Chap 5 Assign

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Cleo S.

Villanueva DITCC111 Advanced IT Project Management August 5, 2016

Consumer Products International Business Case

Project Name: HR-Intranet & Virtual University Project Cost Centre: HR
Project Manager : John Martin / Roger Beckam
Project Sponsor : Christopher Martin / James Cameron

Brief Description of Project

The purpose of the project proposed by HR is to encourage employee commitment to an on-going
self-development process and to the Learning Organisation culture, by making available new learning aids
in a single computer environment based on Intranet technology, where services and tools for developing
skills are fully integrated.
In order to fully meet skill development requirements, all Company employees should have access to
text tips, on-the-job activities, World Wide Web sites, and so on, which they should be able to use at
discretion. This new IT environment should offer new pro-active services and help all employees to develop
themselves and their managerial skills. In such an environment, there should be a career-development
mentor integrated into the new PACD system. This person will be in charge of identifying each executives
skill-development needs as specified by PACD and of providing him or her with references of books, video
tapes, articles, and so on via e-mail, in a direct communications channel.
The Training Center Service should have a pro-active character; i.e., the Training Center Service
should provide a Virtual Publishing Consultant, updated and reflecting the newest books, video tapes,
articles, cases, and so on available in the market, classified according to our managerial skills. The system
should keep executives informed via e-mail about such new releases in the market.
In this same environment, executives will be able to obtain information about all company training
programs, as well as to make on-line course applications for their subordinates. When in doubt as to the
best path for self-development, they may also check the HR knowledge base available in this environment or
consult with the career development mentor.
In order to offer greater time flexibility, cost reduction and to ensure the same quality of traditional
training programs, this new integrated self-development environment should provide interactive training
focused on the managerial skills necessary for new business demands and challenges. In these courses,
executives will immediately realise what their development needs are in a given skill, because the courses
will offer real-time assessment upon completion of each module and will suggest reference material to
improve their development. Once a course is concluded, it will be automatically entered in the executives
This new on-line integrated self-development environment will also be extended to newly-hired
executives, who will be introduced to the Company and its Learning Organisation culture.
The integration of self-development tools and services in a single environment will contribute to
better planning and monitoring, as well as to improvement in result measurement and reduction in training

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In an attempt to find the best technological and business solution for the current lack of system integration
between HR Development services and tools, alternatives are presented as specified below:

a) The Virtual University

The Virtual University is a single environment which will offer integration of self-development tools
and services. This alternative proposes developing an Intranet technology environment where HR
Development systems can be integrated so as to give more efficient support to the skill development
process, as well as to facilitate access to self-development systems and enable efficient monitoring of
employee learning process.

Virtual University: Impact Analysis

Business Aspects
The purpose of the Virtual University project is to consolidate the Learning Organisation concept.
In this way, as was shown above, several self-development resources will be made available. Thus
employees are being made accountable for their own development and for partial management of
their careers

Project Costs (including first year of Support)

Quantifiable Benefits
The Virtual University will contribute to increase in productivity, since it will reduce the time spent
by employees on physical-attendance training programs. Also relevant is the reduction of costs
resulting from the creation of groups for physical-attendance courses.
Below is a table showing the benefits of the Virtual University.

Non-Quantifiable Benefits
Benefits of this kind may be classified as follows:
- Systems integration
- Encouragement of Self-Development
- More efficient monitoring of skill development process
- Prompter meeting of D&T needs
Chapter 5, Exercise 7 Page 2
- Equipment capacity: reduction of upgrading
- Easier and quicker access to HR Systems
- Learning Organisation image consolidation

Investment Return Period (Payback ) and Withholding Tax Calculation

The Payback was calculated using the NPV formula for a five-year period. NPV: US$ 1,601.72

Implications / Implementation Flow

The project will be divided in two major parts:
The Virtual University environment will be developed with the systems that are within the
scope of this project.
PACD = The system will be redesigned and implemented in the Intranet environment to allow
operation from the Virtual University.
After approval of project, the first stage should be completed within 160 days and the second in 130


CPIs Human Resources (HR) systems are in disarray. Christopher Martin and James Cameron, the
projects sponsors, describe the problem as a lack of integration among disparate HR systems that leads to
extensive duplication and waste of effort. They propose an HR Intranet for $350,000 to speed up the
process of skill absorption and to create one-stop shopping for all HR systems and executive tools. Their
business case is largely grounded in arguments of faith regarding the organizational impact of the new
system. Their analysis reports on both quantifiable and non-quantifiable benefits, includes a risk analysis, two
alternatives, and an action plan. They calculate a net present value for the five years of the project at $1,601.
There is a Lack of Coherence between Problem and Solution of the business case identifies the core
business problem as a lack of integration between HR systems, leading to wasted time/effort in inputting and
retrieving information, information inconsistencies and unwillingness to update the functionality of what are
perceived as out-dated systems
The Magnitude of the Business Change even if we ignore the above and accept the solution as
proposed, the project would bring about fundamental business changes, the success of which the document
seems to take for granted. To take a few of the more evident examples, the project would replace physical
training courses with interactive or distance computer-based training, it would put in place a network of
Virtual Mentors and it would devolve the matching of courses to candidates away from HR into line

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