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Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 1 of 11 PageID 1

AO,.(Rel'..-5185) Criminal Complaint




Case Number: 3:17-mj- 11:3~ -JCST

I, the undersigned complainant, being duly sworn, state the following is true and correct to the best of

my knowledge and belief. On or about February 7, 2016, at Jacksonville, in the Middle District of Florida,

defendant, JASON JAMES NEIHEISEL did knowingly distribute a visual depiction using any means and

facility of interstate and foreign commerce by any means, that is, by computer via the internet, when the

production of the visual depiction involved the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct, and the

visual depiction was of such conduct, the visual depiction being specifically identified in the computer file

titled "bathtime with daddy-3yo girl ped.mpg," in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

2252(a)(2) and 2252(b)(l).

I further state that I am a Special Agent with Federal Bureau oflnvestigation, and that this

Complaint is based on the following facts:


Continued on the attached sheet and made a part hereof: @ Yes o No

Signature of Complainant
Federal Bureau oflnvestigation
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence,

May >rtl,2017 at Jacksonville, Florida

United States Magistrate Judge
Name & Title of Judicial Officer Signature of Judicial Officer
Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 2 of 11 PageID 2


I, Nicholas Privette, being duly sworn, state as follows:

I. I am a Special Agent (SA) with the Federal Bureau of Investigation

(FBI) and have been so employed since August 2016 when I began my law

enforcement training at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. I am currently

assigned to the Jacksonville, Florida Division of the FBI where I conduct a variety of

investigations in the area of violent crimes and child exploitation. Prior to this

assignment, I was employed with the United States Army for approximately 12 years

as an Infantry Officer and most recently held the position of Company Commander.

I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Engineering and a Master of

Science degree in Organizational Leadership. Since becoming a Special Agent, I

have worked with experienced Special Agents, as well as other law enforcement

officers and personnel, including an experienced Assistant United States Attorney,

all of whom have considerable experience investigating and prosecuting child

exploitation offenses. A substantial portion of my duties are dedicated to

investigating and assisting with cases involving crimes against children under the

auspices of the FBl's "Innocent Images" National Initiative. In the performance of

my duties, I have assisted in the investigation of matters involving the possession,

collection, production, advertisement, receipt, and/ or transportation of images of

child pornography. I have been involved in searches of residences, computers, and

digital media pertaining to the advertisement for, possession, collection, production,

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 3 of 11 PageID 3

and/ or transportation of child pornography, through either the execution of search

warrants or through the subject providing written consent to permit a search.

2. I have assisted in the investigation of criminal matters involving the

sexual exploitation of children that constituted violations of Title 18, United States

Code, Sections 2252 and. 2252A, as well as Flori~a state statutes which criminalize

the possession, receipt, and transmission of child pornography, that is, visual images

depicting minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. In connection with such

investigations, I have participated in interviews of subjects, witnesses, and potential

victims, and I have observed experienced Special Agents do the same and serve in the

role of case agents. I am a member of the FBI Jacksonville Field Office's Child

Exploitation Task Force, which comprised of federal, state, and local law

enforcement agencies. These agencies routinely share information involving the

characteristics of child sex offenders as well as investigative techniques and leads.

As a federal agent, I am authorized to investigate and assist in the prosecution of

violations of laws of the United States, and to execute search warrants and arrest

warrants issued by federal and state courts.

3. The statements contained in this affidavit are based on my personal

knowledge, as well as on information provided to me by experienced Special Agents

and other law enforcement officers and personnel. This affidavit is being submitted

for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause for the filing of a criminal

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complaint, and I have not included each and every fact known to me concerning this

investigation. I have set forth only the facts that I believe are necessary to establish

probable cause to believe that JASON JAMES NEIHEISEL has committed a

violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2252(a)(2), that is, knowing

distribution of child pornography over the internet.

4. I make this affidavit in support of a criminal complaint against JASON

JAMES NEIHEISEL, that is, on or about February 7, 2016, at Jacksonville, in the

Middle District of Florida, JASON JAMES NEIHEISEL, did knowingly distribute a

visual depiction using any means and facility of interstate and foreign commerce by

any means, that is, by computer via the internet, when the production of the visual

depiction involved the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct, and the

visual depiction was of such conduct, the visual depiction being specifically identified

in the computer file titled "bathtime with daddy-3yo girl ped.mpg", in violation of

Title 18, United States Code, Section 2252(a)(2).

5. On April 13, 2017, I applied for and obtained a federal search warrant

for a silver-colored Microsoft Surface computer tablet, with no visible serial number,

that was obtained from JASON JAMES NEIHEISEL at his apartment residence in

Jacksonville, Florida on April 11, 2017 by me and FBI SA Jonathan MacDonald. I

was the affiant for the affidavit in support of the application for this search warrant,

and I am familiar with the facts contained therein. A certified copy of the

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 5 of 11 PageID 5

application and affidavit for this search warrant is attached as Exhibit A, and the

facts and information contained therein is hereby incorporated by reference herein 1

This warrant authorized the search of the silver-colored Microsoft Surface computer

tablet for fruits, evidence, and instrumentalities of violations of 18 U.S.C. 2252

and 2252A, that is, receipt, distribution and possession of child pornography. This

search warrant was issued by United States Magistrate Judge Patricia D. Barksdale

in Case No. 3:17-mj-1101-PDB.

6. A detailed narrative of the consensual interview with NEIHEISEL on

April 11, 2017 is in<;luded within Exhibit A at paragraphs 31 and 32. Later in the

morning on April 11, 2017, NEIHEISEL called me on the FBI Jacksonville Field

Office main telephone number for follow up discussion. NEIHEISEL called to

"check in,, and to "see what the next step is" regarding an investigation of child

pornography involving him. He reiterated in substance that he desired to assist me

and SA MacDonald with the investigation. When I asked if he had additional

information regarding the general time frame and internet sources that he used to

find and download child pornography, NEIHEISEL did not offer more specifics

other than what was previously discussed during the in-person interview.

NEIHEISEL stated that believed that other child pornography content could be

Certain identifying information has been redacted from the affidavit in
support of the application for the search warrant to protect the privacy of persons
referred to therein.

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 6 of 11 PageID 6

found on similar websites and file sharing programs as "when I've found it before."

NEIHEISEL did not have any further questions at that time and indicated that he

wished to schedule a follow up meeting with me, but was unsure of his schedule

availability. NEIHEISEL advised me that he would review his schedule and call

me back with a suggested date and time for an in-person meeting later in the week.

7. On April 12, 2017, NEIHEISEL called me on the FBI Jacksonville

Field Office main telephone number to "check in." NEIHEISEL reiterated his

desire to assist with the investigation, but he did not have any further questions for

me and did not have any additional information to offer. When I asked if

NEIHEISEL still wished to schedule a follow up meeting with me, he said that he

would like to do so. NEIHEISEL was initially unsure of his schedule availability

but advised that during lunch on Friday of the same week would probably work.

When asked what type of meeting (public or private) NEIHEISEL would prefer, he

was unsure and did not offer a specific location. NEIHEISEL agreed to a tentative

meeting time of 11 :00 a.m. on Friday, April 14, 2017, pending further contact to

decide on a specific meeting location.

8. On April 13, 2017, I submitted NEIHEISEL's Microsoft Surface

computer tablet referred to above to the computer forensic examiners at the FBI

Jacksonville Field Office for forensic examination. Based on my conversations with

Andrew Spurlock, whom I know to be an experienced FBI certified computer

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forensic examiner, I learned that the Microsoft Windows operating system appeared

to have been re-installed on NEIHEISEL's tablet on or about December of 2016.

Upon my review of the contents ofNEIHEISEL's tablet using a forensic software

tool, I also discovered the following:

a. The tablet contained many artifacts, such as programs, images,

and multimedia, that indicated that NEIHEISEL has used the tablet for personal use.

In particular, a user profile named "Jason" was present on the tablet, with various

folders and subfolders containing P,ersonal content.

~c. l(Q_~t
b. The BitTorrent program.."Vuze" was installed on NEIHEISEL's

tablet. It appears that the program was used to download the movie "Elf," and this

fact corroborates NEIHEISEL's statement during our consensual interview on April

11, 2017.

c. There did not appear to be any child pornography content

currently saved or stored on NEIHEISEL's tablet. This also corroborates

NEIHEISEL's statements during our consensual interview on April 11, 2017.

9. On April 18, 2017, NEIHEISEL called me on the FBI Jacksonville

Field Office main telephone number to "check in." NEIHEISEL reiterated his

desire to assist with the investigation, but he did not have any fmther questions for

me and did not have any additional information to offer. NEIHEISEL indicated in

substance that he was very busy and "slammed" with work that week and agreed to

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set up an in-person meeting with me the following week. NEIHEISEL agreed to a

tentative meeting time of 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, at a location in the

vicinity of the St. Johns Town Center in Jacksonville, Florida. On the morning of

April 25, 2017, I called NEIHEISEL on his cellular phone, and we agreed to meet at

the Panera.Bread restaurant in the St. Johns Town Center in Jacksonville, Florida at

11:15 a.m. that same day.

10. On April 25, 2017, SA MacDonald and I conducted a consensual

interview ofNEIHEISEL at Panera Bread restaurant in the St. Johns Town Center,

4720 Town Crossing Drive, Jacksonville, Florida 32246. At approximately 11:15

a.m., NEIHEISEL arrived and met us at an outdoor table at Panera Bread.

NEIHEISEL provided the following information, among other things:

a. In thinking back to the previous interview on April 11, 2017,

NEIHEISEL said he "never used BitTorrent in any capacity." However, upon

refreshing his recollection of the prior interview, NEIHEISEL affirmed in substance

that he had in fact used BitTorrent to download and make child pornography videos

available for distribution to other users of the BitTorrent network.

b. Chat Tango is a program or application NEIHEISEL used to

find child pornography and likened it to "" of which he said, "I'm on it all

the time." In Chat Tango, users of the platform are able to send links which direct

other users to cloud-based storage or servers elsewhere which house the contents of

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 9 of 11 PageID 9

child pornography. Likewise, other users of Chat Tango are able to click on those

links and are taken to a particular location where child pornography images and

videos are available to view and download. NEIHEISEL recalled his downloading

of child pornography activity as, "it's kind of dumb" and added, "you download

stuff you download," and intimated that child pornography is just out there, often

with an innocuous name or title for the zip files which contain the child pornography


c. Unlike the Chat Tango platform in which users are able to send

links to another Chat Tango user, NEIHEISEL confirmed that BitTorrent works

differently. BitTorrent has a default folder created upon installation of the

BitTorrent software called "downloads." It is from this "downloads" folder that

other users of BitTorrent are able to collect content which is saved in that

"downloads" folder. NEIHEISEL confirmed that the child pornography videos

shown to him during the prior consensual interview on April 11, 2017 were obtained

by law enforcement from his "downloads" folder, and that law enforcement was able

to receive those child pornography videos from his "downloads" folder not because

NEIHEISEL directed law enforcement to take them, but instead because

NEIHEISEL knew that he had made the child pornography videos available for

distribution to anyone else on the BitTorrent network who wished to participate.

He further understood and agreed that "anyone on the BitTorrent network can get

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videos from the shared folder, but [NEIHEISEL] doesn't solicit others for it."

d. NEIHEISEL kept his child pornography videos in his downloads

folder for more than one day but less than one month, and estimated it was likely he

"kept for a week" then deleted the child pornography. NEIHEISEL deleted the

child pornography videos after he "no longer needed them" and because his device

could potentially be shared by other users.

e. NEIHEISEL was unaware of specific locations of children being

victimized in the Jacksonville area. Other than BitTorrent, he had no knowledge of

enterprise operations to coordinate the abuse of children and was also unaware of

other applications, platforms, or programs other than BitTorrent and Chat Tango

which are used to traffic child pornography. NEIHEISEL denied using or

possessing any other device to access, store, or trade child pornography other than

the tablet that was already in my custody since April 11, 2017. Upon conclusion of

the consensual interview, NEIHEISEL departed to return to work.

11. Based upon the foregoing facts, I have probable cause to believe that on

or about February 7, 2016, at Jacksonville, in the Middle District of Florida,

defendant, JASON JAMES NEIHEISEL, did knowingly distribute a visual

depiction using any means and facility of interstate and foreign commerce by any

means, that is, by computer via the internet, when the production of the visual

depiction involved the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct, and the

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 11 of 11 PageID 11

visual depiction was of such conduct, the visual depiction being specifically identified

in the computer file titled "bathtime with daddy-3yo girl ped.mpg", in violation of

Title 18, United States Code, Section 2252(a)(2).

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Subs~ bed and sworn to before me this

3 day ofMay, 2017, at Jacksonville, Florida.

M I? I - z
United States Magistrate Judge

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 1 of 39 PageID 12

AO I06 (Rev. 04110) ~pplkation for a Search Warrant


for the U.S/Q1VfRICT COURT
Middle District of Florida By: U!IA. =<
Deputy Cterk
In the Matter of the Search of
(Briefly describe the property to be searched
or iiJen1ify lhe person by name and address) ~
) Case No. 3:17-mJ-Uo\-f1$
a silver Microsoft Surface tablet, )
with no visible serial number, )
more particularly described in Attachment A )


I, a federal law enforcement officer or an attorney for the government, request a search warrant and state under
penalty of perjury that I have reason to be) ieve that on the following person or property (identify the person or describe the
property to be searched and give its loca1ion):
The Evidence Control Room of the Jacksonville Field Office of the FBI, located at 6061 Gate Parkway, Jacksonville,
Florida 32256,
located in the _ _ _ M--id....;.d__le___ Districtof _____F_lo_ri_d_a_ _ _ _ , there is nowconcealed(iden1ifythe
person or describe lhe property 10 be seized):
a silver Microsoft Surface tablet, with no visible serial number, more particularly described in Attachment A.

. The basis for the search under Fed. R. Crim. P. 4l{c) is (checltone or more):
s/ evidence of a crime;
mcontraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed;
CB propeny designed for use, intended for use, or used in committing a crime;
a a person to be arrested or a person who is unlawfully restrained.
The search is related to a violation of:
Code Section Offense Description
18 U.S.C. 2252 & 2252A Receipt, distribution, and possession of child pornography.

The application is based on these facts:

See attached Affidavit.

rf Continued on the attached sheet

a Delayed notice of ___ days (give exact ending date If more than 30 days: - - - - - ) is requested
under 18 U.S.C. 3103a, the basis of which is set forth on the at ed sh~t.

c ~* Applicant's signature
- ~ ~ i i S. Mac8eRa1d, Special Agent, FBI
Printed name and title
Sworn to be ore me and signed In my presence.

Judge's signa1ure
City and state: Jacksonville, Florida Patricia D. Barksdale, United States Magistrate Judge
Printed name and 1i1le

Exhibit A
Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 2 of 39 PageID 13


I, Nicholas Privette, being duly sworn, state as follows:

I. I am a Special Agent (SA) with the Federal Bureau of Investigation

(FBI) and have been so employed since August 2016 when I began my law

enforcement training at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. I am currently

assigned to the Jacksonville, Florida Division of the FBI where I conduct a variety of

investigations in the area of violent crimes. Prior to this assignment, I was employed

with the United States Army for approximately 12 years as an Infantry Officer and

most recently held the position of Company Commander. I have a Bachelor of

Science degree in Information Engineering and a Master of Science degree in

Organizational Leadership. Since becoming a Special Agent, I have worked with

experienced Special Agents, as well' as other law enforcement officers and personnel,

who investigate Child Exploitation offenses and other crimes against children. A

substantial portion of my duties are dedicated to investigating and assisting with

cases involving crimes against children under the auspices of the FBI's "Innocent

Images" National Initiative. In the performance ofmy duties, I have assisted in the

investigation of matters involving the possession, collection, production,

advertisement, receipt, and/or transportation of images of child pornography. I have

been involved in searches of residences pertaining to the advertisement for,

possession, collection, production, and/or transportation of child pornography

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 3 of 39 PageID 14

through either the execution of search warrants or through the. subject providing

written consent to permit a search.

2. I have assisted in the investigation of criminal matters involving the

sexual exploitation of children which constituted violations of Title 18, United States

Code, Sections 2252 and 2252A, as well as Florida state statutes which criminalize

the possession, receipt, and transmission of child pomo8faphy, that is, visual images

depicting minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. In connection with such

investigations, I have conducted interviews of subjects, witnesses, and victims, and I

have observed experienced Special Agents serve in the role of case agent. I am a

member of the FBI Jacksonville Field Office's Child Exploitation Task Force,

comprised of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. These agencies

routinely share information involving the characteristics of child sex offenders as well

as investigative techniques and leads. As a federal agent, I am authorized to

investigate and assist in the prosecution of violations of laws of the United States,

and to execute search warrants and arrest warrants issued by federal and state courts.

3. The statements contained in this affidavit are based on my personal

knowledge, as well as on information provided to me by experienced Special Agents

and other law enforceme~t officers and personnel. This affidavit is being submitted

for the limited purpose of securing a search warrant, and I have not included each
and every fact known to me concerning this investigation. I have set forth only the

facts that I believe are necessary to establish probable cause to believe evidence of a

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 4 of 39 PageID 15

violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2252 is present in the item to be

4. This investigation concerns alleged violations of Title 18, United States

Codet Sections
2252 and 2252A, relating to material involving the sexual

exploitation of minors. Based upon my training and experience, as well as

conversations with other experienced law enforcement officers and at least one

federal prosec_utor, I know the following:

a. 18 U.S.C. 2252(a) in pertinent part prohibits a person from

knowingly transporting, shipping, receiving, distributing, reproducing for

distn"bution, possessing or accessing with intent to view any visual depiction of

minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct using any means or facility of interstate

or foreign commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, including by

computer or mail.

b. 18 U.S.C. 2252A(a) in pertinent part prohibits a person from

knowingly transporting, shipping, receiving, distributing, reproducing for

distribution, possessing, or accessing with intent to view any child pornography, as

defined in 18 U.S.C. 2256(8), using any means or facility of interstate or foreign

commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, including by computer.

c. 18 U.S.C. 2252(a)(I) prohibits a person from knowingly

transporting or shipping using any means or facility of interstate or foreign

commerce or in o~ affecting interstate or foreign commerce, including by computer

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 5 of 39 PageID 16

or mails, any visual depiction of minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct.

Under 18 U.S.C. 2252(a)(2), it is a federal crime for any person to knowingly

receive or distribute, by any means including by computer, any visual depiction of

minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct using any means or facility of interstate

or foreign commerce or that has been mailed or shipped or transported in or affecting

interstate or foreign commerce. That section also makes it a federal crime for any

person to knowingly reproduce any visual depiction of minors engaging in sexually

explicit conduct for distribution using any means or facility of interstate or foreign

comm~ce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce or through the mails.

Under 18 U.S.C. 2252(a)(4), it is also a crime for a person to knowingly possess, or

knowingly access with intent to view, one or ~ore books, magazines, periodicals,

films, video tapes, or other matter, which contains one or more visual depictions of

minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct that has been mailed, or has been

shipped or transported using any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce

or in and affecting interstate or foreign commerce, or which was produced using

materials which have been mailed or so shipped or transported, by any means

including by computer.

d. 18 U.S.C. 2252A(a)(l) prohibits a person from knowingly

mailing, transporting, or shipping using any means or facility of interstate or foreign

commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including

by compute~, any child pornography. 18 U.S.C. 2252A(a)(2) prohibits a person

from knowingly receiving or distributing any child pornography that has been mailed
Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 6 of 39 PageID 17

or shipped or transported using any means or facility of interstate or foreign

commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including

by computer. 18 U.S.C. 2252A(a)(3) prohibits a person from knowingly

reproducing child pornography for distribution through the mails or in or affecting

interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer. 18 U.S.C.

2252A(a)(5)(B) prohibits a person from knowingly possessing or knowingly accessing

with intent to view any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, computer disk,

or other material that contains an image of child pornography that has been mailed,

or shipped or transported using any means or facility of interstate or foreign

commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including

by computer, or that was produced using materials that have been mailed, or shipped

or transported using any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce or in or

affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer.

e. The internet is a facility of interstate commerce.

5. The following definitions apply to this Affidavit:

a. "Child erotica," as used herein, means materials or items that are

sexually arousing to persons having a sexual interest in minors but that are not, in

and of themselves, illegal or that do not necessarily depict minors in sexually explicit
poses or positions.

b. "Child pornography," as used herein, includes the definitions in

18 U.S.C. 2256(8) and 2256(9) (any visual depiction of sexually. explicit conduct
Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 7 of 39 PageID 18

where (a) the production of the visual depiction involved the use of a minor engaged

in sexually explicit conduct, (b) the visual depiction is a digital image, computer

image, or computer generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a

minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct, or (c) the visual depiction has been

created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaged in

sexually explicit conduct). See 18 U.S.C. 2252 and 2256(2).

c. "Visual depictions" include undeveloped film and videotape, data

stored on computer disk or by electronic means which is capable of conversion into a

visual image, and data which is capable of conversion into a visual image that has

been transmitted by any means, whether or not stored in permanent format. ~ 18

u.s.c. 2256(5).
d. "Sexually explicit conduct" means actual or simulated (a) sexual

intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether

between persons of the same or opposite sex; (b) bestiality; (c) masturbation; (d)

sadistic or masochistic abuse; or (e) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area
of any persons. ~ 18 U.S.C. 2256(2).

e. "Computer," as used herein, is defined pursuant to 18 U.S.C.

1030(e){l), as "an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high speed

data processing device performing logical, arithmetic or storage functions, and

includes any data storage facility or communications facility directly related to or

operating in conjunction with such device."

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 8 of 39 PageID 19

f. "Computer hardware, II as used herein, consists of au equipment

which can receive, capture, collect, analy~e, create, display, convert, store, conceal,

or transmit electronic, magnetic, or similar computer impulses or data. Computer

hardware includes any data processing devices (including, but not limited to, central

processing units, internal and peripheral storage devices such as fixed disks, external

hard .drives, floppy disk drives and diskettes, and other memory storage devices);

peripheral input/output devices (including, but not limited to, keyboards, printers,

video display monitors, and related communications devices such as cables and

connections}, as well as any devices, mechanisms, or parts that can be used to restrict

access to computer hardware (including, but not limited to, physical keys and locks).

g. "Computer software," as used herein, is digital information

which can .be interpreted by a computer and any of its related components to direct

the way they work. Computer software is stored in electronic, magnetic, or other

digital form. It commonly includes programs to run operating systems, applications,

and utilities.

h. The terms "records," "documents," and."materials," as used

herein, include all information recorded in any form, visual or aural, and by any

means, whether in handmade form (including, but not limited to, writings, drawings,

paintings), photographic form (including, but not limited to, microfilm, microfiche,
prints, slides, negatives, videotap~s, motion pictures, photocopies), mechanical form

(including, but not limited to, phonograph records, printing, typing) or electrical,

electronic or magnetic form (including, but not limited to, tape recordings, cassettes,
Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 9 of 39 PageID 20

compact discs, electronic or magnetic storage devices such as floppy diskettes, hard
disks, CD-ROMs, digital video disks (DVDs), personal digital assistants (PDAs),

multimedia cards (MMCs), memory sticks, optical disks, printer buffers, smart cards,

memory calculators, electronic dialers,. or electronic notebooks, as well as digital data

files and printouts or readouts from any magnetic, electrical or electronic storage

i. 11
Computer passwords and data' security devices," as used herein,

consist of information or items designed to restrict access to or hide computer

software, documentation, or data. Data security devices may consist of hardware,

software, or other pr~gramming code. A password (a string of alpha numeric

characters) usually operates a sort of digital key to "unlock" particular data security

devices. Data security hardware may include encryption devices, chips, and circuit

boards. Digitally coded data security software may include programming code that

creates test" keys or "hot" keys, which perform certain pre-set security functions

when touched. Data security software or code may also encrypt, compress, hide, or

"boobytrap" protected data to make it inaccessible or unusable, as well as reverse the

progress to restore it.

j. "Internet Protocol address .. or "IP address" refers to a unique

number used by a computer to access the Internet and is associated with a physical

address. IP addresses can be dynamic, meaning that the Internet Service Provider

(ISP) assigns a unique and different number to a computer every time it accesses the

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 10 of 39 PageID 21

Internet. IP addresses might also be. static. if an ISP assigns a user's computer a

particular IP address which is used each time the computer accesses the Internet.


6. Based upon my training and experience, as well as conversations with

other experienced law enforcement officers and computer forensic examine~, I know

that computers and computer technology have revolutionized the way in which

individuals interested in child pornography interact with each other. In the past,

child pornography was produced using cameras and film (either still photography or

movies). The photographs required darkroom facilities and significant skill to

develop and reproduce the images. There were definabie costs involved with the

production of pornographic images, and to distribute these images on any scale

required significant resources and significant risks. The photographs themselves

were somewhat bulky and required secure storage to prevent their exposure to the

public and/or law enforcement. The distribution of these wares was accomplished

through a combination of personal contacts, mailings and telephone calls.

7. The development of computers has radically changed the way that child

pornographers manufacture, obtain, distribute and store their contraband.

Computers basically serve five functions in connection with child pornography:

access, production, communication, distribution, and storage.

8. Child pornographers can now convert paper photographs taken with a

traditional camera (using ordinary film) into a computer readable format with a

device known as a scanner. Moreover, with the advent, proliferation and widespread
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use of digital cameras, images and videos can now be transferred directly from a

digital camera onto a computer using a connection lmown as a USB cable or other

device I. Digital cameras have the capacity to store images and videos indefinitely,

and memory storage cards used in these cameras are capable of holding hundreds of

images and videos. A device known as a modem allows any computer to connect to

another computer through the use of telephone, cable, or wireless connection.

Electronic contact can be made to literally millions of computers around the world.

9. A computer's ability to store images in digital form makes the computer

itself an ideal repository for child pornography. The size of the electronic storage

media, that is, the hard disk drive used in home computers has grown tremendously

within the last several years. These hard disk drives can store hundreds of thousands

of images at very high resolution.

IO. The World Wide Web of the Internet affords collectors of child

pornography several different venues for obtaining, viewing and trading child

pornography in a relatively secure and anonymous fashion.

I am aware of a case investigated by the Jacksonville Division of the

Middle District of Florida in which a federal search warrant was executed at a
residence and several computer hard disk drives were seized. Many images and
videos of child pornography were discovered on these hard disk drives. Forensic
analysis of these hard disk drives revealed that the owner (defendant) had converted
15-year-old Polaroid photographs depicting child pornography into digital images by
scanning them onto his computer. Moreover, the analysis revealed that the owner
(defendant) had made VHS videotapes containing child pornography, and then years
later displayed them on a large flat screen monitor and filmed the monitor with a
digital camera. Thus, the owner (defendant) successfully converted traditional
photos and VHS videos into digital photographs and videos that could be stored and
easily traded over the Internet.
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11. Collectors and distributors of child pornography frequently use online

resources to retrieve and store child pornography, including services offered by

Internet Portals such as Yahoo!, Hotmail, and Google, among others. The online

services allow a user to set up an account with a remote computing service that

provides email services as well as electronic storage of computer files in any variety

of formats. A user can set up an online storage account from any computer with

access to the Internet. Evidence of such online storage of child pornography is often

found on the user's computer. Even in cases where online storage is used, however,

evidence of child pornography can be found on the user's computer in most cases.

12. As is the case with most digital technology, communication by way of

computer can be saved or stored on the computer used for these purposes. Storing

this information can be intentional, i.e., by saving an email as a file on the computer

or saving particular website locations in, for example, "bookmarked" files. Digital

information, images and videos can also be retained unintentionally, e.g., traces of

the path of an electronic communication may be automatically stored in many places

(e.g., temporary files or ISP client software, among others). Often, a computer will

automatically save transcripts or logs of electronic communications between its user

and other users that have occurred over the Internet. These logs are commonly

referred to as "chat logs." Some programs allow computer users to trade images
while simultaneously engaging in electronic communications with each other. This

is often referred to as "chatting, or "instant messaging." Based upon my training

and experience, as well as conversations with other law enforcement officers and
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computer forensic examiners, I know that these electronic "chat logs" often have

great evidentiary value in child pornography investigations, as they record

communication in transcript form, show the date and time of such communication,

and also. may show the dates and times when images of child pornography were

traded over the Internet. In addition to electronic communications, a computer

users internet activities generally leave traces or "footprints in the web cache and

history files of the browser used. A forensic examiner often can recover evidence

suggesting whether a computer contains P2P software, when the computer was

sharing files, and some of the files which were uploaded or downloaded. Such

information is often maintained on a computer for long periods of time until

overwritten by other data.


13. Based upon my training and experience, as well as conversations with

other experienced law enforcement officers, I know that searches and seizures of

evidence from computers commonly require agents to download or copy information

from the computers and their components, or seize most or all computer items

(computer hardware, computer software, and computer related documentation) to be

processed later by a qualified computer expert in a laboratory or other controlled

environment. This is almost always true because of the following:

a. Computer storage devices (e.g., hard drives, compact disks

("CDs"), diskettes, tapes, and others) can store the equivalent of thousands of pages

of information. Especially when the user w~nts to conceal criminal evidence, he or

Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 14 of 39 PageID 25

she often stores it in random order with deceptive file names. This requires searching

authorities to examine all the stored data to determine whether it is included in the

warrant. This sorting process can take days 9r weeks, depending on the volume of

data stored, and it would be generally impossible to accomplish this kind of data

search on site; and

b. Searching computer systems for criminal evidence is a highly

technical process requiring expert skill and a properly controlled environment. The

vast array of computer hardware and software available requires even computer

experts to specialize in some systems and applications, so it is difficult to know

before a search which expert should analyze the system and its data. The search of a

computer system, which includes the use of data search protocols, is an exacting

scientific procedure which is designed to protect the integrity of the evidence and to

recover hidden, erased2, compressed, password protected, or encrypted files. Since

computer evidence is extremely vulnerable to tampering or destruction (which may

be caused by malicious code or normal activities of an operating system), the

controlled environment of a laboratory is essential to its complete and accurate


Based on my training and experience, as well as conversations with
other law enforcement officers and computer forensic examiners, I know that
co~puter forensic techniques can often recover files, including images and videos of
child pornography, that have long been "delete~" from computer media by a
computer user.
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14. Based on my experience, training, and conversations with other

experienced agents who investigate cases involving the sexual exploitation of

children, I know that certain common characteristics are often present in individuals

who collect child pornography. I have observed and/or learned about the reliability

of these commonalities and conclusions involving individuals who collect, produce

and trade images of child pornography. Based upon my training and expe~ience, and

conversations with other experienced agents who investigate cases involving the

sexual exploitation of children, I know that the following traits and characteristics

are often present in individuals who collect child pornography:

a. Many individuals who traffic in and trade images of child

pornography also collect child pornography. Many individuals who collect child

pornography have a sexual attraction to children. They receive sexual gratification

and satisfaction from sexual fantasies fueled by sexually explicit depictions of


b. Many individuals who collect child pornography also collect

other sexually explicit materials, which may consist of photographs, magazines,

motion pictures, video tapes, books, slides, computer graphics or digital or other

images for their own sexual gratification. Many of these individuals also collect
child erotica, which may consist of images or text that do not meet the legal

definition of child pornography but which nonetheless fuel their deviant sexual
fantasies involving children.
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c. Many individuals who collect child pornography often seek out

like minded individuals, either in person or on the Internet, to share information and

trade depictions of child pornography and child erotica as a means of gaining status,

trust, acceptance, and support. This contact also helps these individuals to

rationalize and validate their deviant sexual interest in children and associated

behavior. The different Internet based vehicles used by such individuals to

communicate with each other include, but are not limited to, P2P, email, email

groups, bulletin boards, Internet Relay Chat Rooms (IRC), newsgroups, instant

messaging, and other similar vehicles.

d. Many individuals who collect child pornography maintain books,

magazines, newspapers and other writings (which may be written by the collector),

in hard copy or digital medium, on the subject of sexual activities with children as a

way of understanding their own feelings toward children, justifying those feelings

and finding comfort for their illicit behavior and desires. Such individuals often do

not destroy these materials because of the psychological support that they provide.

e. Many individuals who collect child pornography often collect,

read, copy or maintain names, addresses (including email addresses), phone

numbers, or lists of persons who have advertised or otherwise made known in

publications and on the Internet that they have similar sexual interests. These

contacts are maintained as a means of personal referral, exchange or commercial

profit. These names may be maintained in the original medium from which they

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were derived, in telephone books or notebooks, on computer storage devices, or

merely on scraps of paper.

f. Many individuals who collect child pornography rarely, if ever,

dispose of their sexually explicit materials and may go to great lengths to conceal and

protect them from discovery, theft, or damage. These individuals view their sexually

explicit materials as prized and valuable materials, even as commodities to be traded

with other like-minded individuals over the Internet. As such, they tend to maintain

or "hoard" their visual depictions of child pornography for long periods of time in

the privacy and security of their homes or other secure locations. These individuals

may protect their illicit materials by passwords, encryption, and other security

measures; save it on movable media such as CDs, DVDs, flash memory, thumb

drives, and removable hard drives, which can be very sinall msize, including as

small as a postage stamp, and easily secreted; or send it to third party image storage

sites via the Internet. Based on my training and experience, as well as my

conversations with other experienced law enforcement officers who conduct child

exploitation investigations, I know that individuals who possess, receive, and/ or

distribute child pornography by computer using the Internet often maintain and/or

possess the items listed in Attachment B.

15. As stated in substance above and based upon my training and

experience, as well as my conversations with other experienced law enforcement

officers, I know that individuals who collect and trade child pornography often do
not willfully dispose of their child pornography collections, even after contact with
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law enforcement officials. For example, I am familiar with the facts of an

investigation conducted in the Middle District of Florida. In this investigation, the

subject had his residence searched pursuant to a federal search warrant and his

computer and digital storage media seized by the FBI. The search of his computer

and other computer storage media revealed the subject knowingly possessed several

thousand images of child pornography. The subject retained an attorney and both

were made aware of the ongoing investigation into the subject's commission of

federal child pornography offenses. Approximately two months later, the subject

was arrested on federal child pornography possession charges. After the subject's

arrest, the FBI obtained a laptop computer owned by the subject's employer but

possessed and used by the subject both before and after the execution of the search

warrant at his residence. Subsequent forensic examination of this computer revealed

that the subject had downloaded, possessed and viewed images of child pornography .

numerous times after the execution of the search warrant and before his arrest. Based

on my training and experience, as well as conversations with experienced law

enforcement officers and computer forensic examiners, I also know that, with the

development of faster Internet download speed and the growth of file-sharing

networks and other platforms through which individuals may trade child

pornography, some individuals also have been found to download, view, and then

delete child pornography on their computers or digital devices on a cyclical and

repetitive basis. However, as referenced above, evidence of such activity, including

deleted child pornography, often can be located on these individuals' computers and
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digital devices through the use of forensic tools. Furthermore, even in instances in

which an individual engages in a cycle of downloading, viewing, and deleting

images, a selection of favored images involving a particular child or act is often

maintained on the device.

16. Peer-to-peer file sharing ("P2P") is a method of communication

available to Internet users through the use of special software. The software is

designed to allow users to trade digital files through a worldwide network that is

formed by linking computers directly together instead of through a central server.

Computers that are part of this network are referred to as "peers" or "clients." There

are several different software applications that can be used to access these networks,

but these applications operate in essentially the same manner. To access the P2P

networks, a user first obtains the P2P software, which can be downloaded from the

Internet. This software is used exclusively for the purpose of sharing digital files over

the internet.

17. The BitTorrent network is a very popular and publicly available P2P file

sharing network. A peer/client computer can simultaneously provide files to some

peers/clients while downloading files from other peers/clients. The BitTorrent

network can be accessed by peer/client computers via many different BitTorrent

network programs, examples of which include the BitTorrent client program, the

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Torrent client program, the Vuze client program, and the BitComet client program,

among others.
18. During the installation of typical BitTorrent network client programs,

various settings are established that configure the host computer to share files via

automatic uploading. Typically, as users download files or pieces of files from other

peers/clients on the BitTorrent network, these other peers/ clients on the network are

able to download the files or pieces of files from them, a process which maximizes

the download speeds for all users on the network. The reassembly of pieces of files is

accomplished by the use of hash values, which are described more fully below. Once

a user has completed the download of an entire file or files, the user can also

continue to share the file with individuals on the BitTorrent network who are

attempting to download all pieces of the file or files. A host computer that has all the

pieces of a file available for uploading to the internet is termed a seeder." Using the

BitTorrent protocol, several basic computers, such as home computers, can replace

large servers while efficiently distributing files to many recipients.

19. Files or sets of files are shared on the BitTorrent network through the

use of "Torrents." A Torrent is typically a small file that describes the file(s) to be

shared. It is important to note that "Torrent" files do not contain the actual file(s) to

be shared, but rather contain information about the file(s) to be shared. This

information includes the "info hash,,, which is a SHA-I hash value ofthe set of data
describing the file(s) referenced in the Torrent. The term SHA-I is a shorthand term

for the hash value calculated by the Secure Hash Algorithm. The Secure Hash
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Algorithm (SHA-1) was developed by the National Institute of Standards and

Technology (NIST), along with the National Security Agency (NSA), as a means of

identifying files using a digital "fingerprint" that consists of a unique series of letters

and numbers. The United States has adopted the SHA-I hash algorithm described

herein as a Federal Information Processing Standard. SHA-I is the most widely

used of the existing SHA-1 hash functions, and is employed in several widely used

applications and protocols. A file pr~cessed by this SHA-I operation results in the

creation of an associated hash value often referred to as a digital signature. SHA-I

signatures provide a certainty exceeding 99. 99% that two or more files with the same

SHA-I signature are identical copies of the same file regardless of their file names.

The data contained in the Torrent information includes the SHA-I hash value of

each file piece in the Torrent, the file size(s), and the file name{s). This "info hash"

uniquely identifies the Torrent file on the BitTorrent network.

20. Itl order to locate Torrent files of interest and download the files that

they describe, a typical user will use keyword searches on Torrent-indexing websites,

examples of which include and the Torrent-indexing

websites do not actually host the content {files) described in and by the Torrent files,

only the Torrent files themselves or a link that contains that SHA-1 hash value of the

Torrent or the files being shared. Once a Torrent file is located on the website that
meets a user's keyword search criteria, the user will download the Torrent file to

their computer. The BitTorrent network client program on the user's computer will

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then process that Torrent file to help facilitate finding other peers/clients on the

network that have all or part of the fi.le(s) referenced in the Torrent file.
21. For example, a person interested in obtaining child pornographic

images or videos on the BitTorrent network can go to a Torrent-indexing website and

conduct a keyword search using a term such as "preteen sex" or "pthc" (pre-teen

hardcore). Based on the results of the keyword search, the user would then select a

Torrent of interest to them to download to their computer from the website.

Typically, the BitTorrent client program will then process the Torrent file. Using

BitTortent network protocols, peers/ clients are located that have recently reported

they have the file(s) or parts of the file(s) referenced in the Torrent file and that these

file(s) are available for sharing. The user can then download the fi.le(s) directly from

the computer(s) shari~g them. Typically, once the BitTorrent network client has

downloaded part of a file(s), it may immediately begin sharing the file(s) with other

users on the network. The downloaded file(s) are then stored in an area or folder

previously designated by the user's computer or on an external storage media. The

downloaded file(s), including the Torrent file, will remain in that location until

moved or deleted by the user.

22. Law enforcement can search the BitTorrent p.etwork in order to locate

individuals sharing child pornography images, which have been previously identified
as such based on their SHA-I values. Law enforcement uses BitTorrent network

client programs which allow for single-source downloads from a computer at a single
IP address, meaning that an entire file(s) is downloaded only from a computer at a
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single IP address as opposed to obtaining the file from multiple peers/ clients on the

BitTorrent network. This procedure allows for the detection and investigation of

those computers involved in sharing digital files of known or suspected child

pornography on the BitTorrent network.

23. During the query and/ or downloading process .from a suspect

BitTorrent network client, certain information may be exchanged between the

investigator's BitTorrent client program and the suspect client program they are

querying and/or downloading a file from. This information includes (1) the suspect

client's IP address; (2) a confirmation from the suspect client that they have pieces of

the file(s) being requested, in whole or in part, and that the pieces of the file(s) is

being reported as shared from the suspect client program; and (3) the BitTorrent

network client program and version being used by the suspect computer. Law

enforcement can then log this information.

24. The investigation of P2P file sharing networksis a cooperative effort of

law enforcement agencies around the country. Many of these agencies are

associated with the Internet Crimes against Children (ICAC) Task Force

Program. The ICAC Task Force Program uses law enforcement tools to track IP

addresses suspected (based on SHA! values and file names) of trading child

pornography. P2P investigative methodology has led to the issuance and execution

of search warrants around the country resulting in the arrest and conviction of

numerous offenders possessing and/ or distn'buting child pornography, some of

whom were also involved in contact sexual offenses against child victims.
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25. Based on my training and experience, as well as conversations with

other experienced law enforcement officers and personnel, I know that cooperating

police agencies pool their information to assist in identifying criminal conduct and to

build probable cause to further criminal investigations. With this pooled

information, law enforcement officers may obtain a better understanding of the

global information available about a suspect that resides within their geographic area

of jurisdiction. Given the global scope of the Internet, this information is valuable

when trying to establish the location of a suspect. Investigators from around the

world gather and log information, which can be used by an investigator to establish

probable cause for a specific investigation in his or her jurisdiction.


26. I make this affidavit in support of a search warrant for a silver-colored

Microsoft Surface computer tablet, with no visible serial number, that was seized

from Jason James Neiheisel at his residence located at

, Jacksonville, Florida- on April 11, 2017 by me and FBI SA

Jonathan MacDonald. This item is currently stored and secured in the FBI

Jacksonville Field Office located at 6061 Gate Parkway, Jacksonville, Florida 32256.

27. The FBI is inve~tigating Neiheisel as a suspect for using this Microsoft

Surface tablet to commit violations of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2252
and 2252A, which prohibit mailing, transportation, shipment, receipt, possession and

access with intent to view, in interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including

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by computer, any child pornography, that is, visual depictions of one or more minors

engaging in sexually explicit conduct.

28. FBI Task Force Officer (TFO) Jimmy. Watson has advised and

provided SA Jonathan MacDonald and SA Abbigail Beccaccio with the following

information, some of which was set forth in written documentation that I have

reviewed. Along with my review of this information, I have also had conversations

with SA MacDonald and SA Beccaccio regarding the origins and activities related to

this investigation ofNeiheisel. Based on my review and conversations, I know the

following to be true:

a. On December 6, 2015, TFO Watson began an undercover

operation to identify persons using the BitToi'rent P2P network on the Internet to

receive, traffic in, share and/ or distribute images and videos depicting child

pornography. I know that TFO Watson has received training in the operation and

use of the BitTorrent P2P network, as well as certain law enforcement techniques

used to investigate users on this network. TFO Watson was investigating host

computers located in Florida that were actively sharing child pornography on the

BitTorrent network. Through the use of specialized law enforcement software, TFO

Watson was able to determine that a host computer using IP address

was associated with certain Files of Interest (FOi) by investigators conducting

keyword searches or info hash value searches fot files related to known child
pornography images and videos.

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b. Between February 6, 2016 at o3:51 Eastern Standard Time (EST)

and February 7, 2016 at 03:56 EST, a law enforcement computer used and controlled

by TFO Watson made a successful connection to a host computer at IP address using an undercover computer through the in~emet. Using this

connection and spec~alized software, this law enforcement computer successfully

downloaded 1,575 pieces of a total of 7,702 pieces of a video collection from the host

computer at IP address, and through this connection it was

confirmed that this host computer possessed 7,653 pieces. Included in these 1,575

pieces were approximately 56 viewable videos, of which two particular videos with

the title "bathtime with daddy-3yo girl ped.mpg" and a title with several foreign

characters and the words 11 R@yg0Id 11 , "Lolita", and "Bed Sex", are further described

below. I know the above information based on conversations with experienced

Special Agents and other personnel, and my review ofTFO Watson's investigative

reports, including the log file report of the undercover session which was submitted

into the FBI's case file management system.

29. Regarding my conversations with SA Beccaccio and SA MacDonald

and thorough review of all historic information and investigative activity related to

this case, ~ know the following information to be true:

a. Through the use of Arin, a publicly available online resource, the

IP address was determined to be issued to Comcast


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b. At the request of SA Beccaccio, on June 14, 2016, FBI

Operational Support Technician (OST) James Guy prepared an administrative

subpoena (number 310130) directed to Comcast Communications requesting the

subscnoer and billing information for the account associated with IP address for the dates and times of December 6, 2015 at 03:35 EST, December

15, 2015 at 17:27 EST, and February 7, 2016 at 11:04 EST.

c. On June 16, 2016, the Comcast Legal Response Center

responded to this administrative subpoena and provided the following information

that I have reviewed. The subscriber information for the IP address

during the dates and times listed above resolved back to account number

8495741212254787, registered to Jason Neiheisel,

Jacksonville, Florida- The email addresses associated with this account were

[email protected] and

d. At the request of SA Beccaccio, on July 12, 2016, FBI Staff

Operations Specialist (SOS) Lucy Spagnuolo conducted a query of the Florida

Drivers and Vehicle Information Database (DAVID) for persons holding a State of

Florida Driver's License or Identification Card residing at

-Jacksonville, Florida- This query revealed Florida driver's licenses

issued to the following persons residing at this address: JASON JAMES

NElliEISEL (date ofbirth XX/XX/1990) an (date ofbirth

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30. Regarding my personal involvement in this investigation, in

conjunction with my review of historic information and conversations with SA

Beccaccio and SA MacDonald, I know the following to be true:

a. On April 5, 2017, I conducted a Florida DAVID query for Jason

James Neiheisel and confirmed the same address of

Jacksonville, Floridallla This query also revealed that a gray 2014 Dodge utility

vehicle with Florida license plate 60NFX was currently registered to Neiheisel.

b. On April 5, 2017, SA Joseph Barriere and I conducted physical

surveillance at the residence located at Jacksonville,

Florida- We learned that the address is part of the ~ p a r t m e n t s

complex and observed that a vehicle matching the description above was parked in

the vicinity of building 4. The vehicle was a dark gray Dodge Durango with Florida

license plate 60NFX. I walked into building 4 and confirmed that apartment number

was on the first floor in the eastern-most portion of the building.

c. On April 10, 2017, SA MacDonald and I reviewed several

viewable portions of the approximately 56 videos mentioned above in paragraph

28.b. that TFO Watson caused to be downloaded from the host computer connected

to the Internet through IP address between February 6, 2016 at 03:51

EST and February 7, 2016 at 03:56 EST. Included in the 1,575 pieces, as mentioned

in paragraph 28.b/, are two videos with the title "bathtime with daddy-3yo girl

ped.mpg" (hereafter Video I), and a title with several foreign characters and the

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words "R@ygold,,, "Lolita,,, and "Bed Sexn (hereafter video 2). The contents of

these videos are further described below:

(1) Based on my training and experience, as well as

conversations with experienced Special Agents and law enforcement officers, I

believe that Video 1 (more fully described below) depicts at least one minor engaged

in sexually explicit conduct (oral to genital sexual intercourse, or fellatio), and

therefore constitutes child pornography pursuant to Title 18, United States Code,

Section 2256. As described herein, the SHA-1 values for this video are contained on

the list of those known or designated as a FOI depicting images of child

pornography. These SHA-1 values are catalogued by the Internet Crimes Against

Children Task Force (ICAC). Video I, which TFO Watson caused to be

downloaded from IP address between February 6, 2016 at 03:51 EST

and February 7, 2016 at 03:56 EST, that was being offered for sharing on the date

and times listed below, is described as follows:

SHA- I: 4f03620ae4fb25Sba98d6ba565 l e2d762fl 9977f

DATE: February 7, 2016 at 3:56:47 a.m. EST

TITLE: bathtime with daddy-3yo girl ped.mpg

DESCRIPTION: This is a color video of 3:25 (minutes:seconds)

duration, of which the entirety was downloaded directly from a host computer at IP

address I have reviewed this video. This video depicts what appears

to be a 3 to 4 year-old female seen naked in a bathtub. The video has sound and a

man can be heard speaking to this minor child, who is standing naked in the bathtub
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and spreading open her genitals. A male asks the female girl, "Can you rub it?" as

she is spreading open her genitals. At 1:56, this prepubescent child is then seen with

her hands on an adult male's erect penis. At 2: 10, this child places this erect penis in

her mouth. The male is seen with his hand on the back of this child's head, pulling

her head and mouth onto his erect penis. The activity continues through the end of

the video.
(2) Based on my training and experience, as well as

conversations with experienced Special Agents and law enforcement officers, I

believe that Video 2 depicts at least one minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct

(oral to genital sexual.intercourse, or fellatio), and therefore constitutes child

pornography pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 2256. As described

herein, the SHA-I values for this video are contained on the list of those known or

designated as a FOI depicting images of child pornography. These SHA-I values are

catalogued by the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC). Video 2,

which TFO Watson caused to be downloaded from IP address

between February 6, 2016 at 03:51 EST and February 7, 2016 at 03:56 EST, that was

being offered for sharing on the date and times listed below, is described as follows:

SHA-1: aa5241853c63b69c3f71ebflb9d2a75I l5a37acf

DATE: February 7, 2016 at 3:56:42 a.m. EST

TITLE: several foreign characters and the words "R@ygold",

"Lolita", and "Bed Sex" .mpg

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DESCRIPTION: Video 2 is a color video of 10:26

(minutes:seconds) duration, of which the entirety was downloaded directly from a

host computer at IP address I have reviewed this video. This video

depicts what appears to be a 5 to 7 year-old female child performing oral sex on an

adult male. At 1:47, this prepu~escent girl is lying on the bed with. no pants on and

exposing her genitals. Then the girl begins to masturbate. At 5:00, the girl is again

shown performing oral sex on an adult male. The activity continues through the end

of the video.

d. On the evening of April 10, 2017, I conducted.physical

surveillance of the residence located at Jacksonville,

Florida - and observed the same vehicle listed above in paragraph 30;b. parked

in the same location in the vicinity of building 4.

31. On April 11, 2017, SA MacDonald and I conducted a consensual

interview of Jason James Neiheisel at his residence located at

- Jacksonville, Florida- Hall answered the door and invited us inside

the residence. Moments later, Neiheisel emerged from a different room and joined

us. After being advised of our identity and the general nature of the investigation,

Neiheisel agreed to speak with us in his residence and provided the following


a. N eiheisel and moved into their

current apartment in or around October of 2015.

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b. Neiheisel only knows the neighbors through casual passage in the

hallways, and they do not socialize together. During the time Neiheisel a n d .

lived in the apartment, they had occasional visitors of family and friends, none of

whom stayed longer than four or five days. Neiheisel an~have never had any

other roommate.

c. Neiheisel has Comcast Internet service at the apartment in

Neiheisel's name, and the wireless service is password protected. Ne~eisel set up

the password protected network with-a router he had from before. Neiheisel has a

solid understanding of information technology and knew his home network was

secured, and he a n d - d i d not share their password with neighbors or others.

They do provide the password to the network to family and friends who visit;

however, never to strangers.

d. Neiheisel has two laptop computers in the residence - a work

laptop and a personal Microsoft Surface tablet. The work laptop was sitting on the

couch next to Neiheisel, and the Surface tablet was in a different room that Neiheisel

retrieved to show to me and SA MacDonald. Neiheisel placed the Surface tablet on .

the coffee table in front of me and SA MacDonald where the interview was taking

place. Both devices are password protected, and the work laptop has an RSA

SecurelD token as part of its security. He has owned the Surface tablet since before

2015 and uses it at this current address to access the Internet.

e. Neiheisel used the personal tablet for downloading movies such

as "Elf' which he watches on flights to Cincinnati. He was familiar with file sharing
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programs including Limewire and BitTorrent but was unsure if he had BitTorrent

currently installed on his Surface tablet. Neiheisel picked up the Surface tablet,

pushed a few keys, and advised that the BitTorrent program was not on the Surface

tablet. SA MacDonald and I were unable to observe the screen of the Surface tablet

when Neiheisel did this.

f. Neiheisel had downloaded child pornography for "a while" and

last did so within the past two months. Neiheisel knows child pornography is illegal

and has viewed and downloaded child pornography with his Surface tablet. I

showed N eiheisel a screen print of several files of child pornography downloaded

from the IP.address at Neiheisel's apartment. Neiheisel read some of the file titles

and recognized ther as ones he downloaded. He also knew the terms "PTHC" and

"YO" as child pornography related terms but did "not want to say" what they stood

for. SA MacDonald and I asked for clarification, and Neiheisel stated he was "not

comfortable saying" the long form of the abbreviations.

g. Neiheisel had seen child pornography "by accident" and later

clarified that he gets his child pornography through a chat room called "Chat

Tango." Neiheisel did not need to use search terms to find child pornography

because the chat room he accessed had users who provided various links that took

him to child pornography content.

h. SA MacDonald showed Neiheisel a video of child pornography

downloaded from Neiheisel's IP address at his residence titled, "bathtime with

daddy-3yo girl ped.mpg" (previously described above as Video 1), which depicted a
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prepubescent female child being sexually abused by an adult male. Neiheisel

recognized the video as one he downloaded and viewed but denied masturbating to

the video. Neiheisel downloaded that particular video within the past week and

confirmed he used the Surface tablet that was sitting on the coffee table to download

and view the video.

1. SA MacDonald also showed Neiheisel a video with a title

containing several foreign characters and the words "R@ygold", "Lolita", and "Bed

Sex" (as previously described above as Video 2), which depicted a prepubescent

female child being sexually abused by an adult male. Neiheisel also recognized the

video as one that he had downloaded and viewed and confirmed he used the Surface

tablet that was sitting on the coffee table to download and view the video.

j. Neiheisel downloaded child pornography for "personal use" in

the privacy of his bedroom. No one else knows about his child pornography

activities, including- Neiheisel denied that child pornography would be

found on the Surface tablet saying "there shouldn't be" any child pornography saved

on the tablet.

k. Using a variety of means to download child pornography,

Neiheisel understood child pornography is saved to his "downloads" folder and in

the past, he has organized and categorized his child pornography videos. Neiheisel

noted that he downloaded child pornography to "see if I can find it" and indicated he

is able to find other "files like that you'll find" in reference to the ones shown to him

by me and SA MacDonald. Neiheisel also noted that he enjoyed the "thrill of the
Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 35 of 39 PageID 46

hunt,, to see what kind of child pornography files he could find, such as the age range

or level of explicit content.

1. Neiheisel was asked for consent to search his Surface tablet and

was advised that he did not have to provide consent. Neiheisel stated that he was

interested in cooperating with me and SA MacDonald but did not feel comfortable

providing consent at the time. Neiheisel did provide the password to the Surface

tablet as "strange777,, and told me and SA MacDonald that he needed to leave for

32. Upon conclusion of the consensual interyiew, SA MacDonald and I

advised Neiheisel that we were securing the Surface tablet based on his statements

about it being used to download child pornography. As stated above, this Surface

tablet was within our plain view and Neiheisel had referred to it as set forth above. I

provided Neiheisel with a FD-597 Receipt for Property Received form, describing

the item, which Neiheisel and I both signed. Neiheisel believed that SA MacDonald

and I had treated him fairly, and he understood the importance of our investigation.

33. Based on the foregoing, I have probable cause to believe that fruits,

evidence, and instrumentalities of violations of Title 18, United States Code,

Sections 2252 and 2252A, including images and/ or videos of ~hild pornography, are

currently contained in the item listed and described above, that is, the silver-colored

Microsoft Surface computer tablet, with no visible serial number, that was seized

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from Jason James Neiheisel at his residence located a

Jacksonville, Florida-on April 11, 2017.

34. Accordingly, I respectfully request a search warrant be issued by this

Court authorizing the search and forensic examination of the item listed in

Attachment A, for evidence as set forth in Attachment B.

Ni~olasPrivette, Special Agent

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Subscribed and sworn to before me this

l day of April, 017, at Jacksonville, Florida.

United States Magistrate Judge

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1. Any and all computer software, including programs to run operating
systems, applications, such as word processing, graphics, and communications
programs, including, but not limited to, P2P software, that may be or are used to:
visually depict child pornography or child erotica, display-or access information
pertaining to a sexual interest in child pornography; display or access information
pertaining to sexual activity with children; or produce, distribute, possess or receive
child pornography, child erotica, or information pertaining to an interest in child
pornography or child erotica.

2. Any and all notes, documents, records, or correspondence, in any

format and medium (including, but not limited to, e-mail messages, chat logs and
electronic messages) pertaining to the production, possession, receipt, or distribution
of child pornography as d~fined in 18 U.S.C. Section 2256(8) or to the production,
possession, receipt, or distribution of visual depictions of minors engaged in sexually
explicit conduct as defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 2256(2).

3: In any format and medium, all originals, files, and copies of images
and/or videos depicting child pornography as defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 2256(8),
visual depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct as defined in 18
.U.S.C. Section 2256(2), or child erotica.

4. Any and all diaries or address books containing names or lists of names
and addresses of individuals who have been contacted by use of the device or by
other means for the purpose of distributing or receiving child pornography as defined
in 18 U.S.C. Section 2256(8) or visual depictions of minors engaged in sexually
explicit conduct as defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 2256(2).

5. Any and all notes, documents, records, or correspondence, in any

format or medium (including, but not limited to, e-mail messages, chat logs and
electronic messages}, identifying persons transmitting, through interstate or foreign
commerce by any means, including, but not limited to, by the United States Mail or
by computer, any child pornography as defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 2256(8) or any
visual depictions of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct, as defined in 18
U.S.C. Section 2256(2).

6. Any and all notes, documents, records, or correspondence, in any

format or medium (including, but not limited to, e-mail messages, chat logs and
electronic messages, other digital data files and web cache information) concerning
Case 3:17-mj-01138-JBT Document 1-1 Filed 05/03/17 Page 38 of 39 PageID 49

the production, receipt, transmission, or possession of child pornography as defined

in 18 U.S.C. Section 2256(8) or visual depictions of minors engaged in sexually
explicit conduct, as defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 2256(2).

7. Any and all notes, documents, records, or correspondence, in any

format or medium (including, but not limited to, e-mail messages, chat logs and
electronic messages, and other digital data files) concerning communications
between individuals about child pornography or the existence of websites or file
sharing networks on the Internet that contain child pornography or that cater to
those with an interest in child pornography.

8. Any and all notes, documents, records, or correspondence, in any

format or medium (including, but not limited to, e-mail messages, chat logs and
electronic messages, and other digital-data files) concerning membership in online
groups, clubs, or services that provide or make accessible child pornography to
. members.

9. Any and all records, documents, invoices and materials, in any format
or medium (including, but not limited to, e-mail messages, chat logs and electronic
messages, and other digital data files) that concern any accounts with an Internet
Service Provider.

10. Any and all records, documents, invoices and materials, in any format
or medium (including, but not limited to, e-mail messages, chat logs and electronic
messages, and other digital data files) that concern online storage or other remote
computer storage, including, but not limited to, software used to access such online
storage or remote computer storage, user logs or archived data that show connection
. to such online storage or remote computer storage, and user logins and passwords for
such online storage or remote computer storage.

11. Any and all documents, records, or correspondence, in any format or

medium (including, but not limited to, images, videos, e-mail messages, chat logs
and electronic messages, and other digital data files), which show the identity of the
users of any of the electronic storage media described herein.

12. Any and all diaries, notes, e-mail messages, chat logs and electronic
messages,other digital data files reflecting personal contact with minors, sexual
activity with minors, and/or any other activities with minors visually depicted while
engaged in sexually explicit conduct, as defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 2256(2).

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The item to be searched is described as follows:

A silver-colored Microsoft: Surface computer tablet, with no visible serial

number, that was seized from Jason James Neiheisel at his residence
located at Jacksonville, Florida
_,nApril 11, 2017.

The above-described item was seized from NEIHEISEL during his consensual
interview on April 11, 2017, and is currently secured in the Jacksonville Division of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 6061 Gate Parkway, Jacksonville, Florida

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