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in the mayor's proposedbudget

to clean
Kenilworth land

in 2018
fill &
Anacostia River

Take Action
Mayor Bowser's proposed FY 2018 budget at once zeroed out funding for the
Kenilworth Landfill and Anacostia River cleanups in her capital budget (CIP) and
highlighted the cleanups as infrastructure priorities in her high-level presentation
to the DC Council and community April 4.

We've waited long enough for a clean Anacostia River and Kenilworth Landfill!

The Department of Energy and Environment's FY 2018 budget hearing is April 28 at 11:00 am. Take action
before the hearing. Tell your Ward and all At-large CM's to restore the $5 million to the DOEE CIP for FY
2018. You can call, email, or tweet.
Phil Mendelson: DC Council Chairman, 724-8032, [email protected], @ChmnMendelson
Mary Cheh: Ward 3 and Chair of Committee on Transportation and the Environment , 724-8062,
[email protected], @marycheh
Charles Allen: Ward 6, 724-8072, [email protected], @CharlesAllenW6, @CM_CharlesAllen
Vincent Gray: Ward 7, 724-8068, [email protected], @VinceGrayWard7
Trayon White: Ward 8, 724-8045, [email protected], @trayonwhite
Robert White: At-large, 724-8174, [email protected], @RobertWhite_DC
Anita Bonds: At-large, 724-8064, [email protected], @AnitaBondsDC
David Grosso: At-large, 724-8105, [email protected], @cmdgrosso, @Team_Grosso
Elissa Silverman: At-large, 724-7772, [email protected], @CM_Silverman, @tweetelissa
If you take action on Twitter,
use the hashtag

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