arts. 226/227 of the Constitution has been held to be part
of the inviolable basic structure of the Constitution which cannot be ousted even
by a Constitutional Amendment.71
The scope of judicial review in India is somewhat circumscribed as compared to
that in the U.S.A. In India, the Fundamental Rights are not so broadly worded as
in the U.S.A., and limitations thereon have been stated in the Constitution itself
and this task has not been left to the courts. The constitution-makers adopted this
strategy as they felt that the courts might find it difficult to work out the limita-
tions on the Fundamental Rights and the same better be laiddown in the Consti-

66. See, infra, Ch. XLI.

67. Infra, Ch. XLI.
68. Ibid.
69. For the doctrine of the Basic Structure of the Constitution, see, infra, Ch. XLI.
70. AIR 1997 SC 1125, 1150 : (1997) 3 SCC 261; see, Ch. VIII, Sec. I, supra.
71. For discussion on Arts. 32, 226 and 227, see, supra, Chs. VIII and XXXIII.
See, next Chapter, for discussion on the theory of Basic Structure of the Constitution.
Syn C] Judicial Review in India 2241

tution itself. The constitution-makers also felt that the judiciary should not be
raised to the level of the super-legislature.72
Whatever the justification for the methodology adopted by the constitution-
makers, the inevitable result of this has been to restrict the range of judicial re-
view in India. The Indian Constitution does not afford the same scope of judicial
creativity to the courts as does the U.S. Constitution.73 Further, over the years,
the scope of some of the Fundamental Rights has been curtailed by constitutional
amendments, and, thus, the scope of judicial review has been further restricted.74
This process can be seen very clearly in the context of the right to property.75
In spite of all this, the Supreme Court does play a significant role in the Indian
constitutional process. Since the commencement of the Constitution, the Su-
preme Court has rendered hundreds of decisions expounding various provisions
of the Constitution, and, thus, a distinct constitutional jurisprudence has come
into existence. In many cases, the Supreme Court has displayed judicial creativity
of a very high order, for example, in Kesavananda76 and in expanding the scope
of Art. 21.77
The bare text of the Indian Constitution does not by itself give a full picture of
the Indian Constitutional Law. To have a full comprehension thereof, one must
read the constitutional text along with the gloss put on it by the Judiciary from
time to time and case to case.
There is no denying the fact that there have been occasions when judicial pro-
nouncements have not been palatable to the governments and the Legislatures in
India. The exercise of the power of judicial review has at times generated contro-
versies and tensions between the courts, the executive and the legislature. For
example, the judicial pronouncements in the area of property relations,78 legisla-
tive privileges,79 and constitutional amendments80 have been controversial and
have even led to several constitutional amendments which were undertaken to
undo or dilute judicial rulings which the Central Government did not like.
Efforts have been made in India to curtail the scope of judicial review in some
constitutional areas. Cases like Golak Nath,81 Bank Nationalisation82 or Kesa-
vananda Bharati83 have raised passionate controversies in India.
The Law Minister in the Central Government once stated in Parliament that
the courts had, through their exercise of power of judicial review, retarded the
process of socio-economic development of the country, and, therefore, he justi-
fied certain restrictions on the powers of the courts to declare laws unconstitu-

72. VII CAD 1195; IX CAD 1195-6; G. AUSTIN, THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION, 164 et seq. Also,
supra, Chs. XXXI and XXXII.
73. Supra. Sec. A; Ch. XX, Sec. A, supra.
74. Infra, Chs. XLI and XLII.
75. Supra, Chs. XXXI and XXXII.
76. For Kesavananda, see, infra, next Chapter.
77. For discussion on Art. 21, see, Ch. XXVI, supra.
For discussion on this theme generally, see below.
78. Supra, Ch XXXI.
79. Supra, Chs. II, Sec. L; Ch. VI, Sec. H.
80. Infra, next Chapter.
81. Infra, next Chapter.
82. Supra, Ch. XXXI.
83. Infra, next Chapter.
2242 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

tional.84 But, in spite of all these hurdles, the institution of judicial review has a
vibrancy of its own and has even been declared as the basic feature of the Con-


Syn D Creativity in India

To begin with, generally speaking, the predominant approach of the Indian Ju-
diciary was positivist, i.e., to interpret the Constitution literally and to apply to it
more or less the same restrictive canons of interpretation as are usually applied to
the interpretation of ordinary statutes. This is also described as the positivist ap-
proach. The approach emanates from the basic traditional therory that a judge
does not create law but merely declares the law. Such a view prevailed in Britain
in the XIXth and the early XXth centuries. Judicially, the principle was laid
down in these words: In interpreting the provisions of our Constitution, we
should go by the plain words used by the constitution-makers.85
To some extent, the Constitution itself incorporates the principle of statutory
construction. Art. 367 provides that the General Clauses Act, 1897,86 shall apply
for the interpretation of the Constitution as it applies for the interpretation of
legislative enactments. The courts have held that not only the general defini-
tions in the General Clauses Act, but also the general rules of construction in
the Act, apply to the Constitution.87 Accordingly, the power to appoint in Art.
229(1) has been held to include the power of dismissal by virtue of S. 16 of the
General Clauses Act.88 The words person in Art. 226 and offence in Art. 20
have been given the same meaning respectively as Ss. 3(42) and 3(37) of the Act
give to these words.89 The General Clauses Act can be amended by Parliament.
Art. 367 thus means that interpretation of many words and phrases used in the
Constitution can be modified by Parliamentary legislation without amending the
In the same genre falls the interpretation given to the expression sale of
goods in entry 54 in List II. The Supreme Court has held that the expression
bears the same meaning as in the Sale of Goods Act.90
The position appears to be somewhat anomalous in so far as the meaning at-
tached to a provision in the Constitution depends to some extent on parliamentary
pleasure, and because of Art. 367, the courts have to acquiesce in it.
The crowning example of the strict constitutional interpretation can be seen in
Gopalan which denuded Art. 21 of much of its efficacy and effectiveness and

84. Parl. Debates on the Constitution (Forty-fourth) Amendment Bill; see, infra, Chs. XLI and
85. MUKHERJEA, J., in Chiranjit Lals case, AIR 1951 SC at 58.
86. This Act contains, as it were, a legislative dictionary for India.
87. Jugmendar Das v. State of U.P., AIR 1951 All 703; In re Keshavan Madhav Menon, AIR
1951 Bom 188; Anand Bihari v. Ram Sahay, AIR 1952 MB 31.
88. Pradyat Kumar v. Chief Justice, Calcutta High Court, AIR 1956 SC 285 L (1955) 2 SCR
1331; Bool Chand v. Chancellor, Kurukshetra Univ., AIR 1968 SC 292 : (1968) 1 SCR 434.
89. Bijoy Ranjan v. B.C. Das Gupta, AIR 1953 Cal 289; Jawala Ram v. Pepsu, AIR 1962 SC
1246 : (1962) 2 SCR 503.
90. Supra, Ch. XI, Sec. D.
Syn D] Judicial Creativity in India 2243

made personal liberty a matter of legislative discretion which it would have

been even in the absence of Art. 21.1
In Keshavan Madhava Menon,2 the Supreme Court applied to the Constitution
the rule of statutory interpretation that every statute prima facie is prospective
unless expressly or by necessary implication it is made to have retrospective op-
eration. On this basis, the Court held that Art. 13(1) was wholly prospective in so
far as any proceeding initiated before the commencement of the Constitution
would not abate but continue even though the relevant law was hit by a Funda-
mental Right.
In Saka Venkata Rao,3 the Court interpreted Art. 226 narrowly as regards the
High Courts jurisdiction to issue writs. This position had to be rectified by an
amendment of the Constitution. These cases illustrate the general trend of judicial
approach to the Constitution as a statute. In the same category may also be placed
the following :
(i) the application of the doctrine of res judicata to the interrelationship
of Arts. 32 and 226, by which the scope of Art. 32 has been somewhat
cut down by the Supreme Court even when the Constitution places no
such restriction on it ;4
(ii) the application of the law of limitation to writ petitions although the
Constitution is silent on this point;5
(iii) the Supreme Court decision in the Habeas Corpus case during the
The Habeas Corpus case has been characterised as one of the worst decisions
rendered by the Supreme Court in its entire career because it struck at the very
foundations of constitutionalism and the rule of law in the country. The Court
failed to provide any protection to the people when its protection was needed
most. The case can be explained as the consequence of narrow, restrictive, literal
interpretation of the Constitution by the Supreme Court.
But then things have changed and the judicial approach to the Constitution is
no longer solely and exclusively one of statutory interpretation. The liberal inter-
pretation emerges because of the change in theory of the role of the judge. In
course of time, the fiction of the declaratory role of the judge has been aban-
doned. The law creative role of a judge is very well recognised in modern times.

1. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. B(a).

where the author supports Gopalan. He appears to be a votary of literal interpretation of the
Constitution. He praises Gopalan as a landmark of Judicial wisdom, Judicial detachment
and judicial restraint. However, few scholars share the views of SEERVAI as regards Gopa-
lan. Any way, time has proved him wrong as Art. 21 has been very liberally interpreted since
2. Supra, Ch. XX. Sec. C.
3. Infra, next Chapter.
Also see, Ch. VIII, Sec. D(b), supra.
4. Supra, Ch. VIII, Sec. D(f).
5. Ibid., M.P. Jain, Judicial Review of Administrative Action in India, Proceedings of the Third
Commonwealth and Empire Law Conference, Sydney (1965).
6. Supra, Ch. XXXIII.
2244 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

The American Realist Jurists greatly emphasize such a judicial role. A judge is
not an automaton; he has to make choices out of several alternatives.
The liberal approach is designed to give a creative and purposive interpretation
to the Constitution with insight into social values, and with suppleness of adap-
tation to changing needs.7. Our Constitution is organic in nature and being a
living organ, it is ongoing. Hence, with the passage of time, the law must
change.8 Modern scholars by and large now favour liberal judicial approach to
the Constitution. The Constitution is a mechanism under which laws are made; it
is not a mere statute which only declares what the law is to be. Therefore, it is
advocated that the Constitution must not be construed in a narrow or pedantic
manner. New situations arise in the country which may never have been visual-
ised by the constitution-makers at the time of the constitution making. Therefore,
a generic interpretation or flexible construction need to be given to the Constitu-
tional provisions so as to make the constitution as a living organism so that it
may meet the needs of the changing society at different times. Law which was at
one point of time constitutional may be rendered unconstitutional later.9
A constitution is intended to serve the needs of the day when it was enacted
and also to meet the needs of the changing conditions in new circumstances.
Constitution has no fixed meaning and its interpretation must be based on the
experience of the people in the course of working of the Constitution. However
the same thing cannot be said in relation to interpreting the words and expres-
sions in a statute.10
In relation to Part III of the Constitution, it has been held that certain unar-
ticulated rights are implicit in the enumerated guarantees. For example, freedom
of information has been held to be implicit in the guarantee of freedom of speech
and expression.11
The liberal judicial interpretation of the written constitution emanates from the
feeling that the function of interpreting a written constitution is very crucial to
the governmental process in the country and, therefore, the judicial approach to
this task has to be entirely different from that of interpreting a statute. While in-
terpretation of a statute one way or other affects only a limited number of per-
sons, interpreting the constitution and declaring a parliamentary statute uncon-
stitutional affects the entire governmental functioning, policy-making and the
constitutional process in the country. The Constitution is at the base of the whole
governmental fabric, it guarantees Fundamental Rights of the people; it guaran-
tees a democratic government and rule of law in the country; it distributes powers
between the various organs of the state, viz., executive, judiciary and the legisla-
ture. A federal constitution distributes powers between the Centre and the States.
Thus, interpretation of a constitution is a different exercise qualitatively than in-
terpreting a statute.

7. CARDOZO, op. cit., Sec. F.

Also see, DENNING, FROM FREEDOM TO PRECEDENT; REID, The Judges as a law maker, 12
J.S.P.T.L. 22 (1972).
8. Saurabh Chaudri v. Union of India, (2003) 11 SCC 146 : AIR 2004 SC 361 regarding reser-
9. Indian Handicrafts Emporium v. Union of India, (2003) 7 SCC 589 : AIR 2003 SC 3240.
10. Ashok Tanwar v. State of H.P., (2005) 2 SCC 104 : AIR 2005 SC 614.
11. M. Nagaraj v. Union of India, (2006) 8 SCC 212 : AIR 2007 SC 71.
Syn D] Judicial Creativity in India 2245

The liberal interpretation also has an ideological tinge to it, viz., the courts cast
themselves in the role of the protector and guardian of the Constitution, espe-
cially, of the Fundamental Rights of the people and the democratic values. The
courts by adopting liberal approach constantly expand the frontiers of the peo-
ples Fundamental Rights so as to make the government more and more liberal
and democratic. The courts seek to bring the static clauses in the constitutional
document to life in conformity with the needs of a dynamic society. A creative
interpretation of the Constitution would involve
(i) interpreting the powers of the government affecting person or property
somewhat restrictively rather than broadly; and
(ii) interpreting peoples rights broadly and liberally rather than mechanically
and literally.
Occasions are not wanting in India, when the Supreme Court has broken this
self-imposed shackle and given a creative, purposive interpretation to constitu-
tional provisions. At times, the consciousness that the Constitution is somewhat
different from an ordinary statutethe essential difference being that it is the
basic law of the country to which other statutes have to conformhas manifested
itself and led the judiciary to interpret the Constitution liberally and broadly. The
Supreme Court has recently declared, with a view to promote the highest demo-
cratic values in the country, that a popular mandate cannot override the Constitu-
tion. The Court has observed: The constitution prevails over the will of the peo-
ple as expressed through the majority party in the Legislature. The will of the
people as expressed through the majority party prevails only if it is in accord with the
Constitution, the Court has said.12
At times, the Supreme Court has emphasized that the Constitution must not be
construed in any narrow and pedantic sense. To express this idea, KANIA, C.J. in
Gopalan adopted the following quotation from an Australian case:13 Although
we are to interpret words of the Constitution on the same principles of interpreta-
tion as we apply to any ordinary law, these very principles of interpretation com-
pel us to take into account the nature and scope of the Act we are interpreting
to remember that it is a constitution, a mechanism under which laws are to be
made and not a mere Act which declares what the law is to be. Many a time, the
Supreme Court has stated the proposition that the Constitution should be inter-
preted liberally, as a constitution and not as a statute.14
In Pathuma,15 the Supreme Court has emphasized that the judicial approach to
the Constitution should be dynamic rather than static, pragmatic and not pedan-
tic, elastic rather than rigid. Constitution is not to be interpreted as a mere statute
but as a machinery by which laws are made.
The Supreme Court has observed in India Cement.16 :

12. B.R. Kapur v. State of Tamil Nadu, AIR 2001 SC 3435, at 3455 : (2001) 7 SCC 231.
Also see, supra, Ch. I and Ch. VII.
13. HIGGINS J. In Att. Gen., N.S.W. v. Brewery Employees Union, 6 CLR 469, 611-12. Also,
James v. Commonwealth of Australia, 1936 AC 578, 614.
14. Pathumma v. State of Kerala, AIR 1978 SC 771 : (1978) 2 SCC 1; R.S. Joshi v. Ajit Mills,
AIR 1977 SC 2279 : (1977) 4 SCC 98.
15. Pathumma v. State of Kerala, supra, footnote 14.
16. India Cement Ltd. v. State of Tamil Nadu, AIR 1990 SC 85 : (1990) 1 SCC 12.
2246 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

It has to be remembered that it is a constitution that requires interpretation.

Constitution is the mechanism under which the laws are to be made and not
merely an Act which declares what the law is to be.
In another case,17 the Supreme Court has also observed :
A constitutional provision is never static, it is ever evolving and ever
changing and, therefore, does not admit of a narrow, pedantic or syllogistic ap-
proach.. It seems well settled.. that constitutional provisions must receive
a broad interpretation and the scope and ambit of such provisions, and in par-
ticular the Fundamental rights, should not be cut down by too astute or too re-
stricted an approach.
The Supreme Court has emphasized in Goodyear18 that the Constitution is to
be construed not in a narrow or pedantic sense. It is to be construed not as mere
law but as the machinery by which laws are to be made. The constitution is a
living and organic thing and, therefore, it needs to be construed broadly and lib-
Recently, in S.R. Chaudhuri v. State of Punjab,19 the Supreme Court rejected
the argument that Art. 164(4) [as well as Art. 75(5) which is in pari materia to
Art. 164(4)]20 be interpreted in a literal manner on its plain language. Instead,
the Court argued in favour of a purposive interpretation of the provision. The
Court observed in this connection:
Constitutional provisions are required to be understood and interpreted with
an object oriented approach. A Constitution must not be construed in a narrow
and pedantic sense. The words used may be general in terms but, their full im-
port and true meaning, has to be appreciated considering the true context in
which the same are used and the purpose which they seek to achieve... We
must remember that a Constitution is not just a document in solemn form, but a
living framework for the Government of the people exhibiting a sufficient de-
gree of cohesion and its successful working depends upon the democratic spirit
underlying it being respected in letter and in spirit.21
At another place, the Supreme Court has emphasized that the Articles should
be so construed as to further the principles of a representative and responsible
A few examples of this approach may be cited here:
(i) The principle of broad and liberal interpretation has been consistently
applied to construction of legislative entries in the three Lists. These
entries are given a broad sense beneficial to the widest possible am-
plitude of powers and not a narrow or restricted sense. The entries in-
clude within their scope and ambit all ancillary matters which legiti-
mately come within the topics mentioned therein.23

17. Life Insurance Corp. of India v. Manubhai D. Shah, AIR 1993 SC 171, at 176-177 : (1992) 3 SCC
18. Goodyear India Ltd. v. State of Haryana, AIR 1990 SC 781, at 791 : (1990) 2 SCC 71.
19. AIR 2001 SC 2707 : (2001) 7 SCC 126; supra, Ch. VII, Sec. B.
20. See, supra, Chs. III, Sec. B; Ch. VII, Sec. B.
21. AIR 2001 SC at 2717.
22. Ibid, at 2719.
23. Supra, Ch. X, Sec. G(i).
Also, Vishnu Agencies v. Commercial Tax Officer, AIR 1978 SC 449, 458 : (1978) 1
SCC 520.
Syn D] Judicial Creativity in India 2247

(ii) A significant matter in which the Supreme Court has not interpreted
the Constitution literally pertains to the permissible limits within
which Parliament can delegate legislative power on the executive.
There is no specific constitutional provision covering this matter, yet
the Supreme Court has implied a restriction on delegation from the
Constitutionan approach which differs from that of statutory inter-
(iii) In the Express Newspaper case,25 while interpreting Art. 19(1)(g), the
Court expounded the socio-economic theories regarding the concepts
of living, minimum and fair wages, and introduced the principle
of capacity to pay as an essential ingredient in fixing living and
fair wages. For this purpose, the Court quoted extensively from the
Report of the Committee of Fair Wages, the Report of the Press
Commission, and a number of other publications dealing with fixation
of wages.
(iv) While delimiting the concept of the freedom of the press in Express
Newspaper, the Supreme Court made use of the Report of the Com-
mission on Freedom of Press in the U.S.A. The case constitutes a very
good illustration of judicial policy-making.
(v) In Quareshi,26 the Court mentioned various considerationsreligious,
economic, agricultural, nutritiveto decide the extent to which the
slaughter of cattle could be prohibited with reference to Art. 19(1)(g).
The Supreme Court quoted from various reports, such as, the Re-
port on Marketing of Cattle in India, the Report of the Cattle Preser-
vation and Development Committee, etc.
The Courts judgment forms a very good essay on improvement of
cattle wealth in India. It constitutes another good example of judicial
policy-making giving guidance to the State Governments which were
being politically pressurized on the issue of banning animal slaughter
especially cow slaughter.
(vi) In deciding what is a reasonable restriction on a Fundamental Right
under Art. 19, the Supreme Court has at times embarked on a broad
While considering reasonableness of a restriction on the right to
hold property under Arts. 19(1)(f) and 19( 5), the Court stated in Jyoti
Pd. v. Delhi:28 The criteria for determining the degree of restriction
on the right to hold property which would be considered reasonable,
are by no means fixed or static, but must obviously vary from age to
age and be related to the adjustments necessary to solve the problems
which communities face from time to time.... If law failed to take ac-
count of unusual situations of pressing urgency arising in the country,
and of the social urges generated by the patterns of thought evolution

24. Supra, Ch. II, Sec. N.

25. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Secs. I and J.
26. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. J(g).
27. Ibid.
28. Ibid.
2248 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

and of social consciousness which we witness in the second half of the

century, it would have to be written down as having failed in the very
purpose of its existence.
The Court has further emphasized that in judging the validity of
social legislation the courts have necessarily to approach it from the
point of view of furthering the social interest which it is the purpose of
the legislation to promote, for the courts are not, in these matters,
functioning as it were in vacuo, but as parts of a society which is try-
ing, by enacted law, to solve its problems and achieve social concord
and peaceful adjustment and thus furthering the moral and material
progress of the community as a whole.
(vii) In the Golak Nath case,29 the majority of the Supreme Court while
holding the Fundamental Rights as non-amendable emphasized the
great value and significance of these rights and expressed the appre-
hension that if these rights were to be diluted or curtailed then it would
usher in a totalitarian regime in the country.
In support of this thesis, the Court quoted extensively from the
writings of the various political thinkers.
HIDAYATULLAH, J., criticised the doctrinaire conceptualism based
on an arid textual approach.30
A similar approach is visible
in Kesavananda Bharati31 and Indira
Nehru Gandhi v. Rajnarain the two cases dealing with Amend-
ments of the Constitution.
(viii) Kesavananda may be regarded as the high water-mark of purposive
interpretation of the Constitution. The judgment depicts an attempt on
the part of the Supreme Court to protect some of the basic values of
the Constitution from the onslaught of transient majority in Parlia-
(ix) The Supreme Court consistently sought to give some protection to
private property, particularly, on the question of compensation, and
this may be regarded as an instance of judicial policy-making.34
(x) Barring the emergency period of 1975-1977, the Supreme Court has
provided some protection to persons detained in preventive detention
by creatively applying the principles of Administrative Law.35
(xi) In B. Banerjee v. Anita Pan,36 while considering the vires of a social
legislation, the Supreme Court has emphasized upon the need on the

29. Infra, next Chapter.

30. Golak Nath, infra, next Chapter.
31. Infra, next Chapter.
32. Infra, next Chapter.
Also see, infra, Ch. XLII.
33. Infra, next Chapter.
34. Supra, Ch. XXXI.
35. Supra, Ch, XXVII, Sec. D.
Also, M.P. Jain, note, 1 on 1813.
36. AIR 1975 SC 1145, 1148 : (1975) 1 SCC 166; supra, Ch. XXIV.
Syn D] Judicial Creativity in India 2249

part of the government to present to the Court relevant socio-

economic data in support of the impugned legislation.
In the words of K. IYER, J.: Welfare legislation calculated to bene-
fit weaker classes, when their vires is challenged in Court, cast an ob-
ligation on the State ..... to support the law, if necessary by a Brandeis
brief and supply of socio-economic circumstances and statistics in-
spiring the enactment. Courts cannot, on their own, adventure into so-
cial research outside the record and if Government lets down the leg-
islature in Court by not illumining the provisions from the angle of the
social mischief or economic menace sought to be countered, the vic-
tims will be the class of beneficiaries the State professed to protect.
(xii) In the post emergency era beginning 1978, with its pronouncement in
Maneka Gandhi,37 the Supreme Court has breathed new vigour and
life into the concept of personal liberty38 and given new dimensions to
the right to equality.39 The Supreme Court has thus contributed much
to the cause of human rights in India.
Many a time, the Supreme Court has asserted that the attempt of the Court
should be to expand the reach and ambit of Fundamental Rights rather than at-
tenuate their meaning and content by process of judicial construction..40
The impact of the liberal judicial approach on Fundamental Rights has been
remarkable over a period of time. This is demonstrated in many ways.
One, the Supreme Court has given an extended meaning to Art. 142 giving an
extension to its own power to give relief.41
Two, the Supreme Court has been expanding the horizon of Art. 12 primarily
to inject respect for human rights and social conscience in Indias corporate
Three, many Fundamental Rights have been broadly interpreted thus expand-
ing the range and scope of these rights. For example, the right to equality con-
tained in Art. 14 has been given a new dimension by the Supreme Court ruling
that an unreasonable and arbitrary law or administrative action infringes Art.
The Court has inferred the right to know from the guarantee of free speech
contained in Art. 19(1)(a).44
Four, Maneka Gandhi45 has infused new vigour in the moribund Art. 21 by
giving an expansive interpretation to the word life therein as meaning not only
mere animal existence but life with human dignity; the right to life includes
the right to live with human dignity and all that goes along with it.46 The

37. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. C.

38. Ibid.
39. Supra, Ch. XXI.
40. Pathuma, supra, footnote 14.
41. Supra, Ch. IV, Sec. G.
42. Supra Ch. XX, Sec. D.
43. Supra, Ch. XXI, Sec. D.
44. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. C(c).
45. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. C.
46. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. E(a).
2250 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

Supreme Court has thus infused a qualitative concept in Art. 21. From this hy-
pothesis, a number of rights have been implied from Art. 21 and a whole lot of
human rights jurisprudence has sprung up. Art. 21 has become a reservoir of
Fundamental Rights.
By an expansive interpretation of Art. 21, the Court has spelled out several
Fundamental Rights which are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution.
Some of the rights implied from Art. 21 are : right to livelihood, right to educa-
tion, right to privacy, right to clean and pollution-free environment, right to
shelter, right against sexual harassment, right to legal aid and speedy trial. These
and various other rights are held to emanate from Art. 21 and, thus, this provision
has become the source of many human rights and the scope of this Article is still
being expanded.47
Art. 21 has thus been placed on the high pedestal of one of the few most
cherished, expansive and significant rights guaranteed by the Constitution. As
compared to the narrow, static and mechanical interpretation put by the Supreme
Court on Art. 21 in Gopalan,48 there has been a remarkable transformation in the
range and scope of Art. 21 over time.
Five, the Supreme Court has ruled that there is no rule that unless a right has
been expressly stated in the Constitution as a Fundamental Right, it cannot be
treated as one. This means that a Fundamental Right need not be explicitly stated
in the Constitution; it can also be implied from an expressly stated Fundamental
Right. In the words of the Court : This Court has not followed the rule that un-
less a right is expressly stated as a Fundamental Right, it cannot be treated as
In course of time, the Supreme Court has developed a number of Fundamental
Rights by its creative interpretative process out of the ones already expressly
mentioned. To name a few implied rights, freedom of press has been implied
from freedom of speech;50 a bundle of rights implied from Art. 21 have already
been mentioned above.
Six, another creditable achievement of the Supreme Court is to read Funda-
mental Rights along with the Directive Principles so as to supplement each
other.51 The Supreme Court has thus been able to expand the scope and content
of several Fundamental Rights, especially, right to equality, right to life and free-
dom of carrying on trade or business. On this point, the Court has ruled in Unni
Krishnan v. State of Andhra Pradesh,52 This Court has also been consistently
adopting the approach that Fundamental Rights and directive principles are sup-
plementary and complementary to each other and that the provisions in Part III
(Fundamental Rights) should be interpreted having regard to the Preamble and
the Directive Principles of the state policy.
This approach has served two purposes, viz., : (1) it has given depth to many
Fundamental Rights, as for example, Arts. 14 and 21; (2) many directive princi-

47. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. J.

48. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. B(a).
49. Unni Krishnan v. State of Andhra Pradesh, AIR 1993 SC 2178, 2226 : (1993) 1 SCC 645.
Also see, Ch. XXVII, Sec. A, supra.
50. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. C(e).
51. On Directive Principles, see, Ch. XXXIV, Sec. C, supra.
52. AIR 1993 SC 2178 : (1993) 1 SCC 645.
Syn D] Judicial Creativity in India 2251

ples, which are inherently non-enforceable, have become enforceable. Thus, a

number of socio-economic Fundamental economic rights have been created in
the process. e.g., the right to economic justice.53, right to economic empowerment
of women and weaker sections of the society,54 right to social justice55.
Seven, the high watermark of judicial creativity has been reached by the Court
in such cases as Golak Nath56 and Kesavananda57 in connection with the question
of amendability of the Constitution. In these cases, the role played by the Court
can even be characterised as constituent or that of constitution-making.
In Golak Nath, SUBBA RAO, C.J., explicity claimed a law-making role for the
Supreme Court in the following words :58
Arts. 32, 141 and 142 are couched in such wide and elastic terms as to
enable this Court to formulate legal doctrines to meet the ends of justice. To
deny this power to the Supreme Court on the basis of some outmoded theory
that the Court only finds the law but does not make it is to make ineffective the
powerful instrument of justice placed in the hands of the highest judiciary of
this country.
With these words, the Supreme Court has openly asserted a law creative role
for itself.
Recently, in P. Ramachandra Rao v. State of Karnataka,59 RAJU, J., has ex-
pressed a liberal view of the powers of the Supreme Court in these pithy words:
Though this Court does not consider itself to be an imperium in imperio or
would function as a despotic branch of the state, the fact that the founding
fathers of our Constitution designedly and deliberately, perhaps, did not envis-
age the imposition of any jurisdictional embargo on this Court, except in Arti-
cle 363 of the Constitution of India is significant and sufficient enough, in my
views, to identify the depth and width or extent of its powers. The other fetters
devised or perceived on its exercise of powers or jurisdiction to entertain/deal
with a matter were merely self-imposed for one or the other reason assigned
therefor and they could not stand in the way of or deter this Court in any man-
ner from rising up to respond in a given situation as and when necessitated and
effectively play its role in accommodating the Constitution to changing circum-
stances and enduring values as a sentinel on the qui vive to preserve and safe-
guard the Constitution, protect and enforce the Fundamental Rights and other
constitutional mandateswhich constitute the inviolable rights of the people as
well as those features, which formed its basic structure too and considered to be
even beyond the reach of any subsequent constitutional amendment. In sub-
stance, this Court in my view, is the ultimate repository of all judicial powers at
national level by virtue of it being the summit Court at the pyramidal height of
administration of justice in the country and as the upholder and final interpreter of
the Constitution of India and defender of the fundamentals of rule of law.

53. Dalmia Cement v. Union of India, (1996) 4 JT (SC) 555 : (1996) 10 SCC 104; LIC v. Con-
sumer Education and Research Centre, AIR 1995 SC 1811; E.S.C. Ltd. v. S.C. Bose, AIR
1992 SC 573, supra, Ch. XXXIV, Sec. D.
54. Ashok K. Gupta v. State of Uttar Pradesh, (1997) 5 SCC 201, supra, Ch. XXXIV, Sec. D.
55. See, supra, Chapter XXXIV, Sec. D.
56. See, next Chapter.
57. For discussion on this case, see, next Chapter.
58. AIR 1967 SC at 1669 : (1967) 2 SCR 762.
59. (2002) 4 SCC 578, at 606.
2252 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

A liberal approach is being followed by the courts in many common-law

countries having written constitutions. It may be instructive to take note of some
notable recent developments in the area of constitutional interpretation in some
of these countries.
An outstanding example of the liberal approach is furnished by a recent case in
Australia, viz., Nationwide News Pty Ltd. v. Wills.60 The Australian Constitution
does not contain any Charter of Fundamental Rights. The significance of this
case lies in the fact that the High Court has found the freedom of political discus-
sion in the basic structure of the Constitution and declared a law enacted by the
Australian Parliament unconstitutional on the ground of its unduly infringing
such freedom.
The Court has argued that since the Constitution can thrive only when people
have freedom of political discussion, therefore, this freedom ought to be regarded
as a part of the Constitution. The case is the result of the belief that the Court has
to play a major role in protecting the individual against both the legislature and
the executive. The case creates the possibility of the High Court implying some
basic rights of the people even though the Constitution is silent on the point. This
is judicial creativity of a very high order.
The U.S. Supreme Court has never adopted a literal approach to the Constitu-
tion. It has always interpreted the U.S. Constitution as constitution and not as a
statute. As early as 1810, Chief Justice Marshall of the US Supreme Court de-
clared in McCulloch v. Maryland : It is a Constitution we are expounding.
This statement underlines the difference between the static interpretation of a
statute and the dynamic interpretation of a written constitution. It is because of
such judicial approach that the U.S. Constitution drafted in 1787 has been able to
keep abreast of the changing socio-economic needs of the dynamic American
Society, especially when the process of constitutional amendment is exception-
ally rigid. The Supreme Court has thus rendered a yeoman service to the cause of
constitutionalism in the U.S.A.
The U.S. Supreme Court Judges frankly and avowedly take recourse to policy
considerations and use socio-economic materials to interpret the Constitution.61
The Courts approach is to canvass, directly and openly, the merits of alternative
choices in arriving at a decision. Social and economic facts are directly incorpo-
rated into the briefs presented to the Supreme Court. Such briefs are known as
the Brandeis Briefs.
Two main reasons for such an attitude on the part of the U.S. Supreme Court
are: the brief and compact nature of the U.S. Constitution and use of very general
and broad phrases therein which can be interpreted and re-interpreted by the
courts, from time to time, in the context of contemporary circumstances, e.g.,
such phrases as due process of law, interstate commerce, etc. The Court has
therefore evolved a number of doctrines which are not mentioned explicitly in the

60. (1992) 177 CLR 1.

Also see, Australian Capital Television Pty. Ltd. v. Common-wealth, (1992) 117 CLR
106. See for comments on this case, Stephen Donaghue, The Glamour of Silent Constitu-
tional Principles, (1996) 24 Fed. L.R. 133.
61. Policy-making in a Democracy : The Role of U.S. Supreme Court, (1957) JI. Of Public Law,
Also, M.P. Jain, Role of the Judiciary in a Democracy, (1979) JMCL 239.
Syn D] Judicial Creativity in India 2253

Constitution, e.g. immunity of instrumentalities, separation of powers, police

powers, etc.
The U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the U.S. Constitution in such a crea-
tive manner that an old document, of nearly 200 years of age, without many
amendments, has been able to serve the needs of the present highly sophisticated
and dynamic technological era. In this way, the Court has not only played the
role of an interpreter of the Constitution but even the role of a constitution-
Many outstanding decisions have been rendered by the Supreme Court on the
Constitution; a few may be noted here. For example, while interpreting the due
process clause, the Court has laid emphasis on the word due which has been
interpreted to mean just, proper or reasonable. Thus, the Supreme Court can
pronounce whether a law affecting a persons life, liberty or property is reason-
able or not. This had led the Court to create the doctrine of substantive due proc-
ess as well as procedural due process.
The idea underlying procedural due process is that governmental action af-
fecting the liberty of the subject, which violates natural justice without due pro-
cedure is void. Under this doctrine, the Court has endeavored to secure fair
criminal trials. In Miranda v. Arizona,62 the Supreme Court granted certain rights
to an accused at the time of police interrogation. In Gideon v. Wainwright,63 the
Court accepted some rights of an accused at the time of police interrogation.
Under the substantive due process concept, the U.S. Supreme Court can strike
down any arbitrary, unreasonable or capricious legislative or executive act as
being volative of the Constitution. Thus, infliction of cruel and unusual punish-
ment has been invalidated by the Court.64
The word liberty in the due process clause has not been confined merely to
personal liberty, but has been given a much wider interpretation. It has been
held to comprise economic rights and freedom of contract. Currently, the U.S.
Supreme Court is endeavouring to derive from liberty a constitutional protec-
tion for privacy, personal autonomy and some family relationship. As the Court
has said in Meyer v. Nebraska,65 the liberty protected by due process denotes not
merely freedom from bodily restraint, but also the right of the individual to con-
tract, to engage in any of the common occupations of life, to acquire useful
knowledge, to marry, establish a home and bring up children, to worship God
according to the dictates of his own conscience, and, generally, to enjoy those
privileges long recognized at common law as essential to the orderly pursuit of
happiness by freemen.
A law forbidding use of contraceptives has been invalidated as invading the
right of privacy a penumbral right emanating from the V and XIV Amend-
ments.66 The Court has also ruled that a pregnant woman has a right to abort
within the first trimester for, according to the Court : The right of privacy is

62. 384 U.S. 436 (1966).

Also see, Argersinger v. Hamlin, 407 U.S. 25.
63. 372 U.S. 335.
Also see, Massiah v. United States, 377 U.S. 201.
64. Robinson v. California, 370 U.S. 660; Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972).
65. 262 U.S. 390 (1923).
66. Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965).
2254 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

broad enough to encompass a womans decision whether or not to terminate her

pregnancy67 Thus, the state could not interfere with the decision of a woman to
abort her pregnancy during the first trimester; in the second trimester, the state
can regulate the abortion procedure and, in the third trimester, the state could
forbid an abortion except when it is necessary to protect the life or health of the
The concept of equality found in the XIV Amendment of the Constitution has
been used by the Supreme Court to promote and preseve human freedom in sev-
eral ways. In Brown v. Board of Education,68 a monumental decision, the Court
invalidated segregation between the whites and the blacks in educational institu-
tions. The Court changed its old ruling regarding separate but equal69 to equal
but not separation so as to discourage racial segregation. Separate educational
facilities are inherently unequal declared the Court. In Reed v. Reed,70 distinc-
tion based on sex or gender has been held to be unconstitutional.
Generally, the Court has declared that classification cannot be made on the ba-
sis of criteria wholly unrelated to the objective of the statute. A classification
must be reasonable, not arbitrary and must rest on some ground of difference
having a fair and substantial relation with the objects of the legislation, so that all
persons similarly circumstanced shall be treated alike.
In Reynolds v. Sims,71 the Supreme Court translated the equality principle into
the principle of one man one vote. The Court thus held that the seats in a
House of State Legislature must be apportioned on population basis.
The Supreme Court has broadly interpreted the First Amendment guaranteeing
freedom of the press. Press is regarded not only as a neutral conduct of infor-
mation between the people and their elected leaders or as a neutral forum of de-
bate, but also as a fourth institution outside the government as an additional
check on the three official branches.72
In another case,73 the First Amendment has been held to support the view that
the press must be free to publish news, whatever the source, without censorship,
injunctions, or prior restraints.
These decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court have triggered revolutionary
changes in social, economic and political structure of Americas body politic. In
the words of Chief Justice WARREN : The Courts essential function is to act as
the final arbiter of minority rights.74
The dynamic theory of constitutional interpretation of the constitution has
been explained by Justice BRENNAM of the U.S. Supreme Court. For him, the

67. Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973).

68. 347 U.S. 483 (1953).
69. See, Plessey v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 527 (1996).
70. 404 U.S. 71 (1971).
Also, Frontiero v. Richardson, 41 U.S. 677, holding discrimination based on sex as inva-
71. 377 U.S. 553.
72. New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964).
73. New York Times Co. v. U.S. (The Pentagon Papers case), 403 U.S. 713 (1971).
189 (1977).
Syn E] Norms of Constitutional Interpretation 2255

ultimate question of constitutional interpretation is: what do the words of the

text mean in our time? He says :
We current Justices read the Constitution in the only way that we can : as
Twentieth Century Americans. We look to the history of the time of framing
and to the intervening history of interpretation. But the ultimate question must
be, what do the words of the text mean in our time. For the genius of the Con-
stitution rests not on any static meaning it might have had in a world that is
dead and gone, but in the adaptability of its great principles to cope with cur-
rent problems and current needs. What the constitutional fundamentals meant
to the wisdom of other times cannot be their measure to the vision of our time.
Similarly what those fundamentals mean for us, our descendants will learn,
cannot be the measure to the vision of their time.
It is only because of such dynamic judicial approach that a constitution, nearly
200 years old, with only a few amendments made to it, has been able to endure
and subsist. Had it been interpreted in a static manner, it would have failed to
cope with the societal needs of the changing times.
The upshot of the above discussion is that interpretation of a constitution is a
complicated exercise and cannot be looked upon merely as a matter of statutory
interpretation. The constitution is not just an ordinary statute; it is the ground-
norm and thus it conditions the entire legislative and executive process in the
country. Its interpretation must of necessity proceed on lines somewhat different
from interpreting, say, the Transfer of Property Act or the Indian Contract Act.
There is no doubt that the courts can with great advantage use socio-economic
data to elucidate constitutional provisions and assess the constitutionality of con-
troversial laws. At present, most of the legislation has economic overtones.
It is well to remember that, after all, judicial review of constitutional issues af-
fects governmental policies in the ultimate analysis as the government has to
keep itself within the bounds prescribed by the courts. Judicial review is not
merely a sterile function of interpreting an i here and an a there, but it is a
creative role which the courts discharge.
It may perhaps be mentioned here that even in Britian where the courts do not
discharge the function of interpreting the constitution, the courts do not function
in a mere mechanistic manner. The British courts also make policy choices and
play a creative role in the development of law.75 Constitutional interpretation is a
more creative function than statutory interpretation.
Syn E of Constitutional Interpretation

In the U.S.A., the Supreme Court Judges avowedly take recourse to policy
considerations in arriving at their conclusions on questions of constitutional in-
terpretation. The judges freely use socio-economic materials in interpreting the
Constitution and freely, directly and openly canvass the merits of alternative
choices in arriving at a decision.76

75. STEVENS, The Role of a Final Appeal Court in a Democracy: The House of Lords To-day, 28
MLR 509 (1965).
76. Policy-making in a Democracy: The Role of US Supreme Court, (1957) JI. of Public Law,
2256 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

This trend has become much more pronounced in the post-1937 era, i.e., after
the Depression. This enables the judge to play an effective role in shaping,
moulding, developing and creating constitutional law and is more meaningful
than the traditional positivist literal approach which amounts to formalistic, me-
chanical approach of statutory interpretation of a constitutional document.
Even in Britain, where the doctrine of Supremacy of Parliament prevails,77 and
the function of the judges is to interpret statutes rather than the Constitution,
scholars have asserted that judges have policies which they seek to implement
through their decisions. As WADE says :
Today no apology is needed for talking openly about judicial policy.
Twenty or thirty years ago judges questioned about administrative law were
prone to say that their function was merely to give effect to the will of Parlia-
ment and that they were not concerned with policy. In reality they are up to
their necks in policy.....78
At another place, he asserts that the judges are already immersed in politics
and have no hope of getting out of it, because they are constantly having to
decide cases which involve politics as well as law. Judges have to choose from
the wide range of alternative policies.79
By and large, until recently, the Indian Supreme Court Judges eschewed the
policy approach as they treated the Indian Constitution as a statute and construed
it according to the ordinary canons of statutory construction, except in one area,
viz. the amendability of the Constitution.80 One could usually come across such
statements as the following strewn in the judicial pronouncements : This Court
is not concerned with policy or economic considerations.81
In Cooper v. Union of India,82 the Supreme Court declared the economic con-
siderations and policies underlying the Banks Nationalization Act have little
relevance in determining the legality of the measure. These statements mean
that the Court is concerned with the law, as such, and not with the merits of the
underlying policies. For example, whether nationalisation of banks is good or bad
and whether it ought to be undertaken or not is a matter of legislative policy and
the legislature is the best judge of the same and not the courts. To some extent,
the same attitude prevails even to-day.
But, for some time now, the Judges seem to have become more forthcoming in
adopting a policy approach in interpreting constitutional provisions, as empha-
sis has come to be placed on a more creative law-making judicial role as regards
constitutional interpretation.
This trend may be said to have become prominent with Maneka Gandhi where
BHAGWATI, J., has openly declared that the role of the courts is to expand not to
extenuate the Fundamental Rights.83 This judicial policy has been translated into
practical terms through a series of post-Maneka cases, particularly, in the area of

77. Supra, Ch. II, Sec. M.

80. Infra, next Chapter.
81. State of Bombay v. Bombay Education Society, AIR 1954 SC 561, 567 : (1955) 1 SCR 568.
82. AIR 1970 SC 564, 601 : (1970) 1 SCC 248.
83. See, Maneka Gandhi, supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. C; Pathumma, supra, footnote 14.
Syn E] Norms of Constitutional Interpretation 2257

personal liberty and freedom of speech. Economic rights of the poor also now
claim protection at the hands of the Supreme Court.84
Another notable trend is the emergence of public interest litigation which is
avowedly meant for the protection of basic rights of the poor and the deprived.85
Although the present judicial trend in India is towards liberal constitutional
interpretation, it is not true to think that the literal approach is completely mori-
bund. Such an approach does manifest itself from time to time. Also, one and the
same judge may at one time resort to liberal approach but may at other time re-
sort to literal approach.
A typical case-study in this connection is provided by the Sankalchand case86,
where the question was whether Art. 222 should be so interpreted as to permit trans-
fer of a Judge from one High Court to another only with his consent, i.e., consensual
transfer. The question was whether the word transfer in Art. 222 could be inter-
preted only to mean consensual transfer and not compulsory transfer? The conflict
in judicial approaches becomes obvious when the majority applying the literal ap-
proach interpreted Art. 222 on its own terms, but the minority (BHAGWATI and
UNTWALIA, JJ.) applied liberal approach to interpreting Art. 222.
CHANDRACHUD, J., (a majority judge) treated the Constitution as a statute and
applied to it the norms of statutory interpretation and even extolled the literal ap-
proach to the Constitution. On the other hand, BHAGWATI, J., imports into Art.
222, by necessary implication, the consent of the Judge to his transfer from one
to another High Court and strongly decries the technique of literal interpretation
of the Constitution in the following words:
.... when the Court interprets a constitutional provision, it breathes life into
the inert words used in the founding document. The problem before the con-
stitution Court is not a mere verbal problem... The Court cannot interpret a pro-
vision of the Constitution by making a fortress out of the dictionary. The sig-
nificance of a constitutional problem is vital, not formal: it has to be gathered
not simply by taking the words and a dictionary, but by considering the purpose
and intendment of the framers as gathered from the context and the setting in
which the words occur .... (T)he process of constitutional interpretation is in the
ultimate analysis one of reading values into its clauses.87
BHAGWATI, J., reads consent into the provision to mean transfer only as
consensual transfer to give effect to the paramount intention of the constitution-
makers to safeguard the independence of the superior judiciary by placing it out
of the reach of the power of the executive. Another majority judge, K. IYER, J.,
who usually adopted a liberal approach in socio-economic matters adopted a lit-
eral approach in interpreting Art. 222.
As an illustration of his approach in socio-economic matters, note the follow-
ing observation of the Court:
Our emphasis is on abandoning formal legalistics or sterile logomachy in
assessing the vires of statutes regulating vital economic areas, and adopting in-
stead a dynamic, goal-based approach to problems of constitutionality.88

84. See, supra, Ch. XXXIV.

85. Supra, Chs. VIII, Sec. D(k) and XXXIII, Sec. B.
86. Supra, Ch. VIII, Sec. B(q).
87. AIR 1977 SC at 2362 : (1977) 4 SCC 193.
88. State of Karnataka v. Ranganatha Reddy, AIR 1978 SC 215 at 234 : (1977) 4 SCC 471.
2258 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL


The debates of the Constituent Assembly running into hundreds of printed
pages constitute a veritable source of information throwing a flood of light on the
genesis of many provisions of the Constitution, and the ideas and reasons under-
lying their adopting. The courts do not rely very much on historical materials to
interpret a provision of the Constitution. The report of the Drafting Committee on
the Constitution, or the speeches of the members of the Constituent Assembly,
the courts have emphasized, can be used only in case of ambiguity or for prop-
erly understanding the circumstances under which a provision of the Constitution
was passed but not for the purpose of controlling its meaning.89
Where the language of a provision admits of two interpretations, the Court
may resort to the historical materials.90 The reason for not placing much reliance
on the historical materials to interpret the Constitution has been explained in the
following words: A speech made in the course of the debate on a bill could at
best be indicative of the subjective intent of the speaker, but it could not reflect
the inarticulate mental process lying behind the majority vote which carried the
bill. Nor it is reasonable to assume that the minds of all those legislators were in
The Court could only search for the objective intent of the legislature primar-
ily in the words used in the enactment, aided by such historical material as re-
ports of statutory committees, preambles, etc..91 This reluctance to use the de-
bates of the Constituent Assembly or reports of the various Committees ap-
pointed by it to interpret constitutional provisions may be regarded as emanating
from the judicial approach of applying canons of statutory interpretation to the
Constitution. But cases are not entirely wanting when some judges have taken
recourse to this historical material to elucidate the meaning of a constitutional
provision.92 For example, Justice V.R. KRISHNA IYER quoted copiously from the
Constituent Assembly Debates, in Samsher Singh v. State of Punjab93 to come to
the conclusion that the President is only a constitutional head. Copious extracts
from the Constituent Assembly Debates are to be found in Kesavananda,94 but
still the rule has been reiterated that while one may seek confirmation of ones
interpretation in debates, it is quite a different thing to interpret constitutional
provisions in the light of the debates.

89. Travancore-Cochin v. Bombay Co. Ltd., AIR 1952 SC 366; Aswini Kumar v. Arabinda Bose,
AIR 1952 SC 369 : 1953 SCR; State of West Bengal v. Bella Banerjee, AIR 1954 SC 170;
KANIA, C.J., and FAZL ALI, J., in Gopalan, AIR 1950 SC 27, 38; Automobile Transport v.
State of Rajasthan, AIR 1962 SC 1406; The Golak Nath case, op. cit., at 1682, 1728.
90. See FAZL ALI, J., in S.P. Gupta v. Union of India, AIR 1982 SC 304-14; supra, Ch. VIII,
Sec. B(c).
91. Gopalans case, per PATANJALI SASTRI, J., AIR 1950 SC 27 at 73.
92. Some reference is made to the debates of the Constituent Assembly in Sankal Chand, supra,
footnote 86, to show that the constitution-makers put a great premium on the independence
of the judiciary.
In State of Karnataka v. Ranganatha Reddy, AIR 1978 SC 215, K. IYER, J., refers to the
historical materials on the questions of compensation and public purpose in Art. 31, supra, Ch
XXXI, Sec. C.
93. AIR 1974 SC 2192 at 2212-2219 : (1974) 2 SCC 831; supra, Ch. III, Sec. B.; Ch. VII, Sec.
94. AIR 1973 SC 1516 : (1973) 4 SCC 225; infra, next chapter.
Syn E] Norms of Constitutional Interpretation 2259

Recently, in S.R. Chaudhuri v. State of Punjab,1 while interpreting Art.

164(4)2 the Supreme Court referred to the debates of the Constituent Assembly to
find out the intention of the framers of the Constitution. The Court went on to
assert in the instant case: It is a settled position that debates in the Constituent
Assembly may be relied upon as an aid to interpret a constitutional provision be-
cause it is the function of the Court to find out the intention of the framers of the
In the U.S.A., the rule of excluding the debates has not always been adhered
to; sometimes distinction is drawn between using materials to ascertain the pur-
pose of the constitutional provision and using it to ascertain its meaning.3 In
Australia, the individual opinion of members of the Convention expressed in the
debates is not referred to for the purpose of construing the Constitution.4
There is, however, enough in these historical materials of use and interest to a
constitutional lawyer. A commentator has observed: Indian Legal scholars can
contribute to an understanding of Indian Constitutional development by clarify-
ing the intentions of the original framers and the departures which the responsible
leaders have found desirable. Whether or not the material they find is of a kind
that courts will take into account under their rules of constitutional construction,
it will throw light on the growth of Indias organic law.5
Further, in America, the rich mine of original constitutional materials, more
than a century and half old has been worked out completely, but in India the ore
has scarcely been touched. A study of these materials (mainly Constituent As-
sembly Debates) may contribute much to an understanding of the intentions of
the original framers of the Constitution and, consequently, to an understanding of
the Constitution itself.6 In view, however, of the general judicial attitude towards
the historical sources, this task has to be performed by academic lawyers.7
By itself alone, the Preamble to the Constitution can afford no basis for a
claim of either government power or a private right.8 Nevertheless, the preamble
serves two significant ends. First, it indicates the source from which the Consti-
tution derives its claim to obedience and legitimacy, namely, the People of India.
Secondly, it states the great objects which the Constitution and the government
established by it are expected to promote.9
The Supreme Court has clarified the status of the Preamble to the Constitution
in several cases.10 The declaration made by the People of India in exercise of

1. AIR 2001 SC 2707, at 2717 : (2001) 7 SCC 126.

2. See, supra, Ch. VII, Sec. B, for this provision.
3. U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 US 649.
4. Municipal Council of Sydney v. Commonwealth, 1904 CLR 208.
5. Historical Footnote to Bela Banerjees case, 1 JILI 375 (1959).
7. Several books based on these historical materials have been published. See, for example:
Vols. (1966).
8. For Preamble, see, supra, Chs. I, Sec. E and XXXIV, Sec. A.
10. See, supra, Ch. XXXIV, Sec. A, on this point.
2260 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

their sovereign will in the Preamble to the Constitution is a key to the mind of
the constitution-makers,11 which may show the general purposes for which they
made the several provisions in the Constitution. But the Preamble is neither a part
of the Constitution nor is it the source of any substantive power of the govern-
ment. Such powers embrace only those powers which are either expressly
granted by the Constitution or which may be implied from those granted. Nor can
any prohibitions and limitations be implied on the government from the Pream-
The Supreme Court has stated that at the highest it may perhaps be arguable
that if the terms used in any of the articles in the Constitution are ambiguous or
are capable of two meanings, in interpreting them some assistance may be sought
in the objectives enshrined in the Preamble.12
In Kesavananda, a view has been expressed that the Preamble to the Constitu-
tion is of extreme importance and the Constitution should be read and interpreted
in the light of the grand and noble vision expressed in the Preamble.13 The
view expressed in Berubari14 that the Preamble was not a part of the Constitution
was disputed by some Judges in Kesavanda.15
Recently, the Supreme Court has used the word socialist in the Preamble to
expound such principles as: equal pay for equal work.16 The concept has also
been used to gain a liberal pension scheme for old retirees from government
service,17 as well as to seek economic empowerment of the weaker sections of
the society.18
The Supreme Court has emphasized that it will confine itself to the written text
of the Constitution for the purpose of judicial review and not take recourse to any
abstract concept like the spirit of the constitution.
Chief Justice KANIA observed in Gopalans case that the courts are not at lib-
erty to declare an Act void because in their opinion it is opposed to a spirit sup-
posed to pervade the Constitution but not expressed in words. Where the Funda-
mental law has not limited, either in terms or by necessary implication, the gen-
eral powers conferred on the Legislature, we cannot declare a limitation under
the notion of having discovered something in the Constitution which is not even
mentioned in the instrument. It is difficult upon any general principles to limit the
omnipotence of the sovereign legislative power by judicial interposition, except
so far as the express words of a written Constitution give that authority.19

11. Ref. on Berubari, AIR 1960 SC 845 : (1960) 3 SCR 250; supra, Ch. V, Sec. C.
12. Also, Golak Nath, AIR 1967 SC 1643, 1682 : (1967) 2 SCR 762; see next Chapter.
13. AIR 1973 SC 1506, 1579, 1680.
Also see, Behram Khurshid Pesikaka v. State of Bombay, AIR 1955 SC 123 : (1955) 1
SCR 613; In re Kerala Education Bill, AIR 1958 SC 956 : 1959 SCR 995.
14. Supra, footnote 11.
15. SIKRI, C.J., AIR 1973 SC 1503; Ray, J., Ibid., at 1680.
16. Randhir Singh v. Union of India, supra, Ch. XXIII, Sec. C.
Also see, P. Savita v. Union of India, AIR 1985 SC 1124; supra, Chs. XXI, XXIII, Sec. C
and XXXIV, Sec. D.
17. D.S. Nakara v. Union of India, supra, Ch. XXI, Sec. C(c).
18. See, supra, Ch. XXXIV, Sec. D, under Directive Principles of State Policy.
19. AIR 1950 SC 42, Sec. B(a).
Syn E] Norms of Constitutional Interpretation 2261

This theme has been reiterated time and again by the Supreme Court.
MAHAJAN, J., observed in State of Bihar v. Kameshwar:20 It is well settled that
recourse cannot be had to the spirit of the Constitution when its provisions are
explicit in respect of a certain right or matter. When the Fundamental law has not
limited either in terms or by necessary implication the general power conferred
on the Legislature, it is not possible to deduce a limitation from something sup-
posed to be inherent in the spirit of the Constitution. This elusive spirit is no
guide in this matter. The spirit of the Constitution cannot prevail as against its
letter. The courts are not at liberty to declare an act void because in their opinion
it is opposed to the spirit supposed to pervade the Constitution but not expressed
in words.
These statements put emphasis basically on the statutory or literal interpreta-
tion of the Constitution.21 But, then, in cases on the constitutional amendment,
the Supreme Court did renounce this approach and adopted the doctrine of im-
mutability of the basic features of the Constitution which is a judge-made con-
cept.22 Then, there are cases in which the Supreme Court has invoked the con-
cepts of independence of the Judiciary and Rule of law to interpret constitutional
A question is raised at times whether the courts should entertain a political
question. Many constitutional law questions have political overtones. Should the
courts refuse to take cognisance of such questions?
If the courts do so, then the scope of constitutional litigation will be very much
reduced and no ready-made machinery may be available to solve such questions
and this may raise tensions in the body politic.
The plea of non-justiciability of a political question was raised by the Central
Government as early as 1971 in Madhav Rao Scindia v. Union of India.23 In this
case, the Supreme Court went into the question of the validity of a Presidential
order derecognising the rulers of the erstwhile Princely States. The argument
against judicial review of the order was that recognition of a ruler by the Presi-
dent was a political question and that the Court ought not to take cognisance of
the matter raised in that case. But the Court rejected the argument saying that the
power of the President to determine the status of the rulers by cancelling or with-
drawing recognition to abolish the concept of rulership with a view to effectuate
government policy was liable to be challenged.24 The Court quashed the order.
HEDGE, J., said in the same case: There is nothing like a political power un-
der our Constitution in the matter of relationship between the executive and the

20. AIR 1952 SC 252 at 309 : 1952 SCR 889.

Also see, Keshavan Madhava Menon v. State of Bombay, AIR 1951 SC 128 : 1951 SCR 228;
supra, Ch. XX, Sec. F.
21. See supra, Sec. D(b).
22. See, next Chapter.
23. AIR 1971 SC 530 : (1971) 1 SCC 85; supra, Ch. XXXVII, Sec. E.
24. SHAH, J., ibid., 565.
25. Ibid. 619.
2262 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

Next time, the same question cropped up in State of Rajasthan v. Union of In-
dia,26 in relation to the power of the President to dissolve State Assemblies under
Art. 356. The Supreme Court answered the question by saying that it would not
entertain a purely political question which does not involve determination of any
legal or constitutional right or obligation. The Court is concerned only with adju-
dication of legal rights and liabilities. But merely because a question has a politi-
cal complexion, that by itself is no ground why the Court should shrink from
performing its duty under the Constitution if it raises an issue of constitutional
A constitution is a matter of purest politics, a structure of power. Merely be-
cause a question has a political colour, the Court cannot fold its hands. So long as
a question arises whether an authority under the Constitution has acted within the
limits of its power or exceeded it, it can certainly be decided by the Court. In-
deed, it is its constitutional obligation to do so. The Constitution is the supreme
lex, the paramount law of the land, and there is no department or branch of gov-
ernment above or beyond it.
In this connection, reference has been made to an American case, Baker v.
Carr27 where the U.S. Supreme Court held that it could entertain an action chal-
lenging a statute apportioning legislative districts as contrary to the equal protec-
tion clause. Justice BRENNAN expressed the view that the mere fact that the suit
seeks protection of a political right does not mean that it presents a political
question. In this case, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that voting districts
within a State should be of approximately equal proportion.28
The Court emphasized that the claim of the appellants that they were being
denied equal protection was justiciable. If there is discrimination, the right to
relief under the equal protection clause is not diminished by the fact that the dis-
crimination relates to political rights. The non-justiciability of a political ques-
tion is primarily a function of the separation of powers. The courts cannot re-
ject as no-law suit a bona fide controversy as to whether some action denomi-
nated political exceeds constitutional authority. The Baker decision did re-
verse a uniform course of decisions established by a number of cases of judicial
non-interference in demarcation of voting districts. An example of what the U.S.
Supreme Court regards as a non-justiciable political question is furnished by
Coleman v. Miller.29
In Rajasthan, the Supreme Court did however suggest that it may not entertain
a matter in which it could not lay down judicially discoverable and manageable
Reference was again made to the political question doctrine in A.K. Roy v.
India.31 The question was whether the Presidents satisfaction to issue an ordi-
nance was justiciable, or could it be characterised as a non-justiciable political

26. State of Rajasthan v. Union of India, AIR 1977 SC 1361, 1412 : (1977) 3 SCC 592; supra,
Ch. XIII, Sec. D.
27. (1962) 369 US 186.
28. Other cases in this area are: White v. Register, 412 US 755 (1973); Hoff v. Buckley, 379 US
359 (1965).
29. (1939) 307 US 433.
30. State of Rajasthan v. Union of India, AIR 1977 SC 1361, at 1413 : (1977) 3 SCC 592.
31. AIR 1982 SC 710; supra, Chs. III, Sec. D(ii)(d) and VII, Sec. D(ii)(c).
Syn E] Norms of Constitutional Interpretation 2263

question? The Court pointed out certain differences between the Indian and the
American constitutional systems implying that the doctrine could not be adopted
in India. The doctrine is based in the U.S.A. on the principle of Separation of
Powers; in the U.S.A., the President exercises power in his own right but, in In-
dia, he acts on the advice of the Council of Ministers. Thus, in India, the Presi-
dents satisfaction is, therefore, nothing but the satisfaction of his Council of
Ministers in whom the real executive power resides.
It was pointed out in Roy32 that the doctrine of the political question has come
under adverse criticism even in the USA so much so that the phrase political
question has become a little more than a play of words.
The question has been elaborately discussed by the Supreme Court in R.C.
Poudyal v. Union of India33. The XXXVI Amendment34 introduced Art. 371F in
the Constitution granting statehood to Sikkim but at the same time making some
special provisions for the State. 35 Art. 371F(f) provides for reservation of seats in
the State Legislature based on ethnic group. It was argued that the Court should
not consider the matter as it raised a political question. The Court rejected the
contention and did consider the question whether Art. 371F(f) was constitution-
ally invalid as it destroyed a basic feature of the Constitution.
On the question of non-judiciability of a political question, the Court has
maintained that Our Court has received and viewed this doctrine with a cautious
The doctrine of political question is invoked by the government whenever it
seeks non-reviewability of certain actions or decisions taken by it. While the
doctrine may not be invoked liberally so as to adversely affect judicial review, it
need not be rejected completely also as there may be an occasion when a ques-
tion may arise to which no legally ascertainable standard may be applicable and
may be regarded as non-justiciable on that account.
One such occasion arose before the Delhi High Court sometime back.36 There
were riots in Delhi following the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
in which a number of Sikhs were killed. The Government refused to appoint an
inquiry commission to inquire into the riots. The Delhi High Court refused to
intervene saying that the refusal by the Government to appoint a commission of
inquiry was a political decision.
While construing the provisions of the Indian Constitution, constitutional
precedents from such countries as the U.S.A., Canada, Australia and Britain are
often cited before the Indian courts. The Supreme Court has, however, warned
from time to time that foreign precedents have persuasive value but they ought to
be used with caution and not indiscriminately.37

32. Ibid.
33. AIR 1993 SC 1804, at 1844-45 : 1994 Supp (1) SCC 324; supra, Chs. V, Sec. B and IX, Sec.
34. See, supra, Chs. V and IX; also infra, Chs. XLI and XLII.
35. Ibid.
36. Peoples Union for Democratic Rights v. Ministry of Home Affairs, AIR 1985 Del 268, 283.
37. MUKHERJEE, J., in the Delhi Laws Act case, supra, Ch. II.
2264 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

Foreign precedents as such are not binding on the Indian courts and they are
thus free to use or not to use them. The Supreme Court has ruled in Chaturbhuj v.
Moreshwar,38 that it is not bound by the dicta and authority of the English cases.
The matter has been put in the right perspective by the Supreme Court in Sun-
daramier v. Union of India,39 where the Court observed: The threads of our
Constitution were no doubt taken from other Federal Constitutions but when they
were woven into the fabric of our Constitution their reach and their complexion
underwent changes. Therefore, valuable as the American decisions are as show-
ing how the question is dealt with in a sister Federal Constitution, great care
should be taken in applying them in the interpretation of our Constitution. We
must not forget that it is our Constitution that we are to interpret, and that inter-
pretation must depend on the context and setting of the particular provision
which has to be interpreted.
The same words used in constitutional enactments of various nations may bear
different connotations. The social conditions also differ from country to country.
This warning notwithstanding, cases from other constitutions are often cited
and considered by the Indian judiciary. The reason for this approach was ex-
plained by the Supreme Court itself in the Atiabari case:40 When you are dealing
with the problem of construing a constitutional provision which is none too clear
or lucid you feel inclined to inquire how other judicial minds have responded to
the challenge presented by similar provisions in other sister constitutions. The
Indian Courts thus adopt a selective process in applying foreign precedents.
A large number of American cases were cited in the Express Newspaper case41
on the freedom of speech and expression on the ground that the freedom as en-
shrined in Art. 19(1)(a) is based on the provisions in Amendment I of the Con-
stitution of the U.S.A., and it would be, therefore, legitimate and proper to refer
to those decisions of the Supreme Court of the U.S.A. in order to appreciate the
true nature, scope and extent of this right.
Again, in Indian Express Newspapers v. Union of India,42 American cases on
the I Amendment were cited. But the Supreme Court said that it could not
solely be guided by the American decisions, for the pattern of Art. 19(1)(a) is
different from the I Amendment which is almost absolute in its terms. But in
order to understand the basic principles of freedom of speech and expression and
the need for that freedom in a democratic country, we may take them into con-
On a few points , foreign precedents have been helpful in giving guidance,
while on many others, they have not been followed. On the whole, the value of
foreign precedents in interpreting the provisions of the Indian Constitution has
been only marginal. Thus, the American Constitutional precedents on the Com-

38. AIR 1954 SC 236 : 1954 SCR 817.

39. Supra, Ch. XI.
Also see, L. Jagannath v. Authorised Officer, Land Reforms, Madurai, AIR 1972 SC 425 :
(1971) 2 SCC 893.
40. Supra, Ch. XV, Sec. D.
41. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. C, under Art. 19(1)(a).
42. (1985) 1 SCC 641 : AIR 1986 SC 515.
43. Ibid.
Syn E] Norms of Constitutional Interpretation 2265

merce Clause have not been followed as guiding factors to interpret Art. 301,44 as
the American Constitution does not contain provisions like Arts. 19(1)(g)45 and
301.46 In the U.S.A., the word commerce has been interpreted broadly so as to
include even gambling, the reason being that if commerce were not so inter-
preted, gambling would fall outside the purview of the Commerce Clause and the
Centre would then be unable to regulate it on an interstate basis. This approach
obviously did not suit India where the purpose of suppressing gambling could be
achieved only by denying that gambling is commerce and thus keep it out of the
protection of Arts. 19(1)(g) and 301.47
The Supreme Court has expressed reservations in following American cases to
interpret the term reasonable restrictions in Art. 19(6) because of the difference
in social conditions.48 In Sundaramiers case, the Supreme Court again refused to
follow the American position of denying to the importing States power to levy
sales tax on interstate commerce. It was argued that interstate commerce being
with the Centre in India, the States should be denied the power to levy a sales tax
on interstate sales on the American analogy. The Supreme Court refused to ac-
cept the argument and decided the question on an interpretation of Art. 286.49
In Travancore-Cochin v. Bombay Co.50 while interpreting Art. 286, the Su-
preme Court refused to follow the American cases on the Commerce Clause re-
garding the export stream of goods and their immunity from taxation by the
States on the ground that the U.S. Commerce Clause and Art. 286 are widely
different in language, scope and purpose, and a varying body of doctrines and
tests have grown around their interpretations extending or restricting, from time
to time, their operation and application in the context of the expanding American
commerce and industry.
Similarly, the Supreme Court in India has refused to apply such American
concepts as police power and original package. As regards police powers, FAZL
ALI, J., said in the Chiranjit Lal case51 that the principles underlying the concept
were not peculiar to the U.S.A., but were recognised in every modern civilized
country. But, in later cases, the doctrine has been completely refused recognition
in India.52 MUKHERJEA, J., in the very same case refused to import the doctrine in
India stating: In interpreting the provisions of our Constitution, we should go by
the plain words used by the Constitution-makers and the importing of expres-
sions like police power which is a term of variable and indefinite connotation in
American Law can only make the task of interpretation more difficult.53 The
Court characterised the expression police power as alien to the scheme of the
Indian Constitution.

44. Supra, Ch. XV, Sec. D.

45. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Secs. I and J..
46. Supra, Ch. XV, Sec. D.
47. Supra, Chs. XV, Sec. D, and XXIV, Secs. I and J.
48. Pathumma v. State of Kerala, AIR 1971 SC 771 : (1978) 2 SCC 1.
49. Supra, Ch. XI, Sec. J.
50. Ibid.
51. AIR 1951 SC 41, Ch. XXXI, Sec. A.
52. Supra, Ch. XXXI under Art. 31. K.K. Kochuni v. State of Madras, AIR 1960 SC 1080 :
(1960) 3 SCR 887.
53. Synthetics & Chemicals Ltd. v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1990 SC 1927 : (1990) 1 SCC
109; supra, Ch. XI.
2266 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

The doctrine of original package has been discussed by the Indian Supreme
Court in the Balsara case.54 The doctrine applies in the U.S.A. to commodities
imported from foreign countries and envisages that importation is not over till
goods remain in original package55 and so the constituent States of the U.S.A.
have no power to tax imports till the original package is broken or there is at least
one sale if the goods remain in original package.
The doctrine was cited in the Balsara case to interpret the word import in
entry 41, List I,56 broadly and so to curtail the State power correspondingly. The
Supreme Court refused to accept the doctrine in view of the scheme of legislation
outlined in the Constitution in which the various entries in the legislative lists
have been expressed in clear terms and precise language. In the U.S.A., widest
meaning could be given to the Commerce Clause as it was not to be reconciled
with any State power. In India, entry 41 in List I has to be limited in view of en-
try 8, List II,57 dealing with intoxicating drugs.
The doctrine of immunity of instrumentality evolved in the U.S.A. has also not
found acceptance in India.58
The Supreme Court has refused to apply in India the American doctrine of pre-
ferred Fundamental Rights. The doctrine envisages that any law restricting freedoms
of speech, press, religion or assembly must be taken on its face to be invalid till it is
proved to be valid.59 The result of this doctrine is to shift the burden of proof on the
shoulders of those defending the law, without raising in their favour the presumption
of the validity of the legislation. In India, this doctrine has not found a foot-hold. As
the Supreme Court has stated, it is not possible to say that any one Fundamental
Right is superior to the other or that Art. 19 contains a hierarchy.60
The Supreme Court has refused to apply the American doctrine of substantive
due process on the ground that it seeks to set up the courts as arbiters of the
wisdom of the Legislature in enacting the particular piece of Legislation.61 To
some extent, however, the doctrine has been incorporated in Art. 14 under which
a statute can be declared unconstitutional if it is arbitrary or unreasonable;62 as
well as in Art. 19 in the concept of reasonable restrictions.63
The following principles, inter alia, of the American Constitution have found
acceptance at the hands of the Indian Supreme Court:
(1) No one whose right is not directly affected can question the constitu-
tionality of law. But this rule of standing has been liberalized and is
now subject to public interest litigation.64

54. State of Bombay v. Balsara, AIR 1951 SC 318 : 1951 SCR 682.
55. Brown v. Maryland, 25 US 419; Leisy v. Hardin, 135 US 100.
56. Supra, Ch. X, Sec. D.
57. Ibid.
58. Supra, Ch. XI, Sec. J(ii).
59. Kovacs v. Cooper, 373 US 77 (1947).
60. Madhu Limaye v. S.D.M., Monghyr, AIR 1971 SC 2486 : (1970) 3 SCC 746; supra, Ch.
61. State of Andhra Pradesh v. McDowell & Co., AIR 1996 SC 1628 at 1641 : (1996) 3 SCC
62. State of Tamil Nadu v. Ananthi Ammal, (1995) 1 SCC 519; supra, Ch. XXI, Sec. C(q).
63. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. B.
64. Supra, Chs. VIII, Sec. D(j) and XXXIII, Sec. A(n).
Syn E] Norms of Constitutional Interpretation 2267

(2) There is a presumption in favour of the constitutionality of a statute

challenged under Art. 14.65
(3) The constitutionality of a statute is to be tested under Art. 14 by ap-
plying the principle of reasonable classification.66
Justifying the adoption of the American principle for interpreting
Art. 14, the Supreme Court has observed as follows: Art. 14 is adopted
from the last clause of S. 1 of the XIV Amendment of the U.S. Con-
stitution. It may, therefore, be reasonably assumed that the Constitu-
tion-makers while enshrining the guarantee of equal protection of laws
in the Constitution, were aware of its content as delimited by the judi-
cial interpretation in the U.S.A. In adopting the views of the American
courts, therefore, the courts in India would not be incorporating prin-
ciples foreign to our constitution, or be proceeding upon the slippery
ground of apparent similarity of expressions or concepts in an alien ju-
risprudence developed by a society whose approach to similar prob-
lems on account of historical or other reasons differ from ours.67
But many a time, while interpreting Art. 14, the Supreme Court
of India has refused to follow the American cases on the equality
clause in the U.S. Constitution with the remark that while the Ameri-
can cases provide useful guidance, they cannot be followed as such.68
(4) The legislature should lay down the policy while delegating legislative
power to the executive.69
(5) In the Express Newspaper case, the American principle that laws
regulating payment of wages to the Press do not abridge freedom of
speech and expression was made use of by the Supreme Court to hold
that appointment of a wage board to fix minimum wages of the jour-
nalists does not infringe Art. 19(1)(a).70
(6) In the Golak Nath case, five Judges of the Supreme Court have
adopted the doctrine of prospective overrulinga doctrine which has
its origins in the U.S.A.71
(7) In Govind v. State of Madhya Pradesh, the Supreme Court referred to
the concept of right to privacy evolved in the U.S.A. and showed
readiness to adopt the same in India to some extent while interpreting
Arts. 19(1) and 21.72
(8) As regards the all important American doctrine of due process of law,
the Supreme Court first refused to apply the same in India.

65. Supra, Ch. XXI.

Also see, infra, Sec. H.
The relevant American cases are: Middleton v. Texas Power and Light Co., 249 US 159;
Lindsley v. Natural Carbonic Gas Co., 220 US 61.
66. Supra, Ch. XXI.
67. State of Uttar Pradesh v. Deoman, AIR 1960 SC 1125 : (1961) 1 SCR 14; supra.
68. Air India v. Nergesh Meerza, AIR 1981 SC 1829, 1852 : (1981) 4 SCC 335.
69. Supra, Ch. II, Sec. N.
70. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. J(e).
71. Infra, next Chapter.
72. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. J(m).
2268 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

In Gopalan,73 the Supreme Court refused to read the American con-

cept of due process in the words procedure established by law
found in Art. 21, on the ground that .... when the same words are not
used it will be against the ordinary canons of construction to interpret
a provision in our constitution in accordance with the interpretation
put on a somewhat analogous provision in the constitution of another
country, where not only the language is different, but the entire politi-
cal conditions and constitutional set up are dissimilar.
But in Maneka Gandhi, the Supreme Court reversed this position
and integrated the concept of procedural due process with procedure
established by law in Art. 21. This matter has already been discussed
(9) Following the American cases holding that commercial speech is pro-
tected under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the Su-
preme Court has also ruled in Tata Press Ltd. v. Mahanagar Tele-
phone Nigam Ltd.75 that commercial speech is also protected in India
under Art. 19(1)(a).76
Cases from Australia on S. 92 of the Australian Constitution have been freely
cited in connection with the interpretation of Art. 301, but the impact of these
cases has not been much as there is nothing in Australia like Arts. 19(6) and 302-
304.77 Still, the Australian view has been adopted in India in certain respects,
e.g., gambling is not commerce;78 Art. 301 outlaws only direct restraints on
trade, commerce and intercourse;79 compensatory taxes were not hit by the con-
cept of freedom of trade and commerce.80
The developments in the area of the doctrine of immunity of instrumentali-
ties in Australia have been noted by the Supreme Court in India while ex-
pounding the scope of Arts. 285 and 289.81
The major contribution of the Canadian Constitution to the interpretative proc-
ess of the Indian Constitution has been the doctrine of pith and substance which
has been evolved in Canada to interpret the legislative lists contained in Ss. 91
and 92 of the British North America Act.82 On the doctrine of immunity also,
the views of the Supreme Court in India have corresponded to those of the Cana-
dian Courts.83
While interpreting the term excise in the relevant legislative entries in India,
the Supreme Court has not followed the judicial views expressed in any one of
the other three Federal Constitutions. But the Supreme Court has taken its cue

73. Ibid, Sec. B(a).

74. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. C.
75. AIR 1995 SC 2438, 2442-2445 : (1995) 5 SCC 139.
76. See, supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. C(k).
77. Supra, Ch. XV.
78. Supra, Chs. XV and XXIV. The relevant Australian case in Mansell v. Beck, 30 Aust. LJ
79. Supra, Ch. XV.
80. Ibid.
81. Supra, Ch. XI, Sec. J(iii).
82. Supra, Ch. X, Sec. G(iv).
83. Supra, Ch. XI, Sec. J(ii).
Syn F] Principle of Harmonious Interpretation 2269

from these constitutions in holding that the Central Government in India can levy
duties of excise and customs on goods manufactured or imported by a State.84
The Indian Constitution borrows from Britain the basic feature of parliamen-
tary form of government.85 India very closely follows Britain in the area of leg-
islative privileges.86 In several cases, the Supreme Court has surveyed the devel-
opments in the area in Britain over time and taken note of several cases from
there to interpret Arts. 105 and 194.87
Widest possible use of English precedents has been made in India under Arts.
32 and 226.88 The courts have power to issue writs under these provisions and the
conditions and circumstances under which writs may be issued in India have
been determined by and large on the basis of the principles evolved in Britain,
though the Supreme Court has emphasized that the courts in India should only
follow broad and Fundamental principles of these writs and not all the procedural
technicalities and nuances thereof in the English law.89 For Arts. 32, 226 and 136,
at times, differentiation is made between administrative and quasi-judicial func-
tions for which purpose again cases from Britain are freely cited.90 Again, on the
concept of natural justice, the cases from Britain are freely cited.91
It is also of interest to note that some of the principles of the English Common
law which emanate form the existence of the monarchy in Britain have been
found not applicable to the republican form of government in India and have thus
been specifically departed from, e.g., the English Common law doctrine that the
State is not bound by a statute unless specifically named therein is not followed
in India.92 Similarly, unlike Britain, a civil servant in India can sue for arrears of
his salary.93
In U.N.R. Rao v. Indira Gandhi,94 it was urged that the Supreme Court should
interpret Art. 75(3) on its own terms regardless of the conventions that prevail in
Britain. To this the Courts reply was that if the words of an article are clear,
notwithstanding any relevant convention, effect will no doubt be given to the
words. But it must be remembered that we are interpreting a Constitution and
not an Act of Parliament, a Constitution which establishes a Parliamentary sys-
tem of Government with a Cabinet. In trying to understand one may well keep in
mind the conventions prevalent at the time the Constitution was framed.95


Syn F of Harmonious Interpretation

The Constitution should be so interpreted as to give effect to all its parts. The
presumption is that no conflict or repugnancy was intended by the framers

84. Supra, Ch. XI, Sec. J(ii).

85. Supra, Chs. I, II, III, VI and VII.
86. Supra, Chs. II, Sec. L and VI, Sec. H.
87. Ibid.
88. Supra, Chs. IV, VIII, Sec. D and XXXIII, Sec. A.
89. Supra, Ch. VIII, Sec. D.
90. Supra, Chs. IV, Sec. D, VIII, Sec. D and XXXIII, Sec. A.
91. See, supra, Ch. VIII, Sec. E(iv)(d).
92. Supra, Ch. XXXVII, Sec. G.
93. Supra, Ch. XXXVI, Sec. C(a).
94. AIR 1971 SC 1002, 1003 : (1971) 2 SCC 63.
95. Supra, Ch. III, Sec. B.
2270 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

between the various provisions of the Constitution. Accordingly, it has been laid
down that if certain provisions in the Constitution appear to be in conflict with
each other, these provisions should be interpreted so as to effect a reconciliation
between them so that, if possible, effect could be given to all.1 This is, what is
known as, the rule of harmonious interpretation.
The principle has been applied to resolve conflict between Arts. 25(2)(b) and
26(b),2 and to delimit the mutual relationship between the Directive Principles
and Fundamental Rights.3 Art. 14 has been held to control Art. 310.4
The principle of harmonious construction has been applied to interpret the en-
tries in the various legislative lists.5 The Fundamental Rights and the legislative
privileges have also been reconciled so as to give effect to both as far as possi-
ble.6 Reconciliation has also been effected between Arts. 13 and 359.7 The prin-
ciple of harmonious interpretation has been applied to Fundamental Rights and
Directive Principles so as to give effect to both as far as possible.8
In Shankari Prasad,9 the Court reconciled the conflict between Art. 13 and
Art. 368 by applying the principle of harmonious interpretation. According to
Art. 13, no law can abridge any Fundamental Right. According to Art. 368, on
the other hand, Parliament can amend any constitutional provision by passing a
law according to the procedure laid down in Art. 368. If both these Articles are
given a broad interpretation, a conflict, arises between them. It can be argued that
a law passed under Art. 368 abrogating or restricting a Fundamental Right
would fall foul of Art. 13. A Constitution Amendment Act is a law and if it is
abrogative of a Fundamental Right, it would be void under Art. 13. In Shankari
Prasad, PATANJALI SASTRY, J., rejected this contention and sought to interpret
both Articles harmoniously by ruling that Art. 13 would exclude a Constitution
Amendment Act from its purview. He observed :
In short, we have two Articles (Arts. 13 and 368) each of which is widely
phrased, but conflicts in its operation with the other. Harmonious construction
requires that one should be read as controlled and qualified by the other. We
are of the opinion that in the context of Article 13 law must be taken to mean
rules or regulations made in exercise of ordinary legislative power and not
amendments to the Constitution made in exercise of constituent powers, with
the result that Article 13(2) does not affect amendments made under Article
Later, in Golak Nath,10 the Supreme Court disagreeing with the approach in
Shankari Prasad held that Art. 13 controlled Art. 368. But, then, in Kesa-
vananda11 the Court again reverted to the Shankari Prasad view as regards the
inter-relation of Arts. 13 and 368 and, thus, differed with the Golak Nath ruling.

1. MUKHERJEA, J., in Gopalans case, AIR 1950 SC 27, 93 : 1950 SCR 27.
2. Moinuddin v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1960 All 484; Supra, Ch XXIX.
3. Venkataramana v. State of Mysore, AIR 1958 SC 255 : 1958 SCR 895; supra, Ch XXXIV.
4. Supra, Chs. XXI and XXXVI, Sec. C.
5. Supra, Ch. X, Sec. G(ii).
6. Supra, Chs. II, Sec. L(iii) and VI, Sec. H.
7. Supra, Chs. XX, Sec. C and XXXIII, Sec. F. Mohd. Yaqub v. State of Jammu and Kashmir,
AIR 1968 SC 765 : (1968) 2 SCR 227.
8. In re Kerala Education Bill, AIR 1958 SC 956 : 1959 SCR 995; supra, Ch. XXXIV, Sec. C.
9. See, next Chapter.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
Syn G] Prospective Overruling 2271

Syn G Overruling

A proposition of some significance was enunciated by five Judges of the Su-

preme Court in Galak Nath in an attempt to soften somewhat the impact of de-
claring a law unconstitutional after it has remained on the statute book for some-
Traditionally, a judicial declaration that a law is unconstitutional is deemed ef-
fective prospectively as well as retrospectively. An unconstitutional law is re-
garded to have been void from its very inception.13 The theory is that the judge
does not make law but discovers or finds true law. Therefore, when a Court
decision changes the earlier law, then this law should be regarded not as new,
but as having been there all the time which the Court has now discovered. Ac-
cordingly, the law as now found by the Court must apply to the past as well as
future transactions.
As against this view, the U.S. Supreme Court has developed the doctrine of
prospective overruling. The Court has in some cases taken the position that
rather than disturb the past transactions, the new view of the law adopted by the
Court might be made effective as regards future transactions only. The doctrine
of prospective overruling envisages that a well-established precedent may be
overruled from a future date and not retrospectively. The U.S. Supreme Court
asserts that it has power to decide on a balance of all relevant considerations
whether a decision overruling a previous principle should be applied retroactively
or not.14 Thus, declaring a law invalid may not necessarily affect transactions and
vested rights prior to, but may operate only with respect to transactions and rights
arising after, the judicial invalidation of the law. The Court thus consciously
modifies a rule and also makes it operative only as to the future transactions.
This doctrine overtly testifies to the law-making function of the judiciary. This
doctrine implies a clear admission by the courts that they do make new law, and
the posing of the question whether the new rule should be applied retrospectively
or only prospectively indicates awareness of its law-making aspects. As Sawer
points out, this view rests to some extent on acceptance of the modern view that
law in general is not a fixed and durable set of rules, but something whose
meaning and application varies from time to time and is actually established only
in the act of judicial decision.15
Retrospective overruling may cause administrative inconvenience in some
situations and, by disturbing vested rights, may cause hardship to those who may
have acted on the basis of the old rule. The doctrine of prospective overruling
seeks to avoid such harsh results.16
The application of the doctrine remains uncertain. In the words of the U.S. Su-
preme Court itself: .... there is no inflexible rule requiring in all circumstances

12. Infra, Ch. XLI, for discussion on Golak Nath.

13. See, infra, Sec. I.
14. Linkletter v. Walker, 381 US 618, 629 (1965).
16. Great Northern Rly. v. Sunburst Oil & Ref. Co., 287 US 358 (1932); Chicot County Drain-
age District v. Baxter State Bank, 308 US 371 (1940); Griffin v. Illinois, 351 US 12 (1956);
Wolf v. Colorado, 338 US 25; Jenkins v. Delaware, 395 US 213 (1969); Williams v. U.S.,
401 US 646 (1971); Hill v. California, 401 US 797.
2272 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

either absolute retroactivity or complete prospectivity for decisions construing

the broad language of the Bill of Rights ..... Rather we have proceeded to weigh
the merits and demerits in each case by looking to the prior history of the rule in
question, its purpose and effect, and whether retrospective operation will further
or retard its operation.17
A scholar has thus explained the circumstances when the Court would resort to
prospective rather than retrospective overruling:
In general, it may be said that to warrant prospectivity, there must be an
awareness that the results of normal retrospectivity would be, not merely in-
convenient, but gravely unjust or would involve an extremely burdensome
sorting out process for courts or administrators. Injustice to a single litigant will
normally not suffice. What is required is that retrospectivity would disrupt the
private lives of many citizens or would throw a substantial network of business
arrangements or property transactions into doubt or confusion; or would de-
stroy the validity of elaborate administrative arrangements or property transac-
tions into doubt or confusion; or would destroy the validity of elaborate ad-
ministrative arrangements which had already been worked out, and which as a
practical matter could not possibly be reopened or, as in the recent American
cases, the matter may need to be decided by reference to the particular social
policy which the new rule is designed to implement. Given that this social
policy is in any event being implemented for the future by the new decision,
will its implementation really be much enhanced by making it retrospective?
And, whatever degree of enhancement such retrospectivity would bring, is it
sufficient to outweigh the frustration which normal retrospection might bring
to other social policies?18
There have been dissentient voices from the bench against the doctrine. It has
been asserted that the Court should faithfully enforce the safeguards guaranteed
by the Bill of Rights.19
In Golak Nath, five out of 11 Judges took recourse to the doctrine of prospective
overruling. While holding that Parliament could not amend Fundamental Rights, they
declared that this norm would operate only in the future and not retrospectively. This
meant that none of the amendments made to the Fundamental Rights up to the date
of the Golak Nath decision would be invalidated. Thus, while all amendments made
to the Fundamental Rights till Golak Nath were to remain effective, thereafter Par-
liament was not to be competent to modify Fundamental Rights.20
The Supreme Court took recourse to the doctrine of prospective overruling be-
cause of the fact that between the coming into force of the Constitution on Janu-
ary 26, 1950, and the date of the judgment in Golaknath, a number of constitu-
tion amendments amending the Fundamental Rights had been enacted and all
these amendments were treated as valid by the Supreme Court in Shankari Pra-
sad and Sajjan Singh. Based on these Amendments the State legislatures had en-

17. Williams v. U.S., ibid.

18. A.R. Blackshield, Fundamental Rights and the Economic Viability of the Indian Nation, 10
JILI 183, 227 (1968). Also see, W.S. Hooker Jr., Prospective Overruling in India: Golak
Nath and After, 9 JILI 596 (1967).
Andrew G.L. Nicol, Prospective Overruling: A New Device for English Courts, 39 Mod.
LR 542 (1976).
19. Justice Black in De Backer v. Brainard, 396 US 28, 34.
Also, Justice Harlan in Mackey v. US., 401 US 667, 676.
20. See, infra, next Chapter, on Constitutional Amendment.
Syn G] Prospective Overruling 2273

acted agrarian legislation revolutionizing the agrarian social structure. If Golak

Nath ruling were now given a retrospective ruling, all this wholesome legislation
would fall to the ground. This would have resulted in a chaotic situation in the
country, as a large number of laws enacted in pursuance of the pre-Golak Nath
Amendments would have become void. To avoid such a situation, the Court
ruled that the Golak Nath ruling would have only a prospective effect.
Justifying the application of the doctrine of prospective overruling the Court
Should we now give retrospectivity to our decision, it would introduce
chaos and unsettle the conditions in our country. Should we hold that because
of the said consequence Parliament had power to take away Fundamental
rights, a time might come when we would gradually and imperceptibly pass
under a totalitarian rule As the highest Court in the land we must evolve
some reasonable principle to meet the extraordinary situation To meet the
present extraordinary situation that may be caused by our decision, we must
evolve some doctrine which has roots in reason and precedents so that the past
may be preserved and the future protected.21
It needs to be noted that the Judges put certain restrictions on the applicability
of the doctrine of prospective overruling, namely:
(i) The doctrine of prospective overruling would for the time being be
used only in constitutional matters;
(ii) this doctrine would be applied only by the Supreme Court itself and
by no other Court as it has the constitutional jurisdiction to declare
law binding on all courts in India.
(iii) the precise version of prospectivity to be imposed is to be a matter for
the Courts discretion, to be moulded in accordance with the justice
of the cause or matter before it.
There is no gainsaying the fact that prospective overruling doctrine avow-
edly recognises the law and policy-making role of the Supreme Court.22
It may also be pointed out here that in Golak Nath, prospective overruling
has been applied in an extremely narrow area, viz., in the case of invalidity of
constitutional amendments which had been in force for a long time and which
had become the basis of a mass of legislation affecting agrarian economy. On the
other hand, in the U.S.A., the rule of prospective overruling has been applied in
case of changes in judicial views as regards the scope and interpretation of con-
stitutional provisions generally.
There is, however, one point to note in this connection. The Supreme Court
Judges used the doctrine of prospective overruling in Golak Nath very differently
from the way the doctrine has been made use of in the U.S.A. In the U.S.A., the
theory of prospective overruling has been applied to hold the impugned law in-
valid from the date of the decision and not earlier. But in Golak Nath, all the con-
stitution amendments were to remain valid for ever, even after the Supreme
Court decision in Golak Nath, only the principle of non-amendability of the
Fundamental Rights was to apply in future. If the American doctrine had been

21. Emphasis added.

2274 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

applied, the amendments ought to have been held invalid from the date of the
Golak Nath decision if not earlier. Therefore, the Supreme Court diluted the doc-
trine of prospective overruling still further in its application in India.
A very significant use of the doctrine of prospective overruling is to be found
in the Mandal case.23 In Mandal decided in the year 1992, the ratio of Ranga-
chari,24 decided in 1962, was overturned. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court ruled
that the Mandal ruling would come into effect after 5 years. The Court thus post-
poned giving effect to the Mandal ruling for five years from the date of the
judgment. This was not only extending the principle of prospective overruling
but even further elongating the same for 5 more years by postponing the opera-
tion of the Mandal ruling.
The Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of the Court ruling in
Mandal vis--vis Art. 13(2) of the Constitution25 in Ashok Kumar Gupta v.
State of Uttar Pradesh.26 Under the Rangachari ruling, which had been in op-
eration for three decades, a number of persons of the Scheduled Castes and
Schedule Tribes had got promotion. The Supreme Court showed judicial crea-
tivity in Ashok so as to avoid any hiatus in the operation of the Rangachari
ruling, and to bring about smooth transition of the operation of the law of pro-
motions for S/Cs and S/Ts. It was necessary to do so to adjust the competing
claims of both the disadvantaged and the advantaged sections of the society.
The Court observed in Ashok: The prospective overruling of Rangachari ratio
in Mandal case is constitutional and fulfils the competing equality between
sections of the society.27
There are examples of the Supreme Court applying the doctrine of prospective
overruling in another area, viz., when the Court declares a statute unconstitu-
tional, it may make the ruling operational in future from the date of the decision
without affecting the validity of the past transactions. In Githa Hariharan,28 the
Supreme Court gave a new interpretation to s. 6(a) of the Hindu Minority and
Guardianship Act so as to protect it from being declared unconstitutional under
Arts. 14 and 15, on the ground of gender discrimination. But the Court gave a
prospective effect to the new interpretation. No past transaction was to be re-
opened or questioned on the basis of this judgment.
The High Court of Rajasthan declared a circular, giving preference on the ba-
sis of residence in a district in the matter of Government appointments as un-
constitutional vis--vis Arts. 16(2) and 16(3). On appeal, the Supreme Court af-
firmed the High Court ruling but held that the ruling would be effective from the
date of the High Court judgment and that appointments made prior to that judg-
ment would not be disturbed.29

23. Indra Sawhney v. Union of India, AIR 1993 SC 477 : 1992 Supp (3) SCC 217; Indra
Sawhey v. Union of India, AIR 2000 SC 498 : (2000) 1 SCC 168; supra, Ch. XXIII, Sec. G.
24. AIR 1962 SC 36 : (1962) 2 SCR 586; supra, Ch. XXIII, Sec. D(c) and G.
25. For Art. 13(2), see, supra, Ch. XX, Sec. C.
26. (1997) 5 SCC 201.
27. Ibid, at 222.
28. Githa Hariharan v. Reserve Bank of India, AIR 1999 SC 1149, at 1155 : (1999) 2 SCC 228.
29. Kailash Chand Sharma v. State of Rajasthan, (2002) 6 SCC 562.
Also see, supra, Ch. XXIII.
Syn H] Constitutionality of a Statute 2275

In India Cement,30 while declaring the cess as unconstitutional, the Court ruled
that the State would not be liable to refund the cess already collected by it.31
The Court applied the doctrine of prospective overruling in Raymond,32 but
this case did not raise a constitutional question. The Court gave a new interpreta-
tion to a statutory provision. Had this view been applied retrospectively, the
Electricity Board would have been placed under a huge financial liability. To
avoid such a contingency, the Court ruled that the new view of the law would be
applied prospectively and not retrospectively.
The Court adopted a similar approach in Union of India v. Mohd. Ramzan
In a way, the Supreme Court has applied the doctrine of prospective overruling in
a different context in Suman Gupta v. State of Jammu and Kashmir.34 The Court
ruled that vesting of absolute power in the State Government to nominate candi-
dates for admission to medical colleges outside the State infringed Art. 14 but
refused to disturb the nominations already made as these candidates had already
covered a substantial part of their course of studies. The Court suggested that a
proper procedure for the purpose must be designed for the future by theMedical
Council of India. In this way, the principle laid down by the Court was to be op-
erative in future.35

Syn H of a Statute

The doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty as it obtains in England does not

prevail here except to the extent and in the fields provided by the Constitution.
The entire scheme of the Constitution is such that it ensures the sovereignty and
integrity of the country as a republic and the democratic way of life by parlia-
mentary institutions based on free and fair elections.36
A law to be valid must conform with the constitutional norms. The unconsti-
tutionality of a statute arises from various constitutional violations, e.g.
(1) violation of the scheme of distribution of powers between the Centre
and the States;
(2) infringement of a Fundamental Right;
(3) violation of other constitutional restrictions/limitations.
The power to legislate is a plenary power vested in the legislature and unless
those who challenge the legislation clearly establish that their Fundamental

30. Orissa Cement Ltd. v. State of Orissa, AIR 1991 SC 1676, at 1717.
31. Also see, Orissa Cement Ltd. v. State of Orissa, AIR 1991 SC 1676 : 1991 Supp (1) SCC
430; Somaiya Organics (India) Ltd. v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 2001 SC 1723 : (2001) 5
SCC 519, supra, Ch. XI.
32. Raymond Ltd. v. State of Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board, AIR 2001 SC 238 : (2001) 1
SCC 534.
33. AIR 1991 SC 474, supra, Ch. XXXVI, Sec. G(a).
Also see, Managing Director, ECIL, Hyderabad v. B. Karunakar, AIR 1994 SC 1074 :
(1993) 4 SCC 727, supra, Ch. XXXVI, Sec. G(a).
34. AIR 1983 SC 1235 : (1983) 4 SCC 339; supra, Ch XXI.
35. The Supreme Court has adopted a similar attitude in several other cases, e.g., Janki Prasad v.
State of Jammu & Kashmir, AIR 1973 SC 930 : (1973) 1 SCC 420; P. Rajendran v. State of
Madras, AIR 1968 SC 1012 : (1968) 2 SCR 786.
36. Peoples Union for Civil Liberties v. Union of India, (2003) 4 SCC 399 : AIR 2003 SC 2363.
2276 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

Rights under the Constitution are affected or that the legislature lacked legislative
competence, they would not succeed in their challenge to the enactment bought
forward in the wisdom of the legislature. Conferment of a right to claim the bene-
fit of a statute, being not a vested right, the same could be withdrawn by the leg-
islature which made the enactment. It is open to the legislature to bring in a law
that has retrospective operation. When it affects vested rights or accrued rights,
that question will have to be considered in that context. But the right to take ad-
vantage of a statute has been held to be not an accrued right.37
A statute which is not within the scope of legislative authority, or which of-
fends some constitutional restriction or prohibition is unconstitutional and hence
invalid. A statute to be valid ought to be with respect to a matter assigned to the
particular legislature which has enacted it. This essentially refers to the question
of distribution of powers between the Centre and the States.38 Parliament has ex-
clusive power to legislate with respect to any of the matters enumerated in List I,
notwithstanding anything contained in clauses (2) and (3) of Article 246. The non
obstante clause under Article 246(1) indicates the predominance or supremacy of
the law made by the Union Legislature in the event of an overlap of the law made
by Parliament with respect to a matter enumerated in List I and a law made by
the state legislature with respect to a matter enumerated in List II of the Seventh
Schedule. However both Parliament and the State Legislatures are supreme in
their respective assigned fields. It is the duty of the Court to interpret the legisla-
tions made by Parliament and the state legislature in such a manner as to avoid
any conflict. But if the conflict is unavoidable, and the two enactments are irrec-
oncilable then by the force of the non obstante clause in clause (1) of Article 246,
the parliamentary legislation would prevail notwithstanding the exclusive power
of the state legislature to make a law with respect to a matter enumerated in the
State List. Repugnancy between the parliamentary legislation and the state legis-
lation can arise in two ways. First, where the legislations, though enacted with
respect to matters in their allotted sphere overlap and conflict. Second, where the
two legislations are with respect to matters in the Concurrent List and there is a
conflict. In both the situations, parliamentary legislation will predominate, in the
first, by virtue of the non obstante clause in Article 246(1), in the second, by rea-
son of Article 254(1).39
The norms to interpret the entries, and to assess whether a statute falls within
an entry, have already been considered.40 Any way, it may be mentioned here that
these entries are to be interpreted broadly as these are not powers but fields of
legislation. It is the judicial policy to give the widest amplitude to the language of
these entries.41
A special mention may be made here of the rule of pith and substance which
means that to determine whether a statute is ultra vires the enacting legislature,
its pith and substance, its true character, is to be ascertained. The advantage of

37. Mylapore Club v. State of T.N., (2005) 12 SCC 752 : AIR 2006 SC 523.
38. Supra, Ch. X.
39. Govt. of A.P. v. J. B. Educational Society, (2005) 3 SCC 212 : AIR 2005 SC 2014; For de-
tailed discussion see Chapter X on Legislature Relations
40. Ibid, Sec. G.
41. Ibid, Sec. G(i).
Also see, Jilubhai Nanbhai Khachar v. State of Gujarat, AIR 1995 SC 142, 148 : 1995
Supp (1) SCC 596.
Syn H] Constitutionality of a Statute 2277

the rule is that it avoids a law being declared unconstitutional merely because it
incidentally trenches into the prohibited legislative area. The rule thus adds a
further dimension to the legislative power of a legislature.42
When a statute has been enacted by a State Legislature, its operation ought not
to extend beyond the concerned State boundaries. For this purpose, the principle
of territorial nexus is applied.43
In addition, the impugned statute should not infringe any other fetter, restric-
tion or prohibition which may be imposed by the Constitution, e.g., Fundamental
Rights. Art. 13(2) specifically declares that a law taking away or abridging a
Fundamental Right shall, to the extent of contravention, be void.44
As stated earlier,45 a statute cannot be struck down merely because the Court
thinks it to be arbitrary or unreasonable. Any such ground of invalidity must be
related to a constitutional provision, such as, Arts. 14, 19 or 21.46 Challenge on
ground of wisdom of legislation is not permissible as it is for the legislature to
balance various interests.47
However, the Court has also pointed out that the principles on which constitu-
tionality of a statute is judged is its reasonableness and that is to be judged having
regard to the various factors including the effect thereof on the persons to whom it
is applicable carrying on a business. If the state in exercise of its delegated power
imposes condition the same has to be a reasonable condition. It had to be definite
and not vague. When a statute provides for a condition which is impossible to be
performed its unreasonableness shall be presumed and it would be for the State in
such a situation to justify the reasonableness of such conditions.48
Although carrying on trade of liquor may not be a Fundamental right, but the
contractual rights given to a licensee in terms of the provision of a statute are en-
forceable. The terms of the licence are governed by the statute and since the vio-
lation thereof could lead to penal consequences, interpretation principles requires
the application of reasonableness, equity as well as good conscience.49 Hence
where a person may be held guilty even if the contents of ethyl alcohol exceeds
8.1% marginally in the liquor on which a person is trading in alcohol, the statute
or the statutory conditions must show as to what extent he can go and to what

42. Supra, Ch. X, Sec. G(iv); see also State of Gujarat v. Akhil Gujarat Pravasi V.S. Mahaman-
dal, (2004) 5 SCC 155 : AIR 2004 SC 3894.
43. Supra, Ch. X, Sec. A.
44. Supra, Ch. XX, Sec. C.
Whether arbitrariness and unreasonableness or manifest arbitrariness and unreasonable-
ness, being facets of Art. 14 are available or not as grounds to invalidate legislation (both
primary and subordinate has been referred to a larger Bench in view of the decision in Mar-
dia Chemicals, (2004) 4 SCC 311; Malpe Vishwanath Acharya, (1998) 2 SCC 1 (both cases
striking down primary legislation on ground of arbitrariness and unreasonableness and being
decisions of three Judge Benches) and S. G. Jaisinghani, AIR 1967 SC 1427 and Shrilekha
Vidyarthi, (1991) 1 SCC 212 (two Judge Bench)(both cases striking down subordinate leg-
islation on ground of arbitrariness and unreasonableness), on the one hand, and McDowell &
Co., (1996) 3 SCC 709, and Khoday Distilleries, (1996) 10 SCC 304 (both being decisions
by three Judge Benches), on the other hand Subramaniam Swamy v. Director, CBI, (2005) 2
SCC 317 : (2005) 2 JT 382.
45. Supra, Ch. II, Sec. M.
46. Supra, Chs. XXI, XXIV and XXVI.
47. Mylapore Club v. State of T.N., (2005) 12 SCC 752 : AIR 2006 SC 523.
48. Hasham Abbas Sayyad v. Usman Abbas Sayyad (2007) 2 SCC 355 : AIR 2007 SC 1077.
49. Hasham Abbas Sayyad v. Usman Abbas Sayyad, (2007) 2 SCC 355 : AIR 2007 SC 1077.
2278 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

extent he cannot. The matter cannot, thus, be left to an act of nature. In the ab-
sence of such mode or machinery it will suffer from the vice of vagueness or un-
The judicial function of assessing the constitutional legitimacy of legislation is
both delicate and responsible. To declare a statute unconstitutional places an on-
erous burden on the courts, for a statute is enacted by an elected legislature which
is conversant with the needs and aspirations of the people. The courts, therefore,
do not hold legislation unconstitutional in a light vein. They have to draw a fine
balance between the felt necessities of the time and constitutional fundamen-
India being a signatory to the Declaration on the Right to Development
adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights and Article 18 of the United
Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966, the impugned provision of
a statute must, therefore, also be judged having regard to the aforementioned
treaties and covenants.51
As has already been stated, the courts impose on themselves a good deal of
self restraint in performing their task of judicial review of legislation. The courts
will hold a statute unconstitutional only as a last resort. The courts do not cavel at
legislation but go to great lengths to uphold legislation impugned before them.
The truth is that the courts in India (like the courts elsewhere) have evolved cer-
tain canons, strategies, maxims and norms by which opportunities to assess the
constitutionality of statutes and holding them invalid are minimised. The courts
usually resort to these strategies either to make challenges to legislation difficult
or to by-pass such challenges.
The first important principle is that only a person whose right is directly af-
fected by a law can challenge its constitutionality. A person cannot impeach a
law because someone else is hurt. It is the fact of injury to the complainant him-
self, and not to others, which justifies judicial interference. But this rule of locus
standi is now subject to the growth of the concept of public interest litigation.52
In dealing with a constitutional controversy, a Court is slow to embark upon
an unnecessarily wide or general inquiry. The courts adjudge only concrete cases
and do not indulge in pronouncing abstract, theoretical principles. This is called
the process of empiric adjudication.53 The Court seeks to confine its decision,
as far as may be reasonably practicable, within the narrow limits of the contro-
versy between the concerned parties in a particular case.54 A Court does not em-
bark upon larger or academic questions but confines itself to those questions
which arise from the provisions of the impugned statute.
The judicial attempt is to narrow, not to broaden, the area of conflict and ex-
press its opinions only on specific issues in controversy. The courts have often
emphasized that in constitutional matters, it is advisable to decide only those
points which necessarily arise for determination on the facts of the case before
the Court.55 The Supreme Court has said in A.K. Roy : The position is now

50. State of Kerala v. Unni, (2007) 2 SCC 365 : (2006) 13 SCALE 208.
51. John Vallamattom v. Union of India (2003) 6 SCC 611 : AIR 2003 SC 2902.
52. Supra, Chs. IV, VIII and XXXIII.
53. Sukhdev v. Bhagatram, AIR 1975 SC 1331, 1349 : (1975) 1 SCC 421.
54. Atiabari, AIR 1961 SC 232, 251 : (1961) 1 SCR 809; supra, Ch. XV, Sec. D.
55. U.N.R. Rao v. Indira Gandhi, AIR 1971 SC 1002 : (1971) 2 SCC 63; supra, Ch. III, Sec. B.
Syn H] Constitutionality of a Statute 2279

firmly established that the Court will decide no more than needs to be decided in
a particular case. Abstract questions present interesting challenges, but it is for
scholars and text-book writers to unravel their mystique. It is not for the courts
to decide questions which are but of academic importance.56 Earlier the Court
had observed in Basheshar Nath:57 This case should not make any pronounce-
ment on any question which is not strictly necessary for the disposal of the par-
ticular case. Constitutional issues not directly arising for decision are not de-
cided by the Court.58
The Courts do not adjudicate upon a constitutional question unless it is abso-
lutely necessary to do so for disposal of the case in hand.59 If a statute is chal-
lenged under several constitutional provisions, but if the question of its validity
can be disposed of with reference to one constitutional provision only, the Court
would not then usually go into the question of its unconstitutionality under the
other constitutional provisions. For example, in Saghir Ahmad,60 the Court found
an impugned law bad under Arts. 19(1)(g) and 31(2) and so it refrained from
going into the question whether or not the impugned law was bad under Art. 301
as well because it was no longer necessary to decide that question.
A Court would not cover the ground which is strictly not relevant for the pur-
pose of deciding the matter before it. Obiter observations and discussion of
problems not directly involved in a proceeding before them are generally avoided
by the courts in constitutional matters.61 Accordingly, a Court would go into the
question of vires of a statute only when it is attracted by the facts of the case. If
the issue is not so attracted, then the courts would not go into its constitutionality,
because in that case, the decision would be purely academic and courts do not
decide constitutional issues merely as an academic exercise.62
A statute cannot be declared invalid on the ground that it contains vague or
uncertain or ambiguous or mutually inconsistent provisions.63
A legislation may not be amenable to challenge on ground of violation of Art.
14 when it is intended to give effect to principles specified under Art. 15 or 16 or
when the differentiation is not unreasonable or arbitrary but when a classification
is made which is per se violative of constitutional provisions, the same cannot be
If there is a challenge to the legislative competence the courts will try to as-
certain the pith and substance of such enactment on a scrutiny of the Act in ques-
tion. In this process, it is necessary for the courts to go into and examine the true
character of the enactment, its object, its scope and effect to find out whether the

56. A.K. Roy v. Union of India, AIR 1982 SC at 724; D.C. Wadhwa v. State of Bihar, AIR 1987
SC 579; Gurudevdatta VKSSS Maryadit v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 2001 SC at 1985 :
(2001) 4 SCC 534.
57. Basheshar Nath v. Commr., Income Tax, AIR 1959 SC 149, 157 : 1959 Supp (1) SCR 578.
58. See, Ashok K. Gupta v. State of Uttar Pradesh, (1997) 5 SCC 201.
59. H.M. Trivedi v. V.B. Raju, AIR 1973 SC 2602 : (1974) 3 SCC 415.
60. Supra, Chs. XXIV, Secs. I and J and XXXI, Sec. C(ii).
61. Naresh v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1967 SC 1 : (1966) 3 SCR 744; supra, Ch. XXIV, Secs. C
and D.
62. State of Bihar v. Hurdut R.M. Jute Mills, AIR 1960 SC 378 : (1960) 2 SCR 331.
63. Nand Lal v. State of Haryana, AIR 1980 SC 2097, 2100 : 1980 Supp SCC 574, A.K. Roy v.
Union of India, AIR 1982 SC 711, 737 : (1982) 1 SCC 271.
64. E. V. Chinnaiah v. State of AP, (2005) 1 SCC 394 : AIR 2005 SC 162.
2280 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

enactment in question is genuinely referable to the field of legislation allotted to

the State under the constitutional scheme.65
But in construing a statute, where a right is not explicitly taken away, a pre-
sumption must be raised that the legal right existing in favour of a person has not
been taken away.66
While considering the constitutionality of a statute, the courts usually do not
use such materials as the legislative debates, statements of objects and reasons
annexed to the relevant bill in the legislature, except for the limited purpose of
ascertaining the conditions prevailing at the time of its enactment and the extent
and urgency of the evil sought to be remedied by it.67
In the U.S.A., it is an established practice to directly incorporate social and
economic facts into the briefs presented to the Supreme Court by the parties. This
kind of brief is known as the Brandies brief. It is generally recognised in the
U.S.A. that underlying questions of factpolitical, social and economicdo
condition the constitutionality of legislation and constitute a social element in
decision-making by the Court.68
In India, by and large, the courts still seek to ignore extra-legal materials per-
taining to measures impugned before them and seek to derive their ratio of deci-
sions largely from the language of the statute and the decided cases. The courts
tend to ignore the fact that often problems presented in constitutional cases are
not purely legal but have political, social and economic connotations as well. The
courts go too much by the words of the statute maintaining a divorce between
law and politics, economics or sociology. The courts do not recognise the fact
that if materials from other social sciences are also taken into consideration, the
dry statutory provisions may have an ampler meaning especially when their con-
stitutional validity is being considered.
The Courts generally lean towards the constitutionality of a statute upon the
premise that a legislature appreciates and understands the needs of the people,
that it knows what is good or bad for them, that the laws it enacts are directed to
problems which are made manifest by experience, that the elected representatives
in a legislature enact laws which they consider to be reasonable for the purposes
for which these laws are enacted and that a legislature would not deliberately
flout a constitutional safeguard or right.69 The legislature composed as it is of the
elected representatives of the people is supposed to know and be aware of the
needs of the people and what is good or bad for them and that a Court cannot sit
in judgment over the wisdom of the Legislature.70 Therefore, usually, the pre-

65. E. V. Chinnaiah v. State of A.P. (2005) 1 SCC 394 : AIR 2005 SC 162.
66. ICICI Bank Ltd. v. SIDCO Leathers Ltd., (2006) 10 SCC 452 : AIR 2006 SC 2088.
67. J.R.G. Mfg. Ass. v. Union of India, AIR 1970 SC 1589; B. Banerjee v. Anita Pan, AIR 1975
SC 1146 : (1975) 1 SCC 166, supra, Sec. D.
68. MCWHINNEY, JUDICIAL REVIEW, 17, 22, 175-89.
69. Ram Krishna Dalmia v. S.R. Tendolkar, AIR 1958 SC 538 : 1959 SCR 279; Vrajlal Manilal
and Co. v. State of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 1970 SC 129; B. Banerjee v. Anita Pan, supra,
note, 54; Bachan Singh v. State of Punjab, AIR 1982 SC 1325 : (1982) 3 SCC 24.
70. State of Andhra Pradesh v. McDowell & Co., AIR 1996 SC 1628, 1641.
Syn H] Constitutionality of a Statute 2281

sumption is in favour of the constitutionality of the statute, and the onus to prove
that it is unconstitutional lies upon the person who challenges it.71
The Supreme Court has stated the principle as follows:72
A statute is construed so as to make it effective and operative. There is al-
ways a presumption that the legislature does not exceed its jurisdiction and the
burden of establishing that the legislature has transgressed constitutional man-
dates, such as, that relating to Fundamental Rights is always on the person who
challenges its vires.
This rule of presumption has been borrowed from the U.S.A.73 Thus, the law
in question is treated as valid unless the parties to litigation challenge it on con-
stitutional grounds. FAZAL ALI, J., stated in Charanjit Lal74 : is the accepted doctrine of the American Courts, which I consider it
to be well-founded on principle, that the presumption is always in favour of the
constitutionality of an enactment, and the burden is upon him who attacks it to
show that there has been a clear transgression of the constitutional principles.
Recourse may not always be taken to the principles of presumption in favour
of constitutionality of statute or reading down of statute to uphold validity of a
Since no particulars or material was placed on record to substantiate the con-
tention that the Notification dated 20th August, 1991 bringing into force Ma-
harashtra Act 15 of 1987 was issued due to pressure brought about by a section
of lawyers and for extraneous consideration, the contention was rejected.76
To sustain the presumption of constitutionality, the Court may take into con-
sideration matters of common knowledge and may assume every state of facts
which can reasonably be conceived as existing at the time of the enactment of the
legislation in question.77
The Supreme Court has stated in Commr. of Sales Tax, Madhya Pradesh, In-
dore v. Radhakrishan,78 that for sustaining the presumption of constitutionality,
the Court may take into consideration matters of common knowledge, matters of
common report, the history of the times and may assume every state of facts
which can be conceived and an even read down this section.

71. Charanjit Lal Chowdhuri v. Union of India, AIR 1951 SC 41; Bombay v. F.N. Balsara, AIR
1951 SC 318 : 1951 SCR 682; Ram Krishna Dalmia v. S.R. Tendolkar, AIR 1958 SC 538 :
1959 SCR 279; Mahant Moti Das v. S.P. Sahi, AIR 1959 SC 942 : 1959 Supp (2) SCR 563;
Delhi Transport Corporation v. D.T.C. Mazdoor Congress, AIR 1991 SC 101 : 1991 Supp
(1) SCC 600.
72. Union of India v. Elphinstone Spinning and Weaving Co. Ltd., AIR 2001 SC 724, at 733 :
(2001) 4 SCC 139.
73. Middleton v. Texas Power and Light Co., 249 US 152, 157; supra, Sec.
74. AIR 1951 SC 41 : 1950 SCR 869.
75. State of W. B. v. Kesoram Industries Ltd., (2004) 10 SCC 201 : AIR 2005 SC 1646.
76. Jamshed N. Guzdar v. State of Maharashtra, (2005) 2 SCC 591 : AIR 2005 SC 862.
77. Ramkrishna Dalmia v. Tendolkar, AIR 1958 SC 538 : 1959 SCR 279; Hamdard Dawakhana v.
Union of India, AIR 1960 SC 554, 560 : (1960) 2 SCR 671; R.K. Garg v. Union of India, AIR
1981 SC 2138, 2146; Bank of Baroda v. Rednam, AIR 1989 SC 2105 : (1989) 4 SCC 470; Gauri
Sahankar v. Union of India, (1994) 6 SCC 349; Amrit Banaspati Co. Ltd. v. Union of India, AIR
1995 SC 1340 : (1995) 3 SCC 335; New Delhi Municipal Committee v. State of Punjab, AIR 1997
SC 2847. For presumption of constitutionality see also Karnataka Bank Ltd. v. State of And-
hra Pradesh, (2008) 2 SCC 254 : (2008) 1 SCALE 660.
78. AIR 1979 SC 1588 : (1979) 2 SCC 249.
2282 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

Affidavits may be filed to show reasons for the enactment of the law in ques-
tion, the circumstances in which it was conceived and the evils it was to cure.79
For example, in Pannalal Binjraj v. Union of India,80 a challenge to the validity
of classification was repelled by placing reliance on an affidavit filed on behalf
of the Central Board of Revenue disclosing the true object of enacting the im-
pugned provisions in the Income-tax Act.
In Musaliar,81 the Court relied on an affidavit filed by the State to ascertain the
circumstances which prevailed at the time when the law under consideration had
been passed and which necessitated the passing of that law.
A statute cannot be challenged on the ground of mala fides.82
At times, the Supreme Court has used the Statement of Objects and Reasons
accompanying the Bill, which later became the Act impugned, to ascertain the
circumstances which prevailed at the time of the passage of the Act impugned to
determine its purposes and object. For the limited purpose of appreciating the
background and the antecedent factual matrix leading to the legislation, it is per-
missible to look into the Statement of Objects and Reasons of the Bill which ac-
tuated the step to provide a remedy for the then existing malady.83 For example
in Musaliar,84 the Statement of Objects and Reasons was used for judging the
reasonableness of a classification made in an enactment to see if it infringed, or
was contrary to, the Constitution. The Supreme Court reiterated in State of West
Bengal v. Union of India,85 that the Statement of Objects and Reasons accompa-
nying a Bill when introduced in Parliament, can be used for the limited purpose
of understanding the background and the antecedent state of affairs leading up to
the legislation.86
On behalf of the Constitution Bench, MUDHOLKAR, J., observed in Burrakur
Coal Co. v. Union of India,87:
Where the validity of a law made by a competent legislature is challenged
in a Court of law, that Court is bound to presume in favour of its validity. Fur-
ther, while considering the validity of the law the Court will not consider itself
restricted to the pleadings of the state and would be free to satisfy itself
whether under any provision of the Constitution the law can be sustained.
To the same effect is the observation of the Constitution Bench in Sanjeev
Coke Manufacturing Co. v. Bharat Coking Ltd.,88:

79. Cases cited in Ch. XXXIII Also, K.K. Kochunni v. State of Madras, AIR 1959 SC 725 : 1959
Supp (2) SCR 316.
80. AIR 1957 SC 397 : 1957 SCR 397.
81. Thangal Kunju Musaiar v. M. Venkitachalam Potti, AIR 1956 SC 246 : (1955) 2 SCR 1196.
82. General Manager, North West Railway v. Chanda Devi, (2008) 2 SCC 108 : (2007) 14
SCALE 296, meaning obviously notice in fact.
83. Gurudevdatta VKSSS Maryadit v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 2001 SC 1980, at 1989 :
(2001) 4 SCC 534.
84. Supra, footnote 81.
85. AIR 1963 SC 1241 : (1964) 1 SCR 371.
86. But see an earlier case, Aswini Kumar Ghose v. Arabinda Bose, AIR 1952 SC 369 : 1953
SCR 1, where the Supreme Court had ruled out the Statement of Objects and Reasons ap-
pended to the Bill as an aid to the construction of a statute.
87. AIR 1961 SC 953 at 963 : (1962) 1 SCR 44.
88. AIR 1983 SC 239 : (1983) 1 SCC 147.
Also see, New Delhi Municipality Committee v. State of Punjab, AIR 1997 SC at 2903 :
91997) 7 SCC 339.
Syn H] Constitutionality of a Statute 2283

Validity of the legislation is not to be judged merely by affidavits filed on

behalf of the state, but by all the relevant circumstances which the Court may
ultimately find and more especially by what may be gathered from what the
legislature has itself said.
In Gauri Shankar,89 the Supreme Court has observed that in order to sustain
the presumption of constitutionality the Court may take into consideration mat-
ters of common knowledge, matters of common report, the history of the times
and may assume every state of facts which can be conceived existing at the time
of legislation.
The burden is upon the person who attacks the constitutional validity of a law
to show that there has been a transgression of the constitutional principles. The
allegations regarding the violation of a constitutional provision should be spe-
cific, clear and unambiguous and it is for the person who impeaches the law as
violative of a constitutional guarantee to show that the particular provision is in-
firm for the reasons stated by him.90
At times, the onus placed on the petitioner to establish the unconstitutionality
of a statute may be very onerous. This happened in Chiranjit Lal91 where the
majority in the Supreme Court dismissed the petition as the petitioners could not
discharge the onus satisfactorily. The minority, however, protested against cast-
ing such a burden on the petitioner.
At times, the judges have departed from the normal rule of presumption of
constitutionality. When on the face of the impugned statute, there is no classifi-
cation at all, and no attempt made to select any individual with reference to any
differentiating attribute peculiar to it and not possessed by others, the courts may
not let the state depend on the presumption in favour of the validity of the statute
under Art. 14.92
If, however, the petitioner is able to establish that the legislation has invaded
his Fundamental Rights then the Court may shift the onus on the state to justify
the law. In some cases, under Art. 19, when a law has been found prima facie to
violate a Fundamental Right, the Supreme Court has shifted the onus on the state
to place materials before the Court to show that the impugned law comes within
the permissible limits.93 For example, the Court has argued that when an invasion
of a right under Art. 19(1)(g) has been established, the state should then satisfy
the Court that the legislation falls within the purview of Art. 19(6) which is in the
nature of an exception to Art. 19(1)(g).94
A similar rule of onus has been applied in regard to Art. 304. When a law has
been shown to invade the right to freedom of trade, the state ought to prove that
the restrictions imposed are reasonable and in public interest within the meaning
of Art. 304(b).95 But this again is not a universal rule and in Anita Pan, while

89. Gauri Shankar v. Union of India, (1994) 6 SCC 349.

90. Amrit Banaspati Co. Ltd. v. Union of India, AIR 1995 SC 1340, at 1343 : (1995) 3 SCC 335.
91. Supra, Ch. XXI, Sec. C(r).
92. Supra, Ch. XXI, Sec. B.
93. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Secs. B and J(a).
94. Vrajlal Manilal and Co., supra; Saghir Ahmad, supra; Khyerbari Tea Co. v. Assam, supra.
Also, supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. B and Sec. I.
95. Khyerbari Tea Co., supra, Ch. XV, Sec. E.
2284 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

considering the validity of a law under Art. 19(1)(f), the Court presumed the va-
lidity of the law.1
In regard to constitutional validity of the pre-constitution laws, the Supreme
Court has taken the position that all such laws remain operative till the Court de-
clares any of them void. Therefore, it is not for the state to establish the validity
of any such law as no such law is regarded as unconstitutional to start with. The
burden is on him who contends that a particular law has become void after the
commencement of the Constitution.2 Pre-constitutional laws must also conform
to provisions of Part III. Even the unamended Section 73 of the Stamp Act, 1899
must conform to the provisions of Part III of the Constitution.3
Under Art. 21, it is the state which has to establish the constitutional validity
of a law depriving a person of his life or personal liberty.4
While assessing the validity of a law, the Court does not consider itself re-
stricted to the pleadings of the state and is free to satisfy itself whether the law in
question can be sustained under any constitutional provision which might not
have been specifically pleaded in its support. When the government sought to
sustain a law under Art. 31A(1)(e), but the Supreme Court found it sustainable
under Art. 31(2) and not under Art. 31A(1)(e), the Court held it valid even
though the government had not invoked Art. 31(2).5
The courts are very reluctant to declare a law to be unconstitutional and they
do so only as a last resort. This can be shown by one or two examples.
The Punjab Cycle Rickshaw (Regulation of Licence) Act, 1976, was chal-
lenged under Art. 19(1)(g). The object of the Act was to provide that only the
rickshaw-pullers who were owners of the rickshaws could get licence to pull the
rickshaw. The Act was challenged on the ground that it contained no provisions
to enable the rickshaw-pullers to become the rickshaw owners. The Supreme
Court held that the purpose of the Act was to ameliorate the economic conditions
of the rickshaw-pullers and to protect them from exploitation. The Court took
into account an administrative scheme introduced by nationalised banks to enable
the rickshaw-pullers to become the owners thereof. The Court referred to the
principle that the validity of one statute should not be made to depend on another
unconnected statute, but if two or more statutes form parts of one and the same
legislative scheme, then both may be considered together.6 In the instant case, the
Court considered the Act and the scheme together on the ground that the scheme
supplied the mechanics for the operation of the Act, and that the Act and the
scheme were closely connected and constituted an integrated plan. Over and
above this, the Court also formulated a set of guidelines of its own to make the
Act and the scheme of the banks work more effectively.7

1. B. Banerjee v. Anita Pan, AIR 1975 SC 1146 : (1975) 1 SCC 166.

2. Madhu Limaye v. S.D.M., Monghyr, AIR 1971 SC 2486 : (1970) 3 SCC 746.
3. Peoples Union for Civil Liberties v. Union of India, (2004) 2 SCC 476 : AIR 2004 SC 1442.
4. Supra, Ch. XXVI.
5. Burrakur Coal Co. v. Union of India, supra; also supra, Ch. XXXI, Sec. C(iii).
6. Lord Krishna Sugar Mills v. Union of India, supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. I.
7. Azad Rickshaw-Pullers Union v. State of Punjab, AIR 1981 SC 14 : 1980 Supp SCC 601;
Man Singh v. State of Punjab, (1985) 4 SCC 146 : AIR 1985 SC 1737.
Syn H] Constitutionality of a Statute 2285

In A.K. Roy v. Union of India,8 the National Security Act conferred power to
detain a person if he was acting in any manner prejudicial to the maintenance of
supplies and services essential to the community. The Court found this phrase to
be vague and imprecise as it was not made clear as to which supplies or serv-
ices were regarded essential to the community. In the absence of any definition
of supplies and services essential to the community, the detaining authority
could extend the application of this clause to any commodities or services which
it regarded essential to the community. The clause was, therefore, capable of
wanton abuse as it enabled the authorities to detain a person in respect of any
commodity or service. The clause violated Art. 21 as it was violative of fairness
and justness of procedure. Nevertheless, the Court did not strike down the clause
but merely directed that no person was to be detained under the clause unless, by a
law, order or notification made or published fairly in advance, the supplies and serv-
ices the maintenance of which is regarded as essential to the community and in re-
spect of which the order of detention is proposed to be passed, are made known ap-
propriately, to the public. Moreover, people should be forewarned if new cate-
gories are to be added to the list.
The courts usually adopt a liberal attitude towards socio-economic legislation.
For example, in B. Banerjee v. Anita Pan,9 a drastic law controlling accommo-
dation and rents in urban areas, and imposing drastic restrictions on the right of
the landlords to evict their tenants, was challenged under Art. 19(1)(f). The High
Court declared the law to be invalid. But, on appeal, the Supreme Court held it
valid by majority. The Court took the position that it was bascially a social leg-
islation, a piece of social justice, and was designed to reduce the hardships of
tenants in big towns where there was scarcity of accommodation. Therefore, it
should not be invalidated if a reasonable interpretation can save it unless the
violation of landlords Fundamental right was manifest. Referring to the state-
ment of Justice STONE, mentioned above, the Court stated that it hesitates to
strike a socially beneficial statute dead, leading to escalation of the mischief to
suppress which the High House legislatedunless, of course a plain breach of
Fundamental right of the citizen is manifest.
The Supreme Court has stated several times that in case of economic legisla-
tion, the Court feels more inclined to judicial deference to legislative judgment.10
In this connection, the Supreme Court has observed11 :
Another rule of equal importance is that laws relating to economic activities
should be viewed with greater latitude than laws touching civil rights such as
freedom of speech, religion etc. It has been said by no less a person than
HOLMES, J., that the legislature should be allowed some play in the joints, be-
cause it has to deal with complex problems which do not admit of solution
through any doctrinaire or straight jacket formula and this is particularly true in
case of legislation dealing with economic matters, where, having regard to the
nature of the problems required to be dealt with, greater play in the joints has to
be allowed to the legislature. The Court should feel more inclined to give judi-

8. AIR 1982 SC 710 : (1982) 1 SCC 271; supra, Ch. XXVII, Sec. C(i)(a).
9. Chs. XXXI, Sec. B and XXXIV.
10. Delhi Cloth & Gen. Mills Co. Ltd. v. Union of India, AIR 1983 SC 937; R.K. Garg v. Union of
India, AIR 1981 SC 2138, 2147 : 91981) 4 SCC 675; Union of India v. Elphinstone Spn. & Wvg.
Co. Ltd., AIR 2001 SC at 735 : (2001) 4 SCC 139; Morey v. Doud, (1957) 354 US 457.
11. Amrit Banaspati Co. Ltd. v. Union of India, AIR 1995 SC 1340, at 1343 : (1995) 3 SCC 335.
2286 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

cial deference to legislative judgement in the field of economic regulation than

in other areas where Fundamental human rights are involved..
Similarly, the courts adopt a liberal attitude towards tax legislation. Explaining
its attitude towards such legislation, the Supreme Court said in Hoechst Pharma-
ceuticals Ltd. v. State of Bihar:12
On questions of economic regulations and related matters, the Court must
defer to the legislative judgment. When the power to tax exists, the extent of
the burden is a matter for the discretion of the law-makers. It is not the function
of the Court to consider the propriety or justness of the tax, or enter upon the
realm of legislative policy.....
But, in Indian Express Newspapers v. Union of India,13 the Supreme Court ex-
pressed a different view. The Court was assessing the vires of the levy of cus-
toms duty on newsprint vis-a-vis the freedom of the press under Art. 19(1)(a).
The Court was thus seeking to reconcile the levy of the customs duty on the
newsprint with the freedom of the press. The Court expressed its approach in the
matter in these words:
It is true that this Court has adopted a liberal approach while dealing with
fiscal measures and has upheld different kinds of levies.... But in the cases be-
fore us the Court is called upon to reconcile the social interest involved in the
freedom of speech and expression with the public interest involved in the fiscal
levies imposed by the Government specially because newsprint constitutes the
body, if expression happens to be the soul. In view of the intimate connection
of newsprint with the freedom of the press, the tests for determining the vires
of a statute taxing newsprint have, therefore, to be different from the tests usu-
ally adopted for testing vires of the taxing statutes. In the case of ordinary tax-
ing statutes, the laws may be questioned only if they are either openly confis-
catory or a colourable device to confiscate. On the other hand, in the case of a
tax on newsprint, it may be sufficient to show a distinct and noticeable burden-
someness, clearly and directly attributable to the law.14
In assessing the constitutionality of a statute, the Court is not concerned with
the motives, bona fides or mala fides of the legislature. No mala fides or motives
are attributed to the legislature.15 The Legislature, as a body, cannot be accused
of having passed a law for an extraneous purpose. Even assuming that the ex-
ecutive, in a given case, has an ulterior motive in moving a legislation, that mo-
tive cannot render the passing of the law mala fide. This kind of transferred mal-
ice is unknown in the field of legislation.16
If the legislature is competent to pass a particular law, the motives which im-
pelled it to act are really irrelevant.17 Similarly, the Court is not concerned with
the wisdom of the legislature in enacting a particular law.18 The constitutional-

12. AIR 1983 SC 1019 : (1983) 4 SCC 45.

13. (1985) 1 SCC 641 : AIR 1986 SC 515.
14. Ibid., at 686.
Also, supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. C(h).
15. G.C. Kanungo v. State of Orissa, AIR 1995 SC 1655, at 1660-61 : (1995) 5 SCC 96.
16. K. Nagaraj v. State of Andhra Pradesh, AIR 1985 SC 551 at 556 : (1985) 1 SCC 523.
17. K.C. Gajapati Narayan Deo v. State of Orissa, AIR 1953 SC 375 : 1954 SCR 1; Gullapalli N.
Rao v. State of Andhra P.S.R.T. Corp., AIR 1959 SC 308 : 1959 Supp (1) SCR 319; supra, Ch. II,
Sec. M.
18. Y.V. Srinivasamurthy v. State of Mysore, AIR 1959 SC 894.
Syn H] Constitutionality of a Statute 2287

ity and not unwisdom of a legislation is the narrow area of judicial review.19
The Court cannot sit in judgment over the wisdom of the legislature. A law can-
not be struck down merely because the Court thinks it to be unjustified or un-
wise. As the Supreme Court has stated:20 What form a regulatory measure must
take is for the legislature to decide and the Court would not examine its wisdom
or efficacy except to the extent that Article 13 of the Constitution is attracted.
On this point, the Supreme Court has observed in State of Andhra Pradesh v.
McDowell & Co. :21
No enactment can be struck down by just saying that it is arbitrary or unrea-
sonable. Some or other constitutional infirmity has to be found before invali-
dating an Act. An enactment cannot be struck down on the ground that Court
thinks it unjustified. The Parliament and the legislatures, composed as they are
of the representatives of the people, and are supposed to know the needs of the
people and what is good and bad for them. The Court cannot sit in judgment
over their wisdom.
It is only a law which has to be tested with reference to Art. 13.22 Flag Code
containing the executive instructions of the Central Government is not law
within the meaning of Art. 13 and for the purposes of Arts. 19(2) to (6) and there-
fore cannot impose restrictions on the rights enumerated under Arts. 19(1) (a) to
(e) and (g). But the guidelines as laid down under the Flag Code deserve to be
followed to the extent it provides for preservation of dignity and respect for the
National Flag. The right to fly the National Flag is not an absolute right. The
freedom of expression for the purpose of giving a feeling of nationalism is met
by showing respect to the flag. The State may not tolerate even the slightest dis-
The Courts also are not concerned with the need or propriety of laws. The ju-
dicial function is not to canvass the legislative judgment, or to hold the impugned
statute to be ill-advised or unjustified or not justified by the facts on which it is
based. The function of the courts is to see whether the law in question trans-
gresses any constitutional restriction imposed on the legislature.24
The constitutionality of a statute passed by a competent legislature cannot also
be challenged on the ground that it is not reasonable or just unless the Constitu-
tion expressly imposes such a stipulation as in Art. 19.25 Mr. Justice Douglas has
very forcefully reiterated this point thus: Congress acting within its constitu-
tional powers, has the final say on policy issues. If it acts unwisely the electorate
can make a change.26

19. Mr. Justice STONE in U.S. v. Butler, 297 US 1; Murthy Match Works v. Asst. Collector of
Central Excise, AIR 1974 SC 497, 503 : (1974) 4 SCC 428; B. Banerjee v. Anita Pan, AIR
1975 SC 1146, 1153 : (1975) 1 SCC 166.
20. Delhi Cloth & Gen. Mills Co. Ltd. v. Union of India, AIR 1983 SC 937, 947, 950.
21. AIR 1996 SC 1628 at 1641 : (1996) 3 SCC 709.
See also Legal Remembrancers Manual not covered. State of U.P. v. Johri Mal, (2004) 4
SCC 714 : AIR 2004 SC 3800.
22. State of Kerala v. Chandramohanan ,(2004) 3 SCC 429 : AIR 2004 SC 1155, Government
circularsNot law within the meaning of Art 13.
23. Union of India v. Naveen Jindal, (2004) 2 SCC 510 : AIR 2004 SC 1559.
24. Chiranjit Lal v. Union of India, supra, Ch. XXI, Sec. C.
25. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. B.
26. Railway Employees Department v. Hansen, 351 US 225 (1956).
2288 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

The possibility of abuse of a statute otherwise valid does not impart to it any
invalidity.27 Conversely a statute which is invalid as being unreasonable cannot
be saved because it is being administered in a reasonable manner.28
Reference may also be made in this connection to the doctrine of colourable
legislation discussed earlier.29
For the purpose of determining whether a particular enactment curtails a Fun-
damental Right or not, the Supreme Court has expounded not one but several for-
mulae and, speaking generally, the particular formula which happens to be favour-
able to the validity of the legislation impugned, is usually adopted by the Court.
One such formula is that a law is not questionable under a Fundamental Right
unless the legislation is directly in respect of it. Thus, a law can be attacked under
Art. 19(1)(a), if it is directly in respect of the subject covered by Art. 19(1)(a),
but not if it touches that Article only incidentally or indirectly. If the law in ques-
tion directly abridges the freedom of speech, it may be repugnant to Art.
19(1)(a), but it may not be invalid if it relates to some other right and affects the
freedom of speech only incidentally or indirectly.30
This was the test applied in Gopalan to repudiate the argument that the valid-
ity of the Preventive Detention Act be judged under Art. 19(1)(a) as well. KANIA,
C.J. held that such a question could arise only when the legislation directly at-
tempted to control a citizens freedom of speech and expression, but it was not
directly in respect of Art. 19(1)(a), and the right guaranteed in that Article was
abridged as a result of operation of other legislation, then the question of appli-
cation of Art. 19(1)(a) would not arise. The true approach, observed the
Judge,is only to consider the directness of the legislation and not what will be
the result of the detention otherwise valid, on the mode of detenus life.31
The same test was applied again in Ram Singh v. Delhi.32 Had the Court taken
into consideration the effect of detention on the freedom of speech, and, thus,
applied Art. 19(1)(a), the detention in Ram Singhs case might have been invalid.
But, instead, the Court took the view that the order of preventive detention did
not fall within the purview of Art. 19(1)(a) as its direct object was preventive
detention and not the infringement of the freedom of speech and expression
which was merely consequential to detention.
Another test applied in some cases, very much like the above test, is that of
pith and substance, or true nature or character, or the subject-matter of the im-
pugned statute. In State of Bombay v. R.M.D.C.,33 while considering the validity

27. R.K. Garg v. Union of India, supra, footnote 10; Union of India v. Elphinstone Spn. & Wvg.
Co. Ltd., AIR 2001, at 735 : (2001) 4 SCC 139.
28. Collector of Customs, Madras v. Nathella Sampathu Chetty, AIR 1962 SC 316, at 332 :
(1962) 3 SCR 786.
29. Supra, Ch. X, Sec. G(v).
30. Naresh v. State of Maharashtra, supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. C.
The Supreme Court held that the High Courts order in the instant case was directly con-
cerned with giving protection to the witness with a view to obtain true evidence from him in
order to do justice between the parties. If incidentally it affected the right of the petitioner
under Art. 19(1)(a), that would not affect the validity of the order.
31. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. B(a).
32. AIR 1951 SC 270; supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. C.
33. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. I(c).
Also see, Cooverji v. Excise Commr., Ch. XI, Sec. H.
Syn H] Constitutionality of a Statute 2289

of the Bombay Lotteries and Prize Competitions Control and Tax (Amendment)
Act, 1952, vis-a-vis Arts. 19(1)(g) and 301, the Supreme Court pointed out that in
pith and substance the impugned Act was in respect of betting and gambling and
since betting and gambling did not constitute trade, commerce or business, the
validity of the Act need not be decided upon by the yardstick of reasonableness
and public interest laid down in Arts. 19(6) and 304.34
In the Atiabari case,35 however, the Supreme Court doubted whether the doc-
trine of pith and substance could be applied to an area other than the legislative
In Hamdard Dawakhana v. Union of India,37 the Court again expressed a
doubt whether the doctrine was relevant to determining the constitutional validity
of a statute with reference to a Fundamental Right. There the law was challenged
as being unconstitutional under Art. 19(1)(a). Instead of the pith and substance
doctrine, the Court preferred the doctrine of true character and nature which
meant that the subject-matter of the impugned legislation, the area in which it is
intended to operate, its purport and intent should be determined to adjudicate
upon its constitutionality.
To do so, it is legitimate to take into consideration all factors, such as, the
history of the legislation, the purpose thereof, the surrounding circumstances and
conditions, the mischief which is intended to be suppressed, the remedy for the
disease which the legislature resolved to cure and the reason for the remedy. The
justification for the approach is that the Court should look to the substance, rather
than the form, of the legislation impugned.
It is not, however, very clear as to what precisely is the difference between
pith and substance and true character and nature. The two doctrines appear to
be convergent except for verbal differentiation.38
The test of true nature and character was first proposed by MAHAJAN, J., in
Dwarkadas v. Sholapur Mills.39 In Sundaramiers case,40 the test of true nature
and scope was applied to adjudge the constitutionality of a statute with reference
to Art. 286.
In some cases, the test of real effect and impact of the impugned legislation on
the Fundamental Right has been applied. In the Kerala case, the Supreme Court
took recourse to the test of effect and impact.41 This test was narrowed down to
some extent in Express Newspaper where the Supreme Court considered the di-
rect and inevitable consequences42 of the impugned Act as distinguished from its
remote consequences.

34. Supra, Chs. XV, Sec. D(a) and XXIV, Secs. B and J(a).
35. Supra, Ch. XV, Secs. C and E.
36. Ch. X, Sec. G(iv)
37. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Secs. C (k).
38. Also see, Mahant Moti Das v. S.P. Sahi, AIR 1959 SC 942 : 1959 Supp (2) SCR 563.
39. AIR 1954 SC 119 : 1954 SCR 674; supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. I; Ch. XXXI, Sec. C(ii).
40. AIR 1958 SC 468; supra, Ch. XI, Sec. J(i).
41. Supra, Ch. XXXIV, Sec. B.
Also see, State of Bombay v. Bombay Education Society, supra, Ch. XXX, Sec. A; M.H.
Quareshi v. State of Bihar, supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. J(g).
42. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. C.
2290 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

In the Bank Nationalisation case,43 the Court advocated the test of the effect
of the law or its direct operation upon the individuals right to assess the va-
lidity of a law with reference to a Fundamental Right. The Court emphasized that
it was the substance of the legislation and its practical result which should be
considered rather than the pure legal form. A similar test was applied in Sakal
Papers where the validity of the order was adjudged under Art. 19(1)(a) and not
under Art. 19(1)(g).44
The Supreme Court has stated in Man Singh v. State of Punjab45 that the true
test of the validity of a statute must be the effect and consequence of its opera-
tion on the citizens Fundamental Right. The object underlying the legislation
embodies the intent of the Legislature in enacting it, but the Court has to con-
sider the question whether its impact on the Fundamental Right can be regarded
as a reasonable restriction on the exercise of the right. The focal point during
such examination is the Fundamental right, and the duty of the Court must be to
consider the quality and degree of the encroachment made by the operation of the
statute on the citizens exercise of that right.
A good deal of discussion on the applicability of these various tests is to be
found in Express Newspapers. There the Working Journalists Act, 1955, was chal-
lenged on the ground that, in substance, in its true nature and character and in
effect and operation, it regulated employment in the newspaper industry and thus
fell within the prohibition of Art. 19(1)(a) as affecting the freedom of the press.
The Court, however, thought that the true nature of the Act was to regulate the
service conditions of working journalists. It might result in certain disadvantages to
the newspaper industry but these were only incidental and extraneous to the
The Court formulated the proposition thus: unless the disadvantages accruing
to the newspaper industry under the Act were the direct and inevitable conse-
quences of the Act, it could not be struck down. There was an interesting argu-
ment in the case on whether Art. 19(1)(a) would operate only when legislation
directly dealt with the freedom of speech and expression, or also when the
statute in effect affects that right. The Court did not give a definitive ruling on
the subject-matter v. effect controversy.
The subject-matter test is narrower in the sense that it would permit indirect
encroachments on a Fundamental Right. It appears that the Court did not favour
any of these tests but favoured instead an intermediate position, viz., the test of
true nature of the legislation in question. This test is narrower than the effect
test for it permits incidental encroachments on the Fundamental Right in question
but it is broader than the subject-matter test because, even though a legislation
does not deal with a Fundamental Right, yet it may become bad if it imposes
restrictions on the right which are not inconsequential or incidental.46
In Bennett Coleman,47 the Supreme Court applied the effect test. There the
constitutional validity of a legislation not directly in respect of Art. 19(1)(a),
nevertheless, affecting freedom of speech was assessed with reference to Art.

43. AIR 1970 SC 564, 597; supra, Ch. XXXI, Sec. C(iii).
44. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. C(f).
45. (1985) 4 SCC 146 : AIR 1985 SC 1737.
46. M.P. JAIN, Justice Bhagwati and Indian Constitutional Law, 2 JILI 31, 37.
47. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. C(g).
Syn H] Constitutionality of a Statute 2291

19(1)(a). It had been argued in Bennett Coleman that the subject-matter of the
newsprint policy (the validity of which was challenged in the case) was not free-
dom of speech but rationing of imported commodity. The government also in-
voked the rule of pith the substance for the purpose. The Court ruled that the tests
of pith and substance or the subject-matter, and of direct and incidental ef-
fect of legislation were relevant to the question of legislative competence but
were irrelevant to the question of Fundamental Rights. The test to be applied in
such a case was whether the effect of the impugned action was to take away or
abridge Fundamental Rights. A legislation may have a direct effect on a Fun-
damental Right although its direct subject-matter might be different. The object
of the law was irrelevant when it infringed a Fundamental Right. A difficulty in
this test is to assess whether the consequence of a provision on a Fundamental
Right is direct or indirect. This may give rise to a difference of opinion. But
this test helps better in preservation of the Fundamental Rights than the subject-
matter test.48
In Maneka Gandhi, BHAGWATI, J., used the test of direct and inevitable ef-
fect as in the absence of operational criteria for judging directness it would
give the Court an unquantifiable discretion to decide whether in a given case a
consequence or effect is direct or not. According to him, the test of direct and
inevitable effect would quantify the extent of directness necessary to constitute
infringement of a Fundamental Right. He applied the test to see whether the im-
pugned section violated freedom of speech and/or freedom of occupation.49
The above discussion shows that the judiciary keeps a number of options open
to itself. This gives to the judicial review some flexibility and elasticity, and to
the courts a good deal of maneuverability in discharging their function of adjudi-
cating upon the constitutionality of legislation. This also creates uncertainty as to
the judicial response to a particular problem because what test will the Court ap-
ply in a particular situation cannot be predicated with definiteness or with cer-
A reference has already been made to the technique of indirect judicial re-
view.50 Here the Court so interprets the law as to sustain its validity. If a statu-
tory provision is capable of two possible interpretations, so that by one it is ren-
dered unconstitutional, and by the other it becomes constitutional, the Court will
prefer the interpretation which saves and preserves the provision in preference to
the one which destroys it. The principle is that if certain provisions of law con-
strued in one way will be consistent with the Constitution, and if another inter-
pretation would render them unconstitutional, the Court would bear in favour of
the former construction.51 This strategy is adopted because of the concern of the
Court to salvage a legislation to achieve its objective and not to let it fall merely
because of a possible ingenious interpretation. Words are not static but dynamic.
As the Supreme Court has observed:52

48. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. B.

Also, supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. C.
49. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. D.
50. Supra.
51. The Mysore State Electricity Board v. Bangalore Woollen, Cotton and Silk Mills Ltd., AIR
1963 SC 1128 : 1963 Supp (2) SCR 127; Delhi Transport Corpon. v. D.T.C. Mazdoor Con-
gress, AIR 1991 SC 101, 167-170, 175-180, 201-205 : 1991 Supp (1) SCC 600.
52. B.R. Enterprises v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1999 SC 1867, at 1906 : (1999) 9 SCC 700.
2292 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

It is also well settled, first attempt should be made by the Courts to uphold
the charged provision and not to invalidate it merely because one of the possi-
ble interpretations leads to such a result, howsoever attractive it may be. Thus,
when there are two possible interpretations, one invalidating the law and the
another upholding, the latter should be adopted. For this, the courts have been
endeavoring, sometimes to give restrictive or expansive meaning keeping in
view the nature of legislation, may be beneficial, penal or fiscal etc.. Yet in
spite of this, if the impugned legislation cannot be saved, the courts shall not
hesitate to strike it down.
In another case,53 the Supreme Court has observed: Words are not static but
dynamic and courts must adopt that dynamic meaning which upholds the validity
of any provision.
In Githa Hariharan v. Reserve Bank of India,54 the Supreme Court reinter-
preted s. 6(a) of the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956, so as to retain
it within constitutional limits.
The courts have evolved the technique known as reading down a statute and
the courts often resort to this strategy to ensure constitutionality of the statute in
question.55 This technique involves interpreting general words in a statute nar-
rowly. As the Supreme Court has observed : for upholding any provision, if
it could be saved by reading it down, it should be done, unless plain words are so
clear to be in defiance of the Constitution.56
A few examples of the application of the technique of reading down may be
cited here. The Central Legislature enacted the Hindu Womens Rights to Prop-
erty Act conferring certain rights on Hindu women in property. The Central
Legislature had jurisdiction only on non-agricultural property, and not agricul-
tural property. Accordingly, to save the Act from unconstitutionality, the Federal
Court interpreted the word property used in the Act as referring to property
other than agricultural land. The Court observed :57
When a Legislature with limited and restricted powers makes use in an Act
of a word of such wide and general import as property, the presumption must
be that it is using it with reference to that kind of property with respect to
which it is competent to legislate and to no other.
Parliament enacted the Prize Competitions Act to provide for the control and
regulation of prize competitions. The expression prize competitions was de-
fined very broadly. To save the Act from unconstitutionality, the Supreme Court
in RMDC58 restricted its meaning to such competitions as are of a gambling na-
In Kedar Nath v. State of Bihar, s. 124A I.P.C., was interpreted in the nar-
rower sense and was thus sustained against a challenge under Art. 19(2). Sedition

53. Quarry Owners Association v. State of Bihar, AIR 2000 SC 2870, 2886 : (2000) 8 SCC 655.
54. AIR 1999 SC 1149, 1153.
Also see, Union of India v. Elphinstone Spinning and Weaving Co. Ltd., AIR 2001 SC at
733 : (2001) 4 SCC 139.
55. DTC v. DTC Mazdoor Congress, supra; B.R. Enterprises v. State of Uttar Pradesh, supra.
56. B.R. Enterprises, supra.
57. In Re, The Hindu Womens Rights to Property Act, 1937, AIR 1941 FC 72
58. RMD Chamiarbaugwalla v. Union of India, AIR 1957 SC 628 : 1957 SCR 930; supra, Ch.
XXIV, Sec. I(e).
Also, BR. Enterprises v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1999 SC 1867 : (1999) 9 SCC 700.
Syn H] Constitutionality of a Statute 2293

was defined as meaning words, deeds or writings having a tendency or intention

to disturb public tranquility, to create public disturbance or to promote disorder.
The Supreme Court rejected the broader view of S. 124A that incitement to pub-
lic order was not an essential element of the offence of sedition under this sec-
tion. This broad view would have made s. 124A unconstitutional vis-a-vis Art.
19(1)(a) read with Art. 19(2).59
When an interpretation of a clause makes it vulnerable to attack under Art. 14,
it should be avoided. If there is obvious anomaly in applying the law, the Court
could shape the law to remove the anomaly and give effect to the purpose of the
legislature. That could be done, if necessary, even by modification of the lan-
guage used.60
A good example of application of the strategy of reading down is provided by
Rt. Rev. Magr. Mark Netto v. Govt. of Kerala.61 The State Government made a
rule which was challenged as violative of the right conferred upon the minorities
by Art. 30. If the rule were to be interpreted broadly it could fall foul of Art. 30.
So, the rule was interpreted restrictively so as to be inapplicable to a minority
educational institution. The Court observed :62
We do not think it necessary or advisable to strike down the Rule as a whole
but to restrict its operation and make it inapplicable to a minority educational
institution in a situation like the one which arose in this case.
The Supreme Court has explained the scope of the doctrine of reading down as
follows :63
It is thus clear that the doctrine of reading down or of recasting the statute
can be applied in limited situations. It is essentially used, firstly, for saving a
statute from being struck down on account of its unconstitutionality. It is an
extension of the principle that when two interpretations are possible one ren-
dering it constitutional and the other making it unconstitutional, the former
should be preferred.. The second situation which summons its aid is where
the provisions of the statute are vague and ambiguous and it is possible to
gather the intentions of the legislature from the object of the statute, the context
in which the provision occurs and the purpose for which it is made.
It is not be proper to read down the provisions of a statute in relation to the pe-
riod during which the statute was subsisting as it would then affect persons who
never went to Court, because during the period it existed it did not apply to
When adherence to statutory language leads to unjust or illogical results, and,
thus, makes the law vulnerable to attack under Art. 14, the Court may take re-
course to indirect judicial review. The Supreme Court has observed in this con-

59. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. D(b).

60. Union of India v. Filip Tiago De Gama, AIR 1990 SC 981 at 985 : (1990) 1 SCC 277.
Also, Mahadeolal Kanodia v. The Administrator-General of West Bengal, AIR 1960 SC
936 : (1960) 3 SCR 578.
61. AIR 1979 SC 83 : (1979) 1 SCC 23; supra, Ch. XXX, Sec. B; Sec. C(h).
62. The Court applied the same strategy in New Delhi Municipal Committee v. State of Punjab,
AIR 1997 SC 2847 at 2903, 2904 : (1997) 7 SCC 339.
63. Delhi Transport Corporation v. D.T.C. Mazdoor Congress, AIR 1991 SC 101, at 180; see
also reading down statute to save arbitrariness and exercise of discretionary power. Salem
Advocate Bar Association v. Union of India, (2005) 6 SCC 344 : AIR 2005 SC 3353.
64. Punjab Dairy Development Board v. Cepham Milk Specialities Ltd., (2004) 8 SCC 621 :
AIR 2004 SC 4466.
2294 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

nection that if there is obvious anomaly in the application of the law, the Court
could shape the law to remove the anomaly. If the strict grammatical interpreta-
tion gives rise to absurdity or inconsistency, the Court could discard such inter-
pretation and adopt an interpretation which will give effect to the purpose of the
legislature. That could be done, if necessary, even by modification of the lan-
guage used. A law does not deal with specific controversies which the courts de-
cide. A law incorporates general purpose behind the statutory words, the Court
decides specific cases. If a given case falls well within the general purpose of the
legislature, but not within the literal meaning of the statute, then the Court must
strike the balance.65
A similar approach is to be seen in Govind v. State of Madhya Pradesh66
where police regulations were restrictively read by the Court and thus held valid
under Art. 19(1)(d).
Thus, reading down a statute to ensure its constitutionality is a common judi-
cial strategy. As KRISHNA IYER, J., has said in Bhim Singhji v. Union of India:67
. reading down meanings of words with loose lexical amplitude is permissible
as part of the judicial process. To sustain a law by interpretation is the rule.
But it is not in every case that the Court would resort to the technique of
reading down the statute. When the provision in question is cast in a definite
and unambiguous language, and its intention is clear, the Court will not mend or
bend it but declare it unconstitutional leaving it to the legislature to amend it if it
so desires. One example of the Court refusing to apply the doctrine of reading
down is furnished by Minerva Mills Ltd. v. Union of India,68 The Court refused to
read down Art. 31C to save it from the challenge of unconstitutionality. The
Court ruled that if the Parliament has manifested a clear intention to exercise an
unlimited power, it is impermissible to read down the amplitude of that power so
as to make it limited. The principle of reading down cannot be invoked or applied
in opposition to the clear intention of the legislature.
The Supreme Court also refused to apply the doctrine of reading down in
DTC.69 A service regulation was made conferring power on the authority to ter-
minate the services of a permanent and confirmed employee without assigning
any reason by giving one months notice. The regulation was characterised as
arbitrary, discriminatory and violative of Art. 14. The Court ruled : The lan-
guage of the regulation is so crystal clear that no two interpretations are possible
to be placed on it and hence it is not permissible to read in it any meaning other
than what is clearly sought to be conveyed by it.70
There are instances where instead of reading down the impugned law, the
Court may read something therein to uphold its validity. A few examples of such
judicial approach may be cited here.

65. Mahadeolal Kanodia v. The Administrator General of West Bengal, AIR 1960 SC 936 :
(1960) 3 SCR 578; Union of India v. Filip Tiago De Gama, AIR 1990 SC 981, 955 : (1990)
1 SCC 277.
66. AIR 1975 SC 1378; supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. G.
67. AIR 1981 SC at 242 : (1981) 1 SCC 166.
68. See, infra, next Chapter.
69. DTC v. DTC Mazdoor Congress, supra.
70. AIR 1991 SC at 181.
Syn I] Effect of Unconstitutionality 2295

In State of Mysore v. Bhat,71 instead of holding the law invalid under Art. 14
on the ground of lack of procedural safeguards, the Supreme Court read natural
justice into the law and sustained its validity, but quashed the orders made there-
under because of denial of natural justice.
In Express Newspaper,72 the Supreme Court read the ingredient capacity to
pay into the law enacted for fixing wages even though the law had failed to
specify the same and held it valid. Instead, the Court quashed the decision of the
wage board as it had not taken this ingredient into consideration while fixing the
wages. This technique avoided a re-enactment of the law in question but only
required a revision of the wage boards decision keeping in view the capacity of
the industry to pay.73
Just because the constitution validity of a statutory provision is pending in appeal
before the Supreme Court, it does not bar the High Court from deciding an issue re-
lating to such a provision.74

Syn I of Unconstitutionality

If an Act is initially unconstitutional being violative of a Fundamental Right,

its invalidity cannot be cured by framing rules for removing the infirmities from
which the Act was suffering. Thus, the Maharashtra Vacant lands (Prohibition of
Unauthorised Occupation and Summary Eviction) was held to be violative of Art.
14 and 19(1)(f). The unconstitutionality of the Act was not cured by framing the
Rules thereunder.75
What is the effect of a judicial declaration that a legislative enactment is un-
In an American case, the answer to the question was given as follows: An un-
constitutional Act is not a law, it confers no rights, it imposes no duties, it affords
no protection, it creates no office; it is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as
though it has never been passed.76
A similar theme is present in certain observations of MAHAJAN, J., in the Ke-
shavan Madhava Menon case.77
When the Supreme Court declares a law unconstitutional, the decision is
binding on all courts in India under Art. 141.78 The virtual effect thereof is that
the decision operates as a judgment in rem against all persons who may seek re-
lief subsequenlty and it is not necessary for them to establish the unconstitution-
ality of the statute again. The courts are bound to ignore an unconstitutional law.
If a person is prosecuted for contravening a section, a part of which has been
declared unconstitutional, no onus is cast on the accused to prove that his case

71. AIR 1975 SC 596 : (1975) 1 SCC 110; supra, Ch. XXI, Sec. D.
72. Supra, Ch. XXIV, Sec. J(e).
73. M.P. JAIN, Justice Bhagwati and the Indian Constitutional Law, 2 JILI, 31, 38.
74. Carona Ltd. v. Parvathy Swaminathan & Sons, (2007) 8 SCC 559 : AIR 2008 SC 187.
75. State of Maharashtra v. Kamal S. Durgule, AIR 1985 SC 119 : (1985) 1 SCC 234 for Art.
14, see, Ch. XXI, supra; for Art. 19(1)(f), see, Ch. XXXI, Sec. B.
76. Norton v. Shelby County, 118 US 425, 442 (1886 ).
77. AIR 1951 SC 128 : 1951 SCR 228; supra, Ch. XX, Sec. F.
78. Supra, Ch. IV, Sec. I(e); Sec. J.
2296 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

falls under the unconstitutional portion. To succeed, the prosecution must estab-
lish that the accused has contravened the constitutional, and, thus, the enforce-
able, portion of the section.79
An unconstitutional statute is void since its inception; it is regarded as non-
est.80 Anything done under it is void and illegal; even convictions made under it
are set aside; anything done under it, whether closed, completed, or inchoate, is
wholly illegal and the person affected is entitled to relief in one shape or an-
What is stated above is the general effect of the declaration of a statute as un-
constitutional. But there may be cases where the Court may tone down the drastic
effect in exercise of its power to mould relief.82 As stated earlier, the Court
may apply the doctrine of prospective overruling.83 As the Supreme Court has
observed in Orissa Cement Ltd. v. State of Orissa:84
The declaration regarding the invalidity of a provision and the determi-
nation of the relief that should be granted in consequence thereof are two dif-
ferent things and, in the latter sphere, the Court has, and must be held to have, a
certain amount of discretion. It is a well settled proposition that it is open to the
Court to grant, mould or restrict the relief in a manner most appropriate to the
situation before it in such a way as to advance the interests of justice. It will be
appreciated that it is not always possible in all situations to give a logical and
complete effect to a finding
Thus, there have been cases where a tax levied by a State has been declared to
be unconstitutional but while the Court has barred the State from collecting the
tax in future, it has freed the state from the obligation of refunding the tax already
collected. Ordinarily, once the tax is held unconstitutional, the tax ought to be
held bad ab initio from the date of its origin. But, the Supreme Court exercising
its power to mould relief under Art. 142, has modified the position by ruling that
the past collection of the tax would not be regarded as invalid. This has been
done to protect the financial position of the concerned State.85
Viewed in this light, the doctrine of Prospective Overruling, discussed earlier,
may be regarded as an aspect of the Supreme Courts power to mould relief. The
principle is that the Court moulds the reliefs claimed to meet the justice of the
caseJustice not in its logical but in its equitable sense.86 The Supreme Court
has been specifically given this power under Art. 142 of the Constitution. Under
Art. 142, the Court has power to do complete justice.87

79. Behram v. State of Bombay, AIR 1955 SC 133; supra, Ch XX, Sec. F.
80. See, Behram Khurshed Pesikaka v. State of Bombay, AIR 1955 SC 123, 145 : (1955) 1 SCR
613; R.M.D.C. v. Union of India, AIR 1957 SC 628, 633; M.P.V. Sundararamier & Co. v.
State of Andhra Pradesh, AIR 1958 SC 468, 489 : 1958 SCR 1422; Mahendra Lal Jaini v.
State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1963 SC 1019, 1029-1031 : 1963 Supp (1) SCR 912.
81. Supra, Ch. XX, Sec. F.
82. See, supra, Chs. XXXIII, Sec. A(o) and VIII, Sec. D(q).
83. See, supra, Sec. G under Prospective Overruling.
84. AIR 1991 SC 1676, at 1717 : 1991 Supp (1) SCC 430.
85. For Art. 142, see, supra, Ch. IV, Sec. G.
86. Somaiya Organics (India) Ltd. v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 2001 SC 1723, 1731 : (2001) 5
SCC 519.
87. See, footnote 85, supra.
Syn I] Effect of Unconstitutionality 2297

In Ashok Kumar Gupta v. State of Uttar Pradesh,88 the Supreme Court has
characterised the doctrine of Prospective Overruling as a method evolved by the
courts to adjust competing rights of parties so as to save transactions whether
statutory or otherwise, that were effected by the earlier law. The Court has fur-
ther observed that it was a rule of judicial craftsmanship with pragmatism and
judicial statesmanship as a useful outline to bring about smooth transition of the
operation of law without unduly affecting the rights of the people who acted
upon the law as it operated prior to the date of the judgment overruling the previ-
ous law. Ultimately, it is a matter of the discretion of the Supreme Court and is
relatable directly to the grant of relief by the Court.
What is the effect on an unconstitutional statute of a constitutional amendment
which removes the constitutional objection due to which the statute was declared
invalid? The matter has already been discussed earlier.89 In the Sundaramier
case,90 the Supreme Court applying the Doctrine of Eclipse held that the portions
of a statute declared bad under Art. 286 were revived when the Article was
amended so as to remove the constitutional quencher.
But this principle is not applied to a statute which may be invalid because of
excessive delegation.91 A law was challenged before the Supreme Court on this
ground. Pending the Courts decision, an amending Act was enacted to remove
the defect. The Supreme Court ruled by a majority that when an Act is bad on the
ground of excessive delegation, it is void ab initio and still-born and it cannot be
revived by an amending Act seeking to remove the vice. It means that the whole
Act has to be re-enacted in the modified form.92
Reference may be made to the doctrine of severability which has already been
discussed earlier.93 The doctrine is invoked to protect the valid parts of the law
and to eliminate only the invalid parts thereof. 94
If the unconstitutional portion is severable from the constitutional portion, then
only the former is affected; the statute is not regarded unconstitutional as a
whole; the statute minus the unconstitutional portion stands.95 For example, since
the State has no legislative competence to enact provisions relating to natural gas
and liquefied natural gas it is to that extent that the State Act would be ultra vires
the Constitution.96
The doctrine makes it possible that not the entire statute, but only the invalid
part thereof, has to go provided the good and the bad parts thereof can be sepa-
Severing is thus an attempt on the part of the judiciary to minimize the de-
structive effect of judicial declaration of constitutional invalidity of some por-

88. (1997) 5 SCC 201, see, supra.

89. Supra, Ch. XX, Sec. G, under Doctrine of Eclipse.
90. AIR 1958 SC 468 : 1958 SCR 1422; supra, Ch. XI.
91. Supra, Ch. II, Sec. N.
92. B. Shama Rao v. Union Territory, AIR 1967 SC 1480 : (1967) 2 SCR 650; supra, Ch. XX,
Sec. G.
93. Supra, Ch. XX, Sec. H.
94. Ibid.
95. D.S. Nakara v. Union of India, AIR 1983 SC 130, 147 : (1983) 1 SCC 305.
96. Special Reference No. 1 of 2001 In re (2004) 4 SCC 489 : AIR 2004 SC 2647.
2298 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

tions of a statute. If, however, the constitutional part cannot be separated from the
unconstitutional part, then the whole statute is held to be invalid.1
It is possible that a statute held invalid by the Court may later be sought to be
validated by the legislature by passing suitable legislation retrospectively re-
moving the defects and deficiencies in the law which resulted in its being de-
clared invalid. The Legislature cannot directly overrule a Court decision. The
legislature cannot seek to override a Court decision by a mere declaration or even
by making a statutory provision.2
The Supreme Court has enunciated the principle as follows:3
On the words used in the Act, it is plain that the Legislature attempted to
overrule or set-aside the decision of this Court. That, in our judgment, is not
open to the Legislature to do under our constitutional scheme. It is open to the
legislature within certain limits to amend the provisions of an Act retrospec-
tively and to declare what the law shall be deemed to have been, but it is not
open to the legislature to say that a judgment of a Court properly constituted
and rendered in exercise of its powers in matters brought before it shall be
deemed to be ineffective and the interpretation of the law shall be otherwise
than as declared by the Court. That judgment was binding between the parties
and also by virtue of Article 141 binding on all courts in the territory of India.
The legislature could not say that the declaration of the law was either errone-
ous, invalid or ineffective either as precedent or between the parties.4
Accordingly, in S.R. Bhagwat v. State of Mysore,5 a statutory provision was
declared ultra vires the powers of the State Legislature as it encroaches upon the
judicial field and tries to overrule the judicial decision
What the Legislature can do however is to remove the defect which led to the
invalidation of the law in question if the Legislature can do so under the Consti-
tution.6 What the Legislature can do is to enact a new law, amending the old law
so as to remove the base on which the Court decision was founded.
The Court has explained the position thus in Bola:7

1. State of Gujarat v. Raman Lal Keshav Lal Soni, AIR 1984 SC 161 : (1983) 2 SCC 33; Motor
General Traders v. State of Andhra Pradesh, AIR 1984 SC 121 : (1984) 1 SCC 222.
2. I.N. Saxena v. State of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 1976 SC 2250; Sundar Dass v. Ram Prakash,
AIR 1977 SC 1201 : (1977) 2 SCC 662; Madan Mohan Pathak v. Union of India, AIR 1979
SC 803; Indra Sawhney v. Union of India, AIR 2000 SC 498, at 516 : (2000) 1 SCC 168.
3. Janapada Sabha v. C.P. Syndicate Ltd., AIR 1971 SC 57 : (1970) 1 SCC 509.
Also see, Comorin Match Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. v. State of Tamil Nadu, AIR 1996 SC
1916 : (1996) 4 SCC 281; B. Krishna Bhat v. State of Karnataka, AIR 2001 SC 1885, at
4. For Art. 141, see, supra, Ch. IV, Sec. I(e).
5. AIR 1996 SC 188 : (1995) 6 SCC 16.
Also see, In re Caurvery Water Disputes Tribunal, 1992 AIR SCW 1286; G.C. Kanungo
v. Mysore, 1995 AIR SCW 2596 : (1995) 5 SCC 96; State of Maharashtra v. Tanuja, AIR
1999 SC 791 : (1999) 2 SCC 462; State of Haryana v. Karnal Coop. F.S. Ltd., AIR 1994 SC
1 : (1993) 2 SCC 363.
6. Supra, Ch. X, Sec. I.
Also see, Indian Aluminium Ltd. v. State of Kerala, (1996) 7 SCC 537.
The matter has been discussed in S.S. Bola v. B.D. Sardana, AIR 1997 SC 3127, 3172-
3173 : (1997) 8 SCC 522, Ch. XXXIV.
7. Supra, footnote 6.
Syn I] Effect of Unconstitutionality 2299

The consistent thread that runs through all the decisions of this Court is that
the legislature cannot directly overrule the decision or make a direction as not
binding on it but has power to make the decision ineffective by removing the
base on which the decision was rendered, consistent with the law of the Con-
stitution and the legislature must have competence to do the same.
Hence there is no interference with a judicial Order passed by a competent
Court or a tribunal where a policy decision is taken by the State Government to
abolish the State Administrative Tribunal allowing aggrieved litigants to ap-
proach appropriate authority or forum for ventilating their grievances.8
A statute will not be valid unless the defects pointed out are removed. Such
removal of the defects must be done keeping in view the principle of legislative
competence. Even Parliament could not validate an Act which was enacted with-
out proper legislative competence. As the measure of tax levied led to the decla-
ration of the law as invalid, being in truth and substance to be beyond the com-
petency of the State Legislature by reason of the impugned Acts, the levy cannot
be said to have been revalidated. They were required to be re-enacted but suchre-
enactment must also be in tune with any or other entries made in List II of the
The Supreme Court has pointed out10 that before the Legislature can validate a
tax declared illegal by the Court, the Legislature must remove, if it can, the cause
for ineffectiveness or illegality. It is not sufficient to merely declare that the deci-
sion of the Court shall not bind for that is tantamount to reversing the decision
given in exercise of judicial power which the Legislature does not possess.
Validation of a tax so declared illegal may be done only if the grounds of ille-
gality or invalidity are capable of being removed and are in fact removed and the
tax is thus made legal.11 The legislature can change the basis on which a deci-
sion of the Court was rendered. Legislative power could also be exercised even
with retrospective effect to render that decision ineffective. Thus the enactment
of H.P. Taxation (on Certain Goods Carried by Road) Act, 1991 specifically
stating that the levy of tax was compensatory and pointing out the facts relevant
thereto in the Statement of Objects and Reasons was held to be within the com-
petence of the State legislature and did not amount to overruling of the decision
in which High Court had held the previous Act to be unconstitutional.12
If an ordinance invalidated by a Court is reenacted into an Act the same would
be liable to be annulled once again. The Supreme Court cannot strike down a
legislation which it has on an independent scrutiny held to be within the legisla-
tive competence of the enacting legislature merely because the legislature has
reenacted the same legal provisions into an Act which, ten years earlier, were
incorporated in an Ordinance and were found to be unconstitutional in an errone-

8. M.P. High Court Bar Association v. Union of India, (2004) SCC 11 SCC 766 : AIR 2005 SC
9. State of W.B. v. Kesoram Industries Ltd., (2004) 10 SCC 201 : AIR 2005 SC 1646.
10. Shri P.C. Mills v. Broach Municipality, AIR 1970 SC 192 : (1969) 2 SCC 283; State of And-
hra Pradesh v. Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd., AIR 1975 SC 2037 : (1975) 2 SCC 274; In-
dira Gandhi Nehru v. Raj Narain, AIR 1975 SC 2299 : 1975 Supp SCC 1; Misrilal Jain v.
State of Orissa, AIR 1977 SC 1686 : (1977) 3 SCC 212; See also P Venugopal v. Union of
India, (2008) 5 SCC 1 : (2008) 7 SCALE 255.
11. Ibid., at 195. Also see, Ahmedabad Corporation v. New S.S. & Wvg. Co., AIR 1970 SC 1292
: (1970) 2 SCC 280.
12. State of H.P. v. Yash Pal Garg, (2003) 9 SCC 92 : (2003) 4 JT 413.
2300 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

ous judgment of the High Court, and, before the error could be corrected in ap-
peal, the Ordinance itself had lapsed. The Court pointed out by the impugned Act
Parliament has not overruled the judgment of the High Court nor has it declared
the same law to be valid which has been pronounced to be void by the Court and
that the impugned Act was not liable to be annulled on the ground of violation of
the doctrine of separation of powers.13


Syn J Court not bound by its own decisions

A principle of great significance which avoids stultification of the constitu-

tional law, and helps in its continuous development through the process of judi-
cial interpretation, is that the Supreme Court does not regard itself bound by its
own previous decisions and feels free to overrule them if it thinks that to be nec-
As early as 1955, in Bengal Immunity Co. v. State of Bihar,14 the Court ex-
pressed the opinion that it was not bound by its earlier judgments; it could recon-
sider its own previous decisions; it possessed the freedom to depart from them, or
even overrule them whenever it thought fit to do so to keep pace with the needs
of changing times. There was nothing in the Constitution against such a course of
action. Judicial opinions on constitutional questions are not immutable.
This is the first recorded instance of the Supreme Court considering the ques-
tion whether it could overrule an earlier decision rendered by it. DAS, ACTING
C.J., speaking for the majority on the Bench observed : There is nothing in our
Constitution which prevents us from departing from a previous decision if we are
convinced of its error and its baneful effect on the general interests of the pub-
The main reason for taking this view is that while errors of ordinary law could
be corrected by ordinary legislative process, an error of constitutional law could
be set right only by the difficult, dilatory and cumbersome process of constitu-
tional amendment. A perpetuation of mistakes in constitutional matters would be
harmful to public interests.
The Court has, however, emphasized that it would exercise its power to recon-
sider previous decisions with due care and caution and only to advance the public
well-being. If on a re-examination of the question, the Court concludes that its
previous decision was wrong and erroneous then it would be its duty to say so
and not to perpetuate the mistake.
In Sajjan Singh,15 the Court again expressed itself on this point thus: The
Court would be prepared to review its earlier decision in the interest of public
good; the doctrine of stare decisis should not be permitted to perpetuate errone-
ous decisions pronounced by it to the detriment of the general welfare; but it
would depart from its previous decisions only when considerations of a substan-
tial and compelling character make it necessary to do so.
The Supreme Court has several times overruled or modified its earlier views.
In Bengal Immunity, the Court reconsidered, and departed from its ruling in, the

13. Dharam Dutt v. Union of India, (2004) 1 SCC 712 : AIR 2004 SC 1295.
14. AIR 1955 SC 661 : (1955) 2 SCR 603; Supra, Ch. XI, Sec. J(i).
15. Infra, Ch XLI.
Syn J] Supreme Court not bound by its own decisions 2301

United Motors case,16 since this case was having an adverse effect on the con-
suming public by imposing a tax burden erroneously on the people, giving rise to
a consequence manifestly and wholly unauthorised. The Chief Justice observed
further referring to United Motors:
It is not an ordinary pronouncement declaring the rights of two private indi-
viduals inter se. It involves an adjudication on the taxing powers of the States
as against the consuming public generally. If the decision is erroneous, as in-
deed we conceive it to be, we owe it to the public to protect them against the
illegal tax burdens which the States are seeking to impose on the strength of the
erroneous recent decision.
The Court cautioned that we should not lightly dissent from a previous pro-
nouncement. But if the previous decision was plainly erroneous, the Court is
duty-bound to say so and not perpetuate the mistake.
In Supdt. and Remembrancer of Legal Affairs, West Bengal v. Corp. of Cal-
cutta,17 the Court overruled Director of Rationing v. Calcutta Corp.,18 because
the proposition laid down therein was inconsistent with the legal philosophy of
the Constitution, inconsistent with the republican Indian polity and bristled with
In Kalu Oghad,19 the Court modified its view expressed in Sharma v. Satish.20
In Golak Nath,21 the Court by a majority of 6 : 5 overruled its previous deci-
sions in the Sajjan Singh and Shankari Pd. cases and, again, in Kesavananda
Bharati overruled certain aspects of Golak Nath.22
A shift in judicial view can also be seen in the area of legislative privileges
when reference is made to the Blitz, the Searchlight and the Keshav Singh
In Sambhu Sarkar, the Court overruled Gopalan as regards the interpretation
of Art. 22(7)(a) saying that in a matter involving the right of personal liberty, the
fact that a decision has held the field for long should not be a deterrent against its
In the Bank Nationalization case, the Supreme Court changed its views on the
inter-relation of Arts. 19(1)(f) and 31 and on justiciability of compensation as
compared to its previously expressed views. 25
In S.N. Sarkar v. State of West Bengal,26 the Supreme Court overruled Gopa-
lan27 as regards the interpretation of Art. 22(7).28 It was argued before the Court

16. Bombay v. United Motors (India) Ltd., AIR 1953 SC 252 : 1953 SCR 1069; Supra, Ch. XI,
Sec. J(i).
17. Supra, Ch. XXXVII, Sec. G.
18. Ibid.
19. Supra, Ch. XXV, Sec. C.
20. Supra, Ch. XXV, Sec. C.
21. Infra, Ch. XLI
22. Ibid.
23. Supra, Chs. II, Sec. L and VI, Sec. H.
24. Supra, Ch. XXVII, Sec. C(i)(a).
25. Supra, Ch. XXXI, Sec. C(iii).
26. AIR 1973 SC 1425, at 1435 : (1973) 1 SCC 856.
27. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. C.
28. Supra, Ch. XXVII, Secs. B(d) and (f).
2302 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

that the majority-decision in Gopalan has stood for such a long time that it
should not be disturbed unless there are strong and manifest reasons to do so.
Brushing aside the argument, the Court observed that this Court would review
its earlier decisions if it is satisfied of its error or of the baneful effect such a de-
cision would have on the general interest of the public, or if it is inconsistent
with the legal philosophy of our Constitution, and that in constitutional matters,
this Court would do so more readily than in other branches of law as perpetua-
tion of an error would be harmful to public interests.
More importantly, the Supreme Court overruled Gopalan in Maneka Gandhi
as regards the interpretation of Art. 21.29 This proved to be a significant turning
point in the development of constitutional law as, thereafter, Art. 21 has assumed
a totally new complexion and witnessed a great expansion in its range and
The Supreme Court thus acts as a self-correcting agency. The Court does not
rigidly bind itself by the doctrine of stare decisis in constitutional matters be-
cause it recognises that the task of interpretation of the Constitution is not static
but dynamic. The Constitution is an organic document and as the shape of prob-
lems continuously goes on changing in a progressive and developing society, the
Constitution must keep pace with the newly emerging problems. The Court thus
has scope for judicial creativity and can adapt the constitutional law to the
changing needs of the society.
In the Constituent Assembly, the view was expressed that in order to ensure
elasticity, to enable mistakes to be rectified, and to leave room for growth, the
Supreme Court should not be bound by its own decisions and that it should be
able to amend its own interpretations of law made by it previously to rectify the
errors it might have committed earlier.31
The Supreme Court does not, however, lightly reconsider its earlier decisions.
The Court feels that it is necessary that the nations Constitution is not kept in
constant uncertainty by judicial review every season because it paralyses, by per-
ennial suspense, all legislative and administrative action on vital issues.32 The
Supreme Court has expressed its views on this question as follows:33
Enlightened litigative policy in the country must accept as final the pro-
nouncements of this Court by a Constitution Bench unless the subject be of
such Fundamental importance to national life or the reasoning is so plainly er-
roneous in the light of later thought that it is wiser to be ultimately right rather
than to be consistently wrong. Stare decisis is not a ritual convenience but a
rule with limited exceptions. Pronouncements by the Constitution Benches
should not be treated so cavalierly as to be revised frequently. We cannot de-
value the decisions of this Court to brief ephemerality.
The Court realises that, on the one hand, too frequent overruling by it of its
past decisions will introduce uncertainty and confusion in the law. On the other

29. Supra, Ch. XXVI, Sec. C.

30. Supra, Ch. XVI, Sec. J.
31. VIII CAD 386.
Also see, Union of India v. Raghubir Singh, AIR 1989 SC 1933 : (1989) 2 SCC 754.
32. Ambika Prasad v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1980 SC 1762 : (1980) 3 SCC 719.
But see, SEERVAI, THE POSITION OF JUDICIARY, supra, at 69-76, where the author says that
the Court has changed its views too often on some questions.
33. Ganga Sugar Corp. v. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1980 SC 286, 294 : (1980) 1 SCC 223.
Syn J] Supreme Court not bound by its own decisions 2303

hand, the Court feels that it should not hesitate to correct the error by overruling
its decision if it is satisfied that it was clearly erroneous.34
Some of the circumstances when the Supreme Court can reconsider and over-
rule its own previous decision are:
(1) When the contextual values giving birth to the earlier view had altered sub-
stantially. The Supreme Court has observed in Maganlal :35
Some new aspects may come to light and it may become essential to cover
fresh grounds to meet the new situations or to overcome difficulties which did
not manifest themselves or were not taken into account, when the earlier view
was propounded.
(2) When there were compelling and substantial reasons to do so.36
(3) When an earlier relevant statutory provision had not been brought to the
notice of the Court.
The Court has stated the relevant considerations to be borne in mind by it
when the Court can change its views expressed in an earlier case in Keshav
What is the nature of the infirmity or error on which a plea for a review and
revision of the earlier view is based? On the earlier occasion, did some patent
aspects of the question remain unnoticed, or was the attention of the Court not
drawn to any relevant and material statutory provision, or was any previous de-
cision of this Court bearing on the point not noticed? Is the Court hearing such
plea fairly unanimous that there is such an error in the earlier view? What
would be the impact of the error on the general administration of law or on
public good? Has the earlier decision been followed on subsequent occasions
either by this Court or by the High Courts? And, would the reversal of the ear-
lier decision lead to public inconvenience, hardship or mischief ?
The Supreme Court has again considered the question in S.C. Advocates-on-
Record Ass. v. Union of India.38 The question before the Court was whether the
earlier case S.P. Gupta v. Union of India39 should be overruled on the question
of appointment of Judges in the Supreme Court and the High Courts. While the
Court realised that frequent overruling of its decisions was not desirable as it
would make law uncertain and unpredictable, yet the Court felt that:
it is emphatically the province and essential duty of the superior Courts to
review or reconsider its earlier decisions, if so warranted under compelling cir-
cumstances and even to overrule any questionable decision, either fully or

34. Keshav Mill Co. Ltd. v. CIT, AIR 1965 SC 1636 : (1965) 2 SCR 908; Maganlal Chhaganlal
(P.) Ltd. v. Municipal Corp. of Greater Bombay, (1974) 2 SCC 402 : AIR 1974 SC 2009; S.
Nagaraj v. State of Karnataka, (1993) Supp. (4) SCC 595; Cauvery Water Disputes Tribu-
nal, In re, (1993) Supp (1) SCC 96 (II); AIR 1992 SC 522; Union of India v. Raghubir
Singh, (1989) 2 SCC 754 : AIR 1989 SC 1933.
Also see, supra, Ch. IV; Rupa Ashok Hurra v. Ashok Hurra, (2002) 4 SCC 388.
35. Maganlal Chagganlal (P.) Ltd. v. Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay, AIR 1974 SC
2009 at 2042 : (1974) 2 SCC 402.
36. Keshav Mills Co. v. Commissioner of Income-tax, AIR 1965 SC 1636 at 1644 : (1965) 2
SCR 908; Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan, AIR 1965 SC 845; see, infra, next Chapter :
(1965) 1 SCR 933.
37. Ibid.
38. AIR 1994 SC 268 : (1993) 4 SCC 441.
39. AIR 1982 SC 149.
Also see, S. Nagaraj v. State of Karnataka, (1993) 5 JT (SC) 27 : 1993 Supp (4) SCC 595.
2304 Constitutional Interpretation [Chap XL

partly, if it had been erroneously held and that no decision enjoys absolute im-
munity from judicial review or reconsideration on a fresh outlook of the con-
stitutional or legal interpretation and in the light of the development of innova-
tive ideas, principles and perception along with the passage of time.40
The view of the Supreme Court that it has power to reconsider its own previ-
ous decisions is in line with the modern judicial thinking in other countries where
courts discharge the function of judicial review.
In the U.S.A., a mechanical attitude to stare decisis is decried.41 As Chief Jus-
tice HUGHES has warned, one must not expect from the Court the icy strato-
sphere of certainty. The reason for this flexibility is that the Supreme Court is
primarily a constitutional Court, and amendment of the U.S. Constitution being a
very difficult process,42 the Court reserves to itself the power to correct its own
errors. For example, BRANDEIS, J.,43 has stated : Stare decisis is ordinarily, a
wise rule of action. But it is not a universal, inexorable command.
In another case,44 BRANDEIS, J., has stated :
Stare decisis is usually the wise policy, because in most matters it is more
important that the applicable rule of law be settled right. This is commonly true
even where the error is a matter of serious concern, provided correction can be
had by legislation. But in cases involving the Federal Constitution, where cor-
rection through legislative action is practically impossible, this Court has often
overruled its earlier decisions. The Court bows to the lessons of experience and
the force of better reasoning recognising that the process of trial and error, so
fruitful in the physical sciences, is appropriate also in the judicial function.
The High Court of Australia reserves to itself the power to reconsider its own
decisions. As BARTON, J., has observed in Inthe Tramways case:45
But the Court can always listen to argument as to whether it ought to review
a particular decision, and the strongest reason for an overruling is that a deci-
sion is manifestly wrong and its continuance is injurious to the public interest.
Even in Britain, the House of Lords, which until recently regarded itself bound
by its own previous decisions, has now changed its views in this matter. The
House has now come to recognise that too rigid adherence to precedent may lead
to injustice in a particular case and also unduly restrict the proper development of
the law. Accordingly, while treating its former decisions as normally binding, the
House would depart from a previous decision when it appears right to do so.46

40. AIR 1994 SC at 303.

Prof. FREUND states that movement in constitutional law is not to be foreclosed or made
difficult by an absolute doctrine of stare decisis : A Supreme Court in a Federation, 53. Col.
LR 614. Schwartz states that the American Supreme Court has now gone to the other ex-
treme: AMERICAN CONST. LAW, 160.
42. Infra, next Chapter.
43. State of Washington v. Dawson and Co., (1923) 264 US 646.
44. David Burnet v. Coronado Oil and Gas Co., (1931) 285 US 393.
45. (1914) 18 CLR 54.
46. Practice Statement (Judicial Precedent) issued by the House of Lords, (1966) 1 WLR 1234.
Taking advantage of this newly assumed power, the House of Lords in Conway v. Rim-
mer, (1968) 1 All ER 874, modified the law relating to, and restricted the ambit of, Crown
Privilege regarding production of documents before the courts as laid down in Duncan v.
Cammel Laird & Co., (1942) AC 624.
Syn J] Supreme Court not bound by its own decisions 2305

In the practice statement issued on July 26, 1966, LORD GARDINER, L.C.,
Their Lordships nevertheless recognise that too rigid adherence to precedent
may lead to injustice in a particular case and also unduly restrict the proper de-
velopment of the law. They propose therefore to modify their present practice
and, while treating former decisions of this House as normally binding, to de-
part from a previous decision when it appears right to do so.
The House of Lords has thus assumed a more creative and active role in the
development of law. The High Court of Australia also reserves to itself the right
to reconsider its own decisions.
It may be appreciated that the proposition that the Supreme Court is not bound
by its previous decisions enables the Court to play a more creative and dynamic
role in shaping and moulding constitutional law. This aspect becomes very evi-
dent from a study of the post 1978 constitutional cases.47

47. See, Ex p. Pinochet Ugarte (No. 2), [1999] 1 All ER 577.

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