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2 Semester, AY 2015-2016

Course Information Faculty Information

Course Code: EE 324 Name: Dennis Jefferson Amora
Course Title: Electronics 1 for EE Office: DEEE
Credit Units: 3 Email: [email protected]
Pre-requisites: Phone:
Schedule: 12:00 PM 2:30 PM LB381TC MoTueWeTh Consultation: (See Bulletin Board)
Course Description

The course covers basic principles and theories of semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors. It also deals with the applications
AC analysis of bipolar junction and field effect transistors, transistor amplifiers and switches are also included. Focuses on the fundament


By the end of the semester, students should be able to: Alignment to Program Outcomes

CO1: analyze operations and applications of semiconductor The student outputs in this course are demonstrative of the achievement o
[PO1] ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science
CO2: analyze the construction, characteristics and operations
of BJT and FET in dc circuits [PO3] ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired
such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
CO3: Construct and design a power supply sustainability, in accordance with standards
[PO4] ability to identify, formulate, and solve electronic engineering problem
[PO11] ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineerin
engineering practice

As evidence of having achieved the outcomes, students must produce quality outputs and/or carry out tasks successfully.
Formative Summative (Rubric-Based)
For CO1- CO3: For CO1- CO2: Final Exam (Written)
SeatWorks, HomeWorks, Long Quizzes For CO3: Design Project

Assessment Rubrics (See Annex 1)

Output/Performance Rubric No. & Title

Grading System
The students grade for the course is computed based on both formative and summative assessment data. The computation is detailed below.
Grade Component Weight Computation
SW, HW, Edmodo Activities (CS) (20%) Midterm Grade = (CS*0.20) + (LQ*0.50) +(EX*0.30)
Long Quizzes, Design Project (LQ) (50%) Final Grade = (CS*0.20) + (LQ*0.50) +(EX*0.30)
Major Exams (Midterm/Finals)(EX) (30%)
Overall Grade:
Midterm Grade x 0.40
Final Grade x 0.60
Total Grade Passing Grade: 3.0

Course Topics Week Learning Activities

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines Page 1
Semiconductor Diode Explain covalent bonding, holes and free electrons
Describe a PN Junction diode
P and N type materials
PN junction diode Analyze the construction of a diode
V-I characteristics Differentiate forward and reverse bias
Diode Circuits (DC) Solve and analyze diode circuits in series, parallel,
Series connection
Differentiate and analyze the application of diode in
Parallel connection
CO1/CO3 Series-parallel connection 1-2 Analyze the applications of diode in clipping and cla
Diode Applications and Design (AC) Analyze the operations and characteristics of a Zen
Power supplies
Waveshaping circuits
Voltage multipliers
Zener Diode Circuits and other PN Junction

Analyze the construction, characteristics and opera

BJT Construction, Characteristics and
Operations Differentiate npn and pnp
PNP and NPN type
Analyze BJT in different DC biasing configurations
BJT configurations 3 -4
BJT DC Analysis and Design
Different DC biasing
Designing biasing resistors

Analyze the construction, characteristics and opera

JFET Construction, Characteristics and
Operations Differentiate n and n channel JFET
CO2 / CO3 Analyze JFET in different DC biasing configurations
P and N channel

JFET configurations
5 -6
JFET DC Analysis and Design

Different DC biasing

Designing biasing resistors


Learning Resources
Learning materials that students can access on their own outside of class.
Boylestad, R. & Nashelsky, L. (2013). Electronic devices and Circuit theory (11th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc
Floyd, T. L. (2012). Electronic devices: conventional current version, (9th ed). Boston: Pearson.
Gates, E. (2012). Introduction to Electronics (6th ed). Delmar Cengage Learning
Bishop, O. (2011). Electronic:Circuitsand Systems, (4th ed). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Schultz, M. (2011). Grobs Basic Electronics, (11th ed). McGraw-Hill.
Course Policies
Enroll Edmodo Class
Students are required to join to edmodo class.
Schools policy on attendance, cheating, plagiarism and proper conduct shall be applied.

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines Page 2
Name of Faculty
Engr. Isabelo Rabuya
Prepared by Approved by
Name of Chair
Department Chair

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines Page 3

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