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By: Nikola Dabić

A.K.A. The Draconian

Within the North Polar Cap, the Ice & Snow hide more then anybody
could imagine. Not just Daemons & Barbarians, but a whole new race,
which was present on the Warhammer World before the Fall. A race that
is ready for a battle, a race that knows no fear.
The Draconian are a race of Dragon Humanoids who (unlike their
relatives) don’t have wings & can’t breath fire. But undersetemate them,
and that will be your last mistake. For they take no prisoners.
1 Appearence
2 Draconian Beasts
3 Draconian Geogrpahy
3-4 Draconian Culture
5-10 Draconian Mythology
11-12 Draconian History
12-13 Draconian Language
14-16 Draconian Allowances & Special Rules
16-19 Draconian Special Equipment
20-22 The Lore of Ice
23-26 Lords
27-32 Heroes
33-34 Character Mounts
35-41 Core Units
42-47 Special Units
48-56 Rare Units
57 Referance Section
57-64 Suggested Miniatures


SIGMAR – A nice British ’’chap’’ which had made an army book for his
Nautican army which was a great inspiration. I recommend reading it.

M4cR1II3n - A very nice guy which is working on some Unofficial

Warhammer Armies (like Araby, Catahy, Kislev etc.) He made the Ice
Lore, which I used with permission. You should check out his books.

Telepfenion – A guy from the Warhammer Fantasy Battles Reporter

Forum which helped a lot with the Draconian Fluff.

Tyrantwache – A German girl from deviantART which made the Cover.

A Draconian (Draconis Maximus) stands 2 Meters tall. It’s Scales are
pitch black, their Underbellies are Yellow, their Fangs, Claws & Horns
are sharp as daggers & their eyes glow Yellow. Their tales are between
75cm & 1m long (varies in the species). They also warm blood which
keeps them from dying in the Icy Cold winters of their world.
A Draconian usually comes with light armor (for their scales are pretty
strong) a Light Shield, a long Sword or Axe & a Fir Coat & their Helmets
are skulls which they get from different Ice-Age like creatures & Dragons.
Their smaller counterparts are the Drakes (Draconis Minimus). Drakes
basically have the same appearence as a Draconian, only it is a meter tall,
has a very short tail & a short neck. It also has short teeth, claws & horns,
but rock hard heads & tough legs (concentrated muscles) which allow
them to move fast, jump high & deliver hard kicks which can brake a
Mans jaw in a single hit.
Then come the Foresters (Draconis Flaura). They have Green scales,
Yellow Underbellies, they are two meters tall. They have Deer Antlers
which they don’t use for anything but for decorations of sort. They are
quite pieceful & tend to farming & taming different animal species.
The Pyro’s (Draconis Inferno) are the same size as the Flaura, only
Red. They have short horns which they never use. They do tend to be quite
tempered, but they mostly express their anger on their work, thus forging
metal into really tough Draconian armor & weapons. They also make
good teachers & proffessors, for they quite like gaining more knowledge.
The Diggers (Draconis Subtera) are as large as a Draconian (Draconis
Maximus) only with thicker scales which cover their whole bodies. They
also have large claws which they use for diggins tunnels & gathering
rocks / metals. They might be frigtening, but they are quite pieceful.
Belrada Giants (Draconis Gigantus) had long ago seperated from the
Draconian, thus starting to raid their lands & pillage their villages. But
not long ago, the Belrada Giants had started to unite with the Draconian
race, and as it turns out, they aren’t only great warriors, but great builders
as well. The Belrada Giants are 10-15 meters tall, they have long Tales
with Tale Spikes on them & they have long necks holding a rock hard
head holding razor sharp teeth. Their Icy breath can freeze any foe.
The Draconian had tamed a lot of beasts for their aid, using them not only
for food & fir, but for war as well. Here is a list of those Creatures:

-Zeno Beasts: About the size of a Turkey. The Zeno Beasts are a form of a
bird with fir instead of feathers (to survive the cold) it has a Winter coat
most of the year, but it also has a Summer Coat. It lays eggs which are
eatable & it’s fir is used to make furniture.
-Zillo Beasts: They are as big as a big boar. These Beasts grant meat, fir &
milk to the Draconian, they are usually a pieceful race, but Drakes can
tame them as Mounts & ride them into battle. Nobody actuelly knows how
do the Drakes make such a piece loving animal into a frenzied mount.
-Draconian Hounds: These Hounds somewhat resemble the Draconian,
probably a part of the race that is made to sniff out and track the enemy,
but they are not counted as Draconian for the Draconian treated them as
Hounds for thosuands of years. The Hounds are as big as a wolf but more
ferocious. They also act as a night watch while the Draonian sleep.
-Zeku Beasts: These Beasts are as alrge as Rhinos (cousins of the Rhinox)
and have a thick coat of fir which the Draconian use for their Coats &
Boots. They also use the aggressive Zeku Beasts as Mounts, granting them
a very strong impact hit when they charge at the enemy.
-Drakkars: A Dragon about the size of a Horse. They aren’t rare in
Draconian lands, but for some reason, they are primitive & beastly,
probably for the same reason Giants became Barbaric creatures. The
Drakkars are usually used as mounts for the most elite Drake Soldiers.
-Belrada Dragons: A cousin of the Drakkar, the Belrada Dragon is also
quite primitive & beastly, but it is smart enough to figure out that it should
serve the Draconian to survive the Ice Colds, so they are more of using the
Draconian rather then being tamed by them. The most Elite Draconian
can ride these to battle, using their great ferocity to annihilate the enemy.
-Zentar Beasts: These Massive creatures (roughly the size of a Steggadon)
have a large horn on their noses & two very large horns on their heads.
They are covered in fir, the Draconian use them as Beasts of Burden, but
it can be heavily armored & mounted by a crew of Drakes & then used in
heavy Siege. It is a very powerful beast, which is bred for to fight & win.
The Draconian had made a few Icy Kingdoms on top of the Northern
Ice Cap, but the main Draconian civilization lies under the Ice Cap, in a
Underground Tundra called Belrada. Nobody knows how did anything
survive under there, but the Draconian claim that there is a miniature
cyan sun on the roof of the world, which grants little heath to Belrada, but
it grants light & enough warmth to support Icy Life, that sun is named
Faumos (Fau – Life / Mos – Lender). The roof also has clouds (which had
somehow got there) which make the Icy Blizzards & sometimes completely
cover their Sun, thus creating night in Belrada, so the regular Night &
Day shifts in the Warhammer World are quite weird for the Draconian
from Belrada. The correct locations of the Kingdoms & Belrada is
unknown for the Draconian prefer to avoid being detected. The Skaven
can’t occupy their lands for they can’t stand subzero cold. There is one
known Kingdom, the Kingdom of Lubria. Lubria is one of the few
Kingdoms that were formed above Belrada. After some doings of Chaos,
Lubria had split from the Icy Polar Cap & now floats somewhere in the
North of the Great Ocean. It is the Lubrians who discovered that there is
more of the Warhammer World then just Snow & Ice. The Island is
roughly half the size of Albion & it’s floating 10 meters per year towards
Naggaroth (West). The Draconian are used to Icy Tundra conditions, thus
living in a warm & dry place (like a desert) is impossible for them.

The Draconian Culture states that a Draconian must be polite to
strangers if the stranger doesn’t attack first or is an enemy (like
Greenskins, Skaven, Dark Elves & anything Chaos). Also, the Draconian
culture states that a Draconian must protect his honor, although it
appears that rule doesn’t stand for Drakes since the Drakes are naturally
cowardly so the Draconian decided that a Draconian must protect the
Drakes for the Drakes can’t fend for themselves, and they are a valiuble
part of the Draconian Society. There are different rules for different
species of Draconian, but it appears that the Belrada Giants don’t have
any rules yet for they aren’t an official part of a Draconian society, they
just decided to live on Draconian lands & aid them in construction &
battle. A Draconian Rulebook (as in contains the rules any Draconian has
to follow, not the Draconian Army Book) contains hundreds of rules each
Draconian must follow & there are penalries next to the each rule (that is
if the Draconian doesn’t follow the rule or brakes it) thre is a Punishment.
Here are some highlights:
Rule ____________________________________Punishemnt
A Draconian has to respect other of his race – 100 Whip Lashes
A Draconian should never harm a close allie – 45 Whip Lashes
A Draconian must always be polite to strangers – Half tax rate increase
This Rules were discovered by some Humans and High Elves when they
were visiting the Kingdom of Lubria. They couldn’t translate the
Draconian Rulebook so nobody really knows all the rules in the in the
book. But by these rules it is known that Draconian rules are very hursh.

There are also some other customs that are done for free will like granting
gifts to newly formed friends or to form an Alliance or from simple good
There are different ranks for different species of Draconian, here are
some examples:

Draconis Maximus:
Recruit – Warrior – Spiked Guard – Champion – Commander – Warlord

Draconis Minimus:
Schoolar – Writter – Architect / Trader – Diplomat – Ambassador – Mayor

Draconis Flaura:
Gardener – Farmer / Sheperd / Beast Trainer – Land Owner – Land Lord

Draconis Inferno:
Trainee – Forger Assistent / Teacher – Forger / Proffessor – Principle

Draconis Subtera:
Worker Assistent – Worker / Minner – Minner Pro – Minner Chief

Draconis Gigantus:
Tribesman – Builder – Warrior – Tribe Chief – Warmaster
The Draconian Mythology revolves around seven different Gods. Once the
Warhammer World was made, the seven Draconian Gods came to be:
-Krvatarus: The Boss God & the God of War (Krvata - Blood / Rus - God
= God of Blood) Sign: Draconian Scull with two Swords going through it.
-Faurus: The Goddess of Life, Nature & Birth (Fau - Life / Rus - God =
Goddess of Life) Sign: A rare Draconian Flower called Garus.
-Gudanka: The God of Storms & the Protector (Gud - Storm / Anka -
Maker = Storm Maker) Sign: A Shield with a Lightning Bolt through it.
-Hundra: The Goddess of Art & Creativity (Hund - Beauty / Ra - Dance
= Beautiful Dance) Sign: A mask & a Scythe behind it.
-Gurmos: The God of Knowledge & Magic (Gur - Knowledge / Mos -
Lender = Knowledge Lender) Sign: An open Book with Runes on it.
-Pechoka: The Goddess of the Underworld (Pech - Death / Oka - Queen
= Queen of Death) A Black Draconis Subtera Scull & a Trident behind it.
-Schuaka: The God of Technology & Machine (Schu - Hammer / Aka -
Master = Hammer Master) Sign: A Hammer & a gear behind it.
Each Draconian God has a Temple where there they train elite Draconian
Soldiers, thus becoming ’’Sons’’ & ’’Daughters’’ of the God/Goddess.


Krvatarus, the Draconian God of War & the Boss God of all Draconian.
He weilds a Magical Axe Argar & a Magical Sword named Terix.
Krvatarus had brought his two weapons to life, allowing them to turn to
two Golden Dragons that scout the World & then report back to
Argar has an Underbelly & Eyes made of Cyan Crystals while Terix has
Red Crystals. Krvatarus had faced Daemons lots of times, vanquishing
every single one. He is the reason why Chaos didn’t utterly destroy the
Draconian, defeating any mighty foe, including Khorne himself, but he
lost his right eye in that conflict. He is married with Faurus, being the two
vice versa (War & Piece). The Draconian pray to him so they would win
wars or at least bring a lot of hurting to the enemy. His ’’Sons’’ are also
known as Servants of Krvatarus & are known for excelling at combat.
Faurus, the wife of Krvatarus & the mother of the Draconian race & all
Nature around them. Her spear can turn to pure energy, thus smighting
down even the mightiest of foes. But her calm & pieceful Nature rearly
allows her to commit maurder. Her husbend Krvatarus on the other hand.
It is her that is blessed whenever a Tree is planted, whenever Nature
blossoms & whenever a child is born. The Draconian praise & respect her
not from fear, but from deep respect for all she is doing. Her ’’Sons’’ &
’’Daughters’’ are excellent healers. Her Temples are devoted only to
healing, not fighting, they are sometimes used as Hospitals, although in
real Hospitals, they keep her sign above each room. Her healers go to war
only to heal wounded soldiers, although they haven’t been seen before in
action by any of the other species (including Elves & Humans).


Gudanka is the Draconian God of Lightning, Thunder & the Storms. He

is also the protector of the Draconian, stopping anything that would harm
them, often helped by his brother Krvatarus. Gudanka rides on a
Lightning Cloud and armed with a Shield & Guderix (Gud – Storm / Erix
– Spear = Storm Spear). Gudanka rearly speaks, but whenever he does,
wise words come out. He travels the world, looking at anything interesting.
Then he reports back to Gurmos which then gathers all the infromation
about anything new he saw. Gudanka is never aggressive, he is more like
a Blizzard, quiet, deadly & persistent. His ’’Sons’’ aren’t that great
spellcastors, but they do know how to call the powers of their God &
summon aBlizzard to the enemy, the Draconian are used to such blizzards,
only slowing down a bit, but it is not ordinary for other races that a
blizzard appears out of nowhere so that would be a great advantage to the
Draconian. Gudanka’s ’’Sons’’ however are not purposly made for battle,
but to redirect Storms, making less troubles to the Draconian Cities,
Vilalges & Marching Armies. The Gudanka symbol is put to tall place
sacret & must be protected or are under protection, thus being a ’’Keep
Out’’ sign of some sort.

Hundra, the Draconian Goddess of Art & Creativity. Mostly refering to

the Draconian Females which are not so fond of battle & prefer to learn
some astonishing dance moves which they can show to the Village or to
their Husbands. There are a few who learnd some of Hundra’s dance
moves, for they are quite complicated, that maybe even a Wood Elf Dancer
would find it hard to pretform them. Her appearence is a slim Female
Draconian with a pair of beautiful eyes & a mask to hide her face. The
mask is forged by Schuaka which had gave to her so nobody else but him
can see her beauty. Hundra accepted the gift as a token of love. Nobody
can really tell why did Hundra fell in love with Schuaka. Maybe because
the Hundra-Schuaka relationship is vice versa, Hundra representing
grace & Schuaka representing hard work. The ’’Daughters’’ of Hundra
are the most beautiful Draconian females and the most skilled dancers
which serve by dancing for the King of a Draconian Kingdom. Sometimes
they appear in the back of a Draconian army, inspiring Draconian troops
with their dance moves.


Gurmos is the Draconian God of Knowledge & Magic. He is prayed to

when someone wishes to find something, something that will grant him
more information, or they pray to him so a Magic Spell can work. Truly
Gurmos is a pulled back character which spends little time with others &
more to his own books. He has written thousands of Tomes in a massive
Library he likes to keep secret. It is foretold that Gurmos made a deal with
Pechoka, he would tell Pechoka all about the world above while Pechoka
granted him a secret room in the Underworld to use as his Library. This
deal Pechoka & Gurmos made is quite interesting for travelers, for they
would imagine Gurmos reading a Tome to Pechoka while Pechoka listend
carefully, remembering every word. Quite knowledge is not be used by
anybody so the ’’Sons’’ of Gurmos keep his books safe, only some of
Gurmos’ books are allowed to even see day light, let alone for anybody but
the ’’Sons’’ of Gurmos to read it & learn from it. A ’’Son’’ of Gurmos
often brings a Tome of the Lore of Ice, using the spells in meas of battle.

Pechoka, the Goddess of the Underworld & the Goddess of Death. Most
Draconian fear to venture into the Underworld for they see it as a place of
dispair for all who hadn’t died in battle or with Honor & Pride in their
hearts. In reality, not all of the Underworld is a bad place, as a matter of
fact, it isn’t bad at all. The Underworld is split into 6 parts, which we will
discuss later on. The counterpart of the Underworld is Valgar, both will be
discussed later on in the book. Pechoka is armed with Trident Jarkarum
(Jar – Shadow / Karum – Trident = Shadow Trident) which she uses to
slay her opponents with one swift hit. She almost never uses it for she is
not interested in anything that happens above her Underworld Kingdom.
The only other God she is interested in is Gurmos, and she had a deal with
him which is described at the previous page (about Gurmos). The ’’Sons’’
& ’’Daughters’’ of Pechoka are psychics which speak with the dead which
roam the Underworld. They are known as Spirit Walkers, for their spirit
leaves their body & enters the Underworld, there they talk to the Souls of
the Fallen and bring back messages to their loved ones who are still alive.
They are known to bring back good messages as well as bad messages,
such as it was when the Souls senced that the Fall was comins & that
Chaos would be unleashes & a massive Carnage upon the world would be
unleashed, and the Draconian rule would be ended, until now.


Schuaka is the Draconian God of Technology & Research advancemant.

He is known to weild Schu (Hammer) which he uses to form a power
surge which he then unleashes on Metal to form one of the most powerful
weapons ever known to the world, a weapon which is suitable to the Gods.
He prefers not to use it to harm anybody, although he prefers to use his
many different Warmachines, and his view was expanded when he
discovered Gun Powder, which he found when the Draconian met the
Dwarfs & formed an Alliance with them.. He’s ’’Sons’’ are known as the
Forgers of Schuaka. They search the World for new types of Wood, Stone
& Metal, but now in search of Gun Powder as well. Then they start
forging those materials into the most powerful weapons of the Draconian.
The Underworld:

The Underworld is the place where all Draconian go when they die. The
only exceptions are the Draconian who died in battle, with Courage &
Honor in their hearts. These Draconian will go to Valgar.
The Draconian that do die off without honor & not in battle will enter the
Underworld under the rule of Pechoka, the Queen of Death.
The Underworld is split into six different parts:

The Grand Arena:

The Arena is the place where all Draconis Maximus died but without
Honor not in a Battle. Here the Draconian get the chance to fight again,
to prove their worth, while Pechoka & Krvatarus watch. If a Draconian
proves himself to be worth for Valhalla, he will be transfered to Valgar
Krvatarus himself. There the Draconian will know be happy. Although
some Draconian would prefer to stay and watch rather then fight, which is
quite rare. The Arena is massive & it more looks like a battle then a fight.
The Female however deliver the food to all the ’’Gladiators’’ and the
audiance. The Females here are the ones who refused to serve the
Draconis Maximus Males, thus this way they learn to work. It might be
crude, but the reward would be to bask in Valgar.

The Great Garden:

The Great Garden is a place where all Draconis Flaura go when they die.
There they can water the flowers, trim the bushes & bask under the
mighty trees. This Garden is a place of piece and all of the harmless little
wood critters from Belrada walk around. Every inch of the Great Garden
is ground suitable for a farm. That is the dream of every Draconis Flaura.

The Flaming Forge:

The flaming Forge is where all Draconis Inferno go when they die. The
Great Forge is a place where each Draconis Inferno can build whatever
he wants, whenever he wants, however he wants, without anybody
itnerrupting him. The Females are like the ones in the Grand Arena,
serving the males, but trying not to interrupt them. Some Draconis Inferno
work as teachers, teaching the ones who died early how to forge & build.
The Great Market
This City is made for Draconis Minimus. It holds only the finest products,
made so the Draconis Minimus can buy, sell & exchange. The Great
Market is also very producive, producing any kind of resources you might
use in a trade. Also there are some difficult diplomatic works out there.
Just a place for a Drake (Draconis Minimus).

The Grand Palace:

A place where a Draconis Gigantus can just lay back, drink beer & enjoy
a life of luxury for the rest of eternity. The Draconis Gigantus live in the
Grand Palace, not so many are worthy of such privilages, so others stay
outside the palace in the Worker Village (just outside the Palace) which of
course, it works for the Palace. A Dracois Gigantes who isn’t worthy
enough to bask in the Grand Palace has to work his way to it by serving
those who did deserve such luxury. Which includes making their meals,
massage their tired backs & so on. The ones in the Palace might get
restless so they go out & have a little fight, the winner gets the Grand
Throne till others get restless. This might seem crude but it works for the
Belrada Giants (Draconis Gigantus) & they love it there.


Valgar (Val – Heaven / Gar – Field = Heavenly Fields) is a palce where

all Draconian who died in a battle with Courage & Honor in their hearts
go. The Draconian who came there are called Einher (Einher – The
Fallen). There aren’t any other then the Draconis Maximus in there,
so it would be obvious that this is place made for them & them only. The
Draconian who were first in the Grand Arena in the Underworld and then
accepted to Valhalla work as workers for the Draconian who died
Honorably. There are Females here two, they usually work as maids for
the Draconian, but they sometime go to war as Valkarias (Val – Heaven /
Karias – Rider = Heavenly Riders) & healing the wounded. The lines of
Einher & Valkarias form Krvatarus’ main army which is constantly
growing. Females who have got there were either warriors themselves
(which is rare) or they had properly served as maids in the living world,
thus being rewarded with a life of leisure, until the Einher ask for their
serveces. The Einher in Valgar fight against each other every day, then
revive the next, so they would be ready to fight any foe, inlcuding their
worst enemies, Daemons.
The Draconian History is a Mystery for other races, hance the Draconian
do not want to talk about it much. Here are some events that the
Draconian did tell about:

-Rise of Chaos:
When the Fall occured the Draconian were still a new race, so they
couldn’t stand much of a chance against the butchering the Draconian
race suffered. The Draconian had stood up but had to retreat, thus leaving
their Kingdoms to be destroyed by Daemonic Forces & their Dark Gods.

-Nomadic Age:
When the Draconian had to retreat from their lands, they had lived a
Nomadic life, always on the move, so Chaos couldn’t find them. Never
moving in large groups so they wouldn’t attrack any attention. It was a
hard life the Draconian had lived those days.

-Founding of Belrada:
When a Nomadic tribe of Draconis Subtera were digging some tunnels,
they had found an entrance to a whole new Underground world. The
Entrance was shielded by Icy Magic, but for some reason, the Draconian
were able to find it, as a matter of fact, they were drawn to it.

-A New World:
When most Draconian Tribes came upon Belrada, they had setteled in, the
Tribes grew to Villages, Vilalges to Towns, Towns to Cities, Cities to
Kingdoms. But some Tribes couldn’t find their way, and unfortunetly had
either died of the Cold or were kileld by Monsters, or worse, Daemons.

-Age of Recovery:
The Draconian had been recoverng for a long time, founding piece in this
new home. Although the Draconian Tribes had fought each other to
please Krvatarus, and Belrada Giants (Draconis Gigantus) had split away
from the Draconian, forming clans of their own, fighting their former
brothers. The Draconian had stayed in Belrada for quite a while.
-The Rising: After some Kingdoms had been formed, the Draconian had
decided to go to the above world, to form a life there. They had went south
& discovered a world of Tundra’s which was where they started forming
lands of their own, Settlements, Villages, Towns, Cities & finally,
Kingdoms. The Draconian here had been targets for Daemonic raids.

-Splitting of Lubria: The Kingdom of Lubria has been split away by the
doings of Chaos & then floated away into the Great Ocean. That is when
the Draconian discovered more in the world that Snow & Daemons. The
Draconian had confirmed that this happened around year 2520 (Imperial
Callendar), but it is not confirmed what year preciselly.

-Age of Rising: When the other Draconian Kingdoms heard of this, they
had prepared their finnest soldiers & their smartest Diplomats to make
friends & fight foes. But mostly, to expand their growing Kingdoms. This
is the current year & the Draconian are something new to the other races.

The Draconian Language is named Zahan & it is used by all 6 Species of
Draconian. It isn’t known when did the Draconian form this language for
it was always used by them. See next page for their Alphabet...


Character Allowances:

ArmyPoints Value Total Characters Max. Lords

Less then 2000 3 1
2000 or more 5 2
3000 or more 6 3
4000 or more 8 4
Each +1000 +3 +2

Choosing Troops:
Army Points Value Core Units Special Units Rare Units
Less then 2000 2+ 0-1 0
2000 or more 3+ 0-2 0-1
3000 or more 5+ 0-4 0-2
4000 or more 6+ 0-7 0-4
Each +1000 +1 +0-1 +0-1

Army Wide Rules:

-Draconian troops don’t panic if a group of Drakes is defeated in combat,

flees through a Draconian Unit etc.
-Draconian 3+ Scaly Skin, Drakes 5+ Scaly Skin
-Hate Daemons of Chaos
-Furious Charge (Draconian Infantry only, Drakes excluded)
-Blizzard of Gudanka
Furious Charge:

This Rule applies to all Draconian Infantry types (excluding Drake

Scouts, Drake Archers, Fire Drakes & Drake Dragon Tamers).
When a Draconian Infantry Unit charges, and hits the enemy, it causes an
impact hit which counts as a S2 Hit.


When a Draconian players declares a Warshout, he chooses 1 Draconian

Character/Champion & then he sees if he is gonna use a Drake or a
Draconian, for there are 2 different types of a Warshout:
-If a Warshout is done by a Drake, then all Draconian Troops within 6
Inches of the Drake gain +1A (excluding the Armored Zentar Beasts)
-If a Warshout is done by a Draconian, then all Troops within 10 Inches
of the Draconian gain +1A +2WS Immunity to Psychology & all Fallen
Einherjar in that region are brought back to life.

Blizzard or Gudanka:

This is a special ability that you can only activate when you have at least 1
Guardian of Gudanka in your army. When you have a Guardian of
Gudanka in your army before the first turn, you declare a Blizzard of
Gudanka & put a marker (or a coin, whatever your gonna use that will not
be mistaken as terrain) in the middle of the Battlefield & then starts the
Blizzard. If your gonna declare a Blizzard then your opponent will go first.
When it’s your turn, see how many Guardians of Gudanka you have &
then toss the number of D3’s equel to the number of the Guardians on the
battlefield (for example, if you have 1 Guardian you toss 1 Dice, if you
have 3 Guardians you toss 3 Dice, if you have 5 Guardians you toss 5).
Note that only one dice has to work (the one with the highest number is
the only one which counts).
1 (1-2) – You fail to summon the Blizzard & cannot attempt to do so till
the end of the game.
2 (3-4) – You fail to summon the Blizzar but have a chance to do so in
your next turn.
3 (5-6) – Blizzard is successfuly summoned, read further to find out what
it does.
The Blizzard:
-Decreases the enemies M by 2 (or 1 if the enemies M is 2)
-Decreases the enemies WS by 1
-Decreases the enemies BS by 2
-Decreases Fire based weapons Strength by 2



Rune Sword: The Rune Swords are used by the Elite Draconian
Commanders & Lords. They are able to slice through enemies with ease.
They have been forged by the best Forgers of Schuaka & blessed by the
most powerful Students of Gurmos. These Weapons are brought forth to
the enemy & thus bringing swift death to all the foes it strikes.

+1WS, Heroic Killing Blow, Armor piercing (60pts)

Schuaka Hammer: A Hammer is a large weapon which requires both

hands to be used, even for a Draconian Commander. This Weapon allows
swift hits which toss enemies flying. It kills if it heats any vital parts

+1S, Killing Blow, +1S when fighting Warmachines (40pts)

Krvatarus Axe: These Axes are used to chop limbs & slice heads. The
Draconian use these quite often, but only few of them are blessed by the
symbol of Krvatarus, which it appears also affects the user of the Axe.

+1WS , Eternal Frenzy (25pts)

Rune Dagger: This is a smaller of the Rune Sword. It was first used as
a backup weapon for heroes, but then it turned out not many Draconian
loos etheir weapons, so after a while they were granted to the Drake
Commanders & Lords, which are perfect size for them.

+1S, Killing Blow (50pts)


Bronze Armor: Bronze Armor is granted to the Draconian Champions,

thus recognizing them from the others. The Bronze Armor is usually
decorated with other Jewelry, but not too much for the Draconian don’t
see any point in wearing any unnecessary items. The Jewels however are
used to represent the Champions archievements, just like Badges do for
Humans. Different Jewels represent different awards. Some Draconian
Commander can also wear these, but their armor has got extra Jewels to
represent that they are Commanders, not Champions.

+2 Armor Save (+1 if added to a Drake Commander) (25/15pts)

Silver Armor: The Silver Armor is wore by Commanders who had

Archieved much more in their entire lives then most. This Armor
represents how did the Draconian get to his rank by writting Runes all
over his armor & the shine of the Silver allows others to see it more
clearly. This Armor is Special, and not as common as the Bronze Armor.
Only a handfull of warriors had archieved the Silver Armor.

+3Armor Save (+2 if added to a Drake Commander) (50/30pts)

Golden Armor: The Golden Armor is reserved only for the elite of the
elite, the mightiest of the mighty, the strongest of the strong, the bravest of
the brave. The Armor contains both Jewels & Runes on it which make it
shine so brightly. It isn’t quite determined how did the Draconian do it,
but the Jewels glow on Sunlight, the Runes glow on Moonlight. Either
way, nobdoy can make a mistake when a Draconian Lord approaches.

+4 Armor Save (+3 if added to a Drake Commander) (80/50pts)

Rune Shield: Rune Shields are ordinary Shield with Runes on them,
which somehow allow the Draconian Lord to protect himself from
Magical attacks. These Shields are extremely rare & can only be used by
+5 Armor Save (+3 for Drake Commanders) (70/45pts)
Magical Gems:

These Magical Gems are attached to Armor of the Draconian Commander

who owns one. The Draconian only seem to be interested in Gems so there
are no other Magic Items but the Gems. And the list of Gems is short.

-Gem of Krvatarus: This Gem adds +1 S to your character. 25pts

-Gem of Gudanka: This Gem adds +1 to Armor Save. 45pts

-Gem of Faurus: This Gem can heals 1 Wound, but it can only be used
once. 65pts

-Gem of Hundra: This Gem adds +1 M to your character. 20pts

-Gem of Pechoka: When an enemy strikes the bearer of this Gem, the
enemy that attacked suffers a S1 hit instantly. 50pts

-Gem of Gurmos: Once this Gem is activated, it allows you to pretform

an Irresistable force (can be used one). 40pts

-Gem of Schuaka: This Gem automaticly disables an enemy

Warmachine for 1 Game Turn. It can only be used once. 50pts

-Gem of Healing: This Gem will heals one Wound if you get 3-6, it fails
if you get 1-2. 50pts

-Gem of Mana: This Gem adds an extra Dice to your powerpull (when
your charging during the Magic Phase). Can only be used once. 30pts
-Gem of Anger: This Gem allows your character to gain instant Frenzy
for 2 turns. Can only be used once. 45pts

-Gem of Death: This Gem allows you to instantly revive all Einherjar
within a 6 Inch radius around the character who uses the Gem. Can only
be used once. 70pts

-Gem of War: This Gem will instantly activate Warshouts in all

Champion, Hero & Lord classes within 6 Inches around the Lord/Hero
who uses this Gem. Can only be used once. 90pts

-Gem of Protection: Once this Gem is activated, it lasts for 2 turns. It

makes your character immune to Magic. Can only be used once. 75pts

-Gem of Courage: This Gem allows your Character & all Units within a
6 Inch radius around the Hero become Immune to Fear, Terror & Panic
for whole 2 turns. Can only be used once. 70pts
To randomly generate a spell from the Lore of Ice, roll a D6 and
consult the table below. If you roll the same spell twice, roll
again. Any wizard can swap one spell for Freezing Blast.

D6 Spell: Difficulty:
1 Freezing Blast 5+
2 Shield of Cold 6+
3 Wind of Ice 7+
4 Cold Shock 8+
5 Midwinter Kiss 9+
6 Shardstorm 11+

Freezing Blast
Cast on 5+
This spell can be cast on any water based terrain
feature in line of sight to the caster (such as a river,
pond, marsh or swamp). The terrain feature affected
is permanently frozen and treated as open ground
from now on. All models in the terrain feature when
the spell is cast immediately suffer a Strength 3 hit
with no armor saves allowed.
Alternatively the spell may be cast on any
unengaged unit within line of sight. The unit suffers
D6 Strength 3 hits. The unit moves as if in difficult
terrain in its next movement phase.
Shield of Cold
Cast on 6+, Remains in Play
This spell is cast upon the Ice Mage himself and will
remain in play. He is surrounded by a shield of
intense chill that disrupts the path of missiles as
they hit the frigid air pocket. All friendly units,
including the wizard, within 12” gain a 4+ Ward
save against missile attacks at Strength 4 or less.
The spell lasts until it is dispelled, the wizard
chooses to end it, attempts to cast another spell or is

Wind of Ice
Cast on 7+
The caster sends a wind of snow and ice against his
enemies, freezing their weapons and armor,
making them brittle as ice. Target one enemy unit
within 24”. The enemy unit takes D6 Strength 2
hits. In addition, they will suffer a -1 to their to hit
rolls, to wound rolls and to any armor saves they
have to take until the end of next turn.

Cold Shock
Cast on 8+
The enemies’ blood literally turns to ice in their
veins. Place the small template anywhere within
18”. Any enemy models fully under the template
are automatically hit. Models partially under the
template are hit on a 4+. Affected models must take
a Toughness test or suffer one wound, with no
armor save allowed.

Midwinter’s Breath
Cast on 9+
The caster breathes a torrent of the purest cold into
the ranks of the enemy. Place the Flame template
with the point touching the base of the caster. Any
enemy models fully under the template are
automatically hit. Models partially under the
template are hit on a 4+. Affected models take a
Strength 5 hit with no armor saves allowed. This
spell may not be cast into combat.

Cast on 11+
Razor sharp shards of ice darken the sky as they
rain down onto the battlefield. Nominate a point on
the battlefield within line of sight. Roll an Artillery
dice and double the result – this is the distance in
inches measured from the nominated point that the
Shardstorm affects. If a Misfire is rolled then the
caster loses control of the Shardstorm and it affects
the entire battlefield. All units (friendly and enemy)
touched by the Shardstorm take 2D6 Strength 2 hits
with no armor saves allowed. Their extremities
numbed from the cold, units taking casualties may
not shoot in the next Shooting phase.

Warlord Narish

Warlord Narish is one of the oldest Draconian Generals & one of the most
experianced. He weilds dual Rune Swords which grants him a mighty
attack which can slice the heads off the mightiest of monsters such as
Trolls, Giants & Greater Daemons of Chaos. His army is one of the most
disciplined ones in the entire Draconian race. His Armor is Golden, but
some Gems he is wearing make him immune to all forms of Magical
He is usually accompanied by two Guardians of Gudanka which act as his

Warlord Narish Points/Model : 210 pts

Guardian of Gudanka Points/Model: 180 pts

Warlord 3 7 0 6 6 3 5 6 9
Guardia 3 7 5 7 6 3 4 2 6

Warlord Narish Equipment: Dual Rune Swords

Guardian of Gudanka Equipment: Great Weapon , Shield


May choose a total of 100pts of Magical Gems

Warlord Narish Special Rules: Warshout, Immune to Psychology, 3+

Scaly Skin, Immunity to Magic (except Irresistable force)
Guardian of Gudanka Special Rules: Lore of Ice, Blizzard of Gudanka,
Immune to Psychology, 3+ Scaly Skin, Bodyguard
Commander Jerrmund

Commander Jerrmund is maybe not that famous, but he is one of the best
Commanders from the Kingdom of Lubria. His mighty Zuki Beast steed is
enough to trample over enemies with ease. Commander Jerrmund is
armed with his Rune Sword Qovut the Slayer & a Whip.

Commander Jerrmund Points/Model: 205

Zuki Beast Mount Points/Model: 50

Commande 3 6 0 5 5 3 6 3 10
Zeku Beast 7 5 0 7 6 2 3 1 3

Equipment: Rune Sword, Whip


May choose a total of 100pts of Magical Gems

Commander Jerrmund Special Rules: Warshout, Whip Lash, Immune to

Psychology, 3+ Scaly Skin
Zuki Beast Mount Special Rules: Monsterous Mount (read the Rulebook
for more information)

Whip Lash:

When Commander Jerrmund uses his Whip, his enemy feels such pain
that it has to drop it’s weapon, thus granting Jerrmund a chance to finish
it off.

Whenever Jerrmund strikes first, roll a D3

1 (1-2) Your Whip misses the enemy, you have waisted an attack.
2 (3-4) Your Whip hits the enemy, yet the enemy somehow stands the pain.
3 (5-6) Your enemy can’t take the pain & drops his weapon, the enemy
that gets hit can’t attack that turn.
Drake Lord Harind:

Drake Lord Harind is the only Drake ever to have ridden a Belrada
Dragon. His courage is matched only to a Draconian Commander or a
Draconian Lord even. The Draconian look up to Harind & his mighty
Belrada Dragon, whilst he is holding a Rune Dagger in the sky, leading
his army to battle.

Drake Lord Harind Points/Model: 85pts

Belrada DragonPoints/Model: 135pts

Drake Lord 6 4 0 3 3 2 7 1 7
Belrada Dragon 8 3 0 7 8 5 5 3 5

Equipment: Rune Dagger


May choose a total of 75pts of Magical Gems

Drake Lord Harind Special Rules: Warshout, 5+ Scaly Skin

Belrada Dragon Special Rules: Ridden Monster (all rules that apply
Monster Units), Fly, Dragons Fire, Large Target, 2+ Scaly Skin
Draconian Commander:

A Draconian Commander is a Lord which is capable of leading hundreds

of Draconian Warriors to battle. He is only matched by a Warlord. They
are usually accompanied by a Draconian Battle Standard.

Points/Model: 150pts

Draconian 3 5 0 5 4 3 6 5 8

Equipment: Hand Weapon


May have Hand Weapon (+10 pts), Additonal Hand Weapon (+10pts),
Rune Sword ,Schuaka Hammer, Krvatarus Axe

May wear Bronze Armor ), Silver Armor , Golden Armor , Shield (+12pts),

May ride Zeku Beast (+50pts), Draconian Chariot (+100 pts), Belrada
Dragon (+135pts)

May choose a total of 100pts of Magical Gems

Special Rules:
3+ Scaly Skin, Warshout, Furious Charge, Immune to Psychology

Draconian Battle Standard Bearer

A Draconian Battle Stanrard Bearer is a Hero who waves the flag of his
Kingdom, thus inspiring all around him to greater feats of battle. They
usually acompany Draconian Commanders in battle.

Points/Model: 100pts

Draconian Battle 3 4 0 4 4 3 6 5 10
Standard Bearer

Equipment: Hand Weapon, Banner


May wear Bronze Armor

May accompany a Draconian Commander

May ride a Chariot (to accompany a Draconian Commander)

May choose a total of 70pts of Magical Gems

Special Rules:

3+ Scaly Skin, Warshout, can choose only 1

Guardian of Gudanka

The Guardians of Gudanka (also known as Sons of Gudanka) are mighty

warriors who went in special Temple Training, gaining not only the ability
to use spells from the Lore of Ice, but to use a Blade of Gudanka &
summon Blizzards as well. They are the ones who had the most exhausting
training of all Draconian.

Points/Model: 180pts

Guardia 3 7 5 7 6 3 4 2 6

Equipment: Great Weapon, Shield


May Wear Silver Armor (+30pts)

May choose 1 Magical Gem

Special Rules:
3+ Scaly Skin, Level 2 Loremaster, Blizzard of Gudanka, Lightning Bolt
Lightning Bolt

When a Guardian of Gudanka dies, he produces an energy pulse that

creates a lightning bolt, damaging all around him. The Electric burst is so
powerful that no enemy attempts to strike a Guardian of Gudanka in close

When a Guardian of Gudanka is killed, place a Small Artillery piece over

the Guardian of Gudanka which died, then roll a D3

1 – The explosion didn’t happen, thus there was no damage dealth.

2 – The explosion was not so powerful, it stoke a S3 hit to all which were
beneath the Artillery piece, armor saves not allowed.
3 – The explosion was powerful & it dealth a S7 hit to all beneath the
Artillery piece, armor saves are not allowed.
Student of Gurmos

The Students of Gurmos (also known as Sons of Gurmos) are powerful

Spellcasters which had utterly mastered the Lore of Ice. They had special
Temple Training, making them one of the most powerful Draconian
Heroes ever. They aren’t tough themselves (for Draconian), but their
spells are enough to cover that up. It is thought that they teach some
Drakes how to use the Lore of Ice, thus brining the Drake Priest as their

Points/Model: 170pts

Student 3 3 5 3 3 2 3 1 7

Equipment: Dagger


May wear Silver Armor

May choose a total of 150pts of Magical Gems

Special Rules:
4+ Scaly Skin, Level 4 Loremaster, Energy Pulse
Energy Pulse

When a Student of Gurmos is killed, there is a Pulse of pure energy

surging the field, cancelling out all spells for a short period of time.

When a Student of Gurmos is killed, place a large Artillery piece over the
killed Student of Gurmos, then roll a D3
1 – The Pulse didn’t happen or it was to small.
2 – The Pulse wasn’t so big, place a small Artillery pice instead, all
Spellcastors cought in the Pulse loose the ability to cast spells for a turn.
3 – The Pulse was large, all Spellcastors beneath the Artillery piece loose
the ability to cast spells for a turn.
Drake Priest

Drake Priests are Drakes which had learned how to use the Lore of Ice,
thanks to the Students of Gurmos which had thought them how to. A
single Drake Priest is not a strong opponent, but add him to a Regiment of
Drake Scouts or Drake Dragon Tamers & you’ve got yourself a strong
hero (since the Drakes are fighting for him & the Drake Priest is shooting
very strong spells from the Lore of Ice).

Points/Model: 100pts

Drake 6 3 4 3 2 2 4 1 6

Equipment: Hand Weapon


May wear Silver Armor

May choose a total of 50pts of Magical Gems

Special Rules:
5+ Scaly Skin, Level 3 Loremaster, Jump Kick
(the Jumpkick ability will be discussed at the Drake Scout Regiment)
Drake Commander

A Drake Commander is a Drake who had earned his keep in the

Draconian military, he alone can match up the strength of another Hero.
But he is not as skilled as a fully fledged Draconian Commander or
Warlord. The Drake Commanders are numerous & you can find at least 3
per army (unless it’s an all Draconian Army). The Drake Commanders
can also tame Drakkar & tame Zillo Beasts for battle. A single Drake
Commander might not be enough to boost the moral of a Draconian
Warrior, but he is quite a sight for an army of Drakes.

Points/Model: 75pts

Drake 6 5 5 4 3 2 6 2 7

Equipment: Hand Weapon, Shield


May have Hand Weapon (+4pts), Rune Dagger

May have a Handgun (+5pts)

May wear Shield (+4pts), Rune Shield , Bronze Armor , Silver Armor ,
Golden Armor

May ride Zillo Beast (+15pts), Drake Chariot (+45pts), Drakkar (+75pts)

May choose a total of 35pts of Magical Gems

Special Abilities:
5+ Scaly Skin, Warshout, Speedy Charge, Jump, Jump Kick, ‘’How does
this work?’’ (if he has a Handgun)


When Drakes got an obsticle in their way, they just jump over it (unless
the obsticle is a building). This is another proof of the Drakes great
athletic skills.

The Jump ability works only if your obsticle isn’t a building or an enemy
Unit (in this case, you use the Speedy Charge). When a Jump works, you
loose 1M when you cross over it, so you should count if your
Charge/March move will work or not. When you declare a Jump, you toss
a D6, if you get 3-6 the Jump works, if you get 1-2 the Jump fails.

Jump Kick

When a Drake finds himself close to an enemy, they would usually drag
their Swords & Daggers, but some very skilled would jump up to 2 meters
into the air & deliver a swift kick to the head.
When a Drake is assaulted in Close Combat, you roll a Dice for each
Drake. If you get a 1-3 You fail to deliver a Jump Kick, if you get 4-6 you
successfully deliver a Jump Kick. A Jump Kick is basically an extra

’’How does this work?’’

Drakes will sometimes forget how to use their guns, although sometimes
they’ll remember, but miss, but in rare ocassions, they might figure out
how to use their guns & score a hit, either that or get really lucky.

When a Regiment of Fire Drakes is shooting, roll a D3 for each Fire

If you get a 1, you’ll have to pass through a Panic test before you can
If you get a 2 your Drakes shot, but missed.
If you get a 3 your Drakes actuelly shot the enemy, either that or got really


Zillo Beasts (+25pts)

Zillo Beasts are ridden by Drake Commanders into combat, used to rush
into the enemy lines or to scout an are. A Zillo Beast trained for a Drake
Commander is braver & more loyal then the other Zillo Beasts which are
known for being quite cowardly & loose their nerves quickly.

Zillo Beast 8 3 0 4 4 1 2 1 3

Drake Chariot (+50pts)

A Drake Chariotis used by the Drake Commanders to rush into battle &
deal heavy damage (compared to his Drake counterparts). He and a Drake
Champion (which is controlling the two Zeku Beasts which are pulling the
Chariot) are a great sight to see indeed for a Drake Soldier.

Drake 0 0 0 3 3 2 0 0 0
Drake 6 4 0 3 0 0 4 1 0
Two Zillo 8 3 0 4 4 2 2 1 3

Armor Save 3+
Drakkar (+80pts)

Drakkar are tiny versions of the regular Belrada Dragons, roughly the
size of a Horse. These Dragons are not as strong as the other Dragons, but
they are enough for a Drake to ride them & use them to win battles.

Drakkar 9 3 0 4 5 2 2 1 3

Special Rules:
+3 Scaly Skin, Flying Cavalry, Causes Fear

Zeku Beast (+75pts)

Zeku Beasts are one of the creatures that rome Belrada. Their horns are
enough to puncture a man with a single hit. Their thick skin can repell
arrows & other weak attacks & when it charges, the ground trembles.
Some Draconian Commanders are somehow able to control them.

Zeku Beast 7 3 0 6 5 2 2 2 5

Special Rules:
Monsterous Mount, Causes Fear
Draconian Chariot (+105pts)

Draconian Commanders are fond of using 2 Zuki Beasts pulling a Chaiort

made to trample over their enemies, also they prefer to bring a Battle
Standard Bearer with them, to grab the attention of other Troops. The
Chariot is controlled by a Draconian Champion which controlls it well.
Draconian 0 0 0 5 5 3 0 0 0
Draconian 3 4 0 5 5 3 2 3 10
Two Zuki 7 3 0 6 5 3 2 2 5

Armor Save 6+

Belrada Dragon (+135pts)

A Belrada Dragon is one of the strongest species of Dragons in the

Warhammer World. Being issolated for a very long time, they grew to
become primitive, but were tamed by the Draconian & used in War,
usually with a Draconian Commander on it’s back leading his army.

Belrada 8 7 0 7 8 5 3 5 9
Special Rules:
+2 Scaly Skin, Ridden Monster, Dragons Fire, Flying, Causes Terror,
Large Target


Drake Scout Regiment

The Drakes are usually not fighters, but Traders, Market owners &
Diplomats. Although some of them chose to be soldiers, fighting for their
Kingdoms, Cities, Towns etc. The Drakes are not as courageous as their
taller counterparts, that is why they move in larger groups & are get
scared plenty of times. A single Drake is nothing, but the Drakes form in
small Regiments of 12, not much, but they work as Scouts, not Warriors.
Also, you might find some Drake Warriors working with the Dogs of War.

Flie & Rank: 3pts
Skrimishers: 5pts

Drake Scout 7 3 0 2 1 1 4 1 3
Drake Champion 7 4 0 3 2 1 4 1 4

File & Rank:

Drake Scout 6 3 0 3 2 1 4 1 5
Drake Champion 6 4 0 3 3 1 4 1 5

Unit Size: 12+

Equipment: Hand Weapon, Shield

Special Rules:
5+ Scaly Skin, Speedy Charge, Jump, Jump Kick, Warshout (if Drake
Champion included)

Options: Upgrade a Drake Scout to a Drake Champion +6pts

Speedy Charge:

Drakes are known to make really fast charges, so fast that the enemy can’t
see them soming, and when they do, they aren’t fast enough to catch them,
the Drakes can push themselves through middle sized enemies, go between
the legs of large enemies & jump over small enemies. All this to catch an
enemy or escape from one.

The Speedy Charge allows a Drake Scout Regiment to Charge or Flee

through an enemy unit. For this to work, toss a D6.
On a roll of 1-2 the Charge didn’t work, thus you’d have to fight the
enemy that gets in your way (or get killed by him if your fleeing).
On a roll of 3-6 the Charge worked and you get to Charge or Flee through
the enemy Unit that got in your way.
The Speedy Charge also works if you have a Drake Pirest or a Drake
Commander in your Regiment.


When Drakes got an obsticle in their way, they just jump over it (unless
the obsticle is a building). This is another proof of the Drakes great
athletic skills.

The Jump ability works only if your obsticle isn’t a building or an enemy
Unit (in this case, you use the Speedy Charge). When a Jump works, you
loose 1M when you cross over it, so you should count if your
Charge/March move will work or not. When you declare a Jump, you toss
a D6, if you get 3-6 the Jump works, if you get 1-2 the Jump fails.

Jump Kick:
When a Drake finds himself close to an enemy, they would usually drag
their Swords & Daggers, but some very skilled would jump up to 2 meters
into the air & deliver a swift kick to the head.

When a Drake is assaulted in Close Combat, you roll a Dice for each
Drake. If you get a 1-3 You fail to deliver a Jump Kick, if you get 4-6 you
successfully deliver a Jump Kick. A Jump Kick is basically an extra
Drake Archer Regiment

Drakes do not only use Swords & Shields, they also use Bows & Arrows. A
single Drake archer is not enough to shoot down an enemy (unless he is
lucky enough to gain a shot) hence they move in groups of at least a dozen
Archers. An Archer also has a Knife with him, just in case he needs to
fend himself in close combat. These Drakes are too busy trying to improve
their aim & bow skill that they lack the fast moving skills of their Close
Combat counterparts (Drake Scouts).

Points/Model: 3pts
Drake Archer 6 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 4

Unit Size: 12+

Equipment: Short bow, knife

Special Rules:
5+ Scaly Skin, Jump Kick

Jump Kick:

When a Drake finds himself close to an enemy, they would usually drag
their Swords & Daggers, but some very skilled would jump up to 2 meters
into the air & deliver a swift kick to the head.

When a Drake is assaulted in Close Combat, you roll a Dice for each
Drake. If you get a 1-3 You fail to deliver a Jump Kick, if you get 4-6 you
successfully deliver a Jump Kick. A Jump Kick is basically an extra

Fire Drake Regiment

Some Drakes had formed a deal with the Dwarfs, in exchange for precious
Stones & Metals (found so far up north that a Dwarf cannot even find
them) used commonly by the Draconian, the Drakes get supllies of Gun
Powder barrles & Handguns. These new Units of Drakes are not so
common since the Drakes & the Dwarfs don’t make deals very often.
Drakes are not well trained to hold these new weapons, so it is very often
that they miss their targets or even forget how to use the handguns. But
when a Drake figures how to shoot & gets a good aim, they can be deadly.

Points/Model: 4pts
Fire Drake 6 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 4

Units Size: 10+

Equipment: Handgun, knife

Special Rules:
5+ Scaly Skin, Jump Kick, ’’How does this work?’’

Jump Kick:

When a Drake finds himself close to an enemy, they would usually drag
their Swords & Daggers, but some very skilled would jump up to 2 meters
into the air & deliver a swift kick to the head.
When a Drake is assaulted in Close Combat, you roll a Dice for each
Drake. If you get a 1-3 You fail to deliver a Jump Kick, if you get 4-6 you
successfully deliver a Jump Kick. A Jump Kick is basically an extra

’’How does this work?’’:

Drakes will sometimes forget how to use their guns, although sometimes
they’ll remember, but miss, but in rare ocassions, they might figure out
how to use their guns & score a hit, either that or get really lucky.

When a Regiment of Fire Drakes is shooting, roll a D3 for each Fire

If you get a 1, you’ll have to pass through a Panic test before you can
If you get a 2 your Drakes shot, but missed.
If you get a 3 your Drakes actuelly shot the enemy, either that or got really
Note that they only flee if there isn’t a General or Lord in their line of
Draconian Warrior Regiment

The backbone of every Draconian army. These Warriors are trained for
the harsh conditions of the cold & the heath of the battle. They know no
fear, for they are one of the strongest soldiers ever to march on the
Warhammer World. It is known that the Draconian prefer using Swords
to slash their enemies & shields to block enemy atttacks, even thou they
have tough scaly skin & thick armor platings. They are an unstopable
force armed to the teeth.

Points/Model: 23ts
Draconian Warrior 3 4 0 5 5 1 2 3 9
Draconian Champion 3 4 0 5 5 1 2 3 10

Unit size: 12+

Equipment: Hand Weapon, Shield

Special Rules:
+5 Scaly Skin, Furious Charge, Warshout (if Champion included)

Options: Upgrade a Draconian Warrior to Draconian Champion +10pts

Spiked Guard Regiment

The Spiked Guard is one of the most powerful Draconian Warriors ever
met in combat. When they charge, the enemy can only run, run or die
fighting. Most enemies would be slaughtered in a matter of minutes,
although some enemies see that their only chance of survival, is to run for
the hills, although sometimes, not even that is not enough. They are well
known for their Courage as well for their Strength. Once you hear their
feet marching, your only hope of survival, is running.

Points/Model: 25pts
Spiked Guardian 3 5 0 5 5 1 6 3 8

Unit size: 12+

Equipment: Spear, Shield

Special Rules:
+5 Scaly Skin, Furious Charge, Immune to Psychology, ’’Draw your
Swords!’’ Can have only 1 Regiment per Lord character

’’Draw your Swords!’’:

A Spiked Guardian also wears a Sword around his belt, just in case he
looses his Spear or needs something if the enemy closes in a bit too much.
When an enemy tries to attack a Spiked Guard from the Rear or a Flank,
the enemy does not gain a bonus. We assume the Spiked Guardians that
get attacked simply draw their Swords to face the enemy that tries to attack
them from aFlank or the Rear.


Draconian Hound Pack

The Draconian Hounds are beastly Hounds trained to serve the

Draconian race in the same way Dogs do Humans, although these
Hounds are most often used in wars, to sniff out the enemy, capture &
pursue all fleeing targets & bring no prisoners. It is surprising how do
these Hounds look like the Draconian themselves. They were probably
degenerated Draconian which were formed a long time ago, and had
ended up under Draconian control. Whatever the reason why they look
like the Draconian, these beasts sure are a formidable foe.

Points/Model: 8pts
Draconian Hound 6 4 0 4 3 1 3 1 6
Pack Leader 6 4 0 4 3 1 3 1 7

Unit size: 10+

Equipment: None

Special Rules:
+4 Scaly Skin, Swiftstride

Options: Upgrade a Draconian Hound to Pack Leader +4pts

Drake Cavalry

Drakes Ride Zillo Beasts, which are not as tough as other mounts such as
Wolves or Horses, but they are pretty fast & unlike other cavalry, they
usually spread out to search for enemies so their taller brothers can take
them down. The Zillo beasts however aren’t bred for battle, however, they
are quite pieceful & harmless, so it is quite a surprise the Drakes use them
for mounts. It is rumored that these Drakes aren’t real soldiers, but Drake
Farmers who mount their Zillo Beasts, grab their Axes & ride to war.

Points/Model: 15pts

File & Rank

Drake 6 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 6
Zillo Beast 7 3 0 4 3 1 2 1 3

Drake 7 3 0 3 2 1 4 1 5
Zillo Beast 8 3 0 4 4 1 2 1 3

Unit Size: 12+

Equipment: Hand Weapon

Special Rules:
+5 Scaly Skin (Rider), Skrimisher, Frightened


The Zillo Beasts that are used by the Drake Cavalry aren’t as tough as the
ones trained by the Drake Commanders, so they aren’t that brave & their
nerves break faster of their Drake masters.

A Drake Cavalry unit has to pass through a Panic test when you loose 2
Units or more.
Draconian Cavalry

The Draconian Cavalry are Draconian Warriors who had learned how to
ride the mighty Zuki Beasts & then use them to charge into battle. The
enemy does not see them coming until Draconian metal slices their limbs
off. The Zuki Beasts are powerful & are capable of unleashing a mighty
roar which causes fear into the enemy, ridden by the equally frightening
Draconian Riders, the Draconian Cavalry represents the strongest cavalry
seen to ride at the nort, only matched by the Bloodcrushers of Khorne.
Whenever you hear the hooves of these beasts running towards you, your
only chance to survive is to run for the hill, hide & prey they don’t find

Points/Model: 75pts

Drake 3 6 0 5 5 2 2 3 9
Zillo Beast 7 3 0 6 5 2 2 2 5

Unit Size: 1+

Equipment: Hand Weapon, Shield

Special Rules:
3+ Scaly Skin, Causes Fear, Monsterous Cavalry
(Read 8th Edition Rulebook for Monsterous Cavalry rules)
Drake Dragon Tamers

Drakes who grab Swords & Whips to tame the mighty Drakkar & Belrada
Dragons are one of the most elite Drake warriors, respected by both the
Drakes & the Draconian. They are extremely skileld compared to their
counterparts, but not as strong as most Dracoian. Although their whip
lashes are enough to bring even the mightiest foes to their knees, and
when massed in numbers, they can take down larger enemies such as
Trolls, Greater Daemons, Hydras, Giants & ofcourse, Dragons.

Points/Model: 20pts
Drake Dragon 5 6 0 3 3 1 7 3 5
Drake Dragon 5 7 0 3 3 1 7 3 5

Unit Size: 6+

Equipment: Hand Weapon, Whip

Special Rules:
5+ Scaly Skin, Speedy Charge, Jump, Jump Kick, Whip Lash

Options: Upgrade a Drake Dragon Tamer to Drake Dragon Master +4pts


When Drakes got an obsticle in their way, they just jump over it (unless
the obsticle is a building). This is another proof of the Drakes great
athletic skills.

The Jump ability works only if your obsticle isn’t a building or an enemy
Unit (in this case, you use the Speedy Charge). When a Jump works, you
loose 1M when you cross over it, so you should count if your
Charge/March move will work or not. When you declare a Jump, you toss
a D6, if you get 3-6 the Jump works, if you get 1-2 the Jump fails.

Speedy Charge:

Drakes are known to make really fast charges, so fast that the enemy can’t
see them soming, and when they do, they aren’t fast enough to catch them,
the Drakes can push themselves through middle sized enemies, go between
the legs of large enemies & jump over small enemies. All this to catch an
enemy or escape from one.

The Speedy Charge allows a Drake Scout Regiment to Charge or Flee

through an enemy unit. For this to work, toss a D6.
On a roll of 1-2 the Charge didn’t work, thus you’d have to fight the
enemy that gets in your way (or get killed by him if your fleeing).
On a roll of 3-6 the Charge worked and you get to Charge or Flee through
the enemy Unit that got in your way. (more info on next page)
The Speedy Charge also works if you have a Drake Pirest or a Drake
Commander in your Regiment.

Jump Kick:

When a Drake finds himself close to an enemy, they would usually drag
their Swords & Daggers, but some very skilled would jump up to 2 meters
into the air & deliver a swift kick to the head.

When a Drake is assaulted in Close Combat, you roll a Dice for each
Drake. If you get a 1-3 You fail to deliver a Jump Kick, if you get 4-6 you
successfully deliver a Jump Kick. A Jump Kick is basically an extra
Whip Lash:

When a Drake Dragon Tamer uses his Whip, his enemy feels such that he
has to drop it, thus granting the Tamer a chance to finish him off.

Whenever a Drake Dragon Tamer strikes first, roll a D3 for each Drake:
1 (1-2) Your Whip misses the enemy, you have waisted an attack.
2 (3-4) Your Whip hits the enemy, yet the enemy somehow stands the pain.
3 (5-6) Your enemy can’t take the pain & drops his weapon, the enemy
that gets hit can’t attack that turn.

Servants of Krvatarus

The Servants of Krvataurs (also known as the Sons of Krvatarus) are the
most Ferocious Draconian in the entire Draconian army, for they adopt
the ways of their God & show great ferocity in battle. They take away extra
armor platins to gain on speed so they can ravage their enemies. They
have special Temple training which makes them more powerful them
more skilled then other Draconian, but also not as many.
Once they pull out their blades & unleash a shout, you know that a
massacre is coming upon all who oppose them.

Points/Model: 25pts

Servant of 4 6 0 5 3 1 3 4 5

Unit Size: 6+

Equipment: Hand Weapon

Special Rules:
3+ Scaly Skin, Furious Charge, Immune to Psychology

May have Additional Hand Weapon, Krvatarus Axe, Schuaka Hammer



From the Cold Bone Yards of the Draconian, left after a battle, the souls
of the Einher sircle around, searching for their new bodies, or their old
ones. The Einher are Undead Draconian soldiers who had lost all but
their Souls, Limbs & Weapons. This proves that a Draconian will never
give up on a battle, not even in death. A Horde of Einhers is a frightening
sight, for icy magics circle around them, protecting them from any spell or
curse. The very appearance sends chills down the spines of even their own
kind, especially the Drakes, seeying they aren’t as brave as their brothers.

Points/Model: 35pts
Einher 2 4 0 7 7 2 4 2 3
Einher 2 5 0 7 7 2 4 2 3

Units size: 10+

Equipment: Hand Weapon

Special Rules:
Immune to Psychology, Immune to Magic, Immune to Poison, Icy Touch,
Causes Fear, ‘’We have returned’’, Can’t march

Einher Warrior:
May have Additional Hand Weapon, Krvatarus Axe, Schuaka Hammer,
Upgrade to Einher Champion

Einher Champion:
May have Additional Hand Weapon, Krvatarus Axe, Schuaka Hammer,
May wear Bronze Armor
Immune to Magic:

An Einher is protected by a vail formed by the Draconian Gods. This

allows them to defeat Wizards with plenty of ease. The power of the
Draconian Gods is unmatched by any magic done by a mortal.

The Einher are immune to all sorts of Magic, be it casted by an enemy or

a friend, which is an interesting twist. The Einher can also whiststand
Irresistable Force.

Icy Touch:

Some Creatures from the Icy Realms & Belrada have grown & merged
with the Icy conditions (like the Belrada Giants) or had been enchanted
with Icy Magics (like the Einher). The Ice around these creatures is
enough to send chills down the spines of the enemies who engage them in
close combat.

All enemies who engage either a Belrada Giant or an Einher in close

combat suffers a -1WS -1S & -1T . The enemy is slowed down by -1M if he
charges at these Units. All Fire based attacks loose -1S when attacking
these Units (Belrada Giant s& Einhers).

‘’We have returned’’:

When the Draconian shout so loud that the very Gods hear them, the
Einher rise up again to battle, yet another chance to win, yet another
chance to kill.

When an Einher is killed his remains stay there (leave the miniature there,
only make look like it fell) & when the remains get affected by a Warshout
(done by a Draconian Lord/Hero/Champion) the Einher is brought back
to ‘’life’’ (returns to battle). But the Einher can’t move or fight in that
turn for he is too busy putting himself back to together (quite literally).

Belrada Giant

The Belrada Giants (Draconis Gigantus) are one of the strongest

creatures that had ever walked upon the Icy Realms & beyond. They had
merged with the Ice all around them, thus being more immune to cold
weather & are able to produce cold constantly, just like most creatures
would produce heat. They are usually armed with massive Axes & thick
armor which protects them from most attacks. The Belrada Giants had
seperated from the main Draconian colonies long ago, being a separate
species, but not long ago, the Belrada Giants had started offering their
servaces to the Draconian, fixing & constructing their Buildings, but also
serving in war as their strongest soldiers. The Belrada Giants are a very
scary sight indeed, not even the hardy Draconian don’t feel comfortable
with them.

Points/Model: 85pts

Belrada Giant 5 7 0 8 8 3 4 1 2

Unit size: 1+

Equipment: Great Weapon, Heavy Armor

Special Rules:
+6 Scaly Skin, Immune to Psychology, Causes Fear, Icy Touch, Arctic
Winds, Icy Breath, Stubborn, Large Target, Impack Hit +2

Icy Touch:

Some Creatures from the Icy Realms & Belrada have grown & merged
with the Icy conditions (like the Belrada Giants) or had been enchanted
with Icy Magics (like the Einher). The Ice around these creatures is
enough to send chills down the spines of the enemies who engage them in
close combat.

All enemies who engage either a Belrada Giant or an Einher in close

combat suffers a -1WS -1S & -1T . The enemy is slowed down by -1M if he
charges at these Units. All Fire based attacks loose -1S when attacking
these Units (Belrada Giant s& Einhers).
Arctic Winds:

The Belrada Giants don’t get to use their Wings for flying, but they use
them to blow away or simply slow down their enemies.

When an enemy Unit charges at a Belrada Giant, you get to roll a D3:
1 – You slow down the enemies Movemant by 1 (-1M)
2 – You slice the enemies movemant by half
3 – You get to push back enemies by 1M

Icy Breath:

The Belrada Giants are well known for their Icy presence, but when they
focus all that freezing air inside their lungs & then let it out, all enemies
get to feel the Icy winds the Draconian feel in the Icy Realms of the
Northern Ice Cap. The enemy freezes in his place & not only gets to fight
an Icy Giant, but the Freezing Cold as well.

During the Shooting Phase, a Belrada Giant can use this ability. When
you declare an ‘’Icy Breath’’ you roll a D6, on a roll of 1-3 you fail to use
the ability. When you roll a 4-6 you successfully complete the Icy Breath
ability, place a Flame Template in front of the Belrada Giant & all enemy
units beneath the Template suffer:

Drakkar Pack

The Drakkar are one of the most ferocious creatures ever to live in the Icy
Realms (next to the Draconian themselves). These creatures can whitstand
strong Blizzards, so flying in clear air is easy for them. Their Firey breath
is not as strong as the ones of a normal sized Dragon. The Drakkar are
the size of a Horse, often used as mounts for Drake Commanders & Elite
Drake Soldiers who had learned how to tame one. They sometimes move
in small Packs of maybe just 2 or 3, rearly more then 5. But when they do
mass up, they represent more danger then a Star Dragon.

Points/Model: 75pts
Drakkar 7 3 0 4 3 2 2 1 3

Units size: 2+

Equipment: None

Special Rules:
+5 Scaly Skin, Flying Cavalry, Causes Fear, Stupidity
Drakkar Rider

When a Drake gets to tame a Drakkar, the two of them form a close bond
& thus work as one. The Drakkar, are ferocious Dragons, while the
Drakes who ride them are mighty & brave (compared to other Drakes).
The combination of the two forms a strong combo which can smith most

Points/Model: 80pts

Rider 5 5 0 3 2 1 4 1 4
Drakkar 7 3 0 4 3 2 2 1 3

Unit Size: 1+

Equipment: Spear

Special Rules:
5+ (4+ for Drakkar) Scaly Skin, Flying Cavalry, Causes Fear
Dragon Trebuchet

The Dragon Trebuchet are one of the Draconian Warmachines, of which

the Draconian aren’t quite that fond of using. The Trebuchet is armed
with Rocks, Stones & anything that is hard enough but can fit into the
Trebuchet. This how the Trebuchets are known for using chunks from
their own walls & then hurling them into the air. This is not quite as
effective as a round rock, but it is for sure it will take longer for it to run
out of ammuntiion (stuff to throw at the enemy). A single Trebuchet is
armed with a crew of 3 Drakes & a Dragons skull up front, just to show
off the Trebuchet is a deadly weapon indeed, which it definetly is.

Points/Model: 75pts

Dragon Trebuchet 0 0 0 0 8 3 0 0 0
Drake Crewmen 5 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 3

Units size: 3+
(3 Drake Crewman)

Equipment: Dagger (for Drakes)

Special Rules:
Drale Crew,am: +2 Scaly Skin, Jump Kick
Dragon Trebuchet: Stone Thrower rules

Jump Kick:

When a Drake finds himself close to an enemy, they would usually drag
their Swords & Daggers, but some very skilled would jump up to 2 meters
into the air & deliver a swift kick to the head.

When a Drake is assaulted in Close Combat, you roll a Dice for each
Drake. If you get a 1-3 You fail to deliver a Jump Kick, if you get 4-6 you
successfully deliver a Jump Kick. A Jump Kick is basically an extra

Armored Zentar Beast

When the ground itself trembles in fear & the Draconian turn their
attention for a mere moment, you’ll hear a thundering Taunt echoing the
battlefield, that is when the Armored Zentar Beasts charge to battle. It is
not yet known how the Drakes were able to tame these mighty beasts, but
they did & the resaults are devestating. The Zentar Beasts are massive
(roughly the size of a Lizardmen Steggadon), They have 3 massive horns
(1 on top of their beak & 2 on their heads). Their bony crests can fend off
any assault, which are armed with a double layer of pure steel, to protect
the beast from attacks from Warmachines (such as Cannons & Stone
Throwers). The beasts torso is armed with 3 layers of Steel, giving it plenty
of protection. It can also charge at high speed, crushing all in it’s path.
The Drake Archers mounted on top of it shoot from their bows all enemies
that manage to get out of the beasts way. It is often that the beasts come
with 6 side mounted Crossbows or a Ballista on it’s back. It is at rare
ocassions that a Drake Commander would come riding on it’s back, giving
away orders to his fellow Drakes, when he shouts, the beast shouts with
him, echoing throughout the battlefield, granting strength to allies &
striking Fear into the hearts of the enemies.

Armored Zentar Beast: 150pts
Drake Commander: 75pts
Drake Archer: 3pts

Armored Zentar 5 3 0 6 7 5 2 4 5
Drake Commander 6 5 7 4 3 2 6 2 7
Drake Archer 5 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 4

Unit size: 7+

Equipment: Shortbow, Handweapon, Ballista or 5 Crossbows

Special Rules:
Stubborn, Immne to Psychology, Causes Terror, D6+1 Impact Hits,
Howdah weapons, Drake Crew, Unit Strength 10, ’’Out of the way!’’ ,
Warshout (like the one used by the Draconian, except it also causes Terror
to all enemies within a 10 Inch Radius of the Warhout)


Armored Zentar Beast: 4 Side Mounted Crossbows (2 on the left side of

the howdah & 2 on the right side & one on the back) or Ballista.

Drake Commander:
May have Hand Weapon (+4pts), Rune Dagger (+8pts)

May have a Handgun (+5pts)

May wear Shield (+4pts), Rune Shield), Bronze Armor, Silver Armor
Golden Armor

May have a total of 35pts of Magical Gems

Allows the Armored Zentar Beast (as a whole Unit) to be used as a Hero
class cahracter.
‘’Out of the Way!’’

When an Armored Zentar Beast charges towards an enemy with it’s full
might, the Drake Commander tries to warn his comrades that he & his
beast are charging towards their way, the Draconian & the Drakes notice
the warning & will abandon any actions to let the Beast crush into the
enemy, including fighting.

Whenever an Armored Zentar is charging towards an enemy, all

Draconian minis will move out of the way to their left or right (use the
movemant of that Unit, split it in half & then move the unit to either left or
right depending of the number you’ve got). All Draconian Units will
abandon whatever they are doing to make way for the Armored Zentar
Beast, including fighting an opponent (this action does not count as Flee).
M W BS S T W I A Ld pts bas unit
S e

Warlord Narish 3 7 0 6 6 3 5 6 9 210 25×2 n/a

Jerrmund 3 6 0 5 5 3 6 3 10 205 50×5 n/a
Drake Lord
Harind 6 4 0 3 3 2 7 1 7 85 50×5 n/a
Commander 3 5 0 5 4 3 6 5 8 150 25×2 n/a

Battle Stndard
Bearer 3 4 0 4 4 3 6 5 10 100 25×2 n/a
Guardian of
Gudanka 3 7 5 7 6 3 4 2 6 180 25×2 n/a
Student of
Gurmos 3 3 5 3 3 2 3 1 7 170 25×2 n/a
Drake Priest 6 3 4 3 2 2 4 1 6 100 20×2 n/a
Commander 6 5 7 4 3 2 6 2 7 75 20×2 n/a

M W B S T W I A L pt base uni
S S d s t
Core Units
Drake Scout
Regiment 7/6 3 0 2 1/2 1 4 1 3/4 3/5 20×20 12+
Drake Archer
Regiment 6 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 4 3 20×20 12+
Fire Drake
Regiment 6 1 7 1 1 1 2 1 4 5 20×20 10+
Warrior Regiment 3 4 0 5 5 1 2 3 9 23 25×25 12+
Spiked Guard
Regiment 3 5 0 5 5 1 6 3 8 25 25×25 12+
Special Units
Hound Pack 6 4 0 4 3 1 3 1 6 8 25×50 10+

Drake Cavalry 6/7 3 0 3 3/2 1 4 1 6/5 15 25×50 12+

Cavalry 3 6 0 5 5 2 2 3 9 75 50×50 n/a
Drake Dragon
Tamers 5 6 0 3 3 1 7 3 5 20 20×20 6+
Servants of
Krvatarus 4 6 0 5 3 1 3 4 5 25 25×25 6+


UNITS (not Champions) & RIDERS (excluding the mounts) SO IF YOU
GO TO THE PROFILES OF THAT UNIT (all but the Spiked Guard &
Servants of Krvatarus don’t have Champions/Mounts, just a heads up)!
M W B S T W I A Ld pt base uni
S S s t
Rare Units
Einher Warrior 2 4 0 7 7 2 4 2 3 35 25×25 10+
Belrada Giant 5 7 0 8 8 3 4 1 2 85 50×50 n/a
Drakkar Pack 7 3 0 4 3 2 2 1 3 75 40×40 2+
Drakkar Rider 5 5 0 3 2 1 4 1 4 80 40×40 n/a
Tebuchet 0 0 0 0 8 3 0 0 0 75 n/a 3
Armored Zentar
Beast 5 3 0 6 7 5 2 4 5 150 50×10 7


UNIT (the only Units without Mounts/Crewmen/Champions here are
Belrada Giants & Drakkar Packs, just a heads up)!


Lord Characters:

Lizardmen Saurus Oldblood as: Dragonmaster Dragon + Skink Chief

-Warlord Narish with Sword & Shield as:
-Commander Jerrmund Drake Lord Harind
-Draconian Commander

Hero Characters:

Lizardmen Battle Standrad Chakax, the Eterinty Still Searching
Bearer as: Warden as: for Student of
Draconian Battle Standrad Guardian of Gudanka Gurmos

Tiqtaq’to, Master of Skies, Skink Chief with Blowpipe, Skink Chief with
Sword & Shield
as: Drake Commander on Drakkar, with Handgun, with Hand Weapon…
Skink Priest as: Drake Priest Lizardmen Steggadon as:
Armored Zentar Beast

Character Mounts:

Lord of the Rings Wargs as: Goblin Wolf Chariot as:

Zillo Beasts Drake Chariot

Ogre Kingdoms Rhinox as: Orc Boar Chariot as:

Zeku Beast Draconian Chariot

Lizardmen Terradon as: Dragonmaster Dragon as:

Drakkar Belrada Dragon
Core Units:

Lizardmen Skink Regiment can be used to make:

Drake Scouts (with Hand Weapons/Spears & Shield), Drake Archers (with
Blowpipes) & Fire Drakes (different type of Blowpipe)
Lizardmen Saurus Warrior Regiment as: Saurus Warriors with Spears:
Draconian Warrior Regiment Spiked Guards

Special Units:

Chaos Warhounds as: Lizardmen Skink Regiment as:

Draconian Hound Pack Drake Dragon Tamers
(Spears & Hand Weapons)
Lizardmen Skink Regiment + Lord of the Rings Wargs as:
Drake Cavalry (Skinks with Spears & Shields)

Lizardmen Cold One Riders + Ogre K. Rhinox as: Draconian Cavalry

Lizardmen Saurus Regiment as Servants of Krvatarus (Hand Weapons)

Rare Units:

Lizardmen Temple Guards as: Bloodthirster, Greater Daemon

Einhers (Hand Weapons) of Khorne (just Axe) as:
Belrada Giant
Lizardmen Terradon as:
Drakkar Pack (without the Rider) or Drakkar Rider (with the Rider)

Lord of the Rings, Gondor Battlecry Trebuchet as:

Dragon Trebuchet with Drake (Skink) crew instead of Human
Lizardmen Steggadon as Armored Zentar Beast (with Ballista)
The Skink Crew as Drake Archers & the Skink Champion as the
Drake Champion, I can find Crossbows from other miniatures.

All of the Miniatures which are listed above are

respectful property of Games Workshop
(Warhammer Fantasy Battles & Lord of the Rings)
The pictures of the miniatures are used without
permission (I apolagize to all from GW for this).

This Army Book is in no way adorsed by Games

Workshop, it is completely Unofficial & Fan-Made.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this Army Book.

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