DPWH Road Signs and Pavement Markings May 2011 Complete PDF

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The first edition of the Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual was developed in
2004 as part of the Capacity Building Component of the ADB-assisted Road
Infrastructure Safety Project with the assistance of the DPWH staff from the Project
Evaluation Division of the Planning Service and the Traffic Engineering Center. The
manual includes standards and guidance for the installation and use of regulatory
signs, guide signs (including direction signs, tourist signs and street names),
expressway signs, traffic instruction signs, hazard markers and pavement markings.

The Department of Public Works and Highways issued this second edition (updated
version) of the Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual to establish and maintain
a standardized system of signs and pavement markings on all roads in the
Philippines by incorporating internationally accepted new standards and practices.
The manual is one of the two parts of the DPWH Highway Safety Design Standards
Manual as follows:
Part 1: Road Safety Design Manual

Part 2: Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual

The Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual shall be used as the primary
reference for the design and installation of road signs and pavement markings on
national and local roads. To maximize safety and provide credible instructions to
drivers, it is essential to maintain a consistent standard for signs and pavement
markings. In the interest of uniformity, Local Government Units, traffic management
and enforcing authorities, project managers and consultants must apply the
requirements of this manual on all road projects or road maintenance activities under
their control.

The principals contained in this manual should also be used in the training of
personnel from the DPWH and other traffic management offices in the government
and private sectors who are involved in the design, maintenance and construction of
roads. This will enable all future road signs and pavement markings to be consistent
and uniform standard.

This manual supersedes the previous Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual
published in 2004.
Table of Contents
Part A : Road Signs 1
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 2
1.1 Background................................................................................................ 2
1.2 The Scope of the Manual .......................................................................... 2
1.3 Authority for Installation ............................................................................. 2
1.4 Definition of Terms .................................................................................... 3
1.5 Classification of Signs ............................................................................... 3
1.6 Standard Application ................................................................................. 4
1.7 Design ........................................................................................................ 4
1.7.1 Shape....................................................................................................... 5
1.7.2 Size .......................................................................................................... 5
1.7.3 Color ........................................................................................................ 5
1.7.4 Letter Series ............................................................................................ 6
1.7.5 Letter Size Selection ................................................................................ 6
1.7.6 Use of Symbols ........................................................................................ 7
1.7.7 Sign Face Design .................................................................................... 7
1.7.8 Use of Pilipino Worded Signs .................................................................. 7
1.8 Uniformity of Location ................................................................................ 8
1.8.1 Longitudinal Placement ........................................................................... 8
1.8.2 Lateral Placement and Height ................................................................. 8
1.9 Overhead Signs ......................................................................................... 9
1.10 Reflectorization and Illumination ............................................................. 10
1.10.1 Means of Illumination ............................................................................. 10
1.10.2 Means of Reflectorization ...................................................................... 10
1.11 Installation ................................................................................................ 10
1.12 Excessive Use ......................................................................................... 10
1.13 Maintenance ............................................................................................ 10
2 REGULATORY SIGNS (TYPE R) ................................................................... 13
2.1 General .................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Purpose and Application ......................................................................... 13
2.3 Location ................................................................................................... 13
2.4 Classification............................................................................................ 14
2.5 Sign Sizes ................................................................................................ 14
2.6 Priority Signs (R1) ................................................................................... 15
2.6.1 Stop (R1-1) ............................................................................................ 15
2.6.2 Give Way (R1-2) .................................................................................... 16
2.6.3 Left Turner Must Give Way (R1-3) ........................................................ 17
2.7 Direction Signs (R2) ................................................................................ 18
2.7.1 Direction to be Followed (R2-1 to R2-7) ................................................ 18
2.7.2 Other Directional Signs .......................................................................... 19
2.8 Prohibitive or Restrictive Signs (R3) ....................................................... 21
2.8.1 No Entry for All Vehicles (R3-1 and R3-1P) .......................................... 21
2.8.2 No Entry for Specific Type of Road Users (R3-2 to R3-12) ................... 21
2.8.3 Pedestrian Prohibition Signs (R3-10P1; R3-10P2) ............................... 22
2.8.4 Bawal Tumawid Gamitin Ang Overpass (R3-10P3) .............................. 23
2.8.5 Turning Prohibition (R3-13; R3-14; R3-15)............................................ 23
2.8.6 Prohibition of Overtaking (R3-16) .......................................................... 24
2.9 Speed Signs (R4) .................................................................................... 25
2.9.1 Speed Restriction (Maximum) (R4-1) .................................................... 25
2.9.2 Speed De-restriction (R4-2; R4-12P) .................................................... 25
2.9.3 Speed Restriction (Minimum) (R4-3) ..................................................... 26
2.10 Parking Signs (R5) .................................................................................. 27
2.10.1 No Parking Signs (R5-1, R5-2, R5-3) .................................................... 27
2.10.2 Restricted Parking and Loading Signs (R5-4; R5-4A; R5-4B; R5-4C) .. 28
2.10.3 No Waiting Signs (R5-5; R5-5A; R5-5B) ............................................... 28
2.10.4 No Loading and Unloading Signs (R5-6; R5-6A) .................................. 29
2.10.5 No Loading / Unloading Within Yellow-Painted Curb (R5-7) ................. 29
2.10.6 No Stopping Anytime (R5-8) .................................................................. 30
2.10.7 No Parking or Stopping Signs PUV Stop Area (R5-9A; R5-9B; R5-9C)
.............................................................................................................. 30
2.10.8 Do Not Block Intersection (R5-10) ......................................................... 31
2.10.9 Right Turners Cross at Broken White Lines (R5-11) ............................. 31
2.11 Miscellaneous Signs (R6)........................................................................ 31
2.11.1 Prohibition on Use of Audible Warning Device No Blowing of Horns
Sign (R6-1) ........................................................................................... 31
2.11.2 Load and Dimension Restriction Signs (R6-2 to R6-6) ......................... 32
2.11.3 Use Seat Belt Sign (R6-7) ..................................................................... 33
2.11.4 Pedestrians Crossing (R6-8) ................................................................. 33
2.11.5 School Children Crossing (R6-9) ........................................................... 33
2.11.6 Bike Lane (R6-10).................................................................................. 34
2.11.7 Wheel Chair Crossing (R6-11) .............................................................. 34
3 WARNING SIGNS (TYPE W).......................................................................... 35
3.1 Application of Warning Signs .................................................................. 35
3.2 Classification of Warning Signs............................................................... 35
3.3 Design ...................................................................................................... 36
3.4 Location ................................................................................................... 36
3.5 Horizontal Alignment Signs (W1) ............................................................ 37
3.5.1 Sharp Turn (W1-1) ................................................................................. 38
3.5.2 Reverse Turn (W1-2) ............................................................................. 38
3.5.3 Curve (W1-3) ......................................................................................... 38
3.5.4 Reverse Curve (W1-4) ........................................................................... 39
3.5.5 Winding Road (W1-5) ............................................................................ 39
3.5.6 Hairpin Bend (W1-6) .............................................................................. 39
3.6 Intersection and Junction Signs (W2) ..................................................... 39
3.6.1 Cross Road (W2-1) ................................................................................ 40
3.6.2 Other Cross Roads (W2-2; W2-3) ......................................................... 41
3.6.3 T and Y Junctions (W2-4; W2-5; W2-6)................................................. 41
3.6.4 Roundabout (Rotonda) (W2-7) .............................................................. 41
3.6.5 Priority Road (W2-8; W2-9; W2-10)....................................................... 41
3.7 Advance Warning of Traffic Control Device Signs (W3)......................... 42
3.7.1 Signals Ahead (W3-1)............................................................................ 42
3.7.2 Stop and Give Way Sign Ahead (W3-2; W3-3) ..................................... 42
3.8 Road Width Signs (W4) ........................................................................... 43
3.8.1 Narrow Bridge (W4-1) ............................................................................ 43
3.8.2 Road Narrows (W4-2) ............................................................................ 44
3.8.3 Divided Road (W4-3) ............................................................................. 44
3.8.4 End Divided Road (W4-4) ...................................................................... 44
3.9 Road Obstacle Signs (W5) ...................................................................... 44
3.9.1 Opening Bridge (W5-1) .......................................................................... 45
3.9.2 Uneven Road (W5-2) ............................................................................. 46
3.9.3 Hump (W5-3) ......................................................................................... 46
3.9.4 Steep Descent (W5-4) and Steep Climb (W5-5) ................................... 46
3.9.5 Spill Way (W5-6) .................................................................................... 46
3.9.6 Flood (W5-7) .......................................................................................... 46
3.9.7 Falling Rocks (W5-8) ............................................................................. 47
3.9.8 Slippery (W5-9) ...................................................................................... 47
3.9.9 Animal Crossing (W5-10)....................................................................... 47
3.9.10 Aircraft (W5-11) ..................................................................................... 48
3.10 Pedestrian and School Signs (W6) ......................................................... 48
3.10.1 Pedestrians (W6-1) and Slow Down Pedestrian Ahead (W6-1P) ......... 48
3.10.2 Children (W6-2) ..................................................................................... 49
3.10.3 Cross Only At Ped Xing (W6-3) ............................................................. 49
3.10.4 Wheel Chair Crossing (W6-4) ................................................................ 49
3.10.5 Bike Lane Ahead (W6-5) ....................................................................... 49
3.11 Railway Level Crossing Signs (W7) ........................................................ 50
3.11.1 Railroad Crossing Position (W7-1; W7-4).............................................. 50
3.11.2 Railway Crossing Advance Warning (W7-2; W7-3) ............................... 50
3.11.3 Alternative Railway Crossing Position (W7-4) ....................................... 50
3.12 Supplementary Signs (W8) ..................................................................... 51
3.12.1 Advisory Speed (W8-1).......................................................................... 51
3.12.2 On Side Road (W8-2) ............................................................................ 52
3.12.3 (Distance) m (W8-3); (Distance) km (W8-4) .......................................... 52
3.12.4 When Wet (W8-5) .................................................................................. 52
3.12.5 Blind (W8-6); Aged (W8-7); Playground (W8-8); School (W8-9); Disabled
(W8-10)................................................................................................. 52
3.12.6 For PUJ (W8-11A); For Buses (W8-11B) .............................................. 53
3.13 Other Warning Signs (W9) ...................................................................... 53
3.13.1 Vertical Clearance (W9-1A; W9-1B) ...................................................... 53
3.13.2 Slow Down Accident Prone Area (W9-2A) or Bumagal Madalas Ang
Aksidente Dito (W9-2B) ........................................................................ 53
3.13.3 Slow Down Merging Traffic Ahead (W9-3) ............................................ 54
3.13.4 Lane Ends Merge Left (W9-4) ............................................................ 54
3.13.5 Slow Down Weighbridge Ahead (W9-5) ................................................ 54
4 GUIDE SIGNS OR INFORMATION SIGNS (TYPE G) ................................... 54
4.1 Classification of Guide Signs .................................................................. 55
4.2 Design ...................................................................................................... 55
4.2.1 Shape..................................................................................................... 55
4.2.2 Color ...................................................................................................... 55
4.2.3 Size ........................................................................................................ 56
4.2.4 Type of Lettering .................................................................................... 56
4.2.5 Size of Lettering ..................................................................................... 56
4.2.6 Letter Spacing ........................................................................................ 56
4.2.7 Amount of Legend ................................................................................. 57
4.2.8 Distance Indication ................................................................................ 57
4.2.9 Reflectorization and Illumination ............................................................ 57
4.3 Location ................................................................................................... 58
4.4 Supports for Guide Signs ........................................................................ 58
4.4.1 Roadside Signs ...................................................................................... 58
4.4.2 Overhead Signs ..................................................................................... 59
4.5 Advance Direction Signs (G1) ................................................................. 60
4.5.1 Application ............................................................................................. 60
4.5.2 Shape, Color and Reflectorization ......................................................... 60
4.5.3 Format and Use ..................................................................................... 60
4.5.4 Legend ................................................................................................... 62
4.5.5 Lettering ................................................................................................. 62
4.5.6 Location ................................................................................................. 63
4.6 Intersection Direction Signs (G2) ............................................................ 64
4.6.1 Function and Application ....................................................................... 64
4.6.2 Design and Layout ................................................................................. 64
4.6.3 Legend and Lettering ............................................................................. 65
4.6.4 Location ................................................................................................. 65
4.7 Reassurance Direction Signs (G3-1; G3-2) ............................................ 65
4.7.1 Function and Shape............................................................................... 65
4.7.2 Lettering and Legend ............................................................................. 65
4.8 Finger Board and Direction Signs for Less Important Roads (G4)......... 66
4.8.1 Purpose.................................................................................................. 66
4.8.2 Shape, Color and Reflectorization ......................................................... 66
4.8.3 Lettering ................................................................................................. 67
4.8.4 Legend ................................................................................................... 67
4.8.5 Distance Indication ................................................................................ 67
4.9 Street Name Signs (G5) .......................................................................... 67
4.9.1 Purpose.................................................................................................. 67
4.9.2 Location and Height ............................................................................... 67
4.9.3 Shape and Size ..................................................................................... 67
4.9.4 Color ...................................................................................................... 68
4.9.5 Lettering and Numerals ......................................................................... 68
4.10 Town Names and Geographical Feature Signs (G6) ............................. 69
4.10.1 Application ............................................................................................. 69
4.11 Service Signs (G7) .................................................................................. 70
4.11.1 Application ............................................................................................. 70
4.12 Tourist Information and Tourist Destination Signs (G8) ......................... 72
4.13 Route Markers (G9) ................................................................................. 73
4.13.1 Purpose.................................................................................................. 73
4.13.2 Design .................................................................................................... 73
4.13.3 Location of Route Markers..................................................................... 73
4.14 Asian Highway Route Markers (G10)......75
4.14.1 Purpose. 75
4.14.2 Design... 75
4.14.3 Advance Directional Signs with Route Marker Shield.. 76
4.14.4 Asian Highway Leg Marker Sign (G1-1, G1-2, G1-3, G1-4) ... 77

5 Signs on Expressways (TYPE GE) .............................................................. 75

5.1 General .................................................................................................... 80
5.2 Expressway Approach Signs (GE1-1, GE1-2 and GE1-3) ..................... 80
5.3 Expressway Information Signs (GE2) ..................................................... 81
5.3.1 Prohibited on Expressway (GE2-1A; GE2-1B; GE2-1C) ....................... 81
5.3.2 Toll Charges (Advance Information) (GE2-2) ........................................ 82
5.3.3 Lane Direction Signs (GE2-3) ................................................................ 82
5.4 Advance Exit Signs (GE3-1; GE3-2; and GE3-3) ................................... 83
5.5 Expressway Exit Direction Signs (GE4-1; GE4-2; GE4-3; GE4-4)......... 84
5.6 Expressway Service Signs (GE5) ........................................................... 85
5.6.1 Rest Area (GE5-1 to GE5-3) ................................................................. 85
5.6.2 Other Expressway Service Signs (GE5-4; GE5-5; GE5-6) ................... 86
5.7 End of Expressway (GE6-1; GE6-2; GE6-3; GE6-4) .............................. 87
5.8 Toll Signs (GE7-1; GE7-2; GE7-3) .......................................................... 88
5.8.1 General Application ............................................................................... 88
5.8.2 Sign Size ................................................................................................ 88
5.9 Expressway Traffic Instruction and Regulatory Signs (GE8) ................. 89
5.9.1 Wrong Way Go Back (GE8-1) ............................................................ 89
5.9.2 Reduce Speed Now (GE8-2) ................................................................. 90
5.9.3 Right Lane Ends 500m (GE8-3) ............................................................ 90
5.9.4 Right Lane Ends, Merge Left (GE8-4); Lane Ends Merge Left (GE8-5);
Merge Left (GE8-6) Signs .................................................................... 90
5.9.5 Check Brakes (S1-4E) ........................................................................... 91
6 TRAFFIC INSTRUCTION SIGNS (TYPE S) ................................................... 91
6.1 Design ...................................................................................................... 91
6.2 Type ......................................................................................................... 91
6.3 Supplementary Signs (S1) ...................................................................... 92
6.3.1 Use Overpass (S1-1); Use Pedestrian Crossing (S1-2) ........................ 92
6.3.2 Trucks Use Low Gear (S1-3); Check Brakes (S1-4) ............................. 92
6.4 Movement Instruction Signs (S2) ............................................................ 93
6.4.1 Reduce Speed (S2-1) ............................................................................ 93
6.4.2 Stop Here On Red Signal (S2-2) ........................................................... 94
6.4.3 Turn Left with Care (S2-3L) ................................................................... 94
6.4.4 Turn Right Anytime with Care (S2-3R) .................................................. 94
6.4.5 Low Clearance Ahead High Vehicles Detour (S2-4) ............................. 94
6.4.6 Detour for ... Vehicles (S2-4A) ............................................................... 94
6.4.7 Give Way to Pedestrians (S2-5) ............................................................ 95
6.4.8 No Right Turn On Red Signal (S2-6) ..................................................... 95
6.4.9 Slow Vehicles Use Right Lane (S2-7); Mabagal Na Sasakyan Mamalagi
Sa Kanan (S2-7A) ................................................................................ 95
6.4.10 Trak At Bus Mamalagi Sa Kanan Maliban Kung Lulusot (S2-7B) ......... 96
6.4.11 No Through Road (S2-8) ....................................................................... 96
6.4.12 Road Closed (S2-9) ............................................................................... 96
6.4.13 Form 1 (2) Lane (s) (S2-10) ................................................................... 96
6.4.14 Alternative Route (For Trucks and Buses) (S2-11) ............................... 96
7 HAZARD MARKERS (Type HM) .................................................................... 97
7.1 General .................................................................................................... 97
7.2 Function ................................................................................................... 97
7.3 Design ...................................................................................................... 97
7.4 Types of Markers ..................................................................................... 97
7.4.1 One-Way Hazard Markers (HM1) .......................................................... 98
7.4.2 Chevron 99
7.4.3 Two-way Hazard Markers .................................................................... 100
7.4.4 Width Marker (HM6) ............................................................................ 102
7.4.5 Obstruction Markers (HM3) ................................................................. 102
8 GUIDE POSTS AND DELINEATORS .......................................................... 103
8.1 Guide Posts ........................................................................................... 103
8.1.1 General ................................................................................................ 103
8.1.2 Design and Application ........................................................................ 103
8.1.3 Installation ............................................................................................ 103
8.2 Delineators............................................................................................. 105
8.2.1 General ................................................................................................ 105
8.2.2 Design and Application ........................................................................ 105
8.2.3 Installation ............................................................................................ 105
8.3 Linear Delineation System (LDS)... 104
8.3.1 General.. 104
8.3.2 Design and Application... 104
8.3.3 Installation. 104
Part B : Pavement Markings 109
9 INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL SPECIFICATION .................................. 110
9.1 Functions and Limitations of Pavement Markings ................................ 110
9.2 Legal Authority ....................................................................................... 110
9.3 Standardization ...................................................................................... 111
9.4 Types of Markings ................................................................................. 111
9.4.1 Pavement and curb markings .............................................................. 111
9.4.2 Object Markings ................................................................................... 111
9.4.3 Reflectorized Markings ........................................................................ 111
9.5 Materials ................................................................................................ 112
9.5.1 Reflectorized Paint ............................................................................... 112
9.5.2 Pre-cut sheeting ................................................................................... 112
9.5.3 Raised pavement markers ................................................................... 112
9.6 Color of Pavement Markings ................................................................. 112
9.7 Types of Lines ....................................................................................... 113
9.8 Width of Lines and Tolerance ............................................................... 113
10 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................ 114
11 LONGITUDINAL LINES ................................................................................ 115
11.1 Center Line (or Separation Line) ........................................................... 115
11.1.1 Warrants for Marking Center Lines ...................................................... 115
11.1.2 Center Line on Urban Roads ............................................................... 115
11.1.3 Center Line on Rural Roads ................................................................ 116
11.1.4 Center Lines at Bridges ....................................................................... 116
11.2 Lane Line ............................................................................................... 116
11.3 Barrier Lines .......................................................................................... 117
11.3.1 No-Passing Zones ............................................................................... 118
11.3.2 Markings of No-Passing Zones .......................................................... 119
11.3.3 Methods for establishing No-Passing Zone ....................................... 120
11.4 Edge Line............................................................................................... 121
11.4.1 Pavement Edge ................................................................................... 122
11.4.2 Medians ............................................................................................... 122
11.4.3 No Parking Zones ................................................................................ 122
11.4.4 No Loading / Unloading Zones ............................................................ 122
11.5 Continuity Line ....................................................................................... 122
11.6 Transition Lines ..................................................................................... 123
12 TRANSVERSE LINES................................................................................... 123
12.1 Stop Line ................................................................................................ 123
12.1.1 General ................................................................................................ 123
12.1.2 Placement of lines ............................................................................... 124
12.2 Give Way Line ....................................................................................... 124
12.3 Pedestrian Crossing Markings .............................................................. 125
12.3.1 Zebra (non-signalized crossing) .......................................................... 125
12.3.2 Crosswalks (signalized crossing) ........................................................ 125
12.4 Roundabout Holding Lines .................................................................... 125
13 OTHER LINES ............................................................................................... 125
13.1 Turn Lines .............................................................................................. 125
13.2 Parking Bay Lines.................................................................................. 125
13.3 Painted Median ...................................................................................... 126
13.4 Bus and PUJ Lane Line......................................................................... 126
13.5 Loading and Unloading Bay Lane Line ................................................. 126
13.6 Do Not Block Intersection Lines .......................................................... 127
14 OTHER MARKINGS ...................................................................................... 127
14.1 Approach Markings to Islands and Obstructions .................................. 127
14.2 Chevron Markings ................................................................................. 127
14.3 Diagonal Markings ................................................................................. 127
14.4 Marking on Exit and Entrance Ramps of Expressways ........................ 128
14.4.1 Exit ramp marking ................................................................................ 128
14.4.2 Entrance ramp marking ....................................................................... 128
14.5 Curb Markings for Parking and Loading/Unloading Restrictions .......... 128
14.6 Approach to Railroad Crossing ............................................................. 128
15 MESSAGES AND SYMBOLS....................................................................... 129
15.1 Messages .............................................................................................. 129
15.2 Symbols ................................................................................................. 129
15.2.1 Give Way Symbol ................................................................................ 129
15.2.2 Pavement Arrows ................................................................................ 129
15.2.3 Numerals ............................................................................................. 130
16 OBJECT MARKING ...................................................................................... 130
16.1 Application of object markings .............................................................. 130
16.2 Objects within the roadway ................................................................... 130
16.3 Marking on Curbs .................................................................................. 131
16.4 Objects Adjacent to the Roadway ......................................................... 131
17 RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS ................................................................. 131
17.1 General .................................................................................................. 131
17.2 Warrants for Use ................................................................................... 132
17.3 Substitution of lane lines ....................................................................... 132
17.4 Supplementing painted lines ................................................................. 132
17.5 Placement of markers ........................................................................... 132
Figures : Pavement Markings ............................................................................ 133

Table of Figures

Figure 1.1 : Lateral Positioning of Road Side Signs ................................................... 12

Figure 2.1 : Installation of STOP Sign ......................................................................... 16
Figure 4.1 : Methods of Supporting Overhead Sign.................................................... 59
Figure 4.2 : Service Sign Symbols .............................................................................. 71
Figure 8.1 : Typical Guide Post ................................................................................. 104
Figure 8.2 : Placement of Delineator on Guard Fence ............................................. 105
Figure 11.1a : Center and Edge Lines Markings for a Typical 2-Lane Road ........... 134
Figure 11.1b : Center Line and Lane Marking for a Typical Multi-Lane Road Without
Medians ................................................................................................ 135
Figure 11.2 : Typical Pavement Markings for Approach to Bridges ......................... 136
Figure 11.3 : Barrier (No Passing) Lines ................................................................... 137
Figure 11.4 : Method of Establishing No Passing Zones ........................................ 138
Figure 11.5 : Typical Pavement Markings for Climbing Lanes ................................. 139
Figure 11.6 : Typical Layout of Curb Markings for No Parking and No
Loading/Unloading Zones ................................................................... 140
Figure 11.7 : Typical Line Markings on an Approach to a Signalized Intersection... 141
Figure 12.1 : Example of Stop Bar Markings and STOP Message ......................... 142
Figure 12.2 : Give Way Marking and Symbol .......................................................... 143
Figure 12.3 : Zebra-Type Pedestrian Crossing ......................................................... 144
Figure 12.4 : Roundabout Markings .......................................................................... 145
Figure 13.1 : Turn Lines............................................................................................. 146
Figure 13.2 : Typical Pavement Markings of a Channelized Intersection ................ 147
Figure 13.3a : Parking Bay Markings ........................................................................ 148
Figure 13.3b : Curb Parking Markings....................................................................... 149
Figure 13.3c : Details of People With Disabilities Symbol....................................... 150
Figure 13.4 : Typical Bus and PUJ Lane Marking ..................................................... 151
Figure 13.5 : Loading / Unloading Bay Lines ............................................................ 152
Figure 13.6 : Do Not Block Intersection Markings ................................................... 153
Figure 14.1 : Approach Marking to Islands and Obstructions ................................... 154
Figure 14.2 : Markings on Exit and Entrance Ramps ............................................... 155
Figure 14.3 : Pavement Markings at Railway Crossing ............................................ 156
Figure 15.1 : Pavement Letter and Numeral Markings Guide .................................. 157
Figure 15.2 : Messages and Symbols ....................................................................... 158
Figure 15.3 : Standard Pavement Arrows ................................................................. 159
Figure 16.0 : Rumble Strips ....................................................................................... 159
Figure 17.1 : Placement of Raised Pavement Markers ................................................ 1
Figure 17.2a : Specifications of Raised Pavement Studs (RPS-01)............................. 3
Figure 17.2b : Specifications of Raised Pavement Studs (RPS-05)............................. 4
Figure 17.2c : Specifications of Raised Pavement Studs (RPS-22) ............................. 5
List of Tables
Table 2.1 : STOP Signs ............................................................................................... 15
Table 2.2 : Give Way Sign ........................................................................................... 16
Table 2.3 : R1-3 Signs ................................................................................................. 17
Table 2.4 : Direction Signs, Disk Type ........................................................................ 18
Table 2.5 : Direction Signs, Plate Type ....................................................................... 18
Table 2.6 : TWO WAY Signs ....................................................................................... 19
Table 2.6 : R2-8 Signs ................................................................................................. 20
Table 2.7 : No Entry for All Vehicles Signs ................................................................. 21
Table 2.8 : No Entry for Specific Type of Road Users Signs ...................................... 21
Table 2.9 : Pedestrian Prohibition Signs ..................................................................... 22
Table 2.10 : Turning Prohibition Signs ........................................................................ 23
Table 2.11 : Prohibition of Overtaking Signs ............................................................... 24
Table 2.12 : Speed Restriction Signs .......................................................................... 25
Table 2.13 : Speed De-Restriction Signs .................................................................... 26
Table 2.14 : No Parking Signs ..................................................................................... 27
Table 2.15 : Load and Dimension Restriction Signs ................................................... 32
Table 2.16 : Use Seat Belt Sign .................................................................................. 33
Table 2.17 : Pedestrians Crossing Sign ...................................................................... 33
Table 2.18 : School Children Crossing Sign ............................................................... 33
Table 2.19 : Bike Lane Signs ....................................................................................... 34
Table 3.1 : Advance Warning Signs Distance (In Meters) .......................................... 37
Table 3.2 : Horizontal Alignment Signs ....................................................................... 38
Table 3.3 : Intersection and Junction Signs ................................................................ 40
Table 3.4 : Signals Ahead Signs ................................................................................. 42
Table 3.5 : STOP and GIVE WAY Signs ..................................................................... 42
Table 3.6 : Road Width Signs ...................................................................................... 43
Table 3.7 : Road Obstacle Signs ................................................................................. 45
Table 3.8 : W6 Signs ................................................................................................... 48
Table 3.9 : Railway Crossing Advance Warning Signs ............................................... 50
Table 3.10 : Supplementary Signs .............................................................................. 51
Table 4.1 : Location of Advance Direction Signs ........................................................ 63
Table 5.1 : Expressway Service Signs ........................................................................ 85
Table 5.2 : End of Expressway Signs.......................................................................... 87
Table 5.3 : Toll Signs ................................................................................................... 88
Table 5.4 : GE8 Signs .................................................................................................. 89
Table 6.1 : Supplementary Signs ................................................................................ 92
Table 6.2 : S2 Signs .................................................................................................... 93
Table 7.1 : Types of Hazard Markers .......................................................................... 97
Table 8.1 : Spacing of Guide Posts ........................................................................... 104
Table 11.1 : Standard Lane Widths ........................................................................... 117
Table 11.2 : Guide for Marking No Passing Zones ................................................. 119
Table 11.3 : Recommended Width of Edge lines ...................................................... 122
Table 11.4 : Length of Transition Lines ..................................................................... 123

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 1


1.1 Background

This manual is prepared and issued by the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) to provide guidance in design and installation of a
standard signs on all roads throughout the Philippines, including those under
the care and management of local governments.

A standardized road traffic system is essential to ensure that drivers acquire

the information necessary to enable them to comply with road regulations and
to navigate their way around the road system in a safe and efficient manner.

As in the case of any other type of traffic control devices, road signs should
be used only when these are necessary and where their use has been
justified by field studies.

Road signs contain instructions that the road user is required to obey. They
warn the road user of hazards that may not be self-evident. They also give
information about routes, directions, destinations, and places of interests.
Since road signs are essential part of the road traffic system, their message
should be concise, meaningful, consistent, and their design and placement
must be coordinated with the road geometric design.

1.2 The Scope of the Manual

This manual describes the different types of road signs and pavement
markings signs and prescribes their standard and the conditions under which
each must be used. The standards set forth in this manual are primarily
designed for the streets and highways that constitute the basic road system.
Special signs for expressways are also included in this revised edition.
However, signs for road works have been omitted from this manual. These
signs are included in a separate Road Works Safety Manual.

1.3 Authority for Installation

Traffic signs shall be installed only upon approval of the Secretary of the
DPWH or his delegated authority, having the necessary jurisdiction, for the
purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic. No traffic signs shall bear
any advertising or commercial message, or any other message that is not
essential to traffic control.

The placement of unauthorized traffic signs on the highway right-of-way or

adjacent to the road by a private organization or individual is not allowed.
The display of unofficial, non standard and non-essential sign is not

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 2

1.4 Definition of Terms
 Traffic Signs device mounted on a fixed support (permanent signs)
or portable support (temporary signs) whereby a specific message is
conveyed by means of words or symbols placed or erected for the
purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic.
 Regulatory Signs - signs that inform road users of traffic laws and
regulations which, if disregarded, will constitute an offense.
 Special Instruction Signs - signs that instruct road users to meet
certain traffic rule requirements or road condition.
 Warning Signs warn road users of condition on or adjacent to the
road that may be unexpected or hazardous.
 Guide Signs (Informative Signs) inform and advise road users of
directions, distances, routes, the location of services for road users,
and points of interest.
 Roadwork Signs warn or advise of temporary hazardous conditions
that could endanger road users or the men and equipment engaged on
 Overhead Signs signs which provide means of displaying essential
traffic information on wide multi-lane roads, where some degree of lane
use control is required, or where side-of-road clearance is insufficient
to accommodate a road side sign.
 Barriers - highway appurtenances designed to prevent vehicular
penetration from the travel way to areas behind the barrier such as to
minimize damage to impacting vehicles and their occupants, and to
reduce the risk of injuries to pedestrians and workers.
 Flashing Lamps warning devices used to supplement other controls
and devices necessary to alert motorists of construction and
maintenance activities or obstructions in the roadway.
 Delineators light retro-reflecting devices mounted at the side of the
roadway, in series, to indicate the roadway alignment.
 Traffic Cones devices which may be conical in shape or tubular-
shaped capable of performing channelization of traffic which may be
set on the surface of the roadway or rigidly attached for continued use.
 Temporary Curbing roadwork devices consisting of pre-cast
concrete sections, sandbag, and others which, may be used to guide
traffic at the construction site.
 Flexible Post or Bollard device used in place of rigid barrier posts
or traffic cones with a minimum of 450mm by 50mm wide with alternate
bands of contrasting color as seen by approaching traffic for
delineation of traffic.

1.5 Classification of Signs

Signs are classified in the following groups according to their use.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 3

 Regulatory Signs (Type R);
 Warning Signs (Type W);
 Guide Signs or Informative Sign (Type G);
 Signs for Expressways (Type GE);
 Signs for Special Purposes (Type S); and,
 Hazard Markers (Type HM).

1.6 Standard Application

Uniformity of application is as important as standardization with respect to

design and placement. Identical conditions should always be treated with the
same type of signs so that road users can readily anticipate the course of
action required.

To be effective, the road sign should meet the five basic requirements:
 Fulfill a need;
 Command attention;
 Convey a clear, simple message;
 Command respect; and,
 Give adequate time for proper response.

Each standard sign shall be displayed only for the specific purpose prescribed
for in this Manual. Before any new highway, detour, or temporary route is
opened to traffic, all necessary signs shall be in place.

Signs required by road conditions or restrictions shall be removed

immediately after those conditions ceased to exist or the restrictions are

This manual provides criteria for the application of signs and where
applicable, includes warrants or guides for use.

The designs of most commonly used signs are included in Appendix B of this

1.7 Design

Uniformity in the design of signs facilitates identification by the road user.

Standardization of shape, color, dimensions, legends and illumination or
reflectorization is important so that various classes of signs can be easily
recognized. The following general design principles have evolved:
 The driver should not be unduly distracted from his task of driving by
reading a traffic sign.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 4

 A traffic sign should be perceived and understood by the driver
traveling at the 85% percentile speed of the traffic on the road, in
sufficient time for him to safely take any action necessary.

1.7.1 Shape
Standard sign shapes are:
 The octagon is reserved exclusively for the STOP sign;
 The equilateral triangle, with one point vertically downward is reserved
for the GIVE WAY Sign;
 The circle symbol is mainly used for regulatory signs;
 The circle symbol may sometimes be mounted on a rectangular base
either for easy recognition or for additional information;
 The equilateral triangle with one point vertically upward is used for
warning signs;
 The rectangle, usually with long axis horizontal is used for directional
signs, service signs, road work signs, signs for special purposes, and
supplementary plates for warning signs;
 The rectangle, usually with long axis vertical is generally used for
facility information signs, instruction signs, guide signs, and
destinations of point of interest; and,
 The pentagon, with point up is used only for pedestrian and school
crossing sign.

1.7.2 Size
Minimum dimensions depend upon applications. Larger sizes are required for
wider roadways and on high-speed facilities (See letter size selection in

1.7.3 Color
The standard colors for signs are as follows:

Red is used as a background for STOP signs, as border color on GIVE WAY
signs, warning signs and prohibitive signs in the regulatory type.

Black is used as legend color for signs having white, yellow, orange,
fluorescent orange, fluorescent yellow green background and as chevron for
hazard markers.

Yellow is used as background color for roadwork signs.

White is the background color for most signs and legends for some colored

Fluorescent yellow green is used as background color for signs related to

pedestrian movement, school zones, and road work hazard markers to give
additional emphasis and guidance to vehicle operators.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 5

Fluorescent orange is used as background color for roadwork signs whose
legends relate to personnel working.

Green is used as background color for direction signs.

Blue is used as background color for service signs.

Brown is reserved as background color for all tourist facility directional and
information signs.

1.7.4 Letter Series

There are six series of letters and numerals, ranging from the narrow series A
to the broad series F. In addition, the modified series E (E mod), which is
mainly used in Directional Signs, is also included in this manual in Appendix A
of the Standard Specification for Road Signs.

Series A and B letters are not used on signs which, have to be used for
moving vehicles as the legibility distances are small. Series C is only used in
special cases. Series D and E (E mod) are commonly used as they provide
the best legibility and aesthetics. Series F is not often used on large signs
due to the wide space required.

Standard letter tables given in Appendix D for capital letters comprise 3 steps
of spacing: narrow; medium; and, wide. Wider spacing is always used for
lower-case letters. In the size tables given in the manual for each standard
sign, the abbreviation following the letter size indicates the alphabet series A
to F or LC and the spacing as follows:
 N = narrow spacing;
 M = medium spacing;
 W = wide spacing; and,

 160 DM would mean 160mm series D letters at medium spacing.
 90 LC would mean 90mm lower case letters that are always at wide

1.7.5 Letter Size Selection

Recommended sign and/or letter sizes for most commonly used standard
signs for use in various conditions are given in this manual, the relevant
chapters describing those signs. However, in design of special signs,
particularly used for major highways and expressways, and those used in
special conditions, refer to Section 7 of Appendix A, Guidelines for Design of
Made-to Measure Guide Signs.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 6

1.7.6 Use of Symbols
The use of symbols on signs to convey all or part of a message may reduce
reading time and extend legibility distance. Common standard symbols,
including arrows, symbolic representation of legends and location
destinations, are included in this manual. Where a new symbol is warranted,
the design must be acceptable in accordance with international practice and
meet relevant requirements of a standard procedure. See also Section 8 of
Appendix A for sign design with symbols.

1.7.7 Sign Face Design

Standard drawings of most commonly used sign types are included in
Appendix A. These drawings show standard spacing with respect to positions
between elements such as arrows, symbols and destination descriptions.
They also provide standard horizontal and vertical clearances between
various sign elements and detail of chevrons for G2 type of signs.

It should be noted that when all the sign rules have been followed, some
visual judgment must be exercised in adjusting sign elements. The following
general rules are to be applied when designing the sign face:
 Cramping of legend is to be avoided;
 Avoid large areas of blank panel, particularly blank areas not
symmetrically disposed across the panel;
 If there are two list of legends side by side (e.g., as on Reassurance
Signs) it is necessary to left justify the left list and right justify the right
list; and,
 Elements such as arrows and symbols may sometimes have to be
larger than the principal legend would normally require. For example,
an arrow relates to several lines of legends on a direction sign.

Sign face shall show sufficient details to be manufactured. The following are
minimum features required:
 Legend type and size, e.g., 160 E Mod (160mm E Modified); 80 DN
(80mm D Narrow);
 Details of arrows, diagrammatic symbols and any future route markers
(e.g., by reference to standard drawings);
 Overall dimension of all elements and spacing between these
 Distances defining the position of each letter and numeral on the sign
face relation to one edge of the sign;
 Details of border width, edge strips, and corner radii; and,
 Class and color of sign face materials.

1.7.8 Use of Pilipino Worded Signs

This manual includes some signs using Pilipino words for areas where the
Pilipino is more explicit to the road users. Generally, signs with Pilipino

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 7

legends tend to be larger due to lengths of equivalent words. Pilipino legends
are not generally recommended unless it is absolutely necessary and useful.

1.8 Uniformity of Location

Signs are normally located on the right side of the road. In special
circumstances, which are specified herein, signs may be duplicated on the left
side or mounted over the road. If the sign is located at an exposed position,
consideration may need to be given to the use of a frangible or breakaway
type of construction, or other means of safety protection for the road user at
the sign supports.

1.8.1 Longitudinal Placement

The longitudinal placement of certain signs is fixed by the nature of their
message or their characteristic use. Special care is required in the sitting of
such signs to ensure that they are prominently displayed to approaching
drivers. Signs that give advance warning or information should be located
sufficiently in advance to enable the driver to react appropriately.

Generally, there should not be more than one signs of a particular type on
each post, except where one sign supplements another, or where route or
directional signs must be grouped. Where it becomes necessary to convey
two or more different messages at one location, separate signs located at a
minimum of 0.6Vm apart (where V is the 85th percentile speed in kph) should
be used. For guide signs on expressways and other high speed roads
considerable greater distance may be required. Such signs should nor
obscure or detract from one another.

1.8.2 Lateral Placement and Height

The following subsections are the general rules for the lateral location of
roadside signs and for the mounting heights on roadside. The lateral
placement is measured from the edge of the sign nearest the road and the
height from the underside of the lowest sign.

The rules apply to permanent signs and include signs for roadwork and
special purposes where these are mounted on posts set into the ground. Any
variation in these rules for a particular sign is given in the rule relating to that

There are, however, be exceptions where conditions do not permit these rules
to be applied. In these cases, the placement or height is adjusted to meet
these special conditions e.g., the height of a sign may be increased or
decreased to avoid obstructing sight distance at an intersection.

a) Rural Areas

Lateral Placement: On uncurbed roads in the rural areas, the sign should be
at least 600mm clear of the outer edge of the road shoulder, the line of the
guideposts or face of guardrail. The clearance should not be less than 2m
nor more than 5m from the edge of the traveled way, except for large guide
signs on expressways where great clearances may be required.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 8

Height: In rural areas, roadside signs should be mounted clear of roadside
vegetation and clearly visible under headlight illumination by night. The
height of the sign should normally be between 1m and 1.5m above the
nearest edge of traveled way. For fingerboards and intersection direction
signs, the height should be increased to 2m.

b) Urban Areas

Lateral placement: On curbed roads, signs should be located back from the
face of the curb not less than 300mm nor more than 1m. Where mountable
or semi-mountable curbs are used e.g., on traffic islands, the minimum
clearance should be 500mm. On uncurbed roads or on certain arterial roads
designed for high speed traffic movement, the distance given in Rural Areas
shall be used.

Height: On curbed roads, the signs should be set at a minimum of 2m above

the top of the curb to prevent obstruction to pedestrians. Where neither
pedestrians nor parked vehicles have to be considered, e.g., on a traffic
island or median, the height given for rural areas shall be used. Signs that
overhang a footway should have height of 2.5m with a minimum height of 2m
above the level of the footway.

The recommended lateral positioning of road side signs are shown in Figure

1.9 Overhead Signs

The operational requirements of our highways and expressways are such that
overhead signs will have to be provided at many locations.

The following conditions should be considered in the erection of overhead

sign displays:
 Traffic volume at or near capacity;
 Complex or closely spaced interchanges;
 Three or more lanes in each direction;
 Restricted sight distance;
 Multi-lane exits;
 Large percentage of trucks;
 Street lighting background;
 High speed traffic;
 Consistency of sign message location through a series of
interchanges; and,
 Insufficient space for ground mounted signs.

Overhead signs are generally of the directional and lane control types, and
are generally supported on cantilever, butterfly or gantry structures. (See
Chapter 4)

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 9

Signs should be mounted at a minimum of 5.5m above the highest level of the
carriageway. This is particularly important if there is no alternative route for
occasional high load. The height may be reduced to 5.0m (minimum) if the
sign projects over a shoulder or lane, which is used only for parking or
emergency stopping. The greater height is preferred where possible.

1.10 Reflectorization and Illumination

Signs that are intended to convey message during dark periods need to be
reflectorized or illuminated for greater visibility of colors and shapes. High-
grade reflective or illuminated materials shall be required on overhead signs
and for road signs in areas with street lighting of high intensity.

1.10.1 Means of Illumination

Illumination may be by means of:
 Light within or behind the sign face illuminating the main message or
symbols, or the sign background, or both, through a translucent
material; and,
 An attached or independently mounted light source designed to direct
essential illumination over the entire face of the sign.

1.10.2 Means of Reflectorization

Reflectorization is achieved by the use of retro-reflective materials on
legends, letters, borders and background of the sign.

1.11 Installation

Signs should be mounted approximately at right angles to the direction of and

facing the traffic they are intended to serve. At curve alignments, the angle of
placement should be determined by the course of approaching traffic rather
than by the roadway edge at the point where the sign is located.

To eliminate possible and undesirable reflection from the surface of the sign,
it should be turned about 5 degrees away from the normal to the headlight
beam. After signs are installed, it is good practice to test them by trial
approach runs in a motor vehicle both by day and night.

1.12 Excessive Use

The use of regulatory and warning signs should be restricted to the minimum
consistent with their particular requirements, as signs tend to lose their
effectiveness if used unnecessarily or too frequently.

1.13 Maintenance

All traffic signs should be kept in proper position, clean and legible at all
times. Damaged signs should be replaced without undue delay.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 10

To assure adequate maintenance, a suitable schedule for inspection,
cleaning and replacement of signs should be established. Employees of the
DPWH and other government agencies whose duties require that they travel
on the highways should be encouraged to report any damaged or obscured
signs at the first opportunity.

Special attention and necessary action should be taken to see that weeds,
trees, shrubs, and construction materials do not obscure the face of any sign.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 11

Figure 1.1: Lateral Positioning of Road Side Signs

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 12


2.1 General

The signs in this chapter are those which require drivers compliance.
Regulatory signs indicate the application of legal or statutory requirements,
e.g., obligation to give way at intersections, speed limits, prohibition of
movements at intersections and control of parking of vehicles.

Regulatory signs and devices NOT included in this chapter are as follows:
 Regulatory signs applicable exclusively to Expressways (see Section
 Regulatory pavement markings (see Section B Pavement Markings);
 Traffic Control Signals.

There are other Type R signs which also give traffic instructions and are
called special Traffic Instruction signs. These signs inform or warn motorists
of their obligation to obey traffic rules. These signs are included in Chapter 6
Special Traffic instruction Signs (Type S).

2.2 Purpose and Application

Most regulatory signs are rectangular in shape, with either red or black legend
on a generally white background. The notable exceptions to this are STOP
signs (octagonal), GIVE WAY (triangular) and some manually operated
banner used in road works.

Regulatory signs shall be erected only with the approval of the Secretary of
the DPWH or delegated authority on national roads and their intersecting
roads or local government authority having the necessary jurisdiction, and
shall be removed promptly if the legal requirements of the signs become
inconsistent with the prevailing conditions.

Included in this classification are those signs that indicate the removal of a
legal restriction imposed by a preceding regulatory sign. An example is the
Speed De-restriction sign (R4-2).

Regulations may apply to a considerable length of road and repeater signs

may be required. However, unnecessary signs should be avoided if the
situations can be adequately catered for by the basic traffic rules.

2.3 Location

No specific rules can be applied to exact location of regulatory signs as their

position varies with the purpose of the sign.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 13

Most regulatory signs are usually located on the right side of the carriageway
to face the approaching traffic as close as possible to the position where
regulatory action is required. On wide carriageways with median island,
these signs may be erected on both sides of the carriageway to ensure

The KEEP RIGHT or KEEP LEFT signs are installed where a physical
obstruction exists, e.g., a traffic island in channelized intersections and on the
median island at the start of a divided road.

The regulatory pedestrian crossing (circular sign with fluorescent yellow green
background) sign is located at or in the vicinity of the authorized marked
crossings (zebras). Control of parking may be required to ensure visibility of

2.4 Classification

Regulatory Signs Section:

 Priority Signs (R1) 2.6
 Direction Signs (R2) 2.7
 Prohibitive or Restrictive Signs (R3) 2.8
 Speed Signs (R4) 2.9
 Parking Signs (R5) 2.10
 Miscellaneous Signs (R6) 2.11

The design and use of each of these classifications are described in the
sections referred to above.

2.5 Sign Sizes

There are generally four sizes for regulatory signs:

 Size A for urban low speed roads;
 Size B for rural roads with speed limits between 60 and 70kph;
 Size C for high speed rural highways; multi-lane urban roads
 Size D for Expressways.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 14

2.6 Priority Signs (R1)

2.6.1 Stop (R1-1)

Reflectorized white legend and border
Reflectorized red background

Table 2.1: STOP Signs

Sign No. Size (mm)

R1-1A 450 X 450
R1-1B 600 X 600
R1-1C 750 X 750
R1-1D 900 X 900

The STOP sign is used to ensure caution before

entering an intersection and shall be used where a
complete stop is required by law for safety. It is
intended to ensure that drivers have sufficient time in
which to assess the degree of hazard prevailing before
entering an intersection.
The sign is normally located on the right side of a two-
way road facing approaching traffic and at, or as close as practicable to the
point where approaching vehicles are required to stop. On one-way roads,
however, STOP signs should be erected on both sides facing approaching
traffic. Wherever practicable, a stop line shall be used in addition to the
STOP sign to indicate the required stopping point more precisely.

At intersections, the signs shall be erected as close as practicable to and not

more than 9m from the edge of the intersecting carriageway. Where a sign-
controlled road intersects at an acute angle, the sign should be placed so that
its face is not visible in the view of traffic on the through road.

The STOP sign is also used at railway level crossings and in conjunction with
movable gates or barriers as, for example, at vehicular ferries.

Requirements for Installation of STOP signs

The following is a description of Sight Distance requirements for determining

whether a STOP sign should be installed on any approach to an intersection
on which a driver is required to stop and give way. Where these conditions
are met, a STOP shall be used regardless whether a GIVE WAY sign would
have otherwise been installed.

A STOP sign shall be used when, for minor road traffic, the distance Y, in
either direction along the major or uncontrolled road as shown in Figure 2.1 is
less than the distance given for the corresponding major road speed.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 15

Figure 2.1: Installation of STOP Sign
Major Road Speed Distance along Distance along
(Kph) minor road: X (m) major road: Y (m)
See Note 4 See Note 5 See Note 6
40 3 20
50 3 30
60 3 40
70 3 55
80 3 65
90 3 80
100 3 95
110 3 115
120 3 140
1. Separation line or center line (undivided road); left hand edge of carriageway (divided lane).
2. A check to the right is not required if there is a wide median to shelter a crossing vehicle.
3. Where visibility is limited due to some removable obstruction, attempt should be made to
remove the obstruction rather than to install a STOP sign.
4. The posted speed limit is used unless the 85th percentile speed is significantly higher.
5. Where the minor road is an arterial road, use X = 4.5m
6. When checking sight distance, the height of both the observers eye and the object is 1.2m.
7. If the safety of the observer is likely to be a problem, sighting may be taken from the curb in the
minor road with appropriate adjustment to the sight triangle.

2.6.2 Give Way (R1-2)

Black legend reflectorized red border.
Reflectorized white background.

Table 2.2: Give Way Sign

Sign No Size (mm)

R1-2A 600
R1-2B 750
R1-2C 900

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 16

The GIVE WAY sign is used at locations where safe
and efficient traffic control requires the give-way-to-the-
right rule to be modified or there is a need to resolve
uncertainty as to which traffic stream is required to give
way to another.


It may also be used:

 For the control of traffic at locations such as channelized intersections,
median openings on divided roads, and at roundabout; and,
 At one end of short sections of one-lane road including one-lane
bridges, and in similar situations.

GIVE WAY signs should be erected on both sides facing

approaching traffic. Except on unsealed roads, it should be
supplemented by transverse holding lines to indicate the safe
holding position in the side street.

The R1-2P is only used where an explanation in Pilipino is

required. It shall be rectangular in shape and not less than 640
mm x 900 mm in size with long axis vertical.

2.6.3 Left Turner Must Give Way (R1-3)

rectangular in shape and not less than 500mm and 750mm in
size with long axis vertical. They shall have white reflectorized
background and black letters and borders.


Table 2.3: R1-3 Signs

Letter Size (mm) and Series

Location Sign No Size (mm)
Turner Other
R1-3 500 X 750 80 DN 80 EN

The sign is used at a signalized intersection where left turn movement is

allowed in gaps or spacing. This sign is to enforce the rule that left turner
must always give way to through movements, even though it is permitted to

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 17

2.7 Direction Signs (R2)

2.7.1 Direction to be Followed (R2-1 to R2-7)

a) Disc Type
Reflectorized Blue Background
Reflectorized White arrow.

Table 2.4: Direction Signs, Disk Type

Sign No Size (mm)

R2-1A to R2-7A 450
R2-1B to R2-7B 600
R2-1C to R2-7C 750

R2-1 R2-2 R2-3 R2-4

R2-5 R2-6 R2-7

b) Plate Type
Black Legend. Reflectorized white background on plate Reflectorized Blue
background on disc
Reflectorized white arrow symbols.

Table 2.5: Direction Signs, Plate Type

Letter Size (mm) and

Disc Size Plate Size Series
Sign No.
(mm dia.) (mm) Lines 1 and 2
1st Line 2nd Line
R2-1PA 400 450 X 750 80 DM 80 EN
R2-2PA 400 450 X 750 80 DM 80 DM
R2-3PA 400 450 X 750 80 EN 80 EN
R2-5PA 400 450 X 750 80 EN 80 CN
R2-6PA 400 450 X 750 80 CN 80 CN

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 18

These signs indicate the only direction(s) in which the motorist is obliged to
follow. They are normally used in conjunction with islands at channelized
intersections. The disc signs can be incorporated on rectangular plate with
legends to supplement their meanings. Where necessary 750mm diameter
discs can be used to give greater visual impact to the motorist. The plate
type is only used in urban areas.


R2-1P R2-2P R2-3P R2-5P R2-6P

2.7.2 Other Directional Signs

a) TWO WAY (R2-7)

Black legend, arrows and border
Reflectorized white background

Table 2.6: TWO WAY Signs

Letter Size (mm)

Sign No and Series
Lines 1 and 2
R2-7PA 450 X 750 80 DM
R2-7S 900 X 700 160 CN

R2-7P R2-7S

The TWO WAY sign shall be used as follows:

 On carriageway such as roads where traffic laws and regulations would
normally prescribe that such roads are designed as one-way but may
be operated as two way;
 Where a single carriageway designed or normally used for one-way
traffic is being operated for two-way traffic;

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 19

 As a temporary measure where a carriageway designed or normally
used for one-way traffic is being used for two-way traffic; and,
 On any other roads where, because of the road conditions, it is not
clear whether a particular carriageway carries traffic in one or both

The TWO WAY sign should be placed along the road on the departure side of
every intersection along the TWO WAY route

In case of a one-way street reverting to a two-way street, additional signs

should be located on the approach to every intersection facing the entering

Back legend and border
Reflectorized white background

Table 2.7: R2-8 Signs

Letter Size (mm)

Sign No and Series
Lines 1 and 2
R2-8A (L) or (R) 450 X 750 100 EM
R2-8B (L) or (R) 600 X 1000 140 EM

R2-8R R2-8L

alongside a marked lane which is reserved exclusively for vehicles turning left
(right) at the next intersection.

The sign may be used alone or in conjunction with arrows or words marked
on the surface of the lane.

As pavement markings can be obscured by vehicles ahead, and this is most

likely to occur where traffic is heavy that there is need to provide an exclusive
turning lane, LEFT (RIGHT) LANE MUST TURN LEFT (RIGHT) signs are
useful as a means of designating such lanes.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 20

2.8 Prohibitive or Restrictive Signs (R3)

2.8.1 No Entry for All Vehicles (R3-1 and R3-1P)

Reflectorized red disc symbol
Reflectorized white bar
Reflectorized white plate background (R3-1P) only
Black legend and border (R3-1P) only

Table 2.8: No Entry for All Vehicles Signs

Sign Size (mm) Letter Size (mm)

No Disc Bar Plate Line 1 Line 2
R3-1A 600 480X120
R3-1B 750 600X150
R3-1PA 300 250X50 400X600 75 DM 75 DN
R3-1PB 450 375X75 600X900 120 DM 120 DN
R3-1PC 600 500X100 800X1200 160 DM 160 DN

R3-1 R3-1P

The NO ENTRY sign shall be used at the termination of a one-way

carriageway to prohibit access of all vehicles from the wrong direction.

At one-way street exits, NO ENTRY signs shall be erected on both sides of

the street at the intersection facing in the opposite direction to the one-way
flow. The signs may need to be located a short distance into the one-way
street if there is a possibility of drivers becoming confused as to which street
is closed for entry. Sufficient signs shall be erected to ensure that at least
one is clearly visible to drivers approaching from any direction, and some
signs may have to be set at an angle to achieve this purpose.

2.8.2 No Entry for Specific Type of Road Users (R3-2 to R3-12)

Reflectorized red border and bar.
Reflectorized white background, and Black Symbol.

Table 2.9: No Entry for Specific Type of Road Users Signs

Size of Border
Sign No Size (mm)
and Bar (mm)
R3-2A to R3-12A 450 40
R3-2B to R3-12B 600 50
R3-2C to R3-12C 750 60

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 21

These signs include NO ENTRY for Cars (R3-2), Jeepneys (R3-3); Bicycles
(R3-4); Motorcycles (R3-5); Tricycles (R3-6); Buses (R3-7); Trucks (R3-8);
Vehicles with Trailer (R3-9); Pedestrians (R3-10); Animal Drawn Vehicles
(R3-11); Pushcarts (R3-12).

R3-2 R3-3

R3-4 R3-5 R3-6

R3-7 R3-8 R3-9

R3 - 6

R3-10 R3-11 R3-12

2.8.3 Pedestrian Prohibition Signs (R3-10P1; R3-10P2)

The NO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING sign (R3-10) can be used in conjunction
with a supplementary plate in the Special Instruction Sign series such as USE
OVERPASS (S1-1) or USE PED XING (S1-2) or alternatively use R3-10P1
or R3-10P2. These signs are only to be used where there are pedestrian
facilities nearby. The sign sizes are shown in table below:

Table 2.10: Pedestrian Prohibition Signs

Size (mm) Legend

Sign No
Plate Disc L1 L2
R3-10P1 450X600 30 80 DM 80 DM
R3-10P2 450X600 30 80 CN 80 CN

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 22

R3-10P1 R3-10P2

2.8.4 Bawal Tumawid Gamitin Ang Overpass (R3-10P3)

This is a Pilipino worded sign, alternative to R3-10P1
exclusively for prohibiting pedestrians from crossing a
particular road with the presence of an overpass. This sign
shall be rectangular in shape and is 300mm x 350mm in size
with the long axis vertical. They shall have reflectorized white
background, reflectorized red border and letters for prohibitive

2.8.5 Turning Prohibition (R3-13; R3-14; R3-15)

Reflectorized red border and bar
Reflectorized white background

Table 2.11: Turning Prohibition Signs

Sign No. Size (mm)) Letter Size

Border &
Symbol Plate
No Right Turn
R3-13A 600 50
R3-13B 900 70
R3-13 PA 350 450 X 750 40 75 BM
R3-13 PB 450 600 X 1000 50 100 BM
No Left Turn
R3-14A 600 50
R3-14B 900 70
R3-14 PA 350 450 X 750 40 75 BM
R3-14 PB 450 600 X 1000 50 100 BM
No U Turn
R3-15A 600 50
R3-15B 900 70
R3-15 PA 350 450 X 750 40 75 BM
R3-15 PB 450 600 X 1000 50 100 BM

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 23

The NO RIGHT TURN or NO LEFT TURN sign shall be used at intersections
where vehicles are forbidden to make a turn to the right or left, respectively

The NO U TURN sign shall be used where vehicles are forbidden to make a
turn to reverse the direction of travel.

Separate plates bearing messages such as "FOR PUJ'S", "FOR PUB'S" or

"FOR TRUCKS", and others, can be used to supplement the messages
intended. Such plates will be of white reflectorized background with black

R3-13 R3-14 R3-15

R3-13P R3-14P R3-15P

2.8.6 Prohibition of Overtaking (R3-16)

Reflectorized red border and bar
Reflectorized white background
Black symbol on right, red symbol on left.

Table 2.12: Prohibition of Overtaking Signs

Size (mm))
Sign No Border & Letter Size
Symbol Plate
R3-16A 600 50
R3-16B 900 70
R3-16 PA 490 600 X 900 40 100 CN
R3-16 PB 600 750 X 1000 50 120 CN

The NO OVERTAKING sign may be used to supplement the double yellow

lane marking in forbidding overtaking in No Overtaking Zones.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 24

It may be used to control traffic movements on narrow bridges and short
sections of one lane carriageway having a width between curbs or vertical
obstructions of less than 5.0m. It may also be used where width is less than
5.5m if commercial vehicles constitute more than one-third of the traffic, or if
the alignment is poor.


2.9 Speed Signs (R4)

2.9.1 Speed Restriction (Maximum) (R4-1)

Black numerals.
Reflectorized red annular symbol.
Reflectorized white background.

Table 2.13: Speed Restriction Signs

Numeral Size
Size No of
Sign No (mm) and
(mm Dia.) Numerals
R4-1A 450 2 200 DN
2 240 DN
R4-1B 600
3 240 DN
2 400 DN
R4-1C 900
3 320 DN

R4-1 (60) R4-1 (100)

2.9.2 Speed De-restriction (R4-2; R4-12P)

Black diagonal bar and annular symbol.
Reflectorized white background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 25

Table 2.14: Speed De-Restriction Signs

Size of Border
Sign No. Plate Size (mm)
/ Bar (mm)
R4-2A 450 X 450 50 / 70
R4-2B 600 X 600 60 / 80
Legend END
R4-2PA 450 X 750 120 EM
R4-2PB 600 X 1000 160 EM
R4-2PC 800 X 1334 200 EM

R4-2 R4-2P (60)

2.9.3 Speed Restriction (Minimum) (R4-3)

Reflectorized Blue Background.
Reflectorized White Numeral & Legend

Disc Size: 900mm diameter.

Numeral Size: 320 DN

The minimum speed restriction sign is used exclusively on

suitable sections of expressways only.

R4-3 (40)

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 26

2.10 Parking Signs (R5)

The wording required on parking control signs will depend upon the
applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Signs should generally be mounted on their own individual posts, but where a
number of separate instructions apply to the same length of curb space; these
should be included on one sign where practicable.

Although parking control signs are not required to be fully legible from moving
vehicle, the simplest wording should always be used and suitable
abbreviations assist in this objective.

Where parking or standing restrictions relate only to specific periods, such

periods shall be shown on the signs.

Where symbol/s or word/s is used to indicate the method of parking to be

adopted, the method shall also be stated on the signs.

Where arrows are used to indicate the direction in which the restrictions
apply, their size shall be small enough to avoid confusion with the arrow used
for controlling the direction of moving traffic.

2.10.1 No Parking Signs (R5-1, R5-2, R5-3)

Black letter 'P'
Reflectorized Red annular symbol and bar
Reflectorized Red legend and Red arrow

Table 2.15: No Parking Signs

Size (mm) Legend (mm)

Sign No
Symbol Plate Line 1 Line 2
No Parking Disc
R5-1SA 450
R5-1SB 600
No Parking Plate (Pilipino Worded)
R5-1PA 250 450 X 750 50 DM 50 BN
R5-1PC 400 600 X 1000 80 DM 80 BN
No Parking Loading Only
R5-2PA 250 450 X 750 50 CN 50 DM
R5-2PB 375 600 X 1000 75 EN 75 EM
No Parking Anytime
R5-3PA 250 450 X 750 50 DM 40 CN
R5-3PB 375 600 X 1000 75 EM 60 DN
No Parking Tow Away
R5-3CA 450 X 750
R5-3CB 600 X 1000

No Parking signs are used at locations where partial or total parking is

prohibited. The No Parking disc can be used in conjunction with other
legend plates for additional information.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 27



R5-1S R5-1P R5-2P R5-3P R5-3C

2.10.2 Restricted Parking and Loading Signs (R5-4; R5-4A; R5-4B; R5-4C)
Restricted parking signs shall be rectangular in shape and normally not less
than 450mm X 750mm in size with the long axis vertical. They shall have
reflectorized white background, green reflectorized borderline and legends for
permissive messages such as 2 HOUR PARKING, METER PARKING; and,

The LOADING ZONE sign should also be used in conjunction with the NO
PARKING disc. Parking control signs need not be reflectorized unless street
lighting is inadequate or the message has special night time significance.

The LOADING AND UNLOADING ZONE sign shall be rectangular in shape

and not less than 450mm X 750mm in size, with the long axis vertical.

These signs shall be used at designated loading and unloading zones for
passengers and goods along a route or at a minimum of 30.0m before and
after an intersection.

R5-4 R5-4A R5-4B R5-4C

2.10.3 No Waiting Signs (R5-5; R5-5A; R5-5B)

The NO WAITING sign shall be rectangular in shape and not less than
450mm X 750mm in size with the long axis vertical. They shall have
reflectorized white background, reflectorized red borderline and legends for
prohibitive messages and times of restriction.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 28


R5-5 R5-5A R5-5B

2.10.4 No Loading and Unloading Signs (R5-6; R5-6A)

The NO LOADING and UNLOADING Signs shall be rectangular in shape,
450mm x 750mm in size with long axis vertical. They shall have reflectorized
white background, reflectorized red border and legend for prohibitive
messages and times of restriction. These signs are used exclusively for
prohibiting loading and unloading of goods and passengers. Left and right
arrows should be drawn at the bottom of the road sign.


R5-6 R5-6 A

2.10.5 No Loading / Unloading Within Red-Painted Curb (R5-7)

The NO LOADING/UNLOADING ANYTIME within red-painted curb
shall be rectangular in shape and not less than 450mm and 750mm in
size with the long axis vertical. They shall have reflectorized red
letters and borders on white reflectorized background. These signs
shall be erected at locations to supplement pavement markings to
prohibit loading and unloading activities.


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 29

2.10.6 No Stopping Anytime (R5-8)
The NO STOPPING ANYTIME sign shall be rectangular in
shape and not less than 450mm X 750mm in size with long
axis vertical. They shall have reflectorized white background,
reflectorized red borderline and symbol, red letters, and
reflectorized red arrow and bar for prohibitive messages and
times of restriction.


2.10.7 No Parking or Stopping Signs PUV Stop Area (R5-9A; R5-9B; R5-9C)
Reflectorized black letters.
Black Vehicle Symbol.
Reflectorized Red annular symbol, arrow and bar.
Reflectorized Red border
The BUS STOP sign is used exclusively for bus passenger loading and
unloading. It shall be rectangular in shape and not less than 400mm X
900mm in size. The NO PARKING symbol should be used in conjunction
with this sign where total parking is prohibited.

The PUJ STOP signs are used exclusively for jeepney passenger loading and
unloading. It shall be rectangular in shape and not less than 400mm x
900mm in size. The NO PARKING symbol should be used in conjunction
with this sign where total parking is prohibited.

The BUS-PUJ STOP signs are used exclusively for bus and jeepney loading
and unloading of passengers and goods. It shall be rectangular in shape and
not less than 400mm x 900mm in size. The NO PARKING symbol should be
used in conjunction with this sign where total parking is prohibited.

R5-9A R5-9B R5-9C

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 30

2.10.8 Do Not Block Intersection (R5-10)
rectangular in shape and not less than 400 X 600mm in size
with long axis vertical. It shall have black letters on white
reflectorized background and reflectorized yellow legend on
black reflectorized background.

These signs are used at intersections particularly at signalized

locations where yellow box lane markings have been
R5-10 provided. These should be installed at or near the designated
stop line in the intersection to warn motorists of clearing the
yellow box zone.

2.10.9 Right Turners Cross at Broken White Lines (R5-11)

rectangular in shape and not less than 450mm and 600mm in
size. They shall have black letters and border on white
reflectorized background. These signs shall be used alongside
broken white line markings at Bus/PUJ lane which allows
vehicles to turn right at the next intersection.


2.11 Miscellaneous Signs (R6)

Signs covered in this series are not included in other categories.

2.11.1 Prohibition on Use of Audible Warning Device No Blowing of Horns

Sign (R6-1)
Reflectorized red annular border and bar
Black symbol
Reflectorized white background
Use of audible warning device is prohibited, where this sign is
used, except to avoid an accident or those vehicles that are
authorized to use warning devices in case of emergency. The
No Blowing of Horns sign is usually erected in the vicinity of
hospitals, schools, libraries, and churches. The diameter of
the disk is 600mm.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 31

2.11.2 Load and Dimension Restriction Signs (R6-2 to R6-6)
Reflectorized red annular border.
Black symbol and legend.

Table 2.16: Load and Dimension Restriction Signs

Sign No Size (dia. mm) Numeral

R6-2 600 240 DN
R6-3 600 240/120 DN
R6-4 600 260 DN
R6-5 600 160 DN
R6-6 600 80 DN

Sign R6-2 shall be used to prohibit entry for vehicles having overall width
exceeding the dimension shown.

Sign R6-3 shall be used to prohibit entry for vehicles having overall height
exceeding the dimension shown.

Sign R6-4 shall be used to indicate the maximum permitted gross load in tons
on any section of road and shall be erected on the immediate approaches to
the restricted section.

Sign R6-5 shall be used to prohibit entry of vehicles with gross axle load
exceeding the limit shown.

Sign R6-6 shall be used to prohibit entry of vehicles with overall length
exceeding the limit shown.

R6-2 R6-3 R6-4

R6-5 R6-6

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 32

2.11.3 Use Seat Belt Sign (R6-7)
Black seatbelt on white man symbol and blue background
Reflectorized black letters and red borders on white background

Table 2.17: Use Seat Belt Sign

Sign No Size (mm) Symbol Legend

R6-7 450 X 675 200mm X 200mm 80 CN

The Use Seat Belt signs are used pursuant to RA8750, the
Seat Belt Law.

2.11.4 Pedestrians Crossing (R6-8)

Black symbol and border circular disc
Reflectorized fluorescent yellow green background

Table 2.18: Pedestrians Crossing Sign

Sign No Size (dia. mm)

R68A 450mm
R68B 600mm
R68C 750mm
Unlike the pedestrian Warning sign (W6-1) which is placed in
advance in accordance with appropriate distances
recommended, R6-8 is a regulatory sign to be placed at the
stop lines or at the approaches to a zebra pedestrian crossing.

2.11.5 School Children Crossing (R6-9)
Black symbol, legend and border
Reflectorized fluorescent yellow green background

Table 2.19: School Children Crossing Sign

Sign No Size (dia. mm)

R69A 450mm
R69B 600mm
R69C 750mm

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 33

Unlike the Children Warning sign (W6-2) which is placed in
advance in accordance with distances recommended (see
Table 3.1) R6-9 is a regulatory sign to be placed at the stop
lines on the approaches to a marked School Children crossing.


2.11.6 Bike Lane (R6-10)

Black symbol, legend and border.
Reflectorized fluorescent yellow green background.

Table 2.20: Bike Lane Signs

Sign No Size (dia. mm)

R610A 450mm
R610B 600mm
R610C 750mm

The BIKE LANE sign is used where a stretch of roadway is

dedicated to a bike lane for bicycle use only and to protect
cyclists who may not be perceptible to motorists. This is a
regulatory sign and requires cyclists to use the Bike Lane only.

2.11.7 Wheel Chair Crossing (R6-11)
Black symbol, legend and border.
Reflectorized fluorescent yellow green background.

Table 2.21: Wheel Chair Crossing Signs

Sign No Size (dia. mm)

R611A 450mm
R611B 600mm
R611C 750mm

The WHEEL CHAIR CROSSING SIGN is a regulatory sign to

be placed at the stop lines on the approaches to a marked
wheel chair ramp near or at intersections, buildings, hospitals,
parks, malls and other public places.


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 34


3.1 Application of Warning Signs

Warning Signs are used to warn motorists of potentially hazardous conditions

on or adjacent to the road. The Warning Signs advise motorists of road
conditions that require caution and may call for a reduction in speed, in the
interest of safety and that of other road users.

Warning signs tend to lose their effectiveness if used unnecessarily or too

frequently. Their use should be restricted to the minimum, consistent with
safety. A warning sign should not be used when drivers can observe
and appreciate the potential hazard ahead under normal conditions.

The particular sign to be applied to a specific condition shall be selected in

accordance with the criteria set out in this Section. The standard warning
signs listed in this manual cover most conditions that are likely to be met. If
other warning signs are needed, the signs shall be of the standard shape and
color for warning signs, and the symbol used must be self-explanatory.

To avoid ambiguity, supplementary messages can sometimes be used.

Some of the commonly used messages are also listed in this category under
the Auxiliary series.

3.2 Classification of Warning Signs

Warning sign classifications: Section

 Horizontal Alignment Signs (W1) 3.5
 Intersection and Junction Signs (W2) 3.6
 Advance Warning of Traffic Control Device Signs (W3) 3.7
 Road Width Signs (W4) 3.8
 Road Obstacle Signs (W5) 3.9
 Pedestrian and School Signs (W6) 3.10
 Railway Level Crossing (W7) 3.11
 Supplementary Signs (W8) 3.12
 Other Warning Signs (W9) 3.13

Warning signs at road construction and maintenance sites are separately

dealt with in the Road Works Safety Manual.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 35

3.3 Design

A standard sign shall be selected when choosing a sign for a particular

purpose. If no standard sign meets the conditions encountered, a special
sign may be used, provided it is designed in accordance with the same
principles as the standard signs in the appropriate classification.

In general, warning signs are triangular in shape (with one angle vertical),
with a black symbol, reflectorized red border on a retro-reflective white, or
fluorescent yellow green background. Other exceptions to this general rule
are specified in the text.

The size of a warning sign should be suited to the conditions for which it is
required. Traffic volumes, speed, road conditions, background lighting and
other factors will all influence the choice of the appropriate size.

Where conditions require greater visual impact or emphasis, the larger size
signs should be used with a correspondingly larger symbol or legend. By
referring to the letter sizes for any sign and equating these to the required
sight distances and legibility requirements, the most suitable sign can be
selected for any particular condition.

The size of one side of the equilateral triangular shaped signs shall not be
less than 600mm. For high-speed expressways, larger signs (up to 1200mm)
are usually adopted.

Sizes of special signs with other shapes can sometimes be selected to give
comparable warning to drivers if the standard sign is found inadequate.
Some of these special signs are included in this manual (see Chapter 6).

3.4 Location

As warning signs are placed primarily for the protection of the driver who is
not familiar with the road, it is very important that their location and installation
must be undertaken with care. Although guidelines for their positioning are
given below there will be instances where local conditions require different
treatment. Test runs should be made by day and by night from both
directions to check the location and mounting of each installation.

A warning sign should generally be installed on the right side of the road and
be positioned so that it will convey its message most effectively without
restricting lateral clearance or sight distance. However, in special
circumstances the sign or a duplicate sign may be erected on the left side of
the road. Duplicate signs on the left side will usually be required on one-way

Lateral placement and height of warning signs shall be in accordance with

Section 1.8.2.

In urban areas advance warning signs should be placed at not less than
30.0m or more than 100.0m in advance of the hazardous area, while in rural
areas the signs should be placed at not less than 75.0m nor more than
225.0m in advance of the hazardous area. The actual advance warning

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 36

distances, determined by factors such as nature of the hazard, reaction time,
prevailing and desired speeds are shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Advance Warning Signs Distance (In Meters)

Approach Desired Speed (kph)

Speed (kph) Stop 20 30 40
50 75 60 45 30
60 100 90 75 60
70 160 150 140 120
80 225 200 190 170

For hazards requiring reduction in speed, an advisory speed as described in

Section 3.12, may be used in conjunction with the corresponding hazard
warning sign.

Where it is desired to warn of more than one potential hazard at the same
location, the signs shall be installed on separate posts placed at a distance
not less than 0.6Vm apart, where V is the 85th percentile speed in kph.

Signs indicating conditions that are temporary or intermittent in occurrence

should be mounted so that they can be set up and removed easily as
required. If necessary, folding signs may be used such that the message
may be displayed only when actually required.

3.5 Horizontal Alignment Signs (W1)

These signs are used to indicate the type of road curve ahead of the motorist.
Basically, the following types are considered: the sharp turn; the reverse
turn; the curve turn; the reverse curve; the winding road and the hairpin
curve. An advisory speed plate can be used to supplement the intention of
these signs (see W8-1).

There are three general sizes for this series. Size A is usually for use in
urban low speed roads; Size B for rural roads with speed limits between 60
and 70kph. Size C for high speed rural highways.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 37

Sign sizes of the alignment series are shown in the following table:

Table 3.2: Horizontal Alignment Signs

Sign Sign No Size (mm)

Sharp Turn W1-1A (L or R) 600
W1-1B 750
W1-1C 900
Reverse Turn W1-2A (L or R) 600
W1-2B 750
W1-2C 900
Curve W1-3A (L or R) 600
W1-3B 750
W1-3C 900
Reverse Curve W1-4A (L or R) 600
W1-4B 750
W1-4C 900
Winding Road W1-5A (L or R) 600
W1-5B 750
Hairpin W1-6A (L or R) 600
W1-6B 750

3.5.1 Sharp Turn (W1-1)

The Sharp Turn sign is used in advance of a sharp curve
where motorists are required to slow down substantially
because of the road geometry.


3.5.2 Reverse Turn (W1-2)

The Reverse Turn sign is used where two curves in
opposite direction each warrants a Turn Sign (W1-1) and
are separated by a tangent length of less than 120.0m. The
sign may also be used where one of the two curves
warrants a Curve sign (W1-3) only and if it is impractical to
sign each curve separately. The Advisory Speed plate (W8-
1) should be used to indicate the lower speed value of the
W1-2 two curves.

3.5.3 Curve (W1-3)

The curve sign is used in advance of a substandard curve
or a curve that may not be evident to the motorist in the
course of his travel along a reasonable straight section of
the road.


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 38

3.5.4 Reverse Curve (W1-4)
The reverse curve sign is used where two curves in
opposite directions, one or both of which is substandard,
are separated by a tangent length of less than 120.0m.
The Advisory Speed plate (W8-1) should be used to
indicate the lower speed value of the two curves.


3.5.5 Winding Road (W1-5)

The winding road sign is used where there is a series of
closely spaced curves, some or all of which warrant the use
of Turn (W1-1) or Curve (W1-3) signs. The shape of the
arrow shall indicate the direction of the first curve approach.
A distance plate can be used in conjunction with this sign to
indicate the approximate distance of the substandard
curves. (see W8-3 and W8-4)

3.5.6 Hairpin Bend (W1-6)

The hairpin bend sign is used to warn motorists of an
approaching curve with an almost 180-degree bend.


3.6 Intersection and Junction Signs (W2)

Signs in the intersection and junction series are used where the sight distance
on the approach to an intersection or junction is less than the safe stopping
distance or where drivers may have difficulty in appreciating the presence or
configuration of an intersection ahead. However, there may be unusual
situations where a special design will be required to describe the intersection
configuration more accurately. Such a design must comply with the general
standard of warning sign series.

Signs in this series shall not be used on an approach where the regulatory
signs STOP (R1-1), GIVE WAY (R1-2), or traffic signals are installed.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 39

Signs that may be used in advance of intersections are listed in the table:

Table 3.3: Intersection and Junction Signs

Sign Sign No Size (mm)

W2-1A 450
W2-1B 600
Cross Road
W2-1C 750
W2-1D 900
W2-2A (L or R) 450
Staggered Side W2-2B 600
Road Junction W2-2C 750
W2-2D 900
W2-3A 600
W2-3B 750
W2-3C 900
W2-4A 450
W2-4B 600
W2-4C 750
W2-4D 900
W2-5A (or 5a) 450
W2-5B (or 5a) 600
W2-5C (or 5a) 750
W2-5D (or 5a) 900
W2-6A (L or R) 450
W2-6B 600
Side Road Junction
W2-6C 750
W2-6D 900
W2-7A 450
Roundabout Ahead W2-7B 600
W2-7C 750
W2-8B 600
Priority Junction W2-8C 750
W2-8D 900
W2-9B 600
Priority Merging W2-9C 750
W2-9D 900
W2-10A 450
W2-10B 600
Priority Cross
W2-10C 750
W2-10D 900

3.6.1 Cross Road (W2-1)

The Cross Road sign is used in advance of an intersection
where two roads cross at a common point. This sign shall
not be used on a side road approach to a controlled


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 40

3.6.2 Other Cross Roads (W2-2; W2-3)
These Cross Road Signs are used in advance of intersections that bear the
resemblance of the configurations as indicated in the inscription of the signs.

W2-2 W2-3

3.6.3 T and Y Junctions (W2-4; W2-5; W2-6)

The T-Junction sign (W2-4) is used in advance of a T-junction of the road that
forms the stem of the T, and Y Junction sign (W2-5) is used in advanced of a
road path on that approach which forms the stem of the Y. Where the
junction road meets the through road at an angle greater than 45 degrees, a
Side Road Junction sign (W2-5A) is more appropriate.

The side road junction sign (W2-6) is used to warn road users that a side road
has a fairly large volume of traffic entering or crossing the through route.

W2-4 W2-5 W25A W2-6

3.6.4 Roundabout (Rotunda) (W2-7)

The Roundabout (Rotunda) sign is used on all approaches
to a rotunda. It should not be used where a diagrammatic
Advance Direction sign (G1-5) is used on the approach.


3.6.5 Priority Road (W2-8; W2-9; W2-10)

These signs inform the motorist that the road he travels on is a priority road
with the junction intersection in front of him being controlled either by a STOP
or GIVE WAY sign. These signs should not be used unless the side roads
are positively controlled in order to avoid creating a false sense of security to
the motorist on the main road.

W2-8 W2-9 W2-10

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 41

3.7 Advance Warning of Traffic Control Device Signs (W3)

3.7.1 Signals Ahead (W3-1)

Table 3.4: Signals Ahead Signs

Sign No Size (mm)

W3-1A 600
W3-1B 750
W3-1C 900
W3-1D 1200

The Signal Ahead sign (W3-1) is used in advance of a

signalized intersection, where the signal is not visible from
a distance of 120.0m, or at any unexpected signal
installation where the prevailing approach speeds or
conditions of visibility are such as to require a warning.

W3-1 (W3-1D) is used on the approach of a high speed road

(expressway) warning motorists of an approaching
signalized intersection ahead.

The circles in the signal symbol are shown in the three colors of the lights that
they represent and shall be reflectorized.

3.7.2 Stop and Give Way Sign Ahead (W3-2; W3-3)

Table 3.5: STOP and GIVE WAY Signs

Sign No Size (mm)

W3-2 to 3 A 450
W3-2 to 3 B 600
W3-2 to 3 C 750

These warning signs are only used to warn the presence of a STOP or
GIVEWAY sign at the intersection ahead which may not be conspicuous to
the motorist when approaching the intersection. The arrow direction may vary
to indicate the location of the STOP or GIVEWAY sign concerned.

W3-2 W3-3

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 42

3.8 Road Width Signs (W4)

This warning sign is used at a sudden change of road width either narrowing
or widening of carriageways. The types and sizes of these signs are shown
in the table.

Table 3.6: Road Width Signs

Letter Size (mm) and

Sign Sign No Size (mm) Series
Lines 1 and 2
W4-1A 450
W4-1B 600
Narrow W4-1C 750
Bridge W4-1PA 450 X 700 60 DN; 60 DN
W4-1PB 600 X 900 75 DN; 75 DN
W4-1PC 750 X 1200 90 DN; 90 DN
W4-2A 450
W4-2B 600
Road W4-2C 750
Narrows W4-2PA 450 X 700 75 DN 60 CN
W4-2PB 600 X 900 90 DN; 75 CN
W4-2PC 750 X 1200 120 DN; 90 CN
W4-3A 450
Divided W4-3B 600
Road W4-3C 750
W4-3D 900
W4-4A 450
W4-4B 600
W4-4C 750
W4-4D 900

3.8.1 Narrow Bridge (W4-1)

The Narrow Bridge Sign is used on the approaches to all road bridges having
a width between curbs of:
 5.5m or less;
 between 5.5m and 6.0m in exceptional cases of high speed sections of
roads with heavy traffic volumes; or,
 less than that of the approach pavement regardless of its width.

W4-1 W4-1P

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 43

3.8.2 Road Narrows (W4-2)
The Road Narrows sign is used where a reduction of the pavement width may
constitute a hazard. Specific conditions for its use are shown below:

(a) On a two-lane road

 there is a reduction in pavement width of 1.2m or more; or,
 the travel lane is reduced in width by 600mm or more; or,
 The overall pavement width is reduced to 5.5m or less.

(b) On a multi-lane road, including one carriageway of a divided road

 there is a reduction in the number of lanes.

W4-2 W4-2P

3.8.3 Divided Road (W4-3)

The Divided Road sign is used to warn motorists of the
approach to a divided road when the median island is
more than 300.0m in length.


3.8.4 End Divided Road (W4-4)

The End Divided Road sign is used at the end of a section
of divided road as a warning of two-way traffic ahead.


3.9 Road Obstacle Signs (W5)

These signs include those which warn motorists of unexpected road features
such as change in road pavement surface and infrastructure, hazards due to
weather conditions and environment.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 44

Sign numbers and sizes of these signs are shown in the following table:

Table 3.7: Road Obstacle Signs

Size (mm)
Sign Sign No
(Plate Size)
W5-1B 600
Opening Bridge
W5-1C 750
W5-2A 450
W5-2B 600
Uneven Road
W5-2C 750
W5-2D 900
W5-3A 450
W5-3B 600
W5-3C 750
W5-3D 900
W5-4B 600
Steep Decent W5-4C 750
W5-4D 900
W5-5A 450
Steep Climb W5-5B 600
W5-5C 750
W5-6A 450
W5-6B 600
W5-6C 750
W5-6D 900
W5-7A 450
W5-7B 600
W5-7C 750
W5-7D 900
W5-8B 600
Falling or Fallen
W5-8C 750
Rocks (L or R)
W5-8D 900
W5-9A 450
W5-9B 600
W5-9C 750
Slippery Road W5-9D 900
W5-9PA (450X700)
W5-9PB (600X900)
W5-9PC (750X1200)
W5-10B 600
Cattle Crossing W5-10C 750
W5-10D 900
W5-11A 450
W5-11B 600
W5-11C 750
W5-11D 900

3.9.1 Opening Bridge (W5-1)

The sign is used to warn motorists of an opening bridge


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 45

3.9.2 Uneven Road (W5-2)
The sign is used to warn motorists of humps and dips of a
road section ahead.


3.9.3 Hump (W5-3)

This sign is used to warn motorists of a road hump ahead.


3.9.4 Steep Descent (W5-4) and Steep Climb (W5-5)

The Steep Descent sign (W5-4) is used in advance of downgrade where
vehicle speeds are likely to increase to an extent that would make a vehicle
difficult to control. The TRUCKS USE LOW GEAR sign (S1-3) should be
used in conjunction with this sign on the same post. (see Section 6.3.2)

The Steep Climb sign (W5-5) is used in advance of long steep upgrades of
10% or more.

W5-4 W5-5

3.9.5 Spill Way (W5-6)

The SPILL WAY sign is used where water flows across a roadway at most
times of the year, except during a prolonged dry season.


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 46

3.9.6 Flood (W5-7)
The FLOOD sign is used to give warning of depressions in the
road that may carry flood water for short periods during wet


3.9.7 Falling Rocks (W5-8)

The Falling Rocks sign is used to warn motorists of a road
section on which there is possibility of falling rocks or the
consequence of it. The symbol may be reversed.


3.9.8 Slippery (W5-9)

The Slippery sign is used to warn traffic of sections of road where the
pavement may become slippery.

Slippery conditions should be indicated by a plate mounted beneath the sign

bearing the sign WHEN WET (W8-5), or WHEN FROSTY (W8-6). (see
Section 3.12.4)

The sign should be repeated at intervals of not more than 3km on long
sections of such roads.

W5-9 W5-9P

3.9.9 Animal Crossing (W5-10)

The Cattle Crossing sign is used to warn motorists of
sections of road by which animals may cross.


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 47

3.9.10 Aircraft (W5-11)
The Aircraft sign is used in the vicinity of an airfield to warn
that aircraft may fly over the road at a low altitude.


3.10 Pedestrian and School Signs (W6)

The pedestrian and school signs have been included to replace the traditional
triangle warning signs for pedestrians, school children, handicapped persons
and bicycle users. The sign will have different shapes and fluorescent yellow
green background to provide more conspicuity and visibility of these signs.

Elements of sign design and sizes are shown as follows:

Table 3.8: W6 Signs

Sign Sign No Size (mm) Legend

Pedestrian W6-1B 600
Crossing Ahead W6-1C 750
Slow Down
Pedestrian W6-1P 450X750 80 DN
Crossing Ahead
Children W6-2B 600
Crossing W6-2C 750
Cross Only At
W6-3 300X450 60 DN
Ped Xing
W6-4A 450
Wheel Chair
W6-4B 600
W6-4C 750
Bike Lane W6-5A 400X600
60 DN
Ahead W6-5B 600X900

3.10.1 Pedestrians (W6-1) and Slow Down Pedestrian Ahead (W6-1P)

These signs are interchangeable and used to warn motorists of the presence
of pedestrians who may be crossing the road ahead regardless whether there
is a designated crossing. For a designated Zebra Crossing use R6-8 sign.
(See Section 2.11.5)

W6-1 W6-1P

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 48

3.10.2 Children (W6-2)
This sign is used to warn motorists of the presence of school
children, who may be crossing the road ahead regardless of
whether there is a designated school crossing.


3.10.3 Cross Only At Ped Xing (W6-3)

The CROSS ONLY AT PED XING sign may only be used,
where crosswalks are clearly defined, to discourage jaywalking
or unauthorized crossing. The normal regulatory sign for
prohibiting pedestrian crossing is R3-10 together with
supplementary instruction sign plates such as USE


3.10.4 Wheel Chair Crossing (W6-4)

This sign is used to warn motorists of wheel chair crossing
such as near hospitals, shopping centers.


3.10.5 Bike Lane Ahead (W6-5)

This sign is used to warn the motorist of the approaching Bike
Lane which may not be visible on the road. This is a warning
sign and should be placed at an appropriate distance ahead of
the bike lane. For a regulatory sign to a designated bike lane,
use R6-10 sign.


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 49

3.11 Railway Level Crossing Signs (W7)

3.11.1 Railroad Crossing Position (W7-1; W7-4)

The Railway Crossing Position sign is used at every railway
level crossing in combination with STOP or GIVE WAY signs,
signals or gates.

Where increased conspicuity is required, the alternative

W7-1 position sign W7-4 may be used.

3.11.2 Railway Crossing Advance Warning (W7-2; W7-3)

The Railway Crossing sign is used in advance of the railway crossing to warn
the motorist of the presence of the level crossing ahead where the railway
level crossing is located on a side road. If the normal distance requirement
for placement of the sign cannot be met, the sign is erected on the through
road and supplemented by ON SIDE ROAD sign (W8-2).

W7-2 is used for railway crossings without signal control and W7-3 for those
with signal control.

The following sizes are applicable:

Table 3.9: Railway Crossing Advance Warning Signs

Sign Number Size (mm)

W7-2B 600
W7-2C 750
W7-2D 900
W7-3B 600
W7-3C 750
W7-3D 900

W7-2 W7-3

3.11.3 Alternative Railway Crossing Position (W7-4)

This sign is used where increased conspicuity is required
instead of the normal Railroad Crossing Position sign (W7-1).
This sign has a red plate background and is no less than
700mm X 900mm in size.


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 50

3.12 Supplementary Signs (W8)

Supplementary signs shall not be installed by themselves as individual signs

but only as a plate beneath an appropriate warning sign. For example, an
advisory speed plate may only be installed with a curve or bend, or a road
hump warning sign.

These signs are erected on the same post, and below the warning sign with
which it is associated. These signs have black legend on white background.
The sizes for these signs are shown as follows:

Table 3.10: Supplementary Signs

Sign Sign Number Size (mm)

W8-1A 600X400
Advisory Speed W8-1B 750X500
W8-1C 900X600
W8-2A 600X400
On Side Road W8-2B 750X500
W8-2C 900X600
W8-3A 600X200
Distance m W8-3B 750X250
W8-3C 900X300
W8-4A 600X200
Distance km W8-4B 750X250
W8-4C 900X300
W8-5A 600X400
When Wet W8-5B 750X500
W8-5C 900X600
W8-6A 600X200
Blind W8-6B 750X250
W8-6C 900X300
W8-7A 600X200
Aged W8-7B 750X250
W8-7C 900X300
W8-8A 600X400
Playground W8-8B 750X500
W8-8C 900X600
W8-9A 600X200
School W8-9B 750X250
W8-9C 900X300
W8-10A 600X200
Disabled W8-10B 750X250
W8-10C 900X300

3.12.1 Advisory Speed (W8-1)

The Advisory Speed sign is used only in conjunction
with another warning sign to indicate the desirable
speed in good weather, traffic and road conditions.

The Advisory Speed sign is normally used with a sign in

W8-1 the Alignment Signs W1, and may also be used with the

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 51

Uneven Road (W5-2) or HUMP (W5-3) sign where an indication of the
comfortable speed is desirable.

The Advisory Speed sign shall be installed on the same posts as, and below,
the warning sign with which it is associated. In no case shall such a sign be
installed until the nominated speed has been determined by accepted traffic
engineering procedures.

3.12.2 On Side Road (W8-2)

The ON SIDE ROAD sign is used as a supplement other
signs such as FLOOD (W5-7) or RAIL CROSSING (W7-
2 or W7-3), to warn the road users of a hazard on a side
road in close proximity to the through road.


3.12.3 (Distance) m (W8-3); (Distance) km (W8-4)

The (Distance)...m and (Distance)...km signs are used in conjunction with a
warning sign where an indication of distance to the hazard is desired.

W8-3 W8-4 W8-4A

3.12.4 When Wet (W8-5)

This sign is used in conjunction with the Slippery Road
warning sign (W5-9).


3.12.5 Blind (W8-6); Aged (W8-7); Playground (W8-8); School (W8-9); Disabled
appropriate, are used in conjunction with the PEDESTRIAN and CHILDREN
Crossing signs (W6-1) and (W6-2).

W8-6 W8-7

W8-9 W8-10

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 52

3.12.6 For PUJ (W8-11A); For Buses (W8-11B)
These supplementary signs are used in conjunction with Turning Prohibition
signs NO LEFT TURN (R3-13); NO RIGHT TURN (R-14); and NO U TURN
(R3-15). They must not be used individually by themselves.

W8-11A W8-11B

3.13 Other Warning Signs (W9)

3.13.1 Vertical Clearance (W9-1A; W9-1B)

The CLEARANCE signs shall be rectangular in shape and not less than
1500mm x 600mm in size with the long axis horizontal. They shall be black
letters on white reflectorized background. (See Also R6-3 for symbolic height
restriction sign).

The CLEARANCE X.Xm sign is installed on structures where signed

clearance is greater than 4.80m and generally not more than 5.5m.

The LOW CLEARANCE X.Xm sign shall be rectangular in shape and not less
than 1950mm x 600mm in size with the long axis horizontal. It shall be
installed on all bridges, underpasses and other structures where the vertical
clearance above the road pavement is 4.80m or less to warn motorist of the
restricted height of the approaching structures. Vertical clearances shall be
reckoned from the highest flood level.

W9-1A W9-1B

3.13.2 Slow Down Accident Prone Area (W9-2A) or Bumagal Madalas Ang
Aksidente Dito (W9-2B)
AKSIDENTE DITO sign shall be rectangular in shape and not less than
1060mm x 600mm in size with the long axis horizontal. Letters and borders
shall be black on white reflectorized background.

These signs shall be temporarily installed to warn motorists of the risk

and frequency of accidents while passing a road section. These should
be removed from the site after improvements have been done.

W9-2A W9-2B

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 53

3.13.3 Slow Down Merging Traffic Ahead (W9-3)
rectangular in shape and not less than 1060mm X 600mm in
size with the long axis horizontal. Letters and borders shall be
black on white reflectorized background. These signs shall be
installed to warn motorists of merging traffic from an entry
ramp on a high speed highway.
3.13.4 Lane Ends Merge Left (W9-4)
The LANE ENDS MERGE LEFT is an advance warning to
drivers of lane drop ahead and is to be used in conjunction
with appropriate lane marking and FORM 1 (or 2) LANE (S)
sign (S2-10). This sign is rectangular in shape, not less than
950mm X 600mm in size, with long axis horizontal.
3.13.5 Slow Down Weighbridge Ahead (W9-5)
This warning sign is used to warn motorists in advance of a
weighbridge station ahead on the highway. This is followed by
the direction Service Sign (G7-2). This sign is rectangular in
shape, not less than 1060mm x 600mm in size, with long axis


Guide signs inform road users about the direction and distances of
destinations on the route they are following or along other roads that intersect
their route. They also supply information to identify points of geographical or
historical interest and give directions to rest areas, camping or parking areas.

Guide signs do not normally lose their value by frequent use but they can be
ineffective unless attention is given to their proper location and the clarity of
the message.

Signs in the Directional Signing series are usually classified into four
 Those installed in advance of the intersection. These include Advance
Direction Signs (e.g., G1-1 to G1-6) and Lane Designation Signs (GE2-
 Those installed at the intersection. These include Intersection
Direction Signs (G2-1 to G2-4) and Finger Board signs (G4 signs);
 Those on departure from the intersection. These are Reassurance
Direction Signs (G3-1 and G3-2); and,
 Those installed on expressways. The GE signs is described in Section
5 of this manual.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 54

4.1 Classification of Guide Signs

Guide sign classification Section

 Advance Direction Signs (G1) 4.5
 Intersection Direction Signs (G2) 4.6
 Reassurance Direction Signs (G3) 4.7
 Finger Board Direction Signs (G4) 4.8
 Street Name Signs (G5) 4.9
 Town Name and Geographical Feature Signs (G6) 4.10
 Service Signs (G7) 4.11
 Tourist Information and Tourist Destination Signs (G8) 4.12
 Route Markers (G9) 4.13

4.2 Design

4.2.1 Shape
Guide signs are generally rectangular in shape. Where practicable, they
should be designed with long axis horizontal. Exceptions to this rule are route
markers, which are normally on a shield of distinctive shape and kilometer

4.2.2 Color
The words, symbols, and borders of guide signs should be reflectorized on all
colors except black that contrasts with the background of the sign.

The background color should be easily recognizable by motorists as being

applicable to the particular category of guide signs for which it is used. The
color combinations, which shall be used are as follows:
 Black legend on white background: Information signs, street name
signs and kilometer posts;
 White legend on standard green or blue background: Advance
direction signs, intersection and special direction signs, and re-
assurance direction signs, including signs giving directions to
expressways from the adjacent road and street system;
 White legend on blue background: Signs indicating roadside facilities,
services and legends used. The size adopted will depend on the
required letter size, the number of words in the legend, symbols used
and the general arrangement;
 White legend on brown background: Tourists interests;

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 55

4.2.3 Size
Standardization of guide sign size is not always practicable due to the variety
of legends used. The size adopted will depend on the required letter size, the
number of words in the legend, symbols used and the general arrangement.

The likely visual impact of the sign must be considered in relation to its
location, background and surroundings. For example, in an urban street with
advertising signs, guide signs may need to be increased in size to compete
effective with adjacent signs. Overhead signs need to be larger than signs
mounted in normal positions at the side of a road, while roads, which carry
predominantly high-speed traffic, require larger signs than low-speed roads.

Special attention should be given to single-name direction signs having short

names to ensure that the visual impact of the sign is not lost by economizing
on its overall size.

4.2.4 Type of Lettering

Standard alphabets shall be used on guide signs (see Section 1.7.4).
Whether the legend of a guide sign should have capital letters only, lower-
case letters, or a combination of the two, is either described or illustrated for
each type of sign. In general, the destinations on advance direction signs,
intersection direction signs, reassurance direction signs, and expressway
signs should have initial capital letters followed by lower-case letters.

4.2.5 Size of Lettering

A driver approaching a guide sign should have sufficient time to read it before
it passes from his normal field of vision. The distance at which a sign can be
read is a function of the letter size and spacing while the time available to
read it depends upon the number of words and the speed at which the sign is

A well designed sign can be read at a glance by drivers familiar with the
destinations or the message displayed at normal approach speed. Allowance
should be considered when selecting the size of lettering for those less
familiar with the sign, for the possibility that other vehicles may briefly obstruct
a driver's view, and for a slower response by some drivers due to poor
eyesight or inattention.

If a sign has to be located outside the driver's normal field of vision, the size
of lettering should be increased. This applies to roadside signs on multi-lane
roads and to a lesser degree to cantilevered signs and some overhead signs.

4.2.6 Letter Spacing

The legibility of the legend on a sign depends, among other things, on the
spacing between individual letters. Legibility distance is greater for widely
spaced letters than for closely spaced letters. There is, however, an optimum
spacing, which, if exceeded, increases the difficulty in reading the legend.

In determining a suitable spacing for letters, it should be noted that

reflectorized letters on a non-reflective background appear to have a wider
stroke width when viewed at night, while non-reflectorized letters on a

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 56

reflective background appear to lose stroke width. Adjustment of letter
spacing may, therefore, be needed to compensate for this effect. Street
name signs - which normally have Series C capital letters of a smaller size
than other guide signs, may require special consideration.

4.2.7 Amount of Legend

The principal legend on a guide sign should be limited to the number of words
a driver can read and in time he can turn his attention from the road to the

Desirably, a guide sign should carry not more than three lines of legend or
three destination names. However, up to five lines or names may be used in
special cases.

4.2.8 Distance Indication

When distances are shown on guide signs, the following rules shall apply:
 The distance shall be shown in meters for distance up to 999m;
 The distance shall be shown in 0.1km increments for distances from
1km to 4.9km;
 The distance shall be shown in 0.5km increments for distances from
5km to 9.5km; and,
 To the nearest kilometer for greater distances.

4.2.9 Reflectorization and Illumination

All guide signs, including expressway guide signs, which need to be read at
night should be reflectorized.

The method of reflectorization would be the use of retro-reflective materials

for the background, letters, borders and legend of the sign.

Overhead signs should require external or internal illumination even at

locations where there is street lighting. In general, the degree of illumination
required on the face of the sign will depend upon the level of competing
illumination surrounding the sign the brighter the surrounding illumination
the higher will be the level of luminance required on the sign face. The use of
high performance reflective sheeting should be considered.

In some situations where signs need additional visual impact at night,

illumination may also be desirable for signs that are not located overhead.
Externally illuminated signs should also be faced with reflective materials for
possible power failure.

Where external illumination is used, the source of illumination may be either

above or below the sign; shadows can be cast across the face of the sign in
daylight and these may detract from the legend. Also, there is a tendency at
night for the light source to form a reflection on the face of the sign, thus
reducing the legibility. Under some circumstances where the location of
lighting is critical, it is preferable to use reflectorized lettering on a matte finish

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 57

If external illumination is located below the sign, care should be taken to
ensure that the light fittings do not shine below the sign towards opposing
traffic. A double strip of fluorescent tube lighting located either above or
below a sign will normally illuminate the sign face to a height or approximately
2.0m. Signs more than 2.0m high normally require both top and bottom

4.3 Location

Generally, roadside guide signs should be located on the right side of the
road where a driver would expect to see them. In some circumstances the
sign may be mounted above the carriageway (see Section 1.8).

The lateral placement and height of guide signs shall be in accordance with
Section 1.8.2. Very large roadside signs may require special consideration,
while special circumstances of road layout and adjacent topography may also
warrant departures from the given rules.

Normally, guide signs should not be erected in medians unless they have
special relevance to traffic traveling in the median lane. In special cases, a
sign is required to supplement a similar sign on the left side. In urban
situations with wide medians and roadside development, mounting of signs
within the median may be unavoidable.

At channelized intersections, some guide signs need to be erected in traffic

islands or on the right side of the road. If practical, they should be within a
driver's normal line of vision as he approaches the intersection. If this cannot
be achieved, guide signs should be on the side of the intersection where the
driver is likely to be looking if he is required to execute a turn. However, in all
cases, the signs should not obscure a driver's vision of other approaching
traffic or pedestrians.

4.4 Supports for Guide Signs

4.4.1 Roadside Signs

The size and number of supports required together with typical mountings
and the spacing between posts are given in Appendix A, Figures 11.1 and
11.2. The lateral positioning of roadside signs is indicated in Figure 1.1.

In urban areas where large signs need to be erected in the footpath, the sign
and its supports should present a pleasing appearance and supporting posts
should not be erected where pedestrians are likely to walk into them at night.
Supporting structures, which completely span a footway with supports on
each side, are undesirable.

On high-speed roads the use of breakaway supports should be considered for

roadside signs where they are likely to be struck by vehicles. (see Appendix
A, Figure 11.3)

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 58

4.4.2 Overhead Signs
Typical methods of supporting overhead signs are shown in Fig. 4.1.

(c) Butterfly Support

Figure 4.1: Methods of Supporting Overhead Sign

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 59

4.5 Advance Direction Signs (G1)

4.5.1 Application
Advance direction signs are used in advance of an intersection to indicate
destinations along each route leading away from the intersection, providing
prior information of the routes ahead by showing place, names, arrows,
symbols and instructions to indicate directions.

Advance Direction signs should usually be erected:

 in advance of intersections where two arterial roads meet or cross; or
on an arterial road crossing a feeder road;
 in advance of intersections where the arterial road turns;
 on feeder road intersecting arterial road; or,
 in advance of intersections where arterial road may be confused with
another road.

4.5.2 Shape, Color and Reflectivity

Advance direction signs shall be rectangular in shape, normally with long axis
horizontal. They shall have reflectorized white legend, symbols and border
on reflectorized green background.

4.5.3 Format and Use

The two types of Advance Direction signs are Stack and Diagrammatic. Each
should normally be located at the road side, but in restricted places in the
urban areas, overhead installation may be applicable.

(a) Stack Signs

The stack sign is the type normally used. Such signs list destinations
together with appropriate direction arrows, and if required road names and
route markers. (see Section 7.3.2 of Appendix A, Figure 7.1)

The direction in which an arrow points should be indicative of the movement

ahead, and not necessarily representative of the geometric layout. Arrows
pointing to the destinations therefore should either be vertically upward,
horizontal, or upward at 45 degrees to the horizontal. Horizontal and angled
arrows should always be placed at the nearest the side of the panel to which
they point. Downward arrows should not be used on stack signs. (see
examples of G1-1; G1-2 and G1-3 type signs)

The vertical sequence of panels should be as follows:

 Straight ahead arrow top of sign;
 Angled arrows above horizontal arrows; and,
 Alternate panels to have arrows at opposite ends of the sign.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 60

(b) Diagrammatic Direction Signs

This type of sign presents a simplified diagram of the intersection layout (see
G1-4 and G1-5). It should be used at complex intersections and major
roundabouts (rotunda) and for successive closely spaced road junctions or
locations where a stack sign can not adequately indicate the complex layout.

The legend size on a diagrammatic sign should normally be no smaller than

that required for stack signs in the same situation. This usually results in a
sign board much larger than an equivalent stack sign.

M on u m en t o

M a n ila
Bat aa n

P a t eros G1-2



P a sa y C it y
A la ba n g

L ip a C ity

P a la n c a
San J os e


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 61

P a sa y C it y

In t ra m u ros
P ort
A rea


4.5.4 Legend
Stack signs should preferably be limited to a maximum of five lines of legend,
including route number and street names, with no more than two lines in any
one panel, except that G1-3 type sign may have up to three lines. The
diagrammatic signs should be limited to a total of five items, including
destination and route names.

No more than two place names, and preferably only one should be used for
any one direction. Where two names are shown, the first (top) name shall be
that of the first destination on the route.

The destination to be shown should be the next place of importance on the

route to be followed, and preferably one which motorists are familiar with.
Sometimes it may be necessary to show on the signs a town which, although
small, is important due to its location, e.g., at a junction of two highways.

Distances to destinations should not be given on Advance Direction Signs.

However, if the distance to the next intersection is much greater than usual,
or farther than the motorist may expect, then the distance may be shown on a
supplementary distance plate beneath the sign.

4.5.5 Lettering
All lettering for destinations on both stack and diagrammatic signs shall be
lower case with Modified Series E initial capitals.

Road names on stack signs shall be in Series D or E capitals approximately

the same height as the lower case height of the directional legend.

The minimum letter size for destination legend shall be as follows:

 For two lane rural roads and urban roads up to two lanes one direction:
not less than 160 Mod E /120 LC;
 For multi-lane rural highways and urban roads wider than two lanes
each direction: not less than 240 Mod E / 180 LC; or,
 For overhead signs in any location: not less than 240 Mod E / 180 LC.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 62

Other factors which may affect the size of letter or sign include:
 Distraction due to road side activities;
 Signs composed of short legends may be enlarged to increase
 Signs containing short and long legends require a balance of legend
size to ensure equal visual impact; and,
 The need to emphasize a more important direction by making larger
than other names on the sign.

To reduce overall length of a sign, use standard abbreviation e.g., HWY for
Highway; RD for Road; ST for Street; AVE for Avenue; and, EXPRWAY for

4.5.6 Location
The distance at which an Advance Direction sign should be located in
advance of an intersection varies according to the expected speed of
approaching vehicles. In rural areas Advance Direction signs should be
located at a minimum distance from the intersection as indicated in the
following table:

Table 4.1: Location of Advance Direction Signs

th Distance from Intersection

85 Percentile Speed (kph)

<60 75 100
60 70 100 125
71 80 125 150
81 90 150 200
>90 180 250

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 63

4.6 Intersection Direction Signs (G2)

4.6.1 Function and Application

Intersection Direction signs supplement Advance Direction signs and should
be placed at more important intersections or decision points to show where
the intersecting roads lead. The principal destination for the route shall be
repeated on an Intersection Direction sign if it has been given on the
Advanced Direction sign. A distance indication should not be shown on
Intersection Direction signs as this distance is usually shown on the
Reassurance Direction sign beyond the intersection. (See Section 4.7).

Intersection Direction signs often perform two more other important functions:
 They can indicate to the motorist the presence of the intersection and
the precise point where a decision may be required; and,
 At complex channelized intersections, they can help to pinpoint the
exact direction to be followed.

Examples of Intersection Direction signs are G2-1; G2-2; G2-3 and G2-4.

M a n ila B a t a ng as

G2-1 G2-2

M a n i la L egas pi


M a n ila

4.6.2 Design and Layout

Intersection Direction signs shall be rectangular in shape with long axis
horizontal. They may be shaped to a point at one or both ends with a white
chevron inside the point to indicate the direction or directions to be followed.

They shall have a white legend and a border on a standard green

background, both reflectorized, except the road name panel, which has a
black legend on a white reflectorized white background and shall be square

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 64

4.6.3 Legend and Lettering
Lettering on Intersection Direction signs shall be lower-case with initial letters
in capitals for destinations. The size of lettering for the principal legend
should not be smaller than 140 Mod E/105 LC (see Section 7.3.1 in Appendix

A maximum of two legend lines, plus one road name (if applicable) can be
used on the same sign.

4.6.4 Location
Intersection Direction Signs should be located within or near the intersection
at the site where they are readily visible to the approaching motorists.

4.7 Reassurance Direction Signs (G3-1; G3-2)

4.7.1 Function and Shape

Re-assurance Direction signs may be used beyond intersections to reassure
motorists who are traveling towards their intended destination and to indicate
the distances to the desired destination. These signs are rectangular,
normally with the long axis horizontal. Where the signs contain more than
three destinations, they may be designed with long axis vertical.

4.7.2 Lettering and Legend

Lettering for destinations on Reassurance Direction signs shall be white (160
Mod E/120 LC minimum) on a standard green background. Distance
numerals shall be Modified Series E, the same size as the initial capital of the

Letters for route or street name, if shown, shall be black Series D or Series E
capital letters only, approximately same size as the lower case letters of the
destination names. The route name shall be on white panel.

If route number is provided it shall be on the left side of the route name.

Only major town names shall appear in the Re-assurance Direction sign. The
names shall appear in order of their distance from the intersection just
passed, with the shortest distance on the top of the sign.

A n g e le s 7 0
B a g u io 15 6

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 65

S a n P a blo 10

S a n J ose 9 0

4.8 Finger Board and Direction Signs for Less Important Roads (G4)

4.8.1 Purpose
At the less important intersections away from the National Highways, special
'Finger Board' type of signs are used to provide directions to towns, scenic
attractions, geographical interests, and to other local facilities such as post
offices, railway stations and aerodromes.

These signs are only used on local roads of lesser importance. They
shall not be used on National Roads.

Examples of Finger Board signs are shown in G4-1; G4-2 and G4-3.


G4-1 G4-2



4.8.2 Shape, Color and Reflectorization

Fingerboards shall be rectangular in shape with the long axis horizontal and
may be shaped to a point at one or both ends to indicate the direction or
directions to be followed, and should be reflectorized. The legend shall
generally be black with white reflectorized background.

Where a fingerboard is erected at the last junction with an access road

leading directly to a place of tourist interest recognized by the appropriate
local authority, it may have white legend on brown background.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 66

4.8.3 Lettering
The lettering on fingerboards should be either Series D or Series E. Series C
may be used for long destination names. Lettering on Finger Boards shall be
100 DM minimum and 140 DM maximum. Numerals shall be the same height
as the capital letters but in Series E.

4.8.4 Legend
The number on finger boards erected on a single post at an intersection
should be kept to a minimum, and should not exceed two for each direction of
travel. The name or names selected should include those given on the
advance direction signs if such signs are erected. Legends can be Road
Names or Destination Names with or without distance shown.

4.8.5 Distance Indication

The distance in kilometers to a destination shall be shown on fingerboards as
shown in G4-1. The legend km, after the distance numeral should not be

4.9 Street Name Signs (G5)

4.9.1 Purpose
Street Name signs inform road users of the names of roads and streets that
they are passing or entering.

4.9.2 Location and Height

Street Name signs should be located on posts as near as practical to the
intersection so that they are clearly visible to both pedestrians and drivers. In
addition to the name of the street, the sign may also carry the house number
range for one block.

Where the signs are erected in the footway, the height should be not less
than 2.2m or more than 3.0m measured to the bottom of the sign. Where
they are erected in a verge or at other locations clear of pedestrian ways, a
lower erection height may be adopted. Where two street name signs are to
be carried on a single post they should be erected at an angle indicated by
the streets so signed.

Street Name signs can also be mounted on Overhead signal masts or

attached to overpass structures.

4.9.3 Shape and Size

Street Name signs shall be rectangular in shape with their long axis
horizontal. The length of the signs should not be less than 500mm or more
than 1.2m. The vertical dimension is dependent upon the information given
on the sign; for signs containing both street name and house numbers, the
minimum shall be 200mm while signs having only the street names should
not be less than 150mm.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 67

4.9.4 Color
Street Name signs should preferably have white legend on blue or green
background. Other color combinations may be used provided red is not used
as a background color. Street name signs should be reflectorized.

4.9.5 Lettering and Numerals

Lettering on Street Name signs shall be capital letters not less than 100mm.
Series C letters may be used, but Series D is preferred where the length of
the legend can be contained within the allowable maximum length. Numerals
used for house numbers should not be less than 60mm. Lettering for
municipality names should preferably be capitals not greater than 40mm.

The following abbreviations are permitted:

Avenue AVE
Boulevard BLVD
Place PL
Crescent CRES
Road RD
Drive DR
Street ST
Lane L

Examples of Street Name signs (G5-1) and (G5-2) are shown below:

1 - 350


1 - 350




G5-1 G5-3

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 68

4.10 Town Names and Geographical Feature Signs (G6)

4.10.1 Application
This group of signs conveys to the motorist general information of interest,
such as geographical locations.

Town Names signs and names of local geographical interests such as the
name of a river, should be erected on the right side of the road at the
boundary or entrance to a town or the location of interest.

These types of signs shall be rectangular in shape with long axis horizontal.
They shall have black legend on white background. Lettering used should be
Series D or E capitals although Series C is permissible for long words. The
principal legend should not be smaller than 140mm for any sign located to
face approaching traffic. For signs erected with face parallel to the road
centerline, such as geographical boundary signs, letters smaller than 140mm
may be used.

Examples of these signs are shown in G6-1 (Town Name); G6-2 (Province
Name); G6-3 (Geographic Feature); and G6-4 (Local Government Boundary).

G6-1 G6-2

L A GU N A d e BA Y


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 69

4.11 Service Signs (G7)

4.11.1 Application
Generally, Service signs shall be rectangular in shape, generally with long
axis horizontal. They should have white legend on blue background and may
be fully reflectorized if the service is available for use by night.

The lettering on service signs shall have a minimum size of 120mm and
should be Series D or E.

Some of the typical Service Signs are shown as in G7-1, G7-2, G7-3, G7-4,
and G7-5 and symbols for most service signs with their meanings are shown
in Figure 4.2.


2 km S T A TION

G7-1 G7-2

G7-3 G7-3A



300 m


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 70

Figure 4.2 : Service Sign Symbols

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 71

4.12 Tourist Information and Tourist Destination Signs (G8)

Tourist Information signs having white legend on brown background may be

erected on an arterial road to denote places of public, scenic, historic or
cultural interest that are recognized by the appropriate authority and through
which the road passes. They may be erected also as fingerboards at the last
junction with an access road leading directly to the place of tourist interest.

Tourist Information signs are not intended to replace normal direction signs to
established tourist areas. However, they may be incorporated into normal
Direction Sign panel, but with a brown background to distinguish its tourist

Tourist Destination signs are designed similar to other directional signing with
legends in capital lettering with minimum size of 140 DM.

G8-1 G8-2

G8-3 G8-4

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 72

4.13 Route Markers (G9)

4.13.1 Purpose
The identification and general direction of arterial roads and national
highways that have significance as through routes can be achieved by the
display of Route Markers showing the number and direction of the route. The
route numbers can also be displayed on directional signs indicating the
appropriate national highway the motorists is on. A route numbering system
can only be successful when the route number is shown on the road maps
that are freely available to the motorists.

This chapter provides some basic design and application information for the
future implementation of a route marking system.

4.13.2 Design
The national highways could be identified by the shield (G9-1) that has black
numerals and border on reflectorized white background.

When erected as an individual sign, the size of the shield should be:
 310mm x 360mm, on national roads, and,
 410mm x 480mm, on expressways.

with Series C numerals, but for route markers with one numeral only, Series E
is used.

The size to be used at a particular location will depend on local conditions.

When Route Markers are incorporated in advance direction or direction signs,
their size will vary to suit the letter size used.

The direction of the route shall be indicated by arrow boards (G9-2 to G9-6
inclusive), located at top of the route marker (Fig. G9-8).

The direction of the arrows on the arrow board will depend on the road or
intersection geometry.

At the end of the route, the sign END (G9-7) shall be displayed.

Arrow boards and END signs shall have black arrows or legend and black
border on reflectorized white background.

4.13.3 Location of Route Markers

The Route Markers should be incorporated in the sign where advance
direction signs are erected at an intersection or junction.

Other Route Markers are located as follows:

 at all intersections and junctions where motorists need to be assured of
the route;

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 73

 beyond intersections and junctions before which markers have been
incorporated in the directional signs;
 beyond all intersections and junctions with important roads to indicate
the correct route number of the highway;
 just outside the built-up area leaving a city or town;
 in rural areas at intervals not less than 8 km, except where
reassurance signs have been erected beyond junctions located within
these limits;
 in urban areas at intervals of not more than 2 km except where
reassurance signs have been erected beyond junctions which are
spaced less than 2 km apart; and,
 at other locations where reassurance is considered to be desirable.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 74

4.14 Asian Highway Route Markers (G10)

4.14.1 Purpose
The Philippines is one of the 32 member countries of UN-ESCAP. As part of
our commitment, Route Markers and Directional Signs shall be put up along
the Asian Highway. Our country has been assigned the Asian Highway route
number AH26. The route links major seaports and cities in the country
comprising mostly of the Daang Maharlika which commence from Laoag-
Manila Legaspi-Matnog (Ferry) Allen-Tacloban (- Ormoc-(Ferry)-Cebu )
Liloan (Ferry) Surigao-Davao (- Cagayan de Oro) General Santos-
Zamboanga. The total length of AH 26 is about 3,517 kilometers. The main
purpose is to identify general direction of arterial roads of the Asian Highways
that have significance as through routes.
The Route Shield can also be displayed on directional signs to easy identify
the route. To make the Asian Highway Route identification more successful,
this shield (G10-1) should be shown on the road maps that are freely
available to the motorists.

This chapter provides some basic design and application information for the
implementation of Asian Highway Route marking system.

4.14.2 Design
The Asian Highway could be identified by the shield (G10-1) that has a white
retro reflective letters, numerals and border on retro-reflective blue

When erected as an individual sign, the size of the shield should be:
 600mm x 750mm, on national roads, and,
 720mm x 900mm, on expressways.

Kilometer number (W8-4) can also be supplemented under the shield to aid
the motorist on which point of the route he is in to. The kilometer number shall
have black legends and border on retro-reflective yellow background.

Supplemental arrow board signs can also be installed and shall have black
arrows or legend and black border on reflectorized white background.

The direction of the arrows on the arrow board will depend on the road or
intersection geometry.
 In rural areas at intervals of not exceeding 10 km and not less than 5
km, except where reassurance signs have been erected beyond
junctions located within these limits;
 In urban areas at intervals of not more than 5 km except where
reassurance signs have been erected beyond junctions which are
spaced less than 2 km apart; and,

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 75

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 76

 Typical incorporation of AH 26 Shield on Stack Sign G1-1

 Typical incorporation of AH 26 Shield on Intersection Directional
Sign G2-1

4.14.4 Asian Highway Leg Marker Sign (G1-1, G1-2, G1-3, G1-4)

At the start of each segment or leg of the Asian Highway, a gantry type marker shall
be put-up comprising of three types of overhead signage.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 77

The first is G1-1 (2440mm x 1700mm) which will appear only on both ends of the
highway. This sign shall have reflectorized white legend on reflectorized blue
background; with AH26 shield. It describes the various segments of the Asian
Highway 26.


G1-2 (2440mm x 1700mm) This sign shall have reflectorized white legend on
reflectorized blue background; with AH shield, kilometer box and a map describing
the total length of the Asian Highway 26 section.


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 78

G1-3 (2050mm x 1700mm) This sign shall have reflectorized white legend on
reflectorized blue background; It informs the motorist on what jurisdictional region
district the next segment is in to.


G1-4 (variable x 1700mm) This sign shall have reflectorized white legend on
reflectorized blue background; with AH26 shield, informing the motorist of the name
of the road ahead and its distance.


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 79


5.1 General

The Directional Signs described in previous sections are also applicable to

expressways. However, because expressways are designed to carry traffic at
high speed, it is essential that drivers be given adequate advance information
to ensure that they can position their vehicles in the correct lanes to
undertake the correct maneuvers and so ensure that delayed decision making
is kept to a minimum.

Where there are long distances between interchanges, it is necessary to keep

drivers informed of the distances to the destinations ahead. The general
principles of color, shape, size of letters and letter spacing have been
described in Sections 4.2.1 to 4.2.6. Most expressway signs should have
Series E letters, with recommended minimum requirement of 160 Mod E for
Approach signs and 240 Mod E-400 Mod E on the Expressway.

The following are the Advance Direction signs exclusively to be used on

expressways that are not normally used on ordinary highways.

5.2 Expressway Approach Signs (GE1-1, GE1-2 and GE1-3)

These signs shall have reflectorized white legend on reflectorized green

background so that they are visible at night.

The signs are to be installed in advance or at the nearest intersection or

interchange leading to the expressway.

T o T o

N ort h L u z on M M S ky w a y

E x pressw a y S y st em

GE1-1 GE1-2

T o E x pressw a y

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 80

5.3 Expressway Information Signs (GE2)

5.3.1 Prohibited on Expressway (GE2-1A; GE2-1B; GE2-1C)

Certain classes of traffic may be prohibited from traveling on an expressway.
Where this occurs, the appropriate signs PROHIBITED ON EXPRESSWAYS
should be erected on the roads leading to the entry ramps. The location of
the signs will depend upon local conditions. They may best be associated
with one of the signs, giving advance direction to the expressway so that
prohibited users may read the signs and take appropriate action before
reaching the entry ramp. The signs shall have reflectorized white legend on
reflectorized light-green background.


GE2-1A GE2-1B


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 81

5.3.2 Toll Charges (Advance Information) (GE2-2)
The Advance Toll Charges Information sign is to be located in advance to the
Toll Plaza to inform motorists the amount of toll charges required to pay at the
toll plaza.



M OT OR C Y C L ES 2 0

C A RS A N D V A N S 8 0
C A RS Trailer 10 0
Under 2 t 2 0 0
V EH ICL E 2 t and
Over 3 0 0


5.3.3 Lane Direction Signs (GE2-3)

Lane Direction signs are used to guide the motorist onto correct lanes leading
to an intersection or an interchange. Method of mounting of Lane Direction
signs on overhead gantries is referred to in Figure 4.1.

Typical examples of the design are shown in GE2-3.

M a ka t i


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 82

5.4 Advance Exit Signs (GE3-1; GE3-2; and GE3-3)

Advance Exit signs shall be erected in advance of an exit ramp to advice

drivers of the principal destinations to be reached from the exit ramp, and /or
the distance to the exit point. Not more than two destinations should be
shown on the sign. This series consists of the following types:
 GE3-1 Advance Exit with distance;
 GE3-2 Advance Exit with Distance plus RIGHT LANE and, where
applicable, a route marker could be included; and,
 GE3-3 Supplementary Advance (NEXT EXIT).

C a la m ba
E X IT 2 km
GE3-1 A la ba n g
E X IT 1 km

A la ba n g GE3-2

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 83

5.5 Expressway Exit Direction Signs (GE4-1; GE4-2; GE4-3; GE4-4)

Exit signs with Destination (GE4-1) shall be erected overhead before the exit
ramp of the interchange.

The NEXT EXIT..KM (GE4-2) is placed below the first advance exit sign at
an interchange where it is desirable to inform drivers that it will be an
unexpectedly long distance before they again leave the expressway.

The EXIT (GE4-3) sign is always placed at the exit ramp gore, 20m to 30m
back from the physical nose. The GE-3A version is used where exits are


GE4-1 GE4-3A

E X32 I T

GE4-2 GE4-3

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 84

5.6 Expressway Service Signs (GE5)

Signing to services on or off expressways can either be:

 to services provided on the expressway such as a rest area, truck
parking area or a service center; or,
 to services provided off the expressway such as Restaurants, Gasoline
Stations, and Information Center.

Typical signs with nominal sizes are shown in the following table:

Table 5.1: Expressway Service Signs

Sign Sign Number Size (mm)

Rest Area Right Lane 2km 2800 X 1500
Rest Area 2km GE5-2 2500 X 1100
Rest Area GE5-3 1500 X 1800
Service Center 2km GE5-4 2800 X 1500
Truck Parking 2km GE5-5 2240 X 1800
Restaurant Next Exit GE5-6 3240 X 1800
Truck Parking exit GE5-7 2800 X 1800

5.6.1 Rest Area (GE5-1 to GE5-3)

Rest areas adjacent to an expressway are usually located away from the
main carriageway via a ramp so that other guide signs do not influence the
signs directing traffic to them.

The principles to be followed for signs on the approaches to a rest area are
similar to those applying to other exit ramps. An advance exit sign should be
located 2 km from the exit ramp, followed at 1 km by a second sign giving
directions to the lane to be used for exit.

The sign GE5-3A or GE5-3B shall be erected in the foregoing direction by

arrow to the rest area. It may have its long axis vertical GE5-3A or horizontal
GE5-3B to suit the location, and being in the fore, should be erected on a
breakaway post. All rest area signs shall have a reflectorized white legend on
reflectorized blue background.

2 km
2 km
GE5-1 GE5-1A

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 85

2 km

GE5-2 GE5-3

5.6.2 Other Expressway Service Signs (GE5-4; GE5-5; GE5-6)

These signs include advance information for SERVICE CENTER (GE5-4);
TRUCK PARKING (GE5-5) facilities or other facilities off the expressway.
The advance information signs should be followed by exit signs showing
these facilities (e.g., GE5-7).


2 km 2 km
GE5-4 GE5-5

GE5-6 GE5-7

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 86

5.7 End of Expressway (GE6-1; GE6-2; GE6-3; GE6-4)

A warning of the end of an expressway is provided by Sign (GE6-1) at 1 km

or 2 km (GE6-1A) in advance. This should be followed by a CHECK
BRAKES sign (S1-4E) and REDUCE SPEED NOW Sign (GE8-2) at
approximately 400m from the end of the expressway. The END EXPRWAY
sign GE6-3 is placed at the end of the expressway. All these signs have
white legend on reflectorized light-green background.

Examples of design are shown in Appendix A. The nominal sign sizes are
shown in the following table:

Table 5.2: End of Expressway Signs

Sign Sign Number Size (mm)

END EXPRWAY 1 Km GE6-1 2300 X 1500
END EXPRWAY 2 Km GE6-1A 1200 X 600
START EXPRWAY GE6-2 900 x 450
END EXPRWAY GE6-3 900 X 450

32 32
1 km 2 km

GE6-1 GE6-1A

32 R T E 32

GE6-2 GE6-3

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 87

5.8 Toll Signs (GE7-1; GE7-2; GE7-3)

5.8.1 General Application

Where a toll plaza is located on an expressway, it is necessary to provide the
motorist with advance warning of the toll barrier. At least, 2 km from the toll
plaza, a sign TOLL PLAZA AHEAD with distance (GE7-1) with black legend
on white background should be erected. At 400m from the toll plaza, the sign
REDUCE SPEED NOW (GE8-2) should be erected and at approximately
200m before the plaza, STOP AT TOLL GATES (GE7-2) with black legend on
white background should be erected. All signs shall be fully reflectorized.

Where toll plazas are also placed to collect tolls at exit ramps, an advance
warning of PAY TOLL AHEAD sign (GE7-3) followed by STOP AT TOLL
GATES (GE7-2) should be erected.

The Toll Signs shall be rectangular in shape, black legend on white

reflectorized background, except STOP AT TOLL GATES (GE7-2), which
requires red legend on reflectorized white background.

5.8.2 Sign Size

The toll signs associated with toll way applications are listed in the following

Table 5.3: Toll Signs

Sign Sign Number Size (mm)

Toll Plaza Ahead GE7-1 2600 X 1600
Stop At Toll Gates GE7-2 1600 X 1900
Pay Toll Ahead GE7-3 2400 X 1200

2 km GA T E S A H E A D

GE7-1 GE7-2 GE7-3

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 88

5.9 Expressway Traffic Instruction and Regulatory Signs (GE8)

These special signs are normally exclusively for expressways. These signs
are normally rectangular in shape with black legend and white reflectorized
background except WRONG WAY GO BACK (GE8-1) and REDUCE
SPEED NOW (GE8-2), which have white legend on reflectorized red
background. Other Regulatory Signs such as Speed Restriction signs belong
to the normal Regulatory Sign series.

Traffic Instruction signs associated with expressway use are shown in the
following table:

Table 5.4: GE8 Signs

Sign Sign Number Size (mm)

Wrong Way Go Back GE8-1 2300 X 1470
Reduced Speed Now GE8-2 2600 X 2000
Right Lane Ends ..m GE8-3 1600 X 1700
Right Lanes Ends Merge Left GE8-4 2700 X 1700
Lane Ends Merge Left GE8-5 2700 X 1400
Merge Left GE8-6 1750 X 1500
Slow Vehicle Use Right Lane GE8-7 2400 X 2950
Check Brakes S1-4E 2000 X 1100
Speed Limit Sign R4-1(XXX) 900/1200mm Disc
Minimum Speed Limit R4-3 (XX) 900/1200mm Disc
Speed De-restrictions R4-2 900/1200mm Disc

5.9.1 Wrong Way Go Back (GE8-1)

The WRONG WAY GO BACK sign (GE8-1) is
used to inhibit wrong way movements by drivers
attempting to enter the wrong road either:
W A Y  via an exit ramp; or,

GO B A C K  at an at-grade intersection.

GE8-1 This sign is located at approximately 200m from

the ramp terminal or intersection, is to be duplicated on both sides of the
ramp or road.

This sign is only used on expressways.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 89

5.9.2 Reduce Speed Now (GE8-2)
The REDUCED SPEED NOW sign is used in
advanced of the end of an expressway. It is
R E D U C E desirably located at 300m to 500m in advance of
the end of the expressway where a low speed or
S P E E D stop condition may occur at the expressway
N OW terminal. The sign may be used in advance of any
other conditions on an expressway or ramp where
experience shows that drivers are approaching too fast
GE8-2 for safety.

To be effective, drivers need to see a purpose for slowing down and therefore
other signs should be erected in conjunction with this sign, e.g., END

5.9.3 Right Lane Ends 500m (GE8-3)

The RIGHT LANE ENDS 500m sign is located
approximately 500m from the start of merge taper, to give
R IGH T the first warning of a lane drop. Due to site constraints,
L A N E the distance may be reduced to 300m in exceptional
5 0 0 m

5.9.4 Right Lane Ends, Merge Left (GE8-4); Lane Ends Merge Left (GE8-5);
Merge Left (GE8-6); Slow Vehicles Use Right Lane (GE8-7) Signs
The RIGHT LANE ENDS, MERGE LEFT sign is located 180m to 220m from
the start of the merge taper. The LANE ENDS MERGE LEFT sign is used
where the opportunity exists to place the sign directly above the terminating
lane, e.g., on a sign gantry in the vicinity of an exit.

In all cases the MERGE LEFT sign is placed at the start of the merger taper.

Three equally spaced merge arrows should also be marked in the lane which


GE8-4 GE8-5

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 90


GE8-6 GE8-7

The SLOW VEHICLES USE RIGHT LANE (GE8-7) sign is used to direct slow
moving vehicles to keep right and allow faster vehicles to overtake on the left lane.

5.9.5 Check Brakes (S1-4E)

The CHECK BRAKES sign is used in conjunction with
REDUCE SPEED NOW sign on the Expressway. It is
normally used as a supplementary sign to Steep
Decent warning sign (W5-4) on major highways (see
also Section 6.3.2). This sign used on the expressway
S1-4E should be designed with 240 EM minimum legend size.


Special Instruction signs are those used at locations where ordinary guide
and regulatory signs do not achieve the desired result. These signs instruct
the motorist to follow a direction or to obey a course of action.

Traffic Instruction signs are normally not regulatory signs but are used in
conjunction with regulatory or warning signs to form a standard treatment,
and to support the operation of traffic rules.

Some Traffic Instruction signs are exclusively used on Expressways. These

are included in Chapter 5.

6.1 Design

These signs are generally rectangular in shape, with white reflectorized

background and black legends. Legends must be concise and specific and
letter size adopted will depend on the usage but in general should not be
smaller than 80mm D or E series.

An Instruction sign should not carry long messages and where possible no
more than five (5) lines of message should be used. Other design criteria
should be based on those for guide signs.

6.2 Type

Two major types of Instruction signs are used, namely, Supplementary signs
and Movement Instruction signs.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 91

6.3 Supplementary Signs (S1)

These signs include those which are normally used in conjunction with other
signs, either Warning Signs (W) or Regulatory Signs (R).

Sign sizes are as follows:

Table 6.1: Supplementary Signs

Sign Sign Number Size

USE OVERPASS S1-1 600 X 300
S1-3A 800 X 600
S1-3B 1000 X 750
CHECK BRAKES S1-4 620 X 420

6.3.1 Use Overpass (S1-1); Use Pedestrian Crossing (S1-2)

(S1-2) signs are used in conjunction with NO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING disc

S1-1 S1-2

6.3.2 Trucks Use Low Gear (S1-3); Check Brakes (S1-4)

The TRUCKS USE LOW GEAR sign is used in conjunction with the STEEP
DECENT warning sign (W5-4) at the top of long and steep downgrades. It
should be erected between the warning sign and the start of the down grade,
or immediately below the warning sign to match the sign size. The CHECK
BRAKES sign (S1-4) is also used in conjunction with W5-4, and should be
erected at approximately 300m after the warning sign. The CHECK BRAKES
sign is also used on the approach to the end of an expressway. See also
Section 5.9.5.

S1-3 S1-4

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 92

6.4 Movement Instruction Signs (S2)

Movement Instruction signs included in this series are shown in the following

Table 6.2: S2 Signs

Sign Sign Number Size

REDUCE SPEED S2-1 1500 X 750
S2-8A 600 X 400
S2-8B 900 X 600
ROAD CLOSED S2-9 900 X 550
FORM ONE (TWO) LANE S2-10 600 X 800
ALT ROUTE for TRUCKS and BUSES S2-11 2100 X 350

6.4.1 Reduce Speed (S2-1)

The REDUCE SPEED sign may be erected at sites
where the approach speed of traffic is high and the
R E D3U C E majority of drivers must slow down and may be
required to stop. It shall be erected in conjunction
S P EED with the appropriate standard warning sign (see
Section 3.0 on Warning Signs) so that the reason for
S2-1 the reduction in speed is apparent to a driver.

REDUCE SPEED signs should not be erected instead of other standard

warning devices and signs, and generally should not be erected unless the
other devices have proved to be, or likely to be ineffective. They should not
be regarded as a cure for every high-speed traffic situation; indiscriminate
and frequent use will destroy the impact, which the sign, properly used, has
on approaching drivers.

REDUCE SPEED signs should be erected 60m to 120m in advance of the

appropriate warning sign so that both signs are visible at once to an
approaching driver.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 93

6.4.2 Stop Here On Red Signal (S2-2)
The STOP HERE ON RED SIGNAL sign shall be used near
the flashing signals located at railway level crossings or in any
other situation where a vehicle is required to stop at a red
signal and the position at which the vehicle must stop is not
readily apparent.


6.4.3 Turn Left with Care (S2-3L)

The sign TURN LEFT WITH CARE may be erected at an
TU RN intersection controlled by traffic signals where there is no
control on a left turn movement and where a separate lane
for turns has been provided. The process is called the "left-
WIT H filter scheme.


6.4.4 Turn Right Anytime with Care (S2-3R)

erected at channelized signalized intersections where a right
turning lane is segregated by a traffic island.


6.4.5 Low Clearance Ahead High Vehicles Detour (S2-4)

The advance warning of low clearance of a
structure ahead (such as a bridge, or an
overpass) for high vehicle detour shall be
erected in advance of a junction with a
S2-4L (R)

6.4.6 Detour for ... Vehicles (S2-4A)

The DETOUR FOR ... VEHICLES sign is erected at the junction with an
alternative route where certain classes of vehicles may be unable to negotiate
the through route. The words HIGH, HEAVY, WIDE or LONG may be used,
as appropriate, on the sign.

S2-4AL S2-4AR

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 94

6.4.7 Give Way to Pedestrians (S2-5)
The GIVE WAY TO PEDESTRIANS sign is used only
at signalized intersections where there is a need to
remind drivers of right or left-turning vehicles that
although they are still under the control of the
intersection signals, they must give way to
S2-5 pedestrians.

The sign may be required at or before a marked pedestrian crossing that is

outside the intersection area. This situation occurs at staggered intersection
and at pedestrian crossings not parallel to the road from which vehicles turn
to cross them.

The sign should not be used except in these special circumstances because
indiscriminate use would reduce the effectiveness of the general regulation
applying at signalized intersection.

6.4.8 No Right Turn On Red Signal (S2-6)

The NO RIGHT TURN ON RED SIGNAL is used at signalized
locations where right turn on red signal will cause conflict
problems either with through vehicles or with pedestrians.


6.4.9 Slow Vehicles Use Right Lane (S2-7); Mabagal Na Sasakyan Mamalagi
Sa Kanan (S2-7A)
MAMALAGI SA KANAN sign shall be erected on the left side of a road at the
beginning of the taper leading to a lane for slow-moving vehicles.

S2-7 S2-7A

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 95

6.4.10 Trak At Bus Mamalagi Sa Kanan Maliban Kung Lulusot (S2-7B)

MALIBAN KUNG LULUSOT sign is used on major
M A M A L A GI roads, particularly where a public utility vehicle lane
SA KA NA N is installed.

6.4.11 No Through Road (S2-8)
The NO THROUGH ROAD sign, either S2-8A or S2-8B should be used
where there is a possibility that through traffic may enter a dead-end local
road in error. A suitable place to erect the sign is underneath the street name
sign in the side road. Otherwise, it should face drivers likely to turn into the
road. Signs smaller than those specified may be used for some minor
residential street situations.

S2-8A S2-8B
6.4.12 Road Closed (S2-9)
The ROAD CLOSED sign should be erected in the
center of a road that is closed to vehicular traffic. It
should be erected in conjunction with a permanent
barrier across the road.


6.4.13 Form 1 (2) Lane (s) (S2-10)

This sign is used to instruct drivers to form into appropriate
number of lanes. It is usually erected in conjunction with LANE
ENDS MERGE LEFT (W9-4) signs.

6.4.14 Alternative Route (For Trucks and Buses) (S2-11)
This sign is used to indicate an alternative
for some types of vehicles when the normal
S2-11 route may not be accessible for any reason.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 96


7.1 General

This section covers the standard forms of hazard markers. The most
commonly used forms and sizes are given. The hazard markers used for
road works are not included in this chapter. They are separately provided in
the Road Works Safety Manual.

7.2 Function

Hazard Markers are used to emphasize to the approaching driver a marked

change in the direction of travel and the presence of an obstruction

7.3 Design

Hazard Markers are rectangular and generally consist of a series of alternate

black and white bands. The white portion is always reflectorized. The bands
may consist of either diagonal strips where only a target is required or of
chevron where directional, as well as target, properties are desirable.

In recent years for single chevron one-directional markers, red chevron

symbol on white reflectorized background is used in some countries and has
also been adopted in the Philippines. This alternative is also included.

For the shapes illustrated, both size of board and the number and spacing of
the bands or chevrons may be varied to suit visibility requirements.

7.4 Types of Markers

The types of markers and their overall sizes are shown in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Types of Hazard Markers

Name Hazard Marker Number Typical Size

One-Way Hazard HM 1A 450 X 600

Markers HM 1B 600 X 800

HM 2 1600 X 400

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 97

Name Hazard Marker Number Typical Size

Two-Way Hazard HM 4A 2000 X 400


HM 4B 1200 X 400

HM 5 400 X 1000

Width Marker
(L or R) HM 6A 225 X 450
HM 6B 450 X 900

Obstruction Marker HM 3 1800 X 400

7.4.1 One-Way Hazard Markers (HM1)

One-Way hazard markers indicate to the approaching driver the direction to
be followed if the marker appears in the driving path. They may point to the
left or right as appropriate and are used as follows:
 to delineate an abrupt narrowing of pavement, for example, at a lane
 at exposed ends of raised median islands where traffic is required to
pass to one side;
 on central island of a roundabout facing entering traffic; and,
 to delineate the curve approach just prior to entering an intersection.

The HM1 chevron Hazard Marker shall generally be used to delineate curves
where visibility is poor, or with restricted sight lines.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 98

7.4.2 Chevron Signs

The Chevron Signs (HM -1A and HM - 1B should be used to guide drivers
through a change in horizontal alignment of the road. Chevron signs should
be used to supplement any of the advance warning signs, the Horizontal
Alignment Signs (W Types) or the standard Guide Posts and Delineators.

7.4.2a Design

The chevron sign shall be a vertical rectangle. No border shall be used on the
chevron sign.

The point of the arrow in chevron shall indicate the direction of travel. They
shall be visible for at least 150m to provide the road user with adequate time to react
to the change in alignment. The minimum lateral offset of the chevron sign shall be
1.8m from the edge of the pavement.

The chevron signs shall be installed on the outside of the curve, set up
aligned with the approaching traffic at right angle to a drivers line of sight. Two-sided
chevron signs may be used on two-lane, two-way roads to guide drivers travelling in
both directions.

It is recommended that the spacing of the chevrons signs should allow the
driver to see at least three (3) signs in view while negotiating the curve , until the
change in alignment eliminates the need for the signs.

Chevron signs shall be mounted clear of roadside vegetation and clearly

visible under headlight illumination by night. Chevrons should be installed 1.5m
above the ground in rural areas and 2.2m in urban areas. The recommended spacing
for chevrons within a curve is shown below.

Table 7.2: Recommended Spacing for Chevron Signs

The above spacing distances shall apply to points within the curve. Approach and departure spacing
distances shall be twice those shown above.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 99

Table 7.3: Types of Chevron Signs

Figure 7.4: Butterfly Support of Chevron Signs

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 100

Figure 7.5: Spacing of Chevron Signs

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 101

7.4.3 Two-way Hazard Markers (HM-4A, HM-4B, HM-5)
The Two-Way Hazard Markers are used where it is necessary to delineate an
exposed obstruction on a traffic island nose at which traffic may pass to either
side. This sign can be used on a wide column of an overpass structure, or a
median island separating the carriageway with traffic proceeding in the same

The HM 4A Hazard Marker is also placed opposite the stem of a T-junction as

a target, and for guidance of traffic approaching along the terminating road.
They are generally used on rural road and at poorly lit intersections. The
marker should be mounted on an appropriate height to ensure the maximum
reflectivity of the sign and to avoid frequent cleaning due to dust and dirt
splashed onto the sign.

7.4.4 Width Marker (HM6)

Width Markers are used at approaches to road bridges:
 where clearance to bridge curb from the edge of the running lane is
less than the shoulder or curb width of the approach road;
 where there are non-frangible vertical obstructions less than 600mm
clear behind the bridge curb; and,
 where any bridge less than 2m wider than the approach pavement or
running portion of the carriageway.

The size of markers to be used is as follows:

 A size rural area where average traffic volume is less than 300
vehicles per day; and,
 B size all other cases.

7.4.5 Obstruction Markers (HM3)

The Obstruction Markers are used to delineate obstructions within or above
the road.

Typical uses of these markers are:

 To highlight road closures, either mid-block or at the end of a road
(e.g., cul-de-sac, service road).

To delineate vertical clearance above the road where height restrictions exist,
i.e., overhead structures that require the display LOW CLEARANCE XXm
(W9-1B) or R6-3.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 102


8.1 Guide Posts

8.1.1 General
Guide posts are used to mark the edge of the road formation. They assist the
road users by indicating the alignment of the road ahead, especially at
horizontal and vertical curves.

8.1.2 Design and Application

The minimum requirement for a standard guide post shall be a post 1000 +/-
50mm high, with a white area at least 100mm wide over at least the upper
300mm of the post displayed towards on-coming traffic, double sided on a
two-way carriageway. If 1000mm high posts obstruct the visibility across the
inside of a curve, the overall height may be reduced to 600mm minimum (see
Figure 8.1).

8.1.3 Installation
Guide posts should be erected at or near the edge of the road formation with
a uniform distance from the pavement edge. The nominal spacing of
guideposts on a straight section of road shall be 150m, with posts in pairs,
one on each side of the formation.

On curves, the spacing in meters to be used is given as follows:

 Curve radii up to 150m Spacing = 0.3R + 5
 Curve radii over 150m Spacing = 0.6R, Where R = curve radius
in meters.

Nominal spacing of Guide Posts on straights and curves are shown in Table

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 103

Figure 8.1: Typical Guide Post

Table 8.1: Spacing of Guide Posts

Spacing (m)(2)
(1) (3)
Curve Radius (m) Outside of Curve Inside of Curve

<100 6 12
100 199 10 20
200 299 15 30
300 399 20 40
400 499 30 60
600 799 40 60
800 1199 60 60
1200 2000 90 (4) 90 (4)
(4) (4)
> 2000 including 150 150


(1) Where the radius of curve of an existing curve is not available from the
record, it may be determined approximately by measuring the middle
ordinate offset from a chord of known length using the edge of
pavement or marked separation line as a guide
(2) On guard fence, spacing should be adjusted, if necessary, to the
nearest multiple of post spacing.
(3) Post on inside of curve to be placed opposite to post on outside of
curve where possible.
(4) Reduce to 60m in areas subject to fog.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 104

8.2 Delineators

8.2.1 General
Delineators are small reflective panels or buttons mounted on guideposts or
guard fence as an effective aid to delineate the roadway for driving at night.

8.2.2 Design and Application

Delineators are made of reflective materials capable of reflecting light clearly
visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of 300-500m
when illuminated by the upper beam of a standard automobile head lamp.

When used on through roadways, delineators shall be single white reflective

unit 100mm x 50mm placed on the right hand side of a two way and on both
sides of a one-way road. Where delineators are used on the left at a
hazardous right hand curve on a two way road they may be bi-directional;
i.e., delineators with a double face visible from both directions or two
delineators with single face mounted back to back.

Delineators should be used at pavement width change, and changes in

vertical and/or horizontal alignment.

8.2.3 Installation
Generally, delineators are placed on guideposts near the edge of the
shoulder at a height such that the lower edge of the reflecting surface should
not be less than 500mm above the pavement surface level. Delineators
should be located at intervals not exceeding 30m with closer spacing on
curves. Guidepost should be erected such that the reflective surface of the
delineators would be approximately 300mm from the outer edge of the

Figure 8.2: Placement of Delineator on Guard Fence

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 105

8.3 Linear Delineation System (LDS)

8.3.1 General
Linear Delineation System is intended for the linear reflectorization of
concrete barriers and/or metal guardrails. The panels shall be available in
white, red, fluorescent yellow and fluorescent orange colors. The panels are
fabricated from Type II materials and are laminated onto a thin gauge of
galvanized iron or aluminum and formed to a unique shape designed to
provide highly effective, longlife daytime and nighttime visibility in typical
roadway barrier configurations.

8.3.2 Design and Application

The panels shall be constructed using at least Type II retro-reflective
materials in standard highway colors permanently bonded to Galvanized Iron
or an Aluminum sheeting substrate, with a standard length of 86.36 cm (34
inches) 91.44 cm (36 inches) is the actual length of the panel prior to
formation) and in 10.16 cm. (4 inches) or 15.24 cm. (6 inches) widths. The
LDS panels will provide continuous linear delineation by installing the panels
edge to edge with a recommended spacing of 46 cm. (18 inches) between
panels, especially into and around a curve. For panels installed on barriers or
guardrails running parallel with traffic, the spacing can be at a maximum of
91.44 cm. (36 inches) between panels.

8.3.3 Installation
Linear delineators are placed on concrete barriers, metal guardrails, parapet
block type barriers, and concrete safety barriers on roadways and
interchanges. Its either bolted or welded at a height such that the lower edge
of the reflecting surface should not be less than 500mm above the pavement
surface level. Linear delineators should be located at intervals not exceeding
46 cm.

FIGURE 8.3: LDS Panel Detailed Drawing

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 106



Edge hemmed

Reflective Sheeting


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 107



May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 108


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 109


9.1 Functions and Limitations of Pavement Markings

A system of clear and effective pavement markings is essential for the

guidance and control of vehicles and pedestrians. They take the form of
lines, symbols, messages, or numerals, and may be set into the surface of,
applied upon, or attached to the pavement. In some cases, pavement
markings are used as a supplement to other traffic control devices, such as
traffic signals and road signs. In other instances, they may simply guide
traffic or give advance warning or they may impose restrictions supported by
traffic regulations. Pavement markings have definite limitations:
 They are subject to traffic wear and require proper maintenance;
 They may not be clearly visible if the road is wet or dusty (e.g., near
shoulder edge or median);
 They may be obscured by traffic;
 Their effect on skid resistance requires careful choice of materials;
 They cannot be applied on unsealed roads.

Pavement markings may create confusion to road users if not properly

applied. Unless new pavement markings will directly overlay worn-out ones,
old pavement markings should be scraped off and totally erased, and road
surface is resealed before new pavement markings are installed. Likewise,
when raised pavement markers on concrete roads are used to supplement
reflectorized painted markings, the painted markings should be completed
before the raised pavement markers are laid. Where a road on which raised
pavement markers have been installed is to be resealed, all markers shall be
removed and holes repaired just prior to resealing.

9.2 Legal Authority

Pavement markings shall only be applied and/or removed by the DPWH or an

authority to which these powers are delegated.

All pavement marking plans must be approved by the DPWH before


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 110

9.3 Standardization

Pavement markings shall be uniform in design and application. As in the

case with all other traffic control devices, it is imperative that markings be
uniform so that they may be recognized and understood instantly by all
drivers. The DPWH, on request, will furnish the Regional and District Offices,
local traffic authorities, material suppliers/manufacturers and similarly
interested agencies, detailed drawings of the standard designs and locations.

9.4 Types of Markings

Markings as defined for the purposes of this manual are classified into the
following groups.

9.4.1 Pavement and curb markings

 Longitudinal lines which are those laid in the direction of travel.
These include: Center Line; Lane Line; Double Yellow Line; No-
Passing Zone Markings; Pavement Edge Line; Continuity Lines; and,
Transition Line;
 Transverse Lines which are laid across the direction of travel. These
include Stop Line; Give Way Lines; Pedestrian Crossing Markings;
and, Roundabout Holding Lines;
 Other lines, which include: Turn Lines; Parking Bays; Painted Median
Islands; and, Bus & PUJ Lane Lines; and,
 Other markings which include: approach markings to islands and
obstructions; Chevron marking; diagonal markings; Markings on Exit
and Entrance Ramps; Curb markings for Parking restrictions; Approach
to Railroad crossing; Messages and Symbols; and, Pavement Arrows.

9.4.2 Object Markings

 Object within the roadway; and,
 Object adjacent to the roadway.

9.4.3 Reflectorized Markings

 Retro-Reflector Raised Pavement Markers;
 Hazard markers (refer to Chapter 7); and,
 Delineators (refer to Chapter 8).

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 111

9.5 Materials

Road pavement markings should be of non-skid materials and should not

protrude more than 6mm above the level of the carriageway. Raised
pavement markers on concrete roads should not protrude more than 25mm
above the level of the carriageway. The following subsections describe the
commonly used materials for road markings.

9.5.1 Reflectorized Paint

Paint with glass beads, embedded or premixed can be applied either by hand
or with line marking machines. For proper reflectorization at night, the
amount of glass beads used should be no less than 0.45 kg and no more than
0.50kg per liter for drop-on and at least 30% for pre-mixed paints. Glass
beads also improve skid resistance.

Application of glass beads may either be:


As the name implies, glass beads are dropped onto pavement marking
materials as they are being applied. The thickness of the wet paint film
should be at least 60% of the nominal diameter of the drop-on glass beads,
which, varies from 0.40mm to 1.0mm.


Beads are mixed with the paint from the material source and the mixture is
applied directly to the pavement.

9.5.2 Pavement Marking Tape

Pavement marking tapes are retro-reflective pattern pavement markings that
can be used as an inlay or overlay marking on asphalt and concrete
pavement surfaces which are in good condition, pre-coated with Pressure
Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) on the bottom surfaces with retro-reflective layer of
glass beads bonded in a high durable polyurethane topcoat.

9.5.3 Raised pavement markers

These are studs of plastic, ceramic, aluminum, or cast iron, which are set into
the carriageway or attached to the road surface with adhesive. They must be
reflective (see Section 17). It can also be hot-applied reflective profiled
thermoplastic road marking materials.

9.6 Color of Pavement Markings

The color of pavement markings shall be white except for the alternative uses
of yellow as specified below:
 Double yellow no-passing lines;

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 112

 Unbroken portion of no-passing lines;
 Curb markings for prohibition of parking;
 On islands in line of traffic;
 Bus and PUJ lanes; and,
 Keep Intersection Open markings.

Red shall be used in:

 No Loading/Unloading Zone; and,
 Fire lane zone.

Black may be used in hazard markers to warn road users at locations where
the protruding objects such as bridge piers, traffic islands and other
permanent objects on or near the roadway. However, the use of black does
not establish it as standard color for pavement marking.

9.7 Types of Lines

Depending on the direction that lines are marked on the pavement, lines may
be longitudinal, transverse or oblique. Depending on the use and meaning of
such lines, they are either broken lines or solid lines.

A broken line shall consist of line segments with equal lengths separated by
uniform gaps. The speed of vehicles on the section of road or in the area in
question should be taken into account in determining the lengths of the line
strokes and of gaps between them.

A solid unbroken line is used where crossing of the line is either discouraged
or prohibited. It is generally used to replace or supplement a broken line
where required e.g., barrier lines, and center lines. Solid lines may be either
yellow or white depending whether or not crossing the line is legally

9.8 Width of Lines and Tolerance

The width of solid or broken lines varies from 100mm to 300mm depending
on the usage of the specified line. Transverse lines are usually wider
because of the angle at which the road user sees pavement markings on the
carriageway. Width of line markings shall conform to the following tolerances:
 Under 500mm in length +20% or 10%
 500mm or over but under 5m in length +10%
 5m in length or over +5%

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 113


For purposes of this Manual, the following terms are defined in conformity
with the 1968 Vienna Convention of the United Nations on Road Signs and

Road Markers means any traffic control device marked on the surface of
the carriageway used to regulate traffic or to warn or guide road users. They
are used either alone or in conjunction with other signs or signals to
emphasize or clarify their meaning. Median islands are not classified as road

Road means the entire surface of any street open to traffic, including
shoulder and sidewalk.

Highway shall mean any public thoroughfare, public boulevard, and

avenue, but shall not include roadway upon grounds owned by private
persons, colleges, universities, or other similar institutions.

Carriageway means the part of the road normally used by vehicular traffic.

Lane means one of the longitudinal strips from which the carriageway can
be divided, whether or not defined by longitudinal road markings.

Intersection means any level crossroad, junction, including open areas

formed by such crossroad.

Built-Up Area means an area with entries and exits especially sign posted
as such or otherwise defined in domestic legislation.

Domestic Legislation is the entire body of national or local laws and

regulations in force in the country.

Motor Vehicle shall mean any vehicle propelled by any power other than
the muscular power using the public highways, except heavy construction
equipments, trolley cars, street sweepers, sprinklers, lawn mowers,
amphibian trucks, and tractors, trailers and traction engines of all kinds used
exclusively for agricultural purposes.

Standing a vehicle is said to be standing if it is stationary for the time

needed to pick up or set down persons or to load or unload goods.

Parked a vehicle is said to be parked if it is stationary for the period during

which the vehicle is not limited to the time needed to pick up or set down
persons or goods.

Driver shall mean any and every licensed operator of a motor vehicle.

Road Users shall mean any persons using the road including drivers,
pedestrians, cyclists, and commuters.

Urban Roads roads where speed limit is 60 kph or less.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 114

Rural Roads - roads where speed limit is over 60 kph. Although there are
high-speed roads in the urban area, for the purpose of line marking, they are
defined as rural roads.


11.1 Center Line (or Separation Line)

A center line is used to separate opposite traffic movements of an undivided

roadway and is generally placed centrally on all roads and bridges 6.0m or
more in width. Under some circumstances this line may be placed off-center
(e.g., where an extra uphill traffic lane is provided or parking on one side of
the road only).

11.1.1 Warrants for Marking Center Lines

A center line may be marked on an urban or rural road if one or more of the
following conditions are met:
 Two lane road (greater than 6m in width) carrying an Annual Average
Daily Traffic (ADT) in excess of 1000 vehicles;
 Two lane road (less than 6m but more than 5m in width) carrying an
ADT in excess of 300 vehicles; and,
 Winding roads with widths of 5m or more. Irrespective of these
warrants, marking of other sections may be desirable where one of the
following conditions is present:

- Frequent horizontal or vertical curves, or both;

- Sub-standard curves;

- In areas subject to fog;

- On approaches to major roads;

- Where accident record indicates the need for center lines;

- Continuity of an arterial road; and,

- Heavy night traffic or tourist traffic, or both.

11.1.2 Center Line on Urban Roads

The center line on a two-lane urban road, where the 85th percentile speed (or
speed limit) is 60 kph or below, shall be a broken line with a minimum width of
150mm and equal line segments of 3m and equal gaps of 6m. For high
speed roads, line segments and gaps are the same as for rural roads.
However, a solid white line of 200 mm wide may be used in the following
 On roads with more than two lanes if not separated by median islands;
 Around a curve where no warrant exists for yellow barrier lines; and,

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 115

 On approaches to an intersection or junction.

Examples of center lines on urban roads are shown in Figures 11.1a and

11.1.3 Center Line on Rural Roads

The center line on a two-lane two-way rural road or any other road where the
85th percentile speed (or speed limit) is greater than 60 kph, shall be a broken
line, with a minimum width of 150mm and 3m long with gaps of 9m spacing.
A solid white line of 200mm wide may be used in the cases as specified for
Urban Roads (see section 11.1.2).

11.1.4 Center Lines at Bridges

Where approaches to bridges are lined marked, they shall be marked as
 If bridge is 5m or more between curbs, center lines (or separation line)
shall be continued across the bridge; and,
 If bridge is less than 5m between curbs, center lines shall be
discontinued 30m from the bridge abutments (see Figure 11.2).

11.2 Lane Line

A lane line is used to separate adjacent lanes of traffic moving in the same

Lane lines on roads with an 85th percentile speed (or speed limit) of 60 kph or
less shall have a minimum width of 150mm and 3m long with 6m gaps.

Lane lines on roads with 85th percentile speed (or speed limit) in excess of 60
kph shall be 150mm wide, 3m long and 9m gaps.

Lane lines must not be continued on the following cases:

 Across signalized intersections. However, lane lines of low priority
road must be discontinued at the intersection;
 Across side street entrances unless the street is one-way street (going
in only); and,
 Past the start of the taper at which a multi-lane road narrows down.

Lane lines are generally broken lines except where lane changing is to be
discouraged (but not prohibited) particularly on approaches to intersections.

Illustration of typical lane line installations is found in Figures 11.1a, 11.1b,

11.7 and 13.2.

As a guide, lane lines should be used in the following cases:

 Where the road is wide enough for two or more lanes of traffic in one
direction with a two way annual average daily traffic (AADT) of 8000 or
more (depending on whether parking is permitted);

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 116

 At approaches to widened or signalized intersection; and,
 On divided roads.

Where practical, the standard lane widths shall conform to the following table.

Table 11.1: Standard Lane Widths

Lane Width (m)

Urban Rural
Traveled Lanes 3.3 3.7
Traveled Lanes adjacent to curb 3.7 3.7
Parking Lanes 2.5 2.5

A lane width defined by lane lines may only be reduced to 2.75m in urban

A minimum of 2.5m is only permissible in special cases where a maximum

number of lanes must be made available such as at a signalized intersection
where provision must be made for the most efficient storage of stopped
vehicles. The center or innermost lanes of roads without median islands
should have a minimum width of 3m in urban areas and 3.5m in rural areas.

11.3 Barrier Lines

Barrier lines may consist of either:

 two unbroken yellow lines;
 single unbroken yellow line; or,
 single yellow line with a broken white line.

Double unbroken yellow lines should only be used where overtaking from
both directions of the road and all crossing movements are prohibited.
Vehicles must always keep to the right of the double yellow lines.

Single unbroken yellow line should be used where overtaking from both
directions of the road are prohibited. However, crossing movements are
permitted. Vehicles must always keep to the right of the double yellow lines.

Combinations of an unbroken yellow line and a white separation line have the
same regulatory significance as a double unbroken yellow line for vehicles
proceeding in the direction where the unbroken yellow line appears on the
right of the markings, but vehicles traveling in the other direction are permitted
to cross this line (see Figure 11.3).

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 117

The following are the cases where barrier lines should be used:
 As center lines on approaches to signalized intersections;
 As center lines of multi-lane roads where overtaking must be
prohibited, because of sight restrictions;
 No-Passing zones where there is a restricted sight distance due to
horizontal or vertical curves, or both; and,
 As center lines on approaches to railway crossings (see Figure 14.3).

The size of the double yellow lines shall be 150mm in width and shall have a
gap space of 100mm -150mm (max).

11.3.1 No-Passing Zones

No Passing zones shall be established at vertical and horizontal curves and
elsewhere on two and three-lane highways, where passing must be prohibited
because of dangerously restricted sight distance or other hazardous

The legal bases for the establishment of no-passing zones are as follows:
 The DPWH is hereby authorized to determine those portions of any
highway where overtaking and passing or driving to the left of the
roadway would be especially hazardous and may, by appropriate signs
or markings on the roadway, indicate the beginning and end of such
zones, and these markings should be clearly visible to an ordinarily
observant person. Every driver of a vehicle shall obey the directions
thereof; and,
 Where signs or markings are in place to define a no-passing zone as
set forth in Section 11.3.2 no driver shall at anytime drive on the left
side of the roadway within such no-passing zones or on the left side of
any pavement striping designed to mark such no-passing zones
throughout its length.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 118

Table 11.2: Guide for Marking No Passing Zones
85 Min. sight Min. length of Min. length of Min. distance
Percentile distance road with barrier Lines between
Speed (1.15m and sight distance barrier lines
1.15m) below the min. (if less, join
sight distance the lines)
(kph) (m) (m) (m) (m)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Roads with less than 1000 vehicles per day

All Speeds 150 25 75 125

Roads with more than 1000 vehicles per day

40 120 20 60 100
50 150 25 75 125
60 180 30 90 150
70 210 35 105 175
80 240 40 120 200
90 270 45 135 225
100 300 50 150 250
110 330 55 135 280
Over 110 360 60 180 300
Note: Refer to Figure 11.4.

11.3.2 Markings of No-Passing Zones

The methods and procedures applied to marking of No-Passing zones are
as follows:
 Vertical and horizontal curves on a two-lane sealed road shall be
marked as No-Passing zones in accordance with Table 11.2;
 Barrier lines shall not be marked unless the sight distance available
falls below the appropriate minimum sight distance for at least the
length shown in the tables (column 3);
 If the length of road, with sight distance below the minimum sight
distance, is less than the minimum length of barrier line shown in the
tables, the additional length of the marking shall be added to the
beginning of the zone (column 4); and,
 Where the distance between the end of one barrier line and the
beginning of the next barrier line restricting traveling in the same
direction is less than that shown in the tables, the barrier lines shall be
joined to form one continuous barrier line (column 5).

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 119

11.3.3 Methods for establishing No-Passing Zone
The beginning and the end of barrier lines for vertical and horizontal curves
shall be located as illustrated in Figure 11.4.

Methods for establishing No-Passing zones as illustrated are as follows:

Vertical Curves
 Start on upgrade side of curve proceeding in direction A as shown in
the sketch;
 When Bs target just drops out of As sight, mark the position of A (start
of barrier line in direction A) and the position of B (end of barrier line in
direction B);
 When Bs target again comes into As sight, mark the position of A (end
of barrier line in direction A) and the position of B (start of barrier line in
direction B);
 When the minimum sight distance is different in each direction the
barrier lines must be marked out separately in each direction; and,
 The curve is then spotted out in accordance with standard practice.

Horizontal Curves
 Start in advance of the curve on the pavement center line;
 When As view of B is obstructed, mark the position of A (the start of
the no passing zone for direction A) and the position of B (the end of
no-passing zone for direction B); and,
 When A can again see B, mark the position A (end of no-passing zone
for direction A) and the position of B (the start of no-passing zone for
direction B).

Before any road on which no-passing zones are marked is resealed or

resurfaced, the beginning and end of each barrier line in each direction
should be marked by wooden or steel stakes, painted white, at the left side of
the road.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 120

Climbing Lanes

A particular use of no-passing lines is associated with the provision of slow

moving vehicles or climbing lanes on one side of a two-lane pavement. The
center line of the two-lane pavement should be marked as follows (see Figure
 Double unbroken lines where visibility is restricted for downhill traffic;
 Where visibility is unrestricted for downhill traffic the double line should
be continued with an unbroken line on the side of uphill traffic and a
broken line on the side of downhill traffic.

11.4 Edge Line

The edge line is used to delineate the edge of the traveled way to distinguish
it from the shoulder area. It should be a solid white line between 100mm and
200mm wide. Studs, or raised pavement markers may be used in conjunction
with edge lines where there are paved shoulders.

The purpose of installing edge lines is generally based on the following:

 to discourage travel on road shoulders;
 to make driving safer and more assured, particularly at night and
during inclement weather by providing a continuous guide for the
 to act as a guide past objects which are close to the edge of pavement
and which constitute a hazard; and,
 to prevent parking at or near intersections.

On undivided roads and on roads of more than one lane, edge lines may be
used to supplement center or lane lines only on pavements 6.5m or more in
width, unless for special reasons such as poor alignment, fog or similar
conditions. For pavements less than 6.5m, edge lines should be used under
special conditions without lane or centerlines. On divided roads, edge lines
should be used at left-hand edge of each pavement if the median is not
curbed. They may also be used to delineate raised concrete curbs at median
or to define sealed or unsealed shoulders.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 121

Table 11.3: Recommended Width of Edge lines

Road Outer Edge

Type Lane Width Line Width

Urban 3.5m 100mm

3.5m 100mm
>3.5m 150-200mm

Expressway 4.0m 300mm

11.4.1 Pavement Edge

An edge line should not reduce an adjacent lane width to less than 3.5m.

Widths of edge line vary from 100mm to 300mm depending on the available
lane width and the prevailing speeds of the vehicles on the road. In general
the line widths applied should conform to Table 11.3.

11.4.2 Medians
Edge lines at raised medians are 100mm wide and placed with the center of
the line not more than 300mm from edge of the median curbing. The line
should not reduce the adjacent lane width to less than 2.75m in urban areas
and 3.5m in rural highways and expressways.

11.4.3 No Parking Zones

The road curb for No Parking Zones shall be painted yellow (See Figure
11.6). The limit of the No Parking Zone depends upon the implementing
Local Government Units. Further, No Parking Zones shall mean parking
prohibition at all times. If parking is to be permitted at times (e.g., outside
peak hours), then curb painting shall be supplemented with standard signs.

11.4.4 No Loading / Unloading Zones

Road curb for No Loading / Unloading Zones shall be painted red.

11.5 Continuity Line

A Continuity Line is used to indicate that portion of a carriageway assigned to

through traffic. It is intended to be crossed by traffic turning at an intersection,
or entering or leaving an auxiliary lane at its start or finish (see Figures 11.5,
11.7 and 13.2).

This line is generally 1m long, 100mm-200mm wide, with gaps of 1m.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 122

11.6 Transition Lines

Transition Lines are used to guide traffic safely past obstructions on roadways
such as islands, median strips, bridge piers or indicate changes in the width
of the traveled portion of the roadway and an increase or reduction in traffic

Lane, edge, separation or continuity lines may be used as transition lines

which ever is appropriate (see Figure 11.7). Minimum transition lengths shall
be in accordance with the prevailing speed of the road, as shown in the
following table.

Table 11.4: Length of Transition Lines

Speed Minimum Length per Meter

(kph) of Lateral Deviation
Diverging (m) Merging (m)
up to 60 9 27
80 12 36
100 15 45
110 17 50


Transverse lines are markings across the carriageway. Because of the low
angles at which the markings are viewed, it is necessary that all transverse
lines be proportionally widened to give visibility equal to that of longitudinal
markings or to avoid apparent distortion where longitudinal and transverse
lines are combined in symbols or letterings.

Transverse lines may be classified into the following types:

 Stop Lines;
 Give Way lines;
 Pedestrian Crossing Markings; and,
 Roundabout Holding Lines.

12.1 Stop Line

12.1.1 General
Stop lines should be placed across the appropriate portion of the roadway at
positions where vehicles are required to stop in compliance with a stop sign,
traffic signals, or any other legal requirement. A Stop Line is a solid white line
not less than 300mm or more than 450mm wide on urban roads and up to
600mm on rural roads.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 123

12.1.2 Placement of lines
The positions of the stop lines are in accordance with the following situations:

Signalized intersections

Line should be placed 1.5m (center to center of line) in front of and parallel to
the nearest pedestrian lane. Where there is no pedestrian crossing lane, the
stop line should be at the desired stopping point, no more than 6m or less
than 1.5m from the prolongation of the curb line of the intersecting road (see
Figure 12.1a).

Isolated Stop Signs

If a stop line is used in conjunction with the stop sign (P-1), it should generally
be placed in line with the Stop sign. At an intersection or junction, such lines
shall usually be placed in line with the edge of the sidewalk or shoulder. The
exact location of the Stop sign shall depend on the sight distance requirement
of the stopping vehicle (see Figure 12.1b).

Pedestrian actuated signals (mid-block)

The stop line should be placed 3m before the nearest pedestrian crossing line
(see Figure 12.1c).

Railway Crossing

See Section 14.6 and Figure 12.1d.

Stop lines may be supplemented by the word Stop marked on the

carriageway as shown in Figure 12.1b. The distance between the word
STOP and the stop line should be between 10 to 25m.

12.2 Give Way Line

Give Way or holding lines are markings consisting of a two adjacent broken
white lines across the carriageway at which drivers must give way to all traffic
in accordance with the standard sign R1-2 of the Philippines Road Signs and
Pavement Markings Manual (Section A: Road Signs).

The minimum width for holding lines should be 200mm and the maximum
600mm. The distance between the two lines should be at least 300mm. The
gaps between line segments shall be 600mm.

The give way lines may be supplemented by the give way symbol. The
distance between the base of the give way triangle and the nearest give way
line should be between 5-25m depending on the location.

This type of marking is illustrated in Figure 12.2.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 124

12.3 Pedestrian Crossing Markings

Two types of pedestrian crossings are zebra and crosswalk.

12.3.1 Zebra (non-signalized crossing)

The marking consists of a series of longitudinal bars 300mm or 600mm wide
and generally not less than 4m long. The bars are placed parallel to the road
center line with gaps of equal width to the bar (see Figure 12.3).

12.3.2 Crosswalks (signalized crossing)

Crosswalks are defined by a pair of solid white lines across the road surface
not less than 4m and not more than 8m apart, 150-300mm in width. They
should be used in conjunction with mid-block or intersection signals (see
Figure 12.1c).

12.4 Roundabout Holding Lines

Holding lines at roundabouts shall consist of broken reflectorized white line,

400mm wide and 600mm long with 600mm gaps. The holding lines are
painted in accordance with the general principles applied to other intersection
types. The leading edge of the holding line forms a prolongation of the curb
and the painted outline of the traffic island on the approach.

No line is marked across the exit from the roundabout. However, exit
linemarking is installed on multilane roundabouts. It is also essential that
pavement arrows be provided on all multilane approaches to roundabouts to
promote lane discipline for drivers (see Figure 12.4).


13.1 Turn Lines

A turn line may be used to guide vehicles through a turning movement at

intersections. Turn lines, if used, should be so designed as to indicate the
proper course for turning vehicles without being needlessly confusing to
through traffic or the traffic making other turns. The line segments are
600mm long and 150mm wide with 600mm gaps. The line generally forms an
arc and is positioned on the left hand edge of the turning lane. The line
commences at the termination of the lane, edge or separation line, and shall
continue up to but not across another turn line (see Figures 13.1 and 13.2).

13.2 Parking Bay Lines

There are two types of parking bays, parallel parking and angle parking. In
parallel parking without bays marked, the parking line is a 100mm wide white
line, 2.5m from and parallel to the curb. Bays, if marked, shall be also
100mm wide white line at minimum bay length of 5.2m. The end bay shall be
5m minimum. For the angle parking, bay width shall be 2.5m minimum and

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 125

the minimum bay length (i.e., minimum distance from curb to end of bay) shall
be 4.8m (see Figures 13.3a and 13.3b).

To ensure that the flow of turning traffic is not impaired, parking near
intersections should be prohibited within the following distances from the
boundaries of lateral roads:
 Parallel Parking 5m on both approach and exit sides
 Angle Parking 12m on approach side and 9m on exit side.

On approach to intersections where traffic signals are operating, a minimum

distance of 20m from the traffic signal post is recommended.

Angle parking should be permitted only where there is sufficient pavement

width and light traffic.

A parking bay should always be allocated for the disabled at the most
convenient area painted with the disabled sign. Disabled sign shall be white
800mm high and 690mm wide on a blue background.

Figures 13.3a and 13.3b illustrate markings on parking bay and curb parking,
respectively. Figure 13.3c shows the details for people with disability

13.3 Painted Median

Painted median islands are used on wide roads where light traffic volume
cannot justify the installation of solid curbed median island.

The painted outline of the median shall be at least 100mm wide with a
minimum median width of 2m. No painted median should be installed on
roads less than 10m wide.

13.4 Bus and PUJ Lane Line

The Bus and PUJ lane line is an unbroken yellow line 150-300mm wide used
to separate other vehicles from buses and PUJ's. The Bus and PUJ lane line
can be supplemented by raised pavement markers on concrete pavements.
The line is tapered at the approach to the signalized intersection. The
distance between the taper and the stop line should be determined according
to the capacity of the intersection and should generally be less than 100m
(see Figure 13.4).

13.5 Loading and Unloading Bay Lane Line

The Loading and Unloading Bay Lane Line is an unbroken white line 150mm
wide with a gap of 1000mm used to indicate the proper location of loading
and unloading zone of public utility vehicles preferably with parking restriction.
The Loading and Unloading lane line can be supplemented by road signs
(see Figure 13.5).

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 126

13.6 Do Not Block Intersection Lines

The Do Not Block Intersection lines consist of yellow box within the
intersection and yellow diagonals lines forming an X inside the box (see
Figure 13.6). The lines are 200mm wide. These lines shall be complemented
with DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION sign (R5-10). (see section 2.10.8)


14.1 Approach Markings to Islands and Obstructions

Diagonal marking on approaches to obstructions and median islands shall

consist of a splayed line or lines 100mm wide extending from the center of
lane line to a point of 300mm to 800mm to the right side or to both sides, of
the approach end of the obstruction.

The width of the diagonal bars (at 45o to splayed lines or the direction of
travel) is 500mm and gaps between bars should generally be 4m minimum on
urban roads and 8m on rural roads. The total length of the splayed line
depends on the width of the island or obstruction but should generally be a
taper of 1 in 25 for roads on which the 85th percentile speed is below 60 kph
and 1 to 50 for roads with higher 85th percentile speeds (see Figure 14.1).

14.2 Chevron Markings

Chevron markings are often used to guide traffic into the right turning lanes
separated by an island, such as a corner island at a signalized intersection.

The outline width is generally 100mm (150mm on high speed roads). Bars of
500mm to the outline in the direction of travel and spaced generally at 2-4m
apart in urban roads. The spacing between the bar and the outline shall be
100mm (or 150mm on high speed roads) (see Figure 14.1).

14.3 Diagonal Markings

Diagonal Markings are placed on sealed shoulders or other sealed portion of

the road where traffic is not desired. Such markings are of the same bar
width as other diagonal markings. The spacing between bars is generally 6m.

14.4 Rumble Strips

Is a type of thermoplastic lane marking designed to aid and provide motorist

with visual, audio and motion warnings on the road. Rumble Strips are highly
visible horizontal lines on the road that produce a humming sound and ample
bumpy ride to the motorists when ran over. It promotes better traffic safety
because it stimulates more the human senses while driving.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 127

14.5 Marking on Exit and Entrance Ramps of Expressways

14.5.1 Exit ramp marking

A solid line at least 100mm in width shall be placed along the sides of the
triangular neutral area between the edges of the main roadway and the exit
ramp lane at the gore of every ramp terminal. With a parallel deceleration
lane, a broken white line shall be placed from the apex of the triangular area
for a distance of approximately one-half of the length of the full width
deceleration lane. Diagonal markings should be used in the neutral area.

14.5.2 Entrance ramp marking

A solid white line at least 100mm in width shall be placed along the side of the
triangular neutral area adjacent to the ramp lane at the gore of every entrance
ramp terminal. With parallel acceleration lanes, a broken white line but not
beyond the point where the tapered line meets the outer edge of the near
through lane. Examples of the uses of exit and entrance ramp markings are
shown in Figure 14.2.

14.6 Curb Markings for Parking and Loading/Unloading Restrictions

The curb markings for parking restrictions shall be of solid yellow color,
covering the face of the curb. Such markings are usually supplemented by
parking prohibition signs to indicate the extent of the area where parking is
legally prohibited at all times.

On the other hand, curb markings for loading/unloading restrictions shall be of

solid red color applied in the same manner as with parking restrictions.

14.7 Approach to Railroad Crossing

Pavement markings consisting of a cross, the letters RR, a No-Passing

zone marking, and a double solid stop bar at a distance of 3 to 12m in front of
and parallel to the railway line, shall be placed on all paved approaches to
level or at-grade railroad crossings. Such markings shall be white except the
NO PASSING barrier line which shall be yellow.

Where there are boom gates at the signal controlled crossings, stop bars are
to be marked parallel to the boom gates. These markings are auxiliary to the
standard international sign W7-1 for railroad advance warning and the
crossing signals for gates.

The design of railroad pavement markings is illustrated in Figure 14.3.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 128


15.1 Messages

Messages when painted on pavement should be limited to three words or

less. They shall only be used to supplement other traffic control devices. The
distance between words is variable depending on the message and location
at which it is based (usually twice the length of the word if achievable).

The first word of the message is to be nearest the motorist on rural roads. In
urban low speed areas, the order is optional.

Messages are white in color. Letters or numerals used on roads in urban

areas shall be at least 2.5m. On high speed highways, they must be at least
5m (see Figure 15.1 and 15.2).

Some of the only permitted messages markings are:









15.2 Symbols

15.2.1 Give Way Symbol

The symbol used to supplement the give way sign consists of an isosceles
triangle having two equal sides of 3.1m and a base 1m. Outline width is 450
mm at the base and 150mm for the sides. The distance of the symbol from
the holding line is between 5 and 25m depending on the location and vehicle
speeds on that road (see Figures 12.2 and 15.2).

15.2.2 Pavement Arrows

Pavement arrows are used for lane use control. White in color, they are
generally 5m in length on urban roads and 7.5m on high-speed roads. The
sizes and arrow heads are illustrated in Figure 15.3.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 129

For half turn movements, the stems of the straight arrows can be bent to suit
the particular direction of movement.

The first set of arrows should be placed at a distance of 15m from the stop
bar and the subsequent sets should be placed at 30m apart.

15.2.3 Numerals
The only numerals that should be used are those associated with speed limits
at locations to supplement speed limit signs which are continuously
disregarded by drivers or which are obscured and cannot be read easily.


16.1 Application of object markings

Physical obstruction in or near a roadway that constitute serious hazard to

traffic, including installations designed for the control of traffic shall be
adequately marked. Typical obstructions of this character are:
 Bridge supports;
 Traffic islands;
 Beacon, signal and sign support;
 Loading islands;
 Railroads and draw-bridge gate;
 Posts of narrow bridges;
 Underpass piers and abutments;
 Culvert headwalls; and,
 Poles, trees, rocks, and structures giving restrictions to overhead

Judgment must be exercised in the marking of objects off the roadway.

However, it may be noted that even where they are theoretically at a safe
distance from the roadway, marking them may prevent serious accident and
facilitate night driving. In addition to markings, a guardrail should be placed in
advance of solid obstructions to deflect runaway vehicles and reduce the
severity of impact. Guardrails should be painted reflectorized white.

16.2 Objects within the roadway

Obstructions in the roadway, if not illuminated shall be marked with

reflectorized hazard markers.

For additional emphasis it is advisable also to mark obstructions other than

islands with reflectorized white paint with no less than five alternating

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 130

reflectorized black and white stripes. The stripes shall slope downward at an
angle of 45 degrees towards the side of the obstruction on which traffic shall
be uniform and no less than 100mm in width. A large surface, such as a
bridge pier, may require stripes of 300mm.

In addition to the marking on the face of an obstruction in the roadway,

warning of approach to the hazard shall be given by line markings on the

Where an obstruction lies in the direct lines of traffic, it shall be marked.

Whenever practical, it shall be illuminated by a floodlight and so constructed
that it will adequately light the object but will not cause a glare in the face of
traffic approaching from either direction. When floodlighting is not practical,
reflective hazard markers shall be used. A flashing yellow beacon may be
used at unusually hazardous obstructions.

16.3 Marking on Curbs

Reflectorized yellow shall be used on curbs of all islands located in the line of
traffic flows especially on curbs directly ahead of traffic at T and offset

16.4 Objects Adjacent to the Roadway

Hazard markers either as signs or painted markings are to be used on objects

so close to the edge of the roadway as to constitute definite hazard. These
include such encroachments as underpass piers, abutments, culverts
headwalls, utility poles and ornamental buildings.

Other adjacent objects which are not likely to be hit unless a vehicle runs off
the road, such as guardrails, trees and rocks must be painted reflectorized


17.1 General

Raised pavement markers are small devices which are fixed to the concrete
pavement surface to stimulate or supplement painted pavement markings.
Use or installation of raised pavement markers (or studs) on asphalt-paved
roads is subject to the conditions stated in the DPWH Department Order
No.36 dated August 12, 2009 (supersedes Department Order No.57, Series
of 2000). Raised pavement markers may be reflectorized or non-reflectorized,
depending on their use and positions when installed.

Raised pavement markers are generally not obscured at night under wet
conditions and the reflective types are more brilliant than reflectorized paint

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 131

17.2 Warrants for Use

Because of the high cost of installation and maintenance, use of raised

pavement markers may be considered only in the following condition:
 In hilly areas where fog and rain are frequently the causes of traffic
accidents; and,
 In winding roads and accident prone areas.

17.3 Substitution of lane lines

The substitution of painted lines by raised pavement markers should only

occur where necessary and is usually reserved for lane line where the visual,
auditory and tactile effects of the markers help to keep the motorists to stay in
a given lane. The marker used for this purpose may be a combination of
reflective and non-reflective markers (see Figure 17.1).

17.4 Supplementing painted lines

Reflective markers placed at regular intervals in gaps along a line may help to
define the line particularly at night or under foggy or wet conditions.

The lines usually treated in this manner are:

 Center lines; and,
 Edge lines.

17.5 Placement of markers

Markers supplementing center or lane lines may be placed in the gaps mid-
way between the line segments at a spacing of 9m where fog or heavy rain
occurs in the built-up areas. A spacing of 12m shall be used where there is
less likelihood of fog and where there is no street lighting in the rural
environment. Markers used to replace lane lines shall be placed in groups as
shown in Figure 17.1.

Double faced raised pavement markers are placed on undivided roadway

while single faced raised pavement markers are placed on divided roadways.
Yellow raised pavement markers are used for yellow pavement
markings and white markers for white pavement markings.

Specifications for different raised pavement markers are shown in Figures

17.2 a through c.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 132


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 133

Figure 11.1a: Center and Edge Lines Markings for a Typical 2-Lane Road

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 134

Figure 11.1b: Center Line and Lane Marking for a Typical Multi-Lane Road Without

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 135

Figure 11.2: Typical Pavement Markings for Approach to Bridges

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 136

Figure 11.3: Barrier (No Passing) Lines

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 137

Figure 11.4: Method of Establishing No Passing Zones

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 138

Figure 11.5: Typical Pavement Markings for Climbing Lanes

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 139

No Loading / Unloading Zone

No Parking Zone

Figure 11.6: Typical Layout of Curb Markings for No Parking and No

Loading/Unloading Zones

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 140

Do Not Block Intersection

Figure 11.7: Typical Line Markings on an Approach to a Signalized Intersection

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 141

Figure 12.1: Example of Stop Bar Markings and STOP Message

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 142

Figure 12.2: Give Way Marking and Symbol

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 143

Figure 12.3: Zebra-Type Pedestrian Crossing

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 144

Holding Line, broken line
600mm long, 400mm wide,
600mm gap

Standard Pavement Arrows

(see Figure 15.3)

Typical multi-lane roundabout showing 2-lane approaches and

2-lane exit

Single lane exit without lane line

Holding Line, broken line

600mm long, 400mm wide,
600mm gap

Desirable relocation of holding

line when pavement markings
extended into roundabout No arrows on single lane

Typical multi-lane roundabout showing two single-lane approaches

and two single-lane exit

Figure 12.4: Roundabout Markings

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 145

Figure 13.1: Turn Lines

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 146

Figure 13.2: Typical Pavement Markings of a Channelized Intersection

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 147

Figure 13.3a: Parking Bay Markings

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 148

Figure 13.3b: Curb Parking Markings

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 149

Figure 13.3c: Details of People With Disabilities Symbol

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 150

Figure 13.4: Typical Bus and PUJ Lane Marking

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 151

Figure 13.5: Loading / Unloading Bay Lines

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 152

200mm wide Yellow Box
and Diagonal Lines

Figure 13.6: Do Not Block Intersection

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 153

Figure 14.1: Approach Marking to Islands and Obstructions

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 154

Figure 14.2: Markings on Exit and Entrance Ramps

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 155

Figure 14.3: Pavement Markings at Railway Crossing

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 156

Figure 15.1: Pavement Letter and Numeral Markings Guide

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 157

Figure 15.2: Messages and Symbols

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 158

Figure 15.3: Standard Pavement Arrows

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual 159

(see Department Order No. 31 Series 2010 for complete standard specification)

4.0mm 13mm

20m - 30m

200mm 500mm

50mm 100mm

Figure 16.0: Rumble Strips

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual

Figure 17.1: Placement of Raised Pavement Markers

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual


Aluminum Alloy
500 x 110 x 50mm
With shank no less than 75mm and using
glass reflector or prismatic lenses
embedded in plastic or polycarbonate.

Figure 17.2a: Specifications of Raised Pavement Markers (RPS-01)

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual


Aluminum Alloy
260 x 100 x 30mm
With shank no less than 75mm and using
glass reflector or prismatic lenses
embedded in plastic or polycarbonate.

Figure 17.2b: Specifications of Raised Pavement Markers (RPS-05)

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual





Aluminum Alloy
100 x 100 x 25mm
With shank no less than 50mm and using
glass reflector or prismatic lenses
embedded in plastic or polycarbonate.

Figure 17.2c: Specifications of Raised Pavement Markers (RPS-22)

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual

RPS-22 Diagram

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual

Standard Design Specifications A1
A1 Scope and Objective .................................................................................... A2
A2 Numbering System ....................................................................................... A2
A3 Graphic Design ............................................................................................. A2
A3.1 General ................................................................................................... A2
A3.2 Signs with Preset Graphics .................................................................... A3
A3.3 Made-to-Measure Signs ......................................................................... A3
A4 Legend ........................................................................................................... A4
A5 Signboard Size .............................................................................................. A4
A6 Borders, Edge Strip and Corners ............................................................... A4
A6.1 Borders and Edge Strip .......................................................................... A4
A6.1.1 Signs with dark colored legends on light colored background .............. A4
A6.1.2 Signs with light colored legends on dark colored background .............. A5
A6.1.3 Triangular Warning Signs ...................................................................... A5
A6.2 Corner Radii............................................................................................ A6
A7 Design of Guide Signs (G and GE Series) ................................................. A7
A7.1 Letter Types and Legibility ..................................................................... A7
A7.2 Longitudinal Location of Advance Warning and Direction Signs........... A8
A7.3 Determination of Letter Size and Other Element Sizes ......................... A9
A7.3.1 Letter Size .............................................................................................. A9
A7.3.2 Directional Arrows................................................................................ A12
A8 Design and Layout of Symbolic Service Signs ....................................... A13
A8.1 Scope .................................................................................................... A13
A8.2 Service Symbol Rectangles ................................................................. A13
A8.3 Design Procedures ............................................................................... A13
A8.3.1 For Signs with a Vertical Layout .......................................................... A14
A8.3.2 For Signs with a Horizontal Layout ...................................................... A15
A9 Materials for Construction ......................................................................... A16
A10 Materials for Sign Faces ............................................................................ A17
A10.1 Retro-Reflective Materials ........................................................ A17
A10.2 Fluorescent Reflective Sheeting .............................................. A19
A11 Post and Attachments ................................................................................ A21
A12 Protective Treatment .................................................................................. A24
Signs Specifications .......................................................................................... A25
Standard Alphabets ......................................................................................... A103

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual

Table of Figures

Figure A.1 : Sign Legibility Distance........................................................................... A7

Figure A.2 : Longitudinal Location of Signs ................................................................ A8
Figure A.3 : Details of Standard Arrows ................................................................... A12
Figure A.4 : Example of Signs on Vertical Layout .................................................... A14
Figure A.5 : Example of Horizontal Layout ............................................................... A15
Figure A.6 : Signpost Selection Guide ..................................................................... A22
Figure A.7 : Typical Sign Mounting .......................................................................... A22

List of Tables
Table A.1 : Recommended Dimensions for Border Widths (Signs with Dark Border
and Light Background) .......................................................................... A4
Table A.2 : Recommended Dimensions for Border Widths (Signs with Light Colored
Border on Dark Background) ................................................................ A5
Table A.3 : Border Widths and Corner Radii of Triangular Warning Signs ............... A5
Table A.4 : Recommended Corner Radii ................................................................... A6
Table A.5 : Legibility Distance of Letters .................................................................... A8
Table A.6 : Longitudinal Location of Signs ................................................................. A9
Table A.7 : Grid Module Sizes for Service Signs ..................................................... A13
Table A.8 : Reflective Brightness of Traffic Signs Surfaces .................................... A18
Table A 9 : Reflective Brightness of Traffic Signs Surfaces .................................... A19
Table A.10 : Reflective Brightness of Traffic Signs Surfaces .................................. A20

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A1


This Standard Specification forms part of the Philippines Road Signs Manual,
which provides guide for sign design, layout and size requirements. The
objective of this specification is to provide users and manufacture of road
signs with either standard designs or design rules for the shape and graphic
content of signs, together with guidance on materials and manufacturing


The numbering system for signs is as follows:

 A letter prefix, as shown below, denoting class of sign;

R - Regulatory signs

W - Warning signs

G - Guide signs

GE - Freeway and Expressway signs

S - Special Traffic Instruction Signs

HM - Hazard Markers
 A number denoting the series, or group of signs;
 One or two numbers identifying the sign in the series, or group; and,
 A letter denoting the size of sign where more than one size is used
(e.g., A, B, C or D, where A is the smallest)

An example would be R2-7A (L) which denotes a regulatory sign in the

Direction Type R2. The sign is the seventh in the series, is the smallest
available, and is left hand version.


A3.1 General

Standard road signs fall into two categories:

 those for which a complete graphic design is preset, or substantially
preset; and,
 those which are made to measure.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A2

A3.2 Signs with Preset Graphics

These signs shall conform to the graphic designs shown in the drawings.
These include all of the regulatory and warning signs, route markers and
hazard markers, as well as standard service sign symbols.

A3.3 Made-to-Measure Signs

These signs are separately drafted in each case taking account of the
following requirements:
 The horizontal spacing between any two words in one line shall be
equal to the recommended spacing between the last letter of the first
word and the first letter of the second word, plus the width of the letter
 Where numerals are followed by a quantity unit, e.g., 1km, 300m, 4t,
the unit shall be in the standard lower case letter height nearest to two-
thirds of the numeral height, and the spacing shall be equal to half the
numeral height;
 The vertical spacing between lines of words shall not be less than 0.5
times the height of the largest lettering in adjacent lines. For more
clarity required this spacing shall be increased to 0.75 times the height
of the largest lettering in adjacent lines; and,
 Spacing between the legend and the edges of a sign should not be
less than the following, wherever practicable.

Signs without borders:

- top and bottom spaces 25% of adjacent letter height

- end spaces 50% of adjacent letter height

Signs with borders (space measured to inside of border):

- top and bottom spaces not less than 40% of adjacent letter

- end spaces 60% of adjacent letter height if top and bottom

is 50% of the adjacent letter height; 100% if top and bottom
is between 40% and 50%

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A3


The following abbreviations are used in the drawings:

A, B, C, D, E, or F = series A to F capital alphabets

Mod E = Modified E capital alphabets

LC = Lower Case alphabets

N = narrow spacing

M = medium spacing

W = wide spacing

Example 120 DN = 120mm height Type D capitals narrow spacing

105 LC = 105mm Lower Case alphabet


The size and shape proportions of signs in this specification with preset
graphics have been selected to achieve economic cut of standard size of
materials. The made to measure design should follow the same principle.


A6.1 Borders and Edge Strip

A6.1.1 Signs with dark colored legends on light colored background

Except for triangular shaped warning signs, recommended border and edge
strip widths are shown in the following table.

Table A.1: Recommended Dimensions for Border Widths

(Signs with Dark Border and Light Background)

Shortest Dimension
Dark Border Light Outer Edge Strip
of the Sign board
< 200 10 5
200 - 400 16 8
401 - 750 20 10
751 - 1200 30 15
> 1200 50 25
Units in millimeter (mm)

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A4

A6.1.2 Signs with light colored legends on dark colored background
Signs in this category which have borders shall have either a border
extending to the edge of the signboard or an edge strip outside the border
equal to the border width.

Recommended border/edge strip widths based on the character stroke width

of the largest legend in the sign are given in the following table.

Table A.2: Recommended Dimensions for Border Widths

(Signs with Light Colored Border on Dark Background)
Size of Largest Legend on Sign Border and 2
2 Border Only
Edge Strip
Upper Case Lower Case (No Edge Strip)
(Equal Width)
< 80 < 70 10 15
80 - 140 70 - 100 16 24
141 - 240 101 - 180 25 40
241 - 400 181 - 320 40 60
> 400 > 320 70 100
Units in millimeter (mm)
1. If the largest legend on a sign is a single short word such as NO, the next
largest legend may be more appropriate.
2. Users have the option of specifying border only or border and edge strip for
light border on dark background signs. If border and edge strip are specified, the
third column gives the width of each.

A6.1.3 Triangular Warning Signs

All triangular signs do not have edge strips. Their border with is
approximately 5% of the length of the side of the triangle. The recommended
borders are shown in the following table.

Table A.3: Border Widths and Corner Radii of Triangular Warning Signs

Sign Size (mm) Border Width (mm) Corner Radii

600 28 32
750 35 40
900 42 48

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A5

A6.2 Corner Radii
Except Triangular warning signs, signs with shortest dimension less than
2000mm are shown in the following table.

Table A.4: Recommended Corner Radii

Shortest Dimension
Corner Radii
of Signboard
< 200 10 or 25
200 to 400 25 or 50
401 to 900 50 or 100
901 to 1,500 100 or 200
1,501 to 2,000 200 or 300
> 2000 300 minimum

The recommended radii in the table do not apply to corners on signs which
are other than 90 degrees. Recommended radii for Triangular Warning signs
are shown in Table A.3.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A6


A7.1 Letter Types and Legibility

Letters used on traffic signs comprises six series of capital letters and
numerals ranging from the narrowest Series A to widest Series F, plus one
series of lower case letters, together with a modified Series E which is used
as initial capital for lower case words.

The procedure for determining the legibility distance required of a traffic sign
can be represented diagrammatically as shown in the following figure. This
arrangement assumes that the driver does not start to read the information on
the sign until sometime after the letters first become legible. This is generally
considered to be at a distance equivalent of 2/3 of the legibility distance from
the sign.

Driver finished Driver starts to

reading Sign read sign Driver Observes sign


Distance traveled
Distance traveled while observing or
S Cot A reading the legend scanning sign

Legibility Distance (L)

A = Limit of comfortable field of vision S = lateral offset to center of sign.

= 10 Degrees for side mounted signs Use height above driver eye for
= 5 Degrees for overhead mounted overhead mounted sign

Figure A.1: Sign Legibility Distance

The legibility distances for letters of standard sign alphabets detailed in this
manual have been determined for the average observer with normal vision as
shown in the following table.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A7

Table A.5: Legibility Distance of Letters

Legibility Distance in meters per

Alphabet Series
100mm of Capital Letter Height

C 50
D 60
E 70
F 75
Mod E (and Lower Case) 75

A7.2 Longitudinal Location of Advance Warning and Direction Signs

Advance Warning signs and Advance Direction Sign are to be placed at

appropriate distance before the hazard or the intersection where the driver is
required to take action. The location distance D between the sign and the
location of the hazard or intersection is shown in the following figure.

Reading Reaction Braking

Distance Distance Distance

Sign Location

Legibility D - Location
Distance Distance

Figure A.2: Longitudinal Location of Signs

The distance required to react to the sign varies considerably depending on

the nature of the action required and travel speed. For signs which give an
advance warning of an hazard or of a single action required of a driver (i.e.,
not involving a decision), the location distance for such warning signs is given
in the following table.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A8

Table A.6: Longitudinal Location of Signs

D (m)
Environment B (m)
Warning Sign A Direction Sign
V85: <60 kph 75 - 100 100
V85: <75 kph 80 120 150
V85: 75 90 kph 120 180 200
V85: > 90 kph 180 250 250
Business and Residential 30 100 100 30
Arterial Roads As per Rural
V85th = 85 percentile approach speed measured 1.5 to 2 D in advance of hazard
D = Distance of sign to hazard or intersection (or nearest sign to hazard where there
are more than one sign)
B = minimum distance between successive signs having different messages

A7.3 Determination of Letter Size and Other Element Sizes

A7.3.1 Letter Size

The following equation applies to check the adequacy of capital letters used
in an advance direction sign, including initial capital letter for lower case

H = 0.14NV + 11.4S

Where H = letter height in mm

(initial capital letter for legend with lower case letters)

N = number of words on the sign

V = approach speed in kph

S = lateral offset (m) of center of sign from drivers path

This is the initial capital letter height and the lower case letters are always
75% of the height of the initial capital letter.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A9

This formula applies to the design of mainly directional signs, side mounted in
rural highways and freeways in the Type E Modified Capital and lower case
letters. For other conditions, the formula should be modified as follows:
 For use of other Series, increase H (after calculation) by the following

Series C 50%

Series D 25%

Series E 7%
 For signs in urban areas, increase H (after calculation) by 25%; and,
 For overhead signs, S used in formula should be vertical offset of
center of sign from drivers height multiplied by 2.

The letter size required on signs is the nearest standard letter size to that
obtained from the above calculation.

Where an overhead sign is at the side of the road and more than 3m from the
edge of the pavement, it may be necessary to calculate the equivalent lateral
distance S el from the equation:

S el = [(S L)2 + 4(SV)2]0.5


S L = lateral offset of the sign in meters as for formula A1 above

SV = vertical distance of the center of the sign above drivers eye

in meters (distance above the road surface minus 1.2m)

This calculation will ensure the readability of the signs designed, particularly
when signs are located at a substantial lateral distance from the road way. It
is not always essential that all words on the sign be of the required size, but
at least the first line or the most important words should meet the
requirement, with other words appropriately smaller (generally no more than
one legend size).

The following standard letter sizes are specified:

 Capitals 40mm to 200mm in 20mm increments

240mm to 320mm in 40mm increments

all sizes above 400mm in 80mm increments

 Lower case 0.75 x initial capital height for capitals 120mm and

In practice, the standard letter sizes of made-to-measure direction signs have

designated code sizes based on the principal legend height.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A10

Code sizes for standard principal legend heights used for direction signs are:
 AA size 120mm
 A size 140mm
 B size 160 / 180mm
 C size 240mm
 D size 320mm
 E size 400 / 480mm

All lower cases are 0.75 of the size for the capital sizes.

AA size legend is used in exceptional low speed urban areas for lane
designation signs and signs on local roads where restriction on overall sign
sizes is applied.

The minimum sizes for Advance Direction Signs in metropolitan areas are B

Size A is generally the minimum size used for intersection directional signing.

Size B is used for Reassurance Signs where speeds are less than 80 kph.

Size C is used for all overhead mounted Directional signs and for high speed
approach roads to expressways.

Sizes D and E are used for Directional signs on Freeways and Expressways.
Size C is used for Reassurance Signs on Expressways and Freeways.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A11

A7.3.2 Directional Arrows
Standard directional arrows shapes are shown in the following figure. The
long arrow is typically used where a single direction, multi-line panel requires
a vertical or angle arrow.

Figure A.3: Details of Standard Arrows

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A12


A8.1 Scope

This chapter sets out a method of determining the size and layout of symbolic
service signs in G7 and GE5 series.

A8.2 Service Symbol Rectangles

Each of the symbols is superimposed on a rectangular grid having a narrow

medium or wide configuration as follows:
 Narrow 4 modules wide x 5 modules high
 Medium 5 modules wide x 5 modules high
 Wide 6 modules wide x 5 modules high

The location and size of the symbols within each rectangle is designed so that
signs having various arrays of symbols may be made up by allowing a
clearance of one grid module minimum between adjacent rectangles,
between rows of rectangles and between rectangles and other legends,
borders etc on the sign.

The grid module sizes for manufacturing the G7 and GE5 signs are shown in
the following table.

Table A.7: Grid Module Sizes for Service Signs

Grid Module Size

Sign Series Sign Size
Multi-Symbol Single Symbol
A 70 90
B 105 135
GE5 One size only 160

A8.3 Design Procedures

The recommended procedure for designing a service sign is as follows:

 Establish the sign size designation (e.g., Size A) and, from table A.7,
determine the grid module size to be used; and,
 Determine the width of the sign and layout as described in the following
layout types:

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A13

A8.3.1 For Signs with a Vertical Layout

Figure A.4: Example of Signs on Vertical Layout

 Determine dimension X1 and X2 (the length of the rows of symbols) by

adding up the number of horizontal grid modules in each symbol
rectangle, adding one grid module for each space between the
symbols, and multiplying by the grid module size selected (e.g., 70mm
for Size A sign). The X1 in Figure A.4 would be (5 + 1 + 4) x 70 =
700mm. ( The Gas Station has 5 modules and the Restaurant has 4
modules See Service Sign Symbols 1 and 2);
 Determine the dimension W, the overall width of the sign, by adding
the greatest of X1, X2 or X3 and the edge distances 2 x Y. The edge
distance Y is either:

- one grid module, plus the border and edge strip if X2 governs or

- 0.6 times the letter height plus width of border and edge strip, if
legend line X3 governs width.
 The vertical distance between rows of symbols is one grid module.
The horizontal separation between symbols is always one grid module
regardless of whether the row of symbols governs the width of the sign;
 If the overall signboard is to be a size convenient for manufacturing,
the clearances between symbols and the inside borders may be

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A14

decreased to 0.5 times grid module minimum, or increased to 1.25
times grid module maximum. In this example it is either 35mm (0.5 x
70) minimum or 97.5mm (1.25 x 70) maximum)

A8.3.2 For Signs with a Horizontal Layout

*Clearance of one grid module applies at these locations. The clearance between symbols
and the inside of borders may be adjusted as indicated in Section A8.3.1.

Figure A.5: Example of Horizontal Layout

 Determine X (the width of the row symbols as in A8.3.1 above);

 Determine Y1 and Y2 (the two edge distances as shown I relevant
drawing on page VV). The Y2 will normally be equal to one grid
module plus the border and edge strip width; and,
 Add X and Y1 and Y2 the dimension W, the overall width of the sign.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A15


Standard road signs may be constructed of metal, timber or plastics. The

signs may have a dished, rolled or beaded edge for additional rigidity.

In order to stiffen larger signs and prevent damage by bending, horizontal

battens or bars should be fixed to the rear of the signs as supports, and may
be utilized to provide mounting to posts.

Metal Signs

Metal signs shall be of:

 Plain carbon steel not less than 1.6mm thick, with the exception of
temporary warning signs, which may be a minimum of 1mm with
appropriate stiffening;
 aluminum alloy not less than 2.0mm thick unless specially designed
stiffening is provided; or,
 other metals suitable for the purpose.

Timber Signs

Timber signs may be of:

 plywood not less than 5-ply thick medium or high density overlaid; or,
 seasoned dressed timber, not less than 30mm thick.

Note: In view of the wide variety of timbers likely to be available, advice

should be sought from the local forestry agency regarding suitable available
types and grades of timber.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A16


Any materials used for the sign face, and not otherwise described in this
specification, shall be in accordance with the approved standard
specifications as described in the following subsections:

A10.1 Retro-Reflective Materials

Where reflectorization is required the retro-reflecting material shall comply

with established standards for retro-reflective materials and devices for road
traffic control purposes.

The reflective sheeting shall be weather resistant and show no appreciable

cracking, blistering, crazing or dimensional change after two years of
unprotected outdoor exposure

The reflective sheeting shall have high reflectivity normal to vehicle headlight
dependent on the angle of incidence. The reflective material shall be sharp,
no glare, and directed towards the light source of approved angle of

The reflective sheeting shall perform effectively for a minimum of seven (7)
years from date of fabrication.

The reflective sheeting must retain at least 70% (Type 1) and 50% (Type 2) of
its original brightness for regular and fluorescent sheeting respectively at the
end of seven years. All signs used for road projects should be warranted by
the sheeting manufacturer for above-stated performance.

Signs must be dated at the time of installation in order to initiate the 7-year
performance warranty. A sign-dating sticker that indicates the manufacturers
name, material type/brand name with the month and year of installation
should be placed at the back of the sign face.

The reflective sheeting to be used maybe of two types:

Type I High Performance Reflective Sheeting

Type I material is to be used for all overhead signs, signs related to

movement of pedestrian, chevron alignment signs and signs identified as
black spot areas. The reflective sheeting shall consist of full cube micro-
prismatic lens sheeting with an interlocking diamond seal pattern with pre-
coated adhesive backing protected by a removable liner. The minimum
reflective brightness value of reflective sheeting shall be in accordance with
the following table.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A17

Table A.8: Reflective Brightness of Traffic Signs Surfaces
Observation Angle (degrees)
o o o
0.2 0.5 1.0
o 3
For 4 Entrance Angle
White 570 400 120
Yellow 425 300 90
Red 114 80 24
Green 57 40 12
Blue 26 18 5.4
Fluorescent Yellow 340 240 72
Fluorescent Yellow Green 460 320 96
Fluorescent Orange 170 120 36
For 30o Angle3
White 215 150 45
Yellow 160 112 34
Red 43 30 9
Green 21 15 4.5
Blue 10 6.8 2
Fluorescent Yellow 130 90 27
Fluorescent Yellow Green 170 120 36
Fluorescent Orange 64 45 14
o 3
For 45 Entrance Angle
White 100 50 25
Yellow 75 37 19
Red 20 10 5
Green 10 5 3
Blue 4.5 1.5 0.8
Fluorescent Yellow 60 30 15
Fluorescent Yellow Green 80 40 20
Fluorescent Orange 30 15 7
All units are expressed in terms of cd/lux/sq.m.
Entrance Angle The angle from the illumination axis to the retro-reflector
axis. The reflector axis is an axis perpendicular to the retro-reflective surface.
Observation Angle The angle between the illumination axis and
observation axis.

Type II Medium Performance Reflective Sheeting

Type II material is to be used as minimum standard for all other types of signs
not qualified for use under Type I. The reflective sheeting shall consist of
non-metalized micro-prismatic lens in an interlocking diamond pattern
encapsulated by a flexible transparent plastic film that has a smooth outer
surface. The sheeting shall have a pre-coated adhesive protected by an
easily removable liner. The adhesive shall be a pressuresensitive adhesive
of the aggressive tack type requiring no heat, solvent, or other preparation for
adhesion to surfaces. The minimum reflective brightness of the reflective
sheeting shall be as described in the following table.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A18

Table A 9: Reflective Brightness of Traffic Signs Surfaces
(Minimum Coefficient of Retroreflection RA for new sheeting (cd/lux/sq.m.)

-4o Entrance
o o
0.2 0.5
White 560 200
Yellow 420 150
Red 84 30
Orange 210 75
Green 56 20
Blue 28 10
Brown 17 6

o 2
30 Entrance Angle
o o
0.2 0.5
White 280 100
Yellow 210 75
Red 42 15
Orange 105 37
Green 28 10
Blue 14 5
Brown 8.4 3

All units are expressed in terms of cd/lux/sq.m.

Observation (Divergence) Angle The angle between the illumination axis
and the observation axis.
Entrance (Incidence) Angle The angle from the illumination axis to the
retro-reflector axis is an axis perpendicular to the retro-reflective surface.

A10.2 Fluorescent Reflective Sheeting

The fluorescent reflective sheeting shall consist of a visible- activated

fluorescent material and full cube micro-prismatic lens sheeting with an
interlocking diamond seal pattern with pre-coated adhesive backing protected
by a removable liner. The minimum reflective brightness shall be in
accordance with the following table.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A19

Table A.10: Reflective Brightness of Traffic Signs Surfaces
Observation Angle (degrees)
o o o
0.2 0.5 1.0
o 3
For 4 Entrance Angle
Fluorescent Yellow
460 320 96
170 120 36
o 3
For 30 Entrance Angle
Fluorescent Yellow
170 120 36
64 45 14
o 3
For 45 Entrance Angle
Fluorescent Yellow
80 40 20
30 15 7
All units are expressed in terms of cd/lux/sq.m.
Entrance Angle The angle from the illumination axis to the retro-reflector
axis. The reflector axis is an axis perpendicular to the retro-reflective surface.
Observation Angle The angle between the illumination axis and
observation axis.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A20


Posts required for the erection of signs shall be made of galvanized steel
pipes not less than 48.8mm (outside diameter) x 3.25mm thick, or other
sections of equivalent strength. Aluminum alloy may be used. Plastics may
be considered, provided they have been suitably evaluated.

Wide flange posts and frames shall be fabricated from structural steel
conforming to ASTM A 283 Grade D. In lieu of wide flange steel posts, the
Contractor may use tubular steel posts conforming to ASTM A 501. All posts
shall be thoroughly cleaned, free from grease, scale and rusts and shall be
given one coat of rust-inhibiting priming paint and two coats of gray paint in
accordance with Item 411, Paint DPWH Standard Specification.

Selection of non-frangible signpost lengths based on sign panel sizes and

post diameters is given in Figure A.6.

Attachments shall provide for the positive and robust connection of signs to
their mounting posts. Consideration shall be given to distributing attachment
loads, e.g., by the provision of suitably shaped saddles and clamps or
brackets for a round post.

For larger signs, the design of the sign support system as a whole shall take
into account possible wind loadings and the criteria specified in appropriate
Philippine code for structural designs.

A typical sign mounting is shown in Figure A.7.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A21

Figure A.6: Signpost Selection Guide

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A22



500 3440
150 mm STD.


3310 430

300 mm STD.



May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A23

3.44 500 300 500 3.44



430 3310 3310 430


300 mm STD.





All materials used for signs and sign supports shall be either resistant to, or
protected against deterioration under exposed paint system.

Where corrosion protection is destroyed or damaged in the manufacturing or

fixing process, steps shall be taken to restore protection by appropriate after-

Where different metals are in contact, appropriate action shall be taken to

prevent galvanic action and resultant corrosion.

Timber signs shall be sealed at the edges. The timber shall then be properly
printed and painted for protection against weather.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A24

Note: unless otherwise indicated, units shall be in millimeters (mm)

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual


White retro-reflective
letters and border on
red retro-reflective


Black letters, red retro-

Black letters,
reflective red retro-
border on white
reflective border on white
retro-reflective background
and edge strip background
and edge strip

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A26


(Standard R1-2 Symbol)

Black letters and border
on white retro-reflective


Black letters and border on white

retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A27

R2-2(R), R2-4, R2-5(R)
Black letters and border on white
retro-reflective background

For design of a 370mm dia disc, the corresponding dimensions are reduced by approximately
38% (i.e., 62% of the dimensions illustrated).

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A28


Black letters and border

on white retro-reflective

R2-6P Note:
Use appropriate designs
for 370mm discs

Black letters and border

on white retro-reflective

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A29


Black letters and border

on white retro-reflective

R3 Prohibition Symbol

Disc Size (mm dia)

450 600 750
R1 225 300 375
R2 202.5 250 315
X 40 50 60
Y 20 25 30

Note: This prohibitive symbol does not apply to signs R3-13 (No Right Turn), R3-14 (No Left
Turn) and R-15 (No U turn). See separate design for these signs.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A30

Symbols for regulatory signs

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A31

R3-14 R3-13


A Size B Size(illustrated) C Size

Sign Sizes (mm)
450 dia 600 dia 750 dia

Black arrow, red retro-reflective symbol on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A32

R3-13P R3-14P


Black letters and movement

symbol, red retro-reflective
prohibition symbol and border
on white retro-reflective

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A33

Black letters and right car
symbol, red retro-reflective left
car and prohibition symbols and
border on white retro-reflective


Size in mm
Disc Ring
(3 numerals)
450 200DN 37.5
600 50
(240 CN*)
400 DN
900 70
(320 DN*)
*For Speed > 100kph use medium spacing

Black numerals and red border on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A34


Black numerals and red border on white retro-reflective background


Black symbol on white retro-reflective ground

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A35


Size (mm)
Disc 450 600
Letter 280E 360E
b 85 120
c 112 149
X 40 50
Y 20 25

Black P, red symbol on white

retro-reflective background

R5-1P R5-2P


Detail of Arrow

Black P, red symbol on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A36



50 20



May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A37



Red symbol, text and arrow on white retro-reflective background


Black letters and symbol, red

retro-reflective prohibition
symbols, arrow and border on
white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A38


Black letters and symbol, red

retro-reflective prohibition
symbols, arrow and border on
white retro-reflective background


Black letters, red retro-reflective

prohibition symbols, arrow and
border on white retro-reflective

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A39



May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A40



May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A41



May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A42



May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A43


Black symbol and border on

retro-reflective fluorescent
yellow-green background


Black symbol and border on

retro-reflective fluorescent
yellow-green background.

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A44



May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A45

W Series Symbol

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A46


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 50 60
b 200 240
c 100 120
d 56 70
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 100 120
b 250 310
c 175 220
d 56 70
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 70 88
a1 50 62
b 225 280
c 100 125
c1 120 150
d 56 70
z 50 62

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A47


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 75 94
b 300 375
c 200 250
d 50 62
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 50 62
b 350 437
c 153 190
d 50 62
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 90 112
b 250 312
c 180 225
d 50 62
z 50 62

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A48


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 25 31
b 250 312
c 125 156
d 75 94
z 50 60


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 25 31
b 350 438
c 80 100
c1 100 125
d 50 62
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 50 62
b 275 344
c 100 125
d 50 62
z 50 62

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A49


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 25 31
b 200 250
c 100 125
d 75 94
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 25 31
b 250 312
c 200 250
d 50 62
z 50 62

W2-5A and W2-6

X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 50 62
b 300 375
c 150 188
d 50 62
z 50 62

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A50


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 25 31
a1 125 156
b 250 312
c 250 312
d 60 75
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 50 62
b 120 150
c 100 125
d 100 125
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 50 62
b 120 150
c 100 125
d 100 125
z 50 62

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A51


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 50 62
b 120 150
c 100 125
d 100 125
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 50 62
b 120 150
c 100 125
d 100 125
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 300 375
b 250 312
c 180 225
d 75 94
z 50 60

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A52


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 200 250
b 250 312
c 120 150
d 75 94
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 190 234
b 250 312
c 120 150
d 75 94
z 50 60


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 190 234
b 250 312
c 120 150
d 75 94
z 50 60

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A53


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 190 234
b 250 312
c 120 150
d 75 94
z 50 60


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a - -
b 200 250
c - -
d 50 62
z 50 62

W5-2 and W5-3

X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 350 438
b 100 125
c - -
d 75 94
z 50 62

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A54

W5-4 and W5-5

X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 175 219
b 150 188
c - -
d 75 94
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a - -
b 250 312
c - -
d 50 62
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 100 125
b - -
c - -
d 50 62
z 50 62

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A55


X 600 750
Y 520 650
b 200 250
C1 150 188
C2 120 150
d 50 62
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 100 125
b 220 275
c 220 275
d 50 62
z 50 62


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 125 156
b 250 312
c 270 338
d 60 75
z 50 62

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A56


X 600 750
Y 520 650
a 150 188
b 260 325
c 220 275
d 75 94
z 50 62




May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A57

W6-1 (B size illustrated)

Black symbol and border on fluorescent yellow green background

W6-2 (B size illustrated)

Black symbol and border on fluorescent yellow green background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A58


Black letters and border on fluorescent yellow green background


Black letters and border on fluorescent yellow green background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A59




Black letters symbol and borders on retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A60



Black letters symbol and borders on retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A61


R 50



Black letters symbol and borders on retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A62






Black letters symbol and borders on retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A63


Black letters, numerals and border on white retro-reflective background


Black letters, numerals and border on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A64

100 750 100

80 70

120 CM

120 CM



70 35



Black letters, numerals and border on white retro-reflective background


35 35



90 80

80 70

270 540 290

Black letters, numerals and border on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A65

G1-1 (Traditional Border)

50 150 (1470) 130 220 130 50


ModE M on u m en t o 250 510


M a n ila 160 ModE

ModE P a t eros 220 480

R 200
180 250 130 825 (715)* 50

(570)* 1170 130 250 180

*200 minimum

G1-2 (Traditional Border)


155 134

160 ModE

B a t a a n 203 470

155 134

200 (870) 130 203 180



White retro-reflective letters, chevron and border

68 50
on standard green retro-reflective background 220


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A66

G1-3 (Alternative Border)

40 130 250 130 (1500) 350


P a sa y C it y ModE
ModE A la ba n g 220

750 (1100) 130 250 130 40


White retro-reflective letters, chevron and border on standard green retro-reflective


550 1600 550


160 Mod E
Qu ez on C it y 520

160 Mod E M a n ila Iba y o 160 Mod E

300 520


160 830 140 680 660 160


White retro-reflective letters, chevron and border on standard green retro-reflective


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A67


1140 (1440) 860



478 P a sa y C it y 160 Mod E

160 Mod E 620

In t ra m u ros

160 Mod E
P ort
A rea 160 Mod E
130 370

170 (1370) 320 60 50

(570) 170
1120 740 780

White retro-reflective letters, symbol and border on standard green retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A68

G2-1 (Alternative Border)

R75 200
40 R 75


M a n ila 235

200 (815) 110 420


NOTE: Break sharp point with a 20mm radius


White retro-reflective letters, chevron and border on standard
green retro-reflective ground 160

G2-4 (Traditional Border)


200 1560 490 320



80 530
Mod E M a n ila 240 15

200 (815) 180 130 260 220 160

White retro-reflective letters, chevron and border on standard green retro-reflective


Black route name on white retro-reflective panel

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A69

G3-1 (Alternative Border)

170 (1020) 160 310 130 40


A n g eles 7 0 740
E B a g u io 15 6

170 (830) (440) 130 40

White retro-reflective letters, chevron and border on standard green retro-reflective





S a n P a blo 10 1000

ModE S a n J ose 9 0

1320 720


White retro-reflective letters, chevron and border on standard green retro-reflective


Black route name on white retro-reflective panel

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A70


200 120 DN

100 (600) 80 (350) 80 (130) 80 146 78


Black letters and chevron on white retro-reflective background


200 120 DN
40 100 (750) 80 146 78

Black letters and chevron on white retro-reflective background



200 120 DN

40 100 80 146
(1550) 78

60 80
White retro-reflective letters and chevron on brown background


May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A71

a b a




Note: Dimensions a, b, c, d, and e vary according to

the street and municipality names.
Black letters on white retro-reflective background or
white retro-reflective letters on colored background

40 DM


60 DN

1 - 350 60

c d 50 120 c


50 160 50 Varying length


80 CM
KA L A Y A A N A V E 280

80 CM
Varying length 50 160 50

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A72


White retro-reflective legends and arrow on blue background



85 140
90 240 500
85 120


100 1340 100 240 120

White retro-reflective letters and arrow on blue background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A73

Service Sign Symbols (1)

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A74

Service Sign Symbols (2)

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A75


150 (1270) 100 203 147


203 400
120 DM
140 98


White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on brown retro-reflective background


1200 160 160 140



140 DM
TA A L LA KE 360

100 1050 320 190


White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on brown retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A76


140 (1860) 140


T U R N R I GH T 140 DM

300 m 140 DM
500 (1140) 500

797 546 797

White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on brown retro-reflective background

140 (1620) 140



300 m
140 DM

ON R I GH T 140 DM
500 900 500

White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on brown retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A77


G9-2 G9-3

G9-4 G9-5

G9-6 G9-7

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A78


White retro-reflective letters and border on blue retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A79


White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on green retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A80


White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on green retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A81

50 50
250 80


100 EM

TOL L 450

100 EM

170 80
P eso Mod E
80 DN 80
M OT OR CY CL ES 2 0 Mod E
50 50
80 DN
C A RS A N D V A N S 8 0 Mod E

80 DN
With 40
C A RS Trailer 10 0 Mod E
150 150
80 DN
OT H ER 2t 2 0 0 Mod E

80 CN
VEHICLES 2 t and 120
150 over 3 0 0 Mod E

80 95 50 Arial 230 80


White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on green retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A82

320 1680 320


M a ka t i
Mod E

240 1540



800 720 800


White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on green retro-reflective background


R 25



Detail of Arrow

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A83

GE3-2 2720

60 290 290 60


320 Mod E

A la ba n g
240 Mod E
E X IT 1 km

240 Mod E

260 2200 260

White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on green retro-reflective background


60 2020 60
290 290


320 Mod E

A la ba n g 1340

240 Mod E

260 2180 260

White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on green retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A84

400 400

640* 15

Mod E
S a n F ern a n do
Mod E O lon g a po
EM E X IT 1 k m
320 100


300 160
1046 558

White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on green retro-reflective background


White retro-reflective letters, arrow and border on green retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A85

GE4-3 and GE4-3A

White retro-reflective letters, arrow numerals and border on standard green retro-reflective

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A86


300 600 180 1120



15 km 240 Mod E


240 DM

260 1820 260

White retro-reflective letters, symbol, numerals and border on blue retro-reflective background



240 DM

240 DM 1600






White retro-reflective letters, symbol, numerals and border on blue retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A87

300 300
600 800





240 Mod E
2 km

680 940 680


White retro-reflective letters, symbol, numerals and border on blue retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A88


60 60


Mod E

240 1500
Mod E
Mod E 1 km
240 60

180 170

White retro-reflective letters and border on standard green retro-reflective background


R 50


450 EN D 100 EM




288 324 288

70 70

White retro-reflective letters and border on standard green retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A89


180 2240 180

50 50


240 EM

A H EA D 1500

Mod E 2 km 50

830 940 830

610 1380 610

Black letters and border on white retro-reflective background

450 1220 450

730 640 730





450 450
1200 50
250 1600 250

Red retro-reflective letters and border on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A90

455 1390 455

700 900 700

240 50

Mod E

Mod E

Mod E
GO B A C K 50

240 240


White retro-reflective letters and borders on red retro-reflective background

250 250


Mod E


320 1680

Mod E


Mod E

N OW 50

730 1140 730

450 1700 450

White retro-reflective letters and borders on red retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A91



Black letters, arrow and border on white retro-reflective background

R 12.5

250 22.5 97.5



Detail of Arrow

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A92



245 245
585 1380 585


320 EW


320 EW

320 EW

U S E 3270

320 EW

320 EW
L A N E 60

785 980 785

500 1550 500

Black letters and border on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A93


Black letters and border on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A94


White letters and border on red retro-reflective background


Red letters and border on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A95

S2-4A (L & R) and S2-4B (L & R)

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A96


Black letters and border on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A97


Black letters and border on white retro-reflective background


Black letters and border on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A98


Black letters, numerals and border on white retro-reflective background


Black letters, chevron and border on white retro-reflective background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A99

HM Series Hazard Markers

HM 1A and HM 1B (illustrated)

White retro-reflective chevron on black background

or red chevron on retro-reflective white background.

HM 2



White retro-reflective chevrons on black background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A100

HM 3


150 150

White retro-reflective chevrons on black background




200 200 200

White retro-reflective chevrons on black background




200 200 200

White retro-reflective chevrons on black background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A101

HM 5

White retro-reflective chevrons on black background

HM 6 (L and R)

White retro-reflective chevrons on black background

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A102


Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual

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8 H
85 percentile speed, 8, 16, 38, 114, 115, 128 hazard markers, 5, 101, 102, 111, 132, 133
HM, 4, 101, 102, 103
angle parking, 126
arrow, 7, 18, 28, 31, 40, 44, 66, 81, 88, 130 Holding lines, 124

Barrier lines, 116, 118 Keep Intersection Open, 111, 127, 157
bike lane, 35, 52
C lane line, 115, 127, 128, 134
center line, 16, 114, 115, 119, 120, 124 Longitudinal lines, 109
Chevron markings, 128
climbing lanes, 120 M
Continuity Line, 122
crosswalk, 124 medium spacing, 6
curb markings, 109, 129
narrow spacing, 6
Delineators, 3, 106, 109 NO ENTRY, 21, 22
Diagonal Markings, 128 No Loading / Unloading Zones, 121
Diagrammatic, 66, 67 No Parking, 28, 31, 121, 144
No-Passing Zones, 117
edge line, 120, 121
overhead signs, 9, 10, 61, 64, 68
FLOOD, 49, 55
Painted median, 127
parallel parking, 126
G Pavement Markings, 1, 13, 107, 108, 110, 124, 137
G1, 42, 59, 66, 67, 68 Pilipino, 7, 17, 23, 28
G2, 7, 59, 70 Pre-cut sheeting, 110
G3-1, 59, 72
G3-2, 59, 72 R
G4, 59, 73, 74
G5, 59, 75, 76 R1-1, 15, 41
G6, 59, 77 R1-2, 16, 41, 124
G7, 58, 59, 78 R1-2P, 17
G8, 59, 80 R1-3, 17
G9, 59, 81 R2-1 to R2-7, 18
GE1, 83 R2-8, 20
GE2, 59, 84, 85 R3-1, 21
GE3, 86 R3-10P1, 22, 23
GE4, 87 R3-10P2, 22
GE5, 88, 89 R3-10P3, 23
GE6, 90, 93 R3-13, 23, 56
GE7, 91 R3-14, 23
GE8, 90, 91, 92, 93 R3-15, 23, 56
Give Way, 16, 17, 44, 99, 109, 123, 124, 130, 147 R3-16, 24
GIVE WAY, 5, 13, 15, 17, 41, 43, 44, 53, 99 R3-1P, 21
glass beads, 110 R3-2 to R3-12, 21
Guide Posts, 104, 105 R4-1, 26, 92
R4-12P, 26

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A177

R4-2, 13, 26, 92 W2-3, 42
R4-3, 27, 92 W2-4, 42
R5-1, 28 W2-5, 42
R5-10, 32, 127 W2-6, 42
R5-11, 32 W2-7, 42
R5-2, 28 W2-8, 43
R5-3, 28 W2-9, 43
R5-4, 29 W3-1, 44
R5-4A, 29 W3-2, 44
R5-4B, 29 W3-3, 44
R5-4C, 29 W4-1, 45
R5-5, 29 W4-2, 46
R5-5A, 29 W4-3, 46
R5-5B, 29 W4-4, 46
R5-6, 30 W5-1, 48
R5-6A, 30 W5-10, 50
R5-7, 30 W5-11, 50
R5-8, 31 W5-2, 48, 55
R5-9A, 31 W5-3, 48, 55
R5-9B, 31 W5-6, 49
R5-9C, 31 W5-7, 49, 55
R6-1, 33 W5-8, 49
R6-10, 35, 52 W5-9, 49, 55
R6-2 to R6-6, 33 W6-1, 34, 51, 55
R6-7, 34 W6-2, 35, 52, 55
R6-8, 34, 51 W6-3, 51, 52
R6-9, 35 W6-4, 52
raised pavement markers, 108, 120, 127, 134, 136 W6-5, 52
Regulatory signs, 13 W7-1, 53, 129
Retro-Reflector Raised Pavement Markers, 109 W7-2, 53, 55
roundabouts, 67, 124, 125 W7-3, 53, 55
Route Markers, 59, 81 W7-4, 53
W8-1, 39, 40, 54
W8-10, 55
S W8-11A, 56
S1, 22, 48, 52, 90, 92, 94, 96 W8-11B, 56
S1-4E, 90, 92, 94 W8-2, 53, 55
S2, 58, 97, 98, 99, 100 W8-3, 40, 55
sign face, 7, 10, 62, 63 W8-4, 40, 55
SPILL WAY, 49 W8-5, 49, 55
Stack, 66, 68 W8-6, 49, 55
STOP, 5, 13, 15, 16, 31, 41, 43, 44, 53, 91, 97, 98, 124, W8-7, 55
130, 146 W8-8, 55
stop bar, 129, 131 W8-9, 55
Stop Line, 109, 123 W9-1A, 57
W9-1B, 57, 103
W9-2A, 57
T W9-2B, 57
Traffic Engineering Center, i W9-3, 57
Transition Lines, 122 W9-4, 58, 100
Transverse lines, 111, 123 W9-5, 58
Transverse Lines, 109 warning sign, 36, 37, 38, 41, 45, 52, 54, 55, 58, 94, 96,
turn line, 126 97
TWO WAY, 19, 20 wide spacing, 6
Width Markers, 103

W1-1, 39, 40
W1-2, 40 zebra, 12
W1-3, 40
W1-4, 40
W1-5, 40
W1-6, 40
W2-1, 42
W2-10, 43
W2-2, 42

May 2011 Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual A178

Road Signs and Pavement Markings Manual

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