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In adolescence curiosity about sexual problems is very important in the
formation of new more mature relationship with the opposite sex. Whereas in
adolescence information about sexual problems should be started, so that teens do
not seek information from other people or from sources that are not obvious or
even completely false. Tipping sexual problems become even more important in
view of teenagers are in an active sexual potency, because it is associated with
hormonally-influenced sexual drive and often do not have enough information
about their own sexual activity (Author, 1980,page). Of course it would be very
dangerous for the mental development of teenagers when he did not have the
proper knowledge and information.
Facts show that most teenagers we do not know the impact of sexual
behavior that they do, often adolescents are not ripe for sexual intercourse
especially if it should bear the risk of the sexual relationship. Due to the
increasing interest in the adolescent sexual problems and are in active sexual
potency, then a teenager trying to find a variety of information about it. Of the
resources they had managed to get, generally only a few teenagers who get sexual
intricacies of her parents.
Therefore, adolescents seek or obtain from various sources of information
which may be obtained, such as at school or college, discuss with friends, books
about sex, mass media or internet. Adolescence is a turbulent, a period filled with
various introductions and adventures will be new things in preparation to fill their
future lives. While a teenager was the process of becoming an adult human
progress. Experience the sweet, bitter, sad, happy, funny and even painful may be
experienced in order for identity.
Unfortunately, many of those who are not aware that some seemingly
pleasant experience it can be misleading. The curiosity of the teens sometimes
accompanied by less rational considerations of the consequences of an act further.
The appeal of friendship between groups, curiosity is considered as an adult

human, a blurring of moral values espoused, lack of control on the part of the
older (in this case the parents), the development of the sex instinct due to the
maturation of the genitals secondary, plus lack of information about sex from
school / formal institutions and insistent - insistently various sex information from
the mass media that does not comply with the norms adopted led to a decision -
the decision taken about matters of love and sex are so complex and cause friction
with parents or a family environment.
Entering the new millennium it is proper if the parents and the educators to
be more responsive in protecting and educating children and young people to be
extra careful against social phenomena, especially those associated with sexual
problems, which took place tod

B. Formulation of the Problem

1. What is the understanding sex education?
2. What is the definition sex education?
3. What is the interest free sex education?
4. How importance of free sex education for teens?
5. What is the method Free sex education?
6. How to avoid free sex?
7. How impact free sex?

C. Purpose
1. Explaining the sense of free sex education
2. Explaining the definition of free sex education
3. Describe the purpose of sex education free
4. Explains the importance of sex education for teenagers
5. Describes methods of sex education
6. Explains how to avoid sex
7. Explain the impact of free sex


A. Sex Education
Sex education is a basic term used to describe a wide range of programs
which aim to impart graphic, detailed, sexual information to our children. It takes
on many different names, such as sexuality education, family planning,
family life education, human growth and development or reproductive
health. These programs discuss topics such as sexual orientation, sexual
pleasures, birth control methods and more.
Today, children are continually bombarded with sexual propaganda. More
and more children are experimenting with sexual encounters and thus contracting
STDs, becoming pregnant, having abortions and using contraception. Not only is
the media bombarding our children with this information, but children are also
being bombarded with this through the sex education programs in schools.
Because of sex education programs, schools have been taking away the parents
responsibilities of teaching their child about human sexuality.
Due to influences throughout the years, especially because of Planned
Parenthood, todays sex education programs have had a horrendous effect on our
children and society. The planning and strategizing for sex education programs
has been going on for years. We see the results today: more and more teens are
becoming pregnant, having abortions, getting STDs, and yet Planned Parenthood
continues to push its sex education propaganda while America is suffering from it.
Why? Money. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion chain, bringing in
millions of dollars each year.
3.2 million teenage girls between ages 14 and 19 have one or more of four
different STDs, despite millions of tax dollars given to "comprehensive
sex education" by Planned Parenthood.
1 out of every 4 abortions is committed in a Planned Parenthood facility.
Planned Parenthood kills 5,871 innocent human beings every week.
A school is not the place for sex education. Proper sex education for a
child is dependent on the actual mental maturity of the child. Sex education
programs can often times lead to the deformation of a childs conscience.
It is not a schools place to impose sexual immorality upon its students.
Many psychologists and psychiatrists have spoken out against sex education in
schools, pointing out its damaging effect on children. Sex education programs
from pre-kindergarten through high school continuously belittle the intimate,
affectionate, monogamous nature of human sexuality.( Dr. Melvin Anchell)

B. Definition of Sex Education

Understanding Free Sex Education Sex education can be interpreted as
information about the anatomy and physiology of human sexuality, danger of
venereal disease and so on. Sex education can also be interpreted as a sex play
that just needs to be given to adults. Sex education is not just about the lighting in

the sense heterosexual sex, and not solely a matter of biological or physiological,
but also includes psychological, socio-cultural, religious, and health.
Sek in education can be distinguished between sex instruction that is light
on the anatomy, the biology of reproduction, family coaching and methods of
contraception and sexuality education in covering the fields of ethics, morals,
fisikologi, economic and other knowledge. Sex instruction without education in
sexuality can lead to promiscuity (interaction with anyone) and relationships
deviant sex. According Sarlito in his book Adolescent Psychology (1994), in
general sex education is an update on issues of human sexuality clearly and
correctly, which includes the process of conception, gestation until birth, sexual
behavior, sexual intercourse, and aspects of health, psychology and society.
The problem of sexual education provided should relate to the norms in
force in the community, what is forbidden, what dilazimkan and how to do it
without breaking the rules in force in the community. Sexual education is a way of
teaching or pendidikanyang can help young people to face the problem hidupyang
rooted in sexual drive. Thus sexual education is meant to explain everything
related to sex and sexuality in reasonable shape. According Singgih, D. Gunarsa,
the delivery of this sexual education materials should be given early when the
children have started asking about the sex differences between themselves and
others, continuous and gradual, tailored to the needs and age of the child and the
child's comprehension (in practical psychology, child , youth and families, 1991).
In this case the sexual education should ideally be given first by parents at
home, given that most know the situation of children is the parents themselves.
But unfortunately companies do not want to open all parents of children in
discussing sexual problems. In addition, the level of socio-economic and
educational level are heterogeneous in Indonesia led to some parents who are
willing and able to provide information about sex but more are not able and do not
understand the problem.
In this case, the actual role of education are enormous. Sex education should
not be construed as taught how to have sex, said Dr. Raditya, akantetapi provision
of reproductive health overall. Of course not easy to get sex education is integral
and quality. Many challenges are most severe leakages value system from the

outside (West). This causes teenagers imitate Western lifestyles that tend to satisfy
themselves. Transvestites and Gay claimed as hakasasi, according to educator
humorous, if Western values as it was developed in our country, will be destroyed
teens Indonesia.

C. The purpose of the Sex Education

Sexual education in addition to explain about aspects of anatomical and
biological also explained about psychological aspects danmoral. Proper sex
education should include elements of human rights. Also the value - the value of
culture and religion be included so it will be a moral education and moral well.
According to Mohamad Kartono good sexual education has the goal of fostering
the family and parenthood responsible (Panel Discussion Islam and Sex Education
For Youth, 1991).
Some experts say that a good sexual education should be complemented
with ethics education, education about human relations both in relation to the
family and in society. It is also said that the purpose of sexual education is not to
generate curiosity and want to try sexual relations between teenagers, but wanted
to prepare for teens know about sexuality and consequences - consequences when
carried out without complying with the rule of law, religion and customs as well
as mental readiness and material someone. Besides sexual education also aims to
provide knowledge and educate children to behave well in terms of sex, in
accordance religious norms, social and decency in the familiar world of teenagers,
1987) Translation of the sexual education goals more fully as follows:
a) Provide an adequate understanding of the changes in the physical, mental
and emotional maturity of the processes associated with sexual problems
in adolescents.
b) Providing an understanding of the differences between men and girl.
c) Provide an understanding of the role of sex in human life.
d) Reduce fear and anxiety in connection with the development and sexual
adjustment (roles, demands and responsibilities) .
e) Forming attitudes and provide understanding of sex in all manifestations
are varied .
f) Gives the sense that the relationship between human beings can bring
satisfaction to both individual and family life.
g) Provide an understanding of the needs of moral values that are essential to
provide a rational basis to make decisions related to sexual behavior.
h) Provide knowledge about the mistake and sexual perversions that
individuals can protect themselves and against the exploitation that can
interfere with physical and mental health.

i) To reduce prostitution, sexual fear of the irrational and excessive sexual
j) Provides insight and conditions that can make people engage in sexual
activities effectively and creatively in a variety of roles, such as a wife or
husband, parents, community members.
k) Develop understanding of yourself with the functions and sexual needs. So
sex education in the narrow sense (incontext) is an education on human
l) Assist students in memngembangkan personality, so that they can take
responsible decisions. So the purpose of sexual education is to establish a
healthy emotional attitude towards sexual problems and guiding children
and adolescents toward living a healthy adult and responsible sex life. This
meant that they did not consider sex a disgusting and dirty. But rather as an
innate human, which is a gift of God and it has important functions for the
continuity of human life, and so that the children can learn to appreciate
their sexual abilities and the only channel that impulse for a specific
purpose (which is good) and at a certain time.

D. Importance of Free Sex Education For Teens

Some important things to provide sexual education, as described by
Singgih Gunarsa D. (1995) follows, it may be worth your attention:
a) How to present it must be fair and simple, do not look any hesitation or
b) A description content delivered should be objective, but do not explain a
no-no, as if intended for children not going to ask again, should use
examples or symbols such as: the process of fertilization on growing -
plants, so far considered that the description is still rational.
c) Superficial or profound contents description to be adapted to the needs and
stages of child development. Of children aged 9 or 10 year t is not
necessary to explain fully the behavior or action in relation to sex, for the
development of all aspects of his personality is not yet reached the stage of
maturity to be able to absorb the in-depth description of the problem.
d) Sexual education should be given in private, because of the narrowness
extensive knowledge quickly than the stages of development are not the
same for each child. With a personal approach, the method and content
descriptions can be tailored to the specific circumstances of children.

e) Ultimately note that try to implement sex education needs to be repeated -
again (repetitive) but it is also necessary to know how much something
new understanding can be absorbed by the child, it is also necessary to
remind and reinforce (reinforcement) what is already known in order to
really be part of his knowledge.

E. Method Free Sex Education

Efforts to prepare young people in the future to be able to form the family
happy and responsible is not quite done with the expressed sample - sample or
analyzing perbuatar sex. It is indeed an aspect and sex. However, the sex itself
will be understood by linking issues overall adjustment in cultural social life
where he is. This means that sexuality is one aspect, even the most important
aspect, and human life in this connection, we are required to be able to create a
healthy sex life, because it is an integration and human life as being sex that
includes aspects of life, whether physical, psychological and socially.
Thus, it is clear that human sex life a matter of personality so that when
encountered an abnormality in the sex life, largely due to the problem - the
problem of a psychic nature. Therefore the presentation of sex education requires
appropriate methods, in order to focus and achieve goals, and does not lead to it -
the negative. For that it is necessary to put forward some teaching methods
appropriate sex education. Several methods of sex education that is adapted to the
conditions and the situation of education, particularly in view of things - things as
a) first age
b) The time available, which varies between 2 hours to 2 days
c) Locations education, in schools, homeless pancawarga, in youth centers or
via radio. The methods - methods and tools - tools in use are lectures,
discussion, group discussion, overhead projectors, films, magnetic panels,
and drawings on cardboard. By using the method - the method, the
expected goal of sex education is achieved.
Question and answer method used to inquire as to where their understanding, so
also there is the opportunity for students to ask questions about things that you

think they need to know. Group discussion method can be used to provide
information to each group, and the opportunity to discuss it any further. Methods
of sex education should be given by teachers, psychologists or parents. It - a
technical nature could be given by the teacher or psychologist, while parents are
expected to respond to children's everyday problems, such as their emotional
problems. The key lies in parents and children. Although onang parents can not
raise the issue of sex in detail, providing that there is transparency in the family,
then there will be things that are not fair. Conversely, even if the child is given sex
education in detail, but the atmosphere at home is warm and there is no
communication between them, then the slow lorises children: behave "wrong" will
be greater. So, the key is open communication between parents and children.
Indeed, parents armed with knowledge about the subject of sex in order to explain
to his son. Or at least they should know better prepared to be explained.

F. Avoid Free Sex

Experts argue that the best educators are the parents of the children
themselves. Education provided included in sexual education. In discussing sexual
problems are very personal and require an intimate atmosphere, open from heart
to heart between parents and children. This will be more easily created between
mother and daughter or father to son, though not closed the possibility can be
realized when it is done between mother and son or father to daughter. Then try
not to appear such complaints do not know where to start, stiffness, confusion and
ran out of things to say. In providing sex education to children should not wait
until children ask about sex. Sex education should be given in a planned,
according to the circumstances and needs of children. Preferably at the time of
preteens in which the process of maturity both physically, and mentally began to
emerge and grow to maturity. Some important things to provide sexual education,
as it is described by Singgih Gunarsa D. (1995) follows, it may be worth your
a) How to present it must be fair and simple, do not look any hesitation or
b) A description content delivered should be objective, but do not explain it is
not - not, as if - if intended for children not going to ask again, should use

examples or symbols such as: the process of fertilization on growing -
plants, so far considered that the description is still rational.
c) Superficial or profound contents description to be adapted to the needs and
stages of child development. Of children aged 9 or 10 years has not been
necessary to explain fully the behavior or action in relation to sex, for the
development of all aspects of his personality is not yet reached the stage of
maturity to be able to absorb the in-depth description of the problem.
d) Sexual education should be given in private, because of the narrowness
extensive knowledge quickly than stage - the stage of development is not
the same for each child. With a personal approach, the method and content
descriptions can be tailored to the specific circumstances of children.
e) Ultimately note that try to implement sex education needs to be repeated
(repetitive) but it is also necessary to know how much something new
understanding can be absorbed by the child, it is also necessary to remind
and reinforce (reinforcement) what is already known to be true - really be
part of the knowledge

G. Impact Free Sex

For teenagers western pre-marital relationship even mutually couple free
sex is commonplace. However, in the eastern countries, especially Indonesia
which still uphold the norms of religion, things like that, adaIah disgrace and
disrupt the tranquility of life next. Therefore, before already it helps teenagers can
recognize the hazards of pre-marital relations. The dangers of pre-marital sex and
free sex covers a danger for the development of mental (psychological), physical
and: the future of adolescents themselves.
a) Creating Memories
More Still said to be "lucky" if the relationship between before married was
nothing to expose. The girl or the youth apart and disgrace and cemohan society.
However, if it was known to the community, of which embarrassed not only
himself but also his family. These events will never be forgotten by the people
around. This is certainly a heavy mental burden. Although the public may not
know it, may not be quiet. Mentally disturbed bad memories of the past.

b) Pregnancy and Consequences
Pregnancies that result from pre-marital sex not only be disastrous for the
baby is also a very heavy mental burden for mothers considering abortion can not
be hidden. What if you later questioned the family and society? In a chaotic
situation like this usually happens depression, especially if the girlfriend then go
and do not want to go back again.
c) shedding
Babies and abortion and infanticide Many cases of tiny newborn infant
killed his mother. Some babies were wrapped in plastic alive, dumped at times,
thrown in the garbage, and others - others. The case of abortion, both traditional
and modern way now mushroomed, especially among students. Abortion would
be a serious impact, such as cervical cancer, infertility and other uterine disease.
d) Spread of Disease
Woman or man who once having premarital time courting and then dropped,
tend wishes to engage in a similar relationship with a man or another woman
considering sex nature of addictive or have * levels of dependence, a time he will
feel hungry to have intercourse with another couple. if this continues, it's not
impossible to be infected kelamin.Terlebih again if it turns out that the couple had
contracted venereal disease before.
e) Too late and Embossed Taste Less Yours
Sex behavior (free sex) made an emotional involvement in a man and a
woman. The more often it is done, the more profound sense of want to repeat even
before there is a sense of regret. Even more so for women, each wrote a couple
boyfriend is very difficult to refuse because of fear of abandonment or
termination. Meanwhile, for a man - man, couples are so easy to see, will continue
to diminish the respect and love. The more often men do the inner relationships
will be increasingly tenuous. Another with a woman, he will feel depressed and
did not want to part because basically he was dirty and no one should be proud
again, his honor has been seized by the man said. Therefore, whatever the reason,
casual sex is bad deeds.


From the discussion above description can be concluded, namely: youth or
women should be considered more frequently because without attention from
parents, teachers and other social institutions that a child can do social deviation.
Because they are the only successor to the nation ini.Araha-referrals should be
given to adolescents, because the initial impact is most felt is in people who are
nearby. Sustaining them is necessary to foster a sense of patriotism and
nationalism Indonesia.

As for suggestions that we make so that the group can be used as a model by
the youth to be able to correct the path of their lives for the future and the good
name of our country, especially the elderly as fathers and mothers must be true -
really give attention to their children. In himbaukan for the security forces such as
the police had to tighten security as well as their activities to tackle juvenile



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