Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 6, 93-102, 2009

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol.

6, 93102, 2009



E. Wang
Information Engineering College of NCUT

J. Zheng
Beijing Electro-mechanical Engineering Institute

Y. Liu
Information Engineering College of NCUT

AbstractThis paper describes a novel dual-band patch antenna on

organic magnetic substrate for wireless local area networks (WLAN)
wireless communication (at 2.4 and 5 GHz). The dual-band operation
is obtained by embedding a pair of L-shaped slots. The magnetic
material is adopted because the substrate can reduce the size of
antenna 40%, comparing with rectangular microstrip antennas on
normal dielectric substrate, and have wider bandwidths for both bands.
Details of the proposed antenna design are presented and discussed,
which can be a candidate for the requirement of WLAN, operating in
2.4 and 5 GHz.


In wireless communication systems, such as wireless local area

networks, reach and development efforts are aiming at smaller size
and better performance. WLAN has made rapid progress and there
are several IEEE standards already, namely 802.11a, b, g and j. From
the frequency spectrum, it is observed that the band is limited at
Corresponding author: E. Wang ([email protected]).
94 Wang, Zheng, and Liu

2.4 GHz band (2.42.483 GHz), and it must be shifted to the higher
and more abundant band 4.9 GHz (4.95.1 GHz) and 5.2 GHz (5.15
5.35 GHz) with the development of WLAN. So there is a need of dual
band transceiver working at these frequency bands.
The organic magnetic materials have stable magnetic perfor-
mance, higher permeability and permittivity so that microstrip an-
tennas on such a material are characterized with compact size, wide
band, and simple structure and are easy to be fabricated. Some kinds
of antennas with magnetic materials have been reported for different
purposes [14].
Microstrip patch antennas are attractive and popular antenna due
to their natural advantages such as light weight, conformability and
low costs. Dual-band operation is an important subject in microstrip
antenna designs [5, 6]. Recently, several designs of the dual-band slot-
loaded microstrip antennas have been reported [79]. These related
dual-band designs are achieved by embedding a narrow arc-shaped slot
or placing an open-ring slot close to the boundary of the patch [10, 11].
However, the antennas adopted these designs have narrow impedance
bandwidths of the two operating frequencies, usually on the order of 2%
or less. In this paper, we present a novel dual-band WLAN antenna
printed on organic magnetic material, and report the results of the
proposed antenna on its S11 characteristic along with the radiation


Prototypes of the proposed design were constructed and studied.

Figure 1 shows the configuration of the proposed microstrip patch
antenna. The parameters of organic magnetic materials provided by

Figure 1. Configuration of the antenna.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 6, 2009 95

manufacturer are r = 3.5, r = 2, h = 3.2 mm, tan = 0.01. The

patch is fed by a 50 coaxial probe placed along the central line with
a distance H to the bottom side. The dimensions of the rectangular
patch are W L. The dual L-slots are located symmetrically along
the center line of the patch and have a narrow width of S. The lengths
of vertical and horizontal arms are denoted as h and L0 . The symbol
D represents the length between the horizontal arms.
For a regular rectangular patch without slot [12], its resonant
frequency of TMmn mode is given by
rh i
C m 2 h n i2
fmn = + (m = 0, n = 1),
2 r r W L

where C is the light velocity in free space, r is the equivalent

permeability and r is the equivalent permittivity. By choosing the
feed location, the first two modes TM10 and TM11 can he excitedIn
the study, we found that with the increase of H, the resonant frequency
shift to low frequency and the bandwidth of low frequency band
becomes narrow while the bandwidth of high frequency band becomes
In our design, the resonant frequency is slightly affected by the
narrow slots. The height of magnetic substrate and the width of slots
are very small comparing with the central frequencies wavelength; the
antenna can be understood by the classical cavity method. Therefore,
the frequency is decided by the geometry of the rectangular patch,
the dimensions of which can be estimated. When electromagnetic
wave transmit in the media which has equivalent permeability (r )
and equivalent
permittivity (r ), the wavelength of it will be reduced
to 1/ r r , comparing with the wavelength in vacuum. That is
an important theoretical basis to design microstrip antenna in any
frequency bands.
The detail dimensions of the antenna are obtained from many
calculations and simulations: L = 32 mm, W = 24 mm, L0 = 18 mm,
S = 1 mm, H = 6 mm, h = 9 mm, D = 2 mm.


The characteristics of the slotted patch antenna have been simulated

by HFSS software, which is based on Finite Element Method. Using
the organic magnetic substrate, a test antenna has been fabricated,
which is shown in Figure 2, four bolts are used to fix the antenna.
Figure 3 shows the simulated and measured S11 versus frequency, from
which, we can see that the S11 characteristics of the antenna in the
96 Wang, Zheng, and Liu

bandwidths of 2.42.483 GHz and 4.95.35 GHz are below 11 dB. The
S-parameter of the antenna was measured using Agilent 8753D network
analyzer. The simulated radiation patterns of the antenna at 2.45 GHz
are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. Figure 6 and Figure 7 show
the simulated radiation patterns of the antenna at 5.2 GHz. For the
antenna, the lower operating band has a peak gain of 3.8 dBi, and that
of the higher band is 5.8 dBi. The two operating bands of the proposed
antenna are of the same polarization planes and also have similar
radiation characteristics. Figure 8 and Figure 9 is the E plane and H
plane radiation pattern of experiment results at 2.45 GHz. Figure 10
and Figure 11 are the E-plane and H-plane radiation patterns of
experiment results at 5.2 GHz. The patterns are found to be stable
across their passbands, and the results at other frequencies are not
shown for brevity. However, the wider bandwidth may be come from
the larger magnetic loss. Thus, its gain will be decreased as the
payment for the bandwidth broadening. The application prospect of
the antenna can be attractive if we pay more efforts to improve the
antenna gain. Comparing with rectangular microstrip antennas on
normal dielectric substrate, the overall size of this antenna is reduced
by 40% [10].

Figure 2. Photo of the fabricated antenna.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 6, 2009 97

Figure 3. Simulated and measured S11 .

Figure 4. E plane radiation pattern at 2.45 GHz (the unit of vertical

axis is dBi).
98 Wang, Zheng, and Liu

Figure 5. H plane radiation pattern at 2.45 GHz (the unit of vertical

axis is dBi).

Figure 6. E plane radiation pattern at 5.2 GHz (the unit of vertical

axis is dBi).
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 6, 2009 99

Figure 7. H plane radiation pattern at 5.2 GHz (the unit of vertical

axis is dBi).

Figure 8. E plane radiation pattern at 2.45 GHz (experiment result).

100 Wang, Zheng, and Liu

Figure 9. H plane radiation pattern at 2.45 GHz (experiment result).

Figure 10. E plane radiation pattern at 5.2 GHz (experiment result).

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 6, 2009 101

Figure 11. H plane radiation pattern at 5.2 GHz (experiment result).


A new design of a dual-frequency antenna printed on magnetic

substrate has been described. The simulation and experiment results
of the antenna show that enhanced impedance bandwidth can be
achieved by using magnetic substrate. It is seen that the proposed
antenna achieved good performance, which well meets the requirements
of WLAN applications with smaller size.


Thanks the youth fund of NCUT for its support in my paper.


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