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November 21 2007

To: The Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime.

[email protected]
Louis Theoret


The Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada

Honourable Robert Nicholson
[email protected]

Minister of Public Safety
Hon. Stockwell Day
[email protected]

Dear Louis Theoret and Hon. Robert Nicholson

As of today I have not had a response from either of you regarding my e-mail to both of you and many others dated October 9
2007 a copy of which follows on page 5.

The following are excerpts from the web site of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Victims of Crime

As you are aware I am a victim of crime and have spent the last 2 ½ years attempting to find a responsible Ontario and Federal
government to deal with the issues I have presented them for the well being and safety of every individual of Canada as guaranteed
by the Constitution Act, 1982.

Everywhere I look I hear and see praise bestowed upon themselves such as that immediately above but nowhere do I find any
semblance as to the words being put into application as stated.

I have provided you the irrefutable evidence that the government of the Province of Ontario have refused to deal with the issues
that caused me to be a victim and due their indifference countless numbers are predictable to become victims which is ultimately
your responsibility to act in their defense.

Above in the second paragraph it is clearly stated that victims of crime in Canada are a shared responsibility between all levels of
Government which I most assuredly agree. I also agree the provinces are immediately responsible as they have the responsibility
of the administration of justice.

The Ombudsman will not encroach on the jurisdiction of the provinces, nor require them to implement or expand programs.

As the evidence shows the Province of Ontario has not accepted jurisdiction as is their responsibility of the administration of
justice so it is not about encroachment on something that does not exist.
It is about why it doesn’t exist and to whom goes the responsibility to see that it does exist if not the Ontario General of Ontario
Michael Bryant who according to his “Roles and Responsibilities” published on his web site is the significant force in the
administration of justice which I have been unable to acquire to date for obvious reason the evidence shows he has not structured a
modus operandi consistent with and conducive to the individual’s Charter rights guaranteeing predictable victims completely
adverse to his responsibilities as Attorney General.

In the first paragraph it clearly states that the Federal Ombudsman will complement-not replace-the work of the Federal
Government and Public Safety. The Ombudsman will ensure the federal government meets its responsibilities regarding victims.

I don’t know if any of you are attentive to what is being published on the various web sites or whether you actually care as you
have your own agendas and will just close with sorry, that is not my responsibility.

I can assure you it is the responsibility of the Federal Government who enacted the Constitution Act, 1982 to back the guarantee to
the individual’s of Canada who make up the populace of the Canadian Society.

I don’t give a damn what the name of the department is which is responsible to deal with the issues I have addressed for I have
brought them to your attention and it is your responsibility to forward them to the appropriate department and if you do not know
who it is what in hell are the chances of me finding out or is that the intended strategy.

I have spent more than 2 years at this venture into insanity and I have now narrowed it down to either of you two to deal with the

It most surely should be of concern to a department which has [email protected] as their e-mail
address whereas the information I have provided you not dealt with is certain to result in an abundance
of needless victims whereas the majority go unreported due to circumstance inherent to the issues I
have addressed to you.

This is certainly reason enough for you Louis Theoret to get involved due the circumstances and who
ever appointed you is ultimately responsible to address these issues I have presented to both of you and many others
including the Prime Minister Stephen Harper who’s Office has written assured I would understand why the PM would not get
involved and assuredly I do understand because he is in on the government conspiracy. Right?

Whatever explanation could there be if the Government of Canada remains committed to on going programs………as per the first
paragraph above.

The implementing of the Federal Ombudsman, the National Parole Board and the Correctional Service of Canada are evidence of
the government’s attempts to address the Victims issues and whatever jurisdictions and authorities not assigned to these
departments or agencies remains with the Federal Government.

But it states at the bottom of the first paragraph that the Ombudsman will ensure that the federal Government meets its
responsibilities regarding victims.

So as requested in the aforesaid correspondence with you Louis Theoret included in the October 9 2007 e-mail to you I still wait
for your response, and as you are aware I also copied all the information to the Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of
Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson for expedite the initiative.

I am sure you are aware the Minister has not responded to the issues and I have requested you and the Minister and
all others I wrote to see that the information got to the person responsible to deal with the issues if it was not the
Minister whom I presumed must be the responsible party.

I should make note that the admittance by all these web sites as to whom is responsible for what evidences the fact
that the Federal Accountability Act, 2006 was inane and nothing but a diversion to steer blame away from the federal
government which was ultimately responsible to back the individual’s Charter guarantee since the enactment of the
Constitution in 1982.

It is pathetic 25 years after the enactment the federal government is putting every effort into not acknowledging and
accepting their responsibility and by the trying times they have given me irrefutably proves many thousands of victims
have not received the justice guaranteed them as well as the fact many became victims due the federal governments
persistent refusal to admit responsibility and act responsibly consistent with and conducive to the Constitution which
granted them authority.

The individual’s guaranteed Charter rights demanded the Constitution ( Establishment) acted responsibly to that
endeavor, after all the taxpayer picks up the tab and they trusted and depended on them to do so.

I must now inform you on November 8 2007 I filed with the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP and
they have directed them to investigate my complaint that they refused to investigate the government conspiracy as
evidenced by the documents you all have been presented and now published on my web sites under the RCMP ACT.

On this site you will see correspondence between me and the Minister of Public Safety Hon. Stockwell Day where he
demonstrates his huff and puff about the dedicated initiatives of the Federal Government which all evidences your true
spirit not conducive to the prevention of victims for a gazillion words will not deter the criminal element who require
proof of the initiatives detrimental to their well being.

What was that old fairy tail about crying wolf so many times that nobody heard him when the wolf came to eat him.

The ball is in both your courts to deal with the issues and I suspect you will do what you can behind the scenes before
the RCMP report is due me around Christmas time.

Given the fact I presented you both the evidence October 9 2007 and you Louis Theoret have not yet responded to the
issues in a responsible manner as the Ombudsman web site states that the Ombudsman will ensure that the
federal Government meets its responsibilities regarding victims I request your immediate response and plan
of action Louis Theoret to ensure that the federal Government meets its responsibilities regarding victims.

If it was the Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson who appointed you
as Ombudsman then I presume once again it is his responsibility to address the issues which do not fall in your
jurisdiction or the other assigns and since he has also been provided the same evidence you have and has not
responded I charge you with the responsibility to commence or cause to commence proceedings to bring the Minister
of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson before the courts to face the justice of the

If perchance it is the responsibility of the Prime Minister Stephen Harper to attend to the issues than I charge you with
the responsibility to bring him before the courts to face the justice of the people.

If it is both their responsibility than bring them both before the courts and if neither then inform me as to who is
responsible and if that person is not on my list of e-mail addresses please forward them the evidence for their
immediate attention.

If they have already received the evidence and obviously have not acted appropriately I charge you with the
responsibility to see that person is brought before the courts to face the justice of the people.

Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson

I doubt you are not the person responsible to address these issues, however if not I also charge you with same
responsibilities charged to Lois Theoret, Ombudsman Victims of Crime.

Need I remind either of you that which Lois Theoret understands the issues to be of a serious nature?

Minister of Public Safety

Hon. Stockwell Day
[email protected]

Dear Stockwell Day

To date you have not responded to my responses of November 3 and November 5 2007 to your pathetic response as
to assure me your initiatives were consistent with the Constitution and conducive to the support of the individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights when the only option you had was to commence or cause to commence proceedings
regarding the obstruction of justice and government conspiracy addressed in the 15 Lawyer Files all of which can be
found on the aforementioned web site and

This document “Nicholson, Theoret and Day November 21 2007” along with our correspondence and
correspondence between me and Hon. Stockwell Day and Hon. Robert Nicholson will be found on
along with a document addressed to the RCMP Commissioner William Elliot which he will be reviewing in accordance
with the RCMP Act.

Please review the evidence and respond immediately should you want to include your thoughts for the Commissioner’s

I remind you all that you are on Candid Camera so to speak so be as candid as you can please.

Remember the truth remains well documented and your actions to date do not represent at all the high esteem you
hold yourselves in.

What you have done very well is to demonstrate the wisdom of Confucius.
He didn’t have to be all that wise for this is obvious to anyone who cares to look.
You all have been paid to care to look so what is obvious, about you all?

“There were no dates in this history but scrawled this way and that across every page were
the words BENEVOLENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS and MORALITY…finally I began to make out
what was written between the lines; the whole volume was filled with a single phrase: EAT

RCMP Commissioner
William Elliot

Dear commissioner

If you are reading this it will mean, the Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable
Robert Nicholson, the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime, Louis Theoret, the Minister of Public
Safety, Hon. Stockwell Day have not taken the opportunity to initiate proceedings to eradicate the
government conspiracy once and for all as documented on my web sites and they are to be brought before the
courts to face the justice of the people for charges of conspiracy against the people, misuse of public funds
and trust, obstruction of justice and treason amongst other charges which I leave in your capable hands.

October 9 2007

To: Randy Craig

Detective Sergeant
Economic Crime Investigation
Investigation Bureau
Ontario Provincial Police

Also To: (See mailing list below)

I will also fax this to Robert McCreary Crown Attorney Newmarket (905) 853-4849
Bruce Herridge Deputy Chief York Regional Police (905)-853-5810

Re: Government corruption and conspiracy

Request Investigation

Dear Randy Craig (Please forward a copy of this to Commissioner Julian Fantino)

Please study this file being aware that the government personnel of the mailing list below and the following government personnel
have been e-mailed this document and they are all aware of the issues contained within these writings and have been provided with
my web site address where the evidence referenced herein is to be found should they have misplaced the evidence I have
previously provided them and to ensure they all have access to all the pertinent evidence which irrefutably proves the corruption
and conspiracy of the Government of Ontario against the majority of the Canadian people of Ontario and upon the negative
response of the following Federal Government personnel I shall deliver the evidence to the RCMP for them to commence or cause
to commence proceedings with the initiative to eradicate the Federal and provincial government corruption and conspiracy so as to
have government personnel administer and enforce the laws Consistent with the Constitution Act, 1982 with particular emphasis
on the provisions of the Charter which guarantee the individual and society as a whole equality of protection and benefit in all
matters before and under the law
Due the urgency and the fact the government personnel referenced herein already have been provided the evidence on or later than
March 30 2007 and they have all refused to deal with the issues your immediate attention to these issues is demanded of you as
you are the police force with jurisdiction in matters of government corruption and conspiracy in Ontario. Of course you will
consult with the Commissioner Julian Fantino on these issues of a most serious nature and once again I suggest you align
yourselves with the RCMP Ottawa in these most serious matters.

The following is my final request to the Federal personnel who should be addressing the issues contained within these writings.
The obvious problem was addressed by the Standing Committee of Public Accounts when they were sitting on the RCMP
Pension Fund Scandal which revealed the improprieties of the upper echelon of the RCMP with the rank and file. This eventually
revealed a link to the DOJ which is of no surprise to me because my investigation of the issues, within these writings also lead to
the DOJ.

In Ontario it is clear the Attorney General’s Office, presently under Attorney General Michael Bryant is a major player behind the
conspiracy and it can be linked to the Federal government by Roy McMurchy who was the Ontario Attorney General at the time of
the enactment of the Constitution in 1982 and in fact played a major role in the patriation of it and the Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms. I believe he is the present Chief Justice of Ontario

I have already addressed the relevancy of this and the “Role and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” of Ontario which is
evidence alone of the corruption and conspiracy, to the following Federal personnel.
To: Lois Theoret, Executive Director, Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime
To: Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson

To: Every personnel of the government of Ontario and the government of Canada
I have been corresponding with Lois Theoret, Executive Director, Office of Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime since
September 20 2007 and the following is a response to his e-mail of October 5 2007.
After my ramblings the said correspondence follows in chronological order.

Please study this attentively with particular attention to coherence of all the facts including the incoherence and inattentiveness of
Lois Theoret even though he states in his response of October 5 2007.
A careful and attentive review of the material and your messages was conducted. Allow me to shrew the results of this analysis.

Sure, the people get to vote for who will represent them, but even the election system is corrupt. They poll to see what the people
want to hear, and promise it. They have demographic data and so on to use it in a skillful manner so as to plan their election
strategy and so on but the bottom line is what they do when they are in power and the whole system is about the parties fighting
over who will get the right to do it to the people .

As a matter of fact on September 17 2007 I wrote and sent a document “Point of Order” on

Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs

Elections Canada

There they were dealing attentively with serious matters about over spending on election advertising.
You can see how important this would be to the parties just as much as you can see the need to get into the RCMP Pension Fund
thing because it is a most serious matter to all government personnel and they must get the message out that they won’t have
anybody messing with their pensions.

If I mention that a recent study showed comparison wage levels between government personnel and the private sector showed an
average of $55,000 government and $38,000 private with no mention of the fact the government personnel have excellent benefits
which the private sector do not and in particular the decent pensions they have allowing them to retire at 55 or earlier when the
private sector can’t afford pensions for themselves but are made to contribute to the government personnel’s pensions they
wouldn’t see anything wrong with that.

It’s all relative as to which side of the fence you are on and this is a good example of the corruption and conspiracy of the
government being inconsistent with the Constitution Act, 1982 where in the Charter we are all guaranteed equality of protection
and benefits before and under the law.

Not one thing the government does is without some kind of piece of paper authorizing it which is all done in accordance with law.

So it is no surprise to me when I flicked through the channels to see this particular salary comparison again it was not to be found.
I tried for a couple of days to see it again but it was gone and I have no doubt government influence had something to do with it.

Precisely the way they ordered the Standing Committee of Public Accounts to SIT on it when the DOJ was linked to the scandal.

This is Obstruction of Justice but who are the people going to report it to? The police? Ha Ha Ha
Maybe if I could get the information to the rank and file and they mutinied against the corrupt commanding officers at the top
where the head guy like the Commissioner Julian Fantino of the OPP is appointed by the corrupt powers that be of the conspiracy.
I would have to think they are quite selective and I am sure the Commissioner was aware of what it takes to get there and what it
takes to stay.

There is an upper tier and lower tier extraordinarily obvious and just as obvious is the fact there is nothing we people can do about
it other than rise together with evidence in support of our cause.
A bit of a challenge to organize with them already organized with our own money which is the ultimate disgrace and absurdity.

The police are our first line of defense but they are collared by the upper command that are prepared to sick them on us as we stand
up for our rights.

Once coherent as to how it is, the evidence is everywhere staring you in the face.
Like when you buy a new car and you think you are the only one with the same color and model and then when you pull it off the
lot the exact same thing is everywhere.
Or how is it that it always rains when you wash your car. It really doesn’t but you are just not attentive to the fact as to how many
times it didn’t rain because it isn’t drawn to your attention.

Keep an eye on reality and it won’t kick you in the ass

It matters not which party is in power because the powers that be of the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada don’t give a damn
about the individual’s Charter rights and the Law Society of Upper Canada have admitted it.
Lawyers fill every position in the legal system and it is designed for their benefit and the costs for justice are prohibitive to the
The system is designed to suck the life out of the majority, Correction, to almost suck the life out of the people and even those
people who may be considered successful with a house and a late model car are never too far from collapse owing the banks.

The system is designed by Robbing Hoods dedicated to rob the poor to nourish the rich which obviously creates poverty.

I have a preponderance of irrefutable evidence which you will read.
The point is you people can play very important roles to eradicate the government conspiracy and it’s as simple as 1, 2,3

Demand a Public Inquiry into the RCMP Pension Fund Scandal which was linked to the DOJ when the Standing Committee
of Public Accounts was ordered to SIT on it.
This is Obstruction of Justice and evident of the government Conspiracy

The people have a right to know what is going on if they are to register an informed vote.
The government is organized at the expense of the people but the people have no one organized for them.

You people are organized already and this is your opportunity to act for the people in a major way in support of true Democracy as
per the Constitution and the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights.
Why do we the majority have to beg them to do what is right and surely you understand by doing so all you can expect is crumbs?

Obviously the issues I have addressed are of a serious nature and Lois Theoret, Executive Director Office of Federal Victims of
Crimes has stated so.
If these people Theoret, Executive Director, Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime
the Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson do not commence proceedings on
the issues which are serious in nature I will have irrefutably proven the corruption and conspiracy is not only linked to the DOJ
but the DOJ is a major player in the conspiracy.

You must remember I did not set out on a crusade for the people but for circumstance I would be spending my time golfing,
fishing and playing pool.

At first I was looking after a personal matter when it became apparent that I or any individual could not expect justice from the
So I switched my approach addressing the conspiracy using my personal case as an example of the corruption and conspiracy to
address the issues to the government personnel who are legally responsible to deal with the issues.
On route I stumbled upon the RCMP pension fund scandal linked to the DOJ and once again I have revised my approach still
attentive to the original crimes committed by my former tenant with the correspondence I collected supported the link to the DOJ.
In fact the RCMP response stated they consulted with the DOJ

The evidence gathered along route proves irrefutably the Ontario Government is corrupt and in on a conspiracy against the people
of the lower tier constantly pressuring them into poverty.
In a few days I will have definite proof, as to the corruption and conspiracy of the Federal government when I get the responses
from or do not get responses from
Theoret, Executive Director, Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime
Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson

I am confident that I have no reason to be confident in them as you will read.

Then you must understand why I have now adjusted my approach to the original problem to get at the root of the problems of
[email protected] has his eye on poverty and will always have something to look at
The Democracy Watch [email protected] has their eye on the Prime Minister’s Federal Accountability Act and the limitations of it,
but that is precisely the way the government go about things as you will read.
When the government is pressured to do something they state how shocked they are to find out such things were going on, then
they do things to appear as if they understand the need and pretend to set out to deal with it.

You know for fact as you try to put pressure on them you must face the fact that this is what they do and is their forte.
There are so many things about reality that you must face if you are ever going to deal with them realistically.
The government does not hear the individual or small groups but they do hear serious confrontations of the truth and they are well
experienced at putting on a façade as to be for the people while they do everything for themselves.
It’s all here in my writings and how to realistically deal with it. First get the inquiry and then scrutinize their every word and
actions or else it will just be another one of their professional antics.
Remember they are excellent at this because they have been doing it traditionally from at least 1867

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October 9, 2007 URGENT

To: Lois Theoret, Executive Director Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime

To: Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson
To: Every personnel of the government of Ontario and the government of Canada

Although this writing is in response to Lois Theoret, Executive Director Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime e-mail of
October 5 2007 to the issues found and referenced within these writings which are of a serious nature acknowledged by him I write
with the intent to kill many birds with one stone so to speak.

(1)To prove to Lois Theoret and everyone that I have exhausted all avenues to address the issues in Ontario
(2)To have you understand the serious nature of the issues and the urgency to deal with them.
(3) To bring you all up to speed having been provided my web site address having access equally to the evidence so as to study
and analyze competently and coherently so as to be on the same level when communicating with each other providing you with the
opportunity to come to the sane conclusion that the modus operandi of the governments at all levels are indeed seamless and
consistent in support of a the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada which is a corrupt government conspiracy creating a two tier
system which is dedicated to robbing the majority of the Canadian populace, who exist with their heads not too far above the
poverty level, for the benefit of their members and in particular the members of the Law Society of Upper Canada and associates

These members of the legal profession sit in every positions of power in the Ontario legal system with the Ontario Attorney
General’s Office at the forefront as evidenced in the “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” which I downloaded
from his web site.
There is a strong and common bond amongst their members and in fact they are a special interest group who are in it for the
money with no regard for the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights or the aspirations attributed to God who is supreme.

This I have documented in correspondence with the Law Society of Upper Canada and they were quite adamant about that even
when I questioned as to just what rights lawyers have and what right do they have to trample all over the individual’s rights in
pursuance of their only obligation is to vigorously advance the interests of their clients. They make a Federal case out of the
smallest of issues and drum up business for their membership.

This is to their humungous advantage and those who can afford to pay for their services.
Obviously they cater to the affluent to the humungous detriment of the majority of the Canadian populous.
The ramifications of this are endless all to the benefit of those of the upper tier which of course is why the RICH GET RICHER

They create poverty and in fact they use poverty as their delineator to determine when they should let up on us. They have a
percentage level as a guide line which they adhere to so as to not cause the people to rise up against them.

They have all the statistics and ready access to help them in all their corrupt ways of conspiracy.

Due to their modus operandi which benefits the immoral and punishes the moral the immoral flourish as does the
government empire.

When people rise to put pressure on them to do something they hire more people to deal with it and the people are
satisfied unbeknownst to them how much it adds to their taxes and ultimately everything they purchase creating a
bigger empire for the government personnel and their friends providing them with cushy jobs, accomplishing nothing
for the people and in fact once again to their detriment. Damned if we complain and damned if we don’t.

You will read and be coherent to the fact that the Ontario Attorney General’s Office is behind all this and you will
realize that you have been aware of this all along but really never sat to put it all together mainly because you all were
pleased with the benefits to you own persons.

You all know full well why the Ontario Ombudsman was established and know how they are misrepresented to the
public. See attachment “Ombudsman July 8 2007” which Andre Marin did not respond to
About the Ombudsman’s Office
Ontario's Ombudsman is an Officer of the Provincial Legislature who is independent of the government
and political parties. The Ombudsman’s job is to ensure the accountability of government through
effective oversight of the administration of government services in the province. The Ombudsman
reports to the Provincial Legislature and is appointed for a five-year renewable term. The Ombudsman’s
powers and authorities are contained in legislation called the Ombudsman Act.

We are led to believe everything should be under control including the Legislature and the Attorney General but when
I went to the Ombudsman with the issues of government corruption and conspiracy Janet Ortved responded June 9
2006 they have no powers over such matters as headed by the Attorney General’s Office who is significantly powerful
over the entire legal system, Legislature to the Judges and the police themselves who may consult with the Attorney
General or his Crown Attorney’s but it is the police who must file the charges and then it is up to the Attorney General
as to whether or not to proceed with charges.
Clearly on his web site the “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” are that of a tyrant and “Judicial like”
where he sits to judge before the matters even get to court and the police don’t concern themselves with this and
instead fall in line with the system designed by the despot.

They know something is wrong because they are often frustrated when they take cases like mine to the judges for a
warrant because they are so often denied that through experience they just don’t bother any more.
They will also admit the problem is with the Legislature which you will read in Lawyer File # 9 in a response from
Bruce Herridge, Deputy Chief of the York Regional Police dated January 10 2006.

In general the whole personnel of the Ontario Government have been abiding by the will of the tyrant holding the
Attorney General position of the Office and at this point I do not know who pulls his strings.

This is unbeknownst to them because they are ignorant of the law and trust the Attorney General and Crown
Attorney’s and the whole legal system to be knowledgeable and trustworthy in these matters and why wouldn’t they
because they are the foremost authority on legal matters.

Unfortunately we end up with crooks minding the store and the Attorney General the front man with the true powers
that be yet to be identified as to who are the members of the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada.

Soon we will know whether or not for sure the DOJ is involved as we wait for the response of the Minister of Justice,
and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson who has been simultaneously informed of the
issues contained herein as have you all.

You all have a responsibility to abide by the Constitution Act, 1982 which is either stated or implied that Government
personnel must act seamlessly with integrity FFF in support of the guarantee of the Charter which provides for equality
in all matters before and under the law in protection and benefit of each and every individual of Canada and in these
most serious matters of priority of the law in which Part 1 Canadian Rights and Freedoms where the very first
sentence states whereas Canada is founded on principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law
due regard must be given to the aspirations attributed to God which have been clearly defined in 1. 7. 12. 15. (1)

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such
reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in
accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment. Poverty is a
crime, cruel but not unusual
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of
the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin,
colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

Who will be the first professional fool to stand up and state the law gives them the right to trample all over each and
every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights which are the aspirations attributed to God Who is recognized as
supreme by the supreme law of Canada the Constitution, the very foundation of our country and what we stand for?
The Law Society of Upper Canada has done so and put it in writing for all to see.
Probably the same people who state they have traditional rights or maybe the ones who will stand up and say the law
made them do it.
Or maybe the government persons who know for sure they act in compliance with the law but they do not know who
enforces it.
Who would be a person of integrity who reads my irrefutable evidence carefully and attentively and understands the
serious nature of the issues and advises me to take my evidence to the Ontario Ombudsman where I had already been
which he would know if he had read the evidence carefully and attentively as he would have me believe.

Lois Theoret, Executive Director Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime. That’s who. The person who doesn’t have
a clue where I should go after I go to the Ontario Ombudsman, but for certain not him.

The person who I informed of: 32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect
of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest
Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of
the legislature of each province.
The person I provided irrefutable evidence that the powers that be of the Ontario Government are derelict of their
duties in fact have demonstrated they have put a modus operandi in place consistent with the incompetence of –the rule
of law-as defined on the Ontario Attorney General’s web site which is not consistent and in fact contrary to the
aspirations attributed to God which are consistent with the provisions of the Charter and in particular with 1, 7, 12 and
15. (1)

You know God!!!

The fellow referred to in the very first statement of the Charter right after, Part 1 Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms: whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law

Yes that one, where the rule of law must support His aspirations not the other way around. Right?

Oh, sure I know there are plenty of fools among you who will stand up confidence of their self proclaimed right to
ravish the people and cite sections upon subsections, precedence upon precedence proving their traditional behavior
which we all know and can read and see for our selves but we thank them genuinely for being FFF unbeknownst to
them and all others who have written me providing the irrefutable proof in support of that which I state.

The simple fact is there is not a thing they can write or in fact do or not do without incriminating themselves due the
serious nature of the issues which Lois Theoret Executive Director Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime states,
for they are all honourable people of integrity, competent and well educated with many letters after their names
indicating they should know well how to read the law, and their positions define their responsibility and they know full
well who appointed them under what authority, up and down the line and they know full well nobody is granted
authority to conspire against the people as demonstrated in the RCMP Pension thing and of course they know of my
irrefutable evidence proving the conspiracy. All authority stems from the Constitution.

The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada Lawyers Rules of Conduct.

(103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should observe the rules in the spirit
as well as in the letter.

They all know full well the Constitution and the laws made under it can not possibly address every situation but they
must observe them in the sprit as well as in the letter and in fact if the letter is not consistent with the spirit which is the
spirit of the aspirations attributed to God and the spirit of the provisions of the Charter which are consistent with the
spirit of the aspirations attributed to Him and the spirit of the moral majority who finance their wherewithal and their
benefits which upon acceptance binds them in commission of service in respect of the aspirations attributed to Him
which are consistent with the afore said 1. 7. 12. 15 (1) are supreme and His spirit is alive and well in every one of us
who believes and abides by the said aspirations and aforesaid 1. 7. 12. 15. (1)

Who will argue they have traditionally played the role of God without His authority which they purport grants them
authority based on length of tradition when He was existed long before any one was available to think let alone
establish tradition.

If one were to give thought as to how Jesus departed from earth and why he was here on earth in the first place, they
would know that the tradition of the powers that be dated at least back to 2050 years ago were the reason he was born
to earth, to defeat the tradition which exists today and did 2500 years ago as these words attributed to Confucius state

“There were no dates in this history, but scrawled this way and that across every page were the words
BENEVOLENCE, RIGHTOUSNESS and MORALITY….. finally I began to make out what was written between the
lines; the whole volume was filled with a single phrase: EAT PEOPLE.”
The evidence shows the people are victims of the corruption and conspiracy of the Ontario Government and Louis
Theoret, Executive Director, Federal Ombudsman of Victims and Crime has stated he has been careful and attentive in
reviewing the evidence and understands the serious nature of the issues and if you do not accept your responsibility to
attend to the deficiencies of your Offices in respect of the issues, and forward the evidence to the authority which has
jurisdiction in these matters immediately so as to correct the situation in the work place and all other areas of Canada
where the people are to be found with due diligence to the issues which are a hazard and detrimental to their well being
and safety, Lois Theoret, Executive Director, Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime will be required to step in by
law and do everything in his arena of authority, in the prevention of victims which are being victimized as I write and
predictably continuous, due to the serious nature of the issues presented to Lois Theoret and to you all.

I am not asking any of you for advice for I am sane. I am in fact informing you of the serious nature of the issues
and demanding you do everything within your capabilities as human beings who have access to a telephone, a
computer, a fax machine and the attention of the media to inform the people of the issues identifying the personnel
who clear and present danger to their well being and safety, in particular attention to warn them as to who have
deprived them and will continue to until you get matters under control.

Considering the seriousness of the issues Lois Theoret, Executive Director, Office of the Federal Ombudsman of
Victims of Crime, will be obliged to do his duty in the spirit of the Constitution to prepare for the eventuality you
continue to act indifferent to the issues which are of a serious nature detrimental to the individual and society as a

I have made the obvious presumption from both my evidence and the “Roles of the Responsibilities of the Attorney
General” found on his web site that it is he and the other powers that be of the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada
who are responsible for the dire situation which has befell the individuals of society detrimental to them and society as
a whole as decent people organize to march in demonstration of the poverty which exists due to the avariciousness of
the members of the Upper Tier Society.

I have a preponderance of irrefutable evidence regarding three different occurrences which happened to me personally.

(1) City of Toronto, where I was on staff of the Property Management Legal Surveys regarding astronomical waste of
tax payer’s money.
(2) Legal System of the Province of Ontario Government and Legislature which revealed the legal system is corrupt
and a conspiracy against the people.
(3) Law Society of Upper Canada whose members are in all the positions of power throughout the legal system and are
indifferent to the individual’s rights..

Reality is the truth (How it is) which nobody can deny impervious to perception however Reality is precisely due to
perception. Confusing eh?

The astute or the shrewd will understand immediately and most likely are well ahead of me and depending on their
perception of reality which they have an excellent grasp of their desires and expectations from it, their integrity and
moral conscience are compromised to a comfort zone they can exist with luxury.

They understand each other, for they are all human, and know what makes them tick, knowing full well what they are
doing and the necessity to keep on side with the hand that feeds them best and they have no problem of speaking
publicly as to what society needs and stand firm in their convictions for they are telling the truth of what they believe is
best for their society, the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada and perhaps the people of the upper tier even believe it is
best for society as a whole with an abundance of bias of course, while we people believe they are doing what is best for
society as a whole as required by the Constitution.

The result is a two tiered system with only the upper tier getting the benefits with the people of the lower society, the
majority footing the bill and being stepped on into poverty.

The studies show that even more today the Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer and you, who don't realize that is a
problem, are part of the problem.

It is understandable people will be people because it is an inherent thing of battle with conscience in perseverance of
quality of life where those in constant poverty often lose their battle with conscience with priority to survival.

When people are in constant state of poverty or even a phase or two above, their priority and attentiveness is to
existence a day at a time burdened in mind by hopelessness and despair. Those people who find their way to a
relatively decent living, a nice house, and car, the children they wanted, all the simple things of life are not so simple to
maintain and once they have it, surely don't want to lose it and locked tightly into the system of working hard for their
employers, the affluent and ultimately the government which is guaranteed what ever part of our wages they want.

They are quite effective and dedicated to the collection of taxes and prepared to take our houses without remorse in
their right to collect taxes fairly for the benefit of society which is a good thing over all and perhaps a little more
attentiveness and due diligence to fairness is warranted and perhaps always will be but their efforts here are impressive
and demonstrate their personnel in this sector are dedicated with fortitude and conviction to the endeavor.

Well, relatively speaking in comparison with the rest of the government personnel in respect to their fortitude and
conviction to their responsibilities to spend the money collected efficiently and effectively for the necessities of society
Some believe there is more joy in giving than receiving, especially around Christmas time when they are in the true
spirit of the law which holds the aspirations attributed to God in esteem but that is not an ideology associated with the
Law Society of Upper Tier Canada whose motto is to take all they can without stirring the flock.

Most importantly, and it is imperative we understand the general staff of the government personnel have nothing to do
with the design and creation of the system. They are there to implement it and in fact are just the messengers who are
just as ignorant as any of us of the lower tier society.

They are part of us and just happen to be the lucky ones benefiting from the unscrupulous ways of the powers that be
of the Law Society of the Upper Tier.
These people do their best to get ahead and haven't a thought in the world they are doing anything other than provide a
necessary service for the benefit of a moral society, and why should they think anything different?
They are proud of what they do as well as the next guy in either the public or private sector and they are as human as
are we all, susceptible to err and temptation.
This is all a matter of reality as is, the bigger the temptation and the opportunity to benefit, the bigger the odds the
opportunity need knock but once and the cupboard is bare.

This falls in the realm Predictable is Preventable and that is a basic principle conducive to the eradication of crime
where due diligence to the predictable is fundamental to the prevention.

So, we don't leave our money lying on the table or our beer on the table at closing time when we slip off to the
washroom or we will be walking home, not quite in the spirit or with the spirit we went looking for.
We lock our cars and put valuables in the trunk because mysterious things happen when we don't.

We learned from our parents and school to think, we learn of the aspirations of Jesus it is not right to take from others.
We learn common sense from reality and remember how the punishments administered to us by our parents had a
significant affect on our conscience and behavior.
We know things would be mighty different out there in the world if it weren't for the parents of others keeping the
people we meet in line
We know and have seen the results of those parents in neglect of their responsibilities.
We know what is right morally and we know what is right under the law, both being precisely the same under the
supreme law of Canada under the supremacy of the aspirations attributed to God.
We know that laws will not be obeyed unless they are enforced.
We know if laws are not easily understood they can not be easily obeyed nor easily enforced.

We know if the people administering and enforcing them are not beyond reproach and do not apply due diligence to
the design of the system addressing temptation, even the most irreproachable can succumb, given coincidence
of circumstances.

Knowing all these things and more which are a matter of common sense in a sane moral world it is incumbent upon us
all to observe them in practice of our daily lives.
We know it's easiest to let others do the work and reap the rewards and we know we don't like it when we do the work
and others reap the rewards.
We all know the serenity to all when we all do what is right.
We all know the significance of responsibility and the need to trust and the value of words dependent on the integrity
of their source and their wherewithal to back them FFF, Forthright, Forthcoming and Forthwith
We all know immorality flourishes, left unattended as weeds in a garden. Obviously the garden is planted with good
purpose as were we all to earth and as sure as we must tend to our gardens we must pluck the weeds which hinder our
As simple as we can identify the weeds which don't belong in the garden can we identify the weeds that stand in our
way to the success of the garden of morality we have aspired to grow under the Constitution, specifically defined in the
Charter whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.

With all that is commonly known conducive to a peaceful moral society it is the wisdoms of the aspirations attributed
to God and in Canada He is supreme and the spirit of the law in which it must be consistently administered and
enforced by those people privileged with our trust and the wherewithal to do so.

The quality and in fact the preservation of our lives is dependent on those held in trust to administer and enforce the
law accordingly, consistent with and conducive to the spirit of the Charter which holds the aspirations, attributed to
God in the highest esteem.

We must remember it was the powers that be of the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada of the days when the Charter
was included to the Constitution in 1982 who administered and enforced the rule of law of the day which was
pathetically incompetent to the protection of the individuals and society as a whole as it is defined on the web site
of the "Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General" being the "Guardian of the rule of law" which protects
the people and society as a whole.

It is of the most significant importance that we comprehend and are cognizant to the fact that it is lawyers who enact
the laws, administer them, and sit to judge compliance with them. They are humans, subject to extraordinary
temptations and opportunity to feast on their desires with no due diligence designed into the system to keep them in
line consistent with the needs of society, consistent with and conducive to our guaranteed rights.

We know who makes the guarantee is responsible to back it as provided and given the preciousness of the
commodity being guaranteed we must expect at the very least the attentiveness and due diligence to it demonstrated
by a successful automobile company for certainly an individual of Canada is worth more than a new car.

The members of the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada are a special interest group which influence the whole
legal system, in the enactments, applications of them and the manner in which they are to be interrepretted and
judged and it is for this reason they are in Conflict of Interest of the people they are purported to serve and benefit
and are criminals guilty of treason undermining the very principle and foundation of the Constitution and the sanctity
of the aspirations attributed to God.

Without looking at my evidence which irrefutably proves the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada is corrupt and in fact
a conspiracy against the majority I present to you the “Roles and Responsibility of the Attorney General” which I
downloaded from his web site which is still there today and a copy is to be found in Lawyer File # 7 which is
addressed to the Attorney General Michael Bryant to address the issues of his non compliance with the Constitution
which is ultimately his responsibility to the people through the Legislature and it is their responsibility to comply
with the Constitution and administer and enforce the laws of Ontario consistent with and conducive to the Constitution
in support of the guarantee of the Charter which protects the individual and society as a whole.

You will note that prior to the inclusion of the Charter in 1982 with the powers that be of the legal system being
members of the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada - the rule of law - was the responsibly of the Ontario Attorney
General Roy McMurchy at the time who played a major role in the patriation of the Constitution and the Charter
which links him with the Federal Government in the enactment of the Constitution.

He, who was guardian of the most elusive concept - the rule of law - hard to easily define which was a well
established legal principle at the time which is the rule of law which protected the individual and society as a whole.

That is the way it was back on the day of the enactment of the Constitution which the Charter was included in 1982,
25 years ago.

That states a lot about the integrity and moral values of the members of the legal profession and who? if not they
who had the power to enact the Constitution and include the Charter had the power to amend the rule of law of the day,
which was a most elusive concept, hard to easily define and a well established legal principal well known to them
of the profession, hardly commonly known to we of the majority who trusted them to look after us and our money.
We who have other fields of endeavor who are quite aware of the dire results of a career not attended to.

Clearly this information was not published on the web 25 years ago for all to see or the word might have spread as to
the obvious detriment to the well being and safety of the individual due to the incompetence of the rule of law of the
There is also reference as to how they are attentive to tradition which the very word infers standstill in lieu of
proceeding full speed ahead.

Travel in days not all that long ago was traditionally done by horse and carriage but when Henry Ford built the
horseless carriage it would have been inane to keep the traditional horse which would have obstructed the performance
of the new fangled auto so he, without nary a thought discarded the tradition before he even began thinking forwardly
to the benefit of society and of course himself. Tradition is an obstacle to progress and the traditions of pirates and
thieves are definitely not acceptable or conducive to the people of a moral society and it is absurdity to the most high
to have such people of infamous notoriety in control of our money structuring a legal system traditionally in a
manner akin to pirates and thieves and yet the ignorant line up to vote for the people they believe they would prefer
to ravish them.

By the Attorney General’s Office publishing the “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” found on his
web site today, they have arrogantly and openly admitted they are still of the position that they can hold traditional
values of the rogues who administered and enforced the rule of law prior to the inclusion of the Charter in 1982..

The moment the Constitution was enacted in 1982, give or take a gestation period of perhaps 3 years, the Charter
removed the ambiguities in the rule of law which had caused it to be an elusive concept, hard to easily define inane
to the protection of the individual and society as a whole, being so complex and costly to administer and enforce in an
efficient and effective manner conducive to and consistent with the well being and safety of the people who financed
the system.

Now with the inclusion of the Charter to the Constitution and the application of it by the members of the Law Society
of Upper Tier Canada adhered to traditional values of rogues have weaved a web of deceit into the legal system
making the costs and justice prohibitive to the majority providing incredible advantage to the upper tier humongous
detrimental to the guaranteed individual’s Charter rights so much so that they are indifferent to the rights of the
individuals of the lower tier.

Their challenge is tremendous to make laws and the system to appear Constitutional to the people and still accomplish
their intent as Robbing Hoods which ultimately leads to the system where the majority of individuals find it
superfluous to bring their problems before the courts where it is improbable to achieve justice and most likely throwing
good money after bad.

When the government is caught up they simply drag the cases into years, perhaps retiring leaving the problems to the
next guy, or until a reasonable approach comes to mind or until a change of government or until they can play musical

chairs and mess with the laws, whatever they are wont to do in their particular field of deceptive practice they call legal

Everything they do is for the purpose of drumming up business for their partners in crime not conducive to the
guarantee promised by the Charter to every individual equally in all matters of protection and benefit before and under
the law.

That is the way of the Capitalist Pigs who capitalize on their positions of trust and the powers and wherewithal granted
them by the people who are ignorant to their conspiracy trusting they know the laws and they and the spirit they were
intended which is quite a befuddlement for they the members of the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada know full well
their intent of the law is au contraire to the majority who I am organizing under the Law Society of Lower Tier Canada
who believe the intent of the law is precisely what they would have us believe.

What a fine kettle of fish they have found themselves in.

It’s all in the belief

Like belief in God who so many believe in.
Even those who do not particularly believe He exists for many reasons such as the burden of proof but never the less
they know and can believe in the aspiration attributed to God to be consistent with and conducive to world peace
where everyone is equal like sisters and brothers respecting the rights of each other precisely consistent with the
provisions of the Charter in particular in concurrence with 1. 7. 12. 15A and the spirit of a moral society and of course
in the spirit of the moral majority.

We know for fact that if one deliberately harms another they will be reciprocated in kind and others will soon join in
and first thing you know we have our a serious brawl which takes eons to settle back to tranquility.

We also know there are instigators who would disrupt serenity for personal gain and we know they cower in groups
wearing masks of deceit such as the powers that be of the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada.

We know that when we know of their treacherous ways they will be hung out to dry and it takes great restraint not to
expand on that.

However these issues are of the most serious nature which history has shown to be of most serious nature when serious
circumstance arises left unattended and sometimes attending to them are in them selves of a most serious nature.

The evidence I have proves irrefutably that the establishment in power today in Ontario is fronted by a bandito who
has knowingly Obstructed my path to Justice for obvious reason should the evidence become public the jig would be

The evidence shows how the Ontario Legislature has in fact enacted laws for the purpose of dealing with people like
me who are persistent in receiving the Justice guaranteed me by the Charter which is my Constitutional right and of
course anyone else who is as determined as me who has the coherence the fortitude and conviction to persist against all
odds in a system designed with a wall impenetrable to the acquisition of justice.

In my particular case the York Regional Police have demonstrated precisely that which is to be found in the “Role of
the Attorney General” of Ontario.

They abided by the laws of Ontario which are not consistent with or conducive to the Constitution which is the
supreme law of Canada and they should know upon their application of their policies and laws it is the immoral who
are supposed the punished and the moral to be protected form being victimized and any sane responsible person intent
on serving in enforcement for the benefit of society should well recognize the inadequacies of their ability to do so.

Who would know better then those who career in the endeavor, professional so to speak and why have they forever
walked away in frustration because the bad guys won’t let them do what is right according to the law which governs us
all, which every law must be consistent with, the supreme law of Canada, the Constitution Act enacted in 1982 which
guarantees nobody will deprive us of our rights.

Our big brave police persons cower from the bullies who have held us hostage in defiance of our Charter rights to live
in a world free of such tyrannical forces that have even tied their hands with an invisible web of deceit.

All it takes to lift that invisible web is a strong mind.

Why should you? When you find that strong mind you will be able to answer many things and with some
understanding of the aspirations attributed to God, the provisions of the Charter guarantee in 1. 7. 12. 15A and the
words of Jesus who is most familiar to us all and most definitely most informed of the aspirations of God who we
know to have said

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

What words could be more representative of the aspirations attributed to God than the words which
came directly from the person who knew God best and who others know to be one and the same.

Jesus Christ Wake up for Christ Sakes

I reiterate that I have irrefutable evidence to attest to everything I state and everything in reality will back me or vice
versa to the corruption and conspiracy of the powers that be of the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada.

It’s all there free for the gathering to be tabled in a Public Inquiry for the purpose of justice in the true common sense
of the word which has nothing to do with anything of the words that flow freely from the mouths of the members of
the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada or their staff who have been emphatically misinformed and who have
unbeknownst to them done a gross and pathetic disservice to the people of the majority segregating them from the
benefits which are rightfully theirs under the Charter of the Constitution Act,1982 which is the supreme law of Canada
which is of the spirit of the aspirations attributed to God who is supreme and whose spirit lives within all of us of the
moral society intended by the Constitution.

As we are all aware and know it to be a matter of common sense that there be independent bodies such as the
Ombudsman and the Civilian Commission on Police Services to vent our complaints so as to keep the various
government authorities in line with the authority granted them, it is just as obvious that the powers that be who
established them did so to appear as they were there to serve the people, for they are all limited in authority quite
significantly as a matter of fact and none of them have the power to come forward and present the truth of the
conspiracy as their members are well aware, as are they all who are involved in the legal system.

I have irrefutable evidence on them all, available on my web site and there is plenty more to come in support of
everything I state for I write with integrity without artistic license in support of the truth, which needs to be told for the
benefit of those who have been harassed, pirated and literally been wreaked havoc upon by the powers that be who are
charlatan’s and we the answer’s to their prayers.

When you read the “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” you will see his significance and influential
power over all the personnel of the Ontario legal system who administer and enforce the laws of Ontario, which must
be consistent with the Constitution and the Charter and the proof he is the person responsible for the pathetic state of
the legal system in Ontario and the abhorred deprivation of the people who hold him in trust of their well being.
You will see he wears many hats including the one that is responsible for the protection of the individual and society as
a whole and it can not be misconstrued to mean anything other than he is the person responsible to ensure the
administrative and the enforcement powers are consistent with and in application, conducive to the guarantee of the
individuals rights of equal protection and benefit in all matters before and under the law.

As mentioned for the same reason, the Ombudsman and such independents were established, although a charade, but
the concept is real to keep the authorities in line there must be a department to keep the Attorney General in line which
he would have us believe the Ombudsman is there to do the trick which I have proven to be false as is their statements
on their web site, but the correspondence I have from the Ombudsman clearly shows they have no authority in these
most significant matters. It is in fact absurd to think anything else for anyone appointed by them of the Upper Tier
Society would be in concurrence with their ideology and laws of Ontario irrelevant and indifferent to the fact that they
are not constitutional and what do they care, they didn’t write them, they just apply them.

Well let me tell you something. None of us of the majority wrote them either but we know we are obliged to
understand and obey them consistent with the Constitution and conducive to the Charter and any inconsistencies of the
Ontario laws have no force or effect and therefore if you are not aware of the inconsistencies you could very well
deprive someone of that which belongs to them, which most certainly includes their Charter rights which can not be
taken away any more than an arm or leg for our rights are an integral part of us and by doing so is an assault on our
person and insult to our minds and having done so you bloody idiots are guilty of Obstructing a person of their
Constituttional rights to Justice making you all accomplices of the rogue and his silent partners in crime.

Ignorance is bliss to the untrying, unfortunately quite trying on those, alert, coherent and dying

Ignorance of a thing unfamiliar fits like a glove worn daily.

There is much ado about Conflict of Interest and I ask you how in the hell can the Attorney General wear so many hats
highly influential with upper echelon of society and the legal system and be guardian of the elusive concept- the rule of
law- hard to easily define which is a well established legal principal prior to the inclusion of the Charter and remains
today on his web site clearly and arrogantly displaying the Attorney General doesn’t give a damn about the individual
and society as a whole today any more than the Attorney General did prior to the enactment of the Constitution and the

How can a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada administer and enforce the laws of Ontario consistent with
the Constitution conducive to the individual’s equality rights of the Charter when the Law Society of Upper Canada
have adamantly declared their members do not have to concern themselves with the individuals guaranteed Charter
rights and their only obligation is to vigorously advance the interests of those people who can afford their services.

That’s right. They can’t and my evidence and all realities attest to it.
The evidence clearly shows that the intention of the powers that be who sat to write the Constitution which included
Roy McMurchy the Ontario Attorney General at the time, wrote the Charter with deceptive purpose knowing full well
the incompetence of-the rule of law- to back the guarantee of the Charter which is consistent with their traditional
character to deceive and defeat the people. Roy McMurchy is the Chief Justice of Ontario today, last I heard.

I reiterate that is the name of their game. One for the Money……Two for the Show

Once you grasp the reality of their character ……everything in Reality attests to it

Ask yourself why they are not FFF in any and all relationships with them.
Why did they include the guaranteed Charter rights if they never intended to back them as indicated in one hand by the
supremacy of God backed by the incompetence of –the rule of law – which said incompetence allows them to argue it
as long as someone cares to finance the argument? The old answer with the question ploy.
Why when they set up independent agencies such as the Ombudsman do they wrap chains around them and advertise
them to be everything we hoped for?
Why are they so adverse to whistle blowers?
Why did the Prime Minister enact the Federal Accountability Act, 2006 if he never intended it to do anything more
than the Ontario Ombudsman is capable of.
Why would he feel the need to enact it if he wasn’t aware the government personnel were irresponsible and
unaccountable, which is inconsistent with the Constitution and the very principle it stands for.

Why are they allowed to interfere with television broadcasts that reveal the truth that the public are entitled to know
under a Charter that guarantees free press and speech and stuff like that?
Why are incompetent irresponsible people allowed to resolve issues of incompetence and irresponsibility?

Why are they who are so unreasonable permitted to pass judgment as to what is beyond reasonable doubt?
Why are the judges allowed to pass judgment on a case before the evidence is heard?
I suppose we will understand this when we understand the reason to the previous question.

Why did they Obstruct Justice when the Standing Committee on Public Accounts was looking into the RCMP scandal
which began with a relatively simple matter regarding their Pension Fund and escalated to conspiracy and corruption
of the upper echelon of the RCMP against the rank and file who are the front lines of the defense of the people when it
was linked to the DOJ, and the Standing Committee was ordered to SIT on it.

I say in the spirit of the Constitution and the well being of the majority who finance it we must Demand a Scrutinized
RCMP Public Inquiry FFF and arrest any and all who Obstruct Justice

This is the only way to answer the questions we already know the answers to
How befitting to the absurdity that must be dealt with.

Who would use the name of the Lord in evil purpose and pray for His help, when they have been provided decent jobs
to provide well for them and theirs daily bread and the opportunity to serve Him in His spirit and in the spirit of the
law which are one and the same for the benefit of all his people and all the people of Canada who are one and the same
of the spirit of the Constitution and God being all united in one spirit, through us He lives supreme.

We who obey His command…so easy to understand …those who don’t …shall be wrought and taught
No, it is not you I reiterate it is not you
Do Unto Others As We Would Have Them Do
Unto Us
The time will come when you and you can stand alone
It is true, that it is you who must be responsible for you and we have your back but it will be
your ass too, should you forget it
Credence must be given to that which is least misunderstood
by humankind

Beware those who would make it complicated One for the Money Two for the Show
Charlatan’s answer the door and your own prayers

We of the spirit of God will answer ours

Those who will not abide and yet care to reside in our sanctuary where God is supreme within us
Will learn the wisdoms of Confucius who lives in spirit, though his flesh passed 2500 years ago
“Recompense injury with justice, and recompense
kindness with kindness”

So it is written
So it shall be
Forever and ever

We didn’t write the law and it is reversible

Unless of course you want to argue with the spirit of God who lives in all of us who believe in the aspirations
attributed to Him and the supreme law which recognizes His supremacy in the sanctuary of His realm, Canada.

Do I here an Amen
Amen, Amen

The second coming of Christ in 1982 was not recognized until 25 years later and by our awareness He lives within us
standing for that which is rights for all, as it is written in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of the Constitution Act,
1982 where He had put to paper the words we yearned to see scripted into the law of our land.

Surely the Lord works in mysterious ways!!

I was lost but now I am found I’m here and you had best believe

You must look, to see me

The following correspondence including the above is between me, Frank Gallagher and Lois Theoret, Executive
Director Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime which has also been simultaneously forwarded to the Minister of
Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson who is ultimately responsible by law to deal
with the issues contained and referenced herein so as to eradicate the tyrannical forces who have conspired to and
continue to ravish and deprive the people of that which is rightfully theirs and persist to wreak havoc on them pushing
them to poverty to nourish the avariciousness of the affluent and those of lofty ambitions to their pathetic disgrace
which holds them far beyond any doubt of disrepute to the most severest of detriment of the majority who live in the
sanctuary of the law of God seeking only that which they earn and the right to have what is rightfully theirs.

Louis Theoret, Executive Director, Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime

Dear Louis,

You have been provided evidence and you have stated that you understand the serious nature of the issues and I accept
you at your word for I too understand the serious nature of the issues.

The evidence clearly shows that I have exhausted all available avenues to me in the Province of Ontario to find
someone of the Ontario government to deal with these issues which you know to be true.

All persons of the government personnel who are professionally active in the legal system of Canada must be of
integrity, competent, responsible FFF and having received the same information and a preponderance more which you
Lois and I both understand to be of a serious nature and know to be true, must immediately act in the spirit of the
Constitution so as to instate the sanctuary guaranteed by the supreme law of our country.
“He who is sincere hits what is right, and apprehends without the exercise of thought”
Those who don’t get it will the hard way

These writings will be sent to the e-mail addresses previously listed which can also be found on my web site where this
will be posted and the documents referenced herein are also available there, however should you require any assistance
I can be contacted at [email protected]
They have all been sent my web site address and the evidence is there for all to see and once again it is your
responsibilities to the sanctuary you have received benefit to structure and maintain.

You have all been informed of the serious nature of the issues and the evidence is there available to confirm the issues.
There can be no reason for you to misinterpret what the evidence clearly shows nor any reason to fumble the ball in
this dire situation and anything other than due diligence will inevitably documented as will not registering on the
people’s web site as a member of the Law Society of Lower Tier Canada to acknowledge your commitment to your
responsibilities to the people of the lower tier Canada.

You must do everything within your power given the serious nature of the issues to alert the people in their defense
who will stand with you all the way upon doing so.

Before these writings and the evidence I presented you, you were just naïve like the majority of moral people but you
are not naïve now and now is the time to do what is right.

It’s just too simple and rewarding too, with a promising future, along with us who have been promised far too long

Both you Lois Theoret and Minister of Justice, and you Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson are
recipients of all the information and documents referenced herein and have been duly informed of my web site address
as to where additional evidence is to be found and I have informed you that there is a preponderance more still to be
uploaded but due the urgency I have informed you that should you require any more evidence or have any questions
you may write me at [email protected] as may everyone I have addressed these issues of a serious nature.

Given the serious nature of the issues and the serious detriment to the people it is imperative as I have stated that the
public are warned immediately and as you know, today’s date is October 9, 2007 6 months since March 2007 when
you Lois Theoret, Executive Director, Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime opened shop for business to deal with
victims of crime under Federal authority of which we all our Canadians under the Federal authority under the
supremacy of God.

The moment the personnel of the Ontario Government receive this document which is evidence in itself and the
reference to the documents referred to herein which includes the October 8 2006 document to the Editor of the Toronto
Sun and the 15 Lawyer Files which they have all received prior to this document and after your Office opened shop in
March 2007 and due the serious nature of the issues which you understand as do I and so should they, it is incumbent
on them all to tend to the issues FFF with due regard to their own Office and due diligence to get the evidence to the
Ontario authority of competent jurisdiction in these issues of a serious nature.

There can be no reason in hell you do not do what is right and there is no law that can prevent you from doing what is
right in the spirit of the Constitution and in the spirit of attributed to God for any law that prohibits you of your duty to
the victims of Canada and negligence of due diligence to eradicate hazards and perils and clear and present danger to
the well being of the people in the arena of Canada is cause for dismissal.

You have been well informed and you have clearly stated that you understand the serious nature of the issues.

This is not about me, it is about Canada and the people who reside here who are guaranteed protection and benefits as
provided by the Charter equally in all matters before and under the law.

Should you have trouble comprehending consideration must be given to your competence to hold the position so
precious to our sanctuary as promised by the Charter in our promised land.
52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with
the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

Your duty is to protect and serve under the spirit of God who is supreme over the supreme law and it is He you will
have to answer to who resides with in us all who will hold you accountable. That you had best believe.
You Lois Theoret and Minister Honourable Robert Nicholson have been provided all the evidence referred to herein,
as well as to whom I have provided these writings to address the efforts I made to thoroughly exhaust all avenues
available to me and to prove to you that I have indeed exhausted all avenues available to me including the fact that I
had already done so as indicated by Lawyer File # 4 to the Ombudsman of Ontario who have informed me that they are
the department or agency of last resort so I am confident in stating that I have previously attentively, coherently been
FFF in my endeavor to find a responsible person of the government personnel of Ontario to deal with the issues of a
most serious nature and have gone one step further in an initiative to both provide them the evidence again and inform
you of precisely what I have done to affirm that which I allege, that I have indeed exhausted all avenues available to
me here in the province of Ontario and if you do not see any positive action from anyone of them conducive to the
issues I have addressed which are of a most serious nature, then it is incumbent upon the Federal government to take
the necessary steps so as ensure the people of Canada are protected as guaranteed by the Charter in the spirit attributed
to God whose spirit and aspirations are supreme in all matters before and under the law in particular and defined in 1.
7. 12. 15.(1) of the Charter which are consistent with the aspirations attributed to God who is supreme and recognized
so by the supreme law of our land which we of the moral society recognize and know to be true..

To this endeavor as you know I have already provided the evidence that you have received along with my web site
which contains that and more and have provided my e-mail address as I have provided to you, to the Minister of
Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson advising that I expect him to respond to
these issues of a most serious nature FFF.

I would say that I have gone beyond the call of duty to make it perfectly clear as to the intent of this document
attentive to the issues of competent jurisdiction.

Again I state due the seriousness of the nature of the issues with due regard to the incompetence of the Ontario
Government personnel and persistence to befuddle the issues I offer this. Any further befuddlements or non response
to the issues will confirm that which is contained within all my writings which are available on my web site which
within themselves have been confirmed.

Again I repeat the urgency and the need for immediate attention to the serious nature of the issues requiring immediate
alert to the public and due the indifference to my previous efforts it is incumbent the Minister of Justice, and Attorney
General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson take immediate and positive steps in the eventuality they remain
steadfast to their convictions.

In the predictable eventuality the Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert declines to
take positive action FFF you Lois Theoret, Executive Director, Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime have been
duly informed with all the precise evidence meeting the precise requirements of your jurisdiction and it is your
responsibility to deal with in a manner so as to eradicate the serious nature of the issues in the interest of the well being
of the people of Ontario and the well being of all Canadians if the Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada,
Honourable Robert declines to address these issues of a serious nature detrimental to all Canadians.

The evidence clearly shows if the Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson
does not respond to the issues which you understand their serious nature and you have been duly informed and aware
that it is up to you in your position, responsible to act in a manner conducive to their guaranteed protection.
I believe I have been quite careful and attentive in my review of the evidence contained within all my writings and
referenced therein and have made an exhausted effort to provide it to the personnel of the Provincial Government of
Ontario and to the personnel of the Federal Government of Canada which includes the Prime Minister himself whose
Office has responded quite negatively to these issues.

That has to be of a very, very serious nature.

I believe I have shrewd a comprehensive analysis of the evidence to you.

The evidence I have provided you is proof of the government conspiracy and the havoc they have caused and will
continue until you intervine in the prevention of that which is predictable.
THIS IS NOT ABOUT ME or is it anything to do with me other than I am the person providing
you the first hand irrefutable evidence that the Ontario government is corrupt and has conspired against the
people. We are all victims in the lower tier and they do it to us daily here in Ontario, Canada and you have let
them. Time to rise to the occasion
I just happen to be one many of the unfortunate people who have not only been victimized by a criminal of the private
sector but due to my efforts to get justice as per the Constitution I discovered it was not to be had because I not only
was victimized but the perpetrator didn’t quite do it well enough to your satisfaction. Perhaps if he just winged me in
the arm or maybe I was unfortunate enough not to be shot in the heart where I could have got some of the justice you
people dispense.

Frank Gallagher
October 5 2007

To: Louis Theoret

Executive Director
Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime
[email protected]

Cc Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada

Honourable Robert Nicholson
[email protected]

RE: Government corruption and conspiracy

Dear Lois Theoret

In response to your e-mail of October 5, 2007, please bear with me as I recap the sequence of events of our
correspondence which began September 20 2007 with me writing you.

But first a little commentary on your October 5, 2007 e-mail

I doubt very much you could say you are regretful, careful and attentive reviewing the material, and far from shrewd
when conveying the results of the analysis to me.
You guys are not shrewd, you are corrupt and in on the conspiracy and know no matter what you state it would be
acceptable to your partners in crime who hold all the key positions in the legal system.
That is as long as it appears to be helpful to the people but isn’t.

That is common place with you, not shrewd.

Shrewd is what a person would have to be to beat you people having organized against the moral majority using their
money to structure a system to appear to be for their benefit while actually being beneficial to the powers that be of our
elected representatives, affluent associates and members of the Law Society of Upper Canada and associate societies.
Henceforth to be known as Law Society of Upper Tier Canada.

Just 2 days ago I was at the dentist who had less trouble pulling my big back tooth than I trying to get a
coherent response from any of you FFF. Forthright, Forthcoming, and Forthwith

As always one must read between the lines, which is quite simple once you get the hang of it and I have now had more
than 2 years experience at it.

Nothing has changed in more than 2500 years when these words attributed to Confucius said

"There were no dates in this history, but scrawled this way and that across every page were the words
BENEVOLENCE,RIGHTOUSNESS AND MORALITY....finally I began to make out what was written between the
lines; the whole volume was filled with a single phrase : EAT PEOPLE"

The following is the correspondence between me, Frank Gallagher citizen of Ontario, Canada and you, Lois Theoret
Executive Director, Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime.
I Frank Gallagher have been victimized by the members of the government of the Province of Ontario, specifically
referred to in Lawyer Files 1-14, 13A dated March 30 2007 and later into early April which I have provided copies of
to the aforementioned Lois Theoret for his immediate, coherent, undivided attention to deal with the issues contained
therein, of matters of government corruption and conspiracy as stated in my preliminary e-mail dated September 20
2007 to Steve Sullivan of the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime.
I know it’s just terrible how I insinuated that through experience I knew that he was part of the conspiracy and
explaining why I knew, but I had hoped he may make a better effort to appear as if he was a responsible person of
integrity, competent and coherent, dedicated to the plight of victims with the initiative to remove hazards and perils
from the arena where people are likely to be which is anywhere and everywhere in Canada.
In the September 20 2007 e-mail I requested they study the 73 page letter to the Toronto Sun Editor dated October 8
2006 and the ““Dave Grech compiled correspondence September 1 2007 “ file for the purpose of being coherent to the
fact that…….here’s an excerpt from said e-mail
“It is imperative that you study these documents until you are coherent to the fact that Dave Grech, Coordinator of
Investigations and Enforcement Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has refused to perform his duty
in accordance with the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 or conducive and consistent with the Constitution Act, 1982 in
particular with due respect to the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights.”
I clearly identified the problem of government corruption and conspiracy, identified the government personnel who
were immediately involved defined in the Lawyer Files #s 1-3
On September 27 2007: Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime responded
The Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime has reviewed your e-mails sent September 20, 2007, and
attached documents.

The mandate of the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime is limited to issues affecting victims of
crime exclusively within federal responsibility. Secondly, our office is unable to review any complaints or matters
relating to occurrences prior to the establishment of our office in March 2007.

We understand that the issues you raise are of a serious nature, however as your complaint falls under Provincial
Jurisdiction and occurred prior to March 2007, we are unable to assist you in these matters.

On October 1 2007 I responded to the September 27 2007 and decided to address the whole matter to include The
Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson to kill two birds with one stone, so
to speak.

I had written him providing the evidence many times but he declined to respond.
I had also written Vic Toews when he held the office but he declined to respond.

So for convenience sake when The Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson
declined to respond this time on these issues of a most serious nature as the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for
Victims of Crime Responded On September 27 2007: We understand that the issues you raise are of a serious nature
the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime would be up to speed and alert to the fact that The Minister
of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson was now guilty of neglect of duty in matters
of administering and enforcing the Constitution conducive to and consistent with the individual’s guaranteed Charter
rights as clearly defined in the Charter and either stated or implied that the Federal government who enacted the
Constitution Act, 1982 guaranteeing the individuals Charter rights is the government with jurisdiction and
responsibility to do so.

Upon reading the evidence which I provided requesting the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime be
coherent to the fact that the crimes by my former tenant were committed and Dave Grech coordinator Investigations
and Enforcement Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing refused to commence or cause to commence
proceedings against said former tenant who committed the criminal act of fraud and filed false and misleading
information, an offense under s. 206 (2) of the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 which the Office of the Federal
Ombudsman for Victims of Crime understands is of a serious nature and it is incumbent upon some one of the
government personnel to do something about it consistent with and conducive to the spirit of the Constitution so as to
support the guarantee of the Charter and therefore ensure due diligence in the protection of all individuals of Canada
who are equal in all matters before and under the law.

So presuming I allow Lois Theoret to shrew the result of the analysis of the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for
Victims of Crime : A careful and attentive review of the material and your messages was conducted. Allow me to
shrew the results of this analysis, as stated in Louis Theoret’s response of October 5 2007 .I must now be aware of his
and their incompetence, incoherent to the facts as the evidence itself attests to, where
Reality is the Truth (How it is) impervious to perception however Reality is precisely due to perception.

The truth of reality is, I must deal with and live with the reality of Lois Theoret because he would have me believe
A careful and attentive review of the material and your messages was conducted.

If I were to prove that his statement is not factual then his conclusion based on that is also not factual, Right?

Reality is the truth (How it is) impervious to perception Right? However Reality is precisely due to perception, Right?
So if I and anyone else relied on Lois Theoret’s conclusion based on the perception he would have you believe, reality
would go on with me remaining a victim, the criminal walking free on the streets and other people vulnerable to his
criminal and immoral inclinations. Right?

However, we know the reality of the conclusion of Lois Theoret is not consistent with or conducive to the guarantee of
the Charter in as much as the immoral benefit and the victim is deprived of his rights detrimental to the moral society
promised by the Charter.

So, with that in mind, considering the conclusion being precisely opposite of the intent of the Charter with the immoral
benefiting detrimental to the moral we must go back and revisit that which brought Lois Theoret to such a ridiculous
absurd conclusion attentive to all the evidence with the endeavor to correct the situation so as to eliminate reoccurrence
of such ridiculous conclusions detrimental to fundamental principles of justice. Right?

I mean we don’t want it to continue to go on and on and on for another 2500 years do we?

So believe it or not, once you get the hang of the concept exampled here, it comes easy to apply it anywhere, anytime

The fist very prominent clue as to their awareness of the seriousness of the issues I have raised comes from the Office
of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime in their first response of September 27 2007: We understand that the
issues you raise are of a serious nature.

I agree so I have no problem with that, however I do have a problem with Lois Theoret’s decision to close the file
knowing full well that We understand that the issues you raise are of a serious nature.

Do you see what I mean? Not at all responsible is he?

Each of us individuals is guaranteed protection and benefits in all matters before and under the law dangling at the end
of a chain of a modus operandi of a legal system structured by the personnel of the establishment which must be able
to demonstrate due diligence in the design and application of it to be consistent with the Constitution and capable and
conducive to the support of the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights. Right?

It only takes one weak link in that chain to compromise the guarantee and with the safety of the people and the sanctity
of the Constitution at stake, it is imperative that every person of the government personnel are alert to the fact and are
adept to the task in the whole scheme of things which demands responsible and accountable government personnel.

It is incumbent upon the heads of each department, or Ministry to be irreproachable in all matters required to maintain
the integrity of the Constitution which guarantees us all equality in protection and benefit in all matters of law. That is
either stated or implied and obviously demanded of a guarantee, especially in the likes of a guarantee dire to quality of
life and life itself.

So without further ado and with that understanding, the evidence speaks for itself.

A careful and attentive review of the material and your messages was conducted.

If that were true given the facts of the evidence they are either incompetent or otherwise, making the chain of
guarantee compromised requiring attentiveness to the resolve.

Given the seriousness of the circumstance We understand that the issues you raise are of a serious nature nothing will
suffice less than a scrutinized PUBLIC INQUIRY

There is no point in me detailing all the inconsistencies with the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of
Crime statement We understand that the issues you raise are of a serious nature when the evidence speaks for itself.

Of course the evidence must be studied and analyzed carefully and attentively, FFF, Forthright, Forthcoming and

Having done that and we look at my first letter to the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime dated
September 20 2007 and note that the spirit is of the eradication of government corruption and conspiracy which
victimizes the majority of Canadians who are all people of the lower tier and in fact due to the conspiracy and the
existence of the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada. That alone is inconsistent with and contrary to the spirit of the
Constitution in respect of the Charter whereas Canada is founded on principles that recognizes the supremacy of God
and the rule of law

Make note that it is God who is supreme not the rule of law
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of
the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin,
colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
Make note that 15. (1) is consistent with the aspirations of God who is supreme

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such
reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Make note that 1. either states or implies due diligence to the administration and enforcement is demanded in support
of the guarantee

Make note that it is the Federal government which enacted the Constitution and therefore is their responsibility to
administer and enforce it consistent with and conducive to the support of the guarantee.

It must be presumed that every person involved with the administering and enforcing of the Constitution is loyal to it
with integrity, competent and responsible and accountable to be in compliance and consistent with the Constitution

Sanity and common sense is also either stated or implied

The evidence shows in Lawyer Files 1-14, 13A, the personnel of the Province of Ontario who I presented the evidence
to for them to deal with the issues. These documents are all dated March 30 2007 and later within the jurisdiction date
of the September 27 2007 Federal Ombudsman response: Secondly, our office is unable to review any complaints or
matters relating to occurrences prior to the establishment of our office in March 2007.

The Lawyer Files #s 1-3 deal with matters of the personnel of the Ministry in Ontario. Obstruction of Justice
Lawyer File # 4 deals with matters of the Province of Ontario Ombudsman’s Office. Obstruction of Justice
Lawyer File # 5 deals with matters of Julia Munro my MPP who declined to help: Obstruction of Justice.
Lawyer File # 6 deals with the Premier Of Ontario Dalton McGuinty: Obstruction of Justice
Lawyer File # 7 deals with the Attorney General Michael Bryant: Obstruction of Justice
Lawyer File # 8 deals with the OPP Anti Rackets: Obstruction of Justice
Lawyer File # 9 deals with the York Regional Police: Obstruction of Justice
Lawyer File # 10 deals with the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services: Obstruction of Justice
Lawyer File # 11 deals with the Attorney General Office - Judy Phillip Obstruction of Justice
Lawyer File # 12 deals with the YRP Phil Moreau Standards Department Obstruction of Justice
Lawyer File # 13 deals with Crown Attorney Newmarket: Obstruction of Justice
Lawyer File # 13A deals with Crown Attorney Toronto: Obstruction of Justice
Lawyer File # 14 deals with the RCMP Newmarket: Obstruction of Justice

None of these people have acted to the issues as of today October 5, 2007 Obstruction of Justice

The Office of the Provincial Ombudsman responded October 5 2007

(1) A careful and attentive review of the material and your messages was conducted. Allow me to shrew the results of
this analysis.
Who are you going to believe? Them or the evidence they purportedly reviewed and analyzed carefully and

(2)Our office is not able to provide you with legal advice. The issues you raised occurred prior to the establishment of
our office in March 2007 as indicated in a note sent to you September 27, 2007.
Who asked for legal advice? I did ask them to confirm who is responsible for the administering and enforcement of the
Constitution Act, 1982 which I presumed to be the Federal Government.The issues I raised are since March 30 2007.
See paragraph top of page.

(3) strictly within the aegis of the provincial government of Ontario. They are not within the purview of any agency
within the Federal Government of Canada including the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime.
See my commentary to (4)

(4)Once you have exhausted all other avenues to resolve your concerns you may decide to share your concerns with
the Office of the Provincial Ombudsman should the matter affect a provincial Ministry in Ontario.
The Lawyer Files show I have already exhausted all other avenues and Lawyer File # 4 to the Office Provincial
Ombudsman shows having already exhausted all avenues including the Ombudsman

Clearly they have not reviewed the evidence carefully and attentively, and have no right to use the word analysis to
describe their findings when they couldn’t have looked at in a manner conducive to responsible professional

From: Ombudsman for Victims of Crime - Ombudsman des victimes d'actes criminel
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 10:38 AM
Dear Mr. Gallagher,

This is in response to your previous e-mail sent to our office earlier today. I have reviewed the contents of your
message which apparently pertain to some concerns you have with the ''Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney
General of Ontario and the Constitution Act, 1982''.
Unfortunately, this issues you raised do not appear to fall within the mandate of this office and it is unclear from the
nature of your message what precisely your specific concern is. Therefore, without the benefit of something more
precise or specific it is difficult to refer you to an appropriate office that can respond to you.
Your file in this matter is now closed and we will be taking no further action.

They seem to be of the opinion that if they close the door on us we will go away. It’s always best to get one foot in
….no surely they would it slam it. They are like that you know.

As I have stated many times I downloaded the “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” from his web site
and the contents of it can be found in Lawyer File # 7 which is addressed to the Attorney General Michael Bryant

From observation of the contents of it I am led to believe that he is the person responsible to ensure the laws of Ontario
are consistent with the Constitution and has power influencing the personnel of the whole legal system in Ontario.

He is the guardian of – the rule of law- which protects the individuals and society as a whole.
The rule of law is described as an elusive concept, hard to easily define and a well established legal principle which is
obviously well known by professionals in law but hardly commonly known to the
individuals of society.

It is important to note that it is pathetic that the rule of law which protected the individuals and society as a whole
which was well known by the professionals prior to the enactment of the Constitution Act, 1982 was allowed to exist
as an elusive concept and hard to easily define without being amended in concern for the people of society.

In any case it gives one a fair idea of the integrity of the members of the legal profession prior to the inclusion of the

Since the enactment of the Constitution Act, 1982 with the inclusion of the Charter the rights of the individual were
clearly defined and guaranteed

Clearly either stated or implied the Federal Government is responsible to administer and enforce the provisions of the
Constitution in a manner consistent with and conducive to the support of the guarantee which provides for the equality
of protection and benefits before and under the law for each and every individual of society.

Clearly the “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” shows the Ontario Attorney General Michael Bryant
is responsible for these constitutional matters in Ontario

Clearly the Lawyer Files show the Attorney General Michael Bryant is derelict of his responsibilities which brings the
matter back to you of the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime and
The Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada Honourable Robert Nicholson:
It is not too far of a stretch for me or anyone to presume that the Minister of Justice, and Federal Attorney General of
Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson is the man responsible to administer and enforce the Constitution consistent
with it and conducive to the support of the guarantee of the Charter, which has removed the elusiveness of the concept
of the rule of law and the hardness to easily define.

The establishment prior to the inclusion of the Charter to the Constitution ACT, 1982 were pathetic, morally and
competently and perhaps legally they were allowed to be unethical devoid of integrity, I don’t know and see no reason
to revisit that abhorred era however the law is clearly defined, who is responsible at the top and who must be held
responsible and accountable for the tyrannical system in place today.

The files Dear John June 20 2007 and Attorney General July 9 2007 clearly shows the Minister Hon. John Gerretsen
still declines to deal with the issues in the Lawyer Files and the Attorney General Michael Bryant is quite aware of
Hon. John’s decline as he Cc to the Honourable Michael Bryant Attorney General.

Louis Theoret Executive Director

Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime

You have jurisdiction in these matters of government corruption and conspiracy as the Obstruction of Justice
perpetrated by the members of the Ontario Government referenced to in the aforesaid 15 Lawyer Files listed above
were the direct result of the Attorney General Michael Bryant’s derelict of responsibility to demonstrate due diligence
to Administer and Enforce the laws of Ontario consistent with and conducive to the Constitution Act, 1982 and in
particular in support of the individuals rights as guaranteed by the Charter
I provided each of the departments referred to in the 15 Lawyer files a complete set of the 15 Lawyer Files on or after
March 30 2007, after the establishment of the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime.

The province of Ontario is under the leadership of a tyrannical government and I have provided you the irrefutable
evidence to this conclusion. By their indifference to the issues, which you understand to be of a serious nature, and my
exhaustive search to find someone of the Ontario Government personnel to deal with the issues has taken me to the
department or agency of last resort, the Ombudsman and upon their refusal to act in a manner consistent with and
conducive to the well being and safety of the people of Ontario I bring the issues to the Federal government for them to
restore law and order or perhaps I should say take immediate and urgent steps to eradicate the dire situation in Ontario
under the tyrannical forces of the Law Society of Upper Tier Canada.

You have the evidence as referred to in these writings and the previous correspondence commencing September 20
2007 which are attached and in chronological order below.

Once again I refer you to 32.(1) that clearly state the legislature and government of Ontario are obliged to not only
abide by the provisions of the Charter but they are required to administer and enforce it consistent with and conducive
to the Charter so as to back the guarantees to the individuals and society as a whole, equally in all matters before and
under the law.
32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters within the
authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the
legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each
The legislature and the government of Ontario have refused to accept their responsibility and they must be held
accountable and the parliament and government of Canada are obliged to not only abide by the provisions of the
Charter but they are required to administer and enforce it consistent with and conducive to the Charter so as to back the
guarantees to the individuals and society as a whole, equally in all matters before and under the law.

I have told you it is my presumption that it is the Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada
Honourable Robert Nicholson who is responsible to administer and enforce it consistent with and conducive to the
Charter so as to back the guarantees to the individuals and society as a whole, equally in all matters before and under
the law.

I have asked you to confirm this or advise me as to who is, or which department of the Federal government is
responsible to deal with the issues of the Legislature and the Province of Ontario Government’s non compliance with
the Charter for the safety and well being of the people has been severely compromised with people sleeping and living
on the streets and poverty running rampant

I ask you to answer a simple question as to who the hell is in charge over there in Ottawa to ensure compliance with
the Constitution and you reply on October 5, 2007
“Our office is not able to provide you with legal advice.”

It takes a certain kind of person to deal with you people, quite rare I am sure, not to explode in rage when attempting to
correspond with you in the spirit intended of the Constitution with the inclusion of the Charter.

You most definitely have not cooperated in a manner consistent with and conducive to the Charter similar to all whom
I have brought the issues to.

You have all demonstrated that it is impossible to get justice according to the Constitution.
You have all demonstrated your indifference to the guaranteed rights of the individual.
You have demonstrated why it takes so long to deal with issues in court and why costs are prohibitive to the majority
of the people who happen to be those of the lower tier.
You have all demonstrated that in fact there is a two tier system which reality alone attests to.
The York Regional Police, Deputy Chief Bruce Herridge has admitted that there is a “Threshold” in which evidence is
judged as to whether or not they will proceed before the courts and my particular evidence regarding the original
criminal acts committed by Don Wilson, my former tenant at the ORHT hearing June 30 2005 in front of the judicator
in a building provided as part of the legal system in Ontario, financed by the people to administer and enforce the law
consistent with and conducive to the provisions of the Charter is irrefutable as to the crimes and by the government
personnel’s refusal to deal with it and refuse to answer just what the term “Threshold” means in terms of the personnel
who respect it, suggest heavily in terms of a two tiered system.
Phil Moreau of the York Regional Police Standards department spoke of discretionary ideologies of the police stating
you aren’t going to treat a fellow going to university from a well to do family the same as you would one not in
university from a hard done by family. That was September 6 2006 right after I sent him a copy of the BLACK BOOK
dated Sept 1 2006 which I was distributing at the time and each person referenced in the Lawyer Files were provided a
copy except for the ORHT.
A preponderance of others were also provided a copy of this including the members of the opposition of the
The whole legislature or most have received copies of the 15 Lawyer Files as have the Senators and the former
Attorney Genera Vic Toews, and my MP Peter Van Loan who has also received a copy of the BLACK BOOK.

So as you are aware I have provided all the information that you have which will include this, to the Minister of
Justice, and Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson who is responsible to deal with the corrupted
government of Ontario who are in on a conspiracy against the people of the lower tier.The government, which has
allowed the two tier system to exist since the enactment of the Constitution Act, 1982:

You responded to me on September 27 one week after I provided you the evidence in which you stated the serious
nature of the issues.

So what have you done about it?

You know the big secret which I have been trying to solve since June 30 2005 and you tell me you ain’t telling .
nah nah nah nah nah

Come on, please tell………. Pretty please.

I’m going to find out anyways, you know. So come on. Play fair. I’ll tell …… Who will I tell?

I’ll tell the people on my web site. That’s who I will tell.

Okay the funs over. TELL ME

I’ll think about it some more but at the moment I’m betting on the afore said Minister.

Well, I got to thinking about the RCMP pension fund scandal and how it eventually revealed serious problems between
the rank and file and the upper command and then it was all linked to the DOJ and a Public Inquiry was called for by
members of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts when they were made to Sit on it.

How upsetting can that be for a Standing Committee made to Sit?

Actually I have watched them many times and they are always sitting so perhaps if they wanted to express themselves,
that they won’t stand for it they should Stand and while they are at it, while they have the advantage over those sitting,
Demand a Public Inquiry.

That’s what I would tell the people and I will to who ever has the time to listen to me.

So what do you know?
When I mentioned DOJ the thought occurred to me to go to the web and type in DOJ and what do know. There he is
Honourable Robert Nicholson.
I see in January 2007 he was appointed as the Minister of Justice and Attorney General.
But was he in power when the RCMP was linked to the DOJ?
I mean when was the era of the improprieties of the DOJ , before or after January 2007
Heck he couldn’t be involved because he is married with children.
Damn maybe he is, because it takes lo’s of money to put them through university
He replaced Vic Toews. I wonder why?

I just hate this when they won’t tell me anything. Speculating can be fun for a while but it’s like a dog chasing its tail.
Please tell me if he is the man I’m looking for to rat on the rest of them. He is probably just the front man. Right?
Somebody has him under their thumb. Well, he’s the man who will take the fall anyway. Unless he turns, that is. I see
in 2006 he was involved in Democratic Reform.
Here we go, right up his alley. I have given my stuff to the right man. He surely knows who is responsible.

So I remain pat, with the hand I was dealt with. Two pair. Aces and Aces and one up my sleeve.
The kids stuff is over, and I have it documented 3 feet high and spread far and wide..

I remind you that you have admitted that you understand the serious nature of the issues as any rational person would
and in public you people must certainly act rationally and appear to be of integrity and you are representatives of the
people and trustees of our money. Right?

You are always FFF and responsible and accountable, Right?

So why in the hell did the Prime Minister Stephen Harper go to all that trouble enacting the Federal Accountability
Act, 2006?
Why wouldn’t he deal with the issues I have addressed to you and him?
You remember the e-mail from the Prime Minister dated July 20 2007 don’t you?
Sure you do. You were careful and attentive when you reviewed the evidence I sent you before you shrew your
analysis at me.
Page 30 of the “Government Correspondence compiled September 1 2007” You will find lots of correspondence there
dated after your Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime was established eh. Louis Theoret, Executive

All these people who have taken an oath to uphold the law of Canada and have accepted money and benefit making it
binding and considering the serious nature of the issues any one of them had the opportunity to deal with the issues and
let’s face it, if anyone of them were as truly dedicated to the people as they would have them believe to get elected
they would have jumped on the chance to truly and actually do something that would really benefit them and of course
it would just be the right thing to do, morally and most importantly it is their sworn duty.

And Hell, they have taken our money, created a poverty level in Canada which is absolutely disgraceful in a
democratic country like ours under the supreme law of Canada, the Constitution. The one with the Charter inclusion
where God is supreme. Do you suppose He accepts your behavior?

As long as anyone knows that what you are doing is wrong, the spirit of God is alive.

His spirit is very alive.

So, the bottom line is you have a serious responsibility to see that all the evidence and writings that I have provided
you gets to the proper hands and if that has already been accomplished I recommend you follow up on it and document
every step of the way for your sake and everyone concerned.

Anything less and any more of your fuddle duddle remains on record for all to see.

Remember I am rare, to not get enraged from the truth the facts show.

Some just don’t comprehend the necessity to keep their heads when all around them are losing theirs.

Boy, I bet that would have gone over big in the days of Henry the Eight

Perhaps it would have been over their heads, given the seriousness of it all. I am sure you would understand.

When in conversation again with the Honourable Robert Nicholson and you find you can’t convince him to deal with
these matters then you know what you have to do don’t you?

Do your thing whatever it is the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime is required to do with due diligence to
prevention in accordance with the backing of the individual’s Charter right’s.

The evidence referenced here and much more can be found on my web site, with a preponderance more to come

Surely, the people won’t believe you if you told them the truth.That you are dedicated to the flourishing of victims
which keeps your office in business. Right Louis Theoret Executive Director?

The following is correspondence from the beginning September 20 2007 – October 5 2007 between me, Frank
Gallagher victim of the government of Ontario, Canada, citizen of Canada and Louis Theoret Executive Director
Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime

From: Frank Gallagher [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 2007-Sep-20 10:53 PM
To: Ombudsman for Victims of Crime - Ombudsman des victimes d'actes criminel
Subject: Victim due to government corruption and conspiracy

September 20, 2007

Steve Sullivan
Federal Ombudsman
[email protected]

I am quite aware of your limitations regarding government corruption and conspiracy for they would hardly authorize
you to bring them to justice and just as likely would they hardly appoint you if you weren’t on side with them. (Sorry, but
I have been at this for 2 years with justice just as elusive)

However I request you review the attachments “Federal Ombudsman…….” and Sun Editor (Part 1). The rest of the 73
page letter to follow as Part 2 to get the gist of the corruption.

It is imperative that you study these documents until you are coherent to the fact that Dave Grech, Coordinator of
Investigations and Enforcement Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has refused to perform his duty in
accordance with the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 or conducive and consistent with the Constitution Act, 1982 in
particular with due respect to the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights.

To this endeavor I will also forward you a copy of “Dave Grech compiled correspondence September 1 2007 “ and
Lawyer Files #s 1-3

I have a prodigious amount of evidence in support of all that I allege including the remainder of 15 Lawyer Files which I
will send next week.

I can not over emphasize the importance of your attentiveness to the studying of these preliminary documents until you
are confident that Dave Grech was negligent of his duties by refusing to commence proceedings against Don Wilson
my former tenant.

Thank you in advance

Frank Gallagher

This eventually links to the DOJ as did the RCMP pension fund scandal which the powers that be stopped an inquiry
flat in its tracks as it was obviously hot on their trail.
The York Regional Police, the OPP Anti-Rackets and the RCMP are into this up to their necks, which inevitably leads
to the powers that be who appoint the upper echelon.

It is prudent to mention that one senator is reviewing my concerns and another has forwarded it on to the Task Force
on Governance and Cultural Change in the RCMP.

Obviously this all puts somewhat of a challenge on your integrity.

I am dedicated to getting this to a public inquiry one way or another and should that occur I recommend you keep your
records in order.

Given that you all are authorized positions under the Constitution Act, 1982 and are required by law to be consistent
with it I recommend that you do what is right conducive and consistent with it.

You are purportedly independent of the government presumably acting on behalf of all the people but I also presume
you are a lawyer and a member of The Law Society of Upper Canada who has stated or implied in their
correspondence to me on a completely separate issue that their members only concern it to advance their clients
interests with no concern about the guaranteed Charter rights of the individual.

That kind of explains a lot since the whole legal system is operated by lawyers who act in conflict of interest of the
people of Canada who finance them.

I would like to remind you who your client is. The people who actually pay your way.

There is two ways of looking at this depending on where your loyalty is.

Perhaps you will have to argue that out.

Perhaps you can wait like I must to see how you respond to the issues.

May I suggest that “They won’t let me do what is right” is not particularly a good response however you could expand
on that if an inquiry makes it to the public.

“To see what is right and not do it, is want of courage, or of principle”

It’s easy for Confucius to say.

From: Ombudsman for Victims of Crime - Ombudsman des victimes d'actes criminel
[mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 4:30 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Victim due to government corruption and conspiracy

The Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime has reviewed your E-mails sent September 20,
2007, and attached documents.

The mandate of the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime is limited to issues affecting
victims of crime exclusively within federal responsibility. Secondly, our office is unable to review any
complaints or matters relating to occurrences prior to the establishment of our office in March 2007.

We understand that the issues you raise are of a serious nature, however as your complaint falls under
Provincial Jurisdiction and occurred prior to March 2007, we are unable to assist you in these matters.

Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime

P.O. Box 55037

240 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 1A1


October 1 2007

To: The Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada

Honourable Robert Nicholson
[email protected]

To: The Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime.

[email protected]

Dear Honourable Robert Nicholson

Please be advised that there are serious issues which I have raised with the Office of the Federal Ombudsman and I
forward you the same information I e-mailed to the Ombudsman September 20 2007, attached Federal Ombudsman
October 1 2007 which contains a copy of the said September 20 2007 letter pages 1-5 and I have added pages 6-14
for your attention and in particular I have added them to address the Ombudsman concern that their office can not deal
with matters which occurred prior to March 2007. I make particular note that the matters addressed in the 15 Lawyer
Files are dated March 30 2007 and later.

I will address these issues forthwith, but in the interest of killing two birds with one stone I request you deal with the
issues stated herein and in the accompanying attachments.

Although this is a reply to the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime response to my e-mail and accompanying
attachments which include Lawyer Files # 1-3 and the “Dave Grech compiled correspondence September 1 2007”
which I have attached, I request that you deal with all the issues contained within my writings referred to herein which I
will also be forwarding which includes Part 1 and 2 of a 73 page letter to the Toronto Sun Editor dated October 8 2006
which contains irrefutable evidence of crimes committed at an ORHT hearing in a Newmarket building financed by the
people to administer justice to and for the people of Ontario under the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 and the
Constitution Act, 1982.

Dave Grech coordinator of the Investigations and Enforcement Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
and the Minister Hon. John Gerretsen have declined to commence or cause to commence proceedings against Don
Wilson my former tenant who committed an offence under s. 206 (2) of the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 and committed
fraud over $100,000 right there in a public building mandated to administer justice for the people of Ontario in
compliance with the Constitution Act, 1982.

Dave Grech explains in his one and only letter dated September 6 2005 why he will not commence or cause to
commence proceedings against Don Wilson for either matters of the Tenant Act, 1997 ot the criminal act of fraud for
absurd reason incoherent to the evidence I provided him.

The Minister Hon. John Gerretsen declined to deal with the issues because he trusts Dave Grech and claims he can
not interfere with decisions made by the ORHT because it is independent of the government.

I have written him and many others stating I have difficulty believing that since it is the duty of the Minister to monitor
compliance with the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 and investigate where required.

The ORHT operates under the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 and the evidence proves they have declined to do their
duty under the Act.

This is an offence under s.206 (1) of the Act regarding obstruction of the rights of a landlord.

They are all guilty of this and Obstruction of Justice under the criminal code.

I will be forwarding the remainder of the 15 Lawyer Files which includes Lawyer File # 7 which is addressed to Ontario
Attorney General Michael Bryant requesting he deal with all the issues contained within the Lawyer Files which he has
declined to do. You will also note the dates of these Files are March 30 2007 and later which are clearly within the
jurisdiction of the Federal Ombudsman for victims of Crime who opened shop in March 2007.

Within the Lawyer File # 7 is a copy of the “Role and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” which clearly states he
is responsible for dealing with issues related to the Constitution and furthermore on page 11 second paragraph it
states Ultimately the Attorney General is accountable to the people of the province, through the Legislature,
for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions. Such accountability can only occur, of course, once the
prosecution is completed or when a final decision has been made not to prosecute
I have provided within my writings clearly proving the ORHT, Dave Grech and Hon. John Gerretsen who all are
responsible for filing the said charges against my former tenant have definitely decided not to prosecute and I have
forwarded their responses to the Attorney General confirming this.

Having said that and with reference to the Roles of the Attorney General excerpt above it clearly states
the Attorney General is accountable to the people of the province, through the Legislature, for decisions
relating to criminal prosecutions. Such accountability can only occur, of course, once the prosecution is
completed or when a final decision has been made not to prosecute

Such accountability can only occur when a final decision has been made not to prosecute..

The Attorney General is ultimately accountable because the decision not to prosecute had definitely been

They are all guilty of Obstruction of Justice under the criminal code and the Tenant Act.

In case it may appear in conflict of interest of the Attorney General I have also provided the evidence to two
Crown Attorneys, Newmarket and Toronto, Lawyer Files #s 13 and 13A but Toronto did not respond and
Newmarket declined to deal with the issues. I have also addressed the issues to the Ontario Lieutenant
Governor, both the in and the new incoming without response.

I have written many government personnel in an attempt to find someone responsible to deal with these
issues but they have all declined to do something about it.

I will be forwarding a copy of “Government Correspondence compiled September 1 2007” which contains
most of the correspondence of those who responded declining to act.
I am confident that I have addressed the issues to the personnel of the Ontario Government who should be
responsible and I remain of the belief that it is the Attorney General Michael Bryant who is ultimately responsible.

I have bombarded the members of the Ontario Legislature opposition with the evidence but they have declined to
address the issues.

I have also addressed the issues to the Premier Dalton McGuinty and members of Cabinet and my MP Peter Van
Loan who have declined to respond to the issues. My MPP Julia Munro declined to deal with the issues

I have written your office on several occasions regarding these issues but I have received no response.

You will note that these are issues regarding the Constitution Act, 1982 and the guaranteed Charter rights of all
individuals of Canada and I presume your office is the office responsible to assure compliance with the Act.

I believe you could say that it is either stated or implied that the Constitution Document will be administered and
enforced in a manner conducive to and consistent with the Constitution in particular in a manner to back the provisions
of the guarantee of the Charter and at the moment I am presuming it is your office which deals with such matters and I
request that you do so.

I will also follow this e-mail with a copy of a letter dated June 20 2007 to Hon. John Gerretsen and a copy of a letter to
Attorney General Michael Bryant dated July 9 2007 which are clearly also within the jurisdiction of the Federal
Ombudsman of Victim Crimes which began in March 2007.

I will now continue the matter addressed to the OFOVC representative but all matters addressed to him are also
addressed to you, and vice versa, for your attentions to all the issues herein or reference herein.

OFOVC Representative.

Firstly, I must thank you for your response and consideration of my complaint of government corruption and conspiracy
and I especially appreciate your acknowledgement that the issues I raise are of a serious nature.

As you are aware for more than 2 years now I have persistently endeavored to find someone in the employ of the
government to deal with issues of corruption and conspiracy against the individual of Canada
who have guaranteed Charter Rights and Freedoms under the supreme law of Canada, the Constitution.

To my understanding, this is a Federal law to which every citizen of Canada must comply with, including (a) the
parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters within the authority of parliament and (b) the legislature
and government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each province.

32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters
within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest
Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within
the authority of the legislature of each province.

Obviously the Constitution Act, 1982 is a Federal document which guarantees me and every individual Charter rights
and in fact lays out the schedule as to how the system is to be structured and how authority is distributed and so on
and I am quite sure there is no provision or assignment of authority to deal specifically with government corruption and
conspiracy for obvious reason just as your powers are limited and specific.

The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada Lawyers Rules of Conduct.

(103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should observe the rules in the spirit
as well as in the letter.

Seems to me that applies to the Constitution.

Makes sense right?

As you are aware a guarantee is just a useless piece of paper if there is not a modus operandi set in place by the
provider of the guarantee which as I say appears to me it is the Federal government which made the guarantee and
they must be able to demonstrate due diligence to that endeavor.

So with that thought in mind I care to address that fact to you in response to your first statement of decline to address
the issues which you have confirmed that you understand are of a serious nature.
Of course you understand that I understand they are of a serious nature as I have applied my self as previously stated
for 2 years to the endeavor, night and day, 24/7 with time out for a couple of hours sleep here and there.
I have a prodigious amount of documentation to support this fact and all other issues I have raised.

So, if you will be kind enough to address this issue about which authority would be responsible to back the Charter
guarantee written and enacted by the Federal Government I would appreciate it.

Further to s. 32. (1) This Charter applies to (b the legislature and the provincial government of each province in respect
of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each province.

So again words are great, but am I to presume we are all on our honor to comply with the law and when we don’t we
might get a two fingered shame on you and if that is the case why do we taxpayers need to finance a Federal and
Provincial government to administer and enforce the laws if they are not going to accept the responsibility to do so.

It seems to me when a person accepts a job and I am not putting my finger on you or anyone, at the moment, for my
endeavor is to find one responsible person in either government to deal with the issues.

As for the provincial government and the Legislature they are obliged to comply with all matters of the Charter within
the authority of the legislature.

I have documented that they are not in compliance with the Charter and refuse to deal with the issues which I have
addressed to them and therefore it must be the responsibility of who ever is responsible to administer and enforce the
Constitution Act, 1982 which at the moment I presume is the responsibility of the Minister of Justice, and Attorney
General of Canada
Honourable Robert Nicholson.

I request once again you respond as to whether this is true or not or as to who is responsible for the enforcement of
the Constitution Act, 1982.

You will also note that I have written the Prime Minister Stephen Harper on these issues and his office declined to deal
with the issues.

I had suggested to PM that since he had enacted the Accountability Act 2006 I thought he may be concerned and get
involved with the issues.

The response that no one is responsible for the administering and enforcing of the Constitution Act, 1982 will not be
well received although to date that seems to be the fact.

I believe the documents evidencing Obstruction of Justice leaving me a victim of crimes committed by my former
tenant in disregard of my Constitutional rights and the fact I have clearly demonstrated the Legislature and the
Attorney General Michael Bryant of the Province of Ontario have not put a modus operandi in place capable of backing
the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights and in fact the system is only beneficial to the immorally inclined.

As I have stated all the issues, addressed or referred to in this response addressed to both you of the Office of the
Federal Ombudsman and the Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada are matters for both of you to deal

I have documents to support everything I state in these writings and a prodigious amount more.

Please respond to these issues in a timely and appropriate manner conducive to and in the spirit consistent with the
spirit of the Constitution Act, 1982 FFF, Forthright, Forthcoming and Forthwith.

Thank you both in advance and I appreciate the seriousness of the predicament which circumstance has chanced
upon you and likewise I request you appreciate the seriousness of the predicament which circumstance has chanced
upon me.

I remind you that I did not write the Constitution, enact it or guarantee the individual’s Charter rights and it is not within
my wherewithal to do so.

That in fact appears to be an intricate part of the ingenious conspiracy against the people of the lower tier who are the
majority of the populace of Canada.

I fully understand the seriousness of these issues and I have circulated them far and wide should the need arise to
carry the issues on without me.

I personally wouldn’t mind seeing my endeavors to fruition and it’s not too far of a stretch that many of you would
prefer just the opposite and what the hell, in another 3 weeks I may be an old 65 so my eventuality is closing in one
way or another anyway.

I really don’t see what is wrong about doing the right thing………conducive and consistent with the Constitution that


Frank Gallagher


The other documents referred to will follow shortly along with maybe a few others which I may feel helpful at this time
but should you require any further evidence in support of that which I allege I will be only to happy to forward it ASAP.

Upon my completion of sending the documents I will list them and request you both acknowledge receipt and indicate
your intentions regarding these issues and I reiterate if either of you are of the opinion that these issues are not within
your jurisdiction I ask that you tell me who is and perhaps provide me with their e-mail address.

From: Frank Gallagher [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 2007-Oct-03 10:11 AM
To: Ombudsman for Victims of Crime - Ombudsman des victimes d'actes criminel; Web Administrator
Subject: Please respond

October 3 2007

To: The Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada

Honourable Robert Nicholson
[email protected]

To: The Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime.

[email protected]

Dear Honourable Robert Nicholson and representative of the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime.

You both should now have files

Federal Ombudsman
October 1 2007 cover page
Federal Ombudsman October 1 2007
Lawyer Files 1-14,13A
Toronto Sun Editor dated October 8 2006 73 pages (2 Parts)
Dave Grech compiled correspondence September 1 2007
Government Correspondence compiled September 1 2007
Dear John June 20 2007
Attorney General July 9 2007
Point of Order September 17 2007
Fax cover Ombudsman September 17 2007
Chamber of Chief Justice September 19 2007

Please reply acknowledging receipt of these documents, identifying your self and indicate your intent
regarding the issues within them.
With your response I would appreciate your answer as to which Federal department is responsible to deal
with matters of non compliance with the Constitution Act, 1982 and who heads the department at present.

As you know the Ontario Government doesn’t seem to know or they are of the opinion they don’t need to be
responsible. and the Prime Minister Stephen Harper has indicated that with the enactment of the Federal
Accountability Act, 2006 where the charade just goes on and on.

I remind you that the “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” of Ontario, Michael Bryant
published on his web site clearly show he is responsible for constitutional matters and clearly should know
how to deal with the situation FFF, Forthright, Forthwith, and Forthcoming.

Can there be any doubt that he has been anything but and can there be any doubt as to why he has not been

Obviously it can not be my responsibility to deal with this matter and surely
The Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada
Honourable Robert Nicholson
[email protected]

would be able to venture a guess as to who is responsible for compliance with the Constitution in Ontario
and should irrefutable evidence be provided that person is in derelict of his or her duties that it is a very
serious matter and the department responsible to see that 32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament
and government of Canada in respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all
matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and
government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each
province. is complied with.

Please be FFF with your responses

Thank You
Frank Gallagher


Please let me know which documents you have not received of the list above if that is the case.and identify
yourself please.
I will forward them ASAP

“He who is sincere hits what is right, and apprehends without the exercise of thought”

----- Original Message -----

From: Ombudsman for Victims of Crime - Ombudsman des victimes d'actes criminel
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 10:38 AM
Subject: RE: Please respond

Dear Mr. Gallagher,

This is in response to your previous e-mail sent to our office earlier today. I have reviewed the contents of
your message which apparently pertain to some concerns you have with the ''Roles and Responsibilities of
the Attorney General of Ontario and the Constitution Act, 1982''.

Unfortunately, this issues you raised do not appear to fall within the mandate of this office and it is unclear
from the nature of your message what precisely your specific concern is. Therefore, without the benefit of
something more precise or specific it is difficult to refer you to an appropriate office that can respond to you.

Your file in this matter is now closed and we will be taking no further action.

Louis Théorêt
Executive Director

Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime

P.O. Box 55037

240 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 1A1


From: Frank Gallagher [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 2007-Oct-04 3:56 PM
To: Ombudsman for Victims of Crime - Ombudsman des victimes d'actes criminel
Cc: Web Administrator
Subject: Ambiguity removed

October 4 2007

To: The Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime.

[email protected]
Louis Theoret

Cc: The Minister of Justice, and Attorney General of Canada

Honourable Robert Nicholson
[email protected]

Dear Louis Theoret

In response to your e-mail of October 3 2007 which was in response to my e-mail of the same day (copy at bottom of
page) I apologize for not making precisely clear what my specific concern is.
To be succinct my precise concern is the corruption and conspiracy of the government against the people of

On October 1 2007 I replied to your e-mail of September 27 2007 which was in response to my e-mail of
September 20 2007 and to kill two birds with one stone I included the e-mail address of The Minister of Justice,
and Attorney General of Canada to whom I have previously written to but the minister has declined to respond.

This was way of letting your office know that the Minister Honourable Robert Nicholson has been provided the same
information that you originally responded to on September 7 2007 in which you stated

We understand that the issues you raise are of a serious nature, however as your complaint falls under
Provincial Jurisdiction and occurred prior to March 2007, we are unable to assist you in these matters.

In my October 1 2007 reply to your September 27 2007 which I also forwarded to Minister Honourable Robert
Nicholson (a copy of which follows immediately after this response to your October 3 2007 which follows immediately
after the October 1 2007 down at the bottom of this reply)

The intent of my October 1 2007 was to provide the pertinent evidence of the corruption and conspiracy and I identified
the material I would be sending you in that endeavor and I had requested an answer as to who or which department of
the Federal government was responsible to enforce compliance with the Constitution Act 1982 or we all on an honor

I attempted to address your concerns that my complaint falls under Provincial Jurisdiction and occurred prior to March
2007 which were why you were not able to assist me in these matters.

To make it precisely clear I am requesting you to assist me in eradicating the government corruption and conspiracy
for the benefit of the people of the Constitution of Canada and I have made it clear that the issues I have addressed,
backed with irrefutable evidence are of a serious nature as you have confirmed.

I have e-mailed you the evidence I stated that I would in the October 1 2007 and on October 3 2007 I sent you a list of
the documents I sent you as I had stated I would in the October 1 2007.

In the October 3 2007 I simply requested you to confirm that you had received the said documents and presuming you
had read the Octocer 1 2007 and were coherent to the contents I reitteratd the questions I had raised in the said
October 1 2007.

Who or which department of the Federal government is responsible to address the issues of non compliance with the
Constitution Act, 1982 and I had presumed that to be the Minister Hon. Robert Nicholson being why I presented him
the same evidence I sent you which you understand that the issues I raise are of a serious nature but feel helpless in
their resolve.

The evidence which I have sent you which I asked you to confirm that you have received in the October 3 2007
includes the "Government Correspondence compiled September 1 2007" file which contains correspondence
from the Ontario government personnel which clearly indicates I have provided them the evidence which
you have confirmed to be of a serious nature but their response clearly shoe they are indifferent to them and
incoherent to the facts.

The Lawyer Files 1-14,13A are addressed to the pertinent government personnel who I presumed were
responsible to deal with the issues contained within Lawyer Files 1-3 where the personnel have not only
Obstructed Justice which is my right and that of the people consistent with the Charter inclusion to the
I made particular note that these 15 Lawyer Files were dated March 30 2007 and later so as to address your
concern that these issues occurred after the establishment of your office.

Lawyer File # 7 was addressed to the Ontario Attorney General Michael Bryant which details the
Obstruction of Justice committed by the personnel referenced in Lawyer Files 1-3 and his refusal to deal with
the issues which you and I understand to be of a serious nature.

I have referred to the "Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General" which I have downloaded from
his web site and copied to Lawyer File # 7 which clearly indicates he plays major roles in the legal system of
Ontario and is clearly responsible for constitutional matters and the assurance that the adminstering and
enforcement of the Ontario laws are consistent with and conducive to the guarantee of the Charter for
without such consistency in support of the guarantee it is nothing but a worthless piece of paper
compromising the sanctity of the Constitution itself.

So, having providing the evidence that those people of the Ontario government who are responsible to administer and
enforce law consistent with the Charter have declined to do so since March 30 2007 when your office, The Office of
the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime was up and running and they are a matter affecting victims of crime
exclusively within federal responsibility I request you deal with the issues.

32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters
within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest
Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within
the authority of the legislature of each province.

I reiterate my precise concern is the Ontario government corruption and conspiracy against the
people and it is evidenced by their refusal to deal with the obstruction of justice committed by the
government personnel referrenced in the Lawyer Files #s 1-3 dated March 30 2007 who have
declined to act conducive to and consistent with the Constitution.

It appears to me that it is the Attorney General Michael Bryant who is ultimately responsible for the
adminstering and enforcemant of Justice consistent with the Constitution as it clearly states in the
aforesaid "Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General" and as it states in 32. (1) above it
the legislature and government personnel's responsibility to do so under Federal Law.

So I request again, "Who or which department of the Federal Government is responsible to deal
with non compliance with 32. (1) above and I again say I presume it is The Minister of Justice, and
Attorney General of Canada, Honourable Robert Nicholson and have provided him all the evidence I have provided
you and will forward a copy of this also in an effort to clear up any ambiguity which may have existed prior to this.

If indeed it is the Minister Hon. Robert Nicholson's responsibility to deal with these issues of a serious nature which
you and I both understand and he fails to deal with the issues FFF, Forthright, Forthcoming and Forthwith you are up
to speed on the issues as well as he and you can commence or cause to commence proceedings relative to your
authority as of March 2007 under your Federal Jurisdiction which then be the issue of the Honourable Minister Robert
Nicholson's not so honourable Obstruction of Justice and failure to uphold the law of the country to which he took an
oath which said law contains the guarantee of the Charter which demands, either stated or implied, the establishment
structure a system with a modus operandi conducive to support the guaranttee provisions of the Charter without such
a system with responsible, competent personnel the guarantee is woth much less than the piece of paper it is written

I also draw to your attention that it is hardly likely that specific words are not spelled out within your mandate one way
or another about dealing with matters of government corruption and conspiracy and I suggest it is either stated or
implied within your mandate to resolve issues that left unattended will cause others to fall victim and this is a matter of
your ability to demonstrate due diligence to remove such obstscles of predictable harm likely to the creation of victims
which ultimately their must be to keep your office in business.

I must inform you all that the intent of government, our elected representatives is to deal with the necessities of a moral
society not create the necessitites to make work programs at the expense of the taxpayer and to the great detriment of
society as a whole. Immorality is not a necessity of the moral society under the Constitution and yet immorality runs
rampant throughout the very establishment financed ny the people to eradicate it from society.
The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada Lawyers Rules of Conduct.

(103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should observe the rules in the spirit as
well as in the letter.

May I suggest that you must be of the spirit to deal with it in the spirit and anything else is representative of the true
spirit you are.

The shit is going to hit the fan sooner or later and those people performing their mandates in the spirit intended and
expected by the people will celebrate with them as those who caused the shit are demoted to latrine duties.
I suggest I have provided enough information to back my allegations and any further effort to dismiss them or
demonstrate your efforts are to close the file instead of endeavoring to do everything that is right in the spirit of the
Constitution, which you are financed and authorized to act consistent with its spirit with the intent to make things right
attest to precisely that your concern is to cover the fact not expose and deal with it.

Once again, I request you deal with the issues in the spirit of the Constitution and the people and the spirit of God who
is supreme in matters of the Charter so as to eradicate the corruption and conspiracy detrimental to the people of

"The mandate of the Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime is limited to issues affecting
victims of crime exclusively within federal responsibility. Secondly, our office is unable to review any
complaints or matters relating to occurrences prior to the establishment of our office in March 2007."

(1) Have you received the following documents?

(2) If not state which ones you are missing and I will forward them ASAP?
(3) Will you study them and respond in the spirit of the Constitution as to to how you intend to deal with the issues?
(4) Will you answer the question as to who and which department of the Federal government is responsible to assure
the province of Ontario government and Legislature are made to comply with the Constitution
and structure a system with a modus operandi capable of guaranteeing the provisions of the Charter in all matters
of the law.?
(5) Given the seriousness of the issues will you request further information from me where you might need clarification
instead of looking for a way to close the file.?

Please respond immediately to the 5 questions above.

Remember this, [email protected]

Thank you
Frank Gallagher


Immediately following the following documents is the e-mail reply I sent to you October 1 2007 and
following that is a copy of your October 3 2007 to which the above is responding to.

Federal Ombudsman
October 1 2007 cover page
Federal Ombudsman October 1 2007
Lawyer Files 1-14,13A
Toronto Sun Editor dated October 8 2006 73 pages (2 Parts)
Dave Grech compiled correspondence September 1 2007
Government Correspondence compiled September 1 2007
Dear John June 20 2007
Attorney General July 9 2007
Point of Order September 17 2007
Fax cover Ombudsman September 17 2007
Chamber of Chief Justice September 19 2007

----- Original Message -----

From: Ombudsman for Victims of Crime - Ombudsman des victimes d'actes criminel
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 9:38 AM
Subject: RE: Ambiguity removed

October 5, 2007

Dear Mr. Gallagher:

This is further to your e-mail sent to our office on Thursday October 4, 2007 outlining a number of concerns
you have pertaining to the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Housing. Additionally, you raised issues in relation to the Charter of Rights and the Constitution.

A careful and attentive review of the material and your messages was conducted. Allow me to shrew the
results of this analysis.

Our office is not able to provide you with legal advice. The issues you raised occurred prior to the
establishment of our office in March 2007 as indicated in a note sent to you September 27, 2007. Additionally,
the issues are strictly within the aegis of the provincial government of Ontario. They are not within the
purview of any agency within the Federal Government of Canada including the Federal Ombudsman for
Victims of Crime.

Once you have exhausted all other avenues to resolve your concerns you may decide to share your concerns
with the Office of the Provincial Ombudsman should the matter affect a provincial Ministry in Ontario.

As indicated to you in previous messages of September 27, 2007 and October 3, 2007 our office will not be
taking any further action and your file in this matter is now closed.

I trust this information is of some use to you and thank you for sharing your concerns with our office but
regrettably we cannot proceed any further.


Louis Theoret
Executive Director
Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime
P.O. Box 55037
240 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 1A1

December 31 2007

Federal Ombudsman Victims of Crime

Louis Theoret


My apology for some of that which I sent earlier today

Wrong Ombudsman

However the fact remains if you found the time to study the evidence which was provided to the Ontario Ombudsman
you would see their incompetence and the matter could have been over with 2 years ago.
They were so incompetent that they just can not be that dumb but it is consistent with the conspiracy.

Every other government personnel have been provided the same evidence including the Ontario Attorney General but
have declined to deal with the issues.
I remain a victim and it is still a matter regarding my guaranteed individual Charter rights which the Federal
Government guaranteed.

The evidence clearly shows the Federal Government which has significantly more power than I, allows the Ontario
Government and the Law Society of Upper Canada to trample all over our guaranteed Charter rights making us

When the original crime occurred is irrelevant because their modus operandi is still in effect today as it was 25 years

Perhaps you are of the jurisdiction to deal with the RCMP Commissioner William Elliot as he is now in non
compliance with the RCMP Act which I have presented to Commissioner Conflict of Interest and Ethics Mary Elizabeth

Same government corruption and conspiracy. Same conspirators. Same VICTIMS

Crime occurred December 17 2007 to date failing to comply with RCMP Act and the Canadian people are being
victimized as I write due to the obvious on going conspiracy.

Please see attachments “Mary E. Dawson December 31 2007” and “Commissioner RCMP Complaints Dec.27 2007”

As you are aware things will be happening quickly in the New Year and your response will determine the part you play
in the conspiracy.
Another significant issue is the Federal Accountability Act, 2006 which has created your office. The issue here is
whether or not the intent was to make the Federal Government more accountable or just to appear so while diffusing
the pressure.

There are issues about the Task Force on the RCMP issues where my evidence was provided them along with the link
to the DOJ regarding the RCMP Pension Fund scandal which demanded a PUBLIC INQUIRY but obviously covered
up by Stockwell Day. Robert Nicholson and Stephen Harper.

The RCMP Commissioner is obviously linked to them and his failure to comply with the RCMP Act as referenced in the
attachments is all linked.

All I am requesting is for you to understand the connection to the conspiracy and determine why the RCMP
Commissioner has not provided me with a 30 day status report whereas the answer is obvious.

The issues are not just plain and simple but after all we are talking about an ingenious conspiracy which would not be
successful without the cooperation of every government personnel I have communicated with.

If the RCMP Commissioner is in your jurisdiction then please deal with the issue at hand and if not forward the issue to
a government personnel who has the authority to deal with it and advise me with your response.
I remind you of the seriousness of the issues and highly recommend you deal with the issues with due regard.

Thank you,
Frank Gallagher


December 31 2007

Next time you respond please identify yourself.

Every document I send to you serves a significant purpose whether or not you comprehend it.
You rarely respond and I presume you felt this Army thing definitely had nothing to do with your office
but it has many purposes and one very obvious is to demonstrate that even the Armed Forces who we
people finance do not give a damn about the obvious Government corruption and conspiracy, so who is

The people themselves who must be informed as to what is actually happening, and that is all the
government departments agencies etc which are financed by the people do not give a damn about
them, perhaps there are a few but they are too ignorant to help.

I am just telling it “how it is” and documenting it at the same time providing all of you the opportunity
to think and prove me wrong if I am wrong but most don’t have a clue, which is absolutely
incomprehensible and those involved in the conspiracy demonstrate it quite clearly but as I say most of
you don’t have a clue or do an awfully good imitation of ignorance and incompetence.

You people are all part of the conspiracy either unbeknownst to you or knowingly and in particular the
responses from your office were so ridiculous that surely you must be in on the conspiracy because
nobody can be so incompetent to a job requiring investigative abilities as your office has demonstrated.

I have e-mailed you on December 28 2007 giving you one more chance to look at the evidence I
presented you people a long, long time ago which due to your incompetence or major role in the
conspiracy I am still trying to communicate to find one competent person in the government who is not
in on the conspiracy because it could not have been so successful without your cooperation or

Man you people are something else and perhaps the……….

This is ridiculous so I’ll just wait for your response to the December 28 2007 addressed to you.

I repeat if it wasn’t for your office’s incompetence to address the issues I directed to you back in
September 2006 which I sent you and all the other major players as a recap of correspondence to that
date I would not be putting up with this nonsense from all you people and working 24/7 with a couple of
hors sleep here and there.

The evidence proves irrefutably the necessity of restructuring the system with some major lessons in
responsibility and competence.

Study this following document which can be found on my web site

Venture into futility with the Ontario Ombudsman (Recap September 16 2006) Ombudsman Compiled Sept. 16

And then talk to me about legitimacy.

You people have a vital role in Ontario but you do not play it because you are ….and I can not make it
any clearer just too incompetent.
You have also been provided the 15 Lawyer Files which provides you many issues to deal with but as I
say………Right, you know it.
When a person sends you a complaint with evidence you must …..and I am typing this slow which
should work for you but unfortunately not for me because I can’t type any faster anyway, look at the
complaint until you are coherent as to what is being complained about and when evidence is referred to
you must look at it until you see what it proves.

Hardly would someone go to so much effort attempting to explain it in so many ways and persist with it
if it wasn’t a damn legitimate complaint and hardly would it be necessary if there was someone in the
government that wasn’t in on the conspiracy or wasn’t just plain incompetent.

What you must understand is it will eventually end and it is closing fast and all you people will have to
answer for your part in this conspiracy and you can count on it.

I have walked you through the evidence time and again so you can not continue in your no speak
English or whatever you call your ignorant ploy.

I suggest you give it everything you got in the manner of a competent, responsible approach
to determine if the ORHT were guilty of obstruction of justice(Lawyer File # 1) and whether or not Dave
Grech coordinator of the Investigations and enforcement Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Housing responded coherently to the evidence which he was presented.

Don’t tell me about how much time it will take you to do it right just do it right or I am sure there is
someone who could replace you and I do not mean the person could be found in the present
government employ of those whom I have corresponded with.

In case you have deleted the December 28 2007 document to you I have attached it to this reply

All you have to do is read, think and respond as to what you are cognizant of.

The hard part of an investigation is starting with nothing other than a reason to investigate and then
start with planned initiatives conducive to the goal ,which none of you comprehend that all laws must
be consistent with the Constitution or they have no force or effect as to the inconsistency and to that
fact if you want to discuss legitimacy I strongly recommend you become coherent as to what is
legitimate and what is not.

Every law you cite and put into application that results leaving the victim more of a victim and leaves
the criminal walking the streets to harm others is not consistent with the Constitution and that is
precisely the problem and further investigation has irrefutably proven the modus operandi of the
government in place to day has deliberately designed the system to pilfer the people.

The evidence couldn’t be clearer to a competent person but alas …..

So lets start fresh, Empty your head of everything and that will be the easiest part but just follow the
directions blocked off between the 2 lines of *************


Study just the issues in Lawyer Files #s 1 and 2 and if you should require a copy of the recording of the
hearing get it from Dave Grech.

Never mind a damn phone call to ask if he is guilty or not. Look at the God damn evidence and then go
question him face to face.

Go to this web site where near the bottom of the page you will find document (19) which you can read
along with Lawyer File # 2 which is document (5) which should be found aproximately 14 documents
above (19)

(19) Dave Grech Compiled CorrespondenceDave Grech compiled correspondence September 1


Aproximately the second document above (5) you will find document (3)
This contains all the evidence presented at the ORHT hearing and to Dave Grech and everyone else.

(3) To: Toronto Sun: Re: Evidence of Fraud/ Obst.Justice Oct.8, 2006 Sun Editor October 8 (Part
1).doc Sun Editor October 8 (Part 2).doc

I can not over emphasize the importance of this exercise both to you and to me.
Give it everything you have and if you require any help you know where I am.

Use all the integrity you can muster and do not lie to yourself by all means or you will forever be
blowing bubbles of hot air.

Once you get through this relatively simple exercise although it may take you a half a day maybe the
whole just remember you are being paid to do it with excellent benefits and I was paid nothing to put all
the information together and present it to you in a digested form spelled out for you.

So good luck and remember to identify yourself when you respond to me as to your findings.
Preferably I would like Andre Marin to have ago at this because it is of the utmost importance to the
office of the Ombudsman as well as me.

Frank Gallagher

From: Ombudsman for Victims of Crime - Ombudsman des victimes d'actes criminel
[mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2007 10:26 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Armed Forces scary

Mr. Gallagher, we are in receipt of several e-mails sent from the e-mail address cited above. Regrettably none of the
items contained in your messages fall within our purview nor do they reference any issues that fall within the mandate
of this Office. It would be appreciated if our e-mail address could be kindly removed from your distribution list as to
free up valuable space in our system for those individuals who are indeed legitimately in need of our assistance. Your
cooperation in this request would be greatly appreciated. Should there be another issue affecting you that does fall
within our mandate then of course we would be pleased to assist but as stated in previous correspondence those
items you have sent us do not fall within our mandate. Again thank you for your cooperation.

From: Frank Gallagher [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 2007-Dec-23 12:43 AM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; qfccyljtpa@my-; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
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[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; Ombudsman for Victims of Crime - Ombudsman
des victimes d'actes criminel; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; Web Administrator; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Armed Forces scary

December 23, 2007

Major James Simiana

National Defence Public Affairs Office – Atlantic
Halifax, NS

In response to you e-mail of December 19 2007 attached the enemy of the people of Canada has taken over the
government and you feel this is outside the focus of your office!!!.

It’s no surprise to me but the people will be interested to know I am sure.

I suggest you refocus. Expand your thinking capabilities.

No government authority is going to be granted authority by the conspirators to eradicate them from the people’s
government and you must be able to think.

They don’t wear uniforms so you have to be able to determine who the enemy is by other means.
They are the ones who are ransacking the people

You will find a copy of this on my web site along with the rest of the evidence.

You have been advised of possible escalation of the issues relative to the well being of the Canadian people who pay
your wages and buy your toys.

It is my civil duty to advise you of the serious nature of the issues and it your duty to be cognizant of the facts before
you get bullshit from the enemy and start firing on your own people.

I am quite aware you people are of the belief you needn’t keep up on politics but this is not politics, it is a conspiracy by
the government personnel against the people as the evidence irrefutably shows.
I have informed the other political parties with the documents published on my web site and their indifference to
the well being of the moral majority has been document and evidenced by their failure to respond implicating them in
the conspiracy.

It is incomprehensible that the armed forces are not concerned about the people of Canada.

Who is “thee” in Oh Canada. We stand on guard for thee? Believe it or not Canada is the people who elect and finance
the representatives to run the government for us

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and
equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race,
national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority.

32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all
matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and
Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all
matters within the authority of the legislature of each province.

You people are out messing with the politics of other countries by order of a tyrannical government
which has infiltrated Canada because of you ignorance of what is going on at home.

It is a shame you had to be informed of the government conspiracy that has occurred while you stand
on guard for Canada but now you have been duly informed and documented.

Refusal to review the evidence or failure to comprehend the government is a conspiracy will not be well
received by the people and in fact it is quite frightening to realize we have been financing our armed
forces to serve the despots for their personal gain.

I adamantly request you review the evidence to be cognizant to the facts so when the government
conspirators order you to fire on your families and friends you may have second thoughts.

People with guns should be required to have a certain amount of intelligence.

See attachment

“How to Dismantle a Government Conspiracy”

Frank Gallagher


I will continue to keep you apprised of what is going on under your noses and documenting
and publishing the fact.

You are accountable to the people and will have an opportunity to account for your
irresponsible attitude and incompetence to protect the people from alien forces who do not
respect our Constitution.

If I were in a position of authority you would be stripped of your command and held to
answer to the people for treasonable offences.

Schools out, they are not toys you have and it’s time for the war games to stop.
The corruption and conspiracy is not limited to Canada for it runs rampant throughout the world to the humongous
detriment of the moral majority who, believe it or not, really want peace.

The government personnel are in it for their own personal gains who do not give a damn about the people except for
what the people can do for them as you are well aware as you are fighting for them and their affluent friends financed
by us.

Read the evidence and be informed.

Perhaps you have not grasped the seriousness of the issues.

That is very scary

I am quite aware you could roll a tank over here or send a combat unit to take me out but it is time for you to focus on
the enemy and if every other Armed Force of the world would do likewise we would finally have that elusive world

Don’t worry about your pensions, the moral majority would be far better off if we retired all you people of the upper
command before you finish us all off.

From: NDPAO Atlantic [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 12:45 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Your recent emails

Dear Mr. Gallagher;

As the subjects of your recent flurry of emails are outside the focus of our office, this is to kindly request that you stop
sending our office – and any of our sister offices within the DND/CF across the country as well – any further emails.
We are not in a position to respond to what you have to say. Thank you.

Major James Simiana

National Defence Public Affairs Office – Atlantic
Halifax, NS

From: Frank Gallagher [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 17 décembre 2007 09:26
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; cba-
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; ahorwath-
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Subject: Date Correction

December 17 2007

The RCMP Commissioner’s Report is due sometime this week

With Christmas due to arrive on schedule it would be nice if the report did too consistent with the law and God.

It is Jesus’ birthday after all and it would be a great gift for him as well as the moral majority.


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