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Casolco Macotela Adrin

Cultural diversity

Whether we want it or not, whenever we talk about culture we should bear in mind that we are
messing with a quite important and delicate topic at the same time: diversity. Cultural diversity
can be defined as the cultural variety and cultural differences that exist in the world, a
society, or an institution (Stein, J, 2002). Therefore, it is anyones duty to understand and be
aware of what cultural diversity is about.
Often, it is believed that frontiers, countries, and flags are what divide one culture from
another, yet the truth is that diversity lies within a single culture or a single group of
individuals. Thus, several ways of thinking, behaving, or believing can be found in a same
society even though is far or close to another one; i.e., not because we share the same
culture we are going to behave the same way.
Cultural diversity means that we might come across with unsympathetic people.
However, this does not mean that we must defend or argue every time we interact with
others, but to keep in mind that our statements might be right or wrong, and our responsibility
is to respect others standpoints.
Mexico is not an exception. According to the Movimiento Nacional por la Diversidad
Cultural de Mxico (MNDCM), 64% of people in Mexico consider themselves as brown;
however, 54.8% said they were insulted by their skin color and 15% felt that their rights had
been violated for the same reason (2016). Issues like color skin, dialect, traditions, religion,
beliefs, etc., create tension among individuals that -in some cases- results in a monocultural
way of thinking.
A monoculture is a single, homogeneous culture without diversity or dissension
(Houghton Miffin Company, 2000), which excludes those who are not willing to follow its pre-
established organization system. Nevertheless, a monoculture also has its own benefits such
as consistent traditions and festivities.
In my opinion, cultural diversity has its pros and cons, and it depends on the way we
want to see it. On the one hand, having variety means that everybody can believe or think
anyway they like as long as they respect each other, which looks quite healthy. On the other
hand, too much diversity might result in a Tower of Babel where no one would understand
others ideas or behaviors.
Casolco Macotela Adrin


Houghton Miffin Company (2000). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English
Language, 4th Edition. Boston: Houghton Miffin Company.

MNDCM. (2016). Contra el racismo en Mxico: Fundamental fortalecer la diversidad cultural.

Retrieved February 25th, 2016 from:

Stein, J. (2002). Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. 2 nd Edition. Florida:

Random House Reference

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