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Chapter 21

Audit of the Inventory and Warehousing Cycle

Review Questions

21-1 Inventory is often the most difficult and time consuming part of many audit
engagements because:

1. Inventory is generally a major item on the balance sheet and often

the largest item making up the accounts included in working capital.
2. The need for organizations to have the inventory in diverse
locations makes the physical control and counting of the inventory
3. Inventory takes many different forms that are difficult for the auditor
to fully understand.
4. The consistent application of different valuation methods can be
fairly complicated.
5. The valuation of inventory is difficult due to such factors as the
large number of different items involved, the need to allocate the
manufacturing costs to inventory, and obsolescence.

21-2 The acquisition and payment cycle includes the system for purchasing all
goods and services, including raw materials and purchased parts for producing
finished goods. Purchase requisitions are used to notify the purchasing
department to place orders for inventory items. When inventory reaches a
predetermined level or automatic reorder point, requisitions may be initiated by
stockroom personnel or by computer. In other systems, orders may be placed for
the materials required to produce a customer order, or orders may be initiated
upon periodic evaluation of the situation in light of the prior experience of
inventory activity. After receiving the materials ordered, as part of the acquisition
and payment cycle, the materials are inspected with a copy of the receiving
document used to book perpetual inventory. In a standard cost inventory system,
the acquisition and payment cycle computes any inventory purchase variances,
which then enter the inventory system.
The following audit procedures in the acquisition and payment cycle
illustrate the relationship between that cycle and the inventory and warehousing

1. Compare the inventory cost entered into the inventory system to

the supporting invoice to determine that it was properly recorded
and the purchase variance (standard cost system), if any, was
properly reflected.
2. Test the purchase cutoff at the physical inventory date and year-
end to determine whether or not the physical inventory and year-
end inventory cutoffs are proper from a purchase standpoint.

21-3 Companies provide online access to descriptions of inventory products
and on-hand quantity levels to key inventory suppliers because this information
helps the suppliers work with management to monitor the flow of inventory items.
There are risks associated with providing this information, however. First, there is
a risk that sensitive proprietary information may be made available to
unauthorized users. The use of the Internet and other e-commerce applications
may also lead to financial reporting risks if access to inventory databases and
systems is not adequately controlled. The risks of providing online access to
inventory information can be reduced by the use of security access password
restrictions, firewalls, and other IT management controls.

21-4 Cost accounting records are those which are concerned with the
processing and storage of raw materials, work in process, and finished goods,
insofar as these activities constitute internal transfers within the inventory and
warehousing cycle. These records include computerized files, ledgers,
worksheets and reports which accumulate material, labor, and overhead costs by
job or process as the costs are incurred.
Cost accounting records are important in conducting an audit because
they indicate the relative profitability of the various products for management
planning and control, and determine the valuation of inventories for financial
statement purposes.

21-5 The most important tests of the perpetual records the auditor must make
before assessed control risk can be reduced, which may permit a reduction in
other audit tests are:

1. Tests of the purchases of raw materials and pricing thereof.

2. Tests of the cost accounting documents and records by
verifying the reduction of the raw material inventory for use in
production and the increase in the quantity of finished goods
inventory when goods have been manufactured.
3. Tests of the reduction in the finished goods inventory through the
sale of goods to customers.

Assuming the perpetuals are determined to be effective, physical inventory tests

may be reduced, as well as tests of inventory cutoff. In addition, an effective
perpetual inventory will allow the company to test the physical inventory prior to
the balance sheet date.

21-6 The continuation of shipping operations during the physical inventory will
require the auditor to perform additional procedures to insure that a proper cutoff
is achieved. The auditor must conclude that merchandise shipped is either
included in the physical count or recorded as a sale, but not both.
Since no second count is taken, the auditor must increase the number of
test counts to determine that the counts recorded are accurate.

21-7 The auditor must not give the controller a copy of his or her test counts.
The auditor's test counts are the only means of controlling the original counts
recorded by the company. If the controller knows which items were test counted,
he or she will be able to adjust other uncounted items without detection by the
21-8 The most important audit procedures to test for the ownership of inventory
during the observation of the physical counts and as a part of subsequent
valuation tests are:
1. Discuss with the client.
2. Obtain an understanding of the client's operations.
3. Be alert for inventory set aside or specially marked.
4. Review contracts with suppliers and customers to test for the
possibility of consigned inventory or inventory owned by others that
is in the client's shop for repair or some other purpose.
5. Examine vendor invoices indicating that merchandise on hand was
sold to the company.
6. Test recorded sales just before and just after the physical inventory
to determine that the items were or were not on hand at the
physical inventory date and that a proper cutoff was achieved.

21-9 Auditing procedures to determine whether slow-moving or obsolete items

have been included in inventory are:

1. Obtain a sufficient understanding of the client's business to aid in

recognizing inventory that is no longer useful in the client's
2. Review the perpetual records for slow-moving items.
3. Discuss the quality of the inventory with management.
4. Ask questions of production personnel during physical inventory
observation about the extent of the use or nonuse of inventory
5. Make observations during the physical inventory for rust, damaged
inventory, inventory in unusual locations, and unusual amounts of
dust on the inventory.
6. Be aware of inventory that is tagged obsolete, spoiled, or damaged,
or is set aside because it is obsolete or damaged.
7. Examine obsolescence reports, scrap sales, and other records in
subsequent periods that may indicate the existence of inventory
that should have been excluded from the physical inventory or
included at a reduced cost.
8. Calculate inventory ratios, by type of inventory if possible, and
compare them to previous years or industry standards.

21-10 The auditor could have uncovered the misstatement if there were
adequate controls over the use of inventory tags. More specifically, the auditor
should have assured himself or herself that the client had accounted for all used
and unused tag numbers by examining all tags, if necessary. In addition, the
auditor should have selected certain tags (especially larger items) and had the
client show him or her where the goods were stored. The tag numbers used and
unused should have been recorded in the auditor's working papers for
subsequent follow-up. As part of substantive procedures, the auditor could have
performed analytical tests on the inventory and cost of sales. A comparison of
ratios such as gross margin percentage and inventory turnover could have
indicated that a problem was present.

21-11 A proper cutoff of purchases and sales is heavily dependent on the

physical inventory observation because a proper cutoff of sales requires that
finished goods inventory included in the physical count be excluded from sales
and all inventory received be included in purchases.
To make sure the cutoff for sales is accurate, the following information
should be obtained during the taking of the physical inventory:

1. The last shipping document number should be recorded in the

working papers for subsequent follow-up to sales records.
2. A review should be made of shipping to test for the possibility of
shipments set aside for shipping and not counted or other potential
cutoff problems.
3. When prenumbered shipping documents are not used, a careful
review of the client's method of getting a proper sales cutoff is the
first step in testing the cutoff.
4. A list of the most recent shipments should be included in the
working papers for subsequent follow-up to sales records.

For the purchase cutoff, the following information should be noted:

1. The last receiving report number should be noted in the working

papers for subsequent follow-up to purchase records.
2. A review should be made of the receiving department to make sure
all inventory has been properly included in the physical inventory.

21-12 Compilation tests are the tests of the summarization of physical counts,
the extension of price times quantity, footing the inventory summary, and tracing
the totals to the general ledger.
Several examples of audit procedures to verify compilation are:

1. Trace the tag numbers used to the final inventory summary to make
sure they were properly included and the numbers not used to the
final inventory summary to make sure no tag numbers have been

21-12 (continued)

2. Trace the test counts recorded in the working papers to the final
inventory summary to make sure they are correctly included.
3. Trace inventory items on the final inventory list to the tags as a test
of the existence of recorded inventory.
4. Test the extensions and footings of the physical inventory



1. Compare gross margin percentage Overstatement or understatement of
with previous years. inventory amounts (prices and/or
2. Compare inventory turnover with Obsolete inventory.
previous years.
3. Compare unit costs with previous Overstatement or understatement of unit
years. costs.
4. Compare extended inventory value Errors in compilation, unit costs, or
with previous years. extensions.
5. Compare current year Misstatement of unit costs of inventory,
manufacturing costs with previous especially direct labor and manufacturing
years. overhead.


11-26-07 2,400 $2.07 700 @ $2.07 $1,449.00
12-06-07 1,900 $2.28 1,900 @ $2.28 4,332.00

Assuming FIFO inventory valuation, the 12-31-07 inventory should be

valued at $5,781, and is thus currently overstated by $121.
If the 1-26-08 purchase was for 2,300 binders at $2.12 each, the 12-31-07
inventory should be valued at $5,477.00 (1,900 @ $2.12 + 700 @ $2.07) and is
thus currently overstated by $425. The reason is the lower of cost or market rule,
with the $2.12 being the replacement cost.

21-15 The direct labor hours for an individual inventory item would be verified by
examining engineering specifications or similar information to determine whether
the number of hours to complete a unit of finished goods was correctly
computed. Ordinarily it is difficult to test the number of hours to an independent
The manufacturing overhead rate is calculated by dividing the total annual
number of labor hours into total manufacturing overhead. These two totals are
verified as a part of the payroll and personnel and acquisition and payment
Once these two numbers are verified (overhead rate per direct labor hour
and the number of direct labor hours per unit of each type of inventory), it is not
difficult to verify the overhead cost in inventory.

21-16 With a job cost system, labor charged to a specific job is accumulated on
a job cost sheet. The direct labor dollars included on the job cost sheet can be
traced to the employee "job time sheet" to make sure the hours are correctly
included on the job cost sheet. The labor rate can be verified by comparing it to
the amount on the employee's earnings record.

21-17 Assuming the auditor properly documents receiving report numbers as a

part of the physical inventory observation procedures, the auditor should verify
the proper cutoff of purchases as a part of subsequent tests by examining each
invoice to see if a receiving report is attached. If the receiving report is dated on
or before the inventory date and the last recorded number, the received inventory
must have been included in the physical inventory; therefore the invoice should
be included in accounts payable. Those invoices that are received after the
balance sheet date but shipped F.O.B. shipping point on or before the close of
the year would indicate merchandise in transit.

Multiple Choice Questions From CPA Examinations

21-18 a. (4) b. (2) c. (1)

21-19 a. (1) b. (2) c. (2)
21-20 a. (4) b. (3) c. (2)

Discussion Questions and Problems



1. For a proper Examine Misstatement of Compare
valuation of receiving and inventory. physical count
inventory. requisition to perpetual
(Accuracy) documents, trace inventory
to perpetual record.
2. To ensure Account for a Understatement of Trace quantity
inventory is numerical inventory or and description
recorded when sequence of payment for goods on vendor's
received, receiving reports not received. invoice to
payments made and observe receiving
are for goods matching report.
received, and invoices received
quantities and from vendors.
descriptions are
existence and

21-21 (continued)

3. To minimize theft Discuss with Overstatement of Compare
or unrecorded client and inventory. physical count
shipments of observe whether to perpetual
inventory. personnel records.
(Existence) prepare shipping
4. To ensure Account for a Understatement of Trace quantity
inventory numerical sales. and description
shipments are sequence of on bills of
recorded as sales. shipping orders. lading to
(Completeness) recorded sales.
5. To make sure Observe Misstatement of Compare
physical inventory counting inventory. physical count
counts are personnel and to perpetual
accurate. discuss with inventory
(Accuracy, client. record.
existence and
6. To assure Review Misstatement of Trace costs
reasonable costs procedures for inventory. from supporting
are used for determining documents to
inventory and cost standard costs. development of
of goods sold. standards.
7. To make sure Read policy and Misstatement of Analytical
obsolete goods are discuss inventory. procedures for
classified as such. procedures with inventory.
(Accuracy) client.
8. To make sure Observe who Misstatement of Reperform
inventory compiles the inventory. clerical tests of
compilation is inventory and inventory
accurate. discuss with compilation.
(Accuracy) client.

21-22 (continued)
1. Recorded transactions If purchasing agents can Enter non-valid vendor
represent valid, approved make purchases from any numbers into the
purchases (Occurrence) vendor, there is a risk that purchasing system to see if
purchasing agents may the related transaction is
make unauthorized rejected.
purchases of items not
approved (for personal
2. Recorded inventory may Without information about Select a sample of
not be recorded at the amount of time inventory items from the
appropriate amounts, due inventory is in the perpetual inventory system
to obsolescence warehouse, management is and recalculate the number
(Accuracy). less likely to identify slow of days each item has been
moving items that should present in the warehouse.
be recorded at the lower of
cost or market.
3. Actual shipments of Shipments of inventory may Select a sample of items in
inventory are recorded in occur but not be recorded. the warehouse and
the perpetual inventory physically move them to the
records (Completeness). shipping areas to see if the
microchip correctly removes
those items from the
perpetual inventory records.
4. Inventory recorded in Non-inventory warehouse Observe client personnel in
the perpetual records individuals may remove the inventory warehouse
physically exists inventory without and determine if each
(Occurrence). authorization. person is authorized to be
in the warehouse.
5. Inventory transactions Equipment or supplies may Observe whether
are properly classified be inaccurately classified equipment or supplies are
(Classification). as inventory if they are not stored in the same physical
physically separated from space as inventory.
the inventory.
6. Recorded inventory If periodic reconciliations of Inspect the clients test
items are physically present inventory records to samples for accuracy and
(Occurrence) and recorded physical counts are not reasonableness. Inquire
at correct amounts performed, there is a risk about the nature of
(Accuracy). that items may be removed discrepancies identified.
from the warehouse without
knowledge, which would
result in overstated
inventory amounts.

7. Actual inventory on hand There is a risk that Inspect the clients test
may not be recorded in the inventory on hand is not samples for accuracy and
perpetual inventory listing included in the inventory reasonableness. Inquire
(Completeness). records. about the nature of
discrepancies identified.

8. The perpetual inventory There could be errors in the Recalculate the inventory
records are accurately mathematical formulas of amounts and determine that
summarized and posted to the inventory records. the totals agree to the
the general ledger accounts general ledger balances.
(Posting and
9. Recording inventory Inventory could be added to Enter an addition to the
transactions represent the inventory account perpetual inventory system
actual receipts of inventory balance before actual without a valid receiving
items (Occurrence). goods are received. report number to determine
if the system rejects the
10. Recording of inventory Inventory held on Observe whether inventory
in the clients records is consignment may be held on consignment is
valid (Occurrence) recorded as the clients stored in the same physical
inventory. space as inventory.

21-23 a. It is important to review the cost accounting records and test their
accuracy for the following reasons:

1. The cost accounting records determine unit costs that are

applied to derive inventory values. Since inventory is usually
material, unit costs must be verified.
2. In many companies, there are many types of inventory items
with complex cost structures. The potential for misstatement
is great in determining costs. The auditor would need to go
to an extreme effort to verify such costs without being able to
rely on the cost accounting records which provides the costs,
(i.e., it is far more efficient to test the cost accounting records
than the costs themselves).
3. The cost accounting records also deal with transferring
inventories through the production cycle and then from
finished goods for sales. These transfers must be handled
accurately for inventory to be properly stated.

21-23 (continued)

b. 1. Examine engineering specifications for expected (standard)

labor hours. Examine time records for hours worked on part
during measured period. Divide by units produced to test
reasonableness of standard.
2. Review specifications for types of labor required to produce
parts, or observe production. Review union contracts or
earnings records to develop reasonable rate for this labor mix.
3. Identify appropriate overhead accounts, paying careful
attention to consistent application. Determine amounts for
these accounts for a measured period. Determine direct
labor hours from payroll records from the same period.
Compute the overhead rate per direct labor hour.
4. Review engineering specifications. Review material usage
5. Trace to vendor's invoices. Review material price variance.
6. Sum individual components.



1 Test of Control To make sure that proper
controls exist and are being
followed in the taking of the
physical inventory. (Existence,
completeness, accuracy and
2 Test of Control To ensure that no raw material
was issued without proper
approval. (Existence)
3 Substantive Test To test the accuracy of the
client's perpetual inventory
records. (Existence,
completeness, and
4 Substantive Test To test client's final inventory
compilation. (Existence,
completeness, accuracy and
5 Substantive Test To test that the final inventory
was valued at its proper cost.
6 Substantive Test To ensure that all inventory
represented by an inventory tag
actually exists. (Existence)

7 Test of Control or To ensure that additions
Substantive Test recorded on the finished goods
perpetual records were recorded
on the books as completed
production. (Accuracy and



1 Internal verification by another Examine vendors' invoices in
person. support of prices used.
2 Keep a record of the last Examine bills of lading for first
shipping report number shipped shipments recorded after the
before the inventory count. physical inventory to determine that
they were shipped after year-end.
3 Perform independent second Record test counts and trace to
counts on all merchandise. All compiled inventory.
persons responsible for
inventory tags and compilation
of physical inventory should be
independent of custody of
perpetual inventory records.
4 Use of prenumbered tags and Account for all prenumbered tags
accounting for numerical during the physical examination and
sequence. during compilation tests.
5 Internal verification of perpetual Compare vendor invoice prices to
inventory prices. perpetual inventory prices.
6 Segregation of obsolete Perform net realizable value and
inventory. lower of cost or market tests of
inventory, including tests of the
perpetual inventory.
7 Periodic review of Test reasonableness of
reasonableness of manufacturing overhead rate.
manufacturing overhead rate.

21-26 a. Technology Parts Inc. may be seeking to achieve several business

objectives by providing inventory product information online through
the companys Web site. The following are examples of possible
business objectives:

21-26 (continued)

Reduced Inventory Management Costs. By providing

suppliers access to inventory information, Technology Parts
Inc. may be able to reduce costs associated with inventory
management by reducing the amount of time inventory
products are held in their warehouse. Suppliers have
increased information to time the delivery of products when
most likely needed.
Increased Sales to Existing Customers. Greater access to
product information may increase customer loyalty to
Technology Parts. Increased information that can be used by
customers for their internal inventory decision making may
increase purchasing from Technology Parts.
Increased Sales to New Customers. By providing information
about products online, other customers not familiar with
Technology Parts Inc. may begin purchasing products
through the company Web site. Providing inventory product
information, particularly quality and reliability ratings, may
make it easier for customers in remote geographic locations
to purchase products directly from Technology Parts Inc.
Strengthen Marketplace Perceptions. Because Technology
Parts Inc. is a supplier in the technology industry, they may
be using their Internet presence to strengthen market
perceptions that the company is embracing emerging
technologies, including the e-commerce method of
transacting business.

b. Providing online access to extensive inventory information may

increase Technology Parts business risks. For example:

Competitive Information Is Released. The inclusion of

detailed information about inventory products, including
information about quantities on hand, forecasted demand,
storage locations, quality, and reliability ratings may result in
the release of information that strategically benefits
Technology Parts competitors. Not only will company
customers be able to access information, competitors may
also be able to access information. In addition, negotiations
with existing suppliers and customers may be negatively
affected by the release of strategic information.
Insufficient Capacity to Handle Demand. If demand for
products through the Web site exceeds expectations,
internal systems and personnel may not be able to handle
the volume of orders in a timely fashion. The time it takes for
inventory warehousing and distribution processes for online
sales may be greater than expected given that single orders
must be individually handled. In contrast, shipments made to
retail outlets are often processed in bulk.
Inadequate Accounting System Interface. The offering of
sales online requires the design and implementation of new
Internet-based accounting systems that must capture,
process, and record online transactions. Those transactions
must be integrated with traditional sales transactions into the
companys accounting records and financial statements.
Those systems may not be adequately designed for timely
and accurate interface.
Inaccurate Information. Because of the volume of
information being presented about each product, there is
some risk that the information presented is not accurate or
up-to-date. Additionally, the amount of information needed by
customers is likely to vary extensively. Thus, there is some
risk that needed information is not disclosed. This may
discourage suppliers and customers from doing business
with Technology Parts.
Supplier and Customer Privacy. If suppliers and customers
transact with Technology Parts through the Web site, there is
some risk that confidential information may be obtained
during the transmission process. Breaches in supplier and
customer privacy may affect future demand and may
increase legal exposure for Technology Parts.
Security. Technology Parts may be exposing its inventory
records and related IT systems to security breaches.
Outsiders will be accessing the company Web site and
related inventory databases that interface with existing
internal systems. Unintentional and intentional errors may be

c. Procedures may be implemented to minimize each of the business

risks identified in b:

Competitive Information Is Released. To protect the release of

sensitive information, Technology Parts may consider
restricting Web site access through the use of passwords
issued to approved suppliers and customers.
Insufficient Capacity to Handle Demand. The company should
closely monitor existing systems and personnel needs on a
daily basis to ensure that processing demand can be
satisfied with the existing system. Testing of the system
should occur before implementation. Business contingency
plans should address how the company can handle sharp
increases in processing demand.

21-26 (continued)

Inadequate Accounting System Interface. Systems should be

designed, tested, and implemented to ensure that purchases
or sales made via the online system are automatically
captured in the company accounting records.
Inaccurate Information. Timely updates to the information made
available on the Web site should occur regularly. The
company should seek extensive information about product
descriptions from its suppliers and encourage feedback from
customers about product quality. Access to the databases
containing the product information should be restricted to
authorized personnel.
Supplier and Customer Privacy. Policies should be established
to restrict the release of sensitive supplier and customer
information. The use of encryption techniques would
increase the protection of sensitive information during
Security. Adequate protection, such as firewalls and user
passwords, are needed to protect company systems from

d. The availability of inventory information on Technology Parts Web

site may increase the risk of material misstatements in several

Competitive Information Is Released. If the release of strategic

information negatively affects company negotiations with
suppliers and customers, inventory costs may increase and
sales may decrease. If those changes occur, there may be
increased pressure for management to generate profits,
which may increase the likelihood of material misstatements
due to fraud.
Insufficient Capacity to Handle Demand. If demand for products
through the Technology Parts Web site exceeds the
companys ability to process orders in a timely fashion,
consumers may cancel earlier recorded orders or request
returns when delivery occurs well beyond the expected
delivery date. The accounting systems must be designed to
accurately reflect cancellations and returns in a timely
fashion consistent with GAAP. Additionally, if the processing
of orders is significantly delayed, the accounting systems
must be adequately designed to ensure sales are not
recorded prematurely (e.g., not until delivery).

Inadequate Accounting System Interface. If the online sales or
inventory purchasing system interface with the main
accounting system is inadequate, online transactions may
(1) not be processed, (2) be processed more than once, or
(3) be processed inaccurately. Any of these risks could lead
to material misstatements in the financial statements.
Inaccurate Information. If inaccurate information posted online is
used to process inventory transactions, the transactions may
be inaccurately processed and recorded in the accounting
records, resulting in material misstatements.
Consumer Privacy. If consumer privacy is breached, existing
sales may be cancelled or returns beyond the normal period
may be requested. Such activity would need to be properly
reflected in the financial statements. Additionally, legal
exposures may increase, which may require additional
financial statement disclosures.
Security. Unauthorized access to the Technology Parts
inventory database or other IT system records may introduce
unintentional and intentional misstatements into the
accounting records. If unauthorized access is not restricted,
material misstatements in financial statements may result.
21-27 a. When the inventory is a material item in the financial statements
that the CPA is auditing, his or her observation of the taking of the
physical inventory is in compliance with the auditing standard
pertaining to field work that requires obtaining sufficient available
evidential matter to afford a reasonable basis for an opinion
regarding the financial statements. Observation is a generally
accepted auditing procedure applied in the audit of the physical
By observing the taking of the physical inventory, the CPA is
seeking to satisfy himself or herself as to the effectiveness and
application of the methods of inventory taking and as to the
measure of reliance which may be placed upon the client's
inventory records and its representations as to inventory quantities.
He or she must ascertain that the physical inventory actually exists,
that the inventory quantities are being determined by reasonably
accurate methods, that the inventory is in a salable or usable
condition, and that consigned goods are not commingled with
owned goods.
b. The CPA makes test counts of inventory quantities during
observation of the taking of the physical inventory to satisfy himself
or herself that an accurate count is being made by the individuals
taking the inventory. The extent of test counting will be determined
by the inventory taking procedures; for example, the number of test
counts would be reduced if there were two teams, one checking the
other, taking the inventory. On the other hand, the test counts would
be expanded if misstatements were found in the inventory counts.

Some test counts are recorded by the CPA for the purpose of subsequent
comparison with the client's compilation of the inventory. The
comparison procedure goes beyond the mere determination that
quantities have been accurately transcribed. The CPA also seeks
assurance that the description and condition of the inventory items
is accurate for pricing purposes and that the quantity information,
such as dozen, gross, cartons, etc., is proper.

Another reason for recording test counts in the working papers is to provide
evidence of the extent of tests in the event that audit procedures are questioned
at some future date.

1. The CPA does not regard the inventory certificate as a

satisfactory substitute for his or her own audit of the
inventory. The service company has merely assumed the
client's function of taking the physical inventory, pricing it,
and making the necessary extensions. To the extent that the
service company is competent, the system of internal control
with regard to the inventory has been strengthened.
Nevertheless, as the CPA would under other strong systems
of internal control, he or she would investigate the system to
determine that it is operating in a satisfactory manner. The
CPA's investigation would necessarily entail an observation
of the taking of the inventory and testing the pricing and
calculation of the inventory.
2. The inventory certificate of the outside specialists would
have no effect upon the CPA's report. The auditor must be
satisfied that the inventory was fairly stated by observing the
taking of the inventory and testing the pricing and
compilation of the inventory.
On the other hand, if the taking of the inventory was
not observed and no audit tests were applied to the
computation of the inventory, the CPA would be compelled to
disclaim an opinion on the financial statements as a whole if
the amount of the inventory is material.
If it is impractical or impossible for the CPA to observe
the taking of the physical inventory, but he or she is able to
determine that inventory is fairly stated by the application of
other auditing procedures, the CPA would be able to issue
an unqualified opinion.
3. The CPA would make no reference to the certificate of the
outside specialists in his report. The outside specialists are
serving as adjuncts of the company's staff of permanent
employees. The outside specialists are not independent.

21-28 a. The auditor in this situation should observe the recording of the
shipments on the day of occurrence and record these details in the
working papers so a determination can be made as to whether the
shipments affected the physical inventory count.

1. There is no clear-cut answer to sample size for inventory

counts. The answer to the question depends on additional
factors, such as the randomness of your test counts and
whether the values of the merchandise are relatively
stratified. It also depends on inherent risk for inventory
physical counts and the materiality of inventory compared to
total assets.
2. Request a recount by the client or greatly expand your tests
to determine whether a material misstatement exists.

c. The auditor should determine how this inventory is valued and after
discussion with the client it may be well to classify it as obsolete. In
all cases, the auditor must specifically identify the merchandise in
the working papers for subsequent evaluation. The auditor should
also be aware that this could be an indication of widespread
obsolescence problems in other parts of the inventory.
d. One of the important tasks the auditor undertakes during the
observation is to determine that inventory tags are physically
controlled. This assures that the inventory is not understated
because tags are lost, or overstated because falsified tags are
added. In this situation, the auditor should recover the discarded
tags and request that the practice be stopped, and that control of
tags be established under the auditors direct observation.

21-29 The following procedures should be established to insure that the

inventory count includes all items that should be included and that nothing is
counted twice:

1. All materials should be cleared from the receiving area and stored
in the appropriate space before the count.
2. Incoming shipments of unassembled parts and supplies should be
held in the receiving area until the end of the day and then
3. If possible, the day's shipments of finished appliances should be
taken to the shipping area before the count. (Unshipped items
remaining in the shipping area should be inventoried at the end of
the day.)
4. Great care must be exercised over goods removed from the
warehouse itself. These may be unassembled parts and supplies
requisitioned on an emergency basis or unscheduled shipments of
finished appliances. Alternative methods for recording these
removals are:

21-29 (continued)

a) Keep a list of all items removed and indicate on the list

whether the item had been counted.
b) Record the removal on the inventory tag if the item has been

c) Indicate on the material requisition or the shipping order that

the item had been inventoried. For any of these alternatives,
a warehouse employee or the perpetual inventory clerk must
adjust the recorded counts.
5. The finished appliances remaining in the warehouse should be
inventoried at the end of the day.
6. The warehouse should be instructed to date all documents as of
the day the materials are received, issued, or shipped.
7. The inventory clerk should post the May 31 production and
shipment of finished goods to the inventory record based upon the
dates shown on the plant production report and the shipping report.
This will provide a proper cutoff because provisions have been
made to adjust all counts for goods manufactured and shipped on
May 31.
8. The listing of inventory differences should be reviewed by the
controller and warehouse supervisor prior to booking the
adjustment. Abnormal differences should be investigated, and
recounts (with appropriate reconciliation) should be made where


Computer Solution. Computer solutions in Excel are contained on the companion

Website and on the Instructors Resource CD-ROM, which is available upon
request (Filename is P2130.XLS).

2007 2006 2005 2004
Gross margin % 26.3% 22.6% 22.4% 22.4%

Inventory turnover 6.6 7.6 7.6 7.9

b. Logical causes of the changes in the gross margin as a percent of

sales include:

1. Selling prices were raised without a corresponding increase

in cost of sales.
2. The method of accounting for inventory was changed,
causing a higher ending inventory (more expenses absorbed
into inventory) and lower cost of sales.

21-30 (continued)

3. Inventory cutoff was improper, causing sales to be recorded without the

corresponding entry to cost of sales.
4. The product mix of the company changed. More high
markup items were sold than in previous years.
5. An improper journal entry was recorded which adjusted the
gross margin upward.
Logical causes of the changes in the inventory turnover include:

1. The increased selling prices, which caused the gross margin

percent to increase, reduced demand for the product, and
decreased the inventory turnover.
2. The company is building its inventory supply in anticipation
of increased sales in the future.
3. The company's inventory contains obsolete or unsalable
merchandise, which is affecting the turnover rate.

c. 26.3% - 22.6% = 3.7% increase in gross margin %

3.7% x sales of $23.2 million = $858,000 potential misstatement

$17.1 million (2006 COGS) / 7.6 (2005) inventory turnover = $2.25

$2.9 million - 2.25 million = $650,000 potential misstatement

Both calculations indicate a potential misstatement exceeding


d. The auditor should discuss the two changes with the client and
obtain a reasonable explanation for them. He or she should then
perform appropriate procedures to verify the validity of the
explanation. Ultimately, the auditor must be confident the change
does not result from a misstatement in the financial statements.

21-31 a.
1. Exclude
2. Exclude
3. Include
4. Include
5. Exclude

21-31 (continued)

1. This merchandise would be excluded because title does not
pass to buyer on an F.O.B. destination shipment until
delivery to the buyer. Since it was not received until January
2008, there is no basis for including it in inventory.
2. Goods held "on consignment" do not belong to the
consignee, and should not be included in inventory.
3. Normally title to a stock item does not pass to the customer
until shipment, even though it has been set aside. Therefore
it should be included in inventory.
4. Title to goods shipped F.O.B. shipping point normally passes
to the buyer on delivery to the transportation agency, and in
this instance the goods belong to your client at December
31, 2007. There is an error in recording the acquisition.
5. Since this machine is fabricated to the customer's order, title
to customer made-merchandise passes to the buyer as
materials and labor are appropriated to the job. When the job
is completed and ready for shipment as in this case, it may
be considered as a completed sale.

21-32 a.
1. Extension errors are as follows:

Wood $ 5.58 $ 55.80 $ ( 50.22)
Metal cutting tool 670.00 870.00 (200.00)
Cutting fluid 529.00 640.00 (111.00)
Sandpaper 258.00 2.85 255.15
$ (106.07)

2. The differences in the previous year's and this year's cost

indicate a problem. The auditor should attempt to obtain
support for the current year's cost if the effect of the
differences noted seems significant (considering that the test
only covered 20% of the dollar items). A review for
reasonableness indicates the following:
a) Precision cutting torches are expensive. Maybe $500
each is a reasonable price. Examine a vendor's
invoice or a price list.
b) Aluminum scrap values may fluctuate significantly.
The two prices may be reasonable. Look at sales
invoices for the two years.

21-32 (continued)

c) Lubricating oil cost appears unreasonable for this

year and for the previous year. The auditor should
examine invoices for both years. If the previous year's
costs were incorrect, determination of the effect of the
misstatements on the prior year's and this year's
financial statements must be completed to determine
the need for disclosure of the misstatements.
3. Investigate the reasons for the omission of these tags from
final inventory compilation. If it is determined that the
omission of two tags is significant based on the number of
tags used and tested, the auditor should account for all tags
to determine the total extent of omissions.
4. Page total footing errors are as follows:

14 $1,375.12 $1,375.08 $ 0.04
82 8,721.18 8,521.18 200.00

b. First, the auditor should keep in mind that only 20% of the inventory
was tested. If sampling were random, a direct extrapolation would
magnify projected misstatements by five. In addition, the auditor
must consider sampling error.
The net effect of the misstatements for which we were able
to compute the actual misstatement was an overstatement of
inventory by $93.97, a small amount (see items 1 and 4). However,
the exceptions resulted from various causes including incorrect
decimal placement, mathematical errors, and unit of measure
errors. The auditor should determine that the net effect of the
misstatements is not significant; in addition, to insure against other
individual misstatements that might be significant, the auditor
should review the extensions and other computations for
reasonableness and obvious misstatements.
For the items for which the amount of the misstatement
could not be determined, the auditor should follow up as described
in 2 and 3 above. From the results of the follow-up, the effect of the
misstatements noted should be assessed and determination made
as to the need for expansion of scope for the tests considered.
c. Prior to compiling the inventory next year, Martin Manufacturing
should implement the following internal controls:

21-32 (continued)

1. The compilation of inventory should be computerized. If not,

all extensions and footings should be recomputed by a
second person.
2. Someone familiar with the inventory should review the
compilation schedules for reasonableness of quantities,
prices, and extensions.
3. All inventory tags should be accounted for prior to posting to
the compilation schedules and a control total compared to
the total on the compilation sheets after the compilation is

21-33 a. Necessary adjustments to client's physical inventory:

Material in Car #AR38162received in

warehouse on January 2, 2008 $ 8,120
Materials stranded en route
(Sales price $19,270/125%) 15,416
Total 23,536
Less unsalable inventory 1,250 *
Total adjustment $22,286

* If freight charges have been included in the client's inventory, the

amount would be $1,600 and the amount of the total adjustment
would be $21,936. Journal entry 6 probably would have a credit
to purchases of $1,600 in this case.

b. Auditor's worksheet adjusting entries:

1. Purchases $ 2,183
Accounts Payable $ 2,183

To record goods in warehouse but not

invoiced-received on RR 1060.

2. No entry required. Title to goods had passed.

3. Accounts receivable 12,700

Sales 12,700

To record goods as sold which

were loaded on December 31 and
not inventories-SI 968.

21-33 (continued)

4. Sales 19,270
Accounts receivable 19,270

To reverse out of sales material

included in both sales (SI 966)
and in physical inventory (after

5. No adjustment required.

6. Claims receivable 1,600

Purchases 1,250
Freight In 350

To record claim against carrier

for merchandise damaged in
7. Inventory 22,286
Cost of goods sold 22,286

To adjust accounts for changes

in physical inventory quantities.

8. Sales 15,773
Accounts receivable 15,773

To reverse out of sales invoices

#969, 970, 97l. The sales book
was held open too long. This
merchandise was in warehouse
at time of physical count and
so included therein.



Computer Solution. Computer solutions in Excel are contained on the

Companion Website and on the Instructors Resource CD-ROM, which is
available upon request (Filename P2134.XLS).

21-34 (continued)

A. A price of $8 is proper for pricing L37 spars at 12-31-07 since the

next shipment of spars was not received until 1-06-08. However,
the next invoice shows a lower cost, which indicates a decline in
the value of this product. If the net realizable value (selling price
less cost to sell) is less than the $8 per meter cost, the spars
should be revalued to net realizable value at 12-31-07.

B. The total is 10,000/12 feet times $1.20 per foot = $1,000. In

addition, the freight of $200 should have been as follows:

= $0.1875 per ft
(12,800 inches / 12 inches per foot)

Total inventory cost should be ($1.20 + 0.1875 per foot) times 833
feet (10,000/12) = $1,155.79 or an overstatement of inventory by

C. FIFO value would be:

Voucher 12-61 1,000 yards at $10.00 per yard = $10,000

Voucher 11-81 500 yards at $ 9.50 per yard = 4,750
Inventory is overstated by $250 $14,750
Voucher number 12-81 is not used because the receiving date is
after year-end.

D. FIFO value would be:

Voucher 12-61 800 feet at $8.00 per foot = $6,400

Voucher 11-81 200 feet at $8.20 per foot = 1,640

Inventory is understated by $40. However, if the reduction in cost

on voucher #12-61 indicates that the net realizable value of the
struts is below the cost on voucher #11-81, then the net realizable
value of the struts should be used as the cost.

E. Pricing is correct if the item is for inventory. It is possible that this

item should be capitalized.

F. Proper FIFO cost is 40 pair x 2 = 80 springs x $69.00 each =

$5,520. Inventory is understated by $5,244.

G. Pricing is correct. However, the fasteners were purchased in 2002

five years ago, and only eleven or 14% have been used.
Consideration should be given as to whether net realizable value is
less than cost.

21-34 (continued)

Quantity Price
Per Per Recorded Correct Amount of
Item No. and Inventory Correct Difference Inventory Correct Differenc Amount Amount Misstatement
Description e
A. L37 Spars 3,000 3,000 0 8.00 8.00 0.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 0.00
B. B68 Metal Formers 10,000 833 9,167 1.20 1.3875 -0.1875 12,000.00 1,155.79 -10,844.21

C. R01 Metal Ribs 1,500 1,500 0 10.00 10/9.50 .50 15,000.00 14,750.00 -250.00
D. St26 Struts 1,000 1,000 0 8.00 8/8.20 -.20 8,000.00 8,040.00 40.00
E. Industrial hand 45 45 0 20.00 20.00 0.00 900.00 900.00 0.00

F. L803 Steel Leaf 40 80 -40 69.00 69.00 0.00 276.00 5,520.00 5,244.00
G. V16 Fasteners 5.50 5.50 0 10.00 10.00 0.00 55.00 55.00 0.00
Total misstatement -5,810.21
Items over $5,000 -11,054.21
Items under $5,000 5,244.00

CONCLUSION: (see next page for calculations) REMARKS

There is a material potential misstatement A. NRV [assumed] exceeds cost.
due to the number and size of misstatements found B. Quantity based on inches, not feet; freight not included.
relative to the sample chosen. In order to C. 500 yards overpriced.
determine a more accurate estimate of the D. 200 feet underpriced. NRV [assumed] O.K.
actual misstatement, additional tests are E. [Assumed] not capitalizable.
necessary. F. Includes extension error in inventory.
G. Consider separately for obsolescence.

21-34 (continued)


Dollars tested

Sample items Over 5,000 Under $5,000

No exceptions 360,000 2,600

A 24,000
B 12,000
C 15,000
D 8,000
E 900
F 276
G 55

Dollars tested 419,000 3,831


More than $5,000 X 11,054.21 = - $109,486
Less than $5,000 X 5,244 = $5,646,436

*Used ratio estimation for projected misstatement. Difference estimation results

are equally unacceptable.

Internet Problem Solution: Using Inventory Count Specialists

21-1 Since 1938 when auditors failed to uncover fictitious inventory recorded by
the McKesson & Robbins Company, auditors have been ordinarily required to
physically observe the counting of inventory. It is important to recognize that
auditors are not required to actually count the inventory for inclusion on the
balance sheet, but they are required to observe the inventory being counted.
Occasionally, companies employ inventory specialists to perform their inventory
counts. One very large inventory counting specialist is Retail Grocery Inventory
Service, now known as RGIS. Visit RGISs [] Web site and
answer the following questions.

1. Does an auditors responsibility for observing the physical inventory differ if a

company hires an inventory specialist such as RGIS to perform counts as
opposed to having its own employees perform inventory counts? (Hint: Read
SAS No. 1 (see AU Section 331).)

21-1 (continued)

Answer: No, the auditors responsibility is unchanged by who does the

counting of the clients inventory. The auditor must be present during the
physical counting of the inventory.

2. Would your expectations of the physical observation of a clients inventory

change if a client hired a company such as RGIS?

Answer: Student responses will likely vary based upon their experience with
companies such as RGIS and whether they have participated in a physical
inventory. This question is meant to encourage students to consider whether
the hiring of an outside company such as RGIS affects how the auditor
executes his/her responsibilities during a physical inventory. Most students
have very likely never considered who actually counts a companys inventory
let alone the significance of hiring another company to do the work. For
example, the instructor might ask the students to explain the difference
between hiring temporary employees to help with the counting of inventory
and hiring a company such as RGIS to count the inventory.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of hiring an inventory specialist

such as RGIS?

Answer: Student responses will vary. However, advantages and

disadvantages include the following:

Advantages: Experienced inventory specialists; No or very limited

management time required to train employees on inventory procedures;
Ability to continue business while the counting proceeds; Company
employees are free to continue with their daily tasks, etc.
Disadvantages: Company may lose control over the counting process;
Management may experience a disconnect from the inventory counting
process which might lead to a loss of information; Inventory specialists
may not be familiar with inventory if the company is in a unique industry;

(Note: Internet problems address current issues using Internet sources. Because
Internet sites are subject to change, Internet problems and solutions are subject to
change. Current information on Internet problems is available at


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