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TPA-Referenced Lesson Plan v2

Teacher Candidate Name: Hannah Hasz

Grade & Subject Area: 8th Grade Mathematics Linear Algebra
Date for Planned Lesson: October 5th
Lesson Plan #1
*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your
lesson plan, you may either replace the given examples or leave them
Lesson Title Graphing Y = Equations
MN/CC State Standard(s) Understand that a function is linear if it can be expressed in the
- direct quote from MN standards form f(x) = mx + b or if its graph is a straight line.
- if only focusing on one part of a Understand that a geometric sequence is a non-linear function that
given standard, underline the part can be expressed in the form f ( x )=a b x where x = 0, 1, 2, 3,
being focused upon

Central Focus Students will identify parts of a linear equation f(x) = mx + b and how each
- derived from standard, part affects movement of a line graphed by the equation.
- communicates general goal Students will use a TI-84 graphing calculator to study how changes in the
equation affect the graph.
Learning Target for this Lesson Students will identify if a function is linear through multiple representations.
- concisely says what students will be Students will identify if the graph for a linear equation will move up or
able to know and do down.
- start with appropriate language
function (active verb)
Academic Language (AL) a. Linear, non-linear, equation, graph, table, moves down, moves up,
a. Domain-specific Acad vocabulary division, square root, exponent, variable
b. General Academic vocabulary
(words used in school across many b. Build, headings, column, prediction, describe, identify, compare
subject areas)
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Example
c. If the equation has an exponent, division by x or a square root, then the
sentence that students can use
to accomplish target graph of the equation is non-linear.
d. Point in lesson where students will d. Students will use academic vocabulary throughout the entire Google
be given opportunity to use Activity. While working through the activity students will be asked to
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It graph equations and make a table. At the end of the activity, students
is important that this appear in will answer questions about what they have done and what patterns they
TPA videotape segments found. They will answer the questions using academic vocabulary.
Students will also use academic vocabulary when answering the starter
Needed modifications/supports Since the activities are accessible through Google Drive on the students
a. Identify how some form of iPads, a print out of the activities will be provided to the students who get
additional support will be easily distracted or discouraged by technology.
provided for some aspect of the
lesson for given student(s) For students who struggle with writing and neatness, I will provide them
- visual, graphic, interactive
with an already made table with the equations listed in it.
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in the
blank notes, word banks
- graphic organizers, sentence frames
Resources & materials needed Ipads, graphingTI-84 calculators, pen for signing, print out of activity, print
out of table.

Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do

Phase 1
State Target & Activate Prior Teacher will bring up directions for the class on
Knowledge the smart board and go over the plan for the Students will complete
a) Post the learning target hour. starter problems using
statement and indicate whether Teacher will set a timer for 4 minutes for the their ipads and Google
the teacher or student(s) will read students to complete their Google Form Form.
it aloud Starter Questions. Starter problems consist
b) Engage students in activity to
of content from previous and current
elicit / build prior background
activities along with some challenging
questions from activities they will eventually
be doing. In this starter, there is one
question about putting an equation into
function notation and one question about
what students should look for on a graph to
identify a line as linear or non-linear.
Teacher will wonder around the room and help
with any technical issues with the ipads and
answer questions that arise.

Phase 1 Assessment
Explain the plan to capture data By using Google Form, all the students
from this phase of the lesson answers are put into a spread sheet for the
teacher to look at. It will also say the
percentage of students who answer each

Phase 2 Teacher Input / Inquiry When the timer goes off from the starters, Students will actively
- Explain procedures teacher will bring up the Google Form starters participate while going
- Demonstration the task and go over questions the students struggled over answers of the
- Teacher think aloud with. starter problems.
Teacher will explain that a line on a graph is
linear if it is a straight line.
Teacher will also explain that direction of the
line (up or down) does not make it linear or non-
Phase 2 Assessment Teacher will have the students complete a quick Students will participate
Explain the plan to check for 1, 2, or 3 rating with their fingers of their and self-assess their
understanding of steps / understanding of the starter problems. understanding of the
procedures demonstrated in Teacher will explain that a 3 means I starter problems in the
this phase understand everything, a 2 means I understand 1, 2, or 3 rating with
most, a 1 means I dont understand most of their fingers
Phase 3 Guided Practice Teacher will tell students to begin working on Students will then work
- Paired/collaborative work their practice work for the day. The students on their practice work
- Teacher(s) may roam & assist should be working on the activity Graphing Y= either by themselves or
Equations. If the students are ahead of this with their group
activity thats ok too. Students are expected to members and ask
work at their own pace. questions when they
Teacher will move around the room, helping need help.
students work through their activity and answer
any questions that they have.
Teacher will encourage the students to work
with their group members to complete the
Teacher will sign students papers when the
activity calls for the students to show their work
and answers to the teacher.
Phase 3 Assessment Since this is a flipped classroom where students Students will show their
Explain the plan to check for work at their own pace and complete their work and answers to
ability to apply demonstrated practice work during class time, teacher will the teacher when the
steps/procedures during assess the students when asked to sign their activity calls for it and
guided practice activities. have the teacher sign
Teacher will provide feedback while looking off on their work.
over work and fix any misconception and error
together with the student.
Phase 4 Independent practice Teacher will continue to walk around the room Students will either work
- Individual student work during practice time and ask the students who independently or with
rated their understanding of the starter their group members to
questions a 1 or 2 what they are struggling with complete their practice
and help students with their questions. work.

Phase 4 Assessment Since this is a flipped classroom where students Student will fix any
Explain plan to check for ability to work at their own pace and complete their errors that they had and
apply demonstrated practice work during class time, teacher will once finished with the
steps/procedures during assess the students when asked to sign their activity, turn it into the
independent practice activities. wire basket on teachers
Teacher will provide feedback while looking desk.
over work and fix any misconception and error
together with the student.
Phase 5 Restatement & Closure Teacher will restate learning target when going
a) Restate learning target through starter problems with the class. Going
b) Explain a planned opportunity over the answers with the students and
for students to self-assess reminding them a line is linear if it is straight is a
their perceived level of way of restating the learning target.
mastery for the target. Teacher will explain to students that there will
be problems like the ones they completed today
in the starter problems as well as the
Assessment 1 after they complete Line
Movement 4 activity.
Teacher will explain to students that while
completing Assessment 1, students will circle
the level of learning they think they are at for
that particular question.
Phase 6 Summative Next Steps Assessment Example: (3 columns on attached roster)
Attach a class roster (first names Reteach, Extend Slightly, Transfer to new situation/topic
only) with space to indicate
for each student the needed
next steps of instruction.

*This lesson plan is based on the work of David Denton (2013) with added modifications. An introductory
video to the basics of the plan is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yCj7IMyWAQ.
Updated 1/2016
Graphing Y= Equations

Class Time needed: 2 days

Target: I can use the TI-84 graphing calculator to determine if an equation is linear.
1) Get a graphing calculator from the filing cabinet.
2) Turn the calculator on and press Y=.
3) Clear any equations out of the list.
4) If Plot 1, Plot 2 or Plot 3 are highlighted, use the up arrow and left or
right arrows until the blinking cursor is over the highlighted Plot 1, Plot 2 or Plot
3. Then press ENTER. This will turn the plot off.
5) Press ZOOM, then press 6. A graph will appear.
6) You will be graphing 10 equations on the TI-84.
7) Build a table 12 lines long with 3 columns.
8) Use these headings in your table:

Equation Moves Up or Down Linear?

When Moving From
Left to Right?

9) Write these 11 equations in the Equation column.

a) y = 3x
b) y = -4x
c) y = -x2
d) y = 0.75x
e) y = x3
f) y = 3x + 2
g) y = -2x - 4
h) y = +1
i) y = 5
j) y = x + 6
k) y = x 3

10) Look at the equations in your table. Under the Linear column write
down the number of equations that you think will be Linear.
11) Press Y= and enter the first equation.
12) Press GRAPH.
13) If the line moves up as you look at it from left to right, write UP in the 2nd
column and move to direction 15.
14) If the line moves down as you look at it from left to right, write DOWN in
the 2nd column.
15) Is the line linear? Write Yes or No in the third column.
16) Press Y= and clear the equation.
17) Show your table to Ms. Hasz.
18) Finish graphing the equations and filling in the table.
19) How close was your prediction on how many lines would be linear?
20) Describe how to look at an equation and identify whether its graph is
linear or non-linear.
21) Show your table and answers to Ms. Hasz.
22) Keep your table and move to the next activity.
Equation Moves Up or Down Linear?
When Moving From Left
to Right?
y = 3x
y = -4x
y = -x2
y = 0.75x
y = x3
y = 3x + 2
y = -2x - 4
y= +1
y = x + 6
y = x 3

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