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TUSD Literacy Squared

Three-Day Plan for Oracy and Lotta Lara

Title of book Sol solecito, luna lunera Grade 1st-2nd Date March 13-16
Content Area: Language Arts
Literacy Objective/Content Objective:
RF.1-2.4. SW read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
2.RL.2 Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and
determine their central message, lesson, or moral.

Oracy Objective:
2.SL. 6 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order
to provide requested detail or clarification.

Orac Introduction/Summary:
y Esta es una cancin de el sol y la luna. Esta cancin nos ensea palabras
que tienen las slabas ca, co, cu, ta, te, po, pi y lu.

Vocabulary: luna, cascabelera, sol, calientame, caracol, cinco, una,

maana, semana, ternera, Pinocho, tambor, cuchara, tenedor
ar/PalorhCo/hEc a D

Oracy Vocabulary:

Review vocabulary by matching pictures and words

Language focus: Comprehension question/answer

Teacher will read entire text and connect vocabulary words to

Students will:
1) Echo read
2) Choral read

3) Partner read
Oracy Review Vocabulary: luna, cascabelera, sol, calientame, caracol,
Day 2 - Echo/Choral/Partner

cinco, una, maana, semana, ternera, Pinocho, tambor, cuchara,

Volunteers will put up a word and the matching picture

Language focus: Comprehension / complete sentences

____ solecito
Pinocho esta tocando el _____________
Con una ________________ y un __________________

Oracy Review Vocabulary:

Teacher will read the cards with pictures and students will guess or point to
the vocabulary.

Literacy Squared 1/4/2013

Day 3 - Echo/Choral/Partner Language focus: personal connection/Transformation/question-answer

S1: A qu hora sale el sol?

S2: A la una sale el sol

S1: Qu esta tocando Pinocho?

S2: Pinocho esta tocando el tambor.

Literacy Squared 1/4/2013

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