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-----Original Message-----

From: Frank Gallagher [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 12:19 AM
To: 'Bruce McChesney'
Subject: RE: Obstruction of Justice: LFs 1-3

Mr. Bruce McChesney

I thank you very much for taking the time to review my papers.

I wish you well

Frank Gallagher

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce McChesney [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 11:09 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Obstruction of Justice: LFs 1-3

Mr. Gallager,
It seems that you have an enormous problem which will take
literally hundreds of hours of legal time. I am a sole
practitioner with a busy practice and I am unable to undertake
a case of this magnitude. I suggest that you approach one of
the large firms which would have the staff to manage your case
properly. I wish you a good result.

>From: "Frank Gallagher" <[email protected]>

>To: "'Bruce McChesney'" <[email protected]>
>Subject: RE: Obstruction of Justice: LFs 1-3
>Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 01:40:01 -0400
>May 15, 2007
>Obviously, I didn't present the situation very well, for the
Lawyer Files
>1, 2 and 3 are......and are not what this is all about.
>It is about many criminal acts, first fraud over $100,000 by
my former
>tenant and then it evolves into government corruption and
conspiracy in
>matters of the Constitution Act, 1982, which reveals a
conspiracy which I
>have documented irrefutably to the Attorney General, Michael
>This could very well be one of the most interesting and
published case in
>the history of the Democracy of Canada as it affects the
Charter rights of
>every individual in Canada.
>The story begins on June 30 2005 at an ORHT hearing where I
had filed to
>evict my former tenant Don Wilson for failing to vacate my
>apartment as per a May 6 2005 agreement to do so on May 31
>He is the president and CEO of a company called “BioSafe
>Technologies Inc.” which I had initially invested in back in
January 2003.
>I decided to invest quite substantially in the company so I
suggested Don
>move into my basement free for 6 months so he could apply
himself full time
>to research and development, which he did on February 1 2004.
>On February 11 2004 I invested a total of $65,000 and over the
next 1 ½
>years caused many friends to invest and I had also loaned him
$10,000 via 3
>promissory notes.
>It is a bit of a long story but the bottom line is when the
six free months
>rent were up he agreed to pay me $800 a month from there on
and after one
>disappointment after another I decided to evict Don and he
signed the April
>13 2005 agreement to do so on May 31 2005 and on May 6 2005 he
>another agreement which amended the April 13 2005.
>He also signed to confirm that he owed me approximately
$10,000 in back
>The agreement also dealt with other matters regarding the
BioSafe shares I
>owned as well as my friends and those of the people who
invested prior to
>coming on board.
>At the June 30 2005 ORHT hearing Don committed the crime of
Fraud well over
>$100,000 with regards to the April 13 2005 and May 6 2005
agreements where
>he denied having ever seen them or signed them.
>The fact is he had used a different signature for these two
agreements than
>he has on all the other documents he had signed for me so
obviously he had
>signed these agreements for criminally fraudulent purpose
which I may have
>never known for years down the road when I tried to cash in on
>The other matter which I have detailed in the Lawyer Files #s
1-3 are with
>regard to the dispute he filed with ORHT dated June 10 2005
which was
>completely fabricated which stated through some verbal
agreement he had
>me in matters of shares I had agreed that he was paid up rent
>The fact is this was a completely different story than what
the agreements
>showed that he had signed with a phony signature.
>My mother had witnessed the May 6t 2005 but she wasn’t there
to attest to
>but the fellow that witnessed the April 13 2005 was and he did
attest to
>fact that Don Wilson did sign that one.
>I went on to provide all the pertinent evidence to prove every
statement in
>Don Wilson’s dispute which he had signed and filed with the
ORHT was false
>and misleading information which is an offense under
s.206(1)of the Tenant
>Protection Act, 1997.
>When the judicator Nancy Fahlgren caught on as to what was
happening I
>“There otta be a law” and she said “There is” and went on for
a minute or
>two stating how she has the authority to forward it onto the
>and Enforcement Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
Housing but I
>never did get assurance that she would do so.
>At the end of the hearing that day I asked what that object
was beside her
>and said “Is that a ……” when Nancy interrupted saying “Yes,
it’s a
>and I asked about getting a copy and she said yes after the
hearing of
>The second day of the hearing July 28 2005 Nancy announced
there would not
>be a recorder that day which I didn’t give to much thought
about at the
>On August 10 2005 I received the Tribunal order TNL-67103 by
mail dated
>August 8 2005 which found for me and Don was ordered to vacate
my premises
>before or by August 18 2005 and pay me the $10,000 he owes me.
> Now comes the criminal part which I need a criminal lawyer
to address
>involves various personnel of various levels of government who
I have
>written and corresponded with since August 2005 in an endeavor
to have Don
>Wilson appropriately charged for the crimes he committed.
>The first 3 Lawyer Files were sent to the pertinent government
>regarding these crimes which were my final effort to have them
>responsibly in these matters and commence appropriate
proceedings with
>regards to matters under the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 and
other matters
>relative to the inconsistency of the Act with the Constitution
Act, 1982.
>I should note that I have been corresponding with personnel of
>levels of government who mostly have declined to respond and
those who did
>were completely incoherent to the facts and the issues I
addressed so much
>so that gave me cause to realize there was something bigger
going on than
>the relatively simple matter of the crimes that Don committed.
>It is however, imperative that you are coherent to the fact
that the above
>crimes were committed and that the evidence contained within
the Toronto
>document dated October 8 2006 is irrefutable to that endeavor
which you
>know upon perusing it.
>Once this is firmly in your mind you will see what I mean
about the
>responses I got from Rick Hennessey, Regional Manager of the
ORHT, Dave
>Grech, coordinator of the Investigations and Enforcement unit
of the
>Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and eventually from
the Minister
>himself, Hon. John Gerretsen.
>Upon being coherent to the fact that these people are
>irrationally, and when you add in to the stew the fact that
the recording
>the first day of the hearing was tampered with in as much as
the part which
>I said “There otta be a law” and Nancy’s approximately 1 ½
minute response
>were missing from the recording as was the part where she
confirmed it was
>recorder at the end of the day was missing, you get somewhat
>When you consider the second and final day of the hearing July
28 2005 was
>not recorded it gets most convincing that something is up and
when you see
>the responses of the Ombudsman and the York Regional Police,
the RCMP and
>the Ontario Civilian Commission On Police Services you will be
>When you see the “Role of the Attorney General” which I
downloaded from his web site everything will be clear as can be
that the Attorney General is behind it all due to the fact he
wears one too many hats in that he is responsible to ensure the
provincial laws and the administration of justice is consistent
with the Constitution and he is the “guardian of the-rule of
>law- which protects the individuals rights and society as a
whole” which the evidence I have accumulated proves that he has
been more than negligent in these matters.
>On May 10 2007 I watched Peter Komos, MPP on the Legislature
channel allege certain improprieties of the Attorney General
which support that which I allege.
>To expand on this I have attached a few documents.
>One I sent to most of the Senators individually and the
documents I sent are attached and
>Two the document I sent to Peter Kormos after hearing his
allegations about the Attorney General.
If you should be interested, let me know, I will send you the
Toronto Sun document to prove irrefutably the initial crimes by
Don Wilson were committed which is the foundation of the
principal criminal matters involving the government personnel
which I want you to pursue.
>I will also send you the 15 Lawyer Files and what ever else
you may desire to make your decision as to whether or not to go
forth with this endeavor.
>Frank Gallagher

>I have decided to forward you the letter to the Toronto Sun
dated October 8 2006 and the 15 Lawyer Files perchance they may
help you in your decision.
>Please take all the time you need to make this, what must be a
most difficult decision considering the enormity of the
ramifications attached to the challenge.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bruce McChesney [mailto:[email protected]]
>Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 12:48 PM
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: RE: Obstruction of Justice: LFs 1-3
>Mr. Gallagher,
>I have recieved your email. Unfortunately my practice is
restricted to
>Criminal Law. I have never delt with Landlord and Tennant
issues and would
>not be competent to represent you in connection with your
problem. I
>that you consult the Upper Canada Law Society Lawyer Referral
Service which
>lists lawyers and their areas of practice.
>I wish you the best of luck with this matter.
> >From: "Frank Gallagher" <[email protected]>
> >To: <[email protected]>
> >Subject: Obstruction of Justice: LFs 1-3
> >Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 01:31:05 -0400
> >
> >May 8, 2007
> >
> >D. Bruce McChesney
> >302-30 Prospect Street
> >Newmarket, On
> >L3Y 3S9
> >
> >[email protected]
> >Please peruse the attachments and when you are confident the
facts are as I state, which you should and must be after
reading the letter to the Toronto Sun dated October 8 2006,
which contains the pertinent evidence submitted at the Tribunal
hearing June 30 2005,
> >I would appreciate you scheduling an appointment so we can
move swiftly on to other subsequent matters relevant to the
issues I have addressed at this point which evolved in my
endeavor to resolve these issues.
Upon receiving your e-mail that you have set aside some time
for me, I am available any time at your immediate convenience;
I will forward copies of Lawyer Files # s 4-14 and 13A for you
to give a quick look at so you will be up to speed when we
Perhaps a little more time than the normal allotted would be
prudent to set aside.
> >Thank you,
> >Frank Gallagher
> >
> >PS
> >Letter to Toronto Sun dated October 8 2006 will follow in 2
Parts under separate covers.

> ><< ProspectiveLawyerMay82007.doc >>

> ><< LawyerFile_1.doc >>
> ><< LawyerFile_2.doc >>
> ><< LawyerFile_3.doc >>
<< Senators.doc >>

><< Truth about the Lies-B.doc >>

><< Armand LaBarge April 11 2007.doc >>

><< Enforcement.doc >>

><< PeterKormos.doc >>

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