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EDUC 622 Client Report Packet: Reading

EDUC 622 Client Report Possible Points

points received
Required components:
Cover sheet/Teacher referral form 10
Interest inventory (Form A or B) 10
Dictated writing sample 10
Observation checklist: Reading 10
Test summary sheet 20
- Johns Basic Reading Inventory
- OR other reading test available to you
Narrative description:
Client background 10
Test behavior and test results 10
Recommendations 20
Client Report Total 100

Examiners name: Teresa Southworth

Clients name [FIRST NAME ONLY]: Madison
Clients age: 9 yrs. 2 mos. Grade: 3
Client background
Brief narrative description of clients school experience (general education or special education, any
other information known)
Madison is in the general education classroom. She is outgoing, yet keeps mainly to herself because she
tends to get into trouble with other students. She has difficulty with reading comprehension and doesnt
like reading class, but has expressed an interest in Science because she likes animals and hopes to work as
a zoo keeper after graduating from school and would like to be a Science teacher. Madison has two other
sisters that attend the same school. She has a sister in fifth grade and a sister in kindergarten. Madison is
in third grade and claims that her younger sister gets most of moms attention. She has expressed that she
likes comic books, but that no one reads to her at home. She is currently struggling in her reading class
and her reading teacher has expressed concern for Madison claiming that she may be held back if she
doesnt pass the Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA).
List of Assessments
Teacher Referral Form
Interest Inventory, Form A or B
Dictated Writing Sample
Observation Checklist: Literacy
Test Summary Sheet [choose ONE]
- Johns Basic Reading Inventory summary sheet (provided)
- other reading test available to you [scan summary sheet]
Narrative description of test behavior and explanation of test results:
I gave the Student Inventory, Form A and B to Madison to get an idea of what she liked and what kind of
hobbies interested her. I basically wanted to get to know Madison better and to find out what her likes and
dislikes were so that I could choose reading material that I thought might interest her. I found Madison to
be very friendly and outgoing. Often, Madison wanted to share information about her family and her
home life. During her interview she expressed her love of animals and science class. She enjoys spending
time working with flowers and gardening. Her worst class is reading, but she enjoys comic books and

reading about other peoples lives.
I gave Madison the Dictated Writing Sample Assessment were I chose one paragraph from the Basic
Reading Inventory and dictated it to her. Madison expressed problems in the areas of alignment of letters,
margins, posture, and slow speed. Errors that were observed in Madisons writing sample included the
misuse of capital letters, words being omitted, spelling errors and punctuation.
The Reading Behavior Observation Checklist was completed on Madison showing that during oral and
group reading instruction, she has difficulty paying attention and working with others. Madison often
gives irrelevant answers to comprehension questions and makes generalizations about the story when
asked to elaborate. She tries to sound out unknown words and can usually relate the reading material to
her own experiences. Since Madison does not do well around other children, I would suggest that she sits
away from the other students for her best interest. During silent reading and library time Madison enjoys
choosing books about animals, people and science. She often needs redirecting to keep focused on the
location of the materials that she is looking for or she will choose books that are beyond her reading level.
I have noticed that Madison often squints her eyes while reading and becomes distracted. Her posture is
not appropriate for reading, she is either leaning over the desk with her head down or slumping in the
chair. I would suggest that leveled reading books on Madisons reading level and interests be available to
her in the classroom instead of having to go to the library to retrieve books. During listening to story read
aloud, While Madison doesnt always listen attentively to stories that are read aloud and she is easily
distracted, she seems to be able to relate ideas to her own experiences and responds to humor and
excitement. She can recall and tell a whole story accurately, so it is my believe that she will likely score at
a higher listening level than an actual reading level, but this should indicate that she has the ability to
become a better reader in time.
I also gave Madison the Basic Reading Inventory. The Summary of Students Reading Performance
indicated that Madisons instructional reading level is at a second grade reading level and her listening
level is at a fifth grade level.

Recommendations (for future instruction and any additional assessment) to:
Classroom teachers and paraprofessionals
Other school specialists
(Note: Recommendations based on practice test administration should be made with caution)

My recommendations for future instruction to classroom teachers and paraprofessionals would be to relate
the subject matter to comprehension strategies by using modeling (a demonstration on how to think
aloud) and guided practice on how to apply summarizing skills to the subject matter taught. I would also
suggest placing Madison in a small group to give more individualized instruction.

My recommendations to other school specialist (ex. reading specialist) would be to work with Madison in
a one-on-one and small group setting, apply summarizing skills by identifying main ideas and eliminating
unnecessary information, using graphic organizers, such as: story maps, chain of events and cause and
effect maps.

Recommendations for parents would include going to the library and choosing books at Madisons
instructional level and books that interest her. I would also suggest that Madisons parents read to her on a
daily bases.


Student: ___Madison___________ Grade: __3___ Teacher: Mrs. Woods Reading Teacher

Reason for referral: Madison was referred based on the results of her Fall OAA (Ohio
Achievement Assessment) Reading score of 343 with a minimum passing score being 392 and
her consistent low grades in reading comprehension.
Please check any items in which the student has difficulty:

Moderate Severe

_ Sight word recognition Arithmetic

Phonetic analysis Spelling
Comprehension skills Handwriting
Study skills Speech
Oral reading Large muscle coordination
Silent reading Following directions
Hyperactivity Meticulous
Day dreaming Frequent crying
Distractibility Erratic effort
Explosive behavior Demanding attention
Withdrawal Uncontrolled behavior
Relationships with peers Stubbornness

Comments: Madison is reading below grade level and has difficulty with comprehension skills.
She often doesnt finish her assignments and is easily distracted. She has difficulty getting along
with peers because she comes across as bossy. Madisons study skills are poor and she very
seldom returns her homework.

Date: 5/19/14 Signature: Mrs. Marilyn Woods


[Choose Form A or Form B. Administrator may read aloud and write the answers]
Direction: Answer the following questions to express how you really feel. There are no right answers
or wrong answers. Put down what first comes into your mind. Work as quickly as you can .

Name __________Madison________________ Grade __3__ Date __5-22-14_____

1. What games do you like to play best of all? On my I pod I like to play monster truck.

2. What other game do you like? The make over games on my I pod.

3. What do you like to make? A flower pot of cup thing for my mommy.

4. Do you have pets? Yes, 20 or 30 at my grandparents in cages, horses too.

5. What are your hobbies? Watering flowers, planting flowers.

6. Suppose you could have one wish which might come true, what would it be? For all my

ancestors to stay alive forever.

7. What is your favorite television program? Wife Swap.

8. What is the best book you ever read? All the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.

9. Do you have any books of your own? About how many? Yes, 5 or 6

10. Does anyone read to you? How often? No

11. Do you go to the library? Yes

12. Do you read comic books? What is your favorite comic book? Yes, Captain Underpants.

My favorite comic book is Dog Days Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

13. What magazines or newspapers do you like best? I dont like any.

14. What kind of work do you want to do when you finish school? Work at the zoo with


15. What school subject do you like best? Science

16. What school subject do you like least? Reading


[Choose Form A or Form B. Administrator may read aloud and write the answers]
Direction: Complete the following sentences to express how you really feel. There are no right answers
or wrong answers. Put down what first comes into your mind. Work as quickly as you can.

Name _____Madison_______________ Grade __3____ Date ___5/22/14______

1. Today, I feel I dont feel very good, I have a headache.

2. When I have to read, I get angry because I dont want to.
3. I get angry when Im not alone.
4. To be grown up it would be fun.
5. My idea of a good time is relaxing.
6. I wish my parents knew nothing (Ive got a secret I dont want to tell anyone.)
7. School is fun sometimes.
8. I cant understand why my mom ignores me all the time.
9. I feel bad when my mommy does not talk to me.
10. I wish teachers would let me set up closer to the front.
11. I wish my mother would let me grow my nails longer.
12. Going to college is going to be hard.
13. To me, books are fun.
14. People think Im mean.
15. I like to read about peoples lives.
16. On weekends, I work and sometimes stay with my grandma.
17. I dont know how my mom stands my little sister.
18. To me, homework is sometimes easy.
19. I hope Ill never be a drug addict.
20. I wish people wouldnt smoke.
21. When I finish high school I will be a science teacher.
22. Im afraid of heights.
23. Comic books are funny.
24. When I take my report card home my mommy is happy sometimes and sometimes not
because some of those letters were not good.


Dictate one paragraph at a level appropriate for student.

[For example one paragraph from Basic Reading Inventory.]

Name Madison Hand: R _ L ____


_____ Alignment _______ Pencil grip

_______ Spacing _____ Posture
_____ Margins ______Speed (Fast/Slow)
_______ Letter formation _______ Reversals/transpositions


______Capitals ______ Punctuation

_____ Words omitted _______ Words substituted
______ Spelling
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________


Name _____Madison____________ Grade _3_Teacher Teresa Southworth Semester___4th_____

Direction: Tally significant observations day by day. Space at bottom of each section can be used for noting specific
errors, interpretations, general impression, evidence of progress, and recommendations.

Oral Reading and Group Instruction Periods

Word Recognition Skills Comprehension Peer Relationships

Basic sight vocabulary __Answers factual questions __Gets along well with girls
Tries to sound words correctly __Gets along well with boys
__Tries to pronounce by syllables __Gives main ideas __Respects others
__Tries to analyze structure __Tells whole story accurately Disturbs others
__Substitutes another word __Draws conclusions Works alone only
Makes wild guesses Makes generalizations __Works well with one other child
__Reverses letters __Follows directions __Uses index
Reverses words __Gives sensible reasons on __Uses table of contents
__Reverses phrases thought questions __Uses dictionary
__Uses context clues Gives fantastic, irrelevant __Uses maps
reasons on thought questions __Uses diagrams
Relates reading to experience __Uses encyclopedia
__Expression in reading
Insights for oral reading: Based on Madisons oral and group reading instruction, she has difficulty paying
attention and working with others, Madison often gives irrelevant answers to comprehension questions and makes
generalizations about the story when asked to elaborate. She tries to sound out unknown words and can usually
relate the reading material to her own experiences. Since Madison does not do well around other children, I would
suggest that she sits away from the other students for her best interest.
Silent Reading (Free-choice Reading or Library Time)

Location of Material Attitude Toward Reading Reading Level Physical Factors

__Finds suitable book quickly __Engrossed in book __Primer __ Holds book up
__Follows suggestions of __Enjoyment evident __First __ Holds book close to face
other children __Independent Second Lip movements
Has teacher help __Dependent upon others __Third Squints
Selects too advanced books Uninterested, resists __Fourth __ Blinks eyes
__Takes useful notes or avoids reading __Fifth __ Eyes red or watery
__Uses table of contents Easily distracted __Sixth __ Complains of dizziness
__Unable to find any book __Other __Seventh __ Bends over book
of interest to him __Other Fatigue posture
Animals __Sports People __Art Science __ Car, planes, etc.
__History __Music __Adventure __ Rockets __Fairy tales __ Armed forces

Insights for silent reading: Madison enjoys choosing books about animals, people and science. She often needs
redirecting to keep focused on the location of the materials that she is looking for or she will choose books that are
beyond her reading level. I have noticed that Madison often squints her eyes while reading and becomes distracted.
Her posture is not appropriate for reading, she is either leaning over the desk with her head down or slumping in the
chair. I would suggest that leveled reading books on Madisons reading level and interests be available to her in the
classroom instead of having to go to the library to retrieve books.

Listening To Story Read Aloud


__Listens attentively __Evident appreciation of story- Tells main ideas
Listens part of the time talks about it Tells whole story accurately
__Easily distracted __ Asks related questions Relates ideas to own experiences
Restless and preoccupied Responds to humor and excitement

Insights for listening: While Madison doesnt always listen attentively to stories that are read aloud and she is
easily distracted, she seems to be able to relate ideas to her own experiences and responds to humor and excitement.
She can recall and tell a whole story accurately, so it is my believe that she will likely score at a higher listening
level than an actual reading level, but this should indicate that she has the ability to become a better reader in time.

Jerry L. Johns, Ph.D.

Student ______Madison_____________ Grade __3__ Sex: ___ M _X_ F Date of Test __5-22-14______

School _____Eastern_____________ Examiner _T. Southworth____ Date of Birth _4-12-95___ Age _9__


Word Recognition Comprehension
Isolation Context Oral Reading Silent Reading
Grade (Word Lists) (Passages) Form A Form D
Questions Questions
Sight Analysis Total Level Miscues Level Missed Level Missed Level
PP 19 1 20 Ind 0 Ind. 0 Ind
P 17 2 19 Ind 2 Ind/Instr 0 Ind 1 Ind
1 15 4 19 Ind 2 Ind/Instr 2 Instr 1 Ind
11 4 16 Instr 4 Instr 4 Instr/Frust 4 Instr/
3 9 3 12 Frust 6 Frust 7 Frust 8 Frust
11 Independent 1st Instructional 2nd Frustration 3rd
Form _B_
Grade Questions Madison wears glasses, but her reading teacher says that she often leaves them
Missed Level
at home. She is easily distracted and often has to be redirected. She makes
PP several substitutions for her words and occasionally Madison makes insertions
P and some omissions.
1 1 Ind
2 1 Ind
3 0 Ind
4 3 Instr
5 3 Instr
6 5 Frust


Types Frequency of Occurrence General Impact of Miscues on Meaning
Of Miscues Seldom Sometimes Frequently No Change Little Change Much Change
Substitutions X X
Insertions X X
Omissions X X
Reversals X X
Repetitions X X


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