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Eduardo Figueiredo
Choosing Metrics

Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) has been

proposed by Basili and Weiss

It is a technique to identify meaningful

metrics for the measurement process

You may want to use the GQM method

to choose the appropriate metric
GQM Overview

Questions are formulated

based on a more abstract goal
Metrics are chosen to answer
each question
GQM emphasizes the need to
Establish an explicit measurement goal
Define a set of questions to achieve the goal
Identify metrics to answer the questions
The GQM Method

They define what the
organization wants to improve
They refine each goal to
a more quantifiable way
They indicate the metrics
required to answer each question
GQM Representation

Goal 1 Goal 2

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

M1 M2 M3 M4
Example of Use (1)

Increase productivity
What are productivity bottlenecks?
How can we increase the
amount of code we produce?
Current lines of code (LOC)
per developer
Example of Use (2)

Decrease development time
What are the bottlenecks?
How to decrease specification time?
Time required for requirements
Time required for modeling
Goal Definition Template

Analyze {the name of activity or attribute}

for the purpose of {overall goal}
with respect to {the aspect to be considered}
from the viewpoint of {interested people}
in the context of {environment}
Example of Goal

Analyze the Health Watcher software

architecture for the purpose of evaluating
architectural components with respect to
the ability to make Heath Watcher more
extensible from the viewpoint of the
software architects performing the work in
the context of product enhancement over
the next three years.
Examples of Questions

Q1: Are architectural components

characterized in a manner that
modularizes function and related data?

Q2: Is the complexity of each

component within bounds that will
facilitate modification and extension?
Examples of Metrics

To answer Q1
Coupling metrics
Cohesion metrics

To answer Q2
Component size
Interface complexity

Ian Sommerville. Software Engineering,

9th Edtion. Pearson Education, 2010.
Sections 24.4 and 26.2

R. Pressman, B. Maxim. Software

Engineering: A Practitioners Approach,
8th Edition. McGraw-Hill Education, 2014.
Section 30.1.4

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