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The Death of Free Speech

Jamie Panko
Sticks and stones may break my bones but word will never hurt me, most everyone in

this room is probably familiar with that saying, and that it mostly holds true unless someone is

directly insulting you consistently then it may get annoying, but in today's world that is no longer

the case, in today's world for some reason words hold the weight of a nuclear bomb, and god

forbid anyone actually speaks their mind unless they are a social justice warrior because nothing

they say is factually inaccurate at all, none of it is ever taken out of context. Think about what

you would do if one day you woke up for you job as a university professor held in high regard in

the biochemistry region of science, then one day at a speech directed towards women scientists,

as a joke to break the ice you say the only problem with girls in the lab is, You fall in love with

them, they fall in love with you and when you criticize them, they cry. Now imagine you said

that in a lighthearted fashion and even had a few laughs out in the crowd, you continue your

speech flawlessly. Then the next day you go to work, and you're fired and kicked out of the

scientific community because your joke offended someone who wasn't even at the speech. This is

what happened to BioChemist and professor Tim Hunt. Now does that seem right? A man who

has held such a prestigious position, someone who enlightens young individuals, a pioneer in

biochemistry, now lost to the world because of the speech police or social justice warriors

and their all out blitzkrieg on free speech.

This is just one example of someone losing their job due to this group of activists trying

to padlock your mouth shut until they get their way. Not just individuals can be hit by these

extremists, lately Berklee college was almost burned to the ground as a result of these people all

out rioting because a speaker they did not agree with was going to come to the college and speak.

Instead of just not going to the thing they showed up in masks, dressed in black, started attacking
people entering the college to hear the speaker, the collage shut down the speech and the speaker

never showed up due to fearing for his life and the extremist set fire to the campus causing

almost $100,000 dollars in damages, none of them are being held responsible as they were

scared and in fear of this speaker to whom they never had to go to in the first place.

Businesses and websites also can be hit and even completely ruined by these radicals, ONe big

example followed the election of Donald Trump as President, and even his presidency was an

outcry by the public to express their hatred of our current PC culture, At Hampshire college some

of these radical burned multiple american flags and called it a symbol of racism. Now i'm not a

fan of the whole AMERICA thing but it's about respect for the people that gave their lives for

the flag. Outraged by this almost terroristic action, an advertising website TurtleBoy was

attacked by these radicals on social media for showing their disapproval of the action of these

college students burning american flags because they didn't get their way. The head of the

website was maliciously attacked and called a confirmed pedofile when no such legal

conformation, nor and reports that would suggest this at all, they also immediately came at the

website with accusations of being rasist and sesist and classist, two of which were eliminated by

one of the black editor of the website and also one of the female editor of the website.

Now does this seem right to you? Sure you may disagree with someone but will you take

away their right to say it? What stops them , from their perspective, as perceiving they are right

and you are at fault and they take away your right to say that you wish, if we get into the logistics

of banning word outright as these extremists are trying, and unfortunately making headway due

to many businesses and companys being afraid of being driven right out of business by this

current generation of Snowflakes ( the current generation of imbeciles tha take offense to every
little thing they can). Not only is it wrong, IT'S ILLEGAL, but due to the pressure caused by

these irrational people many courts have caved in to avoid being called classist or homophobic or

sexist, or whatever other words they decide to slam the court with when they don't get their way

because hate speech is horrid. Unless it's them spewing it at you telling you how and why

you're wrong only in terms that make sense in their made up world of thought policing.

I have my opinions and you have yours, but what right does either of us have to stop the

other from sharing it even if we may disagree everyone should be able to speak their mind, and if

every little thing someone says offends you, STOP LOOKING TO BE OFFENDED, get some

thicker skin, or just deal with it and avoid that person just as everyone tried to avoid these

ridiculous savages that burn american flags and want the american president to die, now if that

doesn't sound like a terrorist i don't know what does.

Sources: Hadley SJW Bartender Is Attacking Local Businesses who don't

support a bunch of rich kids burning american flags: December 6 2016: TURTLEBOY

Sources: RebelMedia: www.therebel,media/ezra_levant_februuary_2_2017

And what i have observed in society Today/ My own research

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