Nurs 605 Assignment 1 Dendress

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SUNY Delhi

MS in Nursing Education
NURS 604/605 Graduate Advanced Clinical Practicum Learning Contract

Student Name: Daniel Endress Practicum hours to be 48

Student Delhi E-mail Address: [email protected] Student Phone Number: 607-267-2267

Course Faculty Name: Dr. Cheryle Levitt Course Faculty Phone Number: 215-687-4716

Course Faculty Delhi E-mail [email protected] Course#/Semester/Session/Year: NURS 605/Spring/K Session/2017


Preceptor Name: Dr. Susan Deane Preceptor E-mail Address: [email protected]

Practicum Site: SUNY-Delhi Unit/Department for Practicum: SUNY-Delhi online

Current Employment Location OConnor Hospital; Nursing Education

and Unit/Department: SUNY Delhi; Assistant Professor- online

Start Date: 3/9/17 Completion Date: 5/5/17

Practicum Goal and Focus

The main focus for this practicum experience learning about instructing an online course. The student will

coordinate/instruct/guide an online course with two other colleagues under the direct supervision of a preceptor. The

desired goals include reviewing the current course content and assessing if there should be any changes or revisions

made. The student will learn about editing an online course. The student will also gain experience in all aspects of

effective online instruction. In addition, the student will review the course resources, including the required e-book

and make recommendations for ensuring proper APA formatting.

Column A ColumnB ColumnC
A. Practicum Outcomes: (min 4 to LearningActivitiestoAccomplishthe ListHowYouPlantoDemonstrateParticipationin
max 6). The MSN student will: OutcomesFromColumnA LearningActivities

Participate in curriculum review of - Review the VLDD course with co-

1 the VLDD course. - Create a word document:
instructors o outlining changes for VLDD course.
- Review modules with in the o showing assigned students to each VLDD

curriculum and make changes to instructor.

o showing APA formatting updates with the
improve course flow.
VLDD course/textbook.

Demonstrate effective professional - Weekly and as needed meetings with - Create a word document:
2 conduct throughout practicum o List of meetings/conferences
experience (towards faculty, students, preceptor. Weekly/PRN
and colleagues). - Coordination of Instructor Collaborative sessions with colleagues
o Instructor schedule regarding who will
responsibilities regarding VLDD
oversee the Chat Lounge
course Chat Lounge o Examples of comments made in chat longue
- Collaboration with colleagues

throughout the course

Engage in student assessment within - Provide comprehensive feedback to - Create a word document:
3 the VLDD course o Showing assessment of student work
student discussion questions and Two discussion responses
Two assignment responses
assignments One final assignment response
- Utilize best practices when responding

to students in terms of:

o Tone
o Timeliness of responses

4 Gain experience regarding program - Review the process of compliance - Create a word document:
assessment o Showing the date and time of the meeting and
assist with Dr. Deane
the faculty that were present.
o Create a summary of the meeting

5 Achieve an understanding of Moodle - Attend a Moodle tutorial with Dr. - Log of time spend with Dr. Digger for Moodle
functionality and tools.
Digger. tutorial.
- Develop a course evaluation for - Create a word document:
o A screen shot of the course evaluation
students to take at the end of the 4 o A screen shot of changes made to module 3.

week VLDD course

Gain professional insight for growth - Review the students completed - Hold a Zoom Room Panel discussing the following
6 and development as a nurse educator.
evaluations topics:
- Identify areas that went well during the o Reflection regarding:
The evaluation findings
course The educational experience
- Identify areas of professional growth Transitioning from the student role to
in regards to teaching in an online the instructor role
How TPACK skills have been
environment for the first time as an
educator Ideas for improvement for future
- Identify areas of improvement for
future VLDD courses o Open forum for faculty to ask questions

D1: Summary of Outcomes, Activities, and Evidence (Weeks 1-4)

a. Practicum Outcomes:
What outcomes were met, how
were they met, and if not met,
provide explanation.

b. Activities completed:
What activities did you actually
complete, and explain any
change in plans (from column

c. Evidence:
Provide a bulleted list of
evidence of activities in progress
or completed. Attach evidence
files in dropbox with learning
contract (up to 5 files)

D2: Summary of Outcomes, Activities, and Evidence (Weeks 5-7)

a. Practicum Outcomes:
What outcomes were met, how
were they met, and if not met,
provide explanation.

b. Activities completed:
What activities did you actually
complete, and explain any
change in plans (from column

c. Evidence:
Provide a bulleted list of
evidence of activities in progress
or completed. Attach evidence
files in dropbox with learning
contract (up to 5 files)

The student agrees to:

Complete the approved total of practicum hours during Weeks 1-7 of the course, supervised and guided by the approved
Achieve the weekly outcomes, learning activities, and evidence of accomplishments as prepared in the Learning Contract,
and approved by the preceptor(s) and faculty.
Complete the Learning Contract per course requirements.
Agree to abide by the guidelines and policies for Joint Commissions National Patient Safety Goals, the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as
appropriate for the practicum activities. The student will respect the confidential nature of all information that they
have access to, including but not limited to patients' personal health information provided to them orally, contained in
patient medical records, or maintained on the Hospital's/agency's electronic information system. Information on Patient
Safety Goals, HIPAA, and FERPA is provided in Week 1 materials.
I attest that I have completed the hours for this practicum course, as stated on this document.

Student Daniel Endress Date

Signature 3/23/17

The faculty agrees to:

Guide the student in the preparation of the Learning Contract.
Communicate individually with the student prior to the first week of class.
Contact the preceptor(s) to establish communication and provide information.
Provide guidance, problem solving, and follow up as needed throughout the practicum experience.
Communicate with preceptor(s) as needed during the course.
Contact the preceptor(s) for feedback on student performance, outcomes, and confirmation of hours.
Send student and program evaluations to the preceptor(s), and preceptor evaluations to the student prior to class
Faculty Cheryle Levitt, PhD, RN Date March 27, 2017

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