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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code


Volume 57
Interpretations of the Code are distributed annually in July with the issuance of the edition and
subsequent addenda. Interpretations posted in January at are
included in the July distribution. Interpretations of Section III, Divisions 1 and 2, are part of the update
service to Section III, Subsection NCA.

Interpretations Volumes 54 through 56 were included with the update service to the 2004 Edition of
the Code; Volume 57 is the first Interpretations volume to be included with the update service to the
2007 Edition.

Section Vol. 57 Vol. 58 Vol. 59

I 7 /07
II-A 7 /07

II-B ...
II-C ...
II-D (Customary) 7 /07
II-D (Metric) ...
III-NCA 7 /07
III-3 7 /07
IV 7 /07
V 7 /07
VI ...
VII ...
VIII-1 7 /07
VIII-2 7 /07
VIII-3 7 /07
IX 7 /07
X ...
XI 7 /07
XII ...

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Copyright 2007
All rights reserved

Copyright ASME International

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Replies to Technical Inquiries
January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006


General Information
This publication includes all written interpretations issued between the indicated dates by the ASME Staff
on behalf of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee in response to inquiries concerning interpreta-
tions of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. A contents is also included which lists subjects specific
to the interpretations covered in the individual volume.
These interpretations are taken verbatim from the original letters, except for a few typographical and
editorial corrections made for the purpose of improved clarity. In some instances, a review of the interpretation
revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature. In these cases, a revised interpretation is presented
bearing the original interpretation number with the suffix R and the original file number with an asterisk.
Following these revised interpretations, new interpretations and revisions to them issued during the indicated
dates are assigned interpretation numbers in chronological order. Interpretations applying to more than one
Code Section appear with the interpretations for each affected Section.
ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additional information
is available which the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation. Further, persons aggrieved by an
interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee. As stated in the Statement
of Policy in the Code documents, ASME does not approve, certify, rate, or endorse any item,
construction, proprietary device, or activity.
An interpretation applies either to the Edition and Addenda in effect on the date of issuance of the
interpretation or the Edition and Addenda stated in the interpretation. Subsequent revisions to the Code may
supersede the interpretation.
For detailed instructions on preparation of technical inquiries to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Committee, refer to Appendix I.

Subject and Numerical Indexes

Subject and numerical indexes have been prepared to assist the user in locating interpretations by subject
matter or by location in the Code. They cover interpretations issued from Volume 12 up to and including
the present volume and will be updated with each volume.

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Subject Interpretation File No.

Code Case 1855, Referenced on Master Data Report and Stamping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-04-34 BC05-1575
PG-9.1, Application of ASTM A 696 in Lieu of ASME SA-105 for Use as a Drum
Water Level-Indicating Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-04-35 BC06-0128
PG-32, Thickness and Nominal Thickness as They Apply to Openings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-04-36 BC06-0188
PG-58.3.2, Boiler External Piping for High-Temperature, Hot Water Boilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-07-02 BC06-670
PG-60.1, Permissible Design for Visual Level Gages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-04-38 BC06-0087
PG-80, Permissible Out-of-Roundness of Cylindrical Shells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-04-37 BC04-1687
PG-106.7, PG-108.2, and PG-111.5, Stamping of Field-Assembled Boilers by the
Assembler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-07-01 BC05-1278

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Interpretation: I-04-34

Subject: Code Case 1855, Referenced on Master Data Report and Stamping
Date Issued: March 7, 2006
File: BC05-1575

Question (1): May a heat exchanger with the shell side manufactured in accordance with Section VIII,
Division 1 and the tube side manufactured to Section I be installed in a Section I boiler system when the
shell side is manufactured to the provisions of Code Case 1855 as an unfired steam boiler?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): For the heat exchanger described in Question (1), is it required that the code case number
be marked on the Section VIII stamping and listed on the Section I Master Data Report?
Reply (2): Yes.

Interpretation: I-04-35

Subject: PG-9.1, Application of ASTM A 696 in Lieu of ASME SA-105 for Use as a Drum Water Level-
Indicating Device
Date Issued: March 7, 2006
File: BC06-0128

Question: May a material supplied to ASTM A 696 Grade C be used as ASME SA-105?
Reply: Yes, provided it meets all the requirements of ASME SA-105 and has been recertified according
to PG-10.

Interpretation: I-04-36

Subject: PG-32, Thickness and Nominal Thickness as They Apply to Openings

Date Issued: March 7, 2006
File: BC06-0188

Question: Does PW-16 prohibit the use of minimum wall for calculation of weld size?
Reply: No.

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Interpretation: I-04-37

Subject: PG-80, Permissible Out-of-Roundness of Cylindrical Shells

Date Issued: April 7, 2006
File: BC04-1687

Question (1): Are the out-of-roundness requirements in PG-80.1 applicable to welded headers?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): Is the intent of PG-80.1 to limit the method used to achieve the 1% maximum out-of-
roundness requirement to reheating, rerolling, or reforming?
Reply (2): No.

Interpretation: I-04-38

Subject: PG-60.1, Permissible Design for Visual Level Gages

Date Issued: June 13, 2006
File: BC06-0087

Question (1): In the case of Gage Glass assemblies that utilize multiple tubular sections, does PG-60.1
require an overlap between adjacent sections?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): In the case of Gage Glass assemblies utilizing multiple sections, other than those employing
tubular designs, is it permissible to omit the overlap between adjacent sections required by PG-60.1?
Reply (2): No.

Question (3): In the case of Gage Glass assemblies utilizing multiple sections, other than those employing
tubular designs, is it permissible to omit the overlap between adjacent sections required by PG-60.1 if the
design employs a technology, such as in the case of ported or reflex-type gages, that will enhance the ability
of operating personnel to readily distinguish between liquid- and nonliquid-filled portions of the gage?
Reply (3): Yes.


Copyright ASME International

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Interpretation: I-07-01

Subject: PG-106.7, PG-108.2, and PG-111.5, Stamping of Field-Assembled Boilers by the Assembler
Date Issued: August 21, 2006
File: BC05-1278

Question (1): The Engineering Contractor provides a master stamping plate as required by PG-106.7 for
a field-assembled boiler. Is the requirement of PG-108.2 for supplemental stamping by the Assembler satisfied
when the Assembler responsible for performing the hydrostatic test of the completed boiler locates the
Assemblers required stamping in accordance with PG-111.5?
Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): Is the requirement of PG-108.2 for supplemental stamping by the Assembler satisfied when
the Assembler responsible for performing the hydrostatic test of the completed boiler locates the required
stamping on the Engineering Contractors master stamping plate or on a separate nameplate provided by the
Assembler and located near the Engineering Contractors master stamping plate?
Reply (2): Yes.

Interpretation: I-07-02

Subject: PG-58.3.2, Boiler External Piping for High-Temperature, Hot Water Boilers
Date Issued: August 21, 2006
File: BC06-670

Question: Do the PG-58.3.2 requirements for two stop valves and a free blow drain apply to high-
temperature, hot water boilers that do not have a manhole opening?
Reply: No.


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Page Page
Location Interpretation File No. No. Location Interpretation File No. No.
Appendix Part PFT (Contd)
A-19 I-89-61 BC90-512 211 PFT-11.3 I-86-60 BC87-180 144
A-22 I-83-92 BC84-097 76 PFT-12 I-83-41 BC82-656 32
I-92-93 BC93-562 291 I-83-51 BC83-148 44
A-33 I-86-59 BC87-142 144 I-86-17 BC84-021 110
A-69 I-89-47 BC89-070 201 Fig. PFT-12.1 I-86-08 BC84-568 102
I-89-49 BC90-007 202 I-86-58 BC87-100 144
A-150 I-89-30 BC89-216 187 I-86-76 BC85-486 155
A-250 I-83-35 BC82-859 28 I-95-26 BC95-497 323
I-83-73 BC83-299 61 Fig. PFT-12.1(g) I-98-34 BC99-553 374
A-270 I-04-09 BC03-1360 420 PFT-12.2 I-86-04 BC85-062 100
A-300 I-89-64 BC90-608 212 I-01-20 BC02-2696 400
I-92-91 BC94-059 290 PFT-12.2.1(d) I-98-34 BC99-553 374
I-04-19 BC04-639 427 PFT-12.2.2 I-98-28 BC99-228 367
A-350 I-83-48R BC80-258* 43 PFT-14 I-92-64 BC93-152 265
I-89-27 BC88-417 186 PFT-14.1 I-92-68 BC93-152(a) 275
I-92-58 BC93-042 263 PFT-14.1.2 I-83-21 BC82-503 15
I-98-17 BC98-371 363 PFT-15 I-83-99 BC84-372 79

A-351 I-83-22 BC82-620 16 PFT-17 I-89-23 BC88-019 185

A-351.1 I-83-16 BC82-233 14 PFT-19.1 I-86-67 BC83-343 53
A-352 I-92-70 BC93-385 276 I-86-53 BC86-461 137
A-353 I-83-57 BC82-886 47 I-04-17 BC04-406 426
A-354.1 I-83-56 BC82-439 47 PFT-21 I-92-08 BC90-867 232
I-89-34 BC89-274 190 I-89-43 BC89-347 194
A-360 I-04-04 BC03-538 419 I-89-60 BC90-347 211
A-361 I-89-02 BC88-059 165 I-89-62 BC90-514 212
I-89-63 BC90-607 212
Part PEB PFT-23.2 I-04-10 BC03-1349 420
PEB I-83-81 BC83-228 65 PFT-25.2 I-95-34 BC96-524 331
PEB-2.2 I-83-38 BC82-493 31 PFT-31 I-04-33 BC05-1099 434
I-86-70 BC87-403 153 PFT-43 I-92-57 BC92-442 262
PEB-3 I-83-30 BC82-554A 20 I-01-02 BC00-513 384
I-83-50 BC83-026 44 I-04-15 BC04-228 426
I-86-31 BC85-615A 117 PFT-47 I-86-43 BC86-127 132
I-89-16 BC89-019 177 PFT-50 I-89-29 BC89-212 187
I-92-89 BC94-016 289 PFT-51 I-98-28 BC99-228 367
PEB-3.1 I-86-70 BC87-403 153
PEB-5.2 I-92-82 BC93-582 282 Part PG
PEB-8 I-86-34 BC83-659 129 PG-1 I-83-74 BC82-553 61
PEB-9 I-83-27 BC82-177 18 I-83-83 BC83-382 65
I-86-26 BC84-637 115 PG-2.1(b) I-86-44 BC86-248 133
I-89-39 BC89-105 192 I-86-81 BC87-472 157
PEB-9.1 I-01-09R BC01-376* 403 PG-2.3 I-83-17 BC82-355 14
PEB-13 I-92-51 BC92-400 260 I-83-58 BC83-061 47
PEB-18 I-83-26 BC80-641 18 I-86-39 BC85-511 131
PG-3 I-04-21 BC04-125 427
Part PFT PG-5 I-77-28R BC75-286* 5
PFT-9.2.1 I-86-83 BC88-016 157 I-89-09 BC88-228 169
PFT-9.2.2 I-83-19 BC82-251 15 I-92-24 BC91-623 245

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Page Page
Location Interpretation File No. No. Location Interpretation File No. No.
Part PG (Contd) Part PG (Contd)
PG-5 (Contd) PG-27.2.1 I-95-33 BC96-366 331
I-04-32 BC05-1037 434 PG-27.2.2 I-95-35 BC96-184 337
PG-5.5 I-01-25 BC02-3540 405 I-95-37 BC96-457 337

I-04-03 BC03-481 418 PG-27.3 I-83-33 BC82-608 27

PG-9 I-83-01 BC79-382 7 PG-27.4 I-83-95 BC82-847 77
I-86-56 BC87-053 143 I-86-37 BC86-383 130
I-89-04 BC88-151 166 I-86-87 BC88-064 159
I-92-18 BC91-577 237 I-95-06 BC94-449 305
I-92-82 BC93-582 282 I-98-26 BC99-226 366
I-92-98 BC94-301 294 I-98-44 BC00-094 378
I-95-03 BC94-448 300 PG-29 I-86-19 BC85-282 111
PG-9.1 I-92-21 BC91-541 243 I-86-64 BC87-210 146
I-92-40 BC92-258 255 PG-29.3 I-92-88 BC94-015 289
I-04-35 BC06-0128 437 PG-29.9 I-98-32 BC99-229 373
PG-9.2 I-92-21 BC91-541 243 PG-29.11 I-86-41 BC85-616 132
PG-10 I-83-82 BC82-353 27 I-95-13 BC94-647 308
I-86-72 BC87-410 154 PG-31 I-86-27 BC85-072 115
I-86-84 BC88-018 158 I-86-65 BC84-023A 151
I-89-10 BC88-229 169 I-86-66 BC85-094A 152
I-89-11 BC87-007A 169 I-89-46 BC89-354 195
I-89-72 BC91-059 222 PG-31.2 I-01-18 BC02-2201 399
I-92-06 BC91-418 231 PG-32 I-83-61 BC83-302 49
PG-10.1.1 I-92-49 BC92-396 259 I-86-78 BC86-274 156
PG-11 I-89-04 BC88-151 166 I-86-83 BC88-016 157
I-89-06 BC88-159 167 I-89-35 BC89-286 190
I-89-28 BC89-024 187 I-89-47 BC89-070 201
I-92-97 BC94-300 293 I-89-49 BC90-007 202
PG-11.1.2 I-92-31 BC91-421 248 I-92-65 BC93-381 266
PG-11.2 I-92-21 BC91-541 243 I-92-79 BC93-384 280
I-92-32 BC91-538 248 I-04-36 BC06-0188 437
PG-11.3 I-89-59 BC88-181 211 PG-32.1.1 I-92-14 BC91-532 235
PG-12 I-89-56 BC90-414 205
PG-32.1.2 I-92-44 BC91-532R 257
I-04-03 BC03-481 418
I-04-08 BC03-1262 420
PG-13 I-83-100 BC84-427 79
PG-33 I-83-61 BC83-302 49
I-92-53 BC92-402 260
PG-36 I-92-13 BC91-531 235
I-98-33 BC99-462 374
I-92-29 BC92-017A 247
PG-16 I-86-79 BC87-323 156
I-92-34 BC91-531R 253
PG-16.5 I-98-28 BC99-228 367
I-92-37 BC92-017A 254
I-04-02 BC03-284 418
I-92-45 BC92-017A 257
PG-22 I-83-02 BC80-346 7
Fig. PG-36 I-01-01 BC00-413 383
I-86-51 BC86-314 136
Fig. PG-36.4 I-01-01 BC00-413 383
I-86-61 BC87-182 145
PG-36.4.4 I-86-09 BC84-638 102
I-04-28 BC05-452 433
PG-37 I-92-13 BC91-531 235
PG-23.1 I-92-03 BC91-125 230
I-92-34 BC91-531R 253
Table PG-23 I-83-111 BC84-167 91
I-95-02 BC94-446 299
I-89-10 BC88-229 169
I-89-29 BC89-212 187 PG-38 I-83-61 BC83-302 49
PG-27 I-83-05 BC79-774 9 I-89-47 BC89-070 201
I-83-23 BC81-553 16 I-89-49 BC90-007 202
I-83-47 BC79-501 41 I-95-37 BC96-457 337
I-83-115 BC84-314 93 PG-38.4 I-89-69 BC91-058 220
I-89-33 BC89-254 189 I-95-19 BC95-248 316
I-98-08 BC97-374 349 PG-39.5 I-83-25 BC82-267 17
I-98-12 BC97-540 351 PG-39.5.1 I-92-89 BC94-016 289
PG-27.2 I-86-25 BC81-713, 114 PG-39.7 I-83-89 BC84-020 73
BC83-289, I-01-29 BC02-4028 407
BC83-669, PG-42 I-83-91 BC80-685 75
BC84-230 I-83-11 BC84-167 91

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Page Page
Location Interpretation File No. No. Location Interpretation File No. No.
Part PG (Contd) Part PG (Contd)
PG-42 (Contd) PG-59 (Contd)
I-86-21 BC85-462A 112 I-98-36 BC99-552 375
I-86-27 BC85-072 115 I-01-27 BC02-3624 406
I-95-38 BC96-459 338 PG-59.2 I-86-54 BC87-098 137
PG-42.1 I-83-24 BC82-266 17 PG-59.3 I-83-14 BC81-708 13
I-83-07 BC77-762 10 I-89-36 BC86-316 191
I-89-02 BC88-059 165 PG-59.3.2 I-83-43 BC83-088 33
PG-42.4.4 I-92-28 BC92-048 246 PG-59.3.6 I-95-23 BC95-451 317
PG-43 I-01-33 BC01-766 411 PG-59.4 I-83-70 BC83-583 54
PG-44 I-83-39 BC82-504 31 I-92-27 BC92-016 246
I-89-26 BC88-153 186 PG-59.4.1 I-83-98 BC83-668 79
PG-44.3 I-89-59 BC88-181 211 PG-60 I-86-02 BC84-407 99
PG-46 I-86-14 BC84-639 109 I-86-07 BC83-574 101
I-95-34 BC96-524 331 I-89-06 BC88-159 167
PG-47 I-83-09 BC80-509 11 I-98-03 BC97-211 357
PG-52 I-83-61 BC83-302 49 I-01-22 BC01-235, 404
I-89-47 BC89-070 201 BC97-209
I-89-48 BC89-348 201 PG-60.1 I-83-13 BC82-179 13
I-89-49 BC90-007 202 I-92-15 BC91-534 236
I-92-13 BC91-531 235 I-92-63 BC93-132 265
I-92-14 BC91-532 235 I-92-66 BC93-387 266
I-92-34 BC91-531R 253 I-92-69 BC93-382 275
I-04-08 BC03-1262 420 I-95-07 BC94-450 305
PG-52.3 I-98-15 BC98-160 352 I-01-19 BC02-2114 399
PG-53 I-04-08 BC03-1262 420 I-04-38 BC06-0087 438
PG-53.2 I-04-26 BC04-1554 429 PG-60.1.1 I-86-50 BC86-129 136

PG-55 I-83-12 BC81-428 12 I-89-12 BC87-215 170

I-92-67 BC93-437 266 I-89-73 BC91-173 222
I-92-83 BC93-625 282 I-89-53 BC89-266 204
PG-58 I-83-65 BC83-062 52 I-92-50 BC92-397 259
I-83-64 BC82-810 51 I-95-04 BC94-454 300
I-83-64R BC82-810* 88 I-98-14 BC98-158 351
I-89-44 BC89-349 194 I-98-19 BC98-374 363
I-92-07 BC91-422 232 PG-60.1.6 I-83-103 BC83-647 81
I-92-55 BC92-014 261 I-04-13 BC03-1731 425
I-98-03 BC97-211 357 PG-60.2 I-92-96 BC94-196 293
I-98-36 BC99-552 375 PG-60.2.2 I-86-54 BC87-098 137
PG-58.3 I-83-29 BC82-438, 19 PG-60.3 I-04-12 BC03-1730 425
BC82-505 PG-60.3.4 I-98-23 BC99-225A 365
I-86-46 BC86-473 134 PG-60.3.8 I-98-24 BC99-225B 366
I-95-18 BC95-244 315 PG-60.4 I-83-40 BC82-558 31
I-04-21 BC04-125 427 PG-60.6 I-86-63 BC87-208 146
PG-58.3.1 I-83-110 BC84-099 90 PG-61 I-83-54 BC81-349 46
I-86-15 BC85-128 109 I-83-77 BC83-436 63
I-89-06 BC88-159 167 I-86-18 BC85-278 111
I-89-13 BC88-154 170 I-89-57 BC90-415 206
PG-58.3.2 I-86-12 BC85-462 103 PG-61.1 I-83-03 BC80-309 8
I-86-80 BC87-402 156 I-86-62 BC87-207, 145
I-92-90 BC94-019 290 BC87-256,
I-07-02 BC06-670 439 BC87-257
PG-58.3.3 I-83-76 BC83-333 62 I-89-67 BC90-782 219
PG-58.3.4 I-01-30 BC02-4032 407 I-95-22 BC95-445 317
I-01-31 BC02-4033 408 I-98-25 BC99-225C 366
PG-58.3.6 I-83-53 BC83-247 45 PG-61.5 I-01-10 BC01-619 393
I-86-22 BC86-064 112 PG-67 I-83-04 BC80-412 8
PG-59 I-95-23 BC95-451 317 I-83-62 BC83-258 50
I-95-25 BC95-495 323 I-86-15 BC85-128 109

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Page Page
Location Interpretation File No. No. Location Interpretation File No. No.
Part PG (Contd) Part PG (Contd)
PG-67 (Contd) PG-80 (Contd)
I-86-35 BC86-239 129 I-04-37 BC04-1687 438
I-89-18 BC89-023 177 PG-90 I-04-23 BC04-909 428
I-89-54 BC90-301 204 PG-90.3 I-98-45 BC00-154 379
I-92-33 BC92-139 248 PG-91 I-86-24 BC86-230 114
I-95-05 BC94-021 305 PG-99 I-83-11 BC82-356 12
I-98-10 BC97-453 350 I-83-75 BC83-130 62
I-98-16 BC98-191 358 I-86-01 BC83-446 99
PG-67.1 I-04-01 BC02-4146 418 I-86-42 BC86-066 132
PG-67.2 I-86-75 BC85-458B 155 I-86-69 BC87-401 153
I-89-45 BC89-350 194 I-89-19 BC89-025 178
I-95-15 BC95-076 309 I-89-21 BC88-058 178
PG-67.2.1 I-01-06R BC02-3419 417 I-89-58 BC90-416 206
PG-67.2.6 I-04-06 BC03-988 419 I-92-56 BC92-398 262
PG-67.3 I-83-18 BC82-362 14 I-92-73 BC93-390 277
I-83-86 BC83-577 67 I-95-24 BC95-453 317
I-98-46 BC00-241 380 I-95-27 BC95-499 323
I-04-25 BC04-1057 429 I-01-28 BC02-3959 406
PG-67.4.1 I-83-94 BC82-724 77 PG-99.1 I-98-07 BC97-206 349
I-04-14 BC04-225 425 I-01-39 BC02-3424 417
PG-68 I-83-108 BC83-547 89 PG-99.2 I-98-07 BC97-206 349
I-89-52 BC89-020 203 PG-99.3 I-89-68 BC90-606 220
PG-68.2 I-98-46 BC00-241 380 PG-99.4.1 I-01-39 BC02-3424 417
PG-68.4 I-95-36 BC96-455 337 PG-99.4.2 I-92-52 BC92-401 260
PG-69 I-86-23 BC85-489 113 I-92-74 BC93-395 278
I-86-15 BC85-128 109 PG-101.1.1 I-95-39 BC96-460 338
PG-70 I-83-69 BC83-348 54 PG-104 I-83-105 BC84-218 82
I-89-45 BC89-350 194 I-86-13 BC85-501 104
PG-71 I-83-104 BC84-100 81 I-86-32 BC85-614 123
I-86-15 BC85-128 109 I-86-33 BC86-065 123
PG-71.1 I-98-21 BC98-577 364 I-86-57 BC87-064 143
PG-71.3 I-83-78 BC83-440 63 I-89-51 BC85-613 203
PG-72 I-89-109 BC82-025 90 I-92-05 BC91-294 231
I-89-01 BC87-181 165 I-92-12 BC91-431 234
PG-72.2 I-83-31 BC82-615 20 I-92-39 BC92-256 255
PG-73 I-83-62 BC83-258 50 I-92-48 BC92-294 259
I-89-01 BC87-181 165 I-92-92 BC94-199 291
I-98-31 BC99-469 373 I-95-17 BC95-408 315
PG-73.2.2 I-92-01 BC90-187 229 I-04-23 BC04-909 428
I-92-81 BC93-538 281 PG-104.1 I-98-45 BC00-154 379
PG-73.3 I-92-81 BC93-559 281 I-01-07 BC01-394 389
PG-73.3.3 I-83-97 BC83-391 78 I-01-37 BC02-3965 413
I-83-102 BC83-223A 80 I-04-29 BC05-634 433
PG-73.3.4 I-86-29 BC85-155A 116 PG-104.2 I-01-13 BC01-663 394
I-98-02 BC96-365 357 PG-105 I-83-105 BC84-218 82
PG-73.4.1 I-92-80 BC93-500 281 PG-105.2 I-98-30 BC96-128 368
PG-73.4.2 I-98-46 BC00-241 380 I-04-29 BC05-634 433
I-01-04 BC00-462 385 PG-105.4 I-86-16 BC85-185 110

I-00-16 BC00-241 381 I-92-91 BC94-059 290

I-04-16 BC03-1281 426 PG-105.5 I-01-03 BC00-515 384
PG-73.6.3 I-04-24 BC04-1059 428 PG-106 I-83-42 BC82-414 33
PG-75 I-98-04 BC97-429 358 I-83-4263 BC82-252 50
PG-78 I-86-68 BC87-400 152 I-86-67 BC86-276 152
I-89-38 BC88-148 192 I-89-20 BC87-213 178
I-89-41 BC89-344 193 I-89-42 BC89-346 193
PG-79 I-89-15 BC88-406 171 I-92-43 BC92-300 257
PG-80 I-92-47 BC92-293 258 I-95-14 BC94-719 309

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Location Interpretation File No. No. Location Interpretation File No. No.
Part PG (Contd) Part PMB (Contd)
PG-106 (Contd) PMB-11 I-83-76 BC83-333 62
I-95-30 BC95-498A 325 PMB-13 I-92-51 BC92-400 260
I-98-09 BC97-428 350 PMB-17 I-92-25 BC91-624 245
I-98-29 BC99-274 367
I-04-23 BC04-909 428 Part PR
PG-106.5 I-95-21 BC95-250 316 PR-16.1 I-86-59 BC87-142 144
PG-106.7 I-07-01 BC05-1278 439
PG-106.8 I-92-46 BC92-257 258 Preamble/
I-98-43 BC00-092 378 Introduction I-81-02R BC79-381* 6
I-01-18 BC02-2201 399 I-83-37 BC79-780 30
I-01-36 BC02-3427 412 I-83-60 BC83-153 49
PG-107 I-04-23 BC04-909 428 I-83-55 BC82-371 46
I-04-29 BC05-634 433 I-83-71 BC82-058 55
PG-107.2 I-86-57 BC87-064 143 I-83-80 BC83-216 64
I-89-07 BC88-180 168 I-83-85 BC83-576 66
PG-108 I-83-84 BC83-573 66 I-83-107 BC84-229 89
PG-109 I-83-06 BC80-443 9 I-83-112 BC85-064 91
I-83-68 BC83-347 54 I-86-45 BC86-454 133
I-83-56 BC82-439 47 I-86-52 BC86-319 137
I-83-113 BC84-168 92 I-86-65 BC84-023A 151
I-92-04 BC91-284 230 I-89-40 BC89-110 193
PG-109.1 I-86-38 BC85-006 130 I-89-65 BC90-609 213
PG-109.2 I-92-72 BC93-389 277 I-92-20 BC91-537 243
PG-109.3 I-92-30 BC92-141 247 I-95-28 BC95-243 324
I-01-17 BC02-109 398 I-98-12 BC97-540 351

PG-109.4 I-98-37 BC99-369 376 I-04-18 BC04-475 426

PG-110 I-83-62 BC83-258 50
I-92-38 BC92-324 254 Part PVG
I-01-16 BC02-108 398 PVG-1 I-81-02R BC79-381* 6
PG-111 I-83-42 BC82-414 33 PVG-12.5 I-92-42 BC92-281 256
I-89-42 BC89-346 193
PG-112 I-83-82 BC83-327 65 Part PW
I-83-22 BC82-620 16 PW-1.2 I-86-66 BC85-094A 152
I-83-16 BC82-233 14 I-89-50 BC88-426A 202
I-83-57 BC82-886 47 I-95-29 BC95-482(a) 324
I-83-56 BC82-439 47 I-01-24 BC02-3539 404
I-86-13 BC85-501 103 PW-5.4 I-01-15 BC01-718 397
I-86-49 BC86-126 135 PW-5.6 I-92-41 BC92-260 256
I-92-11 BC91-420 234 PW-9 I-83-72 BC82-791 55
I-98-09 BC97-428 350 I-86-11 BC85-299 103
I-98-18 BC98-372 363 I-98-40 BC99-590 377
I-98-35 BC99-461 375 I-01-05 BC01-037 389
I-01-37 BC02-3965 413 PW-9.2 I-92-75 BC93-528, 278
PG-112.2.2 I-92-87 BC93-774 284 BC93-529
I-92-70 BC93-385 276 PW-9.3 I-04-05 BC03-335 419
PG-112.2.4 I-04-30 BC05-788 434 PW-10 I-98-05 BC97-430 358
PG-112.2.4(3) I-98-45 BC00-154 379 PW-11 I-86-40 BC85-611, 131
PG-112.2.5 I-92-30 BC92-141 247 BC86-128
I-01-14 BC01-709 397 I-86-77 BC86-243 155
PG-113 I-89-70 BC88-180 168 I-89-14 BC88-393 171
I-89-74 BC91-182 223 I-89-60 BC90-347 211
I-01-37 BC02-3965 413 I-98-20R BC98-529* 383
PG-113.4 I-04-21 BC04-125 427 I-98-27 BC99-227 367
I-01-18 BC02-2201 399
Part PMB PW-11.2 I-92-26 BC92-015 245
PMB-2 I-83-49 BC81-678 43 PW-12 I-01-15 BC01-718 397
PMB-5 I-86-79 BC87-373 156 I-04-29 BC05-634 433

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Location Interpretation File No. No. Location Interpretation File No. No.
Part PW (Contd) Part PW (Contd)
PW-15 I-86-78 BC86-274 156 Table PW-39 (Contd)
I-89-31 BC89-219 188 I-92-29 BC92-017A 247
I-89-32 BC89-220 188 I-92-61 BC93-046 264
I-92-71 BC93-386 276 I-92-62 BC93-047 264
I-95-01 BC93-707 299 I-95-31 BC96-185 325
PW-16 I-01-12 BC01-628 394
I-01-29 BC02-4028 407
I-04-07 BC03-1260 420
I-01-09R BC01-376 403
Fig. PW-16 I-89-71 BC90-866 221
PW-39.2 I-83-10 BC80-694 11
I-92-86 BC93-709 284
Fig. PW-16.1(a) I-01-26 BC02-3547 405 PW-40.1 I-92-10 BC191-286 233
Fig. PW-16.1(z) I-83-08R BC77-783* 61 PW-41 I-83-36 BC82-868 29
I-92-95 BC94-194 292 I-86-28 BC85-154 116
I-95-32 BC96-145 331 I-89-17 BC89-021 177
I-95-33 BC96-366 331 I-92-60 BC93-045 264
I-98-01 BC97-204 357 I-98-20R BC98-529* 383
PW-16.6 I-01-34 BC01-855 411 I-98-40 BC99-590 377
PW-19 I-89-05 BC88-152 167
I-01-18 BC02-2201 399
I-89-24 BC88-020 185
PW-41.1 I-92-35 BC91-549 253
I-95-20 BC95-249 316
PW-19.2 I-04-22 BC04-735 428 PW-41.1.1 I-92-77 BC93-530 279
PW-27 I-83-45 BC80-038A 34 PW-41.2.1 I-98-41 BC99-591 377
PW-27.2 I-95-12 BC94-644 308 PW-41.2.2 I-92-54 BC91-621 261
PW-28 I-83-52 BC82-769 45 I-92-75 BC93-528, 278
I-86-71 BC87-404 153 BC93-529
I-89-08 BC88-227 168
PW-41.2.3 I-98-11 BC97-484 350
I-89-25 BC88-147 186
PW-42 I-89-06 BC88-159 167
I-89-50 BC88-426A 202
PW-28.1 I-92-78 BC93-535 280 PW-51 I-83-15 BC81-685A 13
PW-28.1.2 I-92-17 BC91-536 237 I-83-28 BC82-343, 19
I-95-09 BC94-498 306 BC82-418
I-98-39R BC01-154* 393 I-83-44 BC82-754A 34
PW-28.1.3 I-95-29 BC95-482(a) 324 I-83-59 BC83-118 48
PW-28.4 I-01-23 BC02-3466 404 I-83-79 BC83-525 64
PW-28.5 I-92-09 BC91-285 233 I-86-48 BC84-216 135
PW-31 I-83-46 BC80-173 35
I-86-74 BC84-216A 154
PW-33 I-92-36 BC91-558 254
PW-51.1 I-04-04 BC03-538 419

I-92-94 BC93-707 292
I-95-01 BC93-707 299 PW-51.3.2 I-98-13 BC98-157 351
PW-35 I-98-41 BC99-591 377 PW-51.3.3 I-83-34 BC82-712 28
PW-35.1 I-92-84 BC93-681 283 PW-51.4 I-86-47 BC86-502 134
PW-35.3 I-98-40 BC99-590 377 I-92-22 BC91-620 244
PW-36.2 I-01-21 BC02-112A 403 I-01-32 BC02-4057 408
PW-39 I-83-66 BC83-116 53
PW-51.5 I-98-06 BC96-454 349
I-86-36 BC86-318 129
I-01-35 BC02-143 412
I-95-11 BC94-642 307
I-04-10 BC02-3587 420
I-98-42 BC99-554 377
I-01-09R BC01-376 403 PW-52 I-83-44 BC82-754A 34
Table PW-39 I-83-20 BC82-351 15 PW-52.2 I-92-22 BC91-620 244
I-86-20 BC85-450 112 PW-52.3 I-83-10 BC85-234 102
I-86-55 BC86-128A 143 PW-52.4 I-98-06 BC96-454 349
I-86-58 BC87-100 144 I-01-35 BC02-143 412
I-89-03 BC88-149 166
I-04-04 BC03-538 419
I-89-14 BC88-293 171
I-04-11 BC02-3587 421
I-89-37 BC87-212 191
I-92-23 BC91-622 244 PW-53 I-86-53 BC86-461 137
I-92-85 BC93-708 283 PW-53.7 I-01-38 BC02-2805 417
I-92-77 BC93-531 279 PW-53.8.4 I-01-38 BC02-2805 417

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Location Interpretation File No. No. Location Interpretation File No. No.
Part PW (Contd) Part PWT (Contd)
PW-54 I-89-22 BC88-232 179 PWT-11.2 (Contd)
PW-54.1 I-01-11 BC01-621 394 I-89-32 BC89-220 188
PWT-14 I-92-16 BC91-535 236
Part PWT PWT-15 I-92-16 BC91-535 236
PWT-11 I-04-20 BC03-1842 427
Fig. PWT-11 I-04-20 BC03-1842 427 Code Cases
PWT-11.1 I-98-38 BC99-224 376 1855 1-04-34 BC05-1575 437
PWT-11.2 I-83-90 BC84-196 74 1924-1 1-04-31 BC05-1036 434
I-86-82 BC88-040 157 2235-3 I-04-27 BC04-1643 433


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Page Page
Subject Interpretation File No. No. Subject Interpretation File No. No.
Addenda Boiler Drum (Contd)
applicable dates I-83-88 BC82-869 73 definition I-86-15 BC85-128 109
I-83-93 BC82-270A 76 I-92-20 BC91-537 243
I-01-37 BC02-3965 413 safety valves I-83-18 BC82-362 14
code certification I-01-13 BC01-663 394 tube attachments I-83-20 BC82-351 15
tube holes I-89-15 BC88-406 171
Alignment water level indicator I-04-31 BC05-1036 434
tolerance I-92-36 BC91-558 254
I-92-94 BC93-707 292 Boiler External Piping
I-95-01 BC93-707 299 blowoff / blowdown I-83-14 BC81-708 13
I-83-43R BC83-088* 33
Allowable Stresses I-95-23 BC95-451 317
establishment I-89-30 BC89-216 187 documentation I-92-72 BC93-389 277
residual stresses I-83-05 BC79-774 9 fabrication / examination I-83-29 BC82-438, 19
ASME Marking I-83-56 BC82-439 47
use of I-83-106 BC84-217 88 I-83-64R BC82-810* 88
I-83-68 BC83-347 54
Assembler installation I-83-06 BC80-443 9
by mechanical means I-87-57 BC87-064 143 I-98-36 BC99-552 375
scope of activity I-86-29 BC85-155A 116 joined by mechanical means I-86-38 BC85-006 130
testing by I-01-04 BC00-462 385 I-86-57 BC87-064 143
transfer of pressure relief valve I-98-02 BC96-365 357 jurisdictional limits I-83-110 BC84-099 90
parts I-86-46 BC86-473 134
I-86-65 BC84-023A 151
Attachments I-86-80 BC87-402 156
nozzle-to-header I-92-95 BC94-194 292 I-89-13 BC88-154 170
nozzle, tube, other connections I-98-01 BC97-204 357 I-92-20 BC91-537 243

weld size calculation I-04-36 BC06-0188 437 manufacture after the original I-04-21 BC04-125 427
boiler contract date
Attemperators mechanically assembled I-92-55 BC92-014 261
jurisdiction I-89-28 BC89-024 187 painting of I-86-69 BC87-401 153
threaded joints I-83-25 BC82-267 17
Authorized Inspector
agency of record I-86-24 BC86-230 114 Boiler Parts
signing off I-77-28R BC75-286* 5 data reports I-86-33 BC86-065 123
I-83-57 BC82-886 47 nameplates I-86-32 BC85-614 123
replacement I-86-73 BC87-483 154
Bend Tests
Boiler Proper
ERW pipe I-92-68 BC93-152(a) 275
piping I-92-30 BC92-141 247
I-95-25 BC95-495 323
Blowoff / Blowdown
automatic I-83-14 BC81-708 13 Brazing
rapid drain systems I-89-36 BC89-316 191 electric heaters I-89-44 BC89-349 194
sizing I-83-43R BC83-088* 33
valves I-83-53 BC83-247 45 Bursting Test
I-86-22 BC86-064 112 tensile strength I-92-93 BC93-562 291

Boiler Drum Certificates of Authorization

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Subject Interpretation File No. No. Subject Interpretation File No. No.
Certificates of Authorization (Contd) Concavities
certificate I-92-12 BC91-431 234 weld face I-92-54 BC91-621 261
I-01-03 BC00-515 384
for materials I-92-05 BC91-294 231 Corrosion
locations designated on I-98-30 BC96-128 368 allowance I-89-33 BC89-254 189
PP I-01-17 BC02-109 398 I-92-20 BC91-537 243
relocation of certificate holder I-95-10 BC93-500 307 coating I-92-01 BC90-187 229
renewal I-86-16 BC85-185 110
S, M, and E I-86-70 BC87-403 153 Data Report Forms
welding I-92-22 BC91-620 244 I-83-16 BC82-233 14
I-83-22 BC82-620 16
Certification Requirements I-83-48R-2 BC80-258** 87
boiler piping I-92-39 BC92-256 255 I-83-56 BC82-439 47
requirements for proper I-01-07 BC01-394 389 I-83-57 BC82-886 47
certification I-86-03 BC84-413 99
I-04-23 BC04-909 428 I-86-13 BC85-501 104
I-86-33 BC86-065 123
Circular Furnaces I-86-80 BC87-402 156
materials I-92-64 BC93-152 265 I-89-07 BC88-180 168
I-89-16 BC89-019 177
Cleaning Devices (See Coil-Type Boilers) I-89-27 BC88-417 186
I-89-34 BC89-274 190
Code Certification I-89-51 BC85-613 203
to earlier editions and addenda I-01-13 BC01-663 394 I-89-74 BC91-182 223
of the Code I-98-17 BC98-371 363
I-01-14 BC01-709 397
Code Responsibility I-04-30 BC05-788 434
design calculations I-92-48 BC92-294 259 for BEP I-92-30 BC92-141 247
I-98-45 BC00-154 379 Manufacturer I-92-11 BC91-420 234
I-98-35 BC99-461 375
Code Symbol Stamps I-98-45 BC00-154 379
assembly I-83-84 BC83-573 66 master I-92-19 BC91-533 238
boilers I-83-48R BC80-258* 43 I-04-34 BC05-1575 437
I-83-58 BC83-061 47 minimum thickness I-92-58 BC93-042 263
I-95-30 BC95-498A 325 multiple pressure unit I-92-87 BC93-774 284
boiler external piping I-83-06 BC80-443 9 safety valve manufacturer I-04-24 BC04-1059 428
I-83-56 BC82-439 47
I-83-68 BC83-347 54 Definitions
I-83-105 BC84-218 82 ts I-01-18 BC02-2201 399
electric boilers I-83-26 BC80-641 18
I-83-38 BC82-493 31 Design
materials I-89-72 BC91-059 222 calculations I-92-48 BC92-294 259
nameplates I-83-42 BC82-414 33 compressive stresses in water I-86-51 BC86-314 136

I-83-63 BC82-252 50 tubes

creep fatigue interaction I-04-28 BC05-452 433
Coil-Type Boilers creep range I-83-115 BC84-314 93
exemptions I-83-17 BC82-355 14 distance between adjacent welds I-01-05 BC01-037 389
I-86-39 BC85-511 131 hemispherical heads I-86-41 BC85-616 132
ligament I-04-26 BC04-1554 429
Common Headers not covered by Section I I-83-112 BC85-064 91
pressure reducing valves I-92-90 BC94-019 290 occasional loads I-83-02 BC80-346 7
openings I-92-65 BC93-381 266
Compensation per Section VIII, Division 1 I-81-02R BC79-381* 6
attachment welds I-86-78 BC86-274 156 I-83-07 BC77-762 10
calculations I-89-71 BC90-866 221 I-83-30 BC82-554A 20
definition of te I-01-01 BC00-413 383 I-83-37 BC79-780 30
hillside connections I-89-35 BC89-286 190 I-83-50 BC83-026 44
welding openings I-92-88 BC94-015 289 I-83-71 BC82-058 55

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Subject Interpretation File No. No. Subject Interpretation File No. No.
Design (Contd) Expansion Joints (Contd)
per Section VIII, Division 1 (Contd) use of I-89-70 BC90-513 221
I-83-78 BC83-449 63
I-04-33 BC05-1099 434 External Piping
per Section VIII, Division 2 I-83-114 BC84-195 92 outlets I-92-07 BC91-422 232
responsibility I-86-13 BC85-501 103 I-98-36 BC99-552 375
semiellipsoidal heads I-86-64 BC87-210 146
tapered transitions I-83-19 BC82-251 15 External Pressure
I-83-72 BC82-791 55 charts I-89-29 BC89-212 187
unflanged, flat stayed heads I-86-34 BC83-659 129
Dished Heads flow rate I-98-25 BC99-225C 366
welding I-98-32 BC99-229 373 heaters I-83-74 BC82-553 61
I-86-52 BC86-319 137
Drains introduction of I-95-23 BC95-451 317
forced flow steam generators I-83-98 BC83-668 79 piping I-83-76 BC83-333 62
requirements I-92-27 BC92-016 246 I-86-18 BC85-278 111
I-98-36 BC99-552 375 I-89-13 BC88-154 170
I-01-30 BC02-4032 407
Drums I-01-31 BC02-4033 408
attachment I-01-12 BC01-628 394 pressure I-89-67 BC90-782 219
design temperature I-86-87 BC88-064 159 pumps I-83-03 BC80-309 8
longitudinal welds I-89-43 BC89-347 194 I-83-54 BC81-349 46
maximum allowable working I-95-35 BC96-184 337 I-83-77 BC83-436 63
pressure I-86-62 BC87-207, 146
maximum required thickness I-95-35 BC96-184 337 BC87-256,
Economizers I-89-66 BC90-428 219
built to Section VIII, Div. 1 I-04-18 BC04-475 426 I-01-10 BC01-619 393
direct firing I-86-75 BC85-458B 155 supply I-89-57 BC90-415 206
draining I-92-27 BC92-016 246 I-95-22 BC95-445 317
location of stamping I-89-42 BC89-346 193
I-95-21 BC95-250 316 Firetube Boilers
piping for I-89-13 BC88-154 170 attachment of tubes I-86-04 BC85-062 100
safety valves I-83-86 BC85-577 67 I-01-20 BC02-2696 400
I-92-33 BC92-139 248 cracks in tube beads I-86-08 BC84-568 101
design I-83-19 BC82-251 15
Electric Boilers I-83-41 BC82-656 32
completion of Data Report I-83-82 BC83-327 65 furnaces I-83-21 BC82-503 15
Forms I-83-67 BC83-343 53
design to Section VIII, Div. 1 I-83-30 BC82-554A 20 I-89-23 BC88-019 185
I-83-50 BC83-026 44 heating surface computation I-95-39 BC96-460 338
I-83-81 BC83-228 65 staying segments of heads I-95-34 BC96-524 331
I-86-30 BC85-547 117 tube welds I-83-51 BC83-148 44
feedwater I-83-76 BC83-333 62 I-95-26 BC95-497 323
limitations I-83-27 BC82-177 18
miniature I-83-49 BC81-678 43 Flanges / Fittings
operating at 15 psi I-86-45 BC86-454 133 acceptability I-92-97 BC94-300 293
stamping I-83-26 BC80-641 18 design I-83-07 BC77-762 10
MAWP I-83-24 BC82-266 17
Ellipsoidal Heads P-T ratings I-83-24 BC82-266 17
compensation I-92-88 BC94-015 289 I-83-29 BC82-504 31
I-89-02 BC88-059 165
Evaporator / Heat Exchanger socket welding in BEP I-86-80 BC87-402 156
classification I-83-87 BC82-732 73 special class I-92-28 BC92-048 246
electric I-83-30 BC82-554A 20
jurisdiction I-83-74 BC82-553 61 Flow Measurement Devices I-04-03 BC03-481 418

Expansion Joints Forced Circulation Boilers


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Subject Interpretation File No. No. Subject Interpretation File No. No.
Forced Circulation Boilers (Contd) Headers (Contd)
pressure zones I-83-11 BC82-356 12 welded nozzles (Contd)
I-95-33 BC96-366 331
Furnaces I-04-17 BC04-406 426
corrugates I-86-53 BC86-461 137
Heat Recovery Steam Generators
gases I-86-28 BC85-154 116
stayed I-83-99 BC84-372 79 piping for I-89-13 BC88-154 170

Fusible Plugs Hydrostatic Test

requirements I-89-61 BC90-512 211 after insulation I-86-01 BC83-446 99
I-89-21 BC88-058 178
Gage Glasses
boiler external piping I-83-64 BC82-810 51
alternatives to I-92-50 BC92-397 259
I-92-73 BC93-390 277
I-92-51 BC92-400 260
I-98-14 BC98-158 351 boiler with mechanically I-95-24 BC95-453 317
assembled BEP
connection to boiler I-04-12 BC03-1730 425
design I-04-38 BC06-0087 438 I-01-28 BC02-3959 406
gage cocks I-83-40 BC82-558 31 completed boiler I-89-51 BC85-613 203
level indicators I-83-13 BC82-179 13 I-95-27 BC95-499 323
I-86-02 BC84-407 99 forced circulation boilers I-83-11 BC82-356 12
I-86-50 BC86-129 136 gages I-89-58 BC90-416 206
I-89-53 BC89-266 204 I-92-52 BC92-401 260
I-89-73 BC91-173 222
I-92-74 BC93-395 278
I-92-15 BC91-534 236
location I-01-11 BC01-621 394
I-92-63 BC93-132 265
I-95-07 BC94-450 305 maximum test pressure I-83-75 BC83-130 62
I-01-22 BC97-209, 404 pneumatic pressurization I-86-42 BC86-066 132
BC01-235 pressure measurement I-01-39 BC02-3424 417
I-01-25 BC02-3540 405 procedure I-89-19 BC89-025 178
low-water I-92-25 BC91-624 245 purpose of I-98-07 BC97-206 349
I-92-66 BC93-387 266 steam generators I-89-68 BC90-606 220
magnetic I-92-69 BC93-382 275
temperature I-83-92 BC84-097 76
I-92-96 BC94-196 293
valve leakage I-92-56 BC92-398 262
materials for water columns I-86-07 BC83-574 101
I-89-56 BC90-414 101
I-89-56 BC90-414 205 Inspection
on electric boilers I-83-50 BC83-026 44 openings I-92-57 BC92-442 262
shutoff valves I-83-103 BC83-647 81 I-01-02 BC00-513 384
use of isolation and drain valve I-04-13 BC03-1731 425
welding requirements I-89-06 BC88-159 167
Joint Efficiency
Heads pressure parts I-83-96 BC83-145 78
flat type I-86-86 BC88-061 158
full hemispherical I-95-13 BC94-647 308 Joints
welding to shells I-89-46 BC89-354 195 circumferential I-92-35 BC91-549 253
I-98-40 BC99-590 377
design temperature I-86-87 BC88-064 159
materials I-89-41 BC89-344 193 Ligaments
thickness of I-95-31 BC96-185 325 circumferential I-98-15 BC98-160 352
I-95-35 BC96-184 337 design I-04-26 BC04-1554 429
tube attachments I-83-20 BC82-351 15
efficiency I-89-47 BC89-070 201
I-89-32 BC89-220 188
I-89-48 BC89-348 201
I-92-29 BC92-017A 247
I-89-49 BC90-007 202
welded header I-04-37 BC04-1687 438
welded nozzles I-83-08R BC77-783* 61 I-92-70 BC93-385 276
I-89-31 BC89-219 188 I-95-06 BC94-449 305
I-95-32 BC96-145 331 I-04-08 BC03-1262 420

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Page Page
Subject Interpretation File No. No. Subject Interpretation File No. No.
Limits Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (Contd)
stress or strain I-98-04 BC97-429 358 flanges and valves I-83-24 BC82-266 17
forced circulation boilers I-83-11 BC82-356 12
Loads gage pressure I-83-33 BC82-608 27
occasional I-86-61 BC87-182 145 subatmospheric I-83-83 BC82-382 65
I-86-44 BC86-248 133
Manholes vs. safety valve set pressure I-83-53 BC83-247 45
compensation I-92-88 BC94-015 289 I-89-18 BC89-023 177
cover I-92-24 BC91-623 245
Miniature Boilers
Manufacturer blowoff and drain requirements I-01-27 BC02-3624 406
definition I-92-22 BC91-620 244 building I-92-43 BC92-300 257
testing by I-01-04 BC00-462 385 electric I-83-49 BC81-678 43
liability I-04-29 BC05-634 433 thickness I-86-79 BC87-323 156
valves I-86-63 BC87-208 146
nonpressure parts I-92-83 BC93-625 282 Multiple Openings
compensation I-89-69 BC91-058 220
I-95-19 BC95-248 316
castings I-83-71 BC82-058 55
I-95-37 BC96-457 337
cleanings I-89-55 BC90-413 205
ligaments I-92-13 BC91-531 235
cold forming I-04-02 BC03-284 418
deletion of I-83-100 BC84-427 79
dual marked I-89-11 BC87-007A 169
boiler parts I-86-32 BC85-614 123
ERW Pipe I-92-64 BC93-152 265
economizer I-86-75 BC85-458B 155
I-92-68 BC93-152(a) 275
I-95-21 BC95-250 316
I-92-82 BC93-582 282
information contained on I-86-67 BC86-276 152
for flow measurement devices I-04-03 BC03-481 418
for furnaces I-83-21 BC82-503 15
for level indicator I-04-31 BC05-1036 434 Nondestructive Examination
I-04-32 BC05-1037 434 of butt welds I-98-20R BC98-529* 383
I-04-35 BC06-0128 437 personnel certification I-01-35 BC02-143 412
for RT plugs I-89-10 BC88-229 169 I-04-09 BC03-1360 420

for shells I-86-56 BC87-053 143 personnel qualification I-83-29 BC82-438, 19

for stays I-92-53 BC92-402 260 BC82-505
for supports I-92-67 BC93-437 266 I-83-44 BC82-754A 34
galvanized I-92-18 BC91-577 237 I-86-06 BC83-535A 100
identification I-83-32 BC82-353 27 I-86-74 BC84-216A 154
I-95-08 BC94-451 306 I-98-06 BC96-454 349
not fully identified I-86-72 BC87-410 154 personnel requalification I-86-48 BC84-216 135
I-86-84 BC88-018 158 I-04-11 BC02-3587 421
I-89-72 BC91-059 222 prior to PWHT I-89-14 BC88-393 171
pipe I-77-28R BC75-286* 5 qualification standard I-04-04 BC03-538 419
recertification I-92-49 BC92-396 259 requirements I-01-18 BC02-2201 399
repair of defects I-89-38 BC88-148 192 I-04-19 BC04-639 427
I-89-41 BC89-344 193 welds in tubesheets I-86-77 BC86-243 155
requirements after fabrication I-92-98 BC94-301 294
I-95-03 BC94-448 300
Nonpressure Parts
stress values I-98-22 BC98-578 365
welds I-83-52 BC82-769 45
tube I-83-01 BC79-382 7
I-89-22 BC88-232 179
I-83-41 BC82-656 32
I-86-56 BC87-053 143
transition in thickness I-04-05 BC03-335 419 Nozzles
unlisted I-83-111 BC84-167 91 thickness I-01-33 BC01-766 411
upgrading I-92-06 BC91-418 231 to shell or header attachment I-04-07 BC03-1260 420
welded to drums I-92-85 BC93-708 283
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure I-95-32 BC96-145 331
external pressure I-83-41 BC82-656 32 I-95-33 BC96-366 331

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Subject Interpretation File No. No. Subject Interpretation File No. No.
Openings Postweld Heat Treatment (Contd)
compensation I-92-79 BC93-384 280 helical fins (Contd)

I-92-88 BC94-015 289 I-83-89 BC84-020 73

I-04-08 BC03-1262 420 I-83-90 BC84-196 74
I-04-15 BC04-228 426 I-86-20 BC85-450 112
definite pattern I-92-14 BC91-532 235 I-86-55 BC86-128A 143
I-92-44 BC91-532R 257 I-89-03 BC88-149 166
in headers I-86-85 BC88-060 158 holding temperature I-83-66 BC83-116 53
in organic vapor generators I-89-26 BC88-153 186 of nozzles I-86-55 BC86-128A 143
inspection I-92-57 BC92-442 262 preheat I-83-66 BC83-116 53
I-01-02 BC00-513 384 requirements I-92-29 BC92-017A 247
listing on Data Forms I-83-22 BC82-260 16 I-98-05 BC97-430 358
multiple I-92-13 BC91-531 235 tube attachments I-83-20 BC82-351 15
I-92-34 BC91-531R 253 I-86-58 BC87-100 144
reinforcement I-83-61 BC83-302 49 I-89-03 BC88-149 166
tubesheets I-86-83 BC88-016 157 I-89-37 BC87-212 191
tubes welded to extruded I-86-36 BC86-318 129
Operator headers
working area I-89-12 BC87-215 170
Pressure Parts
Organic Fluid Heater I-95-16 BC95-072 315 documentation and stamping of I-98-09 BC97-428 350
materials I-95-38 BC96-459 338
Organic Vapor Generators pressure containing I-92-40 BC92-258 255
chemical processing systems I-81-02R BC79-381* 6 replacement of thinned parts I-98-12 BC97-540 351
I-95-28 BC95-243 324
inspection openings I-89-26 BC88-153 186 Pressure Vessels
use of rupture disks I-83-78 BC83-449 63 fired I-81-02R BC79-381* 6
minimum thread engagement I-92-89 BC94-016 289
Piping Section VIII I-92-59 BC93-043 263
bending of I-95-17 BC95-408 315
boiler proper I-92-46 BC92-257 258 Proof Testing
I-95-25 BC95-495 323 flanges I-86-27 BC85-072 115
definition I-83-47 BC79-501 41
examination I-83-29 BC82-438 19 Quality Control System
BC82-505 demonstration I-86-16 BC85-185 110
joined by mechanical means I-86-38 BC85-006 130 manual I-94-91 BC94-059 290
level indicator I-95-18 BC95-244 315 materials I-89-04 BC88-151 166
materials I-89-04 BC88-151 166 organizational chart I-89-64 BC90-608 212
miscellaneous I-86-16 BC82-233 14
rapid drain system I-89-36 BC89-316 191 Radiography
safety valves I-83-62 BC83-258 50 acceptance standards I-83-28 BC82-343, 19
subassemblies I-83-113 BC84-168 92 BC82-418
thickness equation I-86-25 BC81-713, 114 I-83-34 BC82-712 28
BC83-289, I-83-35 BC82-859 28
BC83-669, I-83-36 BC82-868 29
BC84-230 I-83-59 BC83-118 48
I-95-35 BC96-184 337 I-83-73 BC83-299 61
I-98-08 BC97-374 349 I-83-79 BC83-525 64
I-92-60 BC93-045 264
Postweld Heat Treatment electric boilers I-86-26 BC84-647 115
attachments I-89-25 BC88-147 186 ERW pipe I-92-68 BC93-152(a) 275
I-01-29 BC02-4028 407 exemptions I-86-28 BC85-154 116
electric boiler I-01-09R BC01-376* 403 I-89-17 BC89-021 177
exemptions I-83-10 BC80-694 11 I-89-39 BC89-105 192
I-92-77 BC93-531 279 I-92-60 BC93-045 264
I-98-42 BC99-554 377 I-92-76 BC93-530 279
helical fins I-92-61 BC93-046 264 in lieu of I-92-26 BC92-015 245
I-92-62 BC93-047 264 I-04-27 BC04-1643 433

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Page Page
Subject Interpretation File No. No. Subject Interpretation File No. No.
Radiography (Contd) Safety Valves (Contd)
of ERW pipe and tube I-86-40 BC85-611, 131 preheater I-98-10 BC97-453 350
BC86-128 reheater I-89-52 BC89-020 203
penetrameter selection I-83-15 BC81-685A 13 requirements I-92-33 BC92-139 248
plugs I-89-10 BC88-229 169 I-01-06R BC02-3419 417
retention of radiographs I-86-47 BC86-502 134 I-04-14 BC04-225 425
I-01-32 BC02-4057 408 I-04-25 BC04-1057 429
rupture disks I-83-78 BC83-449 63

References set pressure I-83-31 BC82-615 20

to Edition and Addenda I-01-08 BC01-570 390 I-83-86 BC83-577 67
I-89-01 BC87-181 165
Reinforcement I-98-16 BC98-191 358
calculations I-92-29 BC92-017A 247 stamping I-89-54 BC90-301 204
I-92-37 BC92-017A 254 I-92-38 BC92-324 254
I-92-45 BC92-017A 257 I-01-16 BC02-108 398
superheater I-83-04 BC80-412 8
Remote Level Indicators I-83-18 BC82-362 14
differential pressure drum I-95-04 BC94-454 300 I-83-69 BC83-348 54
display I-92-63 BC93-132 265 I-83-108 BC83-547 89
I-92-96 BC94-196 293 I-86-15 BC85-128 109
for boilers with greater than I-01-19 BC02-2114 399 I-98-46 BC00-241 380
400 MAWP testing I-86-23 BC85-489 113
mounting of I-98-19 BC98-374 363 I-98-31 BC99-469 373
I-98-23 BC99-225A 365 I-01-04 BC00-462 385
I-04-16 BC03-1281 426
Riveted Boilers use of others I-92-42 BC92-281 256
lap seamed I-86-59 BC87-142 144 welded I-86-31 BC85-615A 117
with device for additional I-95-05 BC94-021 305
Rupture Disks closing force
use of I-92-02 BC90-511 229
Safety Valves pipes I-92-47 BC92-293 258
adjustments I-83-97 BC83-391 78
I-89-01 BC87-181 165 Section I Jurisdiction
assembly I-86-29 BC85-155A 116 completion I-92-92 BC94-199 291
blowdown range I-83-109 BC84-025 90 engine cooling systems I-89-40 BC89-110 193
boiler drum I-83-18 BC82-362 14 exemptions I-83-58 BC83-061 47
capacity I-86-15 BC85-128 109 I-83-74 BC82-553 61
I-86-23 BC85-489 113 I-83-85 BC83-576 66
I-89-18 BC89-023 177 I-83-87 BC82-732 73
I-89-45 BC89-350 194 furnace skid rails I-83-107 BC84-229 89
I-89-52 BC89-020 203 high-temperature water boilers I-83-80 BC83-216 64
I-95-15 BC95-076 309 nonintegral superheater / I-83-55 BC82-371 46
I-01-06R BC02-3419 417 economizer
I-04-06 BC03-988 419 organic vapor generators I-81-02R BC79-381* 6
coating I-92-81 BC93-559 281 I-95-28 BC95-243 324
holder relocation I-92-80 BC93-500 281 solar boiler I-86-65 BC84-023A 151
I-92-81 BC93-538 281 subatmospheric chiller / heaters I-86-05 BC85-186 100
in non-BEP I-83-62 BC83-258 50 I-86-81 BC87-472 157
limiting MAWP I-83-53 BC83-247 45 turbine stop valves I-83-65 BC83-062 52
location I-83-108 BC83-547 89 water level indicators I-98-03 BC97-211 357
I-89-52 BC89-020 203
mounting I-83-104 BC84-100 81 Shell
I-98-21 BC98-577 364 boiler shell I-92-47 BC92-293 258
I-98-37 BC99-369 376 out of roundness I-04-37 BC04-1687 438
National Board Representative I-83-102 BC83-223A 80
pilot-operated I-86-35 BC86-239 129 Stamping
power-actuated I-83-94 BC82-274 77 boiler proper I-92-46 BC92-257 258

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Subject Interpretation File No. No. Subject Interpretation File No. No.
Stamping (Contd) Temperature (Contd)
boiler proper (Contd) mean wall I-86-37 BC86-383 130
I-95-14 BC94-719 309 I-98-26 BC99-226 366
Code stamping of pressure I-92-04 BC91-284 230 thermostat I-92-25 BC91-624 245
duplicate parts I-83-101 BC83-229 80 Temporary Attachments
electric boilers I-89-16 BC89-019 177 formed heads I-86-19 BC85-282 111
location I-89-42 BC89-346 193 for radiography I-83-35 BC82-859 28

master stamping I-92-92 BC94-199 291 miniature boilers I-86-79 BC87-323 156
maximum allowable working I-01-18 BC02-2201 399 nominal wall I-86-09 BC84-638 102
pressure (MAWP) removal I-83-12 BC81-428 12
parts I-01-36 BC02-3427 412 semiellipsoidal heads I-86-64 BC87-210 146
parts manufactured and used by I-86-49 BC86-126 135 thickness equation I-86-25 BC81-713, 114
one Manufacturer BC83-289,
piping subassemblies I-83-113 BC84-168 92 BC83-669,
safety valves I-92-38 BC92-324 254 BC84-230
I-01-18 BC02-2201 399 I-89-09 BC88-228 169
stamping plates I-86-67 BC86-276 152 tube I-83-23 BC81-553 16
I-89-20 BC87-213 178 I-83-60 BC83-153 49
I-98-43 BC00-092 378 I-83-95 BC82-847 77
I-07-01 BC05-1278 439 tubesheets I-86-60 BC87-180 144
unfired steam boiler I-95-30 BC95-498A 325 I-86-83 BC88-016 157

Staybolts Test Specimen

requirement I-98-33 BC99-462 374 tensile test I-01-38 BC02-2805 417
screwed I-86-14 BC84-639 109
solid welded I-83-09 BC80-509 11 Thread Engagement
minimum I-92-89 BC94-016 289
area of I-89-05 BC88-152 167 Tolerances
I-95-20 BC95-249 316 alignment I-92-36 BC91-558 254
attachment welds over the end I-04-22 BC04-735 428
in locomotive boilers I-04-10 BC03-1349 420 Tubes
materials for I-92-53 BC92-402 260 attachment I-01-34 BC01-855 411
welding of I-89-24 BC88-020 185 bends I-83-23 BC81-553 16
connections to tubesheets I-86-82 BC88-040 157
Steam Pressure Transmitter I-89-08 BC88-227 168
connections for I-98-24 BC99-225B 366 cylindrical components I-98-44 BC00-094 378
definition I-83-47 BC79-501 41
Superheaters design I-83-115 BC84-314 93
attachments I-83-60 BC83-153 49 extension I-86-17 BC84-021 110
drains I-83-70 BC83-583 54 fins I-83-41 BC82-656 32
I-92-27 BC92-016 246 I-92-21 BC91-541 243
electric I-83-81 BC83-228 65 for lowest permissable water I-86-43 BC86-127 132
I-86-30 BC85-547 117 level
safety valves I-83-04 BC80-412 8 holes, diameter I-89-47 BC89-070 201
I-83-18 BC82-362 14 I-89-48 BC89-348 201
I-83-69 BC83-348 54 I-89-49 BC90-007 202
I-86-15 BC85-128 109 holes, drilled I-89-15 BC88-406 171
I-98-46 BC00-241 380 PWHT I-83-20 BC82-351 15
stamping and marking I-98-29 BC99-274 367
Supports thickness I-98-38 BC99-224 376
materials for I-92-67 BC93-437 266 thickness equation I-86-25 BC81-713, 114
Temperature BC83-669,
design I-86-57 BC88-064 159 BC84-230
differentials I-86-54 BC87-098 137 wall reduction I-98-28 BC99-228 367
holding I-95-11 BC94-642 307 welds I-83-51 BC83-148 44

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Subject Interpretation File No. No. Subject Interpretation File No. No.
Tubes (Contd) Welding (Contd)
welds, dimensions I-86-76 BC85-486 155 connections (Contd)
I-95-02 BC94-446 299
Ultrasonic Testing I-01-26 BC02-3547 405
acceptance criteria I-86-10 BC85-234 103 control of welders I-86-66 BC85-094A 152
examination I-92-26 BC92-015 245 I-01-24 BC02-3539 404
in lieu of radiography I-98-27 BC99-227 367 defects I-92-10 BC91-286 233
equipment I-83-45 BC80-038A 34
Unfired Steam Boilers I-83-52 BC82-769 45
definition I-83-37 BC79-780 30 examination requirements I-89-60 BC90-347 211
stamping I-83-85 BC83-576 66
filler metal specification I-01-15 BC01-718 397
fillet I-01-21 BC02-112A 403
full penetration I-83-08R BC77-783* 61
blowoff I-86-22 BC86-064 112
I-83-79 BC83-525 64
certification I-86-21 BC85-462A 112
design basis I-83-91 BC80-685 75 heads to shells I-89-46 BC89-354 195
gage cocks I-83-40 BC82-558 31 identification of welders I-86-71 BC87-404 153
isolation I-86-12 BC85-462 103 in electric boilers I-83-38 BC82-493 31
I-89-66 BC90-428 219 longitudinal I-89-43 BC89-347 194
I-07-02 BC06-670 439 low-alloy steels I-92-41 BC92-260 256
leakage I-92-56 BC92-398 262 Non-Certificate holder I-89-59 BC88-181 211
location I-86-63 BC87-208 146 overlay I-98-18 BC98-372 363
P-T ratings I-83-24 BC82-266 17 pressure parts to nonpressure I-89-22 BC88-232 179
relief valve capacity I-04-01 BC02-4146 418 parts
relieving capacity I-95-36 BC96-455 337 procedures I-92-17 BC91-536 237
stop I-83-76 BC83-333 62 I-98-39R BC01-154* 393
turbine I-83-65 BC83-062 52 qualification I-89-08 BC88-227 168
I-89-50 BC88-426A 202
Waste Heat Boilers I-92-09 BC91-285 233
safety valve capacity I-89-45 BC89-350 194 I-95-09 BC94-498 306
I-95-29 BC95-482(a) 324
Water Columns (see Gage Glasses) qualification record I-01-23 BC02-3466 404
reinforcement I-92-84 BC93-681 283
Water Legs repair welds I-86-68 BC87-400 152
definition I-92-08 BC90-867 232 replacement of reduced net I-98-11 BC97-484 350
Watertube Boilers I-98-13 BC98-157 351
expanding tube after seal I-04-20 BC03-1842 427 restrictions on use of I-95-12 BC94-644 308
welding seal / tack I-83-46 BC80-173 35
I-83-66 BC83-116 53
I-86-76 BC85-486 155
bend tests I-86-53 BC86-461 137
single fillet welds I-92-86 BC93-709 284
butt weld I-98-41 BC99-591 377
spiral welds I-89-63 BC90-607 212
butt welds in tubesheets I-86-77 BC86-243 155
tapered transitions I-86-11 BC85-299 102
circumferential I-92-23 BC91-622 244
traceability I-92-78 BC93-535 281
I-92-41 BC92-260 256
tube-to-tubesheets I-83-51 BC83-148 44
I-98-40 BC99-590 377
I-89-08 BC88-227 168
complete penetration I-92-75 BC93-528, 278
BC93-529 I-98-34 BC99-553 374
concavity I-83-86 BC82-868 29 welded joints I-89-62 BC90-514 212
I-83-59 BC83-118 48 weld thickness I-89-71 BC90-866 221
connections I-92-16 BC91-535 236 I-04-36 BC06-0188 437
I-95-32 BC96-145 331
I-95-33 BC96-366 331 Working Pressure
I-92-71 BC93-386 276 maximum allowable I-89-68 BC90-606 220

(p) --`,````,````,,``,```,`,,`,,```-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Occidental Chemical Corp New sub account/5910419101
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/08/2007 08:25:21 MDT

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