April 19 - 25, 2017 Sports Reporter

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The East's Most Read Bowling Weekly

Sports Reporter
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940
Vol. 78 No. 07 April 19 - 25, 2017 25 cents

Wes Malott Defends Throne as PBAs King of Bowling Mike Ninivaggi 300 at Farmingdale
By Bill Vint | PBA Page.
FARMINGDALE, NY Mike 256-771, Steve Fisher 244-237-
PORTLAND, Maine Over the I wish we had been able to do
Ninivaggi blasted a 300 game in 236-717, Mario Carmico 258-28-
past eight years, Wes Malott has something like this sooner, espe-
the Wednesday Early Mens 712, Paul Verderos 222-247-226-
undergone knee surgery, added cially after the performance I had
League at Farmingdale Lanes. 695, and Frank Magro 260-245-
another child to his family and at Kegel, Malott said. Any time
Arthur ONeill rolled 259-256- 676.
operated a pair of pro shops back you can compete against the
in Pflugerville, Texas. But when it hottest players of the time, its Gonzalez, McCarroll 300 at Lodi Lanes
came time to defend the great fun. It might not have meant LODI, NJ Manny Gonzalez and posted a 300 game while rolling in
Professional Bowlers as much to Jason or EJ as it did to Marvin McCarroll took center the Monday Night Trios League at
Associations King of Bowling me, but it was something I needed stage spotlight when they each Lodi Lanes.
crown after that lengthy delay, to prove to myself.
Malott was more than up to the I havent had the drive I need to Adams 808, Westergaard 801 At Rockaway
challenge. have lately, so to be able to bowl ROCKAWAY, NJ Bowling in ors.
Malott, now 40 and a 10-time, against the best and take them the County Tuesday Night Mixed Paul Shiel rolled 279-779, Steve
Hall of Fame-eligible PBA com- PBA photo down in a somewhat convincing at Rockaway Lanes Nick Friedman hit a 264, Rebecca
petitor, rolled games of 238, 256 King Wes Malott manner was enjoyable. It felt a lit- Westergaard tallied a 297-801 for Chapparo 242-590, Sandy Turner
and 227 for a 721 three-game to Bayside Bowl in Portland, tle like a regular TV show, and I high game and PJ Adams collected 222-608, and Dawn Andreano
series and a convincing victory Maine, for the havent been in that position for a a 286-808 to take high series hon- 222.
over 2016 PBA Player of the Year MaineQuarterly.com Mark while. But thats the reason you do
EJ Tackett of Huntington, Ind., this. Its a whole lot more than the
and Jason Belmonte of Australia,
Roth/Marshall Holman PBA
money, and to do it in front of the
Steve Venito 300 at Majestic Lanes
Doubles Championship and the HOPELAWN, NJ - Steve Venito high series of 784.
who recorded 664 and 640 series, L.L. Bean PBA League Elias Cup fans here in Maine was awesome.
earned top honors in the Raritan Brian Adamson shot 268-238-257-
respectively, in the revival of the finals. Now its back home to Texas
Bay Mens League blasting games 763, Josh Weber 244-238-268-750,
made-for-television King of Malott dominated the original where the now-father of two boys
of 224-260 and a perfecto 300 Chris Fisher 242-257-224-723,
Bowling special event. King of Bowling series at the and a daughter will be taking his
game that gave him the evenings Nick Cascone 278-224-219-721.
The Xtra Frame Pay Per View Kegel Training Center in Lake kids to softball, baseball, bowling
series, which aired exclusively on
the PBAs live-streaming service
Wales, Fla., in 2009, winning events non-stop.
My wife and I have something
Andrew DAngelo 300 at Coram
challenge matches five consecu- CORAM, NY - Andrew DAngelo John Krasowski shot 299-735,
that didnt exist the last time tive weeks against Parker Bohn going every day until August 2,
hit a 300 game in the Thursday Rodney Rivers 289-711, Connor
Malott won the crown, was con- III, Chris Barnes, Patrick Allen, Malott grinned. And then school
Quads at Coram Country Lanes. Druhm 759, and RJ Gocinski 729.
ducted as part of the PBAs return Walter Ray Williams Jr. and Rhino starts.


National Television package includes live coverage of U.S. Open and PWBA Tour majors, plus Intercollegiate Championships, Junior Gold Championships and USA Bowling
ARLINGTON, Texas The best professional, collegiate and watching nearly every Tuesday in primetime for a national America.
youth bowling tournaments once again will be nationally tel- audience. We will have 23 weeks of shows for bowling, which is an
evised on CBS Sports Network as part of its agreement with The national television schedule kicks off May 2 with the opportunity to promote the sport and our partners to a
the United States Bowling Congress. Intercollegiate Singles Championships, and CBS Sports national television audience, said BPAA Executive Director
The 23-event national television package features live cov- Network will televise at least one bowling show each week Frank DeSocio. The chance to keep bowling top of mind
erage of the U.S. Open, a major event on the Professional through the PWBA Tour Championships on Sept. 6. every week with a consistent schedule delivers a great ben-
Bowlers Association (PBA) Tour, and live or same-day cov- In between, there will be 13 shows from the PWBA Tour, the efit for the entire bowling industry.
erage of the four major tournaments on the Professional finals of the Intercollegiate Team Championships, and the Most events will be televised on Tuesdays in primetime as
Womens Bowling Association (PWBA) Tour the USBC title matches of the Junior Gold Championships presented 20 of the 23 shows will start between 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
Queens, Go Bowling PWBA Championship, U.S. Womens by the Brands of Ebonite International, and the USA (Eastern) and 15 of the shows will start at 8 p.m. (Eastern).
Open and PWBA Tour Championships. Bowling National Championships presented by Sixlets. The PWBA Tour portion of the schedule kicks off with the
We are thrilled to showcase the sport of bowling on CBS The national television schedule will conclude with the live live stepladder finals of the USBC Queens from the Raising
Sports Network through this extensive national television stepladder finals of the U.S. Open on Nov. 1. Canes River Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Tuesday,
package, USBC Executive Director Chad Murphy said. The PWBA Tour, U.S. Open and youth events are collabora- May 23, at 10 p.m. (Eastern). Finals of the regular-season
From May to September, bowling will be appointment tively funded with the Bowling Proprietors Association of PWBA events will taped on location at the major event sites.
2 SPORTS REPORTER April 19 - 25, 2017

Joan Taylors........ AT CORAM COUNTRY LANES

Ten Pin Rap....... Corey Bett 763 Rich Roth 722
CORAM, NY - Corey Bett topped CORAM, NY - Rich Roth paced
BOWLING COMMUNITY MOURNS THE LOSS OF JIMMY MACK the scoring in the Tuesday Mixed the scoring in the Friday Senior
The phrases end of an era and ing card set. While it is not listed numerous to cite here. I feel that League rolling a 269 game for a League rolling a 279 game for a
loss of a legend sometimes get in his achievements, he and team this message from Linda Klusick, high series of 763. high series of 722.
thrown around to excess, but this mate Paul Petescola shot a 600 daughter of the countys first hall- Dave Dario shot 277-746, Will Rich DiBenedetto hit 257-685,
is how I felt when James and Tim doubles game (the Bowling of-famer, the late John Klusick, Risley 278, and Tisha Luti 256. Joe Romanski 276-677, and John
Mack announced the passing of Congress turned it down) and says it all: Diana Walter 736 Buckley 269-642.
their father, Jimmy, at age 73. Jimmy said It was the toughest As I thought about the bowling CORAM, NY - Diana Walter Danny Kwasny 685
My recollection of the red-haired 300 (his tenth) I ever threw, community (I do that often!), the topped the scoring in the Monday CORAM, NY - Danny Kwasny
choirboy was at Dover High because I bowled second and I admiration of all for the great few, Mixed League blasting games of led the scoring in the Friday Night
School in the early 1960s when didnt want to let Paul down. He, and the acknowledged efforts of 258-259-219 for a high 736 Mixed League rolling a high series
he was always the featured soloist like his son Tim, was named the many to learn and grow in the series. of 685.
in the choirs. I was later told that Metropolitan Bowler of the Year sport, it is easy to come up with Lou Fasani rolled 299-735, Derek Wells hit 668, Dave
he often performed the National in 1966. He had 3 PBA Regional the name Jimmy Mack. I went Frank Mirabile 259-706, and Sherwin 266, and Jess Demauro
Anthem prior to pro tournaments. titles and 2 Eagles from the back into the treasured articles Marlene Mirabile 252-642. 243-656.
I also remember seeing him on American Bowling Congress collected by my Dad over
local television as a bowler. Then national tournament in 1968 and decades. The references to
he joined the Professional Bowlers 1973. Klusick/Mack, Mack/Klusick,
Jose Ramos and 2 Brians Rule at Howell
Association (PBA) and went on Jimmy and his wife Joan especially during the late 60s are HOWELL, NJ Jose Ramos fired a 706 series for 130 POA, while Brian
tour. I knew he was good, mainly (Popovich) had 2 sons, James and priceless. I remember our family Larson and Brian Hart faced off in a match seeing Larson throw a 288 (first
from his friends, but I didnt real- Tim, and both parents athletic watching Jimmy on TV as he com- 10 strikes before leaving the 6-10 and spare) and Hart firing a 269 game.
ize he was that good. genes were bestowed upon the peted on the professional tour. A Hart prevailed in series with a 715 to a 703 for Larson. Mark Gollinge
Here are only a few bowling high- boys. Years later, in 1980, Jimmy treat to watch him and the root- subbing on Freehold Tire chipped in the only other 700 a nice 708.
lights: In 1981, he was inducted married his current wife, Linda. ing section of John, Lois, Jennifer
into the New Jersey State BA Hall They resided in North Carolina, and yours truly came through loud Alex McGuire 698, Joseph Mahoney 697
of Fame (I was lucky enough to be and while Jimmy retired from and clear! Jimmy noted in his
there). In 1988, he was inducted bowling, he enjoyed golfing, espe- remembrance of my Dad, that it Lead Youth Travel League Play
into the Morris County USBC BA cially when visiting up North to was more than Johns ability that LODI, NJ Firing three 600s Blasting nine 200s en route to
Hall of Fame. He is listed as one see his sons and grandchildren made me watch him, it was his and seven deuces, Holiday II held 2550 net, the sessions top series,
of the greatest Action bowlers of Ryan, Lana, and Jason. class. I even buttoned my top its seven-point league lead via a Holiday Is squad powered its way
all time on an action bowler web- He courageously fought and sur- (bowling) shirt button (as my stunning sweep of Hi-Tor I, 29-3. past T-Bowl, 21-11 [2898-2765];
site. He was runner-up to his vived throat cancer, but in the past dad always did). I saw Jimmy Spearheading the victory was sparking the potent offense was
friend Skee Foremsky in the 1969 few months, the big C returned about a year ago, and he reminded Wade Chamberlain 227-233-233: Alex McGuire whose 210-265-
Showboat (PBA) Invitational tour- with a vengeance. me of the top shirt button story. 693 with ample support from Tom 223: 698 was the days best indi-
nament in Las Vegas. He was fea- The well wishes poured in from all Jimmy will always be remem- Chamberlain 234-209: 626, Devin vidual set; taking the cue were
tured in the 1972 PBA Tour trad- over the country, and are too bered for his friendliness, that Crowley 226: 602 and Esteban David Neil 254-219: 660, Nick
wonderful smile, his outstanding Garcia 216. Hi-Tor I, which Cilento 223-226: 633 and Frank
slipped to third place, was unable Magyar 204-221. High set for T-

Sports Reporter
bowling accomplishments, and his
class. To the Mack family, and as to keep pace with the winners, Bowl was orchestrated by anchor
the representative of the Klusick despite decent numbers from John Tommy Luchetta 266-204: 651.
Editor/Publisher Dan McDonough family, may I say thanks for shar- Toscano 207-225-212: 644, Mark On a pair which presented a
Technology Editorial Assistants ing Jimmy with the bowling com- Shapiro 237 and Matt Cona 197- challenge for both teams, Bowler
Hank Allen Immaculatta DElia munity over many decades. We 198. City I bounced back from an open-
Contributing Writers will always have the memories of Montvale took over second ing game loss to beat Bowler City
Joan Taylor Pat McDonough a great guy enjoying the sport he place by exploding for a 2505 net III, 20-12 [2676-2509]. Kristen
loved--Heaven has just added threesome in overwhelming fourth Kane led the scoring with 224-
For information regarding advertising, subscrip- place Lodi, 29-3. Pounding the pin 197: 590 while teammates Janina
more lanes...the games continue
tions, or editorial content call: decks for Montvale were Joseph Santoro and Gabby Pangaro con-
by the greats!
(201)865-5363 Mahoney 244-227-226: 697,
Matthew Russell 237-226: 637,
tributed deuces of 214 and 201
respectively. Bowler City IIIs
E-mail: [email protected] Chris Torres 222-222: 614 and Peter Bondy led the team with
Or Dan at: [email protected] Michaella Raab 557 giving her a 209: 580.
Sports Reporter neat +89 over series average. In the sessions other faceoff,
Fashioning fine numbers for Lodi Hi-Tor II held its fifth place posi-
P.O. Box 1491, Secaucus, NJ 07094 were Nick Greco 255: 637, Steve tion by sweeping three games
Plaszky 253: 593 and Krista from Bowler City II behind
Eskow with an impressive +72 Mercedes Morel 200-227: 602 and
pins over average 218. Annamarie Zayas 204: 567.
April 19 - 25, 2017 SPORTS REPORTER 3


Put Togethers: Michael Holdnak 224-613, Scott Branstetter 193-556, Geno McCroy 184- Rockaway Women: Lois Kehmna 204-516, Tammy Baldwin 199-582, Tina Richardson
506, Michelle Halko 188-532, Sheryl Carfi 156-417, Amy Caselli 147-399. 198-503, Carol Scheu 194-523, Diana Arvidson 182-505, Susan Chillemi 180-486, Annette
Rossi 177-509, Liliane Ambrus 177.
Rockaway Mixed: Ed Galuska 276-723, Patrick Lyness 276-679, Shawn Casey 258, Brian
Theriault 253-725, Jeff Morin 248-728, Stacey Yodice 279-687, Nidia Haneveld 267-666, Rockaway Foursome: Brian Theriault 289-749, Heriberto Matias 269-709, Ron ONeil
Donna Sodano 236-634, Dori Tingoli 234-616, Keri May 234-664, Liesl Apgar 227-675. 257, Al Osusky 248, Judy Von Itter 205-539, Elyse Dickman 192-519, Ellen ONeill 190.

Weekend Warriors: Isaac Russell 259-648, Robert Szuski 212-524, Benjamin Cruz 130- Nor Bu Lodge: John Hearn 277-700, Ben Lay 268-650, Phil Dattolo 255-631, Marie
349, Benjamin Ginsberg 123-347, Hannah Digangi 151-402, Chelsey Cruz 130-334. Vantreuren 197, Kim Jenkins 196-525, Stacey Titus 190, Darlene Krzanowski 492.

Spanish American Mixed: Tyrone Wahl 247-638, Eddie Acevedo 238 game, Dan
Chester Men: Stephen Boylan 240-586, Joseph Wilkinson 233-630, Charlie Tredway Sr. Palazzolo 235-632, Benny Nieves 631.
225-589, Evonte Dickerson 222-582, Stephan Szardenings 215-612, John Schrzer Jr. 205,
John Wilkinson 202-577. Thursday Nite Mixed: Scott Struble 267-784, Curt Frazer 258-689, Alex Dalmedo 253,
PJ Adams 251-687, Nidia Haneveld 247-664, Kimberly Cartelli 222-578, Tami Mehesy
Fox Hills Seniors: Joe Dagostino 259-654, George Carban 239, Steve Rainer 238, 221-559, Martha Hoffman 219-543.
Bernadette Memolo 184, Helen Loverro 172, Andree Kay 164, Helen Loverro 456, Kathy Youth Program:
Ingenito 440.
Gutter Busters: Paul Yacullo 138-233, Dara Rauschberg 86-169.
Morris Hills Mixed: Sal Antoniello 183-513, Barry Webb 171-474, Manny Barroqueiro
167-403, Bill Hamilton 141-400, Joyce Brokling 177-480, Beth Williams 170-434, Dolores Junior
Webb 168-432. Bumper Buster: Joey Martella 102-179.
4 SPORTS REPORTER April 19 - 25, 2017
Kyle Durfee 801 Carmelo Randazzo 687 Bob Andrews 236 Midweek Mixers: Mike Mooney Friday Golden Age: Bill Kiernan
FARMINGDALE, NY - Kyle FARMINGDALE, NY - Carmelo FARMINGDALE, NY - Bob 235-277-719, Jesus Paredes 248- 225, Kenny Sonnes 235, Rafael
Durfee earned top honors in the Randazzo topped the Monday HS Andrews rolled 236, Steve Butera 235-702, Ron Cabello 279-683, Chireno 208.
Friday Late Mixed League blast- Practice firing games of 216-225- 231, Nick Jorgensen 224-227, Lenny Nguyen 247-233-685.
ing a high game of 299 and a high 246 for a high series of 687. Evan Apostilidis 225, and Maria Saturday Early Birds Mixed:
series of 801, Peter Gilliland rolled 245-653, Tamburrino 220 in the Thursday Gottscheer Bowling Club: Bill Gantt 225, Ashley Richards
Wingo Hom shot 236-238-277- Christopher Kelch 246-226-635, Goodtimers League. Freddy Luscher 233-217-223- 226-245-651, Winston Edwards
751, Howie Delman 234-243-239- Max Garrido and Michael 673, Roland Belay 247-223-209- 226-217-221-664, Byron
Steve Swersky 225 679, Erich Wagner 202-212. Lambright 265-231-235-731,
716, William Ramos 220-232- Lamanno 255, and Alex Cruz 246- FARMINGDALE, NY - Steve
249-701, George Robinson 255- 207. Kamal Saleem 264-652, Roger
Swersky rolled 225, Neal Levibn Pin Pals: Steve Cheng 234-231- King 228.
246-698, and Louis Getzelman Brian Siemers 678 211, Art Noskin 210, and Artie
266-246-695. 657, Dennis Fung 256, David
FARMINGDALE, NY- Brian Auster 207 in the Thursday Green Leitch 205-256-650, George Crown Jewels: Rev Jebucitwa
Jeff Page 745 Siemers paced the scoring in the Men League. Pirpinas 207-237, Danny 255, Ron Prioleau 235, Dana
FARMINGDALE, NY - Jeff Page Wednesday Party League rolling Marvin Slifkin 216 Muentes 201-211, John Cicack Johnson 214-221-638.
led the scoring in the Tuesday games of 247-237 for a high series FARMINGDALE, NY - Marvin 212-227-637, Steve Bates 203-
Early Birds rolling 279-262-745. of 678. Slifkin shot 16, Gerard Hoeler 236-611. P.B.C.: Owel Ocampo 236-244,
Eric Reynolds hit 258-234-254- Lloyd Hasluck hit 210-234-226- 189, Al Noll 177, Emanuel Jimmy Vega Sr 250, Jesus
745, Tyrone Page 286, Greg 670, Michael Jordan 242, and Les LaGattta and Karen Bruno 172 in Friday Hi-Rollers: Johnny Lee Paredes 248-233, Ronnie
Herzing 278-699, and Michael Tse 241. the Friday Sunshine Kids League. 223-276, Tim Lau 226-245-682, Generoso 225-233, Andro
Berardino 258-693. Stephen Dialzon 249 Efren Enriquez 223-246-267- DeGuzman 233-236, Roderick
Alex Grzybowski 215
Lou Barbara 736 FARMINGDALE, NY - In the 736, Marlon Enriquez 246-257- Delarosa 247.
FARMINGDALE, NY - Lou Sunday Adult/Junior League 705, Bryan Paul 239-244-697,
Saturday St Martins League Alex
Barbara topped the scoring in the Stephan Dialzon shot 249, Peter Sarne 279, Steve Sierra Saturday Juniors and Preps
Grzybowski shot 215, Brian
Expressway Glass League blast- Nicholas Fina 204, and Matthew 225-259-696, Bob Ostermann League: Michael Orman bowled
Lunetto and Tris Stremmel 201,
ing games of 254-236-246 for a Lindgren 184-178. 245-278-254-777, Frank Gulin Sr for less than a year bowled 239-
and Michael Graston 189.
high series of 736. In the Sunday Adult/Junior 221-256-679, Ronnie Fandino 289-203-731 series while
John Donnarumma hit 279-213- League Ralph Lindgren hit 195, Ron Catapano 210 269-228-279-776, Kevin Viloria Madison Estrella bowled 220,
233-724, Glen Appell 279-709, Joan Gallagher 186, and Stephen FARMINGDALE, NY - In the 276-762, Jaime Ansale 228-244- Giovanni Lara 209, Utkash Patel
Nick Filosa 266, and Casey Dialzon 172. One Nite Stand League Ron 236-708. 211, Brandon Antoine 198.
Sparacio 216-242-231-689. In the Monday AM Seniors Catapano shot 210, Craig Liguori
James Curran 723 League Willie Mack hit 179, Edna 208, Joe Mule 204, Anthony
FARMINGDALE, NY- James Noonan 165, and Gloria Cohen
Barcellona 203, and Rose Petriello
201. 02179$/(/$1(6
Curran led the scoring in the
Wednesday Early Mens League
rolling games of 265-243 for a
high series of 723. ([LW*63DUNZD\ 

Arthur ONeill shot 237-226-
247-710, Paul Verderosa 268-225- Home of many Mens, Womens and Mixed Leagues
706, Sean Mott 278, and Joseph Excellent Junior Program and Adult-Junior Leagues
Evers 255-235-215-705. 
Rob Buckling 721 

FARMINGDALE, NY - Rob Get In The Game Trio
Fourplay rolling games of 258- 2QO\SHUZHHNVWSODFH RXUZHEVLWHDQGVHQGextra specials to anyone on our e-mail list.
246-217 for a high series of 721. 
Paul Baron shot 212-256-246- Ocean Summer Doubles
714, Eddie Gruber 236-203-245- 6FKRROV&DPSVDQG&RUSRUDWH*URXSV:HOFRPH
684, and Eddie Allen 239-669 *DPH0DWFK3RLQW
Bill Kremlicka 693 
FARMINGDALE, NY -Bill Friday Teen Scholarship
Kremlicka led the scoring in the 0LNH)XQWVFK0DQDJHU
games of 276-204-213 for a high Spring Leagues Now Forming. -HDQ)XOPRUH/HDJXH&RRUGLQDWRU
series of 693. Call for more information
Kenny Simon shot 246-221-679,
Joe Angelone 276-203-677, and

April 19 - 25, 2017 SPORTS REPORTER 5

6 SPORTS REPORTER April 19 - 25, 2017
Anthony Cimino 761 Randy Catania 728 Steven Santiago 693 Brad Eliman 683 Sean McGinn 680
Anthony Cimino topped the scor- Randy Catania led the scoring in Steven Santiago led the Saturday Brad Eliman led the Temple Sean McGinn paced the El
ing in the Custom Thumbz the Wednesday Night Mixed Scholarship League rolling 255- Avodah League rolling games of Cheapo rolling 200-268-212 for a
Doubles League blasting games League rolling games of 218- 244 for a high series of 693. 268-220 for a high series of 683. high series of-680.
of 269-235-257 for a high series 266-244 for a high series of 728. Stephen Winley, Jr shot 257- Stuart Blau hit 265, Steve Klein John LaBau hit 235-213, Joe
of 761. Keith Benenati rolled 258-233- 210-648, Christopher Freen 224- 236, and Scott Mackoff 219. Rolston 234, Mark Kopper 232.
Nadine Williams-Clory shot 695, Robert Benanati 248-223- 224-643, and Paul Igel 222-216- Danielle Davis shot 199, Kathy In the Tuesday Long Beach
257-230-245-732, Frank Cimino 684, Phillip Otero 248-223-684, 637. Fletcher 195, Linda Walsh 182, Cathoics Nancy Johnson hit 176-
222-249-253-724, Mike and Keith Skellington 236-232- Patrice Nolan shot 223, Carrie and Irene Flatley, Berice 159, Tracy Kilduff 166-145.
Chookasezian 224-255-244-723, 201-669. Kusterbeck220, Stacy Salomides Namorato, and Trish Lugo 177 in Patrice Guido shot 217-209,
Richard Butt 279, John OFarrell Greg Ton 716 216-201, and Kathy Andrews 202 the Monday Ladies Classic Adriene lupo 193-178, the
270-256-716, and Lawrence ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - in the Rockvilles League. League. Tuesday Koffee Kats League.
Welfare 237-237-2235-709. Greg Ton led the scoring in the
Pat Zenker 761
Pat Zenker topped the scoring in
the Tuesday Late Mens League
Thursday Mixed League rolling
games of 211-249-256 for a high
series of 716.
Nick Bois hit 238-235-239-712,
Lodi Lanes
blasting games of 276-265 for a Chuck Marciano 263-225-211-699, 7HUKXQH$YH/RGL1-
high series of 761. and Ray Berrios 269-216-660.
Matthew Meaney rolled 243- Glen Smith 706

251-252-746, Anthony Bruno ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - ZZZ/RGL/DQHVFRP
258-234-692, Joe Mazza 269- Glen Smith led the scoring in the 
690, Steve Lella 268-677, and
Michael Goucher 204-259-214-
rolling games of 258-236 for a
Mike Desmond 740 Ben Gregoretti hit 258-217-673, 
ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Barry Clare 280-671, Frank Jara
Mike Desmond topped the scor- 215-241-236-692, and Robert

ing in the Wednesday Senior Bischodd 248-224-669.
Doubles League blasting games
of 276-226-238 for a high series
Jay McCray 703 &RPLQJ8S
of 740. McCray led the scoring in the
James Hardaway rolled 255- Thursday Senior Birds League
237-223-715, William Tyson 
rolling games of 276-224 for a
220-232-246-698, Steve Carter high series of 703. $SULO8%$7KH*DXQWOHW
249-247-691, Ed Frontera 247- George Fields hti 279-209-682, 
239-693, and Gordon Ng 234-
Murray Schultz 288-648. %HKLQGWKH)RXO/LQH

See...... %X]]*RRGPDQ7RP6HPL]




Sports Reporter 5LFNV3UR6KRS 

April 19 - 25, 2017 SPORTS REPORTER 7

Thank you for bowling with us!



All Maple Family Centers Junior League Bowlers are entitled to participate in the
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8 SPORTS REPORTER April 19 - 25, 2017


Ali Randell 773 Joe Maloney 688 Mark Makwinski 674 Matthew DAndrea 649 Jenn Pazo 624
HOPELAWN, NJ - Ali Randell HOPELAWN, NJ - Joe Maloney HOPELAWN, NJ - Mark HOPELAWN, NJ - Matthew HOPELAWN, NJ - Jenn Pazo
topped the scoring in the Raritan paced the scoring in the Thursday Makwinski paced the scoring in DAndrea paced the scoring in the paced the South Shore League
Bay Mens League blasting 238- Mixed Nuts rolling games of 247- the Wednesday Night Mens Family League rolling games of rolling a 250 and a high 624.
278-257 for a high series of 773. 248 for a high series of 688. League rolling games of 202-226- 269-215 for a high series of 649. Matt DAndrea rolled 222-204-
Jason Gomez rolled 264-269- Don M. Hellhake hit 218-244- 203 for a high series of 674. Lisa Columbus shot 237-224- 615, John Kaminski 201-212-609,
239-772, Ed Bulkilvish 259-235- 640, John Syslo 236-203-620, and Bill Larsen hit 245-213-626, Cid 639, Ron Burwan 224, and Steve Brian Peccerillo 211-222, and
252-746, Steve Mottola 235-249- Don E. Hellhake 222-212-600. Srentella 246-211-626, and Osiadacz 202-216. Anthony DAndrea 213.
253-737, Chris Fisher 279-242- Daniel Pawelek 684 Clemente Sivo 236-623.
212-733, and William D. Willard, HOPELAWN, NJ - Daniel Jake Olszyk 674
Jr. 245-238-248-731. Pawelek topped the scoring in the HOPELAWN, NJ - Jake Olszyk
David Franczak 757 Family League blasting games of paced the scoring in the Thursday
HOPELAWN, NJ - David 211-226-247 for a high 684 set. Night Mixed League rolling
Franczak topped the scoring in the Kevin Kopko rolled 231-227- games of 227-204-243 for a high
Wednesday Majestic Open League 655, Brian Pawelek 224-233-634, series of 674.
blasting games of 246-288-223 for Steve Oiadacz 214-234-615, and Kurt Moszkowski hit 209-238-
a high series of 757. Lisa Columbus 216-233-611. 632, Nicholas Piomelli 246-202-
Bill Keim rolled 245-2325-654, In the Federal Business Centers 626, and Kieran Zebrowski 211- WHERE YOU WILL FIND A FUN , FAMILY ATMOSPHERE
Scott Ellan 234-238-652, and Fred League Chuck Mantione hit 222- 208-204-623.
Gleckler 230-203-213-646. 203-606, Eric LaCroix 190, and Pat Moreno 653
Packed With Super Bowling Specials
Chris Fisher 750 Mary Person 180. HOPELAWN, NJ - Pat Moreno 40 Lanes With All The Space You Need
HOPELAWN, NJ - Chris Fisher Dan Hansell 679 led the scoring in the Monday
topped the Premiere Pro Shop HOPELAWN, NJ - Dan Hansell Night Mixed League rolling Plenty of Fun Filled Bowling Leagues to Join
Sunday Trios blasting 279-236- led the scoring in the Merck games of 260-201 for a high series
235 for a high series of 750. League rolling games of 260-236 of 653. With Room For Just About any Size League
Bob Weisensee shot 246-245- for a high series of 679. Dan DeBenedetto hit 204-230-
244-735, Anthony Bascone 208- Tu Trinh hit 240-246-654, Tom 217-651, John Baginsky, Jr 231- Majestic Lanes has some choice days and times
207-299-714, and Paulo Toy 209- Vickery 290-632, and Jimmy 217-202-650, and Andrew Sova available for the upcoming bowling season
265-235-709. Griffith 217-227-621. 200-206-242-648.
Robert Girod 705 Majestic is a friendly, clean, modern center
HOPELAWN, NJ - Robert Girod that is league friendly.
led the scoring in the Garden State
Mixed League blasting games of We believe in the sport
234-277 for a high series of 705.
Jose Medina hit 222-230-643, and the competitive side of bowling
Kyle Jannuzzi 200-226, and
Douglas Jewell 235.
Raymond Siecinski 704
Fabulous Food
HOPELAWN, NJ. - Raymond Including All Day Breakfast
Siecinski led the scoring in the
Wednesday Night Trios League
rolling games of 246-246-212 for
a high series of 704. Customized just for you and your Business,
Peter Marinello hit 238-234-213-
685, Mike Kelly 235-254-676, and Child, Fund Raising, and Family Fun with no
Tony Tamondong 227-214-205- setup or cleanup, we do it all for you
Mike Kellly 699 Find details on all this and more at our Website
HOPELAWN, NJ - Mike Kelly
led the scoring in the Friday Night www.MajesticLanes.com
Mixed rolling games of 224-269-
206 for a high series of 699. 525 Route 9 North, Hopelawn, NJ
Frank Capparelli, Jr rolled 235-
246-213-605, Lew Caffew 224-
204-247-675, Dave Rezes 204- Phone 732-826-6800
265-200-669, and Michael Holoka
245-231-669. www.majesticLanes.com

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