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Blood Bowl Reference Guide : Setup and Gameplay v0.97, 28 February 2017

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Agility Table Attribute Description WINNING AND SCORING GW 21 CRP 15 SEQUENCE OF PLAY DZ 23 GW 12 CRP 7
MA Movement Allowance Sequence of Play may be impacted by League Rules
Players AG 1 2 3 4 5 6+ A team scores when one of their players is standing in the
ST Strength opposing players End Zone with the ball on their turn at the end Roll on the Weather Table
AG Agility of an Action, failing a Dodge roll in the End Zone would not Choose Inducements DZ 23 CRP 69
D6 Die Roll 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 1+ Pre-Match
AV Armor Value result in a Touchdown Draw Special Play Cards DZ 6 GW 25
It is possible to score during your opponent's turn by being Flip for the Kick winner decides
PLAYER ACTIONS GW 13 CRP 7 pushed into the opposing players End Zone, if this happens, the Roll for Fans / figure FAME GW 24 CRP 18
scoring player still advances their turn track by 1 and does not Match Kick-Off receiving team begins turn
Action Description get that turn (scoring is treated as the turn) Play! 8 turns/player per half alternating
Move Move up to # of squares in Movement Allowance (MA) The team with the most number of touchdowns at the end of the
MVP & Improvement Rolls DZ 21 CRP 26
Block Make a single block against player in adjacent square game is the winner Post-Match Update Team Stats
A tied game at the end of the second half is considered a draw (League Record Fortune & FAME DZ 24 CRP 29
Blitz Move+Block, can Block at any point in Move at the cost of 1 MA
unless both players agree to a sudden death overtime Use Only) Hire & Fire
Pass Move up to MA allowance, then pass the ball For sudden death overtime, flip the coin to determine who picks Prepare for the Next Match
Hand-off Ball is handed to a player in an adjacent square GW 29 CRP 20 kicking position, then play a third series of eight turns per team,
GW 32 CRP 23 no new re-rolls but unspent re-rolls from the prior half carry over, TEAM SETUP GW 12 CRP 6
Foul Attacking an opponent who is Knocked Down
the first team to score wins, if no one wins, roll a D6 to determine
Clearly mark team end zones, either by placing own
Each player on a team may perform one action per turn, and actions are taken one the winner, unused re-rolls add +1 to the roll, of a tie then the
match is a draw Dugout behind, or some other mechanism
at a time, each action must be resolved before moving to the next player action
Four minutes per coach per turn A player with the ball may not move out of the opposing players Each coach places turn marker in the first half square
End Zone on the turn track
Turn a player miniature around to mark a completed Action
After a touchdown, roll for KOed players Each coach places score counter on the score track
The turn ends when all players have taken an action, the coach has completed all Setup any fit players on the pitch Each coach marks number of re-rolls on re-roll track
actions to take, or there is a Turnover or touchdown, turn then moves to opponent The scoring team kicks to the other player
Starting with kicking team, setup 11 players (or if <11,
Coach must declare the action the player is taking before carrying out the action Initial receiving team kicks off at the next half
max reserves) on teams half of pitch. No more than 2
Blitz, Pass, Hand-off, and Foul actions are allowed each once per turn by team, If one team has no players available after KOed rolls, advance
players in each 4-square wide zone (4 players total), at
must be taken by different players the turn track for both players and if one player can field a
player, award that team a touchdown, this would occur in either least 3 players on line of scrimmage at field half (if not
Prone players may not Block
half 3, must either concede the match or place as many
TURNOVERS GW 13 CRP 7 A player may concede the match at start of their turn, but they players at you can on line of scrimmage)
get no winnings and must give their MVP roll to the other player
A Turnover ends the moving players turn immediately, current action ends
immediately and no more actions allowed CRP 76
CRP Coach of the kicking team places ball in any square
Causes of a Turnover
(including End Zone squares) of the opponents half of
Each coach must keep track of how many turns their team has
Passed ball or Hand-off not caught by the pitch
Moving team player is Knocked Down used with the turn marker in teams dugout
moving team after ball comes to rest Ball will scatter after placement using the scatter
If coach forgets to move turn marker before starting a play
Moving team attempts to pick up ball template and D8 to determine direction and a D6 for
Touchdown is scored (moving, standing up player, or rolling dice) with one or more
and fails the number of squares it moves in that direction
players, the opposing player is allowed to call an illegal
Pass attempt is fumbled, even if Roll and resolve the Kick-Off Table GW 27
4 minute time limit for the turn runs out procedure penalty as soon as the mistake is noticed
recovered or intercepted Bounce / catch / touchback the ball
If mistake corrected before the penalty is called by the other
Thrown Team-Mate player with ball fails
Player is ejected for a foul coach, then the illegal procedure is not granted Location Resolution
to land successfully
The coach with the illegal procedure must either end turn or Receiving
Injured by crowd and being Placed Prone (such as caused by Diving Tackle, Piling Use scatter template and D8 for one
lose one re-roll, which counts as the use of a team re-roll for additional square of movement (bounce)
On, and Wrestle) are not a Turnover unless player from moving team is holding the Square
that turn, if one has not already been used
ball Receiving
Being eaten or squirming free from Always Hungry with Thrown Team-Mate is a If coach chooses not to end turn and has no re-rolls left, Opposing player must attempt to catch it
Turnover opposing player gains a re-roll Square
Before Turnover switches to other coachs turn, make armor and injury rolls for any If illegal procedure is called incorrectly by coach, then that Off/ Receiving player is awarded a touchback,
players that were knocked down, if ball dropped then roll to see where it bounces. coach must lose a re-roll, if no re-roll to lose then opponent Kicking gives ball to any player on team
Stunned players should be turned face up. gains a re-roll Pitch
Blood Bowl Reference Guide : Moving and Blocking v0.97, 28 February 2017 Page 2 of 6


Players AG 1 2 3 4 5 6+ Instead of moving, an already standing player may throw a block on an After a Block has been declared, the adjacent players of
opposing player standing in an adjacent square both teams can give an assist
D6 Die Roll 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 1+
Blitz Action allows for moving and blocking, once per turn, can keep Extra players providing an assist add +1 strength to their
moving after completing the Block in the Blitz Actions if MA remaining, a teams side of the Block
Blitz Action costs 1 MA at the start of that action, can stand and Blitz Assisting a Block does not count as an Action, and a player
A player may move up to the number of squares in Movement Allowance Blitz Actions do not require a Block can assist any number of Blocks in the same turn
(MA), but can move less than MA or not at all A player can assist even if they have moved or taken an
Strength Impact to Block
Move in any direction or combination of directions, including diagonally Action
Equal Roll one block die The attacking coach declares assists, followed by the
Cannot enter a square occupied by another player through movement
Roll two dice, the coach of the stronger player defending coach
Stronger Assists only impact the two players directly involved in the
determines which block die is used
Block (attacker + defender) and any skills from the assisting
A standing players tackle zone is all eight adjacent squares around the More than Roll three dice, the coach of the stronger player
players are not factored into the Block
player - does not apply to Prone or Stunned players or players that have 2x Stronger determines which block die is used
lost their tackle zones due to game effects Assist Requirements
Block Dice
In order to leave a square that is in one or more opposing players Must be adjacent to the enemy player involved in the block
tackle zone, a player must dodge out of the square, even if the square Attacker Must not be in the tackle zone of any other player from the
The attacking player is Knocked Down
moving to is not in a tackle zone Down opposing team
One dodge attempt to leave the square, regardless of the number of Must be standing
opposing players tackle zones this square occupies Both Both players are Knocked Down, either player
Down having Block skill negates their own knock down Must have tackle zones on their own (the player must not have
Calculate Dodge modifiers based on the square moving into, not from lost their tackle zone from a game effect)

Agility Roll Modifiers for Dodging Defending player is pushed back one square, the
Attacker may choose to Follow Up STANDING UP GW 17 CRP 11
+1 When making a Dodge roll A player must be face up (not Stunned) to stand up.
Defending player is pushed back one square and
Defender While Prone, a player loses its tackle zones and may do
Per opposing tackle zone on the square that the player is Knocked Down, if defender has Dodge skill, only
-1 Stumbles
dodging to pushed back, the Attacker may Follow Up nothing before standing up at a cost of 3 MA on their next
available action.
Pre-modified D6 roll of 1 always fails and D6 roll of 6 always succeeds Defender Defending player is pushed back one square and If a player has less than 3 MA available, they must roll a 4+ on
If successful, player moves to square and may continue to move Down Knocked Down, the Attacker may Follow Up
a D6. If successful on D6 roll, cannot move unless they Go For
If unsuccessful, player is Knocked Down in the square moving to, must It. Failure to stand is not a Turnover.
Block Outcomes
do Armor roll and check for injury, this qualifies as a Turnover A player can only stand at the beginning of their Action.
The player must be pushed back into one of the three Players may stand up in an opponents tackle zone without
PICKING UP THE BALL GW 14 CRP 8 closest squares in the direction they are being pushed, having to make a Dodge roll.
determined by the blocking coach. Empty squares take
If a player moves into a square with the ball, they must attempt to pick it Players standing up may not take a Block action, but can Blitz
Push Back priority. If pushed to a ball square, roll for Bouncing Ball.
up If all squares occupied, cascading push impacts other
They may continue to move after a successful pick up attempt players, movement determined by blocking coach. May GO FOR IT GW 29 CRP 20
be pushed off pitch if no eligible empty squares. When a player makes any action other than a Block, they
If a player is pushed or thrown into a square with the ball, they cannot
may attempt to Go For It (GFI)
do a pickup, must do a Bouncing Ball roll Knocked down player placed face up on square, if this GFI allows the player to attempt to move one extra
A failed pick up attempt results in a dropped ball, do a Bouncing Ball roll Knock Down is a player of the moving team, this results in a Turnover.
square, they are allowed do to this two times per Action
and this results in a Turnover Player must roll for Armor check and injury.
Do not treat any GFI movement as normal movement
Successful block allows blocking player to occupy the Roll D6 for each extra GFI square, one at a time, if the
Agility Roll Modifiers for Picking Up The Ball
square previously occupied by opponent who was roll is a 1, the player is Knocked Down in the square they
+1 When attempting to pick up the ball blocked. Follow up decision must be made before any
Follow Up moved to and must do an Armor roll to determine if there
-1 Per opposing tackle zone on the player other dice rolls. Move is free, does not count against was an injury, this is a Turnover
MA and tackle zones are ignored, no Dodge required. A player may Go For It to do a Blitz Action with the
Blitz action can keep moving after the free Follow Up.
Pre-modified D6 roll of 1 always fails and D6 roll of 6 always succeeds same roll requirements and consequences as above
Blood Bowl Reference Guide : Passing v0.97, 28 February 2017 Page 3 of 6

Agility Table CATCHING GW 19 CRP 13 THROW-INS GW 19 CRP 13

Players AG 1 2 3 4 5 6+ If the ball lands in a square occupied by a standing player, an When a ball scatters or bounces off the pitch, it is immediately
attempt to catch the ball must be made, Prone and Stunned thrown back onto the pitch by the spectators
D6 Die Roll 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 1+
players may never attempt to catch the ball Use the Thrown In template to determine direction it returns onto
A player from either team may attempt a catch based on the the pitch, 2D6 roll for distance, based on the square the ball
destination of the pass exited the pitch
One Pass Action allowed per turn, must be declared A player who has successfully made a catch and has not taken If the ball is Thrown In to a square occupied by a standing player,
an Action, may do so at any point in the turn the player must attempt a Catch
Player making the pass allowed to move and/or pick up the ball prior to
If the ball lands in an empty square or a square occupied by a
Pass Action, but not afterwards Agility Roll Modifiers for Catching
Prone or Stunned player, the ball will bounce once
Pass Action is allowed to any square, whether it contains a player or is +1 Catching an accurate pass Thrown in balls cannot be intercepted
empty (although it will result in a Turnover if it comes to rest in an empty Catching a scattered pass, bouncing ball, kick off,
square) high kick, or throw in
Measure the distance using a range ruler between the thrower and the If a ball thrown by a players isnt caught by a player from the
-1 Per enemy tackle zone on the player catching the ball
balls intended destination square to determine the type of pass Quick moving team, this results in a Turnover and the moving teams turn
Pre-modified D6 roll of 1 always fails and D6 roll of 6 always ends
Pass, Short Pass, Long Pass, or Long Bomb
succeeds The Turnover does not take place until the ball comes to rest
If the destination square could be interpreted to be in two different pass If successful, the ball lands at its intended destination as caught A successful pass with a failed catch that ultimately lands into the
zones, use the longer pass zones.
If unsuccessful or the intended destination is empty, the ball will hands of a player of the moving team after a series of bounces or
It is allowed to measure the distance to multiple intended destination bounce using the Bouncing Ball rule scatters is not a Turnover
squares before selecting the destination.
Agility Roll Modifiers for Passing
Handing-off is when the ball is handed to another player, friend Interception attempt roll takes place before the pass attempt roll
+1 Quick Pass or foe, in an adjacent square Only one player from the opposing team may attempt a Pass
Only one Hand-Off Action per turn Interception, even if multiple players are eligible
0 Short Pass
The player doing the Hand-Off may move before a Hand-Off, Coach of the defending team must select which player will
-1 Long Pass but not afterwards attempt to Intercept before the attacking Coach rolls to see if they
The player receiving the Hand-Off must roll for a Catch with the are on target
-2 Long Bomb following modifiers: Interception Requirements
Roll Modifiers for Handing-Off
-1 Per enemy tackle zone on the player throwing the ball Must have the range ruler pass over at least part of the square of
+1 Catching a hand-off the intercepting player
Pre-modified D6 roll of 1 always fails and D6 roll of 6 always succeeds Must have a tackle zone
-1 Per opposing tackle zone on the receiver
Roll of 1 before/after modifications is a Fumble, bounce once, is Turnover A hand-off not caught by moving team after ball comes to rest is Must be closer to the Thrower than the Thrower is to the target
If successful, the ball lands at its intended destination, roll for catch a Turnover receiving the Pass
Must be closer to the target receiving the Pass than the Thrower is
If unsuccessful and not a fumble or the intended destination is empty, it
Must be closer items above defined as less than equal
is an Inaccurate Pass (see below)
If the ball is dropped or not caught, the ball bounces to a square
Agility Roll Modifiers for Interceptions
with a Prone or Stunned player, a player is pushed to or lands in
INACCURATE PASS GW 18 CRP 12 the balls square (including a Throw Team-Mate), or the square -2 Attempting an Interception
where a thrown ball lands is unoccupied, then it will bounce.
Using the scatter template to determine direction from intended pass Per opposing tackle zone on the player attempting to
Roll D8 with a scatter template to determine where it lands -1
destination, roll D8 three times in a row and move the ball intercept the ball
If it bounces to an occupied square, the player in that square Pre-modified D6 roll of 1 always fails and D6 roll of 6 always
As each of the three scatter rolls is sequential, the ball may end up
must attempt to catch it succeeds
back in the same square
The ball will continue to bounce on failed catch attempts until it is If successful, the intercepting player catches the ball and this
The ball can only be caught in the square of the third scatter roll, do comes to rest in an empty square, off the pitch, or is successfully results in a Turnover for the moving team, if unsuccessful, the
not roll for any catches on the first and second rolls caught pass attempt carries on as normal with no interception
Blood Bowl Reference Guide : Miscellaneous v0.97, 28 February 2017 Page 4 of 6


Re-rolls allow a player to re-roll all dice in any one result Death Zone Season One has alternate rules for this not Fan Factor represents how popular the team is
You are allowed to re-roll 1s even though they are auto-failures listed here
Two types of re-rolls, Team Re-rolls and Player Re-rolls Teams start with a Fan Factor of 0, can purchase additional points for 10,000
Special Play Cards have four decks Random Events
Players keep track of their own team re-rolls in their Dugout and Miscellaneous Mayhem (boxed set) as well as Gold Pieces, up to nine points, each point adds 10,000 to Team Value (TV)
Re-rolls refresh at halftime Magical Memorabilia and Heroic Feats (expansion) Before kickoff, each team must roll to determine how many fans show up to the
A player may not use more than one Team Re-roll per turn game, roll 2D6 and multiply by 1,000 and add 1,000 per fan factor to
Shuffle each deck at the start of a game
The result of the re-roll must be accepted in place of the first roll determine how many of your fans show up
You may never re-roll the same roll twice Flip the coin to determine who picks cards first
FAME is you Fan Advantage Modifier, and impacts results on the Kick-off Table
Team Re-rolls can be any roll other than Kick-Off Table, Scatter, Each coach rolls a D6 to determine the number of and Post-Game winnings
Distance, Direction, Armor, Injury, or Casualty made by a player cards they receive
on their own team and who is still on the pitch during their own If you have an equal or less number of fans than your opponent, your FAME is 0
turn (even if the die roll was successful) D6 Number of Special Play Cards If you have more fans than your opponent, your FAME is +1
A player cannot use re-roll to make the other player re-roll 1 1 Card If you have twice as many fans or more than your opponent, your FAME is +2
Player re-rolls are related to specific skills and can be used as 2-5 2 Cards
often as the skill can be used, although any re-roll cannot be re-
rolled again 6 3 Cards FOULING GW 32 CRP 23

Coach may determine which decks to draw from, can One player per turn is allowed to take a Foul Action
pick from multiple decks Player allowed to make movement up to their MA total and then Foul
Foul Action can be against an opposing player who is Prone or Stunned and in
If a player carrying the ball is Knocked Down or Placed Prone, the Limit of one Magic Item card per team
an adjacent square
ball is dropped in the square that they fall. Roll on Bouncing Ball Cards are kept secret and played when appropriate
table after any Armor and Injury rolls. Armor Roll Modifiers for Fouls
After Knocked Down, roll Armor check to see if injured. Opposing
coach rolls 2D6. Must exceed the Knocked Down players AV for
STAR PLAYER POINTS GW 26 CRP 26 +1 Each additional adjacent friendly player to the player being fouled

an injury. Roll on the Injury Table.

Star Player Points (SPP) Table -1 Each additional adjacent opposing player to the player being fouled
No Armor roll for player pushed off the pitch, they are
automatically injured. If Stunned result, place in Reserves box of 1 SPP Passing Completion
the Dugout until half or a touchdown is scored Foul Assist Requirements
Injury Table Interception Must be adjacent to the player being fouled

2D6 Result Description 3 SPP Touchdown

Must not be in the tackle zone of any other player from the opposing team
Turn the player face down. Turn player face
5 SPP Awarded MVP
up at the end of your next turn, even if a Must have tackle zones on their own (the player must not have lost their tackle
2-7 Stunned
turnover takes place. Cannot turn face up zone from a game effect)
on same turn as being Stunned. Method for determining MVP may be League specific
Must be standing
Remove player from pitch, add to KOed
box of Dugout. Before next kick-off, roll D6,
8-9 KOed
1-3 remain KOed. 4-6 allowed to return to
RANDOM PLAYERS GW 26 CRP 18 If successfully beating the fouled players AV, make an Injury roll for the fouled
play. player
Some game events, such as the Kick-off Table, require If the 2D6 Armor Roll or the 2D6 Injury Roll for the Foul results in the same
Remove player from pitch, add to Dead & the selection of a random player
10-12 Casualty number on both dice (e.g. two fours), the Referee spots the fouling attempt and
Injured box of Dugout. Out of match.
If you have access to a D16, roll that die and use it to sends the player attempting the Foul off the Pitch unable to play for the rest of
Substituting players cannot take place after an injury. match your players number on the team roster, the match and the team suffers a Turnover
Substitutions are limited to taking place after touchdowns, at otherwise a method such as a D20, and re-rolling If the player who attempted the foul was holding the ball when sent off the
halftime, or extra time. 17-20 results Pitch, the ball bounces from the square they were standing in when sent off
Blood Bowl Reference Guide : Skills and Tables v0.97, 28 February 2017 Page 5 of 6


Skills are special abilities that a player may have
2D6 Result 2D6 Result
Bonuses and modifiers from skills can be combined
Skills can be used an unlimited time per Action 2 Get the Ref 2-7 Stunned
A player may have multiple skills but only one of each skill 3 Riot 8-9 KOed
A player may opt not to use a skill, use of skills that impact die rolls does not have to be declared until after the roll 4 Perfect Defense
10-12 Casualty
If a skill requires a push, Pushed, Defender Stumbles, and Defender Down all count
5 High Kick
Only extraordinary skills work when a player is Prone or Stunned
6 Cheering Fans CASUALTIES DZ 20 CRP 25
Some skills may take place in the opponents turn, in this case, the player who is moving would use their skill first
A skill re-roll must take place immediately before or after the event it is allowed for 7 Changing Weather
D6+D8 Result
More skills are listed in DZ 30 and CRP 63 8 Brilliant Coaching 8
11-38 Badly Hurt Out
Primary Skills 9 Quick Snap!
41 Broken Ribs MNG
Block Can avoid being Knocked Down on a Both Down roll on the Block Dice 10 Blitz! 42 Groin Strain MNG
Catch Allowed to re-roll a failed Catch roll, hand-off, or interception 11 Throw a Rock 43 Gouged Eye MNG
Allowed to re-roll a failed Dodge roll once per turn, can avoid being Knocked Down on a a Defender 12 Pitch Invasion 44 Broken Jaw MNG
Stumbles roll on the Block Dice
45 Fractured Arm MNG
Pass Allowed to re-roll a failed Pass roll WEATHER GW 28 CRP 20
46 Fractured Leg MNG
Allowed to re-roll a failed Picking Up the Ball roll, an opposing player may not use the Strip Ball skill
Sure Hands 2D6 Result 47 Smashed Hand MNG
on a player with the Sure Hands skill
48 Pinched Nerve MNG
2 Sweltering Heat
Additional Skills 51 Damaged Back NI
3 Very Sunny
Always Hungry If the player uses the Throw Team-Mate skill, roll D6, on 1, the player eats player they are throwing 52 Smashed Knee NI
4-10 Nice
Bone-Head Roll D6, on 1 the player does not take an Action this turn and loses their Tackle Zones 53 Smashed Hip -1 MA
11 Pouring Rain 54 Smashed Ankle -1 MA
Fend Opposing players may not Follow-Up a Block, even if the result is Knocked Down
12 Blizzard 55 Serious Concussion -1 AV
Jump Up Player can stand up at no MA cost, can declare Block Action from Prone position with AG roll 56 Fractured Skull -1 AV
Loner Must roll 4+ on D6 to use a Team Re-Roll IMPROVEMENTS DZ 22 CRP 26 57 Broken Neck -1 AG

2D6 Result 58 Smashed Collar Bone -1 ST

Mighty Blow Add +1 to Armor Roll or Injury Roll (pick one) by this player against an opposing player
61-68 DEAD Dead!
2-9 New Skill
Really Stupid Roll D6 after declaring Action, 1-3 roll player does not take an Action and loses their Tackle Zones
All Casualties are out for remainder of
Increase MA or AV +1 or New
Regeneration If player suffers a Casualty, roll D6, 4-6 roll player will heal and placed in Reserves box 10 the match
MNG: Missed Next Game, all rolls 41+
Right Stuff Can be thrown by a player with the Throw Team-Mate skill 11 Increase AG +1 or New Skill
NI: Niggling Injury, MNG +1 on die roll
Sprint The player can make three Go For It rolls instead of the standard two 12 Increase ST +1 or New Skill for all future injury rolls
Rolling doubles on 2D6 allows for Stat losses are limited to 2 points per
Stunty Ignore any Dodge moodier for enemy Tackle Zones, -1 to make a Pass, more vulnerable to Injuries attribute and cannot go below value of 1
greater skill options
Sure Feet May re-roll a failed Go For It roll if Knocked Down
Agility Table
Thick Skull Treats a roll of 8 on the Injury table, after modifiers, as Stunned results instead of KO'ed
Players AG 1 2 3 4 5 6+
Throw Team-Mate Ability to throw a team mate with the Right Stuff skill
D6 Die Roll 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 1+
Blood Bowl Reference Guide : Teams and Leagues v0.97, 28 February 2017 Page 6 of 6


Rules for Leagues, Team creation, and Tournaments vary from League to League below is a list of
references to relevant topics in the existing manuals to review, please check with your League Admin Team Rules Description
for a list of rules for your specific League Amazon BBTL 1, CRP 71 Female warrior tribal society
League rules will likely impact the sequence of play for games listed on page 1 of this Reference Guide
Chaos Chosen BBTL 3, CRP 71 Also known as Chaos, mix of evil and chaotic races
Topic Rules Description
Chaos Dwarf BBTL 2, CRP 71 Evil Dwarves corrupted by Chaos with minions
Blood Bowl Leagues DZ 18, CRP 24 How to create Leagues and how they work

Creating a Team DZ 19, GW 22, CRP 16 Process of drafting a team with players Chaos Renegades BBTL 2, NTBB 1 Also known as Chaos Pact, assortment of corrupted races

Casualties DZ 19, CRP 25 Determining and managing player injuries Dark Elf DZ 14, CRP 72 Splinter Elf faction that seeks power and conquest
Star Player Points DZ 21, CRP 25 Method by which players earn points to level up Dwarf DZ 8, CRP 72 Short, stocky humanoid creatures stereotyped to death
Player Improvements DZ 21, CRP 26 Experience required by make improvements
Elf Union DZ 10, CRP 72 Also known as Pro Elf or Elf, loose federation of Elves
Pre-Match Sequence DZ 23, CRP 28 Steps to follow prior to a match in League play
Goblin BBTL 3, CRP 73 Small, mischievous, cruel creatures with secret weapons
League Matches DZ 23, CRP 28 Steps to follow in a match for League play
Halfling BBTL 5, CRP 73 Short, small, humanoid creatures with Treemen friends
Post-Match Sequence DZ 24, CRP 28 Steps to follow after a match in League play

Expensive Mistakes DZ 25 Risk of having a large team treasury High Elf DZ 12, CRP 73 Noble, proud, and ancient Elvish race

Spiraling Expenses DZ 29, CRP 29 Reduced earnings for experienced teams Human GW 22, CRP 73 The race of the reader, but in an alternate universe
Playoffs DZ 26 Managing the League playoffs Khemri BBTL 5, CRP 74 Undead creatures patterned after Egyptian mythology
Post Season DZ 26 Steps for teams to follow in the post-season
Lizardmen BBTL 6, CRP 74 Ancient, savage race of cold-blooded reptiles
Inducements DZ 28, CRP 69 Options to purchase game enhancements
Necromantic Horror BBTL 7, CRP 74 Also known as Necromantic, Undead creatures
Optional League Rules DZ 29, CRP 32 Optional League rules for consideration
Norse BBTL 6, CRP 74 Brutal Vikings from the frozen north
Special Play Cards GW 25, DZ 23, CRP 55 Optional League rules for using Special Play Cards

Coaching Staff DZ 38, CRP 16 The various roles of the coaching staff for purchase Nurgle DZ 6, CRP 75 Followers of the Chaos God of Disease/Decay/Destruction

Exhibition Play DZ 39 Rules for organizing & playing an exhibition match Ogre BBTL 8, CRP 75 Monstrous humanoid creatures, with large, powerful bodies

Tournaments CRP 30 Rules for organizing & playing in a tournament Orc GW 22, CRP 75 Warlike, malevolent, and ugly humanoid creatures
Star Players GW 24, DZ 47, CRP 80 Star Players in Blood Bowl available for hire
Skaven DZ 4, CRP 76 Diabolical race of large humanoid rat creatures

Page Number Callouts Slann NTBB 1 Ancient race of frog-like aliens, not supported by GW
GW (page #) Blood Bowl 5th Edition Rules from 2016, available from Games Workshop
Shambling Undead BBTL 7, CRP 76 Also known as Undead, variety of Undead creatures
DZ (page #) Death Zone Season One from 2016, available from Games Workshop
BBTL (page #) Blood Bowl Teams of Legend from 2016, Underworld Renegades BBTL 8, NTBB 1 Also known as Underworld, Goblin/Skaven/Troll from sewers
CRP (page #) Blood Bowl Competition Rules from 2010, Vampire BBTL 9, CRP 76 Undead that feed off the essence of the living, with slaves
NTBB (page #) New Teams for Blood Bowl from 2009,
Wood Elf DZ 16, CRP 76 Reclusive and secretive Elvish race from the forests
Make this Blood Bowl Reference Guide better by sending your corrections to [email protected]
Only Human, Orc, Skaven, and Dwarf have been re-released by Games Workshop as of February 2017
New Blood Bowl content in White Dwarf Magazine summary, updated monthly:
Human Nobility and Savage Orcs test teams have been added to the My Dugout smartphone app by GW
This Blood Bowl Reference Guide has been created by Raven Zachary in Portland, Oregon, USA.
Bretonnian, Daemons of Khorne, and Simyin are not supported teams by GW or NAF
This does not replace Blood Bowl Rulebooks. Please purchase. Blood Bowl is Games Workshop Ltd.
Visit for more details. GW Blood Bowl errata:
Blood Bowl Reference Guide : One Pager v0.97, 28 February 2017 Raven Zachary

Sequence of Play may be impacted by League Rules Fan Factor represents how popular the team is
Agility Table 2D6 Result Description
Roll on the Weather Table Teams start with a Fan Factor of 0, can purchase
Choose Inducements DZ 23 CRP 69 Players AG 1 2 3 4 5 6+ Turn the player face
Pre-Match additional points for 10,000 Gold Pieces, up to nine
Draw Special Play Cards DZ 6 GW 25 2-7 Stunned
down until next turn points, each point adds 10,000 to Team Value (TV)
Flip for the Kick winner decides D6 Die Roll 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 1+
Remove player from Before kickoff, each team must roll to determine how
Roll for Fans / figure FAME GW 24 CRP 18 many fans show up to the game, roll 2D6 and
8-9 KOed pitch, add to KOed
Match Kick-Off receiving team begins turn Dodging box of Dugout multiply by 1,000 and add 1,000 per fan factor to
Play! 8 turns/player per half alternating
+1 When making a Dodge roll determine how many of your fans show up
MVP & Improvement Rolls DZ 21 CRP 26 Remove player from
Post-Match pitch, add to Dead FAME is you Fan Advantage Modifier, and impacts
Update Team Stats 10-12 Casualty
(League Record Fortune & FAME DZ 24 CRP 29 Per opposing tackle zone on the square & Injured box of results on the Kick-off Table and Post-Game
Use Only) Hire & Fire that the player is dodging to Dugout winnings
Prepare for the Next Match If you have an equal or less number of fans than
Picking Up The Ball your opponent, your FAME is 0
+1 When attempting to pick up the ball If you have more fans than your opponent, your
2D6 Result Effect D6+D8 Result Effect FAME is +1
-1 Per opposing tackle zone on the player
11-38 Badly Hurt Out If you have twice as many fans or more than your
2 Sweltering Heat All players D6, on roll of 1. opponent, your FAME is +2
off pitch for this drive Passing 41 Broken Ribs MNG
3 Very Sunny -1 passing 42 Groin Strain MNG
4-10 Nice No effect 43 Gouged Eye MNG
0 Short Pass Star Player Points (SPP) Table
11 Pouring Rain -1 catch, intercept, pick-up 44 Broken Jaw MNG
Go For It fails on roll of 1 or -1 Long Pass 45 Fractured Arm MNG 1 SPP Passing Completion
12 Blizzard
2, only quick/short passes
-2 Long Bomb 46 Fractured Leg MNG Casualty
Per enemy tackle zone on the player 47 Smashed Hand MNG
KICK-OFF GW 27 CRP 19 -1
throwing the ball 3 SPP Touchdown
48 Pinched Nerve MNG
5 SPP Awarded MVP
2D6 Result Effect 51 Damaged Back NI
Catching Method for determining MVP may be League specific
2 Get the Ref Each team +1 bribe 52 Smashed Knee NI
+1 Catching an accurate pass
3 Riot Turn marker impacted 53 Smashed Hip -1 MA SPP LEVEL UP DZ 21 CRP 26
Catching a scattered pass, bouncing
0 54 Smashed Ankle -1 MA
4 Perfect Defense Kicking team reorganizes ball, kick off, high kick, or throw in 0-5: Rookie
55 Serious Concussion -1 AV
Per enemy tackle zone on the player 6-15: Experienced 16-30: Veteran
5 High Kick Move player under ball -1
catching the ball 56 Fractured Skull -1 AV 31-50: Emerging Star 51-75: Star
6 Cheering Fans D3 for + FAME, winner reroll 57 Broken Neck -1 AG 76-175: Super Star 176+: Legend
7 Changing Weather Reroll Weather, ball scat +1 58 Smashed Collar Bone -1 ST
+1 Catching a hand-off
8 Brilliant Coaching D3 for + FAME, winner reroll 61-68 DEAD Dead! IMPROVEMENTS DZ 22 CRP 26
-1 Per opposing tackle zone on the receiver
All Casualties are out for remainder of
9 Quick Snap! Receiving team move one 2D6 Improvement Table
the match
2-9 New Skill
Interceptions MNG: Missed Next Game, all rolls 41+
10 Blitz! Kicking team bonus turn
10 New Skill or +1 MA or AV
-2 Attempting an Interception NI: Niggling Injury, MNG +1 on die roll
11 Throw a Rock D6 + FAME, loser rock hit for all future injury rolls 11 New Skill or +1 AG
Per opposing tackle zone on the player Stat losses are limited to 2 points per 12 New Skill or +1 ST
12 Pitch Invasion All players roll for Stunned -1
attempting to intercept the ball
attribute and cannot go below value of 1 Rolling doubles on 2D6 allows for greater skill options

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