Sel Sebagai Unit Asas Hidupan

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BAB Sel sebagai Unit Asas Hidupan

2 Cell as a Basic Unit of Life

Anda akan mempelajari


ialah membentuk membentuk terlibat dalam melakukan

are form form are involved in carry out

Unit asas Organisma Organisma Organisasi t 3FTQJSBTJTFM

Basic units unisel multisel sel Cellular respiration
Unicellular Multicellular Cell  (MVLPTB 
organisms organisms organisation PLTJHFOBJS 
bagi seperti seperti Glucose + oxygen
of such as such as consists of water + carbon
Plants Amoeba Spirogyra Cells Photosynthesis
Animals Paramecium Mucor Tissues EJPLTJEB
Yeast Grass Organs Water + carbon
t 4JTUFN dioxide glucose +
Systems oxygen


02 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB2-Emie2LP.indd 27 8/9/16 5:44 PM

Standard kandungan
2.1 Sel-struktur, fungsi dan organisasi Tarikh:

Mikroskop DSKP
PERBINCANGAN Microscope Kontekstual

1 Kenal pasti bahagian-bahagian mikroskop berdasarkan fungsinya.

Identify the parts of the microscope based on their functions. TP2

Pelaras kasar Kanta objek Cermin Tapak

Coarse focus knob Objective lens Mirror Base

Pelaras halus Kanta mata Diafragma Pentas

Fine focus knob Eyepiece Diaphragm Stage

2 Bahagian mikroskop Fungsi

Parts of microscope Function

(a) Kanta mata Membesarkan imej spesimen

Eyepiece Enlarges the image of a specimen

(b) Pelaras kasar Memfokus imej spesimen

Coarse focus knob Focuses the image of a specimen

(c) Pelaras halus Memfokus dan menajamkan imej

Fine focus knob spesimen
Focuses and sharpens the image of a

(d) Kanta objek Membesarkan imej spesimen

Objective lens Enlarges the image of a specimen

(e) Pentas Untuk menempatkan slaid kaca

Stage To place the glass slide

(f) Diafragma Mengawal kuantiti cahaya yang

Diaphragm sampai ke spesimen
Controls the amount of light reaching
the specimen

(g) Cermin Memantulkan cahaya melalui

Mirror diafragma
Reflects light through the diaphragm

(h) Tapak Menstabilkan mikroskop

Base Stabilises the microscope

2 Tandakan ( ) cara yang betul untuk menggunakan mikroskop.

Tick ( ) the correct methods of using a microscope. TP2
(a) Pegang lengan mikroskop dengan satu tangan dan sokong tapaknya dengan sebelah
tangan lain.
Hold the arm of the microscope with one hand and support the base with the other hand.

(b) Gunakan kanta objek kuasa tinggi diikuti dengan kanta objek kuasa rendah.
Use the high power objective lens followed by the low power objective lens.

(c) Jangan sentuh kanta dengan jari.

Do not touch the lens with your fingers.

(d) Pastikan mikroskop sentiasa bersih dan dalam keadaan lembap.

Always keep the microscope clean and in a moist condition.

(e) Letakkan mikroskop jauh daripada sumber cahaya semasa menggunakannya.

Place the microscope away from the source of light while using it.

(f) Lihat melalui kanta mata dengan sebelah mata dan buka sebelah mata yang lain.
Look through the eyepiece with one eye and keep the other eye open.


02 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB2-Emie2LP.indd 28 8/9/16 5:45 PM


Struktur sel bawang dan sel pipi DSKP

INKUIRI Structure of onion and cheek cells Penemuan inkuiri

Tujuan (a) Menyediakan slaid menggunakan prosedur yang betul

Preparing slides by using the correct procedure
(b) Menggunakan mikroskop dengan prosedur yang betul
Using a microscope according to the correct procedure
(c) Melukis struktur umum sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan

Drawing the general structure of an animal cell and a plant cell

Bahan dan
Larutan metilena biru, larutan iodin, bawang, pencungkil gigi, kertas turas, mikroskop,
penutup kaca, slaid kaca, penitis, pisau cukur, jarum, forsep 2
Methylene blue solution, iodine solution, onion, toothpick, filter paper, microscope, cover slips, glass
slides, dropper, razor blade, needle, forceps

Prosedur 1 Jalankan langkah (a) hingga (f) untuk memerhatikan sel pipi.
Carry out steps (a) to (f) to observe cheek cells.

(a) (b) (c)

toothpick larutan
pencungkil biru
gigi methylene
toothpick blue
air suling solution

Kikis bahagian dalam Letakkan sel pipi di atas Tambah setitik larutan
pipi dengan pencungkil sekeping slaid di dalam metilena biru untuk
gigi. titisan air suling. mewarnakan sel pipi.
Scrape the inside of the Place the cheek cells on a Add a drop of methylene
cheek by using a toothpick. slide in a drop of distilled blue solution to stain the
water. cheek cells.

(d) (e) (f)

penutup kaca
cover slip kertas turas
jarum lter paper

Gunakan jarum untuk Serap larutan Perhatikan sel pipi di

menurunkan penutup berlebihan di sekeliling bawah mikroskop. Lukis
kaca ke atas sel pipi. penutup kaca dengan dan label struktur sel
Use a needle to lower the kertas turas. pipi.
cover slip onto the cheek Absorb excess solution Observe the cheek cells
cells. around the cover slip with under a microscope. Draw
a filter paper. and label the structure of
the cheek cell.


02 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB2-Emie2LP.indd 29 8/9/16 5:45 PM

2 Jalankan aktiviti yang berikut untuk memerhatikan sel epidermis bawang.
Carry out the following activity to observe onion epidermal cells.

Kemudian, ulang langkah 1(b)
forsep hingga 1(f) untuk memerhatikan
sel epidermis bawang. Gantikan
larutan metilena biru dalam

1(c) dengan larutan iodin untuk

mewarnakan sel.

onion Then, repeat steps 1(b) to 1(f) to observe
the onion epidermal cells. Replace the
Kupas lapisan epidermis bawang methylene blue solution in 1(c) with
dengan pisau cukur dan forsep. iodine solution to stain the cells.
Peel off the epidermal layer of an onion
with a razor blade and forceps.

Keputusan Lukis dan label struktur umum sel pipi (sel haiwan) dan sel bawang (sel tumbuhan).
Draw and label the general structure of a cheek cell (animal cell) and an onion cell (plant cell).

membran sel dinding sel

cell membrane cell wall
membran sel
sitoplasma cell membrane sitoplasma
cytoplasm cytoplasm

nukleus vakuol nucleus
nucleus vacuole

Sel pipi (Sel haiwan) Sel epidermis bawang (Sel tumbuhan)

Cheek cell (Animal cell) Onion epidermal cell (Plant cell)

Analisis 1 Apakah unit asas hidupan?

What is the basic unit of a living thing? TP1

2 Tandakan ( ) bahagian-bahagian yang terdapat dalam sel haiwan dan sel

Tick ( ) the parts that are present in an animal cell and a plant cell. TP1

Jenis sel Membran sel Nukleus Sitoplasm Kloroplas Vakuol

Type of cell Cell membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm Chloroplasts Vacuole

Sel haiwan
Animal cell

Sel tumbuhan
Plant cell

3 Jenis sel yang manakah mempunyai bentuk yang tetap, sel haiwan atau sel
tumbuhan? Berikan satu sebab.
Which cell has a fixed shape, an animal cell or a plant cell? Give one reason. TP2
Sel tumbuhan/Plant cell

Sebab: Sel ini mempunyai dinding sel .

Reason: This cell has a cell wall .


02 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB2-Emie2LP.indd 30 8/9/16 5:45 PM

4 Nyatakan dua bahagian sel yang membina protoplasma sel.
State the two parts which make up the protoplasm of the cell. TP2
Nukleus dan sitoplasma/Nucleus and cytoplasm

5 Apakah fungsi larutan metilena biru dan larutan iodin?

What is the function of the methylene blue solution and the iodine solution? TP2
Mewarnakan sel supaya bahagian sel jelas kelihatan .
To stain the cell so that the parts of the cell can be clearly seen .

6 Tandakan ( ) dua haiwan peringkat rendah yang mengandungi vakuol.

Tick ( ) two lower level animals which contain vacuoles. TP2
Siprogira Paramesium Ameba Mukor
Amoeba Mucor

7 Bandingkan antara sel haiwan dengan sel tumbuhan.

Compare animal and plant cells. TP2


Mempunyai nukleus ,
membran sel dan sitoplasma .
Sel haiwan nucleus Sel tumbuhan
Have a , cell membrane
Animal cell Plant cell
and cytoplasm .


Tiada Dinding sel Ada

Absent Cell wall Present

Tiada Kloroplas Ada

Absent Chloroplasts Present

Tidak tetap Bentuk sel Tetap

Not fixed Shape of the cell Fixed

Tiada Vakuol Ada

TONTON Absent Vacuole Present
8 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan proses tumbesaran manusia sejak kelahiran.
Namakan proses ini.
The diagram below shows the growth process of humans since birth. Name this process. TP2

sel dan kitar sel
Cell division Proses/Process:
and cell cycle
Pembahagian sel Cell division

Kesimpulan Kedua-dua sel haiwan dan tumbuhan mempunyai membran sel dan protoplasma
yang terdiri daripada nukleus dan sitoplasma .
Both animal and plant cells have cell membranes and protoplasm which is made up of
the nucleus and cytoplasm .


02 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB2-Emie2LP.indd 31 8/11/16 5:02 PM


Struktur sel dan fungsinya

PERBINCANGAN Cell structures and their functions

1 Nama dan padankan bahagian-bahagian sel kepada fungsinya.

Name and match the parts of the cell with their functions. TP2

Kloroplas Dinding sel Vakuol Membran sel Nukleus Sitoplasma Mitokondria

Chloroplast Cell wall Vacuole Cell membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm Mitochondrion

Bahagian/Parts Fungsi/Functions

(a) Dinding sel Mengawal pergerakan bahan keluar dan

Cell wall masuk ke dalam sel
Controls movement of substances in and out of the cell

(b) Membran sel Mengandungi pigmen hijau (klorofil) yang

Cell membrane menyerap cahaya matahari untuk membuat
Contains a green pigment (chlorophyll) that absorbs
(c) Kloroplas sunlight for making food
Melindungi sel dan mengekalkan bentuk sel
(d) Vakuol Protects the cell and maintains the shape of the cell
Tempat berlakunya proses-proses kimia
The place where chemical processes occur
(e) Sitoplasma
Cytoplasm Mengawal semua aktiviti sel
Controls all the activities of the cell

(f) Nukleus Menghasilkan tenaga

Nucleus Produces energy

Mengandungi glukosa dan garam mineral

Sel tumbuhan (g) Mitokondria yang terlarut
Plant cell Mitochondrion Contains dissolved glucose and mineral salts

2 Lengkapkan pernyataan di bawah tentang pembentukan sel kanser.

Complete the statement below about the formation of cancer cells. TP4/KBAT

Henti Mekanisme Tumor Kelompok Pertumbuhan Leukimia

Stops Mechanism Tumour Mass Growth Leukaemia

Galeri Info
Nukleus mengandungi kromosom yang terdiri daripada asid deoksiribonukleik
(DNA) yang membawa maklumat genetik.
The nucleus contains chromosomes that are made up of deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) which carries genetic information.

Kanser adalah pertumbuhan luar kawalan sel-sel abnormal di dalam badan. Sel-sel kanser
berkembang apabila mekanisme kawalan badan yang normal henti berfungsi. Sel-
sel tua tidak mati dan sel-sel ini tumbuh untuk membentuk sel-sel baharu yang abnormal. Sel-sel
ini mungkin akan membentuk satu kelompok tisu yang disebut tumor . Sesetengah
kanser seperti leukimia tidak membentuk tumor.
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancer cells develop when the normal
control mechanism of the body stops working. Old cells do not die and cells grow to form new,
abnormal cells. These cells may form a mass of tissue, called a tumour . Some cancers,
such as leukaemia , do not form tumours.


02 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB2-Emie2LP.indd 32 8/9/16 5:45 PM


Organisma unisel dan multisel

PERBINCANGAN Unicellular and multicellular organisms

1 Apakah organisma seni yang tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata kasar?
What are the minute organisms which cannot be seen with the naked eye? TP1

2 Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan organisma unisel dan multisel?

What are meant by unicellular and multicellular organisms? TP2
(a) Organisma unisel/Unicellular organisms
Organisma yang terdiri daripada
Organisms which consist of only
satu sel
one cell .
sahaja. 2
(b) Organisma multisel/Multicellular organisms
Organisma yang terdiri daripada lebih daripada satu sel atau banyak sel.
Organisms which consist of more than one cell or many cells.

3 Namakan organisma yang diberikan. Kemudian, tuliskan organisma unisel (U) atau multisel (M)
dalam petak yang diberikan.
Name the organisms given. Then, write unicellular organism (U) or multicellular organism (M) in the boxes
provided. TP2

Hidra Yis Euglena Paramesium

Hydra Yeast Euglena Paramecium
Ameba Mukor Spirogira Klamidomonas
Amoeba Mucor Spirogyra Chlamydomonas

(a) U (b) U (c) M (d) U

Paramesium Ameba Spirogira Euglena

Paramecium Amoeba Spirogyra Euglena

(e) U (f) M (g) M (h) U

Klamidomonas Hidra Mukor Yis

Chlamydomonas Hydra Mucor Yeast

4 Pada pendapat anda, mengapakah tempoh hayat organisma unisel lebih pendek daripada organisma
multisel?/In your opinion, why is the lifespan of unicellular organisms shorter than that of the multicellular
organisms? TP5/KBAT
Beban hidup hanya ditanggung oleh satu sel .
The living load is borne by only one cell .


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5 Tuliskan organisma yang merupakan haiwan dan tumbuhan dalam peta-peta bulatan di bawah.
Write the organisms which are animals and plants in the circle maps below. TP4/KBAT

Ameba Mukor Paramesium Spirogira Hidra Yis Klamidomonas

Amoeba Mucor Paramecium Spirogyra Hydra Yeast Chlamydomonas

eri In
Gal fo
Ameba Euglena menunjukkan

Amoeba Mukor Spirogira kedua-dua ciri haiwan

Mucor Spirogyra dan tumbuhan.

The euglena shows
both the characteristics
of an animal and a
Haiwan Tumbuhan plant.
Animals Yis Plants Hidra
Yeast Hydra

Paramesium Klamidomonas
Paramecium Chlamydomonas

6 Tuliskan struktur-struktur yang terdapat pada organisma dalam peta dakap di bawah.
Write the parts that are found in the organisms in the brace map below. TP4/KBAT

1442443 1442443 1442443

Ameba Sel membran/Cell membrane

Amoeba Vakuol/Vacuole
Nukleus/Nucleus Dinding sel/Cell wall
Organisma Spirogira Sitoplasma/Cytoplasm Vakuol/Vacuole
Organisms Spirogyra
Sel membran/Cell membrane Kloroplas/Chloroplasts
Nukleus/Nucleus Dinding sel/Cell wall
Mukor Sitoplasma/Cytoplasm Vakuol/Vacuole
Sel membran/Cell membrane

7 Daripada jawapan anda di 5 dan 6, kenal pasti jenis tumbuhan yang mempunyai kloroplas yang
membolehkannya membuat makanan sendiri./From your answer in 5 and 6, identify the plants which
have chloroplasts that enable them to make their own food. TP4/KBAT
Sprirogira dan klamidomonas/Spirogyra and chlamydomonas.

8 Berbanding dengan spirogira, tuliskan struktur sel yang tidak terdapat pada ameba dan
paramesium dalam petak yang diberikan. Kemudian, berikan sebab anda.
Compared with spirogyra, write the parts of the cell which are not found in the amoeba and paramecium in
the given box. Then, give your reason. TP4/KBAT

Dinding sel
tidak mempunyai
Cell walls
do not have Kloroplas

Sebab: Ameba dan paramesium ialah haiwan peringkat rendah

Reason: Amoeba and paramesium are lower level animals


02 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB2-Emie2LP.indd 34 8/9/16 5:45 PM


Pelbagai jenis sel dan fungsinya DSKP

PERBINCANGAN Various types of cells and their functions Konstruktivisme

1 Namakan pelbagai jenis sel manusia berdasarkan fungsinya.

Name various types of human cells based on their functions. TP2

Sel darah merah/Red blood cell Sel saraf/Nerve cells Sel otot/Muscle cell
Sel darah putih/White blood cell Sel epithelium/Epithelium cell Sel pembiakan/Reproductive

Sel saraf
Nerve cells
Sel otot
Muscle cell 2
Membolehkan pergerakan badan
Enables body movement

Sel epitelium
Menghantar maklumat Epithelium cell
Send information

Sel darah merah

Red blood cell Fungsi/Function
Melindungi lapisan permukaan
Fungsi/Function kulit dan organ dalaman
Mengangkut oksigen Protects the surface layer of the skin
Transports oxygen and internal organs

Sel darah putih Sel pembiakan

White blood cell Reproductive cells

Fungsi/Function Fungsi/Function
Memusnahkan bakteria Terlibat dalam pembiakan
Destroys bacteria Involved in reproduction

2 Namakan pelbagai jenis sel tumbuhan berdasarkan fungsinya.

Name various types of plant cells based on their functions. TP2

Sel palisad Sel pengawal Sel akar rerambut Sel epidermis

Palisade cells Guard cells Root hair cells Epidermal cells

(a) Sel epidermis/Epidermal cells

Melapisi dan melindungi seluruh
permukaan tumbuhan./Cover and
protect the surfaces of the whole plant.

(b) Sel palisad/Palisade cells

Mengandungi sebahagian besar
kloroplas untuk fotosintesis.
Contain a large amount of
stoma/stoma chloroplasts for photosynthesis.

(d) Sel akar rerambut/Root hair cells (c) Sel pengawal/Guard cells
Menyerap air dan garam mineral daripada Mengawal saiz stoma (liang daun).
tanah/Absorb water and mineral salts from the soil. Control the size of the stoma (leaf pore).


02 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB2-Emie2LP.indd 35 8/9/16 5:45 PM


Organisasi sel dalam badan manusia DSKP

PERBINCANGAN Cell organisation in the human body Konstruktivisme

1 Berdasarkan pernyataan yang diberi, lengkapkan urutan organisasi sel dalam manusia.
Based on the statements given, complete the cell organisation of humans. TP3/KBAT

Tisu Sistem Sel Organisma Unit asas Organ

Tissues Systems Cells Organisms Basic unit Organs

(a) Sel (b) Tisu (c) Organ (d) Sistem (e) Organisma
Cells Tissues Organs Systems Organsims

Sistem Human

Tisu epitelium Perut Usus

Sel epitelium Stomach
Epithelial tissue Intestine
Epithelial cell

Unit asas Terdiri daripada Terdiri daripada Terdiri daripada Terdiri daripada
bagi semua sekumpulan beberapa beberapa sistem
hidupan. sel yang jenis tisu organ yang berlainan
Basic unit
sama. yang berlainan. bekerjasama. yang bekerjasama.
for all living Consists of a group Consists of a few Consists of a few Consists of different
things. of the same type of different types of organs systems
cells . tissues . working together. working together.

2 Kenal pasti sistem badan manusia yang diberi.

Identify the given systems in the human body. TP2

Respirasi Saraf Pembiakan Otot Endokrin

Respiratory Nervous Reproductive Muscular Endocrine
Pencernaan Perkumuhan Peredaran darah Rangka Limfa
Digestive Excretory Blood circulatory Skeletal Lymphatic

Jenis sistem dalam manusia/Types of systems in humans

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Pencernaan Respirasi Saraf Perkumuhan Endokrin

Digestive Respiratory Nervous Excretory Endocrine

Mencerna Membolehkan Menghantar Menyingkir Menghasilkan

makanan pertukaran gas impuls hasil hormon
Digests food Enables gaseous Sends impulses perkumuhan Produces
exchange Removes waste hormone


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Jenis sistem dalam manusia/Types of systems in humans

(f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

Rangka Peredaran darah Pembiakan Otot Limfa
Skeletal Blood circulatory Reproductive Muscular Lymphatic

Menyokong Mengangkut Menghasilkan Membolehkan Mempertahankan

badan bahan cecair sel-sel pergerakan badan terhadap
Supports the Transports pembiakan badan penyakit
body liquid Produces Enables body Defends the body
substances reproductive movement against diseases

3 Kenal pasti organ-organ yang membentuk sistem.

Identify the organs that form the systems. TP2

Peparu/Lungs Otak/Brain Tengkorak/Skull Ginjal/Kidneys

Kulit/Skin Perut/Stomach Sendi/Joints Otot/Muscles
Jantung/Heart Rektum/Rectum Tulang/Bones Ovari/Ovaries
Uterus/Uterus Hati/Liver Trakea/Trachea Testis/Testes
Usus/Intestines Hidung/Nose Alveolus/Alveoli Saraf/Nerves
Salur darah/Blood vessels Saraf tunjang/Spinal cord Mulut/Mouth Pankreas/Pancreas

Sistem/System Organ-organ/Organs

I fo
e i In fo
(a) Pembiakan Uterus, ovary, testis
Reproductive Uterus, ovaries, testes Galer
Sistem limfa
(b) Rangka Sendi, tulang, tengkorak melindungi badan
Skeletal Joints, bones, skull kita daripada
penyakit. Sistem
(c) Respirasi Peparu, trakea, hidung, alveolus menghasilkan
Respiratory Lungs, trachea, nose, alveoli hormon untuk
mengawal aktiviti dan
pertumbuhan badan.
(d) Pencernaan Perut, usus, hati, mulut, pankreas, rektum Pankreas dan ovari
Digestive Stomach, intestines, liver, mouth, pancreas, rectum ialah contoh organ
bagi sistem endokrin.
The lymphatic system
(e) Perkumuhan Ginjal, kulit, peparu defends the body
Excretory Kidneys, skin, lungs against diseases. The
endocrine system
produces hormones to
(f) Saraf Saraf tunjang, otak, saraf control the activities
Nervous Spinal cord, brain, nerves and growth of the
body. The pancreas
(g) Peredaran darah Jantung, salur darah and ovary are
examples of the organs
Blood circulatory Heart, blood vessels of the endocrine
(h) Otot Otot
Muscular Muscles


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Standard kandungan
2.2 Respirasi sel dan fotosintesis Tarikh:

2.7 AKTIVITI Respirasi sel dan fotosintesis DSKP

KBAT PERBINCANGAN Cellular respiration and photosynthesis Konstruktivisme

1 Jawab soalan-soalan tentang respirasi sel./Answer the questions about cellular respiration.
(a) Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan respirasi sel?/What is meant by cellular respiration? TP2
Proses yang berlaku dalam semua sel hidupan yang menggunakan glukosa dan
oksigen untuk menghasilkan karbon dioksida , air dan tenaga .

The process that occurs in all living cells which uses glucose and oxygen
carbon dioxide water energy

to produce , and .

(b) Tuliskan satu persamaan perkataan untuk mewakili respirasi sel.

Write a word equation to represent cellular respiration. TP6/KBAT

Glukosa + Oksigen Karbon dioksida + Air + Tenaga

Glucose Oxygen Carbon dioxide Water Energy

2 Jawab soalan-soalan tentang fotosintesis./Answer the questions about photosynthesis.

(a) Apakah fotosintesis?
(c) Cahaya matahari What is photosynthesis? TP2
Sunlight Proses yang dijalankan oleh
tumbuhan hijau untuk membuat
makanan sendiri.
(b) Karbon dioksida A process that is performed by
Carbon dioxide
green plants to make their own
food .

(b) Isi dalam rajah dengan syarat-syarat yang

(a) Air diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis.
Water Klorol Fill in the diagram with the conditions needed
(d) Pigmen hijau:
Chlorophyll for the process of photosynthesis. TP2
Green pigment:

(c) Apakah faktor-faktor yang diperlukan untuk fotosintesis?

What are the factors needed for photosynthesis? TP2
Air, karbon dioksida, cahaya dan klorofil/Water, carbon dioxide, light and chlorophyll.

(d) Tuliskan satu persamaan perkataan untuk mewakili fotosintesis.

Write a word equation to represent photosynthesis. TP6/KBAT

Karbon dioksida + Air Glukosa + Oksigen

Carbon dioxide Water Glucose Oxygen

(e) Wajarkan kepentingan (peranan) fotosintesis dalam mengekalkan keseimbangan ekosistem.

Justify the importance (role) of photosynthesis in maintaining the balance of an ecosystem. TP5/KBAT
Fotosintesis membolehkan tumbuhan hijau membuat makanan sendiri dan
membekalkan makanan kepada haiwan. Fotosintesis mengawal dan mengekalkan
kandungan oksigen dan karbon dioksida dalam udara.
Photosynthesis enables green plants to make their own food and to supply food to animals.
Photosynthesis regulates and maintains the oxygen and carbon dioksida contents
in the air.

(f) Berdasarkan persamaan perkataan yang diberi, nyatakan process X dan Y untuk menunjukkan
hubungan kedua-dua prosess ini dalam alam semula jadi./Based on the given word equation, state
processes X and Y to show the relationship between these two processes in nature. TP3/KBAT

X X: Respirasi sel/Cellular respiration

Glukosa + oksigen air + karbon dioksida
Glucose oxygen water carbon dioxide Y: Fotosintesis/Photosynthesis


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2.8 EKSPERIMEN Ujian kanji dalam daun DSKP

KBAT INKUIRI Starch test in leaves Penemuan

Tujuan Menguji kehadiran kanji dalam daun

To test the presence of starch in leaves

Bahan dan Daun, air, alkohol, larutan iodin, bikar 250 cm3, tabung uji, penitis, penunu Bunsen,
Radas kasa dawai, tungku kaki tiga, pisau, jubin putih

Leaf, water, alcohol, iodine solution, 250 cm3 beaker, test tube, dropper, Bunsen burner, wire gauze,
tripod stand, knife, white tile

Prosedur Jalankan aktiviti di bawah./Carry out the activities below. 2

A. B.
air kukus air alcohol
water water bath
daun daun
leaf leaf

Didihkan sehelai daun hijau dalam Masukkan daun ke dalam tabung uji
bikar berisi air selama lima minit. yang berisi alkohol yang direndam
Boil a green leaf in a beaker of water for dalam air panas.
five minutes. Put the leaf into a test tube containing
alcohol, that is immersed in hot water.
C. D. larutan iodin
iodine solution

Titiskan beberapa titik larutan iodin ke
Rendamkan daun dalam air panas. atas daun.
Soak the leaf in hot water. Add a few drops of iodine solution onto the leaf.

Prosedur Warna biru tua terhasil apabila larutan iodin dititis ke atas cebisan-cebisan daun.
dark blue
A colour is produced when the iodine solution is dripped onto the leaf.

Analisis 1 Terangkan pemerhatian anda apabila larutan iodin dititis ke atas daun.
Explain your observation when iodine solution is dropped onto the leaf.
Daun mengandungi/The leaf contains kanji/starch .
2 Berikan tujuan langkah-langkah dalam aktiviti ini.
Give the purpose of each step in this activity.

Langkah/Steps Tujuan/Purpose
Melembutkan daun dan memecahkan dinding sel
soften break
To the leaf and the cell walls

B Menyingkirkan klorofil /To remove chlorophyll

C Melembutkan daun/To soften

the leaf

Menguji kehadiran kanji

D starch
To test the presence of

Kesimpulan Daun hijau mengandungi/Green leaves contain kanji/starch .


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2.9 EKSPERIMEN Karbon dioksida diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis DSKP

KBAT BERPANDU Carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis Penemuan

Tujuan Menunjukkan karbon dioksida diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis

To show that carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis

Pernyataan Adakah karbon dioksida diperlukan oleh tumbuhan untuk menjalankan fotosintesis?
Masalah Is carbon dioxide needed by plants for photosynthesis?

Hipotesis Karbon dioksida

diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis.
Carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis.

Pemboleh (a) yang dimanipulasikan/that is manipulated:

Kehadiran karbon dioksida/The presence of carbon dioxide

(b) yang bergerak balas/that responds:

Kehadiran kanji/The presence of starch
(c) yang dimalarkan/that is kept constant:
Kehadiran cahaya/air/klorofil/The presence of light/water/chlorophyll

Bahan dan Tumbuhan hijau berpasu, larutan natrium hidroksida, serkup kaca, bikar, kepingan
Radas kaca, bahan dan radas untuk menguji kehadiran kanji dalam daun
Potted green plants, sodium hydroxide solution, bell jar, beaker, glass sheet, materials and apparatus
for testing the presence of starch in leaves

Prosedur serkup kaca

bell jar

hijau berpasu
potted green plant

larutan natrium
sodium hydroxide
Set P kepingan kaca Set Q
glass piece
1 Letakkan dua tumbuhan hijau berpasu di dalam almari gelap selama dua hari.
Place two potted green plants in a dark cupboard for two days.
2 Sediakan radas seperti yang ditunjukkan pada rajah di atas.
Set up the apparatus as shown in the above diagram.
3 Letakkan kedua-dua tumbuhan di bawah cahaya matahari selama tiga hari.
Place both plants in sunlight for three days.
4 Jalankan ujian kanji terhadap sehelai daun dari tumbuhan P dan Q.
Carry out the starch test on a leaf of the plants, P and Q.
5 Rekodkan pemerhatian anda dan berikan sebab.
Record your observations and give reasons.

Pemerhatian Kehadiran karbon Ujian kanji/Starch test

Tumbuhan dioksida
Plant Presence of carbon Pemerhatian Kehadiran kanji
dioxide Observation Presence of starch

P Ya Biru tua Ya
Yes Dark blue Yes
Q Tidak Tiada perubahan Tidak
No No change No


02 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB2-Emie2LP.indd 40 8/9/16 5:45 PM

Analisis 1 Set radas tumbuhan yang manakah tidak dapat menjalankan fotosintesis?
Terangkan mengapa. TP4/KBAT
In which set of apparatus is the plant unable to carry out photosynthesis? Explain why.
Q . Karbon dioksida tidak hadir dalam set radas Q .
Q Carbon dioxide Q
. Carbon dioxide is not present in set .

2 Apakah fungsi larutan natrium hidroksida dalam set radas Q?

What is the function of the sodium hydroxide solution in set Q? TP4/KBAT

Untuk menyerap karbon dioksida dalam set radas Q.
To absorb carbon dioxide in set Q.

3 Apakah tujuan meletakkan set radas P dan Q dalam keadaan gelap selama dua
hari sebelum eksperimen?/What is the purpose of placing the sets of apparatus, P and Q,
in darkness for two days before the experiment? TP2
Untuk menyingkirkan kanji daripada daun tumbuhan.
To remove from the leaves.

4 Apakah fungsi set radas P?/What is the function of set P? TP4/KBAT

Bertindak sebagai/Acts as a kawalan/control .

5 Bezakan antara proses respirasi sel dengan fotosintesis.

Differentiate between cellular respiration and photosynthesis. TP3/KBAT

Perbezaan Respirasi sel Fotosintesis

Differences Cellular respiration Photosynthesis

(a) Jenis hidupan yang Semua hidupan Tumbuhan hijau

terlibat All the living things Green plants
Type of living things

(b) Berlaku Sepanjang masa Keadaan bercahaya

Takes place All sahaja
the time
Only with the presence of

(c) Memerlukan Glukosa dan oksigen Air, cahaya, karbon

Requires Glucose and oxygen dioksida, klorofil
Water, light, carbon
dioxide, chlorophyll

(d) Menghasilkan Karbon dioksida, air, tenaga Glukosa dan oksigen

Produces Carbon dioxide, water, energy Glucose and oxygen

(e) Bahagian sel yang Mitokondria Kloroplas

terlibat Mitochondria Chloroplasts
Parts of the cell involved

6 Apakah kesan jerebu terhadap proses fotosintesis?

What is the effect of haze on photosynthesis? TP5/KBAT
Jerebu mengurangkan keamatan cahaya matahari yang sampai ke daun. Oleh itu,
proses fotosintesis pada tumbuhan hijau akan terganggu .
Haze reduces the intensity of sunlight which reaches the leaves. Thus, photosynthesis by
green plants will be .

Kesimpulan 1 Adakah hipotesis diterima?/Is the hypothesis accepted?


2 Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat?/What conclusion can be made?

Klorofil diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis.
Chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis.


02 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB2-Emie2LP.indd 41 8/11/16 5:02 PM


2.10 EKSPERIMEN Cahaya diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis DSKP

KBAT BERPANDU Light is needed for photosynthesis Penemuan

Tujuan Menunjukkan cahaya diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis

To show that light is needed for photosynthesis

Pernyataan Adakah cahaya diperlukan oleh tumbuhan untuk menjalankan fotosintesis?

Masalah Is light needed by plants for photosynthesis?
Gal Info
eri In fo

Hipotesis Cahaya Cahaya diserap oleh

diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis.
daun untuk memecah

is needed for photosynthesis. molekul air.
Light is absorbed to
Pemboleh (a) yang dimanipulasikan:/that is manipulated: break up the water
Ubah molecules.
Kehadiran cahaya/The presence of light
(b) yang bergerak balas:/that responds:
Kehadiran kanji/The presence of starch
(c) yang dimalarkan:that is kept constant:
Kehadiran carbon dioksida/air/klorofil/The presence of carbon dioxide/water/chlorophyll

Bahan dan Tumbuhan hijau berpasu, kertas hitam, klip kertas, bahan dan radas untuk menguji
Radas kehadiran kanji dalam daun/Potted green plant, black paper, paperclips, materials and apparatus
for testing the presence of starch in leaves

Prosedur 1 Letakkan pasu tumbuhan hijau di dalam almari

daun hijau klip kertas
green leaf paper clip gelap selama dua hari.
kertas hitam A potted green plant was placed in a dark cupboard for
black paper
two days.
2 Sebahagian daripada daun ditutup dengan
menggunakan kertas hitam dan klip kertas
seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah.
A part of a leaf was covered with a piece of black paper
and paper clips as shown in the diagram.
3 Daun dibiarkan di bawah pancaran cahaya matahari selama tiga hari.
The leaf was left in sunlight for three days.
4 Jalankan ujian kanji terhadap daun itu./The starch test was carried out on the leaf.
5 Catat pemerhatian anda dan berikan sebab./Record your observations and give reasons.

Pemerhatian Bahagian Kehadiran Ujian kanji/Starch test

daun cahaya matahari
Parts of the Presence of Pemerhatian Kehadiran kanji
leaf sunlight Observation Presence of starch

A Ya/Yes Biru tua/Dark blue Ya/Yes

B Tidak/No Tiada perubahan/No change Tidak/No
C Ya/Yes Biru tua/Dark blue Ya/Yes

Analisis Bahagian daun yang manakah tidak dapat menjalankan fotosintesis? Terangkan
mengapa./Which part of the leaf is unable to carry out photosynthesis? Explain why.
B . Kertas hitam cahaya matahari
menghalang daripada sampai ke
bahagian daun itu.
B black paper sunlight
. The prevents from reaching this part of the leaf.

Kesimpulan 1 Adakah hipotesis dapat diterima?/Is the hypothesis accepted?

2 Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat?/What conclusion can be made?
Cahaya diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis./Light is needed for photosynthesis.


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2.11 EKSPERIMEN Klorol diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis DSKP

KBAT BERPANDU Chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis Penemuan

Tujuan Menunjukkan klorofil diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis

To show that chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis

Pernyataan Adakah klorofil diperlukan oleh tumbuhan untuk menjalankan fotosintesis?

eri In
aler fo
Is chlorophyll needed by plants for photosynthesis?

Hipotesis Klorofil

diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis. Klorol ialah pigmen
Chlorophyll hijau dalam daun.
is needed for photosynthesis. Chlorophyl is the
green pigment in
Pemboleh (a) yang dimanipulasikan/that is manipulated: leaves.
Ubah Kehadiran klorofil/The presence of chlorophyll
(b) yang bergerak balas/that responds:
Kehadiran kanji/The presence of starch
(c) yang dimalarkan/that is kept constant:
Kehadiran karbon dioksida/air/cahaya matahari
The presence of carbon dioxide/water/sunlight

Bahan dan Tumbuhan berdaun variegasi di dalam pasu, bahan dan radas untuk menguji kehadiran
Radas kanji dalam daun/Potted plants with variegated leaves, materials and apparatus for testing the
presence of starch in leaves

Prosedur bahagian variegasi 1 Letakkan tumbuhan berdaun variegasi di

variegated part
(berwarna putih atau
bawah cahaya matahari selama dua jam.
kuning muda) Place the plant with variegated leaves in sunlight for
(white or light yellow) two hours.
2 Jalankan ujian kanji terhadap daun itu.
bahagian hijau Carry out the test for starch on the leaf.
green part
3 Rekod pemerhatian anda dan berikan sebab.
Record your observations and give reasons.

Pemerhatian Kehadiran Ujian kanji/Starch test

Bahagian daun klorofil
Part of the leaf Presence of Pemerhatian Kehadiran kanji
chlorophyll Observation Presence of starch

Variegasi (bukan hijau) Sedikit Sedikit warna biru tua Sedikit

Variegated (non-green) A little A little dark blue A little

Bahagian hijau Banyak Biru tua Banyak

Green part A lot Dark blue A lot

Analisis Bahagian daun yang manakah dapat menjalankan proses fotosintesis secara cekap?
Terangkan mengapa.
Which part of the leaf is able to carry out photosynthesis efficiently? Explain why.
Bahagian hijau. Terdapat banyak klorofil yang menyerap tenaga cahaya untuk fotosintesis.
green part light energy
The . There is a lot of chlorophyll that absorbs for photosynthesis.

Kesimpulan 1 Adakah hipotesis diterima?/Is the hypothesis accepted?


2 Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat?/What conclusion can be made?

Klorofil diperlukan untuk proses fotosintesis.
Chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis.


02 SC PROCESS SKILL'17-F1-BAB2-Emie2LP.indd 43 8/11/16 5:02 PM

1 Label bahagian sel-sel hidupan di bawah dan nyatakan fungsinya.
Label the parts of the living cells shown below and state their functions.

P: Membran sel T: Dinding sel


Cell membrane Cell wall

2 Q: Nukleus
Nucleus U: Kloroplas
R: Sitoplasma
V: Vakuol
S: Mitokondria Vacuole
Sel haiwan Mitochondrion Sel tumbuhan
Animal cell Plant cell

Fungsi bahagian sel/Functions of the parts of the cell

P: Mengawal pergerakan bahan keluar dan masuk ke dalam sel

Controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell

Q: Mengawal semua aktiviti sel

Controls all the cell activities

R: Tempat berlakunya proses-proses kimia

The place where chemical processes occur

S: Menghasilkan tenaga
Produces energy

T: Melindungi sel/Mengekalkan bentuk sel

Protects the cell/Maintains the shape of the cell

U: Mengandungi klorofil yang menyerap cahaya matahari untuk membuat makanan (fotosintesis)
Contains chlorophyll which absorbs sunlight to make food (photosynthesis)

2 Sel haiwan seperti sel kulit tidak mempunyai dinding sel , vakoul dan kloroplas .
Animal cells, such as skin cells do not have cell walls , vacuoles or chloroplasts .

3 Organisma unisel terdiri daripada hanya satu sel dan organisma multisel terdiri daripada
banyak sel.
Unicellular organisms consist of only one cell and multicellular organisms consist of many cells.

4 Namakan organisma di bawah. Nyatakan sama ada organisma itu merupakan organisma unisel (U) atau
multisel (M) dan sel tumbuhan (T) atau haiwan (H) dalam petak yang diberi.
Name the organisms shown below. State in the boxes provided whether they are unicellular (U) or multicellular (M)
organisms and whether they are plant (P) or animal (A) cells.
(a) U H/A (b) U H/A (c) M T/P (d) M H/A

Ameba Paramesium Spirogira Hidra

Amoeba Paramecium Spirogyra Hydra


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(e) U T/P (f) M T/P (g) U T/P

Klamidomonas Mukor Yis
Chlamydomonas Mucor Yeast

5 Lengkapkan organisasi sel yang berikut.

Complete the following cell organisation. 2
Sel/Cells Tisu/Tissues Organ/Organs Sistem/Systems Organisma/Organism

6 Namakan jenis-jenis sel yang ditunjukkan di bawah.

Name the types of cells shown below.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Sel pembiakan Sel saraf Sel darah putih Sel darah merah
Reproductive cells Nerve cells White blood cell Red blood cell

7 Namakan tisu-tisu di bawah./Name the tissues shown below.

(a) (b)

Tisu epitelium Tisu otot

Epithelial tissue Muscle tissue

Lapisan pelindung permukaan kulit dan Mengecut dan mengendur untuk pergerakan
organ seperti di alveolus dan salur badan
pencernaan Contracts and relaxes for body movement
The protective layer of the surface of the skin and
organs such as the alveoli and digestive tract
8 Berdasarkan organ yang diberi, namakan jenis sistem dalam badan manusia.
Based on the given organs, name the systems in the human body.
(a) Sendi, tulang : Sistem rangka (c) Ovari, testis, uterus : Sistem pembiakan
Joints, bones : Skeletal system Ovaries, testes, uterus : Reproductive system
(b) Peparu, trakea, hidung : Sistem respirasi (d) Kulit, peparu, pundi kencing : Sistem perkumuhan
Lungs, trachea, nose : Respiratory system Skin, lungs, urinary bladder : Excretory system
9 Tuliskan persamaan perkataan bagi respirasi sel.
Write the word equation for cellular respiration.
Glukosa Oksigen Karbon dioksida Air Tenaga
+ + +
Glucose Oxygen Carbon dioxide Water Energy

10 Tuliskan persamaan perkataan bagi fotosintesis./Write the word equation for photosynthesis.
Karbon dioksida Air Cahaya matahari/Sunlight Glukosa Oksigen
Carbon dioxide + Water Glucose + Oxygen


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Arahan: Jawab semua soalan.
Instructions: Answer all questions.

(a) Rajah di bawah menunjukkan bakteria tuberkulosis (batuk kering) yang menyerang peparu manusia.

The diagram below shows the tuberculosis bacteria that attacks the human lungs.

bakteria tuberkulosis lung
tuberculosis bacteria

(i) Apakah jenis organisma bagi bakteria tuberkulosis, organisma unisel atau multisel? Terangkan mengapa.
What type of organism is the tuberculosis bacterium, a unicellular or multi-cellular organism? TP4/K4 Menganalisis
Organima unisel. Bakteria tuberkulosis terdiri daripada satu sel.
Unicellular organism. The tuberculosis bacterium is made up of one cell.
[2 markah/2 marks]
(ii) Mengapakah bakteria tuberkulosis hidup pada peparu manusia?
Why does the tuberculosis bacterium live in the human lungs? TP4/K4 Menganalisis
Bakteria tuberkulosis mendapat makanan daripada sel manusia. Hal ini demikian kerana bakteria
tuberkulosis tidak mempunyai klorofil dan tidak dapat membuat makanan sendiri.
The tuberculosis bacterium obtains food from the human cells. This is because the tuberculosis bacterium
does not have chlorophyll and cannot make its own food.
[2 markah/2 marks]
(b) Amin memerhatikan spirogira di bawah mikroskop seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah di bawah.
Amin observes spirogyra under a microscope as shown in the diagram below.

(i) Berikan penjelasan mengapa spirogira dikelaskan sebagai hidupan.

Give an explanation why spirogyra is classified as a living thing. TP3/K3 Mengaplikasi
Spirogira boleh menjalankan proses hidup seperti pembiakan dan respirasi.
Spirogyra can carry out life processes such as reproduction and respiration.
(ii) Spirogira mengandungi sejenis pigmen hijau yang disebut klorofil. Tuliskan satu persamaan
perkataan bagi proses yang berlaku yang melibatkan pigmen hijau tersebut dalam keadaan
Spirogyra contains a type of green pigment called chlorophyll. Write a word equation for the process that
takes place involving the green pigment in the presence of light. TP6/K6 Mensintesis
Karbon dioksida/Carbon dioxide + Air/Water Glukosa/Glucose + Oksigen/Oxygen


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