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For Office use
not to be filled by applicant D D - M M - Y Y Y Y Passport Size
Office Code Serial No Date of receipt of application
1 Particulars of Advertised Location with specimen
a. Application for LPG Distributorship of signature on
(Name of Oil Company - IOC/BPC/HPC) I O C / B P C / H P C the photograph
b. Advertised on (Date of advertisement) D D - M M - Y Y Y Y
c. Name of Newspaper
d. Type of Distributorship
e. Category of the Location
Please attach the Eligibility Certificate ( as per applicable attached Annexure ) issued by the Competent authority for the category /
sub category applied for.
f. Name of the Location
(or locality if specified) as per advertisement
g. Gram Panchayat
Are you a resident of this Gram Panchayat? Please select Yes or No as applicable Yes No
h. Revenue Sub Division
i. Block
j. District
k. State / UT
2 Particulars of Application fee
Note : Enclose Application Fee as per the type of Location/Distributorship and Category as given below.
(Applicants belonging to SC/ST category should attach a copy of their SC/ST certificate).
Application fee for Open Application fee for OBC Application fee for SC/ST
category applicants Category applicants Category applicants
Sheheri & Rurban Vitrak Rs.10,000 Rs. 5,000 Rs.3,000
Gramin & Durgam Kshetriya Rs.8,000 Rs. 4,000 Rs. 2,500
a. Vitrak
Application fee enclosed
(amount in figs. & words) (amount in words)
b. Demand Draft Number Date D D - M M - y y y y

c. DD drawn on (name of the bank)

d. Payable At
3 Particulars of applicant
a. Name
First name Middle name Surname

b. Fathers / Husbands
First name Middle name Surname
c. Residence Address

d. Gram Panchayat
(Mandatory for Durgam Kshetriya Vitrak Locations)
e. Revenue Sub Division
(Mandatory for Durgam Kshetriya Vitrak Locations)
f. District
g. State Pin code :
h. Mobile No.
i. Email ID
j. Aadhaar No.
k. PAN
l. Indian Citizen Yes / No Sex M / F
m. Age : Years Months Days
Date of Birth -
D D M M - Y Y Y Y Age as on the date of application
Strike off what is not applicable.
n. Marital Status Single / Married / Widow(er) / Divorcee
o. Education School Board Year of Passing

Details of Xth Std. or equivalent

p. Name of Spouse
(if married) First name Middle name Surname

Name of Location___________ Page 1 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

q. Have you ever been convicted or any charges been framed by Court of Law for a criminal Yes / No
offence involving moral turpitude and / or economic offence (other than freedom struggle)? Please strike off what is

(If yes you are not eligible to apply.) not applicable

(Applicant should enclose 'Self Declaration' as per the format given in Appendix - 1)
4 Please tick ( ) in the applicable box given below, against the sub-category to which you belong.
Applicable to only applicants applying under GP category viz., Open (GP), SC(GP), ST(GP) and OBC(GP) sub-category who should
submit the respective eligibility certificate in original, at the time of Draw Of Lots.

Widows / Dependants of personnel of Armed Forces / Central Paramilitary forces / Central or State Special
forces who died while performing their duties Box
Disabled personnel of Armed Forces or Central Paramilitary forces / Central or State Special forces while
performing their duties Box
Ex-Servicemen of the Armed Forces Box
Widows / Dependants of Central / State Government / Public Sector Undertaking personnel who died while
performaing their duties and such diisabled personnel of Central/State Government & Public Sector
undertakings causes attributable to performance of duties. Box
5 Provide the following details of plot of land for construction of LPG godown or constructed LPG godown (in and
within 15 km from municipal/town/village limits of the advertised location) owned or registered lease for minimum 15
years in the name of applicant / member of 'Family Unit' as on or before the last date for submission of application as
specified either in the advertisement or in the Corrigendum (if any) and the same will be verified during field
verification. In case land belongs to member of 'Family Unit', attach Declaration by family member as per Appendix -
2 and In case of Durgam Kshetriya Vitrak, the location for Godown land should be within the Village / cluster of
Village limits as per the advertised location.
Name(s) of the Relations Date of registration Address of the Khasra Dimensions of land * Distance
owner of Land / hip with of sale deed/gift location of the land No./Surve from
Leaseholder applicant deed/ registered for LPG Godown y No. location in
Length in Breadth
lease deed/ date of km
metre in metre
Note:(1) The plot of land should have minimum dimension of 21 M X 26 M for Gramin Vitrak or the
constructed LPG Godown should have a minimum storage capacity of 5000Kg LPG. (2) In case the
applicant has more than the one land the details of the same can also be provided, if required in additional
sheet. (3) The land shown above should not be offered by any other applicant for this location and in case
it is found at any stage that the same land is offered by more than one applicant, then all such applications
shall be rejected or if any selction has been done, the same would be cancelled.
* Provide dimensions of the plot that will be used for proposed godown out of the total land owned.
6 Provide the following details of land for Showroom or showroom at the advertised location (owned or
leased for minmum 15 years). In case land belongs to member of 'Family Unit', attach Declaration as per
Appendix - B
Name(s) of the Relationship Date of registration Address of the Khasra Dimensions #
owner of Land with of sale deed/gift / location of the land No /
/showroom or applicant lease/ date of for showroom / Survey Length in Breadth
leaseholder mutation showroom No metre in metre

7 Additional information to be furnished by existing Kerosene dealers

a. Name of the SKO Dealership
b. Location

c. District
d. State
e. Category of dealership
f. Name of the Oil Company
g. Constitution of the dealership
h. Average monthly SKO allocation during the preceding 12 months prior to the month of advertisement for Av. KL per mth.
this LPG Distributorship
8 Additional information to be furnished by existing NDNE LPG Retailers / Distributors
a. Name of the LPG NDNE Retailer /
b. Location

c. District
d. State
e. Name of the Oil Company

Name of Location___________ Page 2 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

I am aware that eligibility for LPG distributorship will be decided based on the information provided by me in
my application. On verification by the Oil Company if it is found that the information provided by me is
incorrect/ false/ misrepresented then my candidature will stand cancelled and I will be declared ineligible for
LPG Distributorship.
I also confirm that if selected, I will present all the supporting documents in original in respect of the
information given by me in this application and failure to present these documents in original will result in
cancellation of selection.
I am fully aware that if I am unable to provide LPG Godown duly approved by the Office of Chief Controller Of
Explosives, Petroleum & Explosives Safety Organisation and / or Showroom as per the Oil Companys
standard layout, then the allotment of distributorship made to me will be cancelled.

I am aware that in case the same land offered by me in my application for provision of LPG Godown and
showroom facility is also offered by any other applicant, for the same location, my candidature for LPG
Distributorship will be rejected.

I am fully aware that I will not be appointed as LPG distributor if I am employed. I shall have to resign from the
service and produce proof of acceptance of my resignation from my employer before issuance of Letter of
Appointment. Failure to do so shall lead to cancellation of my selection.
I am also aware that I cannot draw any salary / perks / emoluments (other than the pension received) from the
state / Central governments and I have to forego these benefits at the time of appointment as LPG Distributor.
Failure to comply to this condition will lead to cancellation of my selection.
I am fully aware that I have to personally manage the operation of LPG Distributorship.
I am aware that if selected in the draw, I have to provide all weather motorable approach road to the Godown
within the timelines given in the Letter Of Intent and an undertaking, as per the prescribed format in the form of
a Notarized affidavit will have to be provided at the time of Field Verification Of Credentials (FVC).

I am aware that if selected, I have to deposit 10% of the applicable security deposit before the FVC is carried
out failing which my candidature will be cancelled. In case, if it is found the information given by me is incorrect
/ false / misrepresentated then my candidature is laible to be cancelled along with forfeiture of the amount
deposited before FVC.

That, if selected, I undertake that I will be depositing an interest free Security deposit as per the policy of the

I have read the terms and conditions applicable for the LPG Distributorships mentioned in the advertisement /
Brochure and confirm that I fulfil the eligibility criteria for the LPG distributorship I have applied for in this

That, if selected, I undertake that I will submit at the time of Field Verification Of Crendentilas( FVC), duly
notarized affidavits, for all the self declarations made in my application with regard to selection of LPG
The checklist at Point No. 10 which is a part of this application has been verified by me before the submissiion
of this application form and the same is true and correct
I, _________________________________________________________daughter of /son of/ wife of
Shri__________________________________ hereby confirm that the information given above is true and
correct. Any wrong information /misrepresentation/ suppression of facts will make me ineligible for this LPG

Place : Signature of applicant

Date : d d - m m - y y y y Name of applicant

(Name in block letters)

Name of Location___________ Page 3 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

10. Check list for Applicants
Note : Check box against all the items in the checklist, has to be compulsorily filled.
Sr.No. Check Box #
Document / Activity to be checked
1 I have enclosed DD No.________ dated ______ verified amount drawn in favour of concerned
company and payable at

2 I have pasted my recent photograph and signed across the photographs.

3 I have enclosed copy(ies) of eligibility certificate (s) for the category as applicable
4 I have enclosed self declaration in original as per format given in Appendix - 1
5 I have enclosed self declaration in original as per format given in Appendix - 2, as applicable
6 I have enclosed self declaration in original for joint owners / joint lessee of land as per Appendix 4
as applicable
7 I have enclosed self declaration in original - declaration / undertaking as applicable, for OBC
applicants as per Appendix - 3C.
8 I confirm my age as on date of application is as per the eligibility criteria.
9 I confirm that I am having minimum educational qualification as per the eligibility criteira.
10 I confirm that I am having own land for Godown/ Godown, in the name of self / member of the
'Family Unit' ** / my parents and Grand parents (both maternal and paternal) and the same meets
the eligibility conditions including the ownership criteria as per Clause No.____of the
advertisement and Clause No. ____ and ___________of the Brocure ( please also refer to Item
No.__ of General instructions to the candidates applying for LPG Distributorships)
11 I confirm that I am having own land for Showroom/ Showroom in the name of self / member of the
'Family Unit' ** / my parents and Grand parents (both maternal and paternal) and the same meets
the eligibility conditions including the ownership criteria as per Clause No.____of the
advertisement and Clause No. ____ and ___________of the Brocure ( please also refer to Item
No.__ of General instructions to the candidates applying for LPG Distributorships)
12 I confirm that i have signed the undertaking at the end of application _____with name date and
13 place.
I confirm that i have numbered and signed all pages of application.
14 Total number of pages of the application including attachments is ________numbers.
15 I confirm that the appplication is complete in all respects and the requisite documents have been

Date Place Name of applicant Signature

# Wherever any items in the checklist are not applicable, the applicant should mention in the check box, as "Not applicable"
Family Unit for multiple dealership / distributorship norm means the following:
i) In case of married person/ applicant, Family Unit will consist of individual concerned, his/her Spouse and their unmarried
ii)In case of unmarried person/ applicant, Family Unit will consist of individual concerned, his/her parents and his/her
unmarried brother(s) and unmarried sister(s).
iii) In case of divorcee, Family Unit will consist of individual concerned, unmarried son(s)/unmarried daughter(s) whose
custody is given to him/her.
iv) In case of widow/widower, Family Unit will consist of individual concerned, unmarried son(s)/unmarried daughter(s).
Family Unit for ownership of land for Godown/Showroom means Family unit as defined in multiple dealership / distributorship
norm of eligibility criteria)/ parents (includes Step Father/Step Mother), grandparents (both maternal and paternal),
Brother/Sister (including Step Brother & Step Sister),Son/Daughter (including Step Son/Step Daughter), Son-in-law/Daughter
in-law of the applicant or the spouse (in case of married applicant).

Name of Location___________ Page 4 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

I,____________________________________ son/daughter/wife of ________________________________
Age _____ years residing at ___________________________ do hereby solemnly affirm and say as under :
1 That I am an Indian Citizen and residing in India.
2 That my date of birth is d d / m m / y y y y ' (in words_____________________)
3 That I have passed Xth Standard in the year* y y y y
4 That I am unmarried. That neither I, nor my Father, Mother, unmarried brother(s), unmarried sister(s) have
dealership/distributorship or hold Letter of Intent for Retail Outlet or SKO-LDO dealership or LPG
distributorship or RGGLV of any PSU Oil Company.
That I am married and name of my spouse is __________________. That neither I nor my spouse,
unmarried son(s)/unmarried daughter(s) have dealership/ distributorship or hold letter of Intent for Retail
Outlet or SKO-LDO dealership or LPG distributorship or RGGLV of any PSU Oil Company:
That I am widow/widower . That neither I nor my unmarried son(s)/unmarried daughter(s) have
dealership/ distributorship or hold letter of Intent for Retail Outlet or SKO-LDO dealership or LPG
distributorship or RGGLVof any PSU Oil Company:
That I am divorcee . That neither I, nor unmarried son(s)/unmarried daughter(s) (whose custody is given
to me) have dealership/ distributorship or hold letter of Intent for Retail Outlet or SKO-LDO dealership or
LPG distributorship or RGGLV of any PSU Oil Company:
5 That I hereby confirm that none of my family members, as defined in brochure are employees of Oil
Marketing Companies
6 That I am of sound physical and mental health.
7 That I have never been convicted nor charges have ever been framed against me by any Court of Law for
any criminal offences involving moral turpitude and/or economic offences (other than freedom struggle).
8 That I hereby confirm that I was never a signatory to dealership/distributorship agreement of any PSU Oil
Company, which was terminated for proven malpractices and / or for violations of provisions of the
Marketing Discipline Guidelines. I also confirm that I have not resigned from sole proprietorship of any
dealership / distributorship of any PSU Oil Company in order to transfer the dealership / distributorship in
favour of my family member/s (as defined in the dealer / distributor Selection Guidelines).
9 For Applicants applying under the category of SKO dealers* (a) That I am the sole proprietor of
SKO dealership of ( OMC name) in the Name & Style of at (location)
opertaing below an average allocation of 75 KL of SKO per month during the immediate preceding 12
months prior to the month of advertisement for the LPG Distributorship.
(b) That I have not been penalized for violation of Marketing Discipline Guidelines within last 5 years
preceding the date of advertisement and /or there are no proceedings pending against my Dealership
under Marketing Discipline Guidelines, Dealership Agreement, Kerosene Control Order or ESMA.
(c) I am aware that if I am selected for the LPG distributorship, I will have to surrender my SKO dealership
before being appointed as LPG Distributor by IOC/BPC/HPC.
10 For Applicants who are having NDNE retailer/distributorship or holding LOI of NDNE
(a) That I or a member of my Family Unit am/is having NDNE retailer/distributorship or holding Letter of
Intent of NDNE retailer/distributorship of (OMC name) at location(s).

(b) I am aware that if I am selected for the LPG distributorship, I/my Family Unit member will have to
surrender the NDNE retailer/distributorship or LOI held in my name / Family Unit member before being
appointed as LPG Distributor by IOC/BPC/HPC.

I am aware that in case it is detected at any stage that the same piece of land for LPG Godown/
Showroom offered by me in my application for provision of LPG Godown/ Showroom facility iwas also
offered by any other applicant for the same location, then my candidature for LPG Distributorship will be
rejected/ the Letter of Intent will be withdrawn/ Distributorship ,if already appointed, shall be terminated.
* Strike off whatever is not applicable.

Name of Location___________ Page 5 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

That if any information/ declaration given by me in my application or in any document submitted by me in
support of application for the award of the LPG Distributorship or in this affidavit is found to be untrue or
incorrect or false, the Indian Oil Corporation */ Bharat Petroleum*/ Hindustan Petroleum* would be within
its rights to withdraw the Letter of Intent/ terminate the Distributorship (if already appointed) and that I
would have no claim, whatsoever, against the corporation for such withdrawal/ Termination.
* Strike off whtaever is not applicable.
13 I am aware that if I am selected in the Draw for LPG Distributorship, I will have to convert this
declaration into a Notarized affadavit prior to commencement of the FVC
* Strike off whatever is not applicable.
I hereby verify that what has been stated above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
nothing material has been concealed therefrom.

This ___________day of ________________

Signature of person making Self Declaration

(Name in block letters)

Name of Location___________ Page 6 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

DECLARATION Appendix - 2

(To be given by the family member as defined in eligibility criteria other than applicant)

I _____________________________________ Son/wife of______________________________________

Age______years resident of _____________________do hereby solemnly affirm and say as under:-

That I am unmarried and my father*/mother*/unmarried brother* / unmarried sister*

(Mr/Ms)__________________________________(name) has applied for LPG distributorship of
IOC*/BPC*/HPC* at _______________(location) under '__________' category against the
advertisement made in __________________news paper dated__________________
That I am married and my unmarried son*/ unmarried daughter*/wife*/husband* / grandson*/
grandaughter*/ (Mr/Ms)__________________________________(name) has applied for LPG
distributorship of IOC*/BPC*/HPC* at _______________(location) under '__________' category
against the advertisement made in __________________news paper dated__________________
* Strike off whichever is not applicable.
That I own a piece of land singly/ jointly in my name as specified in item no. 5 & 6 of the application
form. The details of land offered alongwith the demarcation plan (if any) is given below.
Godown/ Names of Date of registration Khasra No./Survey Total Dimension of Dimensions of piece
Showroom the of sale deed/gift No. the plot of land of land as per
owner(s)/ deed/ registered demarcated plan
Lessee(s) lease deed/ date of
Length in Breadth Length in Breadth
metre in metre metre in metre

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)


Note: Particulars of (f) to be provided in case a piece (portion) out of the plot mentioned in (e) is offered to
the above applicant.

That in case he/she is selected for LPG distributorship, I confirm that I do not have any objection for the
3 (a) construction of LPG godown / showroom (as required by OMC) at the above plot as per the particulars
given at (e) (in case the entire plot is offered )
That in case he/she is selected for LPG distributorship, I confirm that I do not have any objection for the
construction of the LPG godown / showroom (as required by OMC) at the above mentioned land, plot as
per the particulars given at (f) as per the demarcation on the site plan enclsed duly signed by all co-
owners. (applicable in case a piece (portion) out of the plot mentioned in (e) is offered to the above
applicant particulars of which is mentioned in (f) )
I hereby confirm that the said plot of land/ piece of land mentioned above has not been offered by me to
3 (b)
any other applicant for this LPG distributorship location for the same purpose.
I hereby verify that what has been stated above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
nothing material has been concealed therefrom.

Solemnly affirmed and declared before me

This_________________________ day of _______________________________

Name of Deponent
Relationship with applicant.

Name of Location___________ Page 7 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

Appendix 3a
Note: A candidate who claims to belong to one of the Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes should submit in
support of his / her claim, a certificate in original, with a copy thereof in the form given below, issued at any time by
a competent authority # notified by the Government of India, of the district in which his parents (or surviving
parents) ordinarily reside who has been designated by the State Government concerned as competent to issue
such a certificate. If both his parents are dead, the officer signing the certificate should be of the District in which
the candidate himself ordinarily resides otherwise than for the purpose of his own education. In case of any doubt
about the genuineness of the certificate, the same may be got verified through the concerned District Magistrate /
Deputy Commissioner.

The form of the certificate to be produced by Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes candidates.

This is to certify that Shri / Smt. / Kum* ______________ son / daughter* of ________________ of village / town *
______________ in District / Division* _______ of the State / Union Territory* of ___________ belongs to the
________Caste / Tribe and his / her religion is ___________ which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste /
Scheduled Tribe under the Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes lists (modification) order 1956* read with the
Bombay Re-organisation Act, 1960 and the Punjab Reorganisation Act 1956*.
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956*
The Constitution (Andaman & Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1956*
The Constitution (Dadra & Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order, 1962*
The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964*
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Uttar Pradesh) Order, 1967*
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970*

Place : ____________ Signature : ______________

Date : ____________ Designation : ______________

State / Union Territory*

* Please delete the words which are not applicable.

Note : The terms Ordinarily reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in Section-20 of the
Representation of the People Act, 1950.

# Officers competent to issue Caste / Tribe certificates.

i. District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy
Commissioner / Deputy Collector, 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate / City Magistrate *** Sub-Divisional Magistrate /
Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner.
ii. Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate, Presidency Magistrate.
iii. Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.

iv. Sub-divisional officer of the area where the candidate and / or his family normally resides.

v. Administrative / Secretary to Administrator / Development Officer (Lakshadweep).

Appendix - 3b
Name of Location___________ Page 8 of 24 (Signature of applicant)
Appendix - 3b

Note: A candidate who claims to belong to one of the Other Backward Classes should submit in support of his / her
claim, a certificate in original, with a copy thereof in the form given below, issued by a competent authority notified by
the Government of India.

The form of the certificate to be produced by Other Backward Classes candidates.

This is to certify that Shri / Smt. / Kum.* ________________________________________________ son/ daughter* of

__________________________________________________________ of Village/
Town*__________________________ District/Division*________________________in the State/Union Territory* of
__________________________________ belongs to the_________________________________ Community which is
recognized as a Backward Class under Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment's
Resolution No. _______________________________________________________ dated _______________**.

Shri / Smt. / Kum*. __________________________________________________ and / or his/her family ordinarily reside(s)

in village/town* __________________________________of _________________________________ District / Division* of
the State/Union Territory* of _________________________________.

This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the
Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08/09/93 as
amended from time to time

Place : __________________________ Signature : _____________________

Date : ___________________________ Designation : _____________________
(with seal of office)
State / Union Territory*______________________

* Please delete the words, which are not applicable

** The authority issuing the certificate will have to mention the details of Resolution of Government of India, in
which the caste of the candidate is mentioned as OBC


(a) The term Ordinarily used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the People
Act, 1950.
(b) The authorities competent to issue Caste Certificates for Other Backward Classes are given below:
(i) District Magistrate / Additional Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy
Commissioner/Deputy Collector / Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate /Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Taluka
Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank of Ist Class Stipendiary

(ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate.
(iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar and
(iv) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and / or his/her family resides.

(c) The last date for submission of application mentioned in the notice of advertisement or corrigendum (if any) will be
treated as the date of reckoning for OBC status of the candidate and also for determining that the candidate does not
fall in the creamy layer. The candidate should furnish the relevant OBC Certificate in the format prescribed above
issued by the competent authority.

Appendix - 3c

Declaration/undertaking as a Notarized affidavit - for OBC Candidates


I, ____________________________________________ son/daughter of Shri __________________________________

resident of village/town/city ____________________________________ in the District __________________________
of State / Union Territory of ________________________________________ hereby declare that I belong to the
Name of Location___________ community
Page 9 of 24 which is recognized as (Signature
a Backward
of Class for the
purpose of reservation in services under Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment's Resolution
treated as the date of reckoning for OBC status of the candidate and also for determining that the candidate does not
fall in the creamy layer. The candidate should furnish the relevant OBC Certificate in the format prescribed above
issued by the competent authority.

Appendix - 3c

Declaration/undertaking as a Notarized affidavit - for OBC Candidates


I, ____________________________________________ son/daughter of Shri __________________________________

resident of village/town/city ____________________________________ in the District __________________________
of State / Union Territory of ________________________________________ hereby declare that I belong to the
__________________________________________ community which is recognized as a Backward Class for the
purpose of reservation in services under Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment's Resolution
No. _______________________________________________________ dated _______________*. It is also declared
that I do not belong to persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to to the Government
of India, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08/09/93 as amended from time
to time

(Signature of the Candidate)

Place : __________________________

Date : ___________________________

* The details of Resolution of Government of India will have to be furnished, in which the caste of the candidate is
mentioned as OBC

Note :
a. Declaration/undertaking not signed by Candidate will be rejected.
b. False declaration will render the applicant liable for rejection of application/candidature at any time.

Name of Location___________ Page 10 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

b. False declaration will render the applicant liable for rejection of application/candidature at any time.

Name of Location___________ Page 11 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

Name of Location___________ Page 12 of 24 (Signature of applicant)
Name of Location___________ Page 13 of 24 (Signature of applicant)
Name of Location___________ Page 14 of 24 (Signature of applicant)
Name of Location___________ Page 15 of 24 (Signature of applicant)
Name of Location___________ Page 16 of 24 (Signature of applicant)
Name of Location___________ Page 17 of 24 (Signature of applicant)
Name of Location___________ Page 18 of 24 (Signature of applicant)
Appendix - 4
Notarized Affidavit for offer of land from applicant/ member of the family unit/parents/ grandparents (both
paternal & maternal) of the applicant and third party All the joint owners of the land (except the
applicant) have to submit this affidavit individually including the member of the family unit/parents &
grandparents (both paternal & maternal) of the applicant.


I _____________________________________ Son/Daughter/wife of________________________________

age______years resident of _____________________do hereby solemnly affirm and say as under:-

Name of Location___________ Page 19 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

1 That I, Shri/Smt _____________________, own a piece of land jointly or Jointly Leased, bearing Gatta/
Appendix - 4
Notarized Affidavit for offer of land from applicant/ member of the family unit/parents/ grandparents (both
paternal & maternal) of the applicant and third party All the joint owners of the land (except the
applicant) have to submit this affidavit individually including the member of the family unit/parents &
grandparents (both paternal & maternal) of the applicant.


I _____________________________________ Son/Daughter/wife of________________________________

age______years resident of _____________________do hereby solemnly affirm and say as under:-

1 That I, Shri/Smt _____________________, own a piece of land jointly or Jointly Leased, bearing Gatta/
Khasra/Survey No. _____________ at ___________________ (village/town), Taluka/Tehsil __________, Dist
_____________________ in the State of _____________ as per the following details :

* Land for Godown :

Date of
registration of Dimension of Land
Dimension of
Sale Deed / offered as per
Names of the Joint Khasra no./ Gatta the plot of land
Gift Deed / Demarcated Plan
owner(s)/Joint Lessee No./Survey No. (_____ metres
Lease Deed / (____metres X
x ______
Date of ______metres)

* Land for Showroom :

Date of
registration of Dimension of Land
Dimension of
Sale Deed / offered as per
Names of the Joint Khasra no./ Gatta the plot of land
Gift Deed / Demarcated Plan
owner(s)/Joint Lessee No./Survey No. (_____ metres
Lease Deed / (____metres X
x ______
Date of ______metres)

* Strike out whichever is not applicable

2 That Shri/Smt ______________________ has applied for LPG Distributorship of IOC*/BPC*/HPC* at

_______________(location) under '__________' category against the advertisement appeared in
__________________news paper dated__________________ .

3 That in case he/she is selected for LPG Distributorship, I confirm that I do not have any objection for the
construction of the LPG godown and/or showroom (as required by OMC) at the above mentioned location,
as per the demarcation on the site plan enclosed, duly signed by all the co-owners.

I hereby verify that what has been stated above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and nothing has been
concealed there from.

I also confirm that I have not offered this piece of land to any other person for the above purpose.

Solemnly affirmed and declared before me

This_________________________ day of ______________(month)________________(year)

Signature and Seal of Signature

Magistrate/Judge/Notary Public Name of Deponent

Name of Location___________ Page 20 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

Magistrate/Judge/Notary Public Name of Deponent

Name of Location___________ Page 21 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

Name of Location___________ Page 22 of 24 (Signature of applicant)
Name of Location___________ Page 23 of 24 (Signature of applicant)
Name of Location___________ Page 24 of 24 (Signature of applicant)

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