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Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Cheat Sheet

Spending PP Points Spending Doom Pool Points

Action Notes Action Notes
Prior to Dice Roll: Prior to Dice Roll
Push Die Add d6 to pool for 1 PP. Add die to Add a die to pool, remove from
pool Doom Pool afterward. Keep die if
Add Extra Add extra trait (2 powers from 1
you give 1 PP to player affected.
Trait set, 2 distinctions) to die pool.
Activate Look to Specific Powers
Stunt die Add d8 to pool for 1 PP, make up
something cool.
Activate Look to specific powers
After Dice are Rolled
Add Extra Add a die to the total, must be same
After Dice are Rolled:
die to size as die added or larger.
Add extra die to total.
Add extra effect die.
Add Extra Add a die to the Effect, must be
Use an effect die from a reaction roll to
Effect die same size as die added or larger.
inflict stress, complication or asset on
Use an Effect die from a reaction roll to
inflict stress, complication or asset on
Change Stress to a different type.
attacker by spending a D6.
Activating Opportunity from Watcher (any
During a Scene
Watcher dice roll 1)
Create a new Scene Distinction, spend d8 or
Push Die Add d8 to Pool for 1 PP.
greater from pool.
Stunt Die Add d10 to Pool for 1 PP.
Interrupt action order with a Watcher
Step up Asset Step up an Asset you
character (Defaults to d6, Shift by 1 for every
just created by 1
level of reflexes a hero has)
Create Resource Make a resource during
Split Hero off from the rest of the situation
an Action Scene
(altering Affiliation), die must be larger than
heros Affiliation die being used.
Gaining Plot Points Activate Scene or Event Effects (See specific
Action Scene)
Use Distinction at d4
Activate Limit on your Power Set
Watcher Adds D6 to the Doom Pool when you Gaining Doom Pool Dice
roll a 1. Action
1) Add a D6 or step up lowest Doom Pool
Dice Pool: die whenever Watcher activates an
1) Affiliation die opportunity when player rolls 1 ona die.
2) One or Two Distinctions, Can use as Multiple opportunities rolled at once
either d8 or d4 (+1 PP) with one, must can step up a D6. Give player 1 PP per
use one as D8 and the other as D4 (+1 opportunity Activated.
PP) if using two, one must be a scene 2) Grandstanding, Villain uses effect die
distinction (From Civil War). to add directly to the Doom Pool.
3) One Power die per Power Set
4) One Specialty, d8 for Expert, d10 for
5) One of your opponents Stress
6) One of your opponents Complication
Dice (Errata from Annihilation)
7) One Asset, if any
8) One Push(d6)/Stunt (d8) die OR
Resource die (d6 for Expert, d8 for
Type How Established Duration Notes
Asset Established with effect die rolled The current Add them to a fellow heros
vs. the enemy (if directly targeting action scene, die pool. May be used by a
them) or the doom pool (if 1 PP to add 1 fellow hero.
targeting the environment) add. action
Complication Established with effect die The Current Add them to anyones die pool
Action Scene, who opposes the character
Spend 1 PP to with a complication.
add 1 add.
action scene.
Resource 1) Established during Transition Lasts until Can only be used by the player
Scene by spending 1 PP to make, the next that created the resource.
starts at d6 for EXPERT and d8 for Transition
MASTER. Scene.

2) Activate an opportunity rolled by

The Watcher to, spend 1 PP to make
a Resource during an action scene,
D6 for Expert, D8 for Master.
Stunt 1) Spend a PP to add a d6 to the die 1 use. You Can only be used by the player
pool. This can be increased to d8 if cannot extend that created the stunt.
you stunt it, basically come up this.
with something cool.

2)If established when you activate a

Watchers opportunity the stunt dice
step up by one step to a D8 Push die
or a D10 Stunt.

Healing Stress Types of Stress

Transition Scene Step back all stress by 1 die automatically Physical Stress
Bodily Injury, toxins, chemicals.
Transition Scene Roll Affiliation, Stamina-based power, Physically Stressing Out means
w/Medical Help Distinctions, Specialties. Player giving aid blacking out from pain or fatigue.
can add in one of their traits too but you Physical trauma includes things like
must pay them a PP. serious wounds, broken limbs,
system-wide infections.
Action Scene 1) Need power that allows you to attempt to
heal during an action scene to heal yourself. Mental Stress
2) Ally Makes Action Roll vs. Doom Pool with Confusion, mental fatigue, lack of
Effect Equal to stress treated. concentration
Success with stress Equal or better Mentally Stressing Out means going
than stress, downgrade stress by 1 unconscious from mental strain,
level insensate or incoherent.
Mental Trauma includes things like
Success with effect less than stress,
memory lapses, identity crises,
nothing happens
impaired reasoning.
Failure increases stress by 1 level.
Emotional Stress
Despair, fear, anger or other
negative emotional state.
Emotionally Stressing Out means
Healing Trauma being paralyzed with fear, lost in
Roll action roll versus doom pool ones misery, consumed with
Success with effect equal or greater than trauma, irrational anger.
downgrade trauma by 1 level Emotional Trauma includes things
like severe phobias, crippling
Success with effect less than stress, nothing changes. depression, persistent rage.
Failure increases the stress by 1 level.

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