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DR. TERESITA LEE, Complainant, vs. ATTY. AMADOR L.

A.C. No. 9537 June 10, 2013

Doctrine: Jurisprudence has provided three tests in determining whether a

lawyer is guilty of representing conflicting interest:

One test is whether a lawyer is duty-bound to fight for an issue or claim in behalf
of one client and, at the same time, to oppose that claim for the other client.
Thus, if a lawyers argument for one client has to be opposed by that same
lawyer in arguing for the other client, there is a violation of the rule.

Another test of inconsistency of interests is whether the acceptance of a new

relation would prevent the full discharge of the lawyers duty of undivided fidelity
and loyalty to the client or invite suspicion of unfaithfulness or double-dealing in
the performance of that duty. Still another test is whether the lawyer would be
called upon in the new relation to use against a former client any confidential
information acquired through their connection or previous employment.

Facts: Atty. Simando was the retained counsel of complainant Dr. Lee from
November 2004 until January 8, 2008, with a monthly retainer fee of Php

Sometime during the above-mentioned period, Atty. Simando went to see Dr. Lee
and asked if the latter could help a certain Felicito M. Mejorado for his needed
funds. He claimed that Mejorado was then awaiting the release of his claim for
informer's reward from the Bureau of Customs. Because Dr. Lee did not know
Mejorado personally and she claimed to be not in the business of lending money,
the former initially refused to lend money. But Atty. Simando allegedly persisted
and assured her that Mejorado will pay his obligation and will issue postdated
checks and sign promissory notes. He allegedly even offered to be the co-maker
of Mejorado and assured her that Mejorado's obligation will be paid when due.
Atty. Simando was quoted saying: "Ipapahamak ba kita, kliyente kita"; "Sigurado
ito, kung gusto mo, gagarantiyahan ko pa ito, at pipirma din ako"; "Isang buwan
lang, at hindi hihigit sa dalawang buwan ito, bayad ka na."3

Due to Atty. Simando's persistence, his daily calls and frequent visits to convince
Dr. Lee, the latter gave in to her lawyer's demands, and finally agreed.
Respondent acted as co-maker with Mejorado in 5 different cash loans
amounting to Php 1,400,000.

When the said obligation became due, Mejorado failed and refused to comply
with his obligation. Since Atty. Simando was still her lawyer then, Dr. Lee
instructed him to initiate legal action against Mejorado. Atty. Simando said he
would get in touch with Mejorado and ask him to pay his obligation without
having to resort to legal action. However, even after several months, Mejorado
still failed to pay Dr. Lee, so she again asked Atty. Simando why no payment has
been made yet. Dr. Lee then reminded Atty. Simando that he was supposed to be
the co-maker of the obligation of Mejorado, to which he replied: "Di kasuhan din
ninyo ako!"

Despite complainant's repeated requests, respondent ignored her and failed to

bring legal actions against Mejorado. Thus, complainant was forced to terminate
her contract with Atty. Simando.

Atty. Simando claimed that complainant, who is engaged in lending money at a

high interest rate, was the one who initiated the financial transaction between her
and Mejorado. He narrated that complainant asked him if it is true that Mejorado
is his client as she found out that Mejorado has a pending claim for informer's
reward with the Bureau of Customs. When he affirmed that Mejorado is his client,
complainant signified that she is willing to give money for Mejorado's financial
needs while awaiting for the release of the informer's reward. Eventually, parties
agreed that Mejorado will pay double the amount and that payment shall be
made upon receipt by Mejorado of the payment of his claim for informer's reward.

Atty. Simando also insisted that he did not violate their lawyerclient relationship,
since Dr. Lee voluntarily made the financial investment with Mejorado and that he
merely introduced complainant to Mejorado. He further claimed that there is no
conflict of interest because he is Mejorado's lawyer relative to the latter's claim
for informer's reward, and not Mejorado's lawyer against Dr. Lee. He reiterated
that there is no conflicting interest as there was no case between Mejorado and
Dr. Lee that he is handling for both of them.

Issue: Whether respondent is guilty of representing conflicting interest

Held: Yes. First, it is undisputed that there was a lawyer-client relationship

between complainant and Atty. Simando as evidenced by the retainer fees
received by respondent and the latter's representation in certain legal matters
pertaining to complainant's business;

Second, Atty. Simando admitted that Mejorado is another client of him albeit in a
case claiming rewards against the Bureau of Customs;

Third, Atty. Simando admitted that he was the one who introduced complainant
and Mejorado to each other for the purpose of entering into a financial
transaction while having knowledge that complainant's interests could possibly
run in conflict with Mejorado's interests which ironically such client's interests, he
is duty-bound to protect;

Fourth, despite the knowledge of the conflicting interests between his two clients,
respondent consented in the parties' agreement and even signed as co-maker to
the loan agreement;
Fifth, respondent's knowledge of the conflicting interests between his two clients
was demonstrated further by his own actions, when he:

(a) failed to act on Mejorado's failure to pay his obligation to complainant despite
the latter's instruction to do so;
(b) denied liability despite signing as co-maker in the receipts/promissory notes
arising from the loan agreement between his two clients;
(c) rebutted complainant's allegations against Mejorado and him, and even
divulged informations he acquired while he was still complainant's lawyer.

Clearly, it is improper for respondent to appear as counsel for one party

(complainant as creditor) against the adverse party (Mejorado as debtor) who is
also his client, since a lawyer is prohibited from representing conflicting interests.
He may not, without being guilty of professional misconduct, act as counsel for a
person whose interest conflict with that of his present or former client.

Respondent's assertion that there is no conflict of interest because complainant

and respondent are his clients in unrelated cases fails to convince. His
representation of opposing clients in both cases, though unrelated, obviously
constitutes conflict of interest or, at the least, invites suspicion of double-dealing.
Moreover, with the subject loan agreement entered into by the complainant and
Mejorado, who are both his clients, readily shows an apparent conflict of interest,
moreso when he signed as co-maker.

Likewise, respondent's argument that the money received was an investment

and not a loan is difficult to accept, considering that he signed as co-maker.

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