Preliminary English Test

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Preliminary English Test

The Lessons
Fridays 16.00 -19.00
Exam preparation
o Speaking
o Listening
o Writing
o Reading
Grammar & Vocabulary

Communicative approach
Pet Result
Prescheduled Exams
The Exam
English for everyday use (B1)
o Reading & Writing (50%)
o Listening (25%)
o Speaking (25%)

Out of 100 score:

o A score in each paper
o A2 , B1, B2(Pass with distinction)
The Exam:
Reading and Writing
Read and understand:
o Signs
o Newspapers
o Magazines

o Vocabulary
o Structures

5 parts Reading + 3 parts Writing

1,5 h
The Exam:
Reading and Writing
o 5 Short texts 3 sentences
o Match description and short text (5-8)
o Long text + 10 TF
o Long Text + 5 Multiple choice questions
o Short text - 10 Multiple Choice gaps

o 5 - Sentence transformation (1-2 words)
o Short message (35-45 words)
o Informal letter or a story (100 words)
The Exam:
Follow and understand spoken materials:
o Announcements
o Discussions
o Etc.
30 + 6 min
4 parts:
o 7 short recordings (1 Q + 3 pictures)
o 1 longer recording (6 Q + multiple answer)
o 1 longer monologue(6 fill the gaps)
o 1 longer conversation (6 TF)
The Exam:
Spoken English:
o Asking/Answering questions
o Talking about yourself

2- 3 candidates+ 2 examiners
10-12 min
4 parts:
o Conversation with the examiner (Q about yourself)
o Pictures (Situation) - Talk to the other candidate
o Pictures (Describing)
o Pictures (Describing) - Talk to the other candidate

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