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Ume, Sweden, 59 December 2017

The Guardians of Contemporary Collecting and Collections

working with (contested) collections and narratives


COMCOL is the International Committee for Collecting of the International Council of

Museums (ICOM), which aims to deepen discussions and share knowledge on the practice,
theory and ethics of collecting and collections development.

This year COMCOL jointly organises its annual conference with DOSS (Contemporary
Collecting Sweden, previous Samdok), Norsam (Nordic network for contemporary
collecting and research at museums), and ICOM Sweden.
Ten years after the Connecting Collections conference in Stockholm, which was the starting
point for COMCOL, we will return to Sweden. From 59 December we will be hosted at the
Vsterbottens museum in Ume.

The contemporary collecting collaboration Samdok brought in the 1970:s innovation to

museum work. Samdok argued over the years for a more problem-oriented way of working,
studying the present day to arrive at descriptions of social and cultural processes,
emphasizing the importance of both the historical and contemporary contexts. In the course
of time Samdok became a forum for scholarly discussions on contemporary culture and
society, a forum for professional development and further education, sharing experiences of
the empirical, methodological and theoretical dimensions of the creation of collecting and

During the conference we would like to connect to the legacy of Samdok, focusing on
collecting the present; connecting the present with historical collections and collections with
communities. We would like to look closer at good practices in museums concerning
collecting and collections, practices that are possible to develop further. We would also like
to investigate the difficult narratives. As our diverse societies today put different demands on
our collections, collecting strategies and presentations, it has become impossible to speak
about cultural heritage without asking the questions: Which heritage? Whose? So how can
(contested) collections be revisited? How can we create democratic collections? Which new
approaches to museum ethics can be used, and how can contemporary practices and
collecting address or add to the discussion around difficult heritage?

We invite papers from researchers, museum professionals and students that address the
collection development, including, but not limited to, the following topics:

The triangular relationship between museum, community and collection

What are the contested histories and objects of the past for societies today? How can we
address issues around contested objects or narratives in the museum? For whom are they
disturbing? Which roles can the communities play in the representation? And how do
museums register and preserve the contested histories in a contemporary context to make the
future colleagues understand its context and reason to be collected? Theory, practice and

The democratic collections: collecting and safeguarding of histories and objects from
an inclusive perspective
As guardians of collecting, collections and collective memories, museums have a role and
responsibility to collect from an inclusive perspective, focusing not only on the majority
society, but also on minorities from a wide perspective. Age, educational level, ethnical
background, gender, gender identity, disabilities, religion, sexual orientation and social class
are examples that form us as human beings. In what way do museums collect and preserve
histories and objects from minorities and our diverse society? How do museums work in an
inclusive way with contemporary collecting and collections? And how is the diversity visible
in the collections and in museums digital catalogues? Theory, practice and ethics.

Letting go, identification and shared authority

The discussions about contested objects also incapsulate postcolonial issues of representation
and repatriation, discussing museological issues concerning interpretation, categorization
and multivocality. How can and do museums act when questions about repatriation arise?
Which role can source communities play here? Theory, practice and ethics.

Collecting and participative strategies

How can collaborations between museums and communities create bridges to engage with
(difficult) collections and create greater understanding and empathy? Can collaborations
alter the context of the museums older collections? Can collaborations lead to new ways of
collecting and interpreting old collections? Can collaborations lead to repatriation or de-
accessioning of collections? Theory, practice and ethics.

Sustainability of contemporary collections

Who are the guardians of collecting, collections and collective memories of the museums? Is
it one person, a group or a society? How do politics, economy and the spirit of the time
influence collecting practices? In what way did the Samdok way of collecting influence its
collecting at the time, and how does it function today? Samdok has also inspired the birth of
COMCOL, what other collecting practices or collaborations between museums on
contemporary collecting in the world can be seen as good practices to develop further and to
inspire collaborations on collecting and collections?
Submitting abstracts:
Abstracts (between 250 and 300 words) should be sent to:
[email protected] by June 1st 2017.
Approval of proposals will be announced by July 10th 2017.

The following information should be included with the abstract:

Title of submitted proposal, please indicate if it is a paper, workshop or panel contribution
Name(s) of Authors
Affiliation(s), e-mailaddress(es), and full address(es)
Technical requirements for the presentations

The conference and abstract language is English.

We warmly welcome proposals that go beyond traditional paper presentations and
encompass also panels, pot-it sessions and workshop formats.

Conference publication:
A conference publication is planned. Please inform if you are not willing to be a part of the
A full paper for the publication should be sent to:
[email protected] by September 1st 2017.

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