Civil Liability Arising From Delict

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CIVIL LIABILITY ARISING FROM DELICT Anita Tan was among those destroyed and for its repair

she spent P12,000.

Justifying and Exempting Circumstances
As an aftermath of the fire, Julito Sto. Domingo and
G.R. No. L-4160 Igmidio Rico were charged with arson through reckless
July 29, 1952 imprudence in the Court of First Instance of Manila
where, after trial, both were acquitted, the court
ANITA TAN, plaintiff-appellant, v. STANDARD holding that their negligence was not proven and the
VACUUM OIL CO., JULITO STO. DOMINGO, IGMIDIO fire was due to an unfortunate accident.
RICO, and RURAL TRANSIT CO., defendants
appellees. Anita Tan then brought this action against the Standard
Vacuum Oil Company and the Rural Transit Company,
SYLLABUS including the two employees, seeking to recover the
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE; CIVIL ACTIONS ARISING damages she has suffered for the destruction of her
FROM OFFENSES. Rule 107, section 1(d) means house.
that the acquittal of the accused from the criminal
charge will not necessarily extinguish the civil liability Defendants filed separate motions to dismiss alleging
unless the court declares in the judgment that the fact in substance that (a) plaintiffs action is barred by a
from which the civil liability might arise did not exist. prior judgment and (b) plaintiffs complaint states no
Where the court states "that the evidence throws no cause of action; and this motion having been
light on the cause of fire and that it was an unfortunate sustained, plaintiff elevated the case to this Court
accident for which the accused cannot be held imputing eight errors to the court a quo.
responsible," this declaration fits well into the
exception of the rule which exempts the accused, from The record discloses that the lower court dismissed this
civil liability. case in view of the acquittal of the two employees of
defendant Standard Vacuum Oil Company who were
ID.; ID.; RES JUDICATA. The principle of res charged with arson through reckless imprudence in the
judicata cannot apply to the employer of the accused Court of First Instance of Manila. In concluding that the
driver for the simple reason that it was not included as accused were not guilty of the acts charged because
co-accused in the criminal case. It cannot therefore the fire was accidental, the court made the following
enjoy the benefit resulting from the acquittal of the findings: "the accused Igmidio Rico cannot in any
driver. This benefit can be claimed by the latter, if a manner be held responsible for the fire to the three
subsequent action is later taken against him under the houses and goods therein above mentioned. He was
Revised Penal Code. And this action can only be not the cause of it, and he took all the necessary
maintained if proper reservation is made and there is precautions against such contingency as he was
no express declaration that the basis of the civil action confronted with. The evidence throws no light on the
has not existed. The case against the employer should cause of the fire. The witnesses for the prosecution and
not be dismissed, more so when its civil liability is for the defense testified that they did not know what
predicated on facts other than those attributed to the caused the fire. It was an unfortunate accident for
driver in the criminal case. which the accused Igmidio Rico cannot be held
responsible." And a similar finding was made with
ID.; ID.; NEED FOR RESERVATION OF A CIVIL respect to the other accused Julito Sto. Domingo. The
ACTION; CULPA AQUILIANA. There is no need for record also discloses that the information filed against
the owner of the burned house to make a reservation the accused by the Fiscal contains an itemized
of her right to file a separate civil action inasmuch as statement of the damages suffered by the victims,
the civil action contemplated is not derived from the including the one suffered by Anita Tan, thereby
criminal liability but one based on culpa aquiliana indicating the intention of the prosecution to demand
under the old Civil Code. (Arts. 1902 to 1910). Parker v. indemnity from the accused in the same action, but
Panlilio, supra, p. 1. that notwithstanding this statement with respect to
damages, Anita Tan did not make any reservation of
ID.; ID.; ID.; CIVIL ACTION BASED ON her right to file a separate civil action against the
PREVENTION OF A GREATER HARM. Where the accused as required by the Rules of Court Rule 107,
damage caused to the plaintiffs house was brought section 1-(a). As Anita Tan failed to make reservation,
about mainly because of the drivers desire to avoid a and the accused were acquitted, the lower court ruled
greater evil or harm, and where the defendant that she is now barred from filing this action against
company is one of those for whose benefit a greater the defendants.
harm has been prevented, the case comes within the
purview of article 101, Rule 2, of the revised Penal This ruling in so far as defendants Julito Sto. Domingo
Code. The acquittal of the driver cannot, therefore, be and Igmidio Rico are concerned is correct. The rule is
deemed a bar to a civil action against this company that "extinction of the penal action does not carry with
because its civil liability is completely divorced from it extinction of the civil, unless the extinction proceeds
the criminal liability of the accused. And the rule from a declaration in a final judgment that the fact
regarding reservation of the right to file a separate civil from which the civil might arise did not exist" (Rule
action does not apply to it. 107, section 1-d, Rules of Court). This provision means
that the acquittal of the accused from the criminal
DECISION charge will not necessarily extinguish the civil liability
unless the court declares in the judgment that the fact
BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.: from which the civil liability might arise did not exist.
Anita Tan is the owner of a house of strong materials Here it is true that Julito Sto. Domingo and Igmidio Rico
located in the City of Manila, Philippines. On May 3, were acquitted, the court holding that they were not
1949, the Standard Vacuum Oil Company ordered the responsible for the fire that destroyed the house of the
delivery to the Rural Transit Company at its garage at plaintiff, which as a rule will not necessarily
Rizal Avenue Extension, City of Manila, of 1,925 gallons extinguish their civil liability, but the court went
of gasoline using a gasoline tank-truck trailer. The truck further by stating that the evidence throws no light on
was driven by Julito Sto. Domingo, who was helped by the cause of fire and that it was an unfortunate
Igmidio Rico. While the gasoline was being discharged accident for which the accused cannot be held
to the underground tank, it caught fire, whereupon responsible. In our opinion, this declaration fits well
Julito Sto. Domingo drove the truck across the Rizal into the exception of the rule which exempts the two
Avenue Extension and upon reaching the middle of the accused from civil liability. When the court acquitted
street he abandoned the truck which continued moving the accused because the fire was due to an
to the opposite side of the street causing the buildings unfortunate accident it actually said that the fire was
on that side to be burned and destroyed. The house of due to a fortuitous event for which the accused are not
to blame. It actually exonerated them from civil Under the foregoing facts, there can be no doubt
liability. that had the accused Julito Sto. Domingo not
taken the gasoline tank-truck trailer out in the
But the case takes on a different aspect with respect to street, a bigger conflagration would have
the other defendants. For one thing, the principle of res occurred in Rizal Avenue Extension, and,
judicata cannot apply to them for the simple reason perhaps, there might have been several deaths
that they were not included as co-accused in the and bearing in mind the provisions of Article 11,
criminal case. Not having been included in the criminal paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code the
case they cannot enjoy the benefit resulting from the accused Julito Sto. Domingo incurred no criminal
acquittal of the accused. This benefit can only be liability.
claimed by the accused if a subsequent action is later
taken against them under the Revised Penal Code. And "4. That it was consequently the defendant Rural
this action can only be maintained if proper reservation Transit Co., from whose premises the burning
is made and there is no express declaration that the gasoline tank-truck trailer was driven out by
basis of the civil action has not existed. It is, therefore, defendant Julito Sto. Domingo in order to avoid a
an error for the lower court to dismiss the case against greater evil or injury, for whose benefit the harm
these two defendants more so when their civil liability has been prevented under article 101, second
is predicated on facts other than those attributed to subsection of the Revised Penal Code."
the two employees in the criminal case.
Considering the above quoted law and facts, the
Take, for instance, the case of the Standard Vacuum Oil cause of action against the Rural Transit Company
Company. This company is sued not precisely because can hardly be disputed, it appearing that the damage
of supposed negligent acts of its two employees Julito caused to the plaintiff was brought about mainly
Sto. Domingo and Igmidio Rico but because of acts of because of the desire of driver Julito Sto. Domingo to
its own which might have contributed to the fire that avoid greater evil or harm, which would have been
destroyed the house of the plaintiff. The complaint the case had he not brought the tank-truck trailer to
contains definite allegations of negligent acts properly the middle of the street, for then the fire would have
attributable to the company which if proven and not caused the explosion of the gasoline deposit of the
refuted may serve as basis of its civil liability. Thus, in company which would have resulted in a
paragraph 5 of the first cause of action, it is expressly conflagration of much greater proportion and
alleged that this company, through its employees, consequences to the houses nearby or surrounding
failed to take the necessary precautions or measures to it. It cannot be denied that this company is one of
insure safety and avoid harm to person and damage to those for whose benefit a greater harm has been
property as well as to observe that degree of care, prevented, and as such it comes within the purview
precaution and vigilance which the circumstances of said penal provision. The acquittal of the accused
justly demanded, thereby causing the gasoline they cannot, therefore, be deemed a bar to a civil action
were unloading to catch fire. The precautions or against this company because its civil liability is
measures which this company has allegedly failed to completely divorced from the criminal liability of the
take to prevent fire are not clearly stated, but they are accused. The rule regarding reservation of the right
matters of evidence which need not now be to file a separate civil action does not apply to it.
determined. Suffice it to say that such allegation
furnishes enough basis for a cause of action against Wherefore, the order appealed from is hereby
this company. There is no need for the plaintiff to make modified as follows: it is affirmed with regard to
a reservation of her right to file a separate civil action, defendants Julito Sto. Domingo and Igmidio Rico; but
for as this court already held in a number of cases, it is reversed with regard to defendants Standard
such reservation is not necessary when the civil action Vacuum Oil Company and Rural Transit Company,
contemplated is not derived from the criminal liability with costs.
but one based on culpa aquiliana under the old Civil
Code (articles 1902 to 1910). These two acts are
separate and distinct and should not be confused one Extinction and Survival of Liability:
with the other. Plaintiff can choose either (Asuncion Effect of Pardon
Parker v. Hon. A. J. Panlilio supra, p. 1.)
The case of the Rural Transit Co. is even more different
G.R. No. 102007
as it is predicated on a special provision of the Revised
September 2, 1994
Penal Code. Thus, article 101, Rule 2, of said Code
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, v.
"Art. 101. Rules regarding civil liability in certain
ROGELIO BAYOTAS y CORDOVA, accused-appellant.
cases. The exemption from criminal liability
established in subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of
article 12 and in subdivision 4 of article 11 of this
In Criminal Case No. C-3217 filed before Branch 16, RTC
Code does not include exemption from civil liability,
Roxas City, Rogelio Bayotas y Cordova was charged
which shall be enforced subject to the following
with Rape and eventually convicted thereof on June 19,
rules: library
1991 in a decision penned by Judge Manuel E. Autajay.
x x x
Pending appeal of his conviction, Bayotas died on
"Second. In cases falling within subdivision 4 of
February 4, 1992 at the National Bilibid Hospital due to
article 11, the persons for whose benefit the harm
cardio respiratory arrest secondary to hepatic
has been prevented shall be civilly liable in
encephalopathy secondary to hipato carcinoma gastric
proportion to the benefit which they may have
malingering. Consequently, the Supreme Court in its
Resolution of May 20, 1992 dismissed the criminal
aspect of the appeal. However, it required the Solicitor
And on this point, the complaint contains the following
General to file its comment with regard to Bayotas' civil
liability arising from his commission of the offense
"3. That after the corresponding trial the said
defendants were acquitted and defendant Julito
Sto. Domingo was acquitted, on the ground that he
In his comment, the Solicitor General expressed his
so acted causing damage to another in order to
view that the death of accused-appellant did not
avoid a greater evil or injury, under article 11,
extinguish his civil liability as a result of his commission
paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code, as shown
of the offense charged. The Solicitor General, relying
by the pertinent portion of the decision of this
on the case of People v. Sendaydiego 1 insists that the
Honorable Court in said case, dated October 28,
appeal should still be resolved for the purpose of
1949, which reads as follows:
reviewing his conviction by the lower court on which
the civil liability is based. XXVIII Spanish Juridical Encyclopedia, p. 473,
furnishes the ready answer: It says:
Counsel for the accused-appellant, on the other hand, FIRST SENTENCE. The judgment that acquires
opposed the view of the Solicitor General arguing that the force of the definitive ones for not having
the death of the accused while judgment of conviction been used by the litigating parties against it
is pending appeal extinguishes both his criminal and within the terms and legal terms granted for the
civil penalties. In support of his position, said counsel purpose.
invoked the ruling of the Court of Appeals in People
v. Castillo and Ocfemia 2 which held that the civil "Sentencia firme (GT: first sentence)" really should be
obligation in a criminal case takes root in the criminal understood as one which is definite. Because, it is only
liability and, therefore, civil liability is extinguished if when judgment is such that, as Medina y Maranon puts
accused should die before final judgment is rendered. it, the crime is confirmed "en condena determinada
(GT: on determined conviction);" or, in the words of
We are thus confronted with a single issue: Does death Groizard, the guilt of the accused becomes "una
of the accused pending appeal of his conviction verdad legal (GT: A legal truth)." Prior thereto, should
extinguish his civil liability? the accused die, according to Viada, "no hay
legalmente, en tal caso, ni reo, ni delito, ni
In the aforementioned case of People v. Castillo, this responsabilidad criminal de ninguna clase (GT: There
issue was settled in the affirmative. This same issue is no legally, in such case, no criminal, no crime, no
posed therein was phrased thus: Does the death of criminal responsibility of any kind)." And, as Judge
Alfredo Castillo affect both his criminal responsibility Kapunan well explained, when a defendant dies before
and his civil liability as a consequence of the alleged judgment becomes executory, "there cannot be any
crime? determination by final judgment whether or not the
felony upon which the civil action might arise exists,"
It resolved this issue thru the following disquisition: for the simple reason that "there is no party
Article 89 of the Revised Penal Code is the controlling defendant." (I Kapunan, Revised Penal Code,
statute. It reads, in part: Annotated, p. 421. Senator Francisco holds the same
Art. 89. How criminal liability is totally view. Francisco, Revised Penal Code, Book One, 2nd
extinguished. Criminal liability is totally ed., pp. 859-860)
1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal The legal import of the term "final judgment" is
penalties; and as to the pecuniary penalties similarly reflected in the Revised Penal Code. Articles
liability therefor is extinguished only when the 72 and 78 of that legal body mention the term "final
death of the offender occurs before final judgment" in the sense that it is already enforceable.
judgment; This also brings to mind Section 7, Rule 116 of the
Rules of Court which states that a judgment in a
With reference to Castillo's criminal liability, there is no criminal case becomes final "after the lapse of the
question. The law is plain. Statutory construction is period for perfecting an appeal or when the sentence
unnecessary. Said liability is extinguished. has been partially or totally satisfied or served, or the
defendant has expressly waived in writing his right to
The civil liability, however, poses a problem. Such appeal."
liability is extinguished only when the death of the
offender occurs before final judgment. Saddled upon us By fair intendment, the legal precepts and opinions
is the task of ascertaining the legal import of the term here collected funnel down to one positive conclusion:
"final judgment." Is it final judgment as The term final judgment employed in the Revised Penal
contradistinguished from an interlocutory order? Or, is Code means judgment beyond recall. Really, as long as
it a judgment which is final and executory? a judgment has not become executory, it cannot be
truthfully said that defendant is definitely guilty of the
We go to the genesis of the law. The legal precept felony charged against him.
contained in Article 89 of the Revised Penal Code
heretofore transcribed is lifted from Article 132 of the Not that the meaning thus given to final judgment is
Spanish El Codigo Penal de 1870 which, in part, recites: without reason. For where, as in this case, the right to
La responsabilidad penal se extingue. institute a separate civil action is not reserved, the
decision to be rendered must, of necessity, cover "both
1. Por la muerte del reo en cuanto a las penas the criminal and the civil aspects of the case." People
personales siempre, y respecto a las vs. Yusico (November 9, 1942), 2 O.G., No. 100, p. 964.
pecuniarias, solo cuando a su fallecimiento no See also: People vs. Moll, 68 Phil., 626, 634; Francisco,
hubiere recaido sentencia firme. Criminal Procedure, 1958 ed., Vol. I, pp. 234, 236.
xxx xxx xxx Correctly, Judge Kapunan observed that as "the civil
The code of 1870 . . . it will be observed employs action is based solely on the felony committed and of
the term "sentencia firme." What is "sentencia which the offender might be found guilty, the death of
firme" under the old statute? the offender extinguishes the civil liability." I Kapunan,
Revised Penal Code, Annotated, supra.
XXVIII Enciclopedia Juridica Espaola, p. 473,
furnishes the ready answer: It says: Here is the situation obtaining in the present case:
SENTENCIA FIRME. La sentencia que adquiere la Castillo's criminal liability is out. His civil liability is
fuerza de las definitivas por no haberse utilizado sought to be enforced by reason of that criminal
por las partes litigantes recurso alguno contra liability. But then, if we dismiss, as we must, the
ella dentro de los terminos y plazos legales criminal action and let the civil aspect remain, we will
concedidos al efecto. be faced with the anomalous situation whereby we will
be called upon to clamp civil liability in a case where
GOOGLE TRANSLATE (GT): the source thereof criminal liability does not exist.
Criminal responsibility is extinguished. And, as was well stated in Bautista, et al. vs. Estrella,
1. For the death of the inmate in terms of et al., CA-G.R.
personal penalties always, and with respect to No. 19226-R, September 1, 1958, "no party can be
pecuniary, only when at his death there was no found and held criminally liable in a civil suit," which
relapse. solely would remain if we are to divorce it from the
xxx xxx xxx criminal proceeding."
The code of 1870. . . It will be observed employs
the term "final judgment." What is "firm sentence" This ruling of the Court of Appeals in
under the old statute? the Castillo case 3 was adopted by the Supreme Court
in the cases of People of the Philippines v. Bonifacio sale. It therefore concluded: "Consequently, while
Alison, et al., 4 People of the Philippines v. Jaime Jose, the death of the accused herein extinguished his
et al. 5 and People of the Philippines v. Satorre 6 by criminal liability including fine, his civil liability
dismissing the appeal in view of the death of the based on the laws of human relations remains."
accused pending appeal of said cases.
Thus it allowed the appeal to proceed with respect to
As held by then Supreme Court Justice Fernando in the civil liability of the accused, notwithstanding the
the Alison case: extinction of his criminal liability due to his death
The death of accused-appellant Bonifacio Alison pending appeal of his conviction.
having been established, and considering that
there is as yet no final judgment in view of the To further justify its decision to allow the civil liability to
pendency of the appeal, the criminal and civil survive, the court relied on the following ratiocination:
liability of the said accused-appellant Alison was Since Section 21, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court 9 requires
extinguished by his death (Art. 89, Revised Penal the dismissal of all money claims against the defendant
Code; Reyes' Criminal Law, 1971 Rev. Ed., p. 717, whose death occurred prior to the final judgment of the
citing People v. Castillo and Ofemia C.A., 56 O.G. Court of First Instance (CFI), then it can be inferred that
4045); consequently, the case against him should actions for recovery of money may continue to be
be dismissed. heard on appeal, when the death of the defendant
supervenes after the CFI had rendered its judgment. In
On the other hand, this Court in the subsequent cases such case, explained this tribunal, "the name of the
of Buenaventura Belamala v. Marcelino offended party shall be included in the title of the case
Polinar 7 and Lamberto Torrijos v. The Honorable Court as plaintiff-appellee and the legal representative or the
of Appeals 8 ruled differently. In the former, the issue heirs of the deceased-accused should be substituted as
decided by this court was: Whether the civil liability of defendants-appellants."
one accused of physical injuries who died before final
judgment is extinguished by his demise to the extent of It is, thus, evident that as jurisprudence evolved from
barring any claim therefore against his estate. It was Castillo to Torrijos, the rule established was that the
the contention of the administrator-appellant therein survival of the civil liability depends on whether the
that the death of the accused prior to final judgment same can be predicated on sources of obligations other
extinguished all criminal and civil liabilities resulting than delict. Stated differently, the claim for civil liability
from the offense, in view of Article 89, paragraph 1 of is also extinguished together with the criminal action if
the Revised Penal Code. However, this court ruled it were solely based thereon, i.e., civil liability ex
therein: delicto.
We see no merit in the plea that the civil liability
has been extinguished, in view of the provisions However, the Supreme Court in People v. Sendaydiego,
of the Civil Code of the Philippines of 1950 (Rep. et al. 10 departed from this long-established principle of
Act No. 386) that became operative eighteen law. In this case, accused Sendaydiego was charged
years after the revised Penal Code. As pointed with and convicted by the lower court of malversation
out by the Court below, Article 33 of the Civil thru falsification of public documents. Sendaydiego's
Code establishes a civil action for damages on death supervened during the pendency of the appeal
account of physical injuries, entirely separate of his conviction.
and distinct from the criminal action.
This court in an unprecedented move resolved to
Art. 33. In cases of defamation, fraud, and dismiss Sendaydiego's appeal but only to the extent of
physical injuries, a civil action for damages, his criminal liability. His civil liability was allowed to
entirely separate and distinct from the criminal survive although it was clear that such claim thereon
action, may be brought by the injured party. was exclusively dependent on the criminal action
Such civil action shall proceed independently of already extinguished. The legal import of such decision
the criminal prosecution, and shall require only was for the court to continue exercising appellate
a preponderance of evidence. jurisdiction over the entire appeal, passing upon the
correctness of Sendaydiego's conviction despite
Assuming that for lack of express reservation, dismissal of the criminal action, for the purpose of
Belamala's civil action for damages was to be determining if he is civilly liable. In doing so, this Court
considered instituted together with the criminal issued a Resolution of July 8, 1977 stating thus:
action still, since both proceedings were The claim of complainant Province of Pangasinan
terminated without final adjudication, the civil for the civil liability survived Sendaydiego because
action of the offended party under Article 33 may his death occurred after final judgment was
yet be enforced separately. rendered by the Court of First Instance of
Pangasinan, which convicted him of three complex
In Torrijos, the Supreme Court held that: crimes of malversation through falsification and
xxx xxx xxx ordered him to indemnify the Province in the total
It should be stressed that the extinction of civil sum of P61,048.23 (should be P57,048.23).
liability follows the extinction of the criminal
liability under Article 89, only when the civil The civil action for the civil liability is deemed
liability arises from the criminal act as its only impliedly instituted with the criminal action in the
basis. Stated differently, where the civil liability absence of express waiver or its reservation in a
does not exist independently of the criminal separate action (Sec. 1, Rule 111 of the Rules of
responsibility, the extinction of the latter by Court). The civil action for the civil liability is
death, ipso facto extinguishes the separate and distinct from the criminal action
former, provided, of course, that death (People and Manuel vs. Coloma, 105 Phil. 1287;
supervenes before final judgment. The said Roa vs. De la Cruz, 107 Phil. 8).
principle does not apply in instant case wherein
the civil liability springs neither solely nor When the action is for the recovery of money and
originally from the crime itself but from a civil the defendant dies before final judgment in the
contract of purchase and sale. (Emphasis ours) Court of First Instance, it shall be dismissed to be
xxx xxx xxx prosecuted in the manner especially provided in
In the above case, the court was convinced that Rule 87 of the Rules of Court (Sec. 21, Rule 3 of the
the civil liability of the accused who was charged Rules of Court).
with estafa could likewise trace its genesis to
Articles 19, 20 and 21 of the Civil Code since said The implication is that, if the defendant dies after a
accused had swindled the first and second vendees money judgment had been rendered against him
of the property subject matter of the contract of by the Court of First Instance, the action survives
him. It may be continued on appeal (Torrijos vs. accused while his conviction is on appeal. Article 89 of
Court of Appeals, L-40336, October 24, 1975; 67 the Revised Penal Code is clear on this matter:
SCRA 394). Art. 89. How criminal liability is totally
extinguished. Criminal liability is totally
The accountable public officer may still be civilly extinguished:
liable for the funds improperly disbursed although 1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal
he has no criminal liability (U.S. vs. Elvina, 24 Phil. penalties; and as to pecuniary penalties,
230; Philippine National Bank vs. Tugab, 66 Phil. liability therefor is extinguished only when the
583). death of the offender occurs before final
In view of the foregoing, notwithstanding the xxx xxx xxx
dismissal of the appeal of the deceased
Sendaydiego insofar as his criminal liability is However, the ruling in Sendaydiego deviated from the
concerned, the Court Resolved to continue expressed intent of Article 89. It allowed claims for civil
exercising appellate jurisdiction over his possible liability ex delicto to survive by ipso facto treating the
civil liability for the money claims of the Province of civil action impliedly instituted with the criminal, as one
Pangasinan arising from the alleged criminal acts filed under Article 30, as though no criminal
complained of, as if no criminal case had been proceedings had been filed but merely a separate civil
instituted against him, thus making applicable, in action. This had the effect of converting such claims
determining his civil liability, Article 30 of the Civil from one which is dependent on the outcome of the
Code . . . and, for that purpose, his counsel is criminal action to an entirely new and separate one,
directed to inform this Court within ten (10) days of the prosecution of which does not even necessitate the
the names and addresses of the decedent's heirs filing of criminal proceedings. 12One would be hard put
or whether or not his estate is under administration to pinpoint the statutory authority for such a
and has a duly appointed judicial administrator. transformation. It is to be borne in mind that in
Said heirs or administrator will be substituted for recovering civil liability ex delicto, the same has
the deceased insofar as the civil action for the civil perforce to be determined in the criminal action, rooted
liability is concerned (Secs. 16 and 17, Rule 3, as it is in the court's pronouncement of the guilt or
Rules of Court). innocence of the accused. This is but to render fealty to
the intendment of Article 100 of the Revised Penal
Succeeding cases 11 raising the identical issue have Code which provides that "every person criminally
maintained adherence to our ruling in Sendaydiego; in liable for a felony is also civilly liable." In such cases,
other words, they were a reaffirmance of our extinction of the criminal action due to death of the
abandonment of the settled rule that a civil liability accused pending appeal inevitably signifies the
solely anchored on the criminal (civil liability ex delicto) concomitant extinction of the civil liability. Mors Omnia
is extinguished upon dismissal of the entire appeal due Solvi. Death dissolves all things.
to the demise of the accused.
In sum, in pursuing recovery of civil liability arising
But was it judicious to have abandoned this old ruling? from crime, the final determination of the criminal
A re-examination of our decision in Sendaydiego impels liability is a condition precedent to the prosecution of
us to revert to the old ruling. the civil action, such that when the criminal action is
extinguished by the demise of accused-appellant
To restate our resolution of July 8, 1977 pending appeal thereof, said civil action cannot
in Sendaydiego: The resolution of the civil action survive. The claim for civil liability springs out of and is
impliedly instituted in the criminal action can proceed dependent upon facts which, if true, would constitute a
irrespective of the latter's extinction due to death of crime. Such civil liability is an inevitable consequence
the accused pending appeal of his conviction, pursuant of the criminal liability and is to be declared and
to Article 30 of the Civil Code and Section 21, Rule 3 of enforced in the criminal proceeding. This is to be
the Revised Rules of Court. distinguished from that which is contemplated under
Article 30 of the Civil Code which refers to the
Article 30 of the Civil Code provides: institution of a separate civil action that does not draw
When a separate civil action is brought to demand its life from a criminal proceeding. The Sendaydiego
civil liability arising from a criminal offense, and no resolution of July 8, 1977, however, failed to take note
criminal proceedings are instituted during the of this fundamental distinction when it allowed the
pendency of the civil case, a preponderance of survival of the civil action for the recovery of civil
evidence shall likewise be sufficient to prove the liability ex delicto by treating the same as a separate
act complained of. civil action referred to under Article 30. Surely, it will
take more than just a summary judicial pronouncement
Clearly, the text of Article 30 could not possibly lend to authorize the conversion of said civil action to an
support to the ruling in Sendaydiego. Nowhere in its independent one such as that contemplated under
text is there a grant of authority to continue exercising Article 30.
appellate jurisdiction over the accused's civil
liability ex delicto when his death supervenes during Ironically however, the main decision in Sendaydiego
appeal. What Article 30 recognizes is an alternative did not apply Article 30, the resolution of July 8, 1977
and separate civil action which may be brought to notwithstanding. Thus, it was held in the main decision:
demand civil liability arising from a criminal offense Sendaydiego's appeal will be resolved only for the
independently of any criminal action. In the event that purpose of showing his criminal liability which is
no criminal proceedings are instituted during the the basis of the civil liability for which his estate
pendency of said civil case, the quantum of evidence would be liable. 13
needed to prove the criminal act will have to be that
which is compatible with civil liability and that is, In other words, the Court, in resolving the issue of his
preponderance of evidence and not proof of guilt civil liability, concomitantly made a determination on
beyond reasonable doubt. Citing or invoking Article 30 whether Sendaydiego, on the basis of evidenced
to justify the survival of the civil action despite adduced, was indeed guilty beyond reasonable doubt
extinction of the criminal would in effect merely beg of committing the offense charged. Thus, it upheld
the question of whether civil liability ex delicto survives Sendaydiego's conviction and pronounced the same as
upon extinction of the criminal action due to death of the source of his civil liability. Consequently, although
the accused during appeal of his conviction. This is Article 30 was not applied in the final determination of
because whether asserted in Sendaydiego's civil liability, there was a reopening of
the criminal action or in a separate civil action, civil the criminal action already extinguished which served
liability ex delicto is extinguished by the death of the as basis for Sendaydiego's civil liability. We reiterate:
Upon death of the accused pending appeal of his
conviction, the criminal action is extinguished therefor before the estate of the deceased accused.
inasmuch as there is no longer a defendant to stand as Rather, it should be extinguished upon extinction of the
the accused; the civil action instituted therein for criminal action engendered by the death of the
recovery of civil liability ex delicto is ipso accused pending finality of his conviction.
facto extinguished, grounded as it is on the criminal.
Accordingly, we rule: if the private offended party,
Section 21, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court was also upon extinction of the civil liability ex delicto desires to
invoked to serve as another basis for recover damages from the same act or omission
the Sendaydiego resolution of July 8, 1977. In citing complained of, he must subject to Section 1, Rule
Sec. 21, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court, the Court made 111 16 (1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure as amended)
the inference that civil actions of the type involved file a separate civil action, this time predicated not on
in Sendaydiego consist of money claims, the recovery the felony previously charged but on other sources of
of which may be continued on appeal if defendant dies obligation. The source of obligation upon which the
pending appeal of his conviction by holding his estate separate civil action is premised determines against
liable therefor. Hence, the Court's conclusion: whom the same shall be enforced.
"When the action is for the recovery of money"
"and the defendant dies before final judgment in If the same act or omission complained of also arises
the court of First Instance, it shall be dismissed to from quasi-delict or may, by provision of law, result in
be prosecuted in the manner especially provided" an injury to person or property (real or personal), the
in Rule 87 of the Rules of Court (Sec. 21, Rule 3 of separate civil action must be filed against the executor
the Rules of Court). or administrator 17 of the estate of the accused
pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 87 of the Rules of Court:
The implication is that, if the defendant dies after a Sec. 1. Actions which may and which may not be
money judgment had been rendered against him by brought against executor or administrator. No
the Court of First Instance, the action survives him. It action upon a claim for the recovery of money or
may be continued on appeal. debt or interest thereon shall be commenced
Sadly, reliance on this provision of law is misplaced. against the executor or administrator; but actions
From the standpoint of procedural law, this course to recover real or personal property, or an interest
taken in Sendaydiego cannot be sanctioned. As therein, from the estate, or to enforce a lien
correctly observed by Justice Regalado: thereon, and actions to recover damages for an
xxx xxx xxx injury to person or property, real or personal, may
I do not, however, agree with the justification be commenced against him.
advanced in both Torrijos and Sendaydiego which,
relying on the provisions of Section 21, Rule 3 of This is in consonance with our ruling in
the Rules of Court, drew the strained implication Belamala 18 where we held that, in recovering damages
therefrom that where the civil liability instituted for injury to persons thru an independent civil action
together with the criminal liabilities had already based on Article 33 of the Civil Code, the same must be
passed beyond the judgment of the then Court of filed against the executor or administrator of the estate
First Instance (now the Regional Trial Court), the of deceased accused and not against the estate under
Court of Appeals can continue to exercise appellate Sec. 5, Rule 86 because this rule explicitly limits the
jurisdiction thereover despite the extinguishment claim to those for funeral expenses, expenses for the
of the component criminal liability of the deceased. last sickness of the decedent, judgment for money and
This pronouncement, which has been followed in claims arising from contract, express or implied.
the Court's judgments subsequent and consonant Contractual money claims, we stressed, refers only
to Torrijos and Sendaydiego, should be set aside to purely personal obligations other than those which
and abandoned as being clearly erroneous and have their source in delict or tort.
Conversely, if the same act or omission complained of
Said Section 21 of Rule 3 is a rule of civil procedure also arises from contract, the separate civil action must
in ordinary civil actions. There is neither authority be filed against the estate of the accused, pursuant to
nor justification for its application in criminal Sec. 5, Rule 86 of the Rules of Court.
procedure to civil actions instituted together with
and as part of criminal actions. Nor is there any From this lengthy disquisition, we summarize our ruling
authority in law for the summary conversion from herein:
the latter category of an ordinary civil action upon 1. Death of the accused pending appeal of his
the death of the offender. . . . conviction extinguishes his criminal liability as well
as the civil liability based solely thereon. As opined
Moreover, the civil action impliedly instituted in a by Justice Regalado, in this regard, "the death of
criminal proceeding for recovery of civil liability ex the accused prior to final judgment terminates his
delicto can hardly be categorized as an ordinary money criminal liability and only the civil
claim such as that referred to in Sec. 21, Rule 3 liability directly arising from and based solely on
enforceable before the estate of the deceased accused. the offense committed, i.e., civil liability ex
delicto in senso strictiore."
Ordinary money claims referred to in Section 21, Rule 3 2. Corollarily, the claim for civil liability survives
must be viewed in light of the provisions of Section 5, notwithstanding the death of accused, if the same
Rule 86 involving claims against the estate, which may also be predicated on a source of obligation
in Sendaydiego was held liable for Sendaydiego's civil other than delict. 19 Article 1157 of the Civil Code
liability. "What are contemplated in Section 21 of Rule enumerates these other sources of obligation from
3, in relation to Section 5 of Rule 86, 14 are contractual which the civil liability may arise as a result of the
money claims while the claims involved in civil same act or omission:
liability ex delicto may include even the restitution of a) Law
personal or real property." 15 Section 5, Rule 86 b) Contracts
provides an exclusive enumeration of what claims may c) Quasi-contracts
be filed against the estate. These are: funeral d) . . .
expenses, expenses for the last illness, judgments for e) Quasi-delicts
money and claim arising from contracts, expressed or 3. Where the civil liability survives, as explained in
implied. It is clear that money claims arising from delict Number 2 above, an action for recovery therefor
do not form part of this exclusive enumeration. Hence, may be pursued but only by way of filing a
there could be no legal basis in (1) treating a civil separate civil action and subject to Section 1, Rule
action ex delicto as an ordinary contractual money 111 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure as
claim referred to in Section 21, Rule 3 of the Rules of amended. This separate civil action may be
Court and (2) allowing it to survive by filing a claim enforced either against the executor/administrator
or the estate of the accused, depending on the
source of obligation upon which the same is based
as explained above. In the civil suit subsequently instituted by the parents
4. Finally, the private offended party need not fear a
in behalf of their minor daughter against Alfonso
forfeiture of his right to file this separate civil
Monfort, Maria Teresa Monfort's father, the defendant
action by prescription, in cases where during the
prosecution of the criminal action and prior to its was ordered to pay P1,703.00 as actual damages;
extinction, the private-offended party instituted P20,000.00 as moral damages; and P2,000.00 as
together therewith the civil action. In such case, attorney's fees, plus the costs of the suit.
the statute of limitations on the civil liability is
deemed interrupted during the pendency of the
criminal case, conformably with provisions of
Article 1155 21 of the Civil Code, that should
The legal issue posed in this appeal is the liability of a
thereby avoid any apprehension on a possible
privation of right by prescription. 22 parent for an act of his minor child which causes
damage to another under the specific facts related
Applying this set of rules to the case at bench, we hold above and the applicable provisions of the Civil Code,
that the death of appellant Bayotas extinguished his particularly Articles 2176 and 2180 thereof, which
criminal liability and the civil liability based solely on read:
the act complained of, i.e., rape. Consequently, the
appeal is hereby dismissed without qualification. ART. 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes
damage to another, there being fault or
WHEREFORE, the appeal of the late Rogelio Bayotas is negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage done.
DISMISSED with costs de oficio.
Such fault or negligence, if there is no pre-existing
contractual relation between the parties, is called
a quasi-delict and is governed by provisions of this

Defense of Exercise of Due Diligence
ART 2180. The obligation imposed by Article 2176
is demandable not only for one's own acts or
G.R. No. L-24101 omissions, but also for those of persons for whom
one is responsible.
September 30, 1970

The father and, in case of his death or incapacity

MARIA TERESA Y. CUADRA, minor represented by are responsible for the damages caused by the
her father ULISES P. CUADRA, ET minor children who live in their company.
AL., plaintiffsappellees, v. ALFONSO
MONFORT, defendantappellant. xxx xxx xxx

The responsibility treated of in this Article shall

MAKALINTAL, J.: cease when the persons herein mentioned prove
that they observed all the diligence of a good
This is an action for damages based on quasi-delict, father of a family to prevent damage.
decided by the Court of First Instance of Negros
Occidental favorably to the plaintiffs and appealed by
the defendant to the Court of Appeals, which certified
the same to us since the facts are not in issue.
The underlying basis of the liability imposed by Article
2176 is the fault or negligence accompanying the act
or the omission, there being no willfulness or intent to
cause damage thereby. When the act or omission is
Maria Teresa Cuadra, 12, and Maria Teresa Monfort, 13, that of one person for whom another is responsible, the
were classmates in Grade Six at the Mabini Elementary latter then becomes himself liable under Article 2180,
School in Bacolod City. On July 9, 1962 their teacher in the different cases enumerated therein, such as that
assigned them, together with three other classmates, of the father or the mother under the circumstances
to weed the grass in the school premises. While thus above quoted. The basis of this vicarious, although
engaged Maria Teresa Monfort found a plastic primary, liability is, as in Article 2176, fault or
headband, an ornamental object commonly worn by negligence, which is presumed from that which
young girls over their hair. Jokingly she said aloud that accompanied the causative act or omission. The
she had found an earthworm and, evidently to frighten presumption is merely prima facie and may therefore
the Cuadra girl, tossed the object at her. At that precise be rebutted. This is the clear and logical inference that
moment the latter turned around to face her friend, may be drawn from the last paragraph of Article 2180,
and the object hit her right eye. Smarting from the which states "that the responsibility treated of in this
pain, she rubbed the injured part and treated it with Article shall cease when the persons herein mentioned
some powder. The next day, July 10, the eye became prove that they observed all the diligence of a good
swollen and it was then that the girl related the father of a family to prevent damage."
incident to her parents, who thereupon took her to a
doctor for treatment. She underwent surgical operation
twice, first on July 20 and again on August 4, 1962, and
stayed in the hospital for a total of twenty-three days,
Since the fact thus required to be proven is a matter of
for all of which the parents spent the sum of P1,703.75.
defense, the burden of proof necessarily rests on the
Despite the medical efforts, however, Maria Teresa
defendant. But what is the exact degree of diligence
Cuadra completely lost the sight of her right eye.
contemplated, and how does a parent prove it in petitioner spouses Celso and Aurelia Tamargo,
connection with a particular act or omission of a minor Jennifer's natural parents against respondent spouses
child, especially when it takes place in his absence or Victor and Clara Bundoc, Adelberto's natural parents
outside his immediate company? Obviously there can with whom he was living at the time of the tragic
be no meticulously calibrated measure applicable; and incident. In addition to this case for damages, a
when the law simply refers to "all the diligence of a criminal information or Homicide through Reckless
good father of the family to prevent damage," it Imprudence was filed [Criminal Case No. 1722-V]
implies a consideration of the attendant circumstances against Adelberto Bundoc. Adelberto, however, was
in every individual case, to determine whether or not acquitted and exempted from criminal liability on the
by the exercise of such diligence the damage could ground that he bad acted without discernment.
have been prevented.

Prior to the incident, or on 10 December 1981, the

In the present case there is nothing from which it may spouses Sabas and Felisa Rapisura had filed a petition
be inferred that the defendant could have prevented to adopt the minor Adelberto Bundoc in Special
the damage by the observance of due care, or that he Proceedings No. 0373-T before the then Court of First
was in any way remiss in the exercise of his parental Instance of Ilocos Sur. This petition for adoption was
authority in failing to foresee such damage, or the act grunted on, 18 November 1982, that is, after Adelberto
which caused it. On the contrary, his child was at had shot and killed Jennifer.
school, where it was his duty to send her and where
she was, as he had the right to expect her to be, under
the care and supervision of the teacher. And as far as
the act which caused the injury was concerned, it was
In their Answer, respondent spouses Bundoc,
an innocent prank not unusual among children at play
Adelberto's natural parents, reciting the result of the
and which no parent, however careful, would have any
foregoing petition for adoption, claimed that not they,
special reason to anticipate much less guard against.
but rather the adopting parents, namely the spouses
Nor did it reveal any mischievous propensity, or indeed
Sabas and Felisa Rapisura, were indispensable parties
any trait in the child's character which would reflect
to the action since parental authority had shifted to the
unfavorably on her upbringing and for which the blame
adopting parents from the moment the successful
could be attributed to her parents.
petition for adoption was filed.

Petitioners in their Reply contended that since

Adelberto Bundoc was then actually living with his
The victim, no doubt, deserves no little commiseration natural parents, parental authority had not ceased nor
and sympathy for the tragedy that befell her. But if the been relinquished by the mere filing and granting of a
defendant is at all obligated to compensate her petition for adoption.
suffering, the obligation has no legal sanction
enforceable in court, but only the moral compulsion of
good conscience.

The trial court on 3 December 1987 dismissed

petitioners' complaint, ruling that respondent natural
parents of Adelberto indeed were not indispensable
The decision appealed from is reversed, and the parties to the action.
complaint is dismissed, without pronouncement as to

Petitioners received a copy of the trial court's Decision

on 7 December 1987. Within the 15-day reglementary
period, or on 14 December 1987, petitioners filed a
G.R. No. 85044 motion for reconsideration followed by a supplemental
motion for reconsideration on 15 January 1988. It
June 3, 1992 appearing, however, that the motions failed to comply
with Sections 4 and 5 of Rule 15 of the Revised Rules of
Court that notice of the motion shall be given to all
parties concerned at least three (3) days before the
MACARIO TAMARGO, CELSO TAMARGO and hearing of said motion; and that said notice shall state
AURELIA TAMARGO, petitioners, v. HON. COURT OF the time and place of hearing both motions were
APPEALS, THE HON. ARISTON L. RUBIO, RTC denied by the trial court in an Order dated 18 April
Judge, Branch 20, Vigan, Ilocos Sur; VICTOR 1988. On 28 April 1988, petitioners filed a notice of
BUNDOC; and CLARA BUNDOC, respondents. appeal. In its Order dated 6 June 1988, the trial court
dismissed the notice at appeal, this time ruling that the
notice had been filed beyond the 15-day reglementary
period ending 22 December 1987.


On 20 October 1982, Adelberto Bundoc, then a minor Petitioners went to the Court of Appeals on a petition
of 10 years of age, shot Jennifer Tamargo with an air for mandamus and certiorari questioning the trial
rifle causing injuries which resulted in her death. court's Decision dated 3 December 1987 and the
Accordingly, a civil complaint for damages was filed Orders dated 18 April 1988 and 6 June 1988, The Court
with the Regional Trial Court, Branch 20, Vigan, Ilocos of Appeals dismissed the petition, ruling that
Sur, docketed as Civil Case No. 3457-V, by petitioner petitioners had lost their right to appeal.
Macario Tamargo, Jennifer's adopting parent, and
In the present Petition for Review, petitioners once Upon the other hand, the law imposes civil liability
again contend that respondent spouses Bundoc are the upon the father and, in case of his death or incapacity,
indispensable parties to the action for damages caused the mother, for any damages that may be caused by
by the acts of their minor child, Adelberto Bundoc. a minor child who lives with them. Article 2180 of the
Resolution of this Petition hinges on the following Civil Code reads:
issues: (1) whether or not petitioners, notwithstanding
loss of their right to appeal, may still file the instant The obligation imposed by article 2176 is
Petition; conversely, whether the Court may still take demandable not only for one's own acts or
cognizance of the case even through petitioners' omissions, but also for those of persons for whom
appeal had been filed out of time; and (2) whether or one is responsible.
not the effects of adoption, insofar as parental
authority is concerned may be given retroactive effect
so as to make the adopting parents the indispensable
parties in a damage case filed against their adopted
child, for acts committed by the latter, when actual The father and, in case of his death or incapacity,
custody was yet lodged with the biological parents. the mother, are responsible for the damages
caused by the minor children who live in their

xxx xxx xxx

1. It will be recalled that, petitioners' motion (and
supplemental motion) for reconsideration filed
before the trial court, not having complied with the The responsibility treated of in this Article shall
requirements of Section 13, Rule 41, and Section 4, cease when the person herein mentioned prove
Rule 15, of the Revised Rules of Court, were that they observed all the diligence of a good
considered pro forma and hence did not interrupt father of a family to prevent damage. (Emphasis
and suspend the reglementary period to appeal: supplied)
the trial court held that the motions, not having
contained a notice of time and place of hearing,
had become useless pieces of paper which did not
interrupt the reglementary period. 1 As in fact This principle of parental liability is a species of what is
repeatedly held by this Court, what is mandatory is frequently designated as vicarious liability, or the
the service of the motion on the opposing counsel doctrine of "imputed negligence" under Anglo-
indicating the time and place of hearing. 2 American tort law, where a person is not only liable for
torts committed by himself, but also for torts
committed by others with whom he has a certain
relationship and for whom he is responsible. Thus,
In view, however, of the nature of the issue raised parental liability is made a natural or logical
in the instant. Petition, and in order that substantial consequence of the duties and responsibilities of
justice may be served, the Court, invoking its right parents their parental authority which includes
to suspend the application of technical rules to the instructing, controlling and disciplining of the
prevent manifest injustice, elects to treat the child. 5 The basis for the doctrine of vicarious liability
notice of appeal as having been seasonably filed was explained by the Court in Cangco v. Manila
before the trial court, and the motion (and Railroad Co. 6 in the following terms:
supplemental motion) for reconsideration filed by
petitioner in the trial court as having interrupted With respect to extra-contractual obligation
the reglementary period for appeal. As the Court arising from negligence, whether of act or
held in Gregorio v. Court of Appeals: omission, it is competent for the legislature to
elect and our Legislature has so elected to
Dismissal of appeal; purely on technical limit such liability to cases in which the person
grounds is frowned upon where the policy of upon whom such an obligation is imposed is
the courts is to encourage hearings of appeal morally culpable or, on the contrary, for reasons
on their merits. The rules of procedure ought of public policy. to extend that liability, without
not be applied in a very rigid technical sense, regard to the lack of moral culpability, so as to
rules of procedure are used only to help secure include responsibility for the negligence of those
not override, substantial justice. if d technical persons whose acts or omissions are imputable,
and rigid enforcement of the rules is made by a legal fiction, to others who are in a position
their aim would be defeated. 4 to exercise an absolute or limited control over
them. The legislature which adopted our Civil
Code has elected to limit extra-contractual
liability with certain well-defined exceptions
to cases in which moral culpability can be
2. It is not disputed that Adelberto Bundoc's voluntary directly imputed to the persons to be
act of shooting Jennifer Tamargo with an air rifle charged. This moral responsibility may consist in
gave rise to a cause of action on quasi- having failed to exercise due care in one's own
delict against him. As Article 2176 of the Civil Code acts, or in having failed to exercise due care in
provides: the selection and control of one's agent or
servants, or in the control of persons who, by
Whoever by act or omission causes damage to reasons of their status, occupy a position of
another, there being fault or negligence, is dependency with respect to the person made
obliged to pay for the damage done. Such fault liable for their conduct. 7(Emphasis Supplied)
or negligence, if there is no pre-existing
contractual relation between the parties, is
called a quasi-delict . . .
The civil liability imposed upon parents for the torts xxx xxx xxx
of their minor children living with them, may be
seen to be based upon the parental authority (Emphasis supplied)
vested by the Civil Code upon such parents. The
civil law assumes that when an unemancipated
child living with its parents commits a tortious acts,
the parents were negligent in the performance of
their legal and natural duty closely to supervise the and urge that their Parental authority must be
child who is in their custody and control. Parental deemed to have been dissolved as of the time the
liability is, in other words, anchored upon parental Petition for adoption was filed.
authority coupled with presumed parental
dereliction in the discharge of the duties
accompanying such authority. The parental
dereliction is, of course, only presumed and the The Court is not persuaded. As earlier noted, under the
presumption can be overtuned under Article 2180 Civil Code, the basis of parental liability for the torts of
of the Civil Code by proof that the parents had a minor child is the relationship existing between the
exercised all the diligence of a good father of a parents and the minor child living with them and over
family to prevent the damage. whom, the law presumes, the parents exercise
supervision and control. Article 58 of the Child and
Youth Welfare Code, re-enacted this rule:

In the instant case, the shooting of Jennifer by Article 58 Torts Parents and guardians are
Adelberto with an air rifle occured when parental responsible for the damage caused by the child
authority was still lodged in respondent Bundoc under their parental authority in accordance with
spouses, the natural parents of the minor Adelberto. It the civil Code. (Emphasis supplied)
would thus follow that the natural parents who had
then actual custody of the minor Adelberto, are the
indispensable parties to the suit for damages.
Article 221 of the Family Code of the Philippines 9 has
similarly insisted upon the requisite that the child, doer
of the tortious act, shall have beer in the actual
The natural parents of Adelberto, however, stoutly custody of the parents sought to be held liable for the
maintain that because a decree of adoption was issued ensuing damage:
by the adoption court in favor of the Rapisura spouses,
parental authority was vested in the latter as adopting Art. 221. Parents and other persons exercising
parents as of the time of the filing of the petition for parental authority shall be civilly liable for the
adoption that is, before Adelberto had shot Jennifer injuries and damages caused by the acts or
which an air rifle. The Bundoc spouses contend that omissions of their unemancipated children living in
they were therefore free of any parental responsibility their company and under their parental authority
for Adelberto's allegedly tortious conduct. subject to the appropriate defenses provided by
law. (Emphasis supplied)

Respondent Bundoc spouses rely on Article 36 of the

Child and Youth Welfare Code 8 which reads as follows: We do not believe that parental authority is properly
regarded as having been retroactively transferred to
Art. 36. Decree of Adoption. If, after and vested in the adopting parents, the Rapisura
considering the report of the Department of spouses, at the time the air rifle shooting happened.
Social Welfare or duly licensed child placement We do not consider that retroactive effect may be giver
agency and the evidence submitted before it, the to the decree of adoption so as to impose a liability
court is satisfied that the petitioner is qualified to upon the adopting parents accruing at a time when
maintain, care for, and educate the child, that adopting parents had no actual or physically custody
the trial custody period has been completed, and over the adopted child. Retroactive affect may perhaps
that the best interests of the child will be be given to the granting of the petition for adoption
promoted by the adoption, a decree of adoption where such is essential to permit the accrual of some
shall be entered, which shall be effective he date benefit or advantage in favor of the adopted child. In
the original petition was filed. The decree shall the instant case, however, to hold that parental
state the name by which the child is thenceforth authority had been retroactively lodged in the Rapisura
to be known. (Emphasis supplied) spouses so as to burden them with liability for a
tortious act that they could not have foreseen and
which they could not have prevented (since they were
at the time in the United States and had no physical
custody over the child Adelberto) would be unfair and
The Bundoc spouses further argue that the above
unconscionable. Such a result, moreover, would be
Article 36 should be read in relation to Article 39 of
inconsistent with the philosophical and policy basis
the same Code:
underlying the doctrine of vicarious liability. Put a little
differently, no presumption of parental dereliction on
Art. 39. Effect of Adoption. The adoption shall: the part of the adopting parents, the Rapisura spouses,
could have arisen since Adelberto was not in fact
xxx xxx xxx subject to their control at the time the tort was
(2) Dissolve the authority vested in the natural
parents, except where the adopter is the spouse of
the surviving natural parent;
Article 35 of the Child and Youth Welfare Code fortifies prevent such damages. That primary liability is
the conclusion reached above. Article 35 provides as premised on the provisions of Article 101 of the
follows: Revised Penal Code with respect to damages ex delicto
caused by their children 9 years of age or under, or
over 9 but under 15 years of age who acted without
Art. 35. Trial Custody. No petition for adoption
discernment; and, with regard to their children over 9
shall be finally granted unless and until the but under 15 years of age who acted with discernment,
adopting parents are given by the courts a or 15 years or over but under 21 years of age, such
supervised trial custody period of at least six primary liability shall be imposed pursuant to Article
months to assess their adjustment and emotional 2180 of the Civil Code. Under said Article 2180, the
readiness for the legal union. During the period of enforcement of such liability shall be effected against
trial custody, parental authority shall be vested in the father and, in case of his death or incapacity, the
the adopting parents. (Emphasis supplied) mother. This was amplified by the Child and Youth
Welfare Code which provides that the same shall
devolve upon the father and, in case of his death or
incapacity, upon the mother or, in case of her death or
incapacity, upon the guardian, but the liability may also
Under the above Article 35, parental authority is be voluntarily assumed by a relative or family friend of
provisionally vested in the adopting parents during the the youthful offender. However, under the Family Code,
period of trial custody, i.e., before the issuance of a this civil liability is now, without such alternative
decree of adoption, precisely because the adopting qualification, the responsibility of the parents and
parents are given actual custody of the child during those who exercise parental authority over the minor
such trial period. In the instant case, the trial custody offender. For civil liability arising from quasi-delicts
period either had not yet begun or bad already been committed by minors, the same rules shall apply in
completed at the time of the air rifle shooting; in any accordance with Articles 2180 and 2182 of the Civil
case, actual custody of Adelberto was then with his Code, as so modified.
natural parents, not the adopting parents.

One of the ironic verities of life, it has been said, is that
Accordingly, we conclude that respondent Bundoc sorrow is sometimes a touchstone of love. A tragic
spouses, Adelberto's natural parents, were illustration is provided by the instant case, wherein two
indispensable parties to the suit for damages brought lovers died while still in the prime of their years, a
by petitioners, and that the dismissal by the trial court bitter episode for those whose lives they have touched.
While we cannot expect to award complete
of petitioners' complaint, the indispensable parties
assuagement to their families through seemingly
being already before the court, constituted grave
prosaic legal verbiage, this disposition should at least
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of terminate the acrimony and rancor of an extended
jurisdiction. judicial contest resulting from the unfortunate

In this final denouement of the judicial recourse the

stages whereof were alternately initiated by the
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition for
parties, petitioners are now before us seeking the
Review is hereby GRANTED DUE COURSE and the
reversal of the judgment of respondent court
Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 6 September promulgated on January 2, 1985 in AC-G.R. CV No.
1988, in C.A.-G.R. No. SP-15016 is hereby REVERSED 69060 with the following decretal portion:
and SET ASIDE. Petitioners' complaint filed before the "WHEREFORE, the decision of the lower court
trial court is hereby REINSTATED and this case is dismissing plaintiffs complaint is hereby reversed;
REMANDED to that court for further proceedings and instead, judgment is hereby rendered
consistent with this Decision. Costs against respondent sentencing defendants, jointly and solidarily, to pay
Bundoc spouses. This Decision is immediately to plaintiffs the following amounts:
executory. 1. Moral damages, P30,000.000;
2. Exemplary damages, P10,000.00;
SO ORDERED. 3. Attorneys fees, P20,000.00, and costs.

However, denial of defendants-appellees

counterclaims is affirmed."

Synthesized from the findings of the lower courts, it

appears that respondent spouses are the legitimate
parents of Julie Ann Gotiong who, at the time of the
deplorable incident which took place and from which
G.R. No. 70890 she died on January 14, 1979, was an 18-year old first
September 18, 1992 year commerce student of the University of San Carlos,
Cebu City; while petitioners are the parents of Wendell
CRESENCIO LIBI and AMELIA YAP LIBI, petitioners, Libi, then a minor between 18 and 19 years of age
v. HON. INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, FELIPE living with his aforesaid parents, and who also died in
GOTIONG and SHIRLEY GOTIONG, respondents. the same event on the same date.

SYLLABUS For more than two (2) years before their deaths, Julie
Ann Gotiong and Wendell Libi were sweethearts until
CIVIL LAW; QUASI DELICT; LIABILITY OF PARENTS December, 1978 when Julie Ann broke up her
FOR CIVIL LIABILITY ARISING FROM CRIMINAL relationship with Wendell after she supposedly found
OFFENSES COMMITTED BY THEIR MINOR him to be sadistic and irresponsible. During the first
CHILDREN; RULE. The parents are and should be and second weeks of January, 1979, Wendell kept
held primarily liable for the civil liability arising from pestering Julie Ann with demands for reconciliation but
criminal offenses committed by their minor children the latter persisted in her refusal, prompting the former
under their legal authority or control, or who live in to resort to threats against her. In order to avoid him,
their company, unless it is proven that the former Julie Ann stayed in the house of her best friend, Malou
acted with the diligence of a good father of a family to
Alfonso, at the corner of Maria Cristina and Juana of gunpowder residue on Wendells hands was
Osmea Streets, Cebu City, from January 7 to 13, 1978. forever lost when Wendell was hastily buried.

On January 14, 1979, Julie Ann and Wendell died, each More specifically, Dr. Cerna testified that he
from a single gunshot wound inflicted with the same conducted an autopsy on the body of Wendell Libi
firearm, a Smith and Wesson revolver licensed in the about eight (8) hours after the incident or, to be
name of petitioner Cresencio Libi, which was recovered exact, eight (8) hours and twenty (20) minutes based
from the scene of the crime inside the residence of on the record of death; that when he arrived at the
private respondents at the corner of General Maxilom Cosmopolitan Funeral Homes, the body of the
and D. Jakosalem streets of the same city. deceased was already on the autopsy table and in
the stage of rigor mortis; and that said body was not
Due to the absence of an eyewitness account of the washed, but it was dried. However, on redirect
circumstances surrounding the death of both minors, examination, he admitted that during the 8-hour
their parents, who are the contending parties herein, interval, he never saw the body nor did he see
posited their respective theories drawn from their whether said body was wiped or washed in the area
interpretation of circumstantial evidence, available of the wound on the head which he examined
reports, documents and evidence of physical facts. because the deceased was inside the morgue. In
fact, on cross-examination, he had earlier admitted
Private respondents, bereaved over the death of their that as far as the entrance of the wound, the
daughter, submitted that Wendell caused her death by trajectory of the bullet and the exit of the wound are
shooting her with the aforesaid firearm and, thereafter, concerned, it is possible that Wendell Libi shot
turning the gun on himself to commit suicide. On the himself.
other hand, Petitioners, puzzled and likewise distressed
over the death of their son, rejected the imputation He further testified that the muzzle of the gun was not
and contended that an unknown third party, whom pressed on the head of the victim and that he found no
Wendell may have displeased or antagonized by burning or singeing of the hair or extensive laceration
reason of his work as a narcotics informer of the on the gunshot wound of entrance which are general
Constabulary Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU), must have characteristics of contact or near-contact fire. On direct
caused Wendells death and then shot Julie Ann to examination, Dr. Cerna nonetheless made these
eliminate any witness and thereby avoid identification. clarification:
"Q Is it not a fact that there are certain guns which
As a result of the tragedy, the parents of Julie Ann filed are so made that there would be no black residue
Civil Case No. R-17774 in the then Court of First or tattooing that could result from these guns
Instance of Cebu against the parents of Wendell to because they are what we call clean?
recover damages arising from the latters vicarious
liability under Article 2180 of the Civil Code. After trial, A Yes, sir. I know that there are what we call
the court below rendered judgment on October 20, smokeless powder.
1980 as follows:
"WHEREFORE, premises duly considered, judgment ATTY. ORTIZ:
is hereby rendered dismissing plaintiffs complaint Q Yes. So, in cases, therefore, of guns where the
for insufficiency of the evidence. Defendants powder is smokeless, those indications that you
counterclaim is likewise denied for lack of sufficient said may not rule out the possibility that the gun
merit." was closer than 24 inches, is that correct?

On appeal to respondent court, said judgment of the A If the . . . assuming that the gun used was .. the
lower court dismissing the complaint of therein bullet used was a smokeless powder.
plaintiffs-appellants was set aside and another
judgment was rendered against defendants-appellees Q At any rate, doctor, from . . . disregarding those
who, as petitioners in the present appeal by certiorari, other matters that you have noticed, the singeing,
now submit for resolution the following issues in this etc., from the trajectory, based on the trajectory of
case: the bullet as shown in your own sketch, is it not a
1. Whether or not respondent court correctly fact that the gun could have been fired by the
reversed the trial court in accordance with person himself, the victim himself, Wendell Libi,
established decisional laws; and because it shows a point of entry a little above the
2. Whether or not Article 2180 of the Civil Code was right ear and point of exit a little above that, to be
correctly interpreted by respondent court to very fair and on your oath?
make petitioners liable for vicarious liability.
In the proceedings before the trial court, Dr. Jesus P. A As far as the point of entrance is concerned and
Cerna, Police Medico-Legal Officer of Cebu, submitted as far as the trajectory of the bullet is concerned
his findings and opinions on some postulates for and as far as the angle or the manner of fire is
determining whether or not the gunshot wound was concerned, it could have been fired by the victim."
inflicted on Wendell Libi by his own suicidal act.
However, undue emphasis was placed by the lower As shown by the evidence, there were only two used
court on the absence of gunpowder or tattooing bullets found at the scene of the crime, each of which
around the wound at the point of entry of the bullet. were the bullets that hit Julie Ann Gotiong and Wendell
It should be emphasized, however, that this is not Libi, respectively. Also, the sketch prepared by the
the only circumstance to be taken into account in the Medico-Legal Division of the National Bureau of
determination of whether it was suicide or not. Investigation, 9 shows that there is only one gunshot
wound of entrance located at the right temple of
It is true that said witness declared that he found no Wendell Libi. The necropsy report prepared by Dr.
evidence of contact or close-contact of an explosive Cerna states:
discharge in the entrance wound. However, as x x x
pointed out by private respondents, the body of "Gunshot wound, ENTRANCE, ovaloid, 0.5 x 0.4
deceased Wendell Libi must have been washed at cm., with contusion collar widest inferiorly by 0.2
the funeral parlor, considering the hasty interment cm., edges inverted, oriented upward, located at
thereof a little after eight (8) hours from the the head, temporal region, right, 2.8 cms. behind
occurrence wherein he died. Dr. Cerna himself could and 5.5 cms. above right external auditory meatus,
not categorically state that the body of Wendell Libi directed slightly forward, upward and to the left,
was left untouched at the funeral parlor before he involving skin and soft tissues, making a punch-in
was able to conduct his autopsy. It will also be noted fracture on the temporal bone, right, penetrating
that Dr. Cerna was negligent in not conducting a cranial cavity, lacerating extensively along its
paraffin test on Wendell Libi, hence possible evidence course the brain tissues, fracturing parietal bone,
left, and finally making an EXIT wound, irregular, credence as to the reliability and accuracy of the
2.0 x 1.8 cms., edges (e)verted, parietal region, witnesses observations, since the visual perceptions of
left, 2.0 cms. behind and 12.9 cms. above left both were obstructed by high walls in their respective
external auditory meatus. houses in relation to the house of herein private
x x x respondents. On the other hand, witness Manolo
"Evidence of contact or close-contact fire, such as Alfonso, testifying on rebuttal, attested without
burning around the gunshot wound of entrance, contradiction that he and his sister, Malou Alfonso,
gunpowder tatooing (sic), smudging, singeing of were waiting for Julie Ann Gotiong when they heard her
hair, extensive laceration or bursting of the scream; that when Manolo climbed the fence to see
gunshot wound of entrance, or separation of the what was going on inside the Gotiong house, he heard
skin from the underlying tissue, are absent." the first shot; and, not more than five (5) seconds later,
he heard another shot. Consequently, he went down
On cross-examination, Dr. Cerna demonstrated his from the fence and drove to the police station to report
theory which was made of record, thus: the incident. 15 Manolos direct and candid testimony
"Q Now, will you please use yourself as Wendell establishes and explains the fact that it was he whom
Libi, and following the entrance of the wound, the Lydia Ang and James Enrique Tan saw as the "shadow"
trajectory of the bullet and the exit of the wound, of a man at the gate of the Gotiong house.
and measuring yourself 24 inches, will you please
indicate to the Honorable Court how would it have We have perforce to reject petitioners effete and
been possible for Wendell Libi to kill himself? Will unsubstantiated pretension that it was another man
you please indicate the 24 inches? who shot Wendell and Julie Ann. It is significant that the
Libi family did not even point to or present any suspect
in the crime nor did they file any case against any
WITNESS: alleged "John Doe." Nor can we sustain the trial courts
A Actually, sir, the 24 inches is approximately one dubious theory that
arms length. Wendell Libi did not die by his own hand because of the
overwhelming evidence testimonial, documentary
ATTY. SENINING: and pictorial the confluence of which point to
I would like to make of record that the witness has Wendell as the assailant of Julie Ann, his motive being
demonstrated by extending his right arm almost revenge for her rejection of his persistent pleas for a
straight towards his head." reconciliation.

Private respondents assail the fact that the trial court Petitioners defense that they had exercised the due
gave credence to the testimonies of defendants diligence of a good father of a family, hence they
witnesses Lydia Ang and James Enrique Tan, the first should not be civilly liable for the crime committed by
being a resident of an apartment across the street from their minor son, is not borne out by the evidence on
the Gotiongs and the second, a resident of the house record either.
adjacent to the Gotiong residence, who declared
having seen a "shadow" of a person at the gate of the Petitioner Amelita Yap Libi, mother of Wendell, testified
Gotiong house after hearing shots therefrom. that her husband, Cresencio Libi, owns a gun which he
kept in a safety deposit box inside a drawer in their
On cross-examination, Lydia Ang testified that the bedroom. Each of these petitioners holds a key to the
apartment where she was staying faces the gas safety deposit box and Amelitas key is always in her
station; that it is the second apartment; that from her bag, all of which facts were known to Wendell. They
window she can see directly the gate of the Gotiongs have never seen their son Wendell taking or using the
and, that there is a firewall between her apartment and gun. She admitted, however, that on that fateful night
the gas station. 12 After seeing a man jump from the the gun was no longer in the safety deposit box.
gate of the Gotiongs to the rooftop of the Tans, she We, accordingly, cannot but entertain serious doubts
called the police station but the telephone lines were that petitioner spouses had really been exercising the
busy. Later on, she talked with James Enrique Tan and diligence of a good father of a family by safely locking
told him that she saw a man leap from the gate the fatal gun away. Wendell could not have gotten hold
towards his rooftop. thereof unless one of the keys to the safety deposit box
However, James Enrique Tan testified that he saw a was negligently left lying around or he had free access
"shadow" on top of the gate of the Gotiongs, but to the bag of his mother where the other key was.
denied having talked with anyone regarding what he
saw. He explained that he lives in a duplex house with The diligence of a good father of a family required by
a garden in front of it; that his house is next to Felipe law in a parent and child relationship consists, to a
Gotiongs house; and he further gave the following large extent, of the instruction and supervision of the
answers to these questions: child. Petitioners were gravely remiss in their duties as
"ATTY. ORTIZ: (TO WITNESS). parents in not diligently supervising the activities of
their son, despite his minority and immaturity, so much
Q What is the height of the wall of the Gotiongs in so that it was only at the time of Wendells death that
relation to your house? they allegedly discovered that he was a CANU agent
and that Cresencios gun was missing from the safety
WITNESS: deposit box. Both parents were sadly wanting in their
A It is about 8 feet. duty and responsibility in monitoring and knowing the
activities of their children who, for all they know, may
ATTY. ORTIZ: (TO WITNESS) be engaged in dangerous work such as being drug
Q And where were you looking from? informers, 17 or even drug users. Neither was a
plausible explanation given for the photograph of
WITNESS: Wendell, with a handwritten dedication to Julie Ann at
A From upstairs in my living room. the back thereof, 18 holding upright what clearly
appears as a revolver and on how or why he was in
ATTY. ORTIZ (TO WITNESS) possession of that firearm.

Q From Your living room window, is that correct? In setting aside the judgment of the court a quo and
holding petitioners civilly liable, as explained at the
WITNESS: start of this opinion, respondent court waved aside the
A Yes, but not very clear because the wall is high." protestations of diligence on the part of petitioners and
had this to say:
Analyzing the foregoing testimonies, we agree with ". . . It is still the duty of parents to know the
respondent court that the same do not inspire activity of their children who may be engaged in
this dangerous activity involving the menace of Cadano, Et. Al. which supposedly holds that" (t)he
drugs. Had the defendants-appellees been diligent subsidiary liability of parents for damages caused by
in supervising the activities of their son, Wendell, their minor children imposed by Article 2180 of the
and in keeping said gun from his reach, they could New Civil Code covers obligations arising from both
have prevented Wendell from killing Julie Ann quasi-delicts and criminal offenses," followed by an
Gotiong. Therefore, appellants are liable under extended quotation ostensibly from the same case
Article 2180 of the Civil Code which provides: explaining why under Article 2180 of the Civil Code and
The father, and in case of his death or Article 101 of the Revised Penal Code parents should
incapacity, the mother, are responsible for the assume subsidiary liability for damages caused by their
damages caused by their minor children who live minor children. The quoted passages are set out two
in their company. paragraphs back, with pertinent underscoring for
purposes of the discussion hereunder.
"Having been grossly negligent in preventing
Wendell Libi from having access to said gun which Now, we do not have any objection to the doctrinal rule
was allegedly kept in a safety deposit box, holding, the parents liable, but the categorization of
defendants-appellees are subsidiarily liable for the their liability as being subsidiary, and not primary, in
natural consequence of the criminal act of said nature requires a hard second look considering
minor who was living in their company. This previous decisions of this court on the matter which
vicarious liability of herein defendants-appellees warrant comparative analyses. Our concern stems from
has been reiterated by the Supreme Court in many our readings that if the liability of the parents for
cases, prominent of which is the case of Fuellas v. crimes or quasi-delicts of their minor children is
Cadano, et. al. (L-14409, Oct. 31, 1961, 3 SCRA subsidiary, then the parents can neither invoke nor be
361-367), which held that: absolved of civil liability on the defense that they acted
The subsidiary liability of parents for damages with the diligence of a good father of a family to
caused by their minor children imposed by Article prevent damages. On the other hand, if such liability
2180 of the New Civil Code covers obligations imputed to the parents is considered direct and
arising from both quasi-delicts and criminal primary, that diligence would constitute a valid and
offenses. substantial defense.

The subsidiary liability of parents arising from We believe that the civil liability of parents for quasi-
the criminal acts of their minor children who delicts of their minor children, as contemplated in
acted with discernment is determined under the Article 2180 of the Civil Code, is primary and not
provisions of Article 2180, N.C.C. and under subsidiary. In fact, if we apply Article 2194 of said code
Article 101 of the Revised Penal Code, because to which provides for solidary liability of joint tortfeasors,
hold that the former only covers obligations the persons responsible for the act or omission, in this
which arise from quasi-delicts and not obligations case the minor and the father and, in case of his death
which arise from criminal offenses, would result of incapacity, the mother, are solidarily liable.
in the absurdity that while for an act where mere Accordingly, such parental liability is primary and not
negligence intervenes the father or mother may subsidiary, hence the last paragraph of Article 2180
stand subsidiarily liable for the damages caused provides that" (t)he responsibility treated of in this
by his or her son, no liability would attach if the article shall cease when the persons herein mentioned
damage is caused with criminal intent. (3 SCRA prove that they observed all the diligence of a good
361-362). father of a family to prevent damages."
We are also persuaded that the liability of the parents
". . . In the instant case, minor son of herein for felonies committed by their minor children is
defendants-appellees, Wendell Libi somehow got likewise primary, not subsidiary. Article 101 of the
hold of the key to the drawer where said gun was Revised Penal Code provides:
kept under lock without defendant-spouses ever "ARTICLE 101. Rules regarding civil liability in
knowing that said gun had been missing from that certain cases.
safety box since 1978 when Wendell Libi had) a x x x
picture taken wherein he proudly displayed said First. In cases of subdivisions . . . 2, and 3 of Article
gun and dedicated this picture to his sweetheart, 12, the civil liability for acts committed by . . . a
Julie Ann Gotiong; also since then, Wendell Libi was person under nine years of age, or by one over
said to have kept said gun in his car, in keeping up nine but under fifteen years of age, who has acted
with his supposed role of a CANU agent . . ." without discernment, shall devolve upon those
x x x having such person under their legal authority or
control, unless it appears that there was no fault or
"Based on the foregoing discussions of the negligence on their part." (Emphasis supplied.)
assigned errors, this Court holds that the lower
court was not correct in dismissing herein plaintiffs- Accordingly, just like the rule in Article 2180 of the Civil
appellants complaint because as preponderantly Code, under the foregoing provision the civil liability of
shown by evidence, defendants-appellees utterly the parents for crimes committed by their minor
failed to exercise all the diligence of a good father children is likewise direct and primary, and also subject
of the family in preventing their minor son from to the defense of lack of fault or negligence on their
committing this crime by means of the gun of part, that is, the exercise of the diligence of a good
defendants-appellees which was freely accessible father of a family.
to Wendell Libi for they have not regularly checked
whether said gun was still under lock, but learned That in both quasi-delicts and crimes the parents
that it was missing from the safety deposit box primarily respond for such damages is buttressed by
only after the crime had been committed." the corresponding provisions in both codes that the
(Emphases ours.) minor transgressor shall be answerable or shall
respond with his own property only in the absence or in
We agree with the conclusion of respondent court that case of insolvency of the former. Thus, for civil liability
petitioners should be held liable for the civil liability ex quasi delicto of minors, Article 2182 of the Civil
based on what appears from all indications was a crime Code states that" (i)f the minor causing damage has no
committed by their minor son. We take this parents or guardian, the minor . . . shall be answerable
opportunity, however, to digress and discuss its with his own property in an action against him where a
ratiocination therefor on jurisprudential dicta which we guardian ad litem shall be appointed." For civil liability
feel require clarification. ex delicto of minors, an equivalent provision is found in
the third paragraph of Article 101 of the Revised Penal
In imposing sanctions for the so-called vicarious Code, to wit:
liability of petitioners, respondent court cites Fuellas v.
"Should there be no person having such . . . minor accomplices and accessories for the unpaid civil
under his authority, legal guardianship or control, liability of their co-accused in the other classes. 30
or if such person be insolvent, said . . . minor shall
respond with (his) own property, excepting Also, coming back to respondent courts reliance on
property exempt from execution, in accordance Fuellas in its decision in the present case, it is not
with civil law." exactly accurate to say that Fuellas provided for
subsidiary liability of the parents therein. A careful
The civil liability of parents for felonies committed by scrutiny shows that what respondent court quoted
their minor children contemplated in the aforesaid rule verbatim in its decision now on appeal in the present
in Article 101 of the Revised Penal Code in relation to case, and which it attributed to Fuellas, was the
Article 2180 of the Civil Code has, aside from the syllabus on the law report of said case which spoke of
aforecited case of Fuellas, been the subject of a "subsidiary" liability. However, such categorization
number of cases adjudicated by this Court, viz.: does not specifically appear in the text of the decision
Exconde v. Capuno, Et Al., 22 Araneta v. Arreglado, 23 in Fuellas. In fact, after reviewing therein the cases of
Salen, Et. Al. v. Balce, 24 Paleyan, etc., Et. Al. v. Exconde, Araneta and Salen and the discussions in said
Bangkili, Et Al., 25 and Elcano, et al, v. Hill, Et. Al. 26 cases of Article 101 of the Revised Penal Code in
Parenthetically, the aforesaid cases were basically on relation to Article 2180 of the Civil Code, this Court
the issue of the civil liability of parents for crimes concluded its decision in this wise:
committed by their minor children over 9 but under 15 "Moreover, the case at bar was decided by the
years of age, who acted with discernment, and also of Court of Appeals on the basis of evidence
minors 15 years of aye or over, since these situations submitted therein by both parties, independent of
are not covered by Article 101, Revised Penal Code. In the criminal case. And responsibility for fault or
both instances, this Court held that the issue of negligence under Article 2176 upon which the
parental civil liability should be resolved in accordance present action was instituted, is entirely separate
with the provisions of Article 2180 of the Civil Code for and distinct from the civil liability arising from fault
the reasons well expressed in Salen and adopted in the or negligence under the Penal Code (Art. 2177),
cases hereinbefore enumerated that to hold that the and having in mind the reasons behind the law as
civil liability under Article 2180 would apply only to heretofore stated, any discussion as to the minors
quasi-delicts and not to criminal offenses would result criminal responsibility is of no moment."
in the absurdity that in an act involving mere
negligence the parents would be liable but not where Under the foregoing considerations, therefore, we
the damage is caused with criminal intent. In said hereby rule that the parents are and should be held
cases, however, there are unfortunate variances primarily liable for the civil liability arising from
resulting in a regrettable inconsistency in the Courts criminal offenses committed by their minor children
determination of whether the liability of the parents, in under their legal authority or control, or who live in
cases involving either crimes or quasi-delicts of their their company, unless it is proven that the former
minor children, is primary or subsidiary. acted with the diligence of a good father of a family to
prevent such damages. That primary liability is
In Exconde, where the 15-year old minor was convicted premised on the provisions of Article 101 of the
of double homicide through reckless imprudence, in a Revised Penal Code with respect to damages ex delicto
separate civil action arising from the crime the minor caused by their children 9 years of age or under, or
and his father were held jointly and severally liable for over 9 but under 15 years of age who acted without
failure of the latter to prove the diligence of a good discernment; and, with regard to their children over 9
father of a family. The same liability in solidum and, but under 15 years of age who acted with discernment,
therefore, primary liability was imposed in a separate or 15 years or over but under 21 years of age, such
civil action in Araneta on the parents and their 14-year primary liability shall be imposed pursuant to Article
old son who was found guilty of frustrated homicide, 2180 of the Civil Code.
but on the authority of Article 2194 of the Civil Code
providing for solidary responsibility of two or more Under said Article 2180, the enforcement of such
persons who are liable for a quasi-delict. liability shall be effected against the father and, in case
of his death or incapacity, the mother. This was
However, in Salen, the father was declared subsidiarily amplified by the Child and Youth Welfare Code which
liable for damages arising from the conviction of his provides that the same shall devolve upon the father
son, who was over 15 but less than 18 years of age, by and, in case of his death or incapacity, upon the
applying Article 2180 but, this time, disregarding mother or, in case of her death or incapacity, upon the
Article 2194 of the Civil Code. In the present case, as guardian, but the liability may also be voluntarily
already explained, the petitioners herein were also held assumed by a relative or family friend of the youthful
liable but supposedly in line with Fuellas which offender. 32 However, under the Family Code, this civil
purportedly declared the parents subsidiarily liable for liability is now, without such alternative qualification,
the civil liability for serious physical injuries committed the responsibility of the parents and those who
by their 13-year old son. On the other hand, in Paleyan, exercise parental authority over the minor offender. 33
the mother and her 19-year old son were adjudged For civil liability arising from quasi-delicts committed
solidarily liable for damages arising from his conviction by minors, the same rules shall apply in accordance
for homicide by the application of Article 2180 of the with Articles 2180 and 2182 of the Civil Code, as so
Civil Code since this is likewise not covered by Article modified.
101 of the Revised Penal Code. Finally, in Elcano,
although the son was acquitted in a homicide charge In the case at bar, whether the death of the hapless
due to "lack of intent, coupled with mistake," it was Julie Ann Gotiong was caused by a felony or a quasi-
ruled that while under Article 2180 of the Civil Code delict committed by Wendell Libi, respondent court did
there should be solidary liability for damages, since the not err in holding petitioners liable for damages arising
son, "although married, was living with his father and therefrom. Subject to the preceding modifications of
getting subsistence from him at the time of the the premises relied upon by it therefor and on the
occurrence," but "is now of age, as a matter of equity" bases of the legal imperatives herein explained, we
the father was only held subsidiarily liable. conjoin in its findings that said petitioners failed to duly
exercise the requisite diligentissimi patris familias to
It bears stressing, however, that the Revised Penal prevent such damages.
Code provides for subsidiary liability only for persons
causing damages under the compulsion of irresistible ACCORDINGLY, the instant Petition is DENIED and the
force or under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear; 27 assailed judgment of respondent Court of Appeals is
innkeepers, tavernkeepers and proprietors of hereby AFFIRMED, with costs against petitioners.
establishments; 28 employers, teachers, persons and
corporations engaged in industry; 29 and principals, SO ORDERED.
only for the purpose of submitting his physics report
and that he was no longer in their custody because the
semester had already ended.
There is also the question of the identity of the gun
used which the petitioners consider important because
of an earlier incident which they claim underscores the
negligence of the school and at least one of the private
respondents. It is not denied by the respondents that
G.R. No. L-47745 on April 7, 1972, Sergio Damaso, Jr., the dean of boys,
April 15, 1988 confiscated from Jose Gumban an unlicensed pistol but
later returned it to him without making a report to the
JOSE S. AMADORA, LORETA A. AMADORA, JOSE A. principal or taking any further action . 6 As Gumban was
AMADORA JR., NORMA A. YLAYA PANTALEON A. one of the companions of Daffon when the latter fired
AMADORA, JOSE A. AMADORA III, LUCY A. the gun that killed Alfredo, the petitioners contend that
AMADORA, ROSALINDA A. AMADORA, PERFECTO this was the same pistol that had been confiscated
A. AMADORA, SERREC A. AMADORA, VICENTE A. from Gumban and that their son would not have been
AMADORA and MARIA TISCALINA A. killed if it had not been returned by Damaso. The
AMADORA, petitioners, vs. HONORABLE COURT OF respondents say, however, that there is no proof that
APPEALS, COLEGIO DE SAN JOSE-RECOLETOS, the gun was the same firearm that killed Alfredo.
DICON, ANIANO ABELLANA, PABLITO DAFFON Resolution of all these disagreements will depend on
thru his parents and natural guardians, MR. and the interpretation of Article 2180 which, as it happens,
MRS. NICANOR GUMBAN, and ROLANDO is invoked by both parties in support of their conflicting
VALENCIA, thru his guardian, A. FRANCISCO positions. The pertinent part of this article reads as
ALONSO, respondents. follows:
Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of arts
CRUZ, J.: and trades shall be liable for damages caused by
Like any prospective graduate, Alfredo Amadora was their pupils and students or apprentices so long as
looking forward to the commencement exercises where they remain in their custody.
he would ascend the stage and in the presence of his
relatives and friends receive his high school diploma. Three cases have so far been decided by the Court in
These ceremonies were scheduled on April 16, 1972. connection with the above-quoted provision, to wit:
As it turned out, though, fate would intervene and deny Exconde v. Capuno 7 Mercado v. Court of Appeals, 8 and
him that awaited experience. On April 13, 1972, while Palisoc v. Brillantes. 9 These will be briefly reviewed in
they were in the auditorium of their school, the Colegio this opinion for a better resolution of the case at bar.
de San Jose-Recoletos, a classmate, Pablito Damon,
fired a gun that mortally hit Alfredo, ending all his In the Exconde Case, Dante Capuno, a student of the
expectations and his life as well. The victim was only Balintawak Elementary School and a Boy Scout,
seventeen years old. 1 attended a Rizal Day parade on instructions of the city
school supervisor. After the parade, the boy boarded a
Daffon was convicted of homicide thru reckless jeep, took over its wheel and drove it so recklessly that
imprudence . 2 Additionally, the herein petitioners, as it turned turtle, resulting in the death of two of its
the victim's parents, filed a civil action for damages passengers. Dante was found guilty of double homicide
under Article 2180 of the Civil Code against the Colegio with reckless imprudence. In the separate civil action
de San Jose-Recoletos, its rector the high school flied against them, his father was held solidarily liable
principal, the dean of boys, and the physics teacher, with him in damages under Article 1903 (now Article
together with Daffon and two other students, through 2180) of the Civil Code for the tort committed by the
their respective parents. The complaint against the 15-year old boy.
students was later dropped. After trial, the Court of
First Instance of Cebu held the remaining defendants This decision, which was penned by Justice Bautista
liable to the plaintiffs in the sum of P294,984.00, Angelo on June 29,1957, exculpated the school in
representing death compensation, loss of earning an obiter dictum (as it was not a party to the case) on
capacity, costs of litigation, funeral expenses, moral the ground that it was riot a school of arts and trades.
damages, exemplary damages, and attorney's Justice J.B.L. Reyes, with whom Justices Sabino Padilla
fees . 3 On appeal to the respondent court, however, and Alex Reyes concurred, dissented, arguing that it
the decision was reversed and all the defendants were was the school authorities who should be held liable
completely absolved . 4 Liability under this rule, he said, was imposed on (1)
teachers in general; and (2) heads of schools of arts
In its decision, which is now the subject of this petition and trades in particular. The modifying clause "of
for certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, the establishments of arts and trades" should apply only to
respondent court found that Article 2180 was not "heads" and not "teachers."
applicable as the Colegio de San Jose-Recoletos was
not a school of arts and trades but an academic Exconde was reiterated in the Mercado Case, and with
institution of learning. It also held that the students an elaboration. A student cut a classmate with a razor
were not in the custody of the school at the time of the blade during recess time at the Lourdes Catholic School
incident as the semester had already ended, that there in Quezon City, and the parents of the victim sued the
was no clear identification of the fatal gun and that in culprits parents for damages. Through Justice Labrador,
any event the defendant, had exercised the necessary the Court declared in another obiter (as the school
diligence in preventing the injury. 5 itself had also not been sued that the school was not
liable because it was not an establishment of arts and
The basic undisputed facts are that Alfredo Amadora trades. Moreover, the custody requirement had not
went to the San Jose-Recoletos on April 13, 1972, and been proved as this "contemplates a situation where
while in its auditorium was shot to death by Pablito the student lives and boards with the teacher, such
Daffon, a classmate. On the implications and that the control, direction and influences on the pupil
consequences of these facts, the parties sharply supersede those of the parents." Justice J.B.L. Reyes did
disagree. not take part but the other members of the court
concurred in this decision promulgated on May 30,
The petitioners contend that their son was in the school 1960.
to show his physics experiment as a prerequisite to his
graduation; hence, he was then under the custody of In Palisoc vs. Brillantes, decided on October 4, 1971, a
the private respondents. The private respondents 16-year old student was killed by a classmate with fist
submit that Alfredo Amadora had gone to the school blows in the laboratory of the Manila Technical
Institute. Although the wrongdoer who was already position to exercise authority and Supervision over
of age was not boarding in the school, the head the pupil. In my opinion, in the phrase "teachers or
thereof and the teacher in charge were held solidarily heads of establishments of arts and trades" used in
liable with him. The Court declared through Justice Art. 1903 of the old Civil Code, the words "arts and
Teehankee: trades" does not qualify "teachers" but only "heads
The phrase used in the cited article "so long as of establishments." The phrase is only an updated
(the students) remain in their custody" means version of the equivalent terms "preceptores y
the protective and supervisory custody that the artesanos" used in the Italian and French Civil
school and its heads and teachers exercise over Codes.
the pupils and students for as long as they are at
attendance in the school, including recess time. If, as conceded by all commentators, the basis of
There is nothing in the law that requires that for the presumption of negligence of Art. 1903 in
such liability to attach, the pupil or student who some culpa in vigilando that the parents, teachers,
commits the tortious act must live and board in the etc. are supposed to have incurred in the exercise
school, as erroneously held by the lower court, and of their authority, it would seem clear that where
the dicta in Mercado (as well as in Exconde) on the parent places the child under the effective
which it relied, must now be deemed to have been authority of the teacher, the latter, and not the
set aside by the present decision. parent, should be the one answerable for the torts
committed while under his custody, for the very
This decision was concurred in by five other reason/that the parent is not supposed to interfere
members, 10 including Justice J.B.L. Reyes, who with the discipline of the school nor with the
stressed, in answer to the dissenting opinion, that even authority and supervision of the teacher while the
students already of age were covered by the provision child is under instruction. And if there is no
since they were equally in the custody of the school authority, there can be no responsibility.
and subject to its discipline. Dissenting with three
others, 11 Justice Makalintal was for retaining the There is really no substantial distinction between the
custody interpretation in Mercado and submitted that academic and the non-academic schools insofar as
the rule should apply only to torts committed by torts committed by their students are concerned. The
students not yet of age as the school would be acting same vigilance is expected from the teacher over the
only in loco parentis. students under his control and supervision, whatever
the nature of the school where he is teaching. The
In a footnote, Justice Teehankee said he agreed with suggestion in the Exconde and Mercado Cases is that
Justice Reyes' dissent in the Exconde Case but added the provision would make the teacher or even the head
that "since the school involved at bar is a non- of the school of arts and trades liable for an injury
academic school, the question as to the applicability of caused by any student in its custody but if that same
the cited codal provision to academic institutions will tort were committed in an academic school, no liability
have to await another case wherein it may properly be would attach to the teacher or the school head. All
raised." other circumstances being the same, the teacher or
the head of the academic school would be absolved
This is the case. whereas the teacher and the head of the non-academic
Unlike in Exconde and Mercado, the Colegio de San school would be held liable, and simply because the
Jose-Recoletos has been directly impleaded and is latter is a school of arts and trades.
sought to be held liable under Article 2180; and unlike
in Palisoc, it is not a school of arts and trades but an The Court cannot see why different degrees of
academic institution of learning. The parties herein vigilance should be exercised by the school authorities
have also directly raised the question of whether or not on the basis only of the nature of their respective
Article 2180 covers even establishments which are schools. There does not seem to be any plausible
technically not schools of arts and trades, and, if so, reason for relaxing that vigilance simply because the
when the offending student is supposed to be "in its school is academic in nature and for increasing such
custody." vigilance where the school is non-academic. Notably,
the injury subject of liability is caused by the student
After an exhaustive examination of the problem, the and not by the school itself nor is it a result of the
Court has come to the conclusion that the provision in operations of the school or its equipment. The injury
question should apply to all schools, academic as well contemplated may be caused by any student
as non-academic. Where the school is academic rather regardless of the school where he is registered. The
than technical or vocational in nature, responsibility for teacher certainly should not be able to excuse himself
the tort committed by the student will attach to the by simply showing that he is teaching in an academic
teacher in charge of such student, following the first school where, on the other hand, the head would be
part of the provision. This is the general rule. In the held liable if the school were non-academic.
case of establishments of arts and trades, it is the head
thereof, and only he, who shall be held liable as an These questions, though, may be asked: If the teacher
exception to the general rule. In other words, teachers of the academic school is to be held answerable for the
in general shall be liable for the acts of their students torts committed by his students, why is it the head of
except where the school is technical in nature, in which the school only who is held liable where the injury is
case it is the head thereof who shall be answerable. caused in a school of arts and trades? And in the case
Following the canon of reddendo singula of the academic or non- technical school, why not
singulis "teachers" should apply to the words "pupils apply the rule also to the head thereof instead of
and students" and "heads of establishments of arts and imposing the liability only on the teacher?
trades" to the word "apprentices."
The reason for the disparity can be traced to the fact
The Court thus conforms to the dissenting opinion that historically the head of the school of arts and
expressed by Justice J.B.L. Reyes in Exconde where he trades exercised a closer tutelage over his pupils than
said in part: the head of the academic school. The old schools of
I can see no sound reason for limiting Art. 1903 of arts and trades were engaged in the training of
the Old Civil Code to teachers of arts and trades artisans apprenticed to their master who personally
and not to academic ones. What substantial and directly instructed them on the technique and
difference is there between them insofar as secrets of their craft. The head of the school of arts and
concerns the proper supervision and vice over their trades was such a master and so was personally
pupils? It cannot be seriously contended that an involved in the task of teaching his students, who
academic teacher is exempt from the duty of usually even boarded with him and so came under his
watching that his pupils do not commit a tort to the constant control, supervision and influence. By
detriment of third Persons, so long as they are in a contrast, the head of the academic school was not as
involved with his students and exercised only dean, principal, or other administrative superior to
administrative duties over the teachers who were the exercise supervision over the pupils in the specific
persons directly dealing with the students. The head of classes or sections to which they are assigned. It is not
the academic school had then (as now) only a vicarious necessary that at the time of the injury, the teacher be
relationship with the students. Consequently, while he physically present and in a position to prevent it.
could not be directly faulted for the acts of the Custody does not connote immediate and actual
students, the head of the school of arts and trades, physical control but refers more to the influence
because of his closer ties with them, could be so exerted on the child and the discipline instilled in him
blamed. as a result of such influence. Thus, for the injuries
caused by the student, the teacher and not the parent
It is conceded that the distinction no longer obtains at shag be held responsible if the tort was committed
present in view of the expansion of the schools of arts within the premises of the school at any time when its
and trades, the consequent increase in their authority could be validly exercised over him.
enrollment, and the corresponding diminution of the
direct and personal contract of their heads with the In any event, it should be noted that the liability
students. Article 2180, however, remains unchanged. imposed by this article is supposed to fall directly on
In its present state, the provision must be interpreted the teacher or the head of the school of arts and trades
by the Court according to its clear and original and not on the school itself. If at all, the school,
mandate until the legislature, taking into account the whatever its nature, may be held to answer for the acts
charges in the situation subject to be regulated, sees fit of its teachers or even of the head thereof under the
to enact the necessary amendment. general principle of respondeat superior, but then it
may exculpate itself from liability by proof that it had
The other matter to be resolved is the duration of the exercised the diligence of a bonus paterfamilias.
responsibility of the teacher or the head of the school
of arts and trades over the students. Is such Such defense is, of course, also available to the
responsibility co-extensive with the period when the teacher or the head of the school of arts and trades
student is actually undergoing studies during the directly held to answer for the tort committed by the
school term, as contended by the respondents and student. As long as the defendant can show that he
impliedly admitted by the petitioners themselves? had taken the necessary precautions to prevent the
injury complained of, he can exonerate himself from
From a reading of the provision under examination, it is the liability imposed by Article 2180, which also states
clear that while the custody requirement, to that:
repeat Palisoc v. Brillantes, does not mean that the The responsibility treated of in this article shall
student must be boarding with the school authorities, it cease when the Persons herein mentioned prove
does signify that the student should be within the that they observed all the diligence of a good
control and under the influence of the school father of a family to prevent damages.
authorities at the time of the occurrence of the injury.
This does not necessarily mean that such, custody be In this connection, it should be observed that the
co-terminous with the semester, beginning with the teacher will be held liable not only when he is acting
start of classes and ending upon the close thereof, and in loco parentis for the law does not require that the
excluding the time before or after such period, such as offending student be of minority age. Unlike the parent,
the period of registration, and in the case of graduating who wig be liable only if his child is still a minor, the
students, the period before the commencement teacher is held answerable by the law for the act of the
exercises. In the view of the Court, the student is in the student under him regardless of the student's age.
custody of the school authorities as long as he is under Thus, in the Palisoc Case, liability attached to the
the control and influence of the school and within its teacher and the head of the technical school although
premises, whether the semester has not yet begun or the wrongdoer was already of age. In this sense, Article
has already ended. 2180 treats the parent more favorably than the
It is too tenuous to argue that the student comes under
the discipline of the school only upon the start of The Court is not unmindful of the apprehensions
classes notwithstanding that before that day he has expressed by Justice Makalintal in his dissenting
already registered and thus placed himself under its opinion in Palisoc that the school may be unduly
rules. Neither should such discipline be deemed ended exposed to liability under this article in view of the
upon the last day of classes notwithstanding that there increasing activism among the students that is likely to
may still be certain requisites to be satisfied for cause violence and resulting injuries in the school
completion of the course, such as submission of premises. That is a valid fear, to be sure. Nevertheless,
reports, term papers, clearances and the like. During it should be repeated that, under the present ruling, it
such periods, the student is still subject to the is not the school that will be held directly liable.
disciplinary authority of the school and cannot consider Moreover, the defense of due diligence is available to it
himself released altogether from observance of its in case it is sought to be held answerable as principal
rules. for the acts or omission of its head or the teacher in its
As long as it can be shown that the student is in the
school premises in pursuance of a legitimate student The school can show that it exercised proper measures
objective, in the exercise of a legitimate student right, in selecting the head or its teachers and the
and even in the enjoyment of a legitimate student appropriate supervision over them in the custody and
right, and even in the enjoyment of a legitimate instruction of the pupils pursuant to its rules and
student privilege, the responsibility of the school regulations for the maintenance of discipline among
authorities over the student continues. Indeed, even if them. In almost all cases now, in fact, these measures
the student should be doing nothing more than are effected through the assistance of an adequate
relaxing in the campus in the company of his security force to help the teacher physically enforce
classmates and friends and enjoying the ambience and those rules upon the students. Ms should bolster the
atmosphere of the school, he is still within the custody claim of the school that it has taken adequate steps to
and subject to the discipline of the school authorities prevent any injury that may be committed by its
under the provisions of Article 2180. students.

During all these occasions, it is obviously the teacher- A fortiori, the teacher himself may invoke this defense
in-charge who must answer for his students' torts, in as it would otherwise be unfair to hold him directly
practically the same way that the parents are answerable for the damage caused by his students as
responsible for the child when he is in their custody. long as they are in the school premises and
The teacher-in-charge is the one designated by the presumably under his influence. In this respect, the
Court is disposed not to expect from the teacher the him without taking disciplinary action or reporting
same measure of responsibility imposed on the parent the matter to higher authorities. While this was
for their influence over the child is not equal in degree. clearly negligence on his part, for which he
Obviously, the parent can expect more obedience from deserves sanctions from the school, it does not
the child because the latter's dependence on him is necessarily link him to the shooting of Amador as it
greater than on the teacher. It need not be stressed has not been shown that he confiscated and
that such dependence includes the child's support and returned pistol was the gun that killed the
sustenance whereas submission to the teacher's petitioners' son.
influence, besides being coterminous with the period of 5. Finally, as previously observed, the Colegio de San
custody is usually enforced only because of the Jose-Recoletos cannot be held directly liable under
students' desire to pass the course. The parent can the article because only the teacher or the head of
instill more las discipline on the child than the teacher the school of arts and trades is made responsible
and so should be held to a greater accountability than for the damage caused by the student or
the teacher for the tort committed by the child. apprentice. Neither can it be held to answer for the
tort committed by any of the other private
And if it is also considered that under the article in respondents for none of them has been found to
question, the teacher or the head of the school of arts have been charged with the custody of the
and trades is responsible for the damage caused by the offending student or has been remiss in the
student or apprentice even if he is already of age discharge of his duties in connection with such
and therefore less tractable than the minor then custody.
there should all the more be justification to require
from the school authorities less accountability as long In sum, the Court finds under the facts as disclosed by
as they can prove reasonable diligence in preventing the record and in the light of the principles herein
the injury. After all, if the parent himself is no longer announced that none of the respondents is liable for
liable for the student's acts because he has reached the injury inflicted by Pablito Damon on Alfredo
majority age and so is no longer under the former's Amadora that resulted in the latter's death at the
control, there is then all the more reason for leniency in auditorium of the Colegio de San Jose-Recoletos on
assessing the teacher's responsibility for the acts of the April 13, 1972. While we deeply sympathize with the
student. petitioners over the loss of their son under the tragic
circumstances here related, we nevertheless are
Applying the foregoing considerations, the Court has unable to extend them the material relief they seek, as
arrived at the following conclusions: a balm to their grief, under the law they have invoked.
1. At the time Alfredo Amadora was fatally shot, he
was still in the custody of the authorities of Colegio WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED, without any
de San Jose-Recoletos notwithstanding that the pronouncement as to costs. It is so ordered.
fourth year classes had formally ended. It was
immaterial if he was in the school auditorium to
finish his physics experiment or merely to submit G.R. No. 84698
his physics report for what is important is that he February 4, 1992
was there for a legitimate purpose. As previously
observed, even the mere savoring of the company PHILIPPINE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
of his friends in the premises of the school is a ADMINISTRATION, JUAN D. LIM, BENJAMIN P.
legitimate purpose that would have also brought PAULINO, ANTONIO M. MAGTALAS, COL. PEDRO
him in the custody of the school authorities. SACRO and LT. M. SORIANO, petitioners, vs. COURT
2. The rector, the high school principal and the dean OF APPEALS, HON. REGINA ORDOEZ-BENITEZ, in
of boys cannot be held liable because none of them her capacity as Presiding Judge of Branch 47,
was the teacher-in-charge as previously defined. Regional Trial Court, Manila, SEGUNDA R.
Each of them was exercising only a general BAUTISTA and ARSENIA D. BAUTISTA, respondents.
authority over the student body and not the direct
control and influence exerted by the teacher placed PADILLA, J.:
in charge of particular classes or sections and thus A stabbing incident on 30 August 1985 which caused
immediately involved in its discipline. The evidence the death of Carlitos Bautista while on the second-floor
of the parties does not disclose who the teacher-in- premises of the Philippine School of Business
charge of the offending student was. The mere fact Administration (PSBA) prompted the parents of the
that Alfredo Amadora had gone to school that day deceased to file suit in the Regional Trial Court of
in connection with his physics report did not Manila (Branch 47) presided over by Judge (now Court
necessarily make the physics teacher, respondent of Appeals justice) Regina Ordoez-Benitez, for
Celestino Dicon, the teacher-in-charge of Alfredo's damages against the said PSBA and its corporate
killer. officers. At the time of his death, Carlitos was enrolled
3. At any rate, assuming that he was the teacher-in- in the third year commerce course at the PSBA. It was
charge, there is no showing that Dicon was established that his assailants were not members of
negligent in enforcing discipline upon Daffon or the school's academic community but were elements
that he had waived observance of the rules and from outside the school.
regulations of the school or condoned their non-
observance. His absence when the tragedy Specifically, the suit impleaded the PSBA and the
happened cannot be considered against him following school authorities: Juan D. Lim (President),
because he was not supposed or required to report Benjamin P. Paulino (Vice-President), Antonio M.
to school on that day. And while it is true that the Magtalas (Treasurer/Cashier), Col. Pedro Sacro (Chief of
offending student was still in the custody of the Security) and a Lt. M. Soriano (Assistant Chief of
teacher-in-charge even if the latter was physically Security). Substantially, the plaintiffs (now private
absent when the tort was committed, it has not respondents) sought to adjudge them liable for the
been established that it was caused by his laxness victim's untimely demise due to their alleged
in enforcing discipline upon the student. On the negligence, recklessness and lack of security
contrary, the private respondents have proved that precautions, means and methods before, during and
they had exercised due diligence, through the after the attack on the victim. During the
enforcement of the school regulations, in proceedings a quo, Lt. M. Soriano terminated his
maintaining that discipline. relationship with the other petitioners by resigning
4. In the absence of a teacher-in-charge, it is probably from his position in the school.
the dean of boys who should be held liable
especially in view of the unrefuted evidence that Defendants a quo (now petitioners) sought to have the
he had earlier confiscated an unlicensed gun from suit dismissed, alleging that since they are presumably
one of the students and returned the same later to sued under Article 2180 of the Civil Code, the
complaint states no cause of action against them, as student covenants to abide by the school's academic
jurisprudence on the subject is to the effect requirements and observe its rules and regulations.
that academic institutions, such as the PSBA, are
beyond the ambit of the rule in the afore-stated article. Institutions of learning must also meet the implicit or
"built-in" obligation of providing their students with an
The respondent trial court, however, overruled atmosphere that promotes or assists in attaining its
petitioners' contention and thru an order dated 8 primary undertaking of imparting knowledge. Certainly,
December 1987, denied their motion to dismiss. A no student can absorb the intricacies of physics or
subsequent motion for reconsideration was similarly higher mathematics or explore the realm of the arts
dealt with by an order dated 25 January 1988. and other sciences when bullets are flying or grenades
Petitioners then assailed the trial court's disposition exploding in the air or where there looms around the
before the respondent appellate court which, in a school premises a constant threat to life and limb.
decision * promulgated on 10 June 1988, affirmed the Necessarily, the school must ensure that adequate
trial court's orders. On 22 August 1988, the respondent steps are taken to maintain peace and order within the
appellate court resolved to deny the petitioners' motion campus premises and to prevent the breakdown
for reconsideration. Hence, this petition. thereof.

At the outset, it is to be observed that the respondent Because the circumstances of the present case evince
appellate court primarily anchored its decision on the a contractual relation between the PSBA and Carlitos
law of quasi-delicts, as enunciated in Articles 2176 and Bautista, the rules on quasi-delict do not really
2180 of the Civil Code. 1 Pertinent portions of the govern. 8 A perusal of Article 2176 shows that
appellate court's now assailed ruling state: obligations arising from quasi-delicts or tort, also
Article 2180 (formerly Article 1903) of the Civil known as extra-contractual obligations, arise only
Code is an adoption from the old Spanish Civil between parties not otherwise bound by contract,
Code. The comments of Manresa and learned whether express or implied. However, this impression
authorities on its meaning should give way to has not prevented this Court from determining the
present day changes. The law is not fixed and existence of a tort even when there obtains a contract.
flexible (sic); it must be dynamic. In fact, the In Air France vs. Carrascoso (124 Phil. 722), the private
greatest value and significance of law as a rule of respondent was awarded damages for his unwarranted
conduct in (sic) its flexibility to adopt to changing expulsion from a first-class seat aboard the petitioner
social conditions and its capacity to meet the new airline. It is noted, however, that the Court referred to
challenges of progress. the petitioner-airline's liability as one arising from tort,
Construed in the light of modern day educational not one arising from a contract of carriage. In
system, Article 2180 cannot be construed in its effect, Air France is authority for the view that liability
narrow concept as held in the old case from tort may exist even if there is a contract, for the
of Exconde vs. Capuno 2 and Mercado vs. Court act that breaks the contract may be also a tort.
of Appeals; 3hence, the ruling in (Austro-America S.S. Co. vs. Thomas, 248 Fed. 231).
the Palisoc 4 case that it should apply to all kinds
of educational institutions, academic or This view was not all that revolutionary, for even as
vocational. early as 1918, this Court was already of a similar mind.
In Cangco vs. Manila Railroad (38 Phil. 780), Mr. Justice
At any rate, the law holds the teachers and Fisher elucidated thus:
heads of the school staff liable unless they The field of non-contractual obligation is much
relieve themselves of such liability pursuant to broader than that of contractual obligation,
the last paragraph of Article 2180 by "proving comprising, as it does, the whole extent of juridical
that they observed all the diligence to prevent human relations. These two fields, figuratively
damage." This can only be done at a trial on the speaking, concentric; that is to say, the mere fact
merits of the case. 5 that a person is bound to another by contract does
not relieve him from extra-contractual liability to
While we agree with the respondent appellate court such person. When such a contractual relation
that the motion to dismiss the complaint was correctly exists the obligor may break the contract under
denied and the complaint should be tried on the such conditions that the same act which
merits, we do not however agree with the premises of constitutes a breach of the contract would have
the appellate court's ruling. constituted the source of an extra-contractual
obligation had no contract existed between the
Article 2180, in conjunction with Article 2176 of the parties.
Civil Code, establishes the rule of in loco parentis. This
Court discussed this doctrine in the afore-cited cases Immediately what comes to mind is the chapter of the
of Exconde, Mendoza, Palisoc and, more recently, Civil Code on Human Relations, particularly Article 21,
in Amadora vs. Court of Appeals. 6 In all such cases, it which provides:
had been stressed that the law (Article 2180) plainly Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury to
provides that the damage should have been caused or another in a manner that is contrary to morals,
inflicted by pupils or students of he educational good custom or public policy shall compensate the
institution sought to be held liable for the acts of its latter for the damage. (emphasis supplied).
pupils or students while in its custody. However, this
material situation does not exist in the present case Air France penalized the racist policy of the airline
for, as earlier indicated, the assailants of Carlitos were which emboldened the petitioner's employee to forcibly
not students of the PSBA, for whose acts the school oust the private respondent to cater to the comfort of a
could be made liable. white man who allegedly "had a better right to the
seat." In Austro-American, supra, the public
However, does the appellate court's failure to consider embarrassment caused to the passenger was the
such material facts mean the exculpation of the justification for the Circuit Court of Appeals, (Second
petitioners from liability? It does not necessarily follow. Circuit), to award damages to the latter. From the
foregoing, it can be concluded that should the act
When an academic institution accepts students for which breaches a contract be done in bad faith and be
enrollment, there is established a contract between violative of Article 21, then there is a cause to view the
them, resulting in bilateral obligations which both act as constituting a quasi-delict.
parties are bound to comply with. 7 For its part, the
school undertakes to provide the student with an In the circumstances obtaining in the case at bar,
education that would presumably suffice to equip him however, there is, as yet, no finding that the contract
with the necessary tools and skills to pursue higher between the school and Bautista had been breached
education or a profession. On the other hand, the thru the former's negligence in providing proper
security measures. This would be for the trial court to installed, the same may still fail against an individual
determine. And, even if there be a finding of or group determined to carry out a nefarious deed
negligence, the same could give rise generally to a inside school premises and environs. Should this be the
breach of contractual obligation only. Using the test case, the school may still avoid liability by proving that
of Cangco, supra, the negligence of the school would the breach of its contractual obligation to the students
not be relevant absent a contract. In fact, that was not due to its negligence, here statutorily defined
negligence becomes material only because of the to be the omission of that degree of diligence which is
contractual relation between PSBA and Bautista. In required by the nature of the obligation and
other words, a contractual relation is a condition sine corresponding to the circumstances of persons, time
qua non to the school's liability. The negligence of the and place. 9
school cannot exist independently of the contract,
unless the negligence occurs under the circumstances As the proceedings a quo have yet to commence on
set out in Article 21 of the Civil Code. the substance of the private respondents' complaint,
the record is bereft of all the material facts. Obviously,
This Court is not unmindful of the attendant difficulties at this stage, only the trial court can make such a
posed by the obligation of schools, above-mentioned, determination from the evidence still to unfold.
for conceptually a school, like a common carrier,
cannot be an insurer of its students against all risks. WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, the
This is specially true in the populous student petition is DENIED. The court of origin (RTC, Manila, Br.
communities of the so-called "university belt" in Manila 47) is hereby ordered to continue proceedings
where there have been reported several incidents consistent with this ruling of the Court. Costs against
ranging from gang wars to other forms of hooliganism. the petitioners.
It would not be equitable to expect of schools to
anticipate all types of violent trespass upon their SO ORDERED.
premises, for notwithstanding the security measures

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