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Humans seem to worry about Good and Evil a lot. They capitalize them!

As though good and evil were

important. As though they were anything other than opinions and points of view. Habits. Human gods
tend to go on a lot about good and evil. The other races, the Dwarves and Elves know there are powers
older than men in the world:


And this is an age of chaos.

Good King Omund died fifty years ago and with him went the rule of Law. Now the forest claims the
towns and roads once held safe under his rule. The woods are dangerous. Their only law. . .tooth and

Omund was betrayed and his castle fell to AJAX the INVINCIBLE, now called OVERLORD.

The Invincible Overlord rules from his floating sky city, and none have thus far successfully challenged
his rule. He abolished all faiths and temples. He executed the Dukes of Aendrim who served King
Omund loyally. Leaving only the far flung baronies to try and hold human civilization together.

Now, all swear fealty.

The High Elves of the Viridian Wode pay tribute with ancient artifacts they plunder from ruined
Celestial cities.

The Dwarves of Kenkarra pay tribute in slaves they abduct from those foolish enough to travel the roads
unescorted. Brooding under the mountains in their fabled Hanging City, they do not like this deal with
the Overlord, but lack the poweror the willto rebel.

The Hawklords of the High Aerie now act as the Overlords royal guard. Mounted on their giant hawks,
they project Ajaxs power, enforce his law and extend his influence into every corner of the wilderness.

Alone among the free peoples of the world, only two powers have strength to reject the Overlords rule.

Xavixia the Fire Queen, the Lady of Brass, battled Ajax to a standstill before landing her flying fortress in
the barony of Oll. There she raised a mountain range to defend herself and slowly over the years
transformed the green and verdant land into a mirror of the Plane of Fire. Now Oll is dead, and red
sand like ground rubies cover the land.

When Omund fell, Zyll, the Archlich, the Grey Blight established his own kingdom to the south. None
may contest the rule of Death in that grey land. But some men, some cities, still persist. They may live
under the rule of an undead demigod, but at least the roads are safe.

Dalrath, Bedegar, and Tor, the baronies of men isolated and outnumbered, desperately fight a losing
battle against the encroaching wilderness. Law dies. Chaos thrives.

Its been three years since the Iron Tower, last of the Free Companies of Khatovar, assailed the overlord
in a flying pyramid the Towers sorcerers discovered in the Infinite Desert, far to the east. Ajax was
ready for them, and his wizard Mortum dispelled the magics that kept the Floating Pyramid aloft. The
great structure fell into the grey swamp. Half the Iron Tower were killed, the rest scattered. The Iron
Tower is no more.
The overlord remains. . .invincible.
The Dragon Phalanx (Dragonborn)
The remnants of Good King Omunds elite guard, they are now renegades. Wanted men, favorite targets
of the Slave Lords. They were once a battalion of Dragonborn Paladins. But many have resorted to
mercenary work and forsaken their earlier vows.
Most people would never dream of betraying a Dragonborn because the Dragon Knights are feared for
their power, and respected for their previous station, but those who seek money or power will sell them
into slavery, and should a Hawklord or any other noted agent of the Overlord show up, any man who
values his life will sell out any Dragonborn nearby.
Most Dragonborn are Paladins, but any knightly archetype will work. They also had wizards (oracles)
and priests (seers). As long as youre willing to have been a member of the elite royal guard, now an
outlaw, you can be a Dragonborn.
The War-breed (Half-orcs)
Created by Ajaxs wizard Mortum, the War-breed were Ajaxs counter to Omunds Dragon Phalanx.
When people see them, they assume the War-breed are still in service to Ajax, though they have free will
and many have left Ajaxs service now that they are no longer needed.
They are not inherently evil. Many serve now as mercenaries, not at home with Orcs or Men.
The Wodes
From the elven point of view, time is a recent invention and one they do not like overmuch. Inside the
elf-haunted forests called Wodes, the power of the Celestials still holds sway, and time misbehaves. Past
and present intermingle, and cause and effect sometimes trade places.
The Black Dukes
Rumors persist that the sons and daughters of the Dukes of Aendrim still live, in hiding. Ajax would kill
them if he knew those bloodlines persisted.
Many people hold out hope that one day, one of the Dukes of Aendrim will rise to claim their birthright,
and overthrow the rule of the Overlord.

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