Hepatology:: For Questions and Comment Please Go To

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Hepatic cysy with calcification >> hydatid cyst
Elevation of PT in acute hepatitis = Fulminant hepatitis
Decreased pyridoxal 6 phosphate accounts for AST:ALT > 2:1 in ETOH
Stricture in PSC >> Bx for cholangioCA
Refractory pleural effusino in cirrhotics >> TIPS
DM , high fat , CP = risks for pancreatic CA
Dark granular brown pigment in hepatocyte >> Dobin-Johnson
Post-op ARF >> rule out post renal by cath.
Biliary enteric fistula is a known complication of ERCP and presents with air within biliary
IgA deficiency >> anaphylaxia to blood transfusion
High rate of cirrhosis if acquired hepC after 40 or male
Focal Nodular hyperplasia >> sinosoids + Kuppfer cells
Hepatic Adenoma >> atypical hepatocytes with glycogen and fat.
Most common cause of cirrhosis in USA >> ETOH then Hep.C
Miliary TB ptnss may benefit from steroid ..
INH + AST/ALT < 100 >> Continue Tx
HepC w NL LFT needs no Tx
Hch >> HCC (the highest rate)
Any pseudocyst in pancreas should be observed if less than 5 cm
Ptn with unexplained liver cirrhosis less than 30 yrs >> WILSONS
Balloon degeneration with OMN infiltration >> Acute alcohol hepatitis
Panlobular mononuclear infiltration with hepatic cell necrosis >> Viral hepatitis
Fatty vacuolization >> reyes
Inflammatory destruction of small intrahepatic biliary ducts >> PBC
Chronic liver disease >> testicular atrophy
Pruritus and elevated total bile acids in 2nd or 3rd trimester of preg. >> intrahepatic
cholestasis of pregnancy.
Best evaluation of acute hepatitis >> LFT and Serology
Best evaluation of chronic hepatitis >> Biopsy.
Hepatocyte inclusion that is positive for PAS >> A1ATD
Largest gall stones 8 mm and doesnt want SURG >> UDCA (but expensive + high rate of
relapse when Rx stopped + should be radiolucent)
After BMT >> Vanishing biel duct syn. >> Bx >> ductopenia (like PBC)
Lactulose = non-absorbable disaccharide
Air-fliud level in the gall bladder >> emphesematous cholecystitis
Hepatoencephalopathy >> pathogenesis: zinc deficiency , sensitivity to GABA , production
of neurotransmitters , high ammonia
All cirrhotics should be screened by endoscopy to prevent variceal bleed.
1st thing to do when u c ascites >> paracentesis ( therapeutic and diagnostic)
ETOH is not a risk factor for pancreatic CA
The most consistent risk factor for pancreatic CA = Smoking
Anchovy paste appearance in CT of liver >> amebic abscess >> oral metro
Ischemic hepatic injury >> rise AST/ALT with mild elevation of AP and Bili
Fulminant hepatic failure >> transplant regardless of etiology
Waining and waxing of LFT is seen in chronic hep C
Traveling to endemic hep A >> vacc or IG ( if travel will be within less than 4 w >>
Immunoglobulin is the choice )
Cirrhosis + large liver >> MET
Ascites + PMN>250 >> SBP
IgA deficiency + blood transfusion >> anaphylaxis
Acute pancreatitis w/o apparent cause >> ERCP to aspirate (sludge) pancreatic divisim ,
CBD stones , Choledocal cyst
Hep C >> B cell lymphoma , ITP , Sjogren
After cs-ectomy RUQ pain >> CBD stones , oddi dysfx , functional (if liver enzynes are NL and
no biliary dilatation >> Functional)
Breast feedindg is OK in hep.C
1st block :5 mistakes 3-7-19(WoW)-20-24-27
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2nd Block: 5 mistakes 9-18-28-39-40
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3rd Block 5-10
11/13=84.61% (x_x)
89/101=88.11 %

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