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: Associations (relationships between classes) Implementation Inheritance

Some_class «abstract»
{ author: George Jetson 1..* relationship 1..* SuperClass
modified: 10/6/2999 A A’s role in B B’s role in A B
- void concrete();
© 1998 Allen I. Holub. All Rights Reserved. checked_out: y + int override();
• Associated classes are connected by lines.
• The relationship is identified, if necessary, with a < or
Available from <>. • Guillemets identify stereotypes. E.g.: «static»,
> to indicate direction (or use solid arrowheads). SubClass
«abstract» «JavaBean». Can use graphic instead of
• The role that a class plays in the relationship is identi- + int override();
fied on that class's side of the line. + int additional();
Static Model Diagrams • Access privileges (see below) can precede name.
• Stereotypes (like «friend») are appropriate. Outline arrows identify derivation relationships: extends,
• Inner (nested) classes identify outer class as prefix
• Unidirectional message flow can be indicated by an implements, is-a, has-properties-of, etc. Variations include:
of class name: (Outer.Inner or Outer::Inner).
arrow (but is implicit in situations where there is only
Packages 2. The attributes compartment (optional):
one role):
• During Analysis: identify the attributes (i.e. defin-
ing characteristics) of the object. Sender Receiver
• During Design: identify a relationship to a stock
Java.awt class. • Cardinality:
This: 1 Usually omitted if 1:1
Person n Unknown at compile time, but bound.
Tools String name; 0..1 (1..2 1..n)
Interface Inheritance
1..* 1 or more
Interfaces is a more compact (and less informative) version of * 0 or more User
• Example: f() { x.operation() }
Person String Company relationship
give_me_a_raise(Employee e) x
• C++ namespace. name Implementer Iface Name
• Group together functionally-similar classes. operation()
• Derived classes need not be in the same package. Everything, here, is private. Always. Period. Employee
1 <works for 1..n you_re_fired()
• Packages can nest. Outer packages are sometimes 3. The operations compartment (optional) contains employer peon

method definitions. Use implementation-language In C++, an interface is a class containing nothing but pure
called domains. (In the diagram, “Tools” is arguably 1..* flunkies
syntax, except for access privileges: virtual methods. Java supports them directly (c.f. “abstract
an outer package, not a domain).
class Company class,” which can contain method and field definitions in
• Package name is part of the class name (e.g. given the + public { addition to the abstract declarations.)
class fred in the flintstone package, the fully-qualified private Employee[] peon = new Employee[n];
# protected
class name is flintstone.fred). public void give_me_a_raise( Employee e ) { ... }
- private } My extension to UML: rounded corners identify interfaces.
• Generally needed when entire static-model won’t fit
If the full interface specification is in some other diagram, I
on one sheet. ~ package (my extension to UML) 1
class Employee use:
Classes (Box contains three compartments) • Abstract operations (C++ virtual, Java non-final) private Company employer; Implementer Name User
indicated by italics (or underline). private Employee boss;
private Vector flunkies = new Vector(); Strict UML uses the «interface» stereotype in the name
Class name • Boldface operation names are easier to read. public void you_re_fired() { ... }
Attributes: compartment of a standard class box:
If attributes and operations are both omitted, a more com- InterfaceName
Operations: plete definition is assumed to be on another sheet. (A Java Vector is a variable-length array. In this case it
will hold Employee objects)
Java, unfortunately, defaults to “package” access when no modifier is present. In my Interfaces contain no attributes, so the attribute compart-
“flavor” of UML, a missing access privilege means “public”. ment is always empty.
1. The name compartment (required) contains the class
name and other documentation-related information:
Aggregation (comprises) • In official UML, put arbitrary constraints that affect • Top boxes represent objects, not classes. You may Loops (extension to UML)
more than one relationship in a “comment” box, as optionally add “:class” to the name if desired.
Whole Part shown. I usually leave out the box. • Vertical lines represent the objects “life line”, or exist- Sender Every
• Destroying the “whole” does not destroy the parts. ence. do_it() Receiver
Qualified Association • Broken lifeline indicates the object is inactive, a rect-
• Cardinality is allowed.
angle indicates the object is active. message()
Composition (has) relationship • represent messages being sent.
add(String key, key Item
Item value) bag • (optional if synchronous) represent method
Container Item
role return. (May label arrow with name/type of returned • Don’t think loops, think what the loop is accomplish-
• Hash tables, associative arrays, etc. ing.
• The parts are destroyed along with the whole. • Typically, you need to send some set of messages to
• Sending object’s class must have:
• Doesn’t really exist in Java. class User
every element in some collection. Do this with every.
{ 1. An association of some sort with the receiving
• In C++: • You can get more elaborate (every receiver where x<y)
// A Hashtable is an associative array, indexed objects class.
// by some key and containing some value. • The diagram above comes from:
class Container private Hashtable bag = new HashTable();
2. The receiver-side class’s “role” must be the same as
{ the name of the receiving object. sender_class receiver_class
Obj item1; private void add(String key, Item value) { 1 n
Obj *item2; void do_it() void message()
bag.put(key, value); Object Creation sender receiver
public: }
Whole() { item2 = new Obj; } }
~Whole(){ delete item2; } Sender
and maps to the following code:
Association Class class sender_class
new {
Constraint <travels on Receiver receiver_class receiver[n];
Airline Person
carrier passenger public do_it() {
Item for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
Container receiver[i].message();
role Identity key() Ticket }
• The new instance appears at end of creation message
Date when; <buys }
Seat where; arrow.
Container Airport to; • Destruction is accomplished by terminating the lifeline
Collection {or} Airport from; Arrow Styles for Messages
with a large X:
• Use when a class is required to define a relationship. Symbol Type Description
* member-of *
• Somewhere, an additional relationship is required to Simple Don’t care. Usually read as the
Comittee {subset} Person new
show ownership. (The one between person and Ticket Receiver same as synchronous.
chair-of *
1 in the current example).
message() x Synchronous Sender blocks until return.
employee employer Asynchronous Handler returns immediately and
Comittee * 0..1 Comittee Dynamic-Model (Sequence) Diagrams both sender and receiver work
0..1 *
Objects and Messages (new style) Conditions
boss peon Asynchronous Callbacks
{person.employer ==
Person.boss.employer} Sender Receiver
Sender Receiver
Sender Receiver

[cond_expr] message()
message() message()
• A constrained relationship requires some rule to be
applied (e.g. {ordered}). Often combined with aggre- callback()
gation, composition, etc.
message() • Message sent only if conditional expression is true.
• In the case of {or}, only one of the indicated relation-
• The cond_expr is typically expressed in the imple-
ships will exist at any given moment (a C++ union, or
mentation language. • Callback occurs while Sender is potentially executing
reference to a base class).
something else.
• {subset} does the obvious.

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