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Test Standard Level Name:

Listening Class:



13Listen and match the people to their jobs. There is one picture 5
you dont need to use.

1 Bridget

2 Matt

3 Phillip

4 Kate

5 Jay

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14 Listen and complete the sentences with the words in the 4

boxes below. There are two words you dont need to use.

big normal funny good terrible tall

1 At first, Michael wasnt a basketball player.

2 When he was a boy, Michael wasnt .

3 He has a breakfast every day.

4 His team players are very .

Test Standard Level Name:

xLxisxtxexn Class:


15 Listen and circle the correct answers. 5

1 Louis Armstrong was born in

a 1901. b 1911. c 1921.

2 He was from a family.

a rich b poor c big

3 He was famous at the age of

a 20. b 12. c 30.

4 One of his favourite musical instruments was the

a guitar. b piano. c trumpet.

5 A popular song by Louis Armstrong is What a wonderful

a girl. b day. c world.
Test Standard Level Name:
Reading Class:


41 Read and write T (true) or F (false). 5


Many people like collecting coins from First an artist designs the pictures for
around the world, but where do they the two sides of the coin. Then he looks
actually come from? Who at the drawing and creates a
makes the coins? Well, big model coin in plaster. (This
people dont make them material is white and you may
in banks. They make see it on a friends broken arm
them in mints and lots or leg.) Special machines then
of countries have one. A use this model to make the
mint is a special place coin. There are six mints in the
an interesting factory USA. The one in Philadelphia
where people make makes lots of coins. In one
currency. There are huge day it can produce more than
machines to create the thirty million! Half of these are
coins, but artists also work pennies one-cent coins.
in mints.

1 A mint is similar to a bank. 4 At the beginning, coins are big and

2 Artists work before the machines make
the coins. 5 The Philadelphia mint makes fewer
than 30 million one-cent coins.
3 Machines design the pictures on the
Test Standard Level Name:

xRxexaxdxi Class:

5 Read and circle the perfect job for each person. 5

Choosing what to do when youre older isnt easy. You need to think about
what you like, what you dont like and what the job involves. Whats the
perfect job for these people?

1 Patricia I love children, but Im not very good at explaining things. I make my
own clothes, like T-shirts and skirts. People like them, but they dont
think the same about my cooking. Im lucky my sister is a very good
fashion designer / teacher / chef

2 Ian My mother reads the news on TV. She talks to important politicians.
Everybody talks to her in the street like shes a film star. Im quite shy,
but I love the theatre and I take part in plays at school.
politician / TV presenter / actor

3 Elliot At school I was very good at maths and my university degree is in

science. My dad says Why dont you become a scientist? But my
passion is my guitar. I like teaching people how to play it.
musician / teacher / scientist

4 Margaret When I was little my favourite food was chicken with potatoes, but
today I dont eat meat. Im a vegetarian and member of an animal
protection group. I love being in the countryside and riding horses.
chef / doctor / farmer

5 Simon I love TVs, but I dont like watching them. I like taking all the pieces
out and putting them back together. When I was little, I wasnt
interested in toys from shops. I also make small cars and robots that
journalist / inventor / actor
Test Standard Level Name:
Reading Class:


6 Read and write D (Duncan) or A (Andrew). 6

There are lots of different cleaning jobs: washing cars, cleaning boats and
ships, cleaning other peoples houses. Duncan and Andrew are a different
type of cleaner. Read and find out!

Im Duncan. I clean the Great

Im Andrew. I work in New
Clock of Westminster, known
York cleaning the windows
as Big Ben, and other buildings
of skyscrapers, the citys
in London with two other
very tall buildings. I love
cleaners. Big Ben is a very old
heights and skyscrapers like
and beautiful monument. Its
the Empire State Building!
a symbol in Great Britain and
I usually work at very big
famous around the world. We
heights more than 250
hang from nylon ropes at a
metres. There are usually
height of 100 metres thats
three or four cleaners
quite dangerous. Also, the
working at the same time.
clock never stops! So while
We wear special belts and
we are working, its hands are
we use very strong ropes to
moving, too. Big Ben has got
hang outside the windows.
four faces and its seven metres
But its dangerous when its
wide. It takes us about a week
windy or very cold.
to clean it not bad!

1 He works on taller buildings. 4 He says his job is dangerous depending

2 He works at a height of less than 200 on the weather.
metres. 5 He cleans a historical monument.
3 He doesnt use nylon ropes. 6 He finishes this job in about seven
Test Standard Level Name:
Writing Class:


7 Write the missing letters in the jobs. Then match them to the 10
1 pictures.
1 s nti

2 politi

3 fa on desi r b
4 l er

5 b nes an

Test Standard Level Name:
Writing Class:


8 Order and write the questions. Look at the pictures and write 5
1 the answers.

1 TV / want / Does / he / to / a / presenter? / be

2 your / favourite / Was / pizza? / food

3 grandfather / Was / a / your / teacher?

4 job / Is / dangerous? / your

5 Bob / Tim / builders? / and / Were

Test Standard Level Name:
Writing Class:


9 Read. 5

When I was little, my favourite food was spaghetti

and tomato sauce. Now I like pizza more. I was
shy and quiet, but now Im noisy. My favourite toy
was my green bike. Heres a picture of it. Marcos
and Maria were my best friends.

Now write about you and draw a picture.

When I was little,

. Now .
, but now
. My
. Heres a picture of it.
best friends.

Total test score: 50

Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 Page 9

Test Standard Level Name:
Speaking Class:


1 Name five jobs and describe them using the words in the boxes 5
0 below.

easy interesting dangerous exciting safe boring difficult

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

11 Now ask and answer questions about the pictures using was/were.
Use the words in the boxes below. 5

disappointed / good / noisy / scientists / favourite toys

happy naughty quiet chefs

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1 2 3 4 5

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