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PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (NEW)] PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (NEW)] 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) What is meant by the 'address of a memory

Term End Examination December, 2013 / June, 2014 cell' ? How are addresses usually
MATHEMATICS numbered ?
Paper - 4B : Computer Programming & Its g) Explain 'if' statement.
Application To Numerical Analysis
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 h) Define infix, prefix and postfix expressions.
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) 2. a) Explain 'scanf' and 'printf' functions.
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect b) Explain logical operators in C.
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
c) Write an algorithm to find the sum of the
The marks for each question has been
indicated in the margin. following series :
x2 x4 x6
( For Enrolled July, 2012 Batch onwards ) J 0 (x ) = 1 + + ...
22.1!.1! 24.2!.2! 26.3!.3!
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
correct up to 5 decimal places. 3+2+5
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 3. a) Explain 'for' loop with flow chart.
a) Define algorithm and its time complexity. b) Write the following program segment using
b) Explain "%s" format specification. 'for' loop :
c) What are the differences between "a" and count = 0;
'a' ? i = 1;
d) Compare 'continue' with 'break' statements. next; scanf ("%f", &a);
e) Identify the error(s), if any, in the following if (a>0) count++;
program segment : i++;
int a, b, c :
if (i<=250) goto next;
scanf (a);
c) Write a program to find the sum of two
b = a * 2
matrices of order m n. 2+3+5
printf (%d %d %d, a, b, c );

PG-Sc.-6252-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6252-P

3 PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (NEW)] PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (NEW)] 4

4. a) Calculate factorial of a positive integer n b) What is a structure ? How does a structure

using recursion. differ from an array ?

b) What is macro ? Give an example of a c) Write a program to arrange n numbers in

macro with argument. What are the ascending order. 3+2+5
similarities and dissimilarities between
macros and functions ? 5+(1+1+3)

5. a) Write a program to find the value of


sin x dx using Simpson's 1 rule.

b) Write an algorithm to create a queue. Also

write algorithms to insert a node to the
linked list and to remove a node from the
linked list. 5+5

6. Write a program to solve a system of linear

equations by LU-decomposition method. 10

7. a) Explain the meaning of each of the

following declarations :

i) int *p;

ii) float x, y;

float *px, *py;

iii) float a = 287;

float *pa = &a;

PG-Sc.-6252-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6252-P

PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (OLD)] PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (OLD)] 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) Convert the hexadecimal number

Term End Examination December, 2015 / June, 2016 F32625 into decimal equivalent.
MATHEMATICS g) Explain LET statement used in BASIC.
Paper - 4B : Computer Programming & Its
2. a) Explain logical 'if' statement used in C.
Application To Numerical Analysis
[ For enrolled before July, 2012 batch ] b) Write down the C expressions for the
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
following :
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance 2
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect i) x 3 /2 + log 2 | x 2 + y 2 | + e x
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
1+ z
The marks for each question has been ii) sin x 2 + cot ( x y ) +
indicated in the margin. x +y

[ OLD SYLLABUS ] c) Write a program either in C or BASIC to

( For Enrolled before July, 2012 Batch ) find the sum of two matrices. 2+3+5

Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. 3. a) Explain PRINT using statement.
b) Rewrite the following after removing the
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 error :

a) What is the use of CPU ? Write all of its 10 LET A = 25 30 (46 + 2 75 )

major components. 20 LET B = [25 + 2*{4 (3 + 4/2)*3}]*65

b) What is the use of scan function in C ? c) Explain the function of the following in
c) Explain DIM statement used in BASIC.
d) Write a short note on do-while loop in C.
d) Write a BASIC/C program to find the
e) What is the output of the following maturity value of a principal P due to
statement ? compound interest R% per annum over a

PRINT USING "#####"; 285787 period n years. 2+2+2+4

PG-Sc.-9164 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9164

3 PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (OLD)] PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (OLD)] 4

4. a) Write a program in BASIC/C to find the b) Explain the following format specification

real roots of the equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 , used in C :

a 0. %7d and %85f 6+4

b) Write an algorithm to find a real root of the 7. a) Let y = | sin x | + x 2 log x . Write a program
equation x 2 + 3x 5 2 = 0 using Newton- in C/BASIC to find the value of y for
Raphson method. 5+5 x = 01, 02, ..., 10.

5. a) Draw a flow chart to evaluate the value of b) Explain 'for' loop used in C with example
sin x from the following series : and flowchart. 5+5

x3 x5 x7
sin x = x + + ...
3! 5! 7!

correct up to 10 6 for a given value of x.

b) Use 2's complement to find the value of the

following expressions :

i) 110101 101001

ii) 10101 01 11011 10 6+4

6. a) Write a program in BASIC/C to evaluate the

following integral by Simpson's rd rule :

2 x
e + sin x ) dx

PG-Sc.-9164 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9164

PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (OLD)] PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (OLD)] 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) Write the use of TAB function of BASIC.

Term End Examination December, 2013 / June, 2014 g) Write a short note on do-while loop in C.
MATHEMATICS 2. a) What are output of the following BASIC
Paper - 4B : Computer Programming & Its statements ?
Application To Numerical Analysis
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 10 PRINT USING "####"; 8576
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) 20 PRINT USING "######"; 8576
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance 30 PRINT USING "####"; 75869
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. 40 PRINT USING "### ##"; 253876
The marks for each question has been b) Find the value of the following BASIC
indicated in the margin.
expressions :
i) INT ( 25973 * 10 2 + 15 )/10 2
( For Enrolled Before July, 2012 Batch )
ii) 25 * 25 + ( 2/3 ) 3 + 25/2 * 4
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. c) Write down the C expressions for the
following :
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
i) x + y 2/3 log e (x 2 + | x y |)
a) What is operating system ? What is its
use ? a +b 2a
ii) + sin2 x
c d x +y
b) What is the use of CPU ? Write all of its
major components. d) Explain logical 'if' statement used in C.

c) What are the differences between hardware 2+3+3+2

and software ? 3. a) Draw a flow chart to evaluate the value of

d) Explain assembly language and machine cos x defined by

language. x2 x4 x6
cos x = 1 + + ...
2! 4! 6!
e) What are the differences between compiler
and interpreter ? correct up to 10 6 for a given value of x.

PG-Sc.-6164-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6164-P

3 PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (OLD)] PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (OLD)] 4

b) Write a program in BASIC to find a real root 6. a) Explain ON-GOTO statement used in

of the equation sin x + x 2 5x = 0 using BASIC.

Newton-Raphson method. 5+5 b) Write a program in C/BASIC to find the

sum of two matrices. 4+6
4. a) What is the output of the following
7. a) Write an algorithm to arrange a set of real
program ?
numbers in ascending order.
#include <stdio.h>
b) Explain the following functions :
main( )
ii) DATA. 10
int n, sum = 2;
n = 5;
while ( n <= 12 )
sum + = pow (n, 3 )
n+ = 2;
printf ("Sum = %d", sum);

b) Draw a flow chart to find real roots of a

quadratic equation. 5+5
5. Write a program in C to solve the differential

dy ex
equation = , x0 = 1 0 , y0 = 2 0 for
dx x + y

x = 1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1 4, 1 5 . 10

PG-Sc.-6164-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6164-P

PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA) PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) Let f ( x ) be a non-constant polynomial

Term End Examination December, 2013 / June, 2014 over a field K and S be a splitting field of
MATHEMATICS f ( x ) over K. Prove that S / K is an
Paper - 1A : Abstract Algebra algebraic extension.
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 g) Prove that every element of GF ( p n )
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) n
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance satisfies the polynomial x p x .
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect h) Prove that 3z is a maximal ideal of z.
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. 2. a) Let Z ( G ) be the centre of a finite
The marks for each question has been
non-trivial group. Prove that
indicated in the margin.
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
O ( G ) = O ( Z (G )) + [G : N (a )] . 5
a N ( G )

1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 b) Let G be a non-commutative group of

order p 3 ( p is a prime). Prove that
a) Let G be a group such that a 2 = e for all
a G . Prove that G is commutative ( e is | Z ( G )|= p . 5
the identity element of G ). 3. a) Let H and K be two normal subgroups of a
group G with K H . Prove that
b) Prove that the centre Z (G ) of a group G is
G /K
a normal subgroup of G. G /H . 5
H /K
c) Let R * be the group of all non-zero real b) Let G = < a > and G = < b > be any two
numbers under multiplication. Show that
cyclic groups of same order. Define
the mapping : R * R * , defined by r r
: G G by ( a ) = b for all integers r.
(x ) =| x |, is a homomorphism. Find the
Show that is well-defined and it is an
kernel of .
isomorphism. 5
d) If U and V are two ideals of a ring R, prove 4. a) Define characteristic of a ring R. Prove that
that U + V = { u + v | u U ,v V } is also an the characteristic of an integral domain is
ideal of R. either zero or a prime p. 5
b) State and prove the Fundamental theorem
e) Prove that x 2 + 1 is irreducible over Z 7 . of homomorphism on rings. 5

PG-Sc.-6010-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6010-P

3 PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA)

5. a) Let R be a commutative ring with 1. Prove

that an ideal I of R is a prime ideal of R iff
the quotient ring R/I is an integral domain.
b) Let R be a finite commutative ring with 1.
Prove that an ideal P of R is a prime ideal iff
it is a maximal ideal of R. 5
6. a) Define a principal ideal domain. Prove that
the ring of integers is a principal ideal
domain. 5
b) Let F be a field. Prove that F [ x ] is a
Euclidean domain. 5
7. a) Let F/K be a field extension. Prove that an
element a F is algebraic over K iff a is a
root of a monic irreducible polynomial
over K. 5
b) Define 'splitting field' of a non-constant
polynomial f ( x ) over a field K. Prove that
for every non-constant polynomial f (x )
over a field K there exists a splitting field for
f ( x ) over K. 5

PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA) PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE h) Let R be a ring with 1 and a R . Prove

Term End Examination December, 2012/June, 2013 that Ra is the smallest left ideal of R
containing a.
2. a) State and prove the 'Fundamental theorem
Paper - 1A : Abstract Algebra
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 of homomorphism' on groups. 5
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) b) Let G be a group in which, for some integer
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance n > 1, ( ab )n = a n b n for all a, b G . Prove
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. that G (n ) = { x n | x G } is a normal
The weightage for each question has been subgroup of G. 5
indicated in the margin. 3. a) Define a p-group, where p is a prime. Prove
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. that every finite p-group has a nontrivial
centre. Also prove that if G is a finite group
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
of order p 2, p a is prime, then G is
a) Let G be a finite group of even order. Prove
that G has an element of order 2.
b) Let G be a non-commutative group of
b) Define derived subgroup G' of a group G.
order 8. Find the order of Z (G ), where
Z ( G ) denotes the centre of G. Prove that G' is a normal subgroup of G and
the quotient group G /G is commutative.
c) Find the class-equation of the symmetric
group S 3. 1+2+2
4. a) Let R be a commutative ring with 1. Prove
d) Prove that a group of order 121 is
that R is a field iff only ideals of R are (0)
and R. 5
e) Let R be a finite ring and I be a prime ideal
b) Let f : R S be a homomorphism of rings.
of R. Prove that I is a maximal ideal of R.
Prove the following : 5
f) Find the minimal polynomial of 3 5 over Q. i) If 0 is the zero element of R then f (0)
is the zero element of S
g) Find a splitting field of the polynomial
[ ( 2 ) : Q ].
x 2 2 over Q. Also find Q
ii) If a R then f ( a ) = f ( a )
iii) Imf = { f ( r ) : r R } is a subring of S

PG-Sc.-109-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-109-G

3 PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA)

iv) Kerf = { r R | f ( r ) = 0 } is an ideal

of R
v) If R is commutative and f is onto then
S is commutative.
5. a) Let R be a commutative ring with 1. Prove
that an ideal I of R is a maximal ideal of R
iff the quotient ring R/I is a field. 5
b) Let Z be the ring of integers and p be a
prime in Z. Prove that the ideal < p > is a
maximal ideal of Z. 5
6. a) Define an algebraic field extension. Prove
that every finite field extension is an
algebraic field extension. Is the converse
true ? Justify. 1+2+2
b) Define a splitting field of a non-constant
polynomial f ( x ) over a field K. Prove that
for every non-constant polynomial f ( x )
over a field K there exists a splitting field of
f ( x ) over K. 1+4
7. a) Define a Euclidean domain. Prove that the
ring of integers is a Euclidean domain. 5
b) Construct a finite field consisting of
9 elements. 5

PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA) PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) Prove that the polynomial

Term End Examination December, 2015 / June, 2016 3
x + 179x + 132132 is reducible over the
Paper - 1A : Abstract Algebra
g) Find a splitting field S of the polynomial
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
x 4 10x 2 + 21 over the field of rational
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance numbers Q.
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. h) Find the minimal polynomial of 2+ 5
The marks for each question has been over Q.
indicated in the margin.
2. a) Let G be a non-commutative group of order
p 3 where p is a prime. Find | Z (G )|. 5
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
b) Write down the class equation for a finite
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
group. Find the class equation for the
a) Let G be a group of order 289. Find the symmetric group S 3 . 1+4
order of Z ( G ), the centre of G.
3. a) Let : G H be a group homomorphism.
b) Let H be a subgroup of a group G. If
Prove that is a monomorphism
x 2 H for all x G , prove that H is a
iff | ker | = 1 . 4
normal subgroup of G.
c) Find all homomorphisms from the additive b) Prove that any two cyclic groups of the
group Z 6 to the additive group Z 4 . same order are isomorphic. 6
4. a) Let H and K be two subgroups of a group G
d) Let I be a prime ideal of a finite
with K normal in G. Prove that the quotient
commutative ring with 1. Prove that the
groups H and HK are
quotient ring R is a field. H K K
I isomorphic. 5
e) Let : R R be a ring-homomorphism. b) Let G be a group. Prove that the relation
Prove that ker ( kernel of ) is an ideal defined on G by a b if b is a conjugate of a
of R. is an equivalence relation. 5

PG-Sc.-9010 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9010

3 PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA)

5. a) Define characteristic of a ring. Prove that

the characteristic of a finite integral domain
is a prime number. 5
b) Let R be a commutative ring with identity.
Prove that Ra = { ra |r R } is the smallest
ideal of R containing a. 5
6. a) Let R be a commutative ring with identity.
Prove that an ideal I of R is a prime ideal of
R iff the quotient ring R
I is an integral
domain. 6
b) Prove that the ring of integers is a principal
ideal domain. 4
7. a) Define an algebraic field extension. Prove
that every finite field extension is an
algebraic extension. 1+4
b) Prove that a finite field F of characteristic
p and of p n elements is a splitting field of
the polynomial x p x over Z p . 5

PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA) PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA) 2


f) Prove that is a field, where R
Term End Examination December, 2014 / June, 2015 < x2 +1 >
MATHEMATICS denotes the field of real numbers and
Paper - 1A : Abstract Algebra < x 2 + 1 > is the ideal generated by x 2 + 1 .
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
g) Let S be the splitting field of the polynomial
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
x 3 1 over Q. Find [ S : Q ].
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect h) Prove that every finite field extension is an
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. algebraic extension.
The marks for each question has been
indicated in the margin. 2. a) Let G be a group of order p 2 where p is a
prime. Prove that G is commutative. 5
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
b) Let G be a group such that is cyclic.
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 Z (G )
Prove that G is commutative. 5
a) Let G be a finite group and H be a unique
subgroup of G of order n. Prove that H is a 3. a) State and prove Fundamental theorem of
normal subgroup of G. homomorphism on groups. 5

b) Let G be a group and H be a subgroup of b) Prove that I nn (G ) , the set of all inner
Z ( G ), where Z ( G ) is the centre of G. automorphisms of a group G, is a normal
Prove that H is normal in G. subgroup of Aut ( G ) , the group of all
c) Show that a cyclic group of order 8 is automorphisms of G. 5
homomorphic to a cyclic group of order 4.
4. a) Let G be a group and G be its derived
d) Let U be an ideal of a ring R and V be an group. Prove that G is a normal subgroup
ideal of U considering U as a ring. Is V an of G and G /G is commutative. 5
ideal of R ? Justify with an example.
b) Let F be a finite field. Prove that the
e) Prove that in an integral domain every
prime element is irreducible. mapping : F F , defined by ( x ) = x p ,
x F is a monomorphism. 5

PG-Sc.-1010-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1010-G

3 PGMT-1A (PT/10/IA)

5. a) Let R be a commutative ring with 1. Prove

that an ideal I of R is a maximal ideal of R
iff the quotient ring R/I is a field. 5
b) Find all maximal ideals of the ring of
integers Z. 5
6. a) Define a Euclidean domain. Prove that
every Euclidean domain is a principal ideal
domain. 5

b) Prove that an ideal < p ( x ) > ( 0 ) of F [ x ]

where F is a field, is a maximal ideal iff
p ( x ) is irreducible in F [ x ] . 5

7. a) Let K be a field and f ( x ) be a non-

constant polynomial over K. Prove that
there exists a field extension F/K such that
F contains a root of f ( x ) . 5

b) Prove that the polynomials x 2 2x 1 and

x 2 2 have the same splitting field over Q.

PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE e) Give an example of a spanning set of IR 3

Term End Examination December, 2013 / June, 2014 which is not a basis.
MATHEMATICS f) Suppose A is a 3 3 real matrix with
det A = 4. Can 2, 3, 1 be the eigenvalues
Paper - 1B : Linear Algebra
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 of A ? Justify your answer.
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) g) Determine the sign of the principal minors
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance of the associated matrix of the quadratic
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
form 5x 2 + y 2 + 5z 2 + 4xy 8zx 4yz and
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been hence determine its sign.
indicated in the margin. 3
h) Show that any linear operator on IR is
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. onto.
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 2. a) Suppose V and W are two finite
a) Does there exist a linear transformation dimensional vector spaces with
T : IR 3 IR 4 such that dim W > dim V. Suppose S : V W and
T ( 1, 0, 0 ) = ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) and T : W V are two linear transformations.
T ( 0, 1, 0 ) = ( 2, 0, 5, 1 ) ? Justify your Prove that the composition S o T : W W is
answer. neither 1-1 nor onto.
b) Suppose the matrix of the linear b) Prove that two finite dimensional vector
transformation T : IR 3 IR with respect to
2 spaces are isomorphic if and only if they
the standard ordered bases of IR 3 and IR 2 are of same dimension. 5+5

is 3 2 4
. Find T. 3. a) Suppose A is an m n real matrix with
1 5 3 n > m. Use rank-nullity theorem to prove
c) Prove that a 1-1 linear transformation maps that the system of linear equations AX = 0
linearly independent set to linearly has a non-zero solution.
independent set. b) Find the matrix of the differentiation
d) Find the dimension of the subspace S of operator on the space of real polynomials
IR 3 where with degree less than or equal to 3 with
S = { ( x , y, z ) IR 3 : x + 2y = z , 2x + 3z = y } . respect to the canonical ordered basis.

PG-Sc.-6014-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6014-P

3 PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) 4

c) Find the linear operation on IR 3 whose 6. a) Suppose V is an inner product space and
range space is spanned by ( 1, 0, 1 ) and <, > is an inner product on V.
( 1, 2, 2 ). 3+3+4
i) Show that < 0, v > = 0 for all v V .
4. a) Suppose T is a linear operator on IR 2
ii) Show that if < v, w > = 0 for all w in V
defined by T ( x1, x 2 ) = ( x1, 0 ) . Find the
then v = 0.
matrix A of T in the standard ordered basis b) Let <, > be the standard inner product on
and the matrix B of T in the ordered basis
IR 2. Let v1 = (1, 2 ) , v 2 = (1,1 ) . If v IR 2 is
{ ( 1, 1 ), (1, 2 ) }. Also verify that A and B
such that < v1,v > = 1 and < v 2 ,v > = 3 ,
are similar.
b) Prove that the eigenvectors corresponding find v.

to two distinct eigenvalues of a real c) Prove that an orthogonal set of non-zero

symmetric matrix are orthogonal. vectors in an inner product space is linearly

(1+2+3)+4 independent. (2+2)+3+3

5. a) Suppose V is a vector space with V1, V2 two 7. a) Find an orthonormal matrix P

1 0 0
subspaces such that V = V1 V2 . Define a
such that P T AP = 0 2 0 where
0 0 3
linear operator T on V such that T 2
=T ,

image T = V1 and ker T = V2 . 4 2 3

A = 2 3 2 and 1, 2 , 3 are the
b) Suppose A is a complex 5 5 matrix with 3 2 4

characteristic polynomial eigenvalues of A.
3 2
f ( x ) = ( x 2 ) ( x + 7 ) and minimal b) Prove that if ( 0 ) is an eigenvalue of an

polynomial m ( x ) = ( x 2 )2 ( x + 7 ) . Find the invertible matrix A then 1 is an

eigenvalue of A . 7+3
Jordan form of A. (2+2+1+1)+4

PG-Sc.-6014-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6014-P

PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) Eigenvalues of any nilpotent operator are

Term End Examination December, 2012/June, 2013 zero. Explain.

MATHEMATICS g) Is { (1, 0), (0, i ) } an orthonormal basis of

Paper - 1B : Linear Algebra 2
with standard inner product ?
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) h) The real quadratic form x12 + 2x1x 2 + x 22 + 1
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect is positive definite. Justify.
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The weightage for each question has been
2. a) Suppose U and W are two subspaces
indicated in the margin. of IR3 , where U = { ( a , b ,0 ) : a , b IR } and
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. W = { ( 0, x , y ) : x , y IR }. Find dim ( U W ) .

1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 b) Prove that { (1,1,1), (1,1, 1), (0,1,1) } is a
a) Find the minimal polynomial of an basis of IR 3.
idempotent matrix of order 2 2.
b) Show that any linear transformation c) Find a basis for the vector space that
contains the vectors (1, 2, 1) and (3, 6, 2).
T : IR 5 IR 3 can never be one-one.
c) Write a basis of the vector space of all 3+3+4
2 2 symmetric real matrices.
d) Find the dimension of the subspace S of 3. a) Let T : IR 3IR 3 be the linear transformation
IR 3 defined by defined by T ( x , y, z ) = ( 2x ,4x y,2x + 3y z ) .

S = { ( x , y, z ) IR 3 : 2x + y z = 0 } . Show that T is invertible and find T 1 .

e) Let T : IR 3IR 2 be the linear transformation b) Let V be the vector space of all
defined by T ( x1, x 2 , x 3 ) = ( x1 + x 2 , 2x 3 x1 ) . 2 2 matrices over the field of real numbers
Find the matrix of T relative to the bases B
and let M = 1 2 . Let T : V V be the
and B1 where B is the standard ordered 0 3
basis of IR 3 and B1 is the standard ordered linear transformation defined by
T ( A ) = AM MA. Find a basis of ker T and
basis of IR 2.
hence find Null T. (3+2)+(4+1)

PG-Sc.-113-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-113-G

3 PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) 4

4. a) Let T be the linear operator on IR 3, the 7. a) Use Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization

matrix of which in the standard ordered process to extend { (2,3,1), (1,2,4) } to an

1 2 1 orthogonal basis of the Euclidean space

basis is 0 1 1 . Find T. Find a basis
1 3 4 IR 3.

for the range of T. b) Find the sign of the quadratic
form 3x12 + x 22 + 5x 32 + 4x1x 2 8x1x 3 4x 2x 3
b) Let T : V W be a linear transformation.
on IR 3. 6+4
Prove that T is 1 1 if and only if T maps
linearly independent set to linearly
independent set. (3+3)+4

5. a) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of

1 0 2
the matrix A = 0 0 0 .
2 0 4

b) Prove that the eigenvalues of a real

symmetric matrix are all real. 6+4

6. a) Find the possible Jordan forms of a

5 5 real matrix whose characteristic

polynomial is ( x 2 )4 ( x 5 ) and minimal

polynomial is ( x 2 )2 ( x 5 ) .

b) Show that the matrix 1 1 is not

0 1

diagonalizable. 6+4

PG-Sc.-113-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-113-G

PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE e) Find a 3 3 matrix with minimal

Term End Examination December, 2015 / June, 2016 polynomial ( x 5 )2 .
f) Suppose q is a quadratic form on
Paper - 1B : Linear Algebra
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 IR3 defined by q (x1, x 2, x 3 ) x12 x 32 . Find

( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) the (i) sign of q, (ii) bilinear form associated
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance with q.
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
g) Suppose V is a finite dimensional vector
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been space and V is its dual. Then
indicated in the margin. dimV dimV
and V V
. Justify.

h) Find the matrix of the linear operator

Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
T : IR3 IR2 with respect to the
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 ordered bases = { (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1) }
and { ( 1, 0 ), ( 1, 1 ) }, where
a) Find a linear transformation T : IR3 IR3
whose null space is spanned by ( 1, 2, 0 ) T ( x1, x 2, x 3 ) ( 2x1 3x 2, x1 x 2 2x 3 ) .
and ( 2, 0, 2).
2. a) Let V be a finite dimensional vector space
b) Let T and U be linear operators on
and T a linear operator on V. Suppose there
IR2 defined by T ( x1, x 2 ) (x 2, x1 ) and exists a linear operator U on V such that
U ( x1, x 2 ) (x1, 0) . Describe T and U TU = I. Prove that T is 1-1 and onto.
geometrically. Give an example to illustrate that the result
0 1 0 is false if V is not finite dimensional. 5+2
c) Show that the matrix 0 0 1 is not
0 0 0 b) Suppose T is an idempotent operator on a

diagonalizable. finite dimensional vector space. What are
the possible minimal polynomials of T ?
d) Suppose T : IR 4 IR 2 is a linear
Give reasons in support of your answer. 3
transformation. T cannot be 1-1. Justify.

PG-Sc.-9014 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9014

3 PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) 4

3. a) Suppose T is the linear operator on IR2, b) Define an inner product on IR2 other than
whose matrix in the ordered basis the standard inner product. Verify that it is
{ (1, 0 ), (1, 1) } is 1 2 . Find the actually an inner product. 4
1 1
6. a) Suppose A is a 2 2 real matrix with trace
matrix of T in the standard ordered basis of 5 and determinant 6. Find the eigenvalues
IR2 and hence find a formula for T ( x1, x 2 )
of the matrix B A 2 2A I 2 , where I 2 is
for any ( x1, x 2 ) IR2. Find a formula for
the identity matrix of order 2. 4
T 1( x1, x 2 ) as well for any ( x1, x 2 ) IR2. 7 b) Determine all possible Jordan Canonical
b) Let T : 3 3 be the linear operator forms of a matrix of order 5 with minimal
defined by T ( 1, 0, 0 ) = ( 1, 0, i ), polynomial (x 3)2 . 3
T ( 0, 1, 0 ) = ( 0, 1, 1 ) and
T ( 0, 0, 1 ) = ( i, 1, 0 ). c) Are the matrices 1 1 and 1 0
0 1 0 1
Verify if T is invertible. 3
4. a) Let T : IR2 IR2 be the linear operator similar ? Give reasons in support of your
defined by T ( x1, x 2 ) ( x 2, x1 ) . Prove that answer. 3
7. a) Find the sign of the principal minors of
( T I ) is not invertible for any real
the matrix of the following quadratic form
number , where I is the identity operator
on IR3 :
on IR2. 4
b) Prove that the eigenvalues of a real q 5x12 x 22 21x 32 4x1x 2 20x1x 3 8x 2x 3
symmetric matrix A are real. Also prove
that eigenvectors corresponding to distinct Hence determine the sign of q. 3
eigenvalues of A are orthogonal. 4 b) Find the eigenvalues of the linear
c) Suppose V is a finite dimensional vector operator T : IR3 IR3, defined by
space and T : V V is a linear operator T (x1, x 2, x 3 ) ( x1 2x 3 ,0,2x 4x 3 ) . Also
such that Rank T = Null T. Prove that dim V
is even. 2 find the geometric multiplicity of each
5. a) Suppose T : V V is a linear eigenvalue and hence comment on the
transformation where V is a finite diagonalizability of T. 7
dimensional vector space over a field F.
Let A be the matrix of T with respect to the
ordered basis 1 of V and B be the matrix
with respect to the ordered basis 2 of V.
Prove that A and B are similar. 6

PG-Sc.-9014 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9014

PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE e) Find the quadratic form on IR 3

Term End Examination December, 2014 / June, 2015 1 1 0
by the symmetric matrix 1 1 0 . This

Paper - 1B : Linear Algebra quadratic form is positive definite. Justify.
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
f) Find the minimal polynomials and
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) characteristic polynomials of the following
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
matrices :
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. 5 1 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0
0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0
The marks for each question has been A = 0 0 5 0 0 B = 0 0 5 1 0
indicated in the margin. 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0
0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2

g) Every orthonormal set in an inner product
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
space is linearly independent. Justify.
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 h) Let T : IR 3 IR 3 be the linear operator
a) Find a basis of the vector space of all real defined by
polynomials of degree less than or equal to T ( x , y, z ) = ( 2x , 4x y, 2x + 3y z ) .
3 and hence find its dimension. Find the matrix of T with respect to the
b) Let A be an m n matrix over any field F. standard ordered basis of IR 3.
Define row rank and column rank of A and 2. a) Let T : V W be a linear transformation.
write ( no proof is required ) the relation
Define nullity and rank of T. Prove that if
between them.
dim V is finite then rank T is finite.
c) Suppose V1 and V2 are two subspaces of a (1+1)+2
vector space V. Prove that the subspace b) Let V1 and V2 be two subspaces of a vector
V1 + V2 is the smallest subspace of V space V. Define ordinary sum V1 + V2 and
containing V1 V2 . 3
direct sum V1 V2 . Suppose V = IR and
4 2
d) A linear transformation T : IR IR V1 = the subspace of V spanned by
cannot be one-one. Justify.
{ (1, 2, 2 ), ( 2,2,1 ) } . Find a subspace V2 of V
such that V = V1 V2 . (1+1)+4

PG-Sc.-1014-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1014-G

3 PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) PGMT-1B (PT/10/IB) 4

3. a) Let V and W be two finite dimensional 6. a) Find the quadratic form q ( x , y, z )

vector spaces over the same field such that corresponding to the real symmetric matrix
dim V = dim W and T : V W be a linear 1 2 0
transformation. Prove that T is one-one if A = 2 2 2 . Find an orthogonal
and only if T is onto. Give an example to 0 2 3

illustrate that the result is not true for
dim V dim W. 3+2 matrix P such that P t AP is a diagonal
b) Suppose T : V W is a linear matrix and hence determine the rank,
transformation. Prove that T is onto if and signature and sign of q ( x , y, z ) . 1+5+2
only if T maps spanning set to spanning b) Prove that all the eigenvalues of a nilpotent
set. 5 matrix are zero. 2
4. a) Find a linear operator T on IR 2 such that 7. a) Suppose V is a finite dimensional vector
2 space over a field F and T : V V is a linear
T = 0 but T 0 . What are the
transformation. When is T said to be
eigenvalues of such an operator ? Does
diagonalizable ?
there exist more than one such operator ?
3+1+1 Show that T : IR 2 IR 2, defined by
b) Prove that two eigenvectors corresponding T (x , y ) = ( x + y , y ) , is not diagonalizable.
to two distinct eigenvalues of a square 1+3
matrix ( or of a linear operator defined on a b) What do you mean by an elementary
finite dimensional vector space ) are linearly Jordan matrix of order 3 corresponding to a
independent. 3 scalar ?
c) Consider the subspaces U = { (a, b, 0) : Find the possible Jordan forms of a 4 4
real matrix with characteristic polynomial
a, b IR } and V = { (0, b, c ) : b, c IR } of
the vector space IR 3 and find dim ( U V ) .2 ( x 2 )3 ( x + 5 ) . 1+5

5. a) For = ( x1, x 2 ) , = ( y1, y 2 ) in IR , define
< , > = x1y1 x 2y1 x1y 2 + 4x 2y 2 . Verify
that this defines an inner product on IR 2. 5
b) Apply Gram-Schmidt process to find an
orthonormal basis for the inner product
space IR 3 with standard inner product that
1 1
contains , ,0 . 5
2 2

PG-Sc.-1014-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1014-G

PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) Use Baire category theorem to show that

Term End Examination December, 2013 / June, 2014 the set R of real numbers is uncountable.
g) State Banach's contraction principle.
h) If f : ( X , d ) (Y , ) be a continuous
Paper - 2A : Real Analysis & Metric Spaces
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
function where ( X , d ) and (Y , ) are metric
spaces, show that the set { x X : f ( x ) = 0 }
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance is closed.
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect 2. a) When is a real-valued function f defined on
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. [ a, b ] said to be of bounded variation ?
The marks for each question has been Show that a monotonic function f defined
indicated in the margin. on [ a, b ] is of bounded variation. 1+4
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. b) If f : [ a , b ] IR is a continuous function
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 and if g : [ a , b ] IR is a non-decreasing
a) Let f : [ a, b ] IR be a real-valued function function, show that Riemann-Stieltjes
satisfying the condition that for every b
pair of points ( c i , di ) , a c i < di b , integral f dg exists. 5
| f (c i ) f (d i )| K | d i c i |. Show that f is
3. a) If G be a bounded open set then show that
of bounded variation.
m ( G ) = sup {m (F )| F G is a closed set }. 5
b) Examine whether the trigonometric series.
b) Let C1 and C2 be two bounded
sin x
is a Fourier series.
disjoint closed sets. Prove that
n =1
c) Let m ( C1 C 2 ) = m (C1 ) + m (C 2 ) . 5
0, x [ 0, 1 ]
4. a) Let {Ei } be a monotone decreasing
f(x)= 1, x [ 0, 1 ], x is rational
1, x [ 0, 1 ], x is irrational sequence of measurable subsets of IR with
Show that f is integrable in Lebesgue sense.
d) Show that IR n is a metric space w.r.t. the E1 bounded and E = I E i . Show that E is
metric i =1
d ( x , y ) = max {| x1 y1 |,| x 2 y 2 |, ... | x n y n |} measurable and that m (E i ) m (E ) as
where x = ( x i ), y = ( y i ), i = 1,..., n . i . 5
e) Show that a singleton { a } is a Borel set.

PG-Sc.-6060-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6060-P

3 PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) 4

b) If E be a bounded measurable set then 7. a) Define Cauchy sequence in a metric space

show that there exists a set F E such ( X, d ). Prove that any Cauchy sequence in
that F is expressible as a countable X is bounded. Is the converse of the result
intersection of open sets with m (F ) = m (E ) . true ? Justify. 1+3+2

5 b) Prove that every compact metric space is

sequentially compact. 4
5. a) Define a real-valued measurable function f
on a measurable set of reals. Show that
every continuous function f : [ a , b ] IR is
a measurable function. 1+3
b) Let F : E IR be a measurable function on
a measurable set E. Prove the following :
i) | f | is measurable
ii) f is measurable and

iii) so is ( f 0 over E ). 6

6. a) If f : E IR be a non-negative bounded
measurable function defined on a
measurable set of finite measure such that

( L ) f = 0 , show that f = 0 a.e on E. 4

b) If f, g : E IR are two bounded measurable

functions defined on a measurable set
E of finite measure, show that

(L ) (f + g) = (L ) f + (L ) g . 6

PG-Sc.-6060-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6060-P

PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE e) If a bounded set E IR is Lebesgue

Term End Examination December, 2012/June, 2013 measureble, show that its characteristic
function E is a measurable function.
f) If two bounded measurable functions f and
Paper - 2A : Real Analysis & Metric Spaces g each defined on a measurable set E of
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 finite measure and if f = g a.e on E, show
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
that f dx = g dx .
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
g) If { x n } n 1 and { y n } n 1 are two Cauchy
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The weightage for each question has been sequences in a metric spaces ( X , d ) , show
indicated in the margin. that the sequence { d ( x n , yn ) } n 1 is
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. convergent.
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 h) Let ( X, d ) and ( Y, ) be two metric spaces.
a) Let f : [ 0, 1 ] IR (the set of real numbers) If f, g : X Y are continuous functions,
be defined by show that the set { x X : f ( x ) = g ( x ) } is
1 a closed set in X.
f ( x ) = x 2 sin , 0 < x 1
x 2. a) Let G be a bounded open subset of IR. Prove
= 0, x=0 that m ( G ) = sup { m ( F ) : F is a closed
Examine whether f is bounded variation subset of G }, where the symbol m stands
on [ 0, 1 ]. for Lebesgue measure. 5
b) Evaluate Riemann-Stieltjes integral b) If { E n } n 1 is an increasing sequence of
measurable sets in IR such that
+ 1 ) d ( [ x ] ) where [ x ] denotes the

greatest integer not exceeding x.
E = U En is bounded, show that E is
n =1
c) If Lebesgue outer measure of a bounded
subset A of IR is zero, show that A is measurable and m ( E ) = Lt m ( E ) . 5
n n
Lebesgue measurable and its measure is
zero. 3. a) Let E be a measurable subset of IR and let
d) Examine whether the trigonometric series f : E IR be a measurable function. Show

cos nx that | f | and f 2 are both measurable on E.
is Fourier series in [ , ] . Is it true that if | f | is measurable on E
n =1
then f is also measurable ? Justify. 5

PG-Sc.-209-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-209-G

3 PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) 4

b) When is a sequence of functions { f n } n 1 b b

each defined on a measurable set E said to

5. a) If one of the integrals f d g and g df
a a
converge to f in measure in E ? If a exist where g and f are both
sequence { f n } of measurable functions bounded functions on [ a, b ], show
converging in measure to f over E, show that the other integral also exists and
b b
that { f n } converges in measure to every
function g equivalent to f in E. 5
f dg + g df = f (b )g (b ) f (a )g (a ) .
a a
4. a) If a bounded measurable function f : E IR Use this result to evaluate the integral
satisfies f ( x ) for all x E , E being 3

a subset of IR having finite measure x d ([ x ] x ) . 4+2

and , being constants, show that
b) If f L2 [ , ] and periodic with period
m (E ) L f dx m ( E ) . Hence 2 , show that Fourier coefficients for the
E function f tend to zero as n where the
deduce that if m ( E ) = 0 then symbol L2 [ , ] means the square
L f dx = 0 . Lebesgue integrable function on [ , ] . 4
E 6. a) Show that the collection C [ a, b ] of all real
5 valued continuous functions over a closed
b) If f n : E IR ( n = 1, 2, 3, ... ) is a interval [ a, b ] forms a complete metric
space with respect to a metric to be defined
sequence of bounded measurable functions by you. 5
converging in measure to a function b) Prove that every complete metric space is of
second category. Use this result to show
f : E IR , where E is a measurable subset that IR is uncountable. 4+1
of IR with finite measure and if there exists 7. a) Prove that a subset of reals with usual
metric is connected if and only if it is an
a constant k > 0 such that | f n ( x ) | k for interval. 5
b) When is a metric space said to be
all n and for all x E , show that
separable ? Show that a compact metric
Lt space is separable. 5
n f n dx = f dx . 5

PG-Sc.-209-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-209-G

PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) Show that the Riemann-Stieltjes integral

Term End Examination December, 2015 / June, 2016
+ 1 ) d ( [ x ] ) exists where [ x ] denotes
Paper - 2A : Real Analysis & Metric Spaces the greatest integer not exceeding x and
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 find its value.
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) e) Define Lebesgue outer measure m (A ) for
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance an arbitrary set in IR (the set of all real
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect numbers).
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
If m (A ) = 0 , show that m (A B ) = m (B )
The marks for each question has been
indicated in the margin.
for any set B IR.
f) Show that the characteristic function A (x )
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
for a Lebesgue measurable set A IR is a
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 Lebesgue measurable function.
g) If f : E IR is a Lebesgue integrable
a) Prove or disprove : function on a Lebesgue measurable set E
Every continuous function defined on an
with m ( E ) = 0 , show that ( L ) f = 0 .
interval [ a, b ] is of bounded variation E
on [ a, b ]. h) Let ( X, d ) be a metric space where
X = { x IR : x > 1 } and d be the usual
b) Examine whether the trigonometric series metric of reals.
If T : X X is a mapping defined by
( cos nx + sinnx ) is the Fourier series
T (x ) = +
x 1
for x X , show that T has a
n =1 2 x
corresponding to a periodic function having unique fixed point.
period 2 defined on the interval [ , ] . 2. a) If f : [ a, b ] IR is a function of bounded
variation, show that the set of points of
c) For the interval [ a, a ] ( a > 0 ) there exists discontinuity of f is atmost countable. 4
b) If one of the Riemann-Stieltjes integrals
a sequence of polynomials Pn ( x ) with b b
P (0) = 0 such that the sequence f dg and gd f exist where
{ Pn ( x ) }n 1 converges uniformly to | x | on a a
f, g : [ a, b ] IR are bounded functions,
[ a,a ] .

PG-Sc.-9060 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9060

3 PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) 4

show that the other integral also exists and 5. a) When is a sequence of functions
b b f n : E IR, E being a measurable set,
f dg + g d f = f (b )g (b ) f (a )g (a ) . said to converge in measure to a function
a a f on E ?
Use this result to show that If a sequence of measurable functions
3 { f n }n 1 each defined on a measurable
x d ([ x ] x ) = 2 where [ x ] denotes the
set E converges in measure to a function
0 f on E, show that it converges in measure to
largest integer not greater than x. 4+2 every function g which is equivalent to
3. a) If G is a bounded open set, show that f on E. 1+3
m ( G ) = sup { m (F ) / F G is a closed set }
where the symbol 'm' stands for Lebesgue
b) i)
If (L ) f = 0 and f 0 on E where
measure. 4
E is a measurable set of finite
b) If { En }n 1 is a non-increasing
measure, show that f = 0 a.e on E. 3
( i.e. E1 E 2 E 3 ... ) sequence of 1
ii) If f ( x ) = , 0 < x 1
measurable sets with m (E1 ) < , show that
= 0, x = 0,

m Lt m (E )
En = n
n .

n =1

show that ( L ) f =
. 3
Can you omit the condition m (E1 ) < in 0
6. a) When is a metric space said to be totally
the above statement ? Justify. 4+2 bounded ? Show that every totally bounded
4. a) When is a function f : E IR, E being a
measurable set, said to be Lebesgue subset of a metric space is bounded. Is the
measurable ? converse of the result true ? Justify.
Let f, g : E IR be two functions defined on 1+3+2
a measurable set E such that f = g almost b) Prove that every compact metric space is
everywhere on E. separable. 4
If g is a Lebesgue measurable function on 7. a) State and prove Baire category theorem. 5
E, show that f is also Lebesgue measurable b) When is a metric space said to be
on E. 1+4 connected ? Prove that a continuous image
b) If f : E IR be a continuous function of a connected metric space is connected.
defined on a measurable set E, show that
f is Lebesgue measurable on E.
Is the converse of the result true ? Justify.

PG-Sc.-9060 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9060

PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE e) Prove or disprove : A homeomorphic image

Term End Examination December, 2014 / June, 2015 of a complete metric space is a complete
metric space.
MATHEMATICS f) Show that the Riemann-Stieltjes integral
4 4
Paper - 2A : Real Analysis & Metric Spaces
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 x d ( [ x ] x ) exists and x d ([ x ] x ) = 2
0 0
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
where [ x ] denotes the greatest integer not
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
exceeding x.
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. g) Show that every function f : E IR is
The marks for each question has been Lebesgue measurable if E is Lebesgue
indicated in the margin. measurable and m ( E ) = 0 where 'm'
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. denotes the Lebesgue measure.
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 h) Define the outer measure m * on P ( IR ), the
a) Let f : [ 0, 1 ] IR, IR being the set of real power set of IR. If m * ( A ) = 0 where A IR,
numbers, is defined as follows : show that A is measurable and m ( A ) = 0 .
x 2 sin , 0 < x 1 2. a) If f : [ a , b ] IR is a function of bounded
f(x)= x
0, x = 0 variation on [ a, b ], show that f can be
Examine whether the function f is of expressed as the difference of two
bounded variation on [ 0 , 1 ]. monotonic increasing functions on [ a, b ].
Is the representation of f unique ? Justify.
b) Show that the series cosn 2nx is a
n =1
Fourier series corresponding to a periodic b) If f : [ a , b ] IR is continuous function
function of period 2 in [ , ] . and g : [ a , b ] IR is a function of
c) If { x n } and { y n } are two Cauchy bounded variation on [ a, b ], show that
sequences in a metric space ( X, d ), show b
that real sequence { d (x n , y n ) } is f dg MV ab ( g )
convergent. a
d) Examine whether the set Q of all rationals sup
in IR with usual metric is a disconnected where M = | f ( x )| and Vab ( g )
a x b
set. denotes the total variation of g on [ a, b ]. 4

PG-Sc.-1060-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1060-G

3 PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) PGMT-2A (PT/10/IIA) 4
b) Let { fn } be a sequence of Lebesgue
3. a) If a bounded set E = E k , show that
measurable functions each defined on a
k =1
measurable set E of finite measure
such that | f n ( x )| K for all n and
m * (E ) m * ( Ek ) . 5
for all xE where K is a positive
k =1
b) When is a function f : E IR where E is a constant. If f ( x ) = n f n ( x ) for each
Lebesgue measurable set, said to be x E , show that f is Lebesgue integrable
Lebesgue measurable ? Show that a Lt
bounded set E in IR is measurable if and
on E and n ( L ) f n = ( L ) f . 5
only if the characteristic function E of the
6. a) When is a family of subsets in metric space
set E is measurable. 1+4 said to have finite intersection property
(FIP) ? Prove that a metric space ( X, d ) is
4. a) Let { fn } be a sequence of real-valued
compact if and only if each family of closed
measurable functions each defined on a subsets of X with FIP has non-empty
Lt intersection. 1+5
measurable set E. If f ( x ) = n f n ( x ) b) Let f , g : ( X , d ) (Y , ) be continuous
for each x E , show that f is also a functions where ( X , d ) and (Y , ) are
measurable function. 5 metric spaces. Show that the set
{ x X : f ( x ) g ( x ) } is an open set in X.
b) If f : [ a, b ] IR is a Riemann integrable
function, show that f is Lebesgue integrable 4
b b
7. a) Let ( X , d ) be a complete metric space. If

on [ a, b ] and ( R ) f = ( L ) f . 5 T : X X is a contraction mapping, show
that T has a unique fixed point. 5
a a
b) If f : ( X , d ) (Y , ) is a uniformly
5. a) If f and g are two bounded measurable continuous function where ( X , d ) and
functions each defined on a measurable set (Y , ) are metric spaces, show that f
E of finite measure such that f = g a.e. on transforms a Cauchy sequence in X into a
E, show that (L ) f
= (L ) g . Is the Cauchy sequence in Y. Is the result true for
continuous function ? Justify. 3+2
converse of the result true ? Justify. 3+2

PG-Sc.-1060-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1060-G

PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) 2


Term End Examination December, 2013 / June, 2014

e) Prove that both power series an z n and
n =0
MATHEMATICS the corresponding series of derivatives
Paper - 2B : Complex Analysis
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 n an z n 1 have the same radius of
n =0
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect f) Prove that the function f ( z ) = e 1/ z has
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
no singularities.
The marks for each question has been
g) Find the residues of the function
indicated in the margin.
f ( z ) = z 3 sin at its singular points.
z 1
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. h) Show that a bilinear transformation which
maps points z = 0, i, 1 into = i, 1, 0 is
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 z + 1
= i .
z 1
a) Find all the roots of (1 + z )5 = (1 z )5 . 2. a) State and prove sufficient conditions for
analyticity of a complex function.
b) Prove that a function f ( z ), continuous in a
b) Show that the function f (z ) = z2 is closed bounded domain D, is uniformly
uniformly continuous in the region continuous on D. 5+5
| z | < 1. 3. a) State and prove Cauchy's Integral formula
for an analytic function.
c) Show that the function f ( z ) = xy + iy is e 2z
everywhere continuous but is not analytic.
b) Evaluate ( z + 1 )4 dz , where C is the circle
| z | = 3.
d) Let f | z ) = and be the straight line c) For what values of z does the series
joining the points i and i + 2. Show that ( z 2 + 1 )n converges and find its sum.

n =1
| f ( z ) dz | 2 .

PG-Sc.-6064-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6064-P

3 PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) 4

4. a) State and prove Liouville's theorem for an 6. a) Let the function f be analytic in the
analytic function. extended complex plane with the exception
of a finite number of isolated singular
b) If { fn ( z ) } are continuous in R,
points z1, z 2 ,..., z N 1, z N including the point

f (z ) = fn ( z ) uniformly convergent in R at infinity ( say zN = ). Show that
n =1 N
and C is a curve in R then show that Res ( f ; zk ) = 0 .
k =1

f ( z ) dz = f n ( z ) dz . z dz
C n =1 C
b) Show that z4 1
|z|= 2
c) Find the Laurent's series expansion of the c) Using Rouche's theorem show that the
e 2z equation 3z 9 8z 6 + 2z 5 + z 3 + 1 = 0 has
function f ( z ) = about z = 1.
( z 1) three roots in the annulus 1 < | z |< 2.
7. a) Let f ( z ) be a bilinear transformation such
5. a) Prove that the function f has a pole of order that f ( ) = 1, f (i ) = i and f ( i ) = i .
m at if and only if f can be expressed in
Find the image of the unit disc
(z )
the form f (z ) = in some { z C :| z |< 1 } under f ( z ) .
( z )m
b) Use the method of contour integration to
neighbourhood of , where is analytic at establish one of the following integrals :
and ( ) 0 . 2
cos 2 2a 2
b) Show that if a function f has an essential
i) 1 2a cos + a 2 d =
1a 2
,( a 2 < 1)
singularity at , then has also an dx
f ii) ( x 2 + 1 )(x 2 + 4 ) = 12 . 5+5
essential singularity at . 0

z3 + 5
c) Find the residues of f ( z ) = at its
z ( z 1 )3
singularities. 4+3+3

PG-Sc.-6064-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6064-P

PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) State fundamental theorem of algebra.

Term End Examination December, 2012/June, 2013
MATHEMATICS g) Evaluate e z ( z 1 )2 , where C is the circle
Paper - 2B : Complex Analysis C
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 | z | = 4, traversed once counterclockwise.
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance h) Find the region of convergence of the power

in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect zk
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. series k2 .
The weightage for each question has been k =1
indicated in the margin.
i) Define zeroes of an analytic function in a
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
domain D.
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
j) Classify the singularity of the following
a) Simplify 1+ i . z
function : f ( z ) = z .
b) State Taylor's theorem for complex variable. e 1
c) Find the bilinear transformation which
maps z1 = i , z 2 = 1 , z 3 = into w1 = i , ez
k) Find the residue of the function f ( z ) =
w2 = , w3 = 1 . z3
at its pole.
d) Test whether the following function is
differentiable at the origin :
2. a) If T is a bilinear transformation, show that
z5 T maps a circle onto a circle, where by a
,z 0
| z |4 circle we mean a circle or a straight line. 5
f (z ) =

0, z =0 1
b) Show that the function f ( z ) = is not
e) If f ( z ) is analytic, find the value of uniformly continuous in D = { z : 0 <| z | 1 }
2 2 but it is uniformly continuous in
+ | f ( z )|2
x 2 y 2 K = { z : a | z | 1, a > 0 } . 5

PG-Sc.-213-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-213-G

3 PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) 4

3. a) Define harmonic function. Show that 6. a) State and prove Cauchy residue theorem. 4
Lt f ( z ) f ( 0 ) 0 along any radius 1
z 0 b) Expand f ( z ) = in a Laurent
z ( z + 1 )( z + 3 )
vector, but not in any other manner when
series valid for (i) | z | < 1 , (ii) 1 < | z | < 3 ,
the function f is defined as follows :
(iii) | z | > 3 , (iv) 0 < | z + 1| < 2 . 6
2 3 2
x y ( xy i ) 7. a) Show that a bilinear transformation leaves
f (z ) = ,( z 0 )
x3 + y6 a cross ratio invariant. 5
=0 ,z=0 4 b) Use the method of contour integration to
evaluate one of the following integrals : 5
b) State and prove Morera's theorem. 6
sin mx
4. a) State and prove Cauchy integral formula for i) x
derivatives. 7 0

b) Expand f ( z ) = sin z in a Taylor series
cos x
ii) dx .

about z = and determine the region of 0
convergence of this series. 3
5. a) Define uniformly convergent series for a
complex valued function. If in a region
R, | f n ( z )| M n , n = 1, 2, 3, ... , where M n

are positive constants such that Mn
n =1

converges, show that fn ( z ) converges
n =1
uniformly and absolutely in IR. 6

b) If is a pole of the function f ( z ) , show

that | f ( z )| as z . 4

PG-Sc.-213-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-213-G

PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) State Maximum Modulus Theorem and

Term End Examination December, 2015 / June, 2016 Minimum Modulus Theorem for a function
of a complex variable.
Paper - 2B : Complex Analysis g) Determine all bilinear transformations
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 which have fixed points as i and i.
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance h) If f ( z ) is analytic and univalent in a
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
domain D, then show that the inverse map
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been z = f ( ) is analytic in f ( D ) .
indicated in the margin.
2. a) Show that the function
f ( z ) = u ( x , y ) + iv ( x , y ) is differentiable in
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
a domain D if u x , uy ,v x ,v y exist,
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
continuous and satisfy Cauchy-Riemann
a) Show that the function f ( z ) = xy + iy is equations in D. 5
everywhere continuous but is not analytic.
b) If u and v are harmonic in a domain D,
1 2
b) Show that the function u = ( x + y 2 ) is u v u v
2 show that +i + is
harmonic. y x x y
analytic in D. 5
c) Find the radius of convergence of the power

3. a) State and prove Cauchy's integral formula
series ( 3 + 4i )n z n . for derivative. 6
n =0

d) Examine the singularity of the function b) If C is a closed contour containing

1 the origin inside it, prove that
f ( z ) = sin at z = 0.
z an 1 e az
e) Find the residue of f ( z ) = cot z at z = 0. n!
2i z n +1 dz . 4

PG-Sc.-9064 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9064

3 PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) 4

4. a) Given a rectifiable curve L, suppose the 7. a) Show by the method of contour integration

series f (z ) = fn ( z ) is uniformly
sin x
dx =
. 5
n =1 0
convergent on L and every term f n ( z ) is
b) Let f ( z ) be a bilinear transformation such
continuous on L. Show that the series can
that f (i ) = 0 , f ( 0 ) = 1 and f ( i ) = .
be integrated term by term on L, i.e.
Show that = f ( z ) transforms
f ( z ) dz = f n (z ) dz . 5
i) the real axis Im ( z ) = 0 on | |= 1 ;
L n =1 L

z ii) the upper half plane Im ( z ) > 0 on

b) Expand f ( z ) = in a Laurent
( z 1 )( 2 z ) | |< 1 ;
series valid for (i) 1 < | z | < 2 , (ii) | z | > 2
iii) the lower half plane Im ( z ) < 0 on
and (iii) | z 1| > 1 . 5
| |> 1 . 5
5. a) Given that z 0 is a pole of a function f ( z ) .
Show that z z | f ( z )|= . 4

b) Show that the zeros of an analytic function

are isolated points. 3
c) Locate and name all the singularities of the
z 2 3z
function f ( z ) = . 3
z 2 + 2z + 2
6. a) State and prove Cauchy's residue theorem.
b) Obtain Cauchy's integral formula from
Cauchy's residue theorem. 3
c) Evaluate z 1
dz .
|z|= 3

PG-Sc.-9064 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9064

PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) Find the radius of convergence of the power

Term End Examination December, 2014 / June, 2015 n

series 2nz + 1 .
n =0
Paper - 2B : Complex Analysis
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 g) For what values of z does the series

( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
( z 2 + 1)n converges ? Find its sum.
n =1
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. z
The marks for each question has been
h) Evaluate z 2
dz .
indicated in the margin. |z|= 2

2. a) Define uniform continuity of a function

Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. f ( z ) in a region R. Show that f ( z ) = z 2 is

1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 uniformly continuous in | z | < 1 , while

g (z ) = is not uniformly continuous in
a) Show that f ( z ) = | z |2 is differentiable z
nowhere except at z = 0. that region. 1+4

b) What kind of singularity has the function x 3 y3 x 3 + y3

b) Let f ( z ) = +i , z0
1 x 2 + y2 x2 + y2
sin ?
z 1
= 0, z = 0.
c) Find the bilinear transformation that maps
Show that though C-R equations are
the points , i, 0 into the points 0, i,
respectively. satisfied at ( 0,0 ), f ( 0 ) does not exist. 5

d) State Laurent's theorem. 3. a) State and prove Morera's theorem. 6

e) Find the residue of the function b) Evaluate ( z + 1 )2
dz where C is the circle
z2 at z = ia .
f (z ) =
z2 + a2 | z 1|= 3 . 4

PG-Sc.-1064-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1064-G

3 PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) PGMT-2B (PT/10/IIB) 4

4. a) State Cauchy-Hadamard theorem for a ( z 2 + 1 )2

power series. Prove that the power series c) If f ( z ) = , evaluate
( z 2 + 2z + 3 )3

an z n and nan z n 1 have the same 1
f (z )
f (z )
dz . 2
n =0 n =0
|z|= 2
radius of convergence. 1+3
7. a) Prove that if a bilinear transformation has
1 two fixed points p and q then it can be
b) Expand f ( z ) = in a Laurent's
( z + 1 )( z + 3 ) expressed as
series valid for (i) 1 <| z |< 3 , (ii) | z |> 3 ,
p z p
(iii) 0 <| z + 1|< 2 . 6 =K
q z q

where K is a constant. 4
5. a) State and prove Riemann's theorem on
removable singularity for an analytic
sin mx
function. 5 b) Evaluate x
dx . 6
b) Find all the singularities of
z8 + z4 + 2
f (z ) = . 3
( z 1 )3 ( 3z + 2 )2

c) Show that the point at infinity is a simple

zero of f ( z ) = z2 2 . 2
z 3 + 3z + 2

6. a) State and prove Rouche's theorem. 5

b) Using Cauchy's residue theorem evaluate

z ( z 1 )2
dz . 3
|z|= 2

PG-Sc.-1064-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1064-G


POST-GRADUATE COURSE c) If p, q are real-valued continuous functions

Term End Examination December, 2013 / June, 2014
MATHEMATICS defined on [ a, b ], show that the Wronskian
Paper - 3A : Ordinary Differential Equations
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
of any two solutions of the differential
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect equation x ( t ) + p ( t ) x ( t ) + q ( t ) x ( t ) = 0 ,
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been
indicated in the margin.
t [ a , b ] , is either zero throughout [ a, b ],

Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. or non-zero throughout [ a, b ].

( In the following " ' " stands for ) d) If the real-valued functions P, Q, defined on

1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10

[ a, b ], are such that P has continuous
a) Transform the second-order differential
equation x ( t ) + ax ( t ) + bx ( t ) = 0 , t I derivative on [ a, b ], and Q is continuous
(interval), ( where a, b are prescribed real
numbers) to a system of first-order on [ a, b ], show that the differential
differential equations.
equation [ P ( t ) x ( t ) ] + Q ( t ) x ( t ) = 0 is self-
b) Find the first three Picard's approximations
of the solution of the initial value problem
x ( t ) = x ( t ) , x ( 0 ) = 1 , t 0 . adjoint on [ a, b ].

PG-Sc.-6110-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6110-P

3 PGMT-3A (PT/10/IIIA) PGMT-3A (PT/10/IIIA) 4

e) If A is an n n matrix and x ( ) , y ( ) are g) For the nth degree Legendre polynomial

~ ~
n 1 column matrices that satisfy the Pn ( x ) , prove that Pn (x ) = (1 )n Pn (x ) ,

system of n first-order differential equations x IR.

x ( t ) = A ( t ) X ( t ) , t [ a ,b ] , ...( * ) show that,

(1)k ( x / 2 )n + 2k
for arbitrary complex numbers , , the
h) Given that J n (x ) = (k + 1) (n + k + 1)
k =0

n 1 matrix x ( ) + y ( ) is a solution of
~ ~ 2
prove that J 1 (x ) = sin x , (x IR \{ 0 } ).
the differential equation ( * ). 2

2. a) Given that x1 ( t ) = t 1 is a solution

f) If the real numbers a, b, c, d are such that
of the differential equation
the characteristic roots of the matrix
2t 2x ( t ) + 3t x ( t ) x ( t ) = 0 , t > 0, find
A = a b are both real, negative, show
c d another solution x 2( ) of the above

that all solutions of the system of

differential equation, so that x1( ), x 2 ( )
differential equations x ( t ) = Ax ( t ) ,
~ ~ are linearly independent. 5

approach 0 as t .
0 b) Using the method of variation of

parameters, solve

x ( t ) + 2x ( t ) + x ( t ) = 3e t , t IR. 5

PG-Sc.-6110-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6110-P


3. Let p, q be two real-valued continuous functions 5. a) If the real-valued continuous function q is

on IR, and let x1( ), x 2 ( ) be two solutions of the
non-positive on an interval I, show that no
differential equation
solution of the differential equation
x ( t ) + p ( t ) x ( t ) + q ( t ) x ( t ) = 0 , t IR.
x ( t ) + q ( t ) x ( t ) = 0 has more than one
Show that the Wronskian W ( x1, x 2 ; t ) of x1, x 2
zero in I. 5

t b) Let 1, 2 be respectively eigenfunctions

W (x1, x 2 ; t ) = W ( x1, x 2 ; t 0 ) exp p ( s ) ds ,

corresponding to the eigenvalues 1, 2 of
t 0
( t IR ), for any preassigned t 0 IR . Hence the Sturm-Liouville problem

show that the above differential equation has a

[ p ( t ) x ( t )] + q ( t ) x ( t ) = r ( t ) x ( t ) , t [ 0,1 ] ,
unique solution satisfying x ( t 0 ) = x 0 , x ( t 0 ) = x 0 ,

for any set of prescribed real numbers x 0 , x 0 . a1x ( 0 ) + a 2 x ( 0 ) = 0 = b1x (1 ) + b2 x (1 ) ,

where p has a continuous derivative on
4. a) If W denotes the Wronskian of any two
[ 0, 1 ], q is continuous on [ 0, 1 ],
solutions of x ( t ) = a b x ( t ) , t I
~ c d ~ a1, a 2 , b1, b2 are prescribed real numbers.
(interval), show that, for all t I ,
= ( a + d )W . 5
If 1 2 , prove that r ( t ) 1 ( t ) 2 ( t ) dt = 0 .

b) Solve x ( t ) = 1 2 x ( t ), ( t IR ). 5
~ 3 4 ~ 5

PG-Sc.-6110-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6110-P

3 PGMT-3A (PT/10/IIIA) PGMT-3A (PT/10/IIIA) 4

6. a) Show that the differential equation

x ( t ) 2tx ( t ) + 2 x ( t ) = 0 , t IR, has a

polynomial solution if is a positive

integer. 5

( 1 )k ( n ! )2
b) If Ln (x ) = ( k! )2( n k )!x k , prove that
k =0

Ln (x ) = e x (x n e x ) . 5

7. a) If n is a positive integer, show that

Jn ( x ) =
cos ( n x sin )d, (x IR ). 5

b) If Pn ( x ) denotes the Legendre polynomial

of degree n, prove that

1 0, if m n ,
Pm ( x ) Pn ( x ) dx = 2
2n + 1
, if m = n .

PG-Sc.-6110-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6110-P


POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) Find the matrix form of the linear equation

Term End Examination December, 2012/June, 2013 x 4x + 10x 6x = 9t .
e) For a plane autonomous system define a
saddle point.
Paper - 3A : Ordinary Differential Equations f) Examine if Green's function exists for the
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
BVP y = 0 , y ( 0 ) = y (1 ) , y ( 0 ) = y (1 ) .
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance g) Prove that H n ( z ) = 2nH n 1( z ), n 1 .
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect h) Classify the singular points of
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. 2
d y dy
The weightage for each question has been ( x 4 2x 3 + x 2 ) 2
+ 2( x 1) + x 2y = 0 .
indicated in the margin. dx dx

Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. 2. a) For the initial value problem x ( t ) = 1 + x 2 ,
x ( 0 ) = 0 find the largest interval | x | h
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
on which the solution exists uniquely. 5
a) Show that the function
b) Find the general solution of
cos t
f ( t, x ) = ( x + x 2 ) satisfies Lipschitz d 2y dy
t2 x2 6x + 10y = 3x 4 + 6x 3 given that
2 dx
1 dx
condition in | x | 1 and | t 1| < and
2 y = x 2 and y = x 5 are linearly independent
find the Lipschitz constant. solutions of the corresponding
b) Obtain the first three approximations homogeneous equation. 5
x1( t ), x 2 ( t ) and x 3 ( t ) of x ( t ) = 2t (1 + x ) ,
3. a) If the vector functions 1, 2 ,..., n are the
x (0 ) = 0 .
n solutions of the homogeneous linear
c) If 1, 2 and 1, 2 are two dx
vector DE = A ( t ) X and the Wornskian
bases of solutions of dt

L [ y ] ( t ) = a 0y ( t ) + a1y ( t ) + a 2y ( t ) = 0 prove W ( 1, ..., n ) t 0 = 0 for some t 0 [ a ,b ]
that there is a constant k such that
W ( 1, 2 )( t ) = kW ( 1, 2 )( t ) . prove that 1, 2 ,..., n are linearly
dependent on [ a, b ]. 5

PG-Sc.-309-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-309-G

3 PGMT-3A (PT/10/IIIA) PGMT-3A (PT/10/IIIA) 4

b) Find a fundamental matrix for the system 7. a) Show that

0 2 ( n + 1 ) Pn +1( z ) ( 2n + 1 ) zPn ( z )
d X
6 (i)
= 2 9 12 X . 5
dt 1 2 1 +nPn 1 ( z ) = 0

4. a) Find the Green's function for the equation (ii) zPn ( z ) Pn 1( z ) = nPn ( z ) . 5
d u b) Prove that recurrence relation
= f ( x ) , 0 x 1 subject to boundary
dx 2 z J n ( z ) = z J n 1( z ) n J n ( z ) for Bessel
condition u ( 0 ) = u ( 0 ) and u (1 ) = u (1 ) . 5
function J n ( z ) . 5
b) Solve u + k u = f ( x ) ( k ) subject to
boundary conditions u ( 0 ) = , u (1 ) = . 5
5. a) In the linear autonomous system
dx dy
= ax + by , = cx + dy , where a, b, c, d
dt dt
are real constants, show that if (i) a = d and
b and c are of opposite sign, then the
critical point ( 0, 0 ) is a special point
(ii) If a = d and either b or c = 0, then the
critical point ( 0, 0 ) is a node. 5
b) Find the characteristic equation of a linear
autonomous system. Explain the function
of special point of a linear autonomous
system. 5
6. a) Establish The Rodrigue's formula :

2 dn 2
(i) Hn ( z ) = ( 1) n e z n
e z

(ii) H n ( z ) = 2n H n 1( z ) , n 1 . 5

b) Establish the orthogonal property of

Laguerre polynomial. 5

PG-Sc.-309-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-309-G


POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of

Term End Examination December, 2015 / June, 2016 the matrix 3 2 .

4 1
dX 6 3 x
Paper - 3A : Ordinary Differential Equations e) Solve = 2 1 X , where X = x 1 .
dt 2
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
f) In the following boundary value problem
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
examine whether a Green's function exists
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
and if it exists then construct it :
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. y = 0 , y ( 0 ) = 0 , y (1 ) = y (1 ) .
The marks for each question has been

indicated in the margin. g) Find the values of L 3 ( x ) L 5 ( x ) dx .
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. 0
2 5 = 10
1. Answer any five questions :
x Pn (x ) dx .
h) Evaluate
a) If S is defined by the strip 1
2. a) Let x1, x 2 ,..., xn be n linearly independent
S = { ( t , x ) :|t | , |x | < , > 0 } show
solutions of
that the function
L [y ] = a0 ( t )x (n ) + a1( t )x ( n 1) + ... + an ( t )x = 0 ,
2 2 3
f ( t , x ) = (3t + 1 ) cos x + ( t 2t ) sin 2x
where a 0 ( t ) 0 for any t I and
satisfy the Lipschitz condition. Also find the
Lipschitz constant. a 0 , a1, a 2 , are continuous functions on

b) Obtain Picard's
approximation of the I and let t 0 I . Then prove that
dx t
differential equation = t + x with initial a1(s )
condition x 0 ( t ) = e t .
W (x1,...xn )( t ) = W (x1,...xn )( t 0 ) exp
ds .
a (s )
t 0 0
c) Compute the solution of x + x + x + x = 1
b) Show that the general solution of the
with the initial conditions x (0 ) = 0 ,
equation x + 3x + 2x = b ( t ) is bounded on
x ( 0 ) = 1 , x ( 0 ) = 0 .
[ 0, ) if b (t ) is bounded on [ 0, ) . 5

PG-Sc.-9110 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9110

3 PGMT-3A (PT/10/IIIA) PGMT-3A (PT/10/IIIA) 4

3. a) Let the vector functions 1, 2 ,...n be n b) Consider the linear autonomous system
solutions of the homogeneous linear vector dx dy
= ax + by , = cx + dy
dX dt dt
differential equation = A (t )X . where a, b, c and d are real constants.
If the Wronskian W ( 1,..., n )( t 0 ) = 0 at i) Show that if a = d and b and c are of
opposite sign, then the critical point
some t 0 [ a , b ] , then prove that 1,...n ( 0, 0 ) of the above system is a spiral
are linearly dependent on [ a, b ]. 5 point.
b) Let 1,...n be a fundamental set of ii) Show that if a = d and either b or
solutions of the homogeneous linear vector c = 0 then the critical point ( 0, 0 ) of
dX ( A ) is a node. 5
differential equation = A ( t )X , and let
dt 1 dn
6. a) Prove that Pn ( x ) = ( x 2 1 )n . 5
be an arbitrary solution of the above 2n n ! dx n
equation on [ a, b ]. Then prove that can
be represented as a suitable linear
combination of 1,...n that is, there
b) Prove that e H m ( x ) H n ( x ) dx = 0 if

exist numbers c1, c 2 ,...,c n such that
= c1 1 + ... + c n n on [ a, b ]. 5
m n and e [H n (x ) ]2 dx = 2x n ! . 5

4. a) For the initial value problem x ( t ) = 1 + x 2 ,
x ( 0 ) = 0 find the largest interval | x | h 7. a) Prove that J n ( x ) =
cos ( n x sin ) d . 5
on which the solution exists uniquely. Find 0
also the unique solution and show that it b) Find the power series solution of the
actually exists over a larger interval than differential equation
that guaranteed by Picard's theorem. 5
Given that y = x d 2y dy
b) is a solution of +x + (x 2 + 2) y = 0 in powers of x
dx 2 dx
d 2y dy
(x 2 1 ) 2x + 2y = 0 , find a linearly about x 0 = 0 . 5
dx 2 dx
independent solution by reducing the order.
Write the general solution. 5
5. a) Find the Green's function of the BVP ,
y = 0 , y ( 0 ) = y ( l ) = 0 . 5

PG-Sc.-9110 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9110


d) Consider the linear system = 3x + 4y ,
Term End Examination December, 2014 / June, 2015 dt
MATHEMATICS = 2x + y .
Paper - 3A : Ordinary Differential Equations t
Show thatx = 2e 5t and x = e t are
And Special Functions 5t
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 y =e y =e
solutions of this system.
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
e) Find the nature and stability property of

in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect the critical point of the system x = ax + y ,
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.

The marks for each question has been y = x ay for a < 0 and a > 0.
indicated in the margin.
f) Prove that H n ( z ) = 2nH n 1( z ) , n 1 .
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. 1 dn
g) Prove that Pn ( z ) = ( z 2 1 )n .
2n n ! dz n
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
h) Solve the equation x 2u + 2xu = x 2 ,
a) Illustrate by an example that a continuous 0 x 1 with the boundary condition
function may not satisfy a Lipschitz u ( 0 ) is finite and u (1 ) + u (1 ) = 0 by using
condition on a rectangle. Green's function method.
2. a) Find the general solution of
b) If S is defined by the rectangle | x | a , d 2y dy
( x 2 + 1) 2x + 2y = 6 ( x 2 + 1 )2 ,
| y | b , show that the function dx 2 dx
f ( x , y ) = x sin y + y cos x satisfies the given that y = x and y = x 2 1 are linearly
Lipschitz condition and hence find the independent solutions of the corresponding
Lipschitz constant. homogeneous equation. 5
b) Find the adjoint differential expression
c) Show that the solutions e , e x x
and e 2x
of L* [ v ] of the differential expression L [ u ]
3 2 defined by
d y d y dy
2 + 2y = 0 are linearly L [ u ] = a 0u ( n ) + a1u ( n 1 ) + ... + a r u ( n r ) + ... + an u .
dx 3
dx 2 dx
independent. Establish the Lagrange's identity. 5

PG-Sc.-1110-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1110-G

3 PGMT-3A (PT/10/IIIA) PGMT-3A (PT/10/IIIA) 4

3. a) Let u1, u 2 ,..., un be n solutions of the 5. a) Let f ( x,y ) be a continuous

differential equation function defined over a rectangle
D = { ( x , y ) :| x x 0 | a ,| y y 0 | b } where
a 0 ( t ) x ( n )( t ) + a1( t ) x ( n 1 )( t ) + ... + an ( t ) x n ( t ) = 0
a, b are some positive real numbers. Let
where a i : I R ( i = 0,1,..., n ) are f
be defined and continues on D and
continuous and a 0 ( t ) 0 for any t I . y
Prove that if the Wronskian of the solutions k for each ( x , y ) D for some k > 0.
u1,..., un vanishes at any point of ( a, b ),
Then prove that f satisfies a Lipschitz
these n solutions are linearly dependent. 5 condition on D with Lipschitz constant k. 5
b) Find the general solution of b) Consider the initial-value problem :
2 dy
d y dy = y 2 , y ( 0 ) = 2 . Let R be the rectangle
( x 2 + 2x ) 2 (x + 1 ) + 2y = ( x + 2 )2 , dx
dx 2 dx
R : { (x , y ) :| x | a , | y 2 | b, a > 0, b > 0 } .
given that y = x + 1 and y = x 2 are linearly Find the largest interval of existence of its
independent solutions of the corresponding solutions. 5
6. a) State and prove Sturm separation theorem.
homogeneous equation. 5
4. a) If the vector functions 1, 2 , ..., n be the n b) Find the Green's function for the equation
solutions of the homogenous linear vector d 2u
= f ( x ), 0 x 1 subject to the
dx 2
differential equation d X = A ( t ) X on [a, b ], boundary condition u ( 0 ) = u ( 0 ) and
then the n solutions are linearly
u (1 ) = u (1 ) . Hence find the solution of
independent on [ a, b ] iff W (1,..., n )( t ) 0 the problem. 5
2 n 2
for all t in [ a, b ]. 5 7. a) Show that H n ( z ) = ( 1 )n e z d ( e z ) . 5
dz n
b) Find the general solution of b) Prove that
x (i) z J n ( z ) = z J n 1( z ) n J n ( z )
d X 5 12 6

= 1 5 1 X , where X = x 2 . (ii) z J n ( z ) = z J n +1( z ) + n J n ( z ) . 5
dt 7 10 8 x


PG-Sc.-1110-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1110-G


POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) Find the complete integral of the first

Term End Examination December, 2013 / June, 2014 order partial differential equation
z = px + qy + f ( p, q ) .
Paper - 3B : Partial Differential Equations e) When the differential operator F (D , D ) is
And Special Function said to be reducible ? Verify whether the
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
operator (D 2 + DD 2D 2 D 2D ) is
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance reducible or not.
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
f) State the exterior Dirichlet problem for a
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been
indicated in the margin. g) A tightly stretched string with fixed end
points x = 0 and x = l is initially in a
Symbols / Notations have their usual meaning. position given by u = u 0 sin3 , 0 x l ,
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. and then released from rest. Find the
displacement of any point x of the string at
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
any time t > 0.
a) Write down the necessary and sufficient 2. a) Show that, the partial differential equation
condition for integrability of the Pfaffian
Pp + Qq = R has the general solution
differential equation P dx + Q dy + R dz = 0
and hence find the auxiliary equations. ( u,v ) = 0 , where is an arbitrary

b) Define, with an example, a first order semi- function of u and v, and u ( x , y, z ) = c1 ,

linear partial differential equation involving v ( x , y , z ) = c 2 are solutions of the equations
two independent variables.
dx d y d z
c) The partial differential equation = = . 3
z 2 ( p 2 + q 2 + 1 ) = c 2 has a complete integral
b) Form a partial differential equation by
of the form ( x a )2 + ( y b )2 + z 2 = c 2 ,
eliminating the arbitrary function f from the
where a, b are constants, find the singular
equation z = xy + f ( x 2 + y 2 ) . 3

PG-Sc.-6114-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6114-P

3 PGMT-3B (PT/10/IIIB) PGMT-3B (PT/10/IIIB) 4

c) Solve the following equation by Charpit's b) Find the integral surface of the partial
method 2zx px 2qxy + pq = 0 . 4 differential equation given by
x (y 2 + z ) p y (x 2 + z ) q = (x 2 y 2 ) z , which
3. a) Classify the partial differential equation :
contains the straight line x + y = 0 , z = 1.
y 2z xx x 2z yy = 0, x > 0, y > 0 5
and reduce it to canonical form. 6 7. a) Solve the two-dimensional Laplace's
equation =0 by the method of
b) Solve the following partial differential
equation : separation of variables. Hence solve the
equation at any point interior to the
3z 3z 3z rectangle 0 x a , 0 y b subject to the
3 +4 = e x + 2y . 4
3 2 3
x x y y boundary conditions

4. Find the solution of the one-dimensional wave ( x ,b ) = ( a, y ) = ( 0, y ) = 0, ( x ,0 ) = f ( x ) .

2u 2u 7
equation = c2 by reducing it into
t 2 x 2 b) Use D'Alembert's solution to find the
canonical form. Hence find the solution of the deflection u ( x , t ) of a vibrating string of
one-dimensional wave equation subject to unit length having fixed ends with zero
the initial conditions u ( x, 0 ) = f ( x ) and initial velocity and initial deflection
u f (x ) = a (x2 x3 ). 3
( x , 0 ) = g ( x ) . Further show that the solution
of the initial value problem is unique. 10
5. a) Find the solution of the Dirichlet problem
for a circle by using the Green's function
method. 5
b) State and prove the mean value theorem for
harmonic function. 5
6. a) State and prove the maximum-minimum
principle for one-dimensional diffusion
equation. 5

PG-Sc.-6114-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6114-P


POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) Show that the partial differential operator

Term End Examination December, 2012/June, 2013 defined by L ( z ) = c 2z xx z tt is self adjoint.
MATHEMATICS g) Prove that if the Green's function G be
Paper - 3B : Partial Differential Equations G
And Special Function continuous and its normal derivative
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) be discontinuous at r , then show that
lim G
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
d = 1 , where is a small

spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. sphere of radius bounded by the
The weightage for each question has been
surface .
indicated in the margin.
2. a) Verify that the following equation is

Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. integrable and find its primitive : 4

1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 y dx + x dy + 2z dz = 0

a) What do you mean by a Pfaffian differential b) Let u = u ( x , y , z ) and v = v ( x , y, z ) be two

form and a Pfaffian differential equation ? given functions of x, y, z connected by the
b) Define, with an example, a first order relation ( u,v ) = 0 , where is an arbitrary
Quasi-linear partial differential equation function. By eliminating the function ,
involving two independent variables. form a partial differential equation. 3
c) Eliminating the constants a and b from the c) Solve the partial differential equation
equation 2z = ( ax + y ) + b , form a partial z = pq by Charpit's method. 3
differential equation. 3. a) Find the integral surface of the equation
d) When are two first order partial ( x y )2 py 2 + ( y x )2 qx 2 = ( x 2 + y 2 ) z
differential equations F ( x , y, z , p, q ) = 0 and through the curve xz = a 3 , y = 0 . 6
G ( x , y, z , p, q ) = 0 said to be compatible ?
2z 2z
b) Solve the equation = sin x cos 2y .
e) Solve the equation x 2 xy
(D 2 DD 2D 2 + 2D + 2D ) z = 0 . 4

PG-Sc.-313-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-313-G

3 PGMT-3B (PT/10/IIIB) PGMT-3B (PT/10/IIIB) 4

4. Using Riemann's method obtain the solution of b) Let P1 and P2 are two points with position
the partial differential equation = F ( x,y ) , vectors r1 and r2 respectively, which lie in
z the interior of a finite region V bounded by
given that (i) z = f ( x ) on , (ii)
= g ( x ) on
a surface S. Show that G ( r1, r2 ) = G ( r2 , r1 )

, where is the curve y = x , represents where G denotes Green's function. 6
the normal derivative. 10
5. a) Classify the partial differential equation
x 2z xx + 2xyz xy + y 2z yy = 0 , and reduce it

to canonical form. 7
b) Prove that, if the Dirichlet problem for
Laplace's equation for a bounded region
has a solution, then it is unique. 3
6. Obtain the Riemann-Volterra solution of the one
dimensional wave equation z tt = c 2z xx . Hence
obtain the D'Alembert's solution of the above
equation. 10
7. a) If T ( x, t ) is a solution of the one
dimensional diffusion equation
T 2T
=k 2 , 0 x L, 0t
t x
subject to the initial condition
T ( x ,0 ) = f ( x ) and the boundary conditions
T ( 0, t ) = g1( t ) and T ( L , t ) = g 2 ( t ) , where
f ( x ) , g1( t ) and g 2 ( t ) are continuous
functions, then show that the solution is
unique. 4

PG-Sc.-313-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-313-G


POST-GRADUATE COURSE e) State the interior Neumann problem for a

Term End Examination December, 2015 / June, 2016 circle.

MATHEMATICS f) A tightly stretched homogeneous string of

Paper - 3B : Partial Differential Equations And length L with its fixed ends x = 0 and x = L
Special Function executes transverse vibrations. Motion is
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 started with zero initial velocity by
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) displacing the string in the form
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance f (x ) = a (x x3). Find the deflection
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
u ( x , t ) at any time t.
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been
g) For a sphere with centre at the origin and
indicated in the margin.
radius a, show that 2 = 4 ( r ) .
Symbols / Notations have their usual meanings.
2. a) Show that the linear partial differential
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
equation Pp + Qq = R has the general
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 solution ( u,v ) = 0 , where is an
a) Form a partial differential equation by arbitrary function of u and v, and
eliminating the arbitrary function f from the u ( x , y, z ) = c1 , v ( x , y, z ) = c 2 are the
relation z = x + y + f ( xy ) . dx dy dz
solutions of the equations = = . 3
b) Find the adjoint to the differential
operator L, defined by L ( z ) = Z xx Z t . b) Eliminating the arbitrary functions f and g,
from the relation z = yf (x ) + xg (y ) , form a
c) Classify the following partial differential
partial differential equation. 3
equation and find its characteristic
equations : c) Solve the following partial differential
equation :
Z xx + 2Z xy + 4Z yy + 2Z x + 3Z y = 0 .
(D 2 + 3DD + 2D 2 ) z = x + y . 4
d) If a harmonic function vanishes everywhere
on the boundary, then show that it is
identically zero everywhere.

PG-Sc.-9114 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9114

3 PGMT-3B (PT/10/IIIB) PGMT-3B (PT/10/IIIB) 4

3. a) Describe the Jacobi's method of solving a 7. Verify that the Green's function for the equation
non-linear partial differential equation of 2u 2 u u
+ + = 0 subject to u = 0,
the form f ( x , y, z , p, q ) = 0 . 6 x y x + y x y
b) Find the integral surface of the equation u
= 3x 2 on y = x is given by
(x y ) y 2 p + (y x ) x 2q = (x 2 + y 2 )z x

through the curve xz = a 3 , y = 0 . 4 ( x + y ){ 2xy + ( )( x y ) + 2 }

v ( x , y; , ) =
( + )3
4. a) Show that in case of two variables, a
Pfaffian differential equation always and obtain the solution of the equation in the
possesses an integrating factor. 3 form u = (x y )(2x 2 xy + 2y 2 ) . 10
b) State and solve the Dirichlet's problem for
Laplace's equation for a rectangle. 7
5. a) Form a partial differential equation by
eliminating the arbitrary constants a, b and
c from z = a (x + y ) + b (x y ) + abt + c . 3

b) Classify and reduce the following partial

differential equation to its canonical form
and hence solve it.
y2 x2
y 2z xx 2xyz xy + x 2z yy = zx + z . 7
x y y

6. a) State and prove that uniqueness theorem

for the solution of the one-dimensional
diffusion equation. 5

b) Solve 2u = 0 in the upper half plane

defined by y 0 , < x < using Green's
function method, subject to the condition
u = f (x ) on y = 0. 5

PG-Sc.-9114 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9114


POST-GRADUATE COURSE e) What do you mean by a Pfaffian differential

Term End Examination December, 2014 / June, 2015 form and a Pfaffian differential equation ?

MATHEMATICS f) State the interior Dirichlet's problem for a

Paper - 3B : Partial Differential Equations
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 g) Classify the partial differential equation
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) z xx + xz yy = 0 , considering various
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. 2. a) Describe the Charpit's method of solving a
The marks for each question has been non-linear partial differential equation of
indicated in the margin.
the form f ( x , y, z , p, q ) = 0 . 6

Symbols / Notations have their usual meanings. b) Solve the partial differential equation

Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. x (x 2 + 3y 2 )p y (3x 2 + y 2 )q = 2z (y 2 x 2 ) . 4

3. a) Classify and reduce the following partial

1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
differential equation into canonical form :

a) Define, with an example, a second order yz xx + ( x + y ) z xy + xz yy = 0 .

quasi-linear partial differential equation Hence solve the equation. 7

involving two independent variables. b) Solve the partial differential equation :

b) Form a partial differential equation by r 4s + 4t = e 2x + y . 3

eliminating the arbitrary function f from the 4. Using Riemann's method, obtain the solution of
relation z = f ( xy /z ) . 2z
the partial differential equation = F (x , y ) ,
x y
c) State the Cauchy-Kowalewski theorem. = g ( x ) on ,
given that (i) z = f ( x ) on , (ii)

where is the curve y = x and represents
d) Show that the two-dimensional Laplacian n
operator is self-adjoint. the normal derivative. 10

PG-Sc.-1114-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1114-G

3 PGMT-3B (PT/10/IIIB) PGMT-3B (PT/10/IIIB) 4

5. a) Show that the solution of the Dirichlet 7. a) Use Green's function method to solve the
problem depend continuously on the Dirichlet's problem for Laplace's equation
boundary values. 3 for a sphere. 6

b) Find the solution of the one-dimensional b) Solve the partial differential equation
px + qy = pq , by using Jacobi's method. 4
u 2u
heat conduction equation =k ,
t x 2
satisfying the following conditions :

u ( x , 0 ) = x ( a x ), 0 < x < a

u is bounded as t ,

u u
and ( 0, t ) = ( a, t ) = 0 , t . 7
x x

6. Obtain the various possible solutions of the one-

dimensional wave equation in Cartesian form by
the method of separation of variables. Which one
of these solutions is appropriate with the
physical nature of the problem ? Justify your
answer. Hence find the solution of the one-

dimensional wave equation ztt = c 2z xx , 0 x l ,

t > 0 subject to the conditions :

z ( 0, t ) = z ( l , t ) = 0 for t > 0

z ( x , 0 ) = f ( x ) and zt ( x , 0 ) = g ( x ) for 0 x l .


PG-Sc.-1114-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1114-G

PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA) PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA) 2

e) Is the matrix A = 0 6 0 6 ill
Term End Examination December, 2013 / June, 2014 0 4 0 2
conditioned ? Verify.
Paper - 4A : Numerical Analysis f) Is yn + 3 = yn +1 + 2 hf ( xn , yn ) a multistep
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
method ? Justify.
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance g) How is the least eigenpair of a non-singular
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect matrix A determined by the power method ?
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been 2. Describe a finite difference scheme for finding
indicated in the margin.
numerical solution of a second order ordinary
differential equation with prescribed boundary
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. conditions. 10

1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 3. Describe Milne's method for solving a well-posed
a) Define degree of precision of a mechanical initial value problem
quadrature formula. y ( x ) = f ( x,y )
y ( a ) = y0
b) Use appropriate formula for computing
roots of the following equations : in a finite interval [ a, b ]. Give an estimate of
error in each step. 10
x 2 100 001 x + 1 = 0 .
4. State Gauss Quadrature problem and obtain the
c) What is meant by clamped cubic spline ? Gauss-Legendre solution of it. 10
d) Determine the constants 0 ,1 and x 0 so
5. Solve the following hyperbolic equation by finite
that the method
2u 2u
difference method = in a domain
1 t 2 x 2
f ( x )dx = 0 f ( x 0 ) + 1 f (x 0 ) D = { ( x , t ) : 0 < x < a, 0 < t < T } with initial
conditions u ( x, 0 ) = f ( x ) , ut ( x , 0 ) = g ( x ) ,
is of highest degree of precision and find 0 x a. 10
the degree of precision of the method.

PG-Sc.-6160-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6160-P

3 PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA)

6. Describe an LU decomposition method for solving

a system of n linear equations in n unknowns.
Also discuss some of the advantages of this
method. 10
7. Describe Newton's method for solving a system of
two non-linear equations in two variables. State
the condition of convergence of the method. 10

PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA) PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) Why is pivoting essential in finding the

Term End Examination December, 2012/June, 2013 solution of a system of linear equations ?
Explain with example.
Paper - 4A : Numerical Analysis g) Find a polynomial P ( x ) of degree 2 that
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 satisfies the condition P (x 0 ) = 0 , P (x 0 ) = 1
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) and P ( x1 ) = 2 .
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect 2. Briefly describe the Romberg integration
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. procedure for approximating an integral
The weightage for each question has been
numerically. 10
indicated in the margin.
3. Describe Adams-Bashforth scheme for numerical
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
solution of a well posed initial value problem
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
a) Define an ill-conditioned matrix. Give an = g ( x , y ), y ( 0 ) = y 0
in the finite interval [ 0, a ]. Explain how to start
b) Find the condition number of f ( x ) = e x . the scheme. 10
c) Determine c1, c 2 , c 3 such that
4. a) Prove that the polynomial of degree n
2 which interpolates a polynomial f ( x ) of
xf ( x )dx = c1 f ( 0 ) + c 2 f (1 ) + c 3 f ( 2 ) + E degree n, at n + 1 distinct points is f ( x )
0 itself.
possesses a degree of precision of at least 2. b) Define cubic spline. 7+3
d) Is yn + 2 = 2yn +1 + 3yn , y0 = 1 , y1 = 1 a
5. Solve the following boundary value problem
multistep scheme ? Justify your answer. correct to three decimal places by a finite
What is the step size ? difference scheme :
e) Give some reasons for using orthogonal
xy + 3y = 4 , y (1 ) = 3 = y ( 2 )
polynomial approximation with the method
of least squares. for h = 02 10

PG-Sc.-409-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-409-G

3 PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA)

6. Obtain an explicit finite difference scheme for

solving the parabolic equation
u 2u
= , 0 < x < 1, t > 0
t x 2
u ( x ,0 ) = f ( x ) , 0 x 1
u ( 0, t ) = 0 = u (1, t ) , t > 0
Under what condition the scheme is absolutely
stable ?
7. Describe a LU decomposition method for solving
a system of n linear equations in n unknowns.
When is LU decomposition possible ?

PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA) PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE e) Define the degree of precision of a

Term End Examination December, 2015 / June, 2016 mechanical quadrature formula. Find the
maximum possible value of the degree of
MATHEMATICS precision for a quadrature formula with
Paper - 4A : Numerical Analysis ( n + 1 ) nodes.
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 f) Prove that the leading coefficient of Tn ( x ) ,
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) the nth order Chebyshev polynomial is
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance 2n 1 for n 1 .
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect g) State whether the following function is a
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. spline or not :
The marks for each question has been f ( x ) = x 2 3x + 1, 0 x 1
indicated in the margin.
x 3 + x 2 3, 1 x 2
x 3 + 5x 9, 2 x 3 .
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
2. Establish Newton-Raphson method for finding a
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
real root of the equation f ( x ) = 0 . Give its
a) Each of the following numbers is correct to
their last digit : geometrical interpretation and obtain its order of
20361, 24137, 129941, 568 and 033994. convergence. 10
Find their sum correct to the last digit. 3. Write down the advantages and the
b) Find the condition number of disadvantages of single-step and multi-step
methods for numerical solution of an IVP.
f (x ) = x +1 x and test whether the
Deduce Milne's predictor-corrector formula and
function is ill-conditioned or not. obtain its error-estimate. 3+6+1
c) What do you mean by the complete and 4. Deduce Crank-Nicolson scheme for the solution
partial pivoting in solving of system of n of the following BVP :
linear equations in n unknowns ? What are u 2u
the reasons for such pivoting ? = c2 + g ( x,t ) in the domain
t x 2
d) Compute the total number of arithmetic D : { (x , t ) : a < x < b, 0 < t < T } with the initial
operations (additions / subtraction and
conditions u ( x ,0 ) = f ( x ) , a x b and the
multiplication/division) in Gaussian
boundary conditions u ( a , t ) = ( t ) , u ( b, t ) = ( t ) ,
algorithm for solving an ( n n ) system of
0t T , show that the method is
linear equations.
unconditionally stable. 8+2

PG-Sc.-9160 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9160

3 PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA)

5. Describe the basic principle for Power Method for

finding the dominant eigenpair of given square
matrix (A ) n n . How the convergence rate of the
method depends upon the magnitudes of its
eigenvalues ? Can the method be extended to
find out the second largest eigenpair ? How the
method can be used for finding the least
eigenpair of A ? State when the method fails.
6. Describe the method of bisection for finding a
real root of an equation f ( x ) = 0 lying in the
interval [ a, b ]. Show that the method is
unconditionally convergent. How it differs from
the method of Regula Falsi ? 6+2+2

7. Given a set of ( n + 1 ) points ( x i , yi ) of two

variables x and y ( i = 0,1, 2, ...n ) . Obtain the
least-square straight line y = a + bx to fit into
the given data. Apply this method to the following
set of points ( 0, 10 ), ( 1, 29 ), ( 2, 48 ),
( 3, 67 ), ( 4, 86 ) and obtain the least-square
straight line. 5+5

PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA) PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE e) A clamped cubic spline S ( x ) for function

Term End Examination December, 2014 / June, 2015 f ( x ) is defined on [ 1, 3 ] by
MATHEMATICS 3 (x 1 ) + 2 ( x 1 )2 ( x 1 )3 , 1 x 2
Paper - 4A : Numerical Analysis S(x)=
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
a + b (x 2) + c (x 2)2 + d (x 2)3, 2 x 3

( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) given f (1 ) = f ( 3 ) , find a, b, c and d.

Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
f) Find absolute error, relative error in the
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
following approximations :
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been a) xTrue = 2 718281 xapprox = 2 718
indicated in the margin.
b) xTrue = 0 000023 xapprox = 0 00002
g) Let ( , X ) be an eigenpair of n n matrix A
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
so that AX = X . What will be the
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 corresponding eigenpair of the similar
a) What is the rank of a strictly diagonally matrix P 1AP ?
dominant n n real matrix ? 2. Describe briefly Bairstow's method for finding
quadratic factor of a real polynomial of degree
b) What is the difference between the single
n ( 3). 10
step and multi-step methods for finding the
3. Discuss the stability analysis of second order
solution of first order differential equation. Runge-Kutta method and obtain the stability
region of it. 10
c) If Tn ( x ) = cos ( n cos 1 x ) represents nth
4. Obtain an explicit finite difference scheme for
degree Chebyshev polynomial, then show solving the parabolic equation

that Tn +1 = 2xTn (x ) Tn 1(x ) , ( n 1 ) . u 2u

= , 0 < x < 1, t > 0 .
t x 2
d) Define the condition number of a matrix A. u ( x, 0 ) = f ( x ) , 0 x 1
When the matrix is called ill-conditioned ? u ( 0, t ) = 0 = u (1, t ) , t > 0 .
Give an example. Under what condition the scheme is absolutely
stable ? 10

PG-Sc.-1160-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1160-G

3 PGMT-4A (PT/10/IVA)

5. Briefly describe the Romberg integration

procedure for approximating an integral
numerically. Write down its stopping criteria. 10

6. Describe Adams-Bashforth scheme for numerical

solution of a well posed initial value problem

= f ( x , y ) , y ( a ) = y0 ,
in a finite interval [ a, b ]. Explain how to start
the scheme. 10
7. Describe cubic spline. Describe briefly the
method of construction of cubic spline function.
What are end point conditions of natural cubic
spline ? 10

PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (NEW)] PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (NEW)] 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE e) Define stack. What is the advantage of

Term End Examination December, 2015 / June, 2016 stack used in program ?
f) Convert the following infix expression into
Paper - 4B : Computer Programming & Its
Application To Numerical Analysis postfix expression :
[ For enrolled July, 2012 batch and onwards ]
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 (( A + B ) * C (D + E )) * (F + G )
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
g) What are the differences between built-in
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect function and user-defined function ?
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been h) Find the errors, if any :
indicated in the margin.
int b; float x;
( For students enrolled in July, 2012 onwards ) scanf("%f%f",b,x);
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. printf("%f%f%f\n",a,x,a*x)

1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 printf('%d',b);

a) Explain %d format specification with 2. a) Define the term 'algorithm'. What are the
example. basic criteria of a good algorithm ? 5

b) Explain 'for' loop used in C language. b) Write an algorithm to add two polynomials
using linked lists. 5
c) Express the following algebraic expressions
into their equivalent C expressions : 3. a) Write a program to read a two-dimensional
array (i.e. a matrix) and find the sum of the
[ sin1 x + log10 (1 + x ) ]1/3 + 23 625 | x + y |
elements in each row and column

d) What is a structure ? How does a structure separately and display them. 7

differ from an array ?

PG-Sc.-9203 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9203

3 PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (NEW)] PGMT-4B [PT/10/IVB (NEW)] 4

b) What is function ? What are the advantages 7. a) Write an algorithm to test whether a square
and disadvantages to use function in matrix is orthogonal. 5
C program ? 3
b) Draw a flow chart to find a real root of the

4. a) Write a program which will save a text file equation cos x + x 2 2 = 0 using Newton-
to another file. The file names are to be Raphson method. 5
supplied externally. 7

b) Explain 'while' loop with an example. 3

5. Write a program to solve a system of linear

equations by Gauss-Seidel's iteration method,
correct up to five decimal places. 10

6. a) What kind of information is represented by

a pointer variable ? 2

b) What is the relation between the address of

a variable v and the corresponding pointer
variable pv ? 2

c) Write a function which will interchange the

values between two floating point numbers.
Demonstrate this function by calling this
function from main function. Pointer may
be used. 6

PG-Sc.-9203 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9203

PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) Write down the Lagrangian of the simple

Term End Examination December, 2013 / June, 2014 pendulum problem and explain the terms.

MATHEMATICS e) Show that the angular momentum

Paper - 5A : Principles Of Mechanics is conserved for the Lagrangian
. 2 .

Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
L = r + r .r + r2 .
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance f) What is Virial theorem ? Explain briefly.
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect g) Prove that the transformation
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been 1 2 q
indicated in the margin.
P = ( p + q 2 ) , Q = tan 1
2 p

is a canonical transformation.
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
2. a) Define Poisson bracket of two functions u
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
and v with respect to the canonical
a) What is a non-holonomic system ? variables ( q, p ). Show that Poisson
b) Show that the following problem is of brackets are canonical invariants. Obtain
Liouville's type : canonical equations of motion in Possion
bracket notation.
1 . .
Kinetic energy T = r1 r2 ( r12 + r22 ) b) Show that the Poisson bracket for two
constants of motion is itself a constant of
1 1 motion. 2+3+2+3
Potential energy V = + .
r1 r2
3. Derive Hamilton's canonical equations of motion
c) If L is the Lagrangian of a holonomic for a holonomic system. Indicate the necessary
system with n degrees of freedom and L is modifications to Hamilton's equations in case the
dF generalized forms are not derivable from a
a quantity given by L = L + , where F is
dt potential function. Show that when the
a function of the generalized coordinates Lagrange's function does not contain time
and time only, then show that L also explicitly, Hamilton's equations give the equation
satisfies Lagrange's equations of motion. of energy. 4+3+3

PG-Sc.-6210-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6210-P

3 PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) 4

4. What are cyclic coordinates ? If k of the n 7. For a bounded motion in a finite dimensional
generalized coordinates be cyclic then show that space define the action variable for the i-th
the Lagrangian function can be modified with degree of freedom. Obtain the action variables for
regard to some of the coordinates. Find equations a two-dimensional oscillator given by
for the determination of all the coordinates. If all 1 1
V ( x, y ) = m 2x x 2 + m y2 y 2
the coordinates of a scleronomous system are 2 2

cyclic then prove that the coordinates are linear where x and y are the usual parameters of
functions of time. 1+3+3+3 the system. 2+8

5. a) Show that the set Q = p , P = q + p 2

defines a canonical transformation, where

is a constant.

b) Solve the harmonic oscillator problem by

the Hamilton-Jacobi method. 10

6. State and explain the principle of Least Action.

A particle of unit mass is projected so that its
total energy is h in a field of force of which the
potential energy is (r ) at a distance r from the

origin. Deduce, from the principle of energy and

Least Action, that the differential equation of the
path is c 2 r 2 + 4
= r [h (r )]

where c is a constant. 2+8

PG-Sc.-6210-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6210-P

PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) The motion of a particle of mass m, under

Term End Examination December, 2012/June, 2013 an attractive central force, is described by
the Lagrangian (in cylindrical coordinates)
Paper - 5A : Principles Of Mechanics L =
m 2
( 1
r + r 2Q& 2 kr 2 , h > 0 . What are
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
the two constants of motion ?
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
e) Define inertial frame of reference. State
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect with reason, whether a coordinate system
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. attached to the earth's surface is an inertial
The weightage for each question has been coordinate system or not.
indicated in the margin. f) Is the Lagrangian of a mechanical system
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. unique ? Justify your answer.
g) If all the coordinates of a dynamical system
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 are cyclic then show that these coordinates
a) State the Brachistochrone problem in may be determined by integration.
which the particle has a non-zero initial 2. Obtain Lagrange's equations of motion from the
speed v 0 . principle of stationary action for a dynamical
b) Prove that the following transformation is system with n degrees of freedom. Find the
canonical with respect to (Q, P ) if ( q, p ) are Lagrangian of a simple pendulum of length l
canonically conjugate to each other : oscillating in a vertical plane. 6+4
3. Show that the kinetic energy of a holonomic
Q = log (1 + q cos p )
system is expressible in the form of a second
P = 2 (1 + q cos p ) q sin p . degree polynomial in the generalised velocities.
Hence derive
c) The damped oscillator equation q&& = q q& ,
Q j q& j + dt (T1 + 2T0 ) t
>0 is equivalent to the system dE ~ d T v
= + where
dt t
q& = p exp ( t ) , p& = q exp ( t ) . Verify that j =1
~ ~
these equations are Hamilton's Q j = Q j ( t , q k , q& k ) , j, k = 1, 2, ..., n are a set of
equations with the Hamiltonian
non-potential forces. 7+3
H =
[ ]
p 2 exp ( t ) + q 2 exp ( t ) .

PG-Sc.-509-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-509-G

3 PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA)

4. a) Define the Poisson bracket of two functions

u and v with respect to the canonical
variables q and p.
b) The Hamiltonian of a harmonic oscillator is
given by
p2 1
H = + m2q 2
2m 2
Using the techniques of Poisson bracket,
show that q and p are given by
q = q 0 cos t + sin t
p = mq 0 sin t + p0 cos t

where q 0 , p0 are the initial values of q and

p respectively. 2+8
5. Derive Hamilton-Jacobi equation in terms of a
suitable generating function. Solve the problem
of free-particle in one dimension. 5+5
6. Establish Jacobi's identity for Poisson brackets.
Write down the canonical equation of motion in
Poisson bracket notation. 6+4
7. Obtain Hamilton's equations of motion of a
system having n degrees of freedom. Deduce the
equation of energy. Indicate the necessary
modifications to Hamilton's equations when the
generalized forces are not derivable from a
potential function. 4+3+3

PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE f) Determine the value of the Poisson bracket

Term End Examination December, 2015 / June, 2016 { Q , P }( q , p ) when the transformation is
Paper - 5A : Principles Of Mechanics
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 g) State Virial theorem.
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance 2. a) Define Routhian function of a mechanical
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect system when it coincides with the
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been Lagrangian of the system. Discuss how the
indicated in the margin. solution of the system gets simplified by
using Routhian. 2+1+4
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
b) Construct the Routhian function for the
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
dynamical system :
a) What do you mean by Scleronomic
constraint ? q12
1 1
T = + q 2 , V = c + dq 22 . 3
b) Show that the dynamical system for which 2 ( a + bq 2 ) 2 2
1 1
2T = r1r2 ( r12 + r22 ) and V = + can be
r1 r2 3. a) A particle moves in a plane under the
expressed as one of Liouville's type. action of two Newtonian centres of
c) If a generalized coordinate is absent in the attraction at the points (c , 0 ) and ( c , 0 ) ,
Lagrangian, will it be also absent in the
Hamiltonian ? Justify. the attractions being /r 2 and /(r )2
d) Write down the Hamilton-Jacobi differential respectively; r , r being the distances from
equation related to a dynamical system.
(c , 0 ) and ( c ,0 ) respectively. Show that
e) Show that the transformation
the problem is of Liouville's type. 6
Q = q cos sin , P = q sin + p cos ,

is a canonical transformation.

PG-Sc.-9260 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9260

3 PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) 4

b) Find the deflection of a freely falling body b) A system with two degrees of freedom is
from the vertical caused by Earth's described by the Hamiltonian

rotation. 4 H = q1 p1 q 2 p2 aq12 + bq 22 .
4. a) Show that for a conservative, scleronomic
Identify the constants of motion. 4
system Hamiltonian is the total energy of
7. Show that the transformations
the system. 4
P1 = p1 cos p2 sin , P2 = p1 sin + p2 cos ,
b) If corresponding to a given holonomic
Q1 = q1 cos q 2 sin , Q 2 = q1 sin + q 2 cos ,
system u and v are two constants of motion
simplifies the Hamiltonian
then show that their Poisson bracket is also 1 1
H = ( p12 + 12q12 ) + ( p22 + 22q 22 ) + d q1q 2 to
a constant of motion. 6 2 2
1 1
5. a) Derive Hamilton's principle from H = (P12 + a12Q12 ) + (P22 + a 22Q 22 ) provided
2 2
D'Alembert's principle. 5
tan 2 = 2d /(12 22 ) (1 > 2 ) . Also determine
b) A particle of unit mass is projected so that
the values of a1 and a 2 . 5+5
its total energy is h in a field of force whose
potential is (r ) at distance r from the

origin. Show that the differential equation

of the path is given by
c 2 r 2 + = r 4 ( h (r ) )

where c is a constant. 5
6. a) Prove that the shortest distance between
any two points on the surface of a sphere is
along the great circle of the sphere through
the respective points. 6

PG-Sc.-9260 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9260

PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) What is Coriolis force ? What is the cause of

Term End Examination December, 2014 / June, 2015 this force ?
Paper - 5A : Principles Of Mechanics e) Write down the Jacobi identity for Poisson
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 brackets.
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
qi qL.i
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect f) Show that the quantity E = L
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. i
The marks for each question has been
remains constant during the motion of a
indicated in the margin.
closed system.
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
g) If for a certain mechanical system
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
H = p 2q 2 pq , where is a real
a) What is meant by initial frame ?
constant, then show that pq is a constant of
b) Show from Lagrange's equations that the motion.
orbit of a particle in a central force field lies
in a plane. 2. a) Deduce Lagrange's equation of motion for a
conservative and unconnected holonomic
c) Show that if q, p are canonically conjugate
system. 7
to each other then the transformations

Q = log (1 + q cos p ) b) Prove the virial theorem. 3

P = 2 (1 + q cos p ) q sin p 3. Derive Hamilton-Jacobi equation in terms of a

suitable generating function. Solve the problem
are canonical. of free particle in one-dimension. 10

PG-Sc.-1260-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1260-G

3 PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) PGMT-5A (PT/10/VA) 4

4. Discuss the problem of central force. Find the 7. Define angle variables. A particle of mass m
stability of circular orbits for the power law moves in two dimensions ( x, y ) in a simple
potentials harmonic oscillator having potential
1 1
V (r ) = V ( x,y ) = m 2x x 2 + m y2 y 2 ( x y ) .
r 2 2

where 0 and 0 . 5+5 Obtain the action variables expressing the energy
in terms of these and hence find the angle
t1 variables. 2+5+3

5. a) Show that L ( q , q , t ) dt and

. dF
L ( q, q, t ) + dt dt lead to the same

equation of motion. 4

b) Derive Hamilton's principle from

D'Alembert's principle. 6

6. a) Explain the Brachistochrone problem and

draw the solution curve. 4+2

b) Find the equation of the curve which makes

the surface area of revolution generated by
rotating the curve y = y ( x ) around the

x-axis. 4

PG-Sc.-1260-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1260-G

PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE ds 2 = c 2dt 2 dx 2 dy 2 dz 2 and

Term End Examination December, 2013 / June, 2014
ds 2 = c 2dt 2 dx 2 dy 2 dz 2 .
Paper - 5B : Elements Of Continuum Mechanics & c) Show that is a tensor of second order
x j
Special Theory Of Relativity
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 ui
and is a scalar.
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) x i
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
d) Prove that the normal stress across any
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
plane through the centre of stress quadric
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been is equal to the inverse of the square of the
indicated in the margin. central radius vector of the quadric normal
to the plane.
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
e) The principal stress at a point are T1 = 1 ,
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10 T2 = 1 , T3 = 3 . If stress at a point is given
a) The subatomic particles, mesons, decay at
T11 0 0
an exponential rate such that of the by ( Tij ) = 0 1 2 , find the value of
e 0 2 T33

original number remains after
T11 and T33 .
2 6 10 8 sec in a coordinate frame in
which the mesons are at rest. Beams of f) For the steady fluid motion if the stream
mesons produced in an accelerator move at lines and vortex lines are parallel show that
a speed of 99% of the velocity of light. Find the sum of potential energy, kinetic energy
the decay time of mesons in the laboratory and pressure energy per unit mass is an
frame. Calculate the average distance absolute constant.
traversed by the meson beam before g) Show that for the velocity field
1 given by v1 = ax 3 bx 2 , v 2 = bx1 cx 3 ,
dropping to of its initial intensity.
e v 3 = cx 2 ax1 the motion is rotational.
b) By taking differential of Lorentz
Write down equations of vortex lines.
transformation equations show that the
quantity ds transforms to ds where

PG-Sc.-6212-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6212-P

3 PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) 4

2. a) For a relativistic particle, prove that 6. Obtain the constitutive equations for isotropic
homogeneous linearly viscous compressible fluid.
E2 = p c2 2
+ m 2c 4 , where the symbols have
their usual meanings. 5 7. a) Describe the problem of plane Couette flow
b) Find the transformation equations for the of viscous fluid between two parallel planes.
acceleration of a relativistic particle. 5 Find the velocity field. 5
3. a) Calculate dilatation for small strain b) Show that the equation of continuity in
deformation. 5 Eulerian method is given by
b) The strain tensor at a point is given by
+ div ( v ) = 0
1 2 0 t
(Eij ) = 2 1 0
0 0 0 where is the density of fluid and v is the

Find principal directions of strain and velocity at any point. 5
corresponding direction ratios of principal
strains. 5
4. a) Establish Saint Venant's compatibility
relations for strain components. How many
these equations are algebraically
independent ? 6
b) Determine the Cauchy's stress quadric at a
point P for a state of stress
0 5 0 0
(Tij ) = 0 0 25 0 4
0 0 0 1

5. a) Find the equations of motion of perfect fluid
in Lagrangian method of description. 5
b) For a homogeneous incompressible fluid
moving steadily under the action of gravity
only, find the Bernoulli's equation along a
stream line. 5

PG-Sc.-6212-P [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-6212-P

PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) Show that the principal directions of strain

Term End Examination December, 2012/June, 2013 at each point of a linearly isotropic elastic
body are coincident with the principal
directions of stress.
Paper - 5B : Elements Of Continuum Mechanics &
e) Find the streamline of a continuum particle
Special Theory Of Relativity
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 for the velocity field given by

( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) x12

v1 = , v 2 = x 22 , v 3 = 0 .
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance 1+ t 2
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
f) For homogeneous incompressible inviscid
The weightage for each question has been fluid moving steadily under the action of
indicated in the margin. gravity only, find the Bernoulli's equation
along a streamline.
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
g) Prove that iks mks = 2im .
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
[ Symbols have their usual meanings. ]
a) When a rod of length 120 cm is moving
2. What are meant by longitudinal mass and
with a speed of 085 c along the direction of
transverse mass of a relativistic particle ? Show
its length, find the length of the rod with
that at high speed in the relativistic region the
respect to an observer at rest.
acceleration vector is not parallel to the force
b) Define principal strain and principal
vector. 10
direction of strain.
3. a) If the equations characterizing the
c) In the absence of body forces, do the stress
deformation are given by
x1 = X1 + X 2
T11 = [ x 22 + ( x12 x 22 ) ] ,
x2 = X 2 + X 3
T22 = [ x12 + ( x 22 x12 ) ] ,
x3 = X 3 + X 2 , where is small,
T33 = ( x12 + x 22 ) , determine the infinitesimal strain tensor. 5
T12 = 2x1x 2 , T23 = T31 = 0 satisfy the b) Deduce Beltrami-Michell compatibility
equations. 5
equations of equilibrium ? Justify your

PG-Sc.-511-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-511-G

3 PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) 4

4. a) State and prove Kelvin's theorem of 7. a) Assuming the necessary stress-strain rate
minimum kinetic energy. 7 relations, deduce Navier-Strokes' equations
b) Show that the pressure at any point in a of motion for incompressible viscous fluid.
perfect fluid has the same magnitude in 5
every direction. 3 b) Show that if the fluid motion is irrotational
5. a) The state of stress at a point is given by then the velocity potential must exist. 5
T aT bT
(Tij ) = aT T cT ,
bT cT T

where a, b, c are constants and T is some
stress value. Determine the constants
a, b, c so that the stress vector on a plane
1 1 1
normal to , , vanishes. 5
3 3 3

3x12 r 2
b) For the velocity field v1 = ,
3x1x 2 3x1x 3
v2 = 5
, v3 = where
r r5
r 2 = x12 + x 22 + x 32 , show that the motion is
irrotational. Find also the velocity potential.
6. a) For viscous fluid find the circulation
round a closed circuit in a flow with

velocity v = ( v1,v 2 ,v 3 ) . 5

b) State and prove the quotient law for

tensors. 5

PG-Sc.-511-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-511-G

PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) The stress tensor at P is given by

Term End Examination December, 2015 / June, 2016 3
MATHEMATICS (Tij ) = 0 2 . Determine principal
2 0

Paper - 5B : Elements Of Continuum Mechanics &
Special Theory Of Relativity stresses.
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) e) Find out the differential equation of the
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
path line at time t in the fluid medium.
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The marks for each question has been f) Find out the equations of motion of perfect
indicated in the margin. fluid in Lagrangian method of description.

Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest. g) For homogeneous incompressible fluid
moving steadily under the action of gravity
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
only, find the Bernoulli's equation along a
a) A particle with a mean proper lifetime stream line.
10 sec moves through the laboratory at
2. For relativity theory find the expressions for
2 7 1010 cm/sec. What is its lifetime, as
momentum and force, and the relation between
measured by observers in the laboratory ?
them. Show the following relation between the
b) Prove that iks mks = 2im energy and momentum of a relativistic particle :

( Symbols have their usual meanings )

E 2 = p 2c 2 + m 2c 4
c) Prove that on contraction from a tensor we
get a new tensor whose order is less by two Show also that in the low velocity the usual
than that of the original tensor. expression for kinetic energy can be obtained
from the above relativistic expression. 10

PG-Sc.-9262 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9262

3 PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) 4

3. a) Prove that 6. a) Find out the constitutive equations for

iks mps = im kp ip km isotropic homogeneous linearly viscous
compressible fluid. 5
( Symbols have their usual meanings ) 5

b) Show that the three principal directions of 3x12 r 2

b) For the velocity field v1 = ,
strain are mutually perpendicular if the r5

corresponding three principal strains are 3x1x 2 3x1x 3

v2 = , v3 = where
distinct. 5 r r5

4. a) Calculate volumetric strain for small strain r 2 = x12 + x 22 + x 32 . Show that the motion is

deformations. 5 irrotational. Find the velocity potential. 5

b) Find the equation of continuity in Eulerian 7. a) Find the stream function for a two-
method. 5 dimensional source given by the velocity
5. a) The principal stresses at a point are T1 = 1 , = log r where r is the distance from
T2 = 1 , T3 = 3 . If stress at a point is given the source point. 5

T11 0 0 b) Show that the necessary and sufficient

by (Tij ) = 0 1 2 . Find the value of
0 2 T33 conditions for the existence of velocity

potential is that the motion must be
T11 and T33 . 5
irrotational. 5

b) Show that the principal directions of strain

at each point of a linearly elastic isotropic
body are coincident with the principal
directions of stress. 5

PG-Sc.-9262 [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-9262

PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) 2

POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) The state of stress at a point is given by

Term End Examination December, 2014 / June, 2015
T aT bT
MATHEMATICS ( ij ) = aT T cT
bT cT T

Paper - 5B : Elements Of Continuum Mechanics &
Special Theory Of Relativity where a, b, c are constants and T is some
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50 stress value. Determine the constants
( Weightage of Marks : 80% ) a, b, c, so that the stress vector on a plane
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
normal to ( 1/ 3 , 1/ 3 , 1/ 3 ) vanishes.
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. e) Show that the principal directions of strain
The marks for each question has been
at each point of a linearly elastic isotropic
indicated in the margin.
body are coincident with the principal
directions of stress.
Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.
f) For the velocity field given by v1 = kx 3 ,
1. Answer any five questions : 2 5 = 10
v 2 = kx 3 , v 3 = k (x1 + x 2 ) , show that
a) A rod has a length of 80 cm when it is motion is irrotational.
moving with a speed of 075c along the
direction of its length. Find the length of g) The displacement in an elastic solid is given
the rod with respect to an observer at rest. by

b) Two particles come toward each other, each u1 = a ( X1 + 2X 2 + 3X 3 )

with speed 09c with respect to the
u 2 = a ( 2X 1 + X 2 )
laboratory. What is their relative speed ?
c) Prove that the determinant u 3 = a ( X1 + 4X 2 + 2X 3 )

a1 j a2j a3j where 'a' is a small quantity. Find

a 1l a 2l a 3l dilatation.
a 1n a 2n a 3n
2. a) Discus briefly time dilation. 5
is equal to 1 if j, l, n are in cyclic order and b) Find the transformation equations for the
1 if j, l, n are not in cyclic order. relativistic composition of velocities. 5

PG-Sc.-1262-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1262-G

3 PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) PGMT-5B (PT/10/VB) 4

3. If and be the angles between the line 6. a) Given the following stress distribution
elements of lengths dL , L and dl , l
x x3 0
respectively before and after deformation, then 2
( ij ) = x 3 0 x2
show that
0 x2 T
dL L
cos cos = 2n ij n i m j Find T such that stress distribution is in
dl l
equilibrium with the body force F = g e 3 .
where ni and m j are the direction cosines of the
line elements dl and l respectively and nij are
b) What is compatibility relation for strain ?
Eularian finite strain tensor. 10 Derive the strain compatibility equations. 5
7. a) Find the streamline and path line of a
4. a) Show that all principal strains are real. 5
continuum particle for the velocity field
b) Find the principal directions of strain and x12
given by v1 = , v 2 = x 22 , v 3 = 0 . 5
corresponding direction ratios of principal 1+ t2
strains for the following strain tensor : b) State and prove Kelvin's minimum energy
theorem. 5
a b 0
e ij = b a 0 5
0 0 0

5. a) Deduce the equations of equilibrium of a

continuum. Also show that the stress
tensor is symmetric. 7

b) Prove that the normal stress across any

plane through the centre of quadric surface
is equal to the inverse of the square of the
central radius vector of the quadric surface
normal to the plane. 3

PG-Sc.-1262-G [ P.T.O. PG-Sc.-1262-G

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