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A Thesis
presented to
the Faculty of California Polytechnic State University,
San Luis Obispo

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

Anthony W. Ma
May 2012

Anthony W. Ma



TITLE: Modeling and Analysis of a Photovoltaic System with a

Distributed Energy Storage System

AUTHOR: Anthony W. Ma


COMMITTEE CHAIR: Dr. Taufik, Professor

COMMITTEE MEMBER: Dr. Ahmad Nafisi, Professor

COMMITTEE MEMBER: Dr. Ali Shaban, Professor


Modeling and Analysis of a Photovoltaic System with a Distributed Energy Storage

Anthony W. Ma

As California continues to integrate more renewable energy into its electrical

system, the state has experienced a corresponding rise in photovoltaic system

installations. PV arrays are a unique source of power generation in that they are affected

by the location of the sun, shading, and temperature changes. These characteristics make

solar one of the most highly variable forms of renewable energy. In order to improve

solar powers consistency, PV systems require a supplemental source of power. The

primary focus of this paper is to determine if distributed energy storage systems can be

used to reduce the effect of solar intermittency. This paper examines the test data and

system specifications of an experimental DESS. The benefits of using a DESS in a PV

system are further studied using computer simulation modeling. This paper also shows

through computer simulations how a maximum power point tracker can increase a PV

arrays power output. The results of this thesis demonstrate that DESSs are capable of

smoothing out highly variable load profiles caused by intermittent solar power.

Keywords: Energy, Power, Solar, Photovoltaic, Renewable, Intermittency, Distributed,

DESS, Storage, Battery


It brings me great pleasure to thank the people who helped to make this thesis


First, I would like to thank my teacher and advisor Dr. Taufik. Your passion and

enthusiasm for power engineering were the things that captured my interest in the

specialization early on. It was due to your leadership and guidance that I learned of this

project. Thank you for keeping my research interests in mind and thank you for all your

hard work, I greatly appreciate it.

Next, I would like to thank Bill Torre, Mike Turner, and Steven Garrett at San

Diego Gas and Electric for proposing this thesis and for helping me with the data and

specifications of this project.

Finally, I would like to thank my parents, Brian and Lyleng Ma for their love and

support. This thesis is the culmination of many years of hard work and it would not have

been possible without their dedication. I am thankful for the sacrifices that you both

made so that I could achieve my goals.


SDG&E does not endorse or accept the conclusions or results of this study.


LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................................. viii

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................. ix
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Market Penetration...................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Environmental Benefit ................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Purchase Incentives ..................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Capacity ........................................................................................................................ 4
2 THE CHALLENGE ................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Weather Effect ............................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Solar Intermittency .................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Maximizing PV Power ................................................................................................ 11
3 SDG&E/EPRI ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM ........................................................................... 14
3.1 The Complete System ................................................................................................ 14
3.2 The Inverter................................................................................................................ 15
3.3 The Battery Management System ............................................................................. 16
3.4 The Batteries .............................................................................................................. 17
3.5 Test Data .................................................................................................................... 18
4 PSCAD MODELING.............................................................................................................. 22
4.1 PSCAD Software ......................................................................................................... 22
4.2 PV Model .................................................................................................................... 22
4.3 The MPPT Model ........................................................................................................ 26
4.4 Grid Connected PV System ........................................................................................ 29
4.5 Battery Model ............................................................................................................ 31
4.6 Fixed Load .................................................................................................................. 45
4.7 The Complete System ................................................................................................ 47
5 SYSTEM VALIDATION ......................................................................................................... 52
5.1 MPPT Validation......................................................................................................... 52
5.2 System Validation ...................................................................................................... 56
6 FUTURE WORK ................................................................................................................... 71

6.1 Battery Management System .................................................................................... 71
6.2 Smart Inverter ............................................................................................................ 71
6.3 Single-Phase Inverter System Modeling .................................................................... 72
6.4 Harmonics and Power Quality Analysis ..................................................................... 73
6.5 Peak Shaving .............................................................................................................. 74
7 CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................... 76
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................... 78
APPENDIX A: Grid-Connected PV Installations by State ................................................................ 80
APPENDIX B: Greensmith Power Vault 50 Datasheet .................................................................... 81
APPENDIX C: PowerGate Plus 50kW UL Datasheet ....................................................................... 83
APPENDIX D: International Battery IB-B-FHE-160 Datasheet ........................................................ 84


Table 1-1: Top Ten States by 2008 Capacity .................................................................................... 8

Table 1-2: Top Ten States by Cumulative Capacity .......................................................................... 8
Table 1-3: Top Ten States by Per Capita Capacity............................................................................ 8
Table 4-1: Battery Parameters ....................................................................................................... 38
Table 5-1: MPPT Test Data ............................................................................................................ 54
Table 5-2: SDG&E Greensmith Data .............................................................................................. 57
Table 5-3: Solar Power Data .......................................................................................................... 58
Table 5-4: Building Load Data ........................................................................................................ 61
Table 5-5: Batterys Initial Capacity ............................................................................................... 62
Table 5-6: Summary of Simulation Inputs...................................................................................... 63
Table 5-7: Simulation Results......................................................................................................... 65
Table A-1: Grid-Connected PV Installations by State ..................................................................... 80


Figure 1-1: Number of Annual Grid-Connected PV Installations (1999-2008) ................................ 2

Figure 1-2: Average Installed System Cost vs. Time ........................................................................ 4
Figure 1-3: Capacity of Annual U.S. Photovoltaic Installations (1999-2008) ................................... 5
Figure 1-4: Annual Installed Grid Connected PV Capacity by Sector (1999-2008) .......................... 5
Figure 1-5: Non-Residential Grid-Connected PV Installations by Capacity (1999-2008) ................. 6
Figure 1-6: Average Capacity of Grid-Connected Residential PV Installations (1999-2008) ........... 6
Figure 1-7: Average Size of Grid-Connected Non-Residential PV Installations (1999-2008) ........... 7
Figure 2-1: Average Temperature and Daylight in San Diego, CA ................................................. 10
Figure 2-2: PV Output vs. Time of Day ........................................................................................... 11
Figure 2-3: San Diego, CA Average Daily Insolation Availability .................................................... 12
Figure 3-1: DESS One-Line Diagram ............................................................................................... 15
Figure 3-2: Satcon Inverter (left) and Greensmith Energy Management System (Right) .............. 16
Figure 3-3: Li Ion Battery Cell Modules .......................................................................................... 17
Figure 3-4: System Powers and Load vs. TIme ............................................................................... 19
Figure 3-5: Combined PV and Battery Power ................................................................................ 20
Figure 3-6: Load Profile after Battery Support............................................................................... 20
Figure 4-1: PV Array (left), MPPT Controller (middle), Thermal Model (right).............................. 23
Figure 4-2: PV Cell Equivalent Circuit............................................................................................. 23
Figure 4-3: Typical I-V Characteristics of a PV Cell ......................................................................... 23
Figure 4-4: PV Cell Parameters ...................................................................................................... 25
Figure 4-5: 50 kW PV Array Parameters ........................................................................................ 26
Figure 4-6: Incremental Conductance Based MPPT Algorithm...................................................... 27
Figure 4-7: DC-DC Converter Controller with MPPT ...................................................................... 28
Figure 4-8: MPPT Parameters ........................................................................................................ 28
Figure 4-9: MPP Tracking Under Variable Solar Radiation and Temperature Conditions ............. 29
Figure 4-10: Grid Connected PV System ........................................................................................ 30
Figure 4-11: Simple P and Q Regulation Inverter Controller ......................................................... 30
Figure 4-12: Firing Pulse Generation for Inverter .......................................................................... 31
Figure 4-13: Discharge Profiles of Various Cell Chemistries .......................................................... 32
Figure 4-14: Charge Discharge Profile......................................................................................... 33
Figure 4-15: Equivalent Circuit of Battery ...................................................................................... 34
Figure 4-16: Typical Discharge Curve ............................................................................................. 36
Figure 4-17: PSCAD Battery Custom Component .......................................................................... 38
Figure 4-18: Battery Models Available Configurations ................................................................. 39
Figure 4-19: 3.6V 1Ah Li-Ion Battery Specifications....................................................................... 40
Figure 4-20: Charging and Discharging Circuit ............................................................................... 41
Figure 4-21: Battery Discharge Curves for Different C Rates......................................................... 42
Figure 4-22: Charging and Discharging Simulation ........................................................................ 43
Figure 4-23: Greensmith Battery Parameters ................................................................................ 45

Figure 4-24: PSCAD Fixed Load Component .................................................................................. 45
Figure 4-25: Fixed Load Parameters .............................................................................................. 47
Figure 4-26: DC-Coupled Battery Backup System .......................................................................... 48
Figure 4-27: Complete Greensmith DESS PSCAD Model ............................................................... 49
Figure 4-28: Transformer Winding Voltages .................................................................................. 50
Figure 4-29: Three-Phase Voltage Source Signal Parameters........................................................ 51
Figure 5-1: Daily Solar Irradiance in San Diego on August 24th...................................................... 53
Figure 5-2: Nominal San Diego, CA Insolation on Aug. 24th from 10 A.M. 3 P.M. ...................... 55
Figure 5-3: MPPT Validation Simulation ........................................................................................ 56
Figure 5-4: PV Experimental and Simulation Power ...................................................................... 60
Figure 5-5: Power Measurement at System Equivalent ................................................................ 64
Figure 5-6: System Experimental and Simulation Data ................................................................. 66
Figure 5-7: Line-Line RMS Voltage ................................................................................................. 68
Figure 5-8: Real and Reactive Power at the Grid Interface ........................................................... 69
Figure 5-9: Long Simulation Run Example ..................................................................................... 70
Figure 6-1: Silent Power System at the Energy Innovations Center .............................................. 72
Figure 6-2: Inverter Output Current .............................................................................................. 73
Figure 6-3: Harmonic Spectrum of the Inverter Current (Fundamental 0.28 kA) ......................... 74
Figure 6-4: Harmonic Spectrum of the Voltage (Fundamental 7.43 kV) ....................................... 74
Figure 6-5: An Example of Peak Shaving ........................................................................................ 75
Figure B-1: Greensmith Power Vault 50 Datasheet Page 1 ........................................................... 81
Figure B-2: Greensmith Power Vault 50 Datasheet Page 2 ........................................................... 82
Figure C-1: PowerGate Plus 50kW UL Datasheet........................................................................... 83
Figure D-1: International Battery IB-B-FHE-160 Datasheet Page 1................................................ 84
Figure D-2: International Battery IB-B-FHE-160 Datasheet Page 2................................................ 85


This study analyzes a Distributed Energy Storage Systems (DESS) ability to

supplement a PV system. More specifically, this study examines if DESSs can smooth

out the effect of solar intermittency. Solar arrays are prone to intermittent periods of

generation due to shading from passing clouds. A battery system can be used to help

support the PV array during periods of lost PV power. PSCAD is used to model the

DESS, solar system, and electrical load according to the specifications and data that were

collected at a real world system.

1.1 Market Penetration

Due to the growing demand for renewable energy sources, the manufacturing of

solar cells and photovoltaic arrays has advanced considerably in recent years [1].

Starting from a small base, solar panel use has grown to a total global capacity of 40 GW

(40,000 MW) at the end of 2010. More than 100 countries use solar PV [2]. Solar

photovoltaic installations take on a variety of forms including power stations, buildings,

transportation applications, standalone devices, rural electrification, solar roadways, and

satellites. One of the most popular forms of PV installations is on the rooftops of homes

and buildings. One of the benefits of grid-connected solar electricity is that it can be used

locally thus reducing transmission/distribution losses. In 1995 transmission losses in the

US were approximately 7.2% [3]. Figure 1-1 shows the growth in grid-connected PV

installations from 1999 to 2008 [4]. Some of the other benefits of solar generation are the

environmental benefits and the purchase incentives for homeowners which are discussed


Figure 1-1: Number of Annual Grid-Connected PV Installations (1999-2008)

1.2 Environmental Benefit

Solar energy generation is one of the most sustainable ways available of

generating energy and electricity today. Solar power systems do not generate air

pollution or emissions of any kind during operation. Currently the majority of electricity

generated today comes from burning coal. Recently there has been a lot of talk of clean

coal which is a term used to describe any technology that may reduce the emission of

greenhouse gases that develop as a byproduct of burning coal. However, clean coal

currently only exists as a concept and, even so, coal is still not a renewable form of

energy [5].

Other alternative energy technologies have serious environmental issues. Nuclear

energy is controversial due to the fact that the reactors create dangerous nuclear waste.

Nuclear waste is accumulating at power plants across the world due to the lack of a long-

term storage solution [5]. With nuclear energy there is also the risk of a nuclear reactor

meltdown which would have devastating consequences on the people and the
environment surrounding the facility. The most famous examples of nuclear reactor

meltdowns are the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 and more recently with the Fukushima

nuclear power plants following the 2011 earthquake in Japan. Generating energy from

hydroelectric dams is another example of an alternative energy technology that doesnt

result in greenhouse gas emissions, but has a detrimental effect on the ecosystem around

the river it interrupts [5].

Solar power generation is a proven technology that is ready for use now. As the

solar industry grows, PV systems are becoming increasingly more efficient and

affordable. Solar power does not create emissions or any other serious environmental

issues. Not only does residential solar generation have benefits for the environment, but

it also benefits the home owner.

1.3 Purchase Incentives

Under the California Solar Initiative (CSI) California home and business owners

can receive cash back for installing solar on their homes or businesses. These cash back

incentives combined with the reduction in the utility bill give property owners good

reason to install solar panels on their buildings. As a result, California leads the nation in

solar energy production. As of January 5th, 2012 there are currently 105,467 solar

projects in the state of California which combine to generate 1070 megawatts [6]. The

cost of installing solar photovoltaic systems is also becoming less expensive. Figure 1-2

shows the trend of average installed system costs over the life of the California Solar

Initiative [7]. It can be seen from the graph that the average cost to install a system is

steadily declining and is therefore becoming more affordable for homeowners.

Figure 1-2: Average Installed System Cost vs. Time

1.4 Capacity

All of these different factors have contributed to the recent proliferation of solar

installations and will certainly result in a greater number of PV installations in the future.

Data have shown that the capacity of solar power generation has steadily increased over

the past 10 years [4]. Figure 1-3 shows the growth in capacity of annual U.S.

photovoltaic installations from 1999 to 2008 in megawatts [4]. Figure 1-4 shows the

annual installed grid-connected PV capacity from 1999 to 2008 broken down by sectors

[4]. Finally, Figure 1-5 shows the increase in non-residential grid-connected PV

installations broken down by capacities of greater or less than 500kW [4].

Figure 1-3: Capacity of Annual U.S. Photovoltaic Installations (1999-2008)

Figure 1-4: Annual Installed Grid Connected PV Capacity by Sector (1999-2008)

Figure 1-5: Non-Residential Grid-Connected PV Installations by Capacity (1999-2008)

Figure 1-6 shows the average capacity of grid-connected residential PV

installations from 1999 to 2008 while Figure 1-7 shows the average size of grid-

connected non-residential PV installations from 1999 to 2008 [4]. Both graphs show an

increase in PV installations average capacity.

Figure 1-6: Average Capacity of Grid-Connected Residential PV Installations (1999-2008)

Figure 1-7: Average Size of Grid-Connected Non-Residential PV Installations (1999-2008)

Within the U.S., the state of California is a leader in the solar power movement.

Table 1-1 ranks the U.S. states by their 2008 solar capacity [4]. California is far and

away the leader of solar capacity within the U.S. with 62% of the market share in 2008.

Californias 178.7 MW of solar generation in 2008 was much more than second place

New Jerseys 22.5 MW. Also, California had one of the largest increases in capacity

from 91.8 MW to 178.7 MW (95% increase) from 2007 to 2008. Table 1-2 shows that

67% of all PV capacity installed in 2008 were in California [4]. Finally, Table 1-3 shows

that California is also the leader in per capita solar capacity [4]. The complete table of

Grid-Connected PV Installations by State is in Appendix A. California has always been

one of the most progressive states in the U.S. and that shows with its strong adoption of

solar energy. The solar capacity in California is projected to continue increasing with

new PV installations in the future. On April 12th, 2011 Governor Jerry Brown signed

Californias Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) into law. The legislation will require

all of Californias utilities to source 33 percent of their overall electrical generation from

renewable sources by the year 2020 [8]. In order to reach this goal, utilities will have to

invest in various renewables including solar.

Table 1-1: Top Ten States by 2008 Capacity

Table 1-2: Top Ten States by Cumulative Capacity

Table 1-3: Top Ten States by Per Capita Capacity


Solar arrays are a fairly simple source of direct energy generation. A basic

residential solar set up has the arrays mounted on the roof of the house. The power is

then regulated using a DC-DC converter and then converted to AC power using an

inverter. However, there are some unique challenges that exist with the use of solar

energy. As solar installations continue to increase, these challenges have the potential for

widespread impact.

2.1 Weather Effect

The effects of Mother Nature play a part in the performance of PV systems.

Insolation and temperature are two of the main factors that determine solar generation.

Throughout a year, every city experiences a change in seasons which corresponds to

changes in average temperature and insolation. Figure 2-1 shows the change in

temperature and the amount of daylight that is available throughout a year in San Diego,

CA [9]. Temperature peaks in the summer time and is the lowest in the winter time. The

maximum amount of daylight that is available is around June or July while the lowest

amount of daylight available during the year is around November or December. These

differences in temperature and daylight affect the solar cells power output and that can

present a challenge.

Figure 2-1: Average Temperature and Daylight in San Diego, CA

2.2 Solar Intermittency

One of the biggest issues associated with solar panels is their high variability in

generation throughout the course of a day. If a PV array is subject to shading from

clouds, buildings, or trees it will see a drop in power generation. Figure 2-1 shows the

PV array power output of a 4.6 MW system in Springerville, Arizona for one day. This is

one of the largest existing U.S. arrays [10].

Figure 2-2: PV Output vs. Time of Day

It can be seen from the figure that the PV output experiences periods of

intermittency throughout the day most likely due to shading. The challenge with

intermittent renewables is that they have unpredictable outputs that can cause system

instability and unreliability [10]. One of the ways to remedy this problem is to use a

Distributed Energy Storage System (DESS) in tandem with a PV array.

2.3 Maximizing PV Power

There are a couple different methods used to boost the power output of a PV array

over the course of a day. One method is to use a solar tracking system. A solar tracker is

a system that orients the array panels towards the sun. As opposed to a fixed-mounted

solar panel array, a solar tracker system has its solar panels mounted on a motorized

system. The goal is to capture the most amount of direct beam from the sun and this is

achieved by making the sun as visible to the panel for as long as possible. Figure 2-3 is a

chart of the average daily insolation availability each month in San Diego, CA [11]. It

can be seen from the graph that the 1-Axis North South Tracking Array always has more

average daily insolation than its Fixed Array counterpart regardless of time of year or

latitude tilt. An even greater improvement is Two Axis Tracking which allows for West-

East tracking in addition to North-South tracking. The last row of Figure 2-3 shows that

Two Axis Tracking produces even more average daily insolation than the 1-Axis North

South Tracking Array [11].

Figure 2-3: San Diego, CA Average Daily Insolation Availability

Another way of maximizing PV power is to make use of Maximum Power Point

Tracking (MPPT). A MPPT is a control system that increases PV power by operating

solar cells at the knee of their I-V curves. The knee point is where the current and

voltage of the solar cell are both at their max. Increasing either current or voltage

increase power through electrical powers P = IV characteristic. The MPPT is usually

integrated into the DC-DC converters control system. MPPTs are discussed further in

section 4.3.


3.1 The Complete System

Installed at the SDG&E Skills Training Center is one of the first advanced energy

storage systems in California. The system is owned by the Electric Power Research

Institute (EPRI) and is on loan to SDG&E for testing. The system integrator is

Greensmith Energy Management who is also the manufacturers of the Greensmith

Distributed Energy Storage Unit. Since this is one of the first systems of its kind to be

installed, every step of the process is being documented for posterity. Documentation

includes any lessons learned during the shipping, receiving, or installation process as well

as system operating experience including event programming and equipment monitoring.

The system is currently on an 18 month testing program where all its various modes of

operation will be exercised. Some of its operation modes include constant power

charge/discharge, peak shaving, and PV smoothing/load following. During this period

the engineers will also perform tests to make sure that the system complies with IEEE

1547 standards. The datasheet of a Greensmith Power Vault 50 is in Appendix B. Figure

3-1 shows the one-line diagram of the DESS.

Figure 3-1: DESS One-Line Diagram

3.2 The Inverter

The inverter in this system is based on a Satcon PowerGate Plus 50kW UL (PVS-

50-UL). It is a three-phase inverter rated at 50kW and 120/208 VAC. The system makes

use of a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) system to boost the PVs yield. It has

been modified by Satcon to offer full four quadrant power capability which allows it to

deliver both real and reactive power. This feature is not available in any off-the-shelf

Satcon inverters. The datasheet of the similarly sized Satcon PowerGate Plus 50kW UL

(PVS-50-UL) inverter is in Appendix C. The cabinet on the left in Figure 3-2 is the

actual Satcon inverter of this system.

Figure 3-2: Satcon Inverter (left) and Greensmith Energy Management System (Right)

3.3 The Battery Management System

On the right in Figure 3-2 is the cabinet of the Greensmith energy management

system. The cabinet houses the batteries as well as the batteries management system.

The Greensmith system allows for real-time battery module measurements of voltage,

current, temperature, cell capacity, State of Charge (SOC), efficiency, and State of Health

(SOH). It also has a system that will keep the cells balanced and it will protect the

batteries from under/over-voltage, temperature, and over current. The system also allows

the user to have control over the batteries operation including dynamic, real-time power


Figure 3-3: Li Ion Battery Cell Modules

3.4 The Batteries

Figure 3-3 is a picture of the inside of the Greensmith cabinet. The complete

battery module consists of 20 battery packs in series. The batteries being used are

Lithium Iron Phosphate (Li-Ion) and are manufactured by International Battery. Each of

the 20 battery packs is made up of eight IB-B-FHE-160 packaged cells. In total there are

160 rechargeable battery cells in series. Each of the IB-B-FHE-160 packaged cells has a

nominal voltage of 3.2 V and capacity of 160 Ah. The datasheet of the International

Battery IB-B-FHE-160 packaged cell is in Appendix D. When put in series, these cells

combine for a total battery system voltage of 512 V and capacity of 82 kWh. The

complete overall battery ratings are 50 kW, 82 kWh, and 512 VDC.

3.5 Test Data

Since installation, SDG&E has collected data on the performance of the DESS

under various test cases. One of the modes of operation tested was the DESSs ability to

smooth intermittent PV generation. The SDG&E Skills Training Center has a small solar

setup of approximately 12 kVA, but it is not directly tied to the battery and is instead

coupled at the secondary of the transformer. Because it is a research setup, the

availability of the solar array is very intermittent and it is often not functioning or turned

off. Instead of using data from the PV array, simulated PV data was entered into the

battery controller for testing purposes. The test took place on August, 24th, 2011 from the

hours of 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Since the Skills Training Center is a commercial

business building, this time period is when the building is most active during the day. It

is also the time when the sun is the closest to the Earth and is therefore the time when the

most PV generation is occurring. Data is collected at every minute during that time

frame for the batterys SOC, voltage, temperature, instantaneous power, DC current, etc.

Some of the results of the test can be seen in Figure 3-4 below.

System Powers and Load vs. Time
100000 PV Power (W) Building Load (W) Battery (W)


Power (W)


8/24/2011 9:36

8/24/2011 10:48

8/24/2011 12:00

8/24/2011 13:12

8/24/2011 14:24

8/24/2011 15:36



Figure 3-4: System Powers and Load vs. TIme

In Figure 3-4 it can be seen that the building load does not fluctuate much over

time. The building has an average load of about 66479 W during this time frame. The

PV output power on the other hand fluctuates greatly at certain points. The simulated PV

power data is based on a 50 kW array. The periods of power drop are most likely due to

shading from passing clouds. Otherwise the PV array produces an instantaneous power

of about 40 kW during this period. The last plot on Figure 3-4 is of the batterys power.

Positive values correspond to the battery charging and negative values correspond to the

battery discharging. When compared with the PVs power, it can be seen that the battery

closely follows the power output of the PV. More specifically, when the PV experiences

periods of intermittency, the battery discharges power to make up for the momentary loss

of PV power. If the PV is providing uninhibited power, the battery charges in order to be

ready for new periods of intermittency. Figure 3-5 below is a plot of the combined PV

and battery power over time.

Combined PV and Battery Power


Power (W)




8/24/2011 9:36

8/24/2011 10:48

8/24/2011 12:00

8/24/2011 13:12

8/24/2011 14:24

8/24/2011 15:36

Figure 3-5: Combined PV and Battery Power

Figure 3-5 shows how the battery is able to smooth out the variability in the solar

generation at every point. This result is also shown in Figure 3-5 below.

Battery Support
80000 Net Load With Battery Load Without Battery
Power (W)

8/24/2011 9:36

8/24/2011 10:48

8/24/2011 12:00

8/24/2011 13:12

8/24/2011 14:24

8/24/2011 15:36


Figure 3-6: Load Profile after Battery Support

In Figure 3-5 the plot of Load without Battery is a plot of the building load after

PV power has been subtracted. Net Load with Battery is a plot of the building load

after the PV power has been subtracted and the battery power has been added. The Net

Load with Battery plot has a smoother profile than that of the Load without Battery

plot. The addition of the battery helps to smooth out the load profile.


4.1 PSCAD Software

The Greensmith DESS system parameters and test data from section three are

used to recreate the system using Power Systems Computer Aided Design (PSCAD PSCAD is a power systems simulator that allows for the design and verification

of all types of power systems and power electronic controls. The PSCAD simulation

used for this report makes use of two previously created models.

4.2 PV Model

The PV model used in this report was developed by Dr. Athula Rajapakse of the

University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MD, Canada and was provided by the PSCAD

technical support team. This model makes use of two custom library components. The

two custom components are the PV array and the Maximum Power Point Tracker

(MPPT). Figure 4-1 shows the PSCAD model of the two custom library components

[12]. The third component on the right is a thermal model for calculating the PV

temperature given solar radiation, wind velocity, ambient temperature, tilt angle of array,

surface emissivity, etc. Since the thermal time constants are much larger than electrical

time constants, in most EMT (Electromagnetic Transient) simulations use of constant cell

temperature should be sufficient [12]. Therefore, the thermal model is not used in this


Figure 4-1: PV Array (left), MPPT Controller (middle), Thermal Model (right)

A solar cell can be modeled using an electrical equivalent circuit that contains a

current source anti-parallel with a diode, a shunt resistance, and a series resistance [13].

An example of solar cells electrical equivalent circuit model is shown in figure 4-2 [13].

Figure 4-2: PV Cell Equivalent Circuit

The DC current that is generated when the cell is exposed to light varies linearly

with solar irradiance. Solar cells are characterized by their nonlinear I-V curve. Figure

4-3 shows a typical PV cells I-V characteristic [12].

Figure 4-3: Typical I-V Characteristics of a PV Cell

The basic equation that characterizes the solar cell I-V relationship can be derived

considering the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 4-2. Kirchoffs current law of the

circuit provides the following equation [12]:

. (4-1)

After substitution of the equivalent diode current expression for Id and the shunt

branch current Ish, equation (4-1) becomes the following equation [12]:


Isc is the photo current and it is a function of the solar radiation on the plane of the

solar cell G and the cell temperature Tc. The photo current equation is as follows [12]:


IscR is the short circuit current at the reference solar radiation GR and the reference

cell temperature TcR. The parameter T is the temperature coefficient of photo current.

The current Io in equation (4-2) is called the dark current. It is a function of cell

temperature only, and is given by [12]:


IoR is the dark current at the reference temperature. The other parameters

appearing in (4-2), (4-3), and (4-4) are the electron charge q, the Boltzmann constant k,

the band-gap energy of the solar cell material eg, and the diode ideality factor n. The

constants of the equations above can be determined by examining the manufacturers

specifications of the PV modules and its corresponding I-V curves. A PV array is

composed of series and parallel connected modules and the single cell circuit can be

scaled up to represent any series/parallel combination [12]. Figure 4-4 shows the default

PV cell parameters that were used in this simulation.

Figure 4-4: PV Cell Parameters

The Greensmith model uses simulated solar data based on a 50 kW array model.

Therefore, the PSCAD PV array parameters are set up to emulate a 50 kW model. Figure

4-5 shows the PV array parameters used to model a 50 kW array.

Figure 4-5: 50 kW PV Array Parameters

4.3 The MPPT Model

Figure 4-3 shows that the optimum operating point of solar cells occurs at the

knee of the I-V curve. In order to extract the maximum amount of power from a PV

array, it is desirable to operate at the optimum operating point at all times. A Maximum

Power Point Tracker (MPPT) is a DC-DC converter that is placed between a PV array

and its load to ensure that the PV array operates at its optimum point despite varying

temperature, insolation, and load. The DC-DC converter is also necessary to regulate and

step-down the high voltage of the PV array. Figure 4-1 shows the MPPT custom library

component that was developed in PSCAD. There are a number of different MPPT

algorithms. A popular implementation is the Perturb and Observe (P & O) algorithm, but

it has limitations. The algorithm used in this model is based on the Incremental

Conductance (INC) method. The advantage that this algorithm has over the P & O

method is that it can stop and determine when the maximum power point is reached

without having to oscillate around this value. It can also perform MPPT under rapidly

varying irradiation conditions with higher accuracy than the P & O method [14].

However, a disadvantage of the INC method is that it can produce oscillations and can

perform erratically under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions. Also, the

computation time is longer than that of the P & O method due to the slowing down of the

sampling frequency resulting from the higher complexity of the algorithm [15]. The

Incremental Conductance algorithm is shown in Figure 4-6 and it was implemented in

PSCAD [12].

Figure 4-6: Incremental Conductance Based MPPT Algorithm

The controller used for the maximum power point tracking DC-DC converter is

shown in Figure 4-7 [12].

Figure 4-7: DC-DC Converter Controller with MPPT

Figure 4-8 shows the MPPTs parameters. The parameters are the PV arrays ISC,

VOC, sampling interval, and the initial value of the Vmpp.

Figure 4-8: MPPT Parameters

Figure 4-9 shows how the MPPT controller is able to track the optimum operating

point for varying solar radiation and temperature conditions [12]. The thick green line

indicates the variation of the PV array operating point during the variations of the solar

radiation and cell temperature. The MPPT controller accurately tracks the knee point


Figure 4-9: MPP Tracking Under Variable Solar Radiation and Temperature Conditions

4.4 Grid Connected PV System

The grid connected PV system is shown in Figure 4-10 [12]. The PV array is

connected to the input of a DC-DC converter. The DC-DC converter is a buck converter

that is controlled using the MPPT system. The output of the converter is the input to the

three-phase inverter. The three-phase inverter is controlled using a simple P and Q

controller that is discussed further in section 5.2. Figures 4-11 and 4-12 show the

inverters P and Q regulation controller and firing pulse generator respectively.

Figure 4-10: Grid Connected PV System

Figure 4-11: Simple P and Q Regulation Inverter Controller

Figure 4-12: Firing Pulse Generation for Inverter

The grid system is represented as an equivalent source behind the system

impedance [12]. The inverter is connected to the 11 kV source through a step-up

transformer [12]. Except for the transformer winding inductance and the smoothing

inductor, no additional harmonic filter is provided [12]. Modifications were made to the

system shown in Figure 4-10 in order to emulate the Greensmith system. The final

system is discussed in section 4.7.

4.5 Battery Model

An electrochemical battery model was used to model the Greensmith Distributed

Energy Storage System in PSCAD. The battery model was provided by PSCADs

Technical Support Team and will be incorporated into PSCADs Master Library in the

future. There are many different types of batteries as well as many different factors that

affect their performance. There are four main cell chemistries in use for rechargeable

batteries: lead-acid, nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd), nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH), and lithium-

ion (Li-ion). The discharge characteristic of common rechargeable batteries is shown

below in Figure 4-13 [16].

Figure 4-13: Discharge Profiles of Various Cell Chemistries

The charge characteristic has a similar profile to that of the discharge

characteristic. Hence for this system model, the charge and discharge characteristic can

be described by the same equation if the battery hysteresis effect is neglected. Figure 4-

14 shows the charge and discharge characteristic of a typical battery cell [16].

Figure 4-14: Charge Discharge Profile

Some important terminologies of batteries include [16]:

1. Rated capacity: The ampere-hours a fully charged battery can deliver at a

specified rate (C/2 or C/20 rates are typically used here)

2. Nominal voltage: The voltage of the battery under normal operating conditions

3. State of charge (SOC): An expression of the present battery capacity as a

percentage of maximum capacity

4. Charging rate (C rate): The amount of current that a battery can deliver for 1 hour

from fully charged to the end of life. For a 100 Ah battery, 1C means the

discharging current is 100A, 0.2C means 20A, 5C means 500A

5. Internal resistance: The Thevenin resistance within the battery

PSCAD based their battery model off a model described in [17]. The battery

component that was developed for PSCAD is based on Shepherds equation, which is

used to represent a batterys electromechanical performance [16]. The battery is modeled

by a controlled voltage source in series with a constant resistance, as shown in Figure 4-

15 [16].

Figure 4-15: Equivalent Circuit of Battery

The equivalent circuit above is represented by the following equations which are

based on Shepherds equation [16]:

1 SOC (4-5)
Ebat E 0 K Q A e B(1SOC)Q

Vbat Ebat Rbat I bat (4-6)


Ebat: internal voltage (V)

Eo: battery voltage constant (V)

SOC: state of charge (%)

Q: battery capacity (Ah)

A: exponential zone amplitude (V)

B: exponential zone time constant inverse (1/Ah)

Vbat: terminal voltage (V)

Ibat: battery current (A)

Rbat: internal resistance ()

K: polarization constant (V/Ah) or polarization resistance () [18]

The model is based on a few simplifying assumptions [17]:

1. The internal resistance is assumed constant during the charge and discharge

cycles and doesnt vary with the amplitude of the current

2. The models parameters are deduced from the discharge characteristics and

assumed to be the same for charging

3. The capacity of the battery doesnt change with the amplitude of the current (i.e.

no Peukert Effect).

4. The temperature doesnt affect the models behavior

5. The self-discharge of the battery is not represented

6. The battery has no memory effect

7. Charging and discharging history does not affect battery characteristics (i.e. no


The main feature of this battery model is that the parameters can be easily

determined from a manufacturers discharge curve. Figure 4-16 shows the typical

discharge characteristic of a 1.2 V 6.5 Ah nickel-hydride (Ni-MH) cell [17]. It is used

here as an example of how to set up the parameters of the battery model.

Figure 4-16: Typical Discharge Curve

The three points that define the shape of the curve are the fully charged voltage,

end of exponential zone voltage, and the end of the nominal zone voltage [17]. The zone

occurring after the nominal zone is not generally useful and is therefore not covered here.

The internal voltage characteristic equation (4-5) is described by the sum of three

mathematical functions [16]:

1. The exponential curve A e B(1SOC)Q represents the section from fully charged to

the end of the exponential zone

2. The nominal zone line K Q represents the middle section from the

end of the exponential zone to the end of the nominal zone

3. The DC transition level of E0 is the value at the transition between the end of the

exponential zone and the beginning of the fully charged zone.

The discharge curve of Figure 4-16 is applied to equation (4-5) to show how a

discharge curve can be used to form an equation of the batterys internal voltage. The

equations can be fit to the example data as follows [17]:

A: Voltage drop during the exponential zone (V)

A E full Eexp 1.4 1.25 0.15(V ) (4-7)

3/B: Charge at the end of exponential zone (Ah)

3 3
B 2.308( Ah ) 1 (4-8)
Qexp 1.3 A 1h

K: The polarization constant (V/Ah)

( ( )) ( )

( ( )) ( )
( ) (4-9)

E0: Voltage constant (V)

For the fully charged voltage, the extracted charge is zero [18].

( ) (4-10)

After substitution of the 1.2V 6.5Ah Ni-MH cells mathematical constants,

equation (4-5) becomes the following:

( )

( ) (4-11)

This is a general approach to obtaining the model parameters that can be applied

to other battery types. The parameters of other common battery cells are presented in

Table 4-1 [17].

Table 4-1: Battery Parameters

Equation (4-5) is implemented in PSCADs battery model. The battery

component in PSCAD is shown below in Figure 4-17 [16].

Figure 4-17: PSCAD Battery Custom Component

The input and output signals of the battery model are the following:

Ibat: The current of the battery, input signal

Reset: The control signal used to control charge or discharge of the battery, input


SOC: State of charge, output signal

The dialog box for the battery model is shown below in Figure 4-18 [16].

Figure 4-18: Battery Models Available Configurations

There are five options for Battery Type. They are the following [16]:

User defined model: the characteristics of voltage vs. SOC and the internal

resistance vs. SOC are defined as the tabulated inputs directly. This allows for a

variable internal resistance.

The other four options are electrochemical models based on the modified

Shepherd model. The internal resistances are constant.

o Lead Acid

o Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd)

o Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH)

o Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion).

The parameters of the four electromechanical models are [16]:

Nominal Voltage (V): The nominal voltage represents the end of the linear zone

of the discharge characteristics

Rated Capacity (Ah): The rated capacity is the rated capacity of the battery

Initial Capacity (Ah): It is used as an initial condition for the simulation and

does not affect the discharge curve

Nominal capacity (Ah): It is extracted from the battery until the voltage drops

under the nominal voltage

Voltage at exponential point (V): The voltage corresponds to the end of the

exponential zone

Maximum Voltage (V): The fully charged voltage

Internal Resistance (): It is the constant for all electromechanical models

Figure 4-19 shows the PSCAD parameters of a 3.6V 1Ah Li-Ion battery [16].

Figure 4-19: 3.6V 1Ah Li-Ion Battery Specifications

In order to validate the battery model, a test case was developed in PSCAD. The

following test case was implemented in [16] and is used to demonstrate the charge and

discharge characteristics of the battery model. Figure 4-20 shows the circuit that was

used to test the charging and discharging characteristics of the battery model [16]. A

4.2V voltage source and a 3.6V, 1Ah Li-Ion battery are connected in parallel with

different loads (1.8, 3.6, 7.2, and 18).

Figure 4-20: Charging and Discharging Circuit

Figure 4-21 shows the Li-Ion batterys discharge curves with different C rates [16].

the discharge curves of Li-on
2.0C 1.0C 0.5C 0.2C

Battery terminal voltage (V)






0.0 2.0k 4.0k 6.0k 8.0k 10.0k 12.0k 14.0k 16.0k 18.0k
Time (sec)

Figure 4-21: Battery Discharge Curves for Different C Rates

Another test was conducted on this case to monitor the battery terminal voltage,

SOC, battery current, and load current through a charge and discharge cycle. The battery

controller is set up so that when the battery capacity is lower than 30% (SOC < 0.3) of

the rated capacity, the voltage source begins to charge the battery and supplies the load.

The voltage source stops charging the battery after the capacity reaches 80% (SOC =

0.8), and the battery takes over the load until its SOC < 0.3. After that, the charge-

discharge cycle repeats itself. The simulation results are shown below in Figure 4-22


Main : Graphs
battery terminal voltage (V)



Batttery current (A)




load current (A)




x 0.0 2.0k 4.0k 6.0k 8.0k 10.0k 12.0k 14.0k 16.0k 18.0k 20.0k ...

Figure 4-22: Charging and Discharging Simulation

The battery starts off by supplying the load with 0.5C (0.5A when load resistance

= 7.2). At 5000 8600 sec, it is charged with 0.5C by the voltage source, and then

discharged at 8600 12200 sec [16]. These two tests illustrate the charge and discharge

characteristics of the battery model.

The PSCAD battery model is used to model the Greensmith battery pack. In

order to accurately model the Greensmith battery, the parameters of a single IB-B-FHE-

160 battery cell were scaled up in order to be equivalent to the Greensmith battery. The

parameters were determined as follows:

Nominal Voltage (V): (3.2V)(160 cells in series) = 512V

Rated Capacity (Ah): 160Ah

Initial Capacity (Ah): User-Defined: 0 160Ah

Nominal capacity (Ah): 120Ah

Voltage at exponential point (V): (3.3V)(160 cells in series) = 528V

Maximum Voltage (V): (3.6V)(160 cells in series) = 576V

Internal Resistance (): (0.75m)(160 cells in series) = 0.12

These parameters are used to define the Greensmith battery. The internal capacity

can be set as any value between 0 - 160Ah and represents the batterys SOC. Figure 4-23

shows these parameters entered into the PSCAD battery model specifications. These

parameters were used to model the DESS in PSCAD.

Figure 4-23: Greensmith Battery Parameters

4.6 Fixed Load

To model the load of the building, a three-phase fixed load was used. Figure 4-24

below is the PSCAD library component of the fixed load component.

Figure 4-24: PSCAD Fixed Load Component

The fixed load component models the load characteristics as a function of voltage

magnitude and frequency using the following characteristic equations:

( ) ( ) (4-12)

( ) ( ) (4-13)


P = Equivalent load real power

Po = Rated real power per phase

V = Load voltage

Vo = Rated load voltage (RMS, L-G)

NP = dP/dV Voltage index for real power

KPF = dP/dF Frequency index for real power

Q = Equivalent load reactive power

Qo = Rated reactive power (+inductive) per phase

NQ = dQ/dV Voltage index for reactive power

KQF = dQ/dF Frequency index for reactive power

NOTE: dQ, dP, dV, and dF are all in per-unit quantities

In order to model a constant power load, set NP = NQ = KPF = KQF = 0. This will

simplify the original characteristic equations to:



In order to model a constant impedance load, set NP = NQ = 2 and KPF = KQF = 0.

This will simplify the original characteristic equations to:

( ) (4-16)

( ) (4-17)

For the purposes of this study, the loads were set up as constant power loads.

Figure 4-25 is an example of the fixed load parameters set up in PSCAD.

Figure 4-25: Fixed Load Parameters

4.7 The Complete System

All of the components previously described were combined to model the

complete Greensmith DESS. The most common way of adding a battery to a PV system

is to couple it on the DC side. Figure 4-26 shows a block diagram of a DC-coupled

battery-backup grid-connected PV system [18]. The DC-coupled battery is attached

between the charge controller and the inverter.

Figure 4-26: DC-Coupled Battery Backup System

A DC-coupled battery-backup system is the basis for the PSCAD Greensmith

simulation circuit. Figure 4-27 shows the complete PSCAD model of the Greensmith

system. The battery is DC-coupled between the DC-DC converter and the inverter. The

output of the inverter is attached to the equivalent feeder circuit. The three-phase fixed

load is attached at the output of the inverter which is on the secondary side of the step-

down transformer.

Figure 4-27: Complete Greensmith DESS PSCAD Model

The secondary side is attached to the primary through a three-phase two-winding

Y-Y transformer. The secondary and primary line-line RMS voltages are 208V and

12.47kV, respectively. Figure 4-28 shows the transformers winding voltages in its

dialog box.

Figure 4-28: Transformer Winding Voltages

The primary side of the transformer is connected to the source of the system. The

systems source is a three-phase, 60Hz, AC voltage source with a line-line RMS voltage

of 12.47kV. It has a behind-the-source inductive impedance of 0.1H. Figure 4-29

displays the signal parameters of the voltage source.

Figure 4-29: Three-Phase Voltage Source Signal Parameters

In the next chapter tests are conducted on the PSCAD system to see if it

accurately models the real-world Greensmith system.


In order to validate the PSCAD model, tests were performed on the system to see

if it could accurately represent the behavior of the Greensmith DESS. These tests include

a validation of the MPPTs functionality as well as a full system test.

5.1 MPPT Validation

One way to boost power generation from a PV array is to use a Maximum Power

Point Tracker (MPPT). In order for a MPPT to be useful it must be able to boost power

generation for any input conditions. In this test the model from [12] is tested on its own

without the battery or load attached. has an applet that, based on the

latitude of a location and the day of the year, calculates the daily solar irradiance. The

latitude of San Diego, California is 32 N and date used was August 24th, corresponding

to the date of when the SDG&E data was collected. The generated daily solar irradiance

in San Diego on August 24th can be seen below in Figure 5-1 [19].

Figure 5-1: Daily Solar Irradiance in San Diego on August 24 allows the extraction of data points at every 15 minutes of the

graph. The data collected from SDG&E was only in the range of 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.

Therefore, to correspond with the data from SDG&E, the data points from Figure 5-1 in

the range of 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. were tabulated below in the first two columns of Table 5-

1. The insolation points in this range are plotted in the graph of Figure 5-2.

Table 5-1: MPPT Test Data


Time (Hour) Insolation (W/m^2) PV Power (W) PV Power (W)
10 1005.739 40430 37740
10.25 1014.809 40890 38010
10.5 1022.372 41190 38300
10.75 1028.566 41530 38550
11 1033.5 41640 38740
11.25 1037.257 41730 38930
11.5 1039.899 41860 39000
11.75 1041.467 41960 39060
12 1041.987 41980 39080
12.25 1041.467 41960 39060
12.5 1039.899 41860 39000
12.75 1037.257 41730 38930
13 1033.5 41640 38740
13.25 1028.566 41530 38550
13.5 1022.372 41190 38300
13.75 1014.809 40890 38010
14 1005.739 40430 37740
14.25 994.9896 40050 37290
14.5 982.3408 39530 36820
14.75 967.5186 39050 36290
15 950.1771 38280 35640

Nominal Insolation

Direct Radiaton (W/m^2)





9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Time (Hour)

Figure 5-2: Nominal San Diego, CA Insolation on Aug. 24 from 10 A.M. 3 P.M.

For every 15 minute point in the range, the corresponding insolation value was

entered into the control panel for the PV array. For this test the temperature is held

constant at 30C/86F. The PV array is set up as a 50 kW array. A multimeter is used to

measure the instantaneous power from the PV array. The instantaneous power is

measured with both the MPPT on and the MPPT off at every step. The tabulated MPPT

on and off powers are shown in Table 5-1. The plots of these two powers are shown in

Figure 5-3.


42000 MPPT ON

Power (W)





9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Time (Hour)

Figure 5-3: MPPT Validation Simulation

It can be seen in Figure 5-3 that at every time step the power generated with the

MPPT on is greater than the power generated with the MPPT off. This test validates that

the MPPT is able to boost the power output of the solar array.

5.2 System Validation

In order to test the full system, the entire spectrums of data from SDG&E are

considered. In the 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. time frame, experimental data were collected at

every minute. For this simulation, the data at every 15 minute interval in that time frame

are considered. Table 5-2 shows some of the data that were collected from the

Greensmith system at every 15 minute interval. The data include the batterys SOC, cell

temperature, and power. It also has the buildings load as well as the amount of PV

generated power. The last two columns are called the Load without Battery and Net

Load with Battery and are formed from combinations of the other column values. Load

without Battery is the building load minus the PV power. Net Load with Battery is the

Load without Battery value added to the battery power.

Table 5-2: SDG&E Greensmith Data

Recorded State of Cell Battery Building PV Power Load Without Net Load With
Time Charge Temp. Power(W) Load(W) Output(W) Battery (W) Battery (W)
49 27.2125 35600 55970 37055 18915 54515
58 28.80625 33100 54770 38225 16545 49645
65 29.69375 17100 60580 38552 22028 39128
68 30.075 6100 64370 39887 24483 30583
68 30.425 1100 59790 41401 18389 19489
67 30.7625 1100 62930 42396 20534 21634
64 30.99375 2100 67810 43556 24254 26354
63 31.1875 100 68850 41531 27319 27419
61 31.35 100 72180 41290 30890 30990
61 31.46875 600 73480 42130 31350 31950
59 31.66875 -900 66910 40270 26640 25740
57 31.81875 -12500 67480 24537 42943 30443
51 32.19375 600 74860 42149 32711 33311
46 32.49375 -22000 65170 17594 47576 25576
45 32.425 4100 68940 39488 29452 33552
44 32.575 -25800 67870 8318 59552 33752
44 32.825 13600 68370 41510 26860 40460
43 32.9875 100 63910 26974 36936 37036
42 33.175 14100 61310 34991 26319 40419
44 33.56875 -20300 64970 0 64970 44670
38 33.825 -4400 60100 8408 51692 47292

The SDG&E data are used to define the specifications of the simulation model for

each data point. First, it is desirable to recreate the PV power as closely as possible. To

do this, the temperature of the 50 kW PV array model is set to the same temperature as

the Cell Temperature in Table 5-2. Next, the radiation level is adjusted until the array

produces a power output that is as close to the experimental value as possible. The

MPPT in the simulation is used at all times in order to replicate the actual model. Table

5-3 shows the input array temperature and solar radiation. The last two columns are the

simulations PV power output measured with a multimeter and the experimental PV

power output.

Table 5-3: Solar Power Data

Recorded Solar Simulation PV Experimental

PV Array
Time Radiation Power Output PV Power
(W/m^2) (W) Output (W)
10:01 27.2125 712 37050 37055

10:15 28.80625 748 38040 38225

10:30 29.69375 796 38500 38552

10:45 30.075 868 39860 39887

11:00 30.425 904 41280 41401

11:15 30.7625 904 42300 42396

11:30 30.99375 892 43480 43556

11:45 31.1875 844 41530 41531

12:00 31.35 832 41580 41290

8/24/2011 31.46875 844 42170 42130


12:31 31.66875 796 40290 40270

12:45 31.81875 472 24400 24537

13:00 32.19375 808 41970 42149

13:15 32.49375 340 17810 17594

13:30 32.425 760 39680 39488

13:45 32.575 160 8366 8318

14:00 32.825 796 41550 41510

14:15 32.9875 520 27180 26974

14:30 33.175 676 35290 34991

14:45 33.56875 0 0 0

14:59 33.825 160 8344 8408

Figure 5-4 is a graph of the experimental and simulation PV powers. The two PV

powers are nearly identical at each point.

PV Experimental and Simuation Power
50000 Experimental
Power (W)

8/24/2011 9:36

8/24/2011 10:48

8/24/2011 12:00

8/24/2011 13:12

8/24/2011 14:24

8/24/2011 15:36
Time (Hour)

Figure 5-4: PV Experimental and Simulation Power

After the proper simulation PV power is achieved, the building load is the next to

be set up. The building load is modeled as a three-phase fixed load on the secondary of

the transformer. The fixed load is modeled as a constant power load. Since the three-

phase fixed load parameters are defined as the rated real power per phase, the

experimental building load is divided by three for this parameter. This is necessary to

represent the per-phase load. When all three phases of the load are combined they

represent the complete building load. Table 5-4 shows the complete building load and its

per-phase value used in the three-phase fixed load parameters.

Table 5-4: Building Load Data

Recorded Time Building Load(W) Building Load/ph (W)

8/24/2011 10:01 55970 18656.66667
8/24/2011 10:15 54770 18256.66667
8/24/2011 10:30 60580 20193.33333
8/24/2011 10:45 64370 21456.66667
8/24/2011 11:00 59790 19930
8/24/2011 11:15 62930 20976.66667
8/24/2011 11:30 67810 22603.33333
8/24/2011 11:45 68850 22950
8/24/2011 12:00 72180 24060
8/24/2011 12:15 73480 24493.33333
8/24/2011 12:31 66910 22303.33333
8/24/2011 12:45 67480 22493.33333
8/24/2011 13:00 74860 24953.33333
8/24/2011 13:15 65170 21723.33333
8/24/2011 13:30 68940 22980
8/24/2011 13:45 67870 22623.33333
8/24/2011 14:00 68370 22790
8/24/2011 14:15 63910 21303.33333
8/24/2011 14:30 61310 20436.66667
8/24/2011 14:45 64970 21656.66667
8/24/2011 14:59 60100 20033.33333

The final parameter that is varied for the simulation is the batterys state of

charge. In the PSCAD batterys parameters the state of charge is represented as the

initial capacity (Ah). Since the rated capacity of the battery is 160 Ah, the initial capacity

of the battery is the percentage SOC of the rated capacity. Table 5-5 shows the batterys

SOC and its corresponding initial capacity.

Table 5-5: Batterys Initial Capacity

Recorded Time State of Charge (%) Initial Capacity (Ah)

8/24/2011 10:01 49 78.4
8/24/2011 10:15 58 92.8
8/24/2011 10:30 65 104
8/24/2011 10:45 68 108.8
8/24/2011 11:00 68 108.8
8/24/2011 11:15 67 107.2
8/24/2011 11:30 64 102.4
8/24/2011 11:45 63 100.8
8/24/2011 12:00 61 97.6
8/24/2011 12:15 61 97.6
8/24/2011 12:31 59 94.4
8/24/2011 12:45 57 91.2
8/24/2011 13:00 51 81.6
8/24/2011 13:15 46 73.6
8/24/2011 13:30 45 72
8/24/2011 13:45 44 70.4
8/24/2011 14:00 44 70.4
8/24/2011 14:15 43 68.8
8/24/2011 14:30 42 67.2
8/24/2011 14:45 44 70.4
8/24/2011 14:59 38 60.8

Table 5-6 is a summary of all the input conditions used for the test simulation of

the Greensmith system.

Table 5-6: Summary of Simulation Inputs

Recorded Building Load/ph PV Array Initial Capacity Solar Radiation

Time (W) Temperature (Ah) (W/m^2)
18656.66667 27.2125 78.4 712
18256.66667 28.80625 92.8 748
20193.33333 29.69375 104 796
21456.66667 30.075 108.8 868
19930 30.425 108.8 904
20976.66667 30.7625 107.2 904
22603.33333 30.99375 102.4 892
22950 31.1875 100.8 844
24060 31.35 97.6 832
24493.33333 31.46875 97.6 844
22303.33333 31.66875 94.4 796
22493.33333 31.81875 91.2 472
24953.33333 32.19375 81.6 808
21723.33333 32.49375 73.6 340
22980 32.425 72 760
22623.33333 32.575 70.4 160
22790 32.825 70.4 796
21303.33333 32.9875 68.8 520
20436.66667 33.175 67.2 676
21656.66667 33.56875 70.4 0
20033.33333 33.825 60.8 160

The instantaneous power flow is measured at the source of the equivalent system

using a multimeter. The power delivered from the source represents the loading of the

entire Greensmith system on the feeders circuit including the AC filter and transformer.

Figure 5-5 is an example of a multimeter measurement at the system equivalent.

Figure 5-5: Power Measurement at System Equivalent

The real power and line-line RMS voltage of the multimeter were collected at

each point. The power measured is equivalent to the net load with the battery attached.

The power values are considered as the power delivered to the load side. The results are

shown in Table 5-7.

Table 5-7: Simulation Results

Recorded Time Net Load with Battery (W) Line-Line VRMS (kV)
8/24/2011 10:01 20420 11.51
8/24/2011 10:15 22030 11.67
8/24/2011 10:30 24750 11.94
8/24/2011 10:45 27170 12.19
8/24/2011 11:00 27370 12.22
8/24/2011 11:15 26320 12.1
8/24/2011 11:30 24380 11.9
8/24/2011 11:45 23890 11.85
8/24/2011 12:00 23040 11.76
8/24/2011 12:15 23050 11.77
8/24/2011 12:31 22350 11.7
8/24/2011 12:45 21200 11.58
8/24/2011 13:00 20690 11.54
8/24/2011 13:15 18370 11.48
8/24/2011 13:30 20030 11.49
8/24/2011 13:45 16980 11.47
8/24/2011 14:00 19680 11.49
8/24/2011 14:15 17960 11.48
8/24/2011 14:30 18140 11.48
8/24/2011 14:45 16690 11.47
8/24/2011 14:59 17020 11.47

Figure 5-6 is a graphical comparison of the experimental and simulation data.

Experimental and Simulation Data
Load without Battery(Exp.) Net Load with Battery (Exp.)
Net Load with Battery (Sim.) Building Load (W)



Power (W)





8/24/2011 9:36

8/24/2011 10:48

8/24/2011 12:00

8/24/2011 13:12

8/24/2011 14:24

8/24/2011 15:36

Figure 5-6: System Experimental and Simulation Data

The Building Load is the load of the building on its own without any support

from the PV or battery. The Load without Battery (Exp.) is the building load minus the

experimental PV power. This graph would be almost exactly the same if the simulation

PV power were considered instead because the experimental and simulation PV outputs

are nearly the same. The large swings in this plots graph are due to the variability in the

PV power. The Net Load with Battery (Exp.) is the Load with Battery (Exp.) graph

with the experimental battery power added. This graph represents the net load that the

rest of the feeder circuit sees. By comparing the Net Load with Battery (Exp.) against

the Load without Battery (Exp.), it can be seen that the addition of the battery helps to

smooth out the load profile considerably. The large swings that were present in the Load

without Battery (Exp.) plot are reduced in the Net Load with Battery (Exp.) plot. The

last plot on the graph is of the simulation of the Net Load with Battery (Sim.). The Net

Load with Battery (Sim.) plot shows that the Greensmith simulation model achieves the

goal of smoothing out the variability in the PV power while also lowering the building

load. The reason that the experimental and simulation Net Load with Battery plots do

not exactly match is because the experimental system makes use of a battery management

system that regulates the battery output based upon the instantaneous PV power. The

simulation model of the system makes use of a battery controller that does not regulate

the battery output based upon the PV power. Instead, the battery controller monitors the

batterys SOC to determine whether the battery is in a charging or discharging state.

Even without the battery management system, the simulation is still able to reduce the

building load and smooth out the solar intermittency.

The voltage of the system is examined next. Table 5-7 has the simulated line-line

RMS voltages measured at the multimeter. Figure 5-7 is a graph of these voltages over


Line-Line RMS Voltage


Voltage (kV)

8/24/2011 9:36

8/24/2011 10:48

8/24/2011 12:00

8/24/2011 13:12

8/24/2011 14:24

8/24/2011 15:36

Figure 5-7: Line-Line RMS Voltage

The simulation is able to maintain a voltage that is close to the rated voltage of

12.47 kV throughout. The variation in the voltage can be attributed to the inverter which

makes use of a simple inverter controller. The inverter is set to operate at unity power

factor, but during the transients, the reactive power output of the inverter changes [12].

Figure 5-8 is an example of how the PCC responds to transients created by the solar

variation [12]. The real power output changes proportional to the changes in the solar

radiation level [12]. The reactive power changes when the real power changes, but settles

back to zero in order to maintain a unity power factor. The PCCs nominal voltage is 11

kV [12].

Figure 5-8: Real and Reactive Power at the Grid Interface

In the Greensmith model the inverter is experiencing transients due to the

charging and discharging of the battery, which can vary in its amount of power delivered.

Figure 4-10 showed that when a battery discharges, its voltage decreases. The opposite is

true for a charge cycle. Therefore, a change in battery voltage corresponds to a change in

the amount of battery power delivered or absorbed. Since the power is always changing,

the inverter is not able to settle to a unity power factor. The continually varying battery

power is why the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) sees a slight variation in voltage.

The simulations were also run for five second transient periods each time. If the

simulations were run for longer, the inverter controller would adjust the voltage to be

closer to its rated value. Figure 5-9 is an example of a simulation run that has a 30

second transient period. The secondary of the transformer has a line-line RMS voltage of

208.8 V while the primary of the transformer has a line-line RMS voltage of 12.24 kV.

Both of these voltages are close to their rated voltages of 208 V and 12.47 kV,

respectively. The disadvantage of a longer transient period is that it takes much longer to


Figure 5-9: Long Simulation Run Example

Since the fixed load is set up as a constant power load, variations in voltage do

not affect the loading.

6.1 Battery Management System

In order for the PSCAD model to more accurately represent the behavior of the

equivalent Greensmith DESS model, it is desirable to have a Battery Management

System (BMS). The Greensmith BMS monitors the instantaneous PV power generation

and uses that information to make decisions on how to make use of the battery. If the PV

is supplying ample power then the BMS either charges the battery or has it held on

standby. However, if the PV power drops then the BMS discharges energy from the

battery to compensate. The current PSCAD battery model is controlled by the battery

control component. The battery control component controls the charging and discharging

of the battery based upon its SOC. A Battery Management System that monitors the PV

power would help make the PSCAD model behave more like the Greensmith DESS

under the intermittency test.

6.2 Smart Inverter

The inverter controller used in this study is a simple P and Q regulator [12]. The

inverter is set to operate at unity power factor, but during the transients, the reactive

power output of the inverter changes. Fluctuations in reactive power can be minimized

by improving the inverter control, for example by using decoupled controls based in d-q

currents [12]. A better inverter design would be one based off a smart inverter. Some

important system monitoring and grid-interactive features for an inverter to have are over

and under voltage and frequency protection.

6.3 Single-Phase Inverter System Modeling

This study made use of a three-phase inverter because the Greensmith DESS also

used a three-phase inverter. The SDG&E Skills Training Center is a medium/small

commercial size building. It is not uncommon for commercial buildings to require three-

phase power in order to run their machinery. However, in residential applications it is far

more common to encounter a single-phase inverter because most residential buildings

and small businesses only need single-phase power. For future studies the same tests that

were conducted in this study could be applied to a system that makes use of a single-

phase inverter. SDG&E has a second DESS system at their Energy Innovations Center

(EIC) that makes use of a single-phase inverter. The system is Silent Power Inc.s

OnDemand Energy Appliance. The Silent Power system is sized at 10 kW of electrical

output with 10 kWh of energy storage and makes use of a lead acid battery pack. A

picture of the Silent Power system is shown in Figure 6-1. The Silent Power system is

enclosed in the wooden structure and the EIC is the building in the background.

Figure 6-1: Silent Power System at the Energy Innovations Center

6.4 Harmonics and Power Quality Analysis

One of the biggest concerns with grid connected PV inverters is the possibility of

harmonic injection on to the grid. IEC standard 61727 Photovoltaic (PV) systems

Characteristics of the utility interface and IEEE standard 929-2000 Recommended

practice for utility interface of photovoltaic systems provide guidelines on harmonic

limits at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) [12]. At the PCC the current waveforms

were quite visibly distorted [20]. The inverter current waveforms can be seen in Figure

6-2 [20].

Figure 6-2: Inverter Output Current

In [20] the harmonics spectrums of these waveforms were further examined.

Since the current waveforms are distorted they lead to corresponding distorted voltage

waveforms. Figures 6-3 and 6-4 show the corresponding harmonic spectrums of the

current and voltage waveforms respectively from the report [20].

Figure 6-3: Harmonic Spectrum of the Inverter Current (Fundamental 0.28 kA)

Figure 6-4: Harmonic Spectrum of the Voltage (Fundamental 7.43 kV)

If the harmonic content of the system does not comply with the local utility then it

would be desirable to install a filter at the PCC of the PV system [20]. Harmonics are

another possible avenue for research related to PV systems.

6.5 Peak Shaving

In addition to smoothing out solar intermittency, energy storage systems could

also be used for peak shaving. Solar output peaks at around 12 P.M. with the rotation of

the Earth. However, residential load demand peaks at around 5-6 P.M. when most people

are returning home from work. Therefore the period of 5-6 P.M. is considered to be peak

residential load time. In most households nobody is home at noon and therefore there is

more PV power generated than the local load demands. Typically when a PV array

produces excess energy it sells the power back to the grid. However, with the use of

energy storage devices the excess energy could be stored in batteries to be later used that

evening. Figure 6-5 demonstrates how this works over the course of a full day [21].

Figure 6-5: An Example of Peak Shaving

The use of energy storage devices for peak shaving is something that can be

explored in future studies. Peak shaving has the potential to save the customer money by

not purchasing power at peak load time.


Environmental benefits and financial incentives are moving Californias electrical

supplies towards renewables. As one of the safest and most easily accessible forms of

renewable technologies, solar system installations have increased greatly in recent

history. With the increase in PV systems comes the need to examine some of the unique

issues that they present. One of these issues is the problem of solar intermittency. PV

arrays are subject to shading and temperature changes that make their power generation

difficult to predict. One possible solution is to use a backup battery to supplement the PV

array. The Electric Power Research Institute in conjunction with San Diego Gas and

Electric have been researching the feasibility of using Distributed Energy Storage

Systems to smooth out the power invariability from PV arrays. Test data collected on

their Greensmith DESS show that the battery system does a good job of smoothing out

the variability in the PV generation. The battery makes up the power to the load when

the PV power output drops.

This study aimed to determine the performance of a photovoltaic system with a

distributed energy storage system. More specifically, this study aimed to see if a DESS

could be used to reduce the effect of solar intermittency. A DESS manufactured by

Greensmith and installed at San Diego Gas & Electrics Skill Training Center was the

center point of this research. Experimental data from the system was examined along

with computer-simulated data of the equivalent system model. The experimental data

showed that the DESS is able to effectively compensate momentary drops in solar power.

The Greensmith DESS was recreated in PSCAD and simulation testing was conducted on

this model. Testing on the PSCAD model confirmed both the functionality of the

Maximum Power Point Tracker as well as the DESSs ability to smooth out solar

invariability. In both the real world experiment and the simulation, the use of a DESS

helped to smooth out the load profile of the PV system. The DESS does an effective job

of reducing the effect of solar intermittency.

In the short-term solar intermittency is not a large concern. However, in the

future when solar energy becomes a substantial percentage of the electrical supply it will

be necessary to have DESSs more prevalent in Californias vast electrical utility system.


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APPENDIX A: Grid-Connected PV Installations by State
Table A-1: Grid-Connected PV Installations by State

APPENDIX B: Greensmith Power Vault 50 Datasheet

Figure B-1: Greensmith Power Vault 50 Datasheet Page 1

Figure B-2: Greensmith Power Vault 50 Datasheet Page 2

APPENDIX C: PowerGate Plus 50kW UL Datasheet

Figure C-1: PowerGate Plus 50kW UL Datasheet

APPENDIX D: International Battery IB-B-FHE-160 Datasheet

Figure D-1: International Battery IB-B-FHE-160 Datasheet Page 1

Figure D-2: International Battery IB-B-FHE-160 Datasheet Page 2


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