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Genetic and Dietary Factors Inuencing the

Progression of Nuclear Cataract

Ekaterina Yonova-Doing, MSc,1 Zoe A. Forkin, BSc,1,3 Pirro G. Hysi, MD, PhD,1
Katie M. Williams, MPhil, FRCOphth,2 Tim D. Spector, MD, PhD,1 Clare E. Gilbert, FRCOphth, MD,4
Christopher J. Hammond, MD, FRCOphth1,2

Purpose: To determine the heritability of nuclear cataract progression and to explore prospectively the effect
of dietary micronutrients on the progression of nuclear cataract.
Design: Prospective cohort study.
Participants: Cross-sectional nuclear cataract and dietary measurements were available for 2054 white
female twins from the TwinsUK cohort. Follow-up cataract measurements were available for 324 of the twins (151
monozygotic and 173 dizygotic twins).
Methods: Nuclear cataract was measured using a quantitative measure of nuclear density obtained from
digital Scheimpug images. Dietary data were available from EPIC food frequency questionnaires. Heritability was
modeled using maximum likelihood structural equation twin modeling. Association between nuclear cataract
change and micronutrients was investigated using linear and multinomial regression analysis. The mean interval
between baseline and follow-up examination was 9.4 years.
Main Outcome Measures: Nuclear cataract progression.
Results: The best-tting model estimated that the heritability of nuclear cataract progression was 35% (95%
condence interval [CI], 13e54), and individual environmental factors explained the remaining 65% (95% CI,
46e87) of variance. Dietary vitamin C was protective against both nuclear cataract at baseline and nuclear
cataract progression (b 0.0002, P 0.01 and b 0.001, P 0.03, respectively), whereas manganese and
intake of micronutrient supplements were protective against nuclear cataract at baseline only (b 0.009, P
0.03 and b 0.03, P 0.01, respectively).
Conclusions: Genetic factors explained 35% of the variation in progression of nuclear cataract over a
10-year period. Environmental factors accounted for the remaining variance, and in particular, dietary vitamin C
protected against cataract progression assessed approximately 10 years after
baseline. Ophthalmology 2016;123:1237-1244 2016 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. This is an
open access article under the CC BY license (

Age-related cataract is the leading cause of blindness in the inversely with nuclear cataract. Randomized clinical trials of
world, affecting approximately 20 million people, particu- vitamins C and E supplementation alone or in combination
larly in sub-Saharan Africa.1 Its prevalence increases from with other vitamins failed to nd an effect.18,19 Vitamin A has
2.9% in the 43- to 54-year age group to 40% in those been associated with a reduced risk of nuclear cataract,9,20,21
older than 75 years of age.2 As the worlds population ages, as have lutein and zeaxanthin.22e24 The studies exploring
cataract will remain a serious healthcare and socioeconomic dietary nutrients and cataract progression have ndings
burden, in terms of both healthcare provision and blindness similar to those looking at prevalent cataract, with cohort
in less-developed countries. studies nding a protective effect.16,25 However, supplement
Nuclear cataract is the most common form of age-related trials largely have failed to nd an effect.18,26,27
cataract.2 Apart from age, other factors associated with As opposed to vitamins and micronutrients,28 the role of
nuclear cataract are smoking, oxidative stress, and dietary minerals in cataract formation in general and in nuclear
antioxidant intake.3e5 However, studies of the effect of cataract in particular is poorly studied. Together with
dietary vitamin C intake,6e11 serum vitamin C concen- epidemiologic factors, genetic factors also play a role in
trations,6,9,11e13 and vitamin C supplementation6,10,14 on cataract formation. We previously reported that genetic
nuclear cataract formation often have given conicting re- factors explain 48% of cross-sectional variance in age-related
sults. Case-control studies7,11,12,14 and some cohort nuclear cataract.29 In a recent genome-wide meta-analysis,
studies6,9,10 have found protective effects. Other prospective variants in 2 genes, CRYAA and KCNAB1, were found to be
cohort studies have found no effect overall8,13,15 or protective associated with nuclear cataract in Asian populations,30 but no
effects only in subgroups.8,15 Similarly to vitamin C, di- ndings are available for populations of European origin. In
etary6,16 and supplemental14,17 vitamin E intake and vitamin comparison with epidemiologic factors, little is known about
E blood concentrations6,13 have been shown to be related genetic susceptibility factors in age-related cataract.

 2016 by the American Academy of Ophthalmology 1237

This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( ISSN 0161-6420/16
licenses/by/4.0/). Published by Elsevier Inc.
Ophthalmology Volume 123, Number 6, June 2016

Factors that lead to the development of a phenotype may that individuals (aged 50 years) who attended the HATS visit and
be different from factors underlying change, such as pro- who did not have eye examinations in 1989e1999 had their
gression of lens opacity. Therefore, we set out to establish baseline cataract assessment during HATS (2006e2011;
the relative importance of genes on progression of nuclear N 1523). Reasons for having only longitudinal data for 324 of
the original 1012 twins included death (N 52), withdrawal
cataract using a classic twin model with a highly quantita-
of participation from the TwinsUK registry (N 169),
tive measure of nuclear cataract. We also examined how noncontactable (N 30), refusal of further phenotyping (N 82),
intake of micronutrients and supplements associated with cataract surgery (N 11), and refusal of dilating drops or
nuclear cataract at baseline affects nuclear cataract pro- unavailability of ophthalmic testing at the HATS visit (N 344).
gression over a decade. Both the baseline study and the HATS study received local
research ethics approval and were conducted according to the
tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. All the participants gave
Methods written informed consent.

Subjects Phenotyping
Nuclear cataract data at baseline were available for 2515 white female Nuclear Cataract Scores. Digital black and white lens photo-
twins (mean age, 62.3 years; range, 50.1e83.1 years) from the graphs were taken using a Scheimpug camera (Case 2000;
TwinsUK cohort, 2054 of whom had also completed a food frequency Marcher Enterprises Ltd., Worcester, UK), and the same camera
questionnaire (FFQ) around the time of their eye examination. The was used at both baseline and follow-up. Nuclear cataract was
median time interval between an eye test taking place and a FFQ measured quantitatively by calculating the pixel density in the
completion was 2 years. The 461 twins with cataract data but without center of the lens nucleus, also known as the central nuclear dip
FFQ data were 2.5 years younger on average and less affected by score (NDS).29 This score measures the amount of white scatter
cataract. Cataract progression data were collected from 324 twins (151 (opalescence), and more opacication results in higher pixel
monozygotic [MZ] and 173 dizygotic [DZ]) with a mean age at density. Because NDS uses black-and-white images, it does not
follow-up of 69.85.4 years (range, 58.3e83.6 years) as part of the assess the brunescence of the lens. Nuclear cataract progression
Healthy Ageing in Twins (HATS) study between 2006 and 2010.31 was measured as the difference in measurements between the
Individuals included in the follow-up were all part of our original visits: DNDS NDS at follow-up  NDS at baseline. Both NDS
cataract heritability study of 1012 twin participants assessed in 1998 and DNDS were not normally distributed and therefore were
and 1999.29 The mean time between baseline and second visits was 9.4 transformed using natural logarithm before the analysis.
years (range, 7e12 years). The smaller number of individuals with Nutrient Intake. Intake of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals)
follow-up data is mainly due to the fact that the HATS study (in and supplements was estimated using the EPIC FFQ, which was self-
which the follow-up data were collected) was not designed specically administered at the baseline visit. This questionnaire explored the
as a cataract follow-up study and had different selection criteria: average frequency of intake of 131 foods and supplements over a
Participants were aged more than 40 years and had to have previously 1-year period.32,33 Nutrient intake was calculated using an established
attended clinical phenotyping irrespective of whether they had an eye nutrient database, and the dietary variables were adjusted for calorie
examination or not (N 4610) (Fig 1). The TwinsUK study started in intake, yielding an energy-adjusted mg/mg of each nutrient per person
1992, but eye measures were performed only on subjects more than 50 per day.32,34,35 We considered the following micronutrients in the
years of age in 1998e1999, and subsequently from 2006. That meant analysis: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron,

Figure 1. Consort diagram of the study showing the number of individuals who participated in the different parts of the study and reasons for no
participation at follow-up. FFQ food frequency questionnaire; HATS Healthy Ageing in Twins.

Yonova-Doing et al 
Genes, Diet, and Nuclear Cataract Progression

copper, zinc, chloride, manganese, iodine, retinol, carotene, vitamin had nuclear cataract measured at follow-up. Baseline characteris-
D, vitamin E, thiamine, riboavin, niacin, tryptophan, vitamin B6, tics and nutrient and supplement intake are shown in Table 1, and
vitamin B12, folate, pantothenate, biotin, and vitamin C. an example of a lens image is available in Figure 2. The twins with
Data on supplement intake were available for 33 different sup- follow-up data were on average 1.1 years younger at baseline (60.4
plements. However, the percentage of individuals taking any single vs. 61.5 years) and, given their younger age, had less cataract
supplement was 10% or less. Supplements were grouped as follows: (mean NDS scores of 55.3 and 60.4, respectively) compared with
any supplements; micronutrient supplements (vitamins and minerals those with only cross-sectional data. In both cases, these differ-
in any combination); micronutrient supplements excluding multivi- ences were not statistically signicant (P > 0.05). The MZ and DZ
tamins (e.g., vitamin C only, vitamin D only, iron only, ACD twins with follow-up data were similar in terms of age and NDS
complex); minerals only (e.g., iron only, calcium only); and other scores (P > 0.05). The MZ and DZ twins with cross-sectional data
supplements (e.g., aloe vera, Echinacea, Ginkgo, omega-3). Each only were similar in terms of age, but the MZ twins had a slightly
supplement group was coded as a binary variable, with yes indi- higher NDS score (61.6 vs. 59.3; P 0.02).
cating that they took 1 or more of the supplements in a specic group. There were also no statistically signicant differences between
groups in terms of micronutrient intake except for iron (P 0.02),
Statistical Analysis thiamine (P 0.04), and biotin (P 0.01). The twins with follow-
up data had slightly lower iron and thiamine intake (mean of 12.6
Modeling of Heritability. Heritability was analyzed in 310 twins and 1.7 mg, respectively) and slightly higher biotin intake (mean of
(155 pairs: 72 MZ and 83 DZ) because data were missing on 14 co- 49.7 mg) compared with individuals without follow-up data. There
twins. Zygosity was determined by a standardized questionnaire were also no signicant differences in supplement intake between
and conrmed using genome-wide single nucleotide poly- the 2 groups (P > 0.05). There were no statistically signicant
morphism genotyping data or DNA short tandem repeat differences between MZ and DZ twins in terms of nutrient or
ngerprinting. supplement intake (P > 0.05).
Twin studies are able to estimate the heritability of a trait (the As expected, nuclear cataract scores progressed in all partici-
amount of variance explained by genetic factors) using maximum pants (Fig 3). The mean baseline central NDS was 5511 (range,
likelihood structural equation modeling. The variance of the trait and 32e99) with the score increasing by an average of 19.916.9
the covariance within twin pairs are used to estimate additive genetic (range, 1e137) over the period of follow-up. The heritability
effects (A), shared/family environmental effects (C), and individual analysis, conducted on 155 twin pairs (72 MZ and 83 DZ pairs),
environmental effects (E). We implemented the modeling in the showed that the best-tting model was one explained by additive
OpenMx package ( The goodness of genetic factors and the unique (individual) environment, with no
t of the full ACE model and submodels were compared with the signicant effect of a common environment or nonadditive genetic
observed data and the best tting model was selected. factors. Calculations estimated the heritability to be 0.35, meaning
Nutrient Factor Analysis. Comparisons of means and pro- that genetic factors explained 35% of variance (95% condence
portions for all variables between individuals with or without interval [CI], 13e54) in progression of nuclear cataract, with in-
follow-up data, or between MZ and DZ twins per group in terms of dividual environmental factors accounting for the remaining 65%
age, nuclear cataract scores, and nutrient and supplement intake (95% CI, 46e87).
were performed using 2-sample, 2-tailed t tests or z tests, assuming To test associations between micronutrient intake and cataract
equal variance. progression, we used univariable regression (Table 2) followed
Association was assessed using linear regression analyses. by stepwise regression in 2054 female twins who had baseline
Univariable linear regression was rst carried out where each factor data on nutrient intake. Seven micronutrients showed a
or supplement group was individually regressed against NDS at signicant association (P < 0.05) with NDS and were used in
baseline. All nutrients or supplement groups showing signicant multivariable analysis: potassium, magnesium, manganese,
univariable association (P < 0.05) were then included in a multi- phosphorus, vitamins C and E, and folate. After stepwise
variable linear regression model; independent variables were iden- multivariable regression, 2 factors remained signicantly
tied using a stepwise backward procedure with threshold for associated with NDS at baseline: vitamin C (b 0.0002;
removal set at 0.05. Factors showing signicant (P < 0.05) asso- standard deviation [SD] 6.3E-05; P 0.01) and manganese
ciation in the multivariable model were tested for association with (b 0.009; SD 0.04; P 0.03). From these 2 nutrients,
progression. We used linear models to establish the relationship only vitamin C showed association with cataract progression
between NDS (continuous variable) and nutrients, but because NDS (b 0.001; SD 0.001; P 0.03). A sensitivity analysis
had to be normalized, giving a clinical interpretation of the betas excluding subjects with greatest progression (>100 units of
becomes more difcult. Therefore, in addition to the linear models, change) did not alter the result. Comparing people in the
we calculated risk reduction by calculating relative risk ratios highest and lowest tertiles of vitamin C intake was associated
(RRRs) using multinomial regression. In this case, NDS, DNDS, with a 19% risk reduction at baseline (RRR, 0.81; 95% CI,
and the associated nutrients were divided into tertiles, and the rst 0.68e0.96) and a 33% risk reduction of cataract progression
tertile was set as reference while supplement intake per supplement (RRR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.47e0.91) (Table 3). Manganese intake
group was kept binary. In all cases, models were adjusted for family was associated with 20% risk reduction (RRR, 0.80; 95% CI,
structure and age at the rst visit only (baseline analysis) or for both 0.67e0.95) at baseline (Table 3).
age at baseline and Dage (age at follow-up  age at baseline). All Two supplement groups, micronutrient supplements and minerals
analyses were carried using the STATA10 statistical package (Sta- only, showed a signicant association with NDS (P < 0.05) (Table 2),
taCorp LP, College Station, TX; but only micronutrient supplements stayed signicant in the
multivariate model (b0.03; SD 0.01; P 0.01), and their
intake led to an 18% risk reduction in people within the highest
Results compared with the lowest tertile of nutrient intake (RRR, 0.82;
95% CI, 0.57e1.20) (Table 3). We found no statistically signicant
Cross-sectional data were available for 2054 white female twins association between taking micronutrients in supplemental form and
(827 MZ and 916 DZ), 324 (151 MZ and 173 DZ) of whom also progression of nuclear cataract.

Ophthalmology Volume 123, Number 6, June 2016

Table 1. Baseline Sample Characteristics and Nutrient Intakes in Individuals with or without Follow-up Data

Subjects without Follow-up Subjects with Follow-up

Total MZ DZ Total MZ DZ
No. of individuals 1730 827 916 324 151 173
Zygosity ratio (MZ:DZ) 1:1.1 - - 1:1.2 - -
Age (mean  SD) 61.56.5 61.76.7 61.46.4 60.45.1 60.85.5 60.05.2
NDS (mean  SD) 60.417.2 61.317.4 59.014.2 55.311.2 55.311.4 55.311.1
Sodium (mg) 2262.8508.7 2265.3476.3 2258.7535.6 2237.4456.4 2227.7444.4 2247.2444.4
Potassium (mg) 4013.5637.4 3997.0622.4 4026.9650.6 4033.7580.5 4094.5588.4 3972.5469.4
Calcium (mg) 1117.1284.7 1118.5284.9 1125.1284.6 1118.9291.5 1138.3295.0 1099.4568.0
Magnesium (mg) 347.356.4 347.356.8 347.256.0 343.855.0 347.058.0 340.6287.5
Phosphorus (mg) 1527.1247.0 1527.1234.9 1527.1257.8 1522.0239.3 1532.0251.0 1512.1227.5
Iron (mg)* 13.13.0 13.23.2 13.02.8 12.62.6 12.52.7 12.72.5
Copper (mg) 1.50.5 1.50.6 1.50.4 1.50.4 1.50.4 1.60.5
Zinc (mg) 10.21.7 10.21.8 10.11.7 10.21.7 10.21.8 10.11.6
Chloride (mg) 3629.6792.9 3633.6749.4 3623.0828.6 3578.0721.3 3566.7690.3 3589.4753.3
Manganese (mg) 4.21.2 4.11.1 4.21.2 4.21.1 4.31.1 4.21.1
Iodine (mg) 225.075.8 224.275.2 225.876.5 229.264.2 230.061.4 228.567.2
Retinol (mg) 579.5817.8 569.1570.6 554.8496.6 611.8472.9 588.2422.6 635.6519.0
Carotene (mg) 5343.43067.4 5503.73263.8 5200.42874.9 5305.63915.4 5663.84823.8 4945.02679.4
Vitamin D (mg) 2.71.4 2.71.1 2.61.5 2.81.1 3.01.0 2.61.0
Vitamin E (mg) 11.53.2 11.63.4 11.43.1 11.73.4 11.93.6 11.53.2
Thiamine (mg)* 1.80.4 1.80.4 1.80.4 1.70.3 1.70.3 1.70.3
Riboavin (mg) 2.50.7 2.40.7 2.50.7 2.40.6 2.50.6 2.40.7
Niacin (mg) 22.05.7 22.25.1 21.86.2 21.34.5 21.34.6 21.24.4
Tryptophan (mg) 17.43.0 17.52.7 17.33.3 17.22.5 17.32.5 17.12.6
Vitamin B6 (mg) 2.60.6 2.60.6 2.50.5 2.50.5 2.50.5 2.50.5
Vitamin B12 (mg) 6.53.2 6.73.6 6.42.9 6.72.3 6.72.3 6.72.4
Folate (mg) 402.2113.1 400.7114.0 403.2112.3 395.798.9 402.095.9 389.4101.8
Pantothenate (mg) 7.416.0 7.521.3 7.28.6 6.84.2 6.52.1 7.15.6
Biotin (mg)* 48.110.5 47.710.3 48.510.8 49.710.3 50.610.2 48.710.3
Vitamin C (mg) 165.173.9 167.674.2 163.073.7 166.865.0 166.968.1 166.765.0
Any supplement (%) 55.1 54.8 55.4 55.0 54.1 55.9
Micronutrients (%) 32.57 32.4 33.2 31.7 32.8 30.8
Micronutrients excluding multivitamins (%) 23.6 24.1 23.2 21.6 24.2 19.3
Minerals only (%) 7.4 7.8 7.0 6.9 6.4 7.2
Other supplements (%) 44.9 46.2 44.4 47.1 44.2 49.5

DZ dizygotic; MZ monozygotic; NDS nuclear dip score; SD standard deviation.

The baseline characteristics of the participants and the baseline intake of micronutrients (mean  standard deviation [SD]) and supplements per supplement
group (% of users) are shown. The supplement groups studied are as follows: any supplement, micronutrient supplements (vitamins and mineral in any
combination), micronutrient supplements excluding multivitamins (e.g., vitamin C only, vitamin D only, iron only, ACD complex), minerals only (e.g.,
iron only, calcium only), and other supplements (e.g., aloe vera, Echinacea, Ginkgo, omega-3).
*Denotes statistically signicant difference (P < 0.05) between subjects with and without and without follow-up.

Discussion might play a greater role in determining change during aging

than genetic factors.38
This study found that progression of nuclear cataract over a This study also identied vitamin C as a micronutrient
10-year period in a group of UK female twins is inuenced affecting nuclear cataract progression. We also replicate the
by genetic factors that explain 35% of variance. The herita- previously found association between cross-sectional cata-
bility estimate of cataract progression is lower than our ract and vitamin C intake. Vitamin C intake has long been
previous cross-sectional estimates of susceptibility to studied in relation to age-related cataract because it is the
development of nuclear cataract in this cohort,29 and it is also L-enantiomer of ascorbate. A signicant concentration of
lower than the heritability estimated in the 324 individuals ascorbate is present in the aqueous humor that bathes the
estimated from the nuclear score measurement at follow-up lens and may reduce oxidation products in the lens, thus
(61%; 95% CI, 45e72). This is consistent with previous reducing oxidative stress.39,40 However, the conclusions of
studies showing that heritability generally is lower when the many studies of the effects of ascorbate on cataract
examining change, compared with cross-sectional stud- development are inconsistent and often conicting.6e15
ies.36e38 In addition to early developmental differences and Many of these have studied relatively well-nourished pop-
the bodys response to environmental factors in adulthood, ulations and are cross-sectional, although cross-sectional
environmentally driven processes or accumulated errors studies in India, where overall antioxidant levels may be
(e.g., somatic gene mutation and epigenetic remodeling) lower, have found an inverse relationship between vitamin

Yonova-Doing et al 
Genes, Diet, and Nuclear Cataract Progression

Figure 2. Black-and-white Scheimpug lens images of a healthy lens (left) and a lens with nuclear cataract (right). The center of the lens (lens nucleus) on
the right is much whiter than the one on the left.

C and cataract.9,20 Our results are similar to those of the We cannot exclude that this association was a type I error,
Carotenoids in Age-Related Eye Disease Study that showed given we did not nd an association between dietary
vitamin C intake, assessed with an FFQ 10 years before manganese and nuclear cataract progression and the lack
cataract assessment, to be protective of nuclear cataract of a dose response (Table 3), although factors associated
prevalence.15 The Blue Mountains Eye Study also found with incidence and progression do not always overlap.
that vitamin C intake, through both diet and supplements Manganese is an important antioxidant present in the
together, resulted in a lower nuclear cataract incidence human lens,41e43 and its concentration has been reported
over 10 years.10 This study is the rst, to our knowledge, to be lower in cataractous lenses in comparison with normal
to show that dietary vitamin C intake protects against lenses.43,44 This study was not designed to elucidate the
progression of nuclear lens opacity. causeeeffect relationship underlying the associations we
We also found dietary manganese to be protective against found; therefore, we cannot distinguish whether manganese
cross-sectional nuclear cataract independent of vitamin C. depletion is a cause or effect of cataractogenesis. Further
studies are needed to answer this question. We also detected
an association between supplemental intake of micro-
nutrients and cross-sectional nuclear cataract but not be-
tween supplemental nutrients and cataract progression.
These results are similar to those reported in the Blue
Mountains Eye Study.45 Because only 10% or less of the
participants in our study took any single supplement, we
had to group supplements together; therefore, we could not
draw conclusions on the effect of any single supplement
or of components of supplements (e.g., supplemental
vitamin C).
We used a highly quantitative measure of cataract from
digital images (NDS), which essentially measures the nuclear
opalescence (or white scatter) of the lens. The measure also
was highly reproducible: the intraclass correlation coefcient
for the worse eye in 30 subjects from our original study29 who
came for repeat measurements was 0.93. The fact that every
subject measured showed progression suggests that NDS is
Figure 3. Progression of nuclear cataract between the 2 visit dates. sensitive to change. Many epidemiologic studies have used
Graphical representation of the progression of nuclear cataract (deltaNDS) the Lens Opacity Classication System (LOCS) grading
between the 2 visits. The y-axes show frequency of deltaNDS per bins with scale, comparing phenotype with standardized photographs of
width of 6.25 points. deltaNDS NDS at follow-up  NDS at baseline; 6 stages of lens opacication, which includes both nuclear
NDS nuclear dip score. opalescence and nuclear color or brunescence.4 The LOCS III

Ophthalmology Volume 123, Number 6, June 2016

Table 2. Results from Univariable Regression Models Table 3. Results of Multinomial Regression Analysis for Factors
Associated with Cross-Sectional Nuclear Cataract and Nuclear
Beta Standard Error P Value Cataract Progression
Micronutrients Cross-Sectional Results
Sodium (mg) 5.41E-06 9.58E-06 0.56 Vitamin C RRR 95% CI P Value
Potassium (mg)* 1.58E-05 7.54E-06 0.04 NDS Tertiles 34.5e53.2 reference
Calcium (mg) 1.95E-05 1.52E-05 0.20 53.3e54.5 0.89 0.77e1.02 0.09
Magnesium (mg)* 0.010 0.004 0.01 54.6e229.2 0.81 0.68e0.96 0.01
Phosphorus (mg)* 4.01E-05 1.94E-05 0.04 Manganese RRR 95% CI P Value
Iron (mg) 1.15E-04 0.002 0.95 NDS Tertiles 34.5e53.2 reference
Copper (mg) 0.001 0.008 0.86 53.3e54.5 0.76 0.66e0.87 0.001
Zinc (mg) 7.76E-04 0.003 0.77 54.6e229.2 0.8 0.67e0.95 0.01
Chloride (mg) 3.79E-06 6.10E-06 0.53 MicronutrientsRRR 95% CI P Value
Manganese (mg)* 0.010 0.004 0.01 NDS Tertiles 34.5e53.2 reference
Iodine (mg) 1.10E-04 6.07E-05 0.07 53.3e54.5 0.82 0.60e1.12 0.82
Retinol (mg) 2.36E-06 3.90E-06 0.55 54.6e229.2 0.82 0.57e1.20 0.82
Carotene (mg) 1.67E-06 1.40E-06 0.23 Progression Results
Vitamin D (mg) 0.004 0.003 0.22 Vitamin C RRR 95% CI P Value
Vitamin E (mg)* 0.003 0.001 0.04 DNDS Tertiles 1.0e12.6 reference
Thiamine (mg) 0.013 0.013 0.30 12.7e19.3 0.75 0.54e1.04 0.09
Riboavin (mg) 0.011 0.006 0.08 19.4e137.1 0.66 0.47e0.91 0.01
Niacin (mg) 1.10E-04 8.26E-04 0.89
Tryptophan (mg) 0.001 0.001 0.27
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.002 0.009 0.81 CI condence interval; NDS nuclear dip score; DNDS NDS at
Vitamin B12 (mg) 0.001 0.001 0.50 follow-up  NDS at baseline; RRR relative risk ratio.
Folate (mg)* 9.91E-05 4.06E-05 0.02 The results from the multinomial regression analysis for factors associated
Pantothenate (mg) 2.81E-05 1.87E-04 0.88 with cross-sectional (vitamin C and manganese) and progression (vitamin
Biotin (mg) 3.01E-04 4.17E-04 0.47 C) are shown. The RRR with its 95% CIs for each tertile of NDS or
Vitamin C (mg)* 1.742E-04 6.19E-05 0.01 progression (DNDS) is reported. The minimum and maximum NDS score
per tertile are reported.
Supplement Groupsy
Any supplement 0.015 0.009 0.12
Micronutrients* 0.032 0.013 0.01
Micronutrients excluding 0.023 0.012 0.06 signicantly differ from the UK general population.47 Twin
multivitamins studies use the equal environment assumption that the
Minerals only* 0.038 0.016 0.02 degree of shared family environment is the same for both
Any other supplement 0.005 0.014 0.72 MZ and DZ twin pairs. This is generally found to be true,
although there are few studies of elderly subjects that
The results of the univariable linear regression analysis between nuclear explore this assumption. In addition, the TwinsUK cohort is
cataract (natural logarithm-transformed NDS) and energy-adjusted predominantly a female cohort, and we could not assess any
micronutrient intakes and between nuclear cataract and supplement
intake per supplement group are shown.
gender differences in risk factors. The ndings of this study
*Denotes statistically signicant associations at P < 0.05. can be generalizable only to Caucasian women of similar
Denotes that in the case of supplement groups, supplement intake was age because they reect cataract progression in a group of
coded binary (presence vs. absence of intake of at least 1 of the components white British women between, on average, the ages of 60
in the group). All analyses were adjusted for age and family structure. and 70 years, and so may not reect other population groups
or age ranges. In this article, we explored the effect of all
micronutrients on nuclear cataract formation; however, we
was developed to increase steps between scores to allow greater had no data on carotenoid (lutein and zeaxanthin) intake.
sensitivity to change, accepting a lower intergrader We also lacked power to explore the effects of smoking on
reproducibility.46 Longitudinal studies using the LOCS III cataract progression because 85% of participants have never
scale show relatively little change: In the Longitudinal Study smoked.
of Cataract, only 24% of participants had an increase in Those participants with follow-up data collected were
nuclear opacities over an average of 4.6 years.25 Although seen as part of the HATS study, which was not designed as a
our central NDS is not the same measure, it is highly cataract follow-up study. This meant that the number of
correlated with average nuclear opalescence graded digitally subjects decreased to 324 individuals, thus reducing the
or using a slit lamp.29 Digital imageederived NDSs using amount of data we could analyze and our power. The in-
pixel density counts may be better suited for measuring pro- dividuals who were lost to follow-up in HATS were in
gression and allowed our study the power to detect associations general of lower socioeconomic status, had higher self-rated
with a relatively small sample size. health status, and were less health aware.31 Any introduced
bias probably would have resulted in loss of power because
Study Limitations this group of individuals are more likely to have less healthy
diets and more cataract. For this reason, we decided to test
A potential limitation is that our cohort is based on twin the association with progression only for nutrients that
volunteers rather than a population study, but they are unse- were associated with NDS at baseline. Those with follow-
lected and from across the United Kingdom and are unlikely to up data were on average 1.8 years younger than the

Yonova-Doing et al 
Genes, Diet, and Nuclear Cataract Progression

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Footnotes and Financial Disclosures

Originally received: September 29, 2015. E.Y-.D.: Funding  Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research
Final revision: January 13, 2016. Council and the London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program.
Accepted: January 24, 2016. P.G.H.: Recipient  Fight for Sight ECI award.
Available online: March 23, 2016. Manuscript no. 2015-1709. K.M.W.: Support  Medical Research Council Clinical Research Training
Department of Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology, Kings College Fellowship. The sponsors or funding organizations had no role in the design
London, London, United Kingdom. or conduct of this research.
Department of Ophthalmology, Kings College London, London, United Author Contributions:
Kingdom. Conception and design: Yonova-Doing, Forkin, Gilbert, Hammond
University of Warwick Medical School, Coventry, United Kingdom. Data collection: Yonova-Doing, Forkin, Hysi, Williams, Spector
4 Analysis and interpretation: Yonova-Doing, Forkin, Hysi, Williams,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United
Kingdom. Spector
Obtained funding: Not applicable
Presented in part at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthal-
mology Meeting, May 6e10, 2012, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Overall responsibility: Yonova-Doing, Forkin, Gilbert, Hammond
Financial Disclosure(s): Abbreviations and Acronyms:
The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials CI condence interval; DZ dizygotic; FFQ food frequency ques-
discussed in this article. tionnaire; HATS Healthy Ageing in Twins; LOCS Lens Opacity
Funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Guide Dogs for the Blind Associ- Classication System; MZ monozygotic; NDS nuclear dip score;
ation. The Twins UK study was also funded by the Wellcome Trust; Eu- RRR relative risk ratio; SD standard deviation.
ropean Communitys Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). Correspondence:
The study also received support from the National Institute for Health Christopher J. Hammond, MD, FRCOphth, Departments of Ophthalmology
Researchefunded BioResource, Clinical Research Facility, and Biomedical & Twin Research, Kings College London, 3rd Floor, Block D, South
Research Centre based at Guys and St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trust in Wing, St. Thomas Hospital, Westminster Bridge Rd., London SE1 7EH,
partnership with Kings College London. UK. E-mail: [email protected].


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