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Service Note

Training Power Electronics

Your Knowledge. Your Power.

ABB is a leading supplier of Power Electronic Education profile

systems. The extensive experience and his- ABB Power Electronics training courses are offered as stan-
tory of innovation helps customers around dard versions or specifically tailor made to meet the needs
the world to improve plant performance and and know-how of our customers.
Customer awareness means that ABB is Our operation and maintenance courses are aimed to qualify
committed to support customers worldwide customer maintenance engineers to do first level support of
in their plans for growth. ABB offers a wide ABB Power Electronic systems. The main course goal is to
range of professional training courses adapted learn how to operate, maintain and troubleshoot ABB Power
to meet the needs of their customers. Electronic systems.

Upon completion of the course, customers will be able to

Benefits of the training locate and identify hardware components, download fault log-
The training courses support our customers to increase their gers and important information for first analyses by support
return of investment, reduce down time and improve the skills personnel, replace parts and to perform preventive mainte-
and motivation of their personnel. nance.

Training participants profit from our extensive experience The trainees will gain practical experience in troubleshoot-
and modern training infrastructures which enable them to: ing using available tools and techniques through organized
efficiently operate and maintain ABB Power Electronic practical exercises.
s ystems
troubleshoot problems faster
extend the lifetime of the ABB Power Electronic systems
Training locations
ABB Power Electronics trainings are conducted in our
w ell-equipped Learning Center in Switzerland by
high-qualified instructors.

Apart from our standard training courses according to fixed

schedules, we also offer tailor made trainings on-site at
c ustomers premises.

Training Course list

Copyright 2009 ABB. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. 3BHS304672
ABB equipment Course Target Group Duration
AC 800PEC J400 AC 800PEC H&T Application, Test and Service and Commissioning Engineers 2
J410 AC 800PEC Control Builder Application engineers, programmers and system integrators 5
AC 800PEC Matlab/Simulink J450 AC 800PEC Matlab/Simulink Application, Test and Service and Commissioning Engineers 3
FOCS J251 FOCS Level 1 + 2 Application, Test and Service and Commissioning Engineers 2
High Power Rectifier J220 High Power Rectifier System O&M Operation & maintenance engineers, electricians and technicians 4
Power Electronics Monitor J290 PES Monitor Operation & maintenance engineers, electricians and technicians 2
Project design and commissioning engineers
PSR/FUPLA2 J950 PSR2/FUPLA2 Programming 5
Testing engineers, who use a standardized PSR system
J940 SYNCHROTACT 4 O&C Project design, commissioning, instrumentation and control engineers,
J900 SYNCHROTACT 5 O&C Operating, testing and maintenance personnel
Static Var Compensator J240 SVC O&M Operation & maintenance engineers, electricians and technicians 4
J990 Excitation Systems and
UNITROL Basics Operating, testing and maintenance personnel 2
Synchronous Machines Fundamentals
UNITROL 1000 J130 UNITROL 1000 S&C Operation & maintenance engineers, electricians and technicians 3
UNITROL 5000 J620 UNITROL 5000 O&M Operation & maintenance engineers, electricians and technicians 4
UNITROL 6800 J683 UNITROL 6800 O&M Operation & maintenance engineers, electricians and technicians 5
UNITROL 6080 J684 UNITROL 6080 O&M Operation & maintenance engineers, electricians and technicians 5
UNITROL P J320 UNITROL P O&M Operation & maintenance engineers, electricians and technicians 3
UNITROL F J520 UNITROL F O&M Operation & maintenance engineers, electricians and technicians 3
other UNITROL Types O&M Operation & maintenance engineers, electricians and technicians on request

For more information please contact:

Training course information and registration
Information on training courses such as course descriptions, ABB Switzerland Ltd
prices, schedules and registration forms can be found through Power Electronics
our course locator on the ABB University web portal: CH-5300 Turgi / Switzerland Phone: +41 58 589 38 09
Fax: +41 58 589 20 90
E-Mail: [email protected]

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