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| www.psychicguidepostmagazine.

com | number 2 | December 2012 |

Psychic Guidepost
Transition into the
Age of Aquarius
True stories of

The Healing power

of horses cover art: cross-stitch pattern by
Shelley Lee~ Tilton crafts.

The best psychics from around the world
StarZ Psychics is the Internets Leading Metaphysical and Live Psychic Community. Enjoy
your private reading in our state of the art chat room. None like it anywhere else. We have
a variety of amazingly talented Advisors with special talents including, Astrologers, psychics,
channelers, tarot card readers, clairvoyants, spiritual advisors, and clairaudients who can
assist you in answering your questions and more importantly guiding you to a new level of
spiritual health.

2 - Winter 2012
Psychic Guidepost- 3
contents DECEMBER 2012


32 26
Andi discussess the life of a
by Fiona Beck, author of 20 DECEMBER
Relationships: what you need to HOROSOCPES
know. Melodie and Chris Alis
horoscopes are the best on the
12 HEALING HORSES Internet today!
by Willows Brilliance. Horses are
powerful and spiritual animals. 24 ANGELS AMONG US
Guardian angels, spirit guides
16 TAROT WITH A they are all around us.

by Cristina, learn how to read 26 TRUE TALES OF
with a horoscope spread. REINCARNATION

Memories of real people who
18 A READING WITH SIOBIAN claim to remember past lives.
Siobain shares a reading with us.

4 - Winter 2012

Psychic Guidepost


Who was the ghostly murderous
The art on the cover is
soul of children?
a cross stitch pattern

Try out a few unusual recipes
this holiday season.
owner of tilton crafts

Economic crisis, bad weather and
other signs predict the coming of
a new age.

Psychic Guidepost - 5
Editors letter

Psychic GuidePost
a ,magazine for and about psychics
hank you for clicking
on Psychic GuidePost
EDITOR magazine, a magazine
GYPSY RAVEN for and about psychics!
This is our second issue and its
Email: [email protected] available for print-on-demand at Just type in
Psychic GuidePost Magazine
in the search engine and you
GENERAL MANAGER can have it printed and mailed in no time!
C.A. FRIAR If you are psychic and wish to contribute please
Email: [email protected] send any photos or articles to [email protected] we will be happy to print them and link your URL to
your website where you do readings.
If you are a reader and just interested in psychic
PUBLISHER people and the paranormal, send us your questions, there
AGUILAR PUBLISHING INFORMATION is a whole group of us who will be happy to answer. Well
publish your letters and the answers.
Email: [email protected] We hope you enjoy this issue!

Email: [email protected]
IMAGES and authors contributions

Powerful Empath
Spiritual adviser
5-star psychic
Master of Tarot
6 - Magazine

Pottery magic, is watching

something be created out of

Offer a token of heart and

soul and share the magic
with one of our hand-made
collections of art.
Flying Pig Pottery NY
From the
Shop of
David James

Magazine - 7
Soul Connections
by Fiona Beck, author of Relationships: What you need to know

ne of the most frequent and do the work needed to over- This is my soulmate, we are des-
situations that I come the obstacles. tined to spend the rest of our lives
encounter in my work is The problem is that the term together and I just have to wait until
people who seemingly get stuck at soulmate is so misused in the he / she realises that and comes
the stage where a soul connection is media, that when faced with a cli- back to me. In the meantime I will
confirmed. ent who is distraught and desperate get endless psychic readings to give
This often begins with over- for good news, confirming a soul me the much needed reassurance
whelming emotions, heartbreak, connection can sometimes do more that he / she IS coming back. All
a roller coaster relationship, an harm than good. I have to do is sit here and wait.
immense connection with another To a person who doesnt fully WRONG.
person and total confusion as to understand the dynamics of soul If I get enough psychic readings
why this feels as it does and what connections, confirmation of such I will eventually find someone who
can be done to ease the pain. It can can lead to further heartbreak and can tell me WHEN we will reunite,
often be accompanied by signs and sometimes unhealthy obsession. when we will get married and
indications that this isnt done, This is where clarity is needed and how many children we will have.
also known as synchronicity. a willingness to take the good news, WRONG.
Establishing that someone is (this is a soul connection, you are There is only ONE person in the
experiencing a soul, or karmic con- not going crazy), along with the bad world that I am destined to spend
nection is only the beginning of news (this doesnt change until you my life with and there is no one
what can be a very long journey, the do and you have MUCH work to do else in the world for me so I have
duration often depending on ones on YOURSELF). to hold on to this person as they are
willingness and ability to embrace Common problems that arise at the only one who can fill my needs,
the trials and lessons that it brings this stage: make me feel loved and worthwhile
8 - Winter 2012
and bring me happiness. WRONG. face and the pain can be immense.
Allow me to dispel some of the EVERYTHING that they feared hits what the term soul mate actually
myths surrounding soul connec- them like a freight train. Everything means. Dating websites often por-
tions. that they fought so hard to avoid, tray this encounter as someone very
A soul mate is anyone whose by holding on to the connection so special who is predestined to enter
presence in your life brings growth. tightly, hits them all at once. your life and that the two of you
Very often they will trigger your The thing is that all the time they will walk off into the sunset hand in
deepest issues and insecurities, were acting out their own insecuri- hand, and live happily every after.
which can then cause more pain ties and holding on to this person This is further reinforced by fortune
than you ever imagined possible. In so tightly, they were actually failing tellers who claim they can predict
many cases, you are unknowingly to see the other persons fears, in fact when you will meet this person,
having the same effect on them, you they were actively TRIGGERING what they look like etc. All of them
literally mirror one another. those fears because the constant supporting the notion that this will
A common scenario is two peo- giving, lack of healthy boundaries, be a perfect trouble free match that
ple who meet and feel an immense acceptance of ANY behaviour and will bring you eternal happiness.
connection. One of the people has clingy neediness was EXACTLY While a soulmate will often force
deep insecurities and abandonment what made this person feel inse- you to face and address your inner
issues. They fear rejection and may cure. When demons, and doing so can bring
have experienced it many times in you immense growth, it doesnt
the past. They feel this intense con- come gift wrapped with
nection and they embrace it, but not hearts and flowers printed all
in a healthy way. Their insecurities over it. Change is hard. We
mean that they embrace this con- are often resistant to it, and
nection in an overpowering, obses- if your life is unhappy, then
sive, needy way, totally ignoring bringing someone new into it,
their own needs, completely lacking without addressing what made
personal boundaries and allowing you unhappy in the first place,
the need to be with this person to will often result in two unhappy
overshadow what is actually hap- people. There isnt another person
pening on a day to day basis. on the planet who can heal what
The other person has similar makes you unhappy, but a soul-
issues, but they manifest in a dif- mate will throw salt in your deep-
ferent way. This person is also est wounds and constantly remind
insecure, fears rejection and you that they are still there and you
abandonment but they dont cling still need to deal with them.
to this connection in the same way. someone associates Too often I find that people just
They deal with their deepest fears deeply loving another person with dont want to do the work on them-
by running away from anything being vulnerable, out of control selves. They hope that things will
that has the potential to hurt them. and at risk of being hurt and aban- just change and this person will
In other words, the moment they doned, then giving love uncon- return and all will be well. Quite
feel love, they also feel fear of rejec- ditionally is the quickest way to often the person DOES indeed
tion and to avoid that pain, they send them reaching for the running return, but guess what? Those issues
seek to escape the situation, often shoes. are still there festering under the sur-
without a word of explanation and Both parties in this scenario had face and it wont be long before they
frequently just as things appeared deep issues and they were perfectly explode onto the surface again and
to be getting better. matched to bring them all to the everything is right back where it was
When this happens, it is the surface. But this confirmation is just last time.
worst possible scenario for the per- the beginning and very often it is
son who was holding on so tight. precisely where people get stuck.
All of their fears, insecurities, needs First of all we have to get past
and unresolved issues from the past all the common misconceptions of
are immediately brought to the sur-

Psychic Guidepost- 9
How many times do we need to isnt REAL. I am not saying ignore it totally
be shown what we need to address and do not even acknowledge it. I am not
before we stop hoping and pretend- denying that there are forces and energies
ing it isnt there and trying to build at work that we can only FEEL, but I will
what we want without making good leave you with these questions and please,
the foundations? In an ideal situa- be honest with yourself;
tion we only need to be shown once, Have you become so caught up in the
but all too often in soul connections romance and dynamics of soul connections
we go through endless cycles of pain that you invest more energy there than actu-
while we struggle with our own ally addressing the issues that the connec-
growth. tion brought YOU?
One of the most common ways I Do you spend more time and energy
see people getting stuck is when they thinking about the connection than concern-
join forums and chat rooms, buy self ing yourself with the most important person
help books and seek out people who in your life YOU?
are experiencing something similar. Do you read multiple articles on soul
In the initial stages this can be a com- connections but only embrace the parts that
fort, it can be informative and helpful allow you to romanticise the connection,
and ease the pain. But it MUST be while ignoring the parts that urge you to
balanced with a healthy dose of real- make yourself the priority?
ity. Be honest with yourself are you
Misery loves company and sitting STUCK?
in a forum full of lovesick victims
over a long period of time is not only
unhealthy and depressing, but it can
also interrupt personal growth. You
know you have a soul connection,
you know what you have to do, you Get Fionas
know what will happen if you dont
do it. Yes others can help and support
you and you can offer the same in book today!
return but lets keep this in perspec-
Spending all your free time going Available at
over and over and OVER what some-
one else is doing, how they are feel-
ing, why they acted as they did, how in
much it hurt you etc, is NOT address-
ing YOUR ISSUES. Getting readings
about what they are thinking and paperback and
feeling, who they are with and what
they are doing is NOT living your life
for you, and finding your own per- Kindle format!
sonal balance and happiness.
Constantly obsessing over synchro-
nicity and listing how many times
you saw a car the same as his, how
many times you saw the number 11
today, how much you dream about
him, how you feel his energy, how
you KNOW its not over, is NOT
healthy. I am NOT suggesting that it
10 - Winter 2012
Peaceful and Serene

Angels wings A mothers touch

In Gods hands Beneath the sea

From Serenitys Garden

I am now selling a number of products with unique & original
Encaustic Art on them.

Psychic Guidepost- 11
Healing Horses
There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. -
Winston Churchill

by Willows Brillance

ome people think of horses near the plains where people keep mental or physical challenges and
as big, dumb, lumbering, cattle, horses, llamas, sheep and other disabilities. Working with horses
animals that take us on hay- animals, I grew up around horses and changes people on an emotional level
rides or around central park, or as equestrians so it was easy to help with and allows the participant to reconnect
set decorations in a Western movie. hoof care, cleaning and riding. Over the to themselves by learning to integrate
A friend of mine said, I dont trust years working with horses in my art emotionally and spiritually as well
horses, theyre brainless and all I think career and through friends, Ive seen as finding confidence, self esteem,
of is how they could kick me or crush some amazing transformations and leadership, and balance. Its easy to
my foot. He couldnt have been healing bonds formed between horses see why; horses are highly attuned to
more mistaken. Horses have always and humans and other animals. No emotions and the feelings of others and
been one of my favourite art subjects to wonder horses symbolize our emotional can reflect and mirror them in a way
sculpt or paint and I gravitate to them and spiritual selves in legend and art. that allows for perspective and growth.
because not only are they beautiful They represent our untamed hearts, our Horses can also display uncanny
and graceful, but also soulful, intuitive potential and power. awareness and act in just the right
and healing animals. One of my The power of horses to heal and way at just the right time with a keen
earliest memories is of beautiful horses connect with others is amazing. Equine intuitive knowing of whats needed.
stepping through a foggy, snowy-field therapy and the field of Equine One of our dear friends was an
early in the morning as the rising sun Assisted Activities is gaining in elderly woman who was increasingly
bathed them and the surrounding popularity for at-risk or troubled teens, immobile, depressed, isolated and
snow in a pink and orange glow. survivors of traumatic events, and losing her freedom bit by bit with the
Living in the Rocky Mountains and individuals suffering from emotional, ravages of illness. Every now and then

12 - Winter 2012
shed get to visit a friends horse stables
to be wheeled up to the gate and watch
the horses in the field. One seemingly
unfriendly stallion, Dan, wouldnt let
humans get close to him if he didnt
know them well. His pair of owners
called him high strung and full of
personality, and he certainly didnt
like to take breaks to dally for nose
pets or ear skritches and preferred to
be in motion out in the field. And yet,
even though he didnt know her, when
this little old lady stopped by the fence
his ears pricked up, he came up to the carried a picture of Dan to remember crush my foot. He couldnt have
fence and not only let her pet him, but that day. I truly believe something been more mistaken. Horses have
reached his mighty head down to her in him picked up on her needs and always been one of my favourite
level and held her in a horse hug wanted to connect to her because after art subjects to sculpt or paint and I
- his eyes calm, his ears relaxed, his she left he returned to his usual fast gravitate to them because not only are
whole body morphing from a tightly trot and active body language. Horses they beautiful and graceful, but also
wound running machine to a soft and are marvellous beings with big hearts soulful, intuitive and healing animals.
pliable cuddle-giver. She petted his and a keen awareness of the world One of my earliest memories is of
big muzzle and held her arms up to around them. The next time you see a beautiful horses stepping through
him as best she could and the look on horse, think bigger than the movies or a foggy, snowy-field early in the
her face was one of old age transmuted the carriage ride and appreciate their morning as the rising sun bathed
into childlike joy. He stayed with her healing presence. them and the surrounding snow in
for a long time - until she got too cold Some people think of horses as a pink and orange glow. Living
to be outside. She felt better though, in big, dumb, lumbering, animals that in the Rocky Mountains and near
fact, she felt so good after her visit with take us on hay-rides or around central the plains where people keep cattle,
her new horse friend that she even felt park, or as set decorations in a Western horses, llamas, sheep and other
strong enough to stand up and walk a movie. A friend of mine said, I dont animals, I grew up around horses
little. This day so impacted her that trust horses, theyre brainless and all I and equestrians so it was easy to help
for her remaining years, our friend think of is how they could kick me or with hoof care, cleaning and riding.

Psychic Guidepost- 13
Over the years working with horses in humans get close to him if he didnt
my art career and through friends, Ive know them well. His pair of owners
seen some amazing transformations called him high strung and full of
and healing bonds formed between personality, and he certainly didnt
horses and humans and other animals. like to take breaks to dally for nose
No wonder horses symbolize our pets or ear skritches and preferred to
emotional and spiritual selves in be in motion out in the field. And yet,
legend and art. They represent our even though he didnt know her, when
untamed hearts, our potential and this little old lady stopped by the fence
power. his ears pricked up, he came up to the
The power of horses to heal and fence and not only let her pet him, but
connect with others is amazing. Equine reached his mighty head down to her
therapy and the field of Equine level and held her in a horse hug
Assisted Activities is gaining in - his eyes calm, his ears relaxed, his
popularity for at-risk or troubled teens, whole body morphing from a tightly
survivors of traumatic events, and wound running machine to a soft and
individuals suffering from emotional, pliable cuddle-giver. She petted his
mental or physical challenges and big muzzle and held her arms up to
disabilities. Working with horses him as best she could and the look on
changes people on an emotional level her face was one of old age transmuted
and allows the participant to reconnect into childlike joy. He stayed with her Willows Brillance
to themselves by learning to integrate for a long time - until she got too cold
emotionally and spiritually as well to be outside. She felt better though, in
as finding confidence, self esteem, fact, she felt so good after her visit with Explore your own intuitive being and
leadership, and balance. Its easy to her new horse friend that she even felt awareness and get clear intuitive guidance
see why; horses are highly attuned to strong enough to stand up and walk a and psychic readings with Willow (Brilliance
emotions and the feelings of others and little. This day so impacted her that in Sight) Live chat sessions are availble for
can reflect and mirror them in a way for her remaining years, our friend readings and intuitive-counselling, please
that allows for perspective and growth. carried a picture of Dan to remember click on Sessions if youd like to book an
Horses can also display uncanny that day. I truly believe something appointment.
awareness and act in just the right in him picked up on her needs and
way at just the right time with a keen wanted to connect to her because after
intuitive knowing of whats needed. she left he returned to his usual fast
One of our dear friends was an trot and active body language. Horses
elderly woman who was increasingly are marvellous beings with big hearts
immobile, depressed, isolated and and a keen awareness of the world
losing her freedom bit by bit with the around them. The next time you see a
ravages of illness. Every now and then horse, think bigger than the movies or
shed get to visit a friends horse stables the carriage ride and appreciate their
to be wheeled up to the gate and watch healing presence.
the horses in the field. One seemingly
unfriendly stallion, Dan, wouldnt let
14 - Winter 2012
Have you lost your way?

Pick up the phone and call us

for answers!

Psychic Guidepost- 15
Reading Tarot with a
Horoscope spread
by Cristina (GypsyRaven)

ost expert tarot readers are well versed in other areas of divination. Most experts are familiar with three
Many have a strong understanding of horoscopes, the zodiac and can basic methods. The first is a layout of 12
read tarot cards using a horoscope layout of the cards. The reason an cards placed in a circle pattern, shaped
expert Tarot reader can connect with astrological principals and meanings is as a representation of the Zodiac. (see
because Astrology has the same earth elements that are represented in most diagram). All 78 cards in the deck are
traditional Tarot cards. Tarot and Astrology use four elements of Water, Fire, Air used when shuffling. Cards are usually
and Earth. placed face down until the practitioner
is ready to do the reading. After the
For example, Gemini represents an air sign, Taurus and earth, Aries fire, Pisces 12 cards are chosen, the reader begins
water and so forth. In a Tarot spread air, fire, water and earth elements are to place them from her left and goes
represented by Cups = Water, Swords = Air, Pentacles = earth and Wands = around counter clockwise. Each
Fire. These symbols represent various ways of expressing energy. Through your position of the card represents a House
energy, the reader is able to pick up spiritual clues to what is happening in your in the Zodiac and the cards are read
life. The cards representing water reflect feelings, emotion, love. Fire symbolizes according to the astrological house
imagination, creativity, work issues. Air is connected to with intellect, the capacity position of the card.
to think to make choices. Earth cards are associated with bodily needs, money,
housing, jobs, etc. Each force of nature is represented in both the horoscope and The second method is to use only
tarot. the suit cards. The suit cards are the
strongest representation of earth, air,
Reading tarot cards and laying them out in a Zodiac spread can be quite useful fire and water. Twelve cards are also
when looking at all areas of your life. The practitioner or reader uses 12 cards, used and placed in a circle and read
each representing the 12 houses in the zodiac. Positioning and layout of a tarot with your sun sign in mind and where
spread is extremely important to the whole reading because the position of where your house positions are at this
a card falls also has meaning and can bring more insights into your particular particular time in your life.
question or problem.

Every expert has his or her own method of reading cards with Horoscope spreads, The third method is to use the Major
most horoscope spreads are made up of 12 cards. Arcana ( the 22 trump cards in the
tarot deck) These cards represent the

16 - Winter 2012
human condition. Each card represents the joy and sorrow we all experience
as human beings. These cards are particularly good to use if you want a specific
question answered. A good reader will choose a card from the Major Arcana that
represents your particular problem or part of your journey. This card is placed in
the center of the zodiac circle of cards.

Its always good to remember that Tarot, horoscopes and other divinatory
tools are just that. Tools. Connecting to your reader and understanding his or
her methods to helping you with the problem is the most important thing. The
images and clues we get come from spirit come from our connection to you!
So keeping an open mind, and asking questions while someone is doing your
reading provides a good flow between you and your reader and opens a channel
where all mysteries are revealed! ~ Namaste~

Cristina is author of three

ebooks and a FIVE star
psychic on the Internet
and around the world. Get
a reading with Cristina

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these prices are per issue, we publish 6 times per year.
Psychic Guidepost has more than 171,000 impressions per issue!

Psychic Guidepost- 17
Contributor Article

Readings with Siobhan

Siobhan offers Quip Witted Quandaries on her

to a salad bar in search of Wagyu physical encounter to start with.

beef do you? Clearly you have In other words, Lonely, if you
Dear Siobhan, been so lets correct that behavior. want to find someone you can build
Im in my late 30s and I find First, dont go searching for a long- a long-term relationship with, meet
myself drifting from relationship to term relationship at a bar or on a them organically by getting involved
relationship. Or from person to person dating website. Sure, you may find in things you enjoy doing. If you dont
could be a better description. My last someone to date and it may turn into have many friends or if friends of your
real or serious relationship was a few a long-term, wonderful relationship, current friends are all attached, meet
years ago. For the last four or five years, but the probability is not in your new friends by getting involved in
I havent met anyone to date, I try to, favor. Next, when you do find things you enjoy doing. Join local clubs
but it never moves beyond a couple of someone with potential and you go and activities you like or even think
dates. A lot of times, we never get past out on a date, modify your approach. you may like. Dont join them just to
online chats or some phone calls or texts Balance your previous approach, meet people to date, thats too obvious.
after first exchanging online messages. you know the one where you a) Engage people on a natural level in
What is wrong with me? I am looking either jumped into bed with them 5 these settings. Then you can get to
for my soul mate and I feel like I will minutes after meeting them and/or know people in these new groups who
never meet them. Why is it everyone b) politely sharing all of your most could be dating material and you can
around me can meet someone to be in a private details, including all of your meet friends of theirs who could have
long-term relationship with but I cant? medical history and then, moving dating potential. Remember, people
Will I be alone forever? on to how youve already picked out were meeting each other long before
--Lonely the church, wedding dress and ring there was an Internet and dating sites.
for your upcoming wedding, which The world is your oyster, you just have
youve planned for three months to know which ones have the best
Dear Lonely, from now. pearls.
Lets put this notion of a soul At this juncture, Im going to derail
mate to rest. Its time this concept was for a moment and do something Get a reading with Siobhan! follow the
harpooned, burned and its ashes given dangerous. Im going to assume the link!
an unceremonious burial in the depths writer of this question is female. I expert/spirituality-religion/siobhan-
of the darkest sea. This idea was, no know we are in the age of female darroch/
doubt, planted in your head by years empowerment. Regardless of what
of Disney movies and silly movies a woman chooses to do, I personally
like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days pass no judgment. I am not saying
that have fostered unhealthy notions there is anything wrong with
of relationship roles. Ill clue you in: choosing to sleep with someone on
its neither to be a rude, chest beating the first date. That is perfectly fine.
neanderthal nor a self-deprecating door However, do expect that normal
mat. stereotypes will follow and that
For all I cant tell you, Lonely, quite often means that a) the guy
what I can tell you with almost 100% will not contact you again or b) if
certainty is that one, your approach is and when he does, it will be only for
wrong and two, your target audience is the purpose(s) of getting physical.
wrong. Reverse that order because first, You may counter But if I dont, he
your target audience, or demographic, may not call at all.. this is true, but
shall we say, is wrong. You dont go he may have only been seeking a

18 - Magazine
Contributor Article

A psychics life
Andi discusses her journey into divination get a reading
with Andi at

studies and helps assist others in theirs. sage given, but understanding where
Through classes, readings, healings and it applies in your life given the energy

ve always had a fascination genuine friendship, I work to enlighten connection between client and spirit.
for metaphysics; first having a her clients to the Universes light and Im also a Reiki Master; having first
precognitive dream at around love in ALL!! been attuned Reiki I & II by Chrystal
5, and then being introduced to tea Through Tarot readings, I give inspira- Moon in Denver and then with Diane
leaf reading by my great grandmother tion and insight into your ever-chang- Stein. Reiki is a Japanese healing art
at age 10! At 13, I began reading ing life, what paths are available and developed by Mikao Usui. Reiki can
Tarot cards for friends and family. how it will effect others directly. Tarot relieve pain, heal energy imbalances,
Throughout junior high and high is based on the principle of synchronic- and MUCH more.
school; I read and attended classes ity. Its symbolism will relate to every- Ive been an ordained minister for the
regularly, expanding my talents, day activities within your life. last 10 years. Ive been concentrating
developing others, and meeting great While it does give its guidance more in this field while counseling
mentors along the way. and clarification, the Tarot is also others in finding the truth in their
Further into adulthood, Ive deepened extremely enjoyable and entertaining! beliefs. I was a student of the late
my metaphysical studies with Reiki, It is an empowering way of divining Gabriel Carrillo (Caradoc), and also
herbalism, aromatherapy, crystals, your souls purpose while navigating Sara Reeder (Mercuria) when study-
energy work, astrology, Feri, Angels, through lifes many twists and turns! ing the Feri path. Ive studied various
Past Lives etc. Ive personally worked During a channeling session, guid- rites of passage from many religious
and trained with many psychics, teach- ance & messages from our angels, systems and adapted celebrations and
ers, and healers throughout MANY spirit guides, those on the other side studies to respect all faiths and belief
moves cross country, and I know what and subconscious comes through. Im systems. I believe my faith and beliefs
it means to be a Lightworker on a per- an Empath, so Ill also be utilizing stem from knowing we all are con-
sonal and professional level. intuition to feel out the energy. This nected.
Now in my 30s, I still continue my assists not only in interpreting the mes- I really enjoy using astrology within
many readings and healing therapies.
With past life progression work, this
method allows me to pinpoint where
and why the karmic tie has happened
and what can best help work through
the karmic issues we have chosen to
bring into this lifetime. While the natal
chart shows what we are given to work
with at birth; progressions, transits,
and returns effect us in the present and
My path has always been that of a
healer. I honestly strive to help people
to live the best life they are able to
achieve! The Universe does NOT dis-
criminate against happiness and it is
up to YOU to create the life you want
to live!
Namaste! see her blog at

Magazine - 19
December Horoscopes
March 21 - April 20
Youll be rolling with the big dogs
this month, thanks to some powerful
planetary lineups affecting both your
career and financial sectors. Your
ruler (Mars) and Pluto are elevated
and moving through your professional
sector from the beginning of the
month. You may feel like youre
under greater public scrutiny, but you
should come out smelling like a rose
-- as these planets are both well placed
and well aspected for the better part
of the month. Mercury, Venus, Saturn

The best Astrologers on the Internet

and the North Node are all moving
through your 8th house the area
related to sex, death, joint resources
and personal transformation. Youll
likely have dealings with each of
these areas throughout the month, Melodie ChrisAlis
but these are also favorably aspected.
This is a better time for saving and melodie/ Chrisalis/
investing than it is for spending, even
in the midst of the Holiday season.
A message from afar comes on the to open enemies, too so dont be Gemini
10th, followed by good news on the surprised if conflicts with those on May 22 - June 21
15th. Youre also in line for some your frienemy radar come to a head. Youll have your work cut out
recognition in the work-force closer to Saturn (the lord of karma and the great for you this month literally with
the 21st. All in all this month should task master) has just entered this a preponderance of planets in your
be favorable for you professionally sector for the first time in 29 yrs. The work, career and financial sectors. You
so work on manifesting your career Sun, Mercury and North Node are could be juggling careers, taking night
aspirations as you prepare for the year there at the early part of the month classes or launching one business
ahead. but move out one at a time by while punching the clock at another.
Moon in Aries: Dec 20, 21, 22 months end. This as a time of reaping These transits are powerful: you can
what youve sewn (karmically), but get a lot accomplished as long as you
also of forging new connections. On stay focused which in and of itself may
Taurus the 15th, Venus (your ruler) changes be a problem. Jupiter is retrograde
April 21 - May 21 signs and moves into a hard aspect in your sign right now, meaning
Youll be spending the better with Neptune. Youll be taking off that youre likely to experience some
part of the month ironing out the your rose colored glasses and seeing missteps and do-overs. Its also in
kinks in your relationships, even someones true colors at this time. Pay direct opposition to the Sun at the
if that means ending some long- attention to the 20th and 22nd too, as beginning of the month. You may
standing affiliations. This includes a time for resolving old conflicts and be distracted by relationships; in
relationships with friends and family salvaging damaged relationships. particular those youre trying to repair.
members, as the planets moving Moon in Taurus: Dec 22, 23, 24, 25 You could be attempting to reignite
through your relationship sector now a faltering relationship around the 10th
are forcing big changes to all of your when your ruler (Mercury) moves into
social connections. This area relates that sector. You could be on the verge
20 - Winter 2012
of starting something new on the 13th to find yourself on the same page youre seeing how symbols that are
when the New Moon occurs. Or you (romantically) with another. This is reflected in the outside world apply
could be circling back toward an old reinforced by the fact that these planets directly to your life (synchronistically)
flame around the 15th when Venus are stretched across your friends and now. Pay attention to your dreams and
joins in. Youll have to decide where lovers sectors. A friend may express record your interpretations; they could
you want to focus your energy, as both a hidden romantic interest or a lover come in handy for problem solving
of these areas figure prominently and might decide theyd rather just be later on.
both can interfere with the other. friends. Either way youre not likely to Moon in Virgo: Dec 5, 6, 7
Moon in Gemini: Dec 25, 26, 27 be in sync with those youre closest to
at least in the early part of the month.
Cancer A lineup of planets below the horizon Libra
June 22 - July 22 may see you running for cover and September 23 - October 23
Dont let your imagination run deciding to stick closer to home until Youre taking a serious look at
away with you this month, especially the 10th. At that point Mercury moves money this month as in how you
with those youve developed close into your romance sector, followed by make it, save it, spend it and blow
relationships with. A Scorpio stellium the New Moon on the 13th and Venus it. As the end of the year creeps up
in your romance sector and a Mars/ on the 15th. Youd do well to hold off on you, youre trying to get a handle
Pluto conjunction in your relationship on any new romantic conquests until on things either out of personal
sector can ignite sparks of suspicion, that time. You might start yearning necessity or due to a developing sense
distrust and even outright paranoia. to express yourself creatively, either of responsibility. Youve got 4 planets
The good news is that your love life is through art, music or the written word. (including your ruler, Venus) moving
going to be active this month. You Rely on your intuition (rather than through your financial sector and
certainly wont be bored. But its not intellect) for source material. your money planet (Pluto) conjunct
likely to run smoothly for the first Moon in Leo: Dec 2, 3, 4, 5, 30, 31 Mars in Capricorn. As these planets
couple weeks, starting on the 1st when form favorable (sextile) aspects to
the Moon (in your sign) opposes Mars Virgo one another, its all about putting
and Pluto, and continuing through August 24 - September 22 a plan into action and sticking to
to the New Moon on the 13th. Your Youre doing a lot of social it. Youre looking at your values in
relationship rulers (Saturn and Pluto) networking this month whether that general i.e., whats important to you
are in favorable aspect and are both in relates to online interactions or just beyond material concerns. You may
serious signs, but its not the time to bouncing back and forth between all be surprised at the things you learn
force your partners hand. Any sort of of your ties with friends and family. about yourself this month. What you
pressuring during this time is likely You may find yourself called upon to have to offer others (as in a assistance
to backfire, so try to sit back and let pitch in with other peoples projects or charitable donations) are also
things unfold naturally. You want as youre going to be seen as a bit considered. Starting around the 10th,
to take care of your health between of a jack-of-all-trades. The odds of your personal planets move into your
the 17th and 22nd as stress-related your saying yes to everyone and communications sector. This would be
problems take root if your immune of biting off more than you chew are a good time for taking a class, learning
system is compromised. The Full high, especially between the 3rd and a new language or submitting your
Moon on the 29th falls in your sign the 12th. If youre not careful you can work for publication. You can also
and should see you back on top of the wind up getting sick as youre more use this time to join up with others to
world. apt to push yourself to the limit rather develop group goals.
Moon in Cancer: Dec 1, 2, 27, 28, 29, 30 than let anyone down. Youve got a ton Moon in Libra: Dec 7, 8, 9
of energy which could be put to use
Leo productively if youre quick enough Scorpio
July 23 - August 23 to funnel into something that grabs October 24 - November 22
You may feel yourself pulled in two your interest. An on-line community, You may feel like youre
different directions this month with website, or volunteer opportunity are re-inventing yourself this month, with
respect to your relationships. With all excellent options. This should be a several planets including Saturn after
your ruler (the Sun) in opposition to very intuitive period for you as well:
Jupiter (your romance ruler) at the
start of the month, youre unlikely

Psychic Guidepost- 21
a 29 year hiatus -- lining up in your around this time. Even so, these transits of someone elses discerning eye.
sign. At the same time, your co-rulers have brought you a heightened level of Either way its time to step up and
(Mars and Pluto) join together in your awareness that youll be carrying with receive the recognition that is your
thoughts and ideas sector, heralding a you in the coming weeks. due. If youve taken a risk its
time for deep personal reflection and Moon in Sagittarius: Dec 11, 12, 13 bound to pay off in the form of a
introspection. The last few weeks have promotion or a raise. These transits
probably not been easy with Mercury Capricorn are favorable for business overall,
retrograding through your sign as December 22 - January 20 and that includes your finances.
well as an eclipse, but youre starting Youre moving people in and out of The 13th, 15th and 25th are all
to move past all that now. It may your life now with break-neck speed. important dates: the 13th because
feel like a sort of baptism for you as You start the month with a line-up your ruler (Uranus) turns direct;
youve come through some treacherous of planets -- Mercury, Venus, Saturn the 15th because the Moon enters
waters and are washed clean at the (your ruler) and the North Node all your sign, and the 25th because
other side. But Pluto and Saturn are in in your 11th house: the sector related Mars enters your sign and forms a
mutual reception now, as are Mercury to friends and acquaintances. At the mutual reception to Uranus. These
and Jupiter (as of the 10th) and Mars same time, Pluto and Mars are moving are all auspicious aspects and should
and Uranus (as of 25th), making for a through your sign and your personal increase your visibility, while at the
smoother transition. Others are looking identity sector. The combination same time increasing your public
up to you at this time and may ask you of these influences makes for some stature.
to step into a position of authority. important decisions regarding where Moon in Aquarius: Dec 15, 16, 17
With Mercury moving into your money you fit into the world (11th house)
sector on the 10th, you may also be in and how you see yourself (1st house). Pisces
line for a raise. You should see your Another way of looking at it is drawing February 19 - March 20
earlier efforts start to pay off over the a line between where other people end Youre learning to have a little
last week of the month. and where you begin. You may have more faith in yourself, thanks to
Moon in Scorpio: Dec 9, 10, 11 been feeling overburdened with other the faith that others have put in you
peoples problems and decide you want in recent weeks. Your ruler, at zero
Sagittarius to eliminate them from your life. But at degrees now, has just barely stepped
November 23 - December 21 the same time, new people are coming into your sign. And after months of
Rise above should be your in important connections who could moving retrograde, is finally moving
mantra this month as youre going be become life-long friends. Youre fine- forward for you again. You may still
confronted with situations that you tuning your own sense of self right now, feel like a babe in the woods, but
have no control over. Although youre and in doing so will align yourself with thanks to support from several other
usually a very hands-on person who those who are more in keeping with the planets, you realize youre never
will go out of your way to help others, new and improved you. Youre likely alone. Chiron, which is also in your
youre seeing that you cant always to tie up the month with a whole new sign, acts as a powerful reminder
change things and that its sometimes set of friends, who will see you into the that you have an impact on those
best to stand back and let them unfold New Year. around you and can make things
on their own. Between your retrograde Moon in Capricorn: Dec 13, 14, 15 better for them. You may have
ruling planet and the lineup of planets suffered a recent financial set-back
in your hidden (12th) house, youll Aquarius though thanks to a hard aspect
be less visible socially and much more January 21 - February 18 between your financial ruler (Mars)
active behind the scenes. There may be Youll be wearing many different and Uranus in your money sector.
conflict in your personal relationships hats this month, and most of them But thats behind you now, although
too again that Jupiter retrograde somehow related to your professional it isnt a call to start spending
and this is a prime example of how aspirations. Whether this means frivolously. Business should start
doing nothing can be the best working your regular day job and picking up for you around the
possible course of action. Mercury doing something on the side; or putting 10th, which means your financial
(your relationship ruler) moves into in the extra hours that are needed to situation should also improve. As
your sign and in mutual reception jump start your career, youre likely to Mercury, Venus, the Sun and New
with Jupiter on the 10th. The New be burning the candle at both ends. You Moon (on the 15th) all move into
Moon takes place there on the 13th may have been standing in the shadows your career sector, opportunities in
and Venus joins in on the 15th. Youll and are surprised to find yourself this area should start opening up for
start feeling more sociable and more suddenly whisked into the public you and rounding out your month.
ready to step back into the limelight arena. Or you may be the benefactor Moon in Pisces: Dec 17, 18, 19, 20
22 - Winter 2012
Psychic Guidepost- 23
Angels among us
f you believe in guardian angels, like most Americans do, you probably wonder in Al Rad 13:11: For each [person],
what kind of divine assignments these hardworking spiritual beings fulfill. there are angels in front of him and
People throughout recorded history have presented some fascinating ideas behind him, who guard him by Allahs
about what guardian angels are like and what different types of jobs they do. command.
Lifetime Guardians

Guardian angels watch over people during their entire lives on Earth, many Praying for People
different religious traditions say. Ancient Greek philosophy claimed that guardian Your guardian angel may be constantly
spirits were assigned to each person for life, and so did Zoroastrianism. Belief in praying for you, asking God to help you
guardian angels who God charges with lifetime care of humans is also a vital part even when youre not aware that an
of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. angel is interceding in prayer on your
behalf. The Catholic Churchs catechism
Protecting People says of guardian angels: From infancy
As their name implies, guardian angels are often seen as working to guard people to death, human life is surrounded by
from danger. The ancient Mesopotamians looked to guardian spirit beings called their watchful care and intercession.
the shedu and the lamassu to help protect them from evil. In Matthew 18:10 of the Buddhists believe that angelic beings
Bible, Jesus mentions that children have guardian angels protecting them. Mystic called bodhisattvas who watch over
and writer Amos Komensky, who lived during the 17th century, wrote that God people listen to peoples prayers and join
assigns guardian angels to help protect children against all dangers and snares, in with the good thoughts that people
pits, ambushes, traps, and temptations. But adults get the benefit of guardian pray.
angels protection, too, says the Book of Enoch, which is included in the holy
scriptures of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. 1 Enoch 100:5 declares
that God will set a guard of holy angels over all the righteous. The Quran says
24 - Winter 2012
and relationships - also have one or the result of your request. Release all
Guiding People more Angels that preside over offerings expectations of how your request will
of grace, assistance and blessings for be answered.
Guardian angels may also be guiding them. Call upon your Angels whenever
your path in life. In Exodus 32:34 of you are need. Here are some tips that Express Appreciation and Gratitude
the Torah, God tells Moses as Moses is will help you: Find and express genuine appreciation
preparing to lead the Hebrew people to and gratitude for things exactly as they
a new place: my angel will go before Tips For Connecting With Your are. If you are struggling with this, ask
you. Psalm 91:11 of the Bible says of Angels the Angels to help you to find the love
angels: For he [God] will command that is present in whatever difficulty
his angels concerning you to guard Ask for help Angels offer us help you are facing. Have patience with this
you in all your ways. Popular literary 24/7; the more receptive we are, the and let go of any expectation of how the
works have sometimes portrayed more help they can give us. If you love may be revealed to you.
the idea of faithful and fallen angels diminish your receptivity you limit
offering good and bad guidance, the Angels ability to help you. Create Know that it is done Every prayer
respectively. For example, the famous your own invocations, or prayers, is answered and grace is always given.
16th century play The Tragical History that specifically call for the help you If you fear that your prayer will not
of Doctor Faustus featured both a need. Realize that when you call upon be answered, then ask for help in
good angel and a bad angel, who offer an Angel, that what really happens understanding and seeing more clearly.
conflicting advice. is that you open yourself into greater Trust that you will see the love in
receptivity to their assistance. (see every answered prayer. You are known for examples completely and loved unconditionally
Recording Deeds of invocations that begin the Angel by the Angels and nothing that will
Messages there.) serve you is ever withheld from you.
Islam and Sikhism both say that every
person has two guardian angels for his Realize yourself as fully worthy Act quickly on the guidance you
or her earthly lifetime, and those angels of Angelic assistance. Angels work receive accept the opportunity and
record both the good and bad deeds with everyone regardless of personal act upon it immediately. Angelic help is
that the person performs. histories and beliefs. Angels are infinite infinite and unlimited you can not use
and omnipresent your request does it up or run out of it. You cannot ask for
Do you believe that you have a not diminish them in anyway nor does too much and the Angels are joyously
guardian angel? If so, have you ever it affect there ability to be with and help happy to give to you without limit. The
met him or her? Visit our forum to everyone else at the same time. They faster you act, the faster you receive
discuss guardian angels, or email a exist beyond our experience of time more assistance!
brief story about a time when your and space. The respond to everyone
guardian angel helped you to: angels. with complete unconditional love Celebrate yourself exactly as you
[email protected] (please include the are in the moment. Leave any critical
story in the email text rather than as an Connect with your inner divine child judgments or negative feelings about
attachment). as you call upon the Angels and ask for yourself, your life, or others in the
help. Your inner divine child is whole, hands of the Angels for healing. Even
Connecting to your angels innocent and true - and recognizes if it is just for a few moments, let go
Answer: Asking an Angel for help Angels as true and trustworthy gifts of of everything that is not of love for
is one of our most power spiritual Creator. This will help create openness, yourself and everything around you.
practices. We can ask the Angels for receptivity, excitement, eagerness and In this moment of surrender much
immediate help at any time and in wonder as you prepare to receive the more can done for you by the Angels
any place. A Jewish proverb says gift your Angels have prepared for you. than you can accomplish on your own.
that Every blade of grass has an Thank yourself and the Angles for
Angel bending over it saying. Grow, Hand everything over to the Angels deepening and the relationship between
Grow! Just as every person has one during your time of invocation and you.
or more Guiding Angels that help and prayer. Every issue, problem, worry
assist them, every human activity and fear as well as every good intention
partnerships, businesses, organizations and positive outcome you imagine as

Psychic Guidepost- 25
Stories of
Reincarnation by Cristina Aguilar

Lucy and the tram As time went by, Lucy and her
mother both forgot the incident
A little girl, by the name of Lucy until, many years later, 19-year old
Allison lived in a town called Grimsby, Lucy had a strangely vivid dream
located in the north east of England. in which she was arguing with her
The child was out with her mother one boyfriend. The dream ended with
day shopping in the city center, when her storming off in anger, only to
she suddenly asked if this was where feel a sudden and sharp pain in
the trams used to go. There were no her side.
tramlines nearby, so her mother asked
her why she had said this. To her Lucy thought nothing of the
surprise, Lucy replied, I used to go dream, but a few weeks later,
this way on the trolley cars with my it returned. This time, she was
other mummy. dressed in 1920s clothing and
was traveling on an old trolley
When they arrived home from their car. She and her boyfriend were
shopping trip, Mrs. Allison told the arguing with one another and
story to her own mother, and was she stormed off and tried to leave
surprised to learn that old trams had the tram before her stop. Her
indeed traveled down that street back boyfriend called out. She looked
in the 1920s. back, suddenly everyone on the
26 - Winter 2012
tram was shouting. She didnt realize
why until it was too late: the tram from
the other direction hit and killed her

Lucy was upset with the dream and

she discussed it with her mother who
suggested they visit a medium. The
medium took Lucy back to a past life in
which she had been a girl named Anne,
who traveled to work on the tram every

The morning she had dreamed of crying as she remembered a dream she made his way back to the car, without
was her birthday. She was planning a had some years before, she had stolen telling his wife what had happened,
party, but her boyfriend had wanted her brothers toy clown, but the house not understanding it himself. About
to take her out alone. He said it was started burning, and they both died eighteen months later, a psychic he
important, but she refused and left him, before she could give it back to him. met at a party asked if he believed in
only to be knocked down and killed. reincarnation. She told him he had
They discovered Annes boyfriend She checked at the record office a few died at the place he had the anxiety
had wanted to propose to her. At her days later and discovered that two reaction, the location of the Battle of
funeral, the ring he had purchased for children had died during bombing in Antietam (also known as the Battle of
her was buried with her. that street in the war. She bought a toy Sharpsburg).
clown and left it in the old house, and
Lucy was relieved that she knew where her guilt was eased, so Catherine was
the dream had come from. Her mother able to apologize to a brother she had
asked if she wanted to check it out at wronged in a previous life.
the record office, but Lucy declined. She
now felt at peace with her past self.
Civil War tale
Jeffrey Keane, retired Assistant Fire
The fear of fire Chief in Westport, Connecticut, had
never read a book or magazine on the
Phobias can sometimes be traced American Civil War, yet when visiting a
to trauma in a past life. In another Civil War battlefield, he was struck with
interesting story, Catherine is shocked an anxiety reaction. He could not
to discover that her fear of fire is linked breathe, started crying, and thought he The next day, Jeffrey began to do
to a secret from another time. was having a heart attack. research about the Civil War period.
After about half an hour, Jeffrey He was looking through a book and
As a child, Catherine Dowling was found a photograph of a Civil War
terrified of fire, which her mother put General, by the name of John B. Gordon,
down to the fact that she once burned whose face was almost identical to
her hand on the stove. One day when Jefferys. Upon further examination,
she was walking to a friends house Jeffery discovered that he shared
through unfamiliar part of town, she felt similar body marks. Jeffery had a
a sudden shock. She was walking past birthmark in the exact spot on his
a number of burned-out houses, homes cheek where Gordon was wounded in
which had been destroyed by German the face. He also shared the same cut of
bombs during the second World War. beard and shape of head. Gordon had
died at the Battle of Sharpsburg where
As Catherine looked at a smashed Jeffery had the anxiety attack.
window, she suddenly found herself

Psychic Guidepost- 27
The tale of the weeping woman
by Joe Hayes married. At first, things were fine. They

had two children and they seemed to
his is a story that the old ones be a happy family together. But after a
have been telling to children few years, the ranchero went back to the
for hundreds of years. It is a wild life of the prairies. He would leave
sad tale, but it lives strong in town and be gone for months at a time.
the memories of the people, and there are And when he returned home, it was
many who swear that it is true. only to visit his children. He seemed to
Long years ago in a humble little vil- care nothing for the beautiful Maria. He
lage there lived a fine looking girl named even talked of setting Maria aside and
Maria Some say she was the most beauti- marrying a woman of his own wealthy
ful girl in the world! And because she class.
was so beautiful, Maria thought she was As proud as Maria was, of course she
better than everyone else. became very angry with the ranchero.
As Maria grew older, her beauty She also began to feel anger toward her
increased And her pride in her beauty children, because he paid attention to
grew too When she was a young woman, them, but just ignored her.
she would not even look at the young One evening, as Maria was strolling
men from her village. They werent good with her two children on the shady
enough for her! When I marry, Maria pathway near the river, the ranchero
would say, I will marry the most hand- came by in a carriage. An elegant lady
some man in the world. sat on the seat beside him. He stopped
And then one day, into Marias village and spoke to his children, but he didnt
rode a man who seemed to be just the even look at Maria. He whipped the
one she had been talking about. He was horses on up the street.
a dashing young ranchero, the son of a When she saw that, a terrible rage
wealthy rancher from the southern plains. filled Maria, and it all turned against her
He could ride like a Comanche! In fact, children. And although it is sad to tell,
if he owned a horse, and it grew tame, the story says that in her anger Maria
he would give it away and go rope a seized her two children and threw them
wild horse from the plains. He thought it into the river! But as they disappeared
wasnt manly to ride a horse if it wasnt down the stream, she realized what she
half wild. had done! She ran down the bank of the for her children. And so they no longer
He was handsome! And he could play river, reaching out her arms to them. spoke of her as Maria. They called her
the guitar and sing beautifully. Maria But they were long gone. La Llorona, the weeping woman. And
made up her mind-that was, the man for The next morning, a traveler brought by that name she is known to this day.
her! She knew just the tricks to win his word to the villagers that a beautiful Children are warned not to go out in
attention. woman lay dead on the bank of the the dark, for, La Llorona might snatch
If the ranchero spoke when they met on river. That is where they found Maria, them and never return them.
the pathway, she would turn her head and they laid her to rest where she had
away. When he came to her house in the fallen.
evening to play his guitar and serenade But the first night Maria was in the
her, she wouldnt even come to the grave, the villagers heard the sound of
window. She refused all his costly gifts. crying down by the river. It was not the
The young man fell for her tricks. That wind, it was La Llorona crying. Where
haughty girl, Maria, Maria! he said to are my children? And they saw a
himself. I know I can win her heart. I woman walking up and down the bank
swear Ill marry that girl. of the river, dressed in a long white
And so everything turned out as Maria robe, the way they had dressed Maria
planned. Before long, she and the ranche- for burial. On many a dark night they
ro became engaged and soon they were saw her walk the river bank and cry
28 - Winter 2012
Psychic GuidePost Book
Psychic Guidepost- 29
Kitchen Witch Magic
Unusual Recipes from 1 angel food cake 2. Cut ice cream into slices and place
1/2 cup amaretto pistachio ice cream on bottom layer.
The Kitchen Witch at 1 pint pistachio ice cream Top with second cake layer and a layer
1 pint strawberry ice cream of strawberry ice cream. Top with third 2 cups heavy cream (1 pint) cake layer. Place in freezer.
1 6-ounce package semisweet chocolate 3. In a bowl, mix heavy cream and
morsels. remaining amaretto, and beat until very
Italian Love Cake 1. Using a sawing motion with a thick. Frost the sides and top of the
sharp serrated knife, cut the cake into cake, and replace in freezer.
From Herbs for Weddings and Other three layers. Sprinkle each layer with 4. Melt chocolate on very low heat until
Celebrations by Bertha Reppert ( 1993 2 tablespoons of amaretto. Place one smooth. Spread chocolate in a 1/4 inch
by Bertha Reppert; layer on a serving platter. thick layer on aluminum foil, and chill
30 - Winter 2012
until chocolate hardens. Cover the pot, let it stand for one hour.
5. With a small cookie cutter, cut hearts
out of chocolate, and place on top of Strain the floral matter from the
cake. Freeze cake until ready to serve. liquid twice with a cheesecloth, making
sure all that you have is pure liquid.
Makes one 9-inch cake, or 10 to 12 The petals, chamomile, and lavendar
servings. make an excellant facial poltice for tired
eyes and oily skin.
Lavender Cookies Add the pectin to the liquid and
bring to a boil, then add all of the sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter at once, stirring carefully but quickly.
1 cup sugar Bring to a rolling boil for one minute,
2 eggs stirring constantly, then remove from
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract heat. Remove as much foam as you
1/2 teaspoon dried lavender blossoms, can from the top, otherwise, you have
finely chopped funky white clouds in you jelly. Stir for
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour a few minutes, until the mixture starts
2 teaspoons baking powder to cool, then pour into hot, clean jars
for canning. Old jelly jars with their lids
Preheat oven to 375F. In a med. bowl, work wonderfully for this.
cream butter and sugar until light Be careful pouring! I missed the jar Get a chat reading for
and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, vanilla, and slopped near-boiling sugar and
and lavender: mix well. Combine the pectin all over my thumb, its *quite* only $1.99 per minute
flour and baking powder and add to painful!
the lavender mixture. Stir until will Let your jelly stand for one hour in
blended. Drop by teaspoons onto an the jars, then put them in the fridge to
ungreased cookie sheet and bake eight hasten their setting. Depending on the
to 10 minutes or until lightly browned size of your jars, you should have edible
on the edges. Let cookies cool. jelly one hour after putting them in the
Rose Petal, Chamomile, and The color of you rose petals
Lavendar Jelly determines the color of your jelly. With
my pink and white primroses, I got
1 cup tightly pressed rose petals a lovely reddish-golden color, and a
1/8 cup crushed chamomile delicate taste. This jelly complements
1/4 cup crushed lavendar jasmine tea, as well as lavendar and
1 pack dry pectin chamomile, even plain old Lipton.
3 1/2 cups water
4 cups sugar

Hothouse roses are fine for this jelly,

but home grown or wild roses are best. I
found a wild primrose bush with lovely
pink and white petals, growing next to
honeysuckle. If you do find wild roses,
be aware of whats growing around it...
poison ivy isnt the best added flavor.
Thoroughly clean the petals, making
sure all of the little bugs arent in your
mixture. Mix them with the chamomile GypsyCristina
and lavendar, then add the boiling
water, to cover all of the ingredients.

Psychic Guidepost- 31
The economic crisis is just one of many transitions humanity will be
experiencing as the Age of Aquarius begins.

hroughout the 20th and into the worked, but religion has lost its ground changes in the past 100 years from the
21st we have been at the cusp of to secular government as history and mass production of cars to the changing
two astrological eras, the Age of society come under the influence of the of the social climate reflect the dawn
Pisces and Age of Aquarius. intellectual Aquarius sign. of this age. Women and minorities are
The Age of Pisces brought humanity gaining power, more than ever before,
into a different consciousness. For Today more than ever we are linked and the cry today is inclusion not
2000 years it explained our existence. through television, satellite and the exclusion as so many were during
It was the rise of Christian philosophy Internet. Through this media, we have the time of strict religious dogma and
(fish representing early Christians). come to see how we are more similar philosophies.
Christianity explained how the world than different. All the drastic modern
32 - Winter 2012
The main difference of the Age of of the Masters of Wisdom as did Alice to expand geographically or into new
Aquarius, which should last 2,000 years Bailey who established an esoteric businesses.
is that the level of human consciousness school and the International Goodwill
will be raised. Destruction of greed Movement. Other great spiritual As we enter into this age, we start to
and other deadly sins are eliminated teachers dedicated to reviving the see a need for preserving the earth.
during this time, according to prophets Ancient Wisdom teachings include Attention to old teachings from ancient
like Edgar Cayce and Sai Baba. The the Indian sage, Krishnamurti, people like Lao Tse, Jesus and Buddha
economic crisis now is something that Rudolph Steiner who founded the will come to life and during this
has to happen in order to see greed Anthroposophical movement, and particular age is when we will learn that
for what it really is and eliminate it. It Roberto Assagioli who formulated the only way to live happily is to be of
could be we will suffer through hard Psychosynthesis, a transpersonal service to one another, which is the total
times, but it brings us closer to an form of psychotherapy with branches opposite of greed.
awakening taking us into a world of worldwide that focuses on aligning the
peace and harmony. It Some investment
may not happen in our banking industries
lifetime, but at least it is will diversify and
a beginning. go green, the focus
will be to serve
According to Dane others and preserve
Rudhyar in his book, the planet, rather
Astrological Timing than focusing on
of the Transition to the bottom-line. Its
the New Age, the in this transition
incoming Age of that we are learning
Aquarius, calculated to what is truly
be from the year 2060, important, thus
there will be a return getting closer to
to the principles of the God, or to creating a
great spiritual teachers. heaven on earth.
Spiritual teachers for What we are
the past 2000 years experiencing now
like, Jesus, Buddha, are the growing
Pythagoras, Lao Tse and pains. Our
Confucius represent perception of what
the seed period of the is going on, our way
Age of Pisces. These of looking at money
teachings are already is about to change.
starting to take place and many teachers personality Self with the Higher Self. This change is what the New Age is all
are coming up today to show us the about.
way to enlightment. Among these are: The financial and credit crisis of 2008
Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise has reshaped the financial services
Hay, Deepak Chopra and many others. industry dramatically in the United
They are bringing up the teachings of States and worldwide. The impact of
the old masters, so in a way we are recent events such as the illiquidity
experiencing a renaissance in spiritual in the credit markets, bank failures, by Cristina at
philosophy. central bank and government response check the link for more great
to rescue financial institutions will articles.
Each Age has a seed period at the continue to affect these companies
turn of the 20th century there appeared and their customers for years to come. user/107320/cristina_aguilar.
Illuminati such as Helena Blavatsky For some, there are many business html
who founded the Theosophical Society, challenges and difficult decisions ahead.
and wrote books under the guidance For others, there may be opportunities

Psychic Guidepost- 33
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