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Green building (also known as green Some of the incentive schemes:

construction or sustainable building)

expands and complements the building 1.) Energy Efficiency Improvement
design concerns of economy, utility, Assistance Scheme (EASe)
NEA provides a co-funding scheme
durability, and comfort.
called the Energy Efficiency
Green building: Improvement Assistance Scheme
(EASe), to help companies in the
uses less water manufacturing and building sectors
engage accredited Energy Services
optimizes energy efficiency
Companies (ESCOs) to conduct
conserves natural resources energy audits and identify potential
areas for energy efficiency
generates less waste and; improvements. Funding is provided
up to 50% of the qualifying costs of
provides healthier space for occupants as
engaging an ESCO and capped at
compared to conventional buildings
$200,000 for a single facility or
Objective: reduce the impact on building over a five-year period.
2.) Grant for Energy Efficient Technologies
human health and the natural
The Grant for Energy Efficient
Technologies (GREET) by NEA and
EDB provides funding for the
By incentivizing the adoption of innovative Singapore-registered owner or
architectural design and energy-saving operator of existing or proposed
technologies, Singapore has emerged as a industrial facilities to invest in
model of green building in Asia an energy efficient equipment or
important development in a region that is technologies. Funding is provided
urbanizing more rapidly than any other in up to 20% of the qualifying costs
the world and capped at $4 million per
Government Agencies in Singapore project. The applicant must also be
which provide funding and incentive a partner under the Energy
schemes: Efficiency National Partnership
programme and have implemented
> singapore-currencyBuilding and an energy management system.
Construction Authority (BCA)
3.) Building Retrofit Energy Efficiency
> Economic Development Board (EDB) Financing (BREEF) Scheme
The Building Retrofit Energy
> Energy Market Authority (EMA) Efficiency Financing (BREEF)
Scheme by BCA in collaboration
>Infocomm Development Authority of
with participating Financial
Singapore (IDA)
Institutions (FIs), is a financing
> Land Transport Authority (LTA) programme to provide credit
facilities for commercial building
> Maritime and Port Authority of owners, MCSTs and Energy Services
Singapore (MPA) Companies to carry out energy
efficiency retrofits of existing
> National Environment Agency (NEA)
commercial buildings, which will
> National Parks Board (NParks) lead to the building achieving
minimum Green Mark certified
> PUB, the national water agency (PUB) standard. The maximum loan
quantum per loan is up to S$5
> SPRING Singapore (SPRING)
million and the interest rate is
> Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) decided by the FI (minimum at
3.5%). The maximum loan tenure is a building designed and constructed
between 18 months to 8 years.
to function as elegantly and as
4.) Green Mark Incentive Scheme for efficiently as a flower: a building
Existing Buildings (GMIS-EB)
A $100 million Green Mark informed by its bioregions
Incentive Scheme for Existing characteristics that generates all of
Buildings (GMIS-EB) was set up by
its own energy with renewable
BCA to encourage private building
owners of existing buildings to resources, captures and treats all of
undertake improvements in energy its water, and that operates efficiently
efficiency. The scheme provides a
cash incentive that co-funds up to and for maximum beauty.
35% of the costs for energy
efficient equipment installed, and
capped at $1.5 million. The GMIS-
EB also includes a Health Check The Living Building Challenge is
scheme, which is an energy audit
comprised of seven performance
to determine the efficiency of the
air-conditioning plants. BCA will co- categories, or Petals: Place, Water,
fund 50% of the cost and the Energy, Health & Happiness,
remaining 50% is borne by the
building owner. Materials, Equity and Beauty. Petals
are subdivided into a total of twenty
Imperatives, each of which focuses
Living building Challenge on a specific sphere of influence.

The Living Building Challenge is an This compilation of Imperatives can

attempt to dramatically raise the bar be applied to almost every

from a paradigm of doing less harm conceivable building project, of any

to one in which we view our role as scale and any locationbe it a new

steward and co-creator of a true building or an existing structure.

Living Future. The Challenge defines

the most advanced measure of
sustainability in the built environment
possible today and acts to rapidly
diminish the gap between current
limits and the end-game positive
solutions we seek.

Living Building

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