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Physical Education Curriculum Unit Plan Overview

Kaitlyn Stoddart

Subject(s): Physical Education Grade/Class: 12

Learning Pacing: Number of
Segment or Unit Lifetime Activities instructional days 6

Overview of Unit
*Detailed description of the unit including skills, concepts, and appropriate activities to support the goals and
objectives of the unit.
In this unit students will learn a variety of activities that they will be able to participate in for the rest
of their lives. They will learn the health benefits associated with physical activity. They will learn
various stress management techniques through breathing and measuring heart rate. Students will
learn these concepts through yoga, taekwondo, golf, tennis, snowshoeing and skiing. Students will
learn the importance of staying active throughout their lives.
Priority and Supporting CCSS
National PE Standards (SHAPE America)
Connecticut Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework (CT Standard)
Common Core State Standard (CCSS)
National Standard:

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills
and movement


Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies
and tactics related

to movement and performance.

Physical Education Curriculum Unit Plan Overview
Kaitlyn Stoddart

Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve
and maintain a health-

enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that
respects self and


Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health,
enjoyment, challenge,

self-expression and/or social interaction.

CT Standard(s):
Standard 9
Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a
variety of physical activities
Standard 10
Demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as
they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities
Standard 12
Students will incorporate fitness and wellness concepts to achieve and maintain a health-
enhancing level of physical fitness.
Standard 13
Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical
Physical Education Curriculum Unit Plan Overview
Kaitlyn Stoddart

activity settings
Standard 14
Value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression and/or
social interaction


Enduring Understandings
Essential Questions Overarching Understandings/Big Ideas
*Questions that probe for deeper meaning and promote *Important ideas that have lasting value beyond the
inquiry classroom; answering essential question and why/how we
will learn this concept
What can you do to manage your stress? Deep breathing, prioritize tasks, focus on the present, slow
down your heart rate, think from within, exercise, meditate,
stretch and progressive muscle relaxation.

How can you stay healthy for the rest of your life? Complete lifetime activities such as yoga, taekwondo, golf,
tennis, snowshoeing and skiing as well as many others.

How does staying physically active affect your health? Weight management, reduce risk of heart disease and
stroke, lowers blood pressure, increase oxygen flow,
releases feel-good hormones, etc.
Standards Central Focus/Unit Goals
by number These are the broad goals the unit will achieve. The goals for the unit must be
*NATIONAL/CCS measurable and performance based. Specifically, the goals should indicate what your
S students will know and be able to do at the end of the unit.
Physical Education Curriculum Unit Plan Overview
Kaitlyn Stoddart

National: Psychomotor:
1, 2
Students will be able to perform and variety of lifetime activities.
9, 10 Students will be able to move using a variety of locomotor skills to achieve the goals
of the activities.

3, 5 Cognitive:

CT: Students will be able to recite the basic rules for golf, tennis and taekwondo.
12, 13
Students will be able to list a variety of health benefits of physical activity.

National: Affective:
Students will be able to use stress management techniques throughout the activities
CT: and in their lives to reduce stress.
Students will be able to display etiquette and sportsmanship throughout all of the
CCSS: activities.
Overview of Assessment Methods Instructional
Lesson Lesson Include all assessments that
Appropriate Materials/Resourc
# Focus/Objectives will be used to monitor
Lesson Activities student progress. es
Physical Education Curriculum Unit Plan Overview
Kaitlyn Stoddart

1 Taekwondo Review: Fitness Pre-test Mats


New: Self-defense
2 Yoga Review: Self- Exit Slip Yoga mats
defense techniques

New: Breathing
3 Golf Review: Breathing Self Checklist Golf clubs
techniques Golf balls
New: Focus and Hoops for targets
positive self talk

4 Tennis Review: Focus and Peer Checklist Tennis racquets

positive self talk Tennis balls
New: Heart rate
5 Snow Shoeing Review: Heart rate Exit Slip Snow shoes

New: Walking on
Physical Education Curriculum Unit Plan Overview
Kaitlyn Stoddart

6 Skiing Review: Walking on Unit Exam (post-test) Skis


New: Sliding and

turning on snow

Assessment Evidence/Artifacts of Learning

Formative (Pre) Assessment - Describe your method(s). What questions will you ask? What types of tasks
will you ask them to demonstrate?
What are some stress management techniques?
What are some lifetime activities?
What are the benefits of physical activity?

Exit Slips
How did you display sportsmanship to an opponent?
What new stress management technique did you learn?
What is different about walking on boots and walking on snowshoes?

Summative (Post) Assessment Performance Tasks - Describe your method(s). What types of tasks will
you ask them to demonstrate?
Physical Education Curriculum Unit Plan Overview
Kaitlyn Stoddart

Self Checklist
Am I completely focused when I am hitting a golf shot?
Keep track of how many positive thoughts you had
Keep track of how many negative thoughts you had
How does the way I think impact the outcome of my shot?

Peer Checklist
Are they moving their feet to get to the ball?
Are they following through?
Are they taking deep breathes before serving the ball?

Final Exam
List 4 stress management techniques
List 10 health benefits of physical activity
List 4 lifetime activities that we did not cover in class
Rules about golf and tennis
Why is it important to be quiet during meditation?

Suggested Enrichment Activities:

Post community activities for students to participate in
Family Activity Nights
Open gym before and after school

Suggested Modifications:
Physical Education Curriculum Unit Plan Overview
Kaitlyn Stoddart

Appropriate equipment (offer a variety of sizes and weights)

Modified ball for visually impaired (tennis and golf)

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