Chinese Zodiac: Lisa Liang Annie Zeng / Ray Liang

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Chinese Zodiac

Lisa Liang
Prepared by
Annie Zeng / Ray Liang
May 8, 2002
1st created April 8, 2001

The Chinese Zodiac consists of a 12 year cycle,

each year of which is named after a different
animal that imparts distinct characteristics to its
year. The year of a persons birth is the primary
factor in determining that persons personality
traits, physical and mental attributes and degree
of success and happiness through out his lifetime.
This poster presentation gives you an opportunity
to learn about your personal Animal Sign for
entertainment purposes only !
Chinese Astrology
The origin of the 12 animal signs of Chinese
astrology is unclear. Chinese legend accredits
Buddha (c.563-c.483 BC) with the creation of
the 12-animal cycle. Apparently, he invited all
the animals to visit him but, for some reason,
only 12 animals showed up. To thank them,
Budda gave each animal a year which would be
dedicated to that animal alone throughout
history. The years were allocated in the order
in which the animals had arrived.
-Collins Gem Chinese Astrology Book. 1996

You are energetic, creative,

charming, ambitious, alluring,
inquisitive, witty, honest, thrifty,
hard working, generous to
friends, bright, happy, sociable.
However, you sometimes may be
over critical and manipulative.
Ideal Partner: Dragon, Monkey
Opposite: Horse
Notable Rats: Marlon Brando,
Churchill, Mozart, Tolstoy, Jules
Verne, Shakespeare, Washington,
Truman Capote.

You will be a leader, patient,

precise, hard working, proud,
reserved, strong, persistent,
conservative, steady,
trustworthy, introverted but a
commanding and eloquent
speaker, naive in relationships.
You may tend to be obstinate
and demanding.
Ideal Partner: Snake, Rooster
Opposite: Goat
Notable Oxen: Johnny Carson,
Bill Cosby, Hitler, Margaret
Thatcher, Malcolm X, Napoleon,
Vincent Van Gogh.

You are noble, aggressive,

frank, generous, polite,
brave, deep, sensitive, a
leader. Please be careful not
to be hot-tempered and
Ideal Partner: Horse, Dog
Opposite: Monkey
Notable Tigers: Dwight
Eisenhower, Hugh Hefner,
Evil Knievel, Ho Chi Minh,
Marco Polo, Mary the Queen
of Scots, Queen Elizabeth II.

Clever, peaceable, prudent,

cultivated, gregarious, tactful,
sensitive, companionable,
virtuous, gifted, articulate,
compassionate, luckiest of all
signs. Try to avoid to be old-
fashioned and unimaginative.
Ideal Partner: Goat, Pig
Opposite: Rooster
Notable Rabbits: Harry Belafonte,
Confucius, Einstein, Henry Miller,
David Rockefeller, George C.
Scott, Benjamin Spock, Queen

Astute, conscientious,
scrupulous, sentimental,
energetic, emotional,
healthy, generous, artistic,
lucky, successful, influential.
Also anxious and stubborn.
Ideal Partner: Monkey, Rat
Opposite: Dog
Notable Dragons: Joan of
Arc, Jimmy Connors,
Salvador Dali, Freud, John
Lennon, Al Pacino, Frank

Also known as serpent.

Refined, wise, entrancing,
accommodating, deep,
attractive, amusing,
sympathetic, calm, confident,
gentle, intuitive. Try to avoid
to be possessive and quick
Ideal Partner: Rooster, Ox
Enemy: Pig,Tiger
Notable Snakes: Carole King,
Lincoln, Edgar Allan Poe, Mao

Outgoing, athletic,
articulate, sentimental,
confident, hard working,
independent. May be
rebellious and impatient.
Ideal Partner: Dog, Tiger
Opposite: Rat
Notable Horses: Spiro
Agnew, Neil Armstrong,
Leonard Bernstein,
Chopin, Paul McCartney,
Rembrandt, Teddy

Persistent, rational,
peace-loving, inventive,
adaptable, tasteful.
Sometimes also intrusive
and a little undisciplined .
Ideal Partner: Rabbit, Pig
Opposite: Ox
Notable Sheep: Mick
Jagger, Michelangelo,
Mark Twain, Valentino,
Orville Wright.

Analytical, humorous,
inventive, skilled in
business, independent,
clever, magnetic personality.
Might be opportunistic and
slightly childish.
Ideal Partner: Dragon, Rat
Opposite: Tiger
Notable Monkeys: Yul
Brynner, Julius Caeser,
Elizabeth Taylor, Harry
Truman, Leonardo da Vinci.

Lively, candid, resourceful,

courageous, generous,
adventurous, confident,
sincere, talented. Tends to
be arrogant and
Ideal Partner: Ox, Snake
Opposite: Rabbit
Notable Roosters: Caruso,
Rudyard Kipling, Groucho
Marx, Peter Ustinov.

Brave, faithful, generous,

intelligent, philosophical,
unpretentious. Also
guarded, critical, and
Ideal Partner: Tiger,
Opposite: Dragon
Notable Dogs: Alan
Arkin, Carol Burnett,
Elvis, Benjamin Franklin,
George Gershwin,

Faithful, amiable, scrupulous,

charitable, fair, sensitive,
peaceful, impartial, sincere.
Tends to be defenseless and
Ideal Partner: Rabbit, Goat
Opposite: Snake
Notable Pigs: Woody Allen, Al
Capone, Diahann Carroll,
Ernest Hemingway, Henry
Compatibility among the Chinese Signs
on a scale of 1 (less compatible) to 10 (more
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

Rat 9 6 4 7 10 7 3 4 10 6 8 8

Ox 6 8 4 8 7 9 5 2 4 9 7 7

Tiger 4 4 5 5 6 3 9 4 2 4 9 7

Rabbit 7 8 5 8 7 7 5 9 4 2 8 9

Dragon 10 7 6 7 9 8 8 7 10 9 2 8

Snake 7 9 3 7 8 8 4 7 4 9 8 4

Horse 3 5 9 5 8 4 8 8 5 6 9 6

Goat 4 2 4 9 7 7 8 9 5 5 4 9

Monkey 10 4 2 4 10 4 5 5 9 4 8 7

Rooster 6 9 4 2 9 9 6 5 4 4 5 5

Dog 8 7 9 8 2 8 9 4 8 5 7 7

Pig 8 7 7 9 8 4 6 9 7 5 7 8
Jan.24,1936 to Feb.10,1937 Feb.08,1940 to Jan.26,1941 Jan.25,1944 to Feb.12,1945
Feb.10,1948 to Feb.14,1949 Jan.27,1952 to Feb.13,1953 Feb.12,1956 to Jan.30,1957
Jan.28,1960 to Feb.14,1961 Feb.13,1964 to Feb.01,1965 Jan.30,1968 to Feb.16,1969
Jan.16,1972 to Feb.02,1973 Jan.31,1976 to Feb.17,1977 Feb.16,1980 to Feb.04,1981
Feb.02,1984 to Feb.19,1985 Feb.17,1988 to Feb.05,1989 Feb.04,1992 to Jan.22,1993
Feb.19,1996 to Feb.07,1997 Feb.05,2000 to Jan.23,2001 Jan.22,2004 to Feb.08,2005
Feb.11,1937 to Jan.30,1938 Jan.27,1941 to Feb.14,1942 Feb.13,1945 to Feb.01,1946
Jan.29,1949 to Feb.16,1950 Feb.14,1953 to Feb.02,1954 Jan.31,1957 to Feb.17,1958
Feb.15,1961 to Feb.04,1962 Feb.02,1965 to Jan.20,1966 Feb.17,1969 to Feb.05,1970
Feb.03,1973 to Jan.22,1974 Feb.18,1977 to Feb.06,1978 Feb.05,1981 to Jan.24,1982
Feb.20,1985 to Feb.08,1986 Feb.06,1989 to Jan.26,1990 Jan.23,1993 to Feb.09,1994
Feb.08,1997 to Jan.27,1998 Jan.24,2001 to Feb.11,2002 Feb.09,2005 to Jan.28,2006
Jan.31,1938 to Feb.18,1939 Jan.15,1942 to Feb.04 1943 Feb.02,1946 to Jan.21,1947
Feb.17,1950 to Feb.05,1951 Feb.03,1954 to Jan.23,1955 Feb.18,1958 to Feb.07,1959
Feb.05,1962 to Jan.24,1963 Jan.21,1966 to Feb.08,1967 Feb.06,1970 to Jan.26,1971
Jan.23,1974 to Feb.10,1975 Feb.07,1978 to Jan.27,1979 Jan.25,1982 to Feb.12,1983
Jan.09,1986 to Jan.28,1987 Jan.27,1990 to Feb.14,1991 Feb.10,1994 to Jan.30,1995
Jan.28,1998 to Feb.05,1999 Feb.12,2002 to Jan.31,2003 Jan.29,2006 to Feb.17,2007
Feb.19,1939 to Feb.07,1940 Jan.05,1943 to Jan.24,1944 Jan.22,1947 to Feb.09,1948
Feb.06,1951 to Jan.26,1952 Jan.24,1955 to Feb.11,1956 Feb.08,1959 to Jan.27,1960
Jan.25,1963 to Feb.12,1964 Feb.09,1967 to Jan.28,1968 Jan.27,1971 to Jan.15,1972
Feb.11,1975 to Jan.30,1976 Jan.28,1979 to Feb.15,1980 Feb.13,1983 to Feb.01,1984
Jan.29,1987 to Feb.16,1988 Feb.15,1991 to Feb.03,1992 Jan.31,1995 to Feb.18,1996
Feb.06,1999 to Feb.04,2000 Feb.01,2003 to Jan.21,2004 Feb.18,2007 to Feb.08,2008

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