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Lets Get Sort-of-

Real: Dummy Data

to Test Techniques
and Algorithms

LETS GET SORT-OF-REAL: 400,000: Average number of

DUMMY DATA TO TEST baskets per week
TECHNIQUES AND 2.6M: Average number of
transactions per week
~500,000: Distinct number of
This dataset includes dummy data(*) of
~5,000: Distinct number of
transactions at till, spanning over a
period of 117 weeks (two years and a
quarter). The dataset includes both ~760: Distinct number of stores
transactions with a loyalty card
associated and transactions made
without a loyalty card. SAMPLES FROM THE FULL
This dataset is made available to
enable data scientists to experiment In order to give the option to work with
algorithms and techniques on top of smaller sets of data, some samples
sort-of-real data with a considerable have been created and made
size, which albeit not being real still available:
contain real patterns and correlations. A sample of 2,000 baskets
Weve made a significant effort to randomly selected over a period
replicate the typical patterns found in of two weeks
real in-store sales data to enable A sample of all transactions (for
curious data scientists to test their the whole 117 weeks period) for
techniques and algorithms using a randomly selected sample of
considerably expansive, sort-of-real 5,000 customers. A randomly
data. selected sample, with a
consistent size, of baskets
Customers and baskets information is without loyalty card has been
also included (such as basket size, added.
basket price sensitivity, basket A sample of all transactions (for
dominant mission, customer price the whole 117 weeks period) for
sensitivity, customer lifestage) which a randomly selected sample of
makes the data interesting for analysis 50,000 customers. A randomly
to be run on. selected sample, with a
consistent size, of baskets
without loyalty card has been
BY THE NUMBERS Also each of the nine zip files
the full dataset is split into can
4.12 GB : total size of be used as an independent
compressed data (split in 9 files, dataset which includes all
each between 450 and 500 MB) baskets in a period of 13 weeks
40.7 GB : total size of data, (a quarter)
when uncompressed
117: Weeks of transactions at till
dummy data
~300M: total number of
~47M: total number of baskets

dunnhumby 2014 Private and confidential 2




All datasets (the full one and also the samples created from it) have been split in
weekly files to be more manageable and to give more flexibility when loading the

Each row in the files corresponds to one unique product in a basket (e.g. if there are
three occurrences of the same product in a basket, the file has one row for the
product in that basket, with quantity equal to three). Each file has the following

Column name Description Type Sample values

Format is YYYYWW where the first 4
characters identify the fiscal year and the
other two characters identify the specific
Identifies the week week within the year (e.g. 200735). Being
shop_week Char the fiscal year, the first week doesnt start
of the basket
in January.
(See time.csv file for start/end dates of
each week)
Date when
shopping has been
shop_date made. Date is Char 20060413, 20060412
specified in the
yyyymmdd format
Identifies the day of
shop_weekday Num 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, , 7=Saturday
the week
Hour slot of the 0=00:00-00:59, 1=01:00-01:59,
shop_hour Num
shopping 23=23:00-23:59
Number of items of
the same product
Quantity Num Integer number
bought in this
Spend associated to
spend Num Number with two decimal digits
the items bought
prod_code Product Code Char PRD0900001, PRD0900003
prod_code_10 Product Hierarchy
Char CL00072, CL00144
Level 10 Code
prod_code_20 Product Hierarchy
Char DEP00021, DEP00051
Level 20 Code
prod_code_30 Product Hierarchy
Char G00007, G00015
Level 30 Code
prod_code_40 Product Hierarchy
Char D00002, D00003
Level 40 Code
cust_code Customer Code Char CUST0000001624, CUST0000001912
Customers Price LA=Less Affluent, MM=Mid Market,
cust_price_sensitivity Char
Sensitivity UM=Up Market, XX=unclassified

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Column name Description Type Sample values

YA=Young Adults, OA=Older Adults,
Customers YF=Young Families, OF=Older Families,
cust_lifestage Char
Lifestage PE=Pensioners, OT=Other,
Basket ID. All items
in a basket share
basket_id Num 994100100000020, 994100100000344
the same basket_id
basket_size Basket size Char L=Large, M=Medium, S=Small
Basket price LA=Less Affluent, MM=Mid Market,
basket_price_sensitivity Char
sensitivity UM=Up Market, XX=unclassified
basket_type Basket type Char Small Shop, Top Up, Full Shop, XX
Shopping dominant
basket_dominant_mission Char Fresh, Grocery, Mixed, Non Food, XX
store_code Store Code Char STORE00001, STORE00002
store_format Format of the Store Char LS, MS, SS, XLS
store_region Region the store
Char E02, W01, E01, N03
belongs to

The TIME table

This table contains information regarding the time periods (weeks). Each row in the
file corresponds to one week. Please note that the periods are referring to fiscal
years. This means, for instance, that the first week of the year doesnt fall in January.
The file has the following structure:
Description Type Sample values
Format is YYYYWW where the first 4 characters identify
shop_week Week code Char the year and the other two characters identify the
specific week within the fiscal year (e.g. 200735)
Start date for the
date_from Char 20060413, 20060412
Dates are specified
in yyyymmdd format
End date for the
date_to Char 20060413, 20060412
Dates are specified
in yyyymmdd format

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For general questions about dunnhumby or the

Source Files programme, or for technical questions
regarding the use of this dataset, please contact:


E: [email protected]

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