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School Rubric

4 3 2 1
The assignment
Planned carefully, was turned in, but
The artwork shows The student did
made sketches, and showed little
that the student the assignment,
showed an advanced evidence of any
applied the principles yet shows a lack
Elements & awareness of the understanding of
of design while using of planning and
Principles of elements and the elements and
one or more little evidence
Design principles of design. principles of art. No
elements effectively. that an overall
Student went above evidence of
Student met composition was ____
and beyond planning. Student
expectations. planned.
expectations. did the minimum of
work required.
All aspects of the Below average
The student
artwork were With a little more craftsmanship, lack
showed average
considered and effort in finishing of pride in finished
patiently completed. techniques, the artwork. Showed
adequate, or not
The finished product artwork could be little evidence of
Craftsmanship & as good as
is a result of careful outstanding. Overall, effort and/or lack of
Neatness previously shown
meticulous planning. the project is clean understanding.
abilities, a bit
The craftsmanship is and without major Includes obvious
careless. Minor ____
outstanding. Project defects like deficits like folds,
defects may be
is pristine and well folds/rips. rips, stray marks,
kept. and/or breaks.
Class time was
Class time was used
Class time was used not fully utilized.
wisely. Much time Class time was not
wisely. Some time Little time went
went into planning used wisely. Little
went into the into the planning,
and design of the went into the
Time & panning and design and design of the
artwork. Student was artwork. Student
Management of the artwork. The artwork. The
self motivated the was often off task
student needed student was
whole time seeking and not focused on
some refocusing but sometimes ____
assistance as the project.
managed well. distracted or off
The artwork was The artwork was
The artwork was
successfully The artwork was begun, but never
executed from partially fully completed.
Execution, executed from the
concepts to successfully What work was
Originality, & concept to
completion. Unique executed, with a done was highly
Uniqueness completion, with a
& original with some few unique derivative of the
novel and original ____
evidence from aspects samples or other
samples. students work.
One requirement More that one
All requirements are All requirements are
Requirements was not met requirement was
met and exceeded. met. ____
completely not met.
Points x5=Grade ____

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