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Longman Communication 9000

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ability noun abandon verb abbreviate verb
able adjective abbreviation noun abdomen noun
about1 preposition abolish verb abnormal adjective
about adverb
above2 adjective abnormality noun
about3 adjective absolute1 adjective aboard1 preposition
above1 adverb, preposition absorb verb aboard2 adverb
abroad adverb abstract1 adjective abortion noun
absence noun absurd adjective abrupt adjective
absent1 adjective abuse1 noun abruptly adverb
absolutely adverb abuse2 verb abstain verb
accept verb academic1 adjective abstract2 noun
access1 noun accent1 noun abundance noun
accident noun acceptable adjective abundant adjective
according topreposition access2 verb academic2 noun
account1 noun accidental adjective accelerate verb
accurate adjective accommodation noun acceleration noun
achieve verb accompany verb acceptance noun
achievement noun account2 verb accepted adjective
across adverb, preposition accountant noun accessible adjective
act1 noun accounting noun accessory noun
act2 verb accuracy noun accidentally adverb
action1 noun accuse verb accommodate verb
active1 adjective acid1 noun accomplish verb
activity noun acknowledge verb accomplishment noun
actor noun acquire verb accord1 noun
actress noun acre noun accordance noun
actual adjective actively adverb accordingly adverb
actually adverb AD accountable adjective
ad noun adapt verb accumulate verb
add verb addict noun accusation noun
addition noun addicted adjective accustom verb
address1 noun addiction noun ache1 verb
adjective noun additional adjective ache2 noun
admire verb adequate adjective acknowledgementnoun
admit verb adequately adverb acoustic adjective
adult1 noun adjust verb acquaintance noun
adult2 adjective adjustment noun acquainted adjective
advanced adjective administration noun acrimonious adjective
advantage noun administrativeadjective activist noun
adventure noun administrator noun acute adjective
adverb noun admiration noun acutely adverb
advertisement noun admission noun added adjective
advice noun adopt verb addictive adjective
advise verb advance1 noun additionally adverb
affair noun advance2 verb address2 verb
affect verb advert1 noun adhere verb
afford verb advertise verb adjacent adjective
afraid adjective advertising noun adjourn verb
after1 preposition, adviser noun administer verb
conjunction, adverb advocate1 verb admirable adjective
afternoon1 noun advocate2 noun admirer noun
afterwards adverb affection noun admittedly adverb
again adverb age2 verb adolescence noun
against preposition aged1 adjective adolescent noun
age1 noun agency noun adore verb
ago adverb agenda noun advantageous adjective
agree verb agent noun advent noun
agreement noun aggressive adjective adventurous adjective
ahead adverb agreed adjective adversary noun
aim1 noun agriculture noun adverse adjective
aim2 verb aid1 noun advisory1 adjective
air1 noun aid2 verb aerial1 adjective
aircraft noun air force noun aesthetic1 adjective
airport noun airline noun affectionate adjective
alarm1 noun alarm2 verb affinity noun
alcohol noun alarmed adjective affirm verb
alive adjective alarming adjective afflict verb
all1 determiner, album noun affluent adjective
predeterminer, pronoun alcoholic1 adjective affordable adjective
all2 adverb alert1 adjective after-effect noun
allow verb alert2 verb aftermath noun
all right adjective, adverb, alien1 adjective aggravate verb
interjection alike1 adjective aggression noun
almost adverb alike2 adverb agile adjective
alone adjective, adverb allegation noun agony noun
along1 adverb allege verb aide noun
along2 preposition alley noun ailment noun
aloud adverb allowance noun air2 verb
alphabet noun alongside adverb, aisle noun
alphabetical adjective preposition ajar adjective
already adverb alteration noun albeit conjunction
also adverb alternative1 adjective alcoholic2 noun
alter verb alternative2 noun alibi noun
although conjunction aluminium noun alien2 noun
altogether1 adverb amaze verb alienate verb
always adverb amazement noun alight1 adjective
a.m. ambassador noun align verb
amazed adjective ambiguous adjective alignment noun
amazing adjective ambition noun allegedly adverb
among preposition ambitious adjective allegiance noun
amount1 noun ambulance noun allergic adjective
an indefinite article, amuse verb allergy noun
determiner amused adjective alleviate verb
ancient1 adjective amusement noun alliance noun
and conjunction amusing adjective allied adjective
angle1 noun analyse verb allocate verb
angry adjective analysis noun allocation noun
animal noun
1 analyst noun allude verb
announce verb ancestor noun ally1 noun
announcement noun angel noun almighty adjective
annoyed adjective anger1 noun altar noun
annoying adjective anger2 verb alternate1 adjective
another determiner, ankle noun alternate2 verb
pronoun anniversary noun alternatively adverb
answer1 noun annoy verb altitude noun
answer2 verb annual1 adjective amateur1 noun
any1 determiner, pronoun annually adverb amateur2 adjective
any2 adverb ant noun ambiguity noun
anybody pronoun anticipate verb ambush noun
anymore adverb anxiety noun amend verb
anyone pronoun anxious adjective amendment noun
anything pronoun anyhow adverb amenity noun
anytime adverb apparent adjective amicable adjective
anyway adverb appetite noun amid preposition
anywhere adverb appoint verb ammunition noun
apart adverb, adjective appreciate verb amnesty noun
apartment noun appreciation noun amount2 verb
apologize verb appropriately adverb ample adjective
apology noun approval noun anaesthetic noun
apparently adverb approximate1 adjective anagram noun
appeal1 noun approximately adverb analogous adjective
appeal2 verb apron noun analogy noun
appear verb arch1 noun analytical adjective
appearance noun architect noun anarchy noun
apple noun architecture noun anatomy noun
application noun arise verb anecdote noun
apply verb armchair1 noun anguish noun
appointment noun armed adjective animosity noun
approach1 noun arrow noun anomaly noun
approach2 verb artistic adjective anonymous adjective
appropriate1 adjective ashamed adjective anthem noun
approve verb aside1 adverb anthology noun
April noun aspirin noun antibiotic noun
area noun assault1 noun anticipation noun
argue verb assault2 verb antidote noun
argument noun assess verb antique1 adjective
arm1 noun assessment noun antique2 noun
army noun assist1 verb antonym noun
around adverb, preposition
assistance noun apathetic adjective
arrange verb assistant1 adjective apathy noun
arrangement noun assistant2 noun ape1 noun
arrest1 verb associate1 verb apologetic adjective
arrest2 noun associate2 noun appal verb
arrival noun association noun appalled adjective
arrive verb assumption noun appalling adjective
art1 noun assurance noun apparatus noun
article noun assure verb appendix noun
artificial adjective athlete noun appetizing adjective
artist noun athletic adjective applaud verb
as1 preposition, adverb atom noun applause noun
as2 conjunction atomic adjective applicant noun
ask1 verb attachment noun applied adjective
asleep adjective attraction noun appraisal noun
aspect noun authentic adjective apprehension noun
assignment noun autobiography noun apprehensive adjective
assume verb automatic1 adjective apprentice noun
at preposition automatically adverb approximation noun
atmosphere noun availability noun apt adjective
attach verb avenue noun aquarium noun
attack1 noun average3 verb arbitrary adjective
attack2 verb award2 verb arc noun
attempt1 noun awareness noun archaeology noun
attempt2 verb awesome adjective archive1 noun
attend verb awkward adjective arena noun
attention noun axe1 noun arguable adjective
attitude noun backpack noun arguably adverb
attorney noun backward adjective argumentativeadjective
attract verb bacon noun arithmetic1 noun
attractive adjective badge noun armour noun
audience noun bad-temperedadjective aroma noun
August noun baggage noun arouse verb
aunt noun baker noun array1 noun
author1 noun bakery noun arrogance noun
authority noun balanced adjective arrogant adjective
autumn noun balcony noun artefact noun
available adjective bald adjective articulate1 verb
average1 adjective ballet noun articulate2 adjective
average2 noun balloon1 noun artwork noun
avoid verb ban1 noun ascend verb
awake1 adjective ban2 verb ascertain verb
award1 noun bandage1 noun ash noun
aware adjective bang1 noun aspiration noun
away1 adverb bang2 verb aspire verb
awful1 adjective banker noun assassin noun
baby1 noun banking noun assassinate verb
back1 adverb bankrupt1 adjective assassination noun
back2 noun bankruptcy noun assemble verb
back3 verb banner noun assembly noun
back4 adjective bare1 adjective assert verb
background noun barely adverb assertion noun
backwards adverb bargain1 noun assertive adjective
bad1 adjective bark1 verb asset noun
badly adverb bark2 noun assign verb
bag1 noun barrel1 noun assured adjective
bake verb barrier noun asthma noun
balance1 noun basin noun astonish verb
balance2 verb batch noun astonished adjective
ball1 noun bathtub noun astonishing adjective
banana noun bay1 noun astonishment noun
band1 noun beak noun astronaut noun
bank1 noun beam1 noun astronomy noun
bar1 noun bear2 noun astute adjective
barbecue1 noun beat2 noun asylum noun
base1 verb bee noun athletics noun
base2 noun beep verb atlas noun
baseball noun beg verb attacker noun
basement noun behalf noun attain verb
basic adjective being1 noun attainment noun
basically adverb belly1 noun attendance noun
basis noun belongings noun attic noun
basket noun beneficial adjective attribute1 verb
basketball noun benefit2 verb attribute2 noun
bat1 noun berry noun atypical adjective
bath1 noun besides adverb, auction1 noun
bathroom noun preposition auditorium noun
battery noun betray verb augment verb
battle1 noun better3 noun aura noun
be1 auxiliary verb bid1 noun austere adjective
be2 verb bid2 verb authoritarian adjective
beach1 noun bikini noun authoritative adjective
bean1 noun bilingual adjective authorization noun
bear1 verb bind1 verb authorize verb
beard1 noun biography noun automobile noun
beat1 verb biological adjective autonomous adjective
beautiful adjective bitter1 adjective autonomy noun
beauty noun bitterly adverb avalanche noun
because1 conjunction bizarre adjective avert verb
because2 preposition blade noun await verb
become verb blank1 adjective awaken verb
bed1 noun blanket1 noun awe1 noun
bedroom noun bleed verb axis noun
beef1 noun blend1 verb bachelor noun
beer noun bless verb backbone noun
before1 conjunction blind2 verb backfire verb
before2 preposition blind3 noun backing noun
before3 adverb blink1 verb backslash noun
begin verb blog noun backup noun
beginner noun bloke noun bacteria noun
beginning noun blow2 noun baffle1 verb
behave verb board2 verb bail1 noun
behaviour noun boast1 verb bait1 noun
behind1 preposition, bold adjective ballad noun
adverb bolt1 noun ballerina noun
belief noun bomber noun ballot1 noun
believe verb bombing noun banal adjective
bell noun bond1 noun banish verb
belong verb bonus noun banquet noun
below adverb, preposition book2 verb baptism noun
belt1 noun boost1 verb baptize verb
bench1 noun boost2 noun bar2 verb
bend1 verb bore2 verb barbaric adjective
beneath adverb, bore3 noun bar code noun
preposition bossy adjective bargain2 verb
benefit1 noun bound2 adjective barrage1 noun
beside preposition boundary noun barren adjective
best1 adjective boutique1 noun barricade1 noun
best adverb
2 bow1 verb basics noun
best3 noun bow2 noun bathe1 verb
bet1 verb boxer noun battle2 verb
bet2 noun boxer shorts noun battlefield noun
better1 adjective boxing noun bazaar noun
better2 adverb bra noun beacon noun
between adverb, bracelet noun bead noun
preposition bracket1 noun beam2 verb
beyond1 preposition, brake2 verb beast noun
adverb brand1 noun beckon verb
bicycle1 noun brand-new adjective beforehand adverb
big1 adjective brass noun beggar1 noun
bike1 noun bravery noun believer noun
bill1 noun breakthrough noun benchmark1 noun
billion number breed1 verb beneficiary noun
bin1 noun breed2 noun benign adjective
biology noun breeze1 noun betrayal noun
bird noun bride noun beverage noun
birth noun bridegroom noun beware verb
birthday noun bridesmaid noun bewildered adjective
biscuit noun briefcase noun bewildering adjective
bit1 adverb, pronoun briefly adverb bias1 noun
bit2 noun broadband noun biased adjective
bite1 verb broadcast1 noun bibliography noun
bite2 noun broadcast2 verb bidder noun
black1 adjective brochure noun big-headed adjective
black noun
2 bronze1 noun bilateral adjective
blackboard noun bronze2 adjective binoculars noun
blame1 verb broom noun biologist noun
blame2 noun brother-in-law noun biotechnology noun
blind1 adjective browse verb blackmail1 noun
block1 noun browser noun blackmail2 verb
block2 verb bruise1 noun bland adjective
blond adjective brunch noun blare verb
blonde1 adjective bubble1 noun blast1 noun
blood1 noun budget1 noun blast2 verb
blouse noun bug1 noun blatant adjective
blow1 verb builder noun blaze1 noun
blue1 adjective bulb noun blaze2 verb
blue2 noun bull1 noun bleach1 noun
board1 noun bullet noun bleak adjective
boat noun bulletin noun blessing noun
body noun bully1 noun bliss noun
boil1 verb bully2 verb blister1 noun
bomb1 noun bump2 noun blizzard noun
bomb2 verb bumpy adjective blossom1 noun
bone1 noun burglar noun blossom2 verb
book1 noun burglar alarm noun blot1 verb
bookshelf noun burglary noun blunt1 adjective
bookshop noun burial noun bluntly adverb
boot1 noun burn2 noun blur1 noun
border1 noun burning1 adjective blur2 verb
bored adjective burnt2 adjective blurred adjective
boring adjective burst1 verb blush1 verb
born1 verb bus stop noun boast2 noun
borrow verb bust1 verb boastful adjective
boss1 noun butcher1 noun bodyguard noun
both1 determiner, butterfly noun body language noun
predeterminer, pronoun buyer noun boiler noun
bother1 verb cabbage noun boiling adjective, adverb
bottle1 noun cabin noun bolster1 verb
bottom1 noun cabinet noun bolt2 verb
bottom2 adjective cage1 noun bombard verb
bounce1 verb calcium noun bookcase noun
bowl1 noun calculation noun booking noun
bowling noun calf noun booklet noun
box1 noun calm2 noun boom1 noun
boy1 noun calm3 verb boom2 verb
boyfriend noun calorie noun booth noun
brain1 noun camp2 verb borderline1 adjective
brake1 noun campaign1 noun boredom noun
branch1 noun campaign2 verb bouquet noun
brave1 adjective campsite noun bout noun
bread noun canal noun bowel noun
break1 verb cancellation noun box2 verb
break2 noun candle noun boycott1 verb
breakfast noun canoe1 noun boycott2 noun
breast1 noun can opener noun brag verb
breath noun canvas noun brainstorm1 noun
breathe verb canyon noun brainwave noun
brick1 noun capability noun brainy adjective
bridge1 noun capable adjective brand2 verb
brief1 adjective capacity noun breach1 noun
bright adjective capital2 adjective breach2 verb
brilliant adjective capture1 verb breadth noun
bring verb caravan noun breakdown noun
broad1 adjective carbon noun breathing noun
broken2 adjective careless adjective brew1 verb
brother1 noun carer noun brewery noun
brown1 adjective cargo noun bribe1 verb
brown2 noun carnival noun bribe2 noun
brush1 noun carpenter noun bribery noun
brush2 verb carriage noun bridge2 verb
bucket1 noun carrier bag noun brief2 noun
build1 verb cart1 noun brief3 verb
building noun cartoon noun briefing noun
bump1 verb carve verb brink noun
bunch1 noun cash machine noun brisk adjective
burger noun casino noun broaden verb
burn1 verb cast1 verb broadly adverb
bury verb cast2 noun broker1 noun
bus1 noun casual adjective brow noun
bush noun casualty noun bruise2 verb
business noun catalogue1 noun brutal adjective
businessman noun catch2 noun bud1 noun
busy1 adjective categorize verb buffet1 noun
but1 conjunction cathedral noun build2 noun
but2 preposition caution1 noun built-in adjective
butter1 noun cautious adjective bulk1 noun
button1 noun cautiously adverb bum1 noun
buy1 verb cave1 noun bundle1 noun
by1 preposition CD noun bungalow noun
by2 adverb cease1 verb burden1 noun
bye1 interjection celebration noun bureau noun
cab noun celebrity noun bureaucracy noun
cable1 noun cemetery noun bureaucrat noun
caf noun central heating noun bureaucratic adjective
cafeteria noun centre2 verb burst2 noun
cake1 noun certainty noun bust2 noun
calculate verb certificate noun buttock noun
calculator noun chairman noun buzz1 verb
calendar noun champagne noun call centre noun
call1 verb chaos noun camel noun
call2 noun chap noun campaigner noun
calm1 adjective chapel noun candid adjective
camera noun characteristic1 noun cane1 noun
camp1 noun characteristic2adjective cape noun
camping noun characterize verb capitalism noun
campus noun charity noun capitalist1 noun
can1 modal verb charm1 noun capitalist2 adjective
can2 noun charming adjective capital punishmentnoun
cancel verb charter1 noun carbohydrate noun
cancer noun chase2 noun carefree adjective
candidate noun chat1 verb caretaker noun
candy noun chat2 noun caring adjective
cannot modal verb cheat1 verb carton noun
can't cheat2 noun catalyst noun
cap1 noun checked adjective catastrophe noun
capital1 noun checklist noun catastrophic adjective
captain1 noun checkout noun cater verb
car noun cheer1 noun caution2 verb
card1 noun cheer2 verb ceasefire noun
cardigan noun cheerful adjective cellar noun
care1 noun chef noun cement1 noun
care2 verb chemist noun censor1 verb
career1 noun cherry noun censorship noun
careful adjective chess noun census noun
carefully adverb chewing gum noun ceramics noun
car park noun chick noun cf
carpet1 noun childhood noun chair2 verb
carrot noun chilli noun chalk1 noun
carry1 verb chilly adjective challenging adjective
case1 noun chimney noun chamber noun
cash1 noun choir noun champion2 verb
castle noun choke1 verb channel2 verb
cat noun chord noun chant1 verb
catch1 verb chorus1 noun chant2 noun
category noun chronic adjective chaotic adjective
cattle noun chunk noun charisma noun
cause1 verb cigar noun charismatic adjective
cause2 noun circle2 verb charm2 verb
ceiling noun circuit noun chart2 verb
celebrate verb circular1 adjective checkpoint noun
cell noun circus noun cherish verb
cellphone noun cite verb chiefly adverb
cent noun civil adjective childcare noun
centimetre noun civilian noun chill1 noun
central adjective civilization noun chill2 verb
centre1 noun clap1 verb chimpanzee noun
century noun clarify verb chip2 verb
cereal noun clarity noun cholesterol noun
ceremony noun clash1 verb chore noun
certain1 adjective clash2 noun chronicle1 noun
certainly adverb class2 verb chuckle verb
chain1 noun classic1 adjective chunky adjective
chair1 noun classic2 noun churn1 verb
challenge1 noun classical adjective circulate verb
challenge2 verb classmate noun circulation noun
champion1 noun clause noun citation noun
championship noun claw1 noun citizenship noun
chance1 noun clay noun civic adjective
change1 verb cleaner noun clan noun
change2 noun clear3 adverb clasp1 verb
channel1 noun clerk1 noun classification noun
chapter noun click2 noun classified adjective
character noun cliff noun classify verb
charge1 noun climate noun clearance noun
charge2 verb climate change noun clearing noun
chart1 noun climb2 noun clench verb
chase1 verb climber noun cleric noun
cheap1 adjective climbing noun clich noun
check1 verb cling verb climax1 noun
check2 noun clinic noun clinch1 verb
cheek1 noun clip1 noun clinical adjective
cheese noun clip2 verb cloak1 noun
chemical1 noun closing1 adjective clone1 noun
chemical2 adjective closure noun clone2 verb
chemistry noun cloth noun close4 noun
cheque noun clothe verb clown1 noun
chest noun clumsy adjective cluster1 noun
chew1 verb clutch1 verb clutch2 noun
chicken1 noun coach2 verb c/o
chief1 adjective cocktail noun coalition noun
chief2 noun code2 verb coarse adjective
child noun coffin noun coastline noun
chin noun coincide verb cock1 noun
chip1 noun coincidence noun cocoa noun
chocolate noun cola noun cognitive adjective
choice1 noun collapse1 verb coherent adjective
choose verb collapse2 noun cohesion noun
chop1 verb collector noun coil1 verb
Christmas noun collision noun collaborate verb
church noun colonel noun collaboration noun
cigarette noun colony noun collaborative adjective
cinema noun colour2 verb collective1 adjective
circle1 noun coloured1 adjective collectively adverb
circumstance noun colourful adjective collide verb
citizen noun column noun colloquial adjective
city noun combat1 noun colon noun
claim1 verb combat2 verb colonial1 adjective
claim2 noun combined adjective colouring noun
class1 noun comedian noun columnist noun
classroom noun comfort1 noun comeback noun
clean1 adjective comfort2 verb comet noun
clean2 verb comfortably adverb comic2 noun
clear1 adjective comic1 adjective commemorate verb
clear2 verb comma noun commence verb
clearly adverb command1 noun commend verb
clever adjective command2 verb commercially adverb
click1 verb commander noun commission2 verb
client noun comment2 verb commissioner noun
climb1 verb commentary noun committed adjective
clock1 noun commentator noun commodity noun
close1 verb commerce noun commonplace1adjective
close2 adjective commercial1 adjective common sense noun
close3 adverb commercial2 noun communal adjective
closed adjective commission1 noun communion noun
closely adverb commitment noun comparable adjective
closet1 noun common2 noun comparative1 adjective
clothes noun commonly adverb comparatively adverb
clothing noun communism noun compartment noun
cloud1 noun communist1 noun compass noun
cloudy adjective commute1 verb compassionateadjective
club1 noun commuter noun compelling adjective
clue1 noun compact1 adjective compensate verb
coach1 noun companion noun complement1 verb
coal noun comparison noun complementaryadjective
coast1 noun compassion noun completion noun
coat1 noun compatible1 adjective complexity noun
code1 noun compel verb compliment1 noun
coffee noun compensation noun compliment2 verb
coin1 noun competence noun comply verb
cold1 adjective competent adjective composition noun
cold2 noun competitive adjective comprehend verb
collar1 noun competitor noun concede verb
colleague noun compile verb conceited adjective
collect1 verb complex1 adjective conceivable adjective
collection noun complex2 noun conception noun
college noun complicate verb conceptual adjective
colour1 noun complication noun concession noun
comb1 noun component1 noun concise adjective
comb2 verb compose verb condemn verb
combination noun composer noun condemnation noun
combine1 verb compound1 noun condense verb
come1 verb comprehension noun conditional1 adjective
comedy noun comprehensiveadjective condom noun
comfortable adjective comprise verb cone1 noun
comment1 noun compromise1 noun confer verb
commit verb compromise2 verb confide verb
committee noun compulsory adjective confidentiality noun
common1 adjective computing noun confiscate verb
communicate verb conceal verb conflicting adjective
communication noun conceive verb conform verb
community noun concept noun confront verb
company noun concern2 verb confrontation noun
compare1 verb concerning preposition congested adjective
compete verb conclude verb congestion noun
competition noun conclusion noun congregation noun
complain verb concrete1 adjective conjunction noun
complaint noun concrete2 noun conjure verb
complete1 adjective condominium noun connotation noun
complete2 verb conduct1 verb conquest noun
completely adverb conduct2 noun conscientious adjective
complicated adjective conductor noun consciously adverb
computer noun confess verb consensus noun
concentrate1 verb confession noun consent2 verb
concentration noun confidential adjective consequent adjective
concern1 noun confine verb conserve1 verb
concerned adjective confirmation noun considerate adjective
concert noun conflict1 noun consistency noun
condition1 noun conflict2 verb consolation noun
conference noun confuse verb consolidate verb
confidence noun confusion noun consortium noun
confident adjective congratulate verb conspicuous adjective
confirm verb conquer verb conspiracy noun
confused adjective conscience noun conspire verb
confusing adjective conscious adjective constant2 noun
congratulation noun consciousness noun constituency noun
connect verb consecutive adjective constituent1 noun
connected adjective consent1 noun constituent2 adjective
connection noun consequence noun constrain verb
consider verb consequently adverb constraint noun
consist verb conservation noun constructive adjective
contact1 noun conservative1 adjective construe verb
contact2 verb considerable adjective consultancy noun
contain verb considerably adverb consultation noun
content1 noun consideration noun contaminate verb
continue verb considering1preposition, contemplate verb
contract1 noun conjunction contempt noun
control1 noun consistent adjective contend verb
control2 verb consonant1 noun contender noun
conversation noun constant1 adjective contention noun
cook1 verb constantly adverb contentious adjective
cook2 noun constitute verb contingency noun
cookie noun constitution noun contingent1 adjective
cool1 adjective constitutional1adjective continuation noun
copy1 noun construct1 verb continuity noun
copy2 verb construction noun continuum noun
corner1 noun consult verb contour noun
correct1 adjective consultant noun contract2 verb
cost1 noun consume verb contractor noun
cost2 verb consumer noun contributor noun
cotton1 noun consumption noun controlled adjective
couch1 noun container noun controller noun
cough1 verb contemporary1adjective convene verb
cough2 noun contemporary2 noun converge verb
could modal verb content2 adjective conversely adverb
count1 verb contest1 noun conversion noun
counter1 noun contest2 verb convertible1 adjective
country1 noun context noun convey verb
countryside noun continent1 noun convict1 verb
county noun continental adjective conviction noun
couple1 noun continual adjective convoy1 noun
course1 noun continuous adjective cooperative1 adjective
court1 noun contradict verb coordinate1 verb
cousin noun contradiction noun coordinate2 noun
cover1 verb contradictory adjective coordination noun
cover2 noun contrary1 noun coordinator noun
cow1 noun contrast1 noun copyright noun
crack1 verb contrast2 verb corollary noun
crack2 noun contribute verb coroner noun
crash1 verb contribution noun corporation noun
crash2 noun controversial adjective corps noun
crazy1 adjective controversy noun correlate1 verb
cream1 noun convenience noun correlation noun
create verb convenience storenoun correspond verb
creature noun convenient adjective correspondence noun
credit1 noun conveniently adverb correspondent noun
credit card noun convention noun correspondingadjective
crew1 noun conventional adjective corrupt2 verb
crime noun convert1 verb cosmetics noun
criminal1 adjective convince verb cosmic adjective
criminal2 noun convinced adjective counselling noun
criticize verb convincing adjective counsellor noun
crop1 noun cooking1 noun counter2 verb
cross1 verb cool2 verb counteract verb
cross2 noun cooler noun counterpart noun
cross3 adjective cooperate verb counterproductiveadjective
crowd1 noun cooperation noun coup noun
crowded adjective cop1 noun courageous adjective
cruel adjective cope1 verb courteous adjective
cry1 verb copper noun courtesy1 noun
cultural adjective cord1 noun courtroom noun
culture1 noun core1 noun courtyard noun
cup1 noun corn noun coverage noun
cupboard noun corporate adjective crackle verb
curly adjective corpse noun craftsman noun
current1 adjective correct2 verb crafty adjective
currently adverb correction noun cram verb
curtain1 noun corridor noun cramped adjective
cushion1 noun corrupt1 adjective crate1 noun
custom1 noun corruption noun crater noun
customer noun costly adjective crayon1 noun
cut1 verb costume noun creak verb
cut2 noun cosy1 adjective credentials noun
cute adjective cottage noun credibility noun
dad noun council noun credible adjective
daddy noun councillor noun credit2 verb
daily1 adjective count2 noun creek noun
damage1 noun countless adjective creepy adjective
damage2 verb coupon noun cripple1 verb
dance1 noun courage noun crisp1 adjective
dance2 verb coursebook noun critically adverb
dancer noun cowboy noun critique1 noun
danger noun co-worker noun crook1 noun
dangerous adjective crab noun crooked adjective
dark1 adjective craft1 noun crossing noun
dark2 noun crane1 noun cruise2 verb
darkness noun crawl1 verb crumble1 verb
data noun creation noun crusade1 noun
date1 noun creative1 adjective cubic adjective
daughter noun creativity noun cue1 noun
day noun creator noun cuisine noun
dead1 adjective creep1 verb culminate verb
deal1 noun cricket noun cultivate verb
deal2 verb crisis noun culture shock noun
dear1 interjection criterion noun cumulative adjective
dear2 adjective critic noun curator noun
death noun critical adjective curb1 verb
debate1 noun criticism noun curfew noun
debt noun crocodile noun curiously adverb
decade noun crossroads noun current account noun
December noun crosswalk noun curriculum noun
decide verb crossword noun curse1 verb
decision noun crouch verb curse2 noun
deck1 noun crowd2 verb curtail verb
deep1 adjective crown1 noun custody noun
deep2 adverb crucial adjective customary adjective
deeply adverb crude1 adjective cynic noun
defeat1 noun cruelty noun cynical adjective
defeat2 verb cruise1 noun dangerously adverb
defence noun crunchy adjective dangle verb
defend verb crush1 verb darken verb
define verb crust noun dart1 verb
definitely adverb cry2 noun dart2 noun
degree noun crystal noun dated adjective
delicious adjective cub noun daunting adjective
deliver verb cube1 noun dawn2 verb
delivery noun cucumber noun daydream1 verb
demand1 noun cult1 noun day-to-day adjective
demand2 verb culturally adverb dazzle verb
dentist noun cunning1 adjective dealing noun
deny verb cure1 noun debris noun
department noun cure2 verb debut1 noun
depend verb curiosity noun deceased noun
depth noun curious adjective deceive verb
describe verb curl1 verb deception noun
description noun curl2 noun decidedly adverb
deserve verb currant noun decisive adjective
design1 noun currency noun decorative adjective
design2 verb current2 noun decree1 noun
desire1 noun curry1 noun dedicate verb
desk noun cursor noun dedicated adjective
despite preposition curve1 noun dedication noun
dessert noun curve2 verb deduce verb
destroy verb curved adjective deduct verb
detail1 noun custard noun deduction noun
detailed adjective CV noun deed noun
develop verb cycle1 noun deem verb
development noun cycle2 verb default1 noun
dialogue noun cyclist noun defective adjective
dictionary noun cylinder noun defensive1 adjective
die1 verb daily2 adverb defer verb
diet1 noun dairy noun defiance noun
difference noun dam1 noun deficiency noun
different adjective damaged adjective deficit noun
difficult adjective damaging adjective definitive adjective
difficulty noun damp1 adjective deflect verb
dig1 verb dare1 verb, modal verb delegate1 noun
dining room noun daring1 adjective delegate2 verb
dinner noun darling1 noun delegation noun
direct1 adjective dash1 verb delight2 verb
direct2 verb dash2 noun delightful adjective
direction noun database noun demise noun
directly1 adverb date2 verb demographic1 adjective
director noun daughter-in-law noun demolish verb
dirt noun dawn1 noun demolition noun
dirty1 adjective daylight noun demon noun
disabled adjective daytime noun demonstrator noun
disadvantage1 noun deadline noun denial noun
disagree verb deadly1 adjective denote verb
disappear verb deaf adjective denounce verb
disappoint verb dealer noun dental adjective
disappointed adjective dear3 noun dependable adjective
disaster noun debate2 verb depict verb
discover verb debit card noun deploy verb
discuss verb decay1 verb deport verb
discussion noun decay2 noun deposit2 verb
disease noun decent adjective depot noun
disgusting adjective declaration noun deprivation noun
dish1 noun declare verb deprive verb
display1 noun decline1 noun deprived adjective
display2 verb decline2 verb descendant noun
distance1 noun decorate verb descent noun
district noun decoration noun descriptive adjective
divide1 verb decrease1 verb desert2 verb
division noun decrease2 noun deserted adjective
divorce noun
1 deepen verb designate1 verb
divorce2 verb deer noun desperation noun
divorced adjective defect1 noun despise verb
do1 auxiliary verb defender noun destined adjective
do2 verb definite adjective destructive adjective
doctor1 noun definition noun detach verb
document1 noun defy verb detain verb
dog1 noun delay1 noun detector noun
doll1 noun delay2 verb detention noun
dollar noun delete verb deter verb
door1 noun deliberate1 adjective deterrent noun
dot1 noun deliberately adverb detrimental adjective
double1 adjective delicate adjective devastate verb
double2 noun delight1 noun devastated adjective
double3 verb delighted adjective devastating adjective
doubt1 noun demanding adjective developmentaladjective
doubt2 verb democracy noun deviation noun
down1 adverb, preposition,
democratic adjective devious adjective
adjective demonstrate verb devotion noun
download1 verb demonstration noun devour verb
downstairs1 adverb dense adjective diagnose verb
downtown adverb density noun diagnosis noun
dozen number depart verb diagnostic adjective
Dr department store noun diagonal adjective
drag1 verb departure noun dice1 noun
drama noun dependence noun dictate1 verb
draw verb
1 dependent1 adjective dictator noun
drawer noun deposit1 noun dictatorship noun
drawing noun depressed adjective dietary adjective
dream1 noun depressing adjective differentiate verb
dream2 verb depression noun digest1 verb
dress1 noun deputy noun digestion noun
dress2 verb derive verb digit noun
drink1 verb descend verb dilute1 verb
drink2 noun desert1 noun dim1 adjective
drive1 verb designer1 noun diner noun
drive2 noun desirable adjective dinosaur noun
driver noun desire2 verb diplomacy noun
drop1 verb desktop noun diplomatic adjective
drop2 noun despair1 noun dire adjective
drug1 noun desperate adjective directive1 noun
drugstore noun desperately adverb disadvantagedadjective
drum1 noun destination noun disbelief noun
dry1 adjective destiny noun discard1 verb
dry2 verb destruction noun discern verb
duck1 noun detect verb discharge1 verb
due1 adjective detection noun disciple noun
dump1 verb detective noun discipline2 verb
during preposition deteriorate verb disclose verb
dust1 noun determination noun disclosure noun
duty noun determine verb discomfort noun
DVD noun determined adjective discount2 verb
each determiner, pronoun, developed adjective discourse1 noun
adverb developer noun discredit1 verb
each other pronoun developing adjective discreet adjective
ear noun device noun discrepancy noun
early1 adjective devil noun discretion noun
early2 adverb devise verb discriminate verb
earn verb devote verb disgrace1 noun
earring noun devoted adjective disgraceful adjective
earth1 noun diagram1 noun disgust1 noun
easily adverb dial1 noun disgust2 verb
east1 noun dial2 verb dismal adjective
east2 adjective dialect noun dismantle verb
east3 adverb diameter noun dismay1 noun
eastern adjective diamond noun disobedient adjective
easy1 adjective diary noun disorder noun
easy2 adverb diesel noun disorganized adjective
eat verb diet2 verb disparity noun
economic adjective differ verb dispatch1 verb
economy1 noun digital adjective dispense verb
edge1 noun dignified adjective disperse verb
education noun dignity noun displace verb
effect1 noun dilemma noun disposal noun
effective adjective dimension noun dispose verb
effectively adverb diminish verb disposition noun
efficient adjective dine verb disregard1 verb
effort noun dip1 verb dissatisfaction noun
egg1 noun dip2 noun dissatisfied adjective
eight number, noun diploma noun dissent1 noun
eighteen number diplomat noun dissertation noun
eighth1 adjective directory noun distinctly adverb
eighty number disability noun distort verb
either1 conjunction disagreement noun distraction noun
either2 determiner, disappearance noun distress2 verb
pronoun disappointing adjective distressed adjective
either3 adverb disappointment noun distrust1 noun
elderly adjective disapproval noun distrust2 verb
election noun disapprove verb disturbance noun
electric adjective disastrous adjective ditto1 adverb
electricity noun disc noun diversify verb
electronic adjective discipline1 noun diversion noun
element noun disconnect1 verb divert verb
elephant noun discount1 noun DNA noun
elevator noun discourage verb doctrine noun
eleven number, noun discouraged adjective document2 verb
eleventh1 adjective discovery noun documentation noun
else adverb discrimination noun dodge1 verb
elsewhere adverb disguise1 verb dodgy adjective
email1 noun disguise2 noun dog2 verb
email2 verb disgusted adjective domain noun
embarrassed adjective dishwasher noun dominance noun
embarrassing adjective disk noun donkey noun
emergency noun dislike1 verb donor noun
emotion noun dislike2 noun doom1 verb
emotional adjective dismiss verb doom2 noun
employ1 verb dismissal noun doorstep1 noun
employee noun disobey verb dot2 verb
employer noun dispute1 noun doubtless adverb
employment noun dispute2 verb dough noun
empty1 adjective disrupt verb drainage noun
enable verb disruption noun drape verb
encourage verb dissolve verb drastic adjective
end1 noun distant adjective drawback noun
end2 verb distinct adjective dread1 verb
enemy noun distinction noun dribble1 verb
energy noun distinctive adjective drift2 noun
engine noun distinguish verb drinker noun
engineer1 noun distinguished adjective drinking water noun
enjoy verb distract verb drizzle1 verb
enormous adjective distress1 noun drummer noun
enough1 adverb distribute verb dual adjective
enough2 determiner, distribution noun dual carriageway noun
pronoun distributor noun dubious adjective
ensure verb disturb verb duo noun
enter verb disturbing adjective duplicate1 verb
entertainment noun ditch1 noun duplicate2 adjective
entire adjective dive1 verb duplicate3 noun
entirely adverb dive2 noun duration noun
entrance1 noun diver noun dusk noun
entry noun diverse adjective dwell verb
envelope noun diversity noun dwindle verb
environment noun divine1 adjective dynamic2 noun
environmentaladjective dizzy adjective dynasty noun
equal1 adjective dock1 noun earnest1 adjective
equipment noun documentary1 noun ease2 verb
eraser noun dolphin noun eccentric1 adjective
error noun dome noun eclipse1 noun
escape1 verb domestic1 adjective eclipse2 verb
especially adverb dominant1 adjective eco-friendly adjective
essay1 noun dominate verb ecosystem noun
essential1 adjective domination noun ecstasy noun
establish verb donate verb ecstatic adjective
etc. adverb donation noun editorial1 noun
euro noun doorway noun ego noun
even1 adverb dose1 noun eject verb
evening1 noun double4 adverb elastic1 noun
event noun double5 predeterminer elder2 noun
eventually adverb double click verb electoral adjective
ever adverb doubtful adjective electorate noun
every determiner downwards adverb elevate verb
everybody pronoun draft1 noun elicit verb
everyone pronoun dragon noun eligible adjective
everything pronoun drain1 verb elite1 noun
everywhere adverb drain2 noun elite2 adjective
evidence1 noun dramatic adjective elusive adjective
exact1 adjective dramatically adverb embargo1 noun
exactly adverb draw2 noun embark verb
exam noun dreadful adjective embed1 verb
examine verb dressing noun embody verb
example noun dressing gown noun embrace1 verb
excellent adjective dried adjective embrace2 noun
except1 conjunction, drift1 verb emergence noun
preposition drill1 noun emigrate verb
exception noun drill2 verb eminent adjective
excited adjective drip1 verb emission noun
exciting adjective drip2 noun emit verb
excuse1 verb driveway noun empathy noun
excuse2 noun driving licence noun empirical adjective
exercise1 noun drought noun empower verb
exhibition noun drown verb emulate verb
exist verb drunk2 adjective encompass verb
exit1 noun dryer noun encounter2 noun
expect verb due2 adverb encyclopedia noun
expensive adjective dull1 adjective endanger verb
experience1 noun dumb1 adjective endangered adjective
experiment1 noun dump2 noun endeavour1 verb
expert1 noun dust2 verb endorse verb
expert2 adjective dusty adjective endorsement noun
explain verb duvet noun endure verb
explanation noun dye1 noun enforce verb
explode verb dye2 verb enforcement noun
explore verb dynamic1 adjective engage verb
explosion noun eager adjective enhanced adjective
express1 verb eagle1 noun enlarge verb
expression noun earache noun enlist verb
extent noun earnings noun enormously adverb
extra1 adjective earthquake noun enrich verb
extremely adverb ease1 noun enrol verb
eye1 noun Easter noun ensue verb
face1 noun echo1 verb enthusiast noun
face2 verb echo2 noun entitlement noun
fact noun ecological adjective entity noun
factor1 noun ecology noun entrepreneur noun
factory noun economical adjective entrust verb
fail1 verb economically adverb environmentalist noun
failure noun economics noun environmentally
fair1 adjective economist noun friendly adjective
fairly adverb edit verb envisage verb
faith noun edition noun envoy noun
fall1 verb editor noun envy2 noun
fall2 noun educate verb epic1 noun
false adjective educated adjective equal3 noun
family noun educational adjective equate verb
famous adjective efficiency noun equilibrium noun
fan1 noun e.g. equitable adjective
fantastic adjective elaborate1 adjective eradicate verb
far1 adverb elbow1 noun erode verb
far2 adjective elder1 adjective erosion noun
farm1 noun eldest adjective erupt verb
farmer noun elect1 verb escalate verb
fashion1 noun electrical adjective escort1 verb
fashionable adjective electrician noun estate agent noun
fast1 adjective electronics noun estimation noun
fast2 adverb elegant adjective evacuate verb
fat1 adjective elementary adjective evade verb
fat2 noun eliminate verb evaluate verb
father1 noun elimination noun evaluation noun
fault1 noun embarrass verb evaporate verb
favour1 noun embarrassment noun even3 verb
favourite1 adjective embassy noun evenly adverb
favourite2 noun emerge verb evoke verb
fear1 noun emperor noun evolution noun
feature1 noun emphasis noun evolutionary adjective
February noun emphasize verb exacerbate verb
federal adjective empire noun exasperated adjective
fee noun empty2 verb exasperating adjective
feed1 verb enclose verb exceptionally adverb
feel1 verb encounter1 verb excerpt noun
feeling1 noun encouragement noun exclaim verb
female1 adjective encouraging adjective exclamation noun
female2 noun ending noun exclusion noun
fence1 noun endless adjective exclusive1 adjective
festival noun energetic adjective exclusively adverb
fetch1 verb engaged adjective excursion noun
few determiner, pronoun, engagement noun execute verb
adjective engineering noun execution noun
field1 noun enhance verb exemplify verb
fifteen number, noun enjoyable adjective exempt1 adjective
fifth1 adjective enjoyment noun exemption noun
fifty number, noun enterprise noun exert verb
fight1 verb entertain verb exhaust1 verb
fight2 noun entertaining1 adjective exhaust2 noun
figure1 noun enthusiasm noun exhaustion noun
figure2 verb enthusiastic adjective exile1 noun
file1 noun entitle verb exit2 verb
fill1 verb envious adjective exorbitant adjective
film1 noun envy1 verb expel verb
final1 adjective epidemic noun expenditure noun
finally adverb episode noun explanatory adjective
financial adjective equal2 verb explicit adjective
find1 verb equality noun exploit1 verb
fine1 adjective equally adverb exploitation noun
fine2 adverb equation noun explorer noun
finger1 noun equip verb explosive1 adjective
finish1 verb equivalent1 adjective explosive2 noun
fire1 noun equivalent2 noun expressly adverb
firefighter noun era noun exquisite adjective
firm1 noun erase verb extended adjective
firm2 adjective erect1 verb extinction noun
first1 adjective escalator noun extraordinarily adverb
first2 adverb escape2 noun extremist noun
first3 noun essence noun extrovert noun
first4 pronoun essentially adverb eyewitness noun
first name noun established adjective facet noun
fish1 noun establishment noun facial1 adjective
fishing noun estate noun facilitate verb
fit1 verb estimate1 noun factual adjective
fit2 adjective estimate2 verb faculty noun
five number, noun eternal adjective familiarity noun
fix1 verb ethic noun famine noun
flag1 noun ethical adjective fan2 verb
flat1 adjective ethnic1 adjective fancy2 noun
flat2 noun even2 adjective fancy3 adjective
flavour1 noun eventual adjective farewell1 noun
flight noun everyday adjective farmhouse noun
float1 verb evident adjective far-reaching adjective
floor1 noun evidently adverb fascination noun
flour1 noun evil1 adjective fashion2 verb
flow1 noun evil2 noun fate noun
flow2 verb evolve verb fatigue noun
flower1 noun exaggerate verb fattening adjective
flu noun exaggeration noun faulty adjective
fly1 verb examination noun favourable adjective
fly2 noun exceed verb fearful adjective
fog1 noun excellence noun feasible adjective
foggy adjective exceptional adjective feast2 verb
folder noun excess1 noun feat noun
folk1 noun excess2 adjective feeble adjective
follow verb excessive adjective feel2 noun
following1 adjective exchange1 noun fellowship noun
food noun exchange2 verb feminine adjective
foot1 noun excite verb feminist noun
football noun excitement noun ferocious adjective
for1 preposition exclamation marknoun fertile adjective
force1 noun exclude verb fertility noun
force2 verb excluding preposition fictional adjective
foreign adjective executive1 noun fictitious adjective
foreigner noun executive2 adjective field2 verb
forest noun exercise2 verb fiery adjective
forever adverb exhausted adjective figurative adjective
forget verb exhausting adjective film-maker noun
fork1 noun exhibit1 verb filter2 verb
form1 noun exhibit2 noun fin noun
form2 verb existence noun finalize verb
formal1 adjective existing adjective find2 noun
former1 adjective exotic adjective fingerprint noun
forty number expand verb finite adjective
forward1 adverb expansion noun firearm noun
four number, noun expectation noun fireplace noun
fourteen number expedition noun first-class adjective
fourth1 adjective expense noun flabby adjective
fourth2 pronoun experience2 verb flap1 noun
frame1 noun experienced adjective flap2 verb
free1 adjective experiment2 verb flare1 verb
free2 verb experimental adjective flatten verb
free3 adverb expertise noun flatter verb
freedom noun expire verb flaw noun
freeway noun exploration noun flawed adjective
freeze1 verb export1 noun flick1 verb
freezer noun export2 verb flicker1 verb
freezing1 adjective, adverb
expose verb flimsy adjective
frequently adverb express2 adjective flip1 verb
fresh1 adjective express3 noun float2 noun
Friday noun extend verb flourish1 verb
fridge noun extension noun fluctuate verb
friend1 noun extensive adjective fluctuation noun
friendly1 adjective exterior1 noun flush1 verb
frighten verb external adjective flutter1 verb
frightened adjective extinct adjective foam1 noun
frightening adjective extra2 adverb focussed adjective
from preposition extract1 verb foil1 noun
front1 noun extract2 noun fold2 noun
front2 adjective extraordinary adjective follow-up1 noun
frozen2 adjective extravagant adjective font noun
fruit1 noun extreme1 adjective fool2 verb
fry1 verb extreme2 noun foolproof adjective
fry2 noun eyebrow noun footage noun
fuel1 noun eyelid noun footballer noun
full1 adjective fabric noun footnote noun
fully adverb fabulous adjective forefront noun
fun1 noun facility noun foreman noun
fun2 adjective fade verb foremost adjective
function1 noun faint1 adjective forensic adjective
funeral noun faint2 verb foresee verb
funny adjective fair2 noun foreword noun
furniture noun fairness noun forgiveness noun
further1 adverb fairy noun formality noun
future1 adjective faithful1 adjective format1 noun
future2 noun fake1 noun formidable adjective
gain1 verb fake2 adjective formulate verb
gallon noun fame noun forth adverb
game1 noun familiar1 adjective forthcoming adjective
gang1 noun fancy1 verb fortress noun
gap noun fantasy noun forum noun
garage1 noun fare1 noun forward3 verb
garbage noun farm2 verb fossil fuel noun
garden1 noun farming noun foster1 verb
gas1 noun fascinate verb foster2 adjective
gate1 noun fascinated adjective founder1 noun
gather1 verb fascinating adjective fountain noun
general1 adjective fasten verb fracture1 verb
generally adverb fatal adjective fracture2 noun
generation noun father-in-law noun fragrance noun
gentleman noun faucet noun frail adjective
geography noun favour2 verb frame2 verb
get verb fear2 verb franchise1 noun
ghost1 noun feast1 noun frantic adjective
giant1 adjective feather1 noun freak1 noun
giant2 noun feature2 verb freak2 adjective
gift1 noun feedback noun freelance adjective, adverb
girl noun fellow1 adjective freeze2 noun
girlfriend noun ferry1 noun frenzy noun
give1 verb fever noun freshman noun
glad adjective fianc noun friction noun
glass1 noun fiance noun fruitful adjective
glove noun fibre noun frustrate verb
go1 verb fiction noun fuel2 verb
go2 noun fierce adjective fulfilling adjective
goal noun fiercely adverb fungus noun
god noun fighter noun furnace noun
gold1 noun fighting noun further3 verb
gold2 adjective file2 verb furthermore adverb
golden adjective film2 verb fuss1 noun
golf noun filter1 noun futile adjective
good1 adjective filthy1 adjective galaxy noun
good2 noun final2 noun gale noun
good afternoon finance1 noun gangster noun
goodbye finance2 verb gasp1 verb
good evening finding noun gasp2 noun
good-looking adjective fine3 verb gateway noun
good morninginterjection fine4 noun gathering noun
good night finely adverb gauge1 noun
government noun fingernail noun gauge2 verb
governor noun finish2 noun gay2 noun
grab1 verb fire2 verb gaze2 noun
grade1 noun fire alarm noun gel1 noun
gradually adverb fire brigade noun gem noun
graduate1 noun fire station noun gender noun
graduate2 verb firework noun generalization noun
graduation noun first aid noun generalize verb
gram noun firstly adverb generator noun
grammar noun fish2 verb generic adjective
grandad noun fisherman noun generosity noun
grandchild noun fist noun genetic adjective
granddaughter noun fit3 noun genetics noun
grandfather noun fitness noun genocide noun
grandma noun fixed adjective genre noun
grandmother noun flame1 noun geographical adjective
grandpa noun flash1 verb geology noun
grandparent noun flash2 noun geometry noun
grandson noun flashlight noun gesture2 verb
grape noun flat3 adverb ghastly adjective
grapefruit noun flee verb ghetto noun
graph noun fleet1 noun gifted adjective
grass1 noun flesh1 noun giggle1 verb
gravy noun flexibility noun giggle2 noun
great1 adjective flexible adjective gin noun
green1 adjective flight attendant noun given2 adjective
green2 noun fling1 verb glacier noun
grey1 adjective flock1 noun glamorous adjective
grey2 noun flood1 verb glamour noun
grill1 verb flood2 noun gland noun
grill2 noun flower2 verb glare1 verb
grocery noun fluent adjective glare2 noun
ground1 noun fluid1 noun gleam1 verb
group1 noun flute noun glimpse1 noun
grow verb focus1 verb glitter1 verb
growth noun focus2 noun globalization noun
guard1 noun fold1 verb gloom noun
guard2 verb follower noun gloomy adjective
guess1 verb following2 noun glossary noun
guess2 noun following3 preposition glossy1 adjective
guest1 noun fond adjective going1 noun
guide1 noun fool1 noun goodwill noun
guilty adjective foolish adjective governmental adjective
guitar noun footpath noun gown noun
gum1 noun footstep noun graffiti noun
gun1 noun for2 conjunction grammatical adjective
guy noun forbid verb graphic adjective
gym noun forecast1 noun grasp2 noun
habit noun forecast2 verb gratitude noun
hair noun forehead noun gravity noun
half1 predeterminer, forge1 verb graze1 verb
pronoun, adjective forgive verb greed noun
half2 noun formally adverb greeting noun
half3 adverb formation noun grievance noun
hall noun formerly adverb grieve verb
Halloween noun formula noun grind1 verb
ham1 noun fort noun gripping adjective
hamburger noun fortnight noun groan1 verb
hand1 noun fortunate adjective groom2 verb
handle1 verb fortunately adverb groove noun
handle2 noun fortune noun grotesque1 adjective
handsome adjective forward2 adjective ground2 verb
hang1 verb fossil noun grove noun
happen verb foul1 adjective growl verb
happiness noun found2 verb gruesome adjective
happy adjective foundation noun grumble verb
hard1 adjective fox1 noun grumpy adjective
hard2 adverb fraction noun grunt1 verb
hardly adverb fragile adjective guardian noun
hat noun fragment1 noun guerrilla noun
hate1 verb framework noun guitarist noun
have1 auxiliary verb frank1 adjective gulf noun
have2 verb frankly adverb gutter1 noun
have3 verb fraud noun gypsy noun
he1 pronoun freely adverb habitat noun
head1 noun freezing2 noun hack1 verb
head2 verb freight1 noun hail1 verb
headache noun frequency noun half-hearted adjective
health noun frequent1 adjective hallway noun
healthy adjective freshly adverb halt1 noun
hear verb friendship noun halt2 verb
hearing noun fright noun halve verb
heart1 noun fringe1 noun hammer2 verb
heat1 noun frog noun hamper1 verb
heat2 verb frontier noun handbook noun
heater noun frost1 noun handicap1 noun
heaven noun frown1 verb handkerchief noun
heavy1 adjective frown2 noun handlebars noun
height noun frustrated adjective hang2 noun
helicopter noun frustrating adjective hangover noun
hello interjection, noun frustration noun harass verb
helmet noun frying pan noun harassment noun
help1 verb fulfil verb harden verb
help2 noun full stop1 noun hardship noun
helpful adjective full-time adjective, adverb harmless adjective
her1 determiner fumes noun harmony noun
her2 pronoun function2 verb harvest2 verb
here adverb functional adjective haste noun
hero noun fund1 noun hastily adverb
hers pronoun fund2 verb hatch1 verb
herself pronoun fundamental adjective haven noun
hi interjection fundamentally adverb hazardous adjective
hide1 verb funding noun headmaster noun
high1 adjective fur1 noun heated adjective
high2 adverb furious adjective heave1 verb
highly adverb furnish verb heavenly adjective
high school noun further2 adjective hefty adjective
highway noun fury noun heighten verb
hill noun gain2 noun heir noun
him pronoun gallery noun helper noun
himself pronoun gallop verb
1 helping noun
hip1 noun gamble1 verb helpless adjective
hire1 verb gambling noun hemisphere noun
his determiner, pronoun gardener noun hen noun
history noun garlic noun hence adverb
hit1 verb garment noun herald1 verb
hit2 noun gasoline noun hereditary adjective
hobby noun gay1 adjective heritage1 noun
hold1 verb gaze1 verb heroic adjective
hold2 noun gear1 noun heroine noun
hole1 noun gene noun hesitation noun
holiday1 noun generate verb heterosexual adjective
holy adjective generous adjective hierarchical adjective
home1 noun genius noun hierarchy noun
home2 adverb gentle adjective high3 noun
home3 adjective gently adverb high-level adjective
homepage noun genuine adjective high-speed adjective
homework noun genuinely adverb high-tech adjective
honest adjective germ noun hijack1 verb
honey noun gesture1 noun hilarious adjective
hook1 noun gigantic adjective hillside noun
hope1 verb ginger1 noun hinder verb
hope2 noun giraffe noun hiss verb
hopefully adverb glance1 verb hitchhike verb
horrible adjective glance2 noun hitherto adverb
horse1 noun global adjective home4 verb
hospital noun global warming noun homeland noun
hot1 adjective globe noun homeowner noun
hotel noun glorious adjective homicide noun
hour noun glory1 noun homogeneous adjective
house1 noun glow1 noun homosexual adjective
housewife noun glow2 verb honeymoon1 noun
how adverb glue1 noun honorary adjective
however1 adverb goalkeeper noun honourable adjective
however2 conjunction goat noun hook2 verb
huge adjective goddess noun hooray interjection
human1 adjective goodness noun horrendous adjective
human2 noun goods noun horrific adjective
hundred number, noun goose1 noun horrify verb
hungry adjective gorgeous adjective hospitality noun
hunt1 verb gossip1 noun hostage noun
hurry1 verb gossip2 verb hostel noun
hurry2 noun govern verb hostile adjective
hurt1 verb grace1 noun hostility noun
hurt2 adjective graceful adjective hover verb
husband1 noun grade2 verb howl1 verb
I1 pronoun gradual adjective howl2 noun
ice1 noun grain noun hub noun
ice cream noun grand1 adjective huddle1 verb
idea noun granny1 noun hugely adverb
identify verb grant1 verb hum1 verb
if1 conjunction grant2 noun humanitarian adjective
ignore verb grasp1 verb humanity noun
ill1 adjective grateful adjective human right noun
illegal1 adjective grave1 noun humble1 adjective
illness noun grave2 adjective humidity noun
image noun gravel noun humiliate verb
imagination noun graveyard noun humiliation noun
imagine verb greatly adverb hurl verb
immediate adjective greedy adjective hurt3 noun
immediately1 adverb greenhouse effectnoun hurtful adjective
impact1 noun greet verb hybrid noun
importance noun grid noun hygiene noun
important adjective grief noun hygienic adjective
impossible1 adjective grim adjective hymn noun
improve verb grin1 verb hypocrisy noun
improvement noun grin2 noun hypocritical adjective
in1 preposition grip1 noun hypothesis noun
in2 adverb grip2 verb hypothetical adjective
inch1 noun groom1 noun hysteria noun
include verb gross1 adjective hysterical adjective
including preposition group2 verb iceberg noun
income noun grown-up1 adjective icy adjective
increase1 verb grown-up2 noun idealistic adjective
increase2 noun guarantee1 verb identifiable adjective
indeed adverb guarantee2 noun ideological adjective
independence noun guidance noun ideology noun
independent adjective guide2 verb idiomatic adjective
indicate verb guideline noun idle1 adjective
industrial adjective guilt1 noun idol noun
industry noun gunman noun illicit adjective
influence1 noun gut1 noun illuminate verb
influence2 verb gymnastics noun illusion noun
informal adjective haircut noun imagery noun
information noun hairdresser noun imaginary adjective
injure verb hairdryer noun imaginative adjective
injury noun hairstyle noun imbalance noun
insect noun half-brother noun immaculate adjective
inside1 adverb, preposition half-sister noun immature adjective
inside2 noun halfway adjective, adverb immensely adverb
inside3 adjective hammer1 noun imminent adjective
insist verb hand2 verb immune adjective
instead adverb handbag noun immunity noun
instruction noun handful noun impair verb
instrument noun handout noun impartial adjective
insurance noun handy adjective impatient adjective
intelligence noun happily adverb imperfect1 adjective
intelligent adjective harbour1 noun impetus noun
intend verb hardware noun implicate verb
intention noun hard-working adjective implicit adjective
interest1 noun harm1 noun importer noun
interest2 verb harm2 verb imposition noun
interested adjective harmful adjective imprison verb
interesting adjective harsh adjective imprisonment noun
intermediate1 adjective harvest1 noun impulse noun
international1 adjective hate2 noun impulsive adjective
Internet noun hatred noun inaccurate adjective
interrupt verb haul1 verb incapable adjective
intersection noun haunt1 verb incidentally adverb
interview1 noun haunted adjective inclination noun
into preposition hay noun inclined adjective
introduce verb hazard1 noun inclusion noun
introduction noun heading noun inclusive adjective
invent verb headline1 noun incompatible adjective
invention noun headphones noun incomplete1 adjective
investigate verb headquarters noun incomprehensibleadjective
investigation noun head teacher noun inconsiderate adjective
invitation noun heal verb inconsistent adjective
invite1 verb health care noun inconvenient adjective
involve verb heap1 noun incorporate verb
involved adjective heart attack noun incur verb
iron1 noun heating noun indecisive adjective
iron2 verb heavily adverb indefinite adjective
island noun hedge1 noun indefinitely adverb
issue1 noun heel1 noun indicative1 adjective
it1 pronoun hell1 noun indicator noun
item noun herb noun indict verb
its determiner herd1 noun indictment noun
itself pronoun hesitate verb indifference noun
jacket noun hey interjection indifferent adjective
jail1 noun hidden2 adjective indispensable adjective
jam1 noun highlight1 verb indistinguishableadjective
January noun highlight2 noun individuality noun
jar1 noun hike1 noun induce verb
jealous adjective hike2 verb indulge verb
jeans noun hiking noun industrialist noun
jelly noun hilly adjective industrialized adjective
job noun hint1 noun ineffective adjective
join1 verb hint2 verb inefficient adjective
joke1 noun historian noun inexpensive adjective
joke2 verb historic adjective inexperienced adjective
journalist noun historical adjective infamous adjective
journey1 noun hockey noun infectious adjective
joy1 noun holder noun infer verb
judge1 noun hollow1 adjective inference noun
judge2 verb homeless adjective infinitely adverb
juice1 noun homesick adjective informant noun
July noun honestly adverb informative adjective
jump1 verb honesty noun informed adjective
jump2 noun honour1 noun infrastructure noun
June noun honour2 verb infringe verb
junior1 adjective hood noun ingenious adjective
junk1 noun hoof1 noun inherent adjective
just1 adverb hop1 verb inheritance noun
justice noun hopeful1 adjective inhibit verb
keep1 verb hopeless adjective inhibition noun
kettle noun horizon noun initiate1 verb
key1 noun horizontal1 adjective injustice noun
keyboard1 noun horn1 noun inmate noun
kick1 verb horror noun innate adjective
kid1 noun hose1 noun innovative adjective
kill1 verb host1 noun input2 verb
kilo noun host2 verb inquire verb
kilogram noun household1 noun insane adjective
kilometre noun household2 adjective inscription noun
kind1 noun housework noun insecure adjective
kind2 adjective housing noun insert1 verb
king noun hug1 verb insight noun
kiss1 verb hug2 noun insignificant adjective
kiss2 noun humid adjective insincere adjective
kitchen noun humorous adjective instant2 noun
kitten noun humour1 noun instinctive adjective
knee1 noun hunger1 noun institutional adjective
knife1 noun hunt2 noun intact adjective
knock1 verb hunter noun integral adjective
know1 verb hunting noun integrate verb
knowledge noun hurdle1 noun integration noun
lab noun hurricane noun integrity noun
label1 noun hut noun intellect noun
laboratory noun hydrogen noun intellectual2 noun
lack1 noun hyphen noun intensify verb
ladder1 noun icon noun intensity noun
lady noun ideal1 adjective intent1 adjective
lake noun ideal2 noun intent2 noun
lamp noun ideally adverb intercept verb
land1 noun identical adjective interface1 noun
land verb
2 identification noun interim1 adjective
landscape1 noun identity noun interior2 adjective
lane noun idiom noun interpreter noun
language noun idiot noun interrogation noun
laptop noun i.e. interviewer noun
large1 adjective ignorance noun intimate1 adjective
last1 determiner, adjective ignorant adjective intimidate verb
last2 adverb illustrate verb intolerable adjective
last3 noun, pronoun illustration noun intolerance noun
last4 verb imitate verb intricate adjective
last name noun imitation noun intrigue1 verb
late1 adjective immense adjective intrinsic adjective
late2 adverb immigrant noun introductory adjective
lately adverb immigrate verb introvert noun
later1 adverb immigration noun intrude verb
latest1 adjective implement1 verb intruder noun
laugh1 verb implication noun intrusion noun
laugh2 noun imply verb intuition noun
laughter noun import1 noun invalid1 adjective
laundry noun import2 verb invalidate verb
law noun importantly adverb invaluable adjective
lawn noun impose verb invariably adverb
lawyer noun impress verb inventory noun
lay2 verb impression noun inverted comma noun
layer1 noun impressive adjective invoice1 noun
lazy adjective improved adjective inward adjective
lead verb
1 inability noun ironic adjective
leader noun inadequate adjective ironically adverb
leaf1 noun inappropriate adjective irony noun
league noun inbox noun irrational adjective
learn verb incentive noun irregular1 adjective
least1 determiner, pronoun incident noun irresistible adjective
leather noun incorrect adjective irresponsible adjective
leave1 verb increasingly adverb isolate verb
lecture1 noun incredible adjective isolated adjective
left1 adjective incredibly adverb isolation noun
left2 adverb index1 noun itch1 verb
left3 noun indication noun itchy adjective
leg1 noun indirect adjective ivory noun
legal adjective individual1 adjective jargon noun
lemon1 noun individual2 noun jerk1 verb
lend verb individually adverb junior2 noun
length noun indoor adjective kite1 noun
less1 adverb indoors adverb knight1 noun
less2 determiner, pronoun inequality noun knitting noun
lesson noun inevitable adjective label2 verb
let1 verb inevitably adverb labour2 verb
let's infant1 noun labourer noun
letter1 noun infect verb lace1 noun
lettuce noun infection noun lag1 verb
level1 noun inferior1 adjective landmark noun
library noun infinite adjective landowner noun
licence noun infinitive noun large-scale adjective
lick verb
1 inflation noun lasting adjective
lid noun inflict verb last-minute adjective
lie1 verb influential adjective latter2 adjective
lie2 verb inform verb lavatory noun
lie3 noun ingredient noun lavish1 adjective
life noun inhabit verb lavish2 verb
lift1 verb inhabitant noun lawful adjective
lift2 noun inherit verb lawmaker noun
light1 noun initial1 adjective lawsuit noun
light2 adjective initial2 noun lay3 adjective
light3 verb initially adverb lease1 noun
like1 preposition initiative noun lease2 verb
like2 verb inject verb leash1 noun
like3 noun injection noun ledge noun
like4 conjunction injured adjective left-wing adjective
likely1 adjective ink1 noun legacy1 noun
limit1 noun inn noun legislative adjective
limit2 verb inner adjective legislator noun
limited adjective innocence noun legislature noun
line1 noun innocent1 adjective lender noun
link1 verb innovation noun lessen verb
link2 noun input1 noun lest conjunction
lion noun inquiry noun letdown noun
lip noun inspect verb level3 verb
liquid1 noun inspection noun lever1 noun
list1 noun inspector noun liability noun
list verb
2 inspiration noun liable adjective
listen1 verb inspire verb liaison noun
literature noun install verb libel1 noun
litre noun installation noun liberal1 adjective
litter1 noun instance1 noun liberal2 noun
little1 adjective instant1 adjective liberate verb
little2 determiner, pronoun instantly adverb licensed adjective
little3 adverb instinct noun lifelong adjective
live1 verb institute1 noun lifespan noun
living room noun institution noun likewise adverb
load1 noun instruct verb lime1 noun
load2 verb instructor noun linen noun
loaf1 noun insufficient adjective liner noun
loan1 noun insult1 verb linger verb
local1 adjective insult2 noun linguist noun
location noun insulting adjective linguistics noun
lock1 verb insure verb lining noun
lock2 noun intellectual1 adjective liquor noun
lonely adjective intense adjective listener noun
long1 adjective intensive adjective listing noun
long2 adverb intentional adjective literacy noun
look1 verb interact verb literal adjective
look2 noun interaction noun livestock noun
loose1 adjective interactive adjective living2 noun
lorry noun interfere verb lobby1 noun
lose verb interference noun lobby2 verb
loss noun interior1 noun locker noun
lost2 adjective internal adjective lodge1 verb
lot1 pronoun, adverb interpret verb lodge2 noun
lot2 noun interpretation noun loft1 noun
loud1 adjective interval noun logo noun
loud2 adverb intervene verb lonesome adjective
love1 verb intervention noun long-distance adjective
love2 noun interview2 verb loom1 verb
lovely adjective invade verb loosely adverb
low1 adjective invasion noun loosen verb
low2 adverb invest verb lottery noun
lower1 adjective investigator noun lounge2 verb
luck1 noun investment noun low3 noun
lucky adjective investor noun lucrative adjective
lunch1 noun invisible adjective lure1 verb
machine1 noun involvement noun lure2 noun
mad adjective irrelevant adjective lurk verb
magazine noun irritate verb luxurious adjective
magic1 noun irritated adjective lyric1 noun
magic2 adjective irritating adjective madam noun
mail1 noun issue2 verb magistrate noun
mail2 verb IT noun magnitude noun
main1 adjective jail2 verb maiden name noun
mainly adverb jam2 verb mainland noun
maintain verb jaw1 noun mainstream1 noun
major1 adjective jazz1 noun major2 noun
majority noun jealousy noun major3 verb
make1 verb jet1 noun man2 verb
male1 adjective jewel noun managerial adjective
male2 noun jewellery noun mandate1 noun
mall noun jigsaw noun mandatory adjective
man1 noun jog1 verb maniac noun
manage verb jogging noun manifest1 verb
management noun joint1 adjective manipulate verb
manager noun journal noun man-made adjective
manner noun journalism noun manoeuvre1 noun
many determiner, judgment noun manslaughter noun
pronoun, adjective judo noun manuscript noun
map1 noun jug noun map2 verb
March noun juggle verb maple noun
mark1 verb juicy adjective mar verb
mark2 noun jumper noun marginal adjective
market1 noun junction noun marital adjective
marriage noun jungle noun maritime adjective
married adjective jury noun markedly adverb
marry verb just2 adjective marketplace noun
massive adjective justification noun martyr1 noun
match1 noun justified adjective massacre1 noun
match2 verb justify verb massacre2 verb
material1 noun karate noun massage1 noun
math noun keen1 adjective mast noun
mathematics noun ketchup noun matching adjective
maths noun key2 adjective mate2 verb
matter1 noun key3 verb material2 adjective
matter2 verb kick2 noun maternal adjective
maximum1 adjective kid2 verb maternity1 adjective
maximum2 noun kidnap verb mature2 verb
may1 modal verb kidney noun maturity noun
May noun killer1 noun maximize verb
maybe adverb killing noun maze noun
mayor noun kindly1 adverb meadow noun
me pronoun kindness noun meaningless adjective
meal noun kingdom noun mediate verb
mean1 verb kit1 noun medication noun
mean2 adjective kneel verb meditation noun
meaning noun knit verb medium2 noun
meanwhile adverb knock2 noun meet2 noun
measure1 verb knot1 noun megabyte noun
measurement noun known2 adjective melody noun
meat noun labour1 noun memoir noun
medal1 noun lack2 verb menace1 noun
media noun lacking adjective mentality noun
medical1 adjective lad noun merchandise1 noun
medicine noun lamb1 noun merchant noun
medium1 adjective landing noun mere1 adjective
meet1 verb landlord noun merge verb
meeting noun lap1 noun merger noun
member noun largely adverb merit2 verb
membership noun laser noun messenger1 noun
memory noun lastly adverb metaphorical adjective
mental adjective latter1 noun meter1 noun
mention1 verb launch1 verb methodology noun
menu noun launch2 noun microscope noun
mess1 noun layout noun midst1 noun
message1 noun lead2 noun midway adjective, adverb
messy adjective leadership noun midwife noun
metal noun leading1 adjective might2 noun
method noun leaflet1 noun migrant noun
metre noun leak1 verb migrate verb
microwave1 noun leak2 noun migration noun
middle1 noun lean1 verb mildly adverb
middle2 adjective leap1 verb milestone noun
midnight noun leap2 noun militant adjective
might1 modal verb learner noun militia noun
mile noun learning noun millennium noun
military1 adjective least2 adverb mine3 verb
milk1 noun leave2 noun mingle verb
million number lecture2 verb miniature1 adjective
mind1 noun lecturer noun ministry noun
mind2 verb left-hand adjective minor2 noun
mine1 pronoun left-handed adjective minus2 noun
minimum1 adjective legalize verb minute2 adjective
minimum2 noun legally adverb mirror2 verb
minor1 adjective legend1 noun mischief noun
minority noun legendary adjective misfortune noun
minus1 preposition legislation noun mishap noun
minute1 noun legitimate1 adjective misjudge verb
mirror noun
1 leisure noun missile noun
miserable adjective leisure centre noun missionary1 noun
miss1 verb lemonade noun mistaken adjective
miss2 noun lengthy adjective mister noun
mistake1 noun lens noun misuse1 verb
mix1 verb lesser adjective mobility noun
mixture noun lethal adjective mobilize verb
mobile1 noun level2 adjective mock1 verb
mobile phone noun liar noun mode noun
model1 noun liberty noun moderately adverb
modern adjective librarian noun modernize verb
mom noun lifestyle noun modification noun
moment noun lifetime noun module noun
mommy noun lighting noun moist adjective
Monday noun lightly adverb mole noun
money noun lightning1 noun momentarily adverb
monkey1 noun like5 adverb momentary adjective
month noun likelihood noun momentum noun
mood noun likely2 adverb monarch noun
moon1 noun limb noun monarchy noun
more1 adverb limitation noun moral2 noun
more2 determiner, pronoun
line2 verb morale noun
morning1 noun linguistic adjective morality noun
morning2 interjection lipstick noun morally adverb
most1 adverb liquid2 adjective mortality noun
most2 determiner, pronoun
literally adverb mosaic noun
mostly adverb literary adjective mosquito noun
mother1 noun live2 adjective moss noun
motorway noun live3 adverb moth noun
mountain noun lively adjective motif noun
mouse1 noun liver noun motorist noun
moustache noun living1 adjective mould1 noun
mouth1 noun lizard noun mound noun
move1 verb loan2 verb mountainous adjective
move2 noun lobster noun mourn verb
movement noun locally adverb mug2 verb
movie noun locate verb multicultural adjective
movie theater noun log1 noun multinational1 adjective
Mr log2 verb multinational2 noun
Mrs logic noun multitude noun
Ms logical adjective mundane adjective
much1 adverb long3 verb municipal adjective
much2 determiner, long-term adjective murmur1 verb
pronoun loop1 noun muster1 verb
mum1 noun loser noun mutate verb
mummy noun lounge1 noun mutation noun
murder1 noun lover noun mutual adjective
murder2 verb loving adjective mutually adverb
muscle1 noun lower2 verb mystical adjective
museum noun loyal adjective mythology noun
mushroom1 noun loyalty noun naive adjective
music noun luckily adverb narrate verb
musical1 adjective luggage noun narrative noun
musician noun lump1 noun narrator noun
must1 modal verb lunchtime noun narrow2 verb
my1 determiner lung noun narrowly adverb
myself pronoun luxury noun nationalism noun
mystery1 noun machinery noun national park noun
myth noun madness noun native2 noun
nail1 noun magical adjective naval adjective
naked adjective magnet noun navigation noun
name1 noun magnetic adjective necessitate verb
name2 verb magnificent adjective needless adjective
narrow1 adjective maid noun needy adjective
nasty adjective mailbox noun negotiator noun
nation noun main clause noun neighbouring adjective
national1 adjective maintenance noun net2 adjective
natural1 adjective make2 noun newcomer noun
nature noun maker noun next of kin noun
near1 adverb, preposition make-up noun niche1 noun
near2 adjective mama1 noun nickname noun
nearby adjective mammal noun nightclub noun
nearly adverb mankind noun noble1 adjective
neat adjective mansion noun nominal adjective
necessarily adverb manual1 adjective nominate verb
necessary1 adjective manual2 noun nomination noun
neck1 noun manufacture1 verb nonstop adjective
necklace noun manufacturer noun norm noun
need1 verb manufacturing noun normality noun
need noun
2 marathon1 noun nostalgia noun
negative1 adjective marble noun nostalgic adjective
neighbour noun march1 verb nosy1 adjective
neither1 determiner, march2 noun notify verb
pronoun margarine noun notorious adjective
neither2 adverb margin noun notwithstandingpreposition,
neither3 conjunction marine adjective adverb
nephew noun marked adjective novelty noun
nervous adjective marker noun number2 verb
net1 noun marketing noun numerical adjective
network1 noun marvellous adjective nurse2 verb
never adverb masculine adjective nursery rhyme noun
new adjective mask1 noun nutrient noun
news noun mass1 noun nutrition noun
newspaper noun mass2 adjective nutritional adjective
next1 determiner, adjective
master1 noun oath noun
next2 adverb master2 verb obedience noun
next3 pronoun masterpiece noun obedient adjective
next door1 adverb mat1 noun obese adjective
next to preposition mate1 noun obesity noun
nice adjective mathematical adjective objective2 adjective
niece noun mattress noun obligatory adjective
night noun mature1 adjective oblige verb
nine number meaningful adjective obscene adjective
nineteen number means noun obscure1 adjective
ninety number meantime adverb obscure2 verb
ninth1 adjective measure2 noun obsess verb
no1 adverb mechanic noun obsession noun
no2 determiner mechanical adjective obstruction noun
nobody1 pronoun mechanism noun occupant noun
noise1 noun medieval adjective occupational adjective
noisy adjective melon noun occurrence noun
none1 pronoun melt verb oddly adverb
noon noun memorable adjective odour noun
no one pronoun memorial1 noun offset1 verb
nor conjunction, adverb memorize verb offspring noun
normal1 adjective mend1 verb omission noun
normally adverb mention2 noun oneself pronoun
north1 noun mentor1 noun only3 conjunction
north2 adjective mercy noun onset noun
north3 adverb merely adverb onwards adverb
northern adjective merit1 noun opaque adjective
nose1 noun merry adjective opening2 adjective
not adverb mess2 verb operational adjective
note1 noun metaphor noun oppression noun
notebook noun microphone noun oppressive adjective
nothing1 pronoun midday noun optical adjective
notice1 verb middle age noun optimal adjective
notice2 noun middle-aged adjective optimum adjective
noun noun middle class noun orbit1 verb
novel1 noun middle-class adjective orbit2 noun
November noun middle name noun orchard noun
now1 adverb mighty1 adjective ordeal noun
now2 conjunction mild1 adjective orderly1 adjective
nowhere adverb military2 noun organism noun
number1 noun mill1 noun orient1 verb
nurse1 noun millimetre noun orientation noun
nut1 noun millionaire noun ornament1 noun
obey verb mine2 noun orphan1 noun
object1 noun miner noun orthodox adjective
obtain verb mineral noun outburst noun
obvious adjective minimal adjective outgoing adjective
obviously adverb minimize verb outing noun
occasion1 noun mining noun out-of-date adjective
occasionally adverb minister1 noun outrage1 noun
occupation noun mint1 noun outrage2 verb
occur verb miracle noun outrageous adjective
ocean noun misery noun outright1 adjective
o'clock adverb mislead verb outset noun
October noun misleading adjective outsider noun
odd adjective missing adjective outskirts noun
of preposition mission noun outward adjective
of course adverb mist1 noun outwards adverb
off1 adverb, preposition, mistake2 verb outweigh verb
adjective misty adjective oval noun
offence noun misunderstand verb overcast adjective
offer1 verb misunderstanding noun overcrowded adjective
offer2 noun mix2 noun overdue adjective
office noun mixed adjective overestimate1 verb
officer noun moan1 verb overhear verb
official1 noun mob1 noun overlap1 verb
official2 adjective mobile2 adjective overlap2 noun
often adverb model2 adjective overly adverb
oil1 noun moderate1 adjective override verb
OK1 interjection modest adjective overseas2 adjective
OK2 adjective, adverb modify verb oversight noun
old adjective moisture noun overt adjective
old-fashioned adjective molecule noun overtake verb
on1 preposition monitor1 verb overthrow1 verb
on2 adjective, adverb monitor2 noun overtime noun
once1 adverb monopoly noun overview noun
once2 conjunction monster1 noun overwhelm verb
one1 number monthly1 adjective overwhelming adjective
one2 pronoun monument noun overwhelmingly adverb
one3 determiner moral1 adjective owing to preposition
one4 adjective moreover adverb packaging noun
onion noun mortgage1 noun packed adjective
online adjective mosque noun pact noun
only1 adverb motel noun paddle1 noun
only2 adjective mother-in-law noun painfully adverb
onto preposition motion1 noun painkiller noun
open1 adjective motivate verb painless adjective
open2 verb motivation noun painstaking adjective
operate verb motive1 noun paintbrush noun
operation noun motor1 noun pamphlet noun
opinion noun motorcycle noun pant verb
opponent noun mount1 verb paperback noun
opportunity noun mount2 noun paperwork noun
opposite1 preposition movie star noun parachute1 noun
opposite2 adjective moving adjective paradigm noun
option noun MP noun paradox noun
or conjunction mud noun paradoxically adverb
orange1 noun muddy1 adjective parallel2 noun
orange2 adjective mug1 noun parameter noun
order1 noun multiple1 adjective paramount adjective
order2 verb multiply verb paraphrase1 verb
ordinary adjective mumble verb paraphrase2 noun
organization noun murderer noun parental adjective
organize verb muscular adjective parenthesis noun
origin noun musical2 noun parliamentary adjective
original1 adjective mustard noun parody1 noun
originally adverb mutter verb part2 verb
other determiner, mysterious adjective partial adjective
adjective, pronoun namely adverb partially adverb
otherwise adverb nap1 noun particle noun
ought to modal verb nationality noun pastime noun
ounce noun nationally adverb patriotic adjective
our determiner nationwide adjective patrol1 verb
ours pronoun native1 adjective patrol2 noun
ourselves pronoun native speaker noun patron noun
out1 adverb naturally adverb patronizing adjective
out2 preposition naughty adjective PC2 adjective
outside1 adverb, navy noun peak2 verb
preposition near3 verb peak3 adjective
outside2 adjective necessity noun pebble noun
outside3 noun necktie noun peg1 noun
oven noun needle1 noun pending1 preposition
over1 preposition neglect1 verb penetrate verb
over2 adverb, adjective neglect2 noun peninsula noun
owe verb negotiate verb per annum adverb
own1 adjective, pronoun negotiation noun perch1 verb
own2 verb neighbourhood noun perfect2 verb
owner noun nerve1 noun perfection noun
pack1 verb nest1 noun peril noun
pack2 noun neutral1 adjective periodic adjective
package1 noun nevertheless adverb peripheral1 adjective
packet noun newly adverb perpetual adjective
page1 noun newsletter noun perpetuate verb
pain1 noun New Year noun persecution noun
painful adjective New Year's Day noun persistence noun
paint1 noun New Year's Eve noun persistent adjective
paint2 verb nicely adverb persuasion noun
painting noun nightmare noun persuasive adjective
pair1 noun nitrogen noun pessimistic adjective
pan1 noun nod1 verb pest noun
pancake noun nod2 noun pesticide noun
pants1 noun nonetheless adverb petition1 noun
paper1 noun non-fiction noun petty adjective
paper2 adjective nonsense noun pharmaceuticaladjective
paragraph noun northeast1 noun phenomenal adjective
pardon1 interjection northeast2 adjective philosopher noun
parent1 noun northwest1 noun philosophical adjective
park1 noun northwest2 adjective physicist noun
park2 verb notable adjective pianist noun
parking noun notably adverb pick2 noun
parking lot noun note2 verb picturesque adjective
parliament noun noticeable adjective piece2 verb
part1 noun noticeboard noun pier noun
particular1 adjective notion noun pierce verb
particularly adverb novel2 adjective pigeon noun
partly adverb novelist noun pile2 verb
partner1 noun nowadays adverb pilgrimage noun
party1 noun nuclear adjective pinch1 verb
pass1 verb nude1 adjective pioneer1 noun
pass2 noun nuisance noun pioneer2 verb
passenger noun numb1 adjective pipeline noun
password noun numerous adjective pirate1 noun
past1 adjective nursery noun pitch2 verb
past2 preposition, adverb nursing noun placement noun
past3 noun nylon noun plagiarism noun
pasta noun oak noun plagiarize verb
path noun object2 verb plague1 noun
patient1 noun objection noun plainly adverb
patient2 adjective objective1 noun planner noun
pattern1 noun obligation noun plantation noun
pause1 verb observation noun plaque noun
pause noun
2 observe verb plaster1 noun
pay1 verb observer noun plateau1 noun
pay2 noun obsolete adjective plausible adjective
payment noun obstacle noun playwright noun
pea noun occasional adjective plea noun
peace noun occupy verb pledge1 noun
peach1 noun odds noun pledge2 verb
peanut noun offend verb plight1 noun
pear noun offender noun plot2 verb
pen1 noun offensive1 adjective pluck1 verb
pencil1 noun officially adverb plump1 adjective
penny noun old age noun plunge1 verb
people1 noun olive noun plus3 adjective
pepper1 noun olive oil noun plus4 conjunction
per preposition omit verb poetic adjective
percent1 adjective, adverb one another pronoun pointer noun
percent2 noun ongoing adjective pointless adjective
perfect1 adjective opening1 noun poised adjective
perfectly adverb openly adverb poison2 verb
perform verb opera noun police2 verb
performance noun operator noun ponder verb
perhaps adverb oppose verb portfolio noun
period1 noun opposed adjective portrayal noun
permanent1 adjective opposite3 noun posh1 adjective
permission noun opposition noun position2 verb
person noun opt verb positively adverb
personal adjective optimism noun posture noun
personality noun optimistic adjective potent adjective
personally adverb optional adjective poultry noun
persuade verb oral1 adjective pounce verb
pet1 noun orchestra noun pound2 verb
petrol noun organ noun power2 verb
pharmacy noun organic adjective powerless adjective
philosophy noun organized adjective pragmatic adjective
phone1 noun original2 noun prawn noun
phone2 verb originate verb preach verb
photo noun outbreak noun preacher noun
photograph1 noun outcome noun precaution noun
phrase1 noun outdoor adjective precede verb
physical1 adjective outdoors1 adverb precedent noun
physics noun outer adjective precision1 noun
piano1 noun outfit1 noun preclude verb
pick1 verb outlet noun predator noun
picnic1 noun outline1 noun predecessor noun
picture1 noun outline2 verb predeterminedadjective
pie noun outlook noun preface1 noun
piece1 noun output1 noun preferable adjective
pig1 noun outstanding adjective preferably adverb
pile1 noun overall1 adjective preliminary1 adjective
pill1 noun overall2 adverb premature adjective
pillow1 noun overcome verb premier1 adjective
pilot1 noun overhead1 adverb premium1 noun
pin1 noun overlook verb preoccupation noun
pink1 adjective overnight1 adverb presenter noun
pink2 noun overnight2 adjective presently adverb
pipe1 noun overseas1 adverb preservation noun
pizza noun overturn verb presidency noun
place1 noun overweight adjective pressing1 adjective
plain1 adjective owl noun prestige1 noun
plan1 noun ownership noun prestigious adjective
plan2 verb oxygen noun presumption noun
plane1 noun pace1 noun pretentious adjective
planet noun pad1 noun prevail verb
plant1 noun painter noun prevailing adjective
plastic1 adjective palace noun prevalence noun
plastic2 noun pale1 adjective prevalent adjective
plate1 noun palm1 noun priceless adjective
play1 verb panel noun prime1 adjective
play2 noun panic1 noun prime2 noun
player noun panic2 verb principally adverb
playground noun parade1 noun prioritize verb
please1 interjection paradise noun privately adverb
please2 verb parallel1 adjective prize2 verb
pleased adjective parcel1 noun probe1 verb
pleasure noun pardon2 verb problematic adjective
plenty1 pronoun pardon3 noun proceeding noun
plug1 noun parrot1 noun proceeds noun
plug2 verb participant noun procession noun
plural1 noun participate verb processor noun
plural2 adjective participation noun proclaim verb
plus1 preposition participle noun produce2 noun
p.m. particular2 noun productivity noun
pocket1 noun partnership noun profit2 verb
poem noun part of speech noun profoundly adverb
poet noun part-time adjective programmer noun
poetry noun passage noun programming noun
point1 noun passing1 noun progression noun
point2 verb passing2 adjective progressive1 adjective
pole1 noun passion noun progressively adverb
police1 noun passionate adjective prohibition noun
policeman noun passive1 adjective projection noun
police officer noun passive2 noun prolong verb
policy noun passport noun prolonged adjective
polish1 verb paste1 verb prominence noun
polish2 noun paste2 noun prominent adjective
polite adjective past participle noun promising adjective
political adjective pastry noun prompt3 noun
politician noun pat1 verb promptly adverb
politics noun patch1 noun prophet noun
pool1 noun pathetic adjective proponent noun
poor adjective patience noun proposition1 noun
popcorn noun pavement noun prose noun
popular1 adjective paw1 noun prosecutor noun
population noun PC1 noun prospective adjective
porch noun PE noun prospectus noun
pork noun peaceful adjective prosper verb
port1 noun peak noun
1 prosperity noun
position1 noun pearl noun prosperous adjective
positive1 adjective peculiar adjective protective adjective
possibility noun pedal1 noun protocol noun
possible1 adjective pedestrian1 noun prototype noun
possibly adverb pedestrian crossingnoun proven1 adjective
post1 noun peel1 verb provider noun
post2 verb peel2 noun provincial1 adjective
postcard noun peer1 noun provisional adjective
poster noun peer2 verb provocative adjective
post office noun penalty noun proximity noun
pot1 noun penguin noun prudent adjective
potato noun pension1 noun publication noun
potential1 adjective pensioner noun puff1 verb
pound1 noun perceive verb pull2 noun
pour verb percentage noun pulse1 noun
power1 noun perception noun punitive adjective
powerful adjective performer noun puppet noun
practical1 adjective perfume1 noun purchase2 noun
practice noun permanently adverb purity noun
practise verb permit1 verb pursuit noun
praise1 verb permit2 noun pyramid noun
praise2 noun persist verb quaint adjective
prayer noun personnel noun qualitative adjective
predict verb perspective noun quantify verb
prefer verb petal noun quantitative adjective
prepare verb phase noun
1 quarterly1 adjective, adverb
preposition noun phenomenon noun query2 verb
present1 adjective photocopy1 noun quest noun
present2 verb photocopy2 verb questionable adjective
present3 noun photograph2 verb queue2 verb
President noun photographer noun quilt noun
press1 noun photographic adjective quota noun
press2 verb photography noun racing1 noun
pressure1 noun phrasal verb noun racist noun
pretend1 verb physically adverb radar noun
pretty1 adverb physician noun radiation noun
pretty2 adjective picture2 verb radical2 noun
prevent verb pillar noun radically adverb
previous adjective pin2 verb radioactive adjective
previously adverb pine1 noun radius noun
price1 noun pineapple noun raft noun
pride1 noun pint noun rag1 noun
priest noun pistol noun rain forest noun
prince noun pit1 noun raise2 noun
princess noun pitch1 noun rally1 noun
principle noun pity1 noun ramp1 noun
print1 verb pity2 verb rate2 verb
printer noun place2 verb ration1 noun
prison noun plain2 noun rationale noun
prisoner noun plant2 verb rattle1 verb
private1 adjective platform noun ray noun
prize1 noun plead verb razor noun
probably adverb pleasant adjective reach2 noun
problem noun plot1 noun reactor noun
process1 noun plum1 noun real estate noun
produce1 verb plumber noun realism noun
producer noun plus2 noun realist noun
product noun podcast1 noun realization noun
production noun pointed adjective realm noun
professional1 adjective point of view noun reap verb
professor noun poison1 noun reappear verb
profit1 noun poisonous adjective rear3 verb
program1 noun poke1 verb reason2 verb
programme1 noun police station noun reasoning noun
progress1 noun politically adverb reassurance noun
project1 noun poll1 noun rebel2 verb
promise1 verb pollute verb rebellious adjective
promise2 noun pollution noun rebuild verb
pronoun noun pond noun rebuke verb
pronounce verb pony1 noun recede verb
pronunciation noun poorly1 adverb recession noun
proper1 adjective poorly2 adjective recipient noun
properly adverb pop1 verb reciprocal adjective
property noun pop2 noun recite verb
protect verb popularity noun reckless adjective
protection noun portable1 adjective reclaim verb
proud adjective portion1 noun recollection noun
prove verb portrait1 noun reconcile verb
provide verb portray verb reconciliation noun
pub noun pose1 verb reconsider verb
public1 adjective possess verb reconstruct verb
public2 noun possession noun reconstruction noun
publish verb postcode noun recount1 verb
pudding noun postpone verb recreate verb
pull1 verb potential2 noun recruit2 noun
punch1 verb potentially adverb rectangular adjective
punishment noun pottery noun rectify verb
pupil noun poverty noun recur verb
puppy noun powder1 noun recurrence noun
pure adjective practically adverb redeem verb
purple1 noun pray1 verb referendum noun
purple2 adjective precious1 adjective refine verb
purpose noun precise adjective refrain1 verb
purse1 noun precisely adverb refresh verb
push1 verb predictable adjective refreshment noun
put verb prediction noun refuge noun
puzzle1 noun predominantly adverb refund2 verb
quality1 noun preference noun regime noun
quantity noun pregnancy noun regiment1 noun
quarter1 noun pregnant adjective regret2 noun
queen1 noun prejudice1 noun regulate verb
question1 noun prejudiced adjective rehearsal noun
question2 verb premise noun rehearse verb
quick1 adjective preparation noun reign1 noun
quick2 interjection prepared adjective reign2 verb
quickly adverb prescribe verb reiterate verb
quiet1 adjective prescription noun relay1 noun
quietly adverb presence noun relentless adjective
quite predeterminer, presentation noun reliant adjective
adverb present participle noun relic noun
quiz1 noun present perfect noun relish1 verb
rabbit1 noun present tense noun relocate verb
race1 noun preserve1 verb reluctance noun
race2 verb presidential adjective remainder noun
radio1 noun presumably adverb remedy2 verb
rail1 noun presume verb reminiscent adjective
railway noun prevention noun remnant noun
railway station noun price2 verb remote control noun
rain1 noun primarily adverb render verb
rain2 verb primary1 adjective renew verb
rainy adjective primary school noun renewable adjective
raise1 verb Prime Minister noun renewal noun
range1 noun primitive1 adjective renewed adjective
rank1 noun principal1 adjective renowned adjective
rank2 verb principal2 noun reopen verb
rare adjective print2 noun repayment noun
rarely adverb prior1 adjective repeated adjective
raspberry noun priority1 noun repertoire noun
rate1 noun privacy noun replay1 noun
rather predeterminer, privilege1 noun replicate verb
adverb privileged adjective reported speech noun
raw1 adjective pro1 noun representative2adjective
reach1 verb probability noun repress verb
react verb probable1 adjective repression noun
reaction noun procedure noun reproduce verb
read1 verb proceed verb reproduction noun
reader noun process2 verb repulsive adjective
reading noun productive adjective resemblance noun
ready1 adjective profession noun resemble verb
real1 adjective professional2 noun resent verb
real2 adverb profile1 noun resentment noun
reality noun profitable adjective reserved adjective
realize verb profound adjective reside verb
really adverb progress2 verb residence noun
reason1 noun prohibit verb resident2 adjective
reasonable adjective promote verb residual adjective
receipt noun promotion noun residue noun
receive verb prompt1 verb resistant adjective
recent adjective prompt2 adjective resolution noun
recently adverb prone adjective resolve2 noun
recipe noun proof1 noun resort2 verb
recognize verb propaganda noun respectful adjective
recommend verb proportion1 noun responsive adjective
record1 noun proposal noun restless adjective
record2 verb propose verb restrain verb
recover verb proposed adjective restraint noun
rectangle noun prosecute verb restricted adjective
red1 adjective prosecution noun restrictive adjective
red2 noun prospect1 noun restructure verb
reduce verb protein noun retail1 noun
reduction noun protest1 noun retailer noun
refer verb protest2 verb retention noun
reference1 noun protester noun retort1 verb
reflect verb proverb noun retreat1 verb
refrigerator noun provided conjunction retreat2 noun
refuse1 verb providing conjunction retrieve verb
region noun province noun reunion noun
regional adjective provision1 noun revelation noun
regular1 adjective provoke verb revenue noun
regularly adverb PS noun reversal noun
relate verb psychiatric adjective reverse2 noun
related adjective psychiatrist noun reverse3 adjective
relation noun psychological adjective revert verb
relationship noun psychologist noun reviewer noun
relative1 noun psychology noun revision noun
relax verb public holiday noun revival noun
relaxed adjective publicity noun revive verb
release1 verb publicly adverb revolt1 noun
relevant adjective public transport noun revolting adjective
religion noun publisher noun revolutionary1 adjective
religious adjective publishing noun revolutionize verb
rely verb puddle noun revolve verb
remain verb pump1 noun rewarding adjective
remark1 noun pump2 verb rewrite verb
remember verb pumpkin noun rhetoric noun
remind verb pun1 noun rhyme1 noun
remove1 verb punch2 noun rhyme2 verb
rent1 verb punctuation noun rhythmic adjective
rent2 noun punctuation mark noun ridge noun
repeat1 verb punish verb rift noun
replace verb purchase1 verb right angle noun
reply1 verb purely adverb right-wing adjective
reply2 noun pursue verb rigorous adjective
report1 noun push2 noun rim1 noun
report2 verb puzzle2 verb rising1 adjective
reporter noun puzzled adjective rite noun
represent verb puzzling adjective ritual1 noun
republic noun pyjamas noun ritual2 adjective
request1 noun qualification noun rival2 verb
require verb qualified adjective rivalry noun
requirement noun qualify verb roam verb
research1 noun quarrel1 noun roar2 noun
reservation noun quarrel2 verb robust adjective
reserve1 verb query1 noun rock2 verb
resource1 noun question mark noun rocky adjective
respect1 noun questionnaire noun rod noun
respect2 verb queue1 noun role model noun
respond verb quick3 adverb room2 verb
response noun quit verb rotate verb
responsibility noun quotation noun rotation noun
responsible adjective quotation mark noun round4 verb
rest noun
1 quote1 verb routinely adverb
rest2 verb quote2 noun rugged adjective
restaurant noun racial adjective ruling1 noun
result1 noun racism noun rust1 noun
return1 verb rack1 noun rusty adjective
return2 noun racket noun ruthless adjective
reveal1 verb radiator noun safe2 noun
review1 noun radical1 adjective safeguard1 verb
review2 verb rage1 noun safeguard2 noun
reward1 noun raid1 noun salon noun
rice noun raid2 verb sanction1 noun
rich adjective railroad1 noun sanction2 verb
ride1 verb rainbow noun sanctuary noun
ride2 noun raincoat noun sane adjective
right1 adjective ranch noun sarcasm noun
right2 adverb random adjective sarcastic adjective
right3 noun range2 verb satire noun
right4 interjection rape1 verb savage1 adjective
ring1 noun rape2 noun scare2 noun
ring2 verb rapid adjective scarlet adjective
rise1 verb rapidly adverb scenario noun
rise2 noun rat1 noun scent1 noun
risk1 noun rating noun sceptical adjective
river noun ratio noun scepticism noun
road noun rational adjective scholar noun
rock1 noun readily adverb scholarship noun
role noun realistic adjective scoop1 noun
roll1 verb rear1 adjective scoop2 verb
roof1 noun rear2 noun scorch1 verb
room1 noun reasonably adverb scowl1 verb
root1 noun reassure verb scrawl1 verb
rope1 noun reassuring adjective screech verb
rose1 noun rebel1 noun scribble1 verb
rough1 adjective rebellion noun scrutiny noun
roughly adverb recall1 verb secrecy noun
round1 adverb, preposition receiver noun sect noun
round2 adjective reception noun secular adjective
route1 noun receptionist noun seduce verb
row1 noun reckon verb seemingly adverb
royal1 adjective recognition noun segment1 noun
rub1 verb recommendation noun segregated adjective
rubbish1 noun recorder noun segregation noun
rude adjective recording noun seizure noun
rug noun recovery noun select2 adjective
rugby noun recreation noun selective adjective
rule1 noun recruit1 verb semantic adjective
rule2 verb recruitment noun senate noun
ruler noun recycle verb senior2 noun
run1 verb recycling noun senior citizen noun
run2 noun redundant adjective sensational adjective
running1 noun referee1 noun sensitivity noun
rush1 verb reflection noun sensor noun
sad adjective reform1 noun sentiment noun
safe1 adjective reform2 verb sentimental adjective
safety noun refugee noun sequel noun
sail1 verb refund1 noun sergeant noun
salad noun refusal noun sermon noun
salary noun regain verb set3 adjective
sale noun regard1 noun setback noun
salt1 noun regard2 verb settler noun
same1 adjective regarding preposition set-up noun
same2 pronoun regardless adverb sever verb
same3 adverb register1 noun sewing noun
sample1 noun register2 verb sexism noun
sand1 noun registration noun sexy adjective
sandwich1 noun regret1 verb shabby adjective
satisfied adjective regulation1 noun shaky adjective
Saturday noun reinforce verb shareholder noun
sauce noun reject1 verb sharpen verb
sausage noun rejection noun shell2 verb
save1 verb relative2 adjective shelter2 verb
say1 verb relative clause noun ship2 verb
scale1 noun relatively adverb shipment noun
scare1 verb relaxation noun shoplifting noun
scared adjective relaxing adjective short3 adverb
scarf1 noun release2 noun shortcoming noun
scary adjective relevance noun short cut noun
scene noun reliable adjective shorten verb
schedule1 noun relief noun shortfall noun
schedule2 verb relieve verb short-lived adjective
scheme1 noun relieved adjective shove1 verb
school1 noun reluctant adjective shovel2 verb
science noun remaining adjective shrewd adjective
scientific adjective remains noun shriek1 verb
scientist noun remark2 verb shrimp noun
scissors noun remarkable adjective shrub noun
score1 noun remarkably adverb shudder1 verb
score2 verb remedy1 noun shuffle1 verb
scratch1 verb reminder noun shutdown noun
scream1 verb remote1 adjective shuttle1 noun
scream2 noun removal noun sibling noun
screen1 noun rental noun side effect noun
screw1 noun repair1 verb sideways adverb
sea noun repair2 noun signal2 verb
search1 noun repay verb signify verb
search2 verb repeat2 noun silence2 verb
season1 noun repeatedly adverb simile noun
seat1 noun repetition noun simplicity noun
second1 number replacement noun simplify verb
second2 noun representation noun simplistic adjective
second3 adverb representative1 noun simulate verb
secret1 adjective reputation noun simulated adjective
secret2 noun request2 verb simulation noun
secretary noun rescue1 verb simultaneous adjective
section1 noun rescue2 noun sincere adjective
secure1 verb research2 verb sincerely adverb
security noun researcher noun sinister adjective
see1 verb reserve2 noun site2 verb
seed1 noun reservoir noun skeleton noun
seek verb resident1 noun skinny adjective
seem verb residential adjective slab noun
select1 verb resign verb slaughter1 verb
selection noun resignation noun slaughter2 noun
self noun resist verb slavery noun
sell1 verb resistance noun slender adjective
semester noun resolve1 verb slum1 noun
send verb resort1 noun slump1 verb
senior1 adjective respectable adjective slump2 noun
sense1 noun respective adjective smog noun
sentence1 noun respectively adverb smoothly adverb
separate1 adjective restoration noun smuggle verb
separate2 verb restore verb snail noun
September noun restrict verb snatch1 verb
series noun restriction noun sneak1 verb
serious adjective result2 verb sneaky adjective
seriously adverb resume1 verb snob noun
serve1 verb resume2 noun snore verb
service1 noun retain verb snort1 verb
set1 verb retire verb snowman noun
set2 noun retired adjective soap opera noun
settle verb retirement noun soar verb
seven number revenge1 noun sober1 adjective
seventeen number reverse1 verb socialism noun
seventh1 adjective revise verb socialist1 adjective
seventy number revolution noun sociology noun
several1 determiner, reward2 verb socket noun
pronoun rhythm noun solar system noun
severe adjective rib1 noun sole2 noun
sew verb ribbon noun solemn adjective
sex1 noun rid1 adjective solid2 noun
sexual adjective rider noun solidarity noun
shadow1 noun ridiculous adjective solitary1 adjective
shake1 verb rifle1 noun soothe verb
shall modal verb right-hand adjective soppy adjective
shallow adjective right-handed adjective sorrow1 noun
shame1 noun rightly adverb sovereign1 noun
shampoo1 noun rigid adjective sovereign2 adjective
shape1 noun rinse1 verb spa noun
share1 verb riot1 noun spare2 verb
share2 noun rip1 verb spark1 noun
sharp1 adjective ripe adjective spark2 verb
shave1 verb risk2 verb speciality noun
she1 pronoun risky adjective specialize verb
sheep noun rival1 noun specialized adjective
sheet noun roar1 verb special needs noun
shelf noun roast1 verb specification noun
shell1 noun roast2 adjective specimen noun
shine1 verb rob verb spectacle noun
ship1 noun robber noun spectrum noun
shirt noun robbery noun speculate verb
shock1 noun robe noun speculation noun
shock2 verb robot noun speed2 verb
shocked adjective rocket1 noun spell2 noun
shocking adjective roll2 noun spike1 noun
shoe1 noun romance1 noun spiral1 noun
shoot1 verb romantic1 adjective split2 noun
shop1 noun roommate noun sponsor1 noun
shop2 verb rot1 verb sponsor2 verb
shopping noun rotten1 adjective sponsorship noun
shopping centre noun round3 noun spontaneous adjective
shore1 noun routine1 noun spotlight1 noun
short1 adjective routine2 adjective spouse noun
shortly adverb row2 verb sprain verb
shot1 noun rubber noun sprawl1 verb
should modal verb rucksack noun spreadsheet noun
shoulder1 noun ruin1 verb sprinkle1 verb
shout1 verb ruin2 noun squash2 noun
shout2 noun rumour noun squat1 verb
show1 verb runner noun squeal1 verb
show2 noun runway noun stability noun
shower1 noun rural adjective stabilize verb
shut1 verb rush2 noun stack1 noun
shut2 adjective rush hour noun stack2 verb
sick1 adjective sack1 noun stain1 verb
side1 noun sacred adjective stain2 noun
side2 adjective sacrifice1 noun stake1 noun
sidewalk noun sacrifice2 verb stamina noun
sight1 noun saddle1 noun stance noun
sign1 noun sadly adverb standardize verb
sign2 verb sadness noun standard of living noun
signal1 noun safely adverb standpoint noun
significant adjective sail2 noun startle verb
silence1 noun sailor noun statesman noun
silent adjective saint noun static1 adjective
silly1 adjective sake1 noun stationary adjective
silver1 noun salesman noun statute noun
silver2 adjective salesperson noun statutory adjective
similar adjective salmon noun stern1 adjective
simple adjective salty adjective stigma noun
simply adverb sample2 verb stimulate verb
since preposition, sandal noun stimulating adjective
conjunction, adverb satellite noun stimulus noun
sing verb satisfaction noun stipulate verb
singer noun satisfactory adjective stitch1 noun
single1 adjective satisfy verb stock market noun
singular1 adjective satisfying adjective storey noun
singular2 noun saucepan noun storm2 verb
sink1 verb saucer noun story line noun
sink2 noun saving noun straighten verb
sir noun saw2 noun strait noun
sister noun saw3 verb strand noun
sit verb say2 noun stray1 verb
site1 noun saying noun stray2 adjective
situation noun scan1 verb stream2 verb
six number scan2 noun stressful adjective
sixteen number scandal noun stretch2 noun
sixth1 adjective scanner noun stride1 noun
sixty number scar1 noun stride2 verb
size1 noun scarce1 adjective striking adjective
skating noun scarcely adverb strive verb
skiing noun scatter verb stroll verb
skilful adjective scenery noun structural adjective
skill noun science fiction noun structure2 verb
skin1 noun scooter noun stuffed adjective
skirt1 noun scope1 noun stumble verb
sky noun scout1 noun stunned adjective
sleep1 verb scramble1 verb stunning adjective
sleep2 noun scrap1 noun sturdy adjective
sleepy adjective scrape1 verb stylish adjective
slice1 noun scratch2 noun subject2 adjective
slide1 verb screen2 verb subject3 verb
slight1 adjective screw2 verb subjective adjective
slightly adverb script noun sublime1 adjective
slip1 verb scrub1 verb submission noun
slot1 noun sculpture noun subordinate1 adjective
slow1 adjective seafood noun subordinate2 noun
slow2 verb seal1 noun subscribe verb
slowly adverb seal2 verb subscription noun
small1 adjective search engine noun subsection noun
smart1 adjective seat2 verb subside verb
smell1 noun seat belt noun subsidiary1 noun
smell2 verb secondary adjective subsidiary2 adjective
smile1 verb second-hand adjective subsidize verb
smile2 noun secondly adverb subsidy noun
smoke1 noun secretly adverb substantially adverb
smoke2 verb sector noun substantive1 adjective
smoking noun secure2 adjective subtitle noun
smooth1 adjective seize verb succession noun
snack1 noun seldom adverb successive adjective
snake1 noun selfish adjective successor noun
snap1 verb seller noun sue verb
sneeze1 verb semicolon noun suffering noun
snow1 noun seminar noun suffice verb
snow2 verb senator noun suicide noun
snowy adjective sensation noun suitably adverb
so1 adverb sense2 verb suite noun
so2 conjunction sensible adjective sum2 verb
soap1 noun sensitive adjective summarize verb
soccer noun sentence2 verb summit noun
social1 adjective separation noun summon verb
society noun sequence noun superficial adjective
sock1 noun servant noun superior2 noun
soda noun server noun superiority noun
sofa noun service2 verb superstition noun
soft adjective session noun superstitious adjective
software noun setting noun supervise verb
soil1 noun settlement noun supervision noun
soldier1 noun severely adverb supervisor noun
solid1 adjective sexuality noun supplement1 noun
solution noun shade1 noun supplement2 verb
solve verb shake2 noun supplementaryadjective
some1 determiner shape2 verb supportive adjective
some2 pronoun shark noun supposed adjective
some3 adverb sharply adverb supposedly adverb
somebody1 pronoun shatter verb suppress verb
somehow adverb shed1 noun supreme adjective
someone1 pronoun shed2 verb supremely adverb
something pronoun sheer1 adjective surf1 verb
sometime1 adverb shelter1 noun surge1 verb
sometimes adverb sheriff noun surge2 noun
somewhat adverb shield1 noun surgical adjective
somewhere adverb shield2 verb surpass verb
son noun shift1 verb surplus1 noun
song noun shift2 noun surplus2 adjective
soon adverb shiny adjective surrender2 noun
sore1 adjective shiver1 verb survey2 verb
sorry adjective shooting noun susceptible adjective
sort1 noun shop assistant noun suspect2 noun
sort2 verb shopper noun suspend verb
sound1 noun short2 noun suspension noun
sound2 verb shortage noun sustainable adjective
soup1 noun short-term adjective swamp1 noun
sour1 adjective shovel1 noun swear word noun
source1 noun shrink1 verb sweeping adjective
south1 noun shrug1 verb swell1 verb
south2 adjective shy1 adjective swift1 adjective
south3 adverb sickness noun swirl1 verb
southern adjective siege noun symbolic adjective
space1 noun sigh1 verb symbolism noun
spaghetti noun sigh2 noun symbolize verb
speak verb sightseeing noun symmetrical adjective
speaker noun signature noun symmetry noun
special1 adjective significance noun symphony noun
specific1 adjective significantly adverb symptom noun
speech noun silk noun syndrome noun
speed1 noun similarity noun synonym noun
spell1 verb similarly adverb synonymous adjective
spelling noun sin1 noun syntax noun
spend1 verb single2 noun synthesis noun
spicy adjective sip1 verb synthetic adjective
spider noun sister-in-law noun systematic adjective
spill1 verb situated adjective tact noun
spin1 verb skate1 noun tactical adjective
spirit1 noun skate2 verb tailor1 verb
splash1 verb skateboard noun takeover noun
split1 verb sketch1 noun tangible adjective
spoil1 verb sketch2 verb target2 verb
spoon1 noun ski1 noun tariff noun
sport1 noun ski2 verb tax2 verb
spot1 noun skilled adjective taxation noun
spray1 verb skip1 verb taxpayer noun
spray2 noun skull noun team-mate noun
spread1 verb slam1 verb teamwork noun
spring1 noun slap1 verb technically adverb
square1 adjective slash1 verb tedious adjective
square2 noun slash2 noun telecommunicationsnoun
squeeze1 verb slave1 noun televise verb
stadium noun sleeve noun telly noun
staff1 noun slice2 verb temperament noun
stage1 noun slide2 noun tender1 adjective
stair noun slim1 adjective tentative adjective
stamp1 noun slip2 noun term2 verb
stand1 verb slippery adjective terminology noun
stand2 noun slogan noun terrain noun
standard1 noun slope1 noun territorial adjective
standard2 adjective smash1 verb testify verb
star1 noun smoker noun testimony noun
stare1 verb smooth2 verb thankfully adverb
start1 verb sneaker noun theatrical adjective
start2 noun sniff1 verb theoretically adverb
state1 noun snowstorm noun theorist noun
statement1 noun soak1 verb therapeutic adjective
station1 noun sob verb thereafter adverb
stay1 verb so-called adjective thereby adverb
steak noun socially adverb thesis noun
steal1 verb social networking noun thickness noun
step1 noun soft drink noun thinker noun
step2 verb soften verb thorn noun
stick1 verb solar adjective thoughtful adjective
stick2 noun sold out adjective thoughtless adjective
sticker noun sole1 adjective three-dimensionaladjective
still1 adverb solely adverb threshold noun
still2 adjective solicitor noun thrive verb
stir1 verb solo1 noun thrust2 noun
stock1 noun someday adverb thug noun
stomach1 noun songwriter noun thump1 verb
stomachache noun son-in-law noun thwart verb
stone1 noun sophisticated adjective tier noun
stool noun so-so adjective, adverb tilt1 verb
stop1 verb soul noun time-consumingadjective
stop2 noun sound3 adjective timeless adjective
store1 noun southeast1 noun timely adjective
store2 verb southeast2 adjective timescale noun
storm1 noun southwest1 noun tiptoe1 noun
stormy adjective southwest2 adjective tiptoe2 verb
story noun souvenir noun tire1 verb
straight1 adverb sow1 verb tiresome adjective
straight2 adjective space2 verb titled adjective
strange1 adjective spacious adjective toddler noun
strawberry noun spade noun toenail noun
stream1 noun spare1 adjective token1 noun
street1 noun sparkle1 verb token2 adjective
strength noun specialist noun toll1 noun
stress1 noun specially adverb tomb noun
stress2 verb species noun top3 verb
stretch1 verb specifically adverb topple verb
strike1 verb specify verb torture1 noun
strike2 noun spectacular1 adjective torture2 verb
string1 noun spectator noun touchdown noun
strip1 noun spending noun touching1 adjective
strong adjective sphere noun tout1 verb
structure1 noun spice1 noun tow1 verb
student noun spine noun toy2 verb
studio noun spiritual1 adjective track2 verb
study1 noun spit1 verb tract noun
study2 verb spite1 noun tractor noun
stuff1 noun splash2 noun trader noun
stupid1 adjective splendid adjective trading noun
style1 noun spoken2 adjective traffic2 verb
subject1 noun spokesman noun traitor noun
substance noun spokesperson noun tram noun
succeed verb spokeswoman noun transaction noun
success noun sponge1 noun transcend verb
successful adjective sports car noun transcript noun
such determiner, sports centre noun transformation noun
predeterminer, pronoun spot2 verb transit noun
sudden adjective spread2 noun transitional adjective
suddenly adverb spring2 verb transmission noun
suffer verb spy1 noun transmit verb
sugar1 noun spy2 verb transplant1 noun
suggest verb squad noun trauma noun
suggestion noun squash1 verb traumatic adjective
suit1 noun squeak1 verb travelling1 adjective
suit2 verb squirrel1 noun tread1 verb
suitable adjective stab1 verb trek1 noun
suitcase noun stable1 adjective trench noun
summer1 noun stable2 noun triangular adjective
sun1 noun stage2 verb tribal adjective
Sunday noun stagger1 verb tribunal noun
sunglasses noun staircase noun trigger2 noun
sunny adjective stale adjective trillion number
super1 adjective stall1 noun triumphant adjective
supermarket noun stamp2 verb trolley noun
supper noun staple1 noun trot1 verb
supply1 noun star2 verb troubled adjective
supply2 verb stare2 noun troublesome adjective
support1 verb starter noun trout noun
support2 noun starve verb truce noun
supporter noun state2 verb trustee noun
suppose verb statistic noun trustworthy adjective
sure1 adjective statistical adjective trying adjective
sure2 adverb statue noun tub noun
surely adverb status noun tumble1 verb
surface1 noun stay2 noun tumour noun
surname noun steadily adverb tuna noun
surprise1 noun steady1 adjective tune2 verb
surprise2 verb steam1 noun turbulence noun
surprised adjective steam2 verb turbulent adjective
surprising adjective steel1 noun turf1 noun
surround1 verb steep1 adjective turmoil noun
survive verb steer1 verb turnout noun
sweater noun steering wheel noun turnover noun
sweatshirt noun stem1 noun turtle noun
sweep1 verb stepfather noun tutorial1 noun
sweet1 adjective stepmother noun twilight noun
sweet2 noun stereotype1 noun twist2 noun
swim1 verb stew1 noun two-dimensionaladjective
swimming noun sticky adjective tyrant noun
swimming costumenoun stiff1 adjective ubiquitous adjective
swimming pool noun sting1 verb ulcer noun
swimming trunks noun sting2 noun ultimatum noun
swing1 verb stink1 verb umpire1 noun
switch1 verb stock2 verb unaffected adjective
switch2 noun stolen2 adjective unambiguous adjective
symbol noun storage noun unanimous adjective
system noun stove1 noun unauthorized adjective
table1 noun straightforwardadjective unavailable adjective
tablet noun strain1 noun unavoidable adjective
tag1 noun strain2 verb unbelievable adjective
tail1 noun strangely adverb uncommon adjective
take verb
1 stranger noun unconditional adjective
tale noun strap1 noun unconstitutionaladjective
talent noun strategic adjective underpin verb
talk1 verb strategy noun underscore verb
talk2 noun straw noun understandableadjective
tall adjective streak1 noun understatement noun
tank1 noun strengthen verb underway adjective
tape1 noun strict adjective undesirable1 adjective
target1 noun strictly adverb uneasy adjective
task1 noun strip2 verb unequal adjective
taste1 noun stripe noun uneven adjective
taste2 verb striped adjective unfaithful adjective
tax1 noun stroke1 noun unfamiliar adjective
taxi1 noun stroke2 verb unfounded adjective
tea noun strongly adverb unification noun
teach verb struggle1 verb uniform2 adjective
teacher noun struggle2 noun uniformity noun
teaching noun stubborn adjective unify verb
team1 noun stuck2 adjective unilateral adjective
tear1 noun stuff2 verb uniquely adverb
tear2 verb submarine1 noun universally adverb
technical adjective submit verb unjust adjective
technique noun subsequent adjective unlawful adjective
technology noun subsequently adverb unleash verb
teenager noun substantial adjective unload verb
telephone1 noun substitute1 noun unmarried adjective
television noun substitute2 verb unmistakable adjective
tell verb subtle adjective unnatural adjective
temperature noun suburb noun unofficial adjective
temporary adjective subway noun unorthodox adjective
ten number, noun suck1 verb unpack verb
tend verb sufficient adjective unpaid adjective
tennis noun sum1 noun unplug verb
tenth1 adjective summary1 noun unprecedentedadjective
term1 noun sunlight noun unpredictable adjective
terrible adjective sunrise noun unravel verb
test1 noun sunset noun unreal adjective
test2 verb sunshine noun unrealistic adjective
text1 noun suntan noun unrelated adjective
text2 verb superb adjective unrest noun
textbook1 noun superior1 adjective unsafe adjective
than conjunction, superstore noun unsatisfactoryadjective
preposition surfing noun unscrupulous adjective
thank verb surgeon noun unseen1 adjective
thanks1 interjection surgery noun unskilled adjective
Thanksgiving noun surprisingly adverb unspecified adjective
thank you interjection surrender1 verb unspoiled adjective
that1 determiner, pronoun surrounding adjective unstable adjective
that2 conjunction surroundings noun unsuitable adjective
that3 adverb survey1 noun unsure adjective
the1 definite article, survival noun untouched adjective
determiner survivor noun untrained adjective
the2 adverb suspect1 verb unused1 adjective
theatre noun suspicion noun unveil verb
their determiner suspicious adjective unwanted adjective
theirs pronoun sustain verb unwell adjective
them1 pronoun swallow1 verb unwise adjective
theme noun swap1 verb upbringing noun
themselves pronoun sway1 verb upheaval noun
then1 adverb swear verb uphold verb
theory noun sweat1 verb upper class noun
there1 pronoun sweat2 noun upright1 adjective, adverb
there2 adverb sweetheart noun uprising noun
therefore adverb swim2 noun upward adjective
they pronoun swimsuit noun urgency noun
thick1 adjective swing2 noun usage noun
thin1 adjective sword noun usefulness noun
thing noun syllable noun user-friendly adjective
think1 verb sympathetic adjective usher1 verb
third1 adjective sympathy noun utensil noun
third2 noun tablespoon noun utility noun
thirsty adjective tackle1 verb utilize verb
thirteen number tactic noun utter1 adjective
thirty number talented adjective utter2 verb
this1 determiner, pronoun talkative adjective vacancy noun
this2 adverb tap1 noun vaccine noun
though1 conjunction tap2 verb vaguely adverb
though2 adverb tape2 verb vain adjective
thought2 noun tasty adjective validate verb
thousand number team2 verb valve noun
threat noun teapot noun vandalism noun
threaten verb tease1 verb vandalize verb
three number teaspoon noun vanity noun
throat noun technician noun vapour noun
through1 preposition, technological adjective variable2 noun
adverb teen1 noun variant noun
throughout preposition, teenage adjective variously adverb
adverb telephone2 verb vastly adverb
throw1 verb telescope1 noun vault1 noun
thumb1 noun temper1 noun vegetation noun
Thursday noun temple noun veil1 noun
ticket1 noun tempt verb velocity noun
tidy1 adjective temptation noun velvet noun
tie1 verb tempting adjective vengeance noun
tie2 noun tenant noun venture1 noun
tiger noun tendency noun venture2 verb
tight1 adjective tense1 adjective verge1 noun
tight2 adverb tense2 noun verify verb
till1 preposition, tension noun versatile adjective
conjunction tent noun vessel noun
time1 noun terminal1 noun veteran noun
time2 verb terminal2 adjective veterinarian noun
timetable1 noun terminate verb veto1 verb
tiny adjective terrace noun veto2 noun
tip1 noun terribly adverb viable adjective
tired adjective terrific adjective vibrant adjective
tiring adjective terrified adjective vibrate verb
tissue noun terrify verb vibration noun
title noun terrifying adjective vice versa adverb
to1 territory noun vicinity noun
to2 preposition terror noun victorious adjective
today1 adverb terrorism noun vigorous adjective
toe1 noun terrorist noun vigorously adverb
together1 adverb textile noun villain noun
toilet noun texture noun vine noun
tomato noun thanks2 noun vineyard noun
tomorrow1 adverb theft noun vintage1 adjective
tongue1 noun theoretical adjective violate verb
tonight1 adverb therapist noun violation noun
too adverb therapy noun violently adverb
tool1 noun there3 interjection viral1 adjective
tooth noun thermometer noun visibility noun
toothache noun thief noun visualize verb
toothbrush noun thigh noun visually adverb
toothpaste noun thin2 verb vitality noun
top1 noun thinking1 noun vocal1 adjective
top2 adjective thinly adverb vocational adjective
topic noun thirst1 noun void1 noun
total1 adjective thorough adjective void2 adjective
total2 noun thoroughly adverb volatile adjective
totally adverb thread1 noun volcano noun
touch1 verb thrill1 noun voltage noun
touch2 noun thrill2 verb voluntarily adverb
tough1 adjective thrilled adjective vomit1 verb
tour1 noun thriller noun vomit2 noun
tourist noun thrilling adjective vow1 noun
towards preposition throne noun vow2 verb
towel1 noun throw2 noun vulgar adjective
town noun thrust1 verb wade verb
toy1 noun thunder1 noun wag1 verb
track1 noun thunderstorm noun wagon noun
trade1 noun thus adverb walker noun
tradition noun tick1 verb want2 noun
traditional adjective tickle1 verb wanted adjective
traffic1 noun tide1 noun warfare noun
traffic lights noun tidy2 verb warmly adverb
train1 noun tighten verb warrant1 noun
train2 verb tightly adverb warrant2 verb
training noun tile1 noun warranty noun
translate verb timber noun warrior noun
translation noun timing noun wartime noun
transport1 noun tin1 noun wary adjective
transportation noun tip2 verb wasp noun
trash1 noun to3 adverb wasteful adjective
travel1 verb toast1 noun waterfall noun
travel2 noun toaster noun watt noun
treat1 verb tobacco noun wavelength noun
treat2 noun toilet paper noun wear2 noun
treatment noun tolerance noun weary1 adjective
tree noun tolerant adjective weave1 verb
trial1 noun tolerate verb wedge1 noun
triangle noun ton noun weed1 noun
trick1 noun tone1 noun well-being noun
trick2 verb torch1 noun well-establishedadjective
trip1 noun toss1 verb wheel2 verb
troop1 noun total3 verb whereabouts2 noun
trouble1 noun tour2 verb whisk1 verb
trousers noun tourism noun whisker noun
truck1 noun tournament noun wholesale1 noun
true1 adjective tower1 noun wholesale2 adjective
trunk noun town hall noun wholly adverb
trust1 noun toxic adjective whoops interjection
trust2 verb trace1 verb wide-ranging adjective
truth noun trace2 noun wield verb
try1 verb trade2 verb willingness noun
try2 noun traditionally adverb windscreen noun
T-shirt noun traffic jam noun windshield noun
tube1 noun tragedy noun winning adjective
Tuesday noun tragic adjective wire2 verb
tune1 noun trail1 verb wit noun
tunnel1 noun trail2 noun withdrawal noun
turkey noun trailer noun withhold verb
turn1 verb trainee noun withstand verb
turn2 noun trainer noun witty adjective
TV noun trait noun wizard noun
twelve number transfer1 verb woe noun
twenty number, noun transfer2 noun womb noun
twice adverb, transform verb wonderfully adverb
predeterminer transition1 noun word2 verb
twin1 noun translator noun wording noun
two number transparent adjective workforce noun
type1 noun transport2 verb workload noun
type2 verb trap1 noun workman noun
typical adjective trap2 verb workstation noun
tyre noun traveller noun world-class adjective
ugly adjective tray noun worn2 adjective
umbrella noun treasure1 noun worsen verb
unable adjective treaty noun worship2 noun
uncle noun tremble verb worthless adjective
uncomfortableadjective tremendous adjective would-be adjective
under preposition, adverb trend1 noun wow1 interjection
underneath1preposition, tribe noun wrap2 noun
adverb tribute noun wreckage noun
understand verb tricky adjective wrestle verb
underwear noun trigger1 verb yarn noun
unemployed1 adjective trim1 verb yearly adjective
unemployment noun trip2 verb yield2 noun
unfair adjective triple1 adjective, youngster noun
unfortunately adverb predeterminer youthful adjective
unhappy adjective triple2 verb
uniform1 noun triumph1 noun
unique adjective trivial adjective
unit noun trophy noun
university noun tropical adjective
unknown1 adjective, trouble2 verb
adverb truly adverb
unless conjunction trumpet1 noun
unlike1 preposition tuck1 verb
unlikely adjective tug1 verb
until preposition, tuition noun
conjunction tummy noun
unusual adjective tutor1 noun
up1 adverb, preposition, twig1 noun
adjective twin2 adjective
upon preposition twist1 verb
upper1 adjective twisted adjective
upset1 adjective typically adverb
upset2 verb ultimate1 adjective
upstairs1 adverb ultimately adverb
us pronoun unacceptable adjective
use1 verb unaware adjective
use2 noun uncertain adjective
used1 adjective uncertainty noun
used to modal verb unchanging adjective
useful adjective unclear adjective
user noun unconscious1 adjective
usual adjective uncover verb
usually adverb underestimate1 verb
vacation1 noun undergo verb
valley noun undergraduate noun
valuable adjective underground1 adjective
value1 noun underline verb
van noun underlying adjective
variety noun undermine verb
various adjective underpants noun
vary verb understanding1 noun
vegetable1 noun undertake verb
vehicle noun undertaking noun
verb noun underwater adjective
version noun undo verb
very1 adverb undone adjective
victim noun undoubtedly adverb
victory noun undress1 verb
video1 noun unexpected adjective
view1 noun unfashionable adjective
village noun unfinished adjective
violence noun unfold verb
violent adjective unfortunate1 adjective
virtually adverb unfriendly adjective
visit1 verb unhealthy adjective
visit2 noun unhurt adjective
visitor noun union noun
vital adjective unite verb
vocabulary noun united adjective
voice1 noun unity noun
volume noun universal adjective
vote1 verb universe noun
vote2 noun unkind adjective
wage1 noun unlimited adjective
waist noun unlock verb
wait1 verb unnecessary adjective
waiter noun unpleasant adjective
waitress noun unpopular adjective
wake1 verb unreasonable adjective
walk1 verb unreliable adjective
walk2 noun unsuccessful adjective
wall1 noun unusually adverb
wallet noun unwilling adjective
want1 verb unwrap verb
war noun unzip verb
wardrobe noun upcoming adjective
warm1 adjective update1 verb
warn verb update2 noun
warning1 noun upgrade verb
wash1 verb upload1 verb
washing noun upside down1 adverb
washing machine noun up-to-date adjective
waste1 noun upwards adverb
waste2 verb urban adjective
watch1 verb urge1 verb
watch2 noun urge2 noun
water1 noun urgent adjective
wave noun
1 used2 adjective
wave2 verb useless adjective
way1 noun user name noun
we pronoun utterly adverb
weak adjective vacant adjective
weapon noun vacuum1 noun
wear1 verb vacuum2 verb
weather1 noun vague adjective
web noun valid adjective
webpage noun value2 verb
website noun vanilla1 noun
wedding noun vanilla2 adjective
Wednesday noun vanish verb
week noun variable1 adjective
weekend1 noun variation noun
weekly1 adjective varied adjective
weigh verb vase noun
weight1 noun vast adjective
weird1 adjective vegetarian noun
welcome1 interjection vein noun
welcome2 adjective venue noun
welcome3 verb verbal1 adjective
well1 adverb verdict noun
well2 interjection verse noun
well3 adjective versus preposition
west1 noun vertical1 adjective
west adjective
2 very2 adjective
west3 adverb vest1 noun
western1 adjective vet1 noun
wet1 adjective via preposition
what pronoun, determiner, vicious adjective
predeterminer view2 verb
whatever1 determiner, viewer noun
pronoun viewpoint noun
whatever2 adverb villager noun
wheel1 noun vinegar noun
when adverb, conjunction, violin noun
pronoun virtual adjective
whenever adverb, virtue noun
conjunction virus noun
where adverb, visa noun
conjunction, pronoun visible adjective
wherever adverb vision noun
whether conjunction visual1 adjective
which determiner, vitamin noun
pronoun vivid adjective
while1 conjunction voice2 verb
while2 noun voicemail noun
whisper1 verb volleyball noun
whisper2 noun volt noun
white1 adjective voluntary1 adjective
white2 noun volunteer1 noun
who pronoun volunteer2 verb
whole adjective
1 voter noun
whole2 noun voucher noun
whom pronoun vowel noun
whose determiner, voyage1 noun
pronoun vulnerable adjective
why1 adverb wait2 noun
wide1 adjective wallpaper1 noun
wide2 adverb wander1 verb
widely adverb ward1 noun
wife noun warehouse noun
wild1 adjective warm2 verb
will1 modal verb warmth noun
will2 noun wash2 noun
willing adjective washing powder noun
win1 verb washing-up noun
win2 noun washing-up liquid noun
wind1 noun waste3 adjective
wind2 verb wastepaper basketnoun
window noun water2 verb
windy adjective wax1 noun
wine1 noun way2 adverb
wing1 noun way of life noun
winner noun weaken verb
winter1 noun weakness noun
wipe1 verb wealth noun
wire1 noun wealthy adjective
wise adjective
1 weep verb
wish1 verb welcome4 noun
wish2 noun welfare noun
with preposition well4 noun
within preposition, adverb well-known adjective
without preposition, wet2 verb
adverb whale1 noun
woman noun whatsoever adverb
wonder1 verb wheat noun
wonderful adjective wheelchair noun
wood noun whereabouts1 adverb
wooden adjective whereas conjunction
wool noun whereby adverb
word1 noun whichever determiner,
work1 verb pronoun
work2 noun whilst conjunction
worker noun whip1 verb
world1 noun whisky noun
worried adjective whistle1 verb
worry1 verb whistle2 noun
worry2 noun whoever pronoun
worse1 adjective wicked adjective
worse2 adverb widen verb
worst1 adjective widespread adjective
worst2 noun widow noun
worth1 adjective width noun
worth2 noun wi-fi noun
would modal verb wig1 noun
wrap1 verb wilderness noun
wrist noun wildlife noun
write verb wildly adverb
writer noun wink1 verb
writing noun wink2 noun
written2 adjective wireless1 adjective
wrong1 adjective wisdom noun
wrong2 adverb witch noun
yard noun withdraw verb
yeah adverb witness1 noun
year noun witness2 verb
yellow1 adjective wolf1 noun
yellow2 noun wonder2 noun
yes1 adverb woodland noun
yesterday1 adverb working1 adjective
yet1 adverb working class noun
yet2 conjunction work of art noun
yogurt noun workplace noun
you pronoun workshop noun
young1 adjective world2 adjective
your determiner worldwide adjective,
yours pronoun adverb
yourself pronoun worm1 noun
youth noun worrying adjective
zero1 number worship1 verb
zip1 noun worthwhile adjective
zipper noun worthy1 adjective
zoo noun wound1 noun
wound2 verb
wounded adjective
wreck1 verb
wreck2 noun
wrong3 noun
wrongly adverb
X-ray1 noun
yacht noun
yawn1 verb
yawn2 noun
yell1 verb
yield1 verb
yummy adjective
zebra crossing noun
zip code noun
zone1 noun

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