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Central Public Works Department

Organisational Set-up:
Public Works Department as a whole is divided into three branches viz.
a) Roads and Buildings
b) Irrigation; and
c) Public Health Engineering

Public Works Department


Roads & Buildings Irrigation Public Health

(CE) (CE) (CE)

(SE) Circle
Circle (SE)

Divisions Divisions Divisions

(EE) (EE) (EE)

Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub- Sub-

Divisions Divisions Divisions Divisions Divisions

Each branch is headed by a Chief Engineer. Each state is generally divided into circles headed by
Superintending Engineers, who are under the control of Chief Engineer. Each circle will then be sub-divided
into Divisions, headed by Executive Engineers, which are further divided into Sub-divided into Sub-Divisions
headed by Sub-divisional Officers or Assistant Executive Engineer/Assistant Engineer.

Divisional Officer : This term is applied to an Executive Officer of the PWD who is not subordinate to
another Executive or Disbursing Officer of the Department, even though the executive charge held by him
may not be recognised as a Division by the Government concerned. Thus, the officer in charge of an
independent sub-division is also treated as a Divisional Officer for the purpose of this Code.

Responsibility of Disbursing Officer : (Para 3.2.2)

It is not sufficient that an Officers accounts should be correct to his own satisfaction. He
has to satisfy not only himself, but also the Audit Department, that the claim which has accepted is valid, that
a voucher is a complete proof of the payment which it supports, and that an account is correct in all
respects. It is further essential that the records of payment, measurement and transactions in general must

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be so clear, explicit and self-contained as to be producible as satisfactory and convincing evidence of facts,
if required in a Court of Law. All transactions involving the giving or taking of cash, stores, other properties,
rights, privileges and concessions, which have money values, should be brought to accounts. The record of
transactions of receipt or expenditure should always be made at once under the final, debt, deposit or
remittance head to which it pertains, if known. If the exact head cannot be ascertained at once, then the
transactions should be classified temporarily under Deposits, if a receipt, or under Miscellaneous Public
Works Advances, if a charge.

Administrative approval : The terms denotes the formal acceptance by the administrative department
concerned of the proposals for incurring expenditure in the Public Works Department on a work initiated by,
or connected with, the requirements of such administrative department. It is, in effect, an order to the Public
Works Department to execute certain specific works at a stated sum to meet the administrative needs of the
department requiring the work.
It is not necessary to supply Administrative Approvals to the Accounts Officer. Technical sanctions
need be communicated to the Accounts Officer only in respect of works relating to projects costing more
than Rs.25 lakhs and non-project works costing more than Rs.10 lakhs. Financial sanctions otherwise
known as expenditure sanctions and allotment of funds should be communicated to the Audit Officer and/or
the Accounts Officer, as the case may be.

Technical Sanction : The order of competent authority sanctioning a properly detailed estimate of the cost
of a work of construction or repair proposed to be carried out in the Public Works Department. Ordinarily,
such sanction can only be accorded by Government in the Public Works Department or by such authorities
of the Department to whom the power has been delegated by Government. Sanction accorded to a work by
any other department of Government is regarded merely as an administrative approval of the work.

Divisional Office
(Executive Engineer)

Technical Accounts
Branch Branch (DAO)

Each Divisional Office will have a technical branch and an Accounts branch. Accounts branch
headed by Divisional Accounts Officer is a non-technical accountant who will check and compile the division
accounts. Divisional Accountant will function as:
(a) as Accountant : as the compiler of the accounts of the division in accordance with the prescribed
rules and from the data furnished to him
(b) as Internal Checker : he is charged with the responsibility of applying certain preliminary checks to
the initial accounts, vouchers etc. and
(c) as Financial Assistant : as the general assistant and adviser to the Divisional Officer in all matters
relating to the accounts and budget estimates or to the operation of financial rules.

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In the discharge of these duties, he is expected to keep himself fully conversant with all sanctions
and orders, passing through the office and with other proceedings of the Divisional Officer and his
subordinates which may affect the estimate or accounts of actual or anticipated receipts and charges. He
should advise the Divisional Officer on the financial effect of all proposals for expenditure and keep a watch,
as far as possible, over all the liabilities against the grants of the division as they are incurred.
The Divisional Accountant is expected to see that the rules and orders in force are observed in
respect of all the transaction of the division, which comes within his sphere of duties. If he considers that
any transaction or order affecting receipts or expenditure is such as would be challenged by the Accounts
Officer, it is his duty to bring this fact to the notice of the Divisional Officer with a statement of his reasons,
and obtain the orders of that Officer. It will then be his duty to comply with the orders of the Divisional
Officer. If he has been overruled and is not satisfied with the decision, he should at the same time make a
brief note of the case in the Register of Divisional Accountants Objections and lay the register before the
Divisional Officer. This gives an opportunity to the Divisional Officer either to accept the Divisional
Accountants advice on reconsideration and ordering action accordingly, or of recording for the information
of the Accounts Officer, his reasons for disregarding that advice. This register shall be made available to
Accounts Officer at all the times.

(a) ______The Divisional Accountant is responsible for the safe custody of documents during the period
when they remain in the Accounts Branch until submission to the Executive Engineer.
(b) ______He is responsible for the arrangements for checking the computed tenders i.e. for seeing that
satisfactory and efficient arrangements are made for checking.
(c) ______He should conduct personally a test check of the computed and checked tenders sufficient to
satisfy himself reasonably that the checking work has been properly done. In the case of lumpsum
tenders, he should see that detailed drawings and specifications, duly authenticated by the
competent authority form part of the notice inviting tenders and that the cost of various items forming
part of the sanctioned estimate of the work is correctly assessed with reference to the relevant
scheduled rates or in the case of non-scheduled items on the basis of rates supported by detailed
analysis therefor sanctioned by the competent authority, and;
(d) ______He should see that the comparative statement correctly incorporates the totals as checked
on the individual tenders.
(e) ______He is required to inspect periodically under the orders of the Divisional Officer, the accounts
records of Sub-Divisional Officers and to check a percentage of the initial accounts. The defects
noticed should be reported to the Divisional Officer for orders. But he is responsible, as far as
possible, for explaining personally the defects of procedure and for imparting necessary instructions
thereon to the Sub-Divisional Officers and their staff.
(f) ______He is responsible for reporting all defalcations or losses of public money, stores or other
property to the Accounts Officer and other authorities concerned.
(g) ______He is responsible to bring to the notice of Divisional Officer all instances in which subordinate
officers exceed the financial limitations on their powers placed by the Divisional Officer or higher
(h) ______He may be entrusted with the duty of scrutiny of the accounts of the receipts and
disbursements of subordinate officers failing with the Divisional Officers own powers of sanction.
(i) ______He can be entrusted with the responsibility of receipt and disbursement of cash. However,
he is not authorized to issue final receipts over his signature.
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Public Works Department will look after the construction activities of Roads, Buildings, Bridges,
Irrigation works, Water supply and sanitation. It looks after the construction activities and maintenance as
well. As such CPWD will take care of both Capital expenditure and Revenue expenditure in respect of
above works.
Non-Functional Buildings. Construction of Functional Buildings of Sector B and Sector C services
are chargeable to the Major Head concerned while Construction of Functional Buildings of Sector A
Services and all Non-Functional Buildings are charged to Major Head 4059. Repairs of all Functional
Buildings and Non-Functional Buildings are chargeable to MH 2059.

Non-Government Works :

In addition to regular Government works, Public Works Department can be entrusted with Non-
Government works. Non-Government works are divided into three classes, viz.(a) Deposit Works,(b) Local
Loan Works, and (c) Takavi Works.

Deposit Works : This term is applied to works of construction or repair, the cost of which is met, not out of
Government Funds, but out of the funds from non-Government sources, which may be deposited in cash or
otherwise, placed at the disposal of the Divisional Officer. Works executed for municipalities and other
public bodies fall under this category when the cost is chargeable to cash deposits made for the purpose.

For every Non-Government Work the local body or other party concerned should advance the gross
estimated expenditure, which is payable by it, to the Divisional Officer in lump sum, or in instalments, and by
such dates as may be specially authorised. The amount received should be credited in the accounts to the
head Public Works Deposit, against which will be debited all expenditure incurred up to the amount of the
deposit. A consolidated record of the transaction of a month relating to all Deposit Works of the Division
should be prepared in a form Schedule of Deposit Works. This schedule shows, in respect of each work,
the amount of deposit received and the expenditure incurred, both during the month and up-to-date.

The amount of each deposit should be rateably divided into two parts, one representing the share
available for works expenditure and the other the total amount chargeable as establishment, tools and plants
and audit and accounts and pensionary charges, if any, recoverable under the rules. In the schedule, the
deposit received for each work should be numbered as a single item, but the transactions relating to the two
parts of it should be shown separately, thus :

 For works expenditure

 For percentage charges.

The percentages leviable should be adjusted month by month as the works expenditure is incurred.
The account procedure is one and the same even in cases of Deposit Works executed on behalf of District
Boards, Municipal & Cantonment & Port Trust Works. (Para 16.2.1 to 16.2.5 of CPWA Code)

Local Loan Works : This expression indicates works executed by the Public Works Department on behalf of
a Municipality, Port Trust or other corporation, when the cost of the work(s) is to form part of a loan given to
it by Government for the purpose.

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Expenditure on a local loan work, including the portion of expenditure on a joint work, which is
incurred against a sanctioned loan, under order of competent authority, should be accounted for under the
head Loans and Advances pertaining to the Functional Major Head concerned and shown in the Schedule
of Debits to Miscellaneous heads of Account supported by a Schedule of Works Expenditure.

All charges debitable to a loan should be brought to account as they occur so that the interest
charges may be correctly calculated and adjusted in the Accounts Officers Office. All percentages leviable
under the rules, shall also be brought to the account as they occur.

Takavi Works : This term denotes works of a construction or maintenance relating to water courses* or any
other works, expenditure on which is treated by Government as a takavi advance, recoverable from the party
or parties concerned.

The estimated cost of Takavi work shall be deposited by the person or persons interested in the
work is recoverable through the District and Revenue authorities in the same manner as arrears of Land
Revenue is recoverable. Unlike Deposit Work it is not mandatory that the person(s) interested shall deposit
the estimated expenditure before it was actually incurred. As recoveries through the District and Revenue
authorities cause considerable trouble and delay, every endeavor shall be made to effect direct and prompt
recoveries of the probable cost of Takavi works.
The following procedure is prescribed for effecting recoveries through the District and Revenue
authorities, on account of the cost of individual Takavi Works, not covered by cash deposits received direct
from the cultivators concerned:
(a) A certificate showing :
 The full name of the work
 The name and address of the responsible cultivator or cultivators
 The authority for undertaking the work
 The total expenditure incurred
 The amount recovered in cash, and
 The net amount still recoverable
Should be prepared, in duplicate, by the Divisional Officer, on the completion of the work and
submission to the Collector or Deputy Commissioner of the District concerned.
(b) On receipt of duplicate copy, duly accepted, the amounts accepted should be credited, on the
authority of it, to the Takavi Works Advances account by debit to the detailed head Cultivators
subordinate to the relevant functional major head for loans and programme minor head under F
Loans and Advances.
The transactions relating to Takavi Works should be recorded under the head :
MH 8550 - Civil Advances
103 - Other departmental advances
- Takavi Works Advances

They should be accounted for in the schedule of Takavi Works, which shows the expenditure
incurred on each work, the amount realized on account of it, and the outstanding balance of the account.
Further, the rules relating to Deposit Works mutatis mutandis apply to Takavi Works.

* Water Course : Any channel which is supplied with water from a canal, but which is not maintained at the
cost of Government, and all subsidiary works belonging to any such channel.
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System of Accounts :

The transactions of Public Works Offices are grouped under the following heads: (Para 3.1.6)
I. Expenditure Heads : for charges adjustable finally in the accounts of Divisional Officers.
II. Revenue Heads : for revenue receipts creditable finally to Government in the accounts of
Divisional Officers
III. Remittance Heads : Receipts as well as payments for cash, stores or other values received from,
or paid to or on behalf of other departments or Governments.
IV. Suspense and Deposit Heads : for certain receipts and payments held in suspense or Deposit
pending clearance, by payment or recovery in cash or otherwise. The suspense accounts for
transaction of this group are treated either as heads subordinate to the Expenditure heads or as
Independent heads of account or as sub-heads in the accounts of works.
The transactions under each of these groups are further sub-divided for purposes of accounts. In the case
of Expenditure and Revenue Heads, the main unit of classification is known as the major head, and the
further divisions of it as minor heads each of which has a number of subordinate heads known as sub-
heads. The sub-heads are further divided into detailed heads. Sometimes major heads may be divided into
sub-major heads before their further division, into minor heads.

The main features of the system of Public Works Accounts are: (Para 3.2.1)
(a) The Divisional Officer, is the primary Disbursing Officer of the Division, who is permitted to obtain, by
cheque on the banks, the funds required for all disbursements in connection with the execution of
works, pay and allowances etc. of the Gazetted and Non-gazetted staff working in Division of the
CPWD as well as in the Divisions of such other departments as may be specially authorized in this
behalf and contingent charges, the bills for all long-term advances and for GPF withdrawals of staff
other than Group D will be submitted to Pay & Accounts Offices. He also collects some of the
departmental receipts of the division and pays them into the banks.
(b) The accounts of these receipts and disbursements are compiled under his supervision by an
Accountant and are submitted monthly to the Accounts Officer.
(c) He is further required to maintain clear accounts of all stores received by him and to make these
accounts available for audit by the Accounts Officer.
(d) Under each major head of expenditure, the charges on each project, work, or sub-work are recorded
separately in the accounts of Divisional Officers in the case of works of certain classes. Proforma
accounts of all transactions connected therewith are prepared annually by the Accounts Officer or by
the Divisional Officer, as may be required, and for this purpose the receipts pertaining to each work of
this class are also shown separately in divisional accounts:
(1) Irrigation, etc. commercial undertakings
(2) Quasi-commercial undertakings, such as self-supporting workshops
(e) Except to the extent prescribed in sub-para (a), above, personal payments of all Government servants
of the Department are made on bills presented at the counters of Pay and Accounts Offices in
accordance with the general provisions of the Central Government Account (Receipt and Payments)
Rules, 1983 and are therefore, brought to account direct by the Pay and Accounts Officer himself from
the data furnished to him.

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Classification :

Government Accounts

Consolidated Fund Contingency Fund Public Account

of India (8000) (8001 to 8999)

Revenue Capital I. Small Savings,

Division Division PF etc.
(8001 to 8012)

J. Reserve Funds
Receipt Expdtr. Receipt Expdtr. (8115 to 8235)
Heads Heads Heads Heads

K. Deposits &
A.General Services Advances
A. General Services
(4046 to 4076) (8336 to 8554)
(2011 to 2079)
A. Tax Revenue
(0020 to 0045) B. Social Services
L. Supsense &
(4202 to 4250)
B. Social Services (8656 to 8680)
(2202 to 2252)
C. Economic Services
B. Non Tax Revenue (4401 to 5475)
(0046 to 1475) M. Remittances
(8781 to 8797)
D.Grants in Aid &
C. Economic Services N. Cash Balance
(2401 to 2475) (8999)
E. Public Debt
(6001 to 6004)
C. Grants in aid &
(1601 to 1606)
F. Loans & Advances
(6075 to 7615)
D. Grants in aid &
(3601 to 3606)
G.Inter state settlement

H. Transfer to Contingency
Fund (7999)
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For the purpose of classification, services are basically divided into three categories, viz;
(a) General Services
(b) Social Services
(c) Economic services.
General Services : Public Service Commission, Police, Jails, Supplies & Disposals, Stationery & Printing,
Public Works, Other Administrative Services, Contributions & recoveries, Pension & Other retirement
benefits, Miscellaneous General Services, Defence Services (Army, Navy, Airforce, Defence), Ordinance
Factories, Elections, Audit, Land Revenue, Stamps & Registration, Customs, Union Excise duties, State
Excise, Sales Tax, Taxes on vehicles, External Affairs etc.
Social Services : Education, Sports, Art & Culture, Medical and Public Health, Family Welfare, Water
Supply and Sanitation, Housing, Urban Development, Information and Publicity, Broadcasting, Labour and
Employment, Social Security and Welfare and other social services.
Economic Services : Crop Husbandry, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development, Fisheries, Forestry and
Wild life, Plantations, Food Storage and warehousing, Agricultural Research and Education, Co-operation,
Other Agricultural Programs, Land Reforms, Other Rural Development Programs, Hill Areas, Irrigation
(Major, Medium, Minor), Power, Petroleum, Coal and Lignite, Village & Small Industries, Industries,
Indian Railways, Ports & Light Houses, Shipping, Civil Aviation, Roads and Bridges, Road Transport,
Inland Water Transport, Postal Receipts, Telecommunication Receipts, Other Communication Services,
Atomic Energy Research, Tourism, Foreign Trade & Export Promotion, Civil Supplies & Other General
Economic Services.
Revenue Division : Revenue Division comprises of Receipts and Payments relating to taxation, General
Services, Social Services and Economic Services.
Capital Division : Capital Division comprises of:
(a) Capital Receipts & Capital Expenditure of General, Social and Economic Services.
(b) Public Debt, and
(c) Loans and Advances.
Each Division is further divided into a further 5 steps to locate exact classification and book the
receipt/expenditure in a proper accounting manner.
I.Sectors : Denoted by an alphabet and indicates a plan classification
II.Major Head : Denoted by a 4 digit code and indicates functions. Eg: Agriculture, Education etc.
Sub Major Head
III.Minor Head : Denoted by a 3 digit code and indicates Plan/Non-Plan Programmes

IV. Sub Heads : Indicates the scheme or activity of programmes

V. Detailed Heads : Indicates nature or form of expenditure, such as salary, TA, investment, loans
etc known as object classification or objects of expenditure.
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In a 4 digit Major Head, If the first digit is 0 or 1, then it can be construed that the amount is a
Revenue Receipt Head. Similarly, if the first digit is 2 or 3 then it is a Revenue Expenditure Head and if the
first digit is either 4 or 5 then it is a Capital Expenditure Head. Broadly, it can be classified as:

From 0020 To 0045 Receipt Head of Tax Revenue

From 0046 To 0050 Receipt Head of Non-Tax Revenue
From 0051 To 0079 General Services of Non-Tax Revenue
From 0202 To 0252 Social Services of Non-Tax Revenue
From 0401 To 1475 Economic Services of Non-Tax Revenue
From 2011 To 2079 General Services of Revenue Expenditure
From 2202 To 2252 Social Services of Revenue Expenditure
From 2401 To 3475 Economic Services of Revenue Expenditure
From 4046 To 4076 Capital Expenditure of General Services
From 4202 To 4250 Capital Expenditure of Social Services
From 4401 To 5475 Capital Expenditure of Economic Services
From 6075 To 7615 Loans and Advances

List of Major Heads, we generally come across in Public Works :

0021 Taxes on Income Other than Corporation Tax
0040 Sales Tax
0059 Public Works
0202 Education, Sports , Art and Culture
0210 Medical & Public Health
0215 Water Supply and Sanitation
0216 Housing
0701 Major & Medium Irrigation
0702 Minor Irrigation
1054 Roads & Bridges
7610 Loans to Government Servants etc.
8009 State Provident Funds
8011 Insurance and Pension Funds
8443 Civil Deposits
8658 Suspense Accounts
8782 Cash Remittances and Adjustments
& Inter Government Adjustment accounts from 8786 to 8794.

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Important Classifications:
1 Income Tax recovery 0021 - Taxes on Income Other than Corporation tax
from Contractors Bills 102 - Income Tax on other than Union Emoluments
including pensions.
Note 2(xii) Deductions from payments to
contractors u/s 194-C of IT Act, 1961
2. Sales Tax received on 0040 - Tax on Sales, Trade etc.
account of sale of tender 102 - Receipts under State Sales Tax Act
forms Note 1(ii) Tax Collections
3. Repayment of MCA from 7610 - Loan to Government servants etc.
the salary of Divisional 202 - Advances for purchase of motor conveyances
4. Repayment of HBA from 7610 - Loan to Government servants etc.
the Pay & Allowances of 201 - House Building Advances.
a Divisional Accountant.
5. Repayment of cycle 7610 - Loan to Government servants etc.
advance by a clerk in PW 203 - Advances for purchase of other conveyances.
6. Recovery of GPF 8009 - State Provident Funds
subscription from the pay 01 - Civil
and allowances of an AE. 101 - General Provident Funds
7. Contribution to CGEGIS 8011 - Insurance and Pension Funds
made from an SDO 103 - Central Govt. Employees Group Insurance
Scheme & Note.4 thereunder.
8 Contributions towards 0210 - Medical and Public Health
CGHS recovered from an 01 - Urban Health Services
employee. - Central Govt. Health Scheme
9 Security Deposit 8443 - Civil Deposits
recovered from the work 108 - Public Works Deposits
bill of a Contractor. Read with Note.3 thereunder
10 Municipal taxes 8443 - Civil Deposits
recovered from the 800 - Other Deposits
occupants of Govt. Note.16
residential buildings.
11 Amount received by PWD 8443 - Civil Deposits
whose classification is 108 - Public Works Deposits
not confirmed and whose Miscellaneous Deposits
receipt head is not (Para 3.2.2. and Para 15.1.1 of CPWA Code)
Ex. Cash found excess
12 Amount deposited by a 8443 - Civil Deposits
local body for work to be 108 - Public Work Deposits
done by CPWD Deposits for works to be done (Para 15.1.1)
13 Unclaimed amount by a 8443 - Civil Deposits
contractor in respect of 108 - Public Work Deposits
work done and measured. Sums due to contractors on closed accounts
(Para 15.1.1 of CPWA Code)
14 Unspent balance in 8443 - Civil Deposits
respect of a deposit work 108 - Public Work Deposits
refunded back to Deposits for works to be done (minus credit)
concerned local body. [Para 15.1.1 readwith Note 1 below 16.2.2]

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15 Expenditure incurred on 8443 Civil Deposits

a Deposit Work 108 Public Work Deposits
Deposits for works to be done
16 Security amount 8443 - Civil Deposits
submitted by a cashier. 108 - Public Works Deposits.
Cash Deposits of subordinates as security
(para 15.1.1 of CPWA Code)
17 Amount Deposited by a 8443 - Civil Deposits
local body for payment of 117 - Deposits for work done for public bodies or
compensation for land private individuals.
acquired for them Note.10 thereunder
18 Material purchased by a 2059 - Public Works
divison for stores. 80 - General
(if payment is made 799 - Suspense
during same month) Stock (Note.9)
The amount will be classified under this head, if payment is made to the supplier during the
same month. If otherwise, the amount will be debited to the same head affording credit to
8658 - Suspense Accounts
129 - Material Purchase settlement suspense account
Subsequently when the amount is paid to the supplier a contra entry (minus credit) will be
made to this head, thus clearing the suspense.
19 Material purchased for a work Work concerned
(if payment is made on the same day)
If payment was not made during the same day, the amount will however be debited to the work
concerned and credit will be afforded to:
8658 - Suspense Accounts
129 - Material Purchase settlement suspense account
When the amount is actually paid to the supplier a minus credit will be afforded to this head,
clearing the suspense.
20 Remittances made by a 8782 - Cash remittances and adjustments between
PW Division in offices rendering accounts to the same accounts
Bank/Treasury officer
102 - Public works remittances
Note1(2) 0 Remittances into Treasuries/Banks.
21 Rent received from the 0216 - Housing
tenant of a Govt. 01 - Government Residential Buildings
Residential Building. 106 - General Pool Accommodation
Note(1)(I) Rent/License Fee.
22 Rent received by PW 0059 - Public Works
Dept. in respect of Office 01 - Office Buildings
Buildings. 011 - Rents [Note.2]
23 Rent of PW Dept. circuit 0059 - Public Works
houses or Rest houses. 80 - General
011 - Rents [Note.2]
24 Sale proceeds of produce 0059 - Public Works
from public buildings. 80 - General
800 - Other Receipts (Note.3)

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25 Recovery of cost of empty 0059 - Public Works

cement bags/empty 80 - General
bitumen containers taken 800 - Other Receipts
by contractor. Note.3
26 Profit on revaluation of 0059 - Public Works
stores/stores found 80 - General
surplus on verification. 800 - Other Receipts
Note.3 Other items
27 Fine for delay in 0059 - Public Works
completion of an office 01 - Office buildings
building. 800 - Other Receipts
Note.3 Other items
28 Fine for delay in 0059 - Public Works
completion of a jail 60 - Other buildings
building. 800 - Other Receipts
Note.3 Other items
29 Fine for delay in 0059 - Public Works
completion of a garden. 80 - General
800 - Other Receipts
Note.3 Other items
30 Sale proceeds of dead 0059 - Public Works
stock/waste paper/other 80 - General
items; the cost of which 800 - Other Receipts
was met from office Note.3(i)
31 Receipt on account of 0059 - Public Works
lapsed deposit creditable 80 - General
to revenue in PWD 800 - Other Receipts
Note.3(ii) Other items
32 Refund of security 0059 - Public Works
deposit for a Govt. work 80 - General
accounted for as lapsed 800 - Other Receipts
deposit. Deduct refunds (Para15.4.3) (minus credit)
33 Recovery from contractor 0059 - Public Works
on account of Tools and 80 - General
Plant in respect of school 102 - Hire charges of Machinery and Equipment.
34 Recovery of Estt. charges 0059 - Public Works
by PWD in r/o work done 103 - Recovery of percentage charges
for local bodies etc. Note.4
35 Profit on revaluation of 0059 - Public Works
Stores/Surplus on stock 80 - General
verification/Unclaimed 800 - Other Receipts
balances under Other items [Note.3(ii)]
36 Amount realised on 0059 - Public Works
account of sale of tender 80 - General
forms. 800 - Other Receipts - Other items [Note.3(I)]
37 Repairs to AG Office 2059 - Public Works
building. 01 - Office Buildings
053 - Maintenance and Repairs (Note 4 & 11)

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38 Repairs to a Government 2059 - Public Works

school 60 - Other Buildings
053 - Maintenance and Repairs (Note 4 & 11)
39 Repairs to a Government 2059 - Public Works
Park 80 - General
053 - Maintenance and Repairs (Note 4 & 11)
40 Furniture brought to AG 2059 - Public Works
Office by PWD 80 - Office Buildings
103 - Furnishings (Note.5)
41 Furniture brought by 2059 - Public Works
PWD for their own office 80 - General
building. 001 - Direction and Administration (Note.2)
42 Furniture brought by 2059 - Public Works
PWD for a Government 60 - Other buildings
Hospital 103 - Furnishings (Note.5)
43 Hire charges/Rent 2059 - Public Works
charges of a building for 01 - Office Buildings
use as administrative 104 - Lease charges (Note.6)
building by police
44 Cash found short in a 2059 - Public Works
PW Division. 80 - General
799 - Suspense
- Misc. Works Advance (Note.9)
- Losses, retrenchments, errors etc.
45 Pay and Allowances of 2059 - Public Works
staff of Public Works 80 - General
Department. 001 - Direction & Administration (Note.2)
46 Stationery and service 2059 - Public Works
postage charges incurred 80 - General
by a PW Division. 001 - Direction & Administration (Note.2)
47 Unauthorised expdtr. 2059 - Public Works
incurred by a PW 80 - General
Division. 799 - Suspense
- Misc. Works Advance (Note.9)
- Losses, retrenchments, errors etc.
48 Amount received in 2059 - Public Works
advance from another 80 - General
division for supply of 799 - Suspense
stores. - Stores/Service rendered
49 Losses on stock due to 2059 - Public Works
revaluation of stores 80 - General
800 - Other expenditure
- Losses on stock Minor works (Para 7.2.34)
50 Recovery of Estt. charges 2059 - Public Works
levied by PWD on work 80 - General
done for other deptts. 001 - Direction & Administration (Note.2)
51 Machinery & Equipment 2059 - Public Works
purchased for general 80 - General
use by a PW Division. 052 - Machinery & Equipment
- New Supplies (Note.8)

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52 Payment made by a PW 2059 - Public works

Department, the 80 - General
classification of which is 799 - Suspense
not known exactly at the - Misc. Works Advances (Note.9)
time of payment. - Other items (Para.3.2.2)
53 Expenditure in excess of 2059 - Public Works
Deposit made by a local 80 - General
body. 799 - Suspense
- Misc. Works Advances
- Expenditure on a deposit work in excess of
deposit received (Para 13.4.1)
54 Municipal Taxes paid by 2059 - Public Works
PWD in respect of a 60 - Other Buildings
Hospital Building. 053 - Maintenance & Repairs
55 Municipal taxes paid by 2216 - Housing
PWD in respect of Govt. 01 - Government Residential Buildings
residential accomm. 106 - General Pool Accommodation
- Note 2(iii) Maintenance & Repairs
56 Municipal taxes paid by 2059 - Public Works
PWD in respect of Govt. 80 - General
residential accomm., 799 - Suspense
where such expenditure - Misc. Works Advances
is the liability of - Other items (Para 13.4.1)
57 Construction of AG 4059 - Capital Outlay on Public Works
Office buildings at 01 - Office Buildings
Hyderabad. 051 - Construction [Note 1 & 4
58 Construction of IG of 4059 - Capital Outlay on Public Works
Police Office. 01 - Office Buildings
051 - Construction [Note 1 & 4
59 Construction of a Police 4055 - Capital outlay on police
Station. 207 - State Police
- Nite (1) & (3)
60 Construction of Jail 4059 - Capital Outlay on Public Works
Building. 60 - Other Buildings
051 - Construction [Note 1 & 4
61 Construction of an office 4059 - Capital Outlay on Public Works
building for the Director 01 - Office Buildings
of Health Services/Dist. 051 - Construction [Note 1 & 4
Education Officer
62 Land acquisition cost met 4059 - Capital outlay on Public Works
by PWD for an Office 01 - Office Buildings
building. 201 - Acquisition of land [Note-3]
63 Cost of construction of a 4202 - Capital Outlay on Education, Sports, Art & Cul
high school building 01 - General Education
202 - Secondary Education and Note.1
64 Cost of construction of a 4210 - Capital Outlay on Medical & Public Health
Medical College 02 - Medical Education Training and Research
105 - Allopathy

Page 15 of 70
Cash Book : (Para 6.6)
The cash book is one of the most important account records of the department. Divisional Officers
should maintain an account of all cash transactions in the Cash Book, in the capacity of cheque Drawing
and Disbursing Officers. Government Officers entrusted with imprests or temporary advance should
maintain and render accounts of their disbursements to Divisional Officers. The amounts of cheques drawn
on account of pay and allowances of the staff should however, be accounted for in the Cash Book as under:
(a) In case of bills of staff desiring payment by cash, self-cheques should be drawn by the Divisional
officers or Departmental Accounts Officers declared as Cheque Drawing Divisional Officer. The
amount of each bill should be entered on the payment side in the column Bank and the amount of
deduction should simultaneously be entered on payment side under column cash and on receipt side
under column cash. The payment on the payment side should be classified under the appropriate
Head of Account. The recoveries on the receipts side should be classified under the respective major
and minor heads. The amount of self-cheques should be simultaneously entered in the Subsidiary
Cash Book maintained.
(b) The amount of cheques drawn in favour of the payees in respect of bills of the staff desiring
payment by cheques should be entered on the payment side in column Bank and the amount of
deductions will simultaneously be entered on payment side under column Cash and on receipt side
under column Cash. Cheques for net amounts should be drawn in the name of the payees.

Imprest : A standing advance of fixed sum of money given to an individual to enable him to make certain
classes of disbursements which may be entrusted to his charge by the Divisional Officer in accordance with
such rules, and subject to such restrictions, as may be laid down by the Administrative Ministry/Administrator
concerned. The amount of an imprest should be kept as low as possible and should in no case exceed five
thousand rupees without the special sanction of the Administrative Ministry/Administrator concerned.

Temporary Advance : When a Disbursing Officer makes a remittance to Subordinate Officer to enable him
to make a number of specific petty payments on a muster roll or other voucher which has already been
passed for payment, the amount remitted should be treated as a Temporary Advance and accounted for in
the same way as an imprest. The account of Temporary Advance should be closed as soon as possible.

Earnest Money Deposit : Every tenderer at the time of submission of his tender, shall have to deposit a
specified sum, along with his tender to assure the Government his earnestness in executing the work at the
rates quoted in his tender. In case his tender is accepted, his Earnest Money Deposit will be kept with 8443
- Civil Deposits PW Deposits, and will be kept until the contractor starts the work to the satisfaction of the
Department. If he fails to start or execute the work in accordance with the rates and terms of the contract,
his Earnest Money stands forfeited. In cases where the tender has not been accepted, the Earnest Money
Deposit submitted by the Contractor will be returned back immediately.

Security Deposit : When a Cash transaction or work was entrusted to subordinates or contractors, Security
Deposits can be collected from them. Security Deposits can be collected in cash or in any of the forms as
discussed in Para 15.2.2 of CPWA Code. These deposits are covered by a bond or agreement setting forth
the conditions under which the security is held and may be ultimately refunded or appropriated. Percentage
deductions for security deposits, related to estimate cost of the work awarded made from contractors bills,
should be credited to the head Civil Deposits - Public Works Deposits Cash Deposits of Contractors. As
an exception to this rule, the security may be exacted by withholding from payment, the required percentage

Page 16 of 70
of the value of work actually measured and passed, if the total amount recoverable on this account during
the official year in any case is so small that its exclusion from the works outlay of the year is not likely to
affect the grants appreciably. The limit fixed for the purpose is Rs.500 for each work.

Lapsed Deposits : In terms of Para 15.4.1 of CPWA Code, in the accounts for March each year, the
following classes of items in the Public Works Deposit account should be credited to Government as lapsed
deposits :

(a) Original deposits not exceeding Rs.25 remaining outstanding for one whole account year,

(b) Balances not exceeding twenty five rupees of items partly cleared during the year than closing; and

(c) Balances unclaimed for more than three complete account year.

Before the amount of lapsed deposits is credited to Government as revenue, the original realization
should be traced and reference to the credit should be so recorded against the original entry in the cash
book and other accounts as to make the entertainment of a double or erroneous claim impossible.

Deposits credited to Government under the provisions of an agreement or bond cannot be repaid,
without pre-check by the Accounts Officer who will authorize payment on ascertaining :

(a) that the item was really received,

(b) that it was credited to Government as lapsed or confiscated, and

(c) that the claimants identity and title to the money are certified by the Divisional Officer.

The amount repaid should be treated as a refund of receipts under the major head to which it was
credited and the repayment should be noted in the Deposit Register against the entry for its credit to
Balancing Cash Book :
The cash book must be balanced on the date prescribed for closing the cash accounts of the month.
When the transactions are numerous, a weekly or daily balance is recommended and it is advisable that the
cash be counted whenever a balance is struck, or at convenient intervals, as this affords an independent
check on the accuracy of the postings. The results of such intermediate counting should be recorded in the
form of a note in the body of the cash book, so as not to interfere with the up-to-date totals, the actual
balance of cash in the chest should invariably be stated in the note both in words and figures.
Rectification of Errors :
An entry once made in the cash book should in no circumstances be erased. If a mistake is
discovered before cash book is closed, it should be corrected by drawing the pen through the incorrect entry
and inserting the correct one in red ink between the lines. The Disbursing Officer should initial every such
correction and invariably date his initials. If the accounts of the month have been closed no corrections of
errors in amount, classification or name of the work, should be made in that book but a transfer entry should
be prepared for the necessary correction, a suitable remark in red ink being recorded against the original
erroneous entry in cash book.
Cash Verification :
The Disbursing Officer should check all the entries in his cash book as soon as possible after the
date of their occurrence, and he should initial the cash book, dating his initials after the last entry checked.
The cash book should be signed by him at the end of the month and such signature should be understood
Page 17 of 70
fixing responsibility for all entries of the month inclusive of the closing balance. The details of actual balance
should be recorded and a certificate of the count of cash, specifying both in words and figures, the actual
cash balance (exclusive of imprest and temporary advances with subordinates) and of reconciliation of
balance, so counted with the book balance should be recorded below the closing entries of the month. The
certificate should be signed by the Disbursing Officer who should invariably date his signature.
When the content of the cash chest counted doesnt agree with the balance in cash book,
an entry should invariably be made in the cash book to the effect. If Cash found surplus then an entry shall
be made on the receipt side of the cash book duly booking the receipt to the head of account Public Works
Deposits. If Cash was found short, then it should be treated as an expenditure of the department, initially,
and the amount booked under payments side of the cash book with classification as Miscellaneous Works
Advances. The administrative action to be taken on the occurrence of the error must depend on the nature
of each case.

In Public Works Department, all transaction from which final accounts are compiled falls into three
categories. They are:
(1) Payments or Receipts in cash
(2) Issues or Receipts of Stores materials
(3) Adjustments or Book transfers

Receipts and Payments are entered in a Cash Book, to be maintained by the Disbursing Officer
(Divisional Officer/Executive Engineer) in Form.1. All Cash received by the Disbursing Officer on account of
departmental receipts and all payments made by him will be entered in this cashbook immediately on their
receipt or payment. Department can utilize cash receipts for expenditure, subject to certain restrictions.
However at the end of the month the Divisional Officer should see that all the receipts received by him shall
be remitted to Government Accounts by endorsing a self cheque in his favour in terms of
para 6.3.5 of CPWA Code.
Cash includes :-
 Legal tender coins and notes
 Cheques in favour of in-charge of cash book
 Deposit at call Receipts of Scheduled Banks
 Bank Drafts payable on demand
 Revenue Stamps
 Postal Orders
 Cheques/Demand Drafts in favour of disbursing officer including self cheques
 Imprest with sub-ordinates
 Temporary Advances with sub-ordinates
 Undisbursed wages etc. of purely work-charged establishment.
 Unpaid salaries/loans and advances received back for remittance.

Cash Book consists of mainly two divisions - Receipts and Payments. A total of 5 columns are used
for entering the receipt entries. Payment entries are maintained in 7 columns. All receipts collected by the
department are entered in column no.4 irrespective of the fact that the receipt is either by way of cash,
cheque, Demand Draft or challan. In contrary, payments should generally be made only by cheque.
However, the Executive Engineer is authorized to make payments in cash, at his discretion. Huge amounts
should be paid only by way of cheque. All payments made in cash will be entered in column no.9. Payments
made by cheque shall be entered in column no.11. It may be kept in mind, that all cheque transaction will
not be entered in col.11. Cheques issued by the Executive Engineer from his Personal Deposit Account
shall only be entered in this column. If cheques submitted by Contractors and others are remitted to bank,
then entry will be made only in column no.9 and not in column no.11.

Page 18 of 70
Receipts Entries (model entries):
Transaction Details Date No. From whom received Amount Classification
Drew Cash for chest from 02-06-05 To Cash from 1000 Cash from
Bank/Treasury amounting to Treasury/Bank treasury/bank
Rs.1000 on 2nd June, 2005
Cash received on account of Rent of 03-06-05 To Rent of Buildings/ 4000 0216-
Buildings and furniture amounting Furniture Housing-
to Rs.4000 on Govt. res.
3rd June, 2005 buildings
Cash received on account of Rent of 04-06-05 To Rent of Office 5000 0059-Public
Office Buildings amounting to Buildings Works
Rs.5000 on Office Bldgs.
4rd June, 2005 Rents
Cash received on account of Rent of 05-06-05 To Rent of Circuit 6000 0059-Public
Circuit House/Rest House House/ Rest Works Other
amounting to Rs.6000 on 5th June, House Bldgs. Rents
Received Rs.500 from Mr.A on 06-06-05 To sale proceeds of 500 0059- Public
account of sale proceeds of fruits fruits from public Works
from public buildings on 6th June, buildings General
2005 Other receipts
Received Miscellaneous Receipts 07-06-05 To Miscellaneous 800 0059 - Public
amounting to Rs.800 on 7th June, Receipts Works
2005 General
Other receipts
Demand Draft No.089634 dated 09-06-05 To Demand Draft 3000 8658
15th April, 2005 for Rs.3000 received from Suspense A/cs
received from another division on another division Cash
9th June, 2005 settlement
suspense A/c.
Sold tender form on 10th June, 10-06-05 To sale of tender 300 0059 - Public
2005. Amount realized was Rs.300 forms Works
Other receipts
On 11th June, 2005 on inspection of 11-06-05 To Cash verified and 50 8443-Civil
cash it was found Rs.900 instead of found to be Deposits- PW
Rs.850. Rs.900 instead of Deposits
Rs.850. Misc.
Cash found Deposits
Received advance of Rs.10000 from 12-06-05 To advance received 10000 0059-Public
another division towards supply of from anther Works Genl.
stores on 12th June, 2005 division for Suspense
supply of stores Stores/Service
Demand Draft No.088363 dated 13-06-05 To DD No.088363 2000 0059 - Public
19th April, 05 for Rs.2000 issued to dated 19-04-2005 Works
contractor returned undelivered returned General
and the same was cancelled on 13th undelivered and Other receipts
June, 2005 cancelled
Rs.1400 realised on 14th June, 2005 14-06-05 To Revenue realized 1400 0059 Public
towards auction of Tools and Plant. on auction of Works
Tools and Plant. General
Machinery &
Page 19 of 70
Transaction Details Date No. From whom received Amount Classification
A Cheque for Rs.5000 was received 16-06-05 To Rent of Public 5000 0216
towards rent of public buildings on buildings Housing
16th June, 2005 Govt. Res.
Cheque for Rs.5000 received on 17-06-05 To Rent of public (-)5000 0216
16th June, 2005 presented to bank buildings cheque Housing
on 17th June, 2005. It was dishonored Govt. Res.
dishonored the same day. buildings
Cheque to replenish cash chest As far as cash book is concerned, payment entry was made on
drawn on 30th May, 2005 and which 30th May, 2005. Further as this amount was included in the
was included in the Opening Opening Balance for July, 2005, no entry need be made in cash on its
balance for July, 2005 presented to encashment. (Remember! Both receipt and payment transactions were
bank on 18th July, 2005 and got entered in cash book). Hence nothing is to be entered in cash book on
encashed the same day. 18th July, 2005

Payments entries (model entries) :

Transaction Details Date N To whom paid Amount Amount Classification
Deposited Rs.12000 01-07-05 By Cash 12000 = = 8782 Cash
into Treasury /Bank on deposited in Remittances
1st July, 2005 by way of Treasury/Bank PW Rem.
cash remittance Rem. into T/B.
Deposited Rs.10000 02-07-05 By Cash 10000 = = 8782 Cash
into Treasury/Bank on Deposited into Remittances
2nd July, 2005 by Treasury/Bank PW Rem.
cheque no.348 Rem. into T/B.
Cheque No.083621 03-07-05 By Cheque of 1000 = = 8782 Cash
dated 22nd June, 2005 Mr.A remitted Remittances
for Rs.1000 received into PW Rem.
from Mr.A remitted into Treasury/Bank Rem. into T/B.
bank on 3rd July, 05.
Imprest account 04-07-05 1 By Recoupment of
rendered by Mr.B Imprest of
recouped by Vr.No.1 Mr.B :
dated 4th July, 2005 as (i) Electrical 235 = = 4059 Public
follows: installation at Works Other
Elec. Installation at Circuit House Buildings
Circuit House : Rs.235 (ii) Conveyance 45 = = Construction.
Conveyance charges : 45 Charges
Mr.C rendered 05-07-05 2 By Adjustment of 2059 Public
temporary Advance temporary Works
sanctioned for Rs.2000 adv. of Mr.C: General Dir.
as detailed below: i) Contingent 1200 = = & Admn.
- Contingent Expdtr. : Expenditure
Rs.1200 ii) Jungle 700 = = Work Concerned.
- Jungle clearance for Clearance
Work X : Rs.700 iii) Un- 100 = = 2059 Public
- Unauthorised expdtr. authorised Works
: Rs.100 Expenditure General
These amounts were Suspense
adjusted vide Vr.No.2 Misc. Works
on 5th July, 2005 Advances.

Page 20 of 70
Transaction Details Date N To whom paid Amount Amount Classification
Payment made to 06-07-05 3 By Payment to 4000 = = 8658 Susp.
firm X for material firm X for A/cs
supplied for stock vide material material
Vr.No.3 for Rs.4000 on supplied for purchase
6th July, 2005. stores. settlement
susp. A/c.
Payment made to 07-07-05 3 By Payment to 4000 = = 2059 Public
firm X for material firm X for Works
supplied for stock vide material General
Vr.No.3 for Rs.4000 on supplied for Suspense
7th July, 2005. (material stores. Stock.
recd. on 3rd July, 2005)
Service postage stamps 08-07-05 4 By Purchase of = 349 500 2059 Public
worth Rs.500 Service Works
purchased vide Cheque Postage General
No.349, voucher No.4 stamps Direction &
on 8th July, 2005 Administration.
Purchased Revenue Purchase of Revenue of stamps will be treated as conversion of one form of cash
stamps worth Rs.50 on to another form and hence no entry will be made in the cash book on
9th July, 2005. 9th July, 2005
On 10th July, 2005, 10-07-05 By Cash verified
Physical balance of and found to 2059 Public
cash verified and found be Rs.850 Works
to be Rs.850 instead of instead of General
Rs.900. Rs.900 Suspense
Cash found 50 = = Misc. Works
short. Advances.
A cheque for Rs.30000 11-07-05 5 By MCA of SDO = 350 30000 7610 Loans
(Cheque No.350 dated & Advances
11th July, 2005) drawn Adv. for
towards MCA of SDO purchase of
motor convey.
Payment to contractor 14-07-05 6 By Payment to = 351 25000 Work
X for work done Contractor X concerned
Rs.25000. Ch. No.351
dated 14th July, 2005
Cheque No.351 dated 18-07-05 7 By Cheque = = (-)25000 Work
14th July, 2005 issued no.351 issued concerned
to contractor X to contractor
cancelled, and on 18th X Cancelled
July a fresh cheque for 8 By New cheque = 2500 Work
Rs.2500 was issued issued to Concerned
vide Vr. No.8 Contractor X.
On verification of cash 20-07-05 By Cash found 250 = = 2059 Public
on 20th July, 2005, it short Works
was found Rs.1000 General
which includes Suspense
Counterfeit notes worth Misc. Works
Rs.250 Advances
On 22nd July, 2005 22-07-05 By Soiled notes 60 = = 2059 Public
soiled noted worth rejected Works
Rs.150 presented to General
bank. Rs.60 was Suspense
disallowed by bank Misc. Works
authorities. Advances
Page 21 of 70
Receipt and
Transaction Details Date No. From whom received Amount Classification
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Received Rs.500 from Mr.A on 06-06-05 To sale proceeds of 500 0059- Public
account of sale proceeds of fruits fruits from public Works
from public buildings on 6th June, buildings General
2005. The cheque was remitted into Other receipts
bank the same day.

Cheque No.222 dated 07th June, 07-06-05 To Cash for chest 2000 Cash from
2005 for Rs.2000 was drawn to treasury/bank
replenish cash chest.

Mr.X submitted a chalan of Rs.1000 08-06-05 To Rent of buildings 1000 0216-Housing

Remitted into bank on 8thJune, 2005 Govt. res.
Towards rent of residential Buildings -
buildings. GP Accomm.

Mr.A an SDO received rent of 14-06-05 To Rent of quarters 1000 0216-Housing

Quarters amounting to Rs.1000 on 10-06-05 Govt. res.
10th June. He remitted it in bank on Buildings -
12th June and submitted challan to GP Accomm.
EE on 14th June, 2005.

A Cheque for Rs.5000 was received 16-06-05 To Rent of public 5000 0216-Housing
on 16th June, 2005 towards rent of Buildings. Govt. res.
public buildings. The cheque was Buildings -
Presented to bank on 18th June. On GP Accomm.
20th June, it was dishonored. 20-06-05 To Chq. dishonored. (-)5000 =do=

Earnest Money Deposit was = = = =

Received from two contractors @
Rs.10000 each on 21st June. They
Were refunded back the same day.

EMD was received from Mr.X 22-06-05 To EMD from Mr.X 8000 8443 Civil
amounting to Rs.8000 on 22nd June, Dep. PW
2005. This amount was remitted in Deposits
to bank the same day.

On 24th June, 2005, on verification 24-06-05 To Cash found short 100 2059 PW -
cash found to be Rs.1000 instead of made good. General Sus.
Rs.1100. The diff. amount was made - Misc Works
good from the person responsible. Advances

Paid contractor his first & final bill 26-06-05 To Recoveries from
Vide ch. no.223 dt. 26th June, 2005 Vr. No.9:
Total Value of work done:Rs.40000 Cost of T & Plant 1500 2059-PW-Gen.
Deductions: Mach. & Equip.
Cost of Tools & Plant : Rs.1500 Income Tax 800 0021- Income
Income Tax : Rs.800 Tax
Cost of cement supplied : Rs.4000

Page 22 of 70
Payment entries (model entries) :
Date No. To whom paid Amount Amount Classification
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

06-06-2005 By Remittance in to treasury / 500 = = 8782 Cash

Bank Remittances -
PW Remittances
- Rem. into

07-06-2005 By Cash drawn for cash chest = 222 2000 Cash from

08-06-2005 By Rent of buildings remitted in to 1000 = = 8782 Cash

Treasury/bank Rem. PW
Rem.- Rem. into

14-06-2005 By Rent of quarters remitted into 1000 = = 8782 Cash

12-06-2005 Treasury/bank. Remittances -
PW Remittances
- Rem. into

8782 Cash
Rem. PW
18-06-2005 By Remittance of rent of public 5000 = = Rem.- Rem. into
Buildings in to bank. Treasury/bank
20-06-2005 By Cheque dishonored (-)5000 = = =do=

= = = = = =

22-06-2005 By EMD of Mr.X remitted in to 8000 = = 8782 Cash

Treasury/bank Rem. PW
Rem.- Rem. into

24-06-2005 By Cash counted and found to be 100 = = 2059 PW -

Rs.1000 instead of Rs.1100: General Sus.
Cash found short - Misc Works

26-06-2005 By Payment of First and Final 2300 223 33700 Work concerned
Bill in respect of Contractor.

Page 23 of 70
Receipt and
Transaction Details Date No. From whom received Amount Classification
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Drew salaries of staff by Cheque 30-06-05 To Recoveries from
No.224 dated 30-06-2005 Salaries :
Recoveries : CGHS Rs.440 (a) CGHS 440 0210 - *A
CGEGIS - Rs.360; (b) CGEGIS 360 8011 - *B
IT Rs.4000; GPF Rs.14000 (c) GPF 14000 8009 - *C
Adv. of Pay Rs.5000; (d)Income Tax 4000 0021 - *D

Red Ink Entries :

Transaction Details Date No. From whom received Amount Classification
Temporary Advance granted to - - - - -
Mr.X amounting to Rs.3000 on
4th August, 2005

Mr.X rendered account ( for 09-08-05 To Temporary Adv.

Rs.3000 on 9th August, 2005 as granted to Mr.X
detailed below: received and
(a) Muster Roll : Rs.1800 adjusted as
(b) Electrical installations at under:
Government Hospt. Bldg. : 1000 Vouchers : Rs.2800
(c) Cash refunded : Rs.200 Cash refunded :Rs.200

Rs.1000 was granted to Mr.A as - - - - -

Permanent imprest by cash on
10th August, 2005.

On 14th August, 05, Mr.A submitted 14-08 To Imprest of Mr.A

Imprest a/c for Rs.400 as under : reduced to
(a) Purchase of stationery : Rs.400 Rs.700
The expenditure was recouped &
Imprest reduced to Rs.700

On 19th August, 05, Mr.A submitted - - - - -

Imprest a/c for Rs.700. The
expenditure was recouped vide Vr.
No.6 and imprest raised to Rs.1500.
Purchase of office tables Rs.700

On 25th August, 2005, Imprest 28-08-05 To Imprest of Mr.A

account of Mr.A closed and closed by cash
received back the money. recovery of Rs.1500

On 29th August, 05 a fresh cheque - - - - -

was issued to Cont.X, in-lieu of lost
time barred cheque for Rs.10000

*A 0210 Medical and Public Health Urban Health Services Central Government Health Scheme.
*B 8011 Insurance Funds Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme.
*C 8009 State Provident Fund Civil General Provident Funds
*D 0021 Income Tax
It may please be understood that, all letters typed in bold should be entered in red ink.

Page 24 of 70
Payment entries (model entries) :
Date No. To whom paid Amount Amount Classification
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
30-06-2006 By Salaries of staff of the division 18800 224 56200 2059 Public
Works -
General -
Direction &

Red Ink Entries :

Date No. To whom paid Amount Amount Classification
04-07-2005 By Temporary advance granted
To Mr.X : Rs.3000

09-08-2005 By Adjustment of temporary adv.

Granted to Mr.X as under:
(a) Muster Roll 1800 4216 - *E
(b) Electrical installations at 1000 4210 - *F
Government Hospt. Bldg.

10-08-2005 By Permanent Imprest granted

to Mr.A : Rs.1000

14-08-2005 By Recoupment of imprest with 2059 PW -

Mr.A as detailed below : Genl.
(a) Purchase of Stationery 400 Dir & Admn.

19-08-2005 By recoupment of imprest with 2059 PW -

Mr.A as under: Genl.
(a) purchase of office tables 700 Dir & Admn.
Imprest of Mr.A raised from
Rs.700 to Rs.1500

- - - - - - -

29-08-2005 By Fresh cheque issued to

Cont.X in-lieu of lost/time
barred cheque for Rs.10000

*E 4216 - Capital Outlay on Housing Government Residential Buildings General Pool Accomm.
*F 4210 Capital Outlay on Medical & Public Health Urban Health Services Other expenditure.

Page 25 of 70
Stores :
The general administration of all the stores of a division is vested in the Divisional Officer, who
primarily devolves the duty of arranging in accordance with such rules and instructions as may have been
issued by Government, for
(1) Acquisition of stores
(2) Their custody and distribution according to the requirements of works and
(3) Their disposal.
All transactions of receipts and issues should be recorded, strictly in accordance with the rules or
procedure prescribed in General Financial Rules in the order of occurrence and as soon as they take place.
Fictitious stock adjustments are strictly prohibited:. Example.:
(1) the debiting to a work of the cost of materials not required, or in excess of actual requirements;
(2) the debiting to a particular work for which funds are available of the value of materials intended to be
utilized on another work for which no allotment has been sanctioned;
(3) the writing back of the value of materials used on a work to avoid excess outlay over appropriation,
Broadly, stores are divided into two categories, viz.
(1) Stores debited to Suspense -
(i) Stock
(2) Stores debited to final heads
(i) Tools and Plant
(ii) Road Metal
(iii) Materials charged to works.
Suspense : The accounts of stores are based on the fundamental principle that the cost of their acquisition
should be debited to the particular work for which they are required, when the work is done departmentally
by the contractors whose agreement are for labour only; otherwise, it should be kept in a suspense account
pending clearance, as the materials are actually issued, by debit to specific heads of account or works.
Tools & Plant : The cost of supply of all stores, required as tools and plant for the general use of the
division, is debited at once to the minor head machinery and equipment, subordinate to the major head
under which such charges of the division are classified; and special items of tools and plant, which are
required not for general purpose but for a specific work, are debited to that work.
Road metal : All road metal required for the maintenance of a road or section of a road is debited at once to
the sub-head Maintenance and Repairs, subordinate to the relevant Minor Head under the Major Head,
3054 Roads and Bridges. When road metal is acquired specially for use in the construction of a road or
other work, its cost is debited to the estimate for such construction.
Other materials : In case of other materials when purchases are made for the requirements of works,
generally, the cost is accounted for under the suspense head Stock. Further, material purchased specially
for a work is however debited to that work.
Issue Rate denotes the cost per unit fixed, in respect of an article borne on the Stocks of the Department at
a valuation, for the purpose of calculating the amount creditable to the sub-head concerned of the stock
account by charge to the account or service concerned, when any quantity of that article is issued from
Stock; Handling charges and other incidental Storage charges will be included by adding a suitable

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percentage based on the carriage and other incidental charges of the previous year, and storage charges as
reviewed and fixed at the beginning of a year.

Labour : When a separate material account is kept for one or more sub-heads of an estimate and the terms
labour is used in connection with such an account, it denotes all charges pertaining to each of those sub-
heads, other than;
(1) the cost of materials issued direct, and
(2) carriage and incidental charges in connection with the materials.

Market Rate is used in respect of an article borne on the Stock accounts of a division, this term indicates the
cost per unit at which the article, or an article of similar description, can be procured, at a given time from the
public markets suitable to the division for obtaining supply there-of. This cost should be inclusive of carriage
and incidental charges, and may even include a reasonable provision for wastage and depreciation when
these are inevitable.

Rate : In estimates of cost, contracts, contractors bills and vouchers generally, rate means the consideration
allowed for each unit of work, supply or other service.

Rate of Cost means generally the total cost of a work or supply divided by its quantity. In the accounts, it
represents the recorded cost per unit, as arrived at by dividing the up-to-date final charge on a sub-head, by
the up-to-date progress thereof.

Inclusive Rate of Cost means the rate of cost of the entire work relating to sub-head, including the cost of
materials, if recorded separately in the accounts.

Storage charges mean expenditure incurred, after the acquisition of the stores, on work-charged
establishment, employed on handling and keeping initial accounts, the custody of stock and the
maintenance of the store godown or yards, etc. and are added on a percentage basis to the issue rate, so
as to form part of the issue rate.

Supervision Charges : This term is ordinarily applied to the charges which are levied, in addition to book
value in respect of stock materials sold or transferred and are intended to cover such items of the
expenditure incurred on the store as do not enter their book value.

Goods Received Sheets : All materials received, by Divisional Officer/Sub-divisional Officer should be
examined so as to ensure that they conform with the quality and specification prescribed, and counted or
measured, as the case may be when delivery is taken. The record of the detailed count or measurement or
weighment should be kept in the Goods Received Sheet. The Goods Received Sheets will be printed in the
form of booklets and will be duly machine numbered, with the office copy intact and others perforated.
These will be prepared in triplicate by carbon process in indelible ink or copying pencil, one copy being
retained by the store-keeper and the other two sent to the sub-divisional office, out of which one copy will be
passed on to the supplier and the other to the Divisional Office for posting the Priced Stores Ledger and
making payments.
A separate Goods Received Sheet should be prepared in respect of goods purchased from one
supplier. In filling up the Goods Received Sheets, the description and code numbers of materials as given in
the Priced Vocabulary of Stores, should be strictly adhered to. Payments for all stock received are made on
the basis of entries recorded in the Goods Received Sheets.

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Priced Vocabulary of Stores : In order to ensure accuracy in posting of all transactions and facilitate the
preparation and valuation of indents, a list of materials in stock, showing their correct description and
identifying numbers, should be evolved on the basis of an up-to-date classification of stores, which should
be uniformly adopted throughout the Department. The Issue Rates should be filled in by the Divisions
concerned, who should circulate them for use by other Divisions obtaining supply of stores from them.
These vocabularies should be kept up-to-date by issue of corrections slips as and when necessary.

Bin Cards : A chronological record of the receipts, issues and the running balance of each article of stock
will be kept in the Bin Card, which will be kept at the place where the materials are stored. These cards will
be posted from the Goods Received Sheets and the Stores Indents. The Divisional officer should arrange to
have the stock balances as per Bin Cards verified periodically with those shown in the Priced Stores Ledger.
This verification should in any case be conducted before any item is taken up for physical verification.
Adequate care should be taken for proper maintenance and safe custody of Bin Cards. All cards should be
serially numbered and a register of them should be maintained. As soon as a Bin Card is completed, it
should be returned to the Divisional Officer after carrying over the balance to the new card.

Priced Stores Ledger : To record day by day transactions relating to each item of stock, a Priced Stores
Ledger shall be maintained in the Accounts Branch of the Divisional Office, which will have different sections
or sets of pages for different articles of stock with columns for receipts, issues and balances for both
quantities and values. Separate Ledgers will be maintained for articles falling under each sub-head of Stock,
as far as possible. All items of receipts and issues will be entered in the Ledger from the copies of Goods
Received Sheets and the Indents, which are received daily from the sub-divisions. At the end of days
postings, the balances under each article should be worked out in respect of quantities as well as values.
The ledger should be closed for both quantities and values at the end of each month. A few pages should be
reserved at the end of each ledger for abstracting the transactions (values only) pertaining to each article of
stock. The monthly total of receipts, issues and balances should then be worked out for each sub-head and
a consolidated abstract prepared for all the sub-heads, which should agree with the summary of stock
receipts and the summary of indents.

Ordinary Tools and Plant & Special Tools and Plant : In terms of Para 7.3.1 of CPWA Code,
Tools and Plant of a division are of two kinds:
(a) General or Ordinary Tools and Plant : Tools and Plant required for general use of the division.
(b) Special Machinery and Equipment : T & P required not for general purpose but for a specific work.
The Cost of the supply, repairs and carriage of articles of class (a), above, are charged to the minor
head Tools and Plant, whereas similar charges of class (b), above, are borne by the work concerned. In
both cases, the cost is charged in the accounts against sanctioned estimates, in the same way as
expenditure on works, though for purposes of sanction it is treated as expenditure on tools and plant. The
accounts of Tools and Plant issued for use by subordinates of the sub-division, or temporarily lent to
contractors, as well as those of articles lent to local bodies and others under competent authority, should be
specially reviewed periodically, and it should be seen that the articles are returned without unnecessary
delay and in good condition.

Schedule of Rates : To facilitate the preparation of estimates, as also to serve as a guide in settling rates in
connection with contract agreements, a schedule of rate for each kind of work commonly executed be
maintained in the division and kept up to date. It should be prepared on the basis of the rates prevailing in

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each locality and necessary analysis of the rates for each description of work and for the varying conditions,
thereof should, so far as may be practicable be recorded. The rates entered in estimates should generally
agree with the scheduled rates.

Stock Receipts and Issues :

Receipts : Materials may be received on stock from the following sources:
(a) Suppliers in India or abroad, (b) Other sub-divisons, divisions or departments
(c) Manufacture, and (d) Works, buildings, etc..

Issues : Materials may be issued from stock for the following purposes:
(a) for use on works either by issue to contractors or direct.
(b) For dispatch to other sub-divisions, divisions or departments, and
(c) For sale to contractors, employees, other persons or local bodies.

The materials should be issued only on receipt of an indent signed by the Divisional or Sub-
Divisional Officer.

Transfer Entries
Transfer Entries are intended to transfer an item of receipt or charge from the account of a work in
progress or a regular head of account to the account of another work or head. If an item, which properly
belongs to a revenue or expenditure head, is wrongly classified under another revenue or expenditure head
in the accounts, the error may be corrected at any time before the accounts of the year are closed by
proposing a transfer entry. After the accounts are closed, no correction is admissible. If however, the error
affects the receipts and disbursement of another Government or the transactions of a commercial
department, it should be corrected by transfer in all cases as soon as the error is discovered. Transfer
Entries serve the following purposes:
(a) Corrects an error of classification in the original accounts.
(b) Adjusts, by debit or credit to the proper head of account (or work), an item outstanding in a
suspense account or under a debt or deposit head;
(c) Brings to account certain classes of transactions, which do not pass through the cash or stock
account, eg.
 for credit to Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account on account of materials
received for works from sources other than stock.
 For credit to PW Deposit on account of balances due to contractors on close accounts.
 For credit to Revenue heads on account of revenue not recovered in cash including lapsed
 For original debits or credits to Remittance heads based on transactions not appearing in cash
or stock accounts, e.g. transfer of tools and plant to another department or Government when
the value is recoverable from them.
 For credit to heads concerned of the several percentages leviable under the rules, e.g. those
on account of supervision, establishment, tools and plant and workshop charges.
(d) Responds to a remittance transaction advised by the Accounts Officer, if the corresponding debit or
credit to the Remittance head has not already appeared in the accounts.
(e) Relieves the account of a work in progress of:
 Items which have ceased to be debitable to the estimate for work, and

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 Suspense charges which can no longer be kept within the accounts of the work. Such
transfer entries are necessary either when the accounts of any contractor or of the work itself
are to be closed, or when any recoveries have become due, e.g. by the transfer of stores to
any other work or account.
(f) Effects periodical adjustments such as annual adjustment to credit to the head 8009 GPF an
amount equal to total of interest accruing and afforded to various Group D and Work Charged
establishment accounts by contra debit to the head 2049 Interest Payments, etc..

Posting transfer entries :

_______When the accounts of the year in which the error takes place are not closed :
An error which affects a debt, deposit, suspense or remittance head must be corrected by transfers,
however, old and small it may be. If the accounts of the year in which the errors take place are not closed,
the correction should be made by the removal (through minus entry) of the item from the head under which it
was wrongly taken, to that to which it properly belongs.
_______When the accounts of the year in which the error takes place are closed, the following procedure
may be adopted -----

Situation Correction
An item taken to one debt, deposit, suspense by transfer from the one to the other
or remittance head instead of another
An item credited to a debt, deposit, suspense by transfer to the head under which it should
or remittance head instead of to a revenue originally have appeared.
head; or debited to a debt, deposit, suspense
or remittance head instead of to an expenditure
An item credited to revenue head instead of to by debiting refunds and crediting the proper head
a debt, deposit, suspense or remittance head
An item debited to an expenditure head instead by debiting the proper head and minus debiting
of to a debt, deposit, suspense or remittance the expenditure head which was wrongly debited
head crediting the relevant departmental receipt head.

Duties of Divisional Officer in relation to transfer entries :

 He should see that no transfer entry is made in the accounts unless admissible under the rules.
 He should see that transfer entry is made as soon as it becomes necessary
 He should countersign every transfer entry proposed by the sub-divisional officers, in token of his
 All Transfer Entry Orders should set forth such explanation of the correction or adjustment proposed
to be made as would establish clearly the correctness and necessity of the entry.

Revenue Receipts :

Direct Receipts are those items of revenue receipts which are realized in connection with a work or project,
either by officers of the PWD or other departments and are brought to account directly as appertaining to the
work or project.

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Indirect Receipts are those which pertain or are incidental to scheme or work, but cannot be taken directly
into such detailed accounts of it as are incorporated in the regular accounts of the receipts of the

Direct Charges are those charges pertaining to a work, project, or job, which are incurred directly for its
execution and are included in the regular accounts of it.

Indirect Charges are those charges which pertain, or are incidental to a work, project, workshop job or
manufacture job, but which are not incurred directly or solely in connection therewith and thus cannot be
taken directly into such detailed accounts of its as are incorporated in the regular accounts of the
expenditure of the Department.

Recoveries treated as Revenue receipts in PW accounts : All recovieries of expenditure, appearing in

the accounts of Public Works are treated as revenue receipts. Some examples are :

(1) Recoveries of establishment charges at percentage rates in respect of works carried out on behalf of
other Governments or private parties.
(2) Recoveries of tools and plant charges at percentage rates in respect of works carried on behalf of
local bodies and other Governments.
(3) Recoveries on account of cost of Audit and Accounts in respect of works carried out on behalf of
non-Government bodies or individuals.
(4) Recoveries on account of pensionary and leave charges.

Exemptions :

(1) Recoveries of Establishment charges and tools and plant at percentage rates when made from other
departments of the same Government are taken as reduction of expenditure under the minor head
Tools and Plant of the major head concerned.
(2) Prorata share of the charges for Establishment and Tools and Plant calculated at the end of the year
are treated as reduction of expenditure under minor heads Direction and Administration and Tools
and Plant respectively, of the major head under which total charges were originally debited.
(3) Recoveries in respect of oerpaymetns made during the current year are adjusted by deduction from
the current years charge under the detailed head previously overcharged.
(4) Recoveries of expenditure upon works in progress comprising, inter-alia, sale proceeds of stock
materials and tools and plants acquired specially for any works or of materials received from
dismantled structure are taken in reduction of expenditure previously booked, whether or not the
estimates for the work provide for such recoveries.
(5) If cost of a joint project is met by one Government and its share is recovered from another
Government the recovery is taken as reduction of expenditure.

Works Accounts:
Various Stages involved in a work : In Public Works set-up every work which had got executed will follow the
following steps in a phased manner:
1) Proposal
2) Administrative Approval
3) Feasibility Report/Technical Sanction
4) Financial Sanction
5) Tenders
6) Identification of Contractors
7) Agreement with contractor and its approval

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8) Work order
9) Intermediate payments to contractor
10) Payments to contractor(s)
11) Maintenance
In addition to above, a division of Inspection and Quality control will monitor the progess of the
work to assure agreed quality and specifications, during the course of work execution.
Expenditure on the Construction/Maintenance of a work may be divided into two categories, viz.;
(1) Cash
(2) Stock charges
In addition to the above, there may be charges incurred in other divisions, Departments or
Government for the work by way of materials received or by way of services rendered by them or there may
be cash receipts which can be taken as reduction of expenditure in accordance with the rules.
To account for all these charges affecting cost of works, accounts are maintained in Divisional
Offices/Sub-Divisional Offices for recording:
(1) the cost of individual work; and
(2) the transactions of individual contractors/suppliers.
These are known as works Accounts (para.10.1.1 of CPW Account Code).

Contingencies (Works) : indicates the incidental expenses of miscellaneous character which cannot
appropriately be classified under any distinct sub-head or sub-work, yet pertain to the work as a whole.

Contract means any kind of undertaking, written or verbal, express or implied, by a person, not being a
Government servant, or by a syndicate or firm for the construction, maintenance or repairs of one or more
works, for the supply of materials, or for the performance of any service in connection with the execution of
works or the supply of materials.
Contractor means a person, syndicate or firm that has made such an undertaking, but often its use is
restricted to contractors for the execution of works or for services in connection therewith.

Major Estimate is a term applied to the estimate for a work when the sanctioned amount of the works
expenditure exceeds Rs.1.0 Lakh. This term is also applied for the sake of convenience, to the work itself.

Major Estimate is applied to the estimate for a work, when the sanctioned amount of the works expenditure
does not exceed Rs.1.0 Lakh. This term is also applied, for the sake of convenience, to the work itself.

On Account Payment or Payment on Account means a payment made, on a running account, to a

contractor in respect of work done or supplies made by him and duly measured. Such payments may or
may not be for the full value of work or supplies; if it is an intermediate payment, it is subject to final
settlement of the running account on the completion of the contract for the work or supplies.

Recoverable Payment : means a payment to or on behalf of a contractor, which does not represent value
creditable or payable to him for work done or supplies made by him and has, therefore, to be made good to
Government by an equivalent cash recovery or short payment of dues.

Sub-head : In the accounts of works and in working estimates this term is used to describe the sub-divisions
into which the total cost of a work is divided for purposes of financial control and statistical convenience.
The several descriptions of work/sub-work that have to be executed in the course of construction or
maintenance are usually treated as the sub-heads. Ex. excavation, brick-work, concrete, wood work, etc.,

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Sub-Work : In case of a large work consisting of several buildings or smaller work, or groups thereof, the
terms sub-work is often applied to a distinct unit of the same, if that unit is sufficiently large or important to be
kept distinct for the purpose of accounts. For example, the outer wall, the solitary cells, the cook-
houses, the jailors quarters, etc., in the case of a large central jail. In the case of irrigation projects etc.,
the Head Works, Main Line etc. and Special Tools and Plant, all form separate sub-works.

Works Expenditure and Works Outlay : These terms are used to indicate respectively the expenditure,
and the capital charges, on the special services connected with the construction, repair and maintenance of
work. The charges falling under these categories may be net when any receipts are taken in reduction of
the charges, but they do not include the cost of the general services, Tools and Plant and Establishment or
any charges not taken to final heads of account but kept under one of the suspense accounts.

Register of Works : The permanent and collective record of the expenditure incurred in a division, during a
year, on each work is the Register of Works. This record is maintained in the Divisional Office. The
Register of works is posted monthly from Works Abstract. Only the figure of expenditure against entry A
will be posted in the register of works.

Deposit Register : A Deposits register should be maintained in the Divisional Office in the same form as the
Suspense Register. The Deposit Register should show month by month the total receipts and adjustments
and the closing balance of each separate deposit item, but in respect of deposits for work to be done which
are accounted for in detail in the Schedule of Deposit Works, a single entry for all such deposits is sufficient.

The initial records upon which the works accounts are based are : (para.10.1.2)
(i) Muster Roll
(ii) The Measurement Books
(iii) Work Charged Establishment Bills.
1. Muster Roll: Payments to Labourers
(a) Departmental Labour : All persons engaged departmentally for the execution of works are
considered as day labourers and their wages should be drawn on Muster Roll (Form.21) and
charged to the estimate of the works on which they are employed.
Permanent or temporary employees of the division whose pay is charged to Direction and
Administration and work-charged employees are not paid on Muster Roll.
Muster Roll is prepared in two parts. The daily attendance and list of absences of labourers and
the fines inflicted on them should be entered daily in Part-I. Part-II of the Muster Roll is meant for
recording the progress of work done by the labour shown thereon in all cases where such work is
susceptible of measurements. If otherwise, a certificate to this effect should be recorded.
After a muster roll has been closed, payment thereon should be made as expeditiously as
possible, and acknowledgements (duly stamped, where necessary) obtained. Unpaid wages, if any,
should be recorded in the register of unpaid wages.
Labourers may be paid more than once a month and the period covered by each payment may
be determined locally. However, separate rolls must be prepared for each period of payment.
Subsequent payment of unpaid wages, should be made on Hand Receipts (Form.28) and a note to
that effect will be made in the Register or unpaid wages as well as the relevant Muster Roll. Wages
remaining unpaid for three months should be reported to Divisional office.
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In exceptional and urgent cases, where labourers are employed casually for short periods,
payments may be made on a Casual Labour Roll, in which the names of the labourers need not be
given, but such payments may not be made except by a Gazetted Officer.
(b) Labour engaged through a Contractor : The payment to daily labour through a Contractor,
instead of by a Muster Roll, is objectionable, in principle. However, this may be allowed in case of
great emergency and when it is not possible to engage labourers otherwise than through contractor.
In such a case, the contractor may be paid amounts at suitable rates, for disbursement to labourers,
after the completion of work or at intervals during its progress.
In exigencies, if this method of payment is not practicalble, it is permissible to pay the
contractor on the basis of number of labourers employed, class of labourers employed plus
contractors own profit or commission ( if excluded in the rates allowed as per agreed terms) or paid
separately in lump-sum or at a % rates on day to day basis. (para 10.2.5)
(c) Travelling Expenses : If it is necessary to bring labourers and artificers from a distance, they may
be allowed wages for the number of days occupied in the journey to and from the site of the work, if
they join the work with proper dispatch. At the discretion of the Divisional Officer, bonafide travelling
expenses may also be allowed to them.
The above charges must be borned by the estimate of the work. (Para 10.2.6)
2. Measurement Books :
Payments for all work done otherwise than by daily labour and for all supplies required for
specific works are made on the basis of measurements recorded in measurement books (Form.23).
Measurement books are therefore considered as very important records, and should be so written that the
transactions are readily traceable in the accounts of the Department.
All the measurement books belonging to a division should be numbered serially and a register
should be maintained in the divisional office showing the serial number of each book, the names of the sub-
divisions to which issued, the date of issue and the date of its return, so that its eventual return to divisional
office may be watched.
Measurement books are classified as:
(1) Detailed Measurement Books : All items of work in a project, irrespective of their cost, shall be
measured and recorded in detailed Measurement Books. All measurements should be recorded neatly and
directly, at the site of work, and nowhere else. Each set of measurements should commence with entries

(a) Full name of work as given in estimate/agreement

(b) Situation of work
(c) Name of the Contractor
(d) Number and date of his agreement
(e) Date of written order to commence work
(f) Date of actual completion of work
(g) Date of measurement; and
(h) Reference to the previous measurement.
The pages of the book should be machine numbered. Entries should be recorded continuously, and
not blank pages or page torn out. Any pages left blank inadvertently, should be cancelled by diagonal lines

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and the cancellation attested with dated initials.The entries in the book are made in ink only. If a mistake
was made, the entry should be corrected by crossing (leaving still legible) and inseting the corrections. The
corrections thus made should be initialed with date.
When a bill is prepared for the work or supplies measured, every page containing the detailed
measurements must be invariably scored out by a diagonal red ink line. On the abstract of measurements,
giving a reference to the number and date of the voucher of payment. (para 10.2.18)
(2) Standard Measurement Books : Standard Measurement Books of buildings are maintained in order
to facilitate the preparation of estimates for periodical repairs or for the purpose of preparation of contractors
bills for such repairs. (para 10.2.10)
These books are prepared and maintained at Divisional Office from the measurements noted in
detailed MBs. The MBs used as standard Measurement Books should be numbered an alphabetical series,
to distinguish from detailed Measurement books.

3. Work Charged Establishment Bills :

Work-charged Establishment includes such establishment as is employed upon the actual execution
of specific work or of sub-work or of sub-works of a specified project (or) upon the subordinate supervison of
departmental labour, stores and machinery in connection with such work or sub-work or sub-works.
Subject to such general or specific orders as may be issued by Government, previous sanction of the
Divisional Officer or the Superintending Engineer, as the case may be, is necessary which should be specify
in respect of each appointment:
(a) the scale of pay
(b) the period of sanction, and
(c) the full name of the work and the nature of duties on which the man engaged would be employed.
Rules for the grant of leave, gratuity, pension, travelling and other allowances, etc., to W.C Estt. are
contained in the manuals of department concerned. The leave salaries, travelling and other allowances of
members of the temporary establishment whose pay is charged to works are regulated by the rules
applicable to temporary establishments.
Wages of members of the work-charged establishment should be drawn and paid on Form 29, Pay
Bill of Work-Charged Establishment which is combined pay bill and acquittance roll form. A consolidated
bill in this form should be prepared monthly either for the whole sub-division or for one or more sections of it,
as may be convenient, but the names and claims of the entire establishment concerned including
absentees, should be shown in each bill. Names should be grouped in the bill by works on which the men
are employed, sanction to the entertainment of the establishment should be quoted in each case, and the
Sub-Divisional Officer should certify in the space provided for the purpose, that the men were on duty during
the periods shown against their names, each man being employed on the work and on the duties for which
his appointment was sanctioned.
Pay bills may be signed at any time not earlier than five days before the last working day of the
calendar month for which such pay and allowances are earned and shall be due for payment in the last
working day of that month. When, however, the services of an individual are dispensed with, it is
permissible to settle his account at one.
In the case of work-charged staff attached to Sub-Divisions located away from the Headquarters of the
Divisional Office, monthly pay bills may be signed not earlier than the 15th of the month to which the pay and
allowance relate. The same will be pre-checked by the Divisional Accountant and passed by the Divisional

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Officer of the Division concerned well in time so as to arrange payment on the last working day of that
month. Adjustments, if any, between the pay and allowance actually admissible for each month and those
already drawn should be positively made at the time of actual disbursement or in the next month.
Wages remaining unpaid on the passed bill, on the date fixed for the closing of the accounts of the
month, may be paid subsequently when claimed. The following procedure shall be followed:
(a) Items remaining unpaid on the monthly bill should be entered in a simple register, full particulars of
the charge, including reference to the bill, shall be noted in a Register.
(b) Subsequent payments should be made on Hand Receipts, Form.28 with a reference to the bill in
which the charge was originally passed.
(c) Hand Receipt may then be enclosed to the bill, in which the claim was originally passed.
(d) When making payments of arrears suitable notes of payment should be recorded against the
original entries in the register, as to guard against second payment.
No bills need be prepared in support of claims for travelling expenses. Payments should be made on
Hand Receipts, which should set forth all the necessary particulars of the journey performed and of the
expenses claimed and should be countersigned by the Divisional Office prior to payment.
Every payment made to a member of the work-charged establishment whether on account of his
wages or in recoupment of actual travelling expenses, should be debited to the work on which he is
Authorised forms of bills and Vouchers maintained by CPWD :
(a) First and Final Bill Form .24
(b) Running Account Bill Form.26
(c) Hand Receipt Form.28
First and Final Bill : This form should be used for making payments both to contractors for work and
suppliers, when a single payment is made for a job or contract i.e. on its completion.

Running Account Bill : This form is used for all running and final payments to contractors and suppliers.

Hand Receipt : This is a simple form of voucher intended to be used for all miscellaneous payments and
advances, for which Form.24 and Form.26 are not suitable.
Running Account : It is a term applied to the account with a contractor when payment for work or supplies
is made to him at convenient intervals subject to final settlement of the account on the completion or
determination of his contract

Intermediate Payment is a terms applied to a disbursement of any kind on a running account, not being the
final payment. It includes an Advance Payment, a Secured Advance and on account payment,
or a combination of these.

Final Payment means the last payment on a running account made to a contractor on the completion or
determination of his contract and in full settlement of the account.

Preparation, Examination & Payment of Contractors Bills : (Para 10.2.16 of CPWA Code)

The following are the guiding principles, which should be observed by sub-divisional officer in
preparation, examination and payment of contractors bills:

(a) Before the bill of a contractor is prepared, the entries in the measurement book relating to the
description and quantities of work of supplies should be scrutinized and check measured and the
calculation of Contents or area should be checked arithmetically.
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(b) The bill should then be prepared from the measured entries, in the forms prescribed.

(c) The rates allowed should be entered in the abstract of measurements and in the bill.

(d) Full rates as per agreement catalogue, indent or other order should be allowed only if the quality of
work done or supplies made is up to the stipulated specification.

(e) Before signing the bill, he should compare the quantities in the bill with those recorded in the
measurement book and see that all the rates are correctly entered and that calculations have
been checked arithmetically.

(f) When the bill is on a running account, it should be compared with the previous bill.

(g) Memorandum of payments should then be checked, together with recoveries, which should be
made on account of the work or supply on other accounts being shown therein.

(h) Whenever fractions of a rupee occur in the totals of contractors bills, Fractions less than half a
rupee may be disregarded and half a rupee and over taken as a rupee.

(i) If the contract is for the completed items of work and if contractor is required to obtain materials
of any description from Government, it should be seen that this condition is being complied with
and that necessary recoveries of the cost of the materials, supplied to him, are being made.

(j) Before signing a first and final bill or the first bill on a running account, it should be seen that
the relevant measurement entries were marked as pertaining to such bills by the person taking
the measurements.

(k) Bills which include charges on account of purchase of goods on which Sales Tax has also been
charged should be supported by a Certificate, in prescribed format, by the Divisional Officer.
Example 1. Prepare the I RA bill of contractor X with the following data in respect of Work A:
Qty of work done up to date
(a) Earth work in hard soil at Rs.140 per 100 cum 7000 cum
(b) Brick work in cement and sand at Rs.900 per 10 cum 14 cum
2 2
(c) Wood work in doors and windows at Rs.1000 per m 4m
(d) Reinforced Cement Concrete work at Rs.800 per cum 216 cum

I. Account of Work Executed

Payments on the basis of
actual measurements
Item of work Unit Rate executed
upto date Upto date Since prev. bill
(a) Earth work 100 cum 140 7000 9800 9800
(b) Brick Work 10 cum 900 14 1260 1260
(c) Wood Work 1 sqm 1000 4 4000 4000
(d) R.C.C. 1 cum 800 216 172800 172800
Total value of work done to-date (A) 187860
Deduct : Value of work shown on previous bill (A of prev. bill) 0
Net value of work since previous bill (F) 187860 187860

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III - Memorandum of Payments
1. Total value of work actually measured (A) 187860
2. Total up to date advance payments
(a) As per previous bill : 0
(B) 0
(b) Since previous bill (D) : 0
3. Total upto date secured advances (c) 0
4. Total (items 1 + 2 + 3) 187860
5. Deduct amount withheld
(a) From previous bill : 0
(b) From this bill : 0
6. Balance "Up to date" payments (K) 187860
7. Total amount of payment already made as per entry (K) of previous bill 0
8. Payments now to be made, detailed below :
(a) By recovery of amount creditable to his work
(I) Nil
(ii) Nil
(b) By recovery of amount creditable to other works or
other heads of accounts

(I) Nil (8) 187860

(iii) Nil
(iv) Nil

(c) By Cheque 187860

Recoveries from Contractors Bills :

(a) Recoveries creditable to the work itself :
(1) Fine for bad work : Some times, due to negligence/non-adherence to the conditions of agreement
by the contractor, the work may suffer quality. If at any time, during the execution of work by
contractor, it was found/established in test check, then the Divisional Officer can impose fine on
the contractor. Such fine cannot be treated as a revenue receipt of the Division. Since the work
suffered loss, the amount of fine will be treated as reduction of expenditure on the work itself.
(2) Cost of material supplied to contractor : If contract is for finished item of work and is inclusive of
material, then contractor has to procure material for work. In cases, where department agrees to
supply material viz. cement, steel, etc., the cost of such material will be recovered from on-
account bills. While issuing material from stores, the work will be debited with the cost of material
supplied. In on-account bill(s) such amount will be recovered from contractor and credited to
work-head, as and when the material is used on work.
(3) Any expenditure incurred departmentally which forms part of contractors liability as per agreement
: If any expenditure is incurred departmentally, where such expenditure forms part of contractors
liability, such amounts will be recovered from the contracator and credited to the work concerned.
(b) Recovery of amounts creditable to other works or other heads of accounts :
(1) Income Tax : In terms of Section.194-C of Income Tax Act, 1961, it is statutory to deduct Income
Tax at prescribed rates from payments made to contractors. The Income Tax, so recovered,
should be credited to Income Tax head of Account.

Page 38 of 70
(2) Security Deposit : Normally, 10% of the value of the work done and measured will be recovered
from Contractors bills towards security. Such deposits are covered by a bond or agreement
setting forth the conditions under which the security is held and may be ultimately refunded or
appropriated. The amount of security deposit can be adjusted against the Earnest Money Deposit
paid by the contractor while filing his tender. Security Deposit recovered from Running Account
bills should be credited to Civil Deposits. If the total amount recoverable from the contractor on
account of security does not exceed Rs.500, then the amount may be kept within the bill i.e. it
need not be recovered and deposited to Civil Deposits, in terms of para.10.2.4 of CPWA Code. As
and when the amount of security exceeds Rs.500, it should be credited to civil deposits.
(3) Fine for delay in completion of work : If contractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated
period, as per agreement, then fine can be imposed upon contractor. Such fine will be treated as
a revenue receipt of the department. Fine of similar nature can be imposed even in cases where
the progress of work is slow.
(4) Supervision charges : This term is ordinarily applied to the charges which are levied, in addition to
book value in respect of stock materials sold or transferred and are intended to cover such items
of the expenditure incurred on the store as do not enter their book value. (para 2.1.1(56))
(5) Storage charges : Expenditure incurred after the acquisition of the stores, on work-charged
establishment, employed on handling and keeping initial accounts, the custody of stock and the
maintenance of the store godown or yards etc. and are added on a percentage basis to the issue
rate, so as to form part of the issue rate. (para 2.1.1(52))
Normally, storage charges will be 2% of stores acquired rates and supervision charges will
be levied at 10% of acquired rate plus storage charges. In some cases, contractors will be
exempt from levy of such charges either both or any one of them.
Ex.: If 1 bag of cement was procured at a cost of Rs.100 then,
Storage charges = 2% of Rs.100 = Rs.2
Supervision charges = 10% of Rs.(100 + 2) = Rs.10.20
Store issue rate = Rs.100 + Rs.2 + Rs.10.20 = Rs.112.20
(6) Hire charges of Tools & Plant : When tools and plant are lent to local bodies, contractors or others,
the hire charges and other charges should be determined by locally and should be recovered
regularly. These hire charges will be treated as a revenue receipt.
(7) Court attachment : Sometimes a request will come from an arbitrator or an order will come from
the court of law imposing a fine on contractor. Divisional Officer is bound to recover these
amounts from the bills on hand and credit to the concerned heads.
(8) Worksmans Compensation : Contractors are bound to pay certain amounts to labourers engaged
by them, if labourers were injured during the course of performance of their duties. In such cases,
amounts are to be paid to labourers in accordance with Workmanss Compensation Act, 1964, by
Contractor(s). In such circumstances, Divisional Officer will act as arbitrator and recovers suitable
money from the concerned contractors bills on hand for payment to labourers.
(9) Cost of material supplied to another work/Fine for bad work in respect of another work :
Recoveries pertaining to another work by way of material supplied or by way of imposition of fine
should be credited to that work. As such, recovery on this account will be made from part 8(b) for
credit to concerned head.

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Advances to Contractors (para 10.2.22) :
Advances to contractors are as a rule prohibited and every endeavor should be made to maintain a
system under which no payments are made except for work actually done. Exemptions are, however,
permitted in the following cases:
(a) Advance payment for work done but not measured:
Advance Payment means a payment made on a running account to a contractor for work done but
not measured.
An advance payment for work actually executed may be made with the previous sanction of the
Superintendent Engineer concerned. A responsible Officer, not below the rank of SDO, should certify that
value of work completed is more than advance payment proposed. This officer will be held personally
responsible for overpayments, if any. Final payments may, however, in no case be made without detailed
The grant of a second advance before the first advance has been recovered is not permitted except in
very exceptional circumstances.
Example.6 : A contractor was allowed advance payment of Rs.20,000 in I RA bill for wood work done but
not measured. Indicate, how the transaction will appear in Memorandum of Payments ?
Sol.: Since this is the I RA bill, item 2(a) of Memorandum of payments will be equal to NIL.
Amount proposed to be paid to contractor will be entered in Col.2(b) or D.
Sum of 2(a) and 2(b) is B of Memorandum of Payments.
2 Total up to date advance payments
(a) As per previous bill : NIL (B) 20,000
(b) Since previous bill (D) : 20,000

D=20000 B=20000

Example.7 : In continuation of previous example prepare schedule of II RA bill, if advance payment made
earlier i.e. for wood work to be recovered in full and additional advance amounting to Rs.45,000 allowed for
Iron work not yet measured.
Sol.: In II RA bill, B of I RA bill will be treated as 2(a) of Memorandum of payments.
2 Total up to date advance payments
(a) As per previous bill : 20000 (B) 45,000
(b) Since previous bill (D) : -20000+45000

D = (-)20000+45000=25000 45000

Example.8 : In continuation of previous example prepare schedule of III RA bill, if advance payment for Iron
work is recovered in full and further advance was allowed on Brick work in cement to the extent of Rs.35,000
and RCC work to the extent of Rs.46,000.
2 Total up to date advance payments
(a) As per previous bill : 45000 (B) 81,000
(b) Since previous bill (D) : (-)45000+35000+46000

D = (-)45000+35000+46000=36000 B=81000

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Example.9 : In continuation of previous bill prepare IV RA bill, if advance payment for Brick work in cement
is completely recoverable and fresh advance of Rs.19000 allowed for Electrical work.
2 Total up to date advance payments
(a) As per previous bill : 81000 (B) 65,000
(b) Since previous bill (D) : (-)35000+19000

D = (-)35000+19000 = (-)16000 B=65000

Example.10 : In continuation of previous bill prepare V & Final bill.

Sol.: In Final bill all advance payments will be adjusted as detailed below:
2 Total up to date advance payments
(a) As per previous bill : 65000 (B) Nil
(b) Since previous bill (D) : -46000-19000

D = -46000-19000 = (-)65000 B=NIL

(b) Secured Advance :

Secured Advance : It is a term applied specifically to an advance made on the security of materials brought
to site of work, to a contractor whose contract is for the completed item of work.

In cases where contract is for finished work, an advance on the security of materials brought to site
can be allowed at the request of the contractor. This advance can be sanctioned only in respect of
materials, which are of imperishable nature.
Divisional Officers, may, in such cases, sanction advances up to an amount not exceeding 75% of the
assessed value. A formal agreement will be drawn up with the contractor under which Govt. secures a lien
on the material and is safeguarded against losses, misuse and pilferages.
Recovery of advance should be made from contractors bills for work done as the material is used.
Unlike advance payment, which will be recovered in one-lump, secured advance will be recovered in parts
i.e. as and when the material is used on work.
Payment of secured advance is permissible only, if an officer not below the rank of SDO certifies that:
(a) the material was actually brought to site.
(b) The contractor had not received any advance on the material under question, and
(c) The material is required by the contractor for this work.
Example.11: Calculate maximum secured advance admissible to a contractor, if he had brought 2,00,000
bricks to site whose market value is Rs.800 per 1000 bricks.
Solution : Market Value = Rs.800 per 1000 bricks
Reduced Rate = 75% of market value/assessed rate
= 75% of Rs.800 or Rs.600 per 1000 bricks
Secured Advance admissible = 600/1000 X 200000 = Rs.1,20,000
Example.12: In the above example, if contractor dumped another 3,00,000 of bricks at worksite, then
calculate secured advance payable. By that time, 1,20,000 bricks dumped earlier were utilized on work
done and measured.
Solution : Market value = Rs. 800 per 1000 bricks

Page 41 of 70
Reduced rate = Rs.600 per 1000 bricks (being 75% of market value)
1 consignment = 2,00,000 bricks
II consignment = 3,00,000 bricks
Total bricks = 5,00,000
Less: bricks used = 1,20,000
Balance available = 3,80,000
Secured Advance = 6000/1000 X 3,80,000
Admissible = Rs.2,28,000
Example.13 : Mr.X, a contractor, brought 2150 kgs of steel to work site and requested for secured advance.
The Divisional Officer allowed maximum secured advance admissible at an assessed rate of Rs.29 per kg.
Calculate secured advance payable.
Solution : Market Value = Rs.29 per 1 Kg.
Reduced Rate = 75% of market value/assessed rate
= 75% of Rs.29 or Rs.21.75 rounded to Rs.21
Secured Advance admissible = 21 X 2150 = Rs.45,150
Example.14 :A contractor was allowed maximum secured advance on 3,00,000 bricks, 130 MT of steel and
150 cuf of wood. Assessed rate of bricks is Rs.900 per 1000 bricks, Rs.17000 per MT of steel and Rs.460
per cuf of wood, in Ist Running Account Bill. In the II RA bill he was allowed secured advance on 3,20,000
bricks, 90 MT of steel and 175 cuf of wood brought afresh to work site. Calculate maximum secured
advance payable in II RA bill, if utilization of bricks may be calculated at 500 bricks per 1 cum of brick work.
Utilisation of steel is estimated at 1% of RCC work and weight of steel may be determined at 7.8 MT per
cum, Wood utilized on work may be calculated duly allowing 10% wastage. The following work was
completed since previous bill..
Brick work 440 cum, RCC work 1600 cum, Wood work 117 cuf.
Solution:In order to encounter situations shown in this example, a form was designed Form.26A, which will
form part of Running Account Bill, in the following proforma:

Form.26A Account of Secured Advance

Outstand- Utilized Quantity
Description Up to date
ing since since out- Full rate Unit Rate
of material amount
prev. bill prev. bill standing
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
-- -- 3,00,000 900 Bricks 1000 Nos. 675 2,02,500
-- -- 130 17000 Steel 1 MT 12750 16,57,500
-- -- 150 460 Wood 1 Cuf 345 51,750
Total amount outstanding as per this account (C) 19,11,750
Less : Total amount outstanding as per previous bill (C of previous bill) ------
Net amount since previous bill (E) 19,11,750
(Rupees Nineteen thousand eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty only)

Utilisation of bricks : Quantity of brick work since previous bill = 440 cum
Number of bricks utilised = 440 X 500 = 220000
Utilisation of Steel : Quantity of RCC work since previous bill = 1600 cum
1% of RCC work = 16 cum
Weight of steel utilized = 16 X 7.8 = 124.80 MT
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Utilisation of wood : Quantity of wood work since previous bill = 117 cuf
Wood wasted at 10% = 100/90 X 117 = 13 cuf
(Remember : wastage should not be calculated at 10% of 117, after 10% wastage its 117 cuf)
Total wood utilized since previous bill = 130 cuf.
Secured advance can be calculated for II RA bill as per following details:
Form.26A Account of Secured Advance
Outstand- Utilized
Quantity out- Full Description Up to date
ing since since Unit Rate
standing rate of material amount
prev. bill prev. bill
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
3,00,000 2,20,00 900 Bricks 1000 Nos. 675 2,7,0000
130 124.80 17000 Steel 1 MT 12750 12,13,800
+ 90
150 130 460 Wood 1 Cuf 345 67,275
+ 175
Total amount outstanding as per this account (C) 15,51,075
Less : Total amount outstanding as per previous bill (C of previous bill) 19,11,750
Net amount since previous bill (E) -3,60,675
(minus Rupees three lakhs sixty thousand six hundred and seventy five only)

Example.15 : Determine the values of C and E, if a contractor was allowed 100000 as secured advance in
I RA bill:
Sol.: Since, this is the I RA bill, C=1,00,000 and E=1,00,000
Example.16 : In continuation of previous example, determine the values of C and E, if Rs.70,000 of secured
advance was recovered from contractor, in II RA bill.
Sol.: In this case the balance amount of advance outstanding with the contractor will be treated as fresh
secured advance given. The calculation will be as detailed below:
C= 100000-70000 = 30000
Less : C of previous bill = 100000
E (Net amount since previous bill) = (-)70000
(minus Rupees seventy thousand only)

Example.17 : In continuation of previous example, determine the values of C and E, if contractor was
2700allowed further additional secured advance of Rs.85,000, in III RA bill.
Sol. : In this case, it has to be understood that, in II RA bill we have allowed an amount of Rs.30000 to
contractor as SA. As no material was utilized on work since previous bill, this 30000 advance will be
continued and as the contractor has dumped further material at site, another 85000 was allowed as
additional SA (i.e. in addition to 30000, which he already took).
C= 30000 + 85000 = 115000
Less : C of previous bill = 30000
E (Net amount since previous bill) = 85000
(Rupees eighty five thousand only)

Example.18 : In continuation of previous example, determine the values of C and E, if contractor was
allowed further additional secured advance of Rs.45,000, in IV RA bill.
Sol. : In this case too it has to be understood that, in III RA bill, we have already allowed an amount of
Rs.115000 to contractor as SA. As no material was utilized on work since previous bill, this 115000 advance
Page 43 of 70
will be continued and as the contractor has dumped further material at site another 45000 will be allowed as
additional SA (i.e. in addition to 115000, which he already took).
C= 115000 + 45000 = 160000
Less : C of previous bill = 115000
E (Net amount since previous bill) = 45000
(Rupees fourty five thousand only)

Example.19 : In continuation of previous example, determine the values of C and E,

if Secured advance was recovered to the extent of Rs.65,000, in V RA bill.
Sol. : As contractor had utilized Rs.65000 of material on work, the balance amount of Rs.95000 will be
treated as continued in this bill
C= 160000-65000 = 95000
Less : C of previous bill = 160000
E (Net amount since previous bill) = (-) 65000
(minus Rupees sixty five thousand only)

Example.20 : In continuation of prev. example, determine C and E, in VI and final bill.

Sol. : Since this is the final bill entire amount of advance outstanding shall be recovered, treating that all the
material on with SA was allowed was utilized on work (though nothing was told).
C = Nil
Less : C of previous bill = 95000
E (Net amount since previous bill) = (-) 95000
(minus Rupees ninety five thousand only)

(c) Mobilization Advance :

Mobilization Advance can be granted to contractors in respect of certain specialized and capital
intensive works whose estimated cost put to tender exceeds Rs.1 crore. While sanctioning such advance
due care shall be taken in deciding whether any particular work be considered as a specialized or capital
intensive work.
Specialized works are those which are not of a type being normally executed by the department, but
are required now and then for special occasion or prestigious buildings required occasionally. Capital
intensive works are those which requires purchase of large quantum of machinery and equipment by the
contractor or the execution of such work may require substantial initial outlay for ordering special material for
execution of the work.
Mobilization advance can be sanctioned up to a maximum of 10% of the approved cost of work or
Rs.1 Crore, whichever is less.
This advance can be sanctioned on the security of machinery and plants brought to site @ 80% of the
purchase price of new equipment or @ 70% of the market value of used machinery acquired for the work,
and brought to the site of the work. In such cases, the amount of advance shall not exceed Rs.10 Lakhs.
Such advances shall not be given in respect of machinery which the contractor already possesses.

Interest on mobilization advance shall be made as per the orders of Government and should be
treated as revenue receipts of the department. Advance against plant and machinery shall be interest-free.
Interest on mobilization advance shall be credited to the head of account

MH 0049 - Interest receipts

03 - Other interest receipts of central Government
800 - Other receipts Note.5

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With-holding amounts in Running Account bill(s):
Occasionally, contractors neglect some little portions of work like surplus earth not removed from site,
contractors balance material not cleared from site, non watering of cement works etc. To avoid negligence
of contractors in above situations, the divisional officer can withhold some petty amounts from the bill, which
can be released in subsequent bills. All such withheld amounts be treated as amounts kept within the work.

Normally, deductions on account of security Deposit will be deposited under Deposits head.
However, in cases where deduction on account of security is less than Rs.500, then it can be treated as
security withheld and it shall be kept within the work, until it exceeds Rs.500.

All withhelds discussed above can be kept within the work as item no.5 of memorandum of payments.
All amounts withheld are required to be released in final bill. If amounts are due to be recovered, then
the same are required to be released as Item no.5(b) of memorandum of payments and an equivalent sum
to be recovered either as 8(a) or 8(b) recovery.

Example.21 : Prepare the Fourth and final bill in respect of cont. X with the following details:
Up to date Value of work done as per I RA bill - Rs.10000
Up to date Value of work done as per II RA bill - Rs.20000
Up to date Value of work done as per III RA bill - Rs.30000
Up to date Value of work done as per IV RA bill - Rs.40000
An amount of Rs.800 was withheld in I RA bill towards non-watering of cement work. The same was
released in the IV and final bill.
Although Income Tax and Security Deposits are statutory deductions to be recovered from contractor,
for better understanding the concepts of withheld, it is proposed not to effect these recoveries in the present
case. Hence no deductions may be made from all these four bills.
Solution :

I RA bill II RA bill III RA bill IV & Final bill

1. 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000
2 a) 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
b) 0 0 0 0
3. 0 0 0 0
4. 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000
5 a) 0 800 800 800 800
800 800 0
b) 800 0 0 -800
6 9,200 19,200 29,200 40,000
7 0 9,200 19,200 29,200
8 a) 0 0 0 0
b) 0 9,200 0 10,000 0 10,000 0 10,800
c) 9200 10000 10000 10800

Example.26 : Prepare the Fourth and final bill in respect of cont. X with the following details:
Up to date Value of work done as per I RA bill - Rs.25000
Up to date Value of work done as per II RA bill - Rs.50000
Up to date Value of work done as per III RA bill - Rs.75000
Up to date Value of work done as per IV RA bill - Rs.100000
An amount of Rs.5000 was withheld in I RA bill towards non-watering of cement work. In II RA bill
Rs.1250 released and in III RA bill a further amount of Rs.1500 was released. Balance amount was released
in the IV and final bill.
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Solution :
I RA bill II RA bill III RA bill IV & Final bill
1. 25,000 50,000 75,000 1,00,000
2 a) 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
b) 0 0 0 0
3. 0 0 0 0
4. 25,000 50,000 75,000 1,00,000
5 a) 0 5000 3750 2250
5000 3750 2250 0
b) 5000 -1250 -1500 -2250
6 20,000 46,250 72,750 1,00,000
7 0 20,000 46,250 72,750
8 a) 0 0 0 0
b) 0 20,000 0 26,250 0 26,500 0 27,250
c) 20000 26250 26500 27250

Importance of Alphabets shown at various stages in RA Bill:

Value of work done since previous bill :F
Advance payments made since previous bill :D
Secured Advance allowed since previous bill :E
Amounts recovered from contractors from the Running Account Bills can be classed into following
three kinds;
b. Amount withheld. Although, this is not a recovery, the amount will be kept with in the work
without paying to contractor.
c. Recoveries pertaining to supply of material, expenditure incurred by the department on
behalf of the contractor; and
d. Recoveries creditable to other heads or other works. These recoveries are treated as
amount paid to contractor from the work. However, after due acknowledgement of the
contractor, these amounts will be credited to concerned heads of accounts.
Amounts withheld and amounts recovered from the contractor for this work are however treated as
amount within the work or amount creditable to the work. Hence these two transactions can be treated as
amount within the work. The total of such amount is termed as G
G= 5(b) + 8(a) in our RA bill transactions.
Similarly, amount recovered from contractor for credit to other works or other heads are treated as
amounts paid to contractor, this is the reason why, contractor will give acknowledgement for the total of
item.8 of Running Account Bill.
H= 8(b) + 8(c) in our RA bill transactions.
After completion of the Running Account Bill, a check of arithmetical calculations involved in the
question can be verified with the following formulae:

D + E + (-G) = H - F (or) D + E - G = H F
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Contractors Ledger :
A personal account should be opened in the Ledger for every contractor, whether or not a formal
contract has been entered into with him, unless the work or supply entrusted to him is not important and no
payment is made to him except on a First and Final Bill, on completion. If only materials are issued to
contractor or any payments are made on his behalf, a ledger account must be opened. [Para 10.7.2]
All the accounts relating to each contractor should be kept in a folio or folios in all cases where
personal account need be maintained.
The Contractors ledger should be written up in the Divisional Office. The form of Ledger provides for
the following columns:
1. Date 7. Name of the work or a/c and particulars of
2. Voucher No. transactions.
3. Serial No. 8. Debits
4. Advance Payments 9. Credits
5. Secured Advances 10. Total value of work or supplies
6. Contractors Other Transactions 11. Remarks
Instructions for filling various columns of Contractors Ledger :
1. Advance Payments : Advance payments made to contractor in Running Account Bill(s) should be entered
in this column. Net amount paid to Contractor i.e. 2(b) or D of memorandum of payments should be
entered in this column. If 2(b) or D is a negative figure, then the amount may be posted with negative sign.
2. Secured Advances : In the account of Secured Advances, which is an enclosure to Running Account Bill,
account will be maintained in respect of Secured Advance paid to Contractor on the security of the material
brought to site. Net amount of secured advance since previous bill of this form i.e. E should be entered in
this column together with its sign i.e. positive or negative.
3. Other transactions : Posting in this column should be made as detailed below:
(a) In case of Running Account Bill : Figure G of the memorandum of payments [5(b)+8(a)] should be
posted in this column. If a payment is made on a I & Final bill, no entry should be made in this
column, unless a recovery is made from the contractor on any account.
(b) In other cases : The amounts paid to or recovered from contractor should be entered in terms of
their value.
Examples :
 Cost of cement supplied to contractor for work P amounting toRs.1000 (+ entry).
 Fine amounting to Rs.1500 awarded to contractor for bad work (+ entry).
 Returned back unused wood to stores amounting to Rs.2000 (- entry).
 Transferred. surplus Iron to another work within the divn. worth Rs.1000 (- entry).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -against another work (+ entry).
4.Debits : In the case of a Running Account Bill, figure H of Memorandum of Payments should be entered
in this column. In other cases, the total amount paid or chargeable. As such all amounts due from the
contractor will be entered in this column.
5. Credits : In case of Running Account Bills, figure F of Part-I i.e. Account of work executed, should be
entered. In other cases the amounts recovered from the Contractor shall be entered in this column.
Debit entries in the ledger should be made only on the basis of transactions recorded in the accounts,
i.e. Cash Book, Stock or adjustment vouchers, value of materials supplied, if any, issued to contractor
against acknowledgement. Similarly Credit entries should be made only if the bills have been passed and
payments(s) made thereon.
Page 47 of 70
6.Total value of work or supplies : In case of Running Account Bill, the total value of ;work done or supplies
made up to date as per entry A of Part-I of Bill should be entered. While posting ;this figure, correctness of
such figure may be ensured by comparing A of previous bill with the last entry of the work against the work
The ledger accounts should be closed and balanced monthly. After closing, the personal account
should be detailed so as to show the amounts outstanding under the ;three suspense accounts viz. (1)
Advance Payments, (2) Secured Advances and (3) Other transactions in respect of each work or account.
The Divisional Accountant should ensure the correctness of the Contractors Ledger and see that
there is not indication of a transaction pertaining to a running account having been settled on a form not
permitted to be used for the purpose.
Periodically, all the personal accounts in the ledger should be examined to see;
 That balances do not remain outstanding for a long time without justification; and
 That in case of running accounts, bills are prepared at reasonable intervals.
Transactions that doesnt form part of Contractors Ledger :
Due to traditional accounting procedures, the following transactions doesnt find place in contractors
1. Security Deposits/EMD submitted by contractors. (Note below Para 10.7.4)
2. Fine for delay.
3. Hire charges of Tools and Plant
4. Recoveries pertaining to other divisions.
5. I & Final Bill, unless a recovery is made from the contractor on any account. (Para.10.7.2)
6. Material issued to contractor where contract is for labour only.
7. Bill favouring contractor was prepared but not passed yet.
8. All charges payable by department, where such payments are the responsibility of Contractor as per
agreement. (Should be posted when actually paid).

Post the following transactions in Contractors Ledger (model entries) :

Ex.1 : 36 bags of cement issued to contractor for work P at Rs.100 per bag.
Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
= = 3600 Cement Work A 3600 = =

Ex.2 : 8 MT of steel issued to contractor, issue rate Rs.20,000 per MT; stipulated rate Rs.21,000 per MT for
work A.

Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
= = 1,68,000 Steel Work A 1,68,000 = =

Page 48 of 70
Ex.3 : 5 MT of steel issued in previous example returned unused. Prevailing market rate at the time of return
is Rs.23,000 per MT

Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)

= = (-)105000 Steel returned (-)105000 = =

Work A

Ex.4 : a) 200 bags of cement issued to contractor for work P; stipulated rate is Rs.120 per bag plus 2%
storage charges.
b) 30 bags of cement issued above returned unused.
c) Another 40 bags of cement returned unused. Prevailing market rate at the time of return
is Rs.117 per bag.
Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
= = 24,480 Cement Work P 24,480 = =
Cement returned
= = (-)3,600 (-)3,600 = =
Work P
Cement returned
= = (-)4,680 (-)4,680 = =
Work P

(a) 2 MT of steel at Rs.18000 per MT issued to work.
(b) 80 wooden planks issued to contractor not for bonafide use of work. Issue rate Rs.400 per plank,
market rate Rs.425 per plank.
(c) 130 bags of cement issued to contractor for work A. Stipulated rate is Rs.118 per bag, issue rate
Rs.117 plus 2% storage charges.
(d) Cartage charges for carriage of cement above : Rs.300. This amount is recoverable from contractor
as contract stipulates issue at stores.
(e) If contract provides for supply of material at work site then post the transaction in ledger.
Sol. : Items (a), (b) and (e) doesnt find place in Ledger. Since steel was issued to work, the contract is for
labour only, as such material supply is the responsibility of the department, hence transaction (a) in any way
cannot be treated as personal transaction with contractor. Wooden planks issued to contractor not for
bonafide use on work, hence this will not find place in ledger.
Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
= = 15,340 Cement Work A 15,340 = =
= = 300 Cartage charges 300 = =

Ex.6 :
(a) Issued 90 cum of wood to contractor for work A. Issue rateRs.1000/cum, stipulated rate

Page 49 of 70
(b) Transferred 20 cum of wood to work B at store issue rate in the interest of work.
(c) 4 MT of steel issued to contractor for work P at a stipulated cost of Rs.20,000/MT, issue rate
Rs.20,500 per MT
(d) 1 MT of steel issued to Work P transferred to work Q in the interest of work. Issue rate being
Rs.20,500 per MT while market rate is Rs.21,000 per MT.

Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
= = 94,500 Wood Work A 94,500 = =
Wood transferred
= = (-)20,000 = = =
Work A
Wood transferred
= = 20,000 = = =
Work B
= = 80,000 Steel Work P 80,000 = =
Steel transferred
= = (-)20,000 = 20,000 =
Work P

Ex.7 : I RA bill paid to contractor in respect of Work A as per following details:

Value of work done & measured : Rs.35000, Secured Advance : Rs.17000;
Advance Payments : Rs.10000; Security Deposits at 10% and Income Tax at 2%.
Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
10,000 17,000 = I RA bill - Work A 62,000 35,000 35,000

Rough sketch of I RA bill Rough sketch of II RA bill

1. (A) 35000 1. (A) 96000

2.a) Nil 2.a) 10000
(B) 10000 (B) 15000
b) 10000 b) 5000
3 (C) 17000 3 (C) 23000
4 62000 4 134000
5.a) Nil 5.a) Nil
Nil Nil
b) Nil b) Nil
6 (K) 62000 6 (K) 134000
7 Nil 7 62000
8.a) Nil 8.a) Nil
b) 62000 b) 72000
62000 72000
c) c)

D = 10000 D = 5000
E = 17000 E = 6000
(-)G 5b+8a = Nil (-)G 5b+8a = Nil
H 8b+8c = 62000 H 8b+8c = 72000
F = 35000 F = 61000
A = 35000 A = 96000

Ex.8 : In continuation of previous example, prepare II RA bill with the following details:

Page 50 of 70
Value of work done & measured : Rs.96000; Secured Advance recovered : Rs.12000
Secured Advance paid : Rs.18000; Advance payment made in I RA bill recovered : Rs.7000;
Further advanced : Rs.12000; Income Tax : 2%, SD : 10%, Fine for delay : Rs.10000
Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
5,000 6,000 = II RA bill Work A 72,000 61,000 96,000

Ex.9 : Paid II RA bill in respect of work X as per following details :

Value of work done up to date : Rs.49000; Advance payment made in I RA bill recovered : Rs.13000;
Secured Advance made in I RA bill recovered : Rs.19000; Advance payment made in II RA bill : Rs.9000,
Secured advance allowed now : Rs.14,000, Value of work in I RA bill : Rs.26000, IT @ 2% and SD @ 10%,
Cost of cement issued Rs.7200; Fine for delay : Rs.800, Fine for bad work Rs.1200
Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
= = 7,200 Cement Work X 7,200 = =

= = 1,200 Fine for bad work 1,200 = =

Work X
(-)4,000 (-)5,000 (-)8,400 II RA bill Work X 5,600 23,000 49,000

Rough sketch of I RA bill Rough sketch of II RA bill Rough sketch of III RA bill
1. (A) 26000 1. (A) 49000 1. (A) 90000
2.a) Nil 2.a) 13000 2.a) 9000
(B) 13000 (B) 9000 (B) Nil
b) 13000 b) -4000 b) -9000
3 (C) 19000 3 (C) 14000 3 (C) Nil
4 58000 4 72000 4 90000
5.a) Nil 5.a) Nil 5.a) Nil
Nil Nil Nil
b) Nil b) Nil b) Nil
6 (K) 58000 6 (K) 72000 6 (K) 90000
7 Nil 7 58000 7 72000
8.a) Nil 8.a) 8400 8.a) 13000
b) 58000 b) 14000 b) 18000
58000 5600 5000
c) c) c)

D = 13000 D = -4000 D = -9000

E = 19000 E = -5000 E = -14000
(-)G 5b+8a = Nil (-)G 5b+8a = -8400 (-)G 5b+8a = -13000
H 8b+8c = 58000 H 8b+8c = 5600 H 8b+8c = 5000
F = 26000 F = 23000 F = 41000
A = 26000 A = 49000 A = 90000

Ex.10 : In continuation of previous example, prepare the III and final bill in respect of work X with the
following details:
Total value of work up to date Rs.90000; Cost of cement recovered Rs.3000; Cost of steel to be
recovered Rs.6000; IT @ 2%, SD at 10%, Amount incurred by department in setting the work to be
recovered from contractor Rs.4000.

Page 51 of 70
Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
= = 3,000 Cement Work X 3,000 = =
= = 6,000 Steel Work X 6,000 = =

= = 4,000 Fine for bad work 4,000 = =

Work X
(-)9,000 (-)14,000 (-)13,000 III & Final bill Work 5,000 41,000 90,000

Ex.11 : Paid contractor on account bill for work Z on lump-sum contract:

Approximate value of work done Rs.40000; Value of measured up additions and
alterations Rs.8000; secured advance Rs.12000; Security Deposit to be recovered at 10%.

Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
43,200 12,000 = I RA bill Work Z 55,200 = =

Ex.12 : In continuation of previous example, prepare II RA bill in respect of work Z:

Approximate value of work done Rs.75000; Value of measured up additions and
alterations Rs.10000; secured advance recovered in full; Cost of material supplied for this work recovered
Rs.4000; Security Deposit to be recovered at 10%.
Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
= = 4,000 Material Work Z 4,000 = =
33,300 (-)12,000 (-)4,000 II RA bill Work Z 17,300 = =

Rough sketch of I RA bill Rough sketch of II RA bill Rough sketch of III RA bill
1. (A) Nil 1. (A) Nil 1. (A) 123000
2.a) Nil 2.a) 43200 2.a) 76500
(B) 43200 (B) 76500 (B) Nil
b) 43200 b) 33300 b) -76500
3 (C) 12000 3 (C) Nil 3 (C) Nil
4 55200 4 76500 4 123000
5.a) Nil 5.a) Nil 5.a) Nil
Nil Nil Nil
b) Nil b) Nil b) Nil
6 (K) 55200 6 (K) 76500 6 (K) 123000
7 Nil 7 55200 7 76500
8.a) Nil 8.a) 4000 8.a) 15100
b) 55200 b) 21300 b) 46500
55200 17300 31400
c) c) c)

D = 43200 D = 33000 D = -76500

E = 12000 E = -12000 E = Nil
(-)G 5b+8a = Nil (-)G 5b+8a = -4000 (-)G 5b+8a = -15100
H 8b+8c = 55200 H 8b+8c = 17300 H 8b+8c = 31400
F = Nil F = Nil F = 123000
A = Nil A = Nil A = 123000

Page 52 of 70
Ex.13 : In continuation of previous example, prepare III & Final RA bill in respect of work Z:
value of work done & measured Rs.104000; Value of measured up additions and
alterations Rs.19000; Cost of material issued for this work recovered Rs.13500; Security Deposit to be
recovered at 10%; IT @ 2% (this was not done in any of the previous bills), Fine for bad work Rs.1600

Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
= = 13,500 Material Work Z 13,500 = =

= = 1,600 Fine for bad work 1,600 = =

Work Z
(-)76,500 = (-)15,100 III & Final billWork Z 31,400 1,23,000 1,23,000

Ex.14 : Prepare and post the I RA bill in respect of work P in Ledger, with the following details:
(a) Total value of work done Rs.4800; (b) Advance payments Rs.10000 (c) Amount withheld for non
watering Rs.200; (d) Cost of wood supplied Rs.1200; (e) IT @ 2% & SD @ 10% recd.

Contractors Name of the work
Advance Secured value of
Other or A/c & particulars Debits Credits
Payments Advances work or
Transactions of transaction
4 (D) 5 (E) 6 (G) 7 8 (H) 9 (F) 10 (A)
= = 1,200 Wood Work P 1,200 = =
10,000 = (-)1,880 I RA bill Work P 12,920 4,800 4,800
= = 3,000 Cement Work P 3,000 = =

= = 5,000 Fine for bad work 5,000 = =

Work Q
(-)6,000 15,000 (-)2,520 II RA bill Work P 41,680 35,200 40,000

= = (-)5,000 Fine for bad work = 5,000 =

recoveredWork Q

Ex.15 : In continuation of previous example prepare II RA bill of work P with the following details:
(a) Total value of work done Rs.40000; (b) Advance payments recovered Rs.10000 (c) Fresh advance
allowed Rs.4000, (d) Secured Advance Rs.15000, (e) Cost of wood supplied Rs.3000; (f) Fine for bad
work in respect of Work Q Rs.5000. (Solution : Pl. see above)

Rough sketch of I RA bill Rough sketch of II RA bill

1. (A) 4800 1. (A) 40000
2.a) Nil 2.a) 10000
(B) 10000 (B) 4000
b) 10000 b) -6000
3 (C) Nil 3 (C) 15000
4 14800 4 59000
5.a) Nil 5.a) 200+480
680 200
b) 200+480 b) -480
6 (K) 14120 6 (K) 58800
7 Nil 7 14120
8.a) 1200 8.a) 3000
b) 14120 b) 44680
12920 41680
c) c)

D = 10000 D = -6000

E = Nil E = 15000

(-)G 5b+8a = -1880 (-)G 5b+8a = -2520

H 8b+8c = 12920 H 8b+8c = 41680

F = 4800 F = 35200

A = 4800 A = 40000

Page 53 of 70
Works Abstract :
All transaction relating to a work during a month shall have to be maintained by Divisional
Officer in Form.33, known as Works Abstract. (Para 10.5.1). This is a monthly account, relating to one
particular work. Works Abstracts, shall have to be maintained for all the works, in the division. The
entries in this work abstract should be made in black ink and all postings of corrections made shall be
in Red Ink. Works Abstract is broadly divided as follows:

Works Abstract

Final Charges Suspense Accounts

Materials Contractor
Earth work

charges for Advance Labourers
Brick work Payments
issued to
contractor or Secured Other
RCC work direct to work Advances transactions

Final Charges :

Final charges are divided into various sub-heads viz. Earth work, brick work, RCC work etc.,
as mentioned in the abstract of the estimate of the work. All expenditure incurred against the sub-work
will be entered in this column. This helps to know exactly what expenditure was incurred against that
particular sub-head. Further, this will enable a good watch over the expenditure as against estimate.
In addition there will be another sub-head Additional charges for materials issued to contractor or
direct to work. This sub-head under final charges, acts as a shock absorber and receives credits or
debits. This column helps to ascertain the actual cost incurred on a particular work excluding any
profit/loss due to the conditions with contractor(s).
If the contract provides for issue of material to contractor at stipulated rates, there is every
possibility that a difference exists between issue rate and stipulated rate. Such difference, if any, will
be entered in this column. Few examples are quoted below for ready reference:
Ex.: Issued 20 MT of cement to Contractor P at a stipulated rate of Rs.110 per standard bag. Issue
rate of stores is Rs.120 per bag.
Addln. charges. Contractors other trans. Total
4000 44000 48000

Ex. In the above example, if issue rate is Rs.110 per standard bag and stipulated rate is Rs.120 per
bag, then:
Addln. charges. Contractors other trans. Total
(-)4000 48000 44000
Suspense Accounts :
Materials : This column is used to record the transactions of cost of material issued direct to work,
either executed departmentally or through a contract for labour only (para 10.5.12)
As such, the cost of material issued direct to work will directly be posted in this column. If
material is issued to contractor for use on work and whose charges are recoverable from contractor
then the transaction will be entered under contractors other transactions and not under this column.
Further, issue of material direct to work will be of two kinds:
(a) material purchased from local market/firms and issued direct to work.
(b) Material of divisional stores issued to work.

Page 54 of 70
The implication of (a) above, is it will be directly entered as an individual entry. Entry/Entries
of material of divisional stores issued direct to work during a month will be consolidated and a total
entry will be made as last transaction of the month in the specifically allotted row Stock.
Transfer entries adjusting material issued direct to work as issues to contractor will be
represented as a negative figure in material column and with a positive figure in suspense accounts
Contractors Other Transactions column. However the net effect on total column, will be NIL in such
cases. Transfer entries of vice-versa nature will have vice-versa effect.
Example : 5 quintals of cement purchased from firm B at a cost of Rs.100 per bag and issued direct
to work.
Suspense Accounts
Material Contractors other trans.
1000 - 1000
Example : 5 Quintals of cement issued from divisional stores direct to work at a cost of Rs.120 per
Suspense Accounts
Material Contractors other trans.
(Stock) 1200 - 1200
Example : 5 Quintals of cement issued from divisional stores to contractor at a cost of Rs.120 per bag.
Suspense Accounts
Material Contractors other trans.
- 1200 1200
Example : 5 Quintals of cement issued from divisional stores at Rs.120 per bag direct to work now
adjusted as issued to contractor:
Suspense Accounts
Material Contractors other trans.
(-)1200 (+)1200 NIL
Contracators (Suspense) :
Advance Payments : Advance payments made to contractors for work done but not measured will be
entered in this column with a positive figure. This column nwill get nullified, whenever the work was
measured and amount classified under final charges (sub-heads) and when on account payment was
Secured Advances : Secured Advance(s) paid to contractor for imperishable material brought to the
work site will be entered in this column with a positive figure. As and when secured advance is
recovered from on account bill, the amout thus recovered will be entered with a negative sign.
Other transactions : Transaction other than advance payments and secured advances which are
recoverable from the contractor will be entered in this column with a positive sign and with a negative
sign as and when they were recovered. Broadly, the transaction are:
(1) material issued to contractor
(2) amounts withheld
(3) Fine for bad work/substandard work
(4) Payments made by department on behalf of contractor, temporarily.
Labourers : A distinction of this COT column when compared with contractors ledger is, in
ledger Other Transactions includes wages paid to labour. However, in Works Abstract under
Suspense accounts of contractors sub-heads a separate column is provided for labourers. In this
column unpaid wages of labourers will be posted with a negative figure. As and when wages are paid
the negative figure gets nullified.
Salary paid to Work Charged Establishment are not classed under any of sub-heads under
suspense transactions. Instead a separate sub-head under Final charges need be opened and the
amount paid to Work Charged Establishment by way of salaries, excluding unpaid salaries, if any, may
be entered under this column
Example : Rs.3000 paid on muster roll towards Earth work out of which Rs.450 remained unpaid.

Final charges Suspense Accounts

Earth Work W.C.Estt. Material Labourers
3000 --- --- (-)450 2550

Page 55 of 70
Works Abstract (model entries)

(a) Disbursed Rs.3230 out of Muster Roll for Rs.3500 for Earth work leaving a balance of Rs.270
as Undisbursed.

(b) Paid Rs.170 on account of unpaid wages to labourer of previous muster roll

(c) A sum of Rs.200 paid to daily labourer on muster roll, which is recoverable from contractor

(d) Amount paid to daily labour as above recovered from contractor in cash

(e) Paid Muster Roll for rectifying the defects noticed in the work executed by contractor for RCC Work
Gross amount Rs.500; undisbursed Rs.100. This amount is recoverable from contractor.

(f) Work Charged Establishment bill for an amount of Rs.2500 was drawn out of which, Rs.400
remained unpaid.

(g) Work Charged Establishment bill drawn as detailed below : Gross Rs.8000, CPF Rs.1200,
Unpaid Rs.800

(h) Mosaic tiles purchased from local market at a cost of Rs.2500, and the same were issued to
Contractor for use on work. The contract is exclusive of the cost of tiles.

(i) An amount of Rs.70 was incurred on transportation of tiles from firm to worksite.

(j) 60 bags of cement were issued to contractor at a stipulated rate of Rs.48 per bag. Issue rate of
cement was Rs.50 per bag.

(k) A sum of Rs.100 was incurred on the carriage of cement issued above, which is recoverable from

(l) In the above example, if cartage is the responsibility of the department, then post the transaction.

(m) 10 cuf of wood was found surplus and transferred to another work at the then issue rate of
220 cuf; market rate for the time being is Rs.200 per cuf

(n) Issue of 50 cuf of timber at the store issue rate of Rs.180 per cuf erroneously adjusted previously
as issued direct to work is now adjusted as issued to contractor.

(o) Surplus material borne on the material at site account valued Rs.850 transferrred to another work

(p) A sum of Rs.1000 was paid to contractor for wood work done but not measured.

(q) Secured Advance amounting to Rs.2000 paid to contractor towards bricks brought to site.

(r)Issued from divisional stock 150 cuf of wood direct to work, issue rate being Rs.1500 per cuf
and storage charges of Rs.200 per cuf.

(s) 25 cuf of wood mentioned above, having become surplus, transferred to another work in
progress. The issue rate for such material at the time being is Rs.1300 per cuf.

(t) Issued 2 tonnes of cement from stock direct to cont. (issue rate Rs.2400, agree. rate Rs.2600 per
(u) Value of tonne of cement erroneously adj. as direct to work now re-adjusted as issue to cont.

Page 56 of 70

Final Charges Suspense Accounts

Earth RCC W.C. Addln. Contractors Labou Total
Work Work E charges Adv. SA OT rers
3500 - - - - - - - (-)270 3230

- - - - - - - - 170 170

- - - - - - - 200 - 200

- - - - - - - (-)200 - (-)200

- - - - - - - 500 (-)100 400

- - 2100 - - - - - - 2100

- - 7200 - - - - - - 7200

- - - - 2500 - - - - 2500

- - - - 70 - - - - 70

- - - 120 - - - 2880 - 3000

- - - - - - - 100 - 100

- - - 100 - - - - - 100

- - - - (-)2000 - - - - (-)2000

- - - - (-)9000 - - (+)9000 - Nil

- - - - (-)850 - - - - (-)850

- - - - - 1000 - - - 1000

- - - - - - 2000 - - 2000

- - - - 255000 - - - - 255000

- - - - (-)32500 - - - - (-)32500

- - - (-)400 - - - 5200 - 4800

- - - (-)100 (-)1200 - - 1300 - Nil

Page 57 of 70
Suspense Accounts : This term is applied primarily to certain heads of account, falling under the minor
head Suspense of a major head of expenditure, which are reserved for the temporary passage of such
transactions as must at once be taken to the account of the sanction or grant concerned, but cannot be
cleared finally either because the relevant payment, recovery, or adjustment is awaited, or because it is
necessary to keep an effective watch over the values of any stock materials, until their final disposal. The
charges under a suspense account are taken in enhancement of the charges under the major head of
expenditure concerned, and the receipts, in reduction thereof.
Lumpsum Contract : In terms of Para 11.1.1 of CPWA Code, lumpsum contract means a contract in
which the contractor agrees to execute a complete work with all its contingencies in accordance with the
drawing and specifications for a fixed sum. The following being the essential characteristics of a lumpsum

(a) A schedule of rates is specified in order to regulate the amount to be added to or deducted from the
fixed sum on account of additions and alterations not covered by the contract.
(b) Except as provided in clause (a), no allusion is made in the contract to the departmental estimate of
work, schedule of rates or quantities of work to be done.
(c) Detailed measurements of the work done are not required to be recorded except in respect of
additions and alterations.
Intermediate payments (in the form of advance) and/or Secured Advances are payable
if contract provides for payment of such advances.

Final payments can be made only on completion of work. In respect of additions and
alterations, there should be a certificate of completion of the work according to the prescribed drawings and
specifications signed by the Divisional Officer. In order to maintain proper control over payments, it is
necessary that the accounts of additions and alterations should be kept quite distinct fro those of the rest of
the work. There is not objection to payment for additions and alterations being made before the completion
of the work, if the detailed measurements of them have been made and the contract provides for that.

Compilation of Monthly Accounts

Introductory : In terms of Article.206 of Account Code Volume.III, All the transactions of the division, as
recorded in the initial accounts of cash and stock and in the Transfer Entry book, should be posted direct
from those sources in one or other of the schedules prescribed in this section, the details being in some
cases recorded in supporting schedule dockets.
The cash and stock transactions booked under the head Transfer within Division should not be
included in any of the schedules leading to the monthly accounts. Nor should the following transactions be
posted in the schedules from the initial accounts specified against each:
 transactions recorded in the Cash Book under the head Cash from Treasury.
 transactions brought to account in the initial accounts of stock through the Cash Book or the
Transfer Entry Book; e.g. stock purchased in cash, stock sold for cash and stock received from
Before the actual compilation of the various schedules and schedule dockets, etc., is undertaken,
the Abstract Book, Form P.W.A.23 may be written up from the original Cash Books. Abstracts of Receipts
and Issues of Stock, and the Transfer Entry Book in accordance with the instructions printed on the standard
form. The book will consolidate all the transactions of the division and will thereby facilitate the location of

Page 58 of 70
errors and omissions made in the compilation of the Monthly Account from the schedules and also serve as
an independent check over the compiled accounts.
Schedules Dockets : As cash vouchers and transfer entry orders, relating to
 charges on works, other than percentages charged for establishment, tool and plant etc., and
 other items of expenditure or disbursement for which a contingent bill is not required
are received and are scrutinized, they should be posted into Schedule Dockets in From P.W.A.24, a
separate form being used for :
(a) each work to be accounted for in a Schedule of Works Expenditure or in the Schedules of Deposit
Works and Takavi Works
(b) each manufacture or other item of expenditure debitable to Stock and to be accounted for in the
Schedule of Debits to Stock
(c) each separate class of charges (including refunds of revenue) for which a schedule in any other
form has to be prepared under the rules in this Chapter.
Cash receipts which have to be taken in reduction of expenditure should be posted as refunds, with brief
particulars of the transactions.
At the end of the month, the schedule dockets should be completed in respect of the stock
transactions. All the Stock debits and credits of the month as recorded in the lower part of Forms P.W.A.5
and 6. Abstracts to Stock Receipts and Stock Issues, respectively, other than those brought to account
through the Cash Book and the Transfer Entry Book, Vide Article 98, should be posted in the schedule
dockets. The total of the months Stock transactions relating to each schedule docket should be entered
therein as a single figure, plus or minus according as it is debit or a credit, and if there are both debits and
credits to be entered, the net result only should be posted.
The schedule dockets should then be totaled and reconciled with the works abstracts in the case of
works, and with the schedules concerned in the case of dockets of class (c) of Article 209. All the vouchers
(including acknowledgements for stock supplied to contractors), transfer entry orders, Survey reports and
sale accounts which are required to be submitted to the Accountant General should then be attached to the
respective schedule dockets which should be numbered in a separate series for each month.
For percentage recoveries made on account of establishment, tools and plant, and accounts and
audit charges, a single schedule docket should be prepared in Form P.W.A.25, which should embrace all
Government, as well as non-Government works on which these percentages may be leviable under rules.
Schedules :
(a) Schedule of Monthly Settlement with Treasuries : After the settlement of account mentioned in Article 89
has been effected with treasuries a Schedule of Monthly Settlement with Treasuries should be prepared
in Form.PWA.26 separately in respect of treasuries of each accounts circle.
(b) Sehedule of Revenue Receipts : The following schedules, which are only extracts of the Registers
prescribed in Articles 113 to 115, should be prepared in the same form as that of corresponding register:
(i) Schedule of Revenue Realized
(ii) Schedule of Refunds of Revenue
(iii) Schedule of Receipts and Recoveries on Capital Accounts
Schedule of Works Expenditure : After a reconciliation has been effected between the totals of works
abstract and relevant schedule dockets, a Schedule of Works Expenditure should be prepared in
Form PWA.27, separately.

Page 59 of 70
Check of Monthly Accounts in Accountant Generals Office :
General checks :
The work of checking of monthly account should be taken as soon as the account is received in
Accountant Generals office to see that :
(i) It is complete in all respects with supporting schedules and vouchers as described in the list of
accounts from CPWA.83;
(ii) All the schedules attached with the monthly account are in proper form;
(iii) Figures in receiptsand disbursement as shown in form CPWA.80 tally with the totals of the items
concerned as appearing in various schedules i.e. form CPWA.74, 76, 77, 79 etc. and also to see
that these are correctly classified in the monthly account;
(iv) The items of receipts and disbursements are arithmetically tallied and if they do not agree the
difference be taken to Miscellaneous Public Works Advance or Deposit under intimation to the
Divisional Office.
(v) The opening balance agrees with the closing balance of previous months and that the figure cash
balance diminished/increased is equal to the difference between opening and closing cash balance.
(vi) The monthly account form CPWA.80/83 is signed by the Divisional Offices.
In addition to the general checks mentioned above the following further checks will also be applied to the
various schedules accompanying the monthly account:
I. Schedule of Revenue Realised :
(i) the amount brought forward from last month with reference to Form CPWA.46;
(ii) it is arithmetically accurate;
(iii) the amounts appearing under Deduct refund is supported by a separate schedule of refund of
revenue and the amount of refund agrees in the amount mentioned in the schedules; and
(iv) the totaling of schedules of refunds of revenue is done correctly and that the refunds are
correctly classified.
Classified Abstract of Expenditure :
(i) the totals under each head of account are correct; and
(ii) the figures are tallied with those appearing in respective schedule, i.e. Form CPWA.64, 62, 73
etc. as also that the expenditure has been correctly classified.
II. Schedule of works expenditure :
(i) the schedule is arithmetically accurate;
(ii) the nomenclature of the works and the expenditure shown against each work during the month
tallies with that shown in the schedule docket.
(iii) The figures of departmental charges are shown correctly as per Form.62
(iv) All works relating to Central Road Fund are shown in the schedule for June, September,
December and March even if no expenditure appears during the month. Further, the schedule
for September and March (S) shall include all works, including those relating to which no
transactions have appeared in the accounts of these months.
III. Schedule of Deposit Works :
(i) the opening balances as shown in Part.I & II are correctly entered as per closing balance of
previous months account;
(ii) the expenditure figures and departmental charges are correact as per schedule docket and the
schedule docket for percentage recoveries;
Page 60 of 70
(iii) the totals of deposits and Expenditure charged to Miscellaneous Works Advances agree with
corresponding totals in the Schedule of Deposits and Works Advances;
(iv) the report of progress of expenditure after verification by audit, is transmitted to the responsible
administrator of the Work without delay.

Accounts returns rendered by Forest Departmental Officers :

A.General : The following directions are given to Divisonal Officers, accountants of Conservators and
other Forest Officers who draw funds against their own drawning accounts and render separate accounts to
the Accountant General in respect of transactions passing through them.
B. Incorporation of Subordinates Accounts : Before closing the accounts of a month the Divisional Officer
should satisfy himself that the accounts of his subordinate officers for the month have been examined and
incorporated truly and accurately in his own accounts. For this purpose, the accounts of the latter should
reach the office for compilation in time for the preparation and submission of the accounts returns on the due
date. If they do not arrive in time to be so incorporated, they should be taken in the following months
accounts but such an occurrence should be avoided as far as possible. In the case of accounts for March,
however, the Divisional Officer must keep open his accouts until receipts of all the subordinates accounts in
order that all receipts and payments of the official year may, as far as possible, be brought in to the accounts
of the year.

Compilation of Monthly Accounts (Forest Department) :

I. Cash Account : The monthly cash account should be prepared in Form FA.1. It should show in respect
of the following items merely the totals for the month and all other items of receipt or charge should be
entered in detail.
(a) Debtor side :
(1) Cheques drawn
(2) Recoveries of advance from contractors and disbursers
(3) Revenue received and credited in the Cash Book under 0406-Forestry and wild life
(4) Recoveries made by deduction from pay bills on account of service and other funds,
provided the bills are accompanied by schedules showing full particulars of each recovery;
(5) Refund of Forest Revenue taken by deduction from Revenue;
(6) Receipts and recoveries craeditable to the the Central Government;
(7) Receipts and recovereis creditable to Railways, P&T/Defence; and
(8) Receipts and recoveries creaditable to other states.
(b) Creditor side :
(1) Remittances to treasureis;
(2) Advances made to contractors and disbursers;
(3) Expenditure debited in the Cash Book to 2406 Forestry and Wild Life
(4) Expenditure debited in the Cash Book to 4406 Capital outlay on Forestry and Wild Life
(5) Receipts and Recoveries to be deducted from capital outlay;
(6) Payments debitable to the Central Government;
(7) Payments debitable to Railways/P&T/Defence; and
(8) Payments debitable to other States

Page 61 of 70
II. Classified Abstract of Revenue and Expenditure : A classified abstract of revenue and expenditure
should be prepared in form FA.5, the expenditure debited to the head 4406-Capital Outlayon Forestry
and Wild Life shown separately from that debited to 2406-Forestry and Wild Life. All items of revenue
and expenditure recorded in the Cash Book for month should be classified and arranged in this return in
accordance with the prescribed classification the entries being made in such detail as may be required
by the Accountant General.

III. Schedules of Remittances to Treasuries : A schedule of remittances to treasuries should be prepared in

Form FA.6. The entries in this schedule should show each item of remittance separately and a
reference to these items should be made invariably against the corresponding entries in the last column
of the Consolidated Treasury Receipt received from the treasury concerned.
IV. Schedules of transactions with other Governments, Railways, P&T and Defence : A schedule should be
prepared in form FA.7 separately for receipts and payments in which all items of receipts and payments
originating in the division on behalf of other Governments should be detailed by each Government.
V. Abstracts of Contractors and Disbursers Ledgers : An abstract of Contrctors and Disbursers Ledger
should be prepared monthly in form FA.8. In this Abstract, should be shown in consequetive order first,
the contractors accounts and then the disbursers accounts. The columns should be totalled separately
for contractors and disbursers aaccounts and grand totals of all accounts should be given at the foot of
the Abstract.
The Abstract for March in each year should be accompanied by a brief statement explaining the
circumstances in which each item outstanding for more than twelve months remains unadjusted and the
steps which have been taken with a view to its early clearance

Lets check:
1. Public Works Department is entrusted with following works

a) Roads & Buildings b) Public Health c) Irrigation d) All the above

2. Public Works Department canbe entrusted with the following work

a) Marriage halls b) Private houses c) Municipal d) Apartments

3. The overall incharge of a circle is

a) Chief Engineer b)
Superintending c) Executive d) Assistant Engineer
Engineer Engineer
4. The Executive Engineer can also be called as

a) Divisional Officer b)
Sub-Divisional c) Overseer d) Divisional accountant
5. The duties of a Divisional Accounts Officer are

a) Single fold b) Double fold c) Three folds d) Blind fold

6. Which of the following is not a non-Governmetn work

a) Deposit work b)
Const. of police c) Const. of a d) Excavation of a
station port agricultural well
7. Takavi works re chargeable to the head of account

a) 8443 b) 8658 c) 8550 d) 8786

Page 62 of 70
8. The expenditure on construction of a schoold building is debitable to

a) 4202 b) 4059 c) 4216 d) 8658

9. The expenditure on repairs to a school building is debitable to

a) 2202 b) 2059 c) 2216 d) 2210

10. The cost of construction of staff quarters is debitable to head of account

a) 4202 b) 4059 c) 4216 d) 8658

11. The construction of doctors residential accommodation attached to a hospital is debitable to head of
a) 4210 b) 4059 c) 4216 d) 4202
12. Repairs to Accountant Generals office is debitable to head of account

a) 2210 b) 2059 c) 2216 d) 2016

13. Construction of new training block at AGs Office is debitable to

a) 4016 b) 4216 c) 4059 d) 8658

14. Land revenue is classified under

a) General services b) Social services c) Revenue d) Economic services

15. Civil supplies is classified under

a) General services b) Social services c) Revenue d) Economic services

16. The nature of imprest is

a) Temporary b) Fixed expenses c) Permanent d) Salary payments in cash

17. Temporary advnce is granted for

a) General b) Specific purpose c) Regular d) Petty payments

maintenance payments
18. Earnest money deposit is collected from contractor

a) Through RA bills b) After agreement is c) With tender d) On completionof work

concluded schedule
19. Security Deposit is collected from contractor

a) Through RA bills b) After agreement is c) With tender d) On completionof work

concluded schedule
20. Corrections identified in a Cash-book can be rectified by

a) Erasing b) Over writing with c) Same ink d) Red ink

21. Cash bokk shall be closed

a) Daily b) Weekly c) Monthly d) Yearly

22. Cash found short shall be treated as

a) Advance b) Expenditure c) Deposit d) Receipt

23. Cash found surplus shall be treated as

a) Advance b) Expenditure c) Deposit d) Receipt

Page 63 of 70
24. Which of the following is not included as cash

a) Legal notes b) Mutiliated notes c) Counterfeit d) Revenue stamps

25. Which of the following can be treated as cash

a) Fixed deposit b) Cheque by name of c) Unpaid d) Service Postage stamps

receipts Executive Engineer salaries of
26. Work
Which of the following doesnt form part of Opening Balance in a Cash Book

a) Deposit at Call b) Postal Order c) Kissan d) Challan receipt

receipt vikas patra
27. Which of the following entries find place in a cash book

a) Revenue stamps b) Cheque in favour of c) Purchased d) Purchased revenue

sold contractor handed service stamps worth Rs.50
over to him postage
28. An AE of a division received rent towards rent of residential buildings by cash on 13th November. He
th th
remitted the amount in a nearby treasury on 15 November and handed over the challan receipt on 17
November. The entry in cash book need be posted on
th th th th
a) 19 November b) 17 November c)
15 d) 13 November
29. When temporary advance is granted to a sub-ordinate, the same shall be posted in Cash Book on

a) Receipt side b) Receipt side with red c) Payments d) Payments side with red ink
ink side
30. A time barred cheque received in the division shall be

a) Revalidated b) Cancelled c) Returned d) Remitted

31. Entry relating to reduction of imprest shall bemade on

a) Receipt side b) Receipt side with red c) Payments d) Payments side with red ink
ink side
32. A cheque received by the division towards EMD from a contractor was remitted in to bank. Amount
remitted in to bank shall be entered in column of cash book
a) Column.4 b) Column.9 c) Column.11 d) Column.12

33. When the contract is for labour rates the stores issued shall be debited to

a) Contractor b) Suspense c) Concerned d) Misc. works advance

34. Stores purchased to replenish stock and not for specific purpoe shall be debited to

a) Contractor b) Suspense c) Concerned d) Misc. works advance

35. Stores issued when the contract is for finished item of work shall be debited to

a) Contractor b) Suspense c) Concerned d) Misc. works advance

36. Tools and plant purchased for general use of division shall be debited to

a) Suspense b) Concerned work c) Machinery & equipment d) Tools & plant

37. Special tools and plant which are not required for general use of the divison shall be debited to

a) Suspense b) Concerned work c) Machinery & equipment d) Tools & plant

38 Material procured for specific work shall always be debited to

a) Suspense b) Contractor c) Work d) Misc. works advance


Page 64 of 70
39. The cost per unit fixed for issue of stock at stores is called

a) Assessed rate b) Market rate c) Agreed d) Issue rate

40. Issue rate includes

a) Storage chages b) Incidental charges c) Carriage of d) All the above

41. All material received in the divisionin good condition shall be entered at once in

a) Priced stores b) Goods received c) Bin cards d) Priced vocabulary of

ledger sheets stores
42. A list of materials in stock showing their correct description and identifying numbers is called

a) Priced stores b) Goods received c) Bin cards d) Priced vocabulary of

ledger sheets stores
43. A list of running balance of each item of stock can be viewed through

a) Priced stores b) Goods received c) Bin cards d) Priced vocabulary of

ledger sheets stores
44. A record of day to day transactions relating to each item of stock is called

a) Priced stores b) Goods received c) Bin cards d) Priced vocabulary of

ledger sheets stores
45. Priced stores ledger shall be maintained by

a) Contractor b) Stores c) Divisional office d) Sub divisional

46. an item of expenditure wrongly classified can be rectified by way of

a) Reduction of b) Increasing c) Correct with red d) Transfer entry

expenditure receipts ink
47. The procurement charge of one tonne of steel is Rs.32000. Calculate supervision charges if storage
charges and supervision charges are 2% and 10% respectively.
a) Rs.640 b) Rs.32000 c) Rs.3264 d) Rs.3232

48. The procurement charge of 1 cuf of wood is Rs.3500. Calculate issue rate if Service charges and
supervision charges leviable are 2% and 10% respectively.
a) Rs.35 per cuf b) Rs.350 per cuf c) Rs.3535 per cuf d) Rs.3927 per cuf

49. The form in which muster roll is maintained

a) From.21 b) Form.23 c) Form.24 d) Form.26

50. Measurement Book is maintained in

a) From.21 b) Form.23 c) Form.24 d) Form.26

51. All measurements of a work/project shall be entered in

a) Standard b) Permanent c) Detailed d) Abstract

Measurement book measurement measurement measurement
52. First and final bill is maintained in book book book

a) From.21 b) Form.23 c) Form.24 d) Form.26

53. Running account bill is maintained in

a) From.21 b) Form.23 c) Form.24 d) Form.26

54 Hand receipt is maintained in

Page 65 of 70
a) From.21 b) Form.23 c) Form.24 d) Form.28

55. Intermediate payment means

a) On account payment b) Advance payment c) Secured advance d) All the above

56. Fine for bad work recovered from work bill shall be classified as

a) Withheld b) Debit to work c) Credit to work d) Credit to revenue

concerned concerned head of PWD
57. Fine for delay recovered from work bill shall be classified as

a) Withheld b) Debit to work c) Credit to work d) Credit to revenue

concerned concerned head of PWD
58. Which of the following cannot be treated as 8(a) recovery

a) Cost of material b) Fine for delay c) Fine for bad d) Expenditure incurred
issued work on behalf of contractor
59. Fine for bad work recovered inrespect of another work shall be treated as .. recovery in memo of
a) 5(b) b) 8(a) c) 8(b) d) 8(c)

60. Cost of material supplied now recovered shall be treated as ..recovery in memo of payments, if the
same was issued for another work other than for which the bill is being preferred
a) 5(b) b) 8(a) c) 8(b) d) 8(c)

61. Which of the following is not recoverable from 8(b) section of memorandum of payments of a RA bill

a) Hire charges of T&P b) Court attachment c) Workmans d) Tech. supervisors

compensation salary
62. Which of the following advance is not permissible

a) Advance payment b) Labour advance c) Secured advance d) Mobilization

63. Payment made to a contractor for work done but not measured is

a) Advance payment b) Labour advance c) Secured advance d)

64. An amount of Rs.40000 was advanced to a contractor for workdone but not measured in I RA bill. Indicate
the value of D.
a) 0 b) Rs.40000 c) Rs. (-) 40000 d) Rs.20000

65. In I RA bill advance payment made was Rs.25000. In II RA bill the entire amount was recovered. A further
advance of Rs.65000 is now proposed in II RA bill. Compute D
a) Rs.40000 b) Rs.90000 c) Rs. (-) 25000 d) Rs.65000

66. In the above example, compute 2(b) of memo of payments

a) Rs. (-) 25000 b) Rs.65000 c) Rs.25000 d) Rs.90000

67. In the above example, compute B

a) Rs. (-) 25000 b) Rs.65000 c) Rs.25000 d) Rs.90000

68. A contractor was advanced Rs.30000 in I RA bill. In II RA bill he was allowed advance payment for 2 items
to the extent of Rs.23000 and Rs.16000. Compute D, if Rs.13000 is recovered from intitial advance
a) Rs.30000 b) Rs.39000 c) Rs.26000 d) Rs.56000

69. Compute B in the above example

a) Rs.30000 b) Rs.39000 c) Rs.26000 d) Rs.56000

Page 66 of 70
70. The value of B in a bill in Form.24 is

a) Maximum b) Nil c) 50% d) 75% maximum

71. The value of D in a final bill shall be

a) Zero b) B of previous bill c) -B of prev. bill d) -D of prev. bill

72. The value of B in a final bill shall be.

a) Zero b) B of previous bill c) -B of prev. bill d) -D of prev. bill

73. The payment in an on account bill in respect of lumpsum contract shall be treated as

a) Advance payment b)
Total value of c) Release of d) Temporary
work measured withheld advance
74. The advance paid on the security of material brought to work site, where the contract is for labour rates is

a) Secured advance b) Advance payment c) Security deposit d) Temporary

75. Secured advance is not permissible for the following items

a) Bricks b) Wood c) Glass d) Steel

76. Maximum amount of secured advance payable is ..% of assessed value

a) 25 b) 50 c) 60 d) 75

77. Maximum secured advance payable on wood whose assessed value is Rs.3998 per cuf

a) Rs.3000 per cuf b) Rs.3750 per cuf c) Rs.2999 per cuf d) Rs.2998 per cuf

78. Calculate maximum secured advance payable for 75 MT of steel if assessed rate is RS.37600 per MT

a) Rs.2115000 b) Rs.2256000 c) Rs.1974000 d) Rs.1410000

79. Determine E if Rs.70000 was paid to contractor in I RA bill towards secured advance

a) Rs.0 b) Rs.35000 c) Rs.52500 d) Rs.70000

80. A contractor was allowed secured advance on 100000 bricks in I RA bill. He utilized 15000 bricks on work.
He again brought 260000 bricks to worksite. Calculate maximum secured advance payable in II RA bill, if
assessed rate is RS.360/100 bricks
a) Rs.972000 b) Rs.931500 c) Rs.66150 d) Rs.61650

81. Compute E in the above example

a) Rs.661500 b) Rs.616500 c) Rs,66150 d) Rs,61650

82. A contractor was allowed maximum secured advance on 50 cuf of wood in IV RA bill. He utilized 37 cuf of
wood on work. Calculate net amount of secured advance since previous bill in V RA bill, if assessed rate is
Rs.4442 per cuf
a) Rs. (-) 123284 b) Rs. 123284 c) Rs.123247 d) Rs.(-)123247

83. The secured advance outstanding as of IX RA bill is Rs.183000. Calculate C if X RA bill is the final bill

a) Rs.(-)183000 b) Nil c) Rs.183000 d) Details not

84. E in the above example is

a) Rs.(-)183000 b) Nil c) Rs.183000 d) Details not


Page 67 of 70
85. Mobilization advance can be granted for works whose estimated cost put to tender exceeds

a) Rs.10 lakhs b) Rs.50 lakhs c) Rs.1 crore d) Rs.10 crores

86. Mobilization advance can be granted up to a maximum of ..% of approved cost of work

a) 1 b) 10 c) 50 d) 75

87. If the amount of security is less than Rs.500, the amount shall be

a) With-held b)
Recovered as 8(a) c) Recovered as 8(b) d) Waived
recovery recovery
88. The maximum amount of withheld that can be made in final bill

a) 50% b) 10% c) 1% d) Nil

89. Calculate H if A=75000, D=85000, E=63000, G=(-)10000 and F=288000

a) Rs.426000 b) Rs.446000 c) Rs.436000 d) Rs.(-)130000

90. A contractors ledger is maintained for

. a) Every work b) Every contractor for c) Every contractor d) Every contractor for all
each work for all works works in all divisions
91. Which of the following entries need not be posted in contractors ledger

a) Fine for bad work b) Fine for bad work c) Cost of material d) Fine for delay
in r/o another work supplied recovered
92. Contractors ledger is maintained in Form

a) 26 b) 43 c) 53 d) 33

93. Works abstract is maintained in Form

a) 26 b) 43 c) 53 d) 33

94. The amount of security deposit that can be deducted in a lumpsum contract RA bill is

a) 10% b) 5% c) Nil d) 2%

95. Which of the following cannot be classed as contractors suspense in works abstract

a) Advance payment b) Material c) Security advance d) Other transactions

96. The unpaid salaries of work charged establishment shall be posted under which column of works abstract

a) Work charged Estt. b) Labourers c) Other transactions d) Shall not be

97. Unpaid wages of labourers, when claimed shall be debited to

a) Work charged Estt. b) Labourers c) Other transactions d)

Shall not be
98. If issue rate of cement is Rs.240/bag and agreed rate is Rs.260/bag the amount to be posted in additional
charges column of works abstract, if 100 bags of cement is supplied to contractor
a) Rs.(-)2000 b) Rs.2000 c) Rs.Nil d) Rs.1000

99. Cartage charges in above example shall be lposted in .. column, if agreement stipulates supply at stores.

a) Material b) Additional charges c) Other transactions d)

Concerned sub
100. The incidental expenses which appropriately cannot be classified under any distinct sub-head/sub-work
shall be classified under:

Page 68 of 70
a) Other transactions b) Contingencies c) Material d) Suspense

101. Shortage in material at site shall be debited to

a) Suspense b) Work concerned c) Materials d) Misc. works adv.

102. An amount of RS.3000 withheld frompayment to contractor. The defects were not rectified till final bill.
How this transaction will be carried in final bill
a) 5(b) = 3000 b) 8(a) = 3000 c) 8(b) = 3000 d) 5(a) = 3000

103. The expenditure on a work had exceeded the sanctioned estimate. The excess expenditure can be
regularized by sanction as
a) Sub-work b) Sub-head c) Work slip d) Separate work

104. Labour employed for short periods on urgent basis in exceptional cases shall be paid on

a) Muster roll b) Casual roll c) Contingent roll d) Casual labour roll

105. The irregularities noticed by Divisonal accountant shall be placed in

a) Objection book b)Regiser of c) Auditors note d) Works audit

irregularities book register
106. When materials are received from a supplier, their value should be normally credited to

a) Stock b) Misc. works adv. c) Workshop d) Material purchase

suspense SSA
107. Which of the following operations are permissible in a first and final bill

a) Advance payment b)Issue of material c) Secured advance d) Withhelds

for work
108. Secured advance is maintained in orm

a) 24A b) 26A c) 28A d) 43A

109. Cost of stores issued to contractor where contract is for labour rates shall be debited to

a) Final charges b) Contingencies c) Material d) Other transactions

110. Materials shall not be issued from stock for which of the following purpose

a) Use on work b) Sale to private c) Other divisions d) Sale to contrctors

111. The value of stores found surplus shall be credited to

a) Receipt b) Suspense c) Misc. Works Adv. d) Stock

112. The primary disbursing officer in Public Works Accounts system

a) Superintending b) Executive c) Assistant d) Divisional

Engineer Engineer Engineer accountant
113. Cash book is mainatained in Form

a) 1 b) 11 c) 43 d) 53

Page 69 of 70
114. The travel expenses paid to artificers/labourers shall be borned by

a) PW expenditure head b) Department c) Work concerned d) Contractor

expenditure head
115. The cheque amount for the following transaction may be determined:
Gross salary Rs.318560; Recoveries : CGHS Rs.2000; CGEGIS Rs.360; GPF Rs.74000;
Festival advance : Rs.900; Receovery over payment : Rs.3100 & MCA (I) Rs.750
a) Rs.241450 b) Rs.237450 c) Rs.273450 d) Rs.244150

116. The agreement provides for supply of material at work site. The cost of carriage shall be debited to

a) Material b) Other transaction c) Additional column d) Final charges

117. Cost of carriage where the agreement is for labour rates is debitable to

a) Material b) Other transaction c) Additional column d) Final charges

118. Cost of carriage where the agreement is silent shall be debited to

a) Material b) Other transaction c) Additional column d) Final charges

119. The value of work done up to dae if A of previous bill is Rs.180000 and F of present bill is Rs.363000

a) Rs.180000 b) Rs.534000 c) Rs.183000 d) Rs.543000

120. Compute the value of G if D=70000, E=63000; H=199000 & F=166000

a) Rs.(-)100000 b) Rs.87000 c) Rs.(-)87000 d) Rs.100000

1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. c

11. a 12. b 13. c 14. a 15. d 16. c 17. b 18. c 19. a 20. d

21. c 22. a 23. c 24. c 25. b 26. c 27. c 28. b 29. d 30. b

31. b 32. c 33. c 34. b 35. a 36. c 37. b 38. c 39. d 40. d

41. b 42 d 43. c 44. a 45. c 46. d 47. c 48. d 49. a 50. b

51. c 52. c 53. d 54. d 55. d 56. c 57. d 58. b 59. c 60. c

61. d 62. b 63. a 64. b 65. a 66. c 67. b 68. c 69. d 70. b

71. c 72. a 73. a 74. d 75. c 76. d 77. d 78. a 79. d 80. b

81. a 82. c 83. b 84. a 85. c 86. b 87. a 88. d 89. b 90. c

91. d 92. b 93. d 94. c 95. b 96. d 97. b 98. a 99. c 100. b

101 a 102 b 103. c 104. d 105. a 106 d 107. b 108 b 109. c 110. b

111. a 112. b 113. a 114. c 115. b 116 c 117. a 118 b 119. d 120. d

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