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A Guide to Gender-

Analysis Frameworks

Candida March,
Ines Smyth, and
Maitrayee Mukhopadhyay

First published by Oxfam GB in 1999

Reprinted by Oxfam GB in 2000, 2003, 2005

Oxfam GB 1999

ISBN 085598 4031

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Acknowledgements v

1 The context of this book 7

1.1 Introduction 8
1.2 Key concepts 17
1.3 Choosing a framework 22

2 The gender-analysis frameworks and users' commentaries 29

2.1 Explaining the chapters 30
2.2 Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 32
2.3 Moser Framework 55
2.4 Gender Analysis Matrix (GAM) 68
2.5 Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Framework 78
2.6 Women's Empowerment (Longwe) Framework 92
2.7 Social Relations Approach- 102

Bibliography 120
Appendix 123
Notes 131
Index 133

This book is based on an earlier pack compiled by Candida March for internal
Oxfam use, which, in turn, built on the work of Maia Pinto and Sue Smith. The
development of the pack was supported and managed by Maitrayee
Mukhopadhyay. For the book, Ines Smyth has written an Introduction,
placing the frameworks in the wider context of gender and development work.
The reason for producing the book (and the earlier pack) is to provide a
single volume which discusses the most well-known gender analysis
frameworks for development research and planning, with commentaries
from users of each framework. The commentaries are based primarily on the
experience of Oxfam staff members throughout the world, and their
colleagues and associates in gender training networks and academic
establishments. In addition, they owe much to work first presented in Reversed
Realitiesby Naila Kabeer, Verso, 1994.
In its discussion of the various gender frameworks and how they are used,
the book draws substantially on ideas, and words, from many other
publications, including Oxfam's own Gender Training Manual. Oxfam is
grateful to all the individuals and organisations whose work appears here for
permission to use their material, and wherever possible, the source is
acknowledged in the appropriate places in the text. In addition, the sources
reappear in the bibliography at the end of the book. We would be glad to hear
from anyone whose material has not been fully acknowledged, so that any
omissions can be corrected should the book be reprinted.
Finally, the book owes much to Elsa Dawson, Judy El Bushra, Sukey Field,
Laurie Forcier, Georgia Gill, Karoline Kuprat, Yvonne Kuprat, Margaret
Legum, Nazneen Kanji, Caren Levy, Fra von Massow, Debbie Mander,
Dorinne Plantenga, Tahmina Rahman, Mohga Kamal Smith, and Caroline
The context of this book

1.1 Introduction 8
1.2 Key concepts 17
1.3 Choosing a framework 22
1.1 I Introduction
Ines Smyth
This short guide to gender-analysis tools and gender frameworks is based on a
pack developed in 19 9 6 for the use of Oxfam staff and partners. The book aims
to be a stand-alone resource, discussing the methodologies of the best known
analytical frameworks which have been used to integrate gender conside-
rations into development initiatives. It gives practical examples of each frame-
work, and provides accessible commentaries discussing the frameworks'
potential uses, advantages, and limitations, as well as recent adaptations. The
commentaries draw on a wide range of experience of Oxfam staff, partners,
and colleagues in other organisations, who have used the gender frameworks
in various training, planning, and evaluation processes throughout the world.
The book is intended to meet the needs of development practitioners,
trainers, researchers, and students for an introduction to such gender frame-
works; we hope that, in addition, it will be of use to those who are already
familiar with the main concepts and methodologies. However, this guide does
not seek to be a comprehensive manual or a rigorous teaching text; for
example, it does not cover the wide range of techniques and information
contained in the original gender frameworks. Most importantly, the users'
commentaries are not exhaustive, nor have they been collated in a 'scientific'
way. They simply capture some experiences of gender and development
workers in using the frameworks, and outline the possibilities and constraints
of working with different gender frameworks in particular contexts. The book
is intended as a 'taster', providing readers with a glimpse of the many practical
insights that such gender frameworks can offer.
We hope that this will stimulate readers to turn to the texts where the
gender frameworks are set out in more detail. Those who are not in a position
to apply the gender frameworks in direct and immediate ways - managers of
development organisations and government agencies, researchers, students,
and trainers - can all benefit from the insights that the original texts offer, and
from the deep commitment to gender equity in which they are rooted.
Before we introduce and discuss the selected gender frameworks, this
introduction intends to locate them in the broader context of integrating
gender considerations into development work. We wish to emphasise that
using gender-analysis frameworks can encourage a practice of development
which has the potential to contribute to the struggle for gender equality and for
women's rights. However, such a potential can be realised only if appropriate
gender frameworks are used and applied in a sensitive and skilled manner.
Moreover, their use must be based on a political, and personal, commitment
to a principle of social justice which includes gender equity.

The history of gender concerns in development organisations

A concern for gender equality in development is sufficiently well established
to be the subject of historical accounts. Such accounts often describe an
evolution in development policy and planning from a so-called welfare
approach, to one which prioritised equity, then efficiency, and finally to one
which espouses women's empowerment as its goal (Moser 1993). Such
approaches are also seen to coexist, either as single policies of a particular
government or agency, or mixed-and-matched within one organisation, in the
hope that they will form a coherent whole (Andersen 1992).
Whatever the merit of such accounts, the most important distinction they
make is that between two policy perspectives: WID (Women in Development),
which aims to include women in development projects in order to make them
more efficient, and GAD (Gender and Development), which addresses
inequalities in women's and men's social roles in relation to development.
The advantages of the shift which has supposedly taken place from one to the
other have been amply discussed elsewhere (for example, Elson 1995 and
Kabeer 1994), and need not be further described here. The point is that even
within GAD, a variety of perspectives coexist (Levy 1996). As a consequence,
GAD as a policy and planning approach remains complex, both in terms of
language and in terms of the possible practices which it encompasses.
Something else appears from the historical accounts of the different inter-
pretations of women and gender issues in development. From the earlier
debates it was clear that societal attitudes are pervasive: thus they influence the
nature of projects intended for women and their ability to achieve their
objectives (Buvinic 1984). With the shift from WID to GAD, this realisation
came into sharper focus: development bureaucracies and other related
organisations were seen to be 'gendered', in terms of their culture, rules and
outcomes (Goetz 1995). In patriarchal societies, this means that the
organisations' culture, rules, and outcomes are modelled on male values and
attitudes. Thus, they are often inimical to women, fail to recognise and reward
their contributions to the organisation, and therefore recreate and reproduce
the gender hierarchies and inequalities dominant in the wider world.

What is 'mainstreaming' gender?
Turning one's attention from what development actors do, and what approach
they use, to who they are, leads to the call for organisations to 'mainstream'
gender - to integrate gender concerns into every aspect of an organisation's
priorities and procedures. The precise meaning of'mainstreaming' as an aim,
and the ways in which this can occur, are contested terrain. For many,
'mainstreaming' means making gender concerns the responsibility of all in an
organisation, and ensuring that they are integrated into all structures and all
work. (This is seen as an alternative to making gender concerns the sole
responsibility of a smaller specialist team or unit.) Critics of this approach
have pointed out the disadvantages of trying to achieve the goal of 'main-
streaming' gender by making it everyone's responsibility .They argue that this
may lead to diluting or distorting these issues, or making them disappear
altogether, as a result of lack of consistent attention and resources, sustained
commitment on the part of decision-makers, and of male resistance. In
contrast, it is argued that a specialist team, although it may be working in the
'margins', may oblige organisations to develop and maintain a more visible
and radical commitment to gender equality.
Confusingly, others use a different approach in trying to achieve 'main-
streaming': one which separates out the systems and tasks necessary to
address gender concerns, by establishing national 'machineries' or specialist
teams (such as ministries, special units, and so on). This has been a way in
which governments and organisations can signal their acknowledgement of
the importance of women's issues (del Rosario 1995). Yet this approach, too,
has been found wanting. In particular, national machineries have often been
'proven to be weak, under-resourced, vulnerable to changing political fortunes
and to co-optation by political parties' (Byrne and Laire 1996,1).
The current consensus seems to be that organisations need to use both
approaches - integrating gender concerns throughout the organisation, as
well as maintaining specialist departments or units - in order to avoid mar-
ginalisation and co-optation of gender issues. In general, 'mainstreaming' is
understood as a welcome departure from an 'integrationist' approach, which
is simply concerned with allowing women access to development activities
and bureaucracies. 'Mainstreaming gender is both a technical and political
process which requires shifts in organisational cultures and ways of thinking,
as well as in the goals, structures, and resources allocation of international
agencies, government, and NGOs.' (Kardam 1998)1

The role of gender-analysis frameworks in 'mainstreaming' gender

From the early debates, gender analysts have agreed that 'mainstreaming'
gender into our organisational culture, structures, and work necessitates not
only understanding what this goal should be, but also how it can be achieved

10 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

(Buvinic 1984, Andersen 1992). The need for practical instruments has been
expressed by policy makers and by those who implement development
programmes and projects at different levels. For example, Caroline Moser
stressed that '...many of those committed to integrating gender into their work
at policy, programme, and project levels still lack the necessary planning
principles and methodological tools... planners require simplified tools which
allow them to feed the particular complexities of specific contexts into the
planning process'. (Moser 1993,5)
According to Maya Buvinic, the task of 'mainstreaming' gender in
organisations, using both approaches, means that attention must be paid to
three issues:
the internal and external political processes in which a particular
development organisation and its members may be engaged;
the setting up of the so-called 'machineries', entrusted with the task of
incorporating women and/or gender issues into the design and
implementation of policies;
the development of appropriate 'tools and technical capabilities'.
(Buvinic 1984, 21)
This book focuses on the third of these components, that of 'tools and
technical capabilities' or, more specifically, gender frameworks.
What is meant by 'gender frameworks' in this book? In theory and practice,
three terms are often used interchangeably: methodology, framework, and
tools. This language is inherited from the tradition of academic research,
which uses the term 'methodology' to refer to the combination of theories,
concepts, and selected 'observation techniques' (Pelto and Pelto 1990;
Mikkelsen 1995). In this context, the words 'methodology' and 'framework'
are often used interchangeably, and 'tools' are discussed as components of
methodologies. Tools would include observation techniques such as
participant observation, the wide range of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
techniques, or the more formal surveys which provide quantitative data.
In this book, we have chosen to use the term 'framework' to mean
'methods of research and planning for assessing and promoting gender issues
in institutions'.2 This is for two reasons. First, this seems to be the most
common usage of the term among trainers and development practitioners,
and therefore those most interested will easily recognise it. Second, it seems
more appropriate to reserve the use of the word 'tool' for those observation and
other research techniques (participatory or not) which users of gender
frameworks employ.
By collecting, explaining, and illustrating a number of well-known gender
frameworks commonly used in development work, this book tries to respond
to a demand for practical instruments. We aim to make the main gender

Introduction 11
frameworks, and feedback from those who have used them, available to a
broad constituency of practitioners and scholars in development. Although it
is not intended as a manual or a teaching text, the book also tries to mediate
some of the complexities inherent in the understanding and the use of gender
concepts and instruments.

The development of this Guide

Oxfam's own attempts at a full and genuine integration of gender into its
'vision' and its work, and its difficulties and achievements, have been docu-
mented elsewhere (Porter, Smyth, and Sweetman 1999, Macdonald 1994,
Wallace and March 1991). The demand for 'practical instruments' has been a
common one within Oxfam, voiced by people in different roles and locations.
In developing the original pack in 1996, Oxfam never intended to provide
a comprehensive commentary from users on all available gender frameworks,
and on the practical integration of a gender perspective into planning.
Planning methods and instruments of this type often remain accessible only
to some individuals and their organisations, either because they are
considered their 'intellectual property', or simply because opportunities have
not arisen to share and disseminate them more widely. Thus, the pack limited
itself to discussing those gender frameworks which were best known to Oxfam
at the time, and to providing a 'user commentary' of each, drawing on the
experience of Oxfam staff, partners, and like-minded organisations. The pack
was widely distributed and used both inside and outside Oxfam, and we were
told that it was an extremely useful document. As a result, it was decided that
the pack deserved to be widely disseminated, as an official publication.
Regarding the choice of the gender frameworks included, both in the pack
and now in the book, we have maintained the limited scope of the original
pack, partly to retain the easily accessible nature of the publication, and partly
because those consulted expressed little interest in a broader coverage. In all
probability, we have therefore excluded less well known or readily available,
but equally useful, gender frameworks, including many which have been
developed for use in specific sectors such as health, and many which have been
developed in the South (where opportunities for exposure through publishing
and other means of dissemination may be limited). The Guide also does not
include a thorough account of the many adaptations of existing gender frame-
works which have been made by research institutions, governments, and
others to reflect different contexts and priorities. (The exception is the Moser
Framework, which has undergone considerable developments, some of which
are reflected here.)
Finally, most of the gender frameworks included in this Guide are narrowly
applicable to programmes and projects, and therefore difficult to broaden out
and apply to the social or organisational contexts. The exceptions are the DPU

12 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Framework (an adaptation of the Moser Framework), and the Social Relations
Approach, both of which provide the possibility for institutional analysis.
We have had the opportunity to develop and update the original pack by
including additional ideas and experiences of development practitioners and
gender trainers who have used the gender frameworks and the pack itself. We
sent a questionnaire to Oxfam staff, consultants, and other individuals in
development and academic institutions, in the UK and beyond. Although not
all the details of every response could be included (or publicly acknowledged),
the comments have been used to revise the original commentaries from users,
and, more generally, to inform the book's approach.
Several interesting points have emerged from this process of'pre-testing'
the book. The popularity of the original pack confirmed that the gender
frameworks had generated a tremendous amount of interest among
researchers and practitioners. Users of the pack confirmed that the manual
was useful, with comments such as: 'Excellent booklet, very useful and a good
design'; 'You really have covered the difficulties very comprehensively and
concisely in this manual'; and 'Great training reference manual'. The
popularity of the earlier document is also demonstrated by the fact that it has
been translated in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and Arabic. The
translations have served a dual purpose: they allow the gender frameworks to
be used much more easily in work and training in different countries, and they
make them more accessible to partner organisations.
We also noted that more replies and comments were sent back by trainers
and researchers than by project and programme officers and other
development workers. This may be simply as a result of ease of
communication. It may also be a reflection of the fact that many people still do
not feel confident enough in their knowledge of gender issues, and in their
understanding of the concepts informing the gender frameworks. For some
people, the available gender frameworks may be difficult to employ, and the
rationale for their use may not be clear; in addition, the information on which
the frameworks rely may be unavailable, while resource constraints may make
thorough research impossible. Some of the replies which we received
confirmed these considerations, and encouraged us that the publication of
this book was a timely initiative.

Beyond gender frameworks to commitment

Despite its limited scope, this book responds to a felt and voiced need among
practitioners and scholars of development for whom gender equality is a goal.
But how far can these gender frameworks go towards achieving such a goal?
Mainstreaming gender concerns is a political endeavour within institutions,
because the process challenges existing allocations of authority and resources,
as well as cultural norms (Razavi and Miller 1995; Moser 1993,109). Develop-

Introduction 13
ment organisations are often uncomfortable with such a 'radical' agenda, and
especially uncomfortable with the language and aims of feminism. For a long
time, such agencies have been decrying the lack of expertise and
methodologies that prevents them from achieving their objectives. But they
fail to acknowledge that their poor results in redressing gender imbalances
and injustices are due to ' the disparities in power and resources and conflict
of interests' (Jahan 1995, 126) inside their own organisations. Clarity about
their gender-specific objectives and strategies is essential to clarify the 'why'
and what an individual organisation is trying to achieve, before they can make
informed choice on the 'how', in terms of the methodologies they promote.
As has been stated above, the explanation of how to apply each framework
is accompanied by a brief commentary from users. These individual commen-
taries should go some way in alerting readers and prospective users that there
are potential pitfalls, as well as gains, in employing such gender frameworks.
However, it is also important to offer some more general warnings.
First, practitioners must be careful to employ gender frameworks in a
serious, systematic way. Adequate resources, including time, skills, and
suitable preparation, are all essential. Using the gender frameworks should go
hand-in-hand with a coherent and gender-sensitive use of other relevant
techniques, such as data collection. As Naila Kabeer says: 'No set of methods
are in themselves sensitive to differences and inequalities between men and
women; each method is only as good as its practitioner' (Kabeer 1995,112).
Second, it is important to understand the limits of the frameworks in
bringing about change. Development practitioners may see them as a simple
way of'doing gender', without the change in attitude which the realisation of
the nature and importance of gender inequalities in development brings.
Gender frameworks are a means to a bigger end: that of devising and
implementing policies and programmes which do not exclude or harm
women, which take their needs and perspective into account, and which may
help redress some of the existing gender imbalances.
Those using gender frameworks must not ignore cultural difference. As
Ruth Pearson points out: 'Gender planning frameworks are seductively
universal, presented as providing universally applicable tools. Experience has
shown, however, that they are not universal.' (ODA 1996). For instance,
translating the key terms used in the gender frameworks presents considerable
difficulties. Similarly, when the gender frameworks are used for training
purposes, the trainer faces the considerable challenge of finding examples and
case studies which reflect the realities of the individual location, in order to
make the frameworks pertinent and effective. The negative consequence of an
unquestioning approach can be that some of the beneficiaries of projects - or
trainees, for example - are confused and offended by what they may perceive
as insensitive attacks against their culture or personal life.
Finally, readers should be aware of what Kabeer (1994) calls the 'project

14 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

trap'. The usefulness of the gender frameworks contained in this book is
undisputed. However, with the exceptions mentioned earlier, they may
encourage an exclusive focus on gender issues in development projects. This,
in turn, can lead to practitioners ignoring the fact that gender equality must be
fought for at other levels and by other means, for example through advocacy
and the collective action of women. Women's organisations and groups,
whether they call themselves 'feminist' or not, have been created to foster
women's collective action against gender inequality. Their existence does not
exonerate development organisations from exploring other means of tackling
gender inequalities which go beyond and above the 'project trap'.
In part, the problems outlined above result from the widespread tendency
of development practitioners to by-pass theory - in this case theories of gender
and gender relations - in the mistaken assumption that a knowledge of'facts'
is sufficient for development work. Such problems are, above all, the result of
seeing gender frameworks as purely technocratic tools, deprived of their
political dimension. Techniques such as the gender frameworks which are the
subject of this book can be political instruments - if they are used with the
objective of addressing gender inequality. To deprive them of this rationale is
to render them sterile and tokenistic 'tools', useful to make superficial
adjustments rather than profound, long-lasting transformations.
This book urges caution, but it also celebrates the usefulness and potential
of the gender frameworks which have been included. They represent the
distillation of much knowledge and experience, of those who have developed
them, those who have used them, and those who have been exposed to them.
Employing, adapting, and developing such gender frameworks can represent
a contribution to the overall goal of gender equity in development. We invite all
readers and users of this guide to send their own comments to us at Oxfam
GB, for inclusion in any future revised edition.

Andersen C (1992) 'Practical Guidelines', in Ostergaard L (ed.) Gender and
Development: A Practical Guide, Routledge, London.

Buvinic M (1984) 'Project for Women in the Third World: Explaining their
Misbehaviour', International Centre for Research on Women, Washington.
Byrne B and Laire JK (1996) 'National Machineries for Women in
Development: Experiences, Lessons and Strategies for Institutionalising
Gender in Development Policy and Planning', Bridge Report 35, IDS,
University of Sussex.
del Rosario V (1995) 'Mainstreaming Gender Concerns: Aspects of
Compliance Resistance and Negotiation', in IDS Bulletin 26:3, Getting

Introduction 15
Institutions Rightfor Women in Development, University of Sussex.

Elson D (ed) (1995) Male Bias in the Development Process, Manchester

University Press, Manchester.

Jahan R (1995) The Elusive Agenda: Mainstreaming Women in Development, Zed

Books, London.

Kabeer N (1994) Reversed Realities, Verso, London.

Kabeer N (1995) 'Targeting women or transforming institutions? Policy

lessons from NGOs' anti-poverty efforts', in Development in Practice 5:2, Oxfam
GB, Oxford.

Kardam N (1998) 'Changing Institutions in Women's Interests', in

Development and Gender In Brief5.

Goetz AM (1995) 'Institutionalising Women's Interests and Gender-Sensitive

Accountability in Development' in IDS Bulletin 26:}, Getting Institutions Right
For Women in Development, University of Sussex.

Levy C (1996) 'The Process of Institutionalising Gender in Policy and

Planning: The "Web" of Institutionalisation', Working Paper No. 74,
Development Planning Unit, University College London.

Macdonald M (1994) Gender Planning in Development Agencies, Oxfam GB,


March C (1996) 'A Tool Kit: Concepts and Frameworks for Gender Analysis
and Planning', unpublished internal document, Oxfam GB, Oxford.

Mikkelsen B (1995) Methods for Development Work and Research, Sage

Publications, London.

Moser C (1993), Gender Planning and Development '.Theory, Practice and

Training, Routledge, London.

ODA (1996) 'Towards the design of a post-Beijing Training Strategy',

workshop report.

Pelto P and Pelto G (1970) Anthropological Research, Cambridge University

Press, Cambridge.

Porter F, Smyth I, Sweerman C (eds.) (1999) Gender Works, Oxfam GB,


Razavi S and Miller C (1995) Gender Mainstreaming, UNRISD, Geneva.

Wallace T and March C (1991) Changing Perceptions, Oxfam GB, Oxford.

16 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

1.2 | Key concepts

The practical use of gender-analysis frameworks must be based on the clear

understanding of their central concepts. The concepts can also be used in
research and planning, independently of the gender frameworks.
All explanations and definitions given need to be translated and adapted to
each local context. While all of the concepts here may be of use in your area of
work, only a few of them are essential in all situations. For example, it would
be impossible to perform a gender analysis without understanding the
concepts of sex and gender, or how the division of labour between women and
men is affected by, and in turn shapes, gender power relations. But some other
concepts which are widely used - for example, practical and strategic gender
needs - are not vital to do good work. They may even mislead, because reality
does not fit into such neat categories. Use these concepts as a way to start
thinking about the issues, but do not be intimidated by them, and only use
what seems helpful to you in your work.
Terms and concepts included here are the subject of widespread and
continuing debates by researchers and workers in academia and development
organisations. We do not aim here to do justice to these complex debates;
rather, we explain the terms and concepts briefly, as they are currently
understood and used by gender and development practitioners.

Sex and Gender

The distinction between sex and gender is the subject of much discussion. In
gender and development, definitions can be summarised as follows:
Sex: Sex is the biological difference between men and women. Sex
differences are concerned with men's and women's bodies. Men produce
sperm; women bear and breastfeed children. Sexual differences are the same
throughout the human race.

Gender: Sex is a fact of human biology; gender is not. The experience of
being male or female differs dramatically from culture to culture. The concept
of gender3 is used by sociologists to describe all the socially given attributes,
roles, activities, and responsibilities connected to being a male or a female in a
given society. Our gender identity determines how we are perceived, and how
we are expected to think and act as women and men, because of the way society
is organised.
Gender relations: These are the social relationships between men as a sex
and women as a sex. Gender relations are simultaneously relations of co-
operation, connection, and mutual support, and of conflict, separation, and
competition, of difference and inequality. Gender relations are concerned
with how power is distributed between the sexes. They create and reproduce
systemic differences in men's and women's positions in a given society. They
define the way in which responsibilities and claims are allocated and the way
in which each is given a value. Gender relations vary according to time and
place, and between different groups of people. They also vary according to
other social relations such as class, race, ethnicity, disability, and so on.
Gender analysis: Such an analysis explores and highlights the
relationships of women and men in society, and the inequalities in those
relationships, by asking: Who does what? Who has what? Who decides? How?
Who gains? Who loses? When we pose these questions, we also ask: Which
men? Which women? Gender analysis breaks down the divide between the
private sphere (involving personal relationships) and the public sphere (which
deals with relationships in wider society). It looks at how power relations
within the household interrelate with those at the international, state, market,
and community level.
Gender and development work is based on gender analysis. This involves
promoting equality between men and women; key to this is placing the issues
that women say are of particular concern to them on the main agenda of those
institutions which shape women's and men's lives (the state, non-government
organisations, and so on).

Gender (or sexual) division of labour
In all societies, men and women are assigned tasks, activities and responsibil-
ities according to their sex. The gender division of labour varies from one
society and culture to another, and within each culture, it also changes with
external circumstances and over time. Because in most societies, gender
power relations are skewed in favour of men, different values are ascribed to
men's tasks and women's tasks.
In all types of work done by men and women, a distinction can be made
between productive work (production) and reproductive work (reproduction).

18 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Production: This includes the production of goods and services for income
or subsistence. It is this work which is mainly recognised and valued as work
by individuals and societies, and which is most commonly included in
national economic statistics. Both women and men perform productive work,
but not all of this is valued or rewarded in the same way.
Reproduction: This encompasses the care and maintenance of the
household and its members, such as cooking, washing, cleaning, nursing,
bearing children and looking after them, building and maintaining shelter.
This work is necessary, yet it is rarely considered of the same value as
productive work. It is normally unpaid and is not counted in conventional
economic statistics. It is mostly done by women.

Access to, and control over, resources

When considering the way in which resources are allocated between women
and men (the 'gendered' allocation of resources), it is important to look at the
difference between access to resources and control over them.
Access: This is defined as the opportunity to make use of a resource.
Control: This is the power to decide how a resource is used, and who has
access to it.
Women often have access but no control.

Status and role

There are a number of different sets of concepts which aim to distinguish
between the visible aspects of gender relations between women and men (for
example, as seen in the different activities they participate in), and the invisible
power relations which determine these activities. As a result of their low status
in the community, the activities which women perform tend to be valued less
than men's; and in turn, women's low status is perpetuated through the low
value placed on their activities.

Condition and position

Condition: This term describes the immediate, material circumstances in
which men and women live, related to their present workloads and responsi-
bilities. Providing clean water or stoves for cooking, for example, may improve
the condition of women by reducing their workload.
Position: This concept describes the place of women in society relative to
that of men. Changing women's position requires addressing their strategic
gender interests (see below for a full definition of this term), including equal
access to decision-making and resources, getting rid of discrimination in
employment, land ownership, and so on. In order to change women's
position, we must address the way gender determines power, status, and
control over resources.

Key concepts 19
Practical and strategic gender interests/ needs*
The dual concept of women's - or men's - practical and strategic gender
interests (first coined by Maxine Molyneux in 1985) was developed into a tool
for planners by Caroline Moser (see p 55 for the Moser Framework), which
looks at 'needs' rather than interests.
Practical gender interests/ needs: If these were met, the lives of women (or
men) would be improved without changing the existing gender division of
labour or challenging women's subordinate position in society. Meeting
practical interests/ needs is a response to an immediate perceived necessity;
interventions which do this are typically concerned with inadequacies in living
conditions such as water provision, health care, and employment.
Strategic gender interests/ needs: If these were met, the existing rela-
tionship of unequal power between men and women would be transformed.
These interests/ needs relate to gender divisions of labour, power, and control.
Those identified by women may include issues such as legal rights, domestic
violence, equal wages, and women's control over their bodies. However, many
of these issues are perceived as part of a natural order, which cannot be
challenged. Women may only be able to articulate their strategic interests/
needs once they have exchanged knowledge with someone who knows that it
is possible to change the 'natural order'. This may be an external facilitator, or
a community member who has experienced another environment or culture
(for example, a returning migrant worker). Men also have strategic interests/
needs: they may aim to transform their own roles (in order to be able to take
part in child-care or to resist conscription into a fighting force), or, on the other
hand, they may resist women's demands for more control over their own lives.
Some have argued that practical and strategic interests and needs cannot
be so neatly separated. Sara Longwe points out that every practical
development intervention has an effect on power relations (the 'strategic' area
of life), whether this is intended or not.

Transformatory (or ^distributive) potential

Kate Young (1987) introduced a concept of transformatory potential, to
complement the concepts of practical needs and strategic gender interests
(Young's chosen terminology). This is a useful concept to help development
planners, or women themselves, to consider how their practical needs can be
met in a way which has transformatory potential; that is, in a way which will
assist women in challenging unequal gender power relations, and contribute
to women's empowerment.

Gender classifications of policies

As a tool for helping practitioners and policy-makers determine to what degree
a project or a policy is explicitly working towards transforming unequal gender

20 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

relations, Naila Kabeer (1992) classifies policies into the following types.
Gender-blind policies: These recognise no distinction between the sexes.
They make assumptions, which leads to a bias in favour of existing gender
relations. Therefore, gender-blind policies tend to exclude women.
Gender-aware policies: This type of policy recognises that women are
development actors as well as men; that the nature of women's involvement is
determined by gender relations which make their involvement different, and
often unequal; and that consequently women may have different needs,
interests, and priorities which may sometimes conflict with those of men.
Within this category, Kabeer further distinguishes between gender-neutral,
gender-specific, and gender-redistributive policies.
Gender-neutral policies use the knowledge of gender differences in a given
society to overcome biases in development interventions, in order to ensure
that interventions target and benefit both sexes effectively to meet their
practical gender needs. Gender-neutral policies work within the existing
gender division of resources and responsibilities.
Gender-specific policies use the knowledge of gender differences in a given
context to respond to the practical gender needs of women or men; they work
within the existing gender division of resources and responsibilities.
Gender-redistributive policies are intended to transform existing
distributions of power and resources to create a more balanced relationship
between women and men, touching on strategic gender interests. They may
target both sexes, or women or men separately.

Key concepts 21
1.3 | Choosing a framework

The choice of a suitable framework will depend on the task in hand, the
context, and the resources available. This section discusses some of the issues
involved, and aims to achieve easy comparison and choice. There are many
similarities between the different gender-analysis frameworks: for example,
all of them recognise and emphasise the existence of reproductive work
alongside productive activities. However, despite the many similarities, the
gender frameworks differ in their scope and emphasis.
You do not necessarily need a formal framework in order to work well or
innovatively on gender issues, to reduce gender inequality, or to support
women's empowerment. These frameworks are practical instruments,
designed to help their users integrate a gender analysis into social research
and planning. If you are committed to bringing about change, using a frame-
work may take you one step further towards understanding the issues, facts,
and relationships which affect women's and men's lives in a given society.
Gender frameworks are useful if they help you think through your own way of
planning and doing things; they will not be useful if you find them confusing,
too bureaucratic, or restrictive. Also, it is essential to remember that no frame-
work will do the work for you. It may help you plan the work that can be done
to confront women's subordination. Afterwards, the work must still be done.
Because a framework selects a limited number of factors as important, out
of the huge numbers of issues that actually influence on any situation, each
framework can only produce a crude model of reality. The selection of factors
in any particular framework reflects a set of values and assumptions on the
part of the author(s) of the framework. You yourself also have a set of values
and assumptions. The interplay between these two sets of values and
assumptions will determine which approaches and interventions you
consider, and which you select.
You can also combine gender frameworks designed by others to create
your own hybrid version, adapting different components of separate gender

frameworks and adding your own ideas. In fact, many of the frameworks
included here have been developed in such a way, for example, the Harvard
Framework and People-Oriented Planning (POP). Some frameworks use
similar concepts, such as the Harvard Framework and the Moser Framework.
Finally, some concepts which are part of a more complicated framework can
actually be used by themselves in a fruitful way.

Comparing gender frameworks

When selecting a framework for your particular work, it is important to
consider their main conceptual differences, in the following, we have listed the
most useful questions to ask.

To what extent does the framework incorporate an analysis of social

relations which goes beyond issues of gender?
Gender relations are context-specific; they vary considerably depending on the
setting. They are shaped by other aspects of relationships between people,
including economic status, race, ethnicity, or disability. All these social
categories play a part in determining an individual's power and status in their
particular community. So, for instance, in any village gender relations will
differ between the richest and the poorest community members.

How flexible are different gender frameworks?

Given time, gender roles and relations change naturally in any community.
Sometimes, specific events such as conflict or economic crisis cause certain
aspects to change rapidly or dramatically. In order to identify opportunities
and constraints for working towards greater gender equity, development
workers must be able to recognise both actual and potential changes in gender
relations. No gender analysis can be static; it must recognise that change over
time will occur, and examine how this will affect the society, and thus the
project or programme. The Harvard Framework and the Longwe Framework
in particular do not automatically include time as a variable; in contrast, the
People-Oriented Planning (POP) Framework and the Social Relations
Approach are centred on change over time.

Does the framework mainly analyse social roles or social relations?

A gender analysis which focuses primarily on roles takes as its starting point
the gender division of labour, and the gendered distribution of resources. A
gender-roles analysis therefore sees a community mainly in terms ofwho does
what, who has what, and so on. Alternatively, a gender analysis which focuses
on relations sees a community mainly in terms of how members relate to each
other: what bargains they make, what bargaining power they have, what they
get in return; when they act with self-interest, when they act altruistically, and

Choosing a framework 23
so on. The Harvard Analytical Framework can be considered a method of
gender-roles analysis, whereas the Social Relations Approach is a method of
gender-relations analysis.
Both roles and relations are important. However, the analytical gender
frameworks which focus on roles, such as the Harvard Framework, may
encourage users to think of men and women as separate groups, as if they
could be isolated from each other. If you use a roles analysis, you may end up
dissecting gender relations rather than creating a picture of the different ways
in which everything, conflicts as well as co-operation between men and
women, fits together. Naila Kabeer (1992) points out that, in particular, a
gender-roles analysis does not directly examine how power is structured and
negotiated (see also the users' commentaries of the Harvard and POP
frameworks on pp 48-54). In contrast, gender frameworks which focus on
relations, such as the Social Relations Approach, attempt to reverse this trend
by first of all analysing the relationship between people: relationships of power
related to class, race, age, and so on, and, of course, gender.
A fairly crude analogy of the difference between these two approaches is
that of a machine. An analysis which focuses on roles takes the machine to
pieces, and describes the components and how each component works. An
analysis which focuses on relations draws a map or a diagram of how all the
components work in relation to each other. (The Moser Framework falls
somewhere in between these. The concept of roles is central to Moser's
analysis, but she emphasises that roles need to be seen clearly in the context of
the relations between men and women.)
A fish-smoking project developed by UNIFEM in Guinea illustrates the
dangers of using a gender-roles analysis only. A gender-roles analysis, similar
to the Harvard Framework, revealed the following division of labour: men
caught fish; women smoked and sold the fish. The project formed the women
into groups and introduced new improved stoves.
However, the project failed, because no thought had been given to how the
women got the fish. Women usually got their fish through special
relationships of mutual advantage with specific fishermen. When the project
started, the women were seen to be beneficiaries of external funds and the
fishermen increased their prices. The women could not afford to buy at the
increased prices, either as individuals or as groups.
A working system had been disrupted and no viable alternative put in its
stead. A relations analysis would have looked closely at the relationships
between the men and the women and tried to start from there.5

How much does each framework include and value intangible, as well as
tangible, resources?
Intangible resources include political or social resources: rights and claims on
people; friendships; membership of networks; skills; experience of working in

24 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

the public sphere; self-confidence and credibility; status and respect;
leadership qualities; and, often crucially for women, time. If people have very
few tangible resources such as land or income, intangible resources are
especially important in shaping their lives. The extent to which the different
gender frameworks include and value intangible resources varies, but the
Harvard Framework has a particularly narrow definition of resources.

What is the ultimate goal of each framework? Is it focusing on efficiency

or empowerment?
Gender-analysis frameworks concentrate on certain factors in women's and
men's lives. The chosen focus reflects a set of values and assumptions on the
part of the framework's designers. When you use a framework, these values
and assumptions will ultimately influence the type of development
interventions you select. It is important, therefore, to be aware, as far as
possible, of the thinking behind the gender frameworks.
The efficiency approach to women in development (WID, see p 9) is based
on the understanding that it is inefficient to ignore women in planning a
distribution of resources. It aims to create projects and programmes with the
most efficient allocation of resources. (This approach lies behind the Harvard
and POP frameworks.) Although this approach seems very sensible, there are
times when it can come into conflict with wider issues of justice or women's
empowerment. As a consequence, the efficiency approach has been heavily
criticised as follows. First, it does not challenge existing gender relations, and
so tends to lead to gender-neutral or gender-specific policies or interventions.
Because resources, not power, are seen as central, it can also further tip the
balance of power in the favour of men. For example, further resources will be
allocated to men if it is judged efficient, even if this is to the detriment of
women. Similarly, if it does not make a project more efficient to involve
women then, following the logic of the efficiency argument you should not do
so, and ignore issues of justice. This approach can be particularly problematic
in countries where women are not involved in production outside the house
(see Harvard and POP commentaries on pp 48-54). But gender relations are
complex; there is more at stake than just economics.
Other gender frameworks explicitly have the aim of empowerment. These
emphasise the transformation of gender relations, through women's self-
empowerment. 'Because there are risks and costs incurred in any process of
change, such change must be believed in, initiated, and directed by those
whose interests it is meant to serve. Empowerment cannot be given, it must be
self-generated. All that a gender transformatory policy can hope to do is to
provide women with the enabling resources which will allow them to take
greater control of their own lives, to determine what kinds of gender relations
they would want to live within, and to devise the strategies and alliances to help
them get there' (Kabeer, 1994, 97).

Choosing a framework 25
(For more detail on different policy aims of gender-focused projects and
programmes, see the Moser Framework, p 55.)
Of course it is perfectly possible to use the gender frameworks (or parts of
them) in ways which subvert their stated goals. For example, the Moser
Framework could be used to design projects which address women's practical
gender needs only, with no attempt to support women's self-empowerment.

What is the role of the planner in the framework?

Implicit in each framework is the planner's own view of his or her role, which
can range from benign top-down planner to the planner as facilitator only.
One gender framework - the Social Relations Approach - explicitly requires
the planners to examine their own institutions and understand how the
institutions bring biases into the planning process.

Which gender frameworks can also be used in work addressing male gender
identity and roles?
In practice, gender-analysis frameworks do not tend to be used to plan inter-
ventions which target men or boys. However, a gender analysis should take
place for all interventions, because they all have a potential impact on gender
relations, and therefore on both sexes.
Furthermore, understanding gender relations is critical to understanding
possibilities and constraints for working with men only. It is particularly
critical to understand the 'gendered' nature of men in societies where gender
roles are changing rapidly. There is an increasing awareness that gender
identity cross-cuts other identity issues, including race and class, to affect
men's and women's roles in the gender division of labour. Development
organisations need to address these issues in the context of work with ex-
combatants, in areas of mass male unemployment, in anti-violence projects,
among migrant workers, and so on.
Most of the gender frameworks - except the Women's Empowerment
(Longwe) Framework - do look at the gender roles and relations of both
women and men, and so could be used for projects which target men. The
Moser Framework looks at the strategic gender needs of women only, but the
DPU's adaptation (see Appendix, p 123) includes men as well, and can also be
used with projects which address male gender issues. The Gender Analysis
Matrix (GAM) includes men as one of its four categories of analysis and can
therefore be used for projects which target men.

Making your choice

Gender analysis frameworks have been designed for different purposes.
These purposes include range from helping you carry out your initial research,
planning and monitoring an intervention, to evaluating what it has achieved.

26 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Context analysis: Frameworks give you a way of thinking about the context
which shapes the relationships and dynamics of any situation or group.
Visualisation and planning: The framework's tools provide you with a way
of representing key points in a simple manner, to aid decision-making.
Communications: The tools help you share information, train people or
sensitise them to gender issues.
Monitoring and evaluation: Framework tools can highlight the strengths
and weaknesses of a particular development intervention.
Gender frameworks have sometimes been designed for use in a particular
context. For instance, if you are working in emergency situations, there are
two gender frameworks specifically designed for this (the People-Oriented
Planning Framework, and the Capacities and Vulnerabilities Framework).
When deciding which framework to use for any particular situation, it is
important to consider what aspects are appropriate in your work, and what
purpose you are trying to achieve. There are a number of considerations.

Does the framework do what I want it to do?

What are you trying to achieve? What resources do you have? In each
commentary from users of individual gender frameworks, we have tried to
highlight the main purposes, strengths, and weaknesses of each framework,
as experienced by gender and development workers and trainers. These
commentaries are not exhaustive - all readers are invited to add to it. However,
they do aim to help you choose an appropriate framework for your particular
purpose - for training, planning or evaluation; for use in community projects,
or at a level beyond the community; for communities to use themselves, or for
policy makers to employ.

What will people's reactions be?

What will people's reactions be to using the framework, and to the conclusions
that it enables them to reach? Increasingly, it is understood that organisations
involved in development work reflect the biases of their own cultures. This
'gendered' nature of organisations, as well as of the communities with whom
they work, has a profound impact on the success or failure of any development
intervention. It is therefore very important to consider the culture of the
individuals or organisations you are working with, and how this affects their
capacity to work on gender. Some organisations and individuals will be
resistant to thinking of relationships between women and men as relations of
power, and to the idea of working for women's empowerment. You will have
to think carefully about how explicitly and openly you want to challenge such
resistance, and you should consider which other strategies you can employ to
introduce new ideas to people. Some gender frameworks are particularly
helpful in analysing how organisations, and the people within them, interact
with and react to the external situation and development interventions. In

Choosing a framework 27
particular, the Social Relations Approach and the DPU's Web of
Institutionalisation (see Appendix, p 123) will help you think about the links
between power and resources, between the institutions which determine who
receives resources, and the communities with whom they work.
Some of the gender frameworks have arisen from specific disciplines of
work or research, and were originally designed for use by or on behalf of
specific groups of people. These often expand on concepts and use language
already familiar to those working in the discipline in order to make the
framework more appealing to that group. Examples include the Harvard
Analytical Framework and the Moser Framework, which use the language of
policy makers and planners.

What are the potential limitations of the framework? How can these be
taken into account and compensated for?
In some cases, the potential limitations of a framework will have a greater
negative impact than in others. Some can be compensated for by using
another tool. For example, the Longwe framework, which does not consider
the gender interests and needs of men, could be accompanied by an analysis of
gender power relations between women and men. However, if you have very
little time to use a framework, a comprehensive framework such as the Social
Relations Approach may seem too complex; despite its good points, you would
have to take a pragmatic decision on its suitability.

28 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

2 | The gender-analysis frameworks and
users' commentaries

2.1 Explaining the chapters 30

2.2 Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 32
2.3 Moser Framework 55
2.4 Gender Analysis Matrix (GAM) 68
2.5 Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Framework 78
2.6 Women's Empowerment (Longwe) Framework 92
2.7 Social Relations Approach 102

2.1 | Explaining the chapters

This section gives an overview of how the rest of this book is structured. Each
gender framework is discussed in its own chapter. Within the chapters, you
will find the following headings.

This brief introduction gives information on the framework's author(s), when
the framework was devised, and in what context.

Aims of the framework

This section gives more detailed information on what purpose the original
framework was intended to fulfil.

Under this heading, you will find a brief outline of the key concepts of the
framework, and an account of how it is normally used.
Much of the material used in this and the next section are taken directly
from published and unpublished material written by the intellectual author(s)
of the framework, or from gender and development workers who have
developed training materials on the framework. As far as is possible, all
concerned have given permission for their ideas and words to be used, and full
credits are given at the start of the chapter (also see Acknowledgements, p V).

Case study
For each framework, a short case study is presented. These are only examples
to illustrate how the framework was applied in practice. They do not represent
the best, or the only, way of using the framework. Depending on the context

you are working in, and the type of planning you are undertaking, your way of
using it may well be different. Moreover, each case study has been
summarised. In practice, a great deal more detail would be needed for
planning purposes.

This section is the main contribution of this book to the literature on gender-
analysis frameworks. The views in this section are the personal views of
gender and development workers and trainers in North and South, some, but
not all of whom, have worked with Oxfam GB.

This section outlines the main uses of the framework. Of course the gender
frameworks could always be used in additional ways.

Why it appeals
This section gives the main reasons why gender and development workers and
trainers like the framework, and what they consider its main strengths.

Potential limitations
Before choosing or using the framework, you should consider its weaknesses
which other workers and trainers have found. These potential weaknesses do
not invalidate the usefulness of the gender frameworks; but you should be
aware of them. It has been left to you, the reader, to decide whether the
limitations will be significant in your context, whether you will still use the
framework, and, if so, how you can compensate for the limitations. Whenever
users have reported adaptations of the gender frameworks which help to
balance or counteract potential limitations, these are included in the text.

Further reading
Under this heading, you will find a list of literature by the frameworks'
intellectual author(s).

Explaining the chapters 31

2.2 | Harvard Analytical Framework
and People-Oriented Planning

These two gender frameworks appear in the same section because People-
Oriented Planning is based on the Harvard Analytical Framework. After the
two frameworks are presented, a joint commentary from users follows, which
discusses those features which both frameworks share. Thereafter, two
separate sub-sections examine the distinctive features of each framework.

Harvard Analytical Framework

The Harvard Analytical Framework is often referred to as the Gender Roles
Framework or Gender Analysis Framework. Published in 1985, it was one of
the first frameworks designed for gender analysis. It was developed by
researchers at the Harvard Institute for International Development in the
USA, working in collaboration with the WID office of USAID, at a time when
the 'efficiency approach' to integrating women in development work was
gaining prominence in development circles.
The information about the Harvard Analytical Framework given here
comes from Overholt, Anderson, Austin, and Cloud (1985) Gender Roles in
Development Projects, published by Kumarian Press Inc, Connecticut; a second
edition has been published by Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Aims of the Framework

The Harvard Framework was designed to demonstrate that there is an
economic case for allocating resources to women as well as men. The
framework aims to help planners design more efficient projects and improve
overall productivity. It does this by mapping the work and resources of men
and women in a community and highlighting the main differences.

The framework
The Harvard Analytical Framework is a grid (also known as a matrix) for
collecting data at the micro-level (i.e., at the community and household level).
It is a useful way of organising information and can be adapted to many situ-
ations. The Harvard Analytical Framework has four main components.

Harvard Tool 1: The Activity Profile

This tool identifies all relevant productive and reproductive tasks and answers
the question: who does what?
How much detail you need depends on the nature of your project. Those
areas of activity which the project will be directly involved in require the
greatest detail. For instance, an activity profile for an agricultural project would

Example of Harvard Tool 1: Activity profile

Activities Women/girls Men/boys

Productive Activities

activity 1
activity 2, etc.

Income generating:
activity 1
activity 2, etc.

activity 1
activity 2, etc.


Reproductive Activities

Water related:
activity 1
activity 2, etc.

Fuel related:

Food preparation:


Health related:

Cleaning and repair:

Market related:


Adapted from: Ovcrhoh, Anderson, Cloud and Austin, Gender Roles in Development Projects, Kumarian
Press Inc, Connecticut, 19^5 (Source: Match iggi,pj

Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 33

list, according to the gender division of labour, each agricultural activity (such
as land clearance, preparation, and so on) for each crop, or each type of field.
Depending on the context, other parameters may also be examined:
Gender and age denominations: identifying whether adult women, adult
men, their children, or the elderly carry out an activity;
Time allocation: specifying what percentage of time is allocated to each
activity, and whether it is carried out seasonally or daily;
Activity locus: specifying where the activity is performed, in order to
reveal people's mobility. Is work done at home, in the family field, the
family shop, or elsewhere (within or beyond) the community?

Harvard Tool 2: The Access and Control Profile - resources and benefits
This tool enables users to list what resources people use to carry out the tasks
identified in the Activity Profile. It indicates whether women or men have
access to resources, who controls their use, and who controls the benefits of a
household's (or a community's) use of resources. Access simply means that
you are able to use a resource; but this says nothing about whether you have
control over it. For example, women may have some access to local political
processes but little influence or control over which issues are discussed and
the final decisions. The person who controls a resource is the one ultimately
able to make decisions about its use, including whether it can be sold.

Example of Harvard Tool 2: Access and control profile

Access Control
Women Men Women Men

Education/training, etc.

Outside income
Asset ownership
Basic needs (food, clothing,
shelter etc)
Political power/prestige

Adapted from: Overholt, Anderson, Cloud and Austin, Gender Roles in Development Projects, Kumarian
Press Inc, Connecticut, ig8} (Source: Match, 1991, p)

34 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Harvard Tool 3: Influencing factors
This tool allows you to chart factors which influence the differences in the
gender division of labour, access, and control as listed in the two Profiles
(Tools i and 2). Identifying past and present influences can give an indication
of future trends. These factors must also be considered because they present
opportunities and constraints to increasing the involvement of women in
development projects and programmes.
Influencing factors include all those that shape gender relations, and
determine different opportunities and constraints for men and women. These
factors are far-reaching, broad, and interrelated. They include:
community norms and social hierarchies, such as family/ community
forms, cultural practices, and religious beliefs;
demographic conditions;
institutional structures, including the nature of government
bureaucracies, and arrangements for the generation and dissemination of
knowledge, skills, and technology;
general economic conditions, such as poverty levels, inflation rates,
income distribution, international terms of trade, and infrastructure;
internal and external political events;
legal parameters;
training and education;
attitude of community to development/assistance workers.
The purpose of identifying these influencing factors is to consider which
ones affect women's or men's activities or resources, and how they, in turn,

Example of Harvard Tool 3: Influencing factors

Influencing Factors Constraints Opportunities

t> Community norms and

social hierarchy
> Demographic factors
Institutional structures
Economic factors
' Political factors
Legal parameters
' Training
Attitude of community to
development workers

Adapted from: Overholt, Anderson, Cloud and Austin, Gender Roles in Development Projects, Kumarian
Press Inc, Connecticut, 19S5 (Source: Match iggi,)i).

Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 35

can affect them. This tool is intended to help you identify external constraints
and opportunities which you should consider in planning your development
interventions. It should help you anticipate what inputs will be needed to
make the intervention successful from a gender perspective.

Harvard Tool 4: Checklist for Project-Cycle Analysis

This consists of a series of questions. They are designed to assist you to
examine a project proposal or an area of intervention from a gender
perspective, using gender-disaggregated data and capturing the different
effects of social change on men and women.

Example of Harvard Tool 4: Checklist

The following set of questions are the key ones for each of the four main stages in the
project cycle: identification, design, implementation, evaluation.


Assessing women's needs
1. What needs and opportunities exist for increasing women's productivity and/or
2. What needs and opportunities exist for increasing women's access to and control of
3. What needs and opportunities exist for increasing women's access to and control of
4. How do these needs and opportunities relate to the country's other general and
sectoral development needs and opportunities?
5. Have women been directly consulted in identifying such needs and opportunities?

Defining general project objectives

1. Are project objectives explicitly related to women's needs?
2. Do these objectives adequately reflect women's needs?
3. Have women participated in setting those objectives?
4. Have there been any earlier efforts?
5. How has the present proposal built on earlier activity?

Identifying possible negative effects

1. Might the project reduce women's access to or control of resources and benefits?
2. Might i t adversely affect women's situation in some other way?
3. What will be the effects on women in the short and longer term?


Project impact on women's activities
1. Which of these activities (production, reproduction and maintenance, socio-
political) does the project affect?
2. Is the planned component consistent with the current gender denomination for the
3. I f i t is planned to change the women's performance of that activity, ie. locus of
activity, remunerative mode, technology, mode of activity) is this feasible,, and
what positive or negative effects would there be on women?

36 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Example of Harvard Tool 4: Checklist
4. If i t does not change it, is this a missed opportunity for women's roles in the
development process?
5. How can the project design be adjusted to increase the above-mentioned positive
effects, and reduce or eliminate the negative ones?

Project impact on women's access and control

1. How will each of the project components affect women's access to and control of
the resources and benefits engaged in and stemming from the production of goods
and services?
2. How will each of the project components affect women's access to and control of
the resources and benefits engaged in and stemming from the reproduction and
maintenance of the human resources?
3. How will each of the project components affect women's access to and control of
the resources and benefits engaged in and stemming from the socio-political
4. What forces have been set into motion to induce further exploration of constraints
and possible improvements?
5. How can the project design be adjusted to increase women's access to and control
of resources and benefits?


1. Are project personnel aware of and sympathetic towards women's needs?
2. Are women used to deliver the goods or services to women beneficiaries?
3. Do personnel have the necessary skills to provide any special inputs required by
4. What training techniques will be used to develop delivery systems?
5. Are there appropriate opportunities for women to participate in project
management positions?

Organisational structures
1. Does the organisational form enhance women's access to resources?
2. Does the organisation have adequate power to obtain resources needed by women
from other organisations?
3. Does the organisation have the institutional capability to support and protect
women during the change process?

Operations and logistics

1. Are the organisation's delivery channels accessible to women in terms of personnel,
location and timing?
2. Do control procedures exist to ensure dependable delivery of the goods and
3. Are there mechanisms to ensure that the project resources or benefits are not
usurped by males?

1. Do funding mechanisms exist to ensure programme continuity?
2. Are funding levels adequate for proposed tasks?
3. Is preferential access to resources by males avoided?

Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 37

Example of Harvard Tool 4: Checklist
4. Is i t possible to trace funds for women from allocation to delivery with a fair degree
of accuracy?

1. Does the project have a management information system which will allow i t to
detect the effects of the operation on women?
2. Does the organisation have enough flexibility to adapt its structures and operations
to meet the changing or new-found situations of women?


Data requirements
1. Does the project's monitoring and evaluation system explicitly measure the project's
effects on women?
2. Does i t also collect data to update the Activity Analysis and the Women's Access and
Control Analysis?
3. Are women involved in designating the data requirements?

Data collection and analysis

1. Are the data collected with sufficient frequency so that necessary project
adjustments could be made during the project?
2. Are the data fed back to project personnel and beneficiaries in an understandable
form and on a timely basis to allow project adjustments?
3. Are women involved in the collection and interpretation of data?
4. Are data analysed so as to provide guidance to the design of other projects?
5. Are key areas of WID/GAD research identified?

Source: Overholt, Anderson, Cloud and Austin, Gender Roles in Development Projects, Kumarian Press Inc,
Connecticut, 1985

Case study of the Harvard Analytical Framework: Indonesia

Community Forestry Project
This case study is adapted from Two Halves Make a Whole: Balancing Gender
Relations in Development, published by CCIC, MATCH, AQOCI, Ottawa 1991,
and reproduced in Oxfam's Gender Training Manual. Here, it is included as an
illustration of the Harvard Analytical Framework, even though it seems that
this framework was not actually used in planning the project. The case study
is reproduced here in minimal detail. For planning purposes, more detail
would be needed before the following data could be considered sufficient.

Project background
This community forestry project was approved in 1983, in the village of
Biyasan (not its real name) in Indonesia. It was part of a programme developed
by the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry in order to make forestry benefit local
communities as well was state and business interests. Poverty in Biyasan was
a result of the complex relationship between high population density, poor
quality soil, inequitable land-tenure traditions, and out-migration of men. The

38 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

poorest people tended to live in households headed by women - 20% of the
total. In a further 10%, the male family heads had migrated in search of waged
employment. Most families had lived in Biyasan for generations, but a
number were resettled into the area and had been allocated 0.5 hectares of
land. The nearby forests were becoming depleted because ofwidespread clear-
cutting and selling of timber. The land-use profile gave the following picture.

38% Agricultural production

12% Home gardens
7% Private woodlots
15% Fallow
33% Unproductive (Adapted from Match 1991, pp 122-4)

Using Harvard Tool 1: Activity Profile

As stated above, the first tool of the Harvard Analytical Framework helps to
collate data about men's and women's activities. For the people in the project
area, the gender division of labour could be represented as in the table
overleaf. In addition to such a quick overview, it is important to examine the
details ofwho does what. Which women carry out a task? Which men? Where?
When? For how long? In this case study, important information could have
been gleaned by asking questions on the following issues:
Wealthy fanners employed agricultural wage labour (men and women) at
harvest time as well as using family labour.
Poorer farmers relied on unpaid family labour and assistants.
Poor farmers could not rely only on their farms to sustain their families;
they needed to earn income in other ways as well.
Reforestry had provided employment for a number of men and women,
but these jobs had decreased. Women had been the main wage labourers
in tree nurseries. Many women worked as unpaid labourers alongside
their husbands who were employed by the state forestry company.
Women were active in local rotating credit and savings schemes.
Girls were involved in household work from an early age. At age 7, they
helped feed animals, carry water, and gather fuel wood. By the time they
were 10 years old, girls were helping plant and harvest rice. There was a
village school but many girls, especially those whose mothers worked as
labourers or market traders, had to drop out.
Boys were active in feeding and caring for the animals and helping with
their father's work. (Adapted from Match 1991, ppi22,124,129).

Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 39

Using Harvard Tool 1: Activity profile
Production activities Male Child Male Adult Woman Child Woman Adult

Planting, weeding, storing rice X X

Harvesting rice X X
Seedling production X X
Cassava cultivation X
Maize cultivation X
Tobacco growing X X
Peanut cultivation X X
Cashew cultivation X
Coffee growing X X
Cocoa growing X
Home gardens X
Seasonal agricultural work X X
Contract labourers X
Reforestation X X
Production, sale of rattan items X
Crafts and sales X
Nursery reforestation X
Animal breeding X
Transplanting X
Hoeing X
Weeding X
Harvesting X
Picking and drying coffee X
Picking and drying tobacco X
Gathering leaves and fruit X
Ploughing fields X
Terrace construction X

Reproduction activities

Household work X X
Feeding cattle X X X
Collecting firewood X X X
Collecting water X X
Collecting natural medicines X X
Animal care X

Socio-political activities 6

Weddings X X
Funerals X X
Participation in arisan X
Village meetings X X

Source: Match 1991, p 1

40 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Using Harvard Tool 2: Access and Control Profile
The Indonesian forestry project used Tool 2 (for examining men and women's
access to and control over resources and benefits) to collect data which is
partially represented in the table below. This tool indicates who has access to
resources and control over their use. Benefits realised from household (and
community) production and use of resources are also identified and listed.
Columns indicate whether or not women and men have access to them, and
control over their use.
However, use of Harvard Tool 2 reveals more data than can be shown in the
table. It is necessary to examine which men and which women have access or
control, and to ask what is actually meant by access and control for each case.
Such questions for this project would reveal the following details.
Women and men both owned and inherited land, although women only
owned 32% of all productive land. Very few farmers were landless
sharecroppers. The average size of holding was 0.7 hectares, with 6% of
the population holding more than 3.5 hectares.
Wealthier farmers could obtain credit, and some had access to machinery
for weeding and hulling.
Women's earnings traditionally came from making rattan products and
other non-wood forest goods and trading in the market.
Wage labour had dropped significantly over recent years. It now
accounted for 30% of male income and 17% of female income. There
were few employment opportunities for women.
Women traditionally did not benefit as much as men from credit and
extension programmes for farmers. (Adapted from Match 1991,121).

Using Harvard Tool 2: Access and control profile

Resources Benefits

Women Men Women Men

Land A/C A/C Credit programme A/C

Credit A/C Extension programme A A/C
Machines A/C Planting and work A A/C
in nursery

Fertilizer A/C Stoves provided A A/C

by project

Paid work A/C A/C Incentives A/C

Key: A = Access, C = Control

Source: Match 1991, p 130

Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 41

Using Harvard Tool 3: Influencing Factors
If the Harvard Analytical Framework had been used in the project at the
outset, as a planning tool, planners would have taken into account the
influencing factors which shape gender relations and provide different
opportunities and constraints for women and men. For instance, these factors
would have included the different impact of changing migration patterns on
women and men, and which women or men were most affected.
Tool 3 can also be used to examine, in retrospect, some of the key changes
in gender relations that arose from the case-studies project activities.
Economic: Paid work in the project was more often given to men.
Social: Implementation of the project changed the socio-economic
relations between men and women to the further advantage of men. Men
gained power, women lost some.
Environment: Women were replaced by men in seedling production in the
nursery. Environmental management is mostly the responsibility of upper-
class men.
Education: Women did not have access to training activities, credit, and
extension services. They were also excluded from training and marketing of
ovens. (Match 1991, p 130)

Using Harvard Tool 4: Checklist

The checklist creates a wealth of data for any project. For reasons of space, we
have chosen not to illustrate the checklist for this case study. If the Harvard
Analytical Framework had been used for planning, the checklist would have
highlighted in advance many of the problems which arose subsequently.

42 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

People-Oriented Planning Framework

The Framework for People-Oriented Planning in Refugee Situations
(popularly called POP) is an adaptation of the Harvard Analytical Framework.
It was adapted for use in refugee situations, but also in order to overcome
some of the Harvard Framework's initial weaknesses. POP was devised for the
United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR), by Mary B
Anderson and the UNHCR Senior Coordinator for Refugee Women, M
(Brazeau) Howarth, following the adoption by UNHCR of a Policy on Refugee
Women. It was developed with funding from the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA).
The information included here is adapted from Anderson, Brazeau and
Overholt, A Framework for People-Oriented Planning in Refugee Situations
Taking Account of Women, published by UNHCR, Geneva, 1992.

Aims of the Framework

The central purpose of POP is to ensure that there is an efficient and equitable
distribution of resources and services. The framework aims to promote more
appropriate targeting of development assistance, and more efficient use of
donors' resources. It also aims to 'ensure [that] disparities between the sexes
are reduced' (Anderson 1992,1).

The Framework
In the introduction to the POP framework, the following key factors are
Change: When people flee from disaster or conflict, their lives change
rapidly and dramatically, and continue to change. Even in long-term refugee
settlements where women's and men's roles may stabilise, these will be
different from those which existed before the flight, and the new roles may be
regarded as temporary by refugees themselves. In some situations, there will
be a stronger adherence to traditional roles, values and perceptions.
Conversely, a crisis may open up avenues for change which can lead to more
balanced relations between men and women. The dynamics of change
working within the society determine, to a great extent, the acceptance and
success of any project.
Participation: Refugee participation is a major factor in determining
whether or not a project will succeed. This requires the involvement of refugee
women, men, and children.

Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 43

Importance of analysis: Whatever type of project is being planned (water,
food distribution, health promotion, and so on), socio-economic and
demographic analysis are critical components of project planning.

Components of the Framework

The POP Framework has three components:
The Determinants Analysis, (also called the Refugee Population Profile
and Context Analysis);
The Activities Analysis;
The Use and Control of Resources Analysis.

POP Tool 1: Refugee Population Profile and Context Analysis

Two aspects shape the roles and responsibilities of men and women in refugee
situations. The first is the population profile both of the displaced groups and
of their host community or country. Second, the social and cultural context of
both refugees and hosts will influence, possibly change, the gender division of
use and control of resources. The following questions can serve as a guide in
drawing up a populations profile and gaming an insight into the contexts.

Who are the refugees?

Answering this question involves assessing the refugee population from a
demographic perspective. Who are the refugees? For example, are they
families or individuals? Women? Men? Children? Are the children
accompanied or not? This kind of assessment must take place at the earliest
stage of a refugee emergency - details can be gathered at a later stage. It is
important to find out the composition ofthe refugee group before they became
refugees, and subsequent changes in that composition.

What is the refugees' context?

Factors which will have shaped gender relations before the flight and during
asylum are broad and interrelated, but may include the following.
Community norms and social hierarchy, such as family/ community
power structures and religious beliefs, can be particularly important
among refugee groups where men's and women's roles are changing;
Demographic factors;
Institutional structures, including the nature of government
bureaucracies, and arrangements for the generation and dissemination of
knowledge, technology, and skills;

44 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

General economic conditions, such as poverty levels, inflation rates,
income distribution, international terms of trade, and infrastructure;
Internal and external political events;
Legal parameters;
Training and education;
The attitudes of the host country/ community;
The attitude of refugees to development/ assistance workers (Anderson
1992, pp 4-5).
As stated above, similar questions should be asked for the host and the
refugee population.
The purpose of identifying these determinants is to consider which ones
affect activities or resources, and how they are affected by them. This helps you
identify external constraints and opportunities which you must consider in
planning your programmes in order to better predict your inputs.

POP Tool 2: The Activities Analysis

Similar to the Harvard Tool 1 (Activities Profile), this tool enables you to find
out who does what, as well as when and where they do it. Because the gender
division of labour and roles is disrupted byflight,it is essential tofindout what
women and men were doing before, and what they are doing now, or are able
to do, in the refugee situation. How strictly defined was, and is, the division of
labour? Do adults or children carry out a particular task now? Was this
different before? Which tasks used to be done every seasonal, which ones were
carried out every day, and is this the same now? How long do the tasks take?
Where are they carried out? How does this differ from before?
The activities analysis must be linked to the population profile, for a very
good reason: if refugees are mainly men, then the jobs which women normally
undertook cannot be done in the usual way.
Protection is a crucial concern, particularly for women and girls. The
activity of protecting - including who offers protection under which
circumstances - is both a legal and social concern: refugees have often lost
their national status, as well as the social networks which may have offered
them some protection. Communities provide protection through a protection
hierarchy. This may involve communities (families and other social
groupings) protecting individuals; men protecting women; adults protecting
children. Such protection can be of a legal, physical or social nature. It is
important to find out what protection gaps there are in the current situation.
For example, what mechanisms are there for protecting orphaned children?
(Anderson 1992, p 5)

Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 45

POP Tool 2: Activities Analysis
The table below illustrates the Activities Analysis. This analysis should be
completed for both the pre-refugee situation and the current situation.

Example of POP Tool 2: Activities analysis

Activities Who? Where? When? Resources
/How long? used

Production of goods...
eg carpentry
metal work
... and services
eg teaching
domestic labour

eg land clearance
care of livestock

Household production
eg childcare
home garden
water collection

Protection activities
eg of unaccompanied
single women
elderly people

Social, political,
religious activities
eg community meeting

Adaptedfiom Anderson 1992, p 8

POP Tool 3: Use and Control of Resources Analysis

Similar to the Harvard Tool 2 (Access and Control Profile), this tool helps you
determine how resources are distributed, and who has a say over their use, by
asking the following questions.
What resources do people have/ which did they bring with them?
Who has which resources ?
What resources must be provided for which refugees ?
You can identify what resources were used and controlled by women and
men before flight, and what resources they now control and use as refugees.

46 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

This includes both material resources and intangible ones, such as
community structures, social networks, time, labour, and education. Women
and men may have lost some resources (such as land, full-time employment,
or membership of a social network) and may be unable to regain them.
Men, women, and children will have lost different resources. They may
also have gained new ones, for example, access to food items distributed by aid
agencies. The new situation will affect gender relations, and may introduce
opportunities for positive change for women.

Example of POP Tool 3: Use of resources analysis

Resource lost due to flight Who used this Who controlled this
(gender/age) (gender/age)

education system
health care

Resource brought by refugees Who has this Who uses this

(gender/age) (gender/age)

eg political
animal husbandry

eg literacy

Resource provided to refugees To whom is this How/where/when is it

provided (gender/age) provided (through males?
females? adults?)

legal services
health-care services

Source: Anderson 1992, p 11

Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 47


Joint Commentary on Harvard Framework and POP

(These points are relevant to both the frameworks. They should be read in
conjunction with the individual commentaries on eachframeworkwhich follow,
where points relevant specifically to eachframeworkare addressed.)
For data collection and analysis
The gender frameworks are useful in gathering and analysing information.
This analysis can then provide a database for any stage of a project cycle. The
gender frameworks are more appropriate for projects than for programmes,
because they rely on micro-level analysis. You need detailed knowledge of the
social groups in question, so it is difficult to use them to study a region where
people's social and economic circumstances differ widely.
In training
They are often used in training programmes to illustrate to emergency
workers and planners the complexity of a refugee situation.
As a gender-neutral 'entry point'
These gender frameworks can be useful for starting a discussion about gender
issues with counterparts who are resistant to thinking about power dynamics
between women and men, because they are clearly based on fact, not theory.
For communication
The gender frameworks rely on the economic argument of most efficient
allocation of resources. It therefore uses language similar to that of
economists, which can be particularly useful when talking to people whose
main influence is mainstream economic thought.
In conjunction with the Moser Framework
The gender frameworks are frequently used in conjunction with the Moser
Framework, which enables planners to include Moser's concept of strategic
gender interests.

Why they appeal

Practical and hands-on
Give a clear picture of the gender division of labour
When the data have been collected, the gender frameworks give a clear and
simple picture of who does what, when, and what with. They make women's
work visible and help you avoid making serious technical blunders such as
handing out resources at inappropriate times, or underestimating women's
existing workload. They can clearly show differences in workloads, and in
access to and control of resources.

48 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Distinguish between access and control of resources

Easily adaptable
Non-threatening and gender-neutral; they rely on facts rather than theory

Potential limitations and adaptations

Developed from an efficiency perspective, rather than an equity perspective
Both gender frameworks were developed from the WID efficiency approach,
so they suffer from similar theoretical constraints. They were designed not so
much to create more balanced gender relations, but to allocate new resources
in such a way as to increase the efficiency of the project or programme. The
gender frameworks therefore give no guidance on how development workers
might challenge existing inequalities. Neither do they draw out power
dynamics, show the relationships between different people, or how people
bargain, negotiate interests, make decisions, and so on. Thus, using Kabeer's
definitions of gender-aware policies (see p 21), the gender frameworks will
tend to lead to gender-neutral or gender-specific interventions rather than to
ones which transform gender relations.
For instance, in parts of the world where women have a very reduced role
in production, the logic of the gender frameworks would probably encourage
development workers to work only with the men (who already have control).
While this may be effective in raising the overall income of the household as a
unit, the benefits do not necessarily reach the women, and the intervention
will probably have tipped the balance of power further in favour of the men.
On the other hand, the gender frameworks can give the impression that
giving any additional resources to women is a good thing. This is not
necessarily the case. There are numerous examples of badly designed income-
generation projects. In these cases, despite the fact that resources were given
to women, the projects have ended up further disadvantaging women. They
have become time-consuming burdens for women or made a loss, not a profit.
Encourage an insufficiently thorough analysis
The matrices can encourage people to take a fairly superficial, tick-the-boxes
approach to data collection. Planners can end up feeling over-confident,
assuming that they know all they need to know. They can thereby miss the
complexities of the community's reality, and can miss crucial opportunities
for change.
Fail to specify the importance of the participation of women and men
themselves in the analysis
The matrices do not specifically require that planners ensure that the
community members themselves - women as well as men - analyse their
situation. If the Harvard or POP gender frameworks are the only planning
tools used, they will lead to very top-down plans.

Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 49

Some people have successfully used the matrices participatively, i.e. filling
in the matrices with members of the community and discussing the results
with them. They have found it effective in raising gender issues. Other users
report that they have found it difficult to use with communities. One criticism
in particular is that the distinction between access and control has been
difficult to convey.
Do not address the culture and context of the institutions which determine
the allocation of resources to recipients
Both the Harvard and the POP gender frameworks assume that institutions,
including development organisations, have a neutral culture regarding gender
power relations. Increasingly, it is understood that the way in which an
organisation is 'gendered' (see pp 9-15) has a large impact on how successful
their planning is in terms of supporting fairer gender relations and/ or
women's empowerment.
Emphasise separation rather than connectedness and inter-relationships
between individuals and groups
The Harvard and POP Gender frameworks concentrate on the activities and
resources of different categories of people, rather than on relationships
between different groups. This leads to an emphasis on men and women, old
and young, as separate groups with different and separate activities. However,
the inter-relationships between them, and the forms of household and
community co-operation and exchange are not examined. For instance, in
exchange for his wife's labour on his fields, a husband may be obliged to pay
her wages or to work on her fields in return. The exchange may be less direct.
In return for giving a male relation control over a loan which is in her name, a
woman may increase her status, or be more secure in times of the hunger gap.
Decision-making processes may be much more complicated than those
represented in either matrix. Looking only at production cycles, and access
and control over resources does not give a full picture of the negotiations and
decision-making processes over key stages; the result is an incomplete picture
of relationships. Consider a case where producers sell their wares to an
intermediary, who gives them a very low price for the goods. It may seem
obvious to an NGO to take over and replace the intermediary, and offer a better
price. However, it may also be the case that the intermediary offers the
producers informal patronage and support in times of hardship, such as credit
or employment opportunities. This connection would not be visible in the
Harvard framework but any attempt in these circumstances to replace the
intermediary without considering this patronage is likely to fail.
In addition, control over a resource may only be partial. You may assume
that a woman has control over purchase of seeds. In fact, the state marketing
structures and the intermediaries also have a high level of control, because
they can dictate what is available, and at what price.

50 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Issues of power are not made explicit
Neither the Harvard nor the POP Gender frameworks ask how and why
gender relations are unequal; and so issues of power distribution are not
drawn out. Because the way in which men and women relate to each other is
not examined, the underlying causes of women's subordination are often not
tackled. However, the profiles which emerge of women's and men's roles can
be entry points for examining these issues, for example comparing differences
in the access and control of resources.
Adaptation: Consultants for the Netherlands Development Assistance
(NEDA) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs adapted the Harvard and POP
frameworks in 1994 to address this issue. Their framework is published in the
manual Gender Assessment Studies. In it, a third profile, of women's socio-
political position, is added to both gender frameworks, as in the matrix below.

Adaptation of Harvard Tool 2: Women's socio-political profile

Women's socio-political Lower (worse) About Equal Higher (better)
position compared to men's

1. Women's participation in
in the household
at community level
society at large

2. (Self) image:
Self image of women
Image of women in society

3. Organisational capacity

4. Other

Source: quoted in Monitoring and Evaluationfrom a Gender Perspective: A Guideline, SNV, March 1995

Ignore other underlying inequalities

As originally designed, neither the Harvard Framework nor the POP
Framework deals with other underlying inequalities such as class or race; nor
do they consider the different types ofhousehold in various contexts. Users are
asked to compare 'women' and 'men' as two separate, homogeneous groups.
Even within a particular cultural group, the differences between mothers-in-
law and daughters-in-law, or first wife and second wife, or compound head
and unmarried son, may be very marked. At worst, this over-simplification
means that users may ignore the complex power differentials which exist in
the real world, and fail to determine who the most vulnerable people are.
Adaptation: It is possible to adapt the Harvard and POP frameworks to take
account of underlying inequalities. Data would be disaggregated according to

Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 51

cultural, ethnic, and economic factors as well as gender and age. Alternatively,
different matrices can filled in for each relatively
Designed for information collection, not for planning
The Harvard and POP gender frameworks see the need for better information
as the central issue for gender analysis. As a consequence, they provide no
guidance for planners as to what action should logically follow this collection
(Below, additional users'points on the two genderframeworks are listed separately.)

Additional commentary on the Harvard Framework only

Potential limitations and adaptations

Too materialistic
By concentrating on activities and material resources rather than relationships
between people, the Harvard Framework takes tangible considerations as its
starting point for analysis. It tends to assume that people make rational
choices based purely on material considerations, thus leaving out some crucial
motivational factors and constraints, such as community dynamics and
cultural values. To counter this tendency, you can adapt the framework by
adding intangible resources to the Access and Control Profile, bringing in
variables such as membership of networks or kinship groups.
Oversimplifies the concepts of access and control
The Harvard Framework can encourage a simplistic 'yes or no' approach by
asking whether or not women have access and control. However, women
experience a much more complex reality. For example, a women's group may
have access to some village land, and have partial control in that they can
decide what crops to grow and how. But it may be up to the elders to decide
which plot the women are given. Looking simply at access and control can also
hide the bargaining processes which take place in order to arrive at such
complicated outcomes.
Changes over time are not taken into account
The matrices of the Harvard Framework tend to give a static view of the
community. However, an awareness of changes over time in gender relations
can be crucial for spotting opportunities as well as areas where pressures are
increasing or might soon arise.
Adaptations: In one possible adaptation which addresses this issue, the
person compiling the matrix questions at each stage whether a certain state of
affairs has changed, and why. In another adaptation, the data for the matrix is
gathered twice, as it is for the POP framework: once to look at the current
situation, and once to compare it to an appropriate point in the past.

52 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Does not place emphasis on who performs community work
The framework prioritises productive and reproductive activities. It does not
encourage you to think about tasks that are undertaken for community
cohesion (discussed in Moser's 'triple roles' concept, pp 56-57).
Adaptation: Instead of including only the categories of productive and
reproductive activities, a third category is often added - either social, political,
religious, or 'community activities'.

Additional commentary on POP Framework only

In planning for refugee situations
POP is a practical tool to assist in planning in refugee situations. With a little
adaptation, it is also useful in emergencies or during periods of rapid change.

Why it appeals
Specifically designed for use in refugee situations
Simple, step-by-step approach
The framework is conceptually simple, and easy to administer. It is therefore
suited to the exigencies of emergency work, even in the initial stages when
workers do not have the time to employ more complex techniques. The
framework pulls together a very rich map of refugee profile and socio-
economic data and does so more rapidly than, for example, some forms of
participative or rapid rural appraisal (PRA, RRA).
Includes concepts of change over time and protection
Two elements of the POP Framework are particularly significant for gender
relations in refugee groups. The first is the element of change over time, which
enables planners to consider the long term as well as the short term. The second
element is the need of vulnerable groups for protection, and the fact that such
protection should be considered as an activity which someone has to provide.
Uses an expanded concept of resources
The POP Framework expands the concept of resources used in the Harvard
Framework, progressing beyond consideration only of material resources, to
include less tangible things such as skills and social organisation, and - very
important for women - time. It highlights the importance of resources in
relation to responsibilities. It brings out the idea that communities lose some
resources over time, but also retain some and gain others. The POP
framework can help to find indicators which reveal whether the gap between
women and men in terms of benefits is widening or narrowing.

Harvard Analytical Framework and People-Oriented Planning 53

Potential limitations
Works best with homogeneous groups
It is difficult to use across a region or group of communities which may not be
totally homogeneous. In a refugee camp with very different communities, one
needs to apply the framework first to each group independently.
Question of control cannot be fully answered
The question of who has control in the community cannot be fully answered
when control over most aspects of social life is assumed by external actors.
Short-term interventions may be the result
Not enough emphasis is given to the long-term development of refugee or
displaced communities.

Further reading
The Harvard Analytical Framework is presented in Overholt, Anderson,
Austin, and Cloud (1985) Gender Roles in Development Projects, published by
Kumarian Press Inc, Connecticut; a second edition has been published by
Lynne Rienner Publishers.
The POP Framework is explained in a well-presented and easy-to-read 14-
page guide in Overholt C A, Anderson M, (Brazeau) Howarth A Frameworkfor
People-Oriented Planning in Refugee Situations Taking Account of Women, Men
and Children: A Practical Planning Tool for Refugee Workers, United Nations
High Commission for Refugees, Geneva, 1992.
In addition, another handbook of 45 pages gives a sector-by-sector guide to
using the framework (for example, for water provision, or for food distri-
bution). This book includes the lessons learned by the UNHCR in sectoral
programming. Anderson M, A UNHCR Handbook. People-Oriented Planning
At Work: Using POP to Improve UNHCR Programming, Collaborative for
Development Action Inc, Geneva, 1994.
Consultants working for the Netherlands Development Assistance
(NEDA) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, Netherlands, adapted
the Harvard and POP frameworks. Their work is published by the Institute of
Social Studies Advisory Service: Lingen A with Brouwers R, Nugieren M,
Plantenga D, and Zuidberg L (1997) Gender Assessment Studies: A Manual for
Gender Consultants.

54 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

2.3 | Moser Framework

In reaction to the Women in Development (WID) approach, which in the
1970s encouraged treating women's issues as separate concerns, the Gender
and Development (GAD) approach argued for an integrated gender-planning
perspective in all development work, concentrating on the power relations
between women and men. This approach challenges many ofthe assumptions
behind traditional planning methods.
The Moser Framework was part of this challenge. Caroline Moser
developed it as a method of gender analysis at the Development Planning Unit
(DPU), University of London, UK in the early 1980s. Moving from analysis
into action, Caroline Moser, with Caren Levy of the DPU, further developed it
into a gender policy and planning method. Moser's method was presented as
a mainstream planning methodology in its own right, like urban or transport
planning. The following section is adapted from Moser's book Gender
Planning and Development: Theory, Practice and Training, Routledge, London,
1993. It also draws on a discussion of Moser's framework by the Canadian
Council for International Co-operation in Two Halves Make a Whole: Balancing
Gender Relations in Development, MATCH, Ottawa, 1991.
Since Moser left the DPU in 1986, their Gender Policy and Planning
Programme has produced a methodology which has evolved to meet the need
for strategies to integrate gender in all types of intervention, and to confront
power relations in organisations, communities, and social institutions. It has
been used by a wide range of development organisations. Since it has not been
used by Oxfam to date, and we can therefore not provide a users' commentary,
the DPU methodology is included as an appendix (p 123).

Aims of the framework

As stated above, the Moser Framework aims to set up 'gender planning' as a
type of planning in its own right: 'The goal of gender planning is the

emancipation of women from their subordination, and their achievement of
equality, equity, and empowerment. This will vary widely in different contexts,
depending on the extent to which women as a category are subordinated in
status to men as a category.' (Moser 1993,1)
The Moser Framework questions assumptions that planning is a purely
technical task. Moser characterises gender planning as distinct from
traditional planning methods in several critical ways: 'First, [gender planning]
is both political and technical in nature. Second, it assumes conflict in the
planning process. Third, it involves transformatory processes. Fourth, it
characterises planning as "debate".' (Moser 1993,87)

The Framework
At the heart of the Moser Framework are three concepts:
Women's triple role;
Practical and strategic gender needs;
Categories of WID/GAD policy approaches (policy matrix).

Moser Tool 1: Gender roles identification / triple role

This tool involves mapping the gender division of labour by asking 'who does
what?' Caroline Moser identifies a 'triple role' for low-income women in most
societies, which she uses in this framework. The triple role for women consists
of reproductive, productive, and community-managing activities. In contrast,
men primarily undertake productive and community politics activities.
Reproductive work: As defined by Moser, this involves the care and
maintenance of the household and its members, including bearing and caring
for children, preparing food, collecting water and fuel, shopping,
housekeeping, and family health-care. In poor communities, reproductive
work is, for the most part, labour-intensive and time-consuming. It is almost
always the responsibility of women and girls.
Productive work: This involves the production of goods and services for
consumption and trade (in employment and self-employment). Both women
and men can be involved in productive activities, but their functions and
responsibilities often differ. Women's productive work is often less visible and
less valued than men's.
Community work: These activities include the collective organisation of
social events and services - ceremonies and celebrations, activities to improve
the community, participation in groups and organisations, local political
activities, and so on. This type of work is seldom considered in economic
analyses, yet it involves considerable volunteer time and is important for the
spiritual and cultural development of communities. It is also a vehicle for
community organisation and self-determination. Both women and men

56 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

engage in community activities, although a gender division of labour also
prevails here. (MATCH 1991, 26) Moser divides community work into two
different types of work.
Community-managing activities are undertaken primarily by women as an
extension of their reproductive role. Such activities ensure the provision and
maintenance of scarce resources which everyone uses, such as water, health-
care, and education. This is voluntary unpaid work, carried out during
women's 'free' time.
Community politics are undertaken primarily by men, who take part in
organised, formal politics, often within the framework of national politics.
They are usually paid in cash for this work, or benefit indirectly through
improved status or power. (MATCH 1991,34)
Women, men, boys, and girls are all likely to take some part in each of these
areas of work, but men are much less likely to be involved in reproductive
work. In many societies, women and girls do almost all of the reproductive as
well as much of the productive work. As the Moser framework recognises that
women perform reproductive and community-management activities along-
side productive work, it makes visible work that tends to be invisible.
Ultimately, it aims to ensure that tasks are equally valued. Reproductive work
is crucial to human survival, and to the maintenance and reproduction of the
labour force, yet it is seldom considered 'real' work. For instance, when people
are asked what work they do, their responses are usually related to productive
work, especially paid or income-generating work.
It makes sense to use the triple-role analysis in a planning framework,
because any development intervention in one area of work will affect the
activities performed in the other two areas. For example, women's repro-
ductive workload can prevent them from participating in development
projects. When they do participate, the additional time spent farming,
producing goods, attending training sessions or meetings, means less time
spent on other tasks such as child-care or food preparation.

Moser Tool 2: Gender needs assessment

The Moser Framework's second tool builds on Maxine Molyneux's (1985)
concept of women's gender interests. Moser's concept is based on the idea that
women as a group have particular needs, which differ from those of men as a
group; not only because of women's triple work role, but also because of their
subordinate position to men in most societies. Similar to Molyneux's concepts
of practical and strategic gender interests, Moser distinguishes between two
types of gender needs.
Practical gender needs: Moser defines practical gender needs as those which,
if they were met, would assist women in their current activities. Interventions
which focus on meeting practical gender needs respond to an immediate
perceived necessity in a specific context, often related to inadequacies in living

Moser Framework 57
conditions. Meeting practical gender needs does not challenge the existing
gender division of labour or women's subordinate position in society, although
these are the causes of women's practical gender needs. (MATCH 1991,40)
Development interventions which are intended to meet women's practical
gender needs may include:
Water provision;
Health-care provision;
Opportunities for earning an income to provide for the household;
Provision of housing and basic services;
Distribution of food.
These needs are shared by all household members, yet women often
identify them as their specific needs, because it is women who assume
responsibility for meeting their families' requirements.
Strategic gender needs: Moser defines these as the needs which, if they
were met, would enable women to transform existing imbalances of power
between women and men. Women's strategic gender needs are those which
exist because of women's subordinate social status. Strategic gender needs
vary in particular contexts. They relate to gender divisions of labour, power,
and control, and may include such issues as legal rights, domestic violence,
equal wages, and women's control over their own bodies. Meeting strategic
gender needs helps women to achieve greater equality and challenges their
subordinate position, including their role in society. (MATCH 1991,39)
Interventions which address women's strategic gender needs may include:
Challenges to the gender division of labour;
Alleviation of the burden of domestic labour and child care;
The removal of institutionalised forms of discrimination such as laws
and legal systems biased in favour of men;
Provision of reproductive health services, offering women choice over
Measures against male violence. (Molyneux 1985)

Moser Tool 3: Disaggregating control of resources and decision-making

within the household
This tool asks the questions: Who controls what? Who decides what? How?
Here the Moser Framework links allocation of resources within the
household (intra-household allocation) with the bargaining processes which
determine this. Who has control over what resources within the household,
and who has what power of decision-making?

58 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Moser Tool 4: Planning for balancing the triple role
Users of the framework are asked to examine, whether a planned programme
or a project will increase a woman's workload in one of her roles, to the
detriment of her other roles. Women must balance competing demands on
their reproductive, productive, and community responsibilities. The need to
balance these roles determines women's involvement in each of the roles, and
potentially constrains their involvement in activities which will significantly
increase the time they need to spend in one particular role.
Moser also highlights how sectoral planning (which concentrates only on
one area, such as transport, and is commonly undertaken by governments)
has very often been particularly detrimental to women, since it does not
consider the interplay between women's triple roles. Carrying out
intersectoral, or linked, planning would avoid this problem.

Moser Tool 5: Distinguishing between different aims in interventions: the

WID/GAD Policy Matrix
This is mainly a tool for evaluation, to examine what approach has been used
in an existing project, programme, or policy. However, it can also be used to
consider what would be most suitable approach for future work. Examining
the policy approaches can help you anticipate some of their inherent
weaknesses, constraints, and possible pitfalls.
The Moser Framework encourages users to consider how different
planning interventions transform the subordinate position of women, by
asking: to what extent do different approaches meet practical and/ or strategic
gender needs? To support this, Moser gives an analysis of five different types
of policy approach which have dominated development planning over the last
few decades, which she defines as the welfare, equity, anti-poverty, efficiency,
and empowerment approach. These different policy approaches have not
occurred in strict chronological order. In practice, many have appeared more
or less simultaneously.
Welfare: This approach has existed since the 1950s. It was used most from
1950-70, but remains popular today. The welfare approach acknowledges
women in their reproductive role only, and sees them as passive beneficiaries
of development interventions. It aims to meet women's practical gender needs
in their role as mothers, for example by providing food aid, implementing
measures against malnutrition, and promoting family planning. The welfare
approach can be characterised as 'top-down', and does not challenge the
existing sexual division of labour or women's subordinate status.
Equity: This original WID approach was widely used in development work
during the UN Women's Decade from 1976-85. Its purpose is to promote
equality for women. The equity approach recognises women as active
participants in development. It recognises the triple role, and seeks to meet
women's strategic gender needs through direct state intervention, by giving

Moser Framework 59
women political and economic autonomy, and by reducing their inequality
with men. The equity approach is criticised by some as rooted in Western
notions of feminism, is often considered to be threatening to men, and is
unpopular with most governments.
Anti-poverty: This is a less radical adaptation of the WID equity approach,
adopted from the 1970s onwards. Using the argument that women are dis-
proportionately represented among the poorest people, the purpose of the
anti-poverty approach is to ensure that poor women move out of poverty by
increasing their productivity. Thus, women's poverty is seen as a problem of
underdevelopment, not of subordination. This approach recognises the
productive role of women, and seeks to meet their practical gender need of
earning an income, particularly in small-scale, income-generating projects. It
is most popular with NGOs.
Efficiency: The third, and now predominant, adaptation of the WID
approach has been adopted especially since debt crisis in the 1980s. Its
purpose is to ensure that development is more efficient and effective through
harnessing women's economic contribution. It seeks to meet women's
practical gender needs, recognising all three roles. However, the efficiency
approach often assumes that women's time is elastic, and women are expected
to compensate for declining social services by simply extending their working
day. It often wrongly associates women's 'participation' with increased gender
equity and decision-making power for women. Despite these problems, it is
still a very popular approach.
Empowerment: This is the most recent approach, articulated by Southern
women. Its purpose is to empower women through supporting their own
initiatives, thus fostering self-reliance. Women's subordination is seen not
only as a result of male oppression, but also as a consequence of colonial and
neo-colonial oppression.
The empowerment approach also recognises that women's experience is
very varied, tempered by other factors such as class, race, age, and so on. It
argues that action is necessary at different levels to combat the various aspects
of women's oppression. The empowerment approach openly acknowledges
the centrality of power - asserting that women have to get more of it in order
to change their position. It recognises the triple role and seeks to meet
strategic gender needs indirectly, through grassroots mobilisation of women,
for example through organising women's groups which can make demands
for their practical gender needs to be met (Moser 1993,231).

Moser Tool 6: Involving women, and gender-aware organisations and

planners, in planning
Finally, Moser's framework asks users to think about the importance of
involving women, gender-aware organisations, and planners themselves in
planning. This is essential to ensure that real practical and strategic gender

60 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

needs are identified and incorporated into the planning process. These
individuals or organisations must be involved not only in the analysis, but also
in defining the goals of an intervention, and in its implementation.

Case study using Moser Framework

This case study refers to the Indonesia Forestry Project (pp 38-39) which has
already been used as the case study for the Harvard Analytical Framework. The
same case study is used here because some of the tools of the Moser
Framework are similar to those of the Harvard Analytical Framework. Where
this is the case, please refer to chapter 2.2 for full details, tables, and so on.
Where a tool is unique to the Moser Framework, the full way of using it is
shown here.

Using Moser Tool 1: Identifying gender roles/ triple role

This involves mapping who does what in a given community; the mapping is
done in a similar way to the Activities Profile in the Harvard Analytical
Framework (see p 33). When you use the Moser Framework, however, the
roles and activities are analysed according to Moser's three categories of
productive, reproductive, and community work.

Using Moser Tool 2: Gender needs assessment

This involves identifying women's practical and strategic gender needs - those
needs they have as a consequence of their roles, tasks, and responsibilities; and
those needs which, if they were met, would better enable them to challenge
their existing inequality vis-a-vis men in their community.
For the Indonesia Forestry Project, the women's gender needs which were
identified are listed in the table below.

Example of Moser Tool 2: Gender needs assessment

Women's practical gender needs Women's strategic gender needs

access to seedlings collective organisation

firewood right to speak out
needs related to reforestation skills in leadership, and leadership
and forestry activities positions in the project and community
improved ovens education
marketing of rattan products
specific training
paid work

Adapted from MATCH 1991,132

Moser Framework 61
No attempt was made in the Indonesia project to address any of the poor
women's strategic gender interests. In addition, women's practical needs
related to forest management and forest products were not addressed.

Using Moser Tool 3: Disaggregating control of resources and decision-making

within the household
For this case study, the data on who controls what, who decides what, and how,
has already been presented in the Access and Control Profile in the Harvard
Framework (p 34). However, not enough information was found out about
which member of the household makes what decisions, and how. For good
project planning, more detailed work would need to be done.

Using Moser Tool 4: Linked planning for balancing the triple role
This is about checking that all women's existing work and responsibilities
have been fully considered and taken into account during planning. In this
case, better project planning would have given more consideration to women's
workload or how women balanced their triple role. This project concentrated
almost exclusively on women's productive role. Consequently, planners made
unrealistic assumptions about women's capacity to increase their productivity
and participate in training activities.

Using Moser Tool 5: Analysing the policy aim, using the WID/GAD policy matrix
This tool examines the intervention's objectives, in the light of various WID/
GAD approaches. In this case, the only project objective that mentions women
states the aim to 'improve women's role in rural development and increase
their productivity'. Therefore, the underlying policy approach was an anti-
poverty one. Little consideration was given either of women's underlying
subordination or of their non-productive roles.
If, on the other hand, the Indonesia Forestry Project had been designed
using an empowerment approach, the planners would have sought out
opportunities for women to discuss their practical needs in a way which would
also begin to address some of the strategic needs. Supporting women's
capacity to identify their own strategic needs and to find ways of addressing
these would have become part of the project.

Using Moser Tool 6: Involving women, and gender-aware organisations and

planners in planning
All the decision-makers in the Indonesia Forestry project were men. Women
were able to exert some influence through the women's association. However,
this did not include the community's poorer women, and only one woman was
allowed to represent the association in the farmers' groups. The project would
need to look at better ways to include poor women in the planning.

62 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Commentary on Moser Framework

Planning at all levels
The Moser Framework can be used for planning at all levels, from regional to
project planning. As shown in the case study above, elements of this
framework are frequently used in conjunction with the Harvard Framework.
Training for awareness-raising, programme planning, and implementation
The Moser Framework is frequently used in training on gender issues to raise
awareness of women's subordination, including their unequal workload, and
to find potential ways of challenging these.

Why it appeals

Accessible and easily applicable

Many users find the Moser Framework easy to use. For instance, Sukey Field,
a British gender trainer, reports that 'the Moser Framework is accessible,
easily taught and communicated, and most groups from rural NGO to
government workers find it easily applicable to their work'. Nazneen Kanji, of
the London School of Economics, comments: 'An "adapted" Moser
Framework is useful when dealing with high-level government and aid agency
officials - [it is] less threatening than the Social Relations Approach [and]
diffuses initial hostility'.
Moves 'planning' beyond technical concerns
The Moser Framework (and the literature on it) moves users from a purely
technical approach to planning towards an understanding of its political
significance. Planning is seen as transformatory, as likely to lead to conflict,
and it is argued that it should be considered a 'debate'. The framework
recognises that institutional/ political resistance to addressing, and trans-
forming, gender relations is likely.

Speaks to planners in their own 'language'

Moser's Framework brings women's subordination into the planning
discourse, and challenges planners in terms that they are familiar with.
Challenges inequality
Moser's concept of planning aims to challenge unequal gender relations and
to support women's empowerment. The tools of the Moser Framework
remind users that not all work carried out in the name of women in
development does this.
Powerful tools of practical and strategic gender needs
The concepts of practical and strategic gender needs have proved powerful
tools for judging the impact that a development intervention has on gender

Moser Framework 63
relations. In addition, the concepts remind development workers that women's
short-term, practical needs must be addressed in a way which facilitates a
more balanced relationship between men and women in the long term.
The concept of the triple role makes all areas of work visible
The triple role makes visible work that tends to be invisible, and helps to
promote fairer valuing of tasks. It also reminds planners that productive,
reproductive, and community work are interrelated. You cannot change one
area without having an impact on the other sphere(s); and not all work takes
place either in the household or in a designated workplace.
Distinguishes between policy approaches and thus encourages questioning
an intervention's purpose
By categorising various WID/ GAD policy approaches to development, Moser
helps you think through the main policy assumptions which are driving a
particular project (and therefore alerts you to its possible shortcomings).

Potential limitations and adaptations

Radical agenda is depoliticised by the language of planning
The strength of speaking to planners of women's subordination in terms
which they are familiar with has an accompanying weakness. To some extent,
the nature of planning language depoliticises Moser's message. Although
Moser's framework is based on an analysis of power and inequality, the
chosen language does not fully capture the dynamics of gender power
relations: the complex to and fro of bargaining, co-operation, and conflict. It is
important to bear this loss of political forcefulness in mind, and to be ready to
compensate for it as necessary.
In particular, talking of their gender 'needs' may make women and men
appear passive - this is the language of top-down planning. In contrast,
Molyneux's original use of 'interests' is related to concepts of rights and
challenges to the structures of power. Talking about 'needs' can therefore
inadvertently undermine Moser's attempts to address the issue of power
disparity between planners and those targeted by planning. She attempts this
in Tool 6, which requires users to consider how women should be involved
directly in planning.

Concept of triple role does not fully capture the power imbalance between
women and men
Although Moser uses the concept of gender 'roles' as a way to explore women's
subordination, the word has many meanings in different contexts (for
example, in sociology or in drama). In particular, the term can have a sense of
a 'natural' or prescribed order of things; it can also imply that people have
choice, as in 'my chosen role'. The concept of women's triple role is, therefore,
weighted with other meanings of the word. These can result in side-stepping

64 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

the issue of how power relations are structured and played out. (Note that the
concept of roles is not commonly used in other debates which address issues
of structural inequality, such as racism or disability.)

Triple role or double role?

The triple role concept makes visible the time-consuming socio-political and
cultural work which is essential to an understanding of social phenomena. But
some people find it difficult to accept these three roles. Naila Kabeer (1995)
argues that one weakness of the concept is that it does not strictly logically
distinguish between 'who does what and how', and 'what is produced'.7 The
distinction between reproduction and production is clear: the former provides
childcare and domestic work, the latter produces goods and services. But it is
less clear whether community work refers to the production of a third type of
resource, or to how the labour is organised (i.e. people working collectively
rather than individually).
Kabeer argues that what is lost in this three-way distinction is the fact that
most resources can be produced in a variety of settings, and through a variety
of relationships. For example, if childcare is the resource, it can be produced
through unpaid family labour, through collective unpaid labour in the form of
creches, through paid labour in the form of private day-care centres or
domestic services. It can be provided by the family, by the community, the
market, or the state. Each possibility will have very different consequences for
the planning process and very different implications for women. Categorising
such work as either reproductive or community-management work does not
reveal all the opportunities for potential interventions, or foresee the possible
impact of change on women's workload or status.

Women's and men's separate activities are emphasised, rather than

relationships between the two
Like the Harvard and POP Frameworks, the Moser Framework emphasises
what women and men do and the resources available to them, rather than
focusing on the relationship between them, which determines how activities
come to be performed by women or men, and the complex dynamics by which
decisions are made. Even where the framework does examine issues of control
or power, it still tends to over-emphasise the separation of women and men,
rather than examining the ways in which women and men are connected.

Does not highlight other forms of inequality

Although Moser puts emphasis on the different types of households, and
power differentials within households, the framework does not deal with other
underlying inequalities, such as class and race. Women cannot be considered
as a homogeneous category, who all share the same needs. In fact, women
have interests and needs associated with other aspects of their identity - for
example, class, age, or disability. A female domestic worker will have needs

Moser Framework 65
which are not shared with her female employer. The term 'gender needs'
should not, therefore, be used synonymously with 'women's needs'; in
practice, this confusion often occurs.
Autonomy, not overwork or the triple role may be women's main concern
In some cases, the key issue for women is not the problem of balancing their
different roles, but the fact that their roles are extremely restricted. In some
cases, women have no 'community role' because they live in seclusion and are
unable to mix in the community; in other cases, they are excluded from
productive work.
Division between strategic and practical is artificial
Some people argue that the clear division between practical and strategic
needs or interests is unhelpful, as in most cases there is a continuum from
practical to strategic. For instance, is education a practical or strategic issue?
The important thing is to think about how you can meet immediate and urgent
needs in such a way as to begin challenging gender inequalities. Some people
prefer Kate Young's (1987) idea of transformatory potential to that of strategic
and practical needs. This concept advocates that women themselves examine
their practical needs and look for ways of striving to meet them which have 'the
capacity or potential for questioning, undermining, or transforming gender
relations and the structure of subordination.' (Young, 1987).
Others argue that all practical interventions affect women's power and
status, even when this is not factored into the planning process or recognised
by those involved in the project (Longwe 1994)- It is therefore dangerous to
assume that practical and strategic are separate areas of interest.
Ignores men as 'gendered' beings
Moser's definition of strategic gender needs leads users to consider these for
women only. Some people believe that this makes the concept powerful,
because it underlines that women are the subordinated sex in a patriarchal
system. Others believe that we need to broaden the concept to one which
includes men's strategic gender interests, since men have very strong vested
interests in any process of change, or in maintaining the status quo.
Examining these will help us understand better how to work with men, and to
anticipate where, and how, they may resist women's empowerment.
The adaptation of Moser's work by the DPU has redefined 'gender needs'
in its Web of Institutionalisation to include men's practical and strategic
gender needs. See Appendix (p 123) for definitions.

Change over time is not examined as a variable

Policy approaches may be misunderstood as clear-cut categories
The policy approaches characterised by Moser are sometimes criticised as
false dichotomies, because there have been many variations. Although Moser

66 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

does point out that her categorisation should only be seen as showing the
'pure' version of each policy approach, her neat (but deliberately simplified)
classification can lead to the trap of summing up an intervention in terms of a
policy approach, without looking closely enough at the details. For instance, an
intervention providing services to support women's reproductive role does not
necessarily use a welfare approach - it may be part of a well thought-out
strategy of transformation.
New policy approaches need to be developed and conceptualised
The characterisation of policy approaches in the Moser Framework is a
powerful tool both for examining the history of development, and for
examining the underlying goals and assumptions of existing policy and
project interventions. However, although we need to be aware of past
approaches and their influence on our current thinking, we must also be ready
to explore new approaches as appropriate to given contexts. Some would argue
that there is a danger that people will try to work too much within the given
approaches, rather than recognising how dynamic policy is, and should be.
Some users said they find it more useful simply to work with the
distinction between Women in Development (WID) and Gender and
Development (GAD) as approaches.
May encounter strong resistance
The goal of gender planning in the Moser Framework is the 'emancipation of
women from their subordination'. Strong resistance will exist where
development workers do not accept this as a legitimate aim.

Further reading
Part of the Moser framework was first outlined in Caroline Moser and Caren
Levy (1986) 'A Theory and Method of Gender Planning - Meeting Women's
Practical and Strategic Needs', DPU Gender and Planning Working Paper No.
11, published by the Development Planning Unit, London.
Caroline Moser's more recent book, Gender Planning in Development:
Theory, Practice and Training, Routledge, London, 1993, is worth reading for an
extremely comprehensive description of the background and application of
the framework.
An interesting commentary from users of the Moser Framework (quoted
from in the above Commentary) can be found in Kabeer, N (1994) Reversed
Realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought, Verso, London.

Moser Framework 67
2.4 | Gender Analysis Matrix (GAM)

The Gender Analysis Matrix (GAM) was developed by Rani Parker, in
collaboration with development practitioners working for a Middle Eastern
NGO. They expressed a need for a framework appropriate to their grassroots
work. As a result, the GAM is very much influenced by the reality and ideology
of participatory planning; it can also accommodate the constraints imposed by
shortage of funding and time, illiteracy, and insufficient or non-existent
quantitative data on gender roles.
All the information in this section, including the case study, comes from
Another Point of View: A Manual on Gender Analysis Training for Grassroots
Workers, by A. Rani Parker, published by UNIFEM in 1993. A reprint is
available from Women, Ink. Publishers, New York.

Aims of the framework

The GAM aims to help determine the different impact development
interventions have on women and men, by providing a community-based
technique for identifying and analysing gender differences. The GAM is a
transformatory tool, in that its use is intended to initiate a process of analysis
by community members themselves. It encourages the community to identify
and constructively challenge their assumptions about gender roles.

The framework
The GAM is based on the following principles:
All requisite knowledge for gender analysis exists among the people
whose lives are the subject of the analysis.
Gender analysis does not require the technical expertise of those outside
the community, except as facilitators.

Gender analysis cannot promote transformation unless it is carried out by
the people being analysed. (Parker 1993, 2)
The GAM is filled in by a group within the community which, preferably,
should include women and men in equal numbers. The GAM can be used at
different stages in the project cyde, to assess both the potential and the actual
impact of an intervention on the community's gender relations. The objectives
at each stage are as follows: 'At the planning stage to determine whether
potential gender effects are desirable and consistent with programme goals; at
the design stages where gender considerations may change the design of the
project; or during monitoring and evaluation stages, to address broader
programme impacts'. (Parker 1993,29)
The GAM features two main concepts on a matrix which focuses on the
impact of a development intervention.

Example of GAM
Labour Time Resources Culture





Source: Parker 1993

GAM Tool 1: Analysis at four 'levels'of society

The GAM analyses the impact of development interventions at four levels:
women, men, households, and community. Other levels (depending on the
project goals and the community in question) such as age group, class, ethnic
group, and so on, can be added as appropriate. The four main categories which
appear vertically on the GAM matrix are defined below.
Women: This refers to women of all ages who are in the target group (if the
target group includes women), or to all women in the community.
Men: This refers to men of all ages who are in the target group (if the target
group includes men), or to all men in the community.

Gender Analysis Matrix 69

Household: This refers to all women, men, and children living together,
even if they are not part of one nuclear family. Although the type of household
may vary even within the same community, people always know what
constitutes their 'household' or 'family'. Their own definition or unit of
analysis should be used for this level in the GAM.
Community: This refers to everyone within the project area. The purpose
of this level is to extend the analysis beyond the family. However, communities
are complex and usually comprise a number of different groups of people with
different interests. So if a clearly defined 'community' is not meaningful in the
context of the project, this level of analysis may be eliminated. (Parker 1993)

GAM Tool 2: Analysis of four kinds of impact

The GAM looks at impact on four areas: labour, time, resources (considering
both access and control), and socio-cultural factors. These categories appear
horizontally on the GAM matrix.
Labour: This refers to changes in tasks (for example, fetching water from
the river), the level of skill required (skilled or unskilled, formal education,
training), and labour capacity (How many people carry out a task, and how
much can they do? Is it necessary to hire labour, or can members of the
household do the work?).
Time: This refers to changes in the amount of time (three hours, four days,
and so on) it takes to carry out the task associated with the project or activity.
Resources: This category refers to the changes in access to resources
(income, land, and credit) as a consequence of the project, and the extent of
control over changes in resources (more or less) for each group analysed.
Socio-cultural factors: This refers to changes in social aspects of the
participants' lives (including changes in gender roles or status) as a result of
the project. (Parker 1993)

Using the GAM

The GAM is used with groups of community members (with equal
representation ofwomen and men), facilitated by a development worker. Over
time, it is hoped that community members themselves will facilitate the
process, but Rani Parker points out that in the early stages, an experienced
facilitator is needed. The analysis is always done by the group.
It is intended that the analysis in the GAM should be reviewed and revised
once a month for the first three months, and once every three months
thereafter. Every box should be verified on each review of the GAM.
Unexpected results, as well as expected ones, must be added to the matrix.
When the GAM has been filled in, the group discusses the findings by
asking the following questions.
Are the effects listed on the GAM desirable? Are they consistent with the
programme's goals?

70 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

How is the intervention affecting those who do not participate?
Which results are unexpected? (These will appear on GAMs filled in
during and after implementation.)
After the boxes have been filled in with the changes brought about by the
project, group members should go back to the matrix and add the following:
a plus sign (+) if the outcome is consistent with project goals;
a minus sign (-) if the outcome is contrary to project goals;
a question mark (?) if they are unsure whether it is consistent or contrary.
These signs are intended to give a picture of the different effects of the
intervention; they are not intended to be added up in an effort to determine its
net effect. This would over-simplify the picture of complex reality, and mis-
represent the mix of positive and negative effects which all interventions have.
The GAM is intended to be used in addition to other standard tools of
analysis such as monitoring tools, needs assessments, and so on.

Case study of GAM: Potable water in Ouled Hamouda

This case study focuses on development work in a community of n o families
called Ouled Hamouda, in the town of Makhtar in Western Tunisia. Here, the
women had to walk two kilometres down a very steep, muddy path to get water.
Twice each day, they filled their cans with water and carried the 20 litre cans on
their backs up the steep hill. Even pregnant or sick woman did this, or those
carrying their little children who could not be left behind alone in the house.
The Tunisian Foundation for Community Development (le Fondation
Tunisienne pour le Developpement Communautaire/ FTDC) organises
periodic development meetings in each ofthe 22 communities where it works.
During these meetings, the community identifies problems, classifies, and
prioritises these, identifies which projects would address problems, and
discusses what contribution the community can make to the projects.
Contributions can be in cash, kind, or labour.
In Ouled Hamouda, where the FTDC had worked for seven years, the
women rated their difficulty in getting water as their biggest problem. Men,
who never fetch water, rated this problem as their fifth priority. Traditionally,
men, not women, construct wells. The use of the Gender Analysis Matrix in
Ouled Hamouda enabled the men to understand the potential impact of
addressing this problem at all four levels identified in the matrix. After
completing the matrix, both women and men classified the water project as
their first priority.
A committee for potable water was created, which included women and
men selected by the community. A well was constructed only 300 metres away

Gender Analysis Matrix 71

from people's homes, and equipped with a motor pump that ejected water into
a large, well-constructed cistern. Today the water project is completed and
potable water is easily accessible to everyone in the community.

Initial Gender Analysis Matrix from Ouled Hamouda

This matrix represents the combined views of men and women in Ouled
Hamouda. It represents their expectations of the impact of a project to bring
potable water to the village. It enabled men and women to think through the
importance and desirability of such a project. The pluses and minuses were
added afterwards; a plus if the change was consistent with the project goal, a
minus if it was not.

Using the GAM: Proied objectives in Ouled Hamouda

Labour Time Resources Culture

Women + Don't need to + Save time - Must pay - Responsibility

carry big cans + Have more for water of paying for
of water time with + Can have water
+ No fears children home garden or + Opportunity
about personal other small to participate
security projects in community

Men - A lot of work, - Takes a lot + Portable water + Don't have to

difficult work more time to is available worry as much
+ Learn new build, dig, etc + Improved about the family
skills for work + Can stay home nutrition when away
outside the with family
community while working

Household + Women feel + Women can + Easy access to + New activity

more secure give more time potable water for children -
when fetching to child care + Improved they can help
water - can nutrition and their mother
leave child at better health
+ New activity
for entire family

Community + Establish - Less free time + More potable + Clean

Committee for for leisure water available environment
Potable Water - Many more for all + Prestige for
+ Learn about community the community
services meetings to
provided by attend

Source: Parker 1993,52.

72 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Questions arising from the matrix, and answers given in discussion:
Are the effects listed above desirable and consistent with programme goals ?
How will this activity affect those who do not participate?
All community members will benefitfrombetter access to potable water.
Were there unexpected results, to be identified during implementation:
There were some unexpected results, which are included in the next section.
(Parker 1992,52)

Changes in Ouled Hamouda following the project

The new water source provided potable water.
Men became more aware of the burden of women's labour.
Although the women had assumed that they would have to pay for the
water, the men paid for it, because the job of collecting payments fell to a
male member of the committee.
Some aspects of existing gender relations were reinforced: for example,
the receiving and handling of money remained in the men's hands.
Although a woman was assigned to check water usage and to ensure that
everything worked, the men actually came in and carried out the repairs.
Once the project was completed, men and children began to fetch water,
changing the traditional gender division of labour for this task.
Systems of organisation within the community were strengthened as
systems for collecting payments for water usage were developed. The
community determined the charges for water usage; they agreed that four
families would be allowed to use the water free of charge, because they
could not afford to pay for it.
The new water source provided greater personal security for women.
Also, since the well was close by, women were able to leave small children
at home while they went to fetch water.
Men spent more time at home during the project construction phase and
later were able to market their skills in water-system construction and
The committee used to attend a district meeting at which men from other
communities hadridiculedthe men of Ouled Hamouda because there
were so many women participating in the decision-making. This also has
changed, and although there are still not many women on committees,
the women on the Ouled Hamouda committee are increasingly becoming
accepted in their new roles of leadership. (Parker 1993, 53)

Gender Analysis Matrix 73

Commentary on GAM
A participatory planning tool
The GAM is expressly designed for planning, designing, monitoring, and
evaluating projects at a community level.
Useful for transformatory gender training
The GAM is a tool with a high potential for raising awareness of women's
subordination as a result of unequal gender relations, so it is appropriate for
use in transformatory gender training.
Purpose-designed training manual
The manual outlining the use of the GAM has been specifically designed for
training purposes and includes a training methodology.

Why it appeals
Designed specifically for community-based development workers
The framework was specifically developed to fit in the reality of community-
based development workers: it is accessible, flexible, and designed to
accommodate changes over time, including those which are unexpected.
Simple and systematic; uses familiar categories and concepts
GAM is simple and systematic. GAM does not rely on unique or new concepts,
but instead employs ones familiar to gender and development researchers and
workers. Others who encounter these concepts and categories for thefirsttime
when using GAM can transfer them to other gender and development work.
Transformatory as well as technical
The GAM is designed to initiate a learning process. Parker claims that over
time, the likelihood of changes favouring gender equity is increased. This is
borne out by one user who sees the GAM as a useful tool for gender training
because it raises consciousness about gender inequalities through the design
of the categories of analysis. Because they move from practical issues to
cultural change, participants cannot avoid making the links between practical
impact and intangible changes at a cultural and ideological level. The use of
the GAM means that transformatory work takes place simultaneously to the
acquisition of practical skills.
Fosters 'bottom-up' analysis through community participation
The process of analysis should fully involve the people who are the subjects of
the analysis, drawing on, and valueing, the group's diverse strengths and
perspectives, rather than relying on individual expertise. The GAM enables
members of the community to articulate a full range of expectations
concerning a particular project.

74 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Considers gender relations between women and men, as well as examining
what each category experiences separately
The use of both the categories of household and community, as well as of
women and men is one way of trying to draw out the connectedness of gender
relations. It helps move gender and development workers away from a
tendency to see men and women as separate, homogeneous groups, which
can be considered in isolation from each other. One user comments that the
inclusion of men gains the confidence of male participants in a gender
training workshop since they no longer see facilitators 'talking about gender,
but focusing on women only'.

Levels of analysis can be added to in order to suit particular interventions

The levels of analysis can incorporate various groups within the community;
for example, a project targeting girl children can include them as a category.
Includes intangible resources.
In addition to labour and resources, GAM also highlights time and socio-
political issues.
Can be used to capture changes over time
A single use of the GAM will provide only a 'snapshot' of one particular
moment in a project's life. However, by repeating the GAM process, the tool
can be used to follow changes over time. When complete, the GAMs filled in
over the duration of a project can provide a dynamic overview of the negative
and positive effects of a single project/ programme on a community.
Helps anticipate resistance, and encourages consideration of what support
should be offered for those at risk
The participatory process which the GAM insists on enables all concerned,
from funding agencies to the community, to anticipate the resistance that the
project or programme might meet from participants and non-participants.
One user comments that this is invaluable for projects where women
'beneficiaries' need to be aware that they may be subject to violence from men,
as a result of challenging gender relations. Implementing agencies must
include in their plans the kinds of support which groups who would be under
threat have a right to be offered.

Includes men as gendered beings, so can be used in interventions which

target men
The levels of analysis include men as well as women, and therefore the
framework can be used in situations where men or boys are the target of a
development intervention, due to their particular experience of the gender
division of labour and power (for example, work with ex-combatants, child
miners, in anti-violence projects, and so on). Caroline Sweerman, of Oxfam
GB, reports that gender training with male participants was made easier by the

Gender Analysis Matrix 75

inclusion of the category of men, because it overcame men's resistance. One
participant told her 'we usually hear facilitators talking about gender but
focusing on women only'.
Can be used for participatory impact assessment
The GAM is a very useful tool for impact assessment. It is an effective way of
bringing out local impact indicators, building on the project members' own
Quick data gathering
Filling in a GAM can be a relatively quick way of gathering complex and rich
data. According to the author, the completion of a GAM takes two to four
hours, especially during the first few analyses.

Potential limitations
Needs a good facilitator
For the analysis to be effective, a good facilitator is required. When the GAM is
first introduced, or when no literate facilitator can be found within the
community, facilitation will be needed from outside the community.
Some factors can get lost because categories have many aspects
The facilitator must take care to remember and to remind everyone in the
group that each category of analysis incorporates many aspects, not just the
most obvious ones. For example, 'labour' includes skills as well as training,
'resources' must differentiate between access and control, and the category
'cultural factors' can include everything that is done to continue and/ or
expand existing social networks.
Requires careful repetition in order to consider change over time
The matrix requires repetition of the analysis over time. Once begun, the
process must be continued to ensure that negative perceptions and
stereotypes about gender roles are challenged.
Does not seek out the most vulnerable community members
Although the GAM can be expanded to consider specific inequalities which
cross-cut gender divisions, such as ethnicity, it does not explicitly differentiate
which men, and which women, are most likely to experience negative or
positive impacts. Finding this out must be seen by the facilitators as a crucial
part of their role. An adaptation is to add 'Which women, which men' in large
letters under the matrix.
Excludes macro- and institutional analysis
The GAM framework does not consider the potentials offered and the
constraints imposed by either the implementing agencies or external forces
beyond the community.

76 \ A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Difficulties defining a community
It is sometimes difficult to define who is actually participating in the project,
or who should be deemed as the community.
Subordination is often not explicit
Participatory methods, including the GAM, give scope to explore women's
perspectives. However, there is a danger that the GAM can lead to a false
consensus and false confidence that women have taken an equal part in
defining the future. Where women's views have previously been silenced, the
process offillingin the GAM may not be enough to capture their perspectives
of the complex links between their problems and their subordinate status. It is
likely that much time must be spent with women to find ways of articulating
issues which they consider important.
While the GAM is designed for use with mixed groups, there may be times
when it is better to use it with women-only or men-only groups, or with groups
of young women and older women separately, depending on the context.
Risk of misleading outcomes due to power relations between funders and
community members
As with all participatory methods, there is a risk of misleading outcomes,
because community members may resist discussing all issues freely; for
example, negative aspects of the project may not be discussed for fear of
funding being refused. It is important that the community has trust in the
process and in the implementing agencies.

Further reading
The Gender Analysis Matrix is presented in a very user-friendly training
manual: Another point ofview: A manual on gender analysis trainingfor grassroots
workers, A Rani Parker, published by UNIFEM, 1993, and reprinted by
Women's Ink., New York, 1998. The manual has been specifically designed
for training purposes and includes a training methodology; a section for the
audience to assess for themselves the uses and limitations of the framework;
and materials which can be reproduced for handouts.

Gender Analysis Matrix 77

2.5 | Capacities and Vulnerabilities
Analysis Framework

'Development is a process by which vulnerabilities are reduced and capacities are

increased.' (Anderson and Woodrow 1989,12).

The Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis (CVA), like the People-Oriented
Analytical Framework, was designed specifically for use in humanitarian
interventions, and for disaster preparedness.
However, unlike the POP Framework, the CVA is not grounded in a single
agency's experience of relief work. Rather, it resulted from a research project,
the International Relief and Development Project at Harvard University,
which examined 30 case studies of NGOs responding to various disaster
situations around the world. Some of the people who were involved in
designing the framework also developed the Harvard Analytical Framework.
Information here is adapted from the book by Anderson M, Woodrow P,
Rising from the Ashes: Development Strategies in Times of Disaster, Westview
Press, Boulder and San Francisco, and UNESCO, Paris 1989. Copyright 1998
by Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. Used with permission of the publisher.

Aims of the Framework

The CVA was designed to help outside agencies plan aid in emergencies, in
such a way that interventions meet immediate needs, and at the same time
build on the strengths of people and their efforts to achieve long-term social
and economic development.

The Framework
CVA is based on the central idea that people's existing strengths (or capacities)
and weaknesses (or vulnerabilities) determine the impact that a crisis has on

them, as well as the way they respond to the crisis. A crisis becomes a disaster
when it outstrips a society's capacity to cope In the long term, emergency inter-
ventions should aim to increase people's capacities, and reduce their vulnera-
bilities. As such, CVA is a developmental approach to relief in emergencies.
In the following, the concepts of capacities and vulnerabilities are defined.
Capacities: This term describes the existing strengths of individuals and
social groups. They are related to people's material and physical resources,
their social resources, and their beliefs and attitudes. Capacities are built over
time and determine people's ability to cope with crisis and recover from it.
Vulnerabilities: These are the long-term factors which weaken people's
ability to cope with the sudden onset of disaster, or with drawn-out
emergencies. They also make people more susceptible to disasters. Vulne-
rabilities exist before disasters, contribute to their severity, make effective
disaster response harder, and continue after the disaster.
The concept of vulnerabilities in the CVA framework is very different from
the concept of needs as used in a disaster context. Needs here are not used in
the sense of practical and strategic gender needs; they are understood as
'immediate requirements for survival or recovery from crisis' (Anderson and
Woodrow 1989,10). Therefore immediate needs are often addressed by short-
term, practical interventions (such as relief food). Addressing vulnerabilities,
in contrast, requires the long-term strategic solutions which are part of
development work.
For instance, those who experience regular mudslides in an urban area
may have needs for temporary shelters and medical attention. On the other
hand, their vulnerabilities are linked to those factors which directly contribute
to the suffering caused by the mudslide (crowding, building homes on
unstable land) and to others which indirectly affect the community's ability to
respond to serious crisis (rural-to-urban migration, lack of government
legislation on building codes, absence of strong community organisations)
(Anderson and Woodrow 1989,10).

CVA Tool 1: Categories of capacities and vulnerabilities

The CVA distinguishes between three categories of capacities and vulnerabil-
ities, using an analysis matrix. The three categories used are physical, social,
and motivational capacities and vulnerabilities.
Physical or material capacities and vulnerabilities: These include features
of the climate, land, and environment where people live, or lived before the
crisis; their health, skills, their work; their housing, technologies, water and
food supply; their access to capital and other assets. All of these will be
different for women and for men. While women and men suffer material
deprivation during crisis, they always have some resources left, including
skills and possibly goods. These are capacities upon which agencies can build.
The CVA encourages users to ask two main questions.

Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Framework 79

What were/ are the ways in which men and women in the community
were/ are physically or materially vulnerable?
What productive resources, skills, and hazards existed/ exist? Who (men
and/ or women) had/ have access and control over these resources?

Social or organisational capacities and vulnerabilities: This category refers

to the social fabric of a community, and includes the formal political structures
and the informal systems through which people make decisions, establish
leadership, or organise various social and economic activities. Social systems
include family and community systems, and decision-making patterns within
the family and between families.
Gender analysis in this category is crucial, because women's and men's
roles in these various forms of organisation differ widely. Decision-making in
social groups may exclude women, or women may have well-developed
systems for exchanging labour and goods. Divisions on the basis of gender,
race, class, or ethnicity, can weaken the social fabric of a group, and increase
its vulnerability.
CVA asks users to consider:
What was the social structure of the community before the disaster, and
how did it serve them in the face of this disaster?
What has been the impact of the disaster on social organisation?
What is the level and quality of participation in these structures ?

Motivational and attitudinal capacities and vulnerabilities: These include

cultural and psychological factors which may be based on religion, on the
community's history of crisis, on their expectation of emergency relief. Crisis
can be a catalyst for extraordinary efforts by communities, but when people
feel victimised and dependent, they may become fatalistic and passive, and
suffer a decrease in their capacities to cope with and recover from the
situation. Their vulnerabilities can be increased by inappropriate relief aid,
which does not build on people's own abilities, develop their confidence, or
offer them opportunities for change.
CVA encourages users to ask:
How do men and women in the community view themselves, and their
ability to deal effectively with their social/ political environment?
What were people's beliefs and motivations before the disaster and how
has the disaster affected them? This includes beliefs about gender roles
and relations.
Do people feel they have the ability to shape their lives? Do men and
women feel they have the same ability?

80 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Example of the Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Matrix
Vulnerabilities Capacities

Physical/ material

What productive resources,

skills, and hazards exist?

Social/ organisational

What are the relationships

between people?
What are their
organisational structures?

Motivational/ attitudinal

How does the community

view its ability
to create change?

'Development is the process by which vulnerabilities are reduced and

capacities increased.'

Source: Anderson and Woodrow 1989,12

CVA Tool 2: Additional dimensions of 'complex reality'

In order to make the CVA matrix reflect reality's complexity, five other
dimensions must be added to the analysis.
Disaggregation of communities by gender
Capacities, vulnerabilities, and needs are differentiated by gender. Women
and men experience crisis differently, according to their gender roles. They
have different needs and interests. Women, by virtue of their lower economic,
social, and political status, tend to be more vulnerable to crisis. They may also
be more open to change - and gender roles can change rapidly as a result of
emergencies. CVA enables these forms of social differentiation to be taken
into account and mapped out on the matrix (see overleaf, top table).
Disaggregation according to other dimensions of social relations
A community can also be analysed according to other factors which stratify it:
by the level of wealth (see overleaf, bottom table), by political affiliation, by
ethnic or language groups, by age, and so on. The question always of who
reveals how different people and groups are differently affected by crisis and

Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Framework 81

Example of CVA Matrix disaggregated by gender
Vulnerabilities Capacities

Women Men Women Men




Source: Anderson and Woodrow ig8g, 16

Example of CVA Matrix disaggregated by economic class

Vulnerabilities Capacities

Rich Middle Poor Rich Middle Poor



Source: Anderson and Woodrow ig8g, 16

Change over time

Societies are dynamic, and change over time. The CVA Matrix only provides a
snapshot of a given moment. However, it can be used repeatedly - for
example, before an intervention and after - to examine social change and to
evaluate impact. In particular, the CVA Matrix can be used to assess change in
gender relations as a result of an emergency, and of agency interventions.
'Interactions' between categories of analysis
There is constant interaction between the categories of analysis used in CVA.
Different categories of vulnerabilities and capacities are related to each other,
and changes in one will have an impact on the others. For example, increasing
people's social organisations may reduce their vulnerability to material loss,
and also increase group confidence.
Analysis at different scales and levels of society
CVA can be applied to small villages and neighbourhoods, to larger districts,
to whole nations, and even to regions. As the scale of application increases, the

82 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

factors examined become less precisely defined; but one can still assess both
the disaster proneness and the development potential at each level.
There are also interactions between different levels of society. Various
social groups are affected differently by policies and events at the regional,
national, and international level. Applying CVA to different levels can help you
assess what the links between the different levels are (Anderson and Woodrow

Case study on CVA: Gender and vulnerability among refugees from

Sierra Leone in Guinea
This case study is based on the work of Fiona Gell, then an advisor in Oxfam
GB's Emergencies Department.
Following a rebel attack in the north of Sierra Leone at the beginning of
1995, many refugees fled across the border to south-western Guinea. An
estimated 20,000 refugees sheltered in local towns and villages, receiving
food and shelter from the host population. The refugees were a mix of
different ethnicities, and had fled from different parts of Sierra Leone. Some
were agriculturalists, while others had lived in cities. The majority belonged to
an ethnic group which spans the Sierra Leone-Guinea border.
During the summer, UNHCR staff encouraged the refugees to construct
houses on seven sites, and a re-registration of refugees followed. Oxfam GB
assisted with emergency water provision, and a sanitation and community-
health programme. This involved supporting existing health posts in the
refugee-affected area. UNHCR provided food, household items, clothes, and
tools for house construction for those living on the sites. Refugees are now
increasingly requesting assistance for programmes supporting self-reliance
and education.
Fiona Gell, a gender and representation adviser for Oxfam's emergency
programmes, spent two months in south-western Guinea investigating issues
of gender and vulnerability within the refugee population, using participatory
rural appraisal exercises and holding discussions with Oxfam's community
health supervisors and representatives of the UNHCR, NGOs, local
government and community organisations. We first list some highlights from
her findings on the refugees' physical and material capacities and vulnerabili-
ties below, and then present a completed CVA matrix, which sums up these
issues and also features the social/ organisational and motivational/
attitudinal aspects of her research.

Physical/material vulnerabilities

Although UNHCR provided all refugees with a general monthly food

ration, they assumed that families were able to supplement their diet
independently, which is normally the case. Those who found this

Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Framework 83

particularly hard included female-headed households, unaccompanied
elderly persons, people with disabilities, and urban people who had
trading skills but who no longer had access to start-up capital.
There was a high level of disease during the rainy season, when there is
also scarce food and very little money.
Female-headed households faced particular difficulties in registration:
some had registered their families in the name of absent men, and
were unable to re-register precisely because these men were absent;
some were pushed out of line and then did not register because they
lacked the time to queue again;
some were unable to register because they were attending a sick child
in hospital.
Certain female-headed households, unaccompanied elderly people, and
heads of household with disabilities were unable to access adult male
labour to construct houses on site and thus qualify for registration.
Female heads of household had fewer opportunities to generate income
than male heads, mainly because of domestic responsibilities. The
pressure to construct a house meant that many women sold large
quantities of their food rations to buy labour, or took out loans against the
next food ration, thus depleting the family's already minimal food supply.
A number of people with disabilities such as deafness or mental illness
were unaware of the importance of registration.
Allusions were also made to women succumbing to sexual coercion to
access labour.
Some female-headed households also complained of not getting equal
access to tools for house construction. Tools were distributed to groups of
five families, and distribution was typically dominated by men.
Some people with disabilities such as leprosy had trouble getting food
during distribution.
Refugees who were originally urban traders had little experience of
agriculture, house- and latrine-construction, and were unaccustomed to
the rigours of rural life.

Physical/material capacities
UNHCR supplied monthly food rations.
Refugees generated income by selling maize rations, blankets, and so on.

84 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Both women and men had found work on local farms as day labourers;
some had made crop-sharing arrangements; where there were rivers,
men had found work as fishers.
Some refugees had owned land in the area for many years as well as in
their home villages. Some had found land nearby (on either side of the
border), which they returned to frequently. Those with land on Sierra
Leone's side of the border returned to the camps at night for security.
Many people, particularly those women who had traditionally been
traders, managed to generate a small income by trading in small items.
Children were also involved in trade.
Women with relatives among the host population had access to capital.
Women's skills included soap-making, baking, textile-dyeing, petty
trading, agriculture (growing groundnuts, rice, and vegetables); they also
worked as teachers, traditional birth attendants, and community workers.
Five of Oxfam's community-health supervisors were trained teachers who
had been trained in counselling children.
Palm wine was tapped by men from ethnic groups which are more
permissive about alcohol consumption.
Female-headed households were potentially able to exchange labour for
male labour.
Some women who headed households had taken on traditionally male
roles, while others had not.

Social/ organisational vulnerabilities

27% of households were headed by women whose husbands had either
been killed by the rebels or were living elsewhere. While some female-
headed households adapted to the new conditions by changing their
traditional role, others were evidently unable to cope adequately.
Less favoured wives in polygamous marriages often faced similar
problems to female-headed households.
Refugees who were originally traders were less likely to have kinship
networks in the new settlement areas. Refugees arrived in the area after
having walked long distances, physically and psychologically exhausted.
In addition, many of them did not speak the local language.
The Red Cross expressed concern about child trafficking.
Prostitution was common.

Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Framework 85

Social/ organisational capacities
Many refugees had strong kinship ties across the border and/ or owned
land on both sides of the border. This often meant that local families
offered food and shelter in return for agricultural and domestic work;
many refugees were loaned a plot of land for cultivation. With the move to
the refugee sites, some of the refugees had managed to maintain these
economic ties.
No unaccompanied children were identified, and orphans had been taken
in by other families. Informal reports suggest that orphans fare less well
during food shortages.
The population was extremely mobile as families pursued several survival
strategies at any one time. Many of the families who owned land close to
the border in Sierra Leone left some members behind on the farm to
guard the property and start farming. Other family members returned
daily to help on the land. A few family members, often the wife and a few
children, would stay at the refugee site to maintain a presence and guard
the house.
The women in some ethnic groups for women form groups to work small
areas of donated land, according to tradition.
There were women's organisations among the host population which ran
income-generation and rice and vegetable production schemes. These
had stated their willingness to share their skills with refugee women.
Refugee committees existed.

Motivational/'attitudinal vulnerabilities
Many refugees, particularly women, had relatives who were tortured,
killed, or taken by the rebels, and many had witnessed horrific atrocities.
Many had fled several times, and did not know whether their relatives
were dead or alive. Most of the refugees seemed to be coping quietly with
the enormous subsequent psychological stress, but a few had evidently
developed symptoms of mental illness.

Motivational/'attitudinal capacities
The combination of survival strategies (such as returning across the
border to work on their old farms at the same time as registering on the
refugee sites) seemed to allow families to maintain some level of
independence, while also making sure they would remain eligible for
external assistance (such as food distribution) which would be necessary
in the case of further attacks and insecurity.

86 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

The types of support refugees asked for most were education and
constructive play for the children; income generation for adults; and
co-operative commercial ventures to rebuild social networks broken down
by dispersal and flight. Assistance with the tracing of missing family
members would help restore some sense of hope in the future.
There was a wealth of primary and secondary school teachers within the
refugee population. Some refugees had set up schools where teachers
worked without pay.


Following Fiona Gell's survey and her analysis of the refugee community's
capacities and vulnerabilities, she made a number of recommendations
including those below.

To combat the vulnerabilities she advised:

to install a system for the registration of those refugees who were missed
in the previous registration, or who had recently arrived;
to supplement the diet of those physically vulnerable (such as children
under five or lactating mothers) or vulnerable for socio-economic reasons
(such as single parent families or unaccompanied elderly persons);
to encourage the full representation of those people with particular
vulnerabilities on existing refugee committees;
to explore some form of psycho-social support for those individuals who
. were unable to cope with their severely distressing experiences;
to request the services of the International Committee of the Red Cross
for the tracing of relatives, as much of the stress refugees suffered related
to the disappearance of family members.

To build on capacities, Fiona Gell recommended:

to promote income-generation schemes for those unable to raise income
or construct houses, such as those from cities who had no kinship ties
with the settled region, or female-headed households. (Proposals had
already been made for such small business programmes, individual skills
had been identified, and work groups organised.)
to use the refugee committees actively to find out about the views of all
sectors of the refugee population.
to explore how psycho-social support could be provided using resources
within the community, perhaps starting with Oxfam's community-health
supervisors, who were already trained in counselling children.

Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Framework 87

To build on the fact that Oxfam's community-health supervisors and their
team of health workers could give advice on what kind of support the
most vulnerable families needed, as well as on who were the most capable
refugees for co-ordinating self-reliance programmes.

Using the CVA Matrix: refugees in Sierra Leone

Vulnerabilities Capacities

Physical/ Female heads of households Women's skills include:

material unable to access male labour to
income-generation (making
construct camp houses; thus not
What productive soap, baking, dyeing textile,
eligible to receive food rations.
resources, petty trading);
As a consequence, many women:
skills, and
hazards exist? agriculture (groundnuts, rice,
are coerced into giving sexual
and vegetables);
favours to access male labour;
vocational work (teachers,
are forced into taking out loans
traditional birth attendants,
against next food ration, leading
community workers)
to debt cycle;

are involved in prostitution in

urban host communities.

Social/ 27% of households led by a Traditional practice of women

organisational woman (husbands killed, forming groups to work small
disappeared or away searching areas of donated land;
What are the
for work);
relationships Close kinship ties between
between people? Distribution of tools in camp refugees and host communities
What are their dominated by men; female heads allow exchange of food, shelter,
organisational of households do no have full and land for labour;
structures? access.
Labour exchanges between
men and women enable female-
headed households to access
male labour for house-building.

Motivational/ Morale very low on arrival at After a time.refugees developed

attitudinal camp among people who fled survival strategies to maximise
rebel fighters several times, opportunity to earn an income:
How does the following repeated attacks, women and children remained
in camp;
view its ability to Many women who lost
young men returned to Sierra
create change? husbands and children to the
Leone to guard the land and
rebels particularly affected.
start farming.

88 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Commentary on CVA

In emergencies and for development work
The CVA was designed for use in humanitarian interventions and so is
especially useful in disaster relief. However, it is also a useful tool in
development work, particularly for communities in vulnerable areas or those
affected by chronic crises.
As a planning and assessment tool
CVA can be used to plan responses. In addition, by applying it over time, it can
be used to assess change, particularly change brought about in gender
relations as the result of an emergency, or of agency interventions.
Useful at different levels
CVA can be used at different levels - from the community to the national,
regional, and even international level, thus enabling researchers to assess the
links between the different levels.

Why it appeals
'Maps' complexity
CVA helps to chart a complex real situation, to highlight its crucial factors, and
to illustrate the relationships between factors which matter most to project
Can be used at different stages
The CVA model is flexible and can be used before, during, and after a disaster,
major change, or intervention.
Encourages a long-term perspective
CVA encourages a combination of long-term and short-term perspectives and
strategies, to ensure that vulnerabilities are reduced and capacities improved.
Examines social interactions and the psychological realm
The CVA Framework attempts to ensure that an NGO will not only
concentrate on material things. It gives prominence to the social interactions
within a community, such as social cohesion and leadership, highlighting that
these can be a resource or a hindrance. It also emphasises the psychological
realm, and is able to examine emotions such as loss of hope in the future.
Motivation and attitudes are seen as crucial resources or barriers, and
interventions designed with CVA should take these into account. In some
cases, responses directly address them. For example, in the Philippines,
agencies have undertaken work with children suffering stress after typhoons.
Simple, but not simplistic
The CVA framework is relatively simple to understand and use; yet it is not

Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Framework 89

Includes other forms of inequality
The CVA matrix model can be adapted to take into account all forms of social
differentiation, such as gender, class, caste, age, race, ethnicity, and so on.
Can be adapted for macro-level analysis
The CVA is easier to adapt to macro-analysis than the Harvard Analytical
Framework. It is important for researchers and planners to look beyond the
community experiencing crisis (using the concept of scales or levels), to see
the constraints and opportunities for promoting gender equality in the wider
context (the international community, the state, the market, and so on) and
within the implementing agencies.
Challenges the status quo
Analysing a community's capacities vulnerabilities using this framework can
help to counter arguments that oppressive social relationships within the
community should not be challenged after a crisis, but that a return to the
former state of affairs should be sought. The long-term factors which
determine a community's response to crisis (including gender relations)
must be addressed, and changed, in order to ensure recovery and prevent
another crisis.
Highlights people's capacities, as well as their vulnerabilities
By examining capacities, the CVA can help agencies and those experiencing
disaster to work against any tendency to see crisis primarily in terms of
'victims' and 'needs'.

Potential limitations
Possible to exclude a gender analysis
It is very easy to use the CVA Framework and to still exclude gender issues,
thus creating gender-blind analyses and responses. It is crucial that the
analysis disaggregates vulnerabilities and capacities by gender, and includes
an explicit analysis of power relations between men and women.
Tahmina Rahman, a gender specialist who has worked in emergency
situations, argues that an effective way of doing this is to first carry out a
participatory analysis with community members, using the Harvard
Analytical Framework or POP. She argues that either of these works well with
the CVA; they provide a strong base of gender-disaggregated data on which to
build a CVA, and the CVA then draws out the relationships between different
groups, counter-balancing the tendency of the Harvard Framework and POP
to see women and men separately.
Does not include an explicit agenda for women's empowerment
Although the concepts of capacities and vulnerabilities can be powerful when
considering gender inequalities, the CVA Framework is not designed

90 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

specifically to promote women's empowerment. If you plan to use it for
gender-redistributive planning, it is crucial that you are explicit about the aim
to create a more balanced gender relationship.
Tempts users to guess
The CVA Framework offers a temptation to people with a relatively superficial
knowledge of the situation to make guesses.
Not a participatory tool
Practitioners report that the framework does not lend itself to participatory
uses; they have found its concepts difficult to use directly with communities
experiencing crisis.
Assumes planners have a neutral agenda regarding gender relations
The model assumes that planners and implementing agencies are neutral
agents. It is important to carry out an institutional analysis of implementing
organisations in order to highlight opportunities and constraints within them
regarding gender-aware planning and implementation.

Categories of capacities and vulnerabilities have been expanded to include
those which relate to the human body and control over it, and one's sexuality.

Further reading
The framework is outlined in a user-friendly manner in Anderson M,
Woodrow P, Rising from the Ashes: Development Strategies in Times of Disaster,
Westview Press, Boulder and San Francisco, and UNESCO, Paris 1989.
Second edition by Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 1998. The first part of the
book presents the framework, the lessons learned, and guidelines. The second
part presents 11 case studies, none of which have a strong gender perspective.

Capacities and Vulnerabilities Analysis Framework 91

2.6 | Women's Empowerment (Longwe)

The Women's Empowerment (Longwe) Framework was developed by Sara
Hlupekile Longwe, a consultant on gender and development based in Lusaka,

Aims of the framework

The Longwe framework is intended to help planners question what women's
empowerment and equality means in practice, and, from this point, to assess
critically to what extent a development intervention is supporting this
empowerment. Longwe defines women's empowerment as enabling women
to take an equal place with men, and to participate equally in the development
process in order to achieve control over the factors of production on an equal
basis with men.

The framework
Sara Longwe argues that much ofthe development literature examines to what
extent equality between women and men has been achieved according to the
conventional sectors of economy and society: equality in education, employ-
ment, and so on. This system of analysing equality by sectors concentrates on
separate areas of social life, rather than on women's equality in the develop-
ment process. In the Longwe framework, development means enabling people
to take charge of their own lives, and escape from poverty; poverty is seen as
arising not from lack of productivity, but from oppression and exploitation.
Longwe's framework is based on the notion of five different 'levels of
equality'. The extent to which these are present in any area of social or
economic life determines the level of women's empowerment. The Longwe
Framework also enables gender and development workers to analyse

development organisations' degree of commitment to women's equality and
empowerment. They do this first by identifying which 'levels of equality' are
addressed by a particular intervention, and second by assessing which 'levels
of recognition' of women's issues exist in the project objectives. It is also
possible to produce a profile of an entire development programme,
categorising its projects in terms of the levels of equality which they address,
and their level of recognition of women's issues. This might be part of an
exercise undertaken by a large development organisation which wishes to
assess its entire country programme from a gender perspective. Such an
exercise is partially illustrated in case study 2 below.
The Longwe Framework is discussed in 'Gender awareness: the missing
element in the Third World development project' by Sara Hlupekile Longwe
in Changing Perceptions: writings on gender and development, edited by Tina
Wallace with Candida March, Oxfam, 1991. It also appears in the form of
training materials in the Oxfam Gender Training Manual edited by Suzanne
Williams, Oxfam, 1994. The information on the framework in this section is
adapted from both these sources.

Women's Empowerment Tool 1: Levels of equality

The Longwe Framework centres on the concept of five 'levels of equality',
which indicate the extent to which women are equal with men, and have
achieved empowerment. The levels of equality can be used to assess the
likelihood of particular development interventions promoting equality and
women's empowerment.
The levels of equality are:

Control I
t t
_ ^ . ^ Increased equality Increased empowerment
These levels of equality are hierarchical. If a development intervention
focuses on the higher levels, there is a greater likelihood that women's
empowerment will be increased by the intervention than if the project focuses
on the lower levels. If the intervention concentrates only on welfare, it is very
unlikely that women will find the project empowering. Equal participation in
the decision-making process about certain resources is more important for
achieving women's empowerment than equal access to resources; and neither
participation nor access are as important as equal control.
When the levels of equality are used to analyse the impact of development
interventions on women's equality and empowerment, it is important to
understand that an ideal intervention does not necessarily show activities on

Women's Empowerment (Longwe) Framework 93

every level. In fact, an intervention which is empowering for women will have
many components which fit into the higher categories, but none in the lower
ones. The 'Welfare' level restricts its focus to access to material resources.
Therefore, an intervention which addressed control of resources would be
classified at a higher level - under 'Control'. It would be seen as concerned
with a higher degree of women's equality and empowerment.
Longwe's levels of equality are defined in more detail as follows:
Welfare: Longwe defines this as the level of women's material welfare, relative
to men. Do women have equal access to resources such as food supply, income
and, medical care?
Access: This is defined as women's access to the factors of production on an
equal basis with men; equal access to land, labour, credit, training, marketing
facilities, and all public services and benefits. Longwe points out that equality
of access is obtained by applying the principle of equality of opportunity, which
typically entails the reform of the law and administrative practice to remove all
forms of discrimination against women.
Conscientisation: This is understood in the Longwe Framework as a conscious
understanding of the difference between sex and gender, and an awareness
that gender roles are cultural and can be changed. 'Conscientisation' also
involves a belief that the sexual division of labour should be fair and agreeable
to both sides, and not involve the economic or political domination of one sex
by the other. A belief in sexual equality is the basis of gender awareness, and of
collective participation in the process of women's development.
Participation: Longwe defines this as women's equal participation in the
decision-making process, in policy-making, planning, and administration. It
is a particularly important aspect of development projects, where participation
means involvement in needs-assessment, project formulation, implemen-
tation, and evaluation. Equality of participation means involving women in
making the decisions by which their community will be affected, in a
proportion which matches their proportion in the wider community.
Control: This term denotes women's control over the decision-making process
through conscientisation and mobilisation, to achieve equality of control over
the factors of production and the distribution of benefits. Equality of control
means a balance of control between men and women, so that neither side

Women's Empowerment Tool 2: Level of recognition of women's issues'

Longwe asserts that it is not only important to assess the levels of women's
empowerment which a development intervention seeks to address. It is also
important to identify the extent to which the project objectives.are concerned
with women's development, to establish whether women's issues are ignored

94 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

or recognised. Longwe uses a very specific definition of 'women's issues',
meaning all issues concerned with women's equality in any social or economic
role, and involving any of the levels of equality (welfare, access, conscientisa-
tion, participation, control). In other words, an issue becomes a 'women's
issue' when it looks at the relationship between men and women, rather than
simply at women's traditional and subordinate sex-stereotyped gender roles.
The Longwe Framework does not specify whether development inter-
ventions should target women-only, men-only, or mixed groups. Women's
empowerment must be the concern of both women and men, and the degree
to which the project is defined as potentially empowering women is defined by
the extent to which it addresses women's issues.
Longwe identifies three different levels of recognition ofwomen's issues in
project design:
Negative level: At this level, the project objectives make no mention of
women's issues. Experience has shown that women are very likely to be left
worse off by such a project.
Neutral level: This is also known as the conservative level. Project objectives
recognise women's issues, but concerns remain that the project intervention
does not leave women worse off than before.
Positive level: At this level, the project objectives are positively concerned with
women's issues, and with improving the position of women relative to men.

Example of Women's Empowerment Framework Tools 1 and 2

Project title: - . . .

^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ L e v e l s of equality
Negative Neutral Positive
Level of r e c o g n i t i o n ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^






Case study: A fishing community in Chile

Project background
The project examined in this case study is based in a sea port in Chile of about
130,000 people.9 Fishing has always been the mainstay of the town's and the
region's economy. Men used to catch and dive for seafood, while women's
tasks included selling the fish and mending the nets. Now, fishing is mainly

Women's Empowerment (Longwe) Framework 95

controlled by multinational corporations (MNCs) with huge shipping vessels
and factory ships, and fish stocks are being culled at unsustainable rates.
Although trade union activity used to be relatively high in the region, the fact
that MNCs only tend to employ people unaffiliated to a union has caused the
numbers to drop radically.
There are few independent fishermen or fishsellers left, resulting in rising
unemployment among men and an associated rise in alcoholism. Women
tends to work in the local factories, under very poor conditions and at poor
rates of pay, or in domestic service.
The project has a number of programmes, one of which is the Woman's
Programme; it aims to mobilise women and support their self-empowerment.
At first, its main activities were education on issues such as health, rights,
organisation, and leadership. After some time, the women asked the project to
begin supporting productive activities. The project now supports women's
groups working in low-cost greenhouses and handicrafts, among other such
activities. Here, the Woman's Programme is examined using Longwe's
Women's Empowerment Framework.

Using Women's Empowerment Tool 1: Levels of equality

Applying Longwe's levels of equality, it becomes clear that the emphasis of the
programme is at the conscientisation and participation levels: increasing
women's self-confidence, and their capacity to participate in decision-making
processes, through education. Below, examples are given of how the project
might further be examined in terms of the levels.

The project has no activities simply directed at increasing women's access to
material resources relative to men. In Longwe's terminology, all levels of the
Women's Programme are concerned with higher levels of equality, since all
the activities start from the premise of trying to increase women's levels of
confidence, awareness, and control.

As described above, the project has now started to support women in their
wish to be involved in productive activities. From May to August, it is not
possible to grow vegetables in the area, so they are brought from the centre of
Chile at great cost. The project held a workshop for one group to discuss the
idea of growing vegetables in low-cost greenhouses made out of plastic
sheeting. Now, a number of groups run such greenhouses. The women
contribute the wood and labour for the construction and then take turns
looking after the vegetables. Here, the project can be seen to be working at the
'Access' level of equality, since it is increasing women's access to the factors of
production (in this case communal land, greenhouses, and vegetables).

96 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

The project also saw equal wages as a key issue for women: this also comes
under the level of 'Access', since it is access to equal income. However, the
project's attempt to organise women working in the factories into a coherent
movement failed. Women working the long shifts did not have time to attend
meetings and they were afraid of being sacked if their organising activities
were discovered.
Raising Awareness about gender issues forms a large part of the Chilean
Women's Programme. According to the development workers, their most
important objective is 'to provide women with general education, increase
their self-confidence and awareness, and make them realise that they are
important'. The project starts its work with local women with self-confidence
workshops, using discussion groups, role-plays, and games on such issues as
'how do I consider my role in the family and community?' They then move on
to mini-workshops on health, the rights and responsibilities of women,
women's work and labour rights, human rights and the national situation, the
history of the women's movement and the trade union movement in Chile,
and forms of organisation.
The project has also tried to raise gender issues with men. For instance,
they printed leaflets on violence against women and distributed them to men
in the streets on a national day of action about the issue.
Central to the project's approach is the idea that project activities must not
impose ideas on people - in this case, local women must diagnose what they
want and need. Through the activities and dialogue mentioned in the previous
section on conscientisation, the objectives of the programmes evolved.
The project has given attention to increasing women's participation in
decision-making processes. At first women were reluctant to take up special
positions within each of the groups. Consequently, two to three local women
from each of the project groups now attend a leadership-training programme,
which aims to help them feel confident in running the groups. On a bigger
scale, the project also persuaded two local women to stand in local council
elections - unfortunately they did not win.
Women are in control of the production and benefits from the vegetables in
the greenhouses, both for consumption and for selling at a profit. The project
also teaches account-keeping and administration, because otherwise the
women would need to rely on someone else to keep the accounts, lessening the
women's level of control over profits and resources.
The above findings can be represented in a table, disaggregated into the
two main areas of production in the greenhouses, and political participation
(see overleaf).

Women's Empowerment (Longwe) Framework 97

Using Women's Empowerment Tool 1: Levels of equality
Greenhouses Political participation

Welfare No No
Access Yes No
Conscientisation No Yes
Participation Yes Yes
Control Yes No

Using Women's Empowerment Tool 2 - Level of recognition of women's issues

The Chile project would be classified as having a positive level, because the
project's implementers have a high level of recognition of women's issues.

Using the Longwe Framework to analyse a multiple-project development

To demonstrate the use of the Longwe Framework in analysing an entire
development programme, an imaginary programme with three sectors

Using Women s Empowerment Framework Tools 1 and 2

Sector Project Level of Equality Level of
of women's

Welfare Access Conscien- Partici- Control

tisation pation


Education Political No No Yes Yes No Positive

& training participation

Commerce Greenhouse No Yes No Yes Yes Positive

& industry

98 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

(agriculture, education and training, and commerce and industry) has been
created in the table above. This imaginary programme includes the findings
from the Chilean case study referred to above. Other projects would need to be
similarly assessed, and added to the profile of the programme.

For transformatory planning, monitoring, and evaluation
The Longwe Framework can be a useful framework for planning, monitoring
and evaluation, allowing users to question whether their interventions have
transformatory potential. It can be a useful tool to strengthen the translation
of a commitment to women's empowerment into actual plans and policy.
For training on technical and transformatory issues
In training the Longwe Framework is taught as part of work on planning and
evaluation. It is also useful as a way of encouraging an examination of what is
meant by empowerment.

Why it appeals
Moves beyond the concept of practical and strategic gender needs to show
them as a progression
The Longwe Framework has much in common with the Moser Framework's
concept of practical and strategic gender needs. However, it moves away from
this restrictive distinction, which Longwe views as unhelpful. The Longwe
Framework shows that development interventions as containing both
'practical' and 'strategic' elements. The progression from practical to strategic
depends on the extent to which the intervention has potential to 'empower'.
Emphasises empowerment
The method Longwe uses is particularly useful in explaining why
'empowerment' is intrinsic to the process of development. It therefore
illuminates aspects of development work which had previously not been
sufficiently recognised or appreciated.
Strongly ideological
The framework has a very strong political perspective. It emphasises that
development means overcoming women's inequality compared to men in
every respect.
Useful to identify the gap between rhetoric and reality in interventions
For groups committed to equality and empowerment, whose projects may not
yet reflect this commitment, the Longwe Framework is a particularly valuable
method of analysis. It permits an assessment of where women already have
equality, and what still remains to be done.

Women's Empowerment (Longwe) Framework 99

Potential limitations
Not a 'complete' framework
The Longwe Framework is perhaps best seen as part of a 'tool kit', rather than
as a stand-alone framework, for the following reasons.
It is static and takes no account of how situations change over time;
It looks at the relationship between men and women only in terms of
equality - rather than at the complicated system of rights, claims, and
responsibilities which exists between them;
It does not consider other forms of inequality, and can encourage a
misleading view of women as a homogeneous group;
It does not examine the institutions and organisations involved;
It does not examine the macro-environment;
It deals in very broad generalities only.
Hierarchy of levels may make users think that empowerment is a
linear process
Users may assume that in order to reach the level of'Control', an intervention
will have had to meet all the previous four levels. As explained above, this is not
the case. An empowering intervention is likely to include resource
considerations at the level of'Control', but not at the levels of'Welfare' and
Hierarchy of levels does not allow for relative importance of different
The hierarchy can fall apart when one tries to consider the importance of
different resources. A strict interpretation of the value of levels might lead to
the conclusion that control (for example, of hoes) contributes more to
women's development than access (for example, to land).
Hierarchy of levels does not help to differentiate between marginally
different impacts
Defining development only in terms of women's empowerment can tempt
users to focus only on women rather than on gender relations
The emphasis on women's empowerment is one of the strengths of this
framework. However, it is also one of its weaknesses, since it can encourage
analysis of women without an understanding of how women and men relate
(including how they are connected), and without an understanding of men's
needs and interests.
Strongly ideological
This framework can be too confrontational to be used with those who are not
committed to women's empowerment.

100 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Further reading
As stated earlier, this framework is discussed in both Williams S (1994) Oxfam
Gender Training Manual, Oxfam (UK and Ireland), Oxford, and Wallace T and
March C (1991) Changing Perceptions: Writings on Gender and Development,
Oxfam (UK and Ireland), Oxford.

Women's Empowerment (Longwe) Framework 101

2.7 | Social Relations Approach
The Social Relations Approach to gender and development planning has been
developed by Naila Kabeer at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex
University, UK, in collaboration with policy-makers, academics, and activists,
primarily from the South. It has been used by government departments and
NGOs for planning programmes in a number of countries. The thinking has
a socialist feminist background.
Key elements of the approach are:
the goal of development as human well-being;
the concept of social relations;
institutional analysis.
The following discussion of the Social Relations Approach adapts work by
Naila Kabeer in Reversed Realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought,
Verso, UK, 1994. It also draws on an internal paper written for Oxfam by Naila
Kabeer and Ramya Subrahmanian in 1996, entitled 'Institutions, relations
and outcomes: concepts and methods for training in gender-aware planning'.

Aims of the framework

The Social Relations Approach is intended as a method of analysing existing
gender inequalities in the distribution of resources, responsibilities, and
power, and for designing policies and programmes which enable women to be
agents of their own development. The framework uses concepts rather than
tools to concentrate on the relationships between people and their relationship
to resources and activities - and how these are re-worked through
'institutions' such as the state or the market.
Kabeer states that a narrow application of the Social Relations Approach,
examining a particular institution, will highlight how gender inequality is
formed and reproduced in individual institutions. A broader application,

focusing on a number ofinstitutions in a given context, will reveal how gender
and other inequalities cross-cut each other through different institutions'
interaction, thus producing situations of specific disadvantage for individuals.

The framework
The main concepts of the Social Relations Approach are:

Social Relations Approach Concept 1: Development as increasing

human well-being
In the Social Relations Approach, development is primarily about increasing
human well-being. It is not simply about economic growth or improved
productivity. Human well-being is seen as concerning survival, security, and
autonomy, where autonomy means the ability to participate fully in those
decisions that shape one's choices and one's life chances, at both the personal
and the collective level. Therefore, development interventions must be
assessed not only in terms of technical efficiency, but also in terms of how well
they contribute to the broader goals of survival, security, and human dignity.
Importantly, it follows from this that the concept of production does not
just include market production but all the activities which contribute to
human well-being - including all those tasks which people perform to
reproduce human labour (caring, nurturing, looking after the sick), those
which poor people carry out to survive; and those which people perform in
caring for their environment which ultimately assures their livelihoods.

Social Relations Approach Concept 2: Social relations

Kabeer uses the term 'social relations' to describe the structural relationships
that create and reproduce systemic differences in the positioning of different
groups of people. Such relationships determine who we are, what our roles
and responsibilities are, and what claims we can make; they determine our
rights, and the control that we have over our own lives and those of others.
Social relations produce cross-cutting inequalities, which ascribe each
individual a position in the structure and hierarchy of their society. Gender
relations are one type of social relations (sometimes known as the social
relations of gender). Others include those of class, race, ethnicity, and so on.
Social relations change; they are not fixed or immutable. Changes at the
macro level can bring about change in social relations. Human action can also
do so, as is evident in the overturning of apartheid in South Africa, and the
consequent changes in that country's social relations of race.
Social relations also determine what tangible and intangible resources are
available to groups and individuals. Poverty arises out of people's unequal
social relations, which dictate unequal relations to resources, claims, and
responsibilities. (Simply put, people don't start at the same point in the social

Social Relations Approach 103

system, and as a consequence have very different capacities to take advantage
of change or the status quo.) Poor people in general, and poor women in
particular, are often excluded from formal allocations of resources, so they
draw on other resources - determined by their social relations - which play a
critical part in their survival strategies. For example, poor women often rely on
networks of family and friends to manage their workload. Resources of this
kind, available through social relations, can be so important that some would
say that 'poverty is being alone'.
Often, poor people have access to resources mainly through social
relationships based on patronage and dependency, where they have to trade in
their autonomy in return for security. Development must also look at
supporting relationships which build on solidarity and reciprocity, and which
build autonomy, rather than reduce it.

Social Relations Approach Concept 3: Institutional analysis

The underlying causes of gender inequality are not confined to the household
and family but are reproduced across a range of institutions, including the
international community, the state, and the market place.
Definitions of'institution' and 'organisation'
Kabeer defines an institution as a framework of rules for achieving certain
social or economic goals. Institutions ensure the production, reinforcement,
and reproduction of social relations and thereby create and perpetuate social
difference and social inequality. Organisations, on the other hand, are defined
as the specific structural forms that institutions take (North 1990, quoted in
Kabeer 1994). Gender-awareness requires us to analyse how these institutions
actually create and reproduce inequalities.
Four key institutional locations
Kabeer suggests that, for analytical purposes, it is useful to think of four key
institutional realms - the state, the market, the community, and family/

Example of Social Relations Concept 3: Institutional analysis

Key institutional locations Organisational/structural form

State Legal, military, administrative organisations

Market Firms, financial corporations, farming enterprises,

multinationals, and so on

Community Village tribunals, voluntary associations, informal

networks, patron-client relationships, NGOs

Family/kinship Household, extended families, lineage groupings, and soon

104 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

kinship. One could choose to add the international community. To give an
example of how an institution relates to organisations, the state provides the
larger institutional framework for a range of legal, military, and administrative
organisations. Other examples are listed in the table above.
Challenging the ideological neutrality and independence of institutions
The Social Relations Approach challenges two myths about institutions on
which much prevailing planning is based: that they are ideologically neutral,
and that they are separate entities and that therefore a change to one of them
will not affect the others.
Challenging the myth of ideological neutrality, Kabeer argues that institu-
tions produce, reinforce, and reproduce social difference and inequalities.
Few institutions admit to ideologies of gender or any other form of inequality.
Instead, each institution has an 'official' ideology which accompanies all its
policy and planning. The 'official' ideologies which tend to dominate planning
practice are based on the following assumptions.
the state pursues the national interest and national welfare;
the market pursues about profit maximisation;
the community, including NGOs, is about service provision;
family/ kinship is about altruism; it is a co-operative, not a conflictual,
Kabeer argues that, in order to understand how social difference and
inequalities (in roles, responsibilities, claims, and power) are produced,
reinforced, and reproduced through institutions, we must move beyond the
official ideology of bureaucratic neutrality, and scrutinise the actual rules and
practices of institutions to uncover their core values and assumptions.
The Social Relations Approach also challenges the myth of the indepen-
dence, or separateness, of institutions. It asserts that they are inter-related, and
that a change in the policy or practice in one institution will cause changes in
the others. For instance, it is often assumed in development work that a
change in one sphere - for example, an intervention which provides inputs to
enable men in the community to grow more cash crops - will be self-
contained, and will not have an impact on the other spheres, such as the
household. However, we all know that this official picture hides much.
Changes in policy or practice on the part of the state and market affect
relationships within the family, and changes within the family also have an
impact on the market and the state (see diagram on p 108).
Development planners and practitioners must therefore pay attention to
the interactions between institutions. In planning an intervention which will
deals with institutions such as the household or the community, an NGO will
first need to know what the state's policies are, and who is setting the agenda

Social Relations Approach 105

for the country where it aims to work. They must also recognise that
institutions are capable of change - indeed, they adapt constantly, in order to
respond to change in the external context. Institutional change is brought
about through the practices of different institutional actors, and through
processes of bargaining and negotiation.

Five aspects of social relations shared by institutions

Kabeer states that institutions differ in many ways; for example, they vary in
different cultures. However, she emphasises that they do have some common
aspects. The Social Relations Approach states that all institutions possess five
distinct, but inter-related, dimensions of social relationships: rules, resources,
people, activities, and power. These dimensions are significant to the analysis
of social inequality in general, and gender inequality in particular. Examining
institutions on the basis of their rules, practices, people, distribution of
resources, and their authority and control structures, helps you understand
who does what, who gains, who loses (which men and which women). This is
called undertaking an institutional analysis.

1. Rules: how things get done

Institutional behaviour is governed by rules. These may be official and written
down. They may be unofficial and expressed through norms, values, laws,
traditions, and customs. What rules do is to allow or constrain the following:
what is done;
how it is done;
by whom it will be done;
who will benefit.
Rules allow everyday decisions to be made with the minimum of effort.
Their disadvantage is that they entrench ways of doing things, often to such an
extent that they seem natural or unchangeable.

2. Activities: what is done?

Institutions do things; they try to achieve goals by following their own rules.
These activities can be productive, distributive, or regulative. It is important to
ask the following questions about activities:
who does what?
who gets what?
who can claim what?
Institutions' rules ensure that there is a routinised pattern of practice for
carrying out tasks. As a consequence, certain tasks get attached to certain

106 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

social groups, so that it seems that these groups are only capable of doing that
particular task. For example, the strong association of women with the tasks of
caring for the young, the sick, and the elderly - both within the household and
within state and market institutions - is often explained in terms of their
'natural' maternal predispositions.
Rewards are attached to tasks; these vary according to who does what. For
instance, doing the housework receives less recognition than ploughing the
family land. Such a hierarchy of rewards reinforces inequalities between
women and men, or between age groups.
People who only carry out a particular task become very good at it. In this
sense, the gender division of labour has the effect of a self-fulfilling prophesy.
The attributes which give women an advantage in certain jobs and
occupations - nurturing skills, patience, managing budgets - have been
acquired through their cultural assignment to women of the tasks and respon-
sibilities within which these traits are likely to be developed.
In the final analysis, institutional practice must be changed if unequal
relations are to be transformed.

3. Resources: what is used, what is produced?

Institutions also mobilise and distribute resources. These may be human
resources (for example, labour, education, and skills), material ones (food,
assets, land, or money), or intangible ones (information, political, clout,
goodwill, or contacts).
Very often, the distribution of resources corresponds to an institution's
rules. Thus, in societies where women are required to contribute to family
food provisions, they are more likely to enjoy independent access to land and
other resources. By contrast, in societies where it is men's responsibility to
feed the family, men are given privileged access to resources within the
household, but also within state and market institutions.

4. People: who is in, who is out, who does what?

Institutions deal with people and are selective about:
who they allow in and whom they exclude;
who is assigned various resources, tasks, and responsibilities;
who is positioned where in the hierarchy.
This selection reflects class, gender, and other social inequalities. For
example, if you look at the household you will find that specific households
allow specific people in - perhaps one is not meant to marry across class, race,
or ethnic dividing lines. The market also excludes and includes specific
categories of people. In Britain, high-powered jobs are normally held by white,
English, middle- or upper-class men.

Social Relations Approach 107

j . Power: who decides, and whose interests are served ?
Institutions embody relations of authority and control. Few institutions are
egalitarian, even if they profess to be so. The unequal distribution of resources
and responsibilities, together with the official and unofficial rules which
promote and legitimise this distribution, ensures that some institutional
actors have authority and control over others. These individuals then promote
practices which entrench their privileged position, and they are most likely to
resist change.

Social Relations Concept 3: Key institutions and their relations

State Household
Dimensions of

Community Market

Social Relations Approach Concept 4: Institutional gender policies

Naila Kabeer classifies policies into three types, depending on the degree to
which they recognise and address gender issues (see diagram next page).
Gender-blind policies: These recognise no distinction between the sexes.
Policies incorporate biases in favour of existing gender relations and therefore
tend to exclude women.
Gender-aware policies: These recognise that women as well as men are
development actors, and that they are constrained in different, often unequal,
ways as potential participants and beneficiaries in the development process.
They may consequently have differing and sometimes conflicting needs,
interests, and priorities. Gender-aware policies can be further sub-divided into
three policy types.
Gender-neutral policy approaches use the knowledge of gender differences in
a given society to overcome biases in development interventions. They aim to
ensure that interventions target and benefit both sexes effectively to meet their
practical gender needs. Gender-neutral policies work within the existing
gender division of resources and responsibilities.
Gender-specific policies use the knowledge of gender differences in a given
context to respond to the practical gender needs of either women or men; they
also work within the existing gender division of resources and responsibilities.

108 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Social Relations Concept 4: Gender policies
Gender-blind policies
(often implicitly male-biased)

Rethinking assumptions
Rethinking practices

Gender-aware policies

Gender neutral policies Gender-specific policies

(interventions intended (interventions intended to
to leave existing meet targeted needs of
distribution of resources women/ men, within the
and responsibilities existing distribution of
unchanged) resources and responsibilities)

Gender-redistributive policies
(interventions intended to transform existing distribution of resources and
responsibilities to create balanced gender relationship)

Gender-redistributive policies are interventions which intend to transform

existing distributions to create a more balanced relationship between women
and men. They may target both women and men, or only one group
specifically. Gender-redistributive policies touch on strategic gender interests;
they may work on women's practical gender needs, but do so in ways which
have transformatory potential, i.e. which help create supportive conditions for
women to empower themselves.
These different approaches are not mutually exclusive, and one may be a
precursor to another. For instance, in situations were gender-blind planning
has been the norm, moving towards gender-neutral policies would be a
significant shift forward. In some situations, it may be counter-productive to
start with gender-redistributive policies, and a better approach may be a
gender-specific policy, meeting practical needs.

Social Relations Approach Concept 5: Immediate, underlying and

structural causes
In analysing a situation in order to plan an intervention, this framework
explores the immediate, underlying, and structural factors which cause the
problems, and their effects on the various actors involved. The analysis can be
presented in a table (see table overleaf for an example), or as a written report
(see case study 2 for an example), as you prefer.

Social Relations Approach 109

Example of Social Relations Concept 5: Causes and effects
Long-term effects

Intermediate effects

Immediate effects

The core problem

Immediate causes at
household level
community level
market level
state level

Intermediate causes at
household level
community level
market level
state level

Structural causes at
household level
community level
market level
state level

Case studies of the Social Relations Approach

Case study 1: Poor people's access to credit in India - institutional

analysis and design of development intervention
This case study is adapted from a 1996 paper by Naila Kabeer and Ramya
Subrahmanian, of the Institute for Development Studies (IDS), University of
Sussex. They analysed the problems of the poor in relation to credit in India,
looking both at general and at gender-specific constraints which hamper poor
men's and women's access to formal credit institutions. This analysis was
used to spell out the consequences of this exclusion for their survival and well-
being. Kabeer and Subrahmanian first carried out an institutional analysis of
the causes and effects of reduced access to credit, using Concepts 3 and 5 of the
Social Relations Approach. The findings are shown in the table on p in.
In order to then plan an appropriate intervention, they chose a commonly
used evaluation tool, the Logical Framework (see pp 112-114). This tool helps
you decide how an intervention can effectively address the issues uncovered in
the institutional analysis. It makes you consider what you want to achieve, how
you will do it, and how you will know whether you have achieved it.

110 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Using Social Relations Concept 6: Causes and effects analysis
Long-term effects Indebtedness; vulnerability; impoverishment;
Women's disempowerment vis-a-vis men; gender inequalities
in physical well-being;

Intermediate effects Shortfalls in consumption; reduced capacity to recover from

Gender inequalities in distribution of consumption
shortfalls; increased dependence on male income;

Immediate effects Fluctuations in household income flows; resort to unreliable

or exploitative forms of credit;
Access to credit depends on sexual exploitation;

The core problem Lack of access to formal-sector credit;

Gender inequalities in gaining access to formal-sector

Immediate causes Lack of collateral ; lack of self-confidence; uncertain

Household level repayment capacity;
Intensified gender disadvantage for women regarding
collateral, self-confidence, and repayment capacity;
Constraints on women's social and physical mobility;

Bank level Collateral requirements; complex and inflexible procedures;

perceptions of poor people as high-risk borrowers;
Discriminatory official and unofficial barriers against
women; economic invisibility of women's enterprise;

Intermediate causes Low-productivity enterprises; uncertainty of returns;

Household level illiteracy; ignorance about banking procedures; class
distance from bank personnel; survival imperatives;
Intensified gender disadvantage for women in all the
aspects listed above; greater emphasis on survival in
women's enterprises;
Social isolation; physical distancing of women from bank
personnel; uncertain control over loans or the proceeds
from loans;

Bank level Risk-averse culture; perceived costs of lending to the poor;

class distance from the poor;
Ideological norms about female dependency; greater
perceived costs of lending to women; physical distancing
from women borrowers;

Structural causes Entrenched banking practices; unequal distribution of

Bank level assets; imperfect financial markets; inadequate educational
Household level Ideology of male breadwinner; gender-segmented labour
markets; gender-biased institutional practices; gender
inequalities in intra-household power relations.

Social Relations Approach 111

Case study 1: Designing a development intervention
Objectives Activities Indicators

Long-term objective

Ensuring regularised Meetings with bank Number of meetings;

access to institutional officials by groups' composition of group
credit for women and men representatives representation at
from low-income meetings; group
households preparation and outcome
of meetings

Agreement of bank Extent and nature of

procedures for lending to participation in designing
group-guaranteed bank procedures; gender-
members awareness of new bank

Phasing out of agency Institutional capacity of

support for groups groups (for example,
management skills,
democratic leadership
structures, equity in
participation at all levels,
financial viability, and

Expansion into wider Gender-disaggregated

range of enterprises by data on nature, viability
both men and women and success of enterprises;
women's participation in
non-traditional activities

Intermediate objective

Promotion of women's and Training members of older Gender-disaggregated

men's credit-management groups in leadership skills data on participation in
groups to invest their and more advanced forms training; impact of
self-generated capital of financial management training on women's and
funds productively in enterprise men's financial skills.
development and awareness, confidence,
management and management skills;
women-only groups in impact on productivity;
non-traditional skills women acquiring new,
and enterprises non-traditional skills;
wider range of enterprises
undertaken by women;

Dissemination of Outreach of information;

knowledge about bank gender-aware literature on
procedures banking procedures; use of

112 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Objectives Activities Indicators

different media; access of

illiterate and neo-literate
women and men to

Developing group-based Increased participation in

approaches to overcome distant markets; increased
mobility constraints access to and use of means
of transport; direct
interactions between group
representatives and
financial institutions

Building access to other Meetings between

technical departments of government departments
government and groups; successful
resolution of group demands

Immediate objective

Formation of separate self- Recruitment of male and Numbers of men and

help groups of poor women female staff and women at all levels of the
and men to promote fieldworkers organisation; egalitarian/
saving and lending for transformatory gender
self-identified needs division of labour within

Training of staff and Numbers of training

fieldworkers in group- programmes conducted,
information skills, extent of follow-up;
gender-awareness, and participation of male and
financial management female staff; attention to
gender content in training
programmes; changes in
practice as a result of

Construction of group's Number of centres; group

centre close to target members' satisfaction with
groups location of centres;
increase in women
members' participation in
group activities

Consultation with poorer

Adoption of sensitive and
members in developing
flexible rules of group
rules; group members'
saving and lending
satisfaction with rules;
increase in participation


Social Relations Approach 113

Objectives Activities Indicators

Immediate objectives by poorer members,

particularly women, in
group saving and lending;
reduced dependence on or
better terms from money

Training of group members Numbers of women and

in basic accounting skills men trained, application
of accounting skills by
members to relevant

Use of literacy and Use of examples with

numeracy for 'conscienti- transformatory potential
sation' around class and in training material full
gender issues for male and participation by women
female groups and men in the training;
changed perceptions and
practices attributable to
the training

Building group Adoption of processes/

responsibility for loan rules within group to
recovery manage default; improve-
ment in repayment rates

Case study 2: Issues facing disabled women in Lebanon - external

institutional analysis
The following case study (written by Lina Abu Habib, Project Officer in
Oxfam's Lebanon Programme, in June 1995) illustrates how Concept 3 of the
Social Relations Approach was used for planning purposes by Oxfam, to
achieve a wide-ranging analysis of gender and disability in Lebanon.
Institutional Analysis was carried out on both the external context and the
internal context in which Oxfam worked. However, what follows here is a
shortened version of the external analysis only.
After a brief description of attitudes to disability before Lebanon's civil war
(which lasted from 1975-90), each of the four institutions in Concept 3 of the
Social Relations Approach (state, market, community, and household) is
analysed, outlining the situation before, during, and after the civil war.

Background: external environment before the war

Disability was considered an affliction which must be borne by the disabled
person and his or her family. Disabled persons were almost totally

114 \ A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

marginalised from the public sphere. The state did not provide any significant
services, education, or employment. No organisations or unions of disabled
persons existed. Work with the disabled took place entirely within charitable
and religious institutions. No consideration was given to the special needs of
disabled women or women carers.

The war years
The state assumed some responsibility for the war-disabled as their number
increased visibly. The state had very conservative attitudes on disabled
persons' integration and independence. The deteriorating economic situation
led to a further decrease in the resources available for the disabled. No specific
attention was paid to disabled women.
The post-war period
As part of the general post-war reconstruction, rehabilitation, and moder-
nisation effort, some laws were reviewed, albeit very slowly. The National
Council for Disabled's Affairs was created, which officially recognises the
representation of disabled persons. At the level of public discourse, there was
a declared interest in disability issues. Some government bodies proved to be
open to issues of disability, and sympathetic to new interventions. Some
politicians came to hold progressive, avant-garde views on disability. But
issues perceived to be related to the arena of social affairs still remained low on
the state's priority list.

Before and throughout the war
Local labour laws and the labour market as a whole discriminated against
disabled persons. Both the public and the private sector were ill equipped to
employ or even accommodate people with disabilities. The economic crisis,
which escalated from 1986 onward, has further undermined disabled
persons' access to the employment market.
The post-war period
The state took small, localised, but decisive, steps towards the integration and
absorption of persons with disabilities into the public-service sector. However,
many persons with disabilities (particularly women and poor persons who
lack particular skills) remain excluded. Lobbying continues to change some
discriminatory laws (labour law, social security, and so on). There are
occasional nation-wide media campaigns which emphasise that disabled
persons are able, and have the right, to assume gainful employment.
Moreover, some efforts are made to promote access to employment through
training, credit schemes,and so on.

Social Relations Approach 115

Community/ NGOs
The war years
Emergency relief and service provision were considered priorities for NGOs.
People with disabilities organised in groups and managed to gain access to inter-
national funding agencies. Different NGOs were created, many with a large
constituency base. NGOs have succeeded in raising the profile of disability: for
example, the national media have become more concerned. NGOs themselves
have become aware that they need to develop lobbying and advocacy skills.
The post-war period
Some degree of grassroots mobilisation has been achieved. NGOs have an
increased ability to network locally and regionally. They have developed and
maintained links with key actors, decision makers, and some national fora.
There have been some successes in lobbying and advocacy - disability is now
on the official agenda. NGOs have expanded in size and in their scope of
programmes, although foreign funding is generally decreasing. NGOs place
more emphasis on collection and use of empirical data.
Big charitable institutions are still powerful and feel threatened by disabled
persons' NGOs. However, these have difficulties in working together and in
developing much needed professional competencies. They are still weak in
their planning and organisation, and there are obvious problems related to
leadership. Leadership positions are mainly assumed by disabled men.
The gender perspective within NGOs remains weak or tokenistic; indeed,
it is sometimes absent. Active disabled women are now seeking more
attention and consideration for the specific needs and situation of disabled
women. The reduced life chances for disabled people are worse in rural areas,
where there is almost no state intervention or NGO activity.

The household is the main location of care for people with disabilities. Women
are usually the main carers in the household, and they are least likely to be
provided with support and/ or compensation. Women are also least likely to be
the decision-makers in the household. Discrimination in access to resources
often starts in the household: a disabled person's access to material and non-
material resources largely depends on the main decision-maker's perception
of his or her life chances.
Disability affects the reproductive role of women. It thus undermines their
life chances considerably more than is the case for men with disabilities. A
woman or girl with a disability is perceived to be unable to maintain a
household and fulfil the roles of a 'proper' woman. Therefore, she is less likely
to marry than disabled men; which increases her parent's financial burden.
Women carers are often blamed for their children's disability.
Women with disabilities tend to be less mobile than men.

116 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Commentary on Social Relations Approach

Useful for many purposes, and at many levels
The Social Relations Approach can be used for many purposes, including
project planning and policy development. It can also be used at many levels,
even at the international level.
Raises awareness of the importance of institutional analysis and can be used
in training
The Social Relations Approach emphasises that institutional analysis is an
important part of an organisational commitment to gender, and enables an
organisation to translate an analysis into action.

Why it appeals
Gives a holistic analysis of poverty
The Social Relations Approach aims to give a fuller picture of poverty by
recognising and highlighting the interacting and cross-cutting inequalities of
class, gender, race, and so on. By doing so, the framework concentrates on
structural analysis, material poverty, marginalisation, and powerlessness, and
how those have evolved.
Aims to place gender at the centre of an entirely new framework for
development theory and practice
The Social Relations Approach is an attempt to develop a new framework for
development thinking - one where gender is central to the analysis. It is not an
attempt to develop an add-on methodology for gender, or a separate method of
analysis and planning which can only be used for projects focusing on women.
Concentrates on institutions
The Social Relations Approach offers a way of understanding how various
institutions inter-relate. Therefore it gives an insight into the roots of
powerlessness, poverty, and women's subordination; but it also shows that
institutions can bring about change. This framework concentrates on
institutional analysis and highlights that there is no such thing as a neutral
planner. Organisations using this framework are obliged to examine their
own institutional practices and culture, as part of any planning process.
links analysis at all levels
Each level of analysis is seen as linked to the others. The Social Relations
Approach makes clear that what goes on in the household can subvert
(deliberately or not) the policies of the state and market. It also shows that
policies and practice at the middle level of community/ organisations can
influence these relationships.

Social Relations Approach 117

Can be used in a dynamic analysis
Rather than giving a snapshot of gender roles at a particular point in time,
without discussing the processes which have led to this, the Social Relations
Approach can be used to highlight the processes of impoverishment and
empowerment, as shown in the case study of Lebanon.

Highlights gender relations and emphasises women's and men's different

interests and needs
The Social Relations Approach emphasises the connectedness of men and
women through their social relationships, as well as the ways in which these
affect them differently, as separate groups.

Potential limitations
Emphasises structure rather than agency
The analysis produced by using the Social Relations Approach tends to give an
impression of monolithic institutions, where change will be difficult. While
this is, in balance, probably true, it can lead to losing sight of the potential for
people to bring about change.

Gender may become subsumed in a complex examination of cross-cutting

inequalities, posing an obstacle for political action
This framework can be used to examine all the cross-cutting inequalities that
create institutional marginalisation. As such, women can get subsumed in
many individual categories of, say, class or sector. Where this is the case,
gender issues become fragmented within other issues of class, ethnicity,
religion, and so on.

Complexity may intimidate

The Social Relations Approach can seem complicated, detailed, and
demanding. Of course it is, like the complex reality it is encouraging users to
analyse. But concepts from the framework can be used in considerably
simplified form.
Adaptation: The institutional analysis can be performed using three rather
than five categories: rules, practices, and power (which is manifested through
the rules and practices).

Difficult to use with communities in a participatory way

The theoretical grasp necessary to distinguish between complex concepts such
as 'institution' and 'organisation' make the Social Relations Approach
unsuitable to use in a participatory way at community level.

Complexity means very detailed knowledge of context is needed

The framework is difficult to use fully in situations where there is not very
much information available.

118 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

In reality, institutions do not have definite boundaries
In real life, the institutions of state, market, community, and household
cannot be so neatly defined - there is overlap between them. It is critical to
understand that this neat distinction is merely a device to enable an analysis.
Difficulty in determining what is an institution
Some Oxfam staff have criticised the definition of the 'community' as an
institution, arguing that it is not an institution in the same way as the state and
the market. Others have raised the question of organisational forms which are
not institutions; for example, some organisational forms of cultural or
religious expression would more appropriately be defined as movements
rather than institutions.
Adaptation: Institutional analysis has been used to good effect on
institutions within the community, such as religious practices and laws.

Further reading
The Social Relations Approach is discussed in Reversed Realities: Gender
Hierarchies in Development Thought by Naila Kabeer, Verso 1994.
The framework is also set out in a paper entitled 'Institutions, Relations
and Outcomes: Framework and Tools for Gender-Aware Planning', Naila
Kabeer and Ramya Subrahmanian, IDS Discussion Paper 357, Brighton,
1996. Another version of the paper is available from Oxfam's Gender and
Learning Team on request.

Social Relations Approach 119


Anderson MB and Woodrow PJ (1989) Risingfromthe Ashes: Development

Strategies in Times ofDisaster, Westview Press, UNESCO, Paris. Second edition
by Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc, 1998.
Full details and case studies of the Capabilities and Vulnerabilities
Analysis method (CVA) used in dealing with emergencies. This method
begins from a basis of gender awareness and is an extremely useful tool.
Anderson MB and the UNHCR Senior Coordinator for Refugee Women
(1992) A Framework for People-Oriented Planning in Refugee Situations,
This is a practical planning tool for refugee workers, and draws on the
concepts of the gender-analysis framework published in Gender Roles in
Development Projects, Overholt et al (see separate entry). It introduces the three-
step framework analysing the refugee profile and context, activities comparing
what the refugees did before the emergency, and use and control of resources.
The framework is also presented in a UNHCR handbook People-Oriented
Planningat Work using POP to improve UNHCR programming, 1994. This is
more of a how-to-do manual, taking the reader through sector by sector (water,
sanitation, health) from emergencies to repatriation.
Buvinic, M 'Projects for Women in the Third World: Explaining their
Misbehaviour', in World Development, Vol 14 N0.5,1986.
Provides an interesting exploration of how different agendas have
informed proj ects for women, and how understanding these agendas explains
the fact that outcomes may be very different from those anticipated by
implementing organisations.
Canadian Council for International Co-operation (1991) Two Halves Make a
Whole: Balancing Gender Relations in Development, Canadian Council for
International Co-operation.
A very useful handbook of gender and development training, in five

sections including a general discussion of gender and development, gender
and development training, case studies, and evolution oftheories and practice.
The second part contains some material for training including activities
adapted from Harvard and Moser methods and sample formats for
workshops, while the third and fourth parts have some useful case study
presentations of the integration of gender into institutional programmes.
(Also includes a resources section.)
Kabeer N (1994) Reversed Realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought
Verso, London.
Kabeer N and Subrahmanian R (1996) 'Institutions, Relations and Outcomes:
Framework and Tools for Gender-Aware Planning', IDS Discussion Paper
357, Brighton. Another version available from Gender and Learning Team,
Oxfam, 274 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DZ.
This paper helps place the Social Relations Approach in context. It is
written using complex terminology, but is rich in analysis and examples.
Longwe, S (1995) 'Supporting Women's Development in the Third World:
Distinguishing between Intervention and Interference' in Gender and
Development Vol 3 no 1, Oxfam, Oxford.
Based on a paper presented to FINNIDA in Helsinki, 1989.
Molyneux, M 'Mobilisation without Emancipation? Women's Interests, States
and Revolution in Nicaragua', Feminist Studies 11,2,1985.
In this paper, Maxine Molyneux develops the idea of practical and strategic
gender interests which was later adapted by Caroline Moser in the Moser
Framework's use of practical and strategic gender needs.
Moser, C 'Gender Planning in the Third World: Meeting Women's Practical
and Strategic Needs', World Development, Vol 17, No.11,1989.
In this article, Caroline Moser outlined the Moser Framework.
Moser, Caroline Gender Planning and Development. Theory, practice and
Training, Routledge, UK/ USA, 1993.
This is a key text for understanding the Moser Framework. It outlines the
theory and practice her gender planning methods, and includes an appendix
on the methodology and content of gender-planning training.
Overholt C, Anderson MB, Cloud K, and Austin JE (1985) Gender Roles in
Development Projects: A Case Book, Kumarian Press, West Hartford, USA.
Used in training a number of international agencies such as the World
Bank, the US agency for International Development (USAID), and the
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), it is the basic
theoretical tool for the Harvard method. Thefirstsection provides background
reading in technical areas concerning women and development and
introduces an overall framework for project analysis. The second section is

Bibliography 1 2 1
case studies intended as a vehicle for group discussion.
Sen, G and Grown, C DAWN (1985) 'Development Crises & Alternative
Visions', Third World Women's Perspectives, Earthscan.
Williams S with Seed J, and Mwau A (1995) Oxfam Gender Training Manual,
Oxfam GB, Oxford.
Contains a wide variety of exercises to use in training on gender
frameworks. Its sections include: key concepts, gender awareness, gender
roles and needs, gender sensitive appraisal and planning, gender and global
issues, working with women and men. An excellent and comprehensive
collection of gender training exercises tried and tested over ten years of
Oxfam's work on gender and development.

122 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

Appendix: The gender policy and
planning programme (GPPP) at the
Development Planning Unit (DPU),
University College London

The following section describes how the tools of the Moser Framework (see
chapter 2.3) have been adapted in the past 12 years. This introduction is based
on DPU Gender Policy and Planning Training Materials (1997) and has been
compiled with the help of Fra von Massow and Caren Levy.

The DPU's rationale for gender policy and planning

For planning purposes, the DPU recognise the need to disaggregate categories
such as 'household', 'community', 'target group', and so on. It is also
necessary to analyse the gender division of labour and to identify the different
household structures which exist beyond the nuclear household.
In addition, the DPU recognise that women and men, and girls and boys
have different gender roles and different access to and control over resources;
therefore, they have different gender needs. These can be practical gender
needs (PGNs) or strategic gender needs (SGNs). These are reflected in
different policy approaches to development.

Gender roles
Moser defines gender as the socially constructed relations between women
and men in a particular context. In her analysis, she concentrates on the 'triple
role' of women (reproductive, productive, and community management). The
DPU framework aims to understand the social, economic, and political
relations between women and men to identify the 'multiple roles' of women
and men. Men's gender roles are identified and included in the analysis.
The DPU framework replaces Moser's category of 'community politics'
with that of'constituency-based polities', in order to incorporate women's and

men's activities not only at community level but also at the national and
international levels. The constituency-based politics role is 'undertaken on
behalf of interest-based constituencies, within traditional structures, party
politics, and/ or lobbying/ campaigning groups' (DPU GPPP, 1997).

The DPU's methodology analyses women's and men's access to and control
over resources in their reproductive, productive, community-managing, and
constituency-based politics roles before identifying gender needs.
The analysis of resources (such as food, health-care, productive resources,
information, and access to political structures) recognises that negotiating and
decision-making processes reflect power relations between women and men.
Women and girls often have unequal access in the distribution of resources,
for consumption as well as production, within and outside the household.

Gender needs
In the DPU methodology, gender needs are identified following an analysis of
roles and resources. Although Moser's definition (see pp 57-58) remains
largely valid, the DPU's GPPP shows a significant shift towards identifying
men's gender needs in the context of inequitable gender relations and
women's subordination. The following are current DPU definitions:
Practical Gender Needs (PGNs): These are 'the needs identified by women
and men which arise out of the customary gender division oflabour. PGNs are
a response to immediate perceived necessity, identified within a specific
context. They are often concerned with inadequacies in living conditions such
as water provision, health care, and employment' (DPU, GPPP Training
Materials 1997 adapted from Molyneux, M. (1985) and Moser, C. (1993)).
Strategic Gender Needs (SGNs): These needs 'reflect a challenge to the
customary gender relations and imply a change in relationships of power and
control between women and men. Those SGNs which women identify arise
from women's recognition of, and challenge to, their subordinate position in
relation to men in their society; for example, regarding equal access to
employment, equal pay, equal legal rights. Those SGNs which men identify
arise from men's recognition of and challenge to their exclusion from certain
domains imposed by customary male roles, which contribute to the
perpetuation of women's subordination, for example, sharing childcare.
SGNs are context-specific' (DPU, GPPP Training Materials 1997 adapted
from Molyneux, M. (1985) and Moser, C. (1993))-

Policy approaches to development, women, and gender

This tool helps to analyse the intention behind development interventions. It
diagnoses the degree to which institutions reflect and promote gender equality
both internally and in their work. It does so by identifying both 'explicit' and

'implicit' policy towards women/ gender. The tool also helps its users
differentiate between the intentions of various macro-level policy approaches
and their actual impact on women and men, girls and boys.
The DPU has identified ten different policy approaches, each categorised
in terms of which gender roles and resources they focus on and which gender
needs they meet. The categories also list in what climate of prevalent political
and economic thought the various policy approaches have mainly been used.
the pre-WID welfare approach (1940S-60S) under accelerated economic
the WID equity approach and
the WI D anti-poverty approach (1970s) under distribution with growth
and basic-needs policies;
the WID efficiency approach (1980S/90S) under structural adjustment
and economic efficiency measures;
the emancipation approach (1940-1989) under state socialist
the empowerment approach (1970s onwards) under the New
International Economic Order;
the GAD integration approach (1980S/90S) under social sustainability
with economic and political reform.
More recently, the DPU has added the following policy approaches to
gender which reflect the changed policy climate in the 1990s.
the GAD efficiency approach;
the GAD equity approach; and
the GAD anti-poverty approach, under social sustainability with economic
adjustment and political reform. This approach aims to alleviate poverty
while increasing production and employment.

The web of institutionalisation

The 'web of institutionalisation' is the central tool in the DPU's gender policy
and planning methodology. This is a tool developed by Caren Levy based on
the DPU's work with practitioners and activists at local, national, and
international levels (Levy, C. 1996). The 'web' is used to assess how the gender
perspective is currently institutionalised in a particular context. It identifies at
least 13 elements which are crucial to the process of institutionalisation. Each
element represents a 'site of power' of social relations, and the elements relate
to each other in a set of reinforcing triangles, which make up the web (see

Appendix 125
Figure 3). The various elements are outlined below. Each element, and its
relation to other elements, is diagnosed using the adaptation of Moser's and
Molyneux's concepts: the analysis of gender roles, resources, and policy
approaches provide a basic language for carrying out the web diagnosis.
Based on these concepts, the diagnosis of the web identifies problems (i.e.,
weak or no gender integration) and potentials (to integrate gender). The final
step in the preliminary gender diagnosis is to prioritise the problems and
potentials, and to clarify starting points for action. Thus, gender diagnosis is
an initial component of the DPU's gender policy and planning process.

The elements in the web of institutionatisation

There is no sequence for applying the web in practice: one can start anywhere.
This example of the web begins with women and men in 'communities'11
themselves. The first element in this example is women's and men's experience
and interpretation ofreality (rather than that of outside planners).
In order to achieve sustainable change, women's and men's experience
must be expressed through collective action in the political arena. Through
raising awareness and mobilisation, women and men can initiate collective
action on particular gender interests, forming new political constituencies or
joining existing ones, thus creating pressure of political constituencies. People
face a range of gender, class, age, or ethnic constraints, as well as
opportunities, which will shape such action (see Moser 1989).
In addition, women and men must be able to elect and/ or actively engage
with representative political structures within the formal political system;
otherwise, their interests will remain outside formal politics. 'Representative'
here means that the profile of the representatives in terms of gender, ethnicity,
and so on reflects the profile of a population in a given context. It also means
that the representatives reflect the practical and strategic gender interests of
the women and men they represent.
The three elements outlined above reinforce each other (see Figure 1); this
is critical for sustained change.
Pressure of political constituencies and representative political structures
needs to be supported by political commitment: the public articulation of a
political intent or stand. This sets the tone for action, which others either

DPU Figure 1: One triangle in the web of institutionalisation

Pressure of Representative
political constituencies political structures

Women and men's experience

and interpretation of their reality

126 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

DPU Figure 2: Two triangles in the web of institutionalisation
Political commitment

Pressure of Representative
political constituencies political structures

Women and men's experience

and interpretation of their reality

support or oppose. Thus, the initial triangle overlaps with a second triangle of
elements (see Figure 2 above). The resulting web diagram can be 'read' to see
the way in which the various elements reinforce each other.
Figure 3 shows the relationships between various triangles, and includes
further elements of the web, which are explained in the following.

DPU Figure 3: The web of institutionalisation

Resources Mainstream location

of responsibility

Political Commitment Procedures

Pressure of Representative Staff

political political development
constituencies structures

Women's and Delivery of

men's experience programmes Methodology
and interpretation and projects
of their reality

Research -Theory-building

Appendix 127
The test of political commitment is whether it is translated into policy and
resources. In the web, neither integrated policies or separate policies are seen as
enough by themselves: resources support policy. All too often, the financial
support allocated to gender policy is minuscule compared to budgets for other
policy areas. Gender integration implies the use of existing policy and
programmes, but in a gender-aware way. Nevertheless, new and current
resources to promote and maintain this kind of integration are critical. For
example, a budget might be created for training and demonstration projects.
The allocation of resources and the creation and enactment of policy
depend fundamentally on the mainstream location of responsibility for gender
issues. An gender-aware approach such as WID/ GAD can easily be
marginalised if a specific institution is created for it. All associated institutions
must be given responsibility for integrating gender concerns into their remit.
Integration must not be left to the WID/ GAD department or ministry.
Responsibility for gender issues in the institution, including adherence to
gender policies, must be reinforced by gendered procedures (routine daily
activities and documents, such as terms of reference). Again, it is not
sufficient to have WID/GAD procedures in isolation from the 'mainstream'
procedures of the institution. Mainstream procedures must be made gender-
aware, and this again must be seen as the responsibility of each part of an
organisation or institution. Gender-blind procedures can quickly undermine
individual commitment or gender-aware policies.
This analysis leads to a central triangle in the web, which links policy,
procedures, and staff development. Both policy and procedures will be limited
without the appropriate staffdevelopment, including training in gender policy
and planning for both women and men, as well as equal opportunities in
recruitment, access to training, promotion, and so on. Effective staff
development requires a dear methodology; that is, a methodology which has a
clear rationale for integrating gender into development practice as well as tools
for applying this in the work of practitioners. Policy, procedures and training
for staff reinforce each other - training on its own does not change practice in
a sustained way. Because of existing gender power relations, gender training
in the absence of clear gendered policies and procedures is a waste of time.
Another aspect of staff development is the progress of women and men
workers through their organisation; this depends mainly on the working
conditions in the organisation. Again, it seems to be the case that both separate
and integrated affirmative action is required, rather than one or the other.
However, if staff development and appropriate methodology do not result
in the actual 'delivery' of programmes and projects12 which meet the needs of
women and men, then programmes and projects are unsuccessful, and the
institutionalisation of gender has failed. This element is a pivotal point linked
to a number of reinforcing triangles in the web - see Figure 3. For instance, a
supportive policy environment is critical for good 'delivery'.

128 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

For effective institutionalisation of gender issues in development
organisations, not onlyprofessionals and practitioners must be involved, but
also women and men from the communities the organisation works with.
Furthermore, if programmes and projects are to relate to women and men's
experience and their interpretation of reality, their interests and needs must be
reflected in making decisions through their active involvement in
representative political structures. These would include structures at all levels:
the national, the local, and the programme level.
Effective 'delivery' must respond to changes in women's and men's
experience, and to the way in which they interpret such change. Applied
research can be a critical reinforcing element here. For example, gender-
sensitive participatory-research techniques can empower men and women in
communities and promote the 'ownership' of activities, as well as act as
monitoring and feedback mechanisms to improve programmes and projects.
Finally, applied research contributes to a body of knowledge about the
integration of gender issues in the practice of policy and planning. It adds to
theory-building on gender and the development of methodology. Furthermore,
methodology reinforces not only research but also practice, and strengthens
the education of the next generation of practitioners and researchers.

Gender mainstreaming in practice

Recognising both the resistance and opportunities to gender integration
which emerge from particular power relations in specific contexts, the DPU's
framework puts forward a gender policy and planning process which is an
iterative, rather than a linear, process.
While carrying out gender diagnosis using the web of institutionalisation
is an initiating part of this process, diagnosis is a continuous process and
constantly interacts with another component of the gender policy and
planning process: gender consultation. Using a variety of methods, gender
consultation involves dialogue with the women and men of a community to
define their own gender needs, as well as dialogue and advocacy with women
and men involved in organisations working in a particular context. Problems,
potentials, and prioritisation of goals are refined during this consultation.
On the basis of the gender diagnosis and gender consultation, entry points
for action are identified by developing working objectives and entry strategies.
These widen the opportunities for integrating gender issues through putting
the process of gender diagnosis and gender consultation into practice. Two
further components of the gender policy and planning process are
organisational development and monitoring and impact assessment. These
four components are iteratively linked, and continuously interact.Thus the
gender policy and planning process develops alongside organisational ways of
working to institutionalise or 'mainstream' a gender perspective in
development practice.

Appendix I 129
DPU Gender Policy and Planning Programme Training Materials, 1997
Levy, C. 1996 The Institutionalisation of Gender Policy and Planning, The
Web of Institutionalisation, DPU Working Paper No 74
DPU News 1998

130 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks


1 This definition is intended to contain the notion of sustainability in the

changes brought to the practices of formal institutions, in other words it
encompasses the idea of institutionalisation (Levy 1996). Thus the two terms
(institutionalisation and mainstreaming) remain distinguishable by the
emphasis that 'institutionalisation' puts on the sustainability of changes,
though for some the two are synonymous (Byrne and Laier 1996).
2 This definition is the one Caren Levy offers for 'tools' (Levy 1996,4).
3 'Gender' has been used in this sense in Europe and North America for about
the past 25 years, since the publication of Ann Oakley's book Sex and Gender
in 1971. Prior to this, 'gender' was only used in its other, older, meaning of a
grammatical term used in the study of language. Many dictionaries still limit
themselves to including only this definition.
4 Maxine Molyneux first coined the distinction between the terms 'practical'
and 'strategic' using the concept of gender interests. Caroline Moser then
adapted this distinction for planning, using the concept of gender needs.
These different terms signify a difference in approach. The term 'needs' has
been criticised as suggesting that women are passive recipients of assistance
determined by external planners. In contrast, 'interests' is a more active
concept, because it implies that women themselves define their demands.
5 This case study is a synopsis of a much longer case-study in Kabeer 1994,
P273. Kabeer illustrates her point by examining a case study from Anne-Marie
Goetz's 1989 paper titled 'Misbehaving Policy: A Feminist Analysis of
Assumptions Informing a Project for Women Fish-smokers in Guinea',
presented at the Canadian Association of Africa Scholars' Annual Meeting,
Queen's College, Kingston, Ontario.
6 Note, here a third category of activities (socio-political) has been added to the

Harvard Analytical Framework, as an adaptation of Moser's (1986) triple role
7 See Kabeer 1994, p 277, for further discussion.
8 Rani Parker developed the GAM when she was on staff at Save the Children
Federation and wrote it during her employment at The Salvation Army World
Service Office. She is now an independent consultant on gender and
9 This case study is based on a trip to Chile by Candida March undertaken for
Oxfam in March 1992.
10 The Logical Framework 'is a tool to aid project (and programme) planning
and management, especially management at strategic and institutional level'
(Wiggins S and Shields D 'Logical Framework' in Project Appraisal vol 10 noi
March 1995, pp 2-12).
11 Community is used here not as an undifferentiated unit, but with the
recognition of the heterogeneity and diversity of communities on the basis of
class, ethnicity, religion, age as well as gender.
12 'Delivery' is put in quotation marks, as the term might imply a top-down
activity and this is not the intention.


access refugees 45
and control 34,41,50, 52,100 society 9
credit 110-14 autonomy 66
education 42 awareness-raising 63,74,126
equality 84, 93,94,96-7
resources 19,48,49,70,124 .beliefs, gender roles 80
Access and Control Profile, Harvard benefits
Analytical Framework 34,41 bottom-up approach 74
Activities Analysis, People Oriented gender relations 47
Planning 45-6 resources 34
Activity Profile, Harvard Analytical boys, household work 39
Framework 33,39-40 Buvinic, Maya 11
age factors 34
altruism 23,105 Canadian Council for International
analysis Co-operation 55
bottom-up 74 Canadian International
dynamic 118 Development Agency 43
thoroughness 49 capacities
top-down 49,59 gender 79-80
see also gender analysis highlighted 90
Anderson, Mary B. 43 motivational/attitudinal 80,86-7
anti-poverty approach 60 physical/material 79,83-5
applied research 129 social/organisational 86
assumptions and values 22 and vulnerabilities 78,79
attitudes Capacities and Vulnerabilities
capacities/vulnerabilities Analysis framework 27,78-9,81
80,86-7 case study 83-8
community 35 categories of capabilities/
host country 45 vulnerabilities 79-81

commentary on 89-91 colonial oppression 60
complex reality 81-3,89 commentary 31
with Harvard Analytical Capacities and Vulnerabilities
Framework/POP 90 Analysis Framework 89-91
imitations 90-1 Gender Analysis Matrix 74-7
participation 91 Harvard Analytical Framework
in use 88 48-53
case studies 30-1 Moser Framework 63-7
Capacities and Vulnerabilities People Oriented Planning 48-52,
Analysis framework 83-8 53-4
Gender Analysis Matrix 71-3 Social Relations Approach 117-19
Harvard Analytical Framework Women's Empowerment
38-42 (Longwe) Framework 99-100
Moser Framework 61-2 commitment, political 127
Sierra Leone refugees 83-8 communication 27,48
Social Relations Approach 110-16 community 77,132nio
Women's Empowerment attitude to development workers
(Longwe) Framework 95-9 35
change cohesion 53
assessed 89 control 54
institutional 106,126,131m co-operation 50
labour 70,73 development interventions
natural order 20 70,71
refugees 43 disabled people 116
resistance to 67,75,76 dynamics 52
socio-cultural 70 gender 68,81
sustainable 126,131m as institution 104-5, ll9
time factor 52,53,66,70,75,82 norms 35,44
see also transformation organisation of 73
Changing Perceptions: writings on participation 68-9,74,129
gender and development project contribution 71
(Longwe) 93 services 105
checklist, Harvard Analytical social relations 80,81-2
Framework 36-8,42 vulnerable members 76
child trafficking 86 community-based development
children workers 74
care 65 community health programmes
play 87 83,85,87-8
Chile, fishing community 959 community-managing activities
civil war 114 57-65
class 65-6,82 community politics 57
collective action 15,126 community work 56
collective participation 94 confidence 82

134 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

consdentisation, equality 93,94,97 Development Planning Unit,
context analysis 27 University College London
control 55-123
and access 34,41, 50, 52,100 DPU framework 12-13,2^
in community 54 web of institutionalisation 28,
equality 93, 94, 97,100 66,125-9
institutions 108 development policy and planning
co-operation 50,105 Gender and Development 9
credit 39,41,110-14 institutions 105-6
crisis, and disaster 79 Women in Development 9
cultural values 14,27,52 diet supplements 87
disabled people 84,114-16
data collection 48,76 disasters 78,79,89
decision-making discrimination
. complexity 50 against disabled 115,116
equal participation 93 empldyment 19
household 58, 62 institutional 58
social 80 labour laws 115
women 19, 97 disease, refugees 84
delivery concept 128-9 distribution of resources 43
demography 35,44 DPU: see Development Planning
development Unit
empowerment 99 dynamic analysis 118
enabling 92
gender issues 9,15,18 economic conditions 35,45
increasing human well-being education
103 access 42
responsibility 102 girls' attendance 39
vulnerabilities/capacities 78 labour division 35
development interventions 112-14 refugees 45,83,87
community 70,71 strategic/ practical 66
household 70 women 96
long-term 79 efficiency approach 25-6,32,60;
men 69 see also Women in Development
practical gender needs 58 emergency relief 27, 80;
short-term 54,79 see also disasters
women's involvement 35, 69 employment discrimination 19
development organisations empowerment 60
commitment to equality 93 and development 99
cultural bias 27 gender-analysis framework goal
male gender identity 26 25-6
political processes 11 gender needs 62,99
radicalism 14 women 9,20,25-6, 27, 60, 90

Index 135
see also Women's Empowerment labour division 17,18-19,26,45,
(Longwe) Framework 48,56-7,58,73,95-6,107
environmental management 42 mainstreamed 10-12,13,117,
equality 8, 9,15,100 129-30
access 84,93,94,96-7 migration patterns 42
conscientisation 93,94,97 position in society 19
control 93,94,97,100 power relations 17,18,24-5,27,
levels of 93-4, 96-7, 98 50,51
of opportunity 94 protection 45,85
participation 49-50, 93, 97 resources 32
wages 97 and sex 17-18,94
welfare 93, 94,96 violence 58,75, 97
equity approach 59-60 waged work 42
evaluation 27,59-60,62; see also gender analysis 18
commentary gender-analysis framework 8-9
exclusion 21,104,107 choice 22-3,26-8
commentary 31
facilitator, Gender Analysis Matrix comparisons 11-12, 23-6
68,70,76 efficiency/ empowerment 25-6
family/kinship 104-5; flexibility 23
see also household goal 25-6,27,30
family labour 39,65 key concepts 17,30
feminism 14,102 limitations 28
Field, Sukey 63 mainstreaming gender 10-12
fish-smoking project 24 planner's role 26
fishing community in Chile 95-9 social relations/roles 23-4
food distribution 58,84 time factor 23
A Frameworkfor People-Oriented in use 14,27-8, 63
Planning in Refugee Situations Gender Analysis Matrix 68-9
Taking Account of Women case study 71-3
(Anderson, Brazeau and commentary 74-7
Overholt) 43 facilitator 68,70,76
four levels of society 69-70
GAD: see Gender and Development gender relations 75
Gell, Fiona 83-8 group discussion 70-1
gender 18,131 n3 limitations 76-7
benefits from credit and men 26, 69
extension programmes 41 project objectives 72
capacities/vulnerabilities 79-80 training manual 77
community 68,81 transformation 74
development work 9,15,18 in use 70-1
Harvard Analytical Framework Gender Assessment Study 51
34 gender-aware policies 21,49,108

136 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

gender-awareness 60-1,91, 94, 97 analysis 23,24
gender-blind policies 21,108,109 beliefs 80
Gender and Development (GAD) DPU 123-4
approach 9-10,55,127 men 124
gender diagnosis 126 money handling 73
gender equality 8, 9,15,49-50,100 Moser 123-4
gender identity, men 26 stereotypes 107
gender inequalities 9,102-3,107 time factor 34
gender integration 10,12-13,55,128 triple role 56-7,59, 61, 62, 64-5,
gender interests, practical/strategic 123-4
19,20,21,131114 Gender Roles in Development Projects
gender issues (Overholt, Anderson, Austin and
development policy and planning Cloud) 32
9.15. l 8 Gender Roles Framework: see
excluded 90 Harvard Analytical Framework
subsumed 118 gender-specific policies 14,21,49,
gender needs 108
assessment 57-8, 61 gender training 75-6
empowerment 62,99 Gender Training Manual 38,93
men 20,21,28,66, gendered procedures 127-8
practical/ strategic 57-8,63-4, girls
99,108,123,124-5 education 39
and women's needs 66 household work 39
gender-neutrality 21,48,49,50, governments, women's issues 10
105-6,108,109 greenhouses 96, 97
Gender Planning and Development: group discussion 70-1
theory, practice and training Guinea
(Moser) 55 fish-smoking project 24
gender policy and planning method Sierra Leone refugees 83-8
gender-redistributive policies Habib, Lina Abu 114
21, 90,109 Harvard Analytical Framework
gender relations 18,103 23,24,25,32
analysis 24-5 Access and Control Profile 34,41
assessing changes 89 Activity Profile 33,39-40
benefits for women 47 adaptation 51
Gender Analysis Matrix 75 and Capacities and
highlighted 119 Vulnerabilities Analysis
power 27,50 Framework 90
practical needs 73 case study 38-42
transforming 49 checklist 36-8,42
and wealth 23 commentary on 48-53
gender roles 19 gender 34

Index 137
Influencing Factors 35-6,42 institutions
language 28 activities 106-7
Harvard University, International authority 108
Relief and Development Project blurred boundaries 119
78 change 106,126,131m
health care 58; see also community community as 104-5,119
health programmes control 108
homogeneous groups discrimination 58
24,51-2,54,100 exclusion/inclusion 107
household gender policies 108-9
co-operation 50 inter-relatedness 105-6,117
decision-making 58,62 neutrality 50,105-6
development interventions 70 official ideology 105
disabled people 116 refugees 44
female-headed 39,84 resources 107
poverty 39 rules 106,107
household work 39 social relations 106-8
housing 58,83 structures 35
human well-being 103 sustainable change 126,131m
humanitarian interventions 78,89 web of instirutionalisation 28,
identity, gender 26 inter-relatedness 50,105-6,117
ideology interests
neutrality 105 and needs 20,64,131114
Women's Empowerment practical/ strategic 19, 20,21,
(Longwe) Framework 99,100 131113
income generation 58,86,87 International Committee of the
India, credit access 110-14 Red Cross 86,87
Indonesia Forestry Project 38-42,61 International Relief and
inequality Development Project, Harvard
Capacities and Vulnerabilities University 78
Framework 9 0 intervention: see development
gender 9,102-3, I O 7 intervention; humanitarian
Harvard Analytical Framework intervention
49 isolation 104
Moser Framework 63, 65-6
People Oriented Planning 4 9 Kabeer, Naila 14,21, 24,49, 65,
Influencing Factors, Harvard 102,103,105,106,108, no
Analytical Framework 35-6,42 Kanji, Nazneen 63
Institute of Development Studies, kinship 86,104-5
Sussex University 102
institutional analysis 76,104-5,106, labour
114,117-18 changes 70,73

138 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

family 39, 65 patriarchal societies 9
skills 70 reproductive work 57
waged 39,41,42,84,85 resistance to mainstreaming
see also work gender 10
labour division as separate group 24
changing 73 violence 58,75, 97
gendered 17,18-19,26,45,48, see also labour division, gendered
567.58.73> 95-6.107 men-women relationship 21,24,
labour laws, discrimination 115 65,119
land ownership 41,86 methodology 8, n
land-use profile 39 migration patterns, gender 42
language 28,48, 64 missing persons 87
leadership training, women 97 Molyneux, Maxine 20, 57
Lebanon 114-16 money handling 73
legal factors 35,45 monitoring 27
Levy, Caren 55,125 Moser, Caroline n , 20,55
life chances 116 Moser Framework 13, 23, 24, 26
living conditions 19,57-8 case study 61-2
Logical Framework n o , i32nio commentary 63-7
London University, DPU 55,123 gender needs assessment 57-8,61
Longwe, Sara 20,23,92,93; gender roles identification/
see also Women's Empowerment triple role 56-7
(Longwe) Framework language 28
with other frameworks 48
macro-level analysis 76, 90 tools 123
mainstreaming gender 10-12,13,117 WID/GAD Policy Matrix
male gender identity 26; 59-60, 62
see also men women's involvement in
marginalisation planning 60-1, 62
disabled 114-15 see also Development Planning
WID/GAD 127 Unit
market 104-5, IO7> IX5 motivational factors,
men capabilities/vulnerabilities
community politics 57 80, 86-7
development interventions 69 mudslides 79
dual role 56
gender needs 20, 21,28, 66, National Council for Disabled's
131114 Affairs 115
gender roles 124 national welfare 105
gender training 75-6 natural order, changing 20
killed/ absent 85 needs
needs/ interests ignored 100 gender/women's 66
participation 49-50 immediate 79

Index 139
and interests 20,64,131114 Framework 23,24,27,43-4
practical/ strategic 66,71, aims 43
see also gender needs with Capacities and
neo-colonialism 60 Vulnerabilities Framework 90
neutrality 50,105-6 commentary on 48-52,53-4
NGOs (non-government components 44-7
organisations) Refugee Population Profile and
anti-poverty approach 60 Context Analysis 44-5
disabled people 116 Use and Control of Resources
disaster situations 78 Analysis 46-7
gender perspective 116 physical factors, capacities/
policy awareness 105-6 vulnerabilities 79-80,83-5
social/psychological factors 89 planning
as debate 56
oppression 60, 92; gender analysis 26-7
see also subordination intersectoral 59
organisational factors, Moser Framework 63
capacities/vulnerabilities 80 participatory 68
orphans 45,86 responses 89
Ouled Hamouda, potable water transformatory 63, 99
provision 71-3 women's involvement 60-1,62
Oxfam policies 20-1
gender integration 12-13 gender-aware 21,49,108
Gender Training Manual 38, 93 gender-blind 21,108,109
Lebanon Programme 114 gender-neutral 21,48,49,
Sierra Leone refugees 108,109
83, 85, 87-8 gender-redistributive 21, 90,109
gender-specific 14, 21,49,108
Parker, Rani 68,70,77, policy approach 59-60, 64, 67,125
participation politics 35,45, 57,124
Capacities and Vulnerabilities polygamous marriages 85
Analysis framework 91 population, mobility 86;
collective 94 see also demography
community 68-9,74,129 position, gender-based 19
equality 49-50, 93,97 poverty
planning 68 access to credit 110-14
refugees 43-4 exclusion 104
Social Relations Approach 118 highlighted 119
time factor 34, 60 holistic analysis 117
women 35,49-50,59-61,62 household 39
patriarchal societies 9 Indonesia 38
Pearson, Ruth 14 isolation 104
People Oriented Planning oppression/exploitation 92

140 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

refugees 45 refugee committees 86,87
power relations Refugee Population Profile and
funders/ community members Context Analysis 44-5
11 refugees
gender integration 55 attitudes 45
gender relations 17,18,24-5,27, change 43
50,51 disease 84
gendered procedures 128 participation 43-4
institutions 108 People Oriented Planning 43
transformed 58 psychological stress 86,87
triple role 64-5 psycho-social support 87-8
see also empowerment; registration 83,87
men-women relationship from Sierra Leone 83-8
productive work 18-19 survival strategies 86-7
Harvard Analytical Framework traders 84,85
representation 87,126
Moser Framework 56, 64 reproductive health services 58
and reproduction 64, 65,103 reproductive work 19
women 60, 96-7 disabled people 116
profit maximisation 105 gender-analysis framework 22
project trap 14-15 Harvard Analytical Framework
projects 33-4
community contribution 71 men 57
diagnosis of wants/ needs 97 Moser Framework 64,65
Gender Analysis Matrix 72 women 56,57
planning analysis 44 research, applied 129
project-cycle analysis 36-8 resistance to change 67,75,76
targetting men 26 resource analysis 124
prostitution 85 resources 53
protection 45, 85 access 19,48,49,70,124
psychological stress 86, 87,89 benefits 34
psycho-social support, refugees 87-i context 65
control 19,41,48,49,58, 62,
race 65-6 70,124
radicalism 14 distribution 43
Rahman, Tahmina 90 gender allocation 32
rattan products 41 Harvard Analytical Framework
reality, complex 81-3, 89 34
recognition, levels of 93, 94-5, 98 institutions 107
redistributive potential 20; provision/ maintenance 57
see also gender-redistributive tangible/ intangible 24-5,46-7,
policies 75. IO3-4
reforestation 39 time 25

Index 141
responsibility, self-development 102 commentary 117-19
Reversed Realities: Gender Hierarchies in development/well-being 103
Development Thought (Kabeer) 102 gender relations 24
Risingfrom the Ashes: Development institutional analysis 13,28,
Strategies in Times of Disaster 104-5
(Anderson and Woodrow) 78 institutional gender policies
roles: see gender roles 108-9
rules, institutions 106,107 limitations 118-19
participation 118
sanitation 83 social relations 103-4
self-empowerment 25-6,96 time factor 23
self-reliance 60,83 socialist feminism 102
services 43,58,105 society
sex, and gender 17-18,94 attitudes 9
sexual coercion 84 decision-making 80
Sierra Leone refugees levels 69-70,82-3
case study 83-8 resources 24
counselling services 87 roles 9,23-4
motivational/ attitudinal factors socio-cultural factors 70
86 socio-political profile, women 51
physical/ material factors 83-5 sociology, gender 18
recommendations 87-8 specialist teams, gender integration
social/ organisational factors 10
85-6 staff development, gender
wage labour 84,85 integration 128
women's skills 85 state 104-5, n 5
skills 70,85 status 19,23,50,73
social categories 23,35,44 status quo 66,90
social factors 9,42,70,80,86 strategies
social justice 9 long-term 79, 89
social relations for survival 86-7
Capacities and Vulnerabilities structural factors 109-10
Analysis 81-2 subordination of women 22,56,60,
gender-analysis framework 23-4 67.74.77
institutions 106-8 Subrahmanian, Ramya 102, n o
interactions 89 support groups, gendered violence
rebuilding 87 75
Social Relations Approach 103-4 Sussex University, Institute of
structural 103-4 Development Studies 102
vulnerability 82 Sweetman, Caroline 75-6
Social Relations Approach 102-3
case studies 110-16 time factor
causes and effects 109-10,111 changes 52,53,66,70,75,82

142 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

excluded ioo motivational/ attitudinal 86
gender-analysis frameworks 23 physical 79, 83-4
resources 25 social/ organisational 85-6
women's participation 34, 60 and society 82
tools for development 11 see also Capacities and
tracing missing families 87 Vulnerabilities Analysis
training 35,45,48
training manual, Gender Analysis wage labour 39,41,42,84,85;
Matrix 77 see also work
transformation wages 97
Gender Analysis Matrix 74 war-disabled 115
gender relations 49 water provision 58, 83,71-3
Moser Framework 56 wealth, gender relations 23
planning 63, 99 Web of Institutionalisation
power relations 58 28, 66,125-9
water supply project 73 welfare 59, 93, 94, 96,105
transformatory potential concept 20 well-being 103
triple role concept 56-7,59,61, WID: see Women in Development
62,64-5,123-4 women
Tunisian Foundation for autonomy 66
Community Development 71 bereaved 85
Two Halves Make a Whole: Balancing collective action 15 .
Gender Relations in Development community-management 57, 65
38,55 credit/savings schemes 39
decision-making 19, 80, 97
unemployment 96 development interventions
UNHCR 43, 83 35.69
UNIFEM Guinea fish-smoking disabled 114-16
project 24 education 96
USAID 32 empowerment 9, 20, 25-6,
Use and Control of Resources 27,90
Analysis, People Oriented excluded 21
Planning 46-7 homogeneity 24,100
household heads 39,84
values leadership training 97
and assumptions 22 needs 66
cultural 14,27, 52 participation 35,49-50, 59-61, 62
vegetable growing 96, 97 patriarchal societies 9
violence, gendered 58,75, 97 planning 60-1, 62
voluntary work 57 polygamous marriages 85
vulnerabilities resource allocation 32
and capacities 78,79 responsibility for own
community members 76 development 102

Index 143
self-empowerment 25-6,96
as separate group 24
skills 85
socio-political profile 51
status 19,50,73
subordinated 22,56,60,67,
work, paid/unpaid 41,57, 60,
9 6 -97
workgroups 86
see also gender relations; labour
women-men relationship
21,24, 65
Women in Development approach
and GAD policy approach 64, 67
WID/GAD Policy Matrix
59-60, 62
Women's Empowerment (Longwe)
Framework 92-3
case study 95-9
commentary on 99-100
ideology 99,100
levels of equality 93-4, 96-7, 98
levels of recognition 94-5
limitations 23,26,100
women's issues 10, 94-5;
see also gender issues
women's organisations 15, 86
Women's Programme 96, 97
work 18-19
community management 65
household 39
vegetable growing 96, 97
voluntary 57
waged 42
women 41,57,60, 96,97
see also labour division;
productive work; reproductive

Young, Kate 20, 66

144 A Guide to Gender-Analysis Frameworks

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