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Oracle Special Edition

by Lawrence Miller, CISSP

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IaaS For Dummies, Oracle Special Edition
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o succeed in todays competitive reality, busi-
nesses need to free themselves from the limita-
tions of legacy IT infrastructure. The days of
purchasing hardware and maintaining massive data cen-
ters to run IT must come to an end. Managing and main-
taining your infrastructure is simply too expensive.

A recent Gartner survey found that more than 80 percent of

CIOs consider Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to be a via-
ble option and 10 percent of CIOs already consider it to be
their default choice for infrastructure. Utilizing an infra-
structure with an elastic, pay-as-you-go service model not
only reduces costs and worries, but also frees IT organiza-
tions to innovate in ways that will enhance business growth.

Foolish Assumptions
It has been said that most assumptions have outlived their
uselessness, but I assume a couple things nonetheless:

You work as a CIO, CTO, SVP, VP, director, or

enterprise architect, and youre responsible for
some or all IT infrastructure components (such as
compute, storage, and networking) in an enterprise
that has already adopted or is currently
developing a cloud computing strategy.

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You have some familiarity with popular public
cloud offerings, such as Amazon Web Services
(AWS) and Microsoft Azure, but youre less aware of
Oracles cloud and portfolio of enterprise solutions.

Icons Used in This Book

Throughout this book, I occasionally use icons to call out
important information. Heres what to expect.

This icon points out information you should

commit to memory.

This icon explains the jargon beneath the


This icon points out helpful suggestions and

useful nuggets of information.

Beyond the Book

Theres only so much I can cover in 64 short pages, so if you
find yourself at the end of this book thinking, Where can
Ilearn more?, just go to: There, you
can learn more about IaaS and the Oracle Cloud Platform.
You can give IaaS a try at

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Getting started with a few cloud
Addressing enterprise workload
Realizing cost and convenience
benefits in IaaS
Discovering the Oracle Cloud

Chapter 1
Challenges and

n this chapter, you learn about the basics of IaaS
and cloud computing, what defines an enterprise
workload, and the value IaaS provides to businesses
seeking to deliver more innovation and agility in their

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Defining Cloud Computing
The cloud has recently become a part of our modern IT
lexicon, and there are many definitions and distinctions
of different cloud deployment and service models. To try
and cut down a bit on the cloudwashing (a term Gartner
uses to refer to the marketing practice of adding the word
cloud to practically any technology product or service),
lets keep it simple.

There are five essential characteristics of the cloud (as

defined by the National Institute of Standards and Tech-
nology, or NIST):

On-demand self-service
Broad network access
Resource pooling
Rapid elasticity
Measured service
There are three basic cloud deployment models:

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Finally, there are three basic cloud service models: Soft-
ware as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS),
and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).,

A key difference between SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS is the level

of control that the enterprise has in the cloud stack. The
demarcation line for IaaS is typically at the operating
system: The cloud provider manages the virtualization,
servers, storage, networking, and data center, while the
enterprise is responsible for configuring and maintaining
software at the operating system layer and above, includ-
ing middleware, runtime environments, data, and appli-
cation software (see Figure1-1).

Second-generation IaaS offerings extend customer con-

trol deeper into the cloud stack, with the option to manage
virtualization, servers, and storage, while simultaneously
offering higher levels of predictable performance, control,
and security than first-generation IaaS platforms. While
first-generation IaaS offerings provide cloud-based vir-
tual machines (VMs) in a multitenant environment
(meaning several customers may share resources on the
same server, while only being able to access the portion of
the server that is allocated for their usage), second-
generation IaaS offerings can additionally provide on-
demand, single-tenant bare metal machines (each
physical server is dedicated solely to one customer).

You learn more about second-generation

IaaS offerings in Chapter2.

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FIGURE 1-1:Different cloud service models provide different
levels of control for the enterprise.

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Characterizing the Enterprise
Enterprise applications run the business. They vary from
core mission-critical systems to customer relationship
management to social and mobile platforms to name just
a few. Every business is different, but at a very high level,
common expectations for enterprise workloads in the
cloud include the following:

Elasticity and massive scalability: No resource is

infinite or unlimited, but a world-class cloud service
provider typically has more available capacity than
most enterprises, so resource utilization can be
perfectly balanced in the cloud, where you can
automatically scale up, out, and down as needed
(provided youve architected your applications

Predictability: Enterprises are constantly tweaking

infrastructure to support their mission-critical
application requirements, but many first-generation
IaaS cloud platforms dont offer that ability to
enterprises but its key to successfully running
enterprise workloads in the public cloud.

High performance: Enterprise applications typically

require very low latency, high throughput, and high
input/output operations per second (IOPS).

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Open standards and workload/data portability:
In the cloud, there are no industry standards
governing things like application programming
interfaces (APIs). Thus, some clouds are quite
proprietary and you risk getting locked in with a
single provider. Also, with some providers, although
its relatively easy to move your applications and
data to the cloud, it can be very difficult to move
them back if your cloud strategy or needs change.

Deployment flexibility: Cloud providers need to

provide high-quality data centers and support
different deployment models for their enterprise

Security and trustworthiness: There are many

layers to security in the cloud that need to be
considered, and enterprises must often comply
with numerous regulations in their various

Service-level agreements (SLAs): SLAs vary widely

in terms of the uptime and performance guaran-
teed, as well as the remediation provided should
an SLA violation occur.

Enterprises also expect to be able to extend their gover-

nance models to the public cloud. IT leaders have been
managing on-premises environments for years. They

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require visibility into who is accessing which resources and
when, and theyre accustomed to delegating permissions
and granting access to resources. Systems of record and
governance simply do not change overnight. Your cloud
provider should offer the ability to extend governance to
the cloud natively with the following capabilities:

Identity and access management (IAM):

Authorize who can perform specific actions on
specific resources, with full control and visibility to
centrally manage cloud resources.

Role-based access controls (RBAC): Different

levels of controls for providing access to various
types of infrastructure resources at the account,
sub-account, or resource level.

Resource visibility: When IAM and RBAC are

utilized and resources are logically defined, a
unified view of permissions and security policies
becomes available to IT administrators.

Quotas: Limit which resources are available and

when, based on specific criteria defined by the

Showback/chargeback: Audit trails allow

infrastructure usage costs to be allocated to
departments, business units, or individual users.

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Understanding the Value of
IaaS in the Enterprise
The motivations for businesses to adopt IaaS are diverse,
and can be broadly organized as follows:

Migrating your data center: Moving workloads

off-premises and getting instant access to on-
demand infrastructure

Operational efficiency: Doing more with less

Cloud-native and cloud-aware application
development: Finding technologies to support
new ways of developing and running applications

IaaS provides increased speed and agility by offering on-

demand, self-service access to servers, storage, and net-
working resources in the cloud. Developers can get access
to infrastructure to run their applications in minutes, and
the cloud provides resource elasticity to scale up and
down as the needs of the application dictate, providing
significant flexibility that isnt typically possible in an
on-premises environment. IaaS can enable significant IT
cost savings by offering a pay-only-for-what-you-use
pricing model, rather than procuring hardware for peak
capacity requirements and inefficiently managing (and
paying for) idle capacity that is underutilized during
nonpeak times.

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Introducing the Oracle
Cloud Platform
Enterprises need a cloud environment that replicates
their on-premises data center environment whether
its a virtualized core business application, a mission-
critical database on a dedicated cluster, or a fully inte-
grated and managed solution (such as Oracle Engineered
Systems) while also providing all the benefits of the
public cloud.

The Oracle Cloud Platform lets enterprises manage their

cloud-based workloads in the same way they do their
on-premises workloads, and many existing on-premises
applications can be quickly migrated to the Oracle Cloud
Platform without changes to the applications themselves.

In the Oracle Cloud, organizations get all the benefits of the

cloud with the same control, isolation, security, and pre-
dictable performance as their on-premises data centers.

Oracle Cloud IaaS services on the Oracle Cloud include

Compute: A rapidly provisioned, elastic compute

capacity enables applications to run and scale
onthe Oracle Cloud Platform with predictable,
consistent performance and total instance isolation
(when needed). Compute resources are flexible
and can be used for both Oracle and non-Oracle

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workloads. Oracle provides multiple compute offer-
ings, including VMs, bare-metal instances, dedi-
cated compute, and Oracle Cloud at Customer.

Storage: Secure and scalable cloud-based storage

solutions ideal for storing and accessing data
fromany environment connected to the Internet.
Offerings include local Non-Volatile Memory
Express (NVMe) flash storage, network block
storage, object storage, archive storage, database
backup storage, and even a software appliance for
an on-premises file storage front end to the cloud.

Network: Any on-premises data center can be

connected to the Oracle Cloud Platform with Oracle
Cloud Networking Services, including a virtual
private network (VPN) service, as well as the
FastConnect offering, allowing organizations to
have a private, secure, high-bandwidth, dedicated
link between their on-premises data center and the
Oracle Cloud.

According to 451 Research, enterprise IT

executives expect that 60 percent of their
workloads will run in the cloud by 2018.
Whether your business is already headed to
the cloud or not, its a safe bet that your
competition is!

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Calculating compute choices
Weighing storage options
Selecting network services

Chapter 2
Exploring the
Oracle IaaS

n this chapter, you learn about the capabilities,
features, and competitive differentiators of the Oracle
IaaS Platform.

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Oracle Cloud Platform:
Compute Service
The Oracle Cloud Platform offers a variety of compute
options to suit your organizations needs with a resilient
infrastructure service that provides rapidly provisioned
virtual machines in both single-tenant and multitenant
configurations. Oracle Cloud at Customer compute solu-
tions (discussed later in this chapter) can be hosted on a
customers premises or in the customers data center.

In the cloud, a single-tenant environment is a

host machine dedicated entirely to a single
customer, whereas a multitenant environment
is a host machine in a virtual machine model
that often hosts multiple customers.

Many factors must be considered when determining

which compute options are right for your organizations

Available CPU sizes: How much processing power

do your applications and workloads require?

Metered vs. unmetered pricing: Do you need a

pay-as-you-go option or the option to pay for
unlimited usage over a specific period?

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Single tenant or multitenant: Do your security
and compliance requirements necessitate
infrastructure that is dedicated solely to your

Migration of KVM/VMware workloads: Do you

need to migrate KVM/VMware dev/test or demo
workloads off premises?

Hosted on-premises: Do you need an entire rack

of dedicated hardware (fully managed and
serviced) in your own data center?

Support for containers: Are your developers

actively writing next-generation applications
utilizing Docker as their primary container?

Table 2-1 will help you match the best

ompute Service options to your organiza-
tions needs, based on your answers to the
preceding questions.

I cover your Compute Service options in the following


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TABLE2-1 Compute Service options
Elastic Bare Metal Dedicated Oracle Cloud
Compute Compute Compute at Customer

Available 116 36 5002,000 288+

CPU sizes

Metered Yes Yes No No

Single tenant No Yes Yes Yes

KVM/VMware Yes Yes No No


Hosted on No No No Yes

Suitable for Yes Yes No No


Oracle Bare Metal Compute

By moving the virtualization layer off the server and onto
the network (referred to as off-box virtualization),
Bare Metal Compute Service avoids the hypervisor tax (the
performance degradation or overhead typically associ-
ated with virtualized compute infrastructure offered by
first-generation cloud providers), thereby enabling
extremely high levels of raw performance comparable
to dedicated on-premises servers.

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Provide two compute offerings for flexibility to run your
most demanding workloads, as well as less compute-
intensive applications, in a secure and highly available
cloud environment:

Bare-metal instances: For I/O-intensive web

applications (such as real-time analysis) or big data
workloads (such as batch processing), Bare Metal
Compute Service is an ideal match. Oracle provides
an industry-first, fully dedicated bare-metal server
on a software-defined network, combining the
power of bare-metal servers (physical servers
assigned to only one customer) with a secure,
isolated Virtual Cloud Network (VCN, described
later in this chapter). Bare Metal Compute Service
provides extreme raw performance, including
servers with the latest generation Non-Volatile
Memory Express (NVMe) drives delivering stellar
input/output per second (IOPS).

Virtual machines: Available as a Bare Metal

Compute Service offering for workloads that dont
require dedicated physical servers or the high-
performance of bare-metal instances. VM instances
provide cost savings and are offered in different
sizes, catering to a variety of workloads in 1-, 2-, 4-,
8-, and 16-core Oracle Compute Units (OCPUs) and
memory configurations (together known as

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Choose Bare Metal Compute Service when
single-tenancy is important and you need
high performance and resilience for your
production workloads.

Oracle Elastic Compute Service

Oracle Elastic Compute Service provides a fully scalable
multitenant virtual compute environment to run appli-
cations with consistent performance, control, and visi-
bility. Rapidly provision VMs on Oracle Cloud with all the
necessary storage and networking resources, manage
and scale your VM topology in the cloud easily, and
migrate your Oracle and third-party applications to
Oracle Cloud. With Elastic Compute Service, you can pro-
vision or migrate test and development to the cloud and
then run production workloads once ready. You can also
easily migrate VMware and KVM-based dev/test work-
loads to the Oracle Cloud (see Oracle Ravello Cloud
Service, later in this chapter, to learn more).

Oracle Dedicated Compute

Oracle Dedicated Compute Service is a dedicated, high-
CPU environment in the Oracle Cloud that consists of
high-performance x86 servers reserved for your use to
run mission-critical applications with predictable, consis-
tent performance and network isolation. With Dedicated

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Compute Service, you can set up databases using the
Oracle Database Cloud or Exadata Cloud Service. Dedicated
Compute Service is also available for SPARC-based cus-
tomers that require a single-tenant environment.

Choose Dedicated Compute Service when

you require maximum control for running
legacy workloads with very high processor

Oracle Cloud at Customer

Oracle Cloud at Customer brings the Oracle Cloud to your
data center, allowing you to retain full control over where
your data and applications reside. Based on the same
PaaS and IaaS software found in the Oracle Public Cloud,
this service provides one platform to develop, deploy, and
manage Oracle and non-Oracle workloads. Write applica-
tions once and choose whether to deploy them on- or
off-premises. An Oracle Technical Account Manager and
an entire suite of operational tools and support are pro-
vided with this service.

Deploy Cloud at Customer to get the benefits

of a fully managed cloud on-premises in
your data center. Oracle manages the entire
implementation and provides ongoing oper-
ational support including a dedicated point of

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Oracle Container Service
Containers make it easy for developers to build and
deploy apps by providing preconfigured application envi-
ronments, including dependencies, rather than requiring
developers to re-create application environments every
time they stand up a new server. With containers, devel-
opers can set up an application environment once (or use
a preconfigured environment) and use it across as many
containers as needed. The Container Service provides an
easy and quick way to create an enterprise-grade con-
tainer infrastructure. It delivers comprehensive tooling
to compose, deploy, orchestrate, and manage Docker
container-based applications on the Oracle Cloud for
Dev, Dev/Test, DevOps, and cloud-native use cases.

Use Container Service when your develop-

ers are exploring microservices and writing
Docker-based applications.

Oracle Ravello Cloud Service

Many businesses today are running significant portions
of their on-premises workloads in VMware or KVM vir-
tualized environments and looking to extend those work-
loads to the cloud. Ravello enables enterprises to run
their VMware and KVM dev/test workloads as is in the
public cloud, without any modifications. With Ravello,
enterprises dont need to convert their VMs or change

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networking configurations. This capability enables the
business to rapidly deploy existing applications on the
public cloud without the associated infrastructure,
migration costs, and overhead.

If youve been running VMware or KVM-

based dev/test workloads on-premises, or
even at another cloud provider, use the Rav-
ello Cloud Service to quickly migrate these
workloads to the Oracle Cloud Platform.

Oracle Cloud Platform:

Storage Service
All organizations backup and archive their data. Oracle
offers a wide spectrum of storage and database solutions
designed to meet your specific data requirements. I cover
your options in the following sections.

Local NVMe storage

NVMe flash drives provide the highest-performance
storage, with millions of IOPS for compute instances in
the Oracle Cloud. Local NVMe storage shapes are offered
in 12.8 and 28.8 terabyte (TB) options.

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Bare Metal Cloud Block
Volume Service
Bare Metal Cloud Block Volume Service is high-speed
network storage capacity with seamless data protection
and recovery. Network-attached block volumes deliver
low latency and tens of thousands of IOPS per compute
instance. 256 gigabyte (GB) and 2TB block volumes offer
consistent high-performance and scalable capacity as
your data needs grow.

Oracle Database Cloud Service can be run on

bare-metal compute with NVMe, or on VMs
with network block storage.

Bare Metal Cloud Object Storage

Bare Metal Cloud Object Storage offers virtually unlim-
ited amounts of capacity, automatically replicating and
healing data across multiple fault domains for high dura-
bility and data integrity. Running on the same low-
latency network as compute, the object storage service
also provides a Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
interface for big data and data lake use cases.

Oracle Storage Cloud Service

Archive Storage
Oracle Storage Cloud Service Archive Storage provides
cost-effective archive storage for infrequently accessed,

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large-scale data sets, long-term data retention, rich
media content, and scientific research archives, with
enterprise-grade security, resilience, and elastic scalabil-
ity. This fully managed service requires no new hardware,
thus eliminating capital expenditures as storage resources
are accessed over the Internet through REST and/or Java
APIs. Elasticity and scalability are coupled with pay-as-
you-go and subscription-based models, so you can
choose to pay only for what you use or take advantage of
reduced rates for longer commitments. Data is encrypted
in transit and at rest and you can choose whether you
want to manage the keys or have Oracle manage them for
you. You can monitor key storage metrics and manage
users and roles using a web-based graphical console.

Oracle Database Backup Service

Oracle Database Backup Service is a reliable and scalable
object storage solution and data protection service designed
for the unique needs of Oracle Database customers with
direct, cost-effective integration with Oracle Recovery
Manager (RMAN) so you can take advantage of cloud-
based data protection with your current IT processes and

Oracle Storage Cloud

Software Appliance
Oracle Storage Cloud Software Appliance is a cloud stor-
age gateway that is installed on-premises and then used

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to easily connect applications and workflows to the Stor-
age Cloud Service.

Oracle Cloud Platform:

Network Service
Networking services provide organizations with connec-
tivity to the cloud and in the cloud. In Chapter3, you learn
how to securely connect your organization to the Oracle
Cloud Platform with Oracle FastConnect and Oracle
VPN.An Oracle Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) extends your
IT infrastructure into the Oracle Cloud with highly cus-
tomizable private networks. A VCN is a private network
that you set up on the Oracle Cloud Platform, with fire-
wall rules and specific types of communication gateways
that you choose. Within this network, you launch your
virtual instances or access bare-metal (single-tenant)

Just like a traditional data center network, a VCN provides

complete control over your network environment. You
can customize your VCNs to mirror your internal net-
works, or build new network topologies with granular
control, including assigning your own private IP address
space, creating subnets, creating route tables, and con-
figuring stateful firewalls. A single tenant can have mul-
tiple VCNs, thereby providing grouping and isolation of
related resources.

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Using a VCN, your workload instances can connect to the
Internet (via an Internet Gateway), your on-premises
data center using an IPSec virtual private network (VPN)
connection (via a Dynamic Routing Gateway), or both.

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is a proto-

col suite for secure IP communications that
works by authenticating and encrypting each
IP packet of a communication session.

Key VCN features include the following:

Customizable VCNs: Fully configurable IP

addresses, subnets, routing, and firewalls support
new or existing private networks for rapid flexibility
and scalability.

End-to-end security: Multiple security layers,

including packet encapsulation, in-flight encryption,
and IPSec VPN connectivity.

High performance: A high-bandwidth, micro-

second latency network enables high performance
and big data applications with networked storage.
Oracles flat network design limits the number of
hops to two (a hop occurs when network traffic
traverses a device such as router or switch), which
permits real-time application workload processing
(such as batch jobs and applications requiring
real-time querying).

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High availability: Active and passive logical and
physical network redundancy, including default
redundant IPSec VPN connectivity.

Oracles IaaS Compute, Storage, and Network

Service offerings provide customers with
choice and flexibility to run their enterprise
workloads in a scalable, fast, predictable, and
resilient platform in the public cloud.

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Looking at options for
connecting to the cloud
Recognizing the need for a
dedicated connection
Leveraging a virtual private
network over the Internet

Chapter 3
Connecting to
theOracle Cloud

he Oracle Cloud Network Service provides high-
throughput, enterprise-grade security, and per-
formance predictability, enabling your cloud
workloads to deliver business results. In this chapter, you
learn about your options for connecting your enterprise
to the Oracle Cloud Platform.

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Enterprise Requirements for
Connecting to the Cloud
When extending your enterprise workloads to the cloud,
how you connect your on-premises environments to the
cloud matters. The challenge for enterprises is to find a
path to the cloud that meets current needs, preserves the
usefulness and value of their existing investments, and
provides options for the future. Technical challenges for
connecting to the cloud include the following:

The Internet is shared, unpredictable, and public.

Applications that consistently need to transfer large
volumes of data require higher sustained network-
ing bandwidth than others.

Many applications are sensitive to network latency.

Enterprises are looking to cloud providers to offer access
to computing resources that behave as if theyre simply
extensions of their own corporate data centers. In con-
necting on-premises data centers to cloud, two key con-
siderations are data transfer speed and security. Oracle
Cloud Network Service offers solutions to meet both
needs (see Figure3-1):

Oracle FastConnect links your data center and the

Oracle Cloud, using a direct, private connection

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(circuit) provided by a dedicated networking
partner (network service provider).

Oracle VPN for Compute is a virtual private

network (VPN) connection that links your data
center and the Oracle cloud, using an encrypted
tunnel over the public Internet.

FIGURE 3-1:Two options for connecting on-premises to the cloud.

VPN solutions typically offer a lower-cost

alternative, but a dedicated private network is a
better choice for businesses that transfer high
volumes of sensitive data over their networks.

Oracle FastConnect
Oracle FastConnect extends enterprise workloads into the
Oracle Cloud Platform with a secure and dedicated
connection between your data center and the Oracle Cloud.

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To set up FastConnect, you simply provision a private,
dedicated circuit from your network service provider (such
as AT&T, CenturyLink, Verizon, and others) to connect
your locations and/or data centers to the Oracle Cloud.

The most common use cases for FastConnect (or any

dedicated private circuit for that matter) include the

Bidirectional transfer of large volumes of data

(batch jobs): The unpredictable nature of the Internet
often results in significantly lower batch job perfor-
mance, or batch jobs not completing in time due to
latency issues beyond your control. FastConnect
overcomes this problem by moving traffic over a
dedicated path, thus allowing batch processing to
occur at the speed required by your applications.

Applications that require consistent latency

and network performance: Many enterprise
applications are very sensitive to latency and any
variations in latency. Applications often time out
when the underlying request made by the
application fails to get a timely response, due to
latency somewhere in the network. If your
application requires real-time, or very near
real-time, responsiveness you need a dedicated,
private networking solution like FastConnect.

Sensitive data transfers that cant traverse the

public Internet: If your data must never leave

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trusted boundaries, then a direct connection is
needed. Although data can be encrypted over the
Internet, it can still take unexpected hops (for
example, to a router in a foreign country) on its way
to its destination. A dedicated connection like
FastConnect provides a direct, secure connection
(with optional encryption for additional security)
from one endpoint to the other.

Use a dedicated connection (like FastConnect)

if you transfer large volumes of data over
your network, have an application that
requires consistent (and/or low) latency, or
have sensitive data.

FastConnect customers enjoy the inherent security of a

direct, private connection (with optional VPN encryption)
that does not traverse the public Internet, as well as the
predictable performance and low latency required by
high throughput workloads. Key FastConnect features
include the following:

Multiple port speeds: You can choose port speeds

ranging from 100Mbps to 10Gbps, depending on
your use case and the amount of data you expect
to transfer on a monthly basis. Choose the option
that corresponds to the amount of traffic your
applications produce to maintain the optimal
balance between cost and throughput.

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Standard Layer 3 routing: FastConnect leverages
industry-standard Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
routing to manage the exchange of data between
the Oracle Cloud and your network. BGP offers
many benefits, but perhaps the most important
features are that it automatically finds the fastest
route for your data to travel from one point to
another, and it allows you to advertise routes
across other provider networks so you can
leverage two different network service providers
(such as AT&T and Verizon) for network resilience.

Metered and non-metered usage: FastConnect is

offered as a metered option (in which you pay a
base fee plus a set amount per gigabyte of
outbound data transferred) and a nonmetered
option (in which you pay a fixed monthly fee for a
certain port speed and are allowed unlimited
outbound data transfer).

Redundancy: FastConnect can be configured as a

fully redundant service with two physical connec-
tions from your network edge to the Oracle Cloud
Platform network edge for high availability.

Knowing how much data your application gen-

erates is imperative. There are lots of third-
party software tools you can use to accurately
measure and monitor the amount of data your
applications generate. Once you know your
monthly data throughput requirements, you

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can determine whether a metered or nonme-
tered option will best fit your needs.

Oracle FastConnect options include the following:

FastConnect Standard Edition: If your enterprise

data center happens to be in one of the same data
centers as the Oracle Cloud, FastConnect enables you
to access and manage your Oracle Dedicated Compute
Service as an extension of your private network.

FastConnect Partner Editions: Oracle is

continuing to expand its number of dedicated
networking partners, and additional FastConnect
Partner Editions will become available over time.
Some current offerings include the following:

Equinix Exchange (EE): Delivered as a fully redundant

service with two physical connections from your
network edge to the Equinix Cloud Exchange.

BT Cloud Connect: Can be leveraged by customers

that use BT Cloud Connect multiprotocol label
switching (MPLS) VPNs to create a private
enterprise network. BT Cloud Connect will extend
your private VPN through Oracle FastConnect to
enable dedicated access to the Oracle Public
Cloud from your enterprise network.

Verizon Secure Cloud Interconnect (SCI): Leverage

your existing Verizon private IP network to
connect directly to the Oracle Cloud.

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Some important factors that affect network
latency include the distance between your
data center and the Oracle Cloud, as well as
the connectivity type. Cost is driven by the
speed of your network service providers cir-
cuit and the Oracle FastConnect port speed
that you choose.

Oracle VPN
A VPN creates an encrypted connection to another
network over the Internet using the IP Security (IPSec)
protocol. Benefits of a VPN include the following:

Lower cost than dedicated private connections

Ease of implementation
Flexible deployment to any location
However, there are some important drawbacks associ-
ated with VPNs that an enterprise must consider:

Variable bandwidth
Lower reliability (relies on the availability of the
public Internet) than dedicated private connections

Higher latency (inherent on the public Internet)

than dedicated private connections

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Thus, VPN connections are appropriate for enterprises
that have highly fluctuating data requirements, or rela-
tively low data volumes.

Oracle offers a site-to-site IPSec VPN for enterprises to

securely connect their data centers to the Oracle Cloud
Platform. Key Oracle VPN for Compute features include
the following:

Data encryption: 256-bit Advanced Encryption

Standard (AES) encryption is used to secure data
between an enterprises data center and the
Oracle Cloud.

Configurable pre-shared key: Symmetric key

encryption using a pre-shared key enhances
security and overall performance. Enterprises can
manage and change their own keys.

Multiple tunnels: Enterprises can set up multiple

tunnels with the Oracle Cloud Compute zone.
Thiscan be useful if you need to isolate a specific
network path for certain traffic. For example, you
might define a private network tunnel for an
application calling back to a database to gather
specific customer data, and that tunnel is never
accessible from the Internet.

Configurable subnets: Enterprises can configure a

range of IP addresses for compute instances. This
feature allows you to group virtual instances and/or

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create multiple groups of instances, all with
predefined IP addresses.

Built-in redundancy: Enterprises can benefit

fromVPN devices configured as a cluster for high

Third-party hardware VPN support: Oracle VPN

supports many of the leading hardware-based VPN
solutions that enterprises often deploy.

Cloud access: Instances can access other Oracle

services in the cloud.

There are two primary methods for extend-

ing your workloads to the Oracle cloud. You
can utilize a direct private, dedicated con-
nection (Oracle FastConnect) or you can
choose to route encrypted traffic over a VPN
(Oracle VPN). Once youre connected to the
Oracle Cloud, you can leverage Oracle Virtual
Cloud Network (VCN, discussed in Chapter2)
to customize your private network and the
extremely high performance, predictability,
and availability of Oracles flat network
design (see Chapter5).

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Leveraging high performance in
the cloud
Keeping your archives in the cloud
Getting restless with cloud-
native applications
Taking your on-premises data
center to the cloud
Looking at lift and shift use cases

Chapter 4
Examining IaaS Use
Cases and Success

n this chapter, you learn about common IaaS use cases
and how Oracle customers are using the Oracle Cloud
Platform to address real-world challenges and achieve
their strategic goals.

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Utilizing High-Performance
Some of the most difficult workloads to successfully exe-
cute in the public cloud are those that require massive
amounts of dedicated computing power (CPU cycles).
Often noisy neighbors in a multitenant environment
will limit the amount of CPU an application can use. Ora-
cle Bare Metal Cloud Service offers single-tenant options
where servers are dedicated entirely to one customer and,
thus, CPU cycles are never compromised.

YellowDog provides a 3D animation rendering
service that uses a combination of crowd-sourced
and public cloud provider computing resources
to create a virtual supercomputer for animators.


Rendering 3D animation files into digital

mediais an intensive computational process.
Traditionally, this process consumes from
tensto thousands of hours of compute time.
YellowDogs business goal is to revolutionize the
rendering process and turn around large work-
loads in minutes to hours.

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By harnessing the power, availability, and scal-

ability of Oracles Bare Metal Cloud Service,
YellowDog has built an innovative service
business that leverages cloud-based high-
performance computational processing.


Gareth Williams, YellowDog CEO and founder,

summarized YellowDogs success implement-
ingthe Oracle Cloud in this way: The high-
performance, nonblocking VCN ensures reliable,
high-bandwidth connections between workers
providing on-premises-like performance in the
public cloud framework, to make our clusters
scale up or down depending on the workload
requirements. Running six bare-metal Oracle
servers in the Oracle Cloud was from 2 to
9.8times more effective than using virtual
machines in other public clouds when it comes
to the task of 3D rendering.

Williams continues, The availability of high-

power machines is not always what is adver-
tised, and when we have used other public
cloud providers, weve sometimes stretched
their operational capability. We benchmarked


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Oracle Cloud against our production deploy-

ment, using Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Services,
with fantastic results that blew anything we had
previously used out of the water. TheBare Metal
benchmark was twice as fast as any other
instance we have running in our production
environment, with one result nearly ten times
faster than our production instance. We are very
pleased with the results and have been very
impressed since we started working with the
Oracle Cloud team their responsiveness, agil-
ity, and make-it-happen a ttitude [are] brilliant.

Archiving in the Cloud

Archiving in the cloud is an ideal use case for IaaS,
because it enables organizations to securely and cost-
effectively store their long-term archive data offsite,
while keeping it readily accessible when needed. Cloud-
based archiving provides economies of scale when
archiving large quantities of data (with a tiered pricing
structure), and organizations enjoy peace of mind know-
ing that the massive scalability inherent in the cloud will
accommodate their data needs as they grow over time.

Learn how Tippett Studio leverages the Oracle IaaS offer-

ing for cost-effective and massively scalable archives in
the following Oracle customer story.

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Tippett Studio was founded in 1984 by Phil
Tippett, just after he had received his first
Academy Award for his work on Return of the Jedi.
Today, Tippett Studio is a high-end character and
creature animation media production company.


The studios primary medium used to be

cinema, but today it also creates effects for end-
points from IMAX screens to mobile phones. As
demand for visually richer experiences on more
diverse viewing platforms has increased, so too
has the demand for more sophisticated and
robust technology.


Tippett Studio evaluated several IaaS options.

When they looked at Oracle Storage Cloud
Service, they were impressed with the price and
scope of the offerings.

What appealed to me was the structure of the

storage solutions that Oracle was providing, says
Sanjay Das, Tippett Studios CEO. There were
two tiers. The first tier is what they call the object


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store, where you have instant access to the data

that you put in the cloud into your active produc-
tion. And then you have the second tier, the
archive store or the archive tier. Those tiers work
well for us because we have so many films that
weve worked on and still need to maintain for a
number of years the data and all the images.

Tippett Studio implemented the Oracle

E-Business Suite with Oracle Compute, Storage,
and Database Cloud Service. Now, movies that
they havent worked on for more than five years
go into the archive store, while movies that the
company has worked on within the last five
years go into the object store. This two-tier
system allows the studio to quickly access and
repurpose content, and it also provides disaster
protection especially important as the studio
expands its distribution and operations globally.


The storage costs in the Oracle Cloud were ten

times less than other public cloud solutions.
Says Corey Rosen, Tippett Studios VP of Creative
Marketing, Oracle Cloud won by a mile. The
affordability, the accessibility, and really the sta-
bility of Oracle Cloud stood out beyond every-
thing else, and to us, it was a no-brainer.

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Building and Deploying
Cloud Native Apps
Many businesses are turning to the public cloud to sup-
port Agile application development methodologies and
DevOps environments. IaaS provides development teams
with the most control of infrastructure in the public
cloud, without requiring extensive hardware knowledge,
and rapid, self-service provisioning with pay-only-for-
what-you-use subscription-based pricing enabled
DevOps environments.

Read the nearby sidebar to learn how Flexagon used

Oracle IaaS and PaaS to re-platform its application devel-
opment suite.

Flexagons FlexDeploy is a market leading
DevOps and Application Release Automation
product. It is both comprehensive (one tool
across the entire build, deploy, and release tool-
chain) and integrated (plugins and integrations
for myriad commercial and open-source tools),
supporting companies from the smallest con-
tenders to the largest enterprises.


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Flexagons core business delivers DevOps and

application release automation solutions that
help clients automate the software delivery life
cycle and improve the productivity and quality
of software development. Its developer custom-
ers need the ability to quickly provision and de-
provision software development environments.
By adopting an elastic cloud infrastructure,
Flexagon believed it would be able to offer
lower-cost provisioning and enable its custom-
ers to accelerate development.


Flexagon chose Oracle IaaS and PaaS as the

foundation and framework for its solution. Its
customers appreciate both the rapid provision-
ing process and Flexagons ability to continue to
add features to its platform.


Flexagon is now able to incorporate custom

FlexDeploy solutions with the Oracle Java Cloud
Service in just 15 minutes with the business
result that on-demand customer provisioning as

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a service is now four times faster than in its pre-
vious solution.

According to Flexagons president, Dan Goerdt,

Oracle Platform as a Service and Oracle
Infrastructure as a Service were natural choices
as far as moving to the cloud, and the move was
easy. Our FlexDeploy solution is a Java-based
application, so we moved it without any changes
onto the Oracle Java Cloud Service, and we were
up and running in no time. With our preconfig-
ured trial environment running on Oracle
Platform as a Service and Oracle Infrastructure
as a Service, its exponentially easier for poten-
tial customers to try our solution, FlexDeploy.
Itsa perfect example of using the cloud to
solvea business problem boosting sales

Moving Your Data Center

to the Cloud
Managing a data center is costly for any business and it
shifts IT resources away from strategic business priori-
ties. Migrating your data center to the cloud allows your
IT team to focus on more strategic business priorities,
instead of procuring and maintaining infrastructure.

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Read the nearby sidebar to learn how ClubCorp moved its
data center to the Oracle Cloud Platform to successfully
address integration challenges associated with it busi-
ness acquisition strategy, improve the onboarding expe-
rience for club members, and reduce overall IT costs.

With a portfolio of more than 200 golf and coun-
try clubs and business, sports, and alumni clubs
in 26 states, the District of Columbia, and two
foreign countries, ClubCorp is the largest owner
and operator of private golf, country clubs, and
business clubs in the United States. The clubs in
its network serve more than 430,000 members
and 20,000 employees.


Members of newly acquired clubs needed to be

onboarded quickly and in a consistent manner,
despite the many differences in their IT systems
and processes. These acquisitions created mas-
sive integration challenges across environments,
which sometimes led to poor member experi-
ences due to performance and integration
issues. ClubCorp also needed to reduce its
overall IT costs.

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After evaluating several options, ClubCorp made

a strategic choice to migrate its data center to
the Oracle Cloud Platform. Every layer of its
compute and storage portfolio found a corre-
sponding home in the Oracle Cloud. ClubCorp
moved its production operations to the Oracle
Cloud in only 120 days, and gained new capabili-
ties for rapid onboarding of new clubs, while
also reducing IT costs.


We anticipate that moving our entire IT environ-

ment to the Oracle Cloud will have an incredible
impact on our business model in many ways,
including our ability to serve our clubs and their
members, said Patrick Benson, CIO of

Lifting and Shifting

Applications to the Cloud
Lifting and shifting refers to moving a workload (vir-
tual machine or application) from an on-premises data
center to the cloud, without making any changes to the
workload. Many companies find that lifting and shifting

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existing workloads to the cloud enables IT to be more
responsive to the business.

Read the nearby sidebar to learn how ironSource lifts and

shifts replicas of its customer environments to the cloud
to enable rapid and accurate quality assurance (QA)

ironSource builds monetization, engagement,
analytics, and discovery tools for app develop-
ers, device manufacturers, mobile carriers, and
advertisers. The company has developed a
leading application distribution platform, which
optimizes and automates the installation pro-
cess, analytics, and monetization for application


ironSource found that developing and testing

itsinstallers on all combinations of operating
systems and browsers was extremely
challenging and time consuming. Solutions for
its trainees were limited and relied on two meth-
ods to set up training environments, resulting in
static processes that did not scale.

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Leveraging the ease of replicating customer

environments with Ravello, ironSource has cre-
ated over 600 replicas of customer environ-
ments, which are being used daily for testing. It
normally takes under 20 minutes to build the
environments, run the tests, and report the
results. At the end of each batch, the environ-
ments are then shut down, resulting in a simple
pay-per-use service and allowing ironSource to
drastically reduce costs for the associated infra-
structure resources needed to run the tests.


The overall benefit to ironSource was the ability

to scale our QA automation infrastructure.
Windows client testing in the public cloud has
historically been very difficult, but Ravello has
been able to provide a clear, simple solution,
says Oded Priva, ironSource R&D Team Leader.

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Delivering performance and
Leveraging an open and flexible
cloud platform
Ensuring visibility and control
Simplifying on-premises and
cloud management
Maximizing availability and
Choosing a complete solution

Chapter 5
Ten Advantages
of Oracle IaaS

n this chapter, we describe ten key advantages of the
Oracle Cloud Platform that enable organizations to
migrate and extend their enterprise workloads to the
public cloud.

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Application performance is characterized by latency,
input/output operations per second (IOPS), and through-
put. Different applications and architectures require
different levels of each at the right cost point. First-
generation clouds are primarily designed for cloud-
native applications, thus forcing compromises when
attempting to run more traditional applications, and
often requiring a re-architecting or greenfield rebuild of

The Oracle Cloud Platform delivers performance at every

price point. From shared virtualized infrastructure to
dedicated bare-metal instances, and fully engineered
systems with the latest software-optimized components,
Oracle can meet the performance needs of nearly any
enterprise workload, across both traditional and cloud-
native architectures.

Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Service is built on

servers with local storage providing a
cumulative total of more than 4 million read
and 2.5 million write IOPS per bare-metal

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Enterprises have spent many years tuning their on-
premises environments to meet the exacting standards of
predictability and reliability that their most critical
applications require. Unfortunately, early adopters of the
public cloud have had to give up much of that hard-
earned experience, particularly for traditional three-tier
application architectures.

But you dont have to sacrifice predictability to take

advantage of the public cloud. Oracle offers the benefits
of on-demand access, self-service, and scalability, with
the dependability of dedicated resources. Oracle has built
a next-generation cloud environment to provide each
tenant with compute, storage, and networking capabili-
ties that deliver predictable performance that is compa-
rable to enterprise on-premises environments.

The high-performance characteristics and level of con-

trol available in the Oracle Cloud Platform ensures that
enterprise workloads will run predictably and reliably,
thus giving enterprises the confidence to extend or move
their mission-critical workloads to the public cloud.

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The Oracle Cloud Platform is built on an enterprise-
grade, fault-tolerant design that provides high availabil-
ity with cross-region replication and recovery. Users
consume infrastructure within the Oracle Cloud Platform
by first selecting what region of the world they desire to
have their workload hosted within for example, the
Western United States. Once the region desired is chosen,
there are multiple data centers known as availability
domains (ADs) within each region in which cloud
workloads can be deployed.

This approach to providing worldwide infrastructure

availability provides the highest levels of failure protec-
tion and availability for the most demanding cloud appli-
cations that Oracle Cloud customers deploy and operate.

Applications are becoming more complex and

more distributed, thus elevating your busi-
nesses need to run on a high-performance,
fault-tolerant platform.

Each AD is connected by a flat network design that yields

a maximum of two hops between any resource within an
AD, thus reducing the latency between compute and
storage nodes and offering highly consistent perfor-
mance (see Figure 5-1). Low-latency, high-bandwidth
network connections include 10 gigabit per second (Gbps)

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links between hosts in an AD with less than 100 micro-
second (s) latency.

FIGURE 5-1:Oracle Cloud Platform regions and availability


Oracle ADs are standalone structures, each with its own

independent and redundant power and cooling systems.
At least three ADs, located within approximately 20 to 25
miles of each other, are interconnected with a low-latency
network to make up a single cloud computing region.

A good example of how Oracles AD architec-

ture can help deliver fault tolerance is data-
bases. ADs provide a fault-tolerant foundation
for traditional active/passive and active/active
availability configurations (for example, Ora-
cle Dataguard for Oracle Database).

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Critical to Oracles approach to the cloud is giving cus-
tomers the optimum level of flexibility their businesses
require as they change over time (meaning they can use
existing skill sets and talent across all environments and
technology stacks). With that, they can run both Oracle
and non-Oracle workloads (such as third-party and
internally developed applications), connect non-Oracle
applications and Oracle solutions, and benefit from the
Oracle Cloud Platform across a wide array of deployment
types. This results in greater options regarding where
and how customers make the journey to the cloud, while
retaining more value from their current state.

This flexibility also allows the adoption of cloud technol-

ogy standards like Docker and newer frameworks like
Hadoop and Spark, as well as the ability to support
VMware. In addition, the Oracle Cloud Platform provides
support for microservices and polyglot languages such
as PHP, Ruby, Node.JS, and Java and different run-
times and application languages. Oracle supports many
different operating system (OS) platforms, including
multiple versions of Windows and Linux.

Oracle offers customers multiple cloud deployment
options with a complete and modern cloud architecture.

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Options are important, because the journey to the cloud
isnt just a one-way path. Some companies are moving to
the cloud as fast as possible, but many others for vari-
ous reasons havent been able to do so. With Oracle,
customers can deploy and manage their applications in a
self-service, on-demand environment on-premises, or
they can move them to the public cloud or both. When
they move, its a seamless migration because similar
technologies (same standards, same products, and uni-
fied management) are used on both sides.

Customers are increasingly electing to run their IT

environments using the full suite of Oracle Cloud offer-
ings. As customers deploy with the Oracle Cloud, many
are adopting a hybrid IT model, in which certain IT
resources are deployed and managed through the Oracle
Cloud, while others are deployed and managed on-
premises and both sets of resources can be managed
as one. Oracle focuses the engineering of its products
and services to best connect private cloud, public cloud,
public cloud on-premises (Oracle Cloud at Customer)
and hybrid cloud, to enable flexibility, agility, compati-
bility, and extensibility. Having options in the cloud
gives you flexibility to adapt to a constantly changing
market and competitive landscape, while leveraging
existing IT processes, architectural blueprints, and net-
work topology.

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First generation cloud providers offered services targeted
to cloud-native applications. These environments were
ideal for rogue or shadow application development
efforts (sometimes sponsored by line of business manag-
ers), but they didnt do much for the central IT group
ultimately responsible for corporate IT governance and
systems of record. In many companies, these rogue
efforts led to VM sprawl across multiple cloud providers
and costs spiraling out of control. Clearly, governance
and visibility tools are required to support the enter-
prises successful journey to the cloud.

Instead of designing its cloud for individual users, Oracle

started with complex organizations in mind, and imple-
mented the logical tools to make resources easier to seg-
regate, provision, monitor, and audit. For example,
compartments enable customers to assign access poli-
cies, usage quotas, and budget, on a per-project or group
basis. IT administrators can manage multiple environ-
ments via a single policy and gain visibility into who is
consuming what resources. Usage is rolled up under a
single account structure, so IT does not have to aggregate
dozens or hundreds of accounts.

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Public cloud services are widespread and growing, but
some countries and regions within them do not offer
world-class public cloud data centers. Additionally, some
enterprises need to run their workloads within their own
data centers to meet business, legislative, and regulatory
requirements. For example, some companies and gov-
ernment agencies must keep their application develop-
ment and data processing behind corporate firewalls to
comply with security mandates or abide by data gover-
nance and compliance regulations.

Most cloud providers today make your business leave

behind the benefits of the corporate data center
visibility, governance, and control when you move to
the cloud. Oracle Cloud provides a solution without this

To serve enterprises looking for the clouds agility, auto-

mation, extensibility, and portability, in an on-premises
environment under their control, Oracle Cloud at Cus-
tomer places the same hardware, software, and opera-
tional services available in Oracles public cloud directly
into enterprise data centers.

Oracle Cloud at Customer is a tightly integrated service

designed from the ground up for developing enterprise
applications using the same Oracle IaaS and PaaS tools
and services that are available in its public cloud, and

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running those applications either on-premises or in the
Oracle Cloud. An extension of the Oracle Cloud, this offer-
ing resides completely within an organizations data
center, and is fully managed by Oracle.

Oracle Cloud at Customer makes Oracle

Clouds IaaS (including compute, storage,
and networking) and PaaS (including Oracle
Java Cloud Service, Oracle Integration Cloud
Service, Oracle Database Cloud Service, and
others) offerings available to enterprises in
an on-premises environment that is acces-
sible in a cloud subscription model.

Moving to the cloud can also mean changes to the tools
and processes you use to manage and maintain your IT
infrastructure. Theres a good chance youre currently
managing both legacy systems and cloud-based assets.

Oracle reduces the pain associated with managing what

would typically be two entirely disparate sets of systems
Oracle Management Cloud (OMC). OMC offers a suite of
next-generation integrated monitoring, management,
and analytics services that leverage machine learning and
big data techniques against the full breadth of the opera-
tional data set. Its designed to deliver insights in minutes
rather than months.

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OMCs unified platform helps enterprises
improve IT stability, prevent application
outages, increase agility, and harden security
across their entire application and infra-
structure portfolio, both on premises and in
the cloud.

One of the key advantages of the public cloud is massive
on-demand scalability. Oracle Cloud Platform provides
enterprises with scale-up and scale-out compute and
storage capacity for their most demanding workloads
andapplications. Customers pay only for what they use,
and can scale down and in when their compute and
storage needs change.

ADs (discussed in the Availability section) are also

excellent for scale-out availability configurations that
often require odd numbers of sites for quorums (A quo-
rum is the minimum number of votes that a distributed
transaction must obtain to be allowed to perform an
operation in a distributed system). Object (file) storage
nodes are automatically and seamlessly replicated across
three fault-independent ADs per region. Finally, each AD
accommodates up to a million servers with on-demand
elasticity and scalability to meet enterprise demands.

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Enterprises need complete solutions that reduce com-
plexity. Oracle offers infrastructure integrated with plat-
form technologies (such as databases, Java, and
middleware) to create a seamless customer experience
that drives operational efficiencies, and delivers faster

Oracle offers hundreds of products and ser-

vices for IT operations, architects, and devel-
opers, as well as executives, business leaders,
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Enterprises can run the Oracle Cloud in their own data

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These materials are 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use
is strictly prohibited.

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