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OPENING PRAYER | Correct your motivation by giving rise to bodhicitta.

!Prayer of the Four Boundless Qualities
May all sentient beings have happiness and the causes of happiness,
May they be free from suffering and the causes of suffering,
May they never be apart from the sublime bliss that is free from suffering,
May they remain in a state of equanimity, free from attachment and aversion to those near and far.
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CLOSING PRAYERS | Dedicate the merit of your practice.
Aspiration Prayer | by Ju Mipham
May I attain, in each and every life,
The sublime virtues of existence and peace.
May I pursue the flawless mindset of altruism,
Working for the welfare of others on a vast scale!
Dedication Prayer | by Shantideva
Through this very merit of mine,
May every single sentient being,
Eliminate all forms of negativity,
And practice virtue forevermore!
Bodhicitta Prayer | by Shantideva
May supreme, precious bodhicitta
Take birth where it has not arisen.
Where it has arisen, may it never wane,
But continue to grow forevermore!
Prayer of the Six Continuous Aspirations | by Longchenpa
May I in all my lives, no matter where I am born,
Obtain the seven qualities of the upper realms of existence.
May I meet the dharma immediately after taking birth,
And have the freedom to practice perfectly.
May I please the sublime gurus,
And day and night dedicate myself to the dharma.
By realizing the dharma and practicing its innermost essence,
May I cross the ocean of conditioned existence in this very life.
May I teach the sublime dharma perfectly,
And never become weary and tired of benefitting others in samsara.
By my own impartial and all-encompassing activities to benefit others,
May all attain enlightenment together.

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Essence of the Perfection of Wisdom | The Heart Sutra
Bhagavti Prajpramit Hdaya (Sanskrit) | Sherab Nyingpo (Tibetan)

If you wish to practice this sutra, visualize the Tatagata in the sky before you. He holds the mudra that subdues mara and is
surrounded by the members of the Hinayana and Mahayana sanghas, including Avalokiteshvara and Shariputra, who are engaged in
discussion. As you contemplate the nature of emptiness, recite this profound sutra as much as possible, up to seven times, and repeat the
vidya mantra a suitable number of times as well.

Thus, have I heard:

At one time, the Bhagavan dwelt in Rajagriha at Vulture Peak Mountain, together with a great sangha
of fully ordained monks and a great sangha of bodhisattvas. As the Bhagavan settled into an absorption
on the categories of phenomena called illumination of the profound, noble Avalokiteshvara, the
bodhisattva mahasattva, beheld the practice of the profound perfection of wisdom and saw the five
aggregates to be empty of nature.

Then, through the power of the Buddha, venerable Shariputra addressed noble Avalokiteshvara, the
bodhisattva mahasattva: How should a son or daughter of noble family who wishes to practice the
profound perfection of wisdom train?

In response, noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahasattva, said to venerable Shariputra, O

Shariputra, a son or daughter of noble family who wishes to practice the profound perfection of wisdom
should see clearly in this way: correctly observing that the five aggregates are empty of nature.

Form is emptiness; emptiness also is form. Form is not other than emptiness, emptiness is not other than
form. Just so, sensation, perception, formation, and consciousness are emptiness.

O Shariputra, all dharmas (phenomena; ch) are emptiness in just this way. There are no characteristics.
There is no birth and no cessation. There is neither impurity nor absence of impurity. There is no
increase and no decline.

O Shariputra, since this is the case, in emptiness there is no form, no sensation, no perception, no
formation, and no consciousness; no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, and no mind; no forms,
no sounds, no smells, no tastes, no touch, and no phenomena; no eye element to no mind element, up to
no mind consciousness element; no ignorance and no end of ignorance, up to no old age and death and
no end of old age and death. In the same way, there is no suffering, no source of suffering, no cessation
of suffering, and no path; no wisdom, no attainment and no non-attainment.

Therefore, Shariputra, since bodhisattvas have nothing to attain, they rely upon and dwell in the
perfection of wisdom. Since their minds are unobscured, they have no fear. Transcending all forms of
misconception, they reach nirvana. All the buddhas throughout the three times as well rely upon the
perfection of wisdom, and in so doing become perfect buddhas, actualizing unsurpassed, true, complete

Therefore, the mantra of the perfection of wisdom, the mantra of great insight, the unsurpassed
mantra, the mantra equal to that which has no equal, the mantra that completely pacifies all suffering
should be known as truth, for it is not false.

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The perfection of wisdom mantra is spoken thus:

tadyatha om gat gat paragat parasamgat bodhi svaha

Shariputra, a bodhisattva mahasattva should practice the profound perfection of wisdom in this way.

The Bhagavan then arose from his absorption and said to noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva
mahasattva: Good, good, O son of noble family! Thus it is, son of noble family, thus it is! The profound
perfection of wisdom should be practiced just as you have taught. In this, all the tatagatas rejoice!

When the Bhagavan said this, venerable Shariputra and noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva
mahasattva, along with the entire retinue and the world with its gods, humans, demi-gods, and
gandharvas rejoiced and praised the words of the Bhagavan.

This concludes the noble Essence of the Perfection of Wisdom.

Recite the following lines to dispel negative forces:
I prostrate to the Buddha.
I prostrate to the Dharma.
I prostrate to the Sangha.
I prostrate to the Great Mother, the Perfection of Wisdom.

In times past, the king of gods, Indra, pondered the profound nature of the perfection of wisdom and
chanted its liturgy. In this way, he dispelled all negative, harmful forces and other factors that create
[Clap at each !]
Just so, by pondering the profound nature of the Great Mother, the Perfection of Wisdom, and chanting
this liturgy, may all negative, harmful forces and other factors that create discord be dispelled! May they
disappear! May they be pacified! May they be thoroughly pacified!

Following that, recite from Ngrjunas Root of Praj1:

That which arises interdependently
Does not cease and does not arise.
It is not nothing and not eternal.
It does not come and does not go.
It is not different and not the same.
To the one who teaches peace,
The pacification of all projections,
To the most sublime of all who speak:
To the perfect Buddha, I pay homage!

Conclude by dedicating the merit, making aspirations, and reciting auspicious prayers.

Mantra in Tibetan: papaswaha

Mantra in Sanskrit: tadyath o gate gate pragate prasagate bodhi svh
Mantra in English: Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone completely beyond, enlightenment!

1 ma tsa wa sherab, prajnmamlamadhymakakrik; Ngrjuna: The one who has revealed that the state of peacethe origin of
dependent arisingis unceasing, unborn, not negated, not eternal, not coming, not going, not different, and not similar and that all
elaborations are thoroughly pacified is the fully perfected Buddha. I prostrate to every word of his sacred speech.

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