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IS 3370 (1967) AND IS 3370 (2009)

Prof. Yogesh Kumar Bajpai1, Saurabh Pare2
Head of Department, Civil Engineering Department,
Gyan Ganga institute of technology and sciences, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh (India)
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department,
Gyan Ganga institute of technology and sciences, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh (India)

Indian Standards for the design of liquid retaining structures have been recently revised in the year 2009. The
earlier version allowed the design of water retaining structures by Working Stress Method only, But the revision of
the code allows the Working stress method as well as Limit State method for designing RCC water tanks. The major
modification in the revision is the introduction of Limit State Design Method for water tanks, which was not
recommended by BIS in order to avoid cracks.Also, The permissible stresses in steel was reduced to 130 Mpa and
the clause for minimum steel has alos been modified.

In this paper, Intz type tank was designed by adopting both Working Stress Method IS 3370 (1967) and IS 3370
(2009), and Limit State Design Method as per IS 3370 (2009) and the results are discussed in the end of this
paper.It was observed that the steel requirements, for permissible stress in steel less than or equals to 130 MPa, is
same for both the cases.


Water is the driver of Nature, as quoted by Leonardo da Vinci. . Throughout history, wood, ceramic and stones
were used as water tank material In day to day life one cannot live without water. Therefore water needs to be stored
for daily use. A water tank or storage reservoirs and overhead tanks are used to store water, liquid petroleum,
petroleum products and similar liquids. In general there are three kinds of water tanks-
1. Tanks resting on ground,
2. Underground tanks and
3. Elevated tanks.
The tanks resting on ground are supported directly on the leveled ground. The walls of these tanks are subjected to
hydrostatic pressure only and the base of the tank is subjected to weight of liquid and upward soil pressure. The base
performs no special structural function and can be designed with the minimum required steel.
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The tanks may also be classified broadly with respect to their cross sectional geometry as- rectangular tanks, circular
tanks, and Intz type tank.
Rectangular tanks are designed where moderate capacity of water is to be stored.. Circular tanks are used where tank
with greater capacity is required. For smaller or moderate capacities, they are not recommended with an economical
point of view, as the formwork required for circular tanks is very costly.
The rectangular tanks should be preferably square in plan from point of view of economy. It is desirable that longer
side should not be greater than twice the smaller side.
The structures can be designed by three methods, namely-
Working stress method,
Ultimate load method and
Limit state method.
Ultimate load method is not recommended these days. Other two methods generally used have been discussed here.

Limit state design method has been found to be the best when designing the reinforced concrete structures over the
elastic theory of design where the stress variation in concrete and steel are such that the stress-deformations are
taken to be linear.
There are two limit states- Limit State of Collapse and Limit State of Serviceability which includes deflection and
cracking. The structure is first designed under limit state of collapse and then checked under serviceability. Because
of its superiority over other two methods, IS 456:2000 has been thoroughly updated in its fourth revision in 2000
taking into consideration the rapid development in the field of concrete technology and incorporating important
aspects like durability etc. This standard has put greater emphasis to limit state method of design by presenting it in
a full section (section 5), while the working stress method has been given in Annex B of the same standard.
Accordingly, structures or structural elements shall normally be designed by limit state method. It is important to
point out here that a structure designed through limit state method when fails, the failure will be in plastic stage and
not in elastic stage. Therefore, the cracking and cracking width can be significant at the failure stage.


Working stress method of design, considered as the method of earlier times, has several limitations. However, in
situations where limit state method cannot be conveniently applied, working stress method can be employed as an
alternative. It is expected that in the near future the working stress method will be completely replaced by the limit
state method. Though the choice of the method of design is still left to the designer as per cl. 18.2 of IS 456:2000.

Working Stress method incorporated limited cracking width in the liquid retaining structure and hence was the main

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reason why the Indian Standard IS: 3370 (1965) did not adopt the limit state design method. However, IS:3370
adopted limit state design method in 2009 with the following advantages
Limit State Method of design considers the materials according to their properties , treats load according to their
nature , the structures also fails mostly under limit state and not in elastic state and limit state method also checks for

IS:3370-2009 recommends the use of Limit State Design method for designing water storing tanks with some
specified precautions.
It adopts the criteria for limiting crack width. This is done by considering ultimate limit state and restricting the
stresses to 130 MPa in steel so that cracking width is not exceeded. this is considered to satisfy the required
condition. This precaution ensures us that the crack width remains less than 0.2 mm i.e. liquid storage is possible
without any leakage due to cracking. This also suggests the difference between liquid storage structures and other

A thorough study through both the versions of IS:3370 reveals four methods of designs:
1. Working stress method in accordance IS 3370 (1965).
2. Working stress method in accordance IS 3370 (2009).
3. Designing by Ultimate Limit State and then checking cracking width by limit state of serviceability IS 3370
4. Limit state design method by limiting steel stresses in accordance IS 3370 (2009) and checking cracking width
under serviceability.
To prevent the leakage, IS 456 guidelines are recommended (based on working stress method.) The strength of the
structure and imperviousness is achieved by employing rich concrete mix (recommended concrete mixes are M25
and M30.) imperviousness can be achieved by keeping a minimum clear cover of 40 mm and providing smaller
diameter bars at closer intervals and following good construction practices.


The design of sections of the components have been discussed here. However the calculations from both
methodologies has not been discussed in this paper.

Meridional Thrust - 22.17 kN/m
Circumferential Force - 10.4 kN/m

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Meridional Stress - 0.27 N/mm2
Hoop Stress - 0.13 N/mm2

Note : All the linear dimensions are in mm and area is in mm2


IS IS Crack Deemed
3370 3370 theory to satisfy
1967 2009
Thickness 100 100 100 100

Area of 300 175 120 --



Hoop Tension - 108.37 kN
Top Ring WSM LSM
Baem IS 3370 IS 3370 Crack Deemed
1967 2009 theory to
Cross- 62917 92917 35480 35480
Area of 787 835 453 835


Hoop Tension at base of the wall (Max.) - 494kN/m

Hoop Tension at the top of the wall - 120 kN/m

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Cylindrical WSM LSM
Tank Walls IS IS Crack Deemed
3370 3370 theory to
1967 2009 satisfy
Thickness 350 350 150 150
at base
Area of 3730 3730 2000 3700
steel at base
Thickness 200 200 100 100
at Top
Area of 800 930 500 930
steel at Top


Total Hoop Tension 804 kN

Bottom WSM LSM

Ring Baem IS 3370 IS 3370 Crack Deemed
1967 2009 theory to
Cross- 720000 720000 540000 540000
Area of 5245 6148 3321 6148

Meridional Thrust - 580 kN/m
Hoop Tension - 770 kN

Conical WSM LSM

Dome IS 3370 IS 3370 Crack Deemed

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1967 2009 theory to
Thickness 600 600 500 500
Area of 5110 5900 3200 5890


Meridional Thrust - 340kN/m
Meridional Stress - 1.127 N/mm2
Circumferential Force - 85 kN

Bottom WSM LSM

Spherical IS 3370 IS 3370 Crack Deemed
Dome 1967 2009 theory to
Thickness 300 200 200 200

Comparison of design by adopting Working Stress Method as per IS:3370-1965 & IS:3370-2009
1. No change in size of the members in both the cases.
2. The Steel requirements is increased when designed as per IS 3370 (2009).
3. The steel requirement in case to Top Dome is decreased due to the modification in minimum steel clause
in IS 3370 (2009) when compared to that of IS 3370 (1967)

Comparison of design by Limit State Methods as per IS:3370-2009

1. For both limit state of collaps as well as deemed to satisfy conditions
2. The Steel Requirements for deemed to satisfy case increased as the limiting stresses for steel is restricted to
130Mpa from 140Mpa.

Comparison of design by adopting Working Stress Method and Limit State MEthod IS:3370-2009
1. The size of members decreased considerably when designed by Limit State Method as per IS 3370 (2009)in
comparison with Working Stress Method as per IS 3370 (1965) and IS 3370 (2009).

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Based on the obtained results, following conclusions are arrived at:

1. The member size remained same when designed by Working Stress Method per both IS 3370 (1967) and
IS 3370 (2009).
2. The Steel requirement increased when designed by Working Stress Method as per IS 3370 (2009), as the
permissible stresses in steel were limited to 130 Mpa.
3. The member size were unchanged when designed by Limit State Method as per IS 3370 (2009) for both
limit state of collapse as well as deemed to satisfy .
4. The size of members as well as the steel requirement of the structure were reduced when designed by using
Limit State Method as per IS 3370 (2009), when compared with Working Stress Method as per IS 3370


1. Deign of RCC water tanks : IS 3390:2009 by Dr. Mahesh N Verma. (Ebook)

2. IS 3370 (Part-I)-1967 Code of practice for Concrete Structures for the Storage of Liquids.
3. IS 3370 (Part-II)-1967 Code of practice for Concrete Structures for the Storage of Liquids.
4. IS 3370 (Part-III)-1967 Code of practice for Concrete Structures for the Storage of Liquids.
5. IS 3370 (Part-IV)-1967 Code of practice for Concrete Structures for the Storage of Liquids.
6. IS 3370 (Part-I)-2009 Code of practice for Concrete Structures for the Storage of Liquids.
7. IS 3370 (Part-II)-2009 Code of practice for Concrete Structures for the Storage of Liquids.
8. RCC Designs by Dr. B C Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, tenth edition , Laxm
9. SP-16 Design Aids for reinforced concrete design for IS 456

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